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Freshly remastered edition!

The cool patch notes: https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/update/21375/v-255-the-dark-ride-ride-or-die-patch-notes

Suspiciously wealthy philo books: https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/sale/21324/cash-shop-update-for- november-20

HOLY SHIT MAPLESTORY X DEMON SLAYER (um demon slayer was already a class): https://orangemushroom.net/2024/11/22/kms-ver-1-2-397-maplestory-x-demon-slayer/

Burn, burn, burn, burn!: https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/events/21727/the-dark-ride-burning-events

Gonna burn a cool class? Read here!: grandislibrary.com/


SCANIA - Buddy DoubleOctave and Nisunobi
HYPERION - Apply to Comfy and 2kowai!
AURORA - HOW good was the drop rate that they needed to shut down the game? Alem and Nuelyi are smuggling 2 mil mvp buffs and black flames, must be nice!
SOLIS - Apply to BuyingTrack to keep track of how hard they're gonna buff S code Horntail again
PRIVATE SERVERS - Artale is in the house tonight! And when it isn't well check out MysticMS and Royals and Legends and Chewie and Castela

Previous boobshop I mean bitties I mean breastidiction i mean: >>503124759
>12 hour maintenance extension
>endless bugs
>nonstop additional maintenances
>shade and aran dedux
>no arcane wep on hyper burning
>100 frags throughout the entire dark ride event
>overall underwhelming dark ride rewards
>"unintended" fz nerf
>crystal nerfs
>horntail buff
>unscheduled maint during peak time just because boss drops were good
rate the update so far
ride or die?
So uhhh, where's the compensation?
>server is too busy to fulfill your request
I'd rider die
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art.alebros...... where are we???
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my favorite part is when the doomerfag got absolutely btfo'd and utterly embarassed himself like a bitch.
other than that, not having exp vouchers sucks.
mech didnt get fixed...
dunno who that is but this is a doomGAWD general.
>maintenance story
he was right, this is just cringe
where's the guy who said reddit has no effect on the game? now that guy got actually really btfo
reboot normalization when?
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>20 chal dnell no deaths
>only 130k
isnt dnell the highest point boss?
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help me chat
who do i trust....
if you want the crit dmg legion block then mega burn hayato, bonk him to 200 then just dump spare bonks and exp coupons until 250
bro just wants to shit on hayato
i said mihile because hes super cool and good and parrying is fun
i will shit on hayato any chance i can get
hayato is super lame but the block is better, mihile is marginally cooler but i'll never forgive them for taking away radiant blast
>dooky class
shining cross is better than muh laser skill #14
but i will never forgive them for replacing soul assault for a generic ass skill
it is poop isn't it
shame it's stuck to a really good legion block
twained for an hour at 251 and only got 35% its kinda owari da desu
you're supposed to dailystory your way to 260 with mp and arcane dailies
I've send at least 6 tickets to fix mechanic, pls help me bros, they can't keep ignoring us forever
erm skibidi dom dom dom nyo nyo im gonna pwap these mobbies because ive got another hyper byurn after this
shining cross is stupid looking and radiant blast was a cool laser beam with a unique color scheme but now all of mihile's skills are the same ugly piss and he has garbage like 'giant yellow cross' or 'giant yellow X' or 'giant sword slash that im pretty sure hero had years ago' or 2 of the most boring looking FMAs of all time. the class had way more soul before the rework
just a year ago people were getting 500 upvotes for an 8k legion post
while its true there was meso selling and gold farm bots back in 06-08 it was never so prominent and in your face
pay2win at most was someone selling a 10k nx cash card to afford potions not spend thousands buying out the entire fm like the artaler auction house
Come home mapler our publisher won't abuse you like nexon
No comment or file.
trained for 3 hours then had a shower (i smell good now im a goodsmell mapler) and had my juice box now i will see if my ghoulest hours frenzy guy is down for another hour and if hes not then thats ok i'll play a chill video game until bedtime
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hey wassup my globros whats cracki-
oh zamn...
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boss mulers lost because of the crystal limit
wappers won
so after black mage what does this game has to offer?
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nyothing at all once u clear bm (get carried) the game ends theres nothing more for u u can go home u beat the mapelstory!!! goodbye anon-kun u did it i hope u'll keep what u learned here forever
*camera pans out*
*credits roll so u know u can close the tab now*
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stockholm syndrome
No seriously just stop playing maple and go play like runescape instead
ok cool thanks guys im gonna do a 360 and moonwalk away now
>emergency maintenance on sunny sunday
>the fifth unscheduled maintenance since the update
>no compensation
If you're going to nerf drop rates at least give the players something to make up for how long the game has been down.
the update is still missing content btw
To be fair the extra drop rate was actually a bug.
Drop rate has never affected miscellaneous boss drops like MVPs, Arcane Boxes, flames, and cubes. This was explicitly stated at one point.
Hows lost ark these days, or is amazon even worse than nexon?
I get that but it doesn't make it alright, the fix could have been handled in a much clearer way. If they originally said the emergency maintenance was about the drop rate then I'd be less upset, but instead the announcement said it was to fix channel crashing when there was a separate channel maintenance that day and only after the maintenance was nearly completed did the notes get updated to remove any reference about channel crashing and instead it focused on drop rates. It's not like players can do anything about maintenance happening so don't lie about why the game is going down.
