>Hazard Gameplay Trailerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oKDz0UTDRA (Hazard | New Hero Gameplay Trailer | Overwatch 2) [1:45] [Open] (Hazard | New Hero Gameplay Trailer | Overwatch 2) [1:45]>A Blast to the Past Begins with Overwatch: Classichttps://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24146047/>6v6 playtests in Season 14https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24151413/>Latest patch noteshttps://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/patch-notes/>Season 13 "Spellbinder" trailerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBIWoBpWnvQ (Season 13: Spellbinder Official Trailer | Overwatch 2) [2:31] [Open] (Season 13: Spellbinder Official Trailer | Overwatch 2) [2:31] [Embed]>Overwatch: Classic Official Trailerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBj4SCL4PNo (Overwatch: Classic | Official Trailer | Overwatch 2) [1:30] [Open] (Overwatch: Classic | Official Trailer | Overwatch 2) [1:30] [Embed]>Comics, short stories and musicoverwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/media/Schedule>Oct 15 - Season 13 "Spellbinder" (Map reworks incl. Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado, Widowmaker Mythic, Soldier: 76 Mythic weapon, Gilded Aspects versions for all Mythic skins, MHA collab, Halloween Terror event, Cassidy and Brigitte hero mastery, QP: Hacked Limit 2, QP: Hacked Kingmaker, more Mercy and Kiriko skins)>Nov 12 to Dec 2 - Overwatch: Classic, Soldier 76 mythic weapon>Nov 29 to Dec 2 - Competitive Drives>Dec 10 - Season 14 (incl. New tank, 6v6 playtests, Venture skins)>Overwatch Wikioverwatch.gamepedia.com/>Overwatch dev trackerdevtrackers.gg/overwatch>Overwatch Esportsliquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_PagePrevious thread: >>503390515
the kiriko brought you donuts
>>503468431silver take
behead tracer
Lena "Tracer" Oxton
>>503468393as it is he just feels like junker queen, with less sustain, but far more mobility and utility. Playing against him as dps/support feels like playing against a junker queen with a symmetra teleporting her around, and the reduced sustain hardly matters when he has 650 health and high burst damage anyway.
the kiriko dance
>>503468420>(Hazard | New Hero Gameplay Trailer | Overwatch 2) [1:45] [Open] (Hazard | New Hero Gameplay Trailer | Overwatch 2) [1:45]unironically kill yourself retard>Mercy spam filterlisthttps://pastebin.com/vB5D1i4X>Kiriko spam filterlisthttps://pastebin.com/VXp7mUqG
>>503468420how do you fuck up this bad?
>>503468764troon was sweating after deleting the spam lists from OP
Start choosing tank, or else...
>>503468904shut your mouth and make me a sandwich, woman
Mei's ass is my favourite character.
>>503468420>Kiriko spam filterlisthttps://pastebin.com/VXp7mUqG
>>503468998wow hes so fucking op.. he can have 10k damage...
>>503468998bro just put on streamer mode nobody wants to look at clips with no hud like it's some 2009 montage
>>503468669Yeah, I was playing Ashe on Shambali, that stairway area that the payload takes.was on that little high ground Area while my team held corner.Tank spots me for a second. starts wall climbing and is just straight in my fucking face. coach gun his ass away, doesn't matter still chasing with his 5 second CD dash. Monkey diving me on that high ground would have costed a CD with shift so I can escape using my escape.D.va diving me would have meant using boosters, it's a skill check on who uses the ability first. if she DMs my coach I die, if she doesn't I escape.then you have Hazard, he gets to jump high ground as a fucking passive.and you have not a snowballs chance in hell of ever 1v1ing him because headshot passive, armor and forgiving abilities so you are forced to just deathball or do what you've been forced to do as DPS for the past 3 seasons and just lock Reaper or Mei to have an option to play the game.so insane.
His ult hits through walls and has no ceiling. I saw a Mercy in the stratosphere get rooted. Why would they do this.
>>503469359its funny to see dpsissies cry
>>503469359oh, forgot to mention that too!goes through fucking shields also.disgustingly overpowered character all around.
>tfw you get carried by a JunkerqueenI love my Australian mommy
>>503469394I play Ram and Queen
hero sounds like he sucks since its goldies complaining. Bet Hazard cant even handle a sombra. And ill take dva brig juno over hazard and whatever backline still. Hell, I bet orisa gets a buff next season and his best counter
>trying to have fun with 6v6 Hazards>two of the niggers go Mauga and two go Ana
>>503469586>BetYou don't even play the game and you're posting here.
Fuck AnaAnd if you play Ana fuck you.
>>503469680i havent paid quick play since leveling up my account in 2016. Blizzard doesn't understand their game. Im not worried about a mobility tank (entire continent of north America cant play dive correctly) I'm not worried about another mei wall. I don't fight tanks for the W anyway. The games bullshit is still in the support roster with cool downs. And it sounds like another tank tracer or widow will rape your entire team
>>503469841ana is a non issue though
>>503469202I think that although he has very good vertical mobility with wall climb and dash, his horizontal mobility is actually bit lacking compared to the other dive tanks. His slash jump thing doesn't take him that far, even if it is a low cooldown. It's easier to outmaneuver him by staying far away horizontally instead of using high ground, but maps on which you can do this on are rare (and tend to be cancer sniper maps).
>>503469202>and you have not a snowballs chance in hell of ever 1v1ing himdps... can't 1v1 a tank?
>>503469969you're finally understanding! I am so proud of you!
>>503470013why should dps be able to 1v1 a tank?
>>503468629is there a reason she hangs around playgrounds?
>>503470086she's mentally handicapped
>>503470050every single hero should be able to kill every single hero. ow1 had zen carries. ow1 had quad dps beat goats and brig at her most broken. This game used to have agency for the player
>>503470050because a game where every role can make plays on each other is a good game instead of the entire game revolving around a raid boss?it's so easy to spot newniggers who didn't play 6v6.
>>503470149>mercy should be able to 1v1 every single hero
>dpsfags when they cant just 1v6 the entire lobby with their overpowered dps heroes and they actually have to play with team in a team game
>>503470086the swings make her tummy tingle
>>503470284>strawman5v5tards are disgengenious swine, no reason to ever reply to these baiting losers.
>enemy tries to mirror you
>>503470281mercy's pistol is 76 helix rockets. Yes mercy has always been able to 1v1 dps/tanks/supports in valk until ow2
>>503470353Let me guess, tank diff?
>>503470281imagine being unable to actually refute his points so you go and say something as retarded and disgengenious as that.
>>5034702846v6 was more fun because it came down to duels between the backline DPS and flankers with the tanks fighting the frontline instead of the tank having to worry about who's supports die first
>>503470461He refuted it just fine doe. You just said nope doesnt count and ignored it.
>>503470284>tankfags when they are no longer dps heroes with 600 health
>>503470407Widowmaker diff if anything>no shield tank>JQ, Ana, Cass, Juno, and They/ThemShould've been free headshots
>>503470491I agree, 6v6 was more fun when we didnt have useless dps players and it was GOATS all day long. Glorious times.
If this was you I sincerely hope you end your own pathetic life
>>503470175>it's so easy to spot newniggers who didn't play 6v6.I stopped playing because you couldn't make plays in ow1 starting around 2017.>>503470381>valkwhat a retarded take, ult vs ult mercy loses to almost everyone and without an ult bob can kill hazard for you so it's the same shit
>>503470862>if you flame this obvious troll you're the one getting bannedebin system!!!
>>503470862There is literally nothing wrong with practicing in comp, my ESL friend.
>>503470804only retard is you swinging at the air I refuted the point in under 2 minutes. You clearly never played through the days of pistol only mercy in ladder
Just got raped by a pocketed Cassidy
>>>>503470804>>503471089whoops meant for >>503470904
Just got raped by a pocketed Pharah
>>503471089>pops soldier ultnice valk retard
>>503471118theres a hero that can one shot you should probably learn to play that puts any mercy pockets into the bin. And now you have first hand knowledge why mercy can not function in 5v5, bc the only dial to turn for her as it stands is damage boost, which breaks the game for all breakpoints. Almost like support players have been and will continue to be the problem for overwatch
>>503471271i havent been in metal for years so seeing a 76 or a mercy, let alone both of them same time has been some time. Im sure the mercy in your elo pop valk after 76 ults though
>>503470939Fuck these subhumans, at this point I'm so over matchmaking I might just go to Discord and find some retards to play with there
>>503471375I was playing supportWe had a Widow and a fucking TracerWidow kept losing duels and only killed him twice but he just got revived right awayTracer killed him once with a sticky but he just got revived right away
>>503471271>valking mercy being retarded enough to fly into the sky against a 76 with ult instead of just playing level/far awayholy gold 5.
>>5034715763+ stacking is a way to get worse games, though, you need a smurf within the stack that large, which is what discord troons do and ruin matchmaking. Or the positive end and one to two of them are giga boosted
>>503471497>>503471621>thinking theres a difference between gold 5 mercy and gm mercykek
>>503471714>>thinking theres a difference between gold 5 mercy and gm mercythe mere fact that you unironically says this proves you're metal rank.GM mercies have like at most 2 deaths per 10 because they aren't fucking garbage.mercies in your elo die every team fight because they're retards super jumping into LOS on CD to stim their ADHD.
Sharted all over my gaming chair when this happened
>>503471614i see, thats a bitch, hitscan with a pocket landing shots is a problem. Bap pocketed is cancer too. For what its worth when that shit happens I swap brig and just hope I put gigaheals and punish the enemy for giving a dps so much resources. But yeah easiest call is having the tank on board to make a play. But tank sucks so much I fully understand the doom,jq ball players that don't swap
>>503471802>m-muh metalnice fanfic
>>503471974absolutely real screenshot btw.
>>503471802hes not worth the knowledge waste. Hes trying to disprove the fact ow1 any hero on the roster could make an impact and everyone was susceptible to dying, specifically poor positioning. So he taps the good ol, mercy is as only as good her duo misnomer and gets his ass handed to him. Theres no justifying the current game balance of ow2, one that will surely bleed players and never regain them once a competitor launches. His takes are so bad he may be an employee
>>503472049Cry is free.
>>503471870I went Lucio and my other support went Brig, our tank was a JQ who wouldn't swap and we figured the best thing we could do was try to jump himKilled him and his Mercy once but the DPS already got wiped out by then
>6v6tards have moved beyond history revisionism and now pretend that the delirious visions they saw in a dream is how the game was
>>5034719745 wins? With 2 weeks left? Even if this is your rank, which it isn't, you need 25 wins for me to even begin to respect your rank. Ill take a gold1 with 50 wins over a diamond 1 shitter who plays 5-10 games a season just to keep an icon. Your takes a pisslow brother
>>503472106I accept your concession, you already exposed yourself with your post earlier, metalbab.final (You), shitter.
>>503472197>ill take gold1i mean yeah you have no choice but to duo with gold1 since im way too high for you lol
>>503472191yeah id probably go lucio too, but I'm pretty sure lucio/brig is one of the worst backlines possible. Lucio moira probably would've won that game with a jq. But who knows, Cree landing headshots with a dmg boost, really cant expect gold/plat players to just fix their positioning
>>503472245Whatever helps you cry yourself to sleep at night, mr mercy soloes all heroes.
>>503468420>Mercy spam filterlisthttps://pastebin.com/vB5D1i4X>Kiriko spam filterlisthttps://pastebin.com/VXp7mUqGtr00n filter list
is 6v6 back yet?
Hana Song likes white guys.
>>503472485no they will wait for marvel rivals to release their 6v6 tests, another amazing blizzard smart move.
>>503472519She likes morbidly obese criminal Maori men named Mako
>>503472667MR starts before they do; an actual blizzard move
>>503472485yes, nobody plays it
>>503472667The fact that nobody can talk about marvel rivals without putting overwatch's dick their mouth is a good indication it's not an actual threat.
are (You) going to try Marvel Rivals?
>silverfags get btfo by grandmasterCHAD>instant m*rvel shillinghmm...
>>503472814Overwatch 2 sucks ass but every Overwatch clone is worse
>>503472809the business plan of MR is a mistake but denying the business plan is a mistake as well. They are coming hard for this playerbase and will secure a massive chunk of it, it's just such a bad business plan bc as soon as there's a favorable patch for ow2 same players just go back and forth
>>503472878if were being honest, just about all boys in masters and above masturbate furiously and ask for an allowance. Most chads are probably in silver with double masters. But the real men among boys are diamond giggachads typing slurs between bong rips collecting unemployment
overwatch 100 player servers when
>>503472881Yeah that's a big reason why OW is still around and in fact albeit slowly growing. >>503472907Then those players weren't secured. It'll have some FOTM hype but it being a sloppy third person shooter makes it more in direct competition with Fortnite than Overwatch.
>>503473048hell yeah
>>503472814of course, the beta was fun. however the game reminds me of paladins a bit too much. so will be a fun casual game you pick up now and then.
>Mercy ults to try to kill me>put the bitch in her place (spawn) with ease
>>503472519true but she loves black guys
>>503473075i guess time will tell and I'm not sold on streamer influence here either. ow2 has had dogshit streamers entire lifespan, so them leaving I cant see it being anything more than a positive. It will be a net benefit losing u2gm creators. There is danger however MR monetization is superior and rewards for playtime surpass ow2. Without being facetious, ow2 has a massive issue not grinding main accounts after peak, but that's a tangent
>>503473152Mercyfags get so uppity it's unreal.
there isn't enough avoid slots for the amount of mercy mains in the game
>>503473241Johnny Somali is a hero in Overwatch Korea
>>503473323you don't need to avoid mercy mains, just climb out of plat
>>503473152>>503473319They'll never learn
>>503473505>mercy can 1v-ACK!
>>503473297Nobody who currently streams OW2 is going to move full time to rivals. They're going to stream MR when it comes out, come back to OW2 for season 14 and ladder grind and play MR more casually. Rivals is also going after a bunch of other casual and variety streamers so someone who watches someone for just their Overwatch content (90% of OW streamers) isn't going to suddenly be down for something different. The ones who already established themselves as variety or multi game streamers will obviously play it like they play any new game. > There is danger however MR monetization is superiorlol come on man
>>503473152embarrassing samefag, go get more screenshots from streamers bro.
>only streamers can be above gold
>>503473397I don't play comp, it's for fags.
>>503473625what do you mean c'mon man? Do you think mythic sales and this pedantic BP are going to keep the servers on? They wont, if lootboxes didn't, which I know first hand people buying $99 lootboxes and $60 collabs have a lifespan. Yes if I'm managing Ow2, id be worried casual players were spending money on skins etc in MR and just playing my game bc they have FOMO and an addiction. The first to get to the pocket books wins here. The research is in dude, all of these companies are battling for maybe 20% of gamer playtime. 3-4 games have 80%. There isn't enough room to not monetize successfully. Am I the only who missed true ow2 cinematics as soon as saw that low framerate globo homo slop with hazard?
schizo post^
>>503473850goalpost successfully moved.
>>503473895>Do you think mythic sales and this pedantic BP are going to keep the servers on? They wont, It's the same exact MTX as every successful game except the prices are technically slightly cheaper. You're absolutely delusional if you think it's a model that can't work. The fact that you can't come up with anything better shows you're probably dumb too.
>>503473981you forgot your kiri meds image. Ah i remember the shizo posts for eomm, proven correct. I remember the shizo posts for correctly predicting ow classic event as well. And the schizo reply immediately comes once you mention LFG compromised fixing matchmaking so they removed it under the guise of toxicity.
>>503473730>samefagWhat are you even talking about, schizo
>>503474023calling people dumb wont change the fact the old dev team had revenue in one month that rivaled ow2s yearly revenue. AFTER launch. Blizzard/Activision have tapped gambling experts and psychiatrists not game devs. They want you miserable questioning your ability in hopes of isolating you for a sale. This game is closer to casino queueing then it is a game
>>503473895>Am I the only who missed true ow2 cinematics as soon as saw that low framerate globo homo slop with hazard?retard thinks every character had a $400m cinematic. most characters got absolutely nothing,
>>503474106>the shizo posts for correctly predicting ow classic eventnigga you were "predicting" ow classic GAME, where the fuck is it? two more weeks?
>enemy widowmaker is dogshit missing body shots>our dps is doing great round 1>dps goes "i'll show you how to play widowmaker heh" and gets fucking thrashed refusing to change>we loseyeah im picking doomfist and saying the n word next game
what 20 dollars gets you in Overwatcha weapon skin, no unique effects, sound effects for voice lines for 99% of skins.a body model you'll only see when dead, hero select or end game screens. less than a minute of seeing your 20 dollar body model in game.for a single characterwhat 20 dollars gets you in fortnitea third person skin you can see at all times and use in all modes, a back cosmetic you can use with every skin and still have some currency left over.what 20 bucks gets you in leaguea legendary skin that redoes every single animation from scratch, redo the entire voice over, unique effects for every ability.nice "good" monetization, blizzard shill.
>>503474280no i said ow3 will be a return to ow1 after dumping switch and consoles to mobile. I always said classic was an event bc they are sabotaging in hopes of proving 5v5 right. The engine literally can not support full time 6v6 with the full cast so I certainly never predicted it
>>503474313nice fanfic
>>503474313if you bought any of these you shouldn't be allowed to vote
>>503474237>launch ow2 made a lot of money thanks to papa jeff updoots plz
utility creep in this game seems to be a problem. The new tank has a shotgun, wall climb and ledge grab, a leap that also has a melee attack that also allows him to change his momentum mid jump, a mei wall that also deals damage and knockback, a block that also deals (autoaim) damage on a resource meter that also reloads his weapon, and his ultimate is a mass junkrat trap that has infinite height and pierces walls.Compare this to winston, who can jump, bubble, and zap people, and chimp out.Even then, winston has probably the highest value ceiling of any tank in the game, which is why the koreans always play him unless the balance team fucks up catastrophically. Winston's kit is simple, but designed very well, and this is the direction the overwatch hero design team should be moving towards.
>>503474402lmao? you're denying reality to cope. that's so embarrassing. go look for yourself, faggot shill.
>>503474410your reading comprehension is atrocious. ow2 revenue in a year barely matches Jeffs team for one month in 2017
>>503474398oh, right, it must've been some other schizo, shame you never posted your brilliant prediction, bro, the posts about classic before it dropped sure as fuck weren't talking about a limited time event, not even once
>>503474491nice headcanon
>>503474505>claims reading comprehension is bad>reveal yourself as a jeff cocksucking schizo
>>503474505>source: my ass
>there's a Mercy main in this thread RIGHT NOW who thinks you can be above diamond and play Mercy
>>503474570that's cute that OW is your first and only multiplayer game.happy for you.
Marvel Rivals will above Overwatch for roughly two weeks before it inevitably dies a stinky and embarrassing death like the fotm trash it is and Overwatch will still not die.Cope and seethe.
>>503474650nice projection
>>503474624You can if you're lucky and the enemy team never picks good supports I guess.
>>503474523you are drooling retard. The prediction for the event came AFTER aaron admitted 6v6 could not come to this game with the current roster and function on the switch. The schizo theory has always been 6v6 half assed to sell 5v5. I am saying to you now they game has failed and these servers are shutting off for a new iteration of ow within 2 years.
>>503474624skiesti plays mercy and juno
>>503474658TRVKE NVKE
shut the fuck up everyone i have something very important to announce. *ahem* Widow's throbbing futa cock!
eos soon bros just 2 more*checks notes*oh years yeah, 2 more years
>>503474730>within 2 years.name the fucking date, schizo-kun, because I've been hearing "two more years" for two years already
>>503474576jeff fucked the game up for a game that probably if finished is greatest of all time. Aaron is following orders to milk stagnate game until they can muster the resources to do another shot at it. Kotick may have been a jew, but the releasing IP regurgitated is going to continue
>>503474801post some
>>503474801The head of her cockIs it blue or a deep purple?
>>503474801calm down lena
>Jeff fucked the game
>>503470491>your tank dies>instantly have to fall back With two tanks at least the game wasn’t dictated by the performance of one teammate. You can have a shit dps or a shit support and be alright but if your tank is shit you will lose
>>503474843>jeff fucked the game up for a game that probably if finished is greatest of all time.Jeff's version of the game never existed and could never have existed. He's such a bullshitter he would be shilling NFT games right now if he didn't luck out and get a do nothing job at Blizzard. >Aaron is following orders to milk stagnate game until they can muster the resources to do another shot at it. The game has only gained players since Aaron took over and they got rid of the MMO devs and replaced them with FPS devs.
do you think torb could install a robo dick onto Bastion?
>>503474836Screenshot this>2025 road map of success laid out>Doubles down on mythics and collabs>tepid results and sales>we reach ow1 levels of abandonment q4 2025>2026 >Microsoft unhappy with any gains from ow2 for game pass demands a change>ow mobile and ow3 release>ow3 is same business strategy of ow2, revamp sound, art and shop>repeat ad nausea everytime sales/playttime stagnate anything longer than 2026 you're starting to tell me this game is healthier than ow1 and will last longer
>>503474862deep purple and glistening wet if you know what i mean
>>503475181>tepid results and salesWhy would this suddenly happen?
>>503475027nice fanfic scenario
>>503475114why do you think he adopted it?
>>503475075gaining players does not equal positive metrics. You need playtime -> sales. If you were managing aaron and gave him a free to play game from a $40 pricetag, the bare minimum to keep your job is account growth (notice not real people growth)
>>503475286holy shit Chu is that you???
>>503475296Explain why
>>503475216theres only so many skins people want and only so many heroes they want them for, its a finite business plan with an end. Counter that to fortnite that has successfully managed immersion with corporate IPs. Unless you want to see OW2 skins covered like nascar in ads, this shit will be folded for a fresh attempt just like ow1 was
Jeff is a meshugga, thinking he can just walk away after making such a mess. He took all the fun out of it, I swear. The game, it's like eating matzo, no flavor, just crumbs of what it used to be. Such a chutzpah, to leave the fans like that. It's like he's saying, "Here, you play with this dreck, I'm off to greener pastures." But who's laughing now with all these bugs and missing features? Not me, I'm telling you, not me. We let the goyim eat those.
>it's too late to stop me, cole>no more suffering. no more throwers. no more smurfs and forced 50 and overpriced skins>just endless overwatch porn, fed directly into their brains for eternity
>>503475436>theres only so many skins people want and only so many heroes they want them forsource?
>>503475587>colekys, newtranny
>>503475696nta but why would you buy another skin after you got Anubis Reaper.why would you buy another Ana skin after you got her Mythic/Favorite skin?why would you buy another Moira skin when you already have Blackwatch?when you strike gold there is 0 reason to make more skins because who is buying them aside from collectors.those are heros you're never making money on again from people, that number just keeps increasing with more skins released.
>>503475547Lena Oxton AKA "Tracer" approves this message!
>>503475406because in management retention is more important then acquiring through marketing. If your attrition rate (losing play time here) outweighs new account playtime, then you've lost. Whereas, you know this game is in bad shape, bc the money is in lowering attrition and monetizing the older playerbase. That is unless, your new accounts drop some serious coin. You can read the tea leaves with releases such as medic brig, comic tracer etc These are, in a successful game, extremely valuable FOMO tactics. Now, use your powers of deduction and how many of these have happened in just this year, add in the feet fetish pandering.>>503475696it would only work with a LoL level roster, and lets be real, it will not reach that. The game play will be Activisions classic go-to-play, of re-releasing the IP again. Overwatch is still going down the COD path, albeit slower iterations
Currently doing poorly
>>503475893people get bored of skins and also you can see retards even here who buy literally every skin for their favorite hero or buy skins for heroes they don't even play
reaper echo is so lame
>>503476010off-model garbage
Elena OxtonHannah SongAngelica ZieglerLiza Ashe
>>503476157>doesn't notice>sighs and drinks it>calls manager >beats manager
>>503476126all anyone from the peanut gallery has to know is that the current championship series is a mauga meta. Mauga, the tank the community universally communicated was boring to play as, against and watch. If they don't care about owcs why did they attach themselves? Thats right skin sales, one more year trying another skin revenue stream. 2026 Q4, ow3
>>503476126every other DPS gets one shot by tanks.this is what happens.
>>503475893Same reason you'd buy any cosmetic?
>>503475547so what's the deal with airplane food anyway?
>have a bad game>avoid everyone on both teams to avoid being embarrassed next game
>>503476380i'll bite that making comic tracers, genji mythics, and some of these other really cool skins could theoretically keep ow2 afloat longer than ow1. But I ask you genuinely, what in the past two years makes you believe that will happen?
>Mercy single-handedly carries her team because our midwits couldn't be bothered to deal with her
>>503476546The game has only gained players.
>>503476638Deal with her how? Outside of Widow landing shots, not much can reliably kill her if she isn't a complete drooling retard.
>>503476638That's not what carrying means.
>>503476639and those stats are public?
>>503476639again, anon, gaining players does not mean your churn rate is putting your game at risk, I genuinely don't understand what you cant see or comprehend about this. Creating accounts means fuckall when the churn rate increases and your long term player skin sales platue. We will never get some of these metrics but I promise if they had a game to sell it would've been at the showcase
>>503476638bronze take
>>503476639so why am I waiting in 7-8 minute queues every fucking night with my 3 stack that's queueing DPS/DPS/Support with BP bonus on DPS?I really want to hear this one.
