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Because they don't let me do it on /v/ :(
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Worth a shot and made this imp boy thing
Good luck!
Somebody host a lobby
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I'm so proud of how my imp turned out I want to share it with the class. I also saw a /v/ lobby last night but it was password protected?
Made my own
Come and join!

name: Pawholding
pw: owo
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Not OP, but I got banned because I posted in an Atlyss thread.

Also, this asshole is kinda difficult.
I'm guessing you're not supposed to fight it solo?
I've done it solo, with 2 people, and 4 people. Maybe get better gear?
That would be the smart thing to do, yes.
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war on jannies now
This lobby is still open, by the way!
Come join!
This game is cute, sadly I really suck at this type of game revolving around dodge/parries.
And that's why you take up the role of healer in a party
US hosted lobby for ping reasons
Lobby: Webfishin
Pass: ripwest
I don't really get the lobby join system; how do I join this? I don't see it in the list of lobbies.
you type in the name then hit the refresh button, took me a minute too lol
Type the name in the bottom then hit the refresh button.
I got it, thanks!
how can i learn spells?
lvl 10 then choose mystic class or get lucky with skill scroll drops
tysm nonny
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he's fucking dying
Spirit of the campfire, what is your wisdom?
Taking sneaky shots of me...
Is this going to be the new webfishing for comfy chats and shooting the shit? Looks promising
The sleeper outfit is so lewd...
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Gamers are we back?
what lobby is this??? i wanna join
How do I remove spells from my spellbook?
Was during beta when Kiseff popped in our lobby and talked about the game and future plans
The /trash/ gang

Some are still here
Glad to reunite with them
Right click
Oh, on the icon. Gotcha. Thanks!
>the /trash/ gang
the webfishing trash threads have been some of the most fun i've had in months, if everyone moves to atlyss now i hope they make some threads for it there
Anyone want to party up for quests level 12 and up?
Server is named jackson
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adding image to request help
Never got into Webfishing but heard good
Also heard it turned into a full public furry sex gang nearly lmao
the lobby might be going but stopped playing. thanks for joining.
I'm in here if others are looking for a lobby
>Leveling magic because I need to keep my brain hard while my ass remains soft
>Hit 15
>Do shit damage, Bells suck, Scepters are okay but
What's the catch here. How2Magic? Anyone got a guide, cause I'm leveling up and getting nowhere near effective
Webfishing is a better game
Webfishing's a chill vibe. This game is grind without reward. Work without pay.
so MA or T?

I get the Sexual themes, but was that enough to bump it to an MA rating?
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I dunno, I just hit things and they seem to die.
There are only three mage skills I'd use, personally: Imbue to buff myself, Fluxspear to stun enemies I'm not currently focusing on and Nova to hit groups of enemies hard.
Try to get Imp's leech skill, because it seems very OP; not only does it apply DOT, but it also heals you while damaging the enemy.
Playing the demo kinda liking it. Can I transfer my character to the full game or will I need to start over?
you probably have to start over for the early access.
Demo saves aren't transferable.
Stat block? Cause I'm about to quit at this point as a poon mage that's unable to do ANYFUCKING THING. Also, shoutouts to bell liars.
They aren't. That, or my stats are so bad I'm just not doing shit
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Bells are kinda shit, I agree. Any spell or weapon that makes you slow down too much should be avoided.
>Stat block?
I have dumped every single stat point into Mind.
Try to reach the ruins, there's an outfit that can drop there named "sleeper's robe" that's pretty decent.
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you only lv mind and vit, most of your dmg will come from your gear, by lv 15 you can buy the ones from sally's, they'll last you till you get the lv18 ones from the hard catacombs dungeons, cross and fluxbolt are your bread and butter, imbue should always be up, blink + restora with some vit is enough for survivability if you can dodge and parry well, some spell scrolls you find around are also quite good, divine is probably the strongest skill in the game

You are playing this game wrong, join a server and poon around with friends, the grind is secondary, the best xp and money farm is shaking it to the wealthy anyways
Bells unironically are some of the best for them
It's just about landing that Charge hit that amplifies damage, then dumping shit on them
>Charge attack that amplifies damage
Time out what? That seems useful. That said
>Still do no damage.
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just bought the game and installed it, about to launch it, should I just blindly join the webfishin lobby before playing it single player? what are the odds my shy pooner bussy is gonna be smashed while I'm gone afk getting zooted?
Don't worry, that lobby is pretty chill.
Also don't feel pressured to team up just because. Just do your thing.
I can't make the bell do more than this garbage. The final hit burst is the saving grace and
>Enemies don't stand still ever so by the time the 80 years pass and the burst happens, they're out of stun state or worse, I'm dead because HURR DURR STRAY CRIT FOR 90 INSTAKILL.
I'd have quit by now if the game had actual death penalties beyond the corpse run back to the scene of the murder.
Jump, nigga! Jump!
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>the game actually lets me make a slutty male bunny that looks like this
holy shit god bless furries
>The damage isn't much different.
It's an AoE weapon. For groups of enemies.
12x1 is less than 4x4.
Also yea the first move you charge and pop and it amplifies damage
I swear there's a second Skill that amplifies damage too

You basically double pop and AoE wipe shit in a few seconds or under usually depending if you're good geared
what's the webfishin lobby code????
this just made me buy the game, i need to plap those cheeks
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Kobold and Poon cheeks are some of the plumpest out there
i want to shoot fat ropes on kobold cheeks, jesus christ
kobold truthers never lose
What's the best Enchantment set for bow Bandit? idk how the math on Killer v Precise will pan out cause I'm dumb
There needs to be a /trash/ thread for erp in this game
be the change you want to see in the world, anon. Make the thread yourself! (But do it tomorrow, im going to bed now and I really don't want to miss the beginning)
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We USED to have /Trash/ threads BECAUSE jannies were nigs and wouldn't let the threads stay alive on /v/ or /vg/
NOW that it's in official release it's allowed
So dumb
Yet there's several slop shit that doesn't deserve gens here
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Any lobbies up?
webfishin still is
Yea >>503400194
This is the /v/ and /vg/ lobby
some /trash/ gang too
for convenience
Lobby: Webfishin
Pass: ripwest
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Consensus seems to be that mage is bad, but I'll make some recommendations.

