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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

>Fire Emblem Series Summary

>Fire Emblem Series Emulation Guide

>Fire Emblem Heroes Event Calendars

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Latest FEH Trailer

Previous: >>503101460
Why do you keep using images I can't look at in public?
Why are you on 4chan in public?
P - Mae
A - Will
W - Never
G - Get
- An
- Alt
And you will never have sex
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I love Shamir so much
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I knew he was here!
The only thing your cousin draws is flies
ugly whore from ugly game
he is not self conscious like you
Enough about your mum already
I don't think that has anything to do with that. Like, at all.
why dont you use 4chan outside of your room thenbeit?
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Dancer Seidr when?
I would like maeshima to return to do another book.
Is there someone you want to do a feh book?
Leonardo Da Vinci
Guinivere's artist
he died a while back
Is there an in character lore reason that can justify why she'd be a dancer or does just your chimp brain just think "ooga booga Seidr titties" and that's why you want it?
spic and nam at the SAME TIME?????
>Leonardo rises from the dead to draw gacha anime titties and then die again
>for FEH
How would the world take this?
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They'd be friends
Biggest surprise would be that he’s drawing tiddies. Everyone knows Da Vinci was an Ike and Soren shipper.
Yeah, friends with benefits *SLURP*
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They'd be friends as well
They are so ugly
Your CYL 9 winner and engage sweep denier
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If 3Houses ever gets some kind of remaster I'd hope that Shamir gets a time skip design but leave the character design to the Japanese
They will make her an item with her canon wife catherine and you will be seething you moron
Yes yes anon here's your (You)
Kek based
https://x.com/Blnk3r/status/1860160880178266198 NEW DINOKINO
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If they bring back Soiree or Plegian.
Tuyen won.
Alexej won.
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>Byleth in FEH has undersized offmodel tits
>Byleth in fanart by FEH artists has onmodel milkers
So IS just tells the artists to draw her undersized, right? I can't think of a reason why this keeps happening to her and Shez.
>If you want another genre, then I want Soul Calibur but with FE characters.

Yes please!
Now that units can be the lead in a duos more than once, I cant wait for the inevitable Edelgard/FByleth duo
I'm on team calbert. We don't like akariss here.
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Oddly enough she DOES have a second design that remained unused in the game but made it into Cipher.
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Isn't that just one of the reclasses? Like how Femleth got tons of art as a mercenary and an assassin?
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Maeshima Shigeki for Book Nine, yes? .
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I don't think so, otherwise Mythic Loki would have been saved for it.
But this company is also shortsighted enough to give us Legendary Grima right before Mythics were revealed.
I don't even use my phone in public because I'm not an anxious zoomer
Based mediumCHADS where are we right now?
I'm okay with this.
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Byleth talks to a ghost, so she's always a medium!
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>shortsighted enough to give us Legendary Grima right before Mythics were revealed.
They really should give Grima a Mythic alt.
I am certain both male or female would sell.
That's just her as an archer, a lower tier class than what she starts as(Sniper). That card is her fighting against the Empire in the first war on Dagdas side. So in a way her base design is a time skip design.

As long as he also draws another Shamir alt
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They should make Mythic FGrima, but it should be Goddess Robin.
You abandoned Tharja.
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>As long as he also draws another Shamir alt
Sure why not.
All HAG lives matter I guess.
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She cute!
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why didn't they just let shigeki do the designs for a mainline game
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You abandon Veitnam
Ugly clowns from a flopped game
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Teacher's pet
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Spent 300 orbs for the 10th copy of Thorr when I had one in my reserves FFUUUUUUUUU. Anyone got a time machine so I can shoot my past self?
Why shoot your past self when you can shoot yourself now?
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I don't know about we, but I've always thought this. Gullveig and Freyja are some of the most unique and creative designs I've encountered. Even Gull with a double masectomy as scene below looks fantastic.

But what design themes do you want to see from the Vanir? How do you describe Vanir themed outfits?

Brave Mickey's resplendo art is pretty,

And I guess this puts the Vanir theme into perspective and answers my question on how to describe Vanir designs. But this is literally the goddamned Rika Suzuki and this is still underwhelming. Vanaheimr sucks. I'd put it in a pool with Embla and Askr where any good art that comes out of it is despite the resplendo theme and not because of it. Contrast this to the Hel theme, you have to be an immense fuck up screw it up (looking at you M!Robin resplendo artist) and really good artists elevate the design using the elements (Sigurd,Eldigan,Surtr)
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>Even Gull with a double masectomy as scene below looks fantastic.

meant to post this but got sidetracked.
Because I'll stay alive in the better timeline.
i still remember the kino that was book 7. when they were looking for Gullveig in all of the different realms and unable to find her, I got goosebumps knowing she was probably right behind us. felt genuine fear
I did?

