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>VV has a demo now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4Br8Pt11f0

>SMT VV patch 1.0.3 is out. includes 6 new navigators, one new quest and demon

>SMTVV is nominated in the best soundtrack category in the golden joystick awards (voting closed)

>New Raidou project leaks on steamDB (reveal when?)

>Giten Megami Tensei's partial translation patch for PC-98

>Vengeance OST scans

>Shin Megami Tensei The Board Game Kickstarter

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Archive of 3DS Texture Packs

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks are now available on digital streaming services

>Old neocities site containing info and useful links (no longer updated)

>Information about the schizo so people are aware to not interact with them in any shape or form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19l6oTnl9qU9mMLXh_Fuo60MUjzUVf1ln/view

>How to filter namefags with 4chanX: /^(?!Anonymous$)/

>Ignore the Aliceschizo who is most likely the same person

Last thread: >>503145405
sex with alice
sex with everyone (except alice)
sex with no one
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>The OP still isn't updated
VV lost joystick awards
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I'm thinking about him...
Cringing hss
Can you fight easy masakados just to unlock the fusion then fight true or can you only fight him once? I'm on godborn so true is gonna be a big pain in the balls but I want to complete the compendium
You can challenge him in both forms again as much as you want
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Youre man of legends
Escabar is awake and spamming again to no surprise.
Calm down avery op
It might be the safest option for humanity but the tone of the final cutscene is too bleak for it to be intended as a beautiful ending
Raging kikefucker
>Yoshihiro Komori
>Masayoshi Isomura
>Shigeo Komori
>Satoshi Oyama
Who should led SMT6?
>sad ending
>CoV only reinforces how badly losing Aogami actually affects the protag
Bad ends are usually sad ends. I never said it didn't have merit though. It makes a good contrast to the CoV endings.
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Thanks. I only watched the JP version once so I completely forgot
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The light change hee. Hee hold hee light to become Master Man.
>There are churches who created Jesus LLM to have people chat with in person
SMT 2's Law is becoming more real by the day
>Literal who that directed some kids movie and was the assistant director of V
>Another literal who that was the assistant directors of V
>The director of V & VV
>The director of Apoc
Yikes, how about none of them
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>even Pixie is shitting on me
God damn I just can't catch a break.
Atlus West loves putting in pointless swearing in their localization but they'll never use "retard" as a insult because the western branch are entirely leftists
To think they used the word retard once upon a time...
I named my mc retard
Though the churches that tend to do that are the mega churches that preach prosperity gospel bullshit.
Very funny
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I love Raidou very very much!! I also love you all, /smtg/, have a wonderful Sunday!
why'd you name him after yourself?
thanks, you too!
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Have a nice Sunday sweetheart!
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>fuse cybele because she cute
>use Omnipotent Succession
>it stays, think it's a bug
>check cybele's innate skill and shit bricks because it procced twice in a row
is it based on luck? I'm gonna coom if so
Hides sensitive dumblrinas
Alice is gonna hide her dick in your ass, fuccboi
>Jesus LLM
large language model?
idgi. people are training ai to act like jesus or something?
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I didn't post that though.
Who tf is the first dev
Yes, the rate are very low too so you were very lucky.
Basically there are churches in Europe that set it up "so people can talk to Jesus"
That face she's making is so sexy, such a tease.
isn't that redundant?
ummmmm racist much???
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Thank you very much, Raidoubro! Wish you the same!
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Alice has a boutiful cunny
I used her a few more times and it never procced again so that was a premature celebration...
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The First two are Vengeance assistants director, probably will be the ones who led future games being them already in a high position already
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Yamai is too obsessed with Raidou to cares about SMT
good morning sir
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ive masturbated
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how many of you watch modern horror slop?
what entities would you like to see in SMT?
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what demon is this
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The only good part of this manga was the Raidou ero fanservice
Oyama, IV:A was flawed but very fun, I’d like to see him make something that isn’t being yanked around by Yamai in order to make it more appealing for teens.
Shigeo Komori needs to make another EO already, Nexus was five or six years ago…
Thanks I am having a good sunday :) Hope you enjoy the raidou remasters coming up.
stop spamming, raidouzoomzom cord
I guess no one wants to discuss SMT
just learn to use filters, talk about what you want, or fuck off
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No, because there are characters in the game who will address (You) via surname and honorifics and some who go for a more informal tone and do first name. And I couldn't just name myself RETARD RETARD, that would just be dumb.
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when anons post what I don't like
>not spam
when anons post what I like