As far as I can tell, even if you chain your buff and AOE debuff, nuking is too mana intensive to be worth it. But the support skills of mage are great. Also charged wand attacks are a sleeper hit. Past mid level, you start getting shotgun style wands available that hit much harder. Prism for safety and DPS uptime then use the stun and wand charge attacks on a wand with a really nice charged hit. They DO vary for mages. Try different ones. This seems to be the true way forward. Keep the heal maxed for group support. Everyone will be thankful.

Oddly makes a great tank class. I tend to be the last one alive when things go REALLY bad.
How do you find it on the lobby search? It only shows 50 results
Thank you appreciate it!
type in the name then hit the refresh button
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I miss him
Hi, is the lobby still up?
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Good playing anons, lets try to not have another anal vore massacre in the future
bandit buddies
I ran out of screenshots.
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bandit buddies :)
ok i made /v/ tred :)
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closed, thanks for joinin in fellas
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US Hosted lobby
Lobby:Vidya Fishin
lobbies back
Can anyone send me keys for this?, i like the character creation and style but i don't know if i'll stick around.
Autosaged already
Anyone play on steam deck?
The only thing I can't seem to get to work is the server browser. The search function doesn't work at all and it only displays 50 at a time.
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Geistlord defeated. Only one dungeon left.
damn, we have a general already?
>holy shit god bless furries
ladies and gentlemen, we got him
/v/ jannies are being vicious on the game's first weekend
there's another thread up there but who knows how long it will last
Webfishin lobbies down, and it's Vidya Fishin and ripwest is the pass
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Go right ahead
Also gobbos get to fuck for free
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Already got my own.
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I'm the goblin
goblin DEEZ NUTS
lewd mods in op when
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Alright, WYA?
If you didn't know theres a 24/7 /trash/ server up with a 69 person cap
no lobbies found
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i could only find it in the server list manually, not with search
How to manual server list?
Just clicked multiplayer>join on the main menu, set it to "worldwide" and scrolled down the list until I found the /trash/pit
how are they going beyond 16 players
please im begging
in the /trash/ server
Don't see any gobbos on it!
Anyone happen to know how to get the divine skill scroll?
The literal gambling NPC? Is it on the 1k or 10k bets?
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I just did it solo as a level 11 heavy fighter (though I didn't take a screenshot). Lethal strike came in clutch. In my case I knew I could only get off two attacks before having to back off and just constantly being ready to dodge the spinning projectile. Did have to kite a couple of times for recovery cooldown though.
Tip for any fighters: Get level 2 one handed mastery. The heavy attack can hit 5-6 times per use
Just got it from a chest in the grove.
does attack power do anything for dex weapons or do i just go max dex for big number
why is it called /poon/ isn't that a transgender word?
You can buy it.
any lobbies?
>get hit by one (1) rageboar
>die to dot
What is those guys problem?

Only option for you is back to the dungeon and grind more gear.
Don't beg
And just spend the $10 on Steam man
>finally get through the triple rageboar gauntlet
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>gambling can give you cosmetics
>pirate steam release and play it a bit yesterday
>had enough fun to consider buying it
>but definitely don't fit in with this community at all
Put it on
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It looks pretty neat.
Shame I got no pants that fit its style.
lewd and neat
>Shame I got no pants that fit its style.
you know what to do
Is there anything above the Fire and Cryo staff?
man i see now that this one was made for women characters and the men version is lacking
I'm rocking a Wizwand. It's very short range but it deals an extreme amount of damage.

Also a general PSA for everyone playing the game: ENCHANT YOUR SHIT
If you're playing a mage, each piece of equipment Magical prefix will give you +5 magic power.
Which means you can get +40 magic power from equipment alone. Excluding the magic power they're already providing.
But it's EXPENSIVE and sometimes takes materials I can't be assed to farm.
>PSA for everyone playing: ENCHANT YOUR SHIT!
>Nice RNG, faggot
>Oops! Now I'm broke and with useless magic enchants on a melee character
Fucking Koreaboo cancer needs to stay gone. Plus I can scale the shit out of magic and it doesn't work, so yeah I can't say enchanting gives any tangible damage increase.
What gamba tier did you get that from?

Also gamba for cosmetics is clearly current end game.
Too expensive.
I hate enchanting in this game.
Make a bandit alt for farming.
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Are you guys not looting everything that drops or something?
1000$ tier.
>Use bows
>Bows are bugged and have .005% of the scaling on Dex dump
>Katars work but >melee
>Die in one hit unless sacrificing precious dex(+str?) for vitality so I can get hit more and still die fairly often due to the existence of a parry system = EVERYTHING OVERTUNED!
Fighter or bust. Magic sucks and ranged sucks, but melee needs beef. Strength is a universal stat that just works.
I do have 30k but with enchants being 3k+ per pop that's not much.
By the time you're done farming for more items to enchant you should have gained at least half of the costs.
...you guys are doing the repeatable quests for areas you're farming, right?
Can't get any bows or katars to drop, and after spending 10 years doing early dungeons to no loot worth it minus some paltry money, I'm burned out. Need a guide on how to play this since going on my own solo is NOT working
Slime type monsters drop Katars.
Bows are only in dungeon and boss chests I think.
im dumb how do I use dye
Eat it
I did eat it, nothing happen
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>Can't get any bows or katars to drop
Katars are dropped by every single slime enemy (except for ash and diva).
It's also a reward for killing the normal crypt dungeon boss.
then the clothing you're wearing doesn't change with dye, i think
Consume it and all dyed gear should have the new color.
Some gear can't be dyed.
Boar gauntlet in Tuul Valley and Wall of the Stars is the end of the content for now, right? Time to roll a new character then.
>Can't do first dungeon boss.
I give up. It's so over unless I cheat and by that point, I should be playing something else. Thick fluffy asses isn't enough to keep me.
>wtf, why am i not one-shotting a boss several levels higher than me???
You literally have other things to do than hitting the wall with your head.
Anon, try harder.
First, get your class. It will make it loads easier.
As a warrior, get close and parry every of his moves and swing away, except when he backs off to do his homing balls. If he does that, run away and then dodge the balls sideways after getting some distance.
Getting good gear from the dungeon helps. Maybe do more runs of the dungeon before trying the boss if you are having trouble.
>Several higher levels than me
Literally only one because I was grinding and doing the repeat quests and using the money to buy XP tomes. I knew I'd fail, and this is just the biggest waste of effort right now. Can't find a better weapon desu
Skill issue, I simply bruteforced the guy.
>using the money to buy XP tomes
I don't think this game is for you, anon.
It probably isn't but for 10 bucks? I got a weekend's play out of it before finding out I suck.
I sell all exp tomes for money.
Items are more important than levels anyway.
Either learn to love the grind (not the dungeon one) or team up with others.
>learn to love the grind
You mean as in grinding each others poon cocks with each other?
Is it possible to join a friend's dungeon instance if we only partied up after they went in?
Kill yourself
yes you can join if they invite you to the party if they are already in the dungeon with 4 people
idk if there is a cap for this though i only went to 6 people in a dungeon
Neither can I, anon. Hitboxes too big on ~80% of attacks in this game in general. I see why the parry timing is lenient, but at the same time? Just can't fathom why everything that needs to be parried is usually multi-hit stuff.
I did but the game said I got hit anyway. Guess I was a millisecond off.
You can dodge those fairly comfortably though.
>Hitboxes too big on ~80% of attacks in this game
100% agree. I wish dodging was more viable.
The enemies you cannot parry are super hard for that reason.
Might try to tell it to the dev.
>no healing items on hotbar
like you did a couple times, use your dodge instead of blocking
also go buy some health pots from the shop and put them on your item bar
If you are a ranged character, yes. But for melee characters they are super hard to dodge, especially from the cyan guy who sends them into random directions.

