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Previous: >>503075817

>Break Through! Mystery House Crafters ~The Star Miner and the Wings of Sunrise~:
●Event Period: November 13 ~ December 4 JST.
▶Requirement: Clear Lostbelt 5 Olympus.
▶Login Bonus: 3 Golden Apples and 18 Silver Apples.
▶Welfare Servant: 4*Lancer Van Gogh (Miner).
-She will receive double the EXP when strengthening.
▶Scenario Writer: amphibian.
▶Main quests will be unlocked daily.
▶Materials can be crafted on the shop.
▶Animation Update for Asterios
▶Strengthening Quest for Britomart (NP) and Super Bunyan (NP).
▶Stormpods quests they will have their ap consumption halved.

>Mystery House Crafters PU 3 summon:
●November 21~28 JST.
5*Alter Ego Super Bunyan (limited)
●November 24~ December 1 JST.
5*Foreigner Van Gogh (limited)

>Mystery House Crafters PU 2 summon:
●November 18~25 JST.
5*Avenger Demon King Nobunaga (limited)
3*Rider Mandricardo (permanent)

>Mystery House Crafters PU summon:
●November 13 ~ December 4 JST.
5*Archer Tutankhamun (limited)

>Append Skill Swap:
▶You can exchange an unlocked and enhanced state of an append skill for another append skill.

>Lostbelt No.6 Clear Support Campaign:
●~November 30 JST.
See OP >>500890364

>30 Million Downloads Celebration Campaign:
●~November 30 JST.
See OP >>497212067

>Pastebin for utility links:
I want the Fate franchise to end
Do you remember when it took more than two years for a rerun? (king hassan)
Imagine raping Albert
Still waiting for Beni Alter...
so do they evidently
can indianGODS shitpost the shit out of this stream pretty please
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>the absolute state
do NOT redeem the digital sticker codes!
Apparently they revealed that originally Sakura's VA auditioned for the role of saber and they gave her the role of Sakura
and Kawasumi auditioned for the role of Sakura but they gave her the role of saber
>suddenly chat starts talking about banner sales and shitposting Nasu's girls
Holy shit
Only one of those is relevant to FSN though?
I think it was the same for Rin's VA, she originally said she was auditioning for Sakura but she was given Rin
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Yeah bro. Sure a shitposter being hired for money will level an account to lvl 170 and have multiple 120.

I remember deciding between Tez and Kuku, decided to roll Kuku because ORT.
And I got NP8 City before Kuku. Then many more before NP5.
And I for sure will get even more when Tezca returns and I get him to NP5.

Then I read her valentine scene and it starts with Tezca. Never pressed SKIP faster.
Fuck City. It's genuine...
kawasumi don't even feel entertained on this showcase
I live here btw
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soiled thread
Skip one of the best valentine because her brother appear for 5 seconds lol
You really don't wanna know how that room smells right now.
The anti City schizo is mentally ill, don't bother. He reminds me of the Arcueid seething schizo we had back in the day.
enkidu? for me
Nasu probably watched Kanazuki no Miko and realized that it would be a stupid decision to waste Kawasumi in anything other than the hag sounding one.
The cosplayers have been there for at least two hours, imagine the smell..
Not to mention that she is sitting next to Albert how already started sweating 10 minutes into the event.
not gonna read your wordslop but you for sure have an extremely shit taste
but why?
She literally talked about giving him heart though.
Yeah and Tlamacazqui is a voice in her head, we know you don't read. Go get your pay for your job and fuck off pajeet.
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Sex with the banana goblin
Because I said so. I will not elaborate.
Santa Shuten soon!
In her cute butt
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Whatever, I am tired of this discussion. Hereby I shall stop. I know people post City here just to get reaction out of me and other Kukufags, but I am bored because PoE2 is in 2 weeks and I do not have any will to play any games in the meantime. So I sit on 4chan and answered for a bit of my day.