so that's how it is...
>talk about what you want
already did, no replies
Every discussion has had replies so far though.
is there any reason to put death flies over mamudobarion on beelzebub?
Death Flies is a lot stronger.
So you're saying that mainline SMT will never improve?
oh yeah makes sense, thx
Death Flies is cooler
SMT been dead since Nocturne
Glory to mankind! Death to angels and demons
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where is alice im going where is alice!
shut the fuck up hyss
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>"shut the fuck up hyss"
I'm not gonna let NYARLY tell me what to do
Larrue is off his fucking meds again
Marsh get some help
what would you like to see discussed on /smtg/
SMT If...
SMT 1 and 2
Raidou games

I might also unironically start playing DemiKids GBC and subject the thread to my blogging
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Fellas is a dude staying by the side of his brother from another mother in every possible alignment path even when he finds bros actions abhorrent like when he starts killing people a sign of a true friend or a sign of a spineless cuck with no convictions of his own?
Nobody wants to discuss smt if after the whole Hazamaschizo incident last year
I know there isn't one, but I want to hear what schizo shit you've fabricated about him
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I think this femboy might be a little bit fucked up actually.
complete hyss annihilation
All gays are mentally ill
kill yourself fujoshitnigger
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this one alice model is bigger than the entirety of smt2 snes. whoa, imagine that
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that goofy sound
LawCHAD ending where Tao is forced to do all the work while Vkun stays in the big disco ball in the sky on the generic asset wooden bench that's there for some reason and rapes Aogami for all eternity.
I never noticed before but this model of hers looks ugly in the way Persona 5 models look ugly, where their eyes are so far apart it looks both horrifying and funny. I'm guessing it's because it originally came from that game. She looks less awful compared to Jonkler though.

I don't remember Alice's PS2 model at the moment so if anyone else can post it for comparison's sake I'd appreciate it.
(I might do an actual comparison later myself)
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the lightning in the desert is shit, look else where
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good morning sir
GOODnight darling
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Fuck you smt5 alice is sexy marvelous and cute and that angle is nitpicky and dishonest
you see the details in her face in shinjuku it looks normal
Still looks like shit.
Like Persona 5 models she looks much better at this angle desu.
>angle is nitpicky and dishonest
She looks bad on every angle because she's hidieous.
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look here!>>503515598
hey hyss
Reminds me of a horse with those eyes, ngl.
actual hyss trying to cause mayhem and gayness
>cute goddess as my new navigator
I'm sorry, Amanozako....
Not my fault you like an ugly girl.
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more smt5 alice in the menu
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nah you just have 1/10 perception, hyss
Probably the ugliest model in the game, ngl.
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It's not rape when he's happily willing though. He probably wants to start a family too. Don't forget, Shinto gods pop out babies regardless of gender and the don't even need a +1. Susano-o gave birth tons of kids on his own before he even got married.
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your mother is ugly and sadly she also gave birth to an uglier projecting person such as yourself
Truly a horrid creature. I guess it fits that a demon would be ugly though.
aogami sexo...
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kill yourself hyss also hyss alice is beautifull you're just dishonest because we're beating your posts, evil one. also please stop critiquing lolis you gayfaggot
Maybe post a decent design for once and I'll stop.
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nah she's ok and you're gay as fuck, kill yourself maggot of fags
Man, you had one job, but instead insist on posting the horsefaced girl.
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if you a horse in everything you're brony fuck, sonicho tier of faggotry fag. stop spamming your horse fetish already you fucking scum on earth and go back erping in your gay cord
So what's the obsession with horseface?
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gayfaggotry will not be justified even after trying to bully alice like this, faggots of cord
You just made the Alicescizo cream himself, anon.
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wonder why cord trying to create a new false narrative about Alice looks
didn't. because clearly it's between you and the other cord nigger members.
only the autistic cord group in here see alice as a horse which is clearly a projection of their wicked and fucked up fetishes. sonicfags, gayfags, bronies. and what else, soon nicoavocado faggotry? yikes
fart enjoyer
>blames all the bullying he gets on boogeymen
Like I’ve said, it doesn’t matter that he claims that he isn’t the dogfucker, because they’re functionally the same person.
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You never told me why you like horseface.
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My daughter
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>le boogeyman
it's a fact, why even push horse agenda when you're shoving down my throat this new phenomenon while your shitty faggot circlejerk nigger friends tag along with the gig
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My Sunday was marvellous, thank you!!
Thank you, darling!!
I'm going to repeat myself 400 times, my Sunday was great!! Apologies for the spam, but at least.. it is just one post? Sorry again!
Thank you, kind Anon, I've always liked this page in particular, lmao.
I am so glad to hear!! I am a little worried since I haven't heard any (further) news about them, but yes, I am excited for potential remasters for sured!!
im not willing to initiate a straight on discussion with you hyss, the dogplower, when you're defending your gayfaggot bros
your daughter is my gf
holy projection batman
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I'm in a dumb meme-y mood, so
Schizo btfo forever.
Alice's horsecock...
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holy mischievous shitposter, hyss
yep you're a group of idiot shitposters. kill yourselves
holy shit lmao
In retrospect we should have voted her onto the soccer league because we could have made her model have a horse head.
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sad discord niggers. don't worry, it will not btfo me at all you fucking commies. you just made a fun of alice while she's a smt demon because you think i am this and that but also heartlessly bullying alice. you're an actual hyss and faggot from the cords
Actually seething lmao
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obvious fujoshiter hands drew this, the artstyle says it all. hopefully ai will destroy you and you will have to flip burgs
sad pathetic cocksucking cord dweller
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keep (you)ing yourself or your redditor cord friends and it will show me! more like you're cruelly bullying alice and will fucking curse you for that not because you're making fun of me but because you're bringing it on alice of all people. you fucking scums you've no idea with what you're dealing
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>t. Sysop
Guy will never recover from this.
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guy will just continue replying to rogue posters in question replying to that shitartpost. heartless cord shitposter
>you fucking scums you've no idea with what you're dealing
Bro, you've responded to it at least 3 times and are replying to every response to it for good measure. You were BTFO to the next dimension.
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okay? yes okay. you're a dumb silly cunt. i will learn computer science to get it back right at you for alice bullying, somehow you autistic heartless monsters taking it on her instead of on my persona you scum

