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#6216 - Worlds edition

Previous: >>493571584

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-09-02/ (Sep 2/Next Banlist: SOME MONTHS FROM NOW)
OCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/hk/event/rules_guides/forbidden_cardlist.php?list=202407&lang=en (Jul 1st/Next Banlist: Oct 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)

●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)
●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)

>●AMC Cup 10 (Sep 15, 1930 UTC):
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp

Worlds Streams:
TCG: https://www.youtube.com/live/9MJKf7uLp3I?feature=shared
OCG: https://www.youtube.com/live/GKY9Ya5HGiI?feature=shared
MD: https://www.youtube.com/live/gytB_0SVO1o?feature=shared
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Somebody at Konami really likes Blue-eyes. The art is always 10/10 for these dragons.
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Why is there like two pictures of the prize cards?
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They will win World
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one is rush duel lniks
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Okay, the lists leaked, but how did he even get them? Did he put on a wig and ask a Konami employee?
>Finally using can't instead of cannot
Wait until nitpick anon gets a hold of this one.
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He used a 3rd party tool called Untapped.
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Sex Magician Girl.
The game saves decklists for replays, there's an app that can grab them
No waifu will ever compare to her
A reminder that the moment Atem left, Yugi filled his deck with a bunch of DMG clones
You can watch the games in the MD client, he had some kind of bot/scraper so he'd get the full decklists after he spectated a match.
That's why he didn't reveal all the lists until round 2 or 3, he had to spectate at least one match with each player to get the decklists.
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The... Broken?
The wierd thing is that only 2 of them were used in the movie for a duel. The other 3 just exist for no reason.
>Goes to be a coomer for Atem's sloppy seconds >Doesn't go dryhump Silent Magician so bad he rips her dress those hip windows the lv4 retrain has
>Despite the fact that Silent Magician was the one that dealt the final blow
Yugiboi was never the wisest. But then again, DSoD is a Kaiba movie, not a Yugi movie.
yugi hit puberty right before the duel with atem, atem accepted that little yugi was finally a man so atem could go to egyptian heaven without worrying about little yugi anymore
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yubel vs 3 snake-eyes
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Buck broken.
Yami being better dad to Little Yugi than his actual Dad
holy subhuman...
It feels like regression to make Yugi still use Atem's cards instead of his own established deck from the Ceremonial Duel but whatever. Silent Magician should have replaced Dark Magician as the Ace but I guess he's too iconic to phase out.
you can still normal set victory dragon tho in case your opponent has last warrior from another planet out
>we never Yugi's dad in canon
What the fuck?
and all fiendsmith
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what the fuck man.
hell no, a lot of the art for this new SD feels AI
>the monster which exists to search a S/T
Even in the format where they have Max C they still job to Americans
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hosting one more stupid faggot nigger tags. i'm so mad.
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So, it's something that some of the players were probably already doing already.

If anything, the people who are mad are most likely the ones who were trying to get that advantage and are mad that now it's a fair fight.
Yami probably realized Yugi was going to become a coomer and didn't want any parts in it so he bounced
Yugi's dad lived somewhere else because of business according to Kaz so he just never showed up.
Do you truly live in a retarded fairy tale to think nerdy ass hobbies like card games won't be full uf fuckugly folks?
Quit consuming whitepilled shit like ''fuark year i'm such a gigachad'', world's ugly.
since that guy is actually Magical Dimension it means that there's probably another guy inside of him and that's just armour
Yep, the Brazil player who first reacted to it was sponsored by the app
So Dkayed is a good guy?
How do I into burn decks?
He is an agent of chaos.
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Take a time machine back to about 2004ish.
Dgayed wanted to get money out of it so he put all the decklists on his site which is full of ads and links to his stream that plays in the background while you're using the site.
>Kaiba gets Jack's Double Tuning
>Kaiba gets a mass negation Rank 8 Xyz like Kite
>Kaiba gets a Link-1 that searches the Field like Revolver's game original support
>Kaiae gets all the summoning types except one like Reiji
>Years prior he got a two-headed Dragon Fusion that can attack twice like Cyber Twin Dragon
Is there a gimmick he won't steal?
Imagine if the new Dark Magician card is something to search Mystical Box or Magical Hats.
I can't believe Vell got Joeyed
Freedom, not chaos. More like Luffy than Joker.
he was the true thief king
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He’s not a good guy.
He’s not a bad guy.
He’s THE guy.
It used to have the embedded player until twitch changed things. It's still riddled with ads if you are somehow dumb enough to not have an adblocker and does have the embedded twitch chat though.
>which is full of ads
Ad block.