But well, I am seriously scared I will get like 15 more copies while getting NP5 Tezca, because she's single SR on his banner. And then the BB dubai banner too (I used all SQ I had on Ciel this year, but want to roll BB on rerun). Sad, sad indeed.
Why does this event have so much fucking node shit to do, this is fucking torture.
no wonder you are mentally ill
Are the ghosts you are fighting in the room with us right now?
>I know people post City here just to get reaction out of me and other Kukufags
Yeah I absolutely love to see you sperging everyday when I post a character I like.
>Power over Ethernet
city is hot and for me - what's not the like?
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Yeah bro sure
I saw her posted every day, even when no Kukufags posted at all
And yet, never in the teams people posted lmao. Because no one actually uses her
Anyway, that was last answer. Good luck
Hakuno is so lucky Melt managed to get a friend
yep yep all these posters totally target me specifically
and i'm definitely not a schizofaggot btw
I want India to leave
NTA but she has small boobs though.
What if we rape you instead
>Because no one actually uses her
Yeah I don't use her anymore because she's bond 15. I do use her summer instead now.
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??? okay?
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>bringing gameplay when talking about popularity
the sanest kukufag
"Hot" usually means "attractive body".
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>Kukufag shits on City and pretends he's a victim
>Gets called out
>Noooooo looks at all these Cityfags shitting on me because I like Kuku. I was right all along.
I got it right?
I see no issue here.
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What did she mean by this?
based, claim that mud (i claim kingu)
I'd rather have a Santa Ibaraki
>make the thief give things instead of stealing them
>will do it just for the milk and cookies Santa get to eat
>she's dumb so we can get many funny moments
>sleigh pulled by giant flaming oni heads
>Kingu instead of King
Daily reminder that official translation is stupid
That name is not japanese, anon-chama. I mean I still dislike the localization team but that one is correct.
he's named after the son of tiamat, kingu. who led tiamat's monsters against the gods.
God this doujin was good.
sis you're kinda dumb...
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>NA gets the second start dash
>but JP still has none
Oh damn that's nice I might try to nab myself a Skadi
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bros eresh loves (You) so much, that means (You) are a boy out of anyone's league? I guess that's why so many girls love me
Eresh is barely a Rin
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Spish, same thing
Is it the anniversary suddenly?
For US.
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Is this the ending that /fgog/ wants?
The pruning concept is such a fucking retard concept
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I need actual lewd outfit for Morgan. Please.
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Sex with Okita
Anything interesting from the anni stream?
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>Knows what Marisbury's plan is
>Doesn't tell us
Is he retarded?
Why do you think all the shitposters relate to him?
Sex with Okita fans.
(Also no)
>Information we already know
>NA shit
>Remember X? Please clap!
>FSF first chapter which is going to be ripped out later anyway
Not one bit.
Nothing interesting
Which timeline have Marisbury give me my paycheck?
>knows the plot will erase him like Holmes if he yaps
He knows Marisbury's game.
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>X is so lucky
>Made for x
Cuckposter template, pathetic.
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when strange fuck
4:30 LA time, so in about half an hour.
girls frontline 2 in 11 days...
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>It's been around 12 years since CCC was released.
>Still feel intense lust for Melt.
she owes me sex btw
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shut up, guda
The sad Lipcel...
But /fgog/ told me women hated Melt?
is that her slit or butt????
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that's so fucking disgusting...
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/alter/ sissy here!

i still have my first start dash ggsr and idkn if it's going to be overwritten by the new one, so.... Oni chad can you please tell me which are the meta pics, i assume cu alter it's old and busted and i dont like jinako bc shes fat and i hate fat people. so outside of these 2 which are meta in the this era?
I'm not spoonfeeding you.
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>is that her slit or butt????
It's her butt and outer lips being pulled up by the high acceleration. You can see the bottom of her puffy lips and ass cheeks in another panel. That's how Takenoko drew her
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damn fgo fans look like this
Sad that the sexuality of the manga generally toned down after the hotspring chapters.
literally me on the left
yeah, Takenoko did a splendid job with Suzuka and Melt
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>But /fgog/ told me
Never trust people who go around insulting SEA anons when they look exactly like them. >>503417382
Yeah so confirmed that JP broadcast for New Year's will show Ep 1 of FSF.
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Same energy.
Ok but where Proto?
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>December 31
fucking fuckers
Sakurai lost.
Nobody wants to actually write it so... Imaginary Number Space.
They should just make it into an anime without writing a VN or LN for it first, just get it out of the way already.
Why even have Richard’s jp VA on stream if they’re showing the dub
uhhhhhhh shut up please?
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what a slut...
Because the english VA is some rando that they got on the streets. That doesn't give you any clout in an event like this.
they have nice asses
So we're getting Richard on New Year's Eve huh
Ok but we already knew about that from the mystery house crafter stream.
They even listed out ritsuka don't get it on Ny eve stream
Holy shit the sheer contrast from Nasu/Takeuchi's comments vs Narita's.
Nasu and Takeuchi shit out some generic 'thanks fuckos' message while Narita took some goddamn time to think of an actual message.
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Nasu's message by contrast.
Nasu and Takeuchi hate gaijins, Narita is a westaboo.
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Don't tell me those fuckers are not streaming the episode
they didn't stream Whispers of Dawn so...
at least narita confirmed the next is the last volume

it will be out on December 31th
seems like it's here, but not for a euro

Dub is here fuckos.
I sleep.
odds I lose my dub virginity with FSF
evens I don't
Why the fuck do we have to wait a goddamn month for the Japanese version
They say that if you keep your dub virginity by age 40, you become japanese
that sounds like a plausible excuse not to watch it
Melusine's sister is so cute bros
Grail-kun and Dumizid >>>>>>
You talk about someone designed by CHOCO?
Sister's name? Percival of course.
SF Ayaka was made with Albion stuff.
Is this a bot? What the fuck is wrong with you cuckposters?
Albion’s dried cum.
What did we learn from this 7 hour of stream.
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that Albert's about to have a sex change
I didn't watch it, but apparently they're testing QOL updates in NA before JP now.
1. Nasu and Takeuchi don't give a fuck about the world outside Japan
2. The VA's for the heroines all applied for other heroine roles and got rejected.
3. FSF directors and producers are actually enthusiastic about the property instead of just punching in.
sis.... do you even play this game?
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>Gyaru Arc
My penis has achieve enlightenment.
>this video is not available in your country
Hey BBspic, maybe you should have studied harder so you could have left your country to come to America and make 6 figures in USD and watch all the anime you want. Or perhaps you're a SEAnigger or a Poo. Makes sense, this game is littered with poorfags.
Which one are you in this pic anon?>>503417382
>Nasu and Takeuchi don't give a fuck about the world outside Japan
They each wrote an essay
It was written by ChatGPT.
so why does na get a second start dash while we don't even have one after all this time?
Nobody plays NA and they are trying to revive it, if they fail they are probably going to unplug the server.
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The NA server is probably a disappointment
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Im from the United States, you idiot.
didn't they have absolutely dogshit banners all month
Oh no no no ahaha
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so Peru?
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Yeah I bet the sexual tone down has nothing to do with killing off the CCC girls with the most erotic designs right away.
Are you kidding me?

Question 1 for Nasu - Themes and highlights.
Literally repeats the same answer he's had for decades. No new thoughts required.
Question 2 for Nasu - Any behind the scenes stories?
"I think the fact that FSN was an eroge is pretty cool looking back. It's something that can't be done now, but that people know and accept its roots is neat." - An actual new answer and an answer for those fags that insist that the porn was something Nasu wanted.
Questions 3 for Nasu - Any message for English fans?
Generic Platitude.

Question 1 for Takeuchi - Girl designs
Same shit he always says about their designs.
Questions 2 for Takeuchi - Any behind the scenes stories?
'I worked on this game along with my day job at the time.' Not a new story. It's on his wikipedia page for god's sakes.
Questions 3 for Takeuchi - Any message for English fans?
Generic Platitude.
NA opens their wallets for 2 periods. New Year's and Anni/Summer. Clairvoyance EX means that they're chill out it. Hell, this year due to the weak JP summer and their summer being stacked with Arc, Summer Skadi, Proto Merlin, and Summer Ibuki, they outdid JP server in sales for August.
Analyse some more of the stream
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>hey outdid JP server in sales for August.
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These were the august numbers. With these numbers, it for sure will not EOS but Global is for sure a huge disappointment for every gacha.
Ok, so it looks like NA outsold JP during July 2024 then, my bad. Says so right there in the black boxes next to it, which is used for the month prior.
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Even after that, we got some pretty erotic stuff like Hakuno get a face full of fox pussy. But it mostly dried up after that. We got naked tamamo in the flashback namek arc but it wasn't really sexy.
tbf this July was extremely dead with the HibiChika event
Melt and Lip were the only ones who could provide effortlessly erotic shots during a fight, but their premature deaths were a huge loss.
Ok, mostly Melt. Having Hakuno stare at her lower area, take off her crotch plate, or land on her thighs while Tamamo gets jealous in the background would have been great.
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>Everyone remembers Dechi Alter and Protea Alter
>Eresh Alter fails to catch attention
Why was this the case?
I don't remember protea alter though
At least her Space variant did fine for modern fanart numbers. Her Alter version is just not that good-looking.
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I like Melt but if she had been alive for longer in that manga, there would be lots of cuckposting with Hakuno and her. More fanservice of her would have been welcome but at what cost?

They exaggerated the size of her labia majora and butt. And I love it.
At least Melt didn’t have to deal with constant ship art unlike BB.
That's what I meant.
I’m still angry about that but whatever. There’s no need to bring up hypotheticals or clap shit.
reminder to never reply to iphone filenames
Does anyone even have to say it?

>Protea alter
Wildly different personality which is effectively it's own character
>Dechi alter
Wildly different personality which gives her an entirely different dynamic as a character
>Eresh alter
Literally no difference in personality, she's effectively a giant wasted slot. Eresh but brown.
She's exactly the same but has darker skin tone, that's all
Let tanned her up. See, she is different lol, lmao
>>Everyone remembers Dechi Alter
They do?
Everyone here. I can confirm I do.
Not at all. I forgot about her until someone listed her some days ago when talking about npc servants.
Because mutts cannot read so there was zero chance that they'd show anything with subs for an NA event.
I don't.
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Shuten Doji is a lolibaba
Illya is a loli
Bathory is a loli
Prelati is a loli
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News doko?
You're a loli
Makes me wonder if Raita would like to make some more official Shuten stuff, or if he feels like he has done enough since Sakurai obviously thinks that there's nothing more to do with Shuten anymore.
They are all hags, open your eyes
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>Van gogh's skill buff.
NGL Ayaka looks chunky, fat. Someone who eats a lot, a true american
What's new?
The unpack was out several days earlier. 20 np charge when 1 curse is removed.
Why the fuck are secondaries allowed to have another free gssr? Where the fuck is our? Are the nips not mad about this or something?
Fate/Grand Order
You can polish a turd to a shine, but it remains a turd.
No one cared about Dechi Alter aside from me. Stop being a fake fan goddamn cucks
It's paid for because the global server isn't earning money. Also I'd be wary if suddenly a gacha game becomes generous as it's usually the number one sign of EOS
Fuck off.
> Are the nips not mad about this or something?
Also, the pool is literally nothing to get so nothing to be mad about.
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That's the enkidu fan with cancer, right?
I wish him good luck
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Receive my energy to see it through enkidu twitter anon
Hopefully he will outlive most fgogposters here
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bird up
I want him to outlive the Indian scums
Newfag here, got a lore question. Is there any servant with a skill that allows them to switch places with their targets? Switching health and other statuses works too!
that bird is down
I don't think there is, maybe gogh since her 3rd skill takes all curses from allies and enemies to self.
This game is not that complicated, you just get buffed and clear waves that's it.
There is also kazuradrop but you just missed it, she can change her classes with her 2nd skill and her damage multiplier with the same class as her.
how you know?
Not that I remember.
>With those tits
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3-turn buff where whenever Goghie attacks with a Quick Card while Cursed, she eats a Curse stack and gains 20% charge.
>Is there any servant with a skill that allows them to switch places with their targets?
Morgan probably knows a magic like that since she's a pro at teleportation spells.
As for sharing status effects, I believe Angra? Or maybe even Van Gogh since she both spreads and collects curses from allies
Is that good? Don't you want her to be maximally cursed?
Her S1 that turns the Curses into NP Charge only gives 10% for each Curse stack. Eating them with the Quick cards gives 20%.

Also, I didn't know about this one before posting earlier, but she also gets +10% ATK (3T) every time she eats a Curse stack this way.
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Kubo servant when?
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Lmao, of course a BBfag is one of the main people on the Shitposter Discord.
Angelo having a proper melty there kek
>BBfag is a Pajeet lover
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i missed some news. did they recently change the director? why are we getting so many buffs for so many servants? these few months have been crazy
I can't believe we didn't get something like Summer Van Gogh and instead had the absolute slop that was Summer BB 2.0
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It was so uncalled for, too. LIke, until now servants would only get 1 summer alt, but the retarded mushroom just had to play favorites again and piss everyone off.
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It's not like we needed Dobrynya, Ciel or XX Alter either. Gogh really could have taken any of those spots.
He also gave medb two summer alts. Hey, maybe we'll get a second Kiara summer alt next year
What happened to Maia in PHH?
Was it destroyed by humanity, died with dinosaurs or just never arrived?
Ciel was literally the most requested character in the polls.
I'm not sure why you are bringing up a Famitsu poll of 1000 people but I'm pretty sure no one asked for a swimsuit servanverse Ciel.
Her first ascensions is just Ciel, without any space elements.
No one asked for Servantverse Beast Ereshkigal or Moon Dubai BB either.
You use the NP charge before you attack with this one.
And Nasu had said earlier that he's not going to mix Fate and Tsukihime together.
Never trust the mushroom
He said Ciel can be in FGO long ago
Percival's onahole
Watch Shiki be the upcoming NY servant
BBspic you lost since OC3
It's almost certainly Richard.
Her anko doujin was hot with Gil stretching her tits like rubber
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Sure thing buddy, like how it was a fact that Arcueid would be a NY servant lmao
Shinji pseudo when?
It's starting to smell like curry here....
Rubbery summer Eresh NTR doujin by Anko when? We already got City one and it was really good. Wished it was Astolfo or Nemo tho
No one gives a fuck about Shiki.
I'd rather have FGO Shiki anyway, if you understand.
We love ankoman doujins here.
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I do, and if Nasu manages to strongarm his way for another Melty character, i'd rather have Dino Shiki.
Yeah, your pic is FGO Shiki
Kinda seems like we're locked in to having Richard for NYE, huh.
Not really? It could be anything.
Could be berserker Prelati.
>trying to make sense of NY or anniversary
When will you learn?
It's gonna be space summer beast random nip
Sure, it "could" be anything. But let's be realistic here. Last year we got Yamato Takeru. This year they're hyping the hell out of SF, and who are they going to release if not Richard? Prelatranny, maybe, but Richard is gonna get a lot more playtime than "her".
Another dude lmao, because fuck waifufags
Cuckge to the max
>still having hope
I don't expect anything from SF desu
They're releasing another Gilgamesh to hype poeple fpr SF
Are there people who like Gilgamesh?
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Patterns... sovl...
>Kirei turning yet another meaningless pattern into dust
Nothing personal
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I know only one and that is reason enough.
Takeuchi is so lucky
>If Fate was a family, Takeuchi would be the father and Nasu the mother
What did Kana Ueda mean by this?
>intentionally excluding both karna and arjuna
the pattern was broken from the start lol
She tried to tell us they are married but Aniplex's ninjas altered her message
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Now that I see the pattern. Not because of the NY servant pattern.
I can see the part 2 finale having Grand Saber showing up vs. Alien God or something.
Saber-Foreigner Nasuu!!
Well, Nasu is a sissy and Takeuchi is in charge of everything.
>The alien god
Nah it will be fake ayaka
>another collab shit
This cuckge is so dead
Yes, and its technically necrophilia.
>using Jekyll