You have no idea what i am capable of.
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prepare for unforeseen consequences
>You have no idea what i am capable of.
Evidently seething really hard while struggling with basic grammar and sentence structure.
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>You have no idea what i am capable of.
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grammar not matters when actions is all that matters
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Spare me Alicefag
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Good evening, everyone! Hope you had a nice day!
I spent the day playing Vengeance, battle against Tehom was pretty cool.
Now I'm prepping to battle Lucifer. Wish I could defeat Demi-fiend first but he's too tough and would require lot's of grinding. Anyway, having a lot of fun with this game, specially since it's my first time playing V. Some things annoy me though, but it happens.
Bonding with Lilim on the haunt was nice too, she's a good girl.

What are you playing at the moment?
Still waiting. What are you going to do? Post more horse?
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>fujo character enabler
i did hit the fujoshit mine hive, sadly, thus creating the shitty horse art and hugclub minions jumping on that alice btfo bandwagon instead of taking it on alicefag, me, even though i am innocent and so is alice. you will get fucked up very soon. either me doing that or karma
Lewd feet. Not playing much megaten right now, waiting for Giten translation
You'll never do anything.
mine as explosive mines and hivemind
you're literally outing yourself as a discord minion, that's enough for me. Exposing you is enough. less engaging with horny faggots trying to lure rogue anons into their bdsm server and less people getting into your shithole.
So you admit you can't do anything besides jack off to horsegirls?
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>either me doing that or karma
Wow just like Digital Devil Saga
computer science as a i said, rat. please stop trash talking Alice. Alice has nothing to do with my love for her but alice's figure is the reason why i love her but you bullying her to get on my bad side is pretty evil
Computer science requires you to follow its own type of grammar or it falls apart really fast. You don't have the capability to learn it, much less excel at it. Concession accepted.
kek I wish I got owned like this
Okay, sure. I got real bored so I asked ChatGPT what a date with Raidou would be like and apparently he would take (You) to a quiet little hole-in-the-wall sort of cafe that he frequently visits only to bring (You) to a shrine or somewhere secret and show off a couple of demons or something. Then the idea is that he just shows (You) a different perspective on how things aren't whay they seem... Honestly, it made me laugh. How's he gonna show me demons if I can't see 'em? Silly ChatGPT. Otherwise it was relatively cute but most responses to my yume questions about Raidou felt kinda canned. Oh well.

