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#1119: Cowboy Ratty Edition
Previous: >>502611469
This general is for the discussion of original, fanmade, or look-alike Mega Man games as well as original titles developed by Inti Creates.

>/mmg/ news
Some appearance in Amazon Prime slop
MH restoration mods on Daibu Offline are now out at https://www.nexusmods.com/megamanxdiveoffline/mods/290
Daibu has returned in China as "Time Rift" as Nebulajoy reused a name from a canceled game
New Megaman comic from UDON for Free Comic Book Day (and there may be more)
Still no new games

>Fangame news
Zook Hero 3 found and released https://hhug.me/?post=116
X engine and X7 demake are open-sourced
MMVGB remake on pause
Mega Man Maker is on Version
MMGB remasters announced
Innocent Impulse update: https://x.com/MegaManXII_CX2/status/1832750733994668057
Legend of Zero mod https://gamebanana.com/mods/515481#FileInfo_1244616
X8 demake is OUT: https://sonicfangameshq.com/forums/showcase/mega-man-x8-16-bit.2184/
X8 Demake Axl mod maker has released a beta of Zero mod: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQq3eW9FHnU

>/inti/ news:
Card-en-Ciel is out, planned update announcements until march 2025
Preview of "all" songs: https://youtu.be/tGhURBRupRQ
Inti interview at BitSummit: https://youtu.be/wGtpXV8tLOE?si=x44_zFHOUadcDNV2
Gal Guardians: Servants of the Dark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl420g0QaEo
Divine Dynamo Flamefrit is now a real released video game

Translations of Classic mangas on mangadex.
No football jobbing this time (didn't sign up)
Total Crashman Victory

>DiVE Links
https://rentry.org/xdaibu (game, emulators and other stuff)


>Melt Stuff

>Game Downloads
Has all MM games, MN9, romhacks, patches + BN cia files

>Audiovisual Media
Contains:Cartoons, Anime, Comics, Manga and other printed media - Music Playlists and albums
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Canary is a better waifu than Leviathan
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what are our present westmelt options
>already taken
No thanks.
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Why do you add "melt" yo random words, is it a discord meme?
You'll know next sunday, pardner
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we never got a cowboy robot master.....
Oh yeah, he did have a speech gimmick in powered up, didn't he?
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what's this sunday then
at least we got injuns and a yee haw navi
I mean the "next" sunday. This week's sunday is Megaman it's darkwing duck actually
>Mod to include Axl and Zero in the X8 demake
>Including theirs white/black armors
>No mod for X's ultimate armor
Is it in the roadmap?
Why're you asking us like we're the fucking devs?
Quit making excuses slacker.
Just for that, I'm going to program a Lev music video
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Please do not make us all suffer for the sins of the individual.
It's going that I'm Blue cover she keeps talking about featuring X, Zero and Axl in the most emasculating dance choreographies possible.
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Don't bring Lev and that retard into this.
She already told us what it'd entail. It's not pretty
Who the fuck are harpy and phanphan?
What's the best way to get into the series?
Harpuia and Phantom, apparently.
literally just play mm1 and go from there.
Classic, X - platformer, story-light
Z, ZX - platformer, story-heavy
Legends - 3d action adventure, story-heavy
BN, SF - grid-based, REAL-TIME card battler, story-heavy
Depends on your poison. Classic is probably 2, X is X1, Zero is whatever. Anyone telling you to play Megaman 1 first just wants to gate keep you.
>ai OP
How low has/mmg/ has fallen /inti would never do something this low.
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the face i subconsciously make when getting my picture taken at the dmv
Classic would be the late NES entries (4,5,6).
I recommend 2 because it's generally considered the entry level one
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you start by watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbHFuO8RJMQ
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What would you do?
kick the baby
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Are you into platforman or RPG? You want comfy times or you want your balls busted from the start?
Look at this post >>503137852 and try a game from each subseries. One of them may grab your complete attention first and that can get you hooked onto Megaman.
But Battle Network is so gaaaaaay
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Your loss then
But also so based
I just finished Megaman X2, should I play the Zero romhack for 3?
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We've had Ancie OPs though?
I'm going to send an army of rockcubes to your house
No, you must experience the vanilla first
It can't be gay, there's GIRLS in it.
Now, Classic is without a doubt the gayest series in the franchise, there's only a handful of girls there and you could probably count them with one hand.
ian flynntstone confirmed for not writing udon megaman
With the degradation of relationships in the west and the rise of the femcel, it will be amusing to see Ancie become real.
The ending where Ancie gaslights Neon into suicide is pretty wild
Teppen alredy made it cannon that the more gay you are the better net battler you become. That's why Chud became a jobber after he got two girlfriends and why Ryu had to came out of the closet to beat net M. Bison
You will be claimed by one of the countless korean invaders commiting racial genocide long before the first Ancie is made
>Udon Megaman dead on arrival
Oh well.
Now let's see who else would fuck it up and how would it be fucked up.
Ian Flynn not writing is already not dead on arrival
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Udon is a wildcard. Pic related was meant to be a simple SoL with lots of ecchi and ended up being monstergirl on monstergirl action. No, not that kind of action, the Copen approved kind of action.
>anti-flynn bandwagoners
That's a yikes from me.
Feel free to yikes harder.
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Is this a shitnic the niggerhog thing?
Kind of. Flynn wrote for both Archie Sonic and Archie Megaman.
>immediately Sonic
Rent free
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Megaman is so goddamn cute in megamix.
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So you admit Koreans are moving to the US, not Mexico.
Nah, some guy named Johnny made a perfect example of american culture and values in korea.
As much as hurts that's how Capcom rows these days. Wait until X Div...err Time Rift to see of things get better.
>Johnny made a perfect example of american culture and values in korea
everyone hates that guy worldwide including in america though
>americans hate american culture
What a shocker
The copying of the Korean femcel thing is so far exclusively in the US, in places like the 3rd world(such as Mexico) people are more worried about actual danger to their lives like crushing poverty or violence.
dude is a bad actor his behavior is not representative of culture
>obnoxious crybully dipshit that only values himself
Are you sure?
yes, otherwise he wouldn't be so universally despised
konnichiwa, dude!
Or maybe he just comes from an universally despised culture where this is normal
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You're a mentally ill retard. Anyways I've been playing Mega Man games I haven't gotten to before, next is X3 or Legends 2.
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Are people not bored of Classic comics yet like really
It's not like we have nine series to pick from and one of those needs an ending and people are desperate for it that they would be willing to accept a comic... Well a manga, comic's been shitting themselves for almost two decades now
It's fucking Udon
If it's an ongoing it's not gonna last and at best will be regulated into a single miniseries a year
It's licenseshit you dense fucks
The majority of people who even still use the direct market are geriatrics and Classic's the series that's THEIR Mega Man and Udon's a D-List publisher as is
You gotta remember, this isn't Capcom's idea
It was Udon's idea to pay Capcom for the license to begin with
If you expect anything more out of this comic you're gonna be sorely mistaken
If it was just licensing then Inticreates would've bought a license to develop more Megaman since they've been chasing that high ever since ZXA.
Anon, licensing an IP from a video game publisher for a comic != licensing an IP from a video game publisher for for a video game
The comics are just seen by Capcom as yet more merch
You're implying that Capcom doesn't care and made the IP dirt cheap to license so which is it?
Anon, I'm literally explaining how licensed comics work
The publisher goes to the IP holder and pays for the license
They keep the sales from the issues and trades sold and the IP holder gets money from licensing renewals
Capcom themselves aren't gonna market Udon Mega Man because there's no incentive for them to do so, they already made their money
>generic anime girl who appears in every gacha
E-Tank with a rubber nipple on top
1-3 are based, 4-6 are gay
Not my fault Classic is the best and most iconic Mega Man setting. Xfags cope but they know their shit is just wasted potential.

>s-stop noticing!
So he got it in one, then.
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Good luck with that.
Lapis is a better waifu than Canary.
Rapiers are boring.
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wait a minute

>girl that transforms into weapon
>harem but MC is a swordfucker only
>MC Sister feels cucked and becomes evil
>picrel same first name bluegirl but kuudere
>Loses (for the plot)
Based if true reference

But enough offtopic
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>Loses (for the plot)
Lapis has better synergy with Alpine than any of her competition, including his sister. Hell, she's got the same synergy with said sister and the rival too. Lapis end is true end.
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Daibu was a magical time.
Leviathan looks strangely lewder than Marino here.
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did someone say rat?
That's a pretty-looking game.
Tell me how the fascist human supremacist that willingly does anything for mankind down from genocide to being in isolated settlements with them as their water purifier is lewder than the booty yuribait?
I don't know. I guess it's the tight panties?
Cybeast besties!
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Cial sexo.
That's Ciel, anon, it says it right there.
More demake slop
Pretty good sprites. I like the big guy's missiles getting visibly spent from the launchers.
>Zero (MMX Style)
trash because it would conflict with Omega Zero real body
Those aren't panties that's a body suit with a panty design
If even where he's from hates him than it's not a culture thing but a person thing
why are we melting darkwing duck before ducktales