>>503476818>with my 3 stack
>>503476818>3 stack>no tankhmmm
>>503476818yeah so car accidents never happen because personally ive never been in one :)
>>503476893hey, retard.you realize tank queues are at 8-10 minutes because of Hazard right? there is a fucking avalanche of tank players.
>>503476546>genji mythicsI see more mercies and kirikos with the latest fotm skin than mythic genjis.
>>503476761You're making pure speculation that goes against reality. You can't cite any other times something similar has happened and all your speculation goes against proven models. You came up with a conclusion are trying to cope your way to it.
>>503476639>>503476761i forgot to add, Aaron himself said that gaining players wasn't even good for ow2. It ALL comes down to tank ratio. Lets say you're 100% correct and we have a gorillion more players, well clearly the game will still die bc they are on support and dps. The only thing that can prolong ow2 lifespan is this, and read it twice before you respond to me>gaining players is only good if they primarily become tank mains
>>503476963um no, they're not
overwatch has no appeal to any new players over other games on the market. the only new players it could "gain" are just players that it previously lost.
>>503476784>t. silver baby
>>503476902not an argument.if the game was growing I wouldn't be sitting in 8 minute queues for fucking quickplay while queueing the highest priority roles every night.,>>503477053ah, you're baiting attention whore "pretending" to be retarded. got it.
>>503476987yeah i agree, im just saying that's finite. It just not a 10 year game plan. It all indicates to me maximizing sales before new game iteration. Im not saying in 2026 no one gets to play as kiri, widow or tracer. Im saying the game launcher will be ow3, utilizing a new iteration for excitement for a few years and repeat
>>503477086they need to post more grippers on xitter and tiktok
>>503477086nice fanfic
>>503477086It's the least shitty FPS and every new game is worse.
>>503477086there is literally no other fast paced shooter on the market that isn't significantly worse, everything else popular is some variation of tacticool military shooter
>>503477157and other copes you can tell yourself
Which is more based to be high rank in, open queue or role queue? I'm currently plat in open queue and in "fill" in role queue.
>>503477143>quickpalynice fanfic mode, play comp retard
>>503477146if they could churn out new waifubait heroes like kiriko/juno every two years the game could live indefinitely
>>503477219aw the shill is out of arguments and has nowhere else to go so sad. looking forward to you spamming and posting rancid troll posts within the hour
>>503477143>open game>tank queue 3 minutes>dps queue 1 minute>support queue 6 minutesI don't know what you gain by posting made up bullshit here as if nobody had the game installed
>>503477270in real life
>>503477216you really arent comparing apples to apples here. Microsoft is concerned about its gamepass subscriber growth. If ow2 can not produce significant playtime as an offering or significantly increase its revenue, its too valuable of an IP not to try again.
Once Concord comes out Overwatch is COOKED
>>503477415nah fr fr bro is cooking with this post
>dumb fucks play dva and genji into zarya moirathese people should be perma fucking banned
>>503477414what does microsoft or gamepass or revenue have to do with how appealing the game is to new players?
>>503477272one of my friends is unironically bronze, me and my other friend are both diamond. we'd be waiting in the same queue for comp. games would be longer tho. maybe i'll see how bad the wide queues are tonight. the games are longer so it'd be a better time investment.>>503477341wow, tanks and supports are STILL in an overabundance and im waiting in 8 min queues. aint that crazy? thanks for proving my point retard.we've literally had to make up mini games to do in deathmatch to not get bored enough to close the fucking game.shit is deader than a doornail.
>>503477478There's actually nothing wrong with this in high MMR btw
>>503477302pretty ironic to call someone else a shill, while blindly defending overwatch, simply for pointing out that it has no appeal to anyone anymore
>>503477528>one of my friends is unironically bronze, me and my other friend are both diamond.>y my q long?
>>503477292exactly! this is why the play will be, look everyone, those who hated ow2 and new players, we are releasing ow3. All of the good, none of the bad! The cope that ow2 has been a success and that Microsoft is going to allow this game to float in mediocrity, which they know exactly how popular the heroes are, not try again. Look if you don't want this to happen shills get your family and friends to play and pay for the game. I stopped buying the BP this last season bc it offers nothing. >>503477493Metrics. Microsoft is the $3T daddy, if the game brings them playtime, they wont give a shit about steam or bnet numbers. No one is buying gamepass for ow2. Ergo, the game better have a tremendous DAU and MAU. Anyone being genuine will tell you queue times have increased by and large bc tank is unfun to play. This cope that this cycle of trading the OP roles indefinite over just sunsetting this version and trying another is getting out of hand. They literally just did that with ow1
Just lost a game
>tank is unfun to play>tank is unkillable raidboss and dictates the matchesHmm...
>>503477758>simply for pointing out that it has no appeal to anyone anymoreYet you're here trying to convince people who play the game that they actually don't. Either you're a shill or you're severely mentally ill.
>>503477808>exactly! this is why the play will be, look everyone, those who hated ow2 and new players, we are releasing ow3. All of the good, none of the bad! The cope that ow2 has been a success and that Microsoft is going to allow this game to float in mediocrity, which they know exactly how popular the heroes are, not try again. Look if you don't want this to happen shills get your family and friends to play and pay for the game. I stopped buying the BP this last season bc it offers nothing.huh?
>>503477789quickplay has very lenient matchmaking and it also has it's own MMR system separate from rank.i've had top 500s and golds in the same lobby before.either they fucked the backend matchmaker or the game is dying. both are equally likely. it should not take 8 minutes every fucking game to find a match queueing priority roles under any circumstance.
>>503478028>i've had top 500s and golds in the same lobby before.Did you ask them how long their queue was?
>>503477909yes this indicates a supreme lack of understand by the dev team, precisely bc they do not play, that having impact and being oppressive are not the same thing
>>503477909Yeah those are directly related to each other. They're just trying to chase around the fact that the OW1 devs fucked up by adding Ana to the game and set an extremely unhealthy standard.
>>503477950they will continue to milk porn addicts such as yourself with ow3,4,5,6 ad infinitim with asian waifus. Ask yourself why they are never African, European or Hispanic waifus? Its bc those that identify with asian waifus are shut ins, lack political efficacy and a genuine acceptance of life inside. So yes, they will be combing SEA for coomer bait for many iterations of overwatch, bc these ppl have accepted their fate as bugs
>>503477808I see, time to take your pills
>>503478054those lobbies were seasons upon seasons ago when queues were fast even in this stack. sub 2 minutes.I am a casual now so I don't care enough to check ranks of profiles anymore. I just play.when I do bother to check because some shitter is flaming in all chat i've been seeing the entire range of low silver to low masters. but that could be because those retards always have the ego to cry in chat when they get meme'd on..
>>503477925again, and hopefully you learned how to read in the meantime, i am simply pointing out that this game has zero appeal to anyone that hasn't already played this game at some point before.
>>503478270why would they make a new game just to add a waifubait hero? juno wasn't released in ow3
>>503478350Factually incorrect sorry but your fanfic isn't reality please seek mental health treatment.
>>503478350you haven't made a single coherent argument for as to why that would be the case
>>503478371eventually you reach a platue with your current MAU and marketing a new game and keeping a percentage of the existing base will pay off more. Its just marketing, if it would've sold keeping ow1 as just a shop update that's what they would have done. The charade of pve was required. Next charade will just be another format change.
I have played 100 hours of overwatch these past two weeks.
marvel rivals marketing team going for an interesting strategy
tranette no passto
GTA 6 marketing team going for an interesting strategy
>>503478625i am calling for the server shutoff in 2026 for ow2 for a new attempt, I have intention of playing a Chinese 3rd person making all the mistakes of launch ow. I will still be playing bc there is nothing else out, I thought this was a convo with people who wanted the game to survive and whats needed. Comeptition is a great thing too, it just don't believe MR will scratch the ow itch. Only people leaving ow2 for deadlock etc are ones trying to make a living streaming. I just want a game where devs stop consulting gambling experts and get back to core insights, like player feedback and give tanks the treatment that wont have them soak up every single cool down and all blame for losses.
>>503478081nice fanfic
Angela Ogundimu
>die>supports are holding S three walls behind the fight
How many characters do you realistically need to be able to play for a balanced roster? For tanks I have heard one dive tank, one brawl tank and one poke tank. Does the same apply to DPS and support?
>>503479162technically one for tank, two for dps and support
>there are genuinely people who cheat in Overwatch 2>there are people who pay them to boost their accounts
>>503478609was truant this entire week and spent all my days on smoking weed and playing wow. I didn't catch up on any homework or chores. School starts in 13 hours and I don't have any clean underwear.
>>503479162dps, if you an honest answer, you should just force tracer 100% of the time. Only hero that will survive all these meta changes realistically worth the time to grind. Support, really just need to be at brig, rest have bullshit cooldowns. I mean you could care about dive heroes on support but most cant dive
playin overwatch at 10am on a sunday yuh
we need hero bans
>>503479917yeah, losing before the game starts sounds fun
>>503480000learn another hero
we need a mode without tanks
>>503479917we had hero bans for a while in ow1 and they didn't work, no one liked the experience and you're a newfag for suggesting it. maybe it's easier for you to learn the game instead of blaming the game that's over 8 years old
>>503480204So you can get even more raped by widow?
>>503480204you can go play other game without tanks instead of shitting your opinion here
>>503480270That was not herobans at all, we need 10 seconds before the game starts where we can vote to ban Mercy and Moira.
>>503480409>ban Moirasilver take
I'm voting to ban Doomfist
>>503480409oh I see, you're retarded. Sorry for making fun of you
>>503480460Mercy players always switch to Moira so we need to take both away so they suicide.
>>503480540Mercy player spotted
>>503479319worst thing is, I dont even feel like stopping
they should make tanks about 30% weaker and return to 6v6 with 2 of each role
havana and CR would be a bit more tolerable if you could ban widow
they should make tanks about 30% stronger and return to 6v6 with 2 of each role
>>503480724uhmm sweetie..i believe thats what s14 update is
>>503480743teams would just run ashe or any other long range hitscan in her place
>>503480671nope. kysI thought you were giving an example naming mercy and moira, but if you're getting these two on your games, it means your rank is as low as your IQ
>>503480857haha mercy player spotted, knew it
>tank has mercy icon>goes 5-8yeah that checks out
>>503480946I know you're mentally challenged,, but you do know how displaying total hours work, don't you?
>>503481034sounds like trooner cope to me, mercymain
>ban mauga>esports is watchablehire me blizzard
>>503481197not my fault that you started playing yesterday and never once played mystery heroes, bronzie
>>503481632im not silver i dont need to play fanfic modes
>>503481489Wont happen because of the saudis.
>tell Torbjorn to kill himself>get three endorsements
>>503481696>im not silverfanfic
>>503482045whatever helps you sleep at night, mercytroon
Mauga and Juno fucking up the game? Better nerf DPS some more. Also here's another Orisa buff and Junker Queen nerf.
my favorite meme is the art team fucking up kiriko's feet every skin
>>503481975The saudis had hero bans at their corrupt "Esports World Cup" this summer. After seeing it in action people like Spilo are agitating for it to be included in OWCS.
>>503482140>mercytroonfanfic again
>>503482264>mercytroon acts retardedoh nononono
watching pros play 5 no skill expression heroes is incredibly dull, who knew
>>503482330>mercytroonyou need to open an Ao3 with all this fanfic you're writing
>>503482386Last map was fire though.
wait... you niggas are not actually watching e-sport right?
It's hard to explain but watching a half asleep eskay try to talk about esports makes me want a trans gf. Eksay isn't even cute, it's like the concept of it.
>>503482406holy yappucino sister
>>503482386>who knewNot me, I don't watch that garbage.
>>503482505>It's hard to explain but watching a half asleep eskay try to talk about esports makes me want a trans gf.unironically one of the cringiest and most pathetic things i have read.fucking hell, have some self respect you fucking loser.
>>503482006damn bitch you live like this?
>>503482615High level play scares the silver, we know.
>>503481696>bronze is not silverin other news, the sky is blue
>13 minute queue in comp
>>503482796Technically, the short wavelengths that scatter across the sky correspond to the colours blue and violet, making the real colour of the sky a bluish purple.
>>503482232That was the emirati run league I'm pretty sure
>>503482901try 13 minute queue in quick play
hog tuah hook on that thang
>>503482901>>503482937resident shills won't like this
>m*rcytroon will kill himself during this decadegood times
>>503482779only low elo watches pro garbage.
>>503483195bronze take
What's this called?
>>503483442A nigger.
>>503483227I bet you know a lot about bronze, huh
>>503483530i do, some shallowgod or something keeps spamming her clips from there in here
>yeah im finna play junkrat into echo, mercy, juno, hazardI fucking hate these retards so much
>>503483592blaming others will not make you better
>>503482903can I suck your cockreaper main btw
>>503483172so will Jose
>>503483592we call them "kings" around here
>>503483442how long was the game?
>>503483707push with almost no overtime
>>503483442Tank diff clearly
>>503479071yes, and? it's your fault you ran behind a wall and i couldn't heal you, sweeaty :)
>>503479339>dps, if you an honest answer, you should just force tracer 100% of the time. Only hero that will survive all these meta changes realistically worth the time to grind.But people are whining about her 5.5 damage nerf and that she doesn't work anymore.
just keep nerfing dps, this will save our game
>>503484921Remember Tracer?
and they weren't even playing on the patch where they made mauga stronger lmaooo
>>503484921you have persecution complex
That was it? Fucking dogshit mauga meta?
concord won BIGLY
>>503485192nah bro they took him out to pasture by giving him a tiny nerf that one time he's literally unplayable now flats said so
>we're doing season 9 to get rid of one shots!>except we're gonna bring all of the annoying ones back anyways and then play favorites on who gets to have one shots and who doesn'tbreast milk drinking rapist company has no clue what they're doingeither have the changes be universal or don't do them at all.
>>503484845>throw money at something>take creditworst thing to happen to overwatch
>proper needed fielder and chiyo to win anythingfakest "legend" in esports history
>>503485523please have sex with me
Rate me
>>503485624get cancer
>>503485624probably paraplegic, sorry to hear that
>>503485370They did the same thing with CC. What it actually means is they want fewer people playing DPS and more people playing tank but as it turns out making tank giga OP and DPS giga shit wont get people to play tank. Just like mercy mains wont suddenly start playing Ana and Juno even if they're at the level of being a straight up burden to their team.
>>503485624flex queen
worst meta I have ever seen in almost a decade of watching this esporteven the 'FUN' roadhog meta was betterWell deserved for Falcons but goddamn that was pure unfiltered ass
>>503485370don't forget that after they said that, 2 out of 3 heroes they introduced next have had instakill combos
Biggest takeaway I have is they need to have hero bans going forward a Mauga ban could have shifted the series in CR favor, even a Juno Ban so Shu could play Ana.
Such a pathetic series from Raccoons. They have gone 0-7 in maps against Falcons on the Reaper-Echo Mauga mirror.They didn’t try the Queen, didn’t try the TM comp, didn’t try to force dive on Esperanca. It was so obvious they would never win in the mirror and they kept banging their head on it, no adaptations, no creativity. Well deserved win to Falcons, ggs
>>503485370please show where they said that they did season 9 to get rid of one shots
>>503485370they're trying to trial and error their way into fixing 5v55v5 has been a downgrade across all fronts except for maybe sniper playersthey know this, and know that they'll never hit profitable player counts unless they manage to "fix" 5v5so they keep trying things like binning CC, but then dive tanks were dominant and people don't like that so they brought it backso they tried to bin one-shots so tank players don't feel like they have to abandon their team to solo a problem but then every mid-ranged DPS became OP and every match was poke (ironic) so they brought them backnext thing they'll try is limiting counterswaps, to try and make the meta more organic and less corny cheeseeverything they can to avoid admitting that they fucked up
>>503485883Mauga Reaper is less cancer than Mauga Sombra Sym. Moth meta was way worse. Beyblade was worse. Doomgoats was worse as was literally >>503486037I don't think they really make sense for games with randoms but hero bans should absolutely be part of organized play just like map bans are. >>503486179They shit on every team that's not Falcons though. They just didn't have the mirror or die comp down.
>>503486189you've got to be actually retarded
>>503485624BBC fetishist
>>503486407I accept your concession.
>>503486837see >>503486407
>>503486981see >>503486837
>>503487025hey I think you should really check out this post >>503485640
why do you guys make fun of me for playing qp? I don't care about made up ranks that dont make me money
>>503487315no one does, stop being a schizo with a persecution fetish
>>503487315stop being such a bitch
>>503486189what other possible reason would there be to change the HP pools rosterwise and making it so there are no one shots immediately afterwards?
>>503487315why do people make fun of adults who wear diapers?
>>503487689health pools were increased to compensate for the weapon hitbox increase, they didn't do it because of hanzo
>>503487689i always thought it was because of >>503488351 as well as making breakpoints less difficult to achieve, so+/- 25 HP doesn't impact squishies as much
>>503488735more difficult* sorry i just woke up lol
>>503488075dont hate tha playa hate tha game
A girl laughed in voice chat about my damage done being low
>>503485624nice support, I encourage you to play Ana more
>carry as tank>female support says good job>respond with thanks mommy>send her a friend request>she adds me>talk a while>surprisingly we live clsoe by>meetup>just about to slide my dick in her>wake up
it's time
you are not meant to say like that..you sayit's time!
what heroes do girls who will call me 'good cucky' play?serious question
>>503491393what da hell
>>503491393>good cuckyplease, tell me it's a typo
>mute chat>play doomfist exclusively>know there's nothing they can do they cant flame me cant see it they cant report me cant report me for sabotaging when im actually trying win or losethe only way to enjoy this game desu
>>503490081Either the best or the worst day for you
>>503491804it's notnow answer
on my knees for futa mommy...
>>503493225>no penisfutakeks are embarrassing
>>503493225that "1" looks like a lolipop stick or something
>>503491393JQ, Ashe, Sombra, Illari
>>503493498>the first two are my overwatch wivesI knew I had good taste
>>503493225damn she's good at tucking
>>503493225where is the penis?
is this tank diff or sniper diff
>>503496896 tank diff
>>503496896widow diff
>>503496896mercy diff
>>503497235But there is no Mercy on the winning team.
Just lost 6 in a rowWhen does the forced 50/50 start?
>>503497524Yeah, it's a 5v4
>>503497837All female team
>>503497990but one of them is a black man and another is a robot
>>503497837whats that ugly blue thing doing there
>>503470353i love when im shitting on the enemy and they go dva and get shit on againunfortunately after that they immediately swap zarya
I had fun playing OW2
>>503497837doom and his breeding stock
oh no non no on on on
>>503498470go back
most stomps are just a coordination diff
>>503499076Genji had a hard life, go easy on him
>flashpoints ends 5-2wooooooow
>>503499030thanks, I puked
>>503499293>clash starts 4-1>ends 4-5wooooooooooow
what do you call this
>>503499030Anons reacting to this has solidified the fact that they are a bunch of fucking faggots alright. Cute cat sun babe.
>>503499519average trannywatch lobby
>>503499519the valorant audience
>>503499630the skin sucksimagine paying to look significantly worse
post yfw the enemy team counterswaps but you win anyways
>>503499874I've been playing for 3 years and I don't know who counters who but when I win I always say "yay" out loud
>>503499874>i am a cold motherfucker
anyone ever used this before?https://www.epal.gg/epals/overwatch2
>>503500624yes, I rent my services there. easy money.
>tank queues down to three minutesdo you think people don't care about hazard, or do you think tank is too miserable to bear?
>>503500797when are they removing him i can't stand his fucking voice and accent
>>503501060>hes not playing with japanese voices
>>503499630>AnonsIt's literally 1 guy
>>503501568I know it's the antagonist bitch but there has to be at least two anons who think like that
>>503501568I like Illari I just think the skin sucks
>>503501783Just admit you are gay.
>>503502103ok, i am gay.
>>503500624im a girl who plays mercy how do i use this
>>503502187Get the fuck outta here faggot! Disgusting homo, keep it to yourself and stop pushing your AGENDA on us.
>>503502280just apply, its easy. they do take a few days to approve your application. also valorant gets more requests.
>>503500624>That 3/10 blonde charging $25/gameAre people really this desperate to talk to women?
>>503503636>Are people really this desperate to talk to women?I don't think you understand the desperation people have for a human connection of any kind.
>>503503636>>503503765here's a (You) so you feel appreciated :3
>>503500624konan would be hotter if she had a penis
>>503500624all of the slags there are ugly
Ok sorry if I'm asking a bunch of stupid noob questions but would you say the following is the correct course of action as Ashe when a "soft" but close-range favoring target (Genji, Venture, Tracer, etc...) is all up in your pussy?>Dynamite at your own feet>blow it up with your coach gun>go for the scoped headshot while you're both being knocked backI've been having -okay- success doing this given the relative winnability of these duels but I was wondering if it's maybe not the best way to protect myself since I have to hurt myself with my own dynamite.
>>503503858Thanks for the (You) kind stranger>>503504316Space Butt
Why shouldn't I ball?
Space butt
>>503505065doom tears that shit up every night
>>503505065This is literally me
>>503504383if a flanker is in your face play less off anglessit on a support and work together to zone flankers out with dynamite and pokeyou can prioritize farming bob instead of trying to carry since bob is a strong ultsometimes being more passive and focusing on using a strong ult, like bob, is going to win you gamessometimes you do need to be the one killing everyoneit just depends on the match
Space Feet
>>503505065>>503505714Odds of me finding a Junowife instead of a hotwife?
>>503505506Thanks! I've also been noticing that even in games where I'm just constantly picking off supports and dpd we'll lose fights because I suck at deploying Bob in good positions or I thought the Ana didn't have a sleep dart. He's definitely devastating when I toss him in the right spot though.
>tfw you see a rude incel on 4chan
>>503506891>tfw that rude incel could've been me
>>503505506>since bob is a strong ultnta but what makes a good bob spot? i feel like my bobs either do jack shit or kill 3-4
you ungrateful fucks. as a support i should be getting regular 3+ endorsements per game and a thank you note in the chat. DO BETTER
>>503504383dynamiting your feet will set you on fire and make you take self damage so it is often not the right move unless you are going to die anyway and just want to deal max damageAgainst genji: If he uses dash to engage you at point blank range, coach gun him away and then air det dynamite near him to bypass deflect. If he engages at close, but not point blank range without using dash, combo scope to unscope shots and see if he disengages or commits with dash. Expect deflect after you hit the first few shots. Dynamite around his deflect only if you see him use dash already or else he will avoid it. Against tracer: use coach gun to get to high ground if possible. If you're already on high ground, you can sometimes drop down yourself to bait her into doing so, then coach gun yourself back up. This will force her to use recall preemptively if she wishes to continue fighting. Dynamite is best used to instantly set her on fire after she recalls so save it for that if you can (but obviously not worth dying for). Combo scope/unscope shots on her just like with genji. Track her fire/reload cycle. While she is reloading, you can go for scoped shots more safely. Dont scope for too long while she is firing because you move slower and she will deal more damage to you.Against venture: haven't played this matchup enough but I know that burrow will cleanse the dynamite burn so don't waste it on that. Dynamite her when she is coming out of her burrow instead. Not sure how coach gun interacts with her drill dash.Against pharah: if she uses both concussive and jet dash to close the distance to point blank range, you can coach gun her away and just shoot her. However if she only uses one (or neither) ability to engage, she might still close the gap after you push her away, so instead you can consider coach gunning yourself straight up into the air so she has to hit midair rockets.Also some use in throwing dynamite in doorways defensively if the map if favourable.
>>503508170bob in a spot that pushes the backline forwardif you just throw it mid people can hideif you put bob in a spot where he fire on the off angles the backline has to move forward out of cover
>>503508426this but unironically
>>503508483sorry I mean unscope to scope combos. Haven't played ashe in ages
man the ow classic fricking sucks. so unfun to play
>>503508426Just got 4 playing Mercy
>>503510493zoom zoom
>>503510493this but live
I have started my transition to inner peace
why do people try to counter swap, and then not just go back to playing the game normally when it doesnt work?
>>503511016scoreboard sally's back
>>503511016because they don't have another answermost counterswappers only have a surface level understanding of any hero they try to playso they don't have any options other than the most obvious direct counterthey have no idea how to adjust their play, different strats or paths for their heroes, etc.the equivalent of a guy who have a garage full of single-purpose tools but he still takes his car in for oil changes
I'm not even a 6v6 enthusiast but I still suffered through those games for the title
dumb question but what's with the red name border thingies
>>503511446Haven't played a single classic game lmap
>>503511448End of last season they did this mini event in comp where you get this progression of unlocked nameplates based on winstreaks
good night sombros, brig chads
So, I came back to this game after years and man I really don't like a lot of these new maps. While the original overwatch had a lot of shitty maps, they were pretty straightforward design wise and intuitive to follow. These new ones just feel like complete mazes.
>>503468420>joins the military>gets injured>gets medical treatment, prosthetics and the monthly check he was promised>"OI, THA SYSTEM DOESNAE BLOODY WORK"Why'd they write him like this? Don't the writers know that real life veterans usually have trouble even getting medical treatment and compensation?
fuck this i'm just going to afk in this retarded 6v6 for the battle pass xp. wtf is this shit
>>503513358Maybe you're just retarded and take a long time to learn something new.
>>503470284Every time this dude is posted I'm at awe of what juicy lips he has. It's like that mouth is pleading for my dick to go inside of it.
>>503513950that's a child you nonce
>>503511016nigga people were counterswapping in qp against the new tank. this player base is doomed. i had a team go brig/ana/zarya/echo against some poor dude trying the new tank. he just ended up swapping because he was having miserable time.
got my 6v6 enthusiast classicCHAD title now it's time to queue normal QP and see how many people tell me to fuck off for being an OW1 tourist
Hazard is fun enough but unfortunately ana, mauga, hog, orisa, ram, doomfist, zarya and dva exist so playing tank is still gay and retarded.
>crying about tanks in tank based game
Next season better have a second batch of cat girl skins including Ana and Brigitte.
>>503515746>each game has two less tanks than any other role>"tank based game"this is how stupid your bait looks from the other side
>>503496896>>503496896>9 deaths dps, single digit elims>6 deaths mercyStats alone, their tank was the only one who's ever held a mouse before.
If the game was actually tank based they would just let the tanks people who like playing tank be good like Winston and Junker Queen instead of buffing hog and orisa and mauga to try and trick people who don't like playing tank into queuing for tank
>>503516586 i miss dumb retarded plays working like that...
que onda
>>503499874There's nothing to be gained from this scenario. No joy, no satisfaction, nothing. At the end of the game, I'm still playing the game that makes me unimaginably angry. "X counters and you still lost" in the chat, and go next.
>>503516586did you just post a clip from 2016?
>try out classic >it's still just sweaty stacks vs randomscool.
headshots are dishonest
boomers really played classic back in the day and thought they were cooking lmfao
>>503508483>>503509296Thank you so much! That's a lot of detailis there any difference between scoped ->unscoped combo vs the opposite, like some kind of internal fire rate tech?I've mostly been doing unscoped->scoped because I can spam unscoped shots while staying fast the only for the scoped shot once I know I just need one shot
>Israel flag on enemy team>DEFEATIsrael flag on my team>DEFEAT
>>503513394You're retarded.
>8 minute game>our tank gets 2 kills>their tank gets 28 killslove this shit lmao
>>503518192ana diff
>alt account logged in>endorsement level 2 reached>slurs copied to clipboard>classic mode selected>bastion and torb unlockedYeah it's Choderwatch time!!
>>503516420the devs and community cannot fathom that the reason the role is dead being due to hard counters destroying any depth in the game. its quite literally just a ladder climb of countering their counter until you end up in a mirror match between whichever tank was balanced to have no counters for that season, at which point everyones brain has turned off because its not engaging
>>503516420Orisa is fun through because you're basically unkillable unless your supports turn their monitors off
>>503519615>Orisa is fun throughShut the fuck up retard.
>>503519615>Orisa is fun though you should kill yourself NOW!
Good day everyone I hate dps players
>Widow uses one of her sexy voicelines>she now owns my beam for rest of the match no matter how hard she's throwing
>>503519615being unkillable because i learned my character is more fun than being unkillable because the devs put in a single button thats entire purpose is to make you unkillable and nothing else
>>503519363It really is just like 3-4 characters causing it too. On demand DR, CC and self healing on the same character is retarded. Ana, Mauga and Hog all do this. Orisa is cringe but if they just stopped using her to counterbalance Hog and Mauga and let her be mediocre outside of the 1 comp she should ever be competent in she could be "fine." Also the only reason tanks have to have "i dont take damage anymore but i still do damage to you teehee" buttons is because Ana and Roadhog exist.
>>503519615nice bait
>>503520057You have holes in your brain.
classic makes me want to kill myself. can't even imagine what kind of retard would enjoy t his
>>503520617It's better when everyone is retarded and has no idea how to play. It's a very similar problem as classic wow not actually being like vanilla wow even if they're mechanically identical i know they're technically not but that's splitting hairs and not the cause of the differences
>>503499874But I'm a Mercy they can't counterswap me
>>503521317they don't have to
>>503521376they'll regret that when I get play of the game it's doming a Widow who doesnt move with a bunch of long range headshots and rezzing
What's the rarest automatic voiceline?>do not assume you are safe just because you are very far away
>>503522904Probably "your mom helped me do that"
>finally getting hangovers holy fuck its over
>>503523140Drink half as much and crossfade with weed to get the same inebriation level, you won't get hung over and it's cheaper too
>>503523140This is why I don’t drink IPAs anymore
>>503522904rein has a voiceline for getting killed by the enemy torb while having a torb on your team
>>503523591>getting hung over off sine digit percent alcoholWhat the fuck lmao
>>503523539i dont like smoking, the smell and everything else. last time i did it i was 17. i am 31 now>>503523591i almost exclusively drink whiskey
>>503523732>bro look how much of an alcoholic I amweird brag
>he wasn't having hangovers by the time he was 15tf you drinking? water?
>>503520617retards are literally who it's made for, it's stupid casual fun. you have a drink, turn your brain off and unga bunga. it was shitty in ranked, but ofc the point of ranked games isn't to have fun.blizzard could have easily sanded off the rough edges and kept it a solid casual FPS, but they decided to pander to redditors and foids/trannies instead. after the 1.0 classic period ends you'll get to experience the travesty that resulted from this.
>>503523815well yeah lighting things on fire stinks that's why I don't
>>503523890i always drank quite heavily but never woke up with splitting headaches. recently however this has changed. very unfortunate, i just take 2 naproxen and some coffee and it fixes it thankfully.
>>503523887Mate if you're drinking so much beer in a night you get hung over from it you don't get to call people who have an ounce of whisky and call it a day alcoholics. What's the hangover dose of an IPA, four cans? Six? Genuinely insane amount of vaguely alcoholic bathwater to drink in one sitting.
>>503521678I did just see a mercy potg for the first time in like two years
>>503524883Mercy PoTG is pretty hard right now but it's decently reliable if you get a shutdown kill (say, doming Pharah while she ults) and then rezzing and then heal dumping the tankBut even then you're just hoping Genji doesn't steal your hard earned kitty cat intro with a 4x nano blade
if you ever play pharah you should kill yourself you worthless pos
When are they gonna add a fat bitch tank? I want a fat bitch tank to punch me.
>>503523732>>503523815I don’t know moderation when I get buzzed and it’s why I also stopped doing liquor.
>doesn't even know how to properly farm potgs on MercyI know you guys don't actually play the game but it's simple, rez, valk, kill a single support (order literally doesn't matter)
>>503525706I don't play that useless bitch so no I wouldn't know
>>503519615You FAGGOT
>>503525706That's not gonna cut it if anyone else on either team gets a 3x, you need the extra fire score from a shutdown kill
Oi oi!
I hate kings row so much
I love kings row so much
>>503528530What map do you actually like? I always hear people complain about maps but never "actually I really like Numbani" or whatever
>>503528689People say that to be contrarian because they have no charisma and can't get attention any other way.
my penis ejaculating inside of tracer from overwatch
>>503529008calm down, amelie
>>503529125I love you
Ashe, Junker Queen and Widow's penises (penii?) ejaculating in me
>>503523140Drink waterEz
>>503529383ok, juno
>>503529334I love you too!
>>503529469maybe you are right, i will give it ago.
A cock in each hand and a smile on my face
>press E>look in the general direction of your enemy>get a guaranteed killI hate this stupid nigger hero so much
wtf i want to main mauga now
I hate Mauga so I play him to artificially inflate his playtime so he gets nerfed
>>503529858Do you have some webms of you doing that?
>>503529904Better watch it, kid, or those relics might end up in my pocket.
>>503528689I dont particularly like any map, I just fucking hate kings row
>>503529008a BBC penis. Tracers favorite.
I don't think blacked posters actually even like their own disgusting fetish, at least the footfags are genuinely into it, nigshit posters just do it for (You)s and contrarianism
>>503530369I actually love blacked but I never initiate the posts about itI'll join in if others start it though
>>503530369i used to troll ytbois with it but eventually became an actual fan since hana would never actually fuck a korean male like me
>>503532741This is upper middle class bait.
I'm always on my worst behaviour
>>503532741This guy sits in the pregnant woman seat on the train.
>>503529858fuck you, nigga. OG Hanzo is fire fr fr no cap
>>503533198mental illness
"I think I'll play a relaxing game of Overwatch."
cinematic soon!
>get in game>my team is spouting twitter memes in chat>we are getting our shit kicked in>more memes in the chat as wellCan the devs remove penalties from leaving qp games
>>503534325damn that gunface guy got destroyed by memefist lmao
>just hard carried a game where my tank was garbage and getting diffed hard and my dps partner wasn't carrying their weight >mercy gets on mic at the end and says "good job everyone" (female voice)IM GONNA CUUUUUUUMMMMMM
>>503534325Did you thank GenjiMain for the carry?
>>503535189Did you friend her after
>>503535462no I'm scared, I don't have any friends in overwatch or really online at all. I've always played videogames solo just hearing her say thanks after flexing my reaper meatshots is enough for me
>Golden hat with black detailsYou almost got me blizz, almost
The Smugiko
how the fuck am i being flamed for being a masters 2 support when it takes 10 fucking minutes to find a game how do they expect me to climb
>>503536501black and gold looks so gaudy
>>503534493of who
black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow
>>503534325We go again.
>>503538458>10 deaths on MercyWhat a dumb slut, she was probably throwing
>>503538768She was pocketing the tank. The tank was playing Orisa, then Mauga.I got Expected.
>>503535773do you want a friend to play with?
>>503538768why do you have this image
the weirdest thing just happened to me i get a 4stack that beat me last game and this game i get them and one types "fire alarm" and then 3 of them type gg and they all go afk and we lose. we werent even getting stomped, what the fuck was that????
>>503539758Thank you for offer but it's okay. I don't really mind solo queueing, it adds a sort of "flavor" to the game if that makes any sense.
hey whiteboi
you fags are so boring and cunbrained
what does Widow's precum taste like? And considering she's 'french' thus probably *untouched,* you think she washes her smegma?
>>503541220I'm a bottom with an inanimate tf kinkt. Mercy main
>>503539698Taking Lena to a Love Hotel while on vacation in Osaka and making her forget Em exists....for nine months.
>>503543453>cunbrainedBut enough about Efi
>>503543453/vg/ is in general bunch of squealing weeaboo homos who suck at games
>>503542863ok. i guess i'll continue playing alone. all by myself. no friends. solo T_T
>>503544810your waifu is my jizzrag
are mp4s allowed on 4chanks now? or am i tweaking? chat, help ples
>>503544810i've noticed this across every thread i pay attention to. i think the overlap between people who are decent at a game and want to discuss it and are willing to put up with the horny mouthbreathers that comprise most of this board's population... we are few. i wouldn't even be here if i had some people to play with/ waiting on new stuff to play.
>>503545081can I take a shower now please?
>>503545629go ahead slut
What rank range has the highest percentage of girls
>>503546097gold is the most populated rank so that
>>503545473They are. But you gotta remove the sound.
The Widow epidemic is terrible But I don't want Sombra to be good again so what is the solution
>>503547039Winston or a buff Genji
>>503547039git gud
>>503517309>across 20 seconds, not a SINGLE person turns to look at you (other than the illari, who dies immediately after)why can't my opponents be this obliviousi do appreciate you posting gameplay instead of coomerposting though
>>503547039Just give her a visible laser when she's at 100% charge
After Genji died from a ruined sticky actuator and unable to get WD-40 in time, his (and Mercy's) daughter found a new mentor.
>>503547039nerf tanks so dps players don't need to play widow in order to have an impact. playing almost anything else is just rolling the 50/50 dice and hoping your tank is better, basically equivalent to being a mercy.
do endorsements after level 5 do anything at all
>>503548221they keep you at 5 since if you dont get any endorsements for a few games they demote you
Classic is almost perfect, just add AnaShe was the only good addition to the game
Always solo-ult Mercy sluts
>>503548643i want dps doom back and no limits on heroes.
>>503548067>don't need to play widowcunts WANT to play widow, retard-kun. just look at classic, before no limits was enforced every game had like 6 widows at a minimum
>>503548969where's the skin
>>503549010Fun fact: when OW1 first dropped, the matchmaker had an "avoid as enemy" option. This is why the game pedantically specifies "avoid as teammate" instead of just "avoid". They had to remove it because Widowniggers literally could not find games without smurfing (which used to cost money).
>>503547475can it be (deep) purple and veiny?
>>503549010>people want to play tank!!! just look at this meme mode! (open queue)
>>503549010I saw way more all winston stacking than widow stacking
>>503549823I saw both.
>>503548643Sex with (young) Ana, on a beach after a few 'Coco-nonos'...in public and in perfect view
>>503549823Widow was stacking alright. iykwim
>>503548429thats gay
>>503548643>>503549948For me? It's mummy ana
Had some fun Mei games today :)NRVEVMGT74SH68T0B9pls be kind to me i am a tank player by trade
>enemy team has a sombra>my team insists on chasing them around the map into 1v1s and dying alone over and over until we losewow, such good gameplay
>>503550467I really like this artist...for reasons. Long, veiny reasons.
>Chinese stack starts cheating after getting rolled at the first fightcool
>>503542984Looking like prime Vida Guerra
>>503548643>>503549948Imagine how many men she ensnared on the Overwatch base. Rumors of prime Captain Amari being a tease in the barracks.
got a 4k with dva in classic
>>503548643Jesse McBoytoy
>>503548643>the abomination that created beyblade and triple tank was the only good addition kill youself unironically
so what niche is hazard supposed to fill because I see retards trying to play him like doom or queen and its clearly not working
>>503554869the below 1% pickrate niche
>>503554869Numbani first attack
>>503554869he's going to be hard for people to get used to because he has next to no actual frontlining capabilitiesunironically, and it's going to drive people INSANEhe feels like he's actually designed for 6v6otherwise he's a feast or famine diver that will be extremely easy to just counterswap out of a matchI doubt he'll ever be meta in 5v5 unless he's in a situation where he's by far the strongest tank in the game
Did Cas and Hanzo became a joke to the other characters whit overwatch 2 or they always were treated like that?
>>503554869Depends on if the devs insist on making at least 2 of Hog, Mauga and Orisa top of the meta at all times forever.
>>503517518Unscope shots have faster cycle time than scope shots, so going unscope to scope is faster than the other way around. Kind of how like in quake, you generally switch from ticking damage when a fight begins, to a burst damage weapon at the end to finish them off (for the fastest possible time to kill). Going from scope to unscope doesn't give much fire rate benefit, but can still be useful if you get an enemy to 1hp from the first scope shots and just need to finish them.
>>503555647basically every guy from ow1 is treated like the butt of a joke so kiriko or someone else can play the straight man and look cooler>mccassidy>hanzo>genji>rein>hog>junk>winston>sigma
>>503555647That's what happens when you become an unc
Which two characters would have the hot lesbian romance and sex scene in an Overwatch arcane styled show?
>>503555973brig and the hana
>>503555973doom and lucio
>>503555973Lucio and Doomfist
>>503555973ashe and widow
>>503555973Junker Queen (futa, she named her cock The Queen's Junk) and Mercy
>/owg/, /fng/, ow reddit, all the video game fan communities everywhere all talking about ArcaneRiot unironically won.
Story mode?
>>503557414we lost bigly
>>503557783Lena is the only girl here not pretending to be someone she's not
>>503555973Ashe and Efi
>>503557414I don't give a fuck about League unless it's Yordle porn
>promoted in a game where the enemy tank complains nobody on our team ever diesHeroes never die indeed
>>503558959what's a yordle
what are your thoughts on hazard
>>503559993was pretty good at chelsea desu
>>503560543it's sad that he's underrated by zoomers tbqh
>>503559993Kind of fun but would rather have Winston as a dive tank
>>503559993Ana and Mauga continue to exist so it doesn't matter.
>>503560605That's because he flopped at Real
>>503559993another irrelevant addition that will die within a week of release
>>503561931This desu. If the character isn't a conventionally attractive woman I'm not interested.
>>503559993I think he's made to get in odd high ground positions pester and dive when theres a low squishy.loses hard to all ins on himFun to block infront of cocky dpsgenji thinks hes helping reflecting block?
Dva is into big (handsome) fat men. Agree?
>>503563070Yeah, me.
>>503563070D.Va is into me.
>>503557414Never have and never ever will play a Riot product but Arcane is an animation masterpiece. Gotta give credit where credit is due.
>>503557414it's the flavour of the month, m'lad. and that's it. we'll see if it stands the test of time as, say, Star Trek (somewhat) has>it won't>pic slightly related
>queue for support>someone leaves early twice in a row>queue for tank>no one leaves, win>queue support again>someone leaves, game cancelledwhat the fuck dude? i already have to wait 6 minutes minimum to play this role whats the deal