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Previous Thread: >>502597894

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

Download: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/
PC Download Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowizgames.game.browndust2&pli=1&gl=US
26th Developer Notes: December Update News https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=4135

>/bd2g/ Resources
Resource Kit: https://rentry.org/bd2kit
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/M1ySuJEF
Progression Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtruzowr
All Service Cutscenes: https://mega.nz/folder/vmgW1Lhb#9GWTEK3Z7I_VDDdx-kp7yQ

>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]
https://youtu.be/TSEIO0uPhGc [Open]
Nebris is my waifu.
The event story was great. Refi and Rou becoming friends was the cutest thing ever.
Also, Ceres when, John?
4 spots open in Soft. Apply and put bd2g in your profile. Must do guild raid and actively try to improve.
Kys I like it fuck you nigger kys kys its actually great and all the complaints are discord and reddit so kill ys to death you fucking homosexual faggot
Kill yourself its based and redpilled and shes only for aryans like me (Mediterraneans) so fuck pff woth your "obsjerbations" ypi fcucomjng reatard
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did they change the story of this game? I try it at lunch and it was like an anthology with the main protagonist of brown dust 1. I try it again now and you start in a completely different place and you are someone else.
They removed the bd1 part
so it's still an anthology but it's not being told to the protag of bd1?
They used bd1 protagonist for the tutorial only and never remembered him again. It always have been a prequel story.
I just noticed Michaela's staff kinda looks like a rocket launcher
lame, I hate stories that are like that just like octopath traveler, oh well the coom is good enough to stay.
Yup correct. Me? I likes a woman that FUCKS (me) when SHE wants to... not femdom cus thats cringe, or fagdom as i like to call it.
Pic related: its a based
>but but but the meta
I spit on your grave metaqueers
>thinking 9 square x8 hit isn't meta
God youre honestly just such an unrepentant faggot its actually fagnanimous nigga I dont know what her skill does my homosexual lathel is +1 (im sure you have a +5 big boy :D) i dont use physical nigga
they removed the tutorial pack
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How do I get goldenhand without paying? :)
just b urself :^)
Just stop being a lucklet. My golden hand was blessed by Oldstain and Gisgray-sama, just wait for the next male release
play more
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you can have Goldenhand by paying?
Anyone who pays gets better odds. Less m*le seed too
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People talk about golden hand like it's some ultra whale thing but what about picrel? Have we ever seen anyone with this title?
You can still see BD1 cast on gacha page btw.
I was close
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My wife (2nd) gave me it.
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Based blessed Yuri enjoyer. How many rolls was that?
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4 cunny stock and a chad bow.
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Did one of the Johns transition or what?
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There should be a separate achievement for this. That's pretty insane
3 Johns and a Joan.
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Yuri bros, that fiend boss doesn't stand a chance against us.
Jane Dust
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Would (You) wear this?
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Out of interest what made you want to return to the game?
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>100 rolls
>No Michaela, not even a new spark, just a dupe for +5 Diana
Fuck off John I'm not wasting another roll until limiteds
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>for +5 Diana

Diana is the second hottest girl in this game. Congrats.
I like Diana but dupes over +5 are such a waste, could have been literally any other unit
When is Refi's banner coming?
>a shitton of yuridori merch
>still no base yuri costume
kys john
What is this?
I don't think we're getting casual costumes...
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from the livestream
After Eleaneer's ends I think
I can't believe gyaru Negris is canon
It is korean only? I wish they'd make a translation
yeah, intern-kun probably quit

Morp's really beautiful here.
Why did John give Morp the korean MILF slut dress
Thanks, guess they’ve moved on from that. Do we know if those pictures are future costumes or what?
no clue, hopefully someone that speaks gook can let us know
First non sweaty loen outfit confirmed?
New secret niggas
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mystery niggas
Loen, Morp? , ???, Lia, Luvencia
Power from Chainsaw Man (lmao probably Levia)
I can't believe we're getting ASMR in gook...
Hebe Schera...
Yo is it over? Will they reveal the silhouettes or is that saved for next livestream? I don’t give a fuck about some stupid q&a.
It's Morp, her top matches.
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Last one is Apostle Blade. Bros we've won.
Q&A is usually last so yeah, it's probably over
>Apostle Blade
>monkey paw is that she has short hair
Has any girl changed hairstyle drastically like short to long and vice versa? If not that can’t be her.
The danchou of paizuri has it
Rou owes me an afternoon picnic.
So what the hell was the point of that teaser then? The other stuff was good, but the silhouettes were useless because we got spoiled last time on those 5. And who was the white bunny, that’s not Loen or even the other 4. Do we get her too?
Just got insider information that Apostle Blade will come out on Valentine's Day
Are we finally getting an outfit system? Being able to wear (paid) skins over costumes?
>Paid cosmetic costumes over costumes that have function and purpose
This sounds dumb and they'll never do it
But I NEED to paypig oink
The costumes (skills) can still be the same, these would just be outfits you could wear over said costumes.

I mean it'd be good money, Nikke has $20 skins and $60 gacha skins for each units and they all sell like hotcakes. Their skin system is a big component of their revenue.
>Nebris laying down on a desk and blushing
Maybe this interaction thing will actually have some effort put into it, that's already 3 CG.
total nebris groping
Nebris could fix my ED
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Morpeah preview, seems she also was the silver haired girl from the pv grid yesterday
This is totally different from the image shown last time where she had black hair. It’s hard to say who is who.
But the whole point is each outfit has their own skill and PV.
So then what a paid mtx skin overrides all of them and you don't get to see them anymore?
Because changing the chibi model alone is pointless with how limited in viewing there are.
I could see a new set of lobby screen skins of characters that instead of PV are highly intractable screens of characters. This is what the game is missing, interaction of any kind with characters. MyRooms suck
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Pretty sure the color is a stylistic choice
>gets found in evil science room, she is in the shadows so hair looks black
>saved/brought in the light where her hair shows her bright/silver color
I mean, it's not hard to understand.
Oh shit you’re right it is Morp, but I think it might be related to the story that such changes happen. Dunno which version we get, or maybe we get both and one of them is like what happens when she changes color during the cutscene.
Origami groping Eclipse
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Yuridori is real
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>Standard cushion with print
>No contouring or shape
Could they try any less than they already are
Origami getting the best head
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Official S.JustiaxEclipse doujin coming to comiket I wish
? The hairstyle looks like SUPAFECTO girl but the build doesn't check out. Probably another BD1 unit
Morp but the head thing is weird, is it a hat or is she a machine?
This confirms Luvencia, Zenith got fucked
>is she a machine?
Look at her arms >>503068180
sexbot morp
wtf why did one of the John turn into a g-gi-girl?
I spiked his drink with estrogen
he didn't
he's yurodori now actually
Yuri is a female girl
yurudori is a yurudori
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>they saw that Eclipse fanart and gave the dress to Morpeah
Isn't that dress a porn thing
Would you spend Xmas with these ladies?
the eclipse fanart didn't invent dongtan retardbro
I'm tired of mysterious african americans, just show the sprits already John
Could the one in the middle be Evelyn? She's a 4* in bd1
did they behave like pervs as usual or did they tippytoe around the femoid?
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I don't think so
it's almost confirmed Glacia
It's 5* Bernie
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I could also be taylor but the silhouette is so short. I'm betting it's a bd2 original or someone from the story
I did 200 pulls for QoS and now I don't have savings for bunnies...
Snowbunny Morp is free
>it's a bd2 original
So she's going to be a must-pull broken unit
for fucks sake, john is going to call the costume this, isn't he?
it's mermaid-themed so I doubt it'd have anything to do with snow pornanon
bro I hope you're right because I don't trust john anymore
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I wish they'd make amelia watson playable
Going to +5 QoS Michaela and give her all BBC tier gear
Bro isn’t Lathel n Gray bd2 original? Most of their costumes are dogshit.
Alright but which npc is short and flat chested?
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Don't believe in John. Believe in ME! Believe in the anon who believes in John!
Yeah, but they are male, so they don't get the same treatment.
Until you remember homoculus is THE physical buffer and promise of seethe is a Last Night gold medal olympic
>promise of seethe
That's penis of vengeance for you
I think he has more than 4 costumes no? Firechip, summer, dark knight, that’s 3/5, I’m not saying they can’t be good I’m saying they aren’t guaranteed to be good.

Do we have a list of bd2 originals? I didn’t play bd1 so I can’t tell. Like even Rou has a shitty costume assuming she is original. You can argue it’s because it’s free, but Dalvi is solid and Yomi is still much better.
original can also mean newly introduced, it doesn't have to be someone we already met.
But Apostle Blade lost to a male. One at the bottom of the tier list.
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Lathel has 6. I'm missing Dark Knight but yeah
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Excluding the glutti from the previous thread who will join us later today, [Paizuri] has 1 more spot for a mid or oldglutti who self-inserts as Morpeah's popsicle and likes his ladies well-developed, especially up top. Semi-casual/Silver angle, just get at least your LV5 clear in G.Raids and don't go mia for more than 3 days before the raid period starts.

Apply if interested, drop either your room, UID, or the first three letters of your ign here so that we know it's (you).
PS If you are thinking about leaving your current guild let us know here first so that we can keep your spot open!
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I got you
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I shit you not, 18 (!) free tickets in the mail to commemorate the KR livestream
>get Michaela in 31 pulls
>get 11 tickets cashback
>get 18 tickets in freebies
John Dust-nim is so generous
BLEACHED Nebris when
Nebris is a white woman though
Are Luv's thighs thick here?
More brown girls with white hair john
Even john couldn't keep his eyes off Levia
John confirms that Levia's ass is as soft as a pillow.
Look at that face of disinterest. 100% this nigga hates cowtits and prefers loli
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lmao imagine pulling for Michaela.
They better post this in full res on twitter
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>She's pregnant

it's mine
Does she have human or elf ears? I can't tell.
I’m conflicted, on one hand I want to join the guild for the [Paizuri] tag, on the other I’d have to leave the nice guild that let me in, which is neoglutties.
it may not be as he's right there is nothing else listed on the schedule. also those a teased for an live event thing are they not? they did the maid costumes for Schera and Justia in a similar manner and those were never costumes just promos for that cafe event
Modern packs don’t have elves besides maybe Seir? Nebris and schoolgirl Loen don’t seem to have elf ears.
yeah plenty of people have it because even shit 3-4* UR's count. I probably would have it if I ever 10 pulled the weapon banner but I do that very very infrequently even as a paypig
I don't care about Sylvia show Rubia some love damn it
oh man origami brought his cum bottle?
Looking at this remind me of a old korean doujin about a guy living in a dorm with a bunch of hot girls.
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oh shit some of these look good?
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so we getting white bunny morpeah? wonder if that's our free costume
just swipe buddy
I know your stashes are all hurting, but please swipe also black friday good deal

yuridori > yuri, everyone knows that

I want that plushie

the picture had different positions, it does not look like promotional art
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John is thinking about you.
isn't she? she won the poll
It feels like shopping in the mall during Christmas season right? But its almost like a clique, whereas Morp feels like she needs to assemble the girls with stacy potential to go against the threat of Eclipse and Dalvi.
Who else feels like a queen bee? Michaela?
What's a good magic team for this fiend hunt if I'm not using Refi, Michaela or Zenith on it? I've got Refi and Zenith in physical and refuse to roll for Michaela because she's shit.
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Queen of shed tools Michaela

https://files.catbox.moe/e8p7rj.safetensors michaela qos
>michaela, high heels, long hair, red footwear, red eyes, white skirt, grey hair, single hair bun, wristwatch, pencil skirt, parted bangs, purple shirt, single side bun, open clothes, long sleeves, id card, office lady, huge breasts, high-waist skirt
>have 650 gp points
$3 off multiple times goes a long way actually
It looks like a cabin / mansion in a mountain so more like spending Xmas with friends.
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uh oh Michaela bros...
why she's so smug?
>if I'm not using Michaela
yeah, ask again
she brapped
is her skirt kinda see-through on this?
Where's the QoS Michaela BBC slop
>all these replies in a short span of time
Fuck off discord fags
all me
is LoRa = safetensor?
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>michaela, high heels, long hair, red footwear, red eyes, white skirt, grey hair, single hair bun, wristwatch, pencil skirt, parted bangs, purple shirt, single side bun, open clothes, long sleeves, id card, office lady, huge breasts, high-waist skirt
you forgot to activate the lora bwo. also gen at 1024x1024 not 512
yeah lora files are safetensor files. put it in the lora folder
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>sex with Loen
>Loen sex
that's it
Soen Lex
Loen paizuri
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something's wrong with my michaela bwo
Imagine the smell of the valley between Loen's sweaty mammaries
Use a pony model bwo
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I never understood how to generate these AI pics.

There are several boards with AI generals, several OPs with several rentrys, inside there are several links to several different programs, I have absolutely no idea which one to use.
actually don't use a pony model bwo, it's an illustrious lora, just like the last luvencia lora. I forgot to mention
God dammmit anon now I look like a RETARD for suggesting it
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it shows there, but it seems like it's not using it for some reason
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70 pull for the big legdy and some faggot.
Thx john i guess.
THE strongest
I appreciate the advice, it helps me learn either way, which sampling method should I be using?
Why is he meme’s as the strongest? Don’t a ton of people whoop his ass in bd1?
Personally I like Euler a
he's THE strongest human
This chapter made me remember that blue gluttis are indeed the best. Those cute ears, that sublime texture..that beautiful blue..that soft growling voice. It's a glutti life for me.
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The Jobbest, i'm fucked for the fiend hunt my light roster is shit.
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But Gluttis are little girls
Yes and?
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>my light roster is shit

LMAO We've got a Ventanalet . Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse around here.
>little girls
that's the best part
click it, it should append <lora:e8p7rj:1> to your prompt which is how you use loras
i use euler cfg++ ancestral with sgm uniform scheduler
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cute little newglutti come here...
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hopefully it stays only in your perverted mind
Fuck the events for baiting me into rolling for a costume just for extra currency.
60 tickets gone for something that is unusable outside this fiendhunt.
what will you spend it for?
you can buy the entire shop with FH rewards alone
FOMO on powder I guess.
I've just never not had full currency bonus so it felt wrong to skip.
>Those hips
She's old enough to breed.
Barely any investvement other than decent UR IV gear and +4 and Hikage team is already outdoing Yuri team in this Fiend Hunt. Yuri bros, it's beyond over.
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MESUGAKI has 4 open slots
Have bd2g in your profile or just reply to this post
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I wish I can draw.
Made for sweaty summer sex in a room with broken AC
I want to fuck your penis
I'll be the only person in this general to +5 and goldenhand Loen in 20 pulls. Screenshot this. I want proof of your impending seethe.
Morpeah cock TF...
Casual Loen should've had a choker.
Chokers are for sluts
Loen is my slut
rimzuri queen loen
Did anyone actually +5 Michaela? This new costume is ass but John's going to make it mandatory at some point. Dunno if I should brickmax now or never
>not limited
What's the rush for?
chokers are for troons
+1 and stopped, if she's shows up on free daily is the only way I go above
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Nebris sexo.
Now all we need is a scene of her hiding under the desk between the legs as we talk to the department heads.
A bit too much scenes with her are teased
Also casual outfits on the stream
Are we getting a VN?
I love that it's see-through
With all the CG they are teasing for her it's probably some sort of VN.
Hahaha some balding fag on reddit got bricked by based John
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more like owned
>at least ONE person will +5 mich-
not so fast faggot
Sweet jesus. I'll never complain about my gacha luck again. I've never been fucked that bad.
Everyone take a moment of silence in memory of anons stash
Do they love Michaela that much? Like just based on the teaser for winter we’re getting way lewder costumes, let alone Michaela being dogshit in gameplay.
Before I start rolling, I wave my card to the screen and tell John if he gets me the costume in the first 10 roll, I'll make a purchase.
Worked 80% of the times, and I kept my promise.
>anon meta gaming the fact that they are spying on his pc
1 Guild raid boss will be geared towards her. That is the only reason I see anyone pulling her. There's no need for her this fiend hunt because Ventana and Yuri will get the job done. OR that guy's a filthy Angelicalet and is desperately trying to cope.
She's good for this raid, but I wouldn't go out of my way to +5 her
Especially when there's day 1 level 9 guides that use Yumi/Hikage/Boobstia
John, I'm still waiting for new Sylvia costume here.
so the casual clothed girls are for the datesim mode right?
John wasting resources on something useless again.
Follow your heart, anon. The difference is just 200 dias, ask yourself if you want to remain fully casual or if you want to be active during raids and push for rank?
where can I see those? sounds nice
Oh I’m not doing it for diamonds, like I said I just want the paizuri tag. Only reason I considered it was because the req are level 5 and daily login which I can do, but then again maybe I shouldn’t just settle for minimum I’m sure they will feel like I’m a leech once things get better.
Build your supports first, someone will probably share their busted dps for the raid...
That’ll have to wait until winter cause I don’t even have most supports, the ones I do are fully teared. I’ve only managed to get 1 monthly selector so far, so unless winter splurging changes things I’ll still be denied dupes;
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scat anon, did you move to plebbit?
no, that's just a usual redditor
>I’m sure they will feel like I’m a leech once things get better
The only leeches are those who join just to go inactive right when guild raids start. We took in newgluttis too, they get a max lv5 clear which is OK given their status. What matters is that they're active and try to improve.

I still take bd2g anons over pugs any day because anon actually shows up for raids, unlike pugs. But yeah, up to you. There is still a spot, if not now then there's always the future.
I slap my dick on my screen and tell John to make daddy hard
Wha. Did I finally find a place where I can belong then...? I'll check out that haven.
I dickpick too much to improve meaningfully, my supports were either recruited or got lucky unless I actually wanted them. If you’re still okay with that then I dunno how we set this up.
no one would consider you a leech as long as you try and get a lv5 clear which is easily doable even by just borrowing two maxed out characters. we have almost everything imaginable on loan for raids and if you need something you could just ask someone to put one up. the only people that irked me were ones logging in yet didn't do the raid at all or just a lv1
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LF [+1] for [Cuteandfunny]
>400K And/Or 100M+ Last Night.
>Participate in Guild content and reach level 5.
>Like cute things.
>Leachers get executed publicly with kicks from Rou.
>If you’re still okay with that then I dunno how we set this up.
That's simple, you just leave a screenshot of your room or write the first 3 letters of your UID or username here, look us up, and apply when your 24h cd is up tomorrow.
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>guild raid ends
>every guild starts recruiting
so many leech anons... disgusting
Sorry scatanon, the jig is up. My uncle works for riot games.
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Posting reddit should be a bannable offense keep your shit elsewhere
This general has the most braindead takes, Michaela is going to get a costume that synergizes with her restrictions or that of future characters. You are a dumbass if you think the developers are going to release subpar costumes and kits and hope to sell them as is, our combat system is boring and would be moreso if everybody has Levia/Granhildr/Helena tier kits because the game would no longer require any thinking aside from high level TOS
I only roll for light/darkness elemental characters, I still have 200k diamonds and 900 tickets left
and would have beach summer if I didn't take a vacation with no Internet
I'm not going to invest in "future" characters, I want useful characters now, while I still play. By the time her 3rd is out she'll have been powercrept anyway.
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Its time to stop being a lazychad
Give me recommendations
My dick can only get so erect
>hikage +5
>yozakura +5
>yumi +5
>yomi +2
Sylvia is a buttslut??
>>yomi +2
the survey, he's one of those
Nebris is pure?
>investing in non limited characters he can get anytime in the future for...for the future costume synergy
just say you like the costume retard. I don't understand why autists need to go through so much unrequested reasoning and explain themselves to anons who won't care
Try being less of an spoonfed dumbass who can't even craft a LN team by themselves before you laugh at me missing a character
>mfw it's been months since i got a free daily spook
This game really ebbs and flows doesn't it
I CAN do both
I'm anti-male seeded and my homo lethal is only +2, so any light mage is an instant 200 tickets from me
Clearly not since you're begging for help lol
UID 127.
Ladies and gentlemen, we got him!
he's a non player who jerks off and pulls not plays through content
How's them rates looking coming into new bunny season fellas? it's going to be make or break for a lot of stashes
I've dipped red for the past 2 months
I am primed for some easy pulls
there's so much art that doesn't look like new costumes or skill cutscenes
what is john doing?
>what is john doing?
anything but making content for the game
>what is john doing?
clearly dude has a hard on for hiring hookers i mean cosplayers at conventions to 'show off the game' and or fulfill his sex fantasies. no reason this game promotes itself at so many conventions
fuck another element ticket pull wasted with 300 thread
What happened to cumslut Loen skin?
The what now?
it's not december yet anon
Negris gods is our skin coming the week after the Refi rerun?
Did they list an actual date for the half anniversary livestream? Or was the surprise one the actual livestream?
Yes but im trying to be useful
What do I work on (besides Bride Refi for LN)
Thats not me
I think it's clear
diana, zenith, levia, h.lathel, teresse, rafina
Free Michaela with the elemental ticket, my exhibitionist waifu looks so good
What did you asked or suggest on the survey guys? I asked for more modern settings and a more complex ToS since Is my fave mode maybe with branching paths and all that
>got enough golden thread to bring Eleaneer to +3
>start tearing through pvp
>find myself humming Life Could Be a Dream
I almost want to bring her to +5 now. She's surprisingly strong even aside from her buff removal.
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Well there were a lot. But mostly suggested them to implement the first person view system thoughtfully instead of ruining the story and character relationships with it.
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>slowly introducing nipples
Now this is the BD2 I've been waiting for
Literally the recent character pack had a modern setting unless you meant a sci-fi cyberpunk theme. I personally want to see a more classic rpg setting so that the chracters actually look like they can fight.
I can't believe she's showing thismuch skin in such a slutty outfit
Even though loen isn't my favourite, there's something very lewd about seeing a character in a outfit like this when most of her other costumes are pretty covered up.
>those massive pasties
Loen's pepperoni nipples...
I want to super fuck Loen bros
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B9 bros.... Help us identify the character in the middle. She's fairly short so that might be a clue. Or she could also be BD2 original character.
I do not care, look at how fucking LEWD Loen's silhouette is
hoping slam piggy loen is limited so I have an excuse to +5 her
Yeah I know I told them to keep doing presente day packs and skins, also I asked if theyre gonna add more lewd stuff like nipples or thongs lol
she looks like teresse there
This looks terrible. Same as Eclipse's bunny costume. Morp and Celia are best.
Spotted the faggiest faggot to ever fag out of faggotville
That's just your average mihomo enjoyer.
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I don't get how you get such high quality pictures, or how long it actually takes you to get something that decent, all the prompts I use return subpar results, it's demotivazing

I also don't get why I keep getting multiple pictures into 1 like some sort of collage
I think it's a bd2 character. It's legitimately difficult to find short girls with short hair so maybe Ceres?
I was thinking it might be the guild receptionist or glacia because of their body type but the short hair kinda kills that theory.
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Who said plebbit was a haven for scatfags. That was a lie. It just isn't for me.
Summer costumes are sex. Those two bunny costumes are shit. Cope.
I forgot her name but the pink hair girl that dies and comes back to life in the main story could be a good candidate. How big are her tits?
Kek, what the fuck did you think was going to happen?
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She's quite fat tho
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>Sizes 2XL+ are not available
I'll never see my bd1 wife get this much love
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I already fapped and 5 min later sleepy loen is finally full res
> can't get it up after 5 minutes
Weak. Also, please fap more, we might get more merch.
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>she sees your dick
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Alright, who spiked Loens drink
puffy nipples are finally making an appearance, john you got my wallet ready for this one
I did. I need to massage her fat tummy
I wouldn't be surprised if these four are the first characters to get the interaction thing.
Gyaru Nebris enko
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Fuck, I was joking, but we really got more.
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Goddess Morpeah establishing once again why she won the popularity polls. The difference between her and Eclipse reminds me of... Freya and some other lust Goddess.
Morpeah is sublime, elegant, refined, gorgeous and sensual.
Eclipse is more... lust incarnate. It's not that I cannot understand her 'strong' points, but I far prefer Morpeah.
Why is grandma looking at me like that
Are you thinking of danmachi?
so we can all agree that nebris is for shota cock right?
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That Morpeah smile, fuck... blushing here
She looks like she's planning to molest the cum out of my balls
Morpeah costumes?
At least three, not including the base, confirmed.
Blade costumes?
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So this is just a standalone illustration and doesn't necessarily tease any costumes?
2 of them are very obviously Christmas themed
So maybe it's an upcoming surprise, but right now there's nothing that links them to any teased outfits
Submitted my join request to Paizuri
First 3 letters: Veh
That skirt Is not covering Nebris fat ass at all
Is Morpeah supposed to be looking at us or at Sylvia?
If i was in that room i would be too busy hiding my boner.
And yet the skill cutscene will be entirely from the front.
post paizuri rank
And camera frantically sweeping across right?
Also please make sure most of the lewd is in the first 0.2 seconds of the PV and blurred, Those ones are my favourite
Yes, don't forget about the button popping being the only "lewd" thing that happens.
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John hurry up and release Teressedori NOW
>that michaeladori
Eclipsedori is sex
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another raid another purge.
We welcome every new player, i don't care if you can do tier 5 or tier 1 guild raid, as long as you are active and doing the fights you are welcome. we normally get the 5%-10% score but since most of us are new players we should be get under 5% at some point.