Would be really good
bros??? OC4? Olga Quest??? Plot??
Your Gogh event sis?
Shipshit cuck event
Try again next year. The FGO way.
December 31st will change everything.
Advance quest.
Legit will they even be able to finish the story next year at this pace?
The 'final chapter' will begin in December 2025. Who knows when it will end.
sad how this is the state of this god awful game
at least it ends in a year.
>Looking toward Olga Quest
I love Olga's quest.
the sooner they do it, the sooner it finishes
Shiroufags really are a bunch of bitter cucks
Enjoy your Suzuka Gozen = Marishiten (lol lmao) in NY!
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oh man I love random nipponese shitters turning out to be an entire pantheon of unrelated figures, neat
Taigong is so lucky
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Let's gogh to the aquarium.
Nemo and Tut are so lucky
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Oni Camp.
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lol, kekaro even
I want India and BBspic to leave
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Oh no, they received their gift cards
Arthur is so lucky
Shota Tez is so lucky
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Good morning saars, please do the needful or else you won't redeem your rupees saar.
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more nuns when
Why is there a vtuber on the right?
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based cameraman reuniting the lovers
All of them look like V-tubers.
I personally want more of the cutie police officer.
What do we call those hours?
this looks 2007 as fuck somehow
Spic FSNcuck hours
Who even unironically likes this shit?
Even if you liked it 15 years ago, you should now realise how shit it is
The good old times, after FGO die they will return
lol after FGO dies you'll have nothing at all anymore
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one more year for this god awful cuckge to finally die.
Hopefully it will take TM down entirely and they will flop around until death
You saying all the time is a cuckge won't magically turn it into one
>implying it isn't
this year alone proved it more than any other year.
Almost. Strange Fake is 2008.
Call Center hours, Raj needs those bonus gift cards for Christmas.
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Why are women like this?
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He now on /wuwa/ to cuckpost on melusine >>503496802
>Summer Castoria Valentine
>The entire shitstorm with Melusine
>not a single girl for (You) this year besides KINDA City and Eresh
>retconing tons of girls for ships and other shit
Because he's from that discord, it's obvious
>is a cuckposter
many such cases
Why do I care again?
this, we only care about KukuCHAD shitting on CityKEKS
Nice deflection

it's up bros, by our most loyal artist!
I want India to leave
Marrying quick, believe in quick meta 2025
I don't understand the meme with Scath and Skadi. They are not even for (You)
Seimei WILL save the green card
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No it'll be Scathach=Skadi=Wife
Who let those semen demons enter the holy ground?
Abolish Buster, Procreate with Quick
Overrated as fuck
>fucks with celts
>fucks with giants
nice wife you got there retard
Quick may have Skadi, but it's loopers are all shit
Like who, Dantes? Lancelot lmao?
Post your wife
She's named "Crit Stars" and she'll save the quick meta
BELIEVE and invest in quick 2025
Loopers are fine though? Quick sucks because Skadis don't have split charge like Castoria
>timezones tells the pajeets fucked them
The original "leak" post was made at 4 PM UTC+0 and at that time it's 9 PM only places like Australia and SEA countries like Indonesia.
This shit is staged.
A Skadillion buffs are coming
I meant characters.
Arts and Buster both have good characters as loopers.
Quick? Dantes and Lancelot. No good females.
Kazura, Ushi gozen, Summer Okitan, Rikyu, Huyan Zhuo etc.
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extremely rude post because there are a lost of female quick loopers
You named zero popular ones. Maybe Kazura is.
Compare to Morgan, Ishtar, Gilgamesh, Kama etc.
Most of those have more fanarts than your precious Kukulkan though.
And Kama is Quick btw faggot
>Compare to:
>A quick character
You indians really suck at hiding how poorly you know this game, go eat poop at the rat shrine
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Summer Kama is arts looper idiot, Kama isn't looper, she is ST
The quick upset will be remembered in the annals of FGO history
>Maybe priest girl from FSN, don't remember her name
That's all popular characters in Quick.
Unless you will say that Britomart is now popular or something.

Sadly, Quick is for "those no one uses".
So you count summer kama but not summer ishtar, okitan and tlaloc lmao what a fraud no wonder they pay you in giftcards
You sounds awfully a lot like the Kukulkan faggot from yesterday.
you forgot City, illya, Bradamante, Okita, and probably many others
>summer ishtar
I literally never seen anyone using her over last 5 years. Original buster Ishtar is one of best Archers however.
Do anyone use her?
Can't loop, retard. And isn't popular.
What does it have with Kukulkan retard? I didn't even mention her.
Morgan, Aesc, Oberon, Gilgamesh, Arcueid, Tiamat are all Buster. All of those are 100% popular.
lil sis wrong general
Yup, knew it
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>Original buster Ishtar is one of best Archers however.
>Arguing gameplay with raikouschizo who uses a modded APK because his subhuman brain can't handle a JRPG that's child's play
This retard went on record saying Morgan couldn't loop and that Raikou and Ushi flopzen would've replaced her kek
>knows nothing about gameplay
>knows nothing about popularity
I hope they cut your pay
He's probably the same guy who shat on Gil a few weeks ago by saying that Ishtar is a much better Archer.
>Ushi Gozen
I'd say Raikou actually won this time.
Quick? No no no, you're all on the buster marriage car as long as this game lasts. Nobody's getting off.
I need to comm them as a happily pregnant couple..
There is literally nothing true here indian-kun
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Great analysis of a cuck
Gilgamesh doesn't have special attack either
"Timing is tricky" for moron sure
"Ignore Invincible" doesn't matter for looping
Live, eat, Buster.
Not arguing with your pretending to be retarded rhetoric, dude.
Get [-]'d
yeah I was right
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>Gilgamesh doesn't have special attack either
Please just stop posting raikouschizo, you don't even know year 0 servant info. No wonder you have to spam garbage when you brain is so underdeveloped
>weak to enuma elish
So 10% of Servants and 0% of non-servants
Compare to something like anti-Earth which hits 33% of enemies.
just ignore him retards
>So 10% of Servants
Only 26 out of 428 playable servants aren't weak to EE. You're also a mathlet, sure hope you aren't an indian raikouschizo otherwise you're bringing shame to your race
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Ok sure.

But then Gilgamesh has 21% dmg, 50% np dmg, 30% np charge, 50% enuma elish
This means he deals x2.72 to Servants (only last wave)

Ishtar has 70% dmg, 20% buster, 50% np charge
She deals x2.04 to everyone on second and last waves