also no melting ducktales for this and next weekend
wrong, 4-6 are straight. 6 ends with Lan MARRYING Mayl.
>6 ends with Lan MARRYING Mayl
canon invalid
It's ok, it's not duck season yet
>iris.exe in shambles
So? That ending was to pretend that the rest of the series was pure homofuel unless Yai or Mayl were on screen
4 and 5 are gay baby shit with naked Hub saving the day in 5
anon you can't just say this and then not post any pictures!
Do I look like a gay pedo to you?
No, that was Wily mindraping Regal
This is the new mutt cope? They've seen the zombie apocalipse cities in the US and they know those are capital cities.
She's not been box'd unlike Marino
I think she's dead anon.
Wait, wait, wait. Are you, a Mexican, calling anybody a mutt? Lul
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time to decide
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no matter who wins everybody loses
>Pallette liking Axl
Pallette when
gotta trick him to study the copy chip.
mutt is the american slang for chicano
Mutt is the insult to Americans since only they have been psychotic enough to write racial blood quantums into law.
Rattyland and I think India does the same too.
What the fuck are you talking about. lul
Mestizos are mutts
Don't worry about it.
Do they not teach you segregation and racial laws in your schools? I guess it’s true what they say about the burger education system.
a simple fact
No one cares.
India abolished that in their legal system by the 50s but the people still practice that racial caste shit.
Isn’treal goes without saying.
They do but it's irrelevant to the conversation.
Except the latinxs here do care
Just do not remind them of the crime statistics they do have
They also banned geography and history. And that explains why the local lolcow gets mad whenever people talks about those two things.
Someone here's claiming the #1 slang/insult on the internet for Americans somehow isn't about Americans so it is relevant.
They did?
Because it isn't primarily for Americans, it's for the 4 ft brown manlets in Mexico and America. Hence then term mutt.
He's doubling down.
I thought that was burger and now AmeriKKKan by the Yunas and Kernels
Amerimutt is the actual term
Burger is the less obvious insult.
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why are we /mmg/+/int/ now
A rat stole an i
Because we are diverse and international, bitch! I’m a Latina baddie on da edge!
Blame mexico
This sequel to South Park bigger longer and uncut is really disappointing.
Sounds like mexico alright
What does this mean?
Mexicans have a hard time staying on topic, it's why inti discussion constantly shifts to vtuber garbage.
I thought the V-Tuber shit was a white people thing. Latinos go crazy for J-Idols
To be fair I don't get either.
It’s mental illness all across the board.
J/K/Virtual Idol and celebrity worship is most prevalent in societies with lack of anomie.
Isn't that the same thing?
It might as well be. But I notice that Latinos, especially Chileans eat up J-Idols for some reason.
tbf most vtubers posted are playing megaman games and only that gets posted.
Also the 2/10 that voiced trump in cnc.
that's no vtuber.
Yeah, mostly the inti Megaman games.
Mexicans more like mexicannot stay on topic.
Didn't know that BN4 was made by inti
Post Mexican vtubers
Didn't we have some playing BN and jobbing at MM&B
There were also some playing the X series games if I'm not mistaken, or at least one jobbing at peng.
except that's wrong.
No vtubers exist for a made up country.
A lot of bn x and classic and a little sf and z. Zx has been mostly absent
Did you forget Ratty-Chan?
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What happened to the posting about Roll shitting herself?
Rollfag quit posting Roll and went to namefagging as Lev
Why do you think that?
That's not a real country. That's a western colonial outpost.
Because it suddenly stopped
it is. Cope.
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I wonder who's behind this post...
Shut up colonel
Here's your Ratty chan
>proving him right
/mmg/ always had a huge hatred of Israel and the 1st world for some reason.
It won't be in a few years time God Willing.
>For some reason
Look at the thread demographics
>Ratty op brings the ratties out
Operation Cheese successful.
They've never said it was an ongoing to begin with so it's probably going to be the free comic book day thing, followed by a 4-issue series
>The mask came off
So this lolcow Is
>can't use a map
>does not even likes mega man
>can't use a map
geez, no wonder he's so good at shooting his own leg
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No, we are /int/+/inti/. Mase sure to thank t
>Mexican coping continues
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>Anon got shot and died before completing the post
Truly, it's /mmg/ and /int/.
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>trick him to study the copy chip
>trick him to steal the copy chip
Axl's in danger
Oh shit! The ratty got that anon before he could finish! Ruuuuuun!!!
It's fine. All he needs to do is to hang out with some orcs and Axl's problem will be over.
wrong universe
like just arrest her it's not that hard
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Hoi hey! Nothing to see here, keep scrolling
If it wasn't hard she'd have already been arrested or "retired" as a maverick long ago.
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>"retired" as a maverick
She's not planning on killing humans.
>Slav text
>2k subs with just 4 videos
>First upload 3 years ago
>Ratty-chan also born around 2021(debut in channel, 2024)
Wtf, as ratty-chan manager i now demand compensation for name stealing, oy!
That's all that hack is known for. Hey anon, remember da time I lived and learned and hanged on the edge of tomorrow?
For X all those buckets of bolts are mavericks. Only diference is who has to die by his hand...err buster first
time to get retired, maverick
She's a strong and independent kunoichi top of her kind! That means that she won't lose or be caught unless whomever is doing it wants to rape her
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Amazing that people to this day still think X was the good cop and Zero was the bad cop.
Mavericks will be retired
Demons will be purged
Brats will be corrected