At the most, he made $10.
>A freakin ___ mate
>Rise with me!
>Focus FOCUS!
>Flame On!
>What the hail mate
> ____ is TOP TIER...IN MY HANDS
>Gia, get the kitty!
>Back to Fortnite!
>Get Millin!
>Yes this is the way!
All of those characters stole traits and quirks from him first so it's only fair.
You think the average ygo player uses ad block?
The entire point is that he made money off of doing this, while he would have made $0 if he did nothing.
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>exactly the same
Remember when they at least did different ones?
>>Kaiae gets all the summoning types except one like Reiji
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They still do. There's one for first place and one for second/third, like it always has been
>You think the average ygo player uses ad block?
I never heard of dkayyed until today, but after watching a video, I am legitimately surprised people are even riding his dick here. He seems like the sort of guy old /dng/ would shit
They should retrain all Match Winner Into playable DIVINE BEAST version
Like, those guy look like DIVINE BEAST, and also required 3 tribute
The people who dickride him on this site are mainly from the Duel Links side and the Master Duel side of things. Both worship him like a god.
It's /dlsg/ nowadays FOOL!
People only pretend to like him right now because he pissed people off.
maybe he aight for a white boi
posting from last thread, just in case it happens to be true

>Get ready for the return of Legendary Collection Kaiba, this time bringing together Kaiba's ultimate cards, in a 100 card collection, all-foil, ready for any challenge!

>Once again, there's plenty of amazing cards to look out! Make your deck unstoppable with many tournament-level cards. You can turn the tide of the game in a new way with Dimension Fusion, seize victory with Triple Tactics Thrust; and even stop your opponent strategies with Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood, Artifact Lancea, and more!

>Legendary Collection Kaiba 2 includes 16 brand-new cards based on Kaiba's Legacy! Take control of the duel with a new Fusion-monster that calls out any of your Union monsters! XYZ Dragon Cannon has hyper evolved, ready to tag out into battle and banish your enemies!

>Blue-Eyes White Dragon has always been Kaiba's loyal servant at any time it needed, and now, it's your time to call forth the legendary dragon! Maiden with the Eyes of Blue has a new incarnation that lights the way into the field and reaches any of your desired cards! In addition, Kaiser Sea Horse is ready to tune into battle and accelerate your strategy! The Saga of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon is not finished, as you can soar through the sky with a new Synchro monster and a new Xyz monster, and even destroy any obstacle with the White Dragon Majesty! Everything is possible with Kaiba Corporation technology, as it evolved into a level that allows Kaiba's famous monsters such as The White Stone of Legend, Lord of D. and many others to Link Summon!
Are there other ones shown in rush form though?
That's more what I'm focusing on. Cyberse is a type in it so possible that shows up
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He's fine with me as long as he's making the usual ecelebs meltdown
Outside the handful of HIMposters he usually is just off in his own camp
I'm not the best representation of what most of /dng/ may think since I mostly lurk and when I do make posts I just get called names. Now that's fine but a response would also be nice. I like to talk and discuss things.
As for MBT and Farfa, I forgot their channel names when typing my big blogpost haha. I had their faces in my head but I just completely forgot haha. Anyway I don't like their content. From what I've watched, MBT doing YT videos live and with his Twitch chat on the screen which is sometimes in the center of the screen is a very bold move. I last watched a video of his over a year ago but I'd be interested to know what else goes on in his head if he thought that was appropriate.
I used to watch some of Farfa's meme videos many years ago but he's another Yugituber who doesn't really say anything interesting or unique, to my knowledge at least. I've not watched any of his videos for a longer period of time than with MBT's videos but his stuff if significantly less interesting than most other Yugioh channels. I think the nail in the coffin was him confronting supposedly the person who perpetrated a poll rigging making Valkyrie win. It's interesting that he thinks he can just do that. His fans are also rather peculiar.
Again, I haven't watched videos from these people for a while so maybe they've changed, but I doubt that.
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>English Over Rush
Damn that's pretty neat but why does the text look all wonky.
>You think the average ygo player uses ad block?
Ad blockers are pretty common so yes.
>another pevo
sounds correct
They are confident as fuck that the new Blue-eyes cards are chase card worthy and I don't like the implications of this...
bro fallin for fakes
>They are confident as fuck to be selling nostalgia
works everytime
Raye is more popular and beloved than animeslop
>16 brand-new cards based on Kaiba's Legacy!

OK so the SD has 8 new cards and the DP had 7 new cards, what's the last new one?
The tcg original that'll be QCR only
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Raye is a forgotten hoe and Labrynth is the real hotness right now. Labrynth gets a highly consistent amount of new stuff on pixiv and twitter across different artists compared to Raye who needs two dedicated autists to pump her numbers up.

Hell, didn't one of the fucking FGO artists made a Labrynth fanart pic? That's a lot more than Raye.
maybe a tcg exclusive or the new vjump promo?
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>tcg original
Oh man don't remind me of what they did for the last Kaiba Collection.
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not dealing with this bro
>Hell, didn’t one of the fucking FGO artists made a Labrynth fanart pic?
You’ll have to be WAY more specific than that. There are a lot of artists who’ve worked on FGO.
Is it even textured?
on planet retard maybe
How does your deck beat Nibiru by the 5th summon?
Because theyre not printing more English Rush Cards
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no way im paying 20 usd for a structure deck card. this game is finished
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get ready >>493617037
Gearfried on 3 or Revolution Synchron into Cystal Wing on 4.
Critias Fusions are kino thoughbeit
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>Check current /v/ MD thread after hearing from anons here they worship that Dkyayed guy
>It really is nothing but 90% E-celeb faggotry and have little to no self-awareness
bro that's not real, you gotta use your media literacy skills better
/dng/ looks bad
There is always worse
They should continue the trend of Blue-eyes Fusions adapting them.
Insane that that board was somehow 5 negates and a mass field nuke
This card is going to be a problem.
>build board
>spend interruptions
>tribute your spent bosses
>opponent is under Summon Limit now
summon exodia fusion by 4th summon and passing
I'm digging through my likes to see if i can find that pic but i can say it's not someone like Raita.
my fave on Pinguicula’s boobs
link monsters don't have levels
It was Melon iirc
If Neo Kaiser costs that much imagine Prayers or Maiden
It's layered. Your opponent isn't going to have Imperm by the time this guy hits, and you can dodge Imperm on a boss with a level with him.
>4 summons on top of summons you already did before he hit the field
if you can't win within that limit you were playing a shitdeck anyway.
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Kinda shocked it didn't hit to 1, is good news to me since I main deck chaos angel and 1 phantom makes it not worth running anymore.
Just wait until they restocked.
TTD was selling so well they had to restock.
Why were they selling Total Tranny Death?
4 summons is more than enough to kill it, it doesn't even has protection.
It's effect's wording is also like Winda, not Summon Limit.
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Over Rush cards are textured
Would expect more effort
Yeah they kinda flooded the thread after the septic tank that was /mdg/ containing them was killed.
Kaiba does not have Rank-Up-Magic
Which is good because it's an honest (read: shit) gimmick
Imagine having to run a garnet just to have access to your Xyz arsenal instead of cheating like every other cheatxyz archetype
Kaito(the good version, not the shit version from Arc-V) never used RUM so Kaiba can't steal it.
RUM could be good if it was one card xyz, like 7th One but modernized.
Or make it not a brick/garnet if you drew it.
You mean your opponent gets to summon 4 more times after you summon Theia through Nibiru? Quality card design if true
If this is confirmed real, then that means we will go a whole year without a new structure deck in the TCG.
Nibiru should be an instant win most of the time, in that case Theia is just winmore.
i wonder how long it'll take for theia to get banned in the amc. i'm thinking quite a while.
Theia is just a payback for Nibiru at best
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Kaiba won't steal any gimmicks from Manjoume.
It's not that he wouldn't just would be in bad taste now
The kino Ojama Armed Dragon VWXYZ combo...
i mean, it's not that hard to summon if you have a bunch of high level monsters. i can see it possibly being used as a floodgate, especially in a format where almost all of the good ones are banned or limited.
hosting eu casual
Does Theia start counting when it hits the field or does it know the board state?
He stole XYZ from Kaiba and made into pure shit and the GX fandom swears he was better in the manga.

Washed character.
Making a garbage deck work is pure kino though
it tracks even when face down, so if you flip this card in response to your opponent's effect that would summon a 3rd monster, it'll resolve without summoning
Reminder that the only reason why he has Armed Dragons is because he never gave them back to North Academy, he has Ojamas because he picked up those cards and he would never have XYZ without Crowler stealing the cards to give them to him.

