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Microsoft Aircraft Disassembly Simulator 2024 Edition

A thread for all vehicle simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

>Extra attention grabbing search terms for example welcome sims
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/

>OP Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/TxxE74ja (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Planefriend pastebin:
in OP pastebin

>Tankfriend pastebin:
http://pastebin.com/EbdtnyPX (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Boat- and subfriend pastebin
http://pastebin.com/JqTQWFFE (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Repository of various aviation related material:

>Example of welcome sims
Falcon BMS, DCS World, Rise of Flight, IL-2, Combat Helo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Euro truck sim, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Live for Speed, SAM Simulator, Steel Beasts Pro, Steel Armor: Blaze of War, Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942, Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum, Silent Hunter, Dangerous Waters, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator 201X, OMSI 2, DiRT: Rally, Ship Simulator, NoLimits2

>Example of non-welcome games:
Arm*, Ac* C*mbat, W*r Th*nder, W*rld of _____, The S*ms, S*m C*ty, G*at S*mulat*r

Old thread:
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Are there any good newer WW2 Tank Sims?

I've got Tank Crew for IL-2 and whilst the tanks themselves are really well simulated, those maps just do not have the fidelity or sort of combined arms required to make for a good tank sim because well, it's a flight sim.

Is ARMA 3 with mods + WW2 DLC my best bet?
It's not a sim as such but Sprocket is supposed to be good though it is early access
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I don't want to break my immersion and play the campaign missions at night before I get my IFR certification so I can't play anymore tonight ;_;

I think germany allows night VFR in clear weather but I'm not sure about the specific rules
arma is an infantry sim first and foremost so the tanks aren't that accurate
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sounds like FSLTL
they messed up the metadata so the atc can't say it, it's a super easy to fix and I tried to tell them but seems like they just don't care
it zooms into the spot where you start seamlessly now, that's why

the coordinate system of the engine doesn't support space flight I'm pretty sure
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Most optimized queue ever.
I've logged in multiple times today with no issue, what country are you in?
*sad german noises*

I can barely afford the electricity for my 4080, I don't want to even know how much i've spent just trying to load in.
>C172 gauges are not all loading in and the engine doesn't start
It really was stupid to stream the planes, they don't take up much space ffs
kek I don't want to think about it either, it's heating my office at least.
>it's heating my office at least.
That's how I justified the purchase in the first place and it did get me through last winter. Maybe i'll try a US vpn, people say that works.
VPN, be USA, it'll just work.
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>finally do the final test for the CPL
>its an ultra short flight from one runway to another runway closeby (wat?)
>the flight is so short I dont even bother with trimming or setting up the autopilot or bothering with anything because I can literally see the landing strip from where I take off and handfly this shit
>crosswinds near the runway are insane for some reason and I barely get it to land in one piece (also the runway has weird bumps)
>accidentally the flaps too early and take a small shortcut (still on the tarmac) to the parking spot
>got an A and the whole CPL test took literally less than 5 minutes

so why did I even bother with the training when the final test doesnt even demand any of the shit I learned in the training missions?
The dude in the pic looks proud of himself
you probably have to print out the login form and mail it to the nearest flugsimulatorloginamt for approval
A bit of a curveball, I found a Driving force GT for $75, wat do
Think about it.
People would be annoyed if the test blocked the career mode for them.
I think the training itself is a good way to learn the basics, it's clearly aimed for people who are new not for some autist who has built his own cockpit and wears uniform while "playing" the game.
That's the entire reason, and why they were so anti allowing people to skip them. They want to force normies to do a bit of training first.
>get to the landing lesson
>it doesn't override throttle settings
you tell me not to worry, yet it's at 100%
>A bit of a curveball, I found a Driving force GT for $75, wat do
At that price get the Driving Force GT, then upgrade to a T300 if you find you like playing with a wheel.
This is a funny idea but is there a way to use two mice at the same time and map the other one as a virtual joystick? It would be used to complement other stuff mainly though.
>People would be annoyed if the test blocked the career mode for them.
how does the test block you? just do what you learned in the Training and pass the test.
>not for some autist who has built his own cockpit and wears uniform while "playing" the game.
thats literally me tho.
how is this possible
You're on a better slope than the machine can fathom.
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You're a machine anon.
>I am become pilot, destroyer of glideslopes
>follow the glideslope
when you are ready you wont have to
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You've become the glideslope.
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hello simg i haven't touched any sims in a few years. a few questions about DCS:
1. The MSFS 2024 career mode looks interesting, is there anything like that for DCS, or is BMS the only combat sim with a dynamic campaign? I guess the only game-y sim now is FS 2024?
2. Will MSFS 2024 have good helicopter flight models, or is DCS still the only good heli sim
>is there anything like that for DCS
>or is BMS the only combat sim with a dynamic campaign
> Will MSFS 2024 have good helicopter flight models
Improved over 2020 but it's still down to the dev, DCS helis are better
>is BMS the only combat sim with a dynamic campaign
supposedly naval power is getting a dynamic campaign in 2025
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So you are the same guy as this one >>503094694
Figures. Literal waste of oxygen, dumb as a brick.
Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, your flightsim setup honestly looks fcking pathetic and digusting compared to my setup. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we real flightsimmers dont have poorfag GPU sht that was pervious gen. you're a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal family that has good GPUs, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your poverty flightsim setup on these forums ever again bro.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in career mode CPL, and I've been involved in numerous secret approaches on KDEN, and I have over 300 confirmed localiser captures
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>I can barely afford the electricity for my 4080
>bandwidth too low
>bandwidth too low
quite annoying. almost like the 2020 connection lost message
It's a server thing I think, if you check your internet usage it'll often not be downloading anything
Fuck this botched resource hog fest, I've cancelled my game pass.
Its server side, your bandwidth is fine
yeah, I realize the servers are overloaded
sim failed to download sound during my last flight
Jackass with the bad 2024 VR performance from last thread here. Reinstalled Oculus, turned all the tray tool shenanigans back to default, lowered the render resolution on the headset a bit, and its now at least smooth enough to be enjoyable. A bit of task manager watching seems to indicate its insanely CPU bound in VR mode for some reason. I thought my 5800x3d would be good enough for a long while, but I guess its time to splash the simboomer money on a 9800x3d. At least I can turn up the graphics and turn off the Nvidia GPU steroids that make everything slightly blurry without harming performance a bit.
I also kept getting AI traffic warnings so I think that server has conked out too, but I could see the AI traffic, it was a bit buggy though. So much of the game is streamed now it's hard to tell what the main problem is.
>insanely CPU bound in VR mode
The game itself is incredibly CPU bound, of course VR would increase that load.
>You're supposed to use your imagination, you fucking bigot!
>2. Will MSFS 2024 have good helicopter flight models, or is DCS still the only good heli sim
XP is still the only good heli sim.
In regular 2D mode its at least 100fps with dips to the 80s when its really working to render incoming buildings or a ton of clouds, and the graphics settings actually make a difference in performance, so I had assumed it'd just punish my GPU hard when I ask it to render two cameras at once. Ended up with the opposite. Other than grass on the ground, which I think is generating a stupid amount of draw calls from the CPU, I can turn everything as high as possible with no effect in VR because my 4080S can at least handle these framerates. 2020 was more in line with my assumptions, where I had to drop a lot of stuff down to medium to get consistency. Can't really speculate on whats going on in there, but if its not my hardware I bet they'll fix it eventually.
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Why does a cunt country like pissrael get such awesome looking camos?
they just copied them from early european camos
If Canada can paint this on an F-18 the jews can do a bit of desert camo
Msfs2024 has been cracked

Do not pay shekels through the nose like a stupid goy

Repeat, msfs2024 has been cracked.
Does it work on Linux now?
No, but nobody else does either.
MSFS2024 is one of those new type of live service, Pay To Lose -games.
The CPL test made me taxi down an active runway instead of a free taxiway, Microsoft shall be getting an angry letter and Bill Gates will be getting an angry person crawling through his bedroom window.
>Bill Gates will be getting an angry person crawling through his bedroom window
Be ready to get stuck in queue for that too.
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This is perfectly acceptable for BVR combat.