No mercy for any of them
Anons will be-
>Com has a deathgenerator now
The twin blades represent her big tits hahaha
Everyday I dream about Pandora giving me cock and ball torture
just put Axl as bait in a cage
>Channeling an electrical charge into her palm, and fondling your balls
>Freezing them, and smashing them with her staff (feat. golf swing)
>All emotionless, and without expression.
Does Spacejin take comms?
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when hack
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>spend resources catching a reploid that hides by transforming to use as part of another set of resources to catch a thief
Just use a simpler method.
>can easily get S ranks, 100p and finish the story in under a hour
>get filtered by trying to beat best time on Elf Chase
We can always ask Alia to make a couple of pig humanoid reploids to fix that. She's probably going to ask for donuts in return anyways
Alia can't build anything, furfag
>a couple of pig humanoid reploids
Isn't that what Alia is to begin with?
Anon has preferences
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Imagine looking at this and only thinking of pig monsters and lard.
Smooth tummy
Fair point, male pig humanoid reploids
Isn't that Violen is?
Disgusting pig monster
She built the shittier versions of the 4th and Falcon armors.
She also builds the enhancement parts in X5-7.
tbf that was a repair job and do you know how much of a pain of an ass it is to fix X?
>tbf that was a repair job
The version of the 4th armor we see in X5 is officially said to be a completely new copy based on what data Alia could scrape from X and the original 4th armor iirc. Hence why that version is called Force Armor.
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Do you have to burn incience and make a prayer every time you spin a screw?
Finally beat best time.
Alia the Hutt
I just know she spent God knows much on Taylor Swift tickets
>not just a pain in the ass to fix but a pain in the ass for a single person to make anything useful
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Pretty sure that woman is dead in the later 22nd century, so would Rafflesia make not make more sense.
Alia watches AI performances of her likeness.
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>Translucent materials that allow you to see the components
Atomic Lev, very cool
I miss that, it was cool.
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Miss it? What do you mean - they just came out last year? You are coming over tonight to play Battle Tanx: Global Assault with us, right, bro? I'll even let you use one of the transparent controllers.
Alot of stuff was already mostly prebuilt so it only needed some adjusting.
Why can't we have those colors anymore? All you see these days is just a golden Zelda variant or if you are lucky a Splatoon variant
The answer is probably 'money', in some way.
what character is this? I really, really, really like this image.
Sonia Strumm
It's Protoman
>builds Hyper Dash and Jumper
>Dr. Light shamelessly tries to pass as totally new armor parts

Alia was the better researcher after all.
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Let commies into power and they'll appoint all their friends and family as cabinet members while they steal everything for themselves. Cope and Gunvolt deserve a medal for preventing such a dark future.
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>Let commies into power and they'll appoint all their friends and family as cabinet members while they steal everything for themselves.
It's a good thing that doesn't happen with the non-commies.
Thank god we don't have any examples of that happening literally right now.
That sure would suck.
Just a half n*topian HOE!
>said the man whose country just installed a ratty without a drop of native blood in her
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I don't think so, Tim.
You can't hide your swarthy hands from me, Carlos.
Are you basing this on anything besides me posting on /mmg/?
tbf the basic stuff was already there in chips and stuff X got so it wasn't too much work that she needed to do compared to Light making it from scratch. Then you got scientists 100 years later making some magic space metal for X in a lab in the pacific.
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Killing Pantera demonstrably damns the human race into extreme misery or extinction.
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>The one time that communism should have worked
>It's leader gets killed in cold blood before she has any chance to show how good things could have been
Pantera was the brat who cried UOHHHHHH
And to a culture that loathes and ridicules Ratty values and dogma no less. Maybe the horse fucker in charge up north will keep her at bay with a couple of mecha attacks here and there.
All jokes aside, the parallel development of both countries into proto versions of fascism and communism is rather interesting given their proximity.
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>He says, unaware of the horse fucker's cooperation with Ratties
Your obsession with ratties is part of why things have gotten this bad.
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and somehow them gringos ended up as the proto commies.
The more times goes on, the more the world looks like Gunvolt minus the cool anime power.
>el sin cerebro
Defense Secretary Gibril would start a war because someone on TV called her short.
>The reddintifags are here once more
Adept diplomacy at it's finest
This motherfucker doesn't know what a commie is.
Never gonna catch on m8
>Okay look here, I've got this idea for a character...
>She's a fiery redhead that has... a height complex!
How daring.
Imagine the dumpster fire.
I like the cut of your gibe, Anon. Are you looking for work, perchance? Would you consider possibly working for Ramen Noodles?
I think GV character design being based on broad anime tropes is intentional and works pretty well.
>Gunvolt multiplayer DMFD style
Goddamn, I can imagine.
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This reminds me when I asked a chatbot about the Mexico Korea memes and she said that no, while more are going there now than before they are primarily still mostly moving to Japan and Korea so hopefully we can shut up about that now.
gerbiling with gebril
>Asking a google bot of all things to define what's real and what is not
Ask it about how well socialism has been doing while at it will ya?
I'm sure the newest piece of Ratty propaganda will tell the truth. Also source of that Gerbil?
Ukimukai. The full pic is NSFW though.
If there are so many koreans moving to mexico, how come none of the anons here got their cute korean gfs?
I asked a D. VA chatbot. Which remains the only one that spoke Spanish.
You may as well ask why the murder victim doesn't tell the cops who did it
that's a LIE !

t. taco
How naive, do you really think this general WOULDN'T have people bragging over managing to get korean girls?
Porque son mentiraa.
Not a Mexican but Koreans aren't pretty.
Because "short kings" is a copium meme.
It's just that, the idea that a bunch of hyper capitalist femcels moving to a poor violent machismo communist-adjacent state never made sense.
Worth it.
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there's already a digital-sora game

actually it's on DS and it apparently has one of the best gameplays (and worst story), so maybe it should be on the table
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Because they have a cute korean GF now?
Pics or it didn't happen.
korean gfs don't go brazil
She's just being nice.
I'm more than 6900 km away from the korean line of fire.
No one asked you, hues.
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The thing is that at least they know that they will find straight men looking to start a family there. Can't say the same for NA, now can we?
Wow look at all of that not /mmg/ or /intig/
Yet, I see no mexicans here getting the korean gfs.
At the rate we are going we will end up doing every game that has kh1 worlds before doing kh1 proper
doesn't 358/2 suck
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>for NA
Mexico is NA
The downturn of families bring started is for economic reasons, not whatever you’re thinking of. Mexico isn’t gonna be much better in that respect.
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Welcome back to Chain of Networks.
Last time, we finished Megaman's story and then we put him in sleep mode to restore his memory data.
And now it's time to play as Protoman and deal with his dark chip addiction.


