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Welcome to the Vidya Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss video game-based creepypastas and their related content. And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

ROOM #489 - "A_one, are you?" Edition

>/exeg/arbage Site & Archive

>Video Game Creepypastas & Gaming Urban Legends

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs

>Old Man Reads Vidya Creepypastas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T339A8wlzgs Sonic.exe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRL0Rhyrz9g Mario World I HATE YOU
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt2qpC2Ko-I Sonic 2 Genocide City

>/exeg/ Archives

>/exeg/ CyTube
https://cytu dot be/r/exegarbage

>Homemade/found pastas

>Room Template

>Previous Room
>not comic progress edition
Epic fail
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The guy who makes these SOG OPs is a faggot who is allergic to OPs that are relevant, topical, or funny. He will even bake the thread early just to ensure that some terrible SOG shitpasta gets the thread edition. I'm pretty sure it's the same guy who does "storytimes" where he posts one paragraph every 30 minutes.
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>even RodrigoJogos has hopped onto the Resignation Incident bandwagon
SOG is gay so I fixed the creepypasta for you
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he has a sad life
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What the fuck are these proportions
I honestly prefer the rat lady fucker over this tranny fucker.
she's looking down
That's not how that pose works.
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bitch born with a birth defect. is this the new exeg sarah oc?
i take that over revie (honestly i take anything over revie)
anything, you say?
what? no that's just fanart of og sarah
nigga she looks like a gnome. that's not how proportions work.
Ok i forgot to mention curse as well, im not touching that one.
https://x.com/FNFMarioMix/status/1859824047963636190 At least they're being a good sport about it
OSF's composer works on it...
free shilling in the reply too
One (1) song and it's a feature. Which is also a Virgin Rage remix
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What do you mean? those are clearly good proportions
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you think you're funny don't you?
2 was the last good version
3 and above? All SHIT.
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He is pretty funny
in a cosmic sort of way, yes.
are you taking requests
don't get your hopes up i traced the l4d2 gnome
do you take tracing requests ?
yes i'm a professional tracer
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remember when
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yes... i was one of them...
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goodnight exeg
King kon
the internet never changed, huh?
I want to exist
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shoutout to christina applegate
there is no future for you
Little faggot.
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>people seething in the replies
Why are they like this?
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that name sounds familiar, is that the guy who vowed to decapitate hatcher's head or something ?
different phantasm
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i do wish hatcher would cool it with the shitposting a bit
but otherwise osf is sick and i feel like a better public image would do it good
>cool it
why? it's just words on a screen
Even if that were the case, X being the freak that is would still garner scorn. They are retards incapable of separating fiction from reality.
>Hello, may I ask for your consent to murder you?
Is this what people on X (formerly Twitter (Formerly Chuck's)) believe?
i never understood why murder is so okay with people but not pedophilia or rape
They'll say it's because there isn't a justifiable reason to rape someone or be a pedophile yet ignore the fact that in 90% of cases murdering innocent people (or MOBIANS as those filthy animals are called) isn't justified either
I'm surprised the crusaders haven't gone onto the Youtube channel or the Gamejolt page to spread the word yet
what does exetwitter think about freddy krueger
Add a random line somewhere that X is trans or something and it will be a-okay for the xitter tards
he's kinolicious
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Which way?
M O L D Y . . .
fuzzy x vs sandpaper x
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It’s totally justifiable to murder children if they’re animals, since they’re just food at the end of the day.
Favorite clothes
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Are these people blind to the obvious moral question this would bring up of how much the life of an intelligent being that "doesn't look like me" is worth?
Obviously for starters islanders showcase human intelligence and speech, and from games like Adventure we see that humans and islanders seem to be rather well integrated with one another and barely bat an eye to the presence of the opposite kin. At most, the residents of Station Square just assume every islander is a friend of Sonic's. Clearly this isn't a very good justification outside of views of human supremacy, and I think it surprisingly mirrors the views of actual groups who believe others to be "lesser". People on Facebook likened the Rohingya to animals prior to the genocide in Myanmar, the Nazis likened jews to vermin. It wouldn't be hard for someone like Starved to justify his actions with them being literal animal people, but to use this as an actual justification for him being good feels dumb
Go ask these xitterheads if it's okay to kill and eat black people because you can dehumanize them for looking different and see what kind of response that gets
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>"Bro, please respect the wishes of delusional trannys. Please stop being yourself so 'curse.boykisser #FREEPALESTINE' won't block you. You need to appeal to the child molester that posts 'cold so cold' so you can get a pedophile horde for OSF"
Kill yourself faggot
that tweet is from 2022. no doubt that retard probably backtracked at this point
You are blinded by short-term goals, you were supposed to build up a fanbase and then torch it with chuddiness for maximum chaos
reminder that RE sold that shitty robotnik recolor for 300 dollars
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>no doubt that retard probably backtracked at this point
These people will always be wrong on even the most obscure random bullshit imaginable. Replace the obscure geology debate with Sonic recolors and the picture still rings true
This feels relevant now more than ever
Nobody gives a fuck about what twitter subhumans think. You probably genuinely though Kamala is going to win because you saw anti-Trump posts with botted 300k likes
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i never gave slz's alt theme a proper title come to think of it
It is kind of funny how they basically used Nazi ideologies to justify EggHitler kidnapping innocent animals and animal people that are just as sentient and sapient as a human, just so he can throw them into ovens and roast them alive so he can eat them. It’s also really funny that they’d call him a good guy when Eggman has never cared about anyone outside of his family, and has actively tried to murder other Humans before, while also destroying the environment for his own selfish whims.
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eggman should be playable in osf
Those places are literally invincible to these people. All the views are Mexicans or children. This is the unbeatable shill army of OSF, blind to all the complaints of 20 tranny pedophiles on Xitter (moving to BSky soon!)
Eggman seems to be shafted in OSF so far it'd be cool if he got in by temporarily stunning X near the end of the game to help Sonic
Scrap Brain is HIS playpen, not X's, and if his empire is at risk he's gonna side with Sonic to get it back
isn't his corpse a boss battle ?
what if the rank mode menu was instead a playable hub world like s1 sage 2010
perhaps the main theme in it could be a remix of ordinary zone from rush
In demo 2 yes and allegedly everything else will be completely different
he's implied to be dead based on the boss footage
It reminds me of that tweet that one tranny made: "MX is not homophobic!! stop being bigots you disgusting chuds"
i don't think you should find likable traits in the guy who kidnapped a child and forced him to run through 1-1 for the rest of the observable universe's span
>"He's not a bigot!"
It's funny. They make these irredeemable monsters that torture and mutilate children, yet also attribute these kinds of pro-fagshit traits to them as well. THIS is who you want as an "ally" or whatever?
Im still proud of making the mx burning the faggot flags.
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Maybe giving away the ownership of mx to a tranny and making it the director of the fangame was a bad idea afterall.
what a fucking pussy-whipped faggot
I see he's taking after revie
Getting child workers to make your stuff
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Little reminder that this tranny made lucas into a nigger for no reason.
i don't care about any of this
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Honestly I think anything this guy makes is unintentionally hilarious
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Is he trying to copy this?
What are those proportions???
you know if this is the path you want to walk you can just say he wouldn't do that and leave it at that
and you'd be right too i don't think he has understanding of what sexuality even is
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Accurate proportions mx
>he would not hate people like me.
Retard, he literally TORTURES SMALL CHILDREN! FOR FUN!!!!!
Trannies also torture small children for fun. They're kindred spirits
people end up getting too attached to their evil sonics and marios that they just completely forget that said characters torture children or kill and eat people in their free-time.
there's no fucking way this is how they draw MX's proportions. you're bullshitting
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this is you
/exeg/, I have a truly revolutionary and brilliant idea that nobody else could possibly have thought up. Ordinary Mario Fangame!
that already exists
>Not CD-Inspired
Did this guy even listen to the two OSTs?
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I just checked and OSF X is trending in most categories he's in
>Sensitive Content: 7th
>Controversial Characters: 3rd
>Characters: Chudtcher LOST
>EXEs: Chudtcher LOST
>Ongoing Content: 8th
>Demon: 3rd
>Torturer: 4th
>Insane: 1st
>Gay: 1st
>Killer: 5th
>X: 8th
>Chaotic Evil: 3rd
>Fourth-Wall Breakers: 6th
>Violent: 1st
>/exeg/ exe: 1st
Total OSF Victory!
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Glad to see you guys still doing well and still kicking about. Keep being the fantastic /exe/.
>"Needlebean updated design"-from needles
What is Needlebean?
I haven't seen this oc in a long time
sarah parody take with her being a gen z gamer girl
Welcome back, and good to see you
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I am being followed by fucking federal agents and evil spirits I was JUST looking at Needlebean's wiki page while going over the /exeg/ exes category seeing that the Sarah retakes were all split up like the HRE and now this shit pops up remove yourself from my fucking presence and this isnt the first time either I was looking into Can Your Pet a while ago and then suddenly I see 4 different posts about it on my xitter STOP FUCKING FOLLOWING ME YOU GANGSTALKING FAGGOTS
new formidable robot uploads
Early Fingerbones coop progress. This build is less than 3 weeks old so there are a lot of missing features here but I got a lot of the important stuff working already.
I was given the OK to share my work on Fingerbones where I like back on Halloween, so I'll probably post more progress updates occasionally in the future. More updates might also be posted on this Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@masterzucchini197
Anon how and why did you made this?, im curious since im not very in the know about the proyect.
also i can see the inspirations a little bit.
You should direct questions about the project to the official Fingerbones xitter account, @HubFighter, because I don't wanna go over anyone's head by giving information about the game. But if you just wanna know why I added coop to the game, the answer is just because it's cool.
Wait i already saw this channel,im subscribed to it since last year, im surprised you are behind this (or the guy behind that channel).
OSF Status
>hatcher is a chink
checks out
I'm not behind the channel, the channel belongs to the creator of the Fingerbones story. I'm just the programmer of the game.
wait when the fuck could hatcher speak chinese
of course hatcher is a danislop enjoyer, fucking embarrassing
this is the 17th time an insult has gone over your head in just the last 14 days moron
Still im impressed
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creepypasta spooky gaming creepypasta spooky
that shits scary!
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Is that convict
what in christ's name is this
You Will Never Be Ordinary Sonic Funkin Version 2 Triple Trouble D-Sides Terror-Mix
no it's "You will never be ORDINARY SONIC FUNKIN v2: Talk Tuahs Die Twice"
that's pretty weak.
Hello, it's been a while. I am writing this post in order to make an apology for writing the story Eyeless Jack 13+ years ago. I know that the creepypasta community isn't as big as it used to be, but I still see that this site is active, and there are still people doing narrations of stories on Youtube, Eyeless Jack included, even though I was ashamed of the story after I wrote it and requested it to be removed from the wiki. My opinion has only soured since then, and I regret that I even wrote the story to begin with. This is one of those things where, if I could go back, I would stop myself from ever writing it. I'll have to elaborate on some things for further context:
this isn't twitter
it's november
First of all, I didn't even come up with the name "Eyeless Jack"; if anyone remembers the Pastamonsters comic on Deviantart, the person making that comic came up with the name - they had made a post with a compilation of sketches of different creepy images which were on this wiki, and the blue-masked character that was Eyeless Jack was called that in the post, and I ran with it, thinking that a story should be written just based off of that image alone (though I was the one who added the black goop coming out of the eye sockets; the kidney theft part was probably being subconsciously inspired by organ theft urban legends). When I wrote the story Eyeless Jack, I was twelve years old - I am twenty-five now, and this story was one of the things I regret the most in life. It's startling to me that, despite it being known that I wanted the story removed from the wiki because of how atrocious it was, people still do narrations of it and think it's good. You can even tell a child wrote it; in my bio on this wiki, I used my childhood nickname, and this account is named after a Pokemon character. I saw on the Villians Wiki that the invention of the Eyeless Jack story is credited to a guy named "Papa Pinche" - that guy is not me, I don't know that guy, that information is fake. There's also fake information that Eyeless Jack is a story from Canada - I was born and raised in the US.
happy thanksgiving
When I was really big into creepypasta when I was younger, I would see people making fanart of Eyeless Jack and lumping him in with other characters. I am sorry that I wrote this story to begin with because of how it led to all these people making fanart and fanfiction of this character, and I only added fuel to the fire by just adding lore I made up off the top of my head (like Jack's last name being "Nyras" - that's just something I came up with out of nowhere when people were asking me about lore). Various creepypastas way back when, one way or another, treated morbid and awful subject matter very flippantly, and my story was among them. I am sorry I wrote this, and I am sorry it spread like wildfire and so many people liked it to the point of making fanart and the like. However, the username "Azelf5000" is connected to Eyeless Jack at this point, and I saw that even in 2016 long after I left this community, people were still coming to my wiki talk page on here asking me about lore related to the character or questions related to shipping.
okay, first of all, eyeless jack is barely relevant now, there's no need to apologize for a fucking shitty story.
second of all, where's the proof?
Shit bait
If anyone is curious, I will not be doing a remake of the story. The whole entire thing, how bad the original was and everything else related to this, just left an awful taste in my mouth, I don't even want to see other people doing remakes of this. If I could, I would wipe all trace of it from the Internet. If you just sit and think about it, I have no understanding why people think it's good because of how the story makes no sense in numerous ways - as I said above, you can tell a young child wrote it. (For example, you have the ridiculous idea that a cannibalistic serial killer would stop to pose for pictures with you after breaking into your home and killing your brother). That's how it tends to be when you have kids and teenagers writing stories when they want to be "serious and mature" - they just throw in a ton of gore because, due to lack of life experience, don't know how to write a "mature" story; they think adding in a bunch of grotesque things makes it "mature and serious" - I was part of that mentality when I wrote Eyeless Jack, and, once again, I am sorry. I don't even like horror as a genre of literature anymore, anyways. After I post this letter of apology onto my account here, I am going to log out of it and never log back in.

Thank you for reading this letter of apology,


Somehow managed to stumble upon this after spelunking on the trollpasta wiki's "Classics" section.
What the fuck is this? dude no one fucking cares.

also why on 4chan?.
oh ok now it makes sense
Google translate it, I'm calling him a pedophile
I'm not asian, but I can speak a small bit of chinese
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would X get pissed off if you used save states or game genie
He hates cheaters because he's a manchild much like everyone in this general
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So MX canonically tortures a small black child now?
AND he's pale white?
no? maybe? im not sure, in the original image it says "pre-incident lucas".

So i guess MX made him white so he could kill him?
>made him white
kek that would be based
how hard would something like this be to implement?
I think it means before Lucas got killed with the seizure.
This is good. I might steal this.
Not hard. The hardest part would be getting it to look good.
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yes, and this is the big faggot
Humans watching beams and flashes of light coming out of the top of Mount Ebott 21XX
>>503225035 (me)
Right after making my post I was proven right. You are a faggot and it is good Hatcher is repelling these people. If anything he is too little of a chud
ordinary sonic adventure mod would be so unique
I think hatcher is at the perfect level of chuddiness actually.
Curse.boykisser.bsky.social is the most important demographic for OSF
/utg/ is three doors down, chief
"erm excuse me but do you follow this person?"
Who the fuck cares bro.
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the irony is too thick with those 'people'.
maybe it's a good thing OSF happened since it's filtering the fuck out of faggots who can't recognize what trolling is
He could go further beyond. To speak in the terms that everyone here can understand, Hatcher's chud power level is like that of Tao Pai Pai in Dragon Ball. He appears strong relative to those beneath him, but still pales in comparison to even a Raditz tier chud, let alone Freeza chuds and the legendary Super Saiyan Chud.
True but i don't see what the issue is, can someone give me the context?
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he's just an edgy troll that's about it. even frazz saw through it and understood that hatcher is only guilty of being an asshole to xitterfags
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Speaking of that.
This is a very real photo and definitely not a gayop trust bro
Hatcher's chinese and black? woah...
No, he's the ceiling tile
He's black, chinese and a ceiling tile? woah...
the nigga who xeeted this is a janny on /fit/ to this day btw
He’s based
OSF should have mein kampf pdf come with it
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this isn't so bad
now i just have to implement grid-based movement, party, inventory, save, health, etc.
yeah the sprite work is shit, i'm more focused on learning the engine and later recreating pmd mechanics than i am decent art
godotanon guide me...........
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i can fix him
can you now?
no fuck that
I spam Megidolaon
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that's vergilanon
What if OSF X's version of Faker was named Y
20 years later osfx becomes lord z which means zeus
Grid-based movement is easy. You're using a Tilemap node to store the map; if you hover over one of those tiles with your mouse cursor with the node selected, you should be able to see the coordinate of that tile in the bottom left. Your player object needs to store the coordinate that the player is on, so that the player object knows where it is.
Make a Vector2 variable called something like current_coordinate; this variable stores the fixed pair representing your player's current position. In the input part of your player script (you should figure out how to get player inputs on your own), have the player's key-presses modify that coordinate variable. So, if the player presses up, subtract 1 to the coordinate on the Y axis; this is as simple as "current_coordinate.y -= 1".
Then, to make it so the player's sprite moves along with that coordinate, there are a bunch of different approaches. You can get the pixel position of any Tilemap coordinate by calling map_to_local() on the tilemap. From there, you can either have the player object animate to that position, or just have him snap there. If you want it to animate, a Tween is the simplest way to do it; look at the Godot documentation for how to use them.