Yeah Nexon is just retarded
But I wouldn't be surprised if they actually did fix something that was causing servers/channels to crash. Lots of channels were randomly dying yesterday
I love my wife lotus
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idk i kind of like this update
i have 100 extra coupons and i'm pissed i have to use them all before reset
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>500 word essay due monday
>havent started
hi chatgpt write me a 500 word essay on why msg only gives white people headaches
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i don't remember what it was like when every class didn't have an up jump anymore
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at least they kept this in
I hate that it takes so long to get to 285
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die or die
same so I just stopped leveling
You must have not played high mountain recently
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Is this realistic?
Yeah I remember that was roughly the asking req for a comfortable party before 6th job
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i look like this (male)
it got pretty bad in like 2009-2010, to the point where I bought mesos a couple times then ended up buying BT to bot and sell meso myself. by the time big bang happened it was about as in your face as it is on artale
Artale: 300 viewers
GMS: 3,000 viewers
what went wrong artalebros?
artalers cope with grinding for illbis all day since theres nothing else to do.
doomfag btfo and hasnt been seen since. likely offed himself from the sheer embarassment. rip another booter in the dirt (assuming they buried him((not likely))
althea a cute
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i don't want to do the aran and shade dailies it's not worth
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the damage skins are sick asf (bis even) and the temp stat titles that give %exp gain are transferable
the shade damage skin is insanely good i wish we could have picked that from the camilla boxes
i will be buying extra copies of the shade and aran one from my guildies so my main can have one too
any anons here who play on a laptop? I know maple isn't super demanding but I still want to make sure I buy a laptop that can comfortably run it smoothly without any lags and not just compromise on the bare minimum, any suggestions? what laptop do you play on and how is it?
not a fan of the shade damage skin, kinda disappointed, it's just green... the aran one is nice and the ride or die damage skin is bis for my demon slayer hyper burn
ur gay kid
What race and religion most closely resembles aran?
some pagan shit
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man is singlehandedly funding the game
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I knew this game was woke.
your aran is underbaked put her back in the oven or at least the broiler for a few minutes
why do we have to pay 600x6= $3.60 for 6 monster park runs a day while reboot gets it for free...
why do we have to pay for high mountain frags when reboot gets it for free...
why do we have to pay for cubes when reboot gets it for free...
why do we have to pay for bonus potential when reboot gets FD for free...
why do we have to pay for red cards when reboot gets senpaitachi for free...
Because you have pserver spawn rates with frenzy.
we have to pay for service or buy 300 philo books for it...
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i get 5x spawn and i get to be pretty and my mules r funded and my 6th job is maxxed (janus included) and my familiars r MUCH freer considering i dont have to farm them myself did i mention i train 5x faster thats kind of a big deal when the content is level 290
>high mountain frags
who cares
>monster park tickets
we miss out on good mule exp and takes like two years now to get IED medal. i guess they gotta squeeze $ somewhere, but i agree i wish we got more free tickets.
>pay for cubes
stupid question
>pay for bpot
stupid question
>pay for red cards
stupid question and doesnt make sense. reg has it much better for senpaitachi than on reboot and they have to farm senpaitachi compromising their total % exp.
What content
Being 290 is the exact same as being 285
tallhat comes out tomorrow and also you're missing 30% fd on katie and her dog
spoken like someone who just hit odium.
why is paying for potential a stupid question? why is the pay2lose server a worse experience than the other?
what are the best culvert classes?
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remember 1706 the ghost of a non-player he got raped to death when he was instant karmaed about the fz bug hes haunting this tomb if you dont give him attention he will pass on to the great beyond and to his final reward
because potentials have been in the game for over 14 years and have been discussed to death. Simply put, Nexon needs to make $ so yes your questions stupid.
another reason why reg is keeping this game alive, so your welcome booties.
im excited for our FREE* (tip not included) frenzy totem in a couple of months.
then why are we nickel'd and dimed with kms monetization when we still have cs cubes?
i dont know what you're talking can you care to elaborate?
i just checked CoR prices and people are selling them for 120 usd. i wonder if its worth it. does anyone here have one? how many hours do i need to grind a day to make it worth it.
>Nexon needs to make $
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I feel cheated.
the ones in the dailies cutie *pets you're head*
actually the dailies ones might nyot have stats i havent gotten snopes fact checked on that one yet because im waiting to claim until the troupe title goes
$108 /mo for monster park tickets
$50 for battle passes
$120 /mo for high mountain