The difference isn't that huge, but yeah Gil is stronger it seems
Busters are also those who bust good nuts to procreate and live a sane life, never abandon Buster.
Is that because Gil's 50% np dmg also multiplied by Oberon and Ishtar doesn't have NP dmg?
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>The difference isn't that huge
gil with trait vs gil without trait vs ishtar
max stats and 2k atk from ce
Is that with Oberon?
I'm trying to process why is Gil so much better and can only explain it with 50% np up from Gil becoming 100% np up.
I haven't seen such raikouschizo public embarassment display ever since FSR released which wasn't long ago
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The character /fgog/ hates the most.
You mean love?
Raj made sure to split the gift card so his brothers will reply to him if no one else here does.
That's not Melushit
>Wearing a blouse
Doesn't seem right.
Why is there fantasy tree in the background?
It's a drawing of a tree bro, obviously it would be a fantasy (fictional) tree
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She's going to shoot!
File deleted.
There is literally a lostbelt tree in the behind, look on the shape
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W-what the hell runic is that?
>he deleted it
you should delete yourself from the life
>he deleted
they will cut the gift cards again after this exposure...
This is the most obvious and pathetic falseflag I've ever seen and you retards have nothing better to do than celebrate it like literal monkeys.
Fate/Grand Order Cosmos in the Lostbelt
2.5 months until last valentine event in the game.
Do you have any servants you looking for?
This year is barren on waifus, I only want to read Hakuno's but just to see how much of shitposting his scene will be.
Maybe Aoko and Eresh.
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The OC2 boys, Marie Alter, Arisu, the Hakunos, Kazura and Tutan-kun are the ones I'm looking forward to the most
I don't like Valentine, it reminds me of how even with the number of servants released each year getting smaller and smaller, I still manage to miss the greater part of them.
Marie Alter, Aoko, Alice, Xu Fu and City so far.
if it was a falseflag it would've been attached to a shitpost
BB cosmos and Golden BB.
Forgot BB Dubai*
My bad.
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>Do you have any servants you looking for?
I'll rank how much I love the servant and want to see a good valentine scene
>SpEsh = BBd and BBg
>Summer City
I think everyone will mainly care for the first 4 I listed anyway
I hope BBspic will get nuked once and for all.
Not a single girl is in this cuckge is even for (You) beside Eresh and Abby.
it was attached to a retard post, which is something the anticityschizo have been actively doing lately
I don’t give a shit about BB Dubai. Fuck off
>Summer City
People are still hyped even after her OG valentines?
Do they have interesting interactions? I completely skipped them and 3rd ascension was so trash.
Only the local c*ty sc**izo
Don't reply to me, indian
Obvious samefag, please try harder.
Indian-kun, I'm sorry if I fuck up your salary...
>literal monkeys.
genuinely kinda funny that even the atlas academy discord is so utterly bored with FGO that it hasn't bothered putting up this week's missions
>I know how to inspect element!1
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I am not a cityfag and I hated her valentine scene
Real cityfags must be heartbroken
Are they really waiting for summer one?
Maybe try looking in a real server and not some minority that runs a datamine FGO server
Don't use Tez for your shitoosts pajeet faggot
Holy shit I'm so tired of you faggots
Stay ignorant.
>I'm a shitposter and I...
don't care didn't read
I absolutely hated when a girl wanted to have sex with me in her secret place where no one would find us.
I REALLY hope the summer version won't try to pull this shit. I have to stay a virgin.
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That's not a shitpost. Her valentine is about Tez rather than you.
She gives you some useless keys and heart to Tez (before even talking to you).
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I say this and I look like this
Don't use Tepeu for your shitposts pajeet faggot