I was thinking it might be Eleanor but the tits seemed too small from the preview, we'll see.
>why she won the popularity polls.
Because the "anything but another Eclipse skin" people and meta voters united? Same as with Schera last year, once people saw that she could get yet another dispel costume the sentiment changed.
Lose weight you fat fuck.
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She needs to gain weight, her belly is not chubby enough.
These aren’t costumes are they? When would we even get these if they are?
I think they are just promo stuff for that event they will attend like the maid Justia and Schera ones.
Or the formal dress Rou, Schera and Justia ones.
I suggested them to put each character's BWH+cup size in the bio and lock the data behind owning that costume.

Besides that I asked them to return to the main story / classic RPG fantasy setting of the game.
Also asked for bigger breasted characters, I included references to Red Shoes (Nikke) and Frigga (Last Origin). Eclipse is too small.
Is it possible to do collab with Last Origin? I forgot which company John Dust had beef with. I want Sekhmet and young Lab.
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Why Eclipse is so fat
Imagine ME having sex with Loen.
Bunny Loen mogs Bunny Eclipse
John needs to cut back. My tickets can't take this much of a beating. If that Loen gets released, I'll nut myself to death.
bunny loen and bunny eclipse docking their tummies
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My wife
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>ehhh? Your wife doesn't have three costumes or her very own interaction? That's hilarious! Are you some kinda loser, anon?~
Both my wives are +5/+5/+5, BBS+ UREX, all tears and awakened though...
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Teresse is good for your health and kids.
just asked John for armpits in the survey
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I asked them to fix this shit
They made it anatomically broken for the sake of not showing her panties
i asked john to stop turning all of the characters into obese titcows
>60 pulls in all
>1 Michaela
>pic related

I asked them to stop catering to coomers or casuals who don't even play the game. because the direction they are going seems dumb as fuck and those non spenders are never going to magically spend even when given what they want. I don't want a fucking interaction room like snowbreak or tof even added so coomers can add a layer of fantasy to their jerking off
the middle character better be super perfecto Eleanor or Johns going to pay
based John doesn't want fat people representing the game
Cool opinion, self insert stuff is still happening and nothing you say will change a thing. The people have spoken and the answer was coom. Go be a party pooper somewhere else.
why is yuridori naked???
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>he's gary seeded
what an honor
I think she's too small to be Eleanor... I also want her to be added ASAP
>9 hours before I can apply
Eleanor wasn’t even considered until they saw her popularity, they probably want to make packs involving her and not just shove her in randomly.
sure thing then I'll stop spending and move on as will other whales I know. it's clear from the surveys that actual players want content and non spend coomers just want to turn the game into a jerk off app. let's see which way works out for the game in the long term
I can understand not liking the self insert thing, and in this case it's probably not canon and just for fanservice which is kinda lame.
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my cope is since you can't really judge anything except height that perhaps it's just a bad pose. the hair and fingers seem to match
Could be taking the Outerplane route, where they started off with a random mc then later introduce (you).
>her popularity
People said they loved seeing Eleanor when they pull, and John misinterpreted what that meant
We’ve seen her tits in the Luvencia/Levia ass shot, it’s small. If anything Schera fits the bill, the hairstyle is barely different.
And yet Eclipse is the new face of the game
they are fairly similar, but the chest size does not look remotely close given that she's the middle figure displayed here >>503071309
>i-is that fancervice??
>casual content is becoming easier while the hardest content is remaining the same???
>aaaiiiieeeee I'm going insaaaane
some people just hate the fun desu
new? that's nebris
the mistery nigga has too much cloth for her to be Eleanor
>120 pulls for +0 Michaela
>Keep going because I'm 980% mad
>130 140 150 each had a Michaela in it

Kinda went alright. Just got Sylvia's UR gear from a single pull using the ticket from marry me season pass. How'd everyone else get on?
They can do another age difference costume like with celia
Bro I'm not fucking pulling for this shit costume with all the sexo ones right around the corner
I have exactly 120 pulls and +2. I had +1 at 52 but decided to push my luck. Oh well at least I got spooked with my last white bolt yuri in the process
was just coping that was an npc lol. either way John better add her at some point and the weapon banner twin as well.
I got spooked by a Helena I don't even need. I might swipe
that is true, but then I think I don't want you to be right if that's what they are going for, whoever the middle character is doesn't look very appealing to me
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why they changed my Loen's skin?
she can't be a slut in public, only for me
>not having +3 in 21 pulls
lmao lucklet
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>Loen sex
>Sex with Loen
that's it
post rates
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>lmao lucklet

Every fucking time.
Are you the UID 127 anon from yesterday?
Does any other npc have short hair?
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my card waifu
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imagine drinking milk from Loen's tits
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I'm imagining her sloshing with every step due to how wet her feet are in those stuffy boots
I own these boots IRL. I'm going to rub my penis on them while pretending they're Loen's.
I don't know. I mean it's possible it's an existing bd1 character or a new character or an existing character with different hair style I guess. I was looking at bd1 chars list https://bravenine.miraheze.org/wiki/Mercenaries to see who had short hair and there's a couple there also
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Yeah but I have no idea who they would want to bring in as the antagonist. Also having to pick from 5* means that 4* like corette might fit but can't possibly be the options.
What are the best value packs on offer now? I'm going to spend since I enjoy this game. Also the upcoming sex makes me think bad things.
Contract wars is so fucking boring.
AUs are fine, but this one sucks balls.
Only a corporate shill would think employees duking it out to climb the ladder would be interesting.
I'm asking for interactable Live2D, I don't mind about the bonding system they are working in (it's just a plus), I just want to be able to interact with them like Azure Lane lets me
the black friday packs are all a good deal and limited time. other than than monthlies and wait to see what half anni packs we get
>I'm asking for interactable Live2D, I don't mind about the bonding system they are working in (it's just a plus), I just want to be able to interact with them like Azure Lane lets me

This but for Dalvi only.
This but only if I get a nursing handjob from Eclipse while she shakes a rattle.
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>This but only if I get a nursing handjob from Eclipse while she shakes a rattle.

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No males has ruined the chance for a crazed janny banner...
Don’t need a banner for that shit just throw them in as 3-4*.
Nightmare Winter and Firechip are the only good AU packs.
Yeah, I didn't give much shit about it. It was more about zombies it would have been better.
Haven’t tried Nightmare Winter but I don’t see how Firechip is so much better than Contract Wars. It gives the same lighthearted vibes where everything is just silly nonsense.
NTA but at least it has a setting that could make sense. Post apocalyptic world with mutants and lost technology.
Contract wars premise can just never make sense.
It has an interesting setting and atmosphere, only the conclusion felt out of place as it turned the whole thing into comedy. CW is literally just "girl with daddy problems" with a retarded premise and a cast whose synergy feels forced as fuck. No one wants boring shitty real life stuff or outfits in a fantasy game that once had the adheres to the principle of actual character development through suffering.
what would you guys like to see in a christmas pack assuming that the Loen/Levia futuristic reverse-bunny suits isn't christmasy enough personally I would have liked Morp trying to be queen bee in a university setting with the story taking it's climax at a well holiday decorated mall.
You guys got any wallpaper ideas? Hopefully ai anon is here
>christmas pack
Morph, eclipse and dalvi want gifts versus nebris, justia and Shera who wants the real christmas spirit of fraternity. It all ends in sex
fuck you ellipsing for nigga
did you not see the christmas outfit sneak peek?
honestly it would have made more sense if the world was half people half zombies and the people hiring the contract companies did so to get them to clear out old areas or businesses, etc. so they could reclaim the territory. that would have made it at least somewhat sensible
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dear john
please give me brunette rubia on school pack 3 where she works best with glacia as an anti-magic team
It would be weird to have Christmas outfits when there is nothing on the calendar any time in december into january except for the two tba half anni skins. it's probably no different than the maid schera and justia they had for that cafe promotion just designs not actual skins. unless they do a winter pack or something after half anni in mid jan
It's gonna be like a summer events
Nightmare Winter rerun + a new pack
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what the FUCK is you on about?
you really think this game will pass up on christmas dosh?
I thought I was the only Loenfag in this general
AI bro can you do the bd2 characters at a mall during christmas or something?
I'm trying to look up refs but I'm not getting a lot of ones with an organic amount of people like as if you were walking in the mall yourself
About to resort to studying christmas art that other waifu-focused gacha games put out
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well if they are costumes they aren't coming anywhere near Christmas as we know what's coming through late January and the TBA are the half anni costumes
Considering how they're doing a weekend event at AGF I'm pretty sure it's to hype up all those costumes
We'll find out on Dec 8th.
They'll announce it, and then we'll have a livestream a week before the Dec 17th update
>Nebris, Refi, Venaka all concurrently on Dec 5th
god damn I'm just going to close out the game after dailies or else I'll roll
I'm not....
did you draw that anon?
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Is that Yuri?
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>all that bait before bunnies
kys john
I'll not be tempted
Damn, those are some long ass banners.
I only need 1 more copy, but I'll probably get it from free rolls.
Damn, aside from Refi and Venaka, I don't need anyone else. How lucky is that? My luck is shit though, so I'll still lose tons of tickets regardless.
>already have +5 both limited
>new costumes for characters that I have no interest of

Thanks John, I can save my dia and tickets.
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>Thanks John, I can save my dia and tickets.