Cringe and tryhard, desperately attempting to make the frail and dysgenic pilot look tough.
I'm a big pro-violence anti-war fucking leaf, and I'm interested to know if we have ever fired an A2A missile in anger.
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>When you see it you'll shit brics
Seems pretty realistic, Microsoft is one of the biggest jews in the business, after all.
me and the guys lol
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boss makes a dollar, I make a dime
that's why I shart on company time
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damn Cilian Murphy is your Boss?
A female, germoid version yes
for that flight at least
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pierce's smile always kinda reminded me of the macleans toothpaste logo
got a curve to it...
>hand rubbing intensifies
>Day 3 Update
>We continue to see access and bandwidth issues as more users come online globally. >We’re actively working on increased capacity fixes. We want to express our gratitude to the community and apologize for this frustrating experience. We'll share ongoing updates across our channels.

>Jorg Neumann, Head of Microsoft Flight Simulator

Well that's good to know that you'll be telling people "Shits fucked lol! *Trips over wads of cash*" and they don't have to find out for themselves!

What an utterly pointless man.
I wish they would say something about fixing the performance and glass cockpit issues... lmao.
It will take about 2 years from now probably.
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You know, one day I probably will pay $200 for a top tier copy of MSFS.
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Just remember that you can walk ANYWHERE in the entire world
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>I'm walking around the world bros!
Yeah because you can afford to go anywhere you want whenever you want at a moment’s notice
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The stupid whore is inside the plane with me as I'm doing the paid license test. What the fuck?
They are making these characters as ugly as humanly (pun intended) possible btw.
Dang, I thought she was just black because I picked my starting airport in the heart of darkness.
>I'm a big pro-violence anti-war fucking leaf, and I'm interested to know if we have ever fired an A2A missile in anger.
And I'm interested to know if your pilot let out a nice "soorry!" as it launched off the pylon.
She's black because this game is a punishment for White people, just like Starfield was.
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This gets interesting, I'm transporting couple of ghouls now. Undead Airlines reporting in!
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>flying around gilfs to get ripped off by the greedy company
Few updates on ProtonDB for msfs2040

not getting the showstopper dx12 (vkCreateGraphicsPipelines" ) error anymore after using:


Ubuntu 24.04
555.58.02 Wayland
GE proton 9-20

and was loading in everything with the music playing etc no problems.

I can't test further as I've just taken a load of pills and have to get into bed.

Some of the approach patterns are too tight for Cessna. Some route around Avalon in California was just retarded.
Ah yes, the Henry Ford approach...
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*smacks lips* wheres dem bitches at, white boy? you ain't my captin cracker
if I fly in asia will the passengers be asians?
I don't know. I doubt though.
This is from California, Orange county etc.
Is there an option to deny a ride to a passenger after you see who it is?
Yeah it’s called Alt+F4
I don't really care I just post these because it's funny in a sad way.
I think these are all modable, could be as easy as editing some .xml file. Haven't looked through everything yet.
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You know what to do
can you mod the passengers into anime girls or hot bimbos? also remove all niggers.
Go back to /v/
Doubt it, it all seems to be cloud shit
Configuration files and every scenario are on your computer.
We'll be right behind you, nigger.
Just checked the data folders, whole damn game is written in JavaScript. It appears we've been pajeeted, saar.
This is what Microsoft does the best!
The main interface, game menus and such are bit like a web browser...
i unlocked small cargo flights but they're nowhere on the map. is it because i only have a reputation of C?
Not sure, I’ve got a rep of A and they’re still pretty hard to come by
Fly in your available regions and it might refresh and add some
Asobo developers =/= Microsoft
Fun fact, during the tutorial first flight mission it forces the weather into VFR conditions but does not change winds. I just got spiked into the runway by a downdraft after an incredibly turbulent sightseeing tour over Lake Champlain.
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Kys retard.
and I was already wondering why the winds are so fucking strong in these training missions.
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yeah, turns out it's not great out there right now
So is there a way to force a career mission to play wherever you want? Like making custom missions? I want to crop spray the fields near my house
Did you watch the required diversity seminar?
It's so boring to play DCS alone. Nobody ever says anything on servers like Contention, and they never want to group up if you ask. I used to play a lot on SDCS, but there are like four people playing.
Ganbatte desu ne!
Anyone here ever try VATSIM and is it a pain to get around the real name requirement?
I hate other people, that's why I love DCS. It's just my own world where I do whatever the fuck I want.
I'm curious about it but then again I'm not a big fan of larping or seriousness so.
I guess you could make some fake name.
Choose a name like:
Sum Ting Wong
Wi Tu Lo
Ho Lee Fuk
Bang Ding Ow
>Dam Son
Has anyone finished the helicopter certification with a controller only? Seems impossible holy fucking shit I want to kill someone.
I can't control cyclic or can't control tail rotor because it's so fucking stupid.
I used to fly a lot of helicopters in 2020 with a controller...
>I used to fly a lot of helicopters in 2020 with a controller...
Looks like 2024 is a genuine improvement from 2020 then!
It's not, it only disables the assists.
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>it only disables the assists.
That's an improvement!
Fuck off retard, honestly I swear to god you have ruined this general.
No, he's right.
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This is bugged. Can't progress onward.
Fuck you honestly, this is such a fucking bullshit.
Whoever decided to market this for casual players but then forcing finish up the certification training with assists off is a retard just like rest of the devs of this turd.
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Lmao, for once the more green scenery is more accurate
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does 2024 now model real spins? what about wake turbolence?
It models woke really well.
isn't that just a different time of year?
Wake turbulence is definitely a thing now they seemed to spend a lot of time working on that for 24, I believe it sticks around for quite a while too.
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ran over to this expecting a funny company parody and was instead met with the real thing
Is that a custom airport?
that car park needs resurfacing
WU airport I think, PHKO
might be a world generated thing though, I was a fair distance from it
That's impressive if it's generated, the LOD changes are obviously paying off.
worse frostheaving than I've ever seen up north, do better hawaii
Hawaii is well known for its intense winters
Each day the servers seem to improve and things work better, maybe in a month it'll be ready for release.
isn't it just because more people give up which lightens the load?
they tested it for 200K concurrent
we just gotta get more people to leave
Nah they'll be working flat out on it. They're not going to just go
>Well the servers are fucked, just leave it a few days and fewer people will be trying to play, we don't need to do anything
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imagine a flightsim where you can strap random shit all over the place haha
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Derail Valley looks great
>that car park needs resurfacing
Flatter than half of the airports i've taken off from in 2024.
just did the skydive mission. they are dope. too bad about the syntetic voices
PMDG have given up on promising compatibility lol

It's been interesting seeing Asobo initially claiming everything will be compatible and then third party devs saying all their addons are broken.
It's genius really, Asobo gets to sell their hot garbage with the promise that all your stuff from 2020 will work whilst putting the burden of it on third party devs, at which point if the the third party devs don't deliver they get accused of trying to double dip and scam people with a re-release or they have to suffer trying to make it work for zero additional income.
so the first mission in each specialization is always the same?
what was exactly the point of starting anywhere?
so what are your favourite planes/what planes have you flown in msfs2024?