Shamir is not a hag, she's a perfectly ripe mature oneesan
But you need 11 copies for a +10
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My wife on the left
I meant 10th merge. Sucks her fodder isn't really useful.
Anon I don't have the memory of a goldfish, you tried this shitty bait before
Guard Bearing 4 isn't bad. And she has 1-3 on Flow Guard for Flow Guard 4 transferring.
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>How do you describe Vanir themed outfits?
I stand by this >>503364043
Would be interested in seeing some Gullveig-themed resplendents, too.
if you look at the cyl placing chart, all the characters move up by 2 every year so yeah probably
Why post that stupid bitch?
I don't think she has the pull or the fans to deny Engage a win. Either Ivy or Yunaka will get in there, and I just don't think Azura can do it at all. She's always been like 6th for years and years. Unless the Robin and Bernie voters go to her, she can't win. And I feel like those voters would sooner go to other women.
10th anniversary meme rally, I believe.
Japs are gonna back her BIGLY and reddit might too because >>503384078
i need a hags in magical girl outfits banner
I like how lucina's prf assist activates swap while chroms prf assist activates reposition, and their duo unit activates the swap on assist and reposition through shadow shift c-skill
The 10th anniversary meme rally only happened for ATiki because IS genuinely ignored her.
Azura gets content every year, she's oversaturated. A better comparison for her would be Tharja, who also has never won.
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Are you joking? Tharja is more oversaturated and has more shit than Azura. Stop letting your bias get in the way and embrace the Azura rally.
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Maybe R-Dawg was on to something about women having massive milkers...
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Tharja just got another unit, and is still one unit behind Azura. And Tharja was extremely popular, unlike Azura. Azura's a lord and barely keeps up with Tharja, who was an optional recruitment.
> every year
She didnt get an alt for over 2 years. Her last alt before attuned was desert in Jan 2022.
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Marianne with massive breasts cure my loliconism
Balanced out by how she got multiple alts within months of the same year.
And keep in mind, she has this many DESPITE none of them being a Brave. She has as many or more alts than most units who have a Brave alt.
> And Tharja was extremely popular, unlike Azura.
And yet Tharja always does worse in CYL
Im telling you, the Azura rally is happening and you're mad about it. Anti Azura schizo.
desire to murder nah and give her kit to marni is not abating
Marianne looks better skinned alive
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>Shamir Nevrand
>Age: 25-26 (Pre-Timeskip)
>Age: 30-31 (Post-Timeskip)
You may not agree but some men would say that she meets the requirements.
Azura is so much more attractive when she's smiling
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Like, look at this shit. The only reason Corrin has more units than Azura is because she won CYL. If she didn't, her last alt would have been 2022 and she'd be tied with Azura again.

>the Azura rally is happening
You said this the last like three years. And now she has more competition because of Engage's few girls.
I suppose I should have quoted that on top of the posts with Mickey and Ayra when I said that answered my question on how to describe Vanir themed outfits.

That being said, I hope an artist goes all in on the Golden Curse. Ayra's special art touches on it, so it's on the table.
I kind of want to comm this artist
>some men would say that she meets the requirements
These are redditors you're referring to
Look closely anon. Very closely.

> hint: webm for a reason
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She most certainly not a spring chicken.
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Again, at 31 she's an oneesan, she can still have kids just fine. Maybe in her late 30s early 40s can you call her a hag
You are genuinely GENUINELY zoomer brained if you think 30 is a "hag"
I would say it's also porn obsessed where doujins of 27 year olds act like the girl is some mature old lady. Or where a 34 year old gets fucked by her daughters boyfriend/sons friend and says some "is an old lady like me really ok"

Honestly we can just chalk it up to hagfag being stupid
Careful what you wish for

this is actually an enjoyable read
Same person.
>porn addict injecting porn addict tropes into non-porn scenarios
I'm glad you will never reproduce.
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If I get a Shamir comm from this artist what should I have her doing
All reddit sexualities
>It's balanced out because I can move goal posts.
Shooting you in the head with an arrow that has a restraining order attached to it
>Didnt deny being the anti Azura schizo
You're a sad little man.
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I'm not a fan of muscle shit but I like mature/older characters but I'm not into mommy shit either and I sure as shit don't call them hags.

Shamir wouldn't do that to me
ideally tharja and azura win. ivy is fine too
why is the tumorfag crying this time
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>All reddit sexualities
Shamir would despise you, little bro. Do you even know how to start a camp fire? I doubt you have any survival instincts at all. You would deadass be useless to her.
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Who needs a campfire with all the hot sex we'd have
You're an embarrassment to your bloodline.
3.7 billion years culminated in that KEEEEEEEK
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Where is Miss Minamotos sexo alt