Thought this was the figma and got confused the more I stared at it. Is this made by a fan? I don't recognize it. It's fantastic.

Even if its probably gay and seeing him naked is weird, I politely request the full image. For... Proto-fiend related research purposes.
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you're from a discord group full of bdsm faggot shit. fix your life
look at the tits on that rightmost person
Is the BDSM Discord in the room with us right now?
Wow I love Lara Croft and Tomb Raider
don't worry maggot fujoshite, there are special cases of snowflake autists, everything is possible when you're autistic and obsessed, rats
Always happy to spread the Aogami has a penis agenda:
Why would they give an android designed for combat a penis tho
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yeah for some reason maggot rats thinking this is ugly or baiting me because they spite me for posting the same alice pictures. nah you will kindly fuck off.
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It's this beauty. He looks really fucking hot here, I have no words... he even has a nice ass.... good grief, Raidou can look lewd and sexy even in full clothes.
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C'mon. You know me better than that
All the Ronde girls have huge tits for whatever reason. No flat enthusiasts on the dev team
Lilim knows how to be sexy, exposing those feet, legs, tummy and breasts (at least partially). Her slender brow body is the best.
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Why indeed....
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bdsmfaggotry of shit, hidden
Merge as in fusing and not fucking, I think.

Demeter is hatefuck material
100% one of the more lewd designs Kaneko made, shame he couldn't draw feet at his peak
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Aliceschizo, I've never interected with you before and this is your first time quoting me for absolutely no reason.
Please, don't do it again. I'm not with the discord faggots that are molesting you. Stay away from me.
And love Alice, we could've been friends, but you're too much of a retard most of the time.
I hope you take some vacations of this general and come back when your mind is healed from abuse.
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i fucking despise the shitcord anti-freedom.
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>I'm not with the discord faggots that are molesting you.
Please don't tell me you're as retarded as him and think we're coordinating on Discord to troll this clearly mentally ill individual.
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fuck off little fuckign raidou whatever, you're all the same for me, fujoshite
'demeter not worthy of her but one day will be' fan, please understand the cord is full of bdsm faggot shit and i will crusade against them, in the name for my queen, alice
>we're coordinating on Discord
eh yes? you are! because you're clearly targeting alice and in a obvious raid sequence, replying to one another, artificial and not genuine way. trying to push this horse agenda
Just going to point out that he wasn't the Demeter poster because that was me.
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i don't know who is who anymore, sorry for my slowness
>browse thread
>see people making fun of schizo
>decide to join in
there's no discord man, this is what all your "haters" are doing
honestly I don't get why you're mad, the Horselice pic is harmless and funny instead of cruel
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She's so perfect, my favorite female demon of all time.
I want to marry Lilim, pamper her, have her tease and bully me playfuly. I want to work to make her as strong as possible while she uses all of her abilities to make our lives easier.
I wonder what kind of place she would like to be our home, but wherever it is I'm sure it would be nice, as long as we could have peace.
Living with her, going on small adventures, solving demon related problems and building a team with her help... Is it asking for too much?
Fuck, I'm gonna read Tokyo Conception right now and play out my fantasy!
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>There's a Raido version(?)
Holy kino. I love my figma but if I had the money I would try to get my grimy little mitts on this beautiful specimen. I never got the Raido face for the figma I got and I'm pretty sure Ixm just gonna die mad about it.

