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Visual Novel General #6601

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>493569570
gyaru butts on my desk
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NBR daughters
She is attainable though, took Shirou only a few days of being a nice, klutzy baka.
Sister* retarded speedreader.
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ge where you steal your friend's crush/gf?
ge with MC + heroine being a detective duo trying to find the truth behind a massive, multilayered conspiracy in their city?
Good morning Yuzubros
it's butaslop o' clock post worthless moetrash
ge with MC + heroine being a serial killer duo trying to hunt for new victims while avoiding the massive manhunt for them in their city?
no one gonna screw a vegetable
I am.
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Nie no Hakowia
Describe Zako Sex
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What, Sharnoth is a gameplayge?
>angel of darkness
Morning plotbros.
you can skip it
But then you miss dialogue.
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How do I find one of these girls?
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What a miserable chapter
i fucking loved it
God I need a break now
Is that the one with the Sumika rape scene?
Didn't expect there to be NTR in Clannad
Didn't expect Aokana to have NTR...
It's the Key signature.
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Step 1. Be Attractive
Step 2. Don't be unattractive
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>when someone say that moebuta only like one sort of girl
I'm already attractive tho.
No, I dont want to. Gameplay is good.
No animated h-scenes? Not buying.
No Milgram? Not buying.
Is there such a thing as dere-tsun?
A character who grows to hate the protagonist overtime after being initially in love
ge where heriones are initially racist against mc?
that's just real life love
this but against the country invading the heroine's home and raping her
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>oh boy the new plotkamige is out, it's the highest rated vn of the year, let's give it a read!
>read it
without love the cum be green
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stupid robot, needs kiss correction
Vkisual nvoel where the MC begs and cries until the heroine finally gives in and lets him have sex with her
nigga you need help
Visual novel where neither MC nor heroine really like each other but both just want a night of mutual comfort after getting their heart broken?
H-scene where the heroine keeps the disgusted face the entire time?
EOPs, I'm TL-ing a scene where they talk about BSS. Do you know what this specific genre of ntr is, or do I just localize it to ntr?
It's the NTR general. Of course we all know it.
Visual novels where the heroines keep asking stupid, inane questions over and over so you rape them repeatedly to teach them a lesson?
>i saw her first
basically, right?
>Everyone is shitting on the Atri anime after the first twist
It has never been so over. But will be even more over when the ending rolls out, muh heckin eternity(not) lmao
It's basically a subgenre of ntr (or like a different things that's close to ntr), it's when you're in love with the girl but someone else starts banging her before you can confess. So 'ntr' in the sense that you were in love with her, but weren't in a relationship.
I haven't read Atri but she's a cute robot girl so she obviously dies at the end, right?
Yeah, it's pretty brutal too.
Damn, I hate you spoiling niggers
how could this happen
I can't stop hovering...
>mouse over spoilers
>get spoiled
aieeee how could this happen???
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Japanese robot dying is as much of a spoiler as pink being a slut.
Yeah, literally not even a slight subversion attempt other than NTR. I hope Stella of the End gets adapted, now that was some kino.
every moege that jokes about NTR is a kusoge
wow you're telling me the cute robot girl ends up dying?????? i've never seen nor heard of such a development in my life, i must have plastic memories
Saber is actually King Arthur.
The plotge heroine... gets raped by someone else????
Holy shit.
>le troperino so I can spoil as much as I want
Good thing I'm not translating moege.
pierced penis mc
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Love to date robots
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Seamonkeys like >>493620070 are the reason /vn/ is so shit these days
Amnesic heroine and amnesic MC becoming found family ge?
>cute robot main heroine
ge where mc gains powers to transform into every animal he has sex with?
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How are the h-scenes with lolibot in this? If they are good I may "JOP" it
kill yourselves
live yourselves
>Should I, as her brother, tell her to stop having sex with my sister in her mind?
Luv cute robot girls.
ge where they do the whoopie? heheheheh
They're pretty good. There's also a fun scene where she and you shop for aftermarket genitals for her since their base model doesn't come with them. The VN does a very good job making the robots actually seem like robots instead of "girl with funny hair accessory."
Anyone read the Biniku no Kaori FD? What's the MILF's scenario about?
Guy who TL'd the base game said he doesn't have plans to do the FD yet, and I'm just a bit curious. Yuki's scenario seems apparent from VNDB's preview pics.
have you ever finished a VN solely to hate it more accurately?
no ill just drop it
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yeah I need as much ammo to be a hater as possible
>heroine is a cute ginkami long loli who calls you otou-san in hiragana
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Marimo chomp and all the fallout afterwards
Very good chapter.
ge where they got to BURGER KING instead of an obvious mcdonalds parody
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It's the best vn engine.
Love white women
ge where your female friend actually isn't secretly in love with you and kind of took you for granted (not in a mean way) but realizes she doesn't want anyone else to have you once the other heroines start appearing?
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>you will never go whitewater kayaking with your Canadian GF on new years day in Edmonton, Alberta
>(which is a real thing they actually do in gin'iro, I don't think the writers realize that's basically suicide)
Got any Rei or Hinami or Hanamaru (younger)?
It seems like the sort of thing an older sister would do.