$228(month) + $50(pass)

$3,000 for main pot(wse)
$7,000 for b pot(wse)
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Ohh, I assumed it had no stats since it didn't list the stats in the patch notes for that one.
>optional, also pretty sure its like $36 a month and not 108 not sure how you get that figure.
>optional, but also payable with maple points
>optional, solely exists for whales who want more exp, but this is gms and frenzy exists so nobody actually does it here.
>meso market exists
>meso market exists
>auction house exists
there are f2pers in reg who are actual end game, i think theres a couple of msgers who are f2p and end game as well.
but yes there's monetization. koreans are greedy and want to make bank, who knew.
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*hands you your signed permission slip to not reply to him and not have it affect your grade* you can join the other kids down the hall in the science room they're watching shrek today
which shrek movie
this is important
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It's a washed up version
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shrek 2 its the teachers favorite because its from the same year her kid was born
$3.60 a day for 6 monster park tickets
$108 for a month
you want to pay 45 b a month for a reboot given privilege?
starforcing to 22 sounds like an awful experience even with infinite money
i could barely tolerate 17
Aren't monster park tickets 200-300 nx each? I would check but im not in game.
>you want to pay 45 b a month for a reboot given privilege?
i dont pay for the monster parks as it is. i already agreed with you earlier that more free tickets would be nice.
the ticket price doubled and we only get 1 free entry a day
why do booties think just because something's in the shop it means every regger has to buy it
they dont the two kingdoms r no longer at war with one another we're happy just coexisting this is an unrelated third party
that sucks. i only buy tickets from reward shop for sundays.
rp tickets doubled too so you're paying 14.4k rp instead of the old 6k
12k rp but sure. why are you trying to hard to drive your point? this will be the third time saying that yes more free mp tickets would be nice. anything free or qol related is good.
reggies don't deserve free things lmao they're ruining the game
because the monetization isn't equal, but you're okay with it being worse on reg servers and accept it as a fact of life
i didnt say i was okay with it being worse, but im not gonna ree about something that I cannot change on my own or worry about anything that is out of my control.
this is the problem with everyone here. you all think its us or them, reboot vs reg. i also dont speak for all of reg either, just as you dont speak for all of reboot. im not your enemy, anon. focus on things that matter more than trying to dogpile on me for a small W, you're trying so hard to get under my skin but i just feel pity for you.
happy mapling.
>you all
one (1) non-player whos only experience with maplestory is this irc channel
d-did anyone here buy philos...?
i'm not trying to get under your skin, you're the one making ignorant claims about mp tickets that just changed and i'm just informing you
what does 'monetization isnt equal' even mean.
i dont speak english what would you call it in america/?
im not here to flesh out your underdeveloped thoughts and argue on your behalf.
can gms reboot beat limbo and if they do how will kms react to it?
it's cringe how reboot video titles are in korean like kms players care
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im bricked
I hope shade rapes patience in retaliation for that comment.
Wow shade bossing is going to make me retarded
I get that feeling with Paladin a lot.
I miss when it was just adventurer jobs T_T
i dont, explorers play like ass
let me tell you about artale
since they cut mp by half, that means they doubled the coins from the boxes, right?
>received character switch
>got the free daily exp coupons
>got the exp coupon minigame
>gets burning express that gives you free mag pots and exp coupons
>chaser literally gives you free shit just for playing the game