This is valuable advice. Slot your Bunpots and Bunjars.
Okay, first hit was a skill issue. You saw him charge his barrier attack and you neither dodged nor blocked it.
Those spikes he shoots at you? Jump in the air and dodge them sideways. It's the easiest way to not get hit.
The first melee combo you got hit by was also a skill issue. You only started blocking after the first attack.
Also, why the hell aren't you healing between attacks?

All of this doesn't really matter, btw. Your level is way too low to comfortably beat him.
Go do your main quest instead and gain some more levels.
real men open their bags and right click potions manually
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Imagine not being CHANG GANG and just using Sturdy to faceroll Zuulneruda until he dies.
>You saw him charge his barrier attack and you neither dodged or blocked it
This is exactly why I posted the comment about being a millisecond off. I did right click, but it did not come out. Also this is attempt #45 and whenever I get close to winning, he does an add wave and I die to geists.
Good advice. Shame I'd have to slog my way through this retarded dungeon again and die 100 times just to get to the boss. I think I'm giving myself reason to go back to other games.
until i learned that i can get sturdy from the rng shop
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>I did right click, but it did not come out.
Is that the only way you can get the scroll?
Believe it or not nigger, your choice. In any case, I give up. Your game wins. Have fun or something.
Poons are cuter. Changs are uggo.
And you can do the same thing as auto parry manually with some practice.
Parry/block has a very short but existant delay.
I clicked it too late quite a few times.
maybe through a dungeon drop if you're lucky
poons are great and all but if i'm given an option to be a rat in a video game i'm taking it
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Man, the paint economy is in shambles.
I dont need paint.
Stick to red at all times.
i've gotten so much green from grinding at the lower levels
In my experience, parrying timing gets extended artificially for additional hits against grouped enemies. I've observed the game gives me additional parries if other enemies hit me right after the first parry if I keep my shield up. Making parrying large groups safer than trying to dodge. Though it takes some guts.
I think I agree.
Bulwark just does a lot.
Its very noticable at high levels and makes parrying groups very easy.
I play a mage.

I think this sources back to a change in the itch.io era. Making it more easy for me to see the difference. The last itch release had a change the dev noted was to make being gangbanged more reasonable to survive. So long as you parry the first hit of a group, the rest will also get parried within an extended window. Which.. may itself get extended for each hit?

But I think the extension window is much smaller than the original parry window.
Fighters defense is bulwark
Thieves defense is his increased mobility
Mages defense is keeping your distance and blinking
Is there a way to pick enchants, I am losing cash re-rolling as fighter since I constantly get precise and mana shit
Nope. Enjoy going broke getting LIVELY exclusively
Be smart, don't enchant (unless you really want a memester weapon with non-default scaling)
I know this is a straight targeted game but where are all the fags? I need people to talk about knots with
>Don't enchant
>Mystic is the worst class in the game and needs every piss droplet of scaling possible to do basic things
>Have to enchant versus an RNG system
Waiting for enchant cheat tables desu. I'll pay but I want my TEMPORARY STOPGAP GEAR THAT I'M FORCED TO GET, TO BE GOOD FOR ME AND MINE.
>Burning 40k PoonGoonbucks just for enchantments...and the gear won't last a fucking day.
Bad fucking game design
Wish this game was less straight. Especially since it actually has badass gameplay unlike Webfishing.
But nothing we can do about it.
Knots are cute.
I am always the last to survive on mage through parrying. And have survived in the open dungeon for the several minutes it takes for others to reclear the boars to get back. Mana comes back too slowly for blink to be your viable bread and butter defense. You'll just be unable to nuke OR heal. A lot of enemies are also super fast and will catch up to you anyway.

I did play the itch versions before and after the parry changes. The difference is pretty blatant, and it still works this way in the steam release.