I want that carpet
Imagine the feeling on your bare feet
Where can I find a gf who is into eroge and cosplays as eroge heroines
i feel bad for yuzusoft
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Why? They're one of the most successful VN companies in existence.
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i only see this bitch from her game, is she really just that good or are all the other girls just shit?
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Those kind of girls are usually very mentally ill tho
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It'd be a hassle to clean it
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I think all 3 heroines are great
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Been reading this VN lately. I keep bouncing back and forth between this is cool, to holy fucking shit I'm gonna pass out.
read the silmarillion for real kino including BR brother/sister incest and cute elf/human relationships
Asoiaf is better
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I'm not a big fan of fantasy. I'm more of a moral gray area + used goods main heroine guy
need a super chuunige game to play with secret societies / military stuff. hopefully a himecut girl too.
dies irae
>Those kinds of girls are usually girls
VNs where you eat monkey brains with your traveling companion?
any onmyoji vns set in modern era?
ge where you skeet a lot and the heroine begs to be bathed in jizz juice
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It has like 15 translations and all of them suck ass except for one which is borderline decent
Reading translations of literature made me appreciate eroge translators. These academic retards can't handle translating something like muramasa at all.
More ge with heroines like Jougasaki Ayaka from esteemed visual novel Kin'iro Loveriche?
Any marmaladege
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What's the /vn/ way to play?
>Black hair himecut
Leave it on.
If you're the kind of person who's upset by gore, don't read guro.
the art and setting always turned me off to this game.
On since it's the best gorege art in a VN and pretty hot.
>about to call it a day and end session
>afraid that you'll forget about it and never pick it up again
>anal addict ojou-sama
>good art turned me off to this game
setting is pretty lame though
What am I in for?
...Modern day Japan like 99% of other VNs?
i don't think nazi vampires in modern day japan is a pretty common setting, anon.
>except for one
which is?
I mean the nazi shit. It glorifies nazis. The retarded chuuni writer thinks nazis are cool and shit. As a Jewish person I can't stomach that shit.
This is probably bait but you realize they're the bad guys, right anon?
Also Masada doesn't actually seem to know that much about the nazis despite depicting them as the villians. He basically just thought they looked cool and that's about it. They almost nothing to do with the actual real-life people they were based on.
have you played WA2? who's your favorite
>Also Masada doesn't actually seem to know that much about the nazis despite depicting them as the villians. He basically just thought they looked cool and that's about it.
That just shows how unserious of a writer that immature retard is.

>but you realize they're the bad guys, right anon?
They're portrayed as bored guys chasing some higher purpose in life instead of evil genocidal maniacs. They're the kind of bad guys designed to be cool that kids want to emulate.
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The narrative style in this feels very book-like, which I can appreciate
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very disappointing
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>These academic retards can't handle translating something like muramasa at all.
The people who translated it couldn't handle translating Muramasa. They translated a buddhist monk going "kuso" as "by parvati's tits!". You know, the decidedly non-buddhist goddess. They turned Kageaki's main line from quoting buddhist scripture about the importance of forging your own path into him going "I kill people because it's cool". And that's not getting into the actual outright mistranslations.
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You ever think about the cognitive dissonance in reading visual novels, a medium dedicated to romancing women, and not respecting selfsame women?
Respect women, chud.
Just cause I want to flirt and fuck women doesn't make me feminist wtf
I don't give a fuck about their fee fees and rights.
any ge that have a protaganist like mahouka? i want a mega autist that has no interest in women and is overpowered in fights.
Nta but you're just nitpicking. Moogy added retarded shit here and there to "beautify" makoto's work but overall it's a pretty solid translation. The prose at least flows really well which I can't say for most translation.
How do you balance reading vinnies and playing Vidya?
Hanachirasu or Kikokugai might fit the bill
Maggot Baits, Dengeki Stryker, Muramasa maybe
Winds of Winter WHEN
I just play gacha now and squeeze my dailies into 30 minutes a day to leave room for my other hobbies
I read visual novels all day every day until I get bored and then I switch to playing video games all day every day and so on.
Don't you have a job?
That illustrative graphic is absolute gold.
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play something in the morning then read vinnies in the afternoon and night
VNs with an anti-NEET message?
All of them

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