Once you get this working I can give you advice on the other stuff. Of course the advice I gave above doesn't include player collision, but you can probably figure that out on your own; it's as simple as checking the tile the player is attempting to move towards, seeing if it's marked as a wall, and cancelling movement if so.
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X Y and Z
the Axis Powers hey wait a fucking minute
OSF 2 final boss theme leak
OSF X for MUGEN when?
He should be Lord A, like Allah.
yeah but zeus is know for raping
And Allah says child brides are okay.
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literally ultra sonic
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>listen to nominal schizo's work out of curiosity
>hear one of his many rewrite songs
>check out "S O N I C, That's Me"
>halfway through something feels familiar about it
>It's fucking black sun.
forgot to share the video link
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holy shit
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I don't understand why X and .EXE are sometimes used interchangeably when these are clearly two different characters
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well i don't know why .exe is used at all
he's never been referred to as such in any official media
>the retarded unfunny majin faggot is trying to be funny again
get this shit off my fucking screen
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Alice Aduraice can step on me.
mario’s skull must be fucking gigantic. he got that george lopez disease.
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The Unused and Majin podcast thing is a guilty pleasure of mine.
The fuck is an "Audio Play"? What happened to this website?
it became reddit lite
Such is the fate of every website that becomes popular including this one.
exeg podcast is SOVL! The art was very ugly and children loved it but that's what makes it THE exeg podcast
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undertale au feel
paperjam-ass xenophanes
rapephanes and lord zed have sex and that results in a child called lord xeno
good fucking lord X why did you have to remind me of paperjams daycare.
to this day i don't understand why that is a thing.
our own paperjam, now neither of us will be virgins, ha!
Melancholy Nights
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play mario the music box
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All of this shilling started after that guy documented his experience playing Mario & The Music Box which means the shill didn't care about the game until a month ago when the guy who actually played it called it bad
Need some interaction art of OSF X raping curse
Curse is canon to OSF as a shitty smut fanfiction X wrote, he has an entire library full of them in his castle
every bad exe oc all of them lmao is a fanfic made by osfx
the library of Kinoxandria...
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Probably should've said it so I would've finished my Miles, Knux, Amy and metal models.
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you need to mog the tranny that works on faker's game
Who's this ?
Poor guy
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the guy who's making all of the 3D models for sonic prototype
also the voice of kofuku
osf will beat funker in both pixel art and 3d art installah
He already did because he can make models that aren't 2 minute edits of Sonic R models
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>tfw not allowed to touch tails' anus without 30 MAPphobes reminding you of his canon age
Resprited that amy death screen hatcher did, for fun.
syro is that you
mrpixel ?
i swear 90% of trannies are just white failmales that grew their hair out
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good morning exeg
Gave the female counterpart of red a updated spooky look
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>bald edition
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After probably almost two dozen collective hours of experimentation, I've finally figured this out. Why has Sonic been able to run down these slopes in Spring Yard Zone? It doesn't make any sense. It seemed like I had fixed everything with Sonic's physics to make these work right. Then I opened this stage up in the Gens emulator with Sonic Retro's debug overlay script. I noticed that these particular tiles were colored teal in the overlay. I check the overlay's info page and see that this means that the tile is only solid from the sides and the bottom. Sonic's floor sensors are not supposed to detect these tiles, which makes it impossible for him to run on them. I had not yet edited the collision importation script to take different solidity types into account, and even if I had, the old way I did layer switching means that Sonic would have run on these anyway.
I've finally solved the mystery of how to make these tiles less janky. I can improve them even further by doing what Sonic 1 Forever seems to do and manually intervening for these chunks to modify their angle data, making it impossible for Sonic to enter a wall-running mode.
These tiles are a pain in the ass for me to sprite can we just remove them please
Pain builds character
you cannot coast on the easy way out forever
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I started on this, I hope it helps
Are you actually going to model all of those characters?
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>fnf mod composers failing to capture the musical style of the source material
many such cases
all they know is genesis.sf2 slop they are incapable of making new jack swing
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Done. Now these parts are equally as janky as the original game! I can further improve them later, but right now I'm concerned with accuracy.
does this mean that you are completely done with spring yard now until the visual update has to be applied
I think this art is gay because you're just stapling a bunch of random shit onto Sonic in a desperate attempt to make Sonic scary. "What if Sonic had teeth come out of his eyes" isn't something anyone would come up with outside the context of being in the exeslop community for years and years. It's shit from people who looked at Sonic.EXE and thought "this story about Sonic the Hedgehog with bloody eyes coming out of the screen and saying 'I AM GOD' has a lot of MISSED POTENTIAL and it just needs better execution!"
See also that retarded Jack Gore image of bloody Sonic twitching with the body of a human woman. What? It's just random. This is incest. It's inside baseball. No normal person above the age of 18, without prior immersion in the exeshit sphere, is gonna look at this stuff and have any reaction besides "Huh?". I feel this way about all of this guy's artwork
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that didn't require a wall of text
This is more funny to look at than anything
Do zoomers really?
>you will NOT be eloquent and go into depth about your opinions
i've never found any exeshit scary because sonic provides a natural thick layer of nightmare retardant
it's impossible to make sonic scary because his core design is too cartoony to look threatening or intimidating. he's blue for fuck sake. that's not a scary color
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It's up
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The tears are a nice touch.
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How about red?
Sonic underground?
I'm mostly done with every level besides Scrap Brain, which I still have to program the gimmicks and badniks for. SYZ may or may not have new alterworld gimmicks in the next version.
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that's a lot scarier
manic and sonia don't have that palette
I thought there was going to be a death screen for all characters (unless i missed them all)

That's mean
presumably, but that's the only public one, so that's the one I did.
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Hey man how does it feel that xitter hates your guts?, i bet it feels amazing.
he already has some obsessed 16 year old faggot desperate to get him cancelled
idk who you think I am but I can tell you I'm actually just the guy that sprited amyX.
I wonder how many more are going to join in on that.
Which will do nothing aside from bring OSF and Hatcher more into the spotlight
The style is spot on imo, so i thought you were him kek.
I've been spriting for around 5 years so I can mimick a bunch of art styles fairly easily
he has made 2 posts in the past 24 hours about hatcher and OSF. he's actually mindbroken
kekaroo as they say
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Who are these children on Xitter who keep claiming to work on OSF? I'm the lead developer and I don't know who any of these people are.
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Oh he is a revie's cocksucker too.
This is awesome because OSF stole his only slave that did anything for SP2017
there's a possibility he lurks here too since he knows a majority of this general has a justified hateboner for him
They work on it by giving free publicity
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I already modeled Sonic, X and Sam, doing a couple more isn't that big of a deal.
I don't have any hateboner for him because he's obviously just a retarded child. His name is "SilyGoofyBluePainter.bsky.social". This is not a sentient human being worthy of scorn
The OSF gamejolt somehow has yet to receive even a single negative comment. I expected there to be at least one retard replying to every comment spreading the word of Chudtcher's evil
nigga who tf is sam
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Sam is the real hero of Ordinary Postman Fangame.
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"I Am Allah"... the plot thickens??
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>/funkg/'s shitposters likely scared of reive from /exeg/
>knowing it'll probably be the ONLY time they show up
>wasting the opportunity to ask them genuine questions about what the fuck was happening within the team and get some info that could've explained about all the bullshit the mod had
>all wasted for shitposting by burgers and autistic faggots

Genuinely, unironically why. it could have been the only time we would have gotten answers and now its just, gone
Well your trusted revie in the first place so, fuck you kek.
fuck funkg. seriously
I hate funkg. They're so immature with the shitposting. Thats' not even what it's supposed to be like on this website that's election tourist shit. It's just "ni**er ni**er ni**er" like can we talk about fapping instead? Anyway I hope dross makes a sonic 3 hacked cartridge retake
who the fuck is dross
Gay porn artist
Hey when did you start posting in this general? Just curious
why would a gay porn artist make a sonic creepypasta retake?
...we have a hateboner?
i thought WE only mocked him
he's joking around
he's shitposting
minecraft or gmod tomorrow night?
pick your poison, /exeg/. i'm too lazy to make a poll.
Minecraft + Cytube is the comfiest combo
>downgrading the boobs
I attacka you with beam.
Cave story
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Improved the HUD a little. A guy told me months and months ago to move the text away from the corners and I neglected doing so until now.
Cool it looks way better now
even with the mania sprites i still can't stand GHZ's background it's so ugly
i don't know how i could even fix it
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What about Sonic 1 Forever's?
this fucking sucks so much that i felt i should demonstrate how it can be done ACCURATELY.
fucking hate some of these faggots
this is somehow worse
God forbid villains be evil.
Exactly. They need to be heckin inclusive, and stand up for gay and trans rights.
Or fucking faggots that are thirsty for cock.
What? No! Villain means totally cool self insert of gay overgrown child who will be famous and get millions of fan games and comics one day!
>sonic outlerland archives is canceled
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How is Curse, literal fetish porn with godawful writing, in any way better than OSF X?
/exeg/chuds got replaced with cursexisters.... Sad!
would eat.
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Keep in mind, the person saying this is a curse fag.
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if someone says gilf i swear to god somebody's gonna die tonight
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The greatest trick would be doing a funk mix style mod about Sonic but it takes super long for Sonic.exe to show up. Like he doesn't even show up during the mod. That would really trick people
here is what i'd propose for Ordinary Sonic Funkin':
Sandopolis Hyudoro song, would sound like Camels after Camels instrumental mixed with a Luigi's Mansion style rhythm
Majin Sonic song, would sound like an OSF B-Side track
Batman Sonic song
Metal Sonic & Eggman vs. MC Sonic rap battle song, lots of atonals sampling CD voicelines
Sonic 3 Bonus song, player is Cybershell and the opponent is Blue Knuckles
Knuckles vs. Mecha Sonic MK II song
During any of these songs, there would be a slight chance for a static monitor note to show up, that when pressed, takes you to the singular sonic.exe song where BF & Sonic fight OSF X
so it's basically exeg's version of vs sonic.exe but with blackjack and hookers?