seabrows we're 'ting good
arent u the only sea player here
fox god flash is pretty comfy
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imagine the fox god flashing you
umm why is aran's upjump giga ass
i can only imagine the fox god flashing her three to four rows of nipples...
You have to do it twice with the input...
Sometimes you accidentally go through portals with it :)
hory shit
it's giga ass but in a different way
many upjump skills are "once in midair" so you can technically use it twice if you use it from the ground
plus aran's upjump goes farther if you use the command instead of the key
looks like they "fixed" everything about aran except for the literal one thing that actually needed fixing :)
It's at least pretty decent distance, even if it objectively sucks ass in every other metric
>you can technically use it twice if you use it from the ground
...what i played almost every class and i dont recall you ever getting to double dip unless the class is explicit about it, i think i just speedread aran
I always wondered why Sino has paws for feet and hands despite choosing to have a human form desu. Why even bother keeping them as paws at that point instead of just going with regular feet and hands.
its sexy
What reason is there for her creating a human appearance other than for sex appeal
all the guide stamps being auto unlocked is a great qol change
I can see paws being cute, but sexy? You lost me, anon.
im having fun with the shade remaster
why do shade mains dislike it again
they removed moonbeam from his kit and then fixed it
bomb punch multipunch and claw looks ugly
who said that
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>looks nice
>no more rng on spirit flow
>no more livers
>doubled duration on blade imp debuff
>frenzy is now basically an extra sol janus ball, great afk mobbing
>SMP actually does damage now, worth holding as well so we get longer period of damage reduction too.
>spirit gate instantly applies the full debuff, no need to pre-cast summons and get fucked if the boss moves
>split no longer requires you to actually hit the split monster to get the extra damage
>fuck ring swapping can just stick to cont
>origin sucks now
>burst is significantly worse, much bigger focus on dpm
>they over complicated the way split works now, has anti-synergy with 3 minute classes

also giving everyone a free moonbeam pet is based
because their identity was 2min burst support and now theyre AB lite but shittier with worse damage with a worse burst skill (smashing punches). its still a good boss mule.
cont4 stocks rising.
shade is much stronger than ab lol
hopefully it wont get gutted(or worse) like ab got
i dont understand shade burst am i retarded
That has never been their identity, shade has always been the simple no buff bosser that has retarded survivability, good mobility and some decent support with split and spirit gate. All of that is still intact with the remaster. Being a 1 minute class gives them more of an excuse to stick to the boss and abuse their busted survivability.
braindead gms players saw shade as nothing more than a discount version of kanna except the archer players, they love shade
i told u last thread bro
>shade is much stronger than ab lol
who told u that lmfao
literally just check the 8.8 chart?
>but muh as10
You're not right either when you say it's "much stronger". From what I've seen, both AB and Shade deal the same amount of damage at the same Combat Power.
Then let me rephrase - they went from 2 minute burst support to 1 minute DPM class with a bit of support. To me, that 2 minute burst support was part of their identity.
that wasnt me but thanks cutie
>c-check the kuckms charts!!!!!
there was a time when /msg/ laughed at dps chart fags. albeit a long time ago.
yeah checked again and it was only like 5% stronger
i still suppose shade still outperforms when it comes to actual bossing since all the utility means there's less downtime
thinking of using my hyperburn on battle mage

when is the resistance rework going to be announced
battle mage doesnt need a rework
nta but does anyone have an answer for this?
battle mage needs a flash jump
i said that facetiously. there's no fucking way lmao
since that was before i actually tried it out so to revise:
>imp then split
>pop 2 min buffs
>pop od+ab
>spiritgate, tsc then origin
>hold down spirit claw to activate tsc right after then immediately smp
>spam claw
>Their FD buff gives 5% less (everyone else lost way more)
>"lost their identity"
the fuck is this nigga smoking
wait nvm im retarded use smp before origin so ur next smp isnt delayed
uh how was i supposed to know? tf this guy thinks i can read peoples intents like im a mind reader.
so you got an answer for this or not?
Did you really not read what I said? I said their identity to me was a 2 minute burst support class that is now a 1 minute DPM.
Please for the love of god fucking read the entire thing that I type out. That to ME was part of their identity. Christ.
im done replying to dumb retards its impossible to have any meaningful conversations with anyone here.
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>class before remaster has 2 minute burst support
>class after remaster still has said 2 minute burst support
>uhhh they lost their identity because they now also have a miniburst every minute
The only dumb retard here is you, maybe try actually reading the new skills next time?
uh i have a 236 shade i think i know what im talking about.
>if I hold my burst for 2/3 minutes that makes me a 2/3 minute class
really? thats your arguement? lmfaoo no way.
shade burst is awkward and this is coming from someone who made a shade yesterday tera blinked it to 200 and did chorntail and logged off
Their actual burst is every minute. I don't think you know what you're talking about.
>the little shit that keeps following you and pushes you nonstop pushed me off the laser
goddamn it that thing got me off my deathless 20c cpap run
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hop in??? does she get around that much?
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>literally has 2 minute burst skills
>soul split still only gives the FD buff to party members every 2 minutes
>uhh they don't have 2 minute burst support because... BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!
Again, have you tried reading maybe? Or is mushroom game just too complicated for you?
uhm it says right there that its a 3 minute class. i think you need glasses.
>cooldown 60 seconds
yup 1 minute class.
People do realize that if you burst every minute it still lines up with 2 minute and 3 minute classes right
this sale is kinda dookie
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screw this garbage event with trash rewards, just gonna do the bare minimum from next week on
>all 20 challenge runs
>only 4 deaths, one from >>503557708 and 2 from goddamn horntail
>110m cp
who else got higher scores
legendary senpaitachi gonna drop hard in price finally.
what the FUCK?! only 30 cubes discounted?!
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>"""""""""""""permanent"""""""""""" vac pet in heroic
lol don't get your hopes up boys
classic nexon
How do you know the rewards are trash if you haven't gotten them yet
80% are going to be traces, mystic cube and mc cube
coin shops are garbage too
That's still like 150 bucks average, I'm not falling for that shit
ride or die event fucking sucks honestly i hope this shit never comes back
i ride (You) die. got it?
damn bro thats kind of kinky
bring back minecraft
where are the maplestory world porn games
there's one but it sucks and is eternally 0.01v patreon slop
you cant say that and not post a link
Maplestory Class Popularity Ranking According to Number of Favorites on the Korean Wiki:
>Mercedes: 191
>Phantom: 189
>Aran: 177
>Shade: 176
>Luminous: 173
>Evan: 169
>Angelic Buster: 57
>Lara: 44
>Hero: 35
>Adele: 32
>Bishop: 29
>Xenon: 27
>Kain: 26
>Kinesis: 25
>Ark: 24
>Dual Blade: 23
>Zero: 23
>Archmage (I/L): 22
>Demon Slayer: 21
>Khali: 21
>Pathfinder: 20
>Bowmaster: 19
>Wind Archer: 17
>Mihile: 17
>Ho Young:17
>Marksman: 16
>Kaiser: 16
>Illium: 16
>Blaze Wizard: 14
>Blaster: 14
>Night Lord: 13
>Shadower: 13
>Corsair: 12
>Dawn Warrior: 12
>Demon Avenger: 12
>Paladin: 11
>Cadena: 11
>Dark Knight: 10
>Archmage (F/P): 10
>Buccaneer: 10
>Cannoneer: 10
>Night Walker: 10
>Battle Mage: 10
>Wild Hunter: 10
>Mechanic: 10
>Thunderbreaker: 8

