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Alpha Bone Edition

Wiki: https://webfishing.wiki.gg/wiki/WEBFISHING_Wiki
Mods: https://thunderstore.io/c/webfishing/
Mod Manager: https://hooklinesinker.lol/

>Previous Thread
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First for I love Gator hunting
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The owner seems to still change back to the old Braces skin from time to time. Pic is from two days ago
doesnt work
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>making a new thread before the previous one hit bump limit
You dumbass. This is how you get threads deleted.
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I guess I'll try hosting a lobby as an experiment.

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Finally got this bad boy.
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I'm gonna leave this lobby open while I nap.
Kinda warm today, isn't it?
Why is stealing from Animal Crossing okay?
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Don't worry, he's on the case
Until Jewtendo sues the dev for copyright or patent infringement, it's fair and legal.
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only hosting for a couple hours
oorah sir
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New Robby
US ARMY got glassed, new lobby here CO4JWM
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>HLS mod manager taken offline because the creator is tired of ungrateful 15 year olds calling them slurs when they make their game playable for free
>now all thats left is grincher lobbies and lobotomites
BASED i can't believe we killed this game with our free speech, we did it reddit!! now i'm gonna go whine about why every game sucks nowadays with zero fucking introspection
>Several public near-full lobbies
>"Th-that doesn't count b-because they're not my code-only 4chan ERP lobbies where I can say n-n-n-n-nigger as much as I want"
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>thought this was bullshit
>HLS is actually discontinued when you check it
There's always the actual Thunderstore mod manager or opening/placing the mods yourself.
what a baby.
or maybe, just maybe, you and everybody like you are a virulent fucking cancer that kills everything you touch. its why nobody talks to you, why your family doesnt love you. because you're a fucking cancer. you killed this and you'll kill the next thing you touch too because all you ever do is destroy and cry about the rubble afterwards. you're fucking pathetic. go "own the wokes" in your dead game you drooling reprobate.
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Take a breath, anon.
Go make some tea or something
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>had to deal with 8 years of script kiddies and no major updates in tf2
>now the exact same thing is going to happen to another game i love
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yep, zero introspection. it isnt fair to expect hive insects to get existential because you've never been your own person anyways. i sincerely hope you actual retards find a nice textured wall to rub somewhere so you find happiness someway other than ruining the things other people slave away on while you're jerking it to furry porn and contributing exactly nothing but eventual fertilizer to the world at large. in fact go ahead and speed up the process so you can finally fucking be useful. i promise nobody cares about you enough to stop you. but you already knew that.
>it's another schizo tranny hour
Damn I get tired of this rerun.
you wish, then something with tits would actually be acknowledging you. why do you want to be surrounded by troons so badly?
>its another make the entire thread about my gock fetish hour
Damn I get tired of redditors.
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This explains why every lobby is filled with losers whining about having no friends and trauma dumping. I stopped going for that very reason.
Its so funny knowing you pussies talk like that when your lobbies are 3/4 tranny. Be brave enough to say it out in the open I dare you. Either go whole ham on not accepting them or shut up and keep their cock in your filthy mouth, goy.
these 15 year olds are incredibly sad, miserable and lonely people who've just fallen for the worst of the grifters of all, and they perpetuate misery onto others because they feel miserable about themselves. They're extremely jealous that someone like west is an openly lgbt supportive furry who's not afraid to be who he is, so they target him and everyone else within this game's sphere.
They have nothing better to do, and won't be able to create anything with their sad lives.
The only thing productive they do, is act so petulant that it ends up pushing people here to become more supportive of the things they hate, simply out of a willingness to not be around these people, even on 4chan the prevailing sentiment outside a vocal minority is "trannies are fine"
>just be a complete retard and dox yourself on an anonymous basketweaving forum bro
No, I don't think I will. But keep dilating sister. :)
you think you have the right to destroy and you aren't even proud enough of what you did to say your name. you're even lower than a snake because at least they have spines.
>one group of people not talking because they don't want to piss off the "chuds"
>one group of people not talking because they don't want a tranny melty
People talk in your lobbies?
Then keep swallowing the trooncum, queer. Shut the fuck up about them if you're not going to do something about it.
I don't have to do anything.
I can piss you off just by existing and living rent free in your head. :)
>I'm going to make myself completely unlikeable in every possible way, that'll own da troonz
>wait da troonz are giving up on the game they made? but i liked playing it! this is all their fault!
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Vanillachads stay winning.
>thinskinned retard takes his ball with him and ruins the fun for thousands because of a handful of people that could've easily been ignored or blocked
You hate to see it. Then again I don't really care since I play vanilla.
>even on 4chan the prevailing sentiment outside a vocal minority is "trannies are fine"
Yeah right freak. You have people like >>503271535 sitting right next to you in your little lobby. Nobody is on your side or wants you around even if they're too pussy to say it to your face.
that's what i said, vocal minority, there's about two of you who frequent this thread and you get kicked from lobbies when you act like a sperg in them, two people who have nothing better to do than this, it's really sad.
>keep getting (You)s without even trying
Damn it feels good to live rent free inside people's heads.
You even keep it nice and warm with all your fuming.
Must be that time of the day again
>admitting you kick people from lobbies for wrongthink
trannoid detected
I would also kick people for wrongthink, go be a nasty ass communist somewhere else
>"its okay when i do it"
actual trannoid thinking
It is :)
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Do we even know who's trolling who anymore?

you can unlock all items (and some hidden ones) in the game using this tool and of course back up your save just in-case, for me it worked fine
Don't worry it's "about two people."
me personally i would simply play the game and unlock all items that way but that's just me (not a cheater)
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nice egg
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Don't talk to him or his son ever again.
Motherfucker I just took the same screenshot and was going to say the same thing
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everyone stop being autistic for five seconds i got a cool fish
thats kinda cool, but not the coolest possible thing
come back when you catch a colossal prefix fish and THEN ill be sucking your dick
nice, gzzzz

shut up beotch
any lobbies up?
this one is still goin >>503252953
>when your cool older brother agrees to take you on a fishing trip
>but all his friends are just playing in bushes together for some reason
I had my appearance locked in day one. What could I possibly need this for?
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yeah, but you arent invited
tiny alien on the left
im already in one from here so frick you
That is a lobby from here. You're in the toilet refuse section.
im too busy grinding freshwater fuck you sea water niggers
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How's it going lads? Celebrating a birthday tonight while fishing.
>eating alone
>with fetish furry porn
>with food he ordered out
>on his birthday
no wonder you niggas in here are always so mad oh my god
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he said *a* birthday, anon
It's Sable's birthday anon, it's so sad to see you so desperate to fling shit at people to hurt them just because your feelings got hurt.
>it's the 22nd already
Exquisite. Peak comfy.
>lonely incel eating with a furry fetish picture
>calling others desperate
you talk a lot like you know other people for someone with zero friends.
>also doesn't show his hands
Not beating the shitskin cosplayer allegations to be frank.
you definitely don't belong on this website
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>make retarded assumption
>called out
>wah wah incel loser
I feel like your computer is your whole life and this is really depressing to watch dude.
>the incel waifu bridge vs the dockchads
god, the projection. project another picture of a woman onto your screen so one will look at you, bruv.
ew it's a europeon
This unironically, /pol/ spergs have made me accept troons more than anything else, like I'm still not going to believe they're a woman or think they should get special rights nobody else gets but I'll tolerate them because they know when to stfu. It ain't 2016 anymore, somehow trans are just people trying to game & alt right fags are the screaming larpers who won't stop talking about politics & trans right micro aggression BS even in a cartoon FISHING GAME hosted on a Mongolian basket weaving image forum.

I don't care, fish & talk about the topic of the general!
Who are you referring to? I don't keep up with drama, don't really notice any in the lobbies I join & am generally nice to everyone even if they are a little tism'y or annoying.
What part of the map is this?
his imaginary thread enemies, which he is going to spam the thread about for the rest of its existence because he's an unhinged schizo. it's just how /vg/ is
some polsperg got himself banned from one of the lobbies hosted here for being a polsperg, and has for the last week or so been flooding the thread with polshit
the shore of the big lake. some modder added a square of drawable terrain somehow
So nobody actually, this all just two idiots fighting an in imagined version of each other/the community or something?

I've only ever two people kicked but that's because they were being a sperg & a perv.
Does HLS still work? Or do I need to redo my game for a new mod loader? I really liked being able to search & install mods all in one program with a single click.
I'd be willing to be it's just the sperg, the perv is probably just in the erp lobbies instead
it is ONE idiot and a bunch of you fucking retards that keep egging him on.
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On what side of the "argument" or is it all one guy samefagging?
Its one guy, its that cuddles loser throwing a fit over something that happened over a week ago and lashing out at someone who hasn't even been in a single lobby since then. He's literally screaming at ghosts and has been for days on end.

And is he a troon or a chud?
read the thread for five seconds. what do you think
Wheres the lobby?
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I haven't been able to fish in weeks.
this one is still goin >>503252953
That was a nice 5 minutes
wait for the rain to end you armenian fuck!!!!!
it did go a good 7 hours to be fair
There might be fish here

very cute pic
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the void is spreading
where server
here >>503304781
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good fishing tonight pals good night sleep tight
Did this lobby close? Damn I wanted to fish with you guys. new lobby when?
It's full bud maybe soon to be an open slot
o lob u stinky man
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Tunic lobby, filename
*presses K a whole bunch*
damn that looks really cool. might have to start modding... would be cool if there was official support for modded maps so i could just download through the client though
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id join it if i wasnt busy
if its not still up by the time i get back ill make my own tunic lobby
how do I type this out if its longer than the code character limit?
I can only imput 5 characters.
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you can try copying the text from the filename, not sure why you're being limited to 5
Is this any good?
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Which one is the real one?
It doesn't stop grincher joining if that's what you're asking
>My daughter could beat up your daughter
>Now neither of us will be virgins!
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They're the same daughter
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its over until Australians get off work again
The fish was comfy yet again gamers thanks for joining :)
>Tranny fag still thinks I'm everyone
kek take your meds faggot
what is this creature?
Looks like those black creatures really mean business!
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I'll leave a lobby up while I sleep for people to chill during dead hours. If too many people join and my internet starts shitting the bed feel free to abandon ship and make another lobby.

End of Webfishing?
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>its just me
This game was fun while it lasted.

We had a lot of people playing last night but yeah not too much activity during late-night/early-morning now.
No Lobby. Dead Game.
chillin, sippin coffee waiting for my day to start
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time to hit my bong and enjoy my fucking game
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>random person tries to flirt w me
>'tism activated
>respond with "oh"
>they apologize and immediately leave the lobby
My 'tisms know no bounds. Rough.
You were both bottoms anon, autism has nothing to do with it
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He hitting the Griddy
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I mean, not wrong.
You just can't not give him a lil kiss
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He's a smelly cat
so are we not really doing custom map lobbies anymore?
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I just use custom skies
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Very cozy
Why are you guys raiding the steam forums 24/7?
when i'm free and there isn't already one up i'll do another, I don't want to split the lobbies and a lot of players stick to vanilla
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I really want to try the GM big city map, someone let me know when they'd be willing to join
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>Thats when I saw.... the creature
im interested
Wait give me like 5 minutes
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lure has suddenly decided to be a fucking dog and stop working
give me a minute
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he got his last fish :D
Im kinda feeling no fish
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Bretty gud but also bretty shid
I'm not retarded I'm special.
this screenshot sort of reminds me of that tragedy
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pwease join
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Don't laugh, I walked through blood and bone trying to find my brother
Join, or else.
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im surprised peeps are still here, thanks for chatting earlier this morning :3
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weed cat smokes weed
Why do you have a mug of me?
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cheers Ryan Gosling
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Is this lobby still up?
weed, frens, fishing
yup it was a good night
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Snow Club on ATLAS

It snowed last night... let's stay warm

*You must have ATLAS installed*
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Can't stop the fish.
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the tree stooges
>/trash/ thread died without a new one being set up
Owari da...
Janny deleted it. No more goonsesh...
lobby doko?
5 posts above yours
I see. I actually counted each post by hand like a dumbass too. Thank you :)
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ive made a bunch of new animals ever since i downloaded more mods and i wanted to show them off in the trash thread, but it died just as i finished gathering screenshots of them all :(
when the trash thread goes up i think ill make a post with catbox links for all of them
Havent played webfish for a week,linehooksinkers server browsers broke now. any other mod managers that download the servers mods for you before joining?
i've never set up a thread on 4chan before but am willing to try for trash if no one else will... Does anyone have the info for the mods and whatever else on them for copy pasting?
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Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/whatever
thanks, but someone made a thread right when i was about to use this. I'll save that for the future
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Name our band.
hanged out to dry
i like the left one
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sleepy comfy time in hot tub :)
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Felt cute, cant delete later
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Thank you for the fun times, frens.
The Lasses Lads
Are there any vanilla lobbies up?
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>tfw no lobbies
Sorry I'm playing stalker
how do they do that with the floating tables? It takes me forever to get the table on the chair just once!
There's a /trash/ lobby up
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New Lobby! Code:
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lol stoner dog
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It exists! That shit took me 30 hours...
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get good faggots
I'm getting there... just a couple more
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mornin' fishan https://youtu.be/arNAyZ1baj4

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this aint fishin....
We're fishing for bigger game.
Trash summons you.
kill yourself
That is club penguin
It's basically the same thread the only difference is the board color.
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look at all these retards
kissable retards
stfu gay
4chan Webfishing lobby not ending up talking about Hitler challenge: impossible
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still fishan
1 spot open
who asked your a faggot anyway
>want to fish
>but have to cook
Just throw something in the frying pan (preferably fish) and go fish. It'll be fine
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im heading to work now, leaving server up
i enjoyed fishan and chattan ty everyone. great start to the days
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grincher will destroy your butt!
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all my wifes (male)
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There I am Gary.
There I am!
cute bunch of goobers

so hot right now
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good lobby
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Something's not right here...
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The world is being flooded with concrete.
10/10 thank you very much for drawing my character
I'm not the artist.
I just chose to post what they did.
thank you for using my PC's resources and nice drawing anon :3
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Fishing with that weird cloud still behind us...
Lobby code isn't working for me
It's currently full.
okay i'll be patient
I'll be back in 1.5 hours anon I'll kick someone juuust for you
that is indeed a strange bug. kinda cool though. Dev should add day and night cycles officially, and creepy looking fog
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Playing Pictionary.
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this was a joke prompt i was very impressed by Mad being able to communicate it
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and that makes over 14 hours, thank you all for showing up today! ill host again soon :3
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Thanks for hosting. Fun times.
I should have taken more screenshots of Pictionary but I was too distracted with the game.
lmfao i look like a crackhead in the back
but yea dont get so caught up with taking screenshots, live in the moment bro

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