His only legit deck is the Fiend deck he played in early GX.
The monster that was KEKED to death
Is it just me, or does this worlds look cheaper than last year's day 1. Everything is just so dark on the tcg/ocg side. It is almost like they are too cheap to turn the light on. The MD cameras look low-quality as hell, and are at max 720p. The weird-ass angels for the players don't help either. The duel links world barely even had a livestream before it died and they started commentated MD instead. Is the game actually dying or is jewnami just cheaping out
Erm, Beetron?
The last Worlds was literally held in the fucking Backrooms
Goth loli kills his entire deck strategy.
This worlds look like a backroom too, but with the lights off instead of on. I'll take a well-lit backroom over a dark and dingy backroom any day of the week
The Ojamas are definitely legitimately his, he physically could not get rid of Yellow
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Characters use different decks in the manga.
J with masks. S solid roids. Misawa zombies.
For him it was a dragon focus with LADD as boss.
Just a bug version of his unions.
Really like how they have absolutely no idea where to go with Armed Dragon so he's just a more dignified version of Ojamas
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he was your usual konami dicksucker until he got kicked in the nuts by konami by having a dedicated "leaks" seccion on his website.
then he went off on his own.
idk more than that i havent watched him in years.
Now this is a a true underdog win
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That card name is like when you need to stretch an essay to 1000 words.
Didn't expect to win
i only watched up to half of the second season, but why does he specifically can see yugioh monsters spirits?
dont remember that being explained or i forgot over the years
It started after the North Academy's principal gave him Ojama Yellow.
Maybe Yellow was special
im still learning the deck but i dont think purrely can even get to 5 summons.
Farewell, Tsuru and Matsuno.
Man you guys don't get metaphors.
Post deck
I want to ghoul
It never gets explained. It's only used for a joke.
I can't believe we lost 2 GX VAs already
Worship the Bug. Fuwaross will get banned before the OCG ever touches C
>match winners
0: zombie, aqua, pyro, insect, fish, sea serpent, reptile, wyrm, illusion
1: rock, planet, thunder, dinosaur, psychic, cyberse
2: warriors, fiend, winged beast,
3: beast, beast-warrior
4: fairy, machine, dragon
6: spellcasters
Backrow as contingency.
>TCG banned Baronne and Apo so there are now less counters to the rock
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5th summon?
it would have been so easy to build up this "he can talk with low level monster's spirits" into an actual plot of him having mystic yugioh powers and eventually communicating with armed dragon in a crucial duel moment.
wasted potential.
>haven't touched yugioh in like 15 years
>decide to try getting back into it with Master Duel
>game offers three starter decks, I pick the synchro one because that's what I liked back then
>"surely the game won't give me something unplayably bad to start with right"
>"surely the game will pair me with other new players with these kinds of decks right"
>get paired with three other default name/default skins etc. players
>they all stomp me with instantly filled the fuck up boards
Listen, I know I'm not supposed to expect to immediately start winning, but the absolute fucking dreck they gave me as a starting deck and complete lack of guidance really doesn't make me want to put the effort in to come back.
Also there are dozens of packs available and I get the feeling almost all of them give garbage unplayable cards and I wasted the gems they gave me.
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Two more GX-related VAs if we count the minor characters on the death count. Daisuke Gori (Hayato's drunk dad) and Takeshi Aono (Zweinstein)
maybe rush is more your speed
i wonder, does the current banlist makes runick spright stronger?
God bless you, GX-webmanon.
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I just thug it out and banish white binder with a bystial during your turn.
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There's a rookie/returner campaign on the main menu, you input somebody else's code and both of you get rewards
The first reward is a Swordsoul structure deck, which is beginner friendly and competent
>Also there are dozens of packs available and I get the feeling almost all of them give garbage unplayable cards and I wasted the gems they gave me.
It doesn't matter too much, gems come in pretty gradually and there is a crafting system
Manjoume kino...
master duel isnt really designed for new/returning unaware players. duel links is better at gatekeeping newbies until they get a semblance of what the game is all about but they didnt develop master duel in the same way.
you can always create a dummy steam account and try again, so the game is forgiving in that regard
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By the way, I got up to episode 79 in terms of webms to prepare for future anime storytimes on /a/'s GX threads.
Haven't played Master Duel in a while (also apparently we don't even have a thread anymore), are we still stuck in a solitaire meta?
You got the one where Edo beats Judai and his deck explodes from it?
Haven't played Yugioh in 25 years (also apparently exodia is limited now), are we still stuck in a solitaire meta?
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The GX equivalent of Yugi losing to Rafael. Thanks.
It feels weird visiting /v/ general. It is like a genuine dkay cult
Jaden could have won this if he used Flame Wingman to run over Aster's monster and burn him for game.
is this the point where judai turns edgy and starts being a little bitch?
I mean, Edo could've won the duel earlier if he attacked directly with Doom Lord as well.
You'll find /mdg/ on /v/ as stealth master fuel threads
Meta is basically just tcg meta without fiendsmith & tenpai, snake eyes fire king and yebul are dominating
it brings me great pride seeing TCG players just shit on OCG players after so many fucking years
That was in season 3 where Kaz stepped in to write the Supreme King stuff
>3 of the top 4 are from the USA
>the only one that's from Japan is playing FKSE
God dammit, now I have to decide on whether I want to root for TCG or for FKs
>Big muscular man bitchslapped to death by an even bigger muscular man
I will never take Hero stuff seriously
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New Mulcharmies comng due to pure seething from japs

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