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>Recent News
Shion (Dark) & Diablo (Dark) Collab Draw now available
Surprise Ticket available - (19/11 - 27/11)
Extra Drops Campaign (Fire) - (11/20 - 11/25)
Collab Event Campaign & Collab Missions - (11/15 - 11/27)
Daily Single Draw, CEQ, 1.5x RP/XP, ½AP/EP, ½Off Sidestory Shop, ½Off Host Mats, Replicard Defender +1 & Sephira Doubled etc.
QoL: Copy Raid/Co-op ID, Collab Wepon/Summon Filter - Live
Side Story: Alchemist's Desire - Live
QoL: Crew Buff Extend, Extend Crew & Journey Drop buff on Home Page & Filter by Awakening & Favorite - 11/28
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline

>November Schedule
11/15 - 11/27 That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Wedges of the Sky
11/28 - 12/05 Back to the Pad

>Future Schedule
01/22 - 01/29 Unite & Fight (Water Favored)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous >>503377527
The four breedable sluts of /gbfg/
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>Grand Lowain
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>still don't have summer Kolulu
>didn't spark her on a 3% banner because her kit just looks so lacklustre
Please buff her just a bit. She's ultima cute. Almost too cute. I'm not averse to sparkin on 3% as long as the character's kit is at least fine or even just interesting.
The five bug chasing 'roons of /gbfg/
>shilled cockflop
The four unbreedable flops of /gbfg/
>FKTRN defender
The four HIVspects of /gbfg/
Remember when keenly intelligent and devishly handsome doomscholars accurately assessed via logic and deduction that Yngwie's style change would be the only one in the game ever yet were called insane by belligerent slurpers for stating this fact?
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Finally, some REAL art!
>wanna do onmyo for diaspora
>realize I didnt get the dirt exo dagger
>they doubted style change was an yngwie only feature
>they doubted they made a new series of zodiac limiteds just to shill the flop they added to rising
what's next in the ackschedule
"Stop shitposting, Narmaya is next month he just got it first because of the event"
speaking of diaspora, both host setups on the wiki use caim grids
isn't there something better now with M3?
Just copy nm250 ougi setups
Don't see why they wouldn't work
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I have 3 galleon staves, are they worth using for magna?
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cardinal saints all together in an event soon
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shushuku needs cock
There's never been much of a difference between Caim grid's 10% cap vs. just running a second Galleon gun. M3 didn't really change much, and the party is still the same, so you just go with whatever one you want. The only new tool for dirt ougi is the ougi amp world harp, since it affects the majority of dirt's options (Kengo, Satyr, Monika, Alexial, etc).
For burst, sure. Though it kind of depends on the set-up and what's in the rest of the grid, 2-3 staves can be slotted in even if they're still 0*
funny how the only way they could keep trangels relevant was by making them backline core
Coming back to this game after a while, is Cain still better than Sarasa?
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Grub for this galge?
Bea x Zeta?
Would world harp replace militis?
>dyke shit
>western shit
Not galge.
Seriously, what the fuck is going on?
Grub is essentially free falling.
Probably the Xeno sword or M1 Ygg stick. Those are grossly outdated. Celestial sword/katana can also be added.
We’ve had Lowainbros events since the start, retards. Why are you upset?
>play homoge
>get homos
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Something something le niggercat maleringers.
Idm lowain bros getting an event, but why 2 in 1 year??????
What was the first?
'we' need to maintain the agenda
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Trans icon.
We’ve had Sumo events since the start, retards. Why are you upset?
But no one posted Cantante?
Poz Won
shilled flop
We've had Belial anal sex since the start, retards. Why are you upset?
Vikala ( KSKN wife ver. )
Nikkebros I don't feel so good..........
Nikke wouldnt be able to compete with riot if they put all their funding trying
take your westernslop to a mihoyo thread
Arcane is a cultural success
Your pedo slop will never be be
not in japan and this is a japanese game. it does not have a global version.
>trusting eurogamer rumors
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why does he? look like that...
This is edited, right? There’s no way…
Now we know why FKHR loves this group so much.
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>Ishii is the son of a Japanese father and Filipino mother.
>looks like that
>is married to Atsuko Enomoto
Gotta be a humiliation ritual of some kind. There's just no way he actually dresses like this on a regular basis.
>They divorced in 2018.
Oh shit you're right, I didn't see that.
>they were married for just two years
>She was +10 years older than him
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Grubs for this feel?
That got deconfirmed by Shiftup themselves. The article it came from was literally AI made by a spic from eurogamer
You should share your fanart with them on X.
are we ever gonna get light and dark saints? maybe not saints but equivalents.
No, Qilinchan is too galge for ShadowP.
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Why is Subaha so aids it keeps giving me zombify and when it's on its last turn it resets back to 4 the next turn it's fucking retarded
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me in the back
me on the chain
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>event will be about Elsam coming out as trans
it's so freaking over bros
Groomed by FKHR...no wonder the Lowainbros get so such content
The HIV incarnation doesn't exist
The HIV incarnation:
>dumb shit collab #828
>retarded brothers events #8372719
>homoknights event #383727828
>some retarded new characters designs in the main story
>occasional new playable and actually good character inbetween
this game is finished isnt it
>the main story
are you drunk?
stop yanking the chain, slave
he probably meant poscian
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he just like me fr
>one earring on the right ear
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look how they massacred my boy...
The Cygames humilitaion ritual is real.
>In some regions, a single earring on the left ear was considered to signify heterosexuality
move along, move along...
>right ear
anon I...
jesus, was about to say he looked way different before
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FKHR found xerself a new troonfriend
i never tried bondage, but it sounds like fun
A man wearing any kind of jewelry other than a wedding ring is a sign that they're a flaming faggot, make no mistake.
nice bait
>he doesn't wear cross on his neck
burn in hell heathen
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This is a nice reactiom pic
damn yggdrasilfags look like THIS?
I bet you wear one of those dangling cross earrings too faggot
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Facts, This dude would be a better playable character than Lowain and Elsam
meant for
You got it the wrong way round fake meantforschizo
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I bet you're catholic, or worse, protestant
No, I'm just HIV adverse
Well, well, well. It seems Galgetards are too insecure to embrace a prince albert or nipple piercings
I do like my nipple piercings on dog though
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Thanks bitch
He’s lucky there’s like an 8 hour queue on the funnyroo webm site...
New events back to May 1:
>homo no homo Lowain bros event
>tranny they them harem collab featuring 6 Troons
>not home sweet moon enforcers event with overdesigned ai art event
>homoknights event
>fake gay butler and lesboknights event where villain is gay
>summer event varuna dyke controversy
>sato event where a girl learns how to be a samurai
>horoscope slop where a girl learns how to wear clothes

Market data must be showing fujos and faggots as the biggest paypigs keeping the game afloat or they are deliberately making the game bad.
>kmr shifts the game to fully pander to fujos starting in 2017
>straight males don't notice immediately and stick around for a couple years(leading to our peak) before quitting
i mean, yeah
that or the new devs are women
Are they cute?
no they're 3d
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Why is KMR laughing??
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>11/28 - 12/05 Back to the Pad
enjoying your new event grubbas?
This breakdown made me realize how many events i've been hitting the Skip button on. God it's been a complete shit year
Real men dont need to wear a cross. For they carry the cross in their heart and on their backs.
Cross necklaces are for nuns and goth/emo sissies.
remember shark maid?
I remember her more than most grub releases this year.
lucy mogged her from day one however
unironically this
I remember the ass shaking blonde and her PV (but not her name) that came and went from ZZZ too and I don't even play that game.
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Our next sexo grande
Same. I think I've scrolled and skipped more events this year than last.
Oh and I forgot the sumo event was actually a new event and not a repeat so I'll let anons decide whether the Tefnut scenes salvage Icarus loincