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A Merry Time for Diablo IV

Diablo 4 is on sale until Nov 27th


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>not a single person on steam reached paragon 300
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>tfw no supportive baking wife
But it says "anon" on the cake. Isn't that you?
should this general be on /vm/?
fighting against the gacha spam is too difficult
If I use the boost on an Eternal Realm character, will the part about it auto finding the Altars of Lilith carry over to Seasonal Realm characters? I really don't wanna track all these things down on a fresh Seasonal if I don't need to.
Yeah, the altars carry over to every other non hardcore characters you make.
Oh thank fuck. I'll just use the boost on a class I don't plan on playing anytime soon. Probably Rogue or Druid. Currently debating between a Barb, Sorc, or Necro for my seasonal character at the moment.
Does it only work for new/returning ppl?

Can someone try if you can use it on a fresh hardcore character IF you never played hardcore before? But played softcore all seasons. Should be "new" to hc or does that not count
it does not work on hardcore
ah shit
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I love /d4g/!
/d4g/ loves you!
It's quite a long grind
At P250 I'm not finding many worthwhile upgrades on the Paragon board if I'm being honest
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One day I'll get there...
Probably will quit the season soon, I don't have BiS giga gear since I refuse to trade but getting to Pit 133 on a half assed non Rod of Kek build is enough for me
Maybe once I get by dust devil Barb to pit 100 I'll stop
>getting to Pit 133 on a half assed non Rod of Kek build is enough for me
that's pretty good buddy.
Looked around but can't find any info on this. My understanding with The Pit is that the higher the level of your Glyph, the higher the Pit level is required to get a chance of an upgrade to the glyph.

The only piece of info I have found is that a Pit level 10 above that of the Glyph will guarantee a Glyph upgrade. So anything beneath 10 levels will provide diminishing returns?

I haven't played D4 much, but this sound similar to D3 Greater Rifts and upgrading gems. But for that there were calculators online telling you which level rift you needed to run to guarantee an upgrade.

Is it as simple as keep it 10 levels above your Glyph (for as long as possible anyway) or is there more to it?
>D3 Greater Rifts and upgrading gems
>>Is it as simple as keep it 10 levels above your Glyph (for as long as possible anyway) or is there more to it?
That's it.
Or try your luck with the %chance, like in 3
So if I have a level 20 glyph, would I need to do level 34 Pit to guarantee all 4 upgrades are a 100% chance? Or will the success rate remain at 100% across all 4 upgrades?
>So if I have a level 20 glyph, would I need to do level 34 Pit to guarantee all 4 upgrades are a 100% chance?
i guess this. cant rember for sure now. go and do it
>got my new necro to level 34 last night before i forced myself to go to bed because i work today
almost able to use mythics lads, then hopefully i can shred to 60
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>because i work today
sir, it is sunday
If the Pit level vastly overlevels your glyph, it will add multiple levels per chance. I don't know the exact numbers but say you have a level one glyph and do a 60 Pit, each upgrade chance will add 3 levels, so it does go pretty fast once you're able to do high Pits.
I got my very fun screen-blasting ice shards sorc to pit 61 and can't really go any further without mythics or dealing with the bullshit that is nu-tal rashas ring. I think I'm done for this season, I'd like to go farther than WT3 but this build can't really do it and I'm not respeccing to something else without an armory system. Hopefully next season with the armory it'll be easy enough to swap builds so I can basically play both, use the stronger build to get some more glyph levels and have a switch between bossing/speed clearing setup on the fly. Also Lilith is still the worst designed boss fight in any videogame, kind of amazed it still exists, thought they would've scrapped it by now.

Ball lit sorc looks neat for S7, the whole cast-while-moving should make it very comfy for the orbit variant, I just hope the AoE isn't like a character length away, needs to function like PoE's RF build where it hits most of the screen and you just run through everything.
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Do you prefer your skills in the center or on the left?
What are some good sorc leveling builds?
I prefer left but I wish we could move the buffs bar more center.
center just based on the previous three games over 25 years
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I just started playing the other day so I don't really know what I'm doing. Started as lightning sorc, switched to hard as soon as I could, I'm very weak and have to kite even common enemies and everything takes forever to kill but I'm having fun. Fought a couple bosses in random dungeons, very hard and died a few times on each but I eventually beat them after having to kite them around the entire dungeon for like 40 minutes. I know it's dumb but I like to play like this.

But then I hit a wall doing the legacy of the magi quest. I couldn't beat the boss at the end (I know the boss isn't part of the quest, I just wanted to beat him). I took way too much damage and couldn't dodge all the random projectiles, and couldn't kite him like I did the other bosses, so I just ran out of potions and died on every attempt, couldn't even get him to half health after many attempts over like 30 minutes.

I gave up and warped out to turn the difficulty down, but it said the dungeon would reset so I decided to just change my build and try again. I was like level 20 and using a level 16 legendary dagger. I switched to a level 18 legendary staff, and respecced from chain lightning into frost orb. Went back to the boss and melted him in literally 10 seconds. I just shot frost orbs at him while facetanking all the projecticles. I had to double check to make sure I didn't turn down the difficulty somehow, but it was still on hard. Did the change from a dagger+off-hand to a staff really matter that much (keep in mind they were close in item level), or is lightning just that weak compared to frost?
While leveling just look at the item's power, that's all that matters. I don't play sorcerer though.
if by lightning you mean charged bolts, yeah, that skill fucking blows donkey balls. frozen orb is vastly superior even with identical gear, and the ilvl of the items doesn't matter that much when they're close in level. the stuff you put on might've had more useful stats than whatever you took off.
>the duality of /d4g/
How do you craft higher level gems?
At the jeweler.
I was using chain lightning. The stats on both weapons were comparable, it's not like the staff I switched to had +100000 frost damage or anything like that, but it definitely felt like it. I already salvaged the dagger so unfortunately I can't post anything to compare. But like when I switched to frost orb it's like I switched on easy mode, like it doesn't even compare to how I had to play before by kiting everything. Now I just nuke, and my equipment is mostly the same. I did get two pieces of gear that each gives a 35% chance to cast chain lightning 5 times or some shit from a loot box, so once I'm high enough level to equip it maybe I'll respec again and see how that goes.
It won't let me. I have the ingredients but i can't craft it. Do you need a recipe first or something?
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First Shako!
no. but there are level requirements
Ah okay, thanks
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thanks for this, i have been struggling with sorc but frozen orb does work nicely
like the other games i played
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Knight's honor, friend.
Most likely the Aspect was a Frozen Orb focused one
Aspect of Frozen Orbit is probably it
not sure if i'm gonna login tonight
Should I be doing every side quest and dungeon as I encounter them, or is it better to rush the main quests? I'm already level 20-something and just now did the first main quest that takes place outside of the city. I know I need to up renown, but I also figured that I'll likely be needing to farm equipment anyways once I hit max level, so I might wanna save strongholds and dungeons (unless they have an aspect I want/need) until then.
>Should I be doing every side quest and dungeon as I encounter them
fuuuuuuuuuuck no. side quests and dungeons are useless until you're doing your renown grind OR unless the dungeon unlocks an aspect you need.

just do the story for now
Good, I'll hold off on doing them until later and focus these main quests. I'll pick up any quests that are on my way and just sit on them. Might do a dungeon every 5 or so levels, since they're doing pretty well in outfitting me with gear.
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Spiritborn cosmetics are pretty ass
Why are the best ones still on Barbarian?
Why don't people talk in local chat? I'm not talking about having conversations, I mean just basic responses. Things like "what build is that?" or "is this event bugged or something?". I don't event get basic responses.
Please tell me there are in-game ways to earn Platinum?
kek i think you can ear like 600 platinum if you pay 1000 platinum for the paid battle pass :)

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