They are right
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Tepeu is one of my favourite characters though
Sad to think there are Guda fans that kiss up to those types of fans that shit on the Guda fanbase.
Do you really still need a translation for master missions?
>SHITkuno avatarfag on twitter
This bitch was crying that OC3 didn't make BB shy away from being for (You) instead of for Hakuno, pussies like this retard are why this fanbase will never mature
>Free Summer BB
Damn thats big
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That's 1/23 chance.
Read this chain, basically SHITkunofags were mad that OC3 didn't give them what they wanted for HakunoBB since Hakuno dies and BB just returns to Guda and lets it happen. And she never expresses love towards him while in OC3 she flirts and tries to get on Guda multiple times
He deleted the OG tweet so I could only find this
go back
Ah, I see. Meh, I don’t care for those fans whatsoever since I blocked them for a while. Pity that those Guda fans are friends with those types people though.
Lol the rabbit hole gets worse when you hear that they're also the people defending OC3 by saying that calling it a glorified extraverse event and mocking the writing is now bad.
Oldfags like that retard or schizu are why a part of me will be happy when FGO is over since Fate as a whole will end with it.
FGO should be a lesson to always do sequels like Persona does. Different MC, different setting, call old MC back just for some non canon bossfight and the girls are all different and unrelated to past games.
go back to xitter you utter retard
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>the rabbit hole gets worse
I know henceforth the blocking but I didn’t know they contradict themselves like that.
I’m pretty sure he was an FGO player first then went back to the source material.
Unfortunately for your third point won’t stop shippers from clapping. Go look out at the ZabiBB ones when OC3 came out.
Why is he seething by himself?
They are monkeys.
And this is the corpse of a general they're all shitting in.
Summer Eresh,Bb cosmos and golden BB
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To me its just a matter of principle, oldfags have no respect for FGO and whenever their characters are involved suddenly the quality of the story is default good while they seethe on the side at LB6 for mogging all of Fate up until that point and also act like their only thinly veiled interest isn't self inserting like what they proclaim to fight against.
It's a shame schizu seems to have returned, I hoped that freak sealed the deal for good after the spergout on FSN celebration being a remaster
Why does a statue holds that huge plant in its hand?
that looks like a snake actually
This is funny when FGO is actually the most Fate entry (well, before this year with stupid collabs at least)
It is actually about myths and heroes, and Guda is kind of just here as player avatar, sure he's important as Master, but there are plenty of stories not orbiting him
Meanwhile their shitty FSN and Tsukishit are 100% about OCs like Shirou or Shitki.
That dude malding over the Kazura event was pretty funny.
Oh everyone with a brain that isn't a shirou or SHITkunofag knows this.
The idea they hate Gudafags because we're self inserters is just the most blatant projection of hypocrisy ever, mainly originated from the fact FGO girls mog the ones from their games
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Guda’s Flash when
fucking die
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You never be a human, pajeet you're worse than n**ger.
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Never stop being a pathetic
>Obssesed with melusine
This retard is jews vinsader, lol
Xu Fu and Gogh
I know I'm late to the party but you missed Summer Okita Alter lmao
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...next year
Summer Tony yes yes
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...next year
... next year.... EOS....
I want to believe?
Well, this year was two years since arc was released and she appeared in the main story, though she was not that relevant. Maybe Tonelico/Morgan will have better luck than her.
Nasu most likely isn't written anything main story related anymore outside of part 2 epilogue.
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Mossy feet.
>arc jobbing to a literal collab summer that is actually not summer but is oc also servantverse
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>Nasu most likely isn't written anything main story related
Yeah, I don't trust that. Definetly don't trust that.
OC4 and Foreigner garbage isn't on him so.... is he hijacking next summer again to ruin everything?
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This is a JC.
I love skin coloured clothes
He still enabled this OC shit, or at least, tried to make it important, and he still had the "Deleting your Avengers" until Sakurai told him no.
Again, I am NOT trusting the mushroom.
>hijack next summer again
Usually I will say no, but Nasu never learns, same with Hackeuchi, so the chance is there.
Takeuchi will hijack to save us from Summer Lip again
Takeuchi has blood on his hands but denying Summer Lip is the most based thing he ever did.
Can you guys realize for once that one right does not justify every wrong he did?
>Deleting your Avengers" until Sakurai told him no.
The truth is the opposite and you know it.
And he wrote the mats which made lots of servants cuckbaits
He wrote AA valentine to make her for Murachanga
her in-game gender is unknown because of Rengoku
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Ciel and Hakunos
I want India to leave
Take him back
Pay attention to him /frog/. You can't ignore it.
We need to do this to pajeets
You are here, forever.
Melusine cuckposting is boring
>I moost hide!
T. Seething Shiki shippers
This isn't your safe zone lol.
It's crazy all these years later we still don't know who Fake Richard was. Should have just had it be Molay.
Bold of you to assume Nasu thought a lot about Camelot Zero
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That's not bold at all.
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I think I like Durga.
You really don't
Olga Mating Quest?
>the last 6 hours
The poos and their masters won.
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Next month
It's time to admit that FGO is a cuckge
I just scroll past the shitposting
It's very simple
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Donkey became a camwhore.
Yet nobody would give a shit about her. Sad.
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Because you're gay
I'm gonna screw your whore wife while you watch
and you're a cuckfag
Do you like onis, anon?
No. Onis are disgusting.
My wife is Tlaloc if that matters.
A shame. I wouldn't mind sharing.
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lolis can have breasts
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Imagine death by snu snu
im starting to think you all play on NA
Most likely, but people wanting to fit here will pretend otherwise. No one here can read moonrunes.
Do you think there will be GudaGuda this year?
GudaGuda Christmas with Santa Nobu firing presents with her guns.
Gudaguda + Christmas + Olga Quest.
You rike it?
Stop giving ideas to Nasu.
here's an idea: a new event, focused on a real history event
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here you go
wrong game bro
After the trainwreck that OC3 was, I fear this might be something Nasu would approve.
Maybe there was a GudaGuda event for this year and the central character was going to be Yasuke but it all went down the drain after this year's controversy with the character and his “historians”.
How would that be bad?
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Please post the reaction collage to Arc's Valentine.
I am definitely looking forward to seeing what Ciel's would look like after what we saw with Arc's.
NY event
How can Waver be gay when he has a harem who wants to fuck him?
...because he hasn't fucked them?
Alright, so for my next GudaBB comm will be both of them kissing while wearing their space attire.
>nobody gives a shit about GudaBB the crackship

Even Astolfo X BB makes more sense

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