The sports festival themed banner can fit her in it
Not everyone talking about /our/ Gullstacy is doing it to fuck with you.
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The Double Special banner gave me my final Ayra merge. Another unit I wasn't intentionally trying to +10, I +10'd anyway.
Give her Swift Sparrow 3 or something.
i wish engage was made 3 years later so gully made it instead of vero
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Need that musou.
are the gundam srpgs good? the tranime are all 6/10
FE was started by a guy obsessed with gundam
yeah but answer the question
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>3faggots shit up the thread with fetish posting again
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Unironically what the fuck is happening with Heather? I thought IS loved shilling Tellius.
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>every lord has won CYL
>except Sigurd and Leif
Why does the 'they deserve it' crowd not care about them?
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Who is the Roboute Gulliman of Fire Emblem?
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I gave her Atk/Spd Finish (and Spd Smoke 4) from a spare Felix, and Spurn 4 from one of the many Frammes IS whored out to me.
hate this slop artist
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>Another schizo war fight
They'll tucker themselves out soon. Just remember that all of this over a dead FEHTuber they refused to move on from. They all lose just by coming here everyday and doing their rounds.
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stop posting romhacks oldcuckold
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What are the odds Sigurd will get first for the males in CYL9?
Zero. No one cares about that nigga
>no queen of spades tattoo
you could easily edit it in
maybe even IS is tired of the LGBT lately
They were saving her for a banner where she can be together with Mia for maximum Tellius shilling.
they already shill trannius too much
Yeah, which is why the banner will also include Nephenee and Lethe.
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Cute couple…
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Built for rape and impregnation.
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I think Byleth is taking 1st place while Sigurd takes 2nd. Even if Engagefags wisen up and focus only the top voted characters, I only really see Yunaka or Ivy winning CYL9. Sharena is also discussed, but that hinges on Alfonse's votes actually flocking to her since she needs to double her votes to win just like Alfonse. And if Alfonse's votes were actually botted. Well, that requires the botter to care about Sharena if he wants to see her win too.
what kind of cuck votes for the FEMC? agptroons infested this place since 3h
Male side is really just between Manleth, Sigurd, and maybe the Brodians.
Female side is much more of a tossup, between Yunaka, Ivy, FAlear, Sharena, Azura, and possibly Dorothea.
Nerthuz and Mia would have been a better pairing for DSH. Framme's cute, but her weapon is so fucking dogshit. Maybe I underestimate the supportive effect, but her combat is literally slaying/stats/tempo/pierceable dr based on health, and 7 healing after combat. Arcane giant axe is already better. Mia on the hand has a much better weapon.
manleth shouldnt be eligible since femleth won
Mia's one of the few Tellius who sells*, so they're probably waiting for another banner. As it stands, Gullveig+Goldmary+Lapis already makes this banner pretty stacked, and then it also had Nerthuz.
I really hope, when we ever get a close range version of ike's emblem, the effect is gonna be on par with sigurd. Like a 40% dmg reduction on melee + 10 flat dmg reduction and it's also not once every combat
That's so retarded, I can only assume you want Diamant or Alcryst to win. You didn't whine when FRobin won.
i actually already did >>503395978
you 3hfaggot
that's silly.
Honestly I can't see how they could make Manleth be any better than Felix.
You're a silly willy
>first complaint is that nobody should ever vote for women
>second complaint is that the male shouldn't be eligible because a woman won
Neither of these intersect. You just sound butthurt.
Felix is old news. We can easily get a manleth on a horse, because jeralt lol, and have him 4 mov with felix refresh
>start of turn, allies become brave felix on crack
it can always get worse.
Braves get a new prf skill, and sometimes also have the old one. Sublime Heaven is already an extra 30-60% raw atk and triggers every combat, so just give him some self-dance and adaptive damage and he's Tome Felix.
they both are anti-mc, blackposter
Smash, FEH, Warriors, and any other spinoffs turned Robin into her own character. She's no longer the Avatar/My Unit of Awakening. She and her male counterpart are Robin.
She even came really close to winning CYL3. Mostly due to the backing of a Youtuber (it wasn't Etika) who told his subscribers to vote for her. I think she ended up getting 3rd or 4th place.
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She's canonically danced/cheered other characters on.
That's not really thematic with the character, right? Usually they try to have some kind of link to their og game, but I guess it doesn't matter and IS can do whatever they want.
That might be emblem byleth.
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If Manleth isn't Jeralt inspired...
>stupid joke video
>That's not really thematic with the character, right?
Emblem Byleth was a multi-unit dancer, and you can make any arguments for a guy that has timetravel powers.
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The gayest thing IS can do is Sothis Regalia Manleth. The fact that FemRobin is just wearing MaleRobin's outfit, means IS could pull the same stunt on Manleth. And the only effort they have to do is change Manleth's tome color.
>noooooooooooo the canon invaded my fantasy!!!!!!
Weird reply
weirdest reply
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May I have an Eir alt, please?
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Which build is actually more tanky? I definitely want to go giant axe, but the special+b-skill I'm not 100% on. I haven't done skill inheritance for armored in over a year and don't know how well the skills work
And Ratatoskr, Hraesvelgr, Reginn, and Fafnir were dancing in their April fools videos, they should get dancer alts instead of Shitdr
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I wonder if Yunaka has retained enough fans to snag a top 2 spot. She has only one alt compared to Ivy but I feel like Ivy has only grown in popularity while the ZAPPY shit has died down
What the fuck?
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Fresh rotomKINO
>three troons in one circle
my condolences, man
You're so weird
>only 43 orbs
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>You're so weird
I don't get it
>Brave Byleth
>Super Divine Pulse
>Effect: For the first 3 times one of Byleth’s allies is defeated, on the next enemy phase as long as Byleth is alive, defeated ally is revived with full HP and can immediately act
Emblem Byleth gets this too
Unpopular bitch can only get art from your commissions lmao
I don't get it
Alear will edge out Ivy to win a spot on the banner
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I don't buy orb packs anymore. I only fund TCG Pocket now.
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>opponents AR defense has +10 new powercrept seasonal near and far saves
>instaconcede and try again
Congrats on following the latest trend of wasting more money on something even more worthless
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Built for... getting a fucking alt where is it already
Yeah, happens sometimes. Thankfully there's still a good amount of people that put up easier defenses.
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Tiki is my wife
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I came to this
Uh duh?
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>finally perfect weapon for best axe unit in the game