Game's too big for normal melt so you need to download the rom

>A:swing keyblade, talk
>L:scroll through cards forward
>R:scroll through cards backwards
>L+R: stock card, use stocked cards
>Start: pause, menu
>Select: switch card category in battle

Do not forget
- bigger number card beat smaller number card (cardbreak), except 0 which can cardbreak anything
- If you run out of cards, hold A on the void to refill your deck. This takes longer each time you do it in a battle
- L+R = stock card. Stock multiple cards to use in a combo. Special conditions will instead turn it into a Sleight (same as a PA). When you use a sleight, the first card will remove the card from the deck for the rest of the battle.
- HP doesn't restore after battles

Starting in 10 minutes
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sleep soon
also does this count as part 4 or B Part 1?

>all swords
are we finally listening to dad
what's ap and dp
is telemelt lagging or is it just me
fine on my end
besides the two chas for a bit it's fine
Good melt to celebrate Nebula's return
why is bass' bedroom a library
you'll find out when we melt kh1, but basically it's his emo room

interestingly the events of kh1 are kind of riku's fault
Ap is attack points, we raise our atk stat with riku instead of card space since we can't edit our folder. DP is a second gauge that will come into play later.
is d for darkness
Regal pls. Yes
how am heal
touch green balls
when do we learn dreamsword
>DS stands for Dark Soul
holy crackers!
Do the enemies have different decks now? I don't remember those mage guys throwing out 9's before, but it might just have been hard to tell when they were getting PA spammed to death.
where was blackula in the main game
We were saved by a rat
>Cyber Elf Mickey
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use it
mickey we've already put like 3 level ups into darkness, it's all over for us
This zero game is going in a crazy direction
when is mickey giving us the saber
it really is, isn't it
you have no idea
is a new mystery nigga made up every time the plot needs it
This is more Z2 than Z1 since we have a saber, dark elf saga you know.
does MM Miracle cause Legends 3 to be released
it turns X5 into a good game
Basically to fill your darkness meter when you break a card, the remaining difference between the number broken and your own card gets added to the meter. Taking damage works too but it's less reliable.
isn't more dark points bad if we gotta fill the entire bar
In a way yes but staying in dark mode for longer is better, just focus on card breaking first before you go gun-ho with your swords.
why are we wearing a skirt in dark mode
Weird how we're the most active when playing Kingdom Hearts of all things
Card games have such power
Our deck is so tiny in this world
The folder is very limited right now so stocking before you enter darkness will leave you without PA fodder, you'll have to break through singles if you want to get the most out of it.
looks like the amount of dark points you can get per break is capped at 9 too
Yeah, in random battles it doesn't matter since you can end them quick with one or two PAs, for bosses you have to be more careful with how you spend your cards though.
is dark pogo stick going to be 90% of our attacks through the entire game
dark fire looks like it sucks as much as it did in his boss fight, and we can't use dark aura until we beat serenade
Riku is getting bullied by the fat bastard army
double tap forward to jump behind an enemy
What does "sacrifice reload speed" mean in the context of the guy who can't reload
Not even darkness can save us from this monster
Maybe using that card that turns all yours to 0 is the play
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>Secret Levels is less than a month away
Will you watch, /mmg/?
What do you expect from it?
No. Why would I watch it? Get the fuck outta here. Dumbass.
Speedran that world
guys are we the copy or the original...
I have absolutely no confidence in any piece of video game-related media with a name like this. Ready Player One, Free Guy, Pixels, it's always "lol video games am I right?" dogshit.
>Concord got Stalin'd
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Submit to darkness now
how much are your darkness quote folders growing this melt
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I still weep for the lost BN1-3 LPs.
Let Cyber elf X heal you
Supposedly the Concord episode is still coming out.
Now it's an extra-secret level.
what is the moral of nightmare before christmas' story? stay in your fucking lane?
Don't kidnap someone and try to replace them.
oh yeah I guess there was that
That if you put forth effort, and do a good job, you might get steak and spider stew.
that's a good lesson for kids to learn
what mick do
he attacc
he put health bacc
he reset the decc
does he put the PA cards back
No, he acts as a normal reload, we still need potions to restore them but that's up to the world's set folder.
why this fucker immune to ice but dark fire hurts him
Technically dark firaga doesn't have an element. I think it doesn't heal wizard heartless either.
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is there anything darkness can't do?
does breaking an enemy sleight burn their first card
It does for us so I'd assume so
yeah, but these guys usually carry elixir so it doesn't help much. We don't have Zantetsuken to exploit that anymore.
>finishing regal/regal mode in one session
is this allowed
Extra modes do be like that when you cut most of the dialogue and equipment management down.
ty. she is so cute!!!
why is dr regal al ittle girl now
>You stand in twilight
what does darkness smell like
salty milk and coins
a little girl
>Need both a lower value and specific color
This is going to be the next 4 hours isn't it
very epic
Guess we'll just have to keep fighting until we have enough cards.
but our 3-medal ranking...
where the fuck is mickey
Oogie replaced him in the healer role, please understand
stop shitposting and play the game
ok, maybe dark fire doesn't suck
what does light smell like
Riku really do be sniffing people a lot
Like 14 year old boys
is this another fight where the enemy's entire deck is 0 and you have to stall them for an hour to win
I think we might be a teeny bit low on HP, an extra level could help.
our fault for putting so many points into darkness
are we sure darkman won't fill an entire melt
I think we have something going on, we just gotta learn the timing to break his cards
why does going dark mode remove our potions
darkness doesn't sip
no dark sips... for our dark chips?
Riku please get better aim
I see, everything returns to zero...
I think the reload speed is still too slow even if you thin it down to all 0
If you manage to put the set hades at the last stretch when you're low on HP that could end it
Darkness outdid me again
mickey's just standing in the next room watching our ass get beat repeatedly right
In the end zero was our greatest hero
Mickey sounds like he is proposing to us
Thanks for playing Cardmelt and embracing darkness.
May we end up playing something KH again, it'll have to be for some special season.
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now we have an excuse to play the rest of the KH games and uncover the lore
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what the fuck is the organization
what the fuck is a diz
why are rick's health bar sprite and every other depiction completely different
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I feel like this game would have been better if you could only break during the startup frames of an attack, like counters in BN/SF. Things got really dumb whenever a boss brought out the cero.
That or maybe zero cards should have just been unreloadable or something.
>what the fuck is the organization
just a bunch of nobodies
>what the fuck is a diz
he's kind of a mix of copen and dr. light
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Actual KHs are way longer and spinoff bullshit is another layer of things that are not all that great to play desu.
We'll see what we end up planning later on.
You'll know one day
I was actually surprised that most KH games are like 20-30hours for the main story