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>/v/ thread deleted again, warned
sixty niggers
they're really trying hard to banish this one
Skill issue. I finished everything there was to finish as a mystic without enchanting items or getting lucky with drops.
I probably wasted 15000 just to get lively on my Warpick. Didn't even get killer.
Never again!
The straight is fine. As long as I can slap my big boy ass with the other big assed boys I'll be happy
The game just came out. I don't know what their problem is
Yeah this website sucks because of selective moderation, it's basically just reddit at this point.
This is the fastest I've seen /v/ jannies throw a shitfit over a new game
Fuck knots
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Gobbie boyz
How do I get illusion stones?
>this fat
>no moobs
My disappointment is immeasurable
Just go to /vm/ or something, occasionally go there with a phone IP that's not banned to shill
Buy them for 300g from the possum.
if i do a class quest am i locked to it? or can i do the others?
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He's just big boned
the male breast slider is really weird, not moob worthy.
your class choice is permanent for that character
OH I thought I was suppose to farm the end raid boss, which i did for hours. Thanks
You can toggle the male or female boobs regardless of gender.
Okay I know the big meme is all in on your damage stat, but do you guys really walk around with no HP? I see you nibbas get wiped off the face of the earth in an instant and then I'm solo holding down a room till people hoof it back. Sure damage sux, but that's true of everything. I've not seen anyone who can just oneshot mobs through the amazing power of all levels on damage.
damn that sucks
I feel comfortable enough with 15 vit on lvl 20. Prism helps a lot too.
just dodge nigga
Being fragile and delicate is cute and big damage is BADASS FUN!!!
That's what that one host says who uses 1 handed swords and no shield. Then he dies.

I was considering a bit less like 15 vit, but I don't feel too compelled given the addition to mind won't really be that much. The cleric/paladin spec is pretty stable for walking around anyway. Mystic is clearly more leaning to that kind of build than trying to make it a nuke mage. The damage spells don't feel like they scale well enough.
>who uses 1 handed swords and no shield.
>but do you guys really walk around with no HP?
Considering it takes like 5 seconds to walk back to where you died I see no issue with it.
>it takes like 5 seconds to walk back to where you died
Unless you're doing the Crescent Grove dungeon that is.
It's a good thing you can get infinite tears from Angel, then.
You guys have been completing the repeatable lvl 18 dungeon quest for free rewards, right?
>Considering it takes like 5 seconds to walk back to where you died I see no issue with it.
It kills my dophamine flow and ego though.
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I don't know. I don't feel great playing games on the notion that failure has no penalty at all. Something feels off about the mentality. I like being able to say I survived or did things without no cost retries.
Tranny jannies still think it's 2006 era /b/, so of course they try to stamp down anything remotely furry.
absolute army
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I'll fucking bury my face in that gut
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bury your face in mine, you keep staring at it.
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based belly enjoyer
>bury your face in mine
i want to grope those bellies so bad bros....
I will claim both for my face.
Are weapons mutually exclusive to certain classes or can they all use whatever effectively? I've been leveling my stats thinking I wanted to be a fighter, only to pick up a bell and decide that I want to use nothing but bells.
Excuse me, we're talking about videogames here.
You can change what stat affects the weapon's damage at the Enchanter. That said, bells are kinda shit right now. No damage, and too slow/immobile.
Can change a weapon to scale off your preferred stat. Except Vitality, obviously.
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If you have the material, yes.
Lobby: Goblin Fishin
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Bells got overadjusted back in itch and never recovered. They used to be so good they invalidated everything else.

Also I put magic scaling on melee weapons but it doesn't seem to really help?
how do i disable underwear for myself
Options > enable clear clothes, I believe
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ooUUUUGHHHH please tell me that's a guy
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He's a fat fella
Underrated race. They don’t have the biggest assets but their narrow upper bodies really accentuate their drumsticks
That's not fat, that's just chubby
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This game was made by a bad, bad man...
It was made as a fetish game base on the demo but tone down like crazy
Cut us some slack. We're still getting used to being torn away from our homeland in /v/ and having to survive in your polluted wasteland of a board.
oh my fucking god if i said the things i would do to that fella it would get this entire thread sent straight to trash
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>two /vg/ threads
>one /trash/ thread
>/v/ threads that keep getting deleted every 40 minutes
>game has only been out for 2 days
there isa v thread up. look for the mouse
do I need to start a whole new character (and level up from scratch) to change race?
A /trash/ thread wouldn't be so bad. We've already got another general
Right? Fuck jannies.
Lobby since other thread went away:

Name: atl/v/ss
pw: totaljannydeath
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Was about to make a new thread when I realized the one that got moved here from /v/ got deleted because there was already one up
Good to know
Guess I jinxed it
Shop scales with you?
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what do anons think of my poon?
Jannies really working overtime these last few days trying to nuke all these atlyss threads instead of actual harmful threads
is there erp in this lobby?
Lobby is long dead.
We need a new one.
erpfags get the rope
Show his ass.
i just discovered the chang sit2 and i NEED cock
>wrong password
how do i do the spank emote
How many people can join a single lobby?
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He's a serious fighter who tries to stay fit!

oops my hand slipped
/emotes for a list of all emotes btw
Too thin. They look like they've been squished on X axis in blender or something. Consider remaking and increasing the width slider a bit.
Im fucking dumb
Name: atl/v/ss
pw: loljannies
Needs more carrot cake.
need transbian furry gf I'm a mouse
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he's intended to be a sticc. Though I did catch him in the middle of a turning animation so that could have exaggerated the effect. I think its important he has a grabbable waist.

that's not conductive to saving the world anon
I could go for some bondage play~
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No furries on 4chan, thats always been a rule.
Which weapon has the coolest moveset? I have a mind crystal to switch the weapon properties to mind damage instead of strength. I wanna use something cool and perhaps op
when does this n64 ass game become fun
the second it starts
i love the katar so much
>cant make a flat chested imp girl
This is dire
>the second it starts
the only bit of fun is to max the ass and tit sliders
You can. Click the tits in character creator and it switches you between titties and flat.
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I did it reddit! I beat it solo!
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scroll up
Useless and a jerk
Doesn't clicking male just do that?
it resets the sliders so its better to just swap the chest
What is Dex power for? Is it possible to be a pure crit build?
Any rec for fighter skills order?
Where is the wall of stars?
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Crescent Keep, go straight instead of to the left.
Not him go to Crescent Keep, then go to the right, dont climb, and then go to the left
Forgive me for being a retard. I reached the end of the boar maze and thought that was it.
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i am
hold G to teleport back to the safe area
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he came back after a while
hell no i was deep into that place!!
Use /unstuck or /stuck in chat
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Cute gobbo
the floating head ghost enemies are niggers they just teleport beside you with an active hitbox, especially the level 14 ones that apply 5 poison
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Took me a while to make a Kubold I liked.
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Alright, I decided to host my own sever.

Name: Pork Bun [US EAST]
Password: a whole man
>connection timed out
Server is still up
Surely it was a crash, and not an accidental disconnect from the host...
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Time to work on another class I guess.
>tfw I go from watching a relatively unknown fetish artist developing a lil fetish game/homage to ps2 games to watching said little fetish game gain like 7k steam players in a matter of a week.
one of the universe's many quirky amusements
where da lobby at reeee, i cant find the last one
Based name and password
ah you need to type the whole name for the search to work.....
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Anybody else discover the Bandit bug that makes (as far as I know) the catacombs boss unresponsive? Immediately upon entering the room, I instantly dash towards him and cast mist veil right before he appears and then surprise attack him with the katar charge hit and boom he ends up becoming my punching bag. Somebody else try it out.
the mastery abilities for scepter and bell seem kinda useless would it be better to forego it entirely?
what even happens in the 40 man /trash/ server?
Are they just sitting on eachother?
No forgiveness necessary. It's off the beaten path and even if you did find it before an arbitrary progression trigger - it would be closed off.
>goblins usually in their own clique plotting to kill the birds
>fatfags trying to break the sliders
>erp freespace
the usual
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That was the worst fight I've ever played in a video game but I refused to reset the dungeon and it's finally over, fuck you level 18 zuulneruda, fuck you level 15 poltergeist adds, and fuck you arena platforms that have that awful hitbox that keeps you from jumping. This game is great.
Only if you're okay with a phone picture because my laptop is borked.
I'll post it in advance, just don't look at it if the answer is no. One sec.
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Vould you like to know vhy zey call me "Ze Impaler"?
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I vill give you a hint.
*Pullz out veapon*
It iz not an inuendo.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
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I'll try my best to heal for you
Just don't get mad okay?
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Are those bottoms just stockings without any pants?
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>Full Bulwark Sword n Board fighter
This shit is just Royal Guard. I can suplex Colossus like this he doesn't even dent my stamina.
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panties and boots
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>cat ghost drops scythe as an item
>Didnt even know they could drop their scythes, been playing since early builds.
>inventory full
>drop stuff
>close inventory
>scythe already had time to disappear

fuck. those arent rare are they?
Depends which one.
The biggest one yeah, the smaller ones moderately rare.
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Lame. Still, are they mage-exclusive?
Does the dungeon ever generate with a fully explorable layout? Second time I've been in here and gotten cockblocked by every door being barred
I picked up a key but it doesn't seem to do anything
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This game is fun, checks all of the right boxes for me

Could not get into webfishing because of how much waiting around you did, and I also did not like the actual fishing minigame
i am going to get MAD and i am going to take that anger out on YOU
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Smashed and slammed imps need to be named after toadline bullies.

I'm talking Toad 2 here. Rumple. Crimeboss. Dr.Dwamn. Stay Puft—
yeah seems to be does transmoging between classes work?
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plz no bully
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before i buy how good is the actual game? is it just a mmo with furry ass jiggle physics or is there something more to actually make me consider paying for an mmo in 2024?
He looks like he throws liquor bottles at children
i'm playing singleplayer and having fun
Afraid not. I woulda loved a plated mystic otherwise.
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Any good fighter build?
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I have been slapping her ass but i still didnt get this achievement. Anyone know why?
Simple-ish but fun action combat. Movement is satisfying. Little content.
I'm in it for the gameplay and I'm enjoying myself.
There is a preset of dungeons that rotate.

Game is fun for the MMO style combat, it reminds me of tera online's combat in a way with all of the movement.

The furry characters are just a nice bonus
This is webfishing for dudes who jack off to Midna
the characters are definitely more feminine than i'd like
This is webfishing for dudes who jack off to Midna AND dungeon crawling grindfests*
This is webfishing for dudes who jack off to FAT BITCHES!!!
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now we're talking
FAQ on the discord says the dev is considering enabling it, but will never allow transmogging weapons.
how to slap ass?
Cheevo confirmed broken in the last update. It'll be fixed eventually, or just use an unlocker.

She bends over on the right side of the library to pick up a book, smack her ass then.
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>but will never allow transmogging weapons.
but why
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It's a fun online game, with instanced content, and hubs.

I wouldn't call it a MMO. But you can see where it got that inspiration. It makes me think of Risk of Rain 2 at times with its movement, oddly enough.

That said, it's still an early access game.
Only 2 dungeons right now. But it's a solid base to build off on, and only 10bux. Got 10 hours out of it, easily, just on one class.
like, weapon attack? how to slap I mean
Every dungeon layout will allow you to finish from start to finish. There's levers too, not just keys, which is probably where you're fucking up.

Weapon attacks work, or a barehanded attack.
oh god dammit
NTA but probably because it fucks up hit-detection?
Not him but someone on the steam forums told me it's not that he won't ALLOW it, it's that CANNOT, because he coded weapons in a way that makes cosmetics for them unfeasible. No idea how or why.
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Usually I try to avoid games that seem like they're being shilled on 4chan (like that Phantasmagoria game or whatever it was called), but I got this one on a whim and I'm having fun. Lot better combat than 90% of the MMOs that I've played at the very least. The fat titties are also nice, can't lie.
My two cents is that probably it has to do with weapon hitboxes and their range being hard-coded into them, so trying to switch the weapon model to the transmogged weapon while keeping the data from the real weapon would fuck everything up.
>Cheevo confirmed broken in the last update. It'll be fixed eventually, or just use an unlocker.
well that suck. thanks
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Where's my favorite green snack? The pic sequence is done.~
I'm trying to find the exact place he said it, but he said in one post that he's considering allowing cross-class transmogs but won't allow it for weapons because he doesn't like the juxtaposition of an ice scepter shooting fireballs.
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i really enjoy how the bell plays, but i haven't gotten a single drop since the beginning of the game
At what point do I get to choose a class?
Level 10
Reminder you can speed run alt leveling to 10 via exp book > storage. Farm on your main and buy it from her
How do I get the Skill Point notification to go away? All three of the skills I can get are capped and I'm level 8
storage is shared between characters?
I'm not sure, aside from find scrolls to learn new skills from and dumping your points in those.
Just speed yourself up to level 10, choosing a class will reset your skill points and you won't have any worries about not having anything to spend them on
Yeah the range and aoe on it feel so nice

okay thank you
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What's the current server, if there's one up?
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Vore warning.
I'ma post this here for the anon who snackrificed their tasty green character for these dumb doodles. Hope you enjoy.

If someone else wasn't there character eaten and made rat fat like this do tell, i can do this all day.
kinda based
This lobby is still up I think >>503531475
The Vampiric set is my fav
/trash/ fugbox 24/7 18+
It's the only way to beat the slider nerf and block.
Wait so he CAN make weapon 'mogs, he just doesn't want to? Asshole! What about 'mogging a heavily armored fighter into a garterbelt wearing slut? HUH?
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not a coomer game btw
is this a fighter but with dex
My sever is still up. >>503541463
But I'm mostly hosting rather than playing.
Not him but no matter how hard I try I can't find that lobbu neither in the list nor through the search function.
>What about 'mogging a heavily armored fighter into a garterbelt wearing slut?
personally i would love this for my next character
playing mystic and i have not taken off the garterbelt since i got it
She has GOT to get more art
This game lets you make some nice shortstacks sure but holy shit Angela and Vivian absolutely wreck my brain, damn.
Who ITT or anywhere is pretending it's not?
i hope kiseff keeps adding stuff thats not quite NSFW but sort of questionable so that people cant say its not a coomer game while also being a coomer game.
For me, it's Sally.
she short dash you can do after attacking is nice too
I wanna suck off the fighter trainer right in front of angela and make her blush really hard.
oh fuck my bad I thought this was the trash thread
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Time for mage
reminds me of that slime bitch from Queen's Blade.
this with further confuse the ERSB.
>This will further confuse the ESRB
look at that face

look at that fucking smug fucking face

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pooner general
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welcome to the shadow imp rat wizard money gang syndicate
acceptable articles of clothing include garter belt, any hat, cloak and that is all
Luv me Payday Skill as bandit
'ate me bow, simple as
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Absolutely nothing better than a fat poon ASS jiggling in your face
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rate my poon. I didn't try to make him sexy, I just wanted a little plucky fighter.
Built for getting his pelvis pulverized by Kobold women
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He looks kinda like...
I had to look up who that is. I never finished the first Octopath game but I could give it another try from scratch. Looks like a cool dude.
What did I taste like?
considering getting this since the gameplay looks fun but it doesn't seem to have much for content with only two dungeons; furry shit aside, is it worth it?
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Here's what it looks like on mine.
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Nice to see another gobbie
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Fresh greens with a dash of mint, but cheeky and meaty.
Looks the same, but with a shitty screen.

Balls deep in this avian.
Honestly I think of it close to like PSO1, though I dunno if anyone else sees it like that.
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kinda grey.ish
but clean your screen
I see it exactly like that. Waiting patiently for more content now because it scratches the itch.
Pseudoregalia? You should definitely give that game a try if you haven't since it has really good movement.
Oki doki, last call out, post your character replied if you want to see me draw them eaten by the rat!
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fuck poons
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it's white
You guys are going to give greens a reputation
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>keep using the exact same eyes and face for every character so far
I just like black sclera...
And dinner!~ I'll try to have it ready tonight.
damn greenies
There are other races you know.
literally just figured this out earlier, hive poon
Yeah, but I like imps. I'll probably make a Poon later for trying stuff like STR claws.
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I don't know your color but just know you're inferior to us in every way possible
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Just got this from a boss chest while playing with my friends, I like it a lot
God damn
I skipped past imp pretty fast because I wasn't big on the male's default look but I think this just made me reconsider
Oh yeah this has all the making of a great general, we even have our first schizo/microcelebrity, Rat Vore guy.
I will literally never not be an imp
You are literally food. That's only a step above the worms
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I've been playing this game pretty much exclusively for the last 3 or so days, I really enjoy it a lot! Huge recommendation for anyone lurking and wondering if they should get it or not.
My biggest criticisms with the game is mostly the enemy design (specifically the flying head enemies) and collision (thinking you're able to jump on something only for you to bump your head on a 1 pixel lip and have to reposition). One more minor nitpick but I wish it didn't cost a bunch of mob drops per enchant since its something you usually have to reroll by design, in my opinion it should only cost like 1 or 2 items instead of 5+ per rolI because can see it being super grindy and cancerous late game.
Anyway fun little poon game 9/10 top 5 game this year easily
I made my bandit have as little thoughts between the eyes as possible.
I made my birb have as many cocks inside his beak as possible.
birb players arent real
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What's this then?
think she can fit? she's kinda a big girl, willing to give more references or her in the bunny suit
> a really tall imp
Bird up
Better hope she will for Rat's sake~ Also post it.
Is it even possible to make a character that looks intelligent in this game, they all either look like femboys or bimboes
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the famous friend-making activity of trading pants
glad you liked it pal
the flying heads turn pink before doing their bite combo!
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- as people pleasers!
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silly airheaded witches get swallowed by fat rats also ill give ya it all! she'll respawn riiiiight?
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I fucking love this game. It takes me back to being a little kid playing vanilla wow more than private servers could ever. Also imps are hot and 90% of the gear is barefoot.
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As Rat Fat.
Post fat asses stop posting about vore you stupid fucking monkeys.
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>thread did not last long
Damn, the janny really is pissy. Oh well, I'll just post my wishes for purple dye here.
double the height of her but crammed into that tight a gut...
the gear outlining the breasts is what i like the most
also yes its very oldschool fun
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best way to farm gear?
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t. Frieza
dev said more dyes will come
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I just want those curled horns for imps...
Is the server down?
You nibbas had like 50 people in it, yesterday.
Ah, good. Full purble soon hopefully. Also need that achievement fixed but time for everything eventually-
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tight clothing unga
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And here's the full bunny outfit if you prefer that look! she does look kinda tasty with that kinda packaging
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>wishes for purple dye
>dev said more dyes will come
thank fuck, I was resigning myself to the possibility of trying to edit textures. katress needs her purple hat.
Nice, fixing the transmog is good.
after 20 solo runs, I have finally achieved full zerker set. Now to just get the Geist accessories and King set.
What i need is more content
i think the game could use some more buildcraft