Source: namu.wiki
thunderbreaker bros...
i think we're gonna need a rework
>>Phantom: 189
why do people like the heroes when they're all failures
All Mercedes players are just elf gooners and you can't convince me otherwise.
sexy hag
Do people who play on the interactive servers actually have to travel or do they buy hyper teleport rocks with NX?
You can buy Hyper rocks with reward points.
Oh cool. Was confused when I saw them listed with NX in the patch notes.
Thought someone was actually using the stupid auto-move thing.
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does this even fucking do anything other than a fma?
free exp chunk every 300 mobs
It's like night troupe but less XP per proc.
>Evan has triple the score of AB

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free level each time it procs on all your legion characters
also when will name auction come?
people have been shitting on these characters for years what gives
winter show case has me worried bros.
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why would I want this
we laughed at pay2winners as well, now its "bro i used my hard earned wagebux u neet!"
>BM, WH, mech bottom 5
revamp please...
>literally every class I like besides kain on the bottom half of the chart
looking at how the name means something and is an offline showcase im expecting somthing on the scope of newage
>new class (anima pirate)
>BOTH new mastery node and new 6th skill
>massive dailies overhaul (especially for the arcane area)
>liberation condensed
>new region AND new boss (changseop said he wanted to move the pace up faster)
>325 is on summer, once someone from kms finally hits 300 with the new region
>exp pool massively cut up to 280
>remaster announced on the roadmap, and actually asking for input and advice from the mains this timedue to the massive backlash of previous one
this is what I'm expecting, changseop, do not disappoint us
Mechs should have their missiles become a toggle
chain of resentment totem will work in level 300+ areas.
I hope the anima pirate has cute skills and is fun
I hope the anima pirate is a simple class. I play a Paladin and that's the extent of my hands.
i hope the anima pirate is chuuni and cool and not some gay faggy animal shit
you're stupid and I hate you I hope he has lots of cute bug friends and stuff in pirate gear and he can summon them and they'll help him fight and it has lots of cute bright colors and he looks like he's having a lot of fun on an adventure
I hope the anima pirate is a gorilla. Not a gay monkey
this is my prediction for the anima pirate
>theme is having an indistinguishable flashy pastel blur
>60 cd dpm class
>good mobility and decent defensive utilities
>pretty high dpm for the relatively low difficulty
>makes kms seethe
>receives a -20% fd nerf once the hyper burning ends
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if you get lucky it's free money why aren't you buying philos
is this aurora prices?
It looks like all future 3x coupons will have the new graphic. It's nice actually, I don't have to squint my eyes to see if it says 2x or 3x. Lots of good qol this patch.
24 hours have passed, and instead of providing evidence to support your accusations, you spent this time disrupting the thread, picking arguments, and behaving in bad faith. Your actions have demonstrated a lack of credibility, and as such, I will no longer engage with you or take your claims seriously.
Thank you for playing. You've lost. This conversation is now closed.
>checking random rare familiars i got while doing the morass story
>one of them has 50% item drop rate
im gonna be rich bros
welcome back *smooch*
i accidentally fused and lost my 100% drop rate and healing familiar last week
how about you fuse my fat nuts (with large drop)
i want to fuse with (have sex with) sino's fox form
i want sino to knot me in either one of her forms
frenzy lives
Despite die or die causing a shitload of headaches, it has revived /msg/ and pushed all the artalefags into the dumpster where they belong. We are truly riding inkwell's cock tonight.
its called ride or die because you either ride inkwells tiny little pecker or the game dies
My anus is too strong for inkell
So was Aran's burst always this fucking stacked? It makes the rest of her kit feel like hitting with a wet noodle in comparison. Kinda like NW.
Not really but her burst made an "ok" dpm become an amazing dps. It's like if NW didn't have Ravenous Bat anymore.
I just decided to check back to see how Aran, and Shade were handled.
Shade is fine to play still but the story is apparently different.
I don't know how bad the changes are because I didn't read the old shade story and I skipped all the new stuff because I have no time for that.
shade's story is marginally different, they just put sino in the story since she wasnt a thing when he came out but it hasnt really changed at all
i had a dream tonight that i was a paladin and i was taking a newer paladin on a quest to get job advanced and he DIED like really dead his heart stopped and everything and we brought him back to the house and i could barely resurrect him and i started crying and i hugged him so hard we didnt know if he was gonna come back so we job advanced him while he was dead i was gonna lose him
i had a dream i got a pitched piece

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