the bush planes all feel pretty great to me, draco and norden and the yellow cub.

c-90 felt pretty alright but feels just kinda off somehow

c-17 flew pretty boringly but i guess that's just how larger aircraft with multiple jet engines always tend to feel.
God what a dumpster fire 2024 is turning out to be. What the fuck were Asobo/Microsoft thinking.
isn't this possibly good? it might imply the flight and systems modeling system in msfs2024 is different enough to justify this (and hopefully msfs2024 is better which it kinda seems to be?)
>isn't this possibly good? it might imply the flight and systems modeling system in msfs2024 is different enough to justify this (and hopefully msfs2024 is better which it kinda seems to be?)
Did you even read it? It's just the communications API that is different, but that's enough to cook any compatibility between 2020 and 2024.
>Did you even read it?
no, im on 4chan
Does anyone else not have sound in the 172?
>United Express static planes in England
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Well 2024 does look nicer but doesn't run as well. Admittedly I haven't done much tweaking beyond setting it to ultra, the dynamic frame rate setting works at least.
>737: borked
>777: ultra borked
>DC-6: fine and dandy
piston chads win again
>addon devs being special snowflake princesses who refuse to adapt to change again
nothing new or remarkable there
stop giving them money
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the new update is pretty cool, just started pimping out my first train.
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Anyone done a flight around the world? I'm thinking of using the 1920's us merchant marine route with big radials goose and radio nav. Will wait for a few months of sim updates and world updates and gpu upgrade. Do you guys have any tips/experiences?
I like the new wear and tear mechanics and water operations are much better on 2024
I crossed the Atlantic in a King Air going from Liberia to Fernando de Noronha (island off the coast of Brazil) and stopping via Ascension if that helps. The issue is you're flying in a straight line for hours so need to make sure you're not completely off, though the Ascension Island VOR is long range at least.
Jorg Neumann must be so happy he chose not to follow Chris Roberts.
Nice. I started a new career so I'm working up to manual service and restoring some museum pieces. This update and the customisation is way more than I expected. Loving it so far.
Might pimp out the railbus first and still need to find a DM3, it's the only wreck I'm missing.
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der er et yndigt land
det stĂĄr med grimme turbiner
i guess msfs2024 is the definitive bush flying sim now

they really weren't false advertising with the ground stuff
That definitely seemed like the focus
I've tried it, it's fun if you're autistic and want realistic comms and procedures. I don't really fly on vatsim anymore though because it's work, and sometimes I just want to fuck around in a plane. I'll log on as an observer sometimes though just to listen to the radio chatter while I'm flying for muh immershun.
So 2024 is a shit?
yeah, the bush planes also might be the best planes as well atm, very satisfying to basically just take off from a regular driveway and land in one lol
you can put in your id number instead of your name
It's too early to properly review it
depends on if you're fundamentally offended by the concept of there being a game loop in the video game or if azure randomly decides to crap itself again

apart from the server issues the #1 complaint seems to be from out of touch dads who hates the very existence of campaign mode and who still haven't learned what quality level to expect from first party planes
>campaign mode
the career mode is shit tho.
the PPL and CPL are way too easy to get.
I'm kinda disappointed that for all the effort they went into VFR flying and adding charts
there is not reporting points for vfr procedures included and ATC doesn't respect those

but I guess that would take more effort than simply copy-pasting the data from AIRAC cycle
it's the start of the game, it's supposed to be easy
C172 steam gauge won't start, C152 (non-aerobat) has no sound even after removing the streamed package. There are definitely bugs beyond the server issues.
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>So 2024 is a shit?
It's fucked and i'm starting to worry that given it's over reliance on streaming shit that it may never be unfucked.
Decision to not cache airplanes at all is truly retarded. I hope that the dumpsterfire release will nudge asobo to allow people to download a lot of the packages, just like it was in 2020.
I played for 30 mins earlier, helicopter default controls for my bog standard thrustmaster hotas are all over the fucking place, trim set at 43 and unmoveable.
it's a bit crap atm.
I don't have sound on the DA40 either, do I have sound on any fucking plane
is headphone simulation turned on?
Nah, something fucking weird is going on now because the steam gauge 172 works when already started and I can hear it but a load of the instruments don't work. Very strange bugs on my end.
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>people are still against autogen
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The ground looks and feels like the ground now
I do wish we had autogenned road surfaces and railways like in xplane. At least as an option.
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Back to flights not loading, I'm going to call it a day for the game I think. So many planes are bugged for me.
Less players than "Virtual pet simulator" ...
>A patch will turn things around for the weekend! (Whale noises)
Where did they mention a patch this weekend?
>Decision to not cache airplanes at all is truly retarded. I hope that the dumpsterfire release will nudge asobo to allow people to download a lot of the packages, just like it was in 2020.
Yeap. I understand streaming terrain. It's a big planet, you cannot realistically download it all. But planes? Key Airports? Characters? All of it should be stored locally. It'dd reduce the instances of problems, reduce server load, it'll just improve the experience for everyone.
Planes don't even take up much space
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Love me some excite bike.
Great game
They didn't but forums have plenty of people urging everyone to "stop complaining, and wait for a patch, itll be ok!" somewhat akin to when the rapists assistant says "he'll pull out eventually, stop complaining!"
It's a terrible launch and Asobo should be ashamed but I have confidence it will be sorted, I'm not sure how quickly though.
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>Planes don't even take up much space
How big even are the base planes for 2020? I know my addon ones are like 120GB, which is pretty significant, but that's my own fault and the fault of devs who include a billion liveries that are hilariously unoptimized.

My guess for the push for streaming everything is some fuckwit at microsoft or asobo said they'd get better player "engagement" especially on consoles with tiny storage if the game wasn't 300GB. That works if you're COD and can literally bully every other game off of a console players hdd by being huge, but if it's a niche game? Not gonna work, they're just going to hard pass on the whole thing.

And to the fuckwits credit, they're probably not wrong, but fuck man at least like the other anon said, give us the option to download and store the core stuff locally. I'm sick of this streaming shit. Slightly blurry or low res ground texture? Fine, whatever, big huge red guy trying to spread his asshole for me in my cockpit? That's a little more jarring.

Incredible game, the core mechanics are so tight and it still plays amazingly, still whip it out on my 3DS occasionally.
I can't give you an exact amount but all the aircraft in my 2020 packages folder comes to about 20GB but that's with a few third party planes too.
If that's the case I reckon they could easily get a base core 2024 install with everything but terrain down to 100-150GB surely.
Reported you to Microsoft for Male Gazing.
even the atc seems to be streamed
it was really slow during my last flight
Probably something to do with the AI nature of it, it does sound better I suppose.
even in 2020 atc was streamed
yes, the reason it was so bloated in 2020 was because of the airports addons and points of interest sceneries
only the azure voices were
you could use text or the stephen hawking tier voices offline
only the tts part was streamed. when the servers died it reverted to microsoft sam, and he sounded hilarious
this time the whole thing seems to be running online, because sometimes it's really slow to respond
>game decides to stutter right before every landing in career and fucks up the landing rating.
At least I still get paid
lower your terrain detail dipshit
Or turn on the fps target, it's always laggiest on the ground
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ED is charging 10 fucking bucks now for an updated F-5E model...