also you forgot Ashura
good morning exeg
there are more sonic oc cameos than there are sonic.exe ocs and that is sovl to me. also why bother with the life count being at 3 if Tails, Knuckles, and Robotnik are instantly dead after dying once? I never understood why some exeslop does that
who works on osf?
this post glows
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based vania
are they wrong
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>posts on X
>t. seething chaotixcuck
OSF bonus video
dariobros we are nack
shitnic the shithog.exe
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I have a schizophrenic idea. what if PC Port was a deadly Game Over/SAO-type virtual reality sonic game and Lord X was the avatar of a psychotic game developer with a rocky history with Sega.
i like this kind of autism
Make him a woman and you've got yourself a needlemouse retake
he'd be an ugly deranged manchild in real life
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Here the request's, sorry i got busy more than usual.
a little fun fact MEXICO was going to be/is used in the official mario 85, at the time I tried to do my take of the 1-1 demo but they were very conservative with new ideas and for that reason I got bored of the project and left it aside but they still use my design for ''false hero'' but without the long hair or wrinkled face, and I am preparing a small creepypasta of what I would have done in the 1-1 demo so what I would be preparing would be the ideal demo that I had in mind.
by the way i was the one who gave the idea of headstomp to mx, but i trust on the new owner of the mx game and maybe ill come back to help there since hitler/himler where ideas killers.

does MEXICO like the powerpuff girls
i want to see a playable version of tf2 play dead
no vibingslop like that one retake on youtube, no current day tf2 anomaly shit, just the series of events as explained in the story of a creepy tf2 glitch
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Is this shitty enough?
that's beautiful
OSF X, the OSF anime adaptation where Sonic.EXE teams up with Chris Thorndyke.EXE and wacky shenanigans ensue
>since hitler/himler were ideas killers
What ideas did they shoot down, exactly? It seems to me like they didn't have room for ideas since they couldn't get past the first level for 2 years
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what's going on with M85 anyway? are you still part of the team? why are they still on 1-1
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hates children
>Taking lifes of MX like if it was Mario Vs Luigi(im gonna use for the pasta)
>Enter the castle for alternative levels
>Mx throwing bricks and rocks at you
>Get fireplant and throw a flame ball to Mx face results on a brief stunt
>Mx Mix chase (u play as Mx to try to kill Luigi)
and some more.
Kinda devhell, the coder was the only working on it and other pixel artist too but the owners didn't give like a spicific roadmap, is like everyone doing his own stuff sepparatly (i feel) plus that Frazz/Razz only where there to keep Mx in ''character'', and his ''in character'' is just le evil mario unstopable force something like that but i totally believe on the coder now leading the project
>>Mx Mix chase (u play as Mx to try to kill Luigi)
I think this is a bad idea unless it's a 2-player mode where Luigi is an actual human player because it's never fun to chase down an AI in a game like this; it feels like trying to swat a mosquito.
>the owners didn't give like a spicific roadmap
so you're telling me the reason that 1-1 is the only level is because they legitimately have zero solid level plans outside of that
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>the coder was the only working on it and other pixel artist too but the owners didn't give like a specific roadmap, is like everyone doing his own stuff separately (i feel) plus that Frazz/Razz only where there to keep Mx in ''character'
my expectations were already low after seeing they got jojo for some retarded reason but christ I didn't think it was this bad. there weren't any concepts maps made by Razz? that furfag cares more about a mario recolor having a consistent personality than a playable challenging level?
>that furfag cares more about a mario recolor having a consistent personality
I can't find it now but there was a post earlier this year about how the game is obviously made for the character (who has been established by Twitter lore threads and FNF mods) and not the other way around. The original intro was replaced with the "hey there champ" shit because they wanted to force in MX being polite because that's what his ref sheet says. The ref sheet comes before the game
all the time Razz spent on remaking coronations day intro screen could've been spent on actually making 1-2
They should ditch MX to get rid of the inept fag and make up something better suited to the game itself.
>The original intro was replaced with the "hey there champ" shit because they wanted to force in MX being polite because that's what his ref sheet says. The ref sheet comes before the game
I have no words. this is revie levels of exe autism
ok when is the suspiciously named Azz taking over ownership of MX
It doesn't really matter how the developers spend their time because it's a fan project done just for fun (ostensibly, it's actually for xitter clout, but that's besides the point). But they do open themselves up to being made fun of for it, and it's really gay that they pretend like making a Mario.EXE game is something that requires a lot of effort when we saw in this very general that a 1-1 clone with MX chasing you is something that can be shit out in less than 2 weeks (and with better physics than Mario '85)
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true but I just like hating on razz lol
>all major troon exe "owners" do nothing and just get child workers to do everything
why is he a fucking dwarf
the exe social contract
>Daniel (14) works on game about Lilith (she/her) watermelon emoji's (20) character
>Lilith (20) grooms Daniel (14)
>Daniel (14) becomes Sophie (15)
>5 years pass
>Michael (14) works on game about Sophie (she/they) black square emoji's (20) character
(f)razz cannot draw proportions for jackshit
>Kinda devhell
say no more
never trust a nigga named lilith
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How fucked can you possibly be, when a bluesky user with the freepalestine emoji has to talk sense in to you.
imagine super sonic and eggman teaming up against unsuited osf x nonaggression style
How do you think Revie got cancelled the first time around? He was so retarded and annoying that his fellow trannies resorted to framing him to make him leave
how would that work
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Possibly the most insane glitch I've yet encountered on OSF. Sonic suddenly gives birth while running through a loop. This happens consistently but only once on every game restart. I cannot even begin to fathom an explanation.
>Sonic suddenly gives birth
Is it normal that I feel erect from this?
You scared me for a second I thought there was gonna be a graphic animation of like a malformed sonic fetus coming out of his stomach
>>503507587 (Me)
Actually, I just figured it out, and the reason is not as exciting or funny as I thought it would be, but it was easily fixed!
>having a consistent personality than a playable challenging level?

or him not being homophobic or showing the character being a "good boy" because palestine shit.