You're saving them for Venaka. OR ELSE.
Thanks I totally get where you guys are coming from. I think the difference lays in the fact that I don’t take bd2 stories anywhere near as serious as you guys do, and sometimes that may even be to my detriment of enjoyment admittedly. But I can’t help it, between the chibis, the basic and direct story telling, the dialogue, and music, I only feel two things in this game, comfy and horny.
How good are either Michaela costumes in Last Night? I'm looking to see just how high I can score. Trying to triple 110M as a minimum.
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I drink Loen's sweat every day.
Not really, considering that I was the first one to repost that art here. I also max +5d LH right away even though other anons were trying to shit on her, saying she was bad. Now she's getting her third (limited) costume + her new casual wear and I laugh at them instead.
>saving them for Venaka.

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What part of "chipi chapa" don't you understand?
LoenGOD, I kneel...
Exquisite taste there anon. I got an erection just imagining it.
Incredibly sexy. Stealing her drenched with her body liquids and odour was no mistake. I even get to see such flustered, angry Loen.
Step aside, I want to drink it directly from the source myself now. I want to bury my nose in that scent and sweat filled under mammaries of hers as she gets all flustered while rubbing all my body on her wet and slippery, yet warm skin.
share this lora anon
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congrats and sorry. every time I've gotten it I've gone to almost 100 for the next 5*
>a measly 13k dia when john is going to drain us dry with Christmas yuri and nebris
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fuck off of my general with this doro garbage
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My Michaela...
most forgettable character in the entire game
I want to use that tummy as my pillow
I started to like her when I spooked her to +5...
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Sounds about right
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That wiki is extremely outdated
The official site has a much better listing that I hope stays up after the game dies (https://book.bravenine.com/mercsindex?tabCode=0)
The only issue is that you need to reverse image search or search by name to find the full illustrations
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>Also having to pick from 5* means that 4* like corette might fit but can't possibly be the options
I disagree, they could always just increase someone's star rating when bringing them over.
Not to mention that all of the Legends and Companions are also options
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What makes Loen superior to all the Brown Dust girls?
I'm drooling
She stinks
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There's more with short hair, but most of them have messy hair (Lyudmila), or their hair is shoulder-length rather than only down to their chin (Foxy, Taylor, Claudia)
I found a Korean wiki that has the BD1 mercs but none of the companions
There's also a couple of Japanese wikis, but one doesn't have full illustrations and is horrible to navigate
while the other is outdated, also kinda bad navigation-wise, only shows the combat sprite for a lot of the alt costumes, has some alt costumes misattributed (DJ Venaka as a Zenith costume), but is the best one in terms of browsing base illustrations
>https://kamigame.jp/ブラダス/キャラクター/イラスト-女性.html (female mercs)
>https://kamigame.jp/ブラダス/キャラクター/イラスト-補助者.html (companions)
*licks her profusely*
I sent request.
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How do I cope with this?
>only realizing you have a bricked account seed after 4k pulls
the only options are to spend money or reroll your account
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Here is the korean one I use to find their art. just try to find obt and above it is the merc while below are the companions.Click on the 4 squares to make them thumbnails instead of list view. http://cafe.naver.com/browndust?iframe_url=/ArticleRead.nhn%3Fclubid=28708849%26menuid=15%26boardtype=L%26page=1%26specialmenutype=%26userDisplay=15%26articleid=207924
if you buy all of the black friday packs john will personally unbrick your account himself
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Just numb yourself bro
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my lord you are all non spenders aren't you? John only bricks free to play so badly
are you stupid? you don't get 14,600 pulls even as a d1 player
Hahahah even worse you are a lucklet who keeps desperately spending despite being bricked
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Everyone needs to post pic related and full rates for judging
Remember in the survey to ask for more lolis.
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I spend since I really love devs. I want to 100% everything kind of thing too. Although, my love for them is slightly diminishing since of their direction and not enough cunny + hag 3:10 Ratio.
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It's over for me...
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Remember to beg devs in survey to add Crimson Mist Glacia.

I'm the white glutti.
white gluttis are gay
How many diamonds+tickets do we need to +5 all the old/new limited?
50 tickets
just don't be a lucklet
you have to go back
To Loen's womb.
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Blue gluttis = Gay
White gluttis = straight

Please don't get confused.
Blue are only gay if you're a female
Go read the event story now
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so what's the veredict on QoS Michaela?
when you think of it, isn't Glacia the real QoS? Since she commands spade soldiers
>so what's the veredict on QoS Michaela?

Shit. I only pulled because I don't need the bunnies. Easy skip. Other costume is better, but that's not saying much. You want real damage, get Angelica.
I have a maxed Angelica and she performed worse than Michaela in the past FH.
Why is Michaela so shit, really?
Her bikini costume makes her lose a high amountof health, her wagie costume reduces party sp. Like, taking her just weakens your party.
Can be good in pvp, but other than that she's a niche unit for very specific (Dark) fiends and raids.
Her tummy isn't fat at all
This Loen likes running
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Instead of getting Slain we are going to get Anaduty, his mommy witch babysitter
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In another timeline, we would have gotten kuudere Rachel instead of Nartas.
It is a mystery why they would make such a shit character.
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again, because her 3rd costume will fix her and you'll regret not pulling for her
How can it fix her?
Michaela's 3rd costume will summon Apostle Blade onto the field
>FH start day
>every chink and their brothers are using Michaela in their day 1 lvl 10 clears
/bd2g/ is gonna lose again
Michaela's 3rd costume will summon dark-skinned silhouettes
I have shit taste but here we go
I disagree with 3 and 5 but you're okay
>perfect pattern for this FH along with good damage multipliers will be used in day 1 lvl 10 clears
No fucking shit you retard
Can someone here check. I'm still 100% convinced that Ventana is still the best for this Fiend Hunt, even over Michaela.
She'll be used in the every dark FH
Magic mains don't have a choice, really
Reverse all negative debuffs/costs.
Well, it came from the notion that people do enjoy Arena, and what ruins it is the Meta, because it renders all their comps on theme or fun aspect, completely worthless
And no one likes losing, so it's something to take the playing field from tryhard comps and gear to something akin to having a nice thanksgiving night with your friends playing 8 player smash with items and stage change on
I'm pretty sure it felt good to beat even the most sweaty player there and I want to give that feeling to people that no longer enjoy Arena due to the tryhard strict pre-emptive meta
>Magic mains don't have a choice, really

We're already unstoppable. John had to nerf us in light, since physicucks are already seething beyond belief. Helena's 3rd costume will be a nuker though.
Snow white Ventana can only hit head which takes 2x damage while sides take 3x damage.
SJustia should do better.
I meant snow white can't hit more than 1 weak point and idol can only hit the head weak point which is worse than the side weak points.
Fatty can't use her skill every turn though, can she? Ventana can fire off her costumes every turn. Unless that's only when they're teared up. My Justia is only +2 so I can't really judge it too much.
Were you here when she was released?
Her +4 was a huge deal because it makes it a 1 turn CD.
I've been here since day 1. I never invested in Justia. That +2 is from spooks, not willing rolls.
>people that no longer enjoy Arena
Did anyone ever enjoy it? How could you? You literally can't even play it.
If it was me, I'd scrap Mirror wars and ban anyone who doesn't have Venaka at +5 with UR gear.
>She'll be used in the every dark FH
That is Bustia. She can throw her skill out every turn on every fiend while Michaela will always have one useless costume every hunt.