And the whales on the DCS forums are eating it up
Eye candy only or does it fix bugs and missing things too?
Fuck yeah, only ten bucks? Sign me the fuck up, I love the F-5!
Hopefully the Mig-21 gets this soon as well, but what I REALLY want is the Huey facelift.
Thanks for the good news, retard!
Based. The F-5 really needed a facelift and it's a kickass little plane.
The F-86 could get the treatment too.
>What?! No, you can't just charge the niche flight sim community a small fee to pay for extensive new work on an existing product, YOU HAVE TO DO IT FOR FREE!
Do you like working for free (you little programmer-sock wearing commie-troon)?
>extensive new work
What the dynamic setting actually does? I've been looking at my screen and I think it's a variable shading rate option but it's hard to tell because even in San Diego (in-game) some ground textures are blurrier than what they were in MSFS2020, at least for me.
Career mode missions look especially bad because they always seem to have this flat 1200 flat lighting going on.

I also think my old 2020 screenshots are still looking better than the one's I've compared in 2024, something to do with the atmosphere but it's hard to pinpoint what's going on really.
Sure, they implemented animated grass and some displacement shades rocks but so what this is a game about flying.
>And the whales on the DCS forums are eating it up
DCS is unironically the same as Star Citizen. They both have the uncanny ability to attract cuckold whales who make their whole life about defending a multimillion dollar corporation from actually delivering on their promises.
typos all around
Everyone knows about the ED pyramid scheme business model. We don't care, and if buying shit is what it takes to keep the pyramid scheme going, then that's what we'll do. Go plas BMS if that bothers you, because we both know XP and MSFS are both shit in comparison since they don't properly model augering yourself into the ground.
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If you move something to the museum it makes you buy the restoration part so only tow in the train you actually want to restore. I wanted this but i found the big american one first, had to pay 50k for the parts for both trains. Then 20k to "install" the parts. Full repair was about 25k for this and it needed sand and normal paint, about 20k. I didnt want to bother with the other one but there was no option to pay for only this train.
The railbus is nice but completly useless sadly and its a bit low quality. Texture is bad and the rainy window effect happens on the dash... It can transport the parts with the second car even in rain and uphill but dont bother even shunting with it.

Oh well, my favorite train is now mine and is nicely kitted out. Time to start collecting and maybe actuall learn to steam.
Hope they add more parts, been a while since i seen a decent content update for a game that wasnt shit or dlc, actually very pleasantly surprised.
Problem with whales is that they are ocd gambling addicts and retards. Almost any game which has monetization attracts these and the sad truth is most mainstream goyslop products actively prey on this people, like Call of Duty.
DCS is still one of the mildest. If you think some shitty AI generated skin pack (which is obselete and forgotten in next year's game) in CoD can already cost $30+, buying some DLC plane doesn't seem that bad really.
>DCS is still one of the mildest
not really, I wouldn't call a game with 4k€ of addons that most whales have bought mild.
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>41fps at Heathrow on Ultra with traffic
Honestly not as bad as I thought it would be. It's quite amazing virtually plane spotting and seeing real traffic. They need to get more liveries though there are a lot of generic ones, also the taxi lighting intensity needs tweaking.
>virtually plane spotting
dont you guys have live webcam over there? Intresting idea
Oh yeah there are webcams and youtube channels devoted to it, but it's fun seeing it in the game
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kino clouds over London
Ok, recommend a lower cost full fidelity flight sim with weapons that doesn't look like shit at low altitude, and gives me 90fps in VR.
Surely there is a low cost alternative product!
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Graphics settings and performance guide for 2024 by someone who did a decent guide for 2020.
>step 1
it's the same drooling retards driving the entire sim space
it's why there's $2000 train games and you can't find a decent joystick for under $500 anymore
What are you even on about? the joystick market is better than ever with winwing and vkb

Are you some thrustmaster boomer lol
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>it's why there's $2000 train games and you can't find a decent joystick for under $500 anymore
Man I picked up my VKB Gladiator K for less than a Thrustmaster t1600m and it's been a great little stick and was waaaaaaaaay fucking less than $500.
he's already talking bullshit within the first few lines don't listen to anything
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>Wishlist to Asobo:
>give me an internship
Absolute cringe.
God bless the Russians.

i aint clicking that shit
>try it
>can't even get me to kiev
Yeap, they're russian alright.
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You lost, hohols.
>this meltdown because of something that will cost TEN DOLLARS
seek help
Is the logbook bugged? Some flights seem to be missing, or maybe the update is delayed.
>accurately simulated MCAS
Bravo Asobo, bravo.

kek I couldn't give less of a shit about ukraine, its just funny making fun of russian incompetence.
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>kek I couldn't give less of a shit about ukraine
Yeah, no one cares about hohols.
Can this be used to replace Navigraph charts and the app? Does these work with the sim itself?
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Well you can always simp for the clowns who keep invading goatherders and dont even dare to directly touch a country that has even a single industrial era factory but use phones to listen to their people having a shit in the morning to personalize the propaganda they feed them.
long live the aliegance flag!
>no charts for sweden
so much for including worldwide charts to kill off navigraph
god fucking damnit
Yeah, so much better to get bogged down in a war with your neighbours that you claim are ethnically you, and then proceed to ethnically cleanse millions of those same people.

Real 4D chess that.
literally everyone knows ukies are russian and literally no one cares they are dying, regardless of what uniform or flags they have on them.
Still more respectable than bombing goatherders or ricefarmers. Every war in europe is historic and mega important while every dickwhagging outside of it is a nothingburger.

Have the russies founds their balls and released an ukraine map for DCS yet?
default map is crimea, southern ukraine, georgia, black sea isn't it?
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Not really, if you're subscribed to Navigraph you (should) already get this. And it's packaged for actual pilots to use. But realistically if you're following procedures correctly, you shouldn't be looking at charts during critical phases of flight so it's really no problem to quickly alt tab and check it. Most of this stuff you can't even really use in sim.

??? Me thinks you might just be retarded.
I'm still learning my ways and have only been relying on in-game maps or the little navmap utility thing.
Although MSFS2024 gets a lot of flak I think the career lessons are fantastic. It's great when you have someone telling you what to do instead of trying to follow up some guides on your own etc.
idk what app you are using I am talking about the in-game charts, none of the swedish airports have charts
The new EFB is actually decent and has charts for everything
they're the same lessons from 2020 I think they even cut them up somewhat, the basic traffic pattern tutorial is a lot more broken up than I remember which makes it harder to follow

except sweden
It's just Lido charts why would Sweden not be in?
I don't know but I did a ferry mission to ESTL, no charts in-game, so I had to use the taxi ribbon, found it on chartfox later, mission gave me the wrong traffic pattern it's supposed to be right hand on rwy29R

I wish there was better VFR support
well georgie is not a clownzone yet, they should make a map of kursk and belgiangrad.

>2 gorillion gas transit facilities with fully loaded tanks
>if a frog jumps on one it goes up in a fireball like a nuke
hunting IED cessnas in a mig21 could be fun thou.

They have the most intresting scenarios playing out right now and they dont even try to monetize it, typical russia business sense...
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Oh, that. Yeah, FS24 uses LIDO charts by Lufthansa, they don't have coverage for everything. Ironically, they're especially lacking in GA airfields, since you know...Lufthansa.

>area 51 approach
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Doesn't look like Lido has charts for it
they also have FAA charts
could they not include eurocontrol?
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Syrian army gonna have some bad time
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Inshallah our brothers will have new childbrides tomorrow!
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I have seen this expression before...
>t's great when you have someone telling you what to do
there's room for improvements.
step 0: check controller status before lesson begins, instruct user to adjust throttle etc. now it can go bonkers
There's a paid academy mission pack for 2020 that's supposed to be good.
I've been eyeing this in the past. Not sure if it's available on some torrent sites...
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How the fuck do I turn off the batteries in this bitch
Everything is in mexican
I'm sure it is somewhere
in 2020 the throttle would stay at the mission set default until you moved the slider, now it goes straight to whatever you have set so if you idle throttle you just fall out of the sky
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Disabling vegetation in cities via '15-asobo_biomes_cities.xml' isn't any better because photogrammetry has its own adaptation of trees.
Well the MSFS 2024 is a pile of shit. The graphics are worse because the fucking textures wont load and when they load, they are blurry.
Yeah the servers are still knackered unfortunately, sounds like if you're not in burgerstan you get fucked over too
There's an update now. Is it really 50GB?
It doesn't matter where you are, the photogrammetry itself is even outdated.

Compare Phoenix in 24 and 20. It's fucking hilarious.
>Did they actually change Phoenix between games? Philly is exactly the same.
What does that have to do with a blurry plane
That shit didnt even happened with the 2020 release. Fuck them and their DLC walking simulator. I´m glad I only used the 1€ pass shit.
I think the Thrustmaster joysticks are not being read properly either.
They work in 2024 for some and not for others, for me I can configure the controls fine but the aircraft do not register the movements. I'm on PC so their disclaimer about them not working for cloud based games doesnt apply, though im sure there are plenty of XBOX users who have been fucked over.
It's a mess.
>I think the Thrustmaster joysticks are not being read properly either.
It says my good old Logitech Extreme 3D Pro is a Saintek Hotas X52. The MSFS 2020 says everything correct. Its fucked beyond hope. How can you fuck up something that worked in the first place.
366mb on PC here, though it d/l 500mb ???
>That shit didnt even happened with the 2020 release
Because a lot of data was held locally, that's why 2024 is smaller
Take a deep breath and chill out
You spent 1€ on it, it's not that serious
You should use ControllerBuddy and vjoy driver.
I remap my xbox controller even through that because MSFS2020 would only register right y axis movement at 0.5 scale but mapping it through the CB it's normal -1 to 1.
This wasn't obvious in planes but with helicopters it caused lot of problems.
You can do lot of other stuff too like using relative axes and whatnot.
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>How can you fuck up something that worked in the first place
Asobo uh, finds a way
Turns out it was around 700MB, just xbox app messing things up again
>career mission, need to travel 45+ nm
>turn on autopilot, heading and vertical speed
>suddenly cessna starts to turn and nose turns down for no reason at all, can't control anything
G1000 is broken and buggy just like in 2020.
Thanks, I am using Ubuntu, but that sort of thing may be an option though more likely for Arch.
Could be probably easier. I'm not sure if CB even supports other controllers outside joypads but don't see why would that make any sense either..
Get an intermediate driver.
Distribution is just that - a distribution. Nothing stops you from installing drivers or utilities.
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>>suddenly cessna starts to turn and nose turns down for no reason at all, can't control anything
>The truth is, anon was a low time pilot flying an unfamiliar aircraft. He only had 2 hours in the type on the day of the crash and was not used to the avionics. The NTSB specifically cited the pilot's lack of experience managing autopilot systems in their preliminary investigation. I can't help but stress the importance of knowing your aircraft and how to stay ahead of it.

>My heart goes out to the victim and his family. Anon is survived by a Miku dakimakura and a shitty Gunpla collection. I hope you learned something from this debrief, and if you did, be sure to watch the rest of my videos with awful clickbait thumbnails
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>spent several hours catching up the last 2 threads
holy shit it's moving fast as fuck now
this 2024 release has been HILARIOUS
I was going to build a new PC for the new sim but now it'll be for DCS I guess LMAO
I enabled pitot heat and it was in the middle of a desert in Arizona ~6500 whatever.
I suspect it's disconnection.
Also found out that if you ignore the blue gates even flying over 70 nautical miles and ignore the airfield approach pattern and land directly it will drop your reputation almost a full class.
But then again, the objective might say to climb to 6500 but the pattern boxes are way higher than that etc...
Sometimes the game expects you to climb to certain altitude while maintaining 85 but then there's the next pattern and you would need to instantly halt to 65 and lose a lot of altitude with some fucking Cessna.

Bit so and so experience... barely working on technical level.
Rate my diversity hire.
His name is Chinkquarious Simons III. He is a pansexual ugly Chinese man with dreads and holds a bachelors degree in communication from the University of Phoenix (online). He has no formal flight experience and just googles everything when he needs to figure out how something works. He has never successfully landed a plane and every time he steps within 20 miles of an airport all of the warning sirens in every plane on the tarmac go off in fear.
Shaniqua Williams The 3rd III
can you really get out any walk anywhere in the world? how well does it work?

like if I landed in the middle of some city in Connecticut vs. some field in Vietnam
Yes, ANYWHERE. Just don't expect the textures to load.
Source: didn't buy the game
It works pretty well, you can pretty much get out wherever you like. Cities are still fucked at the ground level but towns look ok considering you're walking around in a flight simulator. I'd recommend landing in a field or on a mountain since the ground textures are foliage are really good now.
2020 gang
2020 = sharper rending.
rendering sorry
DLSS is for pussies.
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X bros
ok saar thnk u very much
Sweet island castle. I should go find Mont St. Michel later.
Yes please eat Tikka Masala tonight!
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looks way better than 2020 but that makes sense since its a selling point
this is just some random ass field I was able to land in but haven't tried vietnam. I dunno what the random artifacting is on the wing but it wasn't in the game
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You don't need a flight simulator if you can fly for real.

so what if you wanted to walk around london or NYC? how is that?
I've been too busy laughing at all the problems to think about it much but it's true that 2024 does start up significantly faster than 2020, and stuff like returning to the main menu is faster, and loading into places you've already got cached is reasonably fast
Soul Plane remake is looking high production.
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Big cities are usually a massive shitfest of fucked up photogrammetry, same thing in 2020. I don't think I've seen any of the upgraded ground textures in cities but then again I've only landed in random areas a handful of times.
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going ghost
They can't fly for real, anon.

That's why they need racism.
How do you get something besides the 172 in career?
Thanks, just cancelled 100k plane tickets.
If you mean early game (pre-company) then you just have to find a mission that has a different plane
Looking around the map I see some with the Robin, the 152, and the CTSL. Supposedly I have the Virus (2020 Premium Deluxe) available now but I don't see any missions with it.
From what they said in the developer streams, it sounded like missions are generated, linger for a while, then go away. If it works like that then probably the plane variety in missions lags behind you getting access to new ones. (Though that doesn't explain why CTSL or Robin are so much rarer than 172 since you should have those to begin with right?)
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gyrocopters are fun to fly
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gonna boot up the MB-346 next
the MB-346 won't boot up in 2024 yet, it causes the sim to crash each time I try to load in with it.
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the F-35 works
Oh, so you evaded some radar guided missiles then?
with my ace combat energy weapons
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the Juice Goose works in 2024 btw, and it's REALLY fun to just drive around
did they seriously fuck up the ATC data for the a330?
>do the cpl exam
>hold short zone box is too far forward and it automatically penalizes you when you stop there
not good
>start a career mission
>plane spawns inside the terrain
>physics go bonkers, plane jumps up and lands upside down
>mission failed: crash
>controls become unresponsive
>get a penalty after game restart
oh come on
Somewhat better performance on Linux after the patch yesterday, though they didn't fix any controller problems.
Good corpo patch though to fix a missing cursor so people on xbox could actually register to play msfs24 without pressing some key combo to get the cursor back, v important.
I wonder if there will be another patch today (Sat)?
That would be nice what with most people having their only real playtime this weekend.
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really don't understand how they didn't think that could be a problem and add some sort of buffer where if in the initial 30 seconds or so if the aircraft is damaged it's not your fault
this actually looks pretty cool
none of the external job addons have this kind of detailed wear & tear and maintenance
I wonder why they didn't advertise the details of this
Holy fucking dicknipples.
From maybe 2hrs of playing 24 on linux using PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 PROTON_LOG=1 %command%