refine when?
He's fat!
>Follow Me is one of the best themes in Fire Emblem
>you won't hear it often
>freeroll laguz friend from double special
Base Tiki or Marisa? Marisa has at least some Spd to inherit GLR and Finish.
How are you supposed to beat this?
AoE on Felix with Attuned Azura + Nergal/B!Bernie with AoE and Flared Sparrow is how I did it myself.
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> a black knight rally approaches
Break up the formation by luring them in different directions
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Use your favourites.
How do you pronounce Reginleif?
Is it Ree-gin-life?
That does nothing. They kill me instantly no matter what
Literally impossible
Try using your brain
Ray shut the fuck up nobody likes you
Moving Peony and Tina in different directions while moving Felix as far back as possible will split up the two saves. Peony goes right, Tina goes left. You still need AoE, though, as Askr's DR will wall you no matter what.
>use super effective
>use type advantage
>use Ike
Only thing left is uninstalling this unfun, powercrept trash heap of a "game"
I used my Ninja Tharja, stop using the old powercreep, you have to use the new powercreep
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You really know you're off the deep end when I'm the one you get mad at.
If Ephraim can charge a castle with four men (including himself) and win, you can do anything.
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Engaygie are you ok?
Was kaga's new games any good btw?
How much padding went into that breastplate?
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Seteth helps a lot
Black Knight and Freyja are my picks this time.
Grug want mate
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Not bad
Stagger them by baiting Nah left and Nagi right. Then range the near saver and melee the far saver, but kill Nagi after killing Askr.
Pretty sure I just used SGullveig and NYSeidr.
>giantess artist
ty anyway
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None you fucking BIGOT
Stop disrespecting women
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But I'd prefer her to show her flatness
Your favourites.
Use them.
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To be fair, Severa is one of the best units in the game.
>they never patched Houses to look like Hopes
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Thank you for saying so,
DE on Switch 2. Trust the plan
Note that this retard tried to make a living pretending he could keep up with Arena for free without cheating and got fucked. Ruined his own life trying to keep up a stupid lie. Sad sad sad.
Seek help, Raul.
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Does the three houses no monastery mod still allow you to visit the wayseer/whatever it is called to make sure units have a specific paired ending?
You know you've always been able to just check the journal, right? You can see a character's three closest companions, and if two characters have eachother as their #1, they're paired.
Yeah no shit. So I am guessing the answer is no
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i beat the Soren Emblem Paralogue today
Your sensei is dead Alexej you can rest now
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who can EP Brave Felix reliably?
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Ummm... just use your favourites?
I dunno. Gilliam with all the latest Armor skills?
Nerthuz is very beautiful
Ylgr and Fjorm are very cute
Guinivere is very sexy
Cordelia is very perfect.
I love my wife
Thats an oxymoron
You know you want to
Raul is very handsome
Resplendent Brave Alm/Eliwood tomorrow
I gave Sly Sparrow and Resonance to Tine
>book 3 resplendents are going on cause of the forced CyL units being grouped close together like the last ones
>these two still don't have one
Fucking hate IS sometimes
No that's wrong. Examples of an oxymoron: imperfect Cordelia, weak Severa and intelligent anon.
Off topic
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I'm new. What should I be doing for dailies/to level? Just run through the main story quests? Do I do every single book all the way through or do the furthest books I can?
Is there much point in special maps/training tower early? I've been burning my stamina on forging bonds, does that matter?
Anon I just like to wife post, don't hate

Don't worry about blowing through the story maps just yet, they're never gonna go away so you can take them on your own pace. I'm not sure how it is on normal/hard mode but on lunatic mode the later book story maps(books 7/8 particularly) are probably gonna be too difficult to complete if you don't have the right units. Just do what you can.

For dailies just look at whatever quests that show up on the fountain in the bottom right of the homescreen. Anything that says it expires in 24 hours should be completed. To level up don't use the training tower, use the special maps in the top right, they rotate out a new one each day(one is good for training melee, another for ranged, another for bows, etc) for 5 days. Most modern units can solo them easy so it's easy to level up. Training tower should only ever be went into for the monthly quests that require you to mindlessly grind in them a bunch of times without anyone dying.

Don't burn through all your stamina on forging bonds, it'll still be up for a few days. Most events have a daily reward thing where the first time you play it each day you get something, so for most events that are running you'll want to at the very least play it once a day just to get the daily reward, but you don't have to grind out all the points in them. Events like tempest trials have this.
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Do all books on all difficulties.
If your team is still low level, focus on just doing Beginner for now, since it's both easier and cheaper on your stamina.
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I love my wife Shamir more than anyone
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Don't fucking joke around with me, anon
What part of the post mentioned you? None.
>more than anyone
Nobody loves Shamir as much as I do, she's my waifu
Which number """""waifu""""" is that one?
I believe it and respect you
Oh yeah, if Fjorm’s so cute why does her breath smell like Laegjarn’s vagina?
Disproved here
She was slobbering all over it, that's why
Cute couple
>not even max flowers
What's that supposed to prove?
Elincia's feet are far too sexy
Shes cute because she looks out for Ylgr and gets onto her for not being safe
Meanwhile you still haven't posted tharja with the whatsitcalled thing introduced recently
>Bringing up another character out of nowhere
Bro are you retarded or something
You always bring Gullveig up unprompted in many of your schizo rants and somehow I am retarded?lol ok
Yes, anon. You are indeed retarded. Also incredibly obsessed to an unhealthy degree
So who exactly is this maria ciecakvas or whatever that nam is so obsessed with?
>"I-I am not obsessed despite being an unapologetic pedophile being here for more than a decade!"