I'm not spending a ticket on her to send John a message, I'm done with this blatant unit shilling through FH model.
Better than epic shit with shilling pvp ml counters but I agree.
I'm more excited for christmas and loen/levia and that's just cause of my dick making decisions
>I'm done with this blatant unit shilling through FH model
first gacha?
yeah, of course you can't just pull some unit to +5 and expect it to be as effective as the newest ones
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Glacia's yummy piss
Is there anyway to fix this? Only thing I can do is close the game and restart it. I'll admit, Michaela's new costume is quite good in rogue tower.
Never met this bug
Recently started BD2? Up until a few months ago Fiend Hunt was about the devs designing a mob and players finding solutions to it. Then the banner units started providing an advantage, and now the FHs and Raid Bosses have ridiculous weak spots and attacks that are 100% tailored to match the current banner units. The shilling has gotten way too blatant, you can't create a problem yourself and then sell the solution, fuck John.
>You want real damage, get Angelica
Michaela is shit, but this is retarded advice. Angelica's damage is limited by the 20k hp softcap for scaling, and her patterns aren't much better than Michaela's. The issue is that you need to plan around her drawbacks (self-harm & sp drain), both of which are pretty much nullified by using a +5/+5 Helena with her.
Her second costume better not have some whack ass pattern like Michaelas. I want my queen to remain the pinnacle of perfection. Ideally a 9 tile DOT.
>Devs tease merch in a news post
>Subtle Wiggle shirt nowhere in sight
>No glutti themed plush/onahole
This always has been like that, not the devs fault you're too slow to notice
There is absolutely no reason for them to release a useless character that's only purpose is for you to have more time to save more pulls
Can I use Seir for mirror wars? I could +5 her base costume. My only other tank is Glacia. I never rolled Granhildr or Morpeah. So my options are limited.
Exact same battle. Diana, Beach Teresse, Helena = Nuke with Loen, front guy kills Loen and Helena. Swap in anyone, game bugs out.
close out of the app, then reopen it
I started using 90/90 Seir and Glacia as pvp tanks and my def wr went up
I'm literally gaining ranks by doing nothing
Do you need glacias second costume?
What was the team? my winrate on defence is like 20%. I'm using Helena, Morpeah, Glacia, Eclipse and Rou. How do you even gear a defensive team up? Everyone gets defence or do you only gear up tanks defensively, while everyone else gets crit gear/damage gear?
It's useful, she can shot some dps sometimes. I don't know if she's that good without it.
The team is Seir, Glacia, Lathel, Justia, Eleaneer
For pvp you always gear at least one defensive stat to 90% for everyone
Lathel and Justia are with 90% def
Eleaneer has 90% m.res
Glacia and Seir are 90/90 both
>The team is Seir, Glacia, Lathel, Justia, Eleaneer
>For pvp you always gear at least one defensive stat to 90% for everyone
>Lathel and Justia are with 90% def
>Eleaneer has 90% m.res
>Glacia and Seir are 90/90 both

Thanks for this.
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>Gray refuses to marry this
Ass too fucking big.
I bet she's into anal too

I think glacia should have less hp and more damage since seir buff should let her kill
She does but it's less because of her build and more because of how initially fat Seir is
>shit taste
> More girls like Glacia
What are you smoking. That's top tier taste there.
Should be obvious, but as someone with a +5 max pots UREX Saint Pigstia, she is leagues better than my idol only Ventana at +2 and White Cat only Yuri at +1, right?
it's a fucking gatcha game what do you expect? the devs ultimate goal is to make money. eventually ftp will not be able to keep up the sooner the better
Lia's cocoa puffs...
Tried out Loen, although I don’t have her sports festival costume nor did I even get it during ToS run I don’t think it matters in ToS because turn 1 is when you full send it as far as I know otherwise the broken stages just insta wipe you.

But yeah, although Loen anon hyped her up, full pots and+5 through store she did not have the same versatility as Eclipse, but even more importantly is the crux of SP. I even managed to get a SP artifact but that only allowed me to actually do the full combo turn 1 instead of do jack shit turn 1 or sacrifice Morpeah’s tanking/positional abilities.

That said I do have Eclipse summer at +1 for sp reduction so this might not be fair, but just being cucked by the ice trolls or whatever with no way to handle them if you don’t have backup Venaka is already a downer. Ultimately the two things Loen surpass Eclipse in, bigger damage and lower cd does not make up for lower sp, and elemental advantage. Especially with the new artifacts list, max damage isn’t the value here, but rather minimum damage.

The only thing I’m unsure of is the Celiaanon who hypes chains up. I’ve finally tried it once because I got bride refi and chain artifacts to start, but in the end my Celia did nothing because based on my experience you only get 2 real dps, 2 buffers as bhelena and refi/teresse, then Morpeah as the all purpose tank/positioner so you can set up more secure one shots at the same time having 2 lanes of tanking leftovers. I don’t believe anyone who claims PP Justia is better has ever ran this shit without potentials starting at +0, but Morpeah can do just that and even so Justia can’t tank 2 lanes at a time anyways let alone knock back the same turn she uses tanking.

And going back, basically my chain run was Levia sports (who I don’t own just like bunny Celia) followed by either Yumi or Dalvi. So is Bunny Celia a better combination somehow? I don’t see how her chain is better than Levia with artifacts.
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For the feet, smell and/or Glacia fags like me.
how did you make her face black and white?
Don't care, still marrying Loen
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I give up, bros...
She doesn't blush when she does this for her skill animation...
I got spooked by the desert whore, the costume who doesnt even have animation
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I wrote out all of this then realized you barely have any costumes. My advice is to stop blindly following tips & guides. Instead, think of strats that use the costumes you have. post your LN if you want real advice
>I don’t think it matters in ToS because turn 1 is when you full send it as far as I know otherwise the broken stages just insta wipe you
There is another way around it by using morp, Glacia, disposable extra characters, or a dodge tank to absorb damage while clearing out the top row turn 1
I would say most of my lvl 10 clears have at least a few rooms that take multiple turns, with it not being unusual to reach turn 11 once or twice
>sacrifice Morpeah’s tanking/positional abilities
This shouldn't be seen as an impossible wall. The summons are there partly so you have disposable pawns that can die without impacting your lineup
You should also consider using a lower SP solution than Morp when you don't have Eclipse
>max damage isn’t the value here, but rather minimum damage
both are important, since you can get both. I would say the most important factors are area and chains (low or high depending on build)
>you only get 2 real dps, 2 buffers as bhelena and refi/teresse, then Morpeah as the all purpose tank/positioner so you can set up more secure one shots at the same time having 2 lanes of tanking leftovers
This is why morp isn't always the best choice, especially if you plan to win in 1 turn. Justia or Rou + Helena + Teresse only costs 4 sp, and you can replace the dodge tank with a third nuker if that will give a turn 1 win.
Venaka is amazing as an extra nuke since she normally one-shots even most fire enemies & deletes ice trolls
>I don’t believe anyone who claims PP Justia is better has ever ran this shit without potentials starting at +0
Of course not. her biggest advantage is the +6 sp pot that makes it free
>Bunny Celia
Base Celia + Levia + nuke (optional) is godly with artefacts. Bunny only hits 3 times, so isn't good for turn 1
>111 fucking rolls when livestream in 10 days
I only ever do low chain builds. They're much easier to build and better because you don't waste a character to build chains and it works with med Teresse which is a broken support.
Crit damage is also good. Red riding hood or B helena with a crit damage artifact means you just win.
I can agree with most of what you mentioned but I’d like to clear up two things. One is winning by turn 1. What I actually mean isn’t winning the stage completely but basically settle the situation so nothing can possibly cause an upset. Like if I wipe 3x3 and there’s only 2 guys left who I can tank forever through spamming Morp summons every turn I consider that turn 1’d because the aftermath is secured and I lost nobody. It’s for the same reason I find Celia hard to justify because she has to add herself into Levia+nuker, she can’t replace either one. My basis is Levia+nuker at minimum kills the 3x3 besides a boss inside. If a boss is inside chances are Venaka is better as the third not Celia. And if the leftover enemies are outside of 3x3 what value does Celia have by herself? This is how I wonder if you can do Celia/Levia (or is Levia/Celia better?) and then use the nuker to solo the leftovers, but in that case over half the time the leftovers are too chunky to die to the nuker alone so Morp is a better option.

For clearing top lane and tanking out the others, I don’t understand using sacrificial units cause it costs sp to replace them, increasingly so with every additional so the sp cost is too high for me whenever I try. Moreover a lane is only 4 spots, so someone has to tank in the end and only Rou+Veil can guarantee no death and that’s not only 2 turns max with her two costumes but that still takes into account the enemies don’t have massive aoe or simply there are bosses top lane.

Morp is indeed expensive but she averages out to 2.5 sp for 1 tank, whether it’s Justia or Rou they both start out with 2 sp or worse to tank so I don’t see how it’s much worse, at least when it’s comparing baseline. It seems the only difference comes from actually owning and investing in them.
whens the stream?
the 13th going by their patterns
there's an agf event on the 7th-8th and afterwards they'll do a 1.5 anni livestream before the dec 17th update
its really close
>Ultimately the two things Loen surpass Eclipse in, bigger damage
Why do you retards keep saying this. Loen does less damage, not more. Look at the fucking numbers.
>The only thing I’m unsure of is the Celiaanon who hypes chains up
You don't need celia for chains to be better. She's just an obvious option for the 5th slot when you don't need anything else.
About the Celia + Levia thing, you don't need the nuker unless it's a boss or water element. Levia is the nuke. it also works in the runs where you don't get Levia, using Celia as prep for the nuke instead
>It seems the only difference comes from actually owning and investing in them
That's what it always comes down to in the end and why I like ToS. Everyone has their own optimal strategies based on which costumes they have high dupes of. In July, my best runs were with Ventana because I was spooked to +5 snow white and only started in early June
you turn the skills on AFTER seir gets hit
you put michaela last in the skill order
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Knockback the bomb with Michaela, move the front right guy back with Seir, hit the right side with Luvencia.
Should take out most of them and let you sacrifice some unit to clean it up afterwards.
So they have skill costumes loop properly but not story cg still?
>brainlet hour has arrived
I was envisioning the manga-verse where she for some reason blushes for everything.
Also, I was going for <you> implying a confession with her, her expecting this, but then <you> asking her to smell her damp and stinky feet, to which she agree while feeling angry and ashamd for expecting a confession.
An angry yet shaming, looking at front face would have been better, but most ill_faces face sideways.
....photoshop bro... I'm certain you could find any random online tool for that as well...
>being Irish

I wanted that exact CG on my lobby but the infinite loop ruins it. It's so weird, the skill animations loop in the lobby setting menu then play once on the lobby, while the story animations play once in the menu then loop in the lobby
It's clearly Glacia time.
you guys have 3 weeks to go into the hyperbolic paypig chamber to prepare
you think john doesn't know that day 1 players are nearing 1k tickets+ in stash?
it's the seasonal players that spend all their shit on every non-limited
When is the next content reveal?
two weeks
I'm going to swipe for my beloved Venaka. Are we getting any free tickets for the bunnies rerun?
Dunno about the tickets, but swiping for mic test is based
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Oh, Nebris. I have a stash saved for you, but it's dependant on the tbas.
Unfortunately for you, Venaka comes first.
I come second (inside Venaka)
When is her summer costume coming back? Banner or shop I don’t care, I wasn’t around then but the game gave me two base Nebris on daily pulls so I figure it may be a sign.
165 pulls in on Michaela. Do I go for the 200? I'm at +3 and the only person I need this year is Venaka.
Maybe they'll put her into powder shop on the next wind season
Next wind season is when Nebris/Venaka show up right? Two wind costumes surely makes for a water boss? And it would match if they brought back banana and dj as the shop costumes. Is that hoping too much?
>Is that hoping too much?
Yeah, it's usually the 2 previous banner costumes, a 1 costume that can be useful in the current FH, and a 1 random costume
Oh well, at least this game has enough tits and ass to not be thirsty.
By the way I just started the bride story, what the fuck is up with ‘counterpart’? Is that how it was in the gook version? Or is there somehow woke fags in the localization team?
>what the fuck is up with ‘counterpart’?
a gookglish
they're translating everything by themselves
What point do I do mirror wars? I've got like 60 fights left. Is the last half hour best time to start?
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Can someone with a 90/90 Seir post setup please. I need to see how far off I am. I've got +5 base and office lady, but only +0 Idol. The intention is to use her alongside Glacia on my tank team for mirror wars. Thanks!
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Awakened, bonded with OG costume
Magic attack was naturally low. I was worried mine was only 500. Thanks What rolls on her UR weapon?
It's on the pic.
Flat HP + crit%
It's good for her since her heal can crit
>her heal can crit

Didn't know that. Thanks. Just need to find some of those dark stones now.
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Wasted my anniv survey telling John to compress the skill vids, clown on me. Should have asked him for a 45fps option before I clicked submit.
>we unironically get redditors reposting their threads here now
This place really has fallen huh
>Nebris, bride Refi, and base Venaka
All bait, pull for limiteds folks
>skill videos
They're rendered on engine real-time
There are no videos
>165 pulls in, do I go for the 200?
Of course, why wouldn't you finish the pity when you're already this deep? Wait until the last day of free pulls first, maybe you'll get the +4., then you can just buy her from dust shop for +5.
Richfag here. I'll buy anyone any packages they want if they post proof of demanding Apostle Blade be released through their survey post.
what a nerd
Should have done this at the start most of us already filled the surveys.
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Here's your skill video, compressed enough?
look at those fucking thighs ungggh
>rolling on Michaela when it will be B.Refi (must +5 for FH/Raids) into gigabusted Nebris into DJ Goonaka into 4 bunnies that are all must-pull
Couldn't be me
Bro I've been playing this game well over 8 years at this point. New gluttis will never know the pain of actively picking up stuff without Celia.
nigga my refi has been +5/+5 since release. plus best pack values are here now and we will get more for half anni. ain't no thang swiping
I just pick with my dick, and there’s nothing in contract wars that warrants it when winter has been revealed. At most I’ll powder since I assume I’ll get some back during this winter.

Gameplay? Meta? Bricked? The fuck’s that? If I wasn’t so busy speed running some of my older gacha that’s got signs of EoS I’d have long went cutscene mode play every battle and enjoy the ride.
fuck me, I forgot about pvp yet again
>B.Refi (must +5 for FH/Raids)
The difference between +1 and +5 is just +60% property damage. That's not too impactful considering characters have natural 50-90% dmg. And it's completely neglible if you use Diana in the same team (like in the latest guild raid).
She's definitely one of those supports you can live with +1 if you're short on tickets.
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>Seething Refilet attempts to justify the +1 limit
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She has been +5 and fully pot'ed (including energy guard nodes) since release.
And yes, +1 would probably do the same.
So. What to do with this FH? My pigstia which is my best light dmg dealer does litte to nothing with Refi, Hlatel, Zenith and cat Eris.
My Yuri and Ventana are just +1 and lack their idol and snowwhite costumes.
Am I cooked?
When does >settlement end?
Try using Hikage, Celia, Refi, Zenith/Diana and porky. Chain maxing might be the way to go. Ventana and Yuri need both costumes to work for this FH. If what I said doesn't work, swap out Celia for Eris. Michaela isn't worth pulling, even for this hunt. She's pretty shitty.
in 5:30 hours
>> don’t believe anyone who claims PP Justia is better has ever ran this shit without potentials starting at +0
Well, I do, and I did, and if you find the snow ogres or minotaurs with their OHKO skills troubling, maybe go with Olstein and Maid C Rubia in addition to PP Justia to guarantee your success in any battle the tower can throw at you, at a relatively low cost.
I think I'm in love with Glacia.
That's completely normal. The only difference is whether you like her wholly, with a focus on her feet, her face, her petiteness, her attitude, her pushoverness or her stinky feet.
Glacia's soft butt in pantyhoses is the best
Exquisite taste, I'm more partial to her feet I hope are a bit damp and stinky.
Related pic.
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Seir, my beloved
She deals damage?????
Imagine doubting our queen. Long winded but here is it. Artifacts that prevent buff removal + Artifact that counters damage if the person first in the party is hit + Artifacts that offer a small shield + The valkyrie shield that counters like 300% damage from the first member + Helena and Teresse healing + Seir's own damage reduction, taunt and healing = end result You get the idea. It's can be very effective.
>girls frontline 2 in 10 days
>chinkslop with 0.6% rates and weapons in the standard pool in 10 days
Just doing my part
Looking back on the previous livestream it was an utter disgrace on the West. Having these faggot kids spam diddycollab, gyatt, tamamin, bible black and other irl shit truly shows that the ones awake for those streams don't love the game.
We should focus on an actual collab that'll bring new players like Majikoi
Since I'm sure the IP holder is hurting due to their eos'd gacha and will be cheaper to purchase
Bro what floor is that, if that’s floor 10 doesn’t that mean tanks are kinda viable now?
It was only level 8 final boss. It was 2 of those goblin guys and a slime thing + that giant golem which counters when hit and has a sorta nuke hit. I'd have lost if it was someone like Nox or Partan. I think I got lucky though. Level 10 is always the Helena strategy. I can't see countering ever being viable there.
>taxing retards who roll on the standard banner by diluting the pool with weapons
weapons are diluting every banner in these chinese games tho
Give me Rou or give me death.
>shilling another game where launch rates are so fucking rigged you won't get an ssr until soft pity
just like veda
just like wuwa
just like sword of convallaria
there are no weapons in the rate up banners
who cares
>Use property select ticket on Light
>End up getting Kendo fatty