Im not surprised, the guy seems that he only wanted the character just to brag about it or make some weird "me and my oc" type of shit.
Trannies are so retarded they can't even cancel themselves right
go to >>/trash/
It's not great but that first one is genuine ear rape
>The original intro was replaced with the "hey there champ" shit because they wanted to force in MX being polite because that's what his ref sheet says.
Okay to be fair, that was a change for the better.
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You are such a fucking retard faggot tranny it's unbelievable. EVERY fucking thing relating to MX had "innocence doesn't get you far!" It's in EVERY FNF song, fan art, fan game, etc. "Hey there champ" isn't iconic and it's not even done right because MX "tricks you" for three seconds and makes it harder for him to kill you. You are niggerlicious
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did you make this
Yeah that's just a random doom background there
I forgot does OSF X like all versions of Sonic or is he a classicfag?
X likes anything that has Sonic in it, without any discernment, as long as it does not contradict his own bizarre and elaborate web of headcanon
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he loves all sonics except roger craig smith
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new joe art
Worse Faputa
sniff sniff i-is that RAVEN I smell? sniff sniff mmm yes I smell it! RAVENSMELL!!!! I smell raven! W-What is raven doing here?!?! omygosh what am I gonna do?!?! THERE'S A RAVEN HERE! I'M FREAKING OUT SO MUCH!!!! calm down calm down and take a nice, deep breathe.... sniff sniff it smells so good! I loveravensmell so much!!!! It makes me feel so amazing. I'm getting tingles all over from the delicious ravenscent! It's driving me ravenCRAZY!!!!!!
remember to r&i
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it's the fucking trash schizo. report him
don't reply to trannyrayuko
i'm just reposting it because it's funny and thread needs bumpy
it's doing fine
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curse doesn't have a penis, and if he did it would be a weird hairy pole thing made out of grafted arm skin
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OSF Amy rape scene when?
shut the fuck up Jimmy
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Good lord.
I kiss your mother with that mouth :)
he likes men
gmod server's going up in 45 minutes
new ttt maps were added to the collection, don't forget to check it out
it's up
console command is connect exegarbage.lol:27016;password marioifhefake
what the fuck is that thumbnail
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Why does it look like he's getting fucked in the ass
I adore you.
this design is fucking awesome and I can tell this will only be a one time thing
you'll be allowed in when you stop spamming the thread
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i don't get it either
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...did i miss something?

also btw chris chan is having a kid
Some schizo mistook me for rayuko when I joined
I'm more confused than anything
it's a schizo report him and move on
what's your nickname and avatar this will either be entirely understandable or pure schizophreny
can we stop?
>Sonic suddenly gives birth while running through a loop.
i have a idea...
hey i'm just interested
it's a fucking schizo just report and filter his ass and move on
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if you're not rayuko then why are you changing nicknames
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a lot, ever since his reputation got fixed revie started to become more annoying and egotistic
>twitter tranny clout chaser is a twitter tranny clout chaser
That is not a Rayuko, I can tell, my Ray-dar isn't going off.
i'm talking about the 2017x shit
from what I've read in that image, it seems pretty... tame
I expected something worse, not complaining about gloating, then again I don't use twitter.
let's not forget this
He is talking about revie retard
2017x was in a game called garn47 as an easter egg, he even has his own segment in the game
for some fucking reason revie and one of his dicksuckers want him removed from the game which the dev of the game, possibly due to pressure, complied
>chris chan is having a kid
>chris chan fucked
we failed men...
And im talking about what happened in general, faggot
>for some fucking reason
It was because the Garn47 programmer is friends with some Sonic.EXE Rerun people and Rerun is a chud mod for racists and transphobes
that's stupid, but again this community is ruled by dictators so
oh so revie is a dramatic theater kid and the person in the pic is complaining about losing trailed ground... I see, how 'rerun' of them.
So is rerun finally cancelled?
ruled by WHATs
No because nayu is a buffoon and the mod gets leaked every like 5 months and the songs get worst and worst with every new version
you had 2 chances to type ''worse'' correctly
such delusion...
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