Gonna have to switch off logging and hope it still works.
Dropped! Thank you, anon.
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I think it's technically optional but probably not a good idea to fly without it in MSFS
>Game spergs out
>A digital anus opens up in the earth and swallows you and your plane whole while cruising at 10,000 feet
>Not even treated to a cool explosion
>"Sorry goy, but your virtual insurance premium is going up since that's the third time this month, that'll be another 1000 Asobucks"
>Please authorize this $4.99 transaction on steam, and you will be allowed to return to the game
I hope those faggots have a plant in this thread read my ideas and taking notes!
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very happy to see that with missions you can either skip cruise and stuff(with a hit to XP and credits) or slog it out and do the whole flight for a massive bonus
they're pretty short to begin with, and in VFR there's plenty to look at along the way
maybe there's longer missions later

also I heard if you skip the takeoff it won't put the plain in a flight ready state and you'll fall down lol
there's some pretty long missions
currently doing a flight from arizona to texas in a caravan, will probably take 3 hours to complete
will post the aftermath currently watching seinfeld in cruise
I'd prefer time acceleration to skipping
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>still no starship updates
>can't leave LEO
>it's a plane
i wouldnt be surprised if the entire fucking client is literally just the ultra HD loading screen video
I wonder if you can replace the video with something blank. or maybe the game will verify that file too and redownload it every time
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It is a bit weird that there are no rain drops as such it's just a texture appearing on the ground.
>start a career flight
>request permission from atc
>"lmao negative, we're ifr only"
>nothing happens
why tho? mission set the weather to sunny, but real airport had heavy fog at that time? dunno
2020 had an option to ignore the restriction, is there not one in 2024?
not available during career flight
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Strange maybe it's as you said, it goes by the real world conditions, maybe the mission override isn't working properly.
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managed to land with a airliner at courchevel. would this be possible IRL if people disregarded safety?
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I doubt it, apparently a rough landing distance for the 737 is about 1,800 metres for the -800 and the runway at Courchevel is only 537m long. I suppose irl you'd brake so hard they'd set on fire and die but that probably modelled in the sim.
Currently 31 hours in (15.4 hours of flight time) to the career mode and so far
>Wing of my plane spawned between 2 trees
>Realistic turbulence tried to kill me on final
>Now getting flap speed limit deduction while parked
>Generated airports with trees or buildings blocking the runway
>Missions generated after getting my IFR endorsement all have LIFR conditions at the arrival airport
I have a bad feeling that anything that isn't new for 2024 is bugged, that means that the planes from 2020 base game are not working properly in 24, which is absurd.
the cessna 172 isn't new, and that works
The steam gauge one doesn't for me
>that means that the planes from 2020 base game are not working properly in 24
they will most likely all need fixes like they anticipated. This is why waitchads always win
I got penalized for having a wheel off runway while landing in the middle of a grass strip
I should have waited but I wanted to play it but have been cucked by Jorg
Yeah same here, also "Entering Taxiway without announcement" after landing on a grass strip
Cant even take off or land, locks up. Think i'll refund 2024, it's hot garbage rn
Do you have to follow the blue box guides or can you use the flight plan with autopilot? They don't line up at all.
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Crash to desktop?
I turned off the blue boxes and don't worry about them and still get plenty money
If it hurts anything it doesn't seem to be a lot
Might vary by mission type I guess
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It's a shame they can't blend in the edges of areas with photogrammetry
You don't have to follow them, as long as you climb to the FL on your flight plan you can direct straight to your arrival with GPS, makes long cargo missions a good way to make money early
they just need to fix the color to match
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Honestly the game looks and feels fucking great when it's working. I can't quite put my finger on what the main change is that's doing it for me, I think it's because the ground looks so much better it actually looks like terrain rather than just flying over images.
because they added the closeup materials?
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I think so and the ground textures have been significantly improved, before you'd get a blurry mess like pic related
grass still looks video gamey
yet to see a game do grass that looks grassy from a distance
shouldn't even be too hard it's basically just a velvet shader with some wind ripples on it
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I think the issue with grass is that it can destroy your performance, as you say though they could do something to make it look better.
>shouldn't even be too hard
in a flight sim that has to care for performance it is.
Locks the client, music plays, no b/w usage. Needs to be forced closed.
I don't think you understood what was even being said mate
>none of the external job addons have this kind of detailed wear & tear and maintenance
If only it actually impacted the aircraft and wasn't a complete farce.
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is skydiving the most boring job of all?

>have to climb to 10000 feet
>fly slow and straight in the drop zone
>retards jump out
>descent and land
I suppose you get to do lots of takeoffs and landings in a day at least
the climb is fucking boring af tho
It's a lot more exciting if you try to catch them before they land.
is there a mod that lets me replace all the NPC POCs with attractive woman/anime girls?
Not yet
>is there a mod that lets me replace all the NPC POCs with attractive woman/anime girls?
There will be soon.
cant be soon enough desu
I did 3 flights yesterday and everytime they dropped this line.
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guys I finally bought a new gpu, 4060ti 8gb, it might not be the best but its the one I could afford (and probably a really cool jump from my old 1060 3gb), which plane in DCS should I debut first? Currently I have the SU-25A, MIG-29, F-15C and the M-2000C
Maybe get a heli for something a bit different?
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This isn't exactly in the same place but in the same area, and you can really see the difference. The ground textures have been improved tonnes and the blotches that were there before are now clumps of vegetation.
That'll be a good jump mate. I went from a 980ti to a 4070ti super this year and it's a huge difference.
>980 in 2024
Is /simg/ half australians or something? (not that I mind)
Honestly it ran nearly everything I wanted to play well apart from MSFS where it tried its best but it wasn't enough. I also went from a 3770k to a 14700k at the same time.
In my estimation there's at least 2-3 of us that post regularly.
Brits, Aussies are asleep.
Did anyone else notice how the Steam banner for 2024 was taken down whilst the servers are fucked and now it's back up kek
I'm not aussie but I saw a lot of australian tv shows as a kid
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>Brits, Aussies are asleep.
Kek some of us are nocturnal.
I'd say F-16/18 and the P-51. If you want a heli, the Kiowa is a great starter to learn in, UH- is fun too but it's due for a face lift.
I think there is a sale soon, so pick up the Syria map as well
Syria might be cool because Im tired of playing on caucasus, but I also like to play as OPFOR, maybe the MI-24 or the JF-17 then?
Definitely the JF-17 then, it's a good module. I'd suggest the KA-50 if you want to scan and lock your own targets, and the Mi-24 if you want to let the AI do that for you (it's a pain in the ass to do it yourself in the Hind).
By the way, I'm one of those "whales" that brokefags seethe about in here for having given ED thousands of dollars.
I can tell you about every map, and every module except the F-86, Mig-15/19, Mirage F1, and the trainers.
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Do you look like this?
I will.
I don't think your reading comprehension is up to par, mate.
is there any legitimate reason to spend all that money on the proper version when the pirated dcs is only 2 patches behind and has even more servers than the legit one?
Because it feeds into the ED financial pyramid scheme. For every module you buy, ED had to produce and sell two more modules in order to support the first one. I want more DCS to happen, and I've got them bent over a barrel with my collection, which is worth every penny.
>boomer whale logic
>in order to support the first one
but they don't even support their own modules? the f16 and f18 are both lacking 60% of the functionality they promised and they have said they consider them "done"
Lacking 60%? You can take off, land, fight, whatever. That's hardly what I would consider 40% of an airplane.
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>electric airliner has shit range
Who coulda thought
At least it looks cool
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remember no matter how hard you spill your spaghetti on vatsim, there are people with real licenses flying real planes who are worse than you

>When your Baofeng RF-shitposting finally pays off
in BMS you have a dynamic campaign that you can kinda call a career. you also have a very long training manual with training missions that teaches you everything
Looks nice
>with training missions that teaches you everything
that sounds incredibly appealing. I got fed up with dcs precisely because the training missions don't teach you anything.
I remember the training missions for the A-10 were fucking useless
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the training manual has almost 400 pages. and there's a few more game related manuals, there's also a few aircraft specific (f-16 and f-15c) and some more shit in the docs folder. a really long read
Heh, I turned off grass rendering via the xml files. Will do it for rocks and plants too.
Because I can and because I want to say fu Asobo.
Fair enough if you're on an old PC, even without the grass the ground still looks better than 2020.
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bandit 12 o'clock high!
I was doing it for performance purposes but the game is quite efficient at streaming in the assets. Grass at least doesn't have a huge performance impact anyway because it's just instanced stuff whatever.
But I did it because I like the cleanliness perhaps.
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Nice, was running a 980 and i7 4790 up till around early 2023 when i got a 3060ti and a 5600x
still just play the same games mostly lol
but 1946 never looked so crisp
Just play DCS instead of LARPing in MSFS if you want combat
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Maybe once they release the mod for the m346 and the eurofighter module. Being able to fly anywhere in the world is good enough for me now.
I still use GTX 1650 but to be honest it's pushing... MSFS runs 30 fps with mixed low/medium(clouds at high).
So that's fine tor me. Some games like Stalker 2 don't run any longer because they are not efficient at vram management.
That guy looks like Brad Pitt
the more time passes, the fewer games that are released that would make me think of actually upgrading to play them
feels like its a pretty big slump in the industry these days, might have to wait another few years to see if some fresh blood is pumped back into it
>this is my head cannon
>you see ivan, when gun go through your head, boolets know where to go, and plane is of kill
I only upgraded for MSFS, X4, American Truck Simulator, and one or two other games, everything else ran fan on my old PC.
This is the main reason why I haven't updated. I would've if I needed a new gpu for work but currently I don't. Sure some would say I'm coping but everyone's computational needs are different.
They're making a m346 now
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Time for some uneventful desert patrol
sims are the sole reason I upgraded my pc (msfs, acc, dcs, Iracing, arma 3, cities skylines, etc), outside of that all games would run fine because all new ones are shit like why buy news parts for bf2042 while bf4 still exists? CS2 although is worse than csgo it can still run in old pc's (I think)
I know, I'm exited for it.
I'll be grabbing the m346 just because of you, anon. You had better be onto something with this thing...
Just pirate it from plaza untill they have it working 100% for 2024 or give it some kind of meaningful update. I have an autistic obsession with it, but for most it's just a normal trainer with a bugged FBW
I meant I'm buying it for DCS. I don't fly MSFS because it makes me come in this thread and get banned for racial tirades.
Oh, the DCS one is going to be a community module then, even better. But it'll probably be a long while before they release it publically.
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Ok, I'll do one anyways: blacks should not be allowed on airplanes. The ONLY time in HISTORY that something positive has come from a black being ANYWHERE on an airplane is that it got Johnny Somali locked up in Worst Korea, FAR AWAY from us.
Change my mind (you can't).
Some of these community modules are just so good too. Like the OH-6, just incredible!
sounds like FS2024 actually does have location-specific crash damage in career mode, i.e. if you taxi past a building and hit your wing, the damage will be on the wing/slaps/aileron
In Australia we call it "meatbombing." It's a good job for low time guys because their minimum requirements are pretty low and you can bank some hours pretty fast but on the flipside the pay is fuck all.
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this game is pretty good, hauling 2 wrecks to the museum in my customized train
Is SRS still needed in DCS ?
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aww shit here we go again >>503204008
short answer is yes.
There is now an in game radio/voip system that is actually pretty good, but it isn't enabled by default and not available on every server, and when it is most people don't know it's there or how to use it. Not that it's any better on SRS...
Does this have realistic train wrecks?
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personally i have never seen them but it seems to be a big selling point for the game
I mean its really not that hard to not derail yourself...
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cant wait for the passengers update, this gay little motortrain is very nice
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>msfs2024 players look like this?!
>two hands on the yoke
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and its another round done...
I should up the graphics settings but honestly i dont even care about that anymore, my norwood line bothers me more than fancy looks. This game is great, this update really made it into something i wanted.
Fixed up the small shunter but no money to paint it... Gona need about 60k to make it pretty... Oh well, maybe next week.

Cant find the small steamer or the small diesel train, guess they are wrecked somewhere between cities so there is 0% chance ill ever find them... At least i got my favorite train so im happi.

So anyway whats up with that bushflying plane sim that was supposed to have customization like this?
Should I start out with a logitech 3d pro or save for something better? been using mnk always but I can't handle anything harder than a straight approach
what you want to play? Mil or civ?
Anything really, but I've never played anything very realistically, not dcs or anything. I used to play IL2 years ago, now I'm on Xplane 12 and any kind of crosswind is basically murder on approach and landing.

A 3d pro is certainly not out of my budget, I just want to know if it's a waste of plastic or not
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you only buy these cheap joystick if you want to know if you like sims or not, because you will not stay with this one forever, I used to have a fly5 cyborg, neat one but since I started to enjoy flying a lot I had to buy a new one, currently I have a x56, not the best one compared to thrustmaster or winwing, but definetly a good one for its price and I dont have plans of buying a better one because it already does its job
Twist-stick rudder is always a dead end, even cheap pedals are way better.
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>do another mission
>have to deliver some package from one Hawaii island to another
>already 20 minutes into the flight
>"internet connection unstable!"
>stare at pic related
>internet doesnt come back in time so Alt F4

this shit is such a fucking joke man
(I'm so mad I made this post on the wrong board kek)
Did your virtual insurance premium go up because of this?
when would you ever need to turn off the batteries?
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Sure, I'll taxi through the other planes!
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>taxi to the hold position
>the hold position it wants me to go to is actually past the real life one
>tried stopping at the real one, won't register
>go to the ingame one it wants me to go to
you failed the hold position requirement anon
>play goyslop games
>complain about being fed goyslop

I will never understand, but that's why Jews always win I guess.
in the end it's all Jewish goyslop
respect the taxi path nigger
If anything I expect wear & tear and failures to be more prominent in MSFS's career mode than in real life, because a lot of players probably want it to be more exciting (like cranking up the wear & failure rate on the A2A Comanche or FSReborn's planes)
Microsoft should enable micro transactions with real money for worn out parts. You should also have to buy each aircraft module again if you crash it.
Sending the email right now...
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this actually looks so realistic it's getting to the point where it makes you remember real life actually looks kinda boring
Psychedelic mod when?
As a casual flight sim gamepass player playing career mode, they should remove hard requirement from some job unlock like over 50% smooth landing. I can only do it once in like 10 times on a controller.
I just want to try different job type and fly in different area. I don't care about grading or owing stuff. I play truck simulator and that game is a lot better for casual player.
people are reporting on the MSFS forum that insurance is bugged and doesn't pay out anything
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>those lumpy trees

nigga pls
That's actually realistic.
volumetrics is one of the biggest fps killers on low end gpu, you should probably not run high clouds on that thing
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haven't tried that, but I loved the skyhawk
game name?
Derail Valley
Just git gud
are you on speed and on aoa? smooth landing are easy even in a controller if you respect the parameters of your aircraft
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delivering these boxes of
Microsoft Flight Simulator™ 2024 - Limited Collector's Edition to Chièvres Air Base in Belgium
This is so fucking cool