Only took two posts to break her LMAO
I’m a GullGOD with no romantic interest in Fjorm, but I don’t want her to be unhappy. I wish these two all the best and hope to give a toast at their wedding someday.
so why does Hopes look a bit different than Houses?
I need to redo my feedback message asking IS to give more alts to my favorites, especially after these recent ninja alts

Your weird obsession with me aside, you did just give me a good idea for a commission with Mamorin, Mei, and Haruka
>Getting an idea for commissioning CP from that

Freak. You'll pay for your crimes one day, pedophile.
>female Kris has tonnes of cute beach fan art
>female mark has never received any cute beach pics even though she wears baggy robes to conceal her massive tits
Doesn’t really seem fair, does it?
>characters with huge tits is CP
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This is you
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I love Tharja, Noire, Morgan, Azura, Kagero, Rhajat, Kana, Sonya, Marla, Hestia, Nel, Tsubasa, Kiria, Elly, Mamori, Maiko, Ayaha, Mirage Tiki, Mirage Tharja, May, Rosa, Perrin, Ada, and most of all I love my waifu Shamir more than anything

Only about a week before we get the next FEH Channel for Book 9, I wonder what it'll bring throughout the year. And I hope we get a good resplendent reveal tomorrow

Hey, consider commissioning some pics of female Mark.
You like short hair, right? And massive tits? She’s right up your alley!
She gets like NO artwork so this is your chance to help develop what the public perception is of a forgotten FE character.
Short hair! Huge tits! A cute girl who conceals her figure because she’s worried no one will take her seriously if they know what a lewd body she has!
Think about it.
Just use AI
Not Fire Emblem you failed waifufag
The first woke flop
I find book 8 more disappointing and can't wait for Treesus sales to drop
kek that made you so mad
keeeeeeek young tiki flop = book 8 flop
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The results are in
book 8 was bigly popular
So why did all book 8 banners flop while all book 7 banners didn't?
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Also Eikbyrnir cyl9 winner incoming
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Engage won
Stinky anorexic birb wife SEXO
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Three Houses won
the losing contest
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Honestly giving Engage too much credit, theres barely a philosophy to that game. LGBT yes but there's no proper agenda to the slopfest. Maybe next game they will go further, make it look like Concord and have pronouns and shit.
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Why tf did they make the fandom wiki inaccessible on mobile? Half the fucking screen is taken over by the fucking just for you pop up you can't click away. God damn why is that site so aids
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>more men
I'm so glad reddit has been proven to be a niche of seething forgettable turds in this fanbase
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Your sensei is dead and instead of honoring his memory you cope about it by screaming about some video game and some mexican every day. Didn't Akariss himself stream Engage at one point?
Our favorite is the mistreated king of Reddit...
Nobody cares about your Reddit polls dude
>And also him unironically playing 3h and FE8 worse than DSP when DSP played 3h
how are you worse than DSP
>RZL2000 won’t go on a wild goose chase in Burnaby and TheActuarist won’t go on a wild goose chase in Toronto

They’ll never tell you even if they did unless they manage to find something
Nál and her daughters could be a real possibility if they choose that for book 9
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Here's your free book 9 unit, bro
Wait I mean Rán, not Nál, damnit
Rán could be the basis of a water-themed story and since she’s essentially a nobody in Norse myth, the story about her can be anything
Sora is based thoughever and would solo the entire FEverse
CYL winners here
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I love Claude
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So, what game are you going to parasyte when Heroes goes EoS?
Just remembered Engage flopped and killed all interest people had in the series lmao
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Hilda's cute and smelly feet!
holy shit what made you decide to play the game now? What happened in the past several years this was out?
I went looking for the midpoint trailer music for Book 8 on Youtube and I ran to someone malding over Book 7 then. Still complaining about the soul baby plot point, refusing to believe Heidr is Kiran's kid but trying to figure out where she came from (K-kiran never gave consent!!!). Meanwhile he's praising Book 8 for not having plotholes like Book 7.