Man... if we had a Discord I would use it for something more productive than trolling some random kid on a Peruvian llama husbandry imageboard. I'd be talking about SMT husbandos. Maybe even other husbandos too.
>>see people making fun of schizo
that's your problem, these people aren't artificial anons, they're an actual group, they deliberately choose the horseshit insult. i think it's that namefag they're trying to ""avoid"".
he's their leader, so now this namefag weaponized his meme name 'hyss' slingshot it on me and also brutally insulting alice with brony(their or his projection) insults. they're a group of miscellaneous faggots. not just exclusive to this board
it is.
the horseface mockery on alice was made to mock me because im hating on fujoshite and posting alice, the same old pics. i do love her posting her pics.
i am their punching bag even though fujoshite is really annoying. coming from experience.
Based and same
>if we had a Discord
I never joined it but anons posted links to one a long time ago, don't know if it's still around.
That's a whole lot of headcanon
Yeah I think you can change his faceplate to Raido's though I think I prefer Raidou for this figure (while I prefer Raido for the figma).
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Hazama-Anon, if you are here, I sketched out a Hazama for you!! I apologise that he's so messy, but I ran out of time this evening, lmao. I hope he is still acceptable!
Sorry to tag you in my scribbles but I don't want to spam!!
Like Ingo, right? Or Emmet.. or both.. Or Steven... for me, anyway.
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>That's a whole lot of
>playing V:V
>Canon of Creation
>end of second area
>the entire post-boss sequence
WHAT the FUCK was that?
They shat their pants
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stop denying facts
Whatever the opposite of kino is
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Top 5 favorite demons?
Your art is so pretty and sparkly, I'm happy to see it! And don't worry about spamming, you always post normally.
Frost Five
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tiamat, vasuki, mother harlot, samael, kohryu
Mermaid, Cleo, Idun, Vivian, bondage Angel.
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ok coomer
alice alice alice alice alice alice

name at least 5 demons? i will name the funny ones!
alice demeter muu acheri nadja !
Also worst demon demeter!
Finnaly good post
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From the top of my head it's like this.
love me some fafnir
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>Merge as in fusing and not fucking, I think.
Proto-fiends were designed to "merge" with humans while they had no idea Nahobino fusion was a thing. Even the head scientist in his quest had no idea.
His animations in Vengeance are pretty cool, one of the best 3d models in this game!
very very cute!!
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Maybe VV would be less soulless if we actually saw the protagonist actually eat something, maybe nigiri
Tao said she was gonna treat him and Aogami to crepes in Shibuya...
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Do you really think the person on the left eats food regularly?
Yoko has an unlimited supply of apples. He'll be fine.
That's a localization only line
No it isn't. She says she owes him crepes in Japanese too.
I get that you probably just wanted discussion back, but the scizo deserved the heat he was getting and all he did was insult you in return as thanks.
Where do the humans shit while in da'at
Why was Yoko in my room before I woke up despite being a female in the male's dormitory
What was PM Koshimizu's tax policy
Why did they make Yuzuru more of a cuck than he already was for no discernable reason?
Where does my cock go when I'm nahobino
>Where do the humans shit while in da'at
Wherever they please.
>Why was Yoko in my room before I woke up despite being a female in the male's dormitory
She was finishing up her own shit she made.
>What was PM Koshimizu's tax policy
Take a shit wherever you want for a tax break.
>Why did they make Yuzuru more of a cuck than he already was for no discernable reason?
Because he didn't like the shitting arrangement.
>Where does my cock go when I'm nahobino
In shit.
>Why was Yoko in my room before I woke up despite being a female in the male's dormitory
Unironically a Paradise Lost reference. The serpent whispers in Eve's ear while she sleeps and gives her nightmares related to being tempted. The fact Yoko is right there after the dream sequence from Lilith is foreshadowing that Yoko was allied with the Qadištu.
>SMT If...
i love to talk about if...

> might also unironically start playing DemiKids GBC and subject the thread to my blogging
i wouldn't mind

it looks amazing!
not sure what i did to deserve it but thank you : D
>Unironically a Paradise Lost reference.
It's actually a reference to Jacob's Ladder though
No one goes to Vietnam in VV.
keep at it anon, your drawings are really cute.
Dazai does.
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so cheeky, fairly certain she forgets she's only waist high
So why did he get upset when she teased him about Nuwa and Yakumo being in love?
Thought the implication was your character shoot her a look right when she says she loves seeing you upset. (she's a brat and likes pushing your buttons)
Before she said that she was going on and on about how much Yakumo and Nuwa are in love though. That would mean she was tormenting him with that information.
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This is actually pretty good. Come to think of it, do all of us Raidouposters also happen to be drawfriends? Weird. Unfortunately the only SMT thing I feel like sharing that I did myself is this and I can't explain what I drew this for. It's not a response to you though lol

Yes, Ingo and Emmet both. Maybe even Barok von Zieks if we want to go even further beyond.
thread theme!