Cockpit textures look a bit low res but the lighting in x plane looks good
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Big fat fans
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call the pope, there's a texture streaming emergency
This one seems to not be loading for anyone
VERY suspicious
Getting fucking sick of having to re-load everything in the configure menu, just save it to the fucking cache.
How is it possible for such a big name release backed by one of the world's richest megacorporations to be so broken?
Probably Microshart rushing them
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The Seastar is very detailed, really nice plane.
The Doge who lives next door probably stole them
saar, think of the investors! saaaar release the product NOW!
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Trees kill performance
>World Photographer mode includes plane spotting
kek that's actually a good idea
I'm confused as to whether the AI traffic is actually live or has been constructed from historical live data
But how do cities look like from the walking perspective
Photogrammetry ones look weird, autogen ones look okay I suppose. Walking through forests is fucking kino though it's like another game.
Any specific settings one can try adjust to reduce crashing to desktop?
It doesn't help but my crashes have got better as the servers have improved. I would suggest avoiding alt tabbing during loading as that fucked it up for me.
worst part? the background music doesn't change when the game loads
you can't just alt tab out of the loading screen and do other stuff while waiting for main menu to arrive. you actually have to check it every now and then
M346fag finally has his own intercept missions
Yeah, the video doesn't change either so even if you have that partly visible there's no big obvious change
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>batteries drained in a little over an hour and a half at 100% throttle
>bout 1600 km range and that's while following the tailwind most of the time
Terrible but slightly better than I estimated
How would you even have an electric turbofan?
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It's just ducted fans powered by an electric motors
The fuel consumption on the bottom left is for a small turbine that makes hydraulic power for control surfaces because you can't do that directly with motors for some reason
>high wing
>V tail
>trijet (trifan?)
>just had a BSOD after leaving the game on the screen before you fly for a while
Fucking hell
>north winter, sun sets super early
>don't want to break immersion by night flying withoyt a night loicense
>can't make enough money for a night loicense because the sun has already set
I only play the simulator at night so if I want to fly in my region its always night.
So instead I went to the other side of the world to Hawaii where its day when I'm playing.
gotta say from above Hawaii looks comfy af.
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The Savage Norden is pure sex, it sounds incredible and takes off in about 2 metres. GotFriends are great.
wouldn't it be better to just have an open propeller? I don't think ducted fans are good for this
I haven't unlocked other regions in the career yet
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it feels like CJ sim fucked up the dimensions of the typhoon
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2024 does look genuinely stunning
how do I transfer the full flight flan from EFB to 172 G1000? currently all missions basically have direct rw-to-rw plan. or do I delete it manually and reenter everything by hand?
What, did Santa run out of coal?
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>back to having to bump the thread
Christ this sim looks good
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is it playable yet? how big is the download?
How long does it take for crew on to start using planes for your company?
Is this Arizona?
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Mostly, the server stuff is mostly fixed but there are quite a few bugs. Under 50gb, probably 10gb initially and then it'll download more as you go.
Yes for some reason I love flying there. Maybe because I live in England and the sun is a foreign entity here so flying somewhere bright makes me feel good.
I'm from Phoenix; you don't have to explain at all.
Oi! Thes bloke is troyna excape the oprayssive gloom, lockem up Keir!
I recognize that (rock) bulge.
>game crashed to desktop halfway through a mission
unlucky. my undevolt profile seems to be a bit too aggressive
>back to having to bump the thread
flyoutfag and m346fag, get back to work
I wouldn't put it down to that, the game crashes a lot at the moment
Found the problem, you're actually overvolting.
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The night lighting in 2024 is quite different, i have no idea if this is the same mountain btw
I hate DEI, but I have to admit it is impressive how every street light actually casts light on the stuff surrounding it. Pretty much every flight sim before this just looks like Christmas lights hanging out in space.
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I won't be able to bump the threads for the next few weeks. Hopefully asobo fixes 2024 soon so more people post.
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>flight simulator 2024
>i hate DEI

Why are they like this?
Are you going to a rehab centre?
I didn't buy 2024 specifically because I don't feel like roleplaying as a mulatto pilot distributing diversity to innocent geographical areas. I already learned my microsoft lesson with pre-ordering Starfield, thanks.
nah, it's 100% that - system event log shows a crash of nvidia display driver
same thing happened to me on friday in stalker2
How buggy is Stalker 2?
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No, my plan to steal a M-346 from the factory is complete.
jokes aside I need to get surgery so I'll be too conked out to play sims
Oh dear, good luck mate
I only played for 2 hours. Nothing really happened.
its not bug, its the dogshit performance.
>jokes aside I need to get surgery so I'll be too conked out to play sims
346 lad is now the queen of /simg/
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nobody is touching my refuel probe, no worries.
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Based overcrowded hike enjoyer.

That lighting looks great, and lighting was always one of my favorite things about 2020. That looks to be the same one, but I don't think it has like 40% of those trees lol.
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Fucking headwind
The new trees are great but it's a bit over zealous in how many it puts down
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What sorta livery do I put on this
The nose can't be painted cause it's a premade part cause making good-looking nose/cockpit parts is hard and I'm lazy and for whatever reason the game doesn't let you paint those
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It'll have windows eventually, it's not a cargo plane
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Got $500 of credit on Amazon, best wheel setups? I want to drive in VR
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Fucking shitting pissing wanking rain
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wtf is going on there
for car games and toys ask /ovg/ in /o/, this thread is for plane toys
Nah cars are welcome here but /ovg/ is a better place for it.
>trump livery on a european plane instead of an all american Boeing
jesus, msfs2024 really made the rain look like shit
I'm sure that's a bug, I really hope it is anyway.
Diversity of Electric Illumination?
it's standard fare for tech demos since late 2000's
maybe we bring Harrier Autist back to bump the threads
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Yeah, why?
I can bump with clips of horrible off-centerline landings I floated over like half the runway before it decided get on the ground
Might as well post the fucking webm even
>run DCS for the first time in a long while
>87 gig update
Ah jeez
Is multithread the default .exe now?
Pretty sure they stopped supporting the non multithreaded version as of 2 or so updates ago.
2020 already did this, this is like one of the few things 2024 DOESN’T do any differently/better
I too have a tendency to land way right of center
Subconscious driving mechanics kicking in I guess
My man hit hyperdrive
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I appreciate that photo mode works in VR so I don't need to switch to 2D mode to get decent screenshots
It generates them in 16:9 and at higher resolution than I could get on my 1080p monitor
In VR the photo mode gridlines appear but are irrelevant, it simply takes a pic of whatever you're turned your head to look at
Would have been funny if the career mode started with an hour long Diversity seminar which cannot be skipped.
Be optimistic for tomorrow!
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>deliver these unmarked boxes to this closed airport and don't ask questions
>Also don't post about it on 4channel this time.
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Not my problem, insurance will deal with it :)
Tranes is hard job.
Is there a non Jewish racing sim? I don't feel like paying for access and also paying for tracks and cars in iracing. Seems like the only other with an active playerbase is assetto corsa. I'm interested mainly in GT cars
maybe someone can mod that in?
if you fly shit the cocaine falls outta the plane and some guy will threaten you over the radio.
mite b cool
Ac Competizione is the best GT sim, really. It's not even that expensive because it's 50% off every other month and the DLCs are discounted very often too.
Afaik the mission templates are in the local installation, I have a strong feeling they are moddable. Just a matter of time until someone makes a rudimentary mission generator.
I'm actually interested in what will Neofly look like in the future. Could have a real integration within the sim itself.
Oi mate you left your spanners in the plane

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