I have no clue how these people function in life.
450 responses, I'll bump it up to 500, 500x7 = 3500 votes right there. If Deer dude is also popular on Twitter, he has a chance. Then again Reddit hyped up Askr and he didn't make a splash on CYL. Still, after Alfonse and with each CYL getting less and less votes meaning each vote counts more, I wouldn't underestimate him.
>2nd person this week looking to get into FEH also posts an image of a shit girl from FE7
When is the next legendary/mythic banner?
Fucking rigged. No wonder the rankings are going down the shitter.
Mythic nidhoggr and someone else.
Treesus will be moved to a Christmas demote like Bruno.
>I'm new
Even if that's true, all it would take is one really good game to get people interested in the series again. Which will be FE4 remake.
>Gullveig Summer in 3rd place
>Vanaheimr New Year in last
I don't get it. Is Gullveig bigly popular but not her other selves?
41% of those survey votes were for the Reddit deer man. He's not making it.
Honestly I would prefer a game set in jugdral, but not a remake.
that's retarded
Reddit hates Book 7. Summer Gullveig's banner being 3rd could be more for Hrid and Awakening.
1300 votes, assuming every Eik voter votes for him 7 times, and doesn't withhold votes for other characters they like.
He's not winning.
It's been two years and that place still seethes over Book 7. It was "boobs: the book" and they hate (female) boobs.
Kek that's hilarious. Imagine a man, a male OC nonetheless, carrying the summer banner. Someone definitely rigged those ballots.
Those are just some vocal schizos anon. Most people love Gullstacy.
>Most people love Gullstacy.
Yeah but in regards to the FEH fandom or just that subreddit? Because the banner sales show she can carry a banner by herself (twice now), but the feh subreddit seems gay as fuck for a deer guy solely because of his body. Which I feel is ironic.
It sounds like the feh subreddit became infested with gay men sense the last time I checked in.
Yeah, so it's no wonder they hate Book 7. It has the women that they can never hope to be.
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New Byleth tiddies just dropped.
POV: You are Edelgard von Hresvelg
This was made by the same guy who did the other tittydrop animation. Why does this look so horrendous
Gullshit still doesn't even pass the Ignatz test
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Looks accurate to me.
Shut it, Raulita.
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I still don't understand his joke. Which booru is it even supposed to be?
KEK he fucking wishes his delusions were real. He needs to seethe about Gullstacy no matter what and turning off his tripcode to screech autistically about the Shitnatz test is his standard routine.
that's just what a realistic frog looks like
the animation itself is top notch 10/10 quality
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Compare it to this one which was done years ago. New one looks off and way more like ai
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>this animated fell for the retarded corrin le feet meme
Fucking why
When will we get another new heroes banner that doesn't colorshare it's only interesting unit with a feh oc
>more like ai
It's a 3d model, you tard.
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You mad lil bro?
Vital Astra or Gust?
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Why did IS never do an Ayra and Brigid duo unit for any of their summer banners?
>Porn exclusive site has more girls
Now that's a new level of cope
Vital astra sucks
Are you retarded or just acting
Meant for >>503492796
Thanks. What about Godlike Reflexes Vs Gust?
Vital astra does only 1 thing (better) than gust. It can deal with aoe specials. It's acceptable if you solely want to counter sigurd but it's almost infinitely worse than gust. Even eith the 1cd difference
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I love Shamir more than anything
The 1cd does mean you can use VA with Ike ring, while the same isn't true for gust.
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The theme for book 9 being modern day means eventual resplendent would be modern day as well so I'm all for this. World of steel is technically one. Maybe the story can be some villain tying to merge the worlds together to take over, kind of a Mortal Kombat scenario.

Of course they should also make a seasonal theme based off it and give my waifu Shamir a goth girl alt
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Thoughts on Marianne for her birthday?
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She got quite a ton of art, really. I didn't expect that much.
Needs another seasonal.
I like how the dude who commissions her keeps asking for massive tits. And no, he's not just me on an alt, just like Andy420BlazeIt isn't me either

Most of it is all celebration commissions from one person
Remember /Feh/? Good times.
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Reminder that Rearmed Marianne is from AM
What I don't get is they give me shit for "spic doesn't even like book 8 he just shits on book 7" but book 7 "defenders" don't even try to defend it anymore and instead just resort to "ok but look reddit likes book 8 so that makes 7 good"

It's like they know going on and on about "muh closed loop" and "but she has big tits and is for me" did them no favors
>See that someone replied to me
>It's just Namschizo
How is this faggot still going 2 years later
>Dimitri and Marianne fixed each other
Yeah, I miss the good times we used to have on /feh/. Shame.
Kill yourself. /feh/ never should have existed.
Damn, sloppa has come a long way if it can make a character that is so obscure, not bad
Tuyen and Alexej WARPPED you.
now you don't have to scam starving artists anymore
On the subject of big tits, female Mark.
Short hair, big tits, socially awkward, the perfect reverse trap.
Think about it, bro.
I disagree. 3H release + FEH Book 3/4 was churning through multiple threads a day. Splitting was the right choice.
Akariss just quit the game like many other player did
Meanwhile you're still here, seething at phantoms and acting as the local clown's lapdog.
I don't think he'll win either, but maybe he'll hit top 10.
Anon you don't even commission whatsoever

Meh, not my thing
bigger coward
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I didn't generate those pics, believe me any sloppa I make is gonna have at least this size
Sex with Marla and Hestia while Sonya watches.
In order for him to hit top 10 for men, he'd need around 3500 votes. So triple of what reddit MIGHT give him if they go all-in on him.
This will also be right after he gets a NY unit, as well, which usually tanks votes a bit. The only times a character has won like that was when their win was inevitable for the roster at the time, like Camilla after Hot Springs or Soren after Khadein.
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Nope, I'm enjoying all 3 sisters
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Look at this silly dwagon
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FE x 40k collab when?
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>Modern clothes for Book 9
Yep, I'm thinking she's back.
Where's those goth Seidr commissions you retards pretended you were gonna get
I've managed to get novelai generate accurate pictures of Ilia, the tomboy childhood friend from twilight princess so it's really good now despite her getting so few art.
Can't wait for the book 7illion banners we'll get because they're the only cast people rolled for this year
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>So desperate he has to resort to AI
You know you keep saying "I only come in here once in a while" but each time you do you obsess over me, it's really weird

Yeah but that's a paid service isn't it
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Also yeah man, book 7 tards would never resort to ai sloppa, cause they're such god chads that they get tons of art as it right? They demolish the Ignatz test don't they
Pedo collab alert
She comes with Godlike reflexes in her base kit, get Gust so you have both
I don't know about that, but whoever these "Chino", "Tuyen" and "Alexej" may be, it's likely they never spent days of their lives stalking random FE threads on 4chan and making random gore/scat/whatever edits that nobody actually expands.
>brown Soleil
Why do they always do this?
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>might get a crown
heeeeee-h. That's the first one since 2021, so much powercreep I couldn't be forced to give a fuck.
It was fun watching Marni facetank everything while chipping the enemy for 10 damage at a time
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What the fuck I love Caeda now
(me) also, Marni doesn't even have armored blaze. She has pavise that sometimes activates lmao
I hope you dont for the sole reason of using an Engaygee.
Soleil is spiritually lesbian PoC
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Hey check out this art I found
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That's cute anon. Hope you make it.
We're a week and a half away from discovering Kiran's newest cock sleeve. Let's hope Yoshiku is drawing again
0/10 bait
So you're saying 0/10 bait works on you since you replied? Guess that's what you value yourself KEKZINGA
/bag/ is talking about us
Sensei gets to PLAP THAT!?
/bag/ is talking about Raul
Who do you expect they'll make the solos and duo this new year?
big Sara
Sara should show her naked body to us
Errrm, Alm is not a pedo and he has Celica...
NY ratty and hres duo
NY nidhoggr
NY nel's brother demote or tt
NY heidrun
NY MAlear demote or TT.
What are the chances she was molested by her grandfather?
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>he has Celica...
many do
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Oh, this guy does good work.
Baby making sex with kvasir. Family time with seidr. Baby making sex with heidr. Retirement time with gullveig and our incest grandchildren
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I'm expecting something like this old image. Rat and Hraes duo, Nid, Eik, Heid, and then either Gullveig, Grima, or Nil.
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Manfroy didn't even use Julia for anything except fighting
>best girl of the book paired with the rat
God please no
There's a light at the end of the tunnel, anon; We'll get to see Hraesvelgr drawn by a different artist.
Same goes for the others. What're we thinking? Cuboon Heidrun?
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Need more Book 7.
seidr... easy on the hot dogs...
They never come back to past books for NY but Gullveig in a kimono would be so perfect. Rather have her than another dog unit
You can always commission more
Kek, beat me to it.
Yamada Kotaro’s Eikthyrnir would look great.
She is Saber's exclusive cumdump
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if you use brave felix kill yourself immediately
Azura is for ______
Vanishing because I mentioned V*lla.
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He based
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When is Mary's sparkable base version?
Dear lord please get these engaygees off my screen
marriage and family making.
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Then why does her Meet the Heroes list only have Claude and Byleth not Dimitri?

It's more likely that this Marianne had just gotten done with her paralogue which would be before Claude gets his Barbarossa armor
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Shamir is kinda cute…
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Shamir is cool, cute, and sexy all at once
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No one asked
My slampig bimbo wife.
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Only 1.5 years until the TT.
Cringe fag
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Make it happen IS
Gothshit went out of fashion as a reason. Zoomies wearing it is like wearing a walking corpse. You're just making a mockery of the aesthetic.
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That’s supposed to be Manleth?
Engage flopped.
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I hope the resplendent is Eliwood, I wouldn't have to roll for the final merge.
You'll get him within 3 months, calm down.
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we're SO fucking back, I love my goth mommy
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I hate playing games on my phone, but I got bluestacks to try the new poke game so figured I might try out some more mobileslop.
it might have been me both times, I was Lynposting the other day asking questions.
kms myself
The continued failure of Book 8 and Engage.
can you link full bro
I'm curious if Book 8 NY will do worse than Book 7s. 7 had an earthquake tank its ranking, and it still did better than most this year. Will 8 do worse, despite no earthquake?
Jog my memory, can nergal's puppets get knocked up?
Pretty sure they can't, which was why Sonia took Nino in.
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i can get her pregnant through sheer willpower
Gust you fool. VA got powercrept years ago. Everyone and their mothers have DR piercing in their PRFs.
>got a near-perfect Lyn forma
>have 5 forma souls
>but am still hesitant to spend since I don't know the next year's lineup
They should let you bank forma units to cash them in later.
>I hate playing games on my phone, but I got bluestacks to try the new poke game so figured I might try out some more mobileslop.

Well, best of luck my dude. This is game used to be so good, but the powercreep has gotten soooo bad.
They need to kill Pawns of Loki already
They just need to extend the existing banlist.
Here's an easy one: disable all enemy prf skills if not playing on Advanced.
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for me, it's
while nergal watches
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Sadly, most of those can't get pregnant.
qrd on the powercreep? is it just them whalebaiting with OP shit?
mythic next week?
Trailer should be the 27th.
Why the fuck is she looking at me like that?
Stop looking at me!
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Here, have a sommie
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looks like hes ready to take it in the ass
giving male alear a gay lisp single handedly lowered engage's sales by 1 million
alear the queer
Reddit mascot
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im surprised hes even gay enough for reddit
favorite game of '24?
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Is this Priam’s ancestor?
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Nope, this is
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We went from in February, a made cav unit who, when attacking, does Pre combat damage that clears out your HP before the combat finally starts (this isn't an Area of Effect special like Blazing/Growing Elemental specials) ends the turn of the highest speed unit within 3 spaces of the attacked foe. And he has built in firesweep (you can't counterattack if he initiates on you).

Then Emblem Ike comes out, tears that guy apart (end phase btw) on top of blowing units up on player phase. He was the ultimate tank with minimal weaknesses and nuking capabilities.You needed an optimized unit with support and preferably debuffs on him to take Ike down else you'll just die when you interact with him in combat. Then they released Breath of Life 4, an amazing skill to solve the obnoxious pre combat damage that got way out of hand (it started at a max of 7 or 14 precombat damage with Flared Sparrow when it debuted on Brave Gull for CYL7), which incidentally solved one of Ike's main weaknesses, AoE specials. The AoE special weakness was already mitigated deploying the Mythic Hero Gotoh, but this was a universally deployable tool on any team.