bbs is fun
I don't remember him being this hard christ
Darkness is beyond powerful
I'm assuming that as with ever RPGmelt we are underleveled
We were quite underleveled actually, usually you fight Ansem with at least over most of the blue HP bar unlocked. Our darkness meter also ended up depleted quite fast after a few breaks. I think the average was level 50something(?)
>We were only at level 43
I see
We will become KHgods and play every game on level 1 with the hardest difficulty
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It's time
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Holy Lev!
Can't believe they whitewashed Yuna
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looks like we X
Has this been melted?
>and changes bosses behavior making them much harder.
not until we job to omega press disposer
Gaussian evil will never not make me smile
Slut playing MMZ with filter
>Miku Legends 3 happens on Brazil 20 years after this one
At war with the Florida goverment
omg it migu

Ok but jokes aside, really interesting how the nightmareish workflow for legends 2 considering it's mostly spaghetti
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Me and da bestie
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>flamefrit was barely an hour long
dam I guess I gotta wait longer for the next inti game...
What's your favorite mmbn battle chip?
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And some will still pretend that the ratty don't control the narrative in BN
(You) are the ratty
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Anyone get the physical release?
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there's a slight chance demake may be compromised
What's this, parsec dying again?
heavens no
it was paperspace dying again, but seems like it works now
>didn't name it Mk. V for demake
your fault
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colonel... mustard?
We are only upgrading to Boxer or Gunner
In the observatory
Dis dat Chrismas song I was telling y'all about
Finally the first 300 hour melt
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throwing unopened condom boxes on pantera's face
wouldn't she hate opened boxes more
they don't have the same weight because the condoms would fly out when you throw the boxes
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in anime logic condoms are just part of the mating ritual, like how birds show off their feathers
you never actually see the wrappers being opened
I never thought of this, but you're right. It's not uncommon to see the wrappers torn open off to the side or the condoms used and full of cum like balloons, but never them actually being used. Food for thought.
>an adept girl tying up condoms that she blows up like balloons to her belt to use in a mating display
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Putting them on doorknobs is funny
They are in a way, trophies. The more used condoms a woman had, it shows her prowess. Acting as both enticement to potential mates and intimidation to challengers via putting her skills and handiwork on display.
Introduce a price floor and ban free dispensers so they can be used as a status symbol again.
Mom says it's my turn on Lev.
Your mom's a freakayyyy how paying your college tuition to see me get my thrusters filled by da gigalos. But don't worry, you was never going to college to begin with, not with your attitude. GAGGED!
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In Lev.*
no vore
Swallowing after sucking is just mass vore
Is Dust Man vore?
Vore and choking ryona
A chicken in every pot and a Levy in every home.
This is how the Levy Wars begins.
What's the saddest/darkest megaman classic story or one that's not X? I need a good cry.
I suppose read the Megamix or Gigamix manga. There are a some chapters in there that can strike those feels.
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Real life.
It's just being polite. Don't act weird about it.
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We betrayed her.
False god got what was coming to her
>Or one that's not X
BN6, after finishing it there's always an empty feeling while it's a series ending