Back to back Kendo fatty. Why won't John give me Ventana?
based and nipple pilled
clearly you do enough to copy paste the same braindead response every single time gfl2 is mentioned
have you considered discussing it in your own general?
I play other games too, but I discuss them in their respective generals unless I'm making a comparison
Like how nikke skill animation is super low res on phone but this game isn't
shills don't deserve a brainalive replies
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Am I missing anything?
i've never brought it up i just enjoy pointing out clinical retardation when i see it
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whatever makes you stop shaking gflbro
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Rou is only available in a package deal
Game had so much potential to be cute and funny but devs ruined it
I'm choosing the glutti
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I'm hanging on by a thread after starting because of Repi. I remember some anon saying that the devs claimed to plan content 6 months(?) in advance so if no cunny gets released soon then the devs definitely got scared after the initial backlash.
It's a shame because I remember being in genuine shock with how ballsy they were with her cutscene and her age not mattering. I'm probably going to silently disappear some time in the next few months if the cunny draught continues.
You just got Seir and will get the Refi rerun. That is the best you can hope for, stop being greedy.
im holding out hope for the hot springs costume coming if we don't get a single one i'll just play casually
They'll give everyone a free +5 Rou soon
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I'm just as smart as Repi.
I'm happy I can +5 Refi now but it's a rerun so it doesn't count and Seir got aged up. I'd honestly be okay with a banner every half-year or something as long as the devs are transparent about adding more cunny in.
I can't bear to play gachas casually because I hate watching myself get further away from everyone else so I'll just drop it but you do you.
If summer, the Senran collab and now the winter units didn't get the message across that loli characters are at the same priority level as male characters I dunno what to tell you.

They made a mistake with Refi, they recognized it and even apologized, and now they make sure cutscenes are either cute like they are supposed to (WC Rou) or they age the characters up like Seir.
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>4 imports and one game original
>Yuri was de-aged to be little girl but seir was made into a adult crybaby
Maybe they will do it again but I expect more of the ladder rather than the former. As for imports we have the perfect option for their current situation.
Hag Rou, Yuridori or Loli Eclipse for next limited release?
Loli Eclipse ofc
Unfortunately the devs have stated on their livestream that they are more focused on well developed, adult waifus
Someone's probably got a screen cap of it but it was something along the lines of that
I wish you luck though and you've done well to last this long
They didn't
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yes they did on stream and then in a dev note John specifically addressed it after refi
>not into characters that resemble children
>puts a child in a wedding dress on a bed on her wedding night
What did Johm mean by this
That clarification was after the Bride Refi banner. Origami was accused of being a lolicon so the whole ordeal was a wake-up call to them.
that was post refi. which they probably wouldn't have ever even said anything but cunnyfags brought it on themselves by shilling refi everywhere being obnoxious and trolling reddiors to anger over it to the point they complained non stop and John addressed it kek
They also rigged Refi's votes in the poll to try and force a loli takeover. I swear cunnyfaggots are the most insufferable "people" (things) imaginable.
So instead of silently appreciating it and just keeping it within 4chan or discord they went full retard?
users from shitcord and plebbit who are very vocal went full retard too
We had a lot of schizos back then, anyone instigating or baiting the other party is plain stupid imo
Well given the bd1 lolis I’ve seen posted here I think it’s clear at least someone in the dev team likes loli, just that they probably can’t even raise their heads after this fiasco. Just how big of a mess was it that John even had to address it instead of ignoring it?
We had schizos spamming bd2 threads on /v/ with the Refi webm non-stop, the reddit renamed itself to "Loli Dust 2", and so on. I guess half of it was people trying to push bd2 as a lolicon game and attract their kindred audience, the other half was probably just shitposters trying to stir the pot.

Needless to say, it worked. Or rather, it backfired spectacularly. Devs groveled and haven't released any similar costumes since, and both the reddit and the cord became fully aware of this general in the wake of it. Our guides, memes and even AIslop unironically get reposted across both platforms to this day.
I think we can blame shitcord for that, you can only ignore it for so long, but yeah, they should have just avoided the topic altogether but users were 'threatening' the devs for it, like they usually do anytime they don't like something about the game

having the MT collab right after repi sealed the deal, people were even calling the game loli dust, if not for that, no one would have said anything
They should just close their official discord, it serves no purpose whatsoever, the "direct" line of communication is wasted and that place is very poorly managed anyways
So it's a headcanon
Refi is cute type character to him
NTA, but shouldn't it be time for them to release a cunny already? we are not expecting any new cute characters nor costumes for them and I'll bet everything they won't dare releasing one for the onsen batch
>literally no proofs of devs refusing to release any more lolis except a phrase "I like a cute more than a childlike" and "b-but they totally read all the westoid ramblings on discord!"
>refi rerun
>lewd base seir animation
>free rou for everyone soon
>more non-hags are announced
Hey if john wants to lose a considerable amount of money by not pandering to lolicons that's on them. I'm sure nexon loves when gacha devs hand them money on a silver platter.
When is onsen banner?
It's not announced yet
No lolis in the summer units
No lolis in the Senran collab
No lolis in the winter units

>one Refi rerun after 3 Diana reruns
>fully clothed aged-up Seir
>welfare unit
>headcanon since none were actually announced
The majority of the people are into tits and ass, you make more money and retain more players by pandering to them instead of going for lolis.

Lolicons are a minority trying to pass themselves off as a majority. It's nothing new.
>dishonest discord tourist is deep in denying the facts for the sake of his own agenda
You're no better than youtube faggots asking for male banners
Facts are that none of the big events lately had loli banners, and that none were announced. Show me your proof to refute this.
>May 2024 0.7mil
>Jun 2024 1.1mil
>Jul 2024 3.0mil
>Aug 2024 1.8mil
>Sep 2024 1.2mil
>Oct 2024 1.5mil

Gee, I wonder what banners were around July 2024
I'm not even shooting for more lolis, but your narrative is simply undeniably false
>asked for proof
>"uumm there was no loli banners for so long!"
>"refi rerun doesn't count!"
>"seir's pantyhosed butt doesn't count!"
>"lewd loli doesn't count because she's free!"
>"the preview small tits character doesn't count because I said so!"
Office Lady Seir isn't even a loli. What are you smoking? Are you that desperate?
Of course you can't remember OG Seir banner because you're a tourist from some chinkslop /vg/ hole.
who should i get early on as a new player
already got tits mcgee
base seir retardbro
Wait for refi and bunnysuit banners
i don't know what this means
Roll for the next week banner
Meant for
Refi is on thursday and the bunnysuits are 2 weeks later
how the fuck do you assemble this shiki tohno bullshit anyways
we can check you tard they never delete anything https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news?page=76&type=all&keyword= and no loli banners were in july 2024 early on it was Bustia then into Leon's track and finally summer banners. every time this subject comes up you try and rewrite history but good thing the devs leave everything that's ever occurred up so people can see you make shit up
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Cat time!
Dude, that's literally a raccoon
Anyone going to spend tickets on the wife banner? I'm hesitant but I'll at least try for +1 since I missed out on her.
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John, give us story accurate orphan Anastasia in her gown.
I married her for the inheritance of 51 tickets to pay off my debts to Mr. Lee.
We need more Anastasia girls, I told John in the survey that I'm fed up with all these Eclipse reskins they've tried to implement only for all of them to flop.
I asked for more girls like Lia and Bernie. Extra focus on the hips
could anyone post the pvp weekly rewards for each tier? I can't find them on their website and the game's not letting me login
Holy based
Isn’t she going to powder shop? Why bother then unless you don’t plan to dump tickets during winter.
Is there a googledoc or tl;dr on what specific UR gear you should put on each character?
>shiki tohno bullshit
Thank you anon. I got a giggle early in the morning thank to you.
It's a Live2D asset. You assemble it.

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