talent trees would be cool
God you can make the imps so fucking smug.
And half 80% of their body mass in their ass and tits.
I am interested in how the current system will work moving forward. Will we get more action bar slots or will our existing skills get yet more levels?
Speak of the devil. Very good, hopefully it won't be too long on the achievement fix.
Any good fighter build?
i want the noble or vampire sets for my wannabe reindeer poon because I need him clad in something classy.
he's supposed to be a landsknecht but its kinda hard to find the proper pieces for them so fancy clothes are the next best thing given he wears a longcoat like the victorians
>allowing cross class transmog
The only good thing about mystics gone lol
I've been using slam, bulwark, reflect, enrage
I am unkillable and melt everyone else.
respect your healslut >>503547756
some people are just luck magnets, the first drop my friend got in the catacombs dungeon was the vampire torso.
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Take a good look, cuz this is where you're ending up.~
What you use in the last 2 slots?
I played all the way up to unlocking Fighter, only to play with it for about 20 minutes and hating it so much that I deleted my character and made a Mystic instead. Mage classes have always been the only even remotely usable class in any MMO they are in and this game is no exception.
Do bandit need strength?
no, str for bandit is worthless the stamina you get from leveling it is almost nothing, and if yo ureally wanna waste points you can just put it in vitality
Not too critical. I used the dash and bleed but the bleed kinda fell off and doesn't work on bosses.
BRUH, that's utter bullshit. then again i cant cry too much i got luck in gambling and managed to get a witch hat pretty easy
Do they fuck?
No, Dex. Bandits use Dex and Vit. Fighters use Strength and Vit. Mystics use Mind and Vit. If there wasn't the option to invest in HP instead of your main stat there wouldn't even be stats.
You can get the vampire garb via gambling at Sikrit behind Sally's shop in Sanctum, though each roll costs 10k, IIRC. I think Noble and Bunhost are the only two that frequently drop from chests with Noble dropping in Crescent Keep (the area leading to the Dungeon).
I like a bit of vit so the last dungeon doesn't 1 shot me with everything.
no, but the tension was there. the server died not long after this was taken
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soft jiggling rat fat that's where you gotta be at....
That's very unlucky, you'll score next time
For me it's a darker blue. Can't believe they did my color dirty like that
You can get the Vampire Garb from the first dungeon boss rewards.
Does the diva drop anything besides her crown and staff?
very much noted
she used to drop crypt pounder but i think she stopped dropping that
Also, multistatting to use a different wep besides dex weps doesnt matter cause you can change what weps scale off of
Server up?
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I just thought about it, you can make a mystic into a cleric if you build vitality and mind, get a mace to scale with mind and then just focusing on healing/support spells, I think I might make a character like that.
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If you could add a new race what would you add?
I like this game's lineup already but I would add bug girls desu.
the only mace ive seen is from early catacombs, so i dont know if youll get a replacment wep for such a build
I'll play eventually, probably next week, I just wish there was a monk or fist based class because while the ones I played from the demo and before were fine I wanna punch things.
Armadillo, Pangolin, or Squid/Octopus/Cephalopod
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Slime girls
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>Slime girls
seconding this
golem race cause im rockbrained
>posts of male characters
I legit never fathomed gays would find a game with boobs and butt sliders appealing for some reason.
The dev already said he won't add anymore but I guess modders might be able to. Nagas would be cool tho.
My second character (INT bell gobblin') felt a lot easier than my first (DEX katar gobbler)
Wonder if it's experience or what
damn reasonable dev not feature creeping and ballooning dev time to decades!!! this shit excites my imagination too much.
Is there a way to wear the customization clothes over your stat equipment?
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I made an Imp based on the ingame slimes.
Is fluxbolt supposed to be a tool if you wanna be a pure mage? This long cast time seems like it'd get in the way of my epic bell swings
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>Bedroom eyes
you can use illusion stones to put cosmetic items "over" your statgear, if i understand what you mean
No lobby / server?
It's literally the same shit. Kobold boys with big bellies to sleep on... Poons with big butts to clap against from behind...
I'm not hating on them or anything. Just never crossed my mind. You do you.
People recommend it a lot based on how often it hits a later levels, but I don't buy it. It's weak early on when you haven't invested in it, and by the time you can do the full 7 hits your basic attack will match the damage per hit without costing Mana. I prefer the utility of Cross and Fluxspear, since they reduce mdef and stun, respectively.
Vampire coat is peak aesthetics on males. I'm finally genuinely happy with the way my male character looks.
Not him but max flux bolt is 4 hits.
How many costume sets are in the game? Just got the vampire leggings
4 or 5 i think
Right, I mixed up the max level with max hits. You could easily put three-four levels in something else and have 4 spare points for passives, like weapon masteries.
I have Fluxbot at 7 and I have seen it crit for 200
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>not making males and females
>not making the most adorable boys along with the most cutest of girls
come on now
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If i don't finish tonight, look out for the thread for tomorrow, goes for the big meal kobold too.
Night everyone.
This took me way to long to figure out how to do.
I kinda farm the tower. There's always a chest on top that holds either a cosmetic, a tome of xp or a color dye. Haven't seen it spawn anything else. Once you're up there, if you jump down to the area behind the fighter guy's place, i noticed there's another chest there. Collect them, switch characters then do it again.
Important reminder that you can do /emotes to see all the emotes. Remember to taunt your buddies today!
It's the strongest mystic spell once you level it up a bit. It's underwhelming to use the moment you first advance though.
Fuck, I already finished all the content but now I wanna make a new character.
This is addictive.
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>no emote to seductively rub belly
why not? game has a belly slider, let me admire my craft.
90% of kiseff's lewd art was facesitting so ass comes first
also someone host a serb allready holy shit
i wanna meet back up with those guys from yesterday, the /v/vg/ server should keep a consistent name and password
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Do you use webm for retards?
It feels like they tried to incentivize a bit of build variety with things like dex giving magic crit which mystic might want but bandit has no use for.
But the bonuses just aren't significant enough to give up the base damage.
Why dont YOU start a server?
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i'll be watching probably from inside a gurgling gut that's gonna get rather big soon
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Wireless internet connection pains, i am forever unable to host
I am a retard, yes.
I used the steam clip recorder to save the raw footage, then I had to clip a bit of the clip because even at the lowest setting the file size was too big. Afterwards, it still wouldn't upload because of the sound I think, it said "file corrupted" so I figured I'd turn the mp4 into a webm and remove the sound while doing so.
I literally looked for "mp4 to webm" on google and used the first choice. And you're seeing the result.
If there's a better way of doing this. I'm all ears.
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I love my kubold, bros...
Also Mystic with bell is p fun
you guys join servers and stuff then do what
does fighting stuff together feel challenging at all?
Has anyone tried the pvp? Is it fun?
stuff does scale with player numbers so its still fun
name: vidya
Was there an update just now?
items show their 3d model instead of a 2d sprite all of the sudden
goddamn it guys my character...
her tits i wanna suck the shit out of them
PvP is fun. I've tried the arenas with others. When spawn in it, you get about 5 seconds before you get flagged for PvP. Currently, I would say that Sturdy and DoT skills are great for PvP. Following that stun skills basically kill. Divine makes for good healing but it can be parried repeatedly which pushes you out the circle. Mist is also a great skill with a lot of utility, theres no lock-on so they can use quite easily. Skills with long cooldowns are no good unless you use alacrity.
this but the ass
shit doesn't come outta there
Google "webm for retards"
The first link should take you to gitgud
Scroll a bit until you see Webm for Retards and "Download it here" in bold.
From there, you can toy around with it a bit or look up a guide that goes over everything. All I really do is tick the variable bubble under the encoding tab and the vp9/opus box in the advanced tab.
These dead?
Can't bring it up at all
try this
Masturbate before you post
this is basically the same build I run

enrage is required for all fighters
bulwark so your stamina never runs out
shield bash for the stun and because I use a shield
execute = literally a deathblow skill so it's fucking busted as hell as you'd imagine, but you might have to farm for it because its a scroll
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glad there is cute hats
we require more cute hats. Also at some point hoping for a full helmet for fighter.
Huge assets faceless/hidden face character sexo.
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noble shirt is sexy
Full ones - I know of 3 - vampire, bunny, noble. I also got some kind of a viking helm and some kind of hood.
I'm going to bed now, but I'm leaving the sever up. I hope the sever is still up, in the morning.
there used to be helmets but i think Kiseff realized most people were in it for furry customization and switched to the halo meme
Game is fun, will definitely go back and forth on it as it updates.
Also now saved as essential plapcore
Everyone who is using weapons with changed scaling stats (mind spears, dex hammers, etc) check your DPS. A steam user mentioned a problem where after cha going the scaling stat the bonuses never actually apply to the weapon and it keeps dealing minimal damage. It happened to my ragespear too. I realised I'm only dealing the weapon's base damage and none of my mind scaled damage.
If you're using an alterred stat weapon - you're basically fighting with 0 in your offense stat as far weapon attacks go.
Theres the silken set which you get thru gambling.
Ah, sounds like a bug. That explains the mind heavy weapon imp I was playing with earlier today noting it's dps was oddly low.
Looks cool though.
too busy grindin no time to beat it
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the top is kinda sex
100% Optimal for fat saggy boobs
I thought it was my mind katars doing poorly because of the lack of crit but when I tried mind sword, it was also doing extremely bad and that's not supposed to run on crits and the like. Hopefully that'll be fixed so I can make a real magic knight.
if you use a reset skills scroll do you lose your scroll skills? I wanna delete rock toss but I don't wanna lose the crit boosting skill I have
no, you just get all your skill points back you don't lose anything. idk if you can remove rock toss, but if you can you should be able to right click it in the menu and remove it.
You dont lose the skills, you just get the points back
aaaaaaaaaaa the fucking item icons keep sticking and forcing me to relog. I accidentally deleted my cloak trying to fix it
picrel, right click does nothing and I got a skill scroll I really wanna use
I've been playing the game for about 3 hours now. Considering that it's an EA, and that the game really sells more for its visuals, I really liked it. I feel like the core of the game is pretty solid with a lot of potential. However I wondered if the developer is someone attentive that will update their game, I was a little disappointed that it will not have a workshop now or in the future, so it gives me bad vibes about it since the current content is very little. Do you think this will advance in something real or waste 10$?
is spire any good?
Is inner focus any good on bandit or is it kind of redundant?
will take a bit, literally one guy working on it
ah yeah, then rock toss can't be unlearned, sorry.
it's okay, not the best desu because if it gets stuck on objects it won't shoot all the way, and it has a pretty slow cast time even at max, the damage is decent though I was able to kill a level 18 boss at level 12 with it
If I unlearn a weapon mastery skill, is there any opportunity to get another scroll for it?
purple background can't be unlearned
Yeah you can ask for another. The quest comes back.
>and doesn't work on bosses.
holy fck i didn't know that.
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Do you guys know when/if I can unlock whatever this is?
the quest you got the mastery scroll from should reappear with respective npc
yes, you can get the "quest" again
I think that slot is there for the level 30 skill stuff the dev was talking about adding later
I have gotten 4 sets of the Vampiric cosmetic in my pursuit of Silken attire pants acquired, still gambling on top. Pray for my soul.
Oh man, even more of a reason to play different classes and hoard gear.
I was playing on making an armored pantless kobold (dog) fighter but if I can add fishnets or thighhighs...
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good luck because it's kind of kino
I'm looking for a server to drop these extra vampiric cosmetics off. Anyone want one? I have 5 sets
two handed melee weapons kind of blow
sword out dps' everything i've found so far and shield blocks pissant attacks too
I neeeeeeeeeeeeed
This is noble? Looks underwhelming.
ill trade a soul gem for the leggings
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ive got both but i dont give my characters boobs so the tops wasted on me D :
praying for you to gamble max
gimme please lmao, i will do anything for a vampire set for my deerboy.
This game is cool but I just want to fuck every character in this server! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
nothing is stopping you
it sucks on women cuz their boobs hide part of it

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