(Next year there'll be an english fix, for really reals...)
Castlevania chuuba playing Metroid(notvania)
Who’s “we?”
Who the fuck is "Us"?
Ain’t me. You speak for yourself, traitor.
The die was cast and us along with it.
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Is this her first metroid? She just learned how to shinespark
Us he says
Fuck you and your dice. Luna for life.
fuck your life and fuck luna
Riku please
>fuck luna
That's what I wanted.
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That’s the plan.
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it's ok anon, I'm sure the light will reach you too one day
More MMZ in 10 minutes
Funny how in adept society it just causes a huge street brawl from all the challengers who want some of that
Surely, after online practice with the demo, finishing the full version of MMX8 demake in under 45 minutes will be a breeze for /mmg/.


DPad - Movement
X - Shoot, Confirm
A - Jump
B - Dash
Y - Buster
L1/R1 - Weapon change
R2 - Giga attack
R-Stick - Weapon wheel
R3 - Switch to buster
Start - Start

Pressing a face button - pick up first free controller
!ff - drop everything
!pads - show controllers and who's using them
!drop - drop controller
!help - show commands
!one - does something that may unfuck your fucked controls
!sfx - lists sound effects

cha says this thing works for keyboard players

Starting in 30
Hey it's canadian X
Has there been a case where some dude gets the crafting kind of anime autism when they become an adept
isn't chef guy kinda that
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pic for reference
>a breeze for /mmg/
>not expecting massive jobbing
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happy belated EXE6 day #19
What a good way to celebrate than playing another game because it's already another day in jp, haha...

Stream/Archive: https://youtu.be/UcNnsNm0kXg
does iris.exe get mad when you forget her birthday
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It's not that i forgot
It's more like this year i did nothing because i'm having time management crisis
or one time when i was caught buying a whole cake for the day and had to came up with an excuse so i had to become more cautious, but in my schizohead i celebrate it

Besides next year is a big number so THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING or i'm quitting
but you're allowed to buy cakes for no reason
>His country doesn't enforce Mandatory Cake Justification (MCJ) with purchases
must be nice - they introduced it here in the 90s to try and cut down obesity, because people were just buying cakes and eating them.
yeah but not when you never do it except for that day into getting questioned "are you winning son?", haha..
everyday we get closer to sf2
just say you suddenly had an appetite for X cake

I'm going to go out and buy a cake later today to rebel against the illuminati
Can't you just bake your own cake?
It's expensive to hire a woman to do that - it's more cost efficient to just buy the cake.
but I like the way you do it
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>anon is a woman
justice for dave
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>not a cinnamon roll
all the power of AI and yet...
It's not AI
Who's favorite pastry is the cream pie
This is rhubarb territory.
>letting a woman cook
Lev her cook
then why it called imagen
invest more CP
Because it's an image
and the n-word...
You only get banned for it if it's direct towards a MMZ fan.
What's the appropriate slur then?
What's /mmg/ birthday anyway?
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thanks for joining the definitive edition of X8
unfortunately axl run will have to be on hold until we figure out what the fuck devman meant by "Juggled the Armor well after beating the Boss"
Scientist are hard at work deciphering these passages
I should give this demake a go on my own to see how some of the boss fights truly hold up, but I think the whole package is pretty neat. Not entirely perfect, but pretty respectable one-man project, let alone a finished one
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unlimited style boss rushes shouldn't exist
What about Gravity Circuit style boss rushes?
wily labyrinth must become the norm
Very fun
Didn't know about the fire pinball killing spikes thing
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Game's fine but I really think it needs some polishing here and there. Bosses for the most part were ok.
Also despite the body armor nerf, red armor is still king. Hermes a shit.
>double jump after dash jump or air dash
>three-zip dash from the electricity weapon
>speedburner pinball
>ice shoryuken
>crystal I guess
This game sure loves its movement tools
Yeah, it could've used a bit more playtesting or finetuning things, particularly in relation to some enemy placements or tiny bits in level design. Still, I can respect the game for the effort put into it, and not relying on instant death traps nearly as much as typical romhacks.
All that iframe stuff on Hermes seems a bit pointless when you have 3 weapons with iframes already. Maybe if you're fishing for those no damage cheevos.
>Juggled the Armor well after beating the Boss
what's that from
One of the achievements in X8 Demake has that as its description. Presumably it's about juggling Trilobyte's armor after beating him?
that seems right
Son of a bitch, you melted that now?
it was on the melt o'telly page for a few days as advance warning
*only now.
Are you implying java X1 wasn't absolutely necessary to melt first
and yet we still have not melted java X2 or X4
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>tentacles sprout
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Nobody tell her.
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Your hat looks silly!
RiTA won her doofus though, what are you on about?
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I bet X would be one of those rebellious biker teens but who also put family first
>Shion was a 5.9 ft, 265 pounds muscleman before adept puberty
ロックマンメガワールド in 30 minutes
what the fuck is a lockman megaworld
too late, you are now obligated to partake in naked all achievements run
A better game than Megaman Rockworld
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It took Lola this long to figure out that a true buttgirl must also be nopan
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Condoms are for the weak.
No, he would be a melvin
That’d be Axl
Axl is the care home child that finds belonging in a bike gang. X is a “gifted child” and will burn out like one by the time he gets to college.
And I was da popular girl everyone liked and is iconic but not a bitchy one, like think Regina George but Latina and kind.
Harpy and PhanPhan are da theatre gays always doing vogue moves up on da hallways.
are you gonna trying defying levity
Why did you leak my next single name for!!!
you're gonna be doppler
He was my first sugar daddy…
Now that’s an oxymoron.
All your besties are fleeing the US after Calliope Mori won the election. Care to explain that?
I have a doctorate.
Erm, Trump is gonna be da president and my besties always been all over da world. Who da fuck is a Mori Calliope. Sounding like fruit.
>Who da fuck is a Mori Calliope.
A forced meme like you
Is this the most a x has had in movement options
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>Ice Burst
>hover (UAX)
>4-directional dash (Blade)
>high-jump and ceiling grab (Shadow)