Then Embla Celica came out. While she's obnoxious, she's got a number of weaknesses like Scowl and the Stone vein on top of damage reduction so she's beatable. But the fucking Embla ring effect (Equipped embla rings == special refine equivalents) was a massive, MASSIVE jump. Embla Marth was just slaying, Embla Ike's ring effect was damage reduction when a special was proc'd in combat, but Celica's ring? Warp halfway across the map to the enemy. And people slapped that shit on Ike.

Then CYL8 came out and Felix got the ability to self galeforce refresh just by doing NOTHING. WHAT THE FUCK. So slap the Celica Embla ring and this guy literaly walks straight across the map to blow you up.

I only play Arena nowadays because investing in my favorites is pointless since they can't keep up no matter what's going on.
qrd on the dudes who sit in the thread posting weirdly edited fetish porn on cooldown
>Embla Celica
Does she disable save armors too?
no, but save armors are struggling to hold their own with the nuking power nowadays. Though my info is out of date since I've yet to test out Shield Fighter + the Twin Save.

At least Duo Fjorm is somewhat balanced in that you have to Desperation x4 her to kill her if you're ranged, or send a melee to kill her.
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This with Mamorin
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Try having this level of dedication first

You have posted this more times than the person who those units actually belong to. Surprised you didn't rename it again to some retarded cheeky shit.
You have posted Shamir more times than the summoner she belongs to
That was a pathetic comeback even for you.
That was a pathetic comeback even for you
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Mr Kiran... I don't feel so good...
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You misunderstand. Seiros is evil and fixable. Edelgard is evil and not fixable.
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so I'm new to this, do you generally want to build up a wide team or focus on a single 4man squad? I saw there was one piece of content that used 20 people, is that the only one with more than 4?
>Yeah I'm an X fan
>*completely headcanon their personality*
Aether Raids can let you use up to 6, and arena will have rotating bonus units that you'll want to use at least 1 of in your team to get max score. Modes like arena assault require 7 teams of 4 which is 28 units but all things like that are things you get to later if you're new.

Point is yeah, maybe focus on a core 4 that you'll be using to clear a majority of pve content, but have other units you want to build as well..

Thankfully the brigades(the 20 man squad you mentioned) lets you add units from your friends list instead of your own units that you can use instead. In a mode called Grand Conquest and Pawns of Loki you'll want to take advantage of that if you're new

Go ahead and post your friend code if you need high level friends, most people here have a pretty strong lead unit
This is cope. Seliph and Larcei are made for each other.
Yeah, calling Seidr a sex obsessed bimbo who will have a three way with her daughter is really weird
Usually having just 4 strong ones will clear all PVE content for you.
If you haven't already, just choose Brave Felix and you'll breeze through all the content forever.
There are some game modes where you are expected to have 2-3 teams of 4 units. (Chain Challenges, Tempest Trials) (If the first team loses, you take a 2nd team and so on.)
The 20 people mode you saw is Rival Domains, there's also an event tied to it, Grand Conquest. You can actually use units from your friend list for this mode actually, so don't worry over that one.
The other big one is Summoner Duels, which you need 5 unit teams of super cancer powercreep units, but for now don't bother thinking about it
Unfortunately for me as a juliusfag I kind of have to if I'm not going by his mindraped and corrupted by pedophilic old men persona
if you're new then just stock up on a bunch of recent 5* units as they mostly come with complete kits and its better to have your bases covered. some pvp stuff wants a variety specific of characters for each different season, but if you're new then you shouldn't need to worry about it for now as your tier should be too low to run into some of the cancer at higher tiers. once you have a decent stockpile of different colors/weapon types then you can focus on building specific teams, or chasing other characters.
>one piece of content that used 20 people
There are some modes that want a lot of characters but you can also deploy your friends characters as well, at least certain ones your friends have listed.

The current double special heroes banner has some solid characters and the upcoming double mythic banner might have some solid characters as well. They also have higher rates so it's not the worst to use these to stock up on a variety characters if your roster is weak/empty.
I want a 3H manga/comic anthology/animated shorts that show Shamirs past and how she came to be in the job she's in. Obviously she's a knight but it seems like she alone is the one tasked with espionage duties and potentially assassinations. Even in the chapter where Claude wants to dress up in Empire army clothes she mentions how she has to reach out to all her channels, so she seems to have some connections, but we don't know how she got those things. Who taught her those skills. I imagine she already had them before joining Rhea which was how she was able to evade capture from the Empire in the first war and she found her way to Abyss, but even then who taught her that before, did she learn it when she was conscripted into the Dagdan army(and we don't even know if she was forced or she joined willingly), did she learn it when she was with her family. What were some of the first missions she had like, did she ever fail any. She moved really cool in the cutscene where she almost assassinates Edelshart.

It's like she's a cool spy but she needs more background lore. That's kind of why I want a young alt for Shamir but where she's in her teens.

I love Shamir, she's my waifu
*really accurate
Wht don't you just write a fanfiction! Theres a few of us fanficSCOLARS in the thread, might as well try your hand at it.
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Cutesithea in progress
Too old
I want canon, not fanon

God I miss that meme
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Do I need special spiral 4 when using Lina's arcane tome + blazing wind on someone else?
Maria Siven*ova is DEFINITELY a bimbo that would have a three way with its daughter KEK
More like a-poop-a

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