>Raidouposters also happen to be drawfriends?
possibly lol.
>tfw no DDS3
>Vengeance load screen flavour text speculates Alice may literally only exist in the imagination of someone who dreamed her up
Alice is CANONICALLY a tulpa.
amazing jeack forst saved for future use
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oh no haha who broke a tube on his face
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goodness that's a lot of wings... anyway hope you like if you're still here anon!
It's tragic how they fixed like 80% of the plot with CoV but then they just recycled most of CoC in the end.
After having some time away from VV, I've come to the conclusion that Beelzebub has the best theme.
Dude, samsara xDDDD
I am of agree
that's IV
I LOVE IT, ANON! Thank you very much, it's adorable!
Love what you did with her tattoo. And what a cute smug face!
Hey, that's my wife.
His theme sounds like literal penis music
NTA, but think it sounds more like something out of Ghostbusters.
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Then what of Mara's them?
splatoon story mode music
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Squid fags are coomers and Kozuka was calling them out for it.
>Where does my cock go when I'm nahobino
inside of Aogami
fags ruined my favorite SMT characters
My tummy hurt and I can't get any drawings done, guess I'll talk about smt
Ooyama and Yamai have been working together in the past 20 years . they're the actual core "team maniax".
the designs are so cute in this game
>PM Koshimizu's tax policy
either a full libertarian or a socdem
Amanozako is so annoying
I keep thinking this, changing my opinion, and then coming back to the conclusion that mara's theme is actually the best
she needs correction
too repetitive
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I think it's funny how they desperately wanted a mascot character for V and it failed so badly to the point Amanozako is barely relevant in CoV
Is she about to get gangbanged?
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Semi-divine beings in Hindu mythology.
Though they were once worshiped by the Dravidians as goddesses of the harvest, they became interpreted as demons with the spread of Hinduism and the two clashing ideologies. They are depicted as naked women with voluptuous bodies."
>voluptuous bodies
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>wakes up
>caresses book and stares at the cover
What did he mean by this?
>mfw ps2 Thor has more curves than this
who is to blame for the skinnification of Yaksini...
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Hoy, did you anons know there are exactly 50 different demon races in IV?
YHVH is always the one to blame for demonizing other Gods, yet other religions do the same thing all the time, fucking JRPGs and thier obsession with the Christianity.
You need to stop associating YHVH with Christianity. Christianity in SMT is a smokescreen or an offshoot they don't care much about. YHVH actually represents Judaism and Israel.
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Kaneko's female designs were mostly skinny. I like them, but in this case it should she should have the curves of Cleopatra.
One thing to praise about Doi is how his female demons have more variety when it comes to their body shapes. Abdiel is a gorgeous muscle mommy.
>lost to Matador
>come back 10 levels higher and bodied him
That'll teach him heh
Thinkin bout Aogami.
So you're insinuating
>the manyoshu, a collection of traditional waka poetry, makes him think of Aogami
>Only Susano connection to poetry is a folktale that claims he wrote the first waka poem ever about the house he built for his wife Kushinada
>Vkun's obsession with the dumb book, which runs so deep he loses all spatial awareness while reading it and also defaults to stroking it during social situations he is uncomfortable with, is actually a manifestation of longing and homolust for his soulmate, despite the hyperfixation itself existing before they even met
Wow more like shin megami tengay fagive femboywifegeance.
I'll keep playing my pirated version until VV is on sales on Steam
Whats the closest thing to a multiplayer SMT game?
I mean, we know Yuzuru was practically idol worshiping PM Koshimizu before they finally met.
Cyber sleuth if not imagine
Cyber Sluts is multiplayer?
It has a PVP mode
He likes books and is reminiscing on how simple his life used to be.
He didn't like his life before though.
I feel like Dazai would post on /x/ or go to /gif/ and make a "milfs with big asses" thread
the build up and the drum pattern is just too good
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When will Atlus bring back this cool motherfucker
I miss ATLUS' obsession with big floating bald heads in general
I keep wondering what would the soundtrack of a game with Kaneko as the main artist would sound like if Kozuka composed it
Kaneko was highly inspired by 90s fashion, some of his older art has a bit more variety in body shapes. or that Doi just likes more voluptuous women, reminder that his first ever original character design was Naomi Kimishima
It would sound like literal shit.
to you who lacks taste and objectivity sure it would, but your opinion isn't important
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>a scientist
>a fanatic god believer
science cannot confirm or deny god's existence
demon rape
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made for black-winged angel cock
is this real
yeah I was the guy lighting it
God is good.
can't ever stop contemplating brevity of man's life
This is has to be traced from millions anime shows with envy boob cameos
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