I guess X8 demake has more unless you count Speedster/Jumper/Hyper Dash. I don't think Falcon air dash has any movement advantage other than dealing damage?
could a sufficiently autistic local macaco kindly document the plot changes if you pick HUEBR in demake
>forced meme
>won the election two and the second one was a sweep
>was the mc on two cult classic games
Now tell me, how many american presidential elections has Lev won?
>She's alredy switching sides and selling all her past besties
That's so Lev
>lola and dawn
All of them.
>demake stream archive is worse than a powerpoint slideshow
>backup recording has terrible audio desync after beating the game
>encoder overloaded and 70% of dropped frames out of nowhere
>thought output would be fine
Well,, if there is something today, it either stream goes good or have a backup ready
someone was mad after all,
source stream for parsecmelts should theoretically be possible now if we put the chatbox in the overlay
>someone was mad after all,
>second one was a sweep
>smallest ass margin
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It's been a while since we played a proper Megaman game so today we're playing Megaman Plus Limited.


>A: jump
>B: shoot
>Hold Up to block projectiles with super arm
>Start: Weapon menu
>Select: Toggle special weapon

Starting in 10 minutes
duck hunting
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surely everything will go ok now with lower bitrate

where rush bike
why is rock eradicating waterfowl
bird bad
why aren't you
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wasn't there an item 1 in this game
You grabbed super arrow at the start of the stage and swapped it for that other weapon
what does a job unwell done look like
These minigames feel extremely jank
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>suddenly, egypt
is the intro of this track from something
>Anime men
>Caring about sex
I suppose being unable to block fire makes more sense when this was a cape
>not having a fireproof cape
surely kokekokker won't be 80% of the melt
twin slasher/drift diamond/technos can probably hit him without the need for going through that whole obstacle course
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Thanks for playing Megaman Plus Limited, truly the game of all time.
A bit primitive for a game that came out the same year as MM5, but for a NES licensed game I understand this is as good as it gets
another game much worse than I remembered
how disappointing would meltendoji be
Dunno but next Sunday could be jank as well.
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isn't next sunday west
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It is.
It could also be jank.
What's next week's schedule anway
Are we doing Axl run right away or do we leave that for later. Friday is free right now too.
should probably have a few other melts between the two runs
>I understand this is as good as it gets
Huh? Not at all. There's plenty of awesome licensed NES games.
Who do you guys think would dom in Roll and Rock's relationship?
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Probably Roll? Not like, 'dom' in a sexual sense, but dominant in a social sense, that she can get her brother to do things by making a grumpy pouty face, and he'd probably cave.
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>bothering with a door when the portal is bigger
Submitting our hearts to darkness
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>A sukumizu
But why?
Because why not?
Sukumizu > biniki, it's a fact
don't we have that x3 hack recovered from the ruins of roman empire
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>Never takes her tights off
Imagine the smell
No one tell him.
Here we go again
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It would be intoxicating
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>wanted to buy needy Isola overdose
>not available
Gamer oppression remains rampant.
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Wanted to buy what?
She doesn't have tights to take off.
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Coping mechanism.
Yes she doesn't theyre right there dummy
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Then what is she wearing on her tummy and legs, doofus?
Tight spandex
let them have cake
does he know.png
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After playing this game for years, I only just figured out you have to face away from the Elises to avoid getting paralyzed by their eye beams. I feel like a baka.
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You just can't take your eyes off of them...
you don't feel like a baka. You are a baka
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In Japanese they outright say "Look over here, please.../Face this way!" So you can blame you're bakaness on that.
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I'm convinced YouTubers just google "Anime Girl" before making these videos.
You say that as if Inti isn't guilty of the same equivalent shit
Inti calls it a Roguraito Kado Batoru.
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Why would they tell me to look at them if I'm not supposed to look at them
>p-please let me paralyze you!
She needs to stop being cute.
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>I-I'm sorry for being so cute...
Meanwhile Evilise puffs up with pride.
they are trying to kill you
the retards die because they looked
It's so powerfull that the japanese goverment had to ban it
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It attracts more fat minos than a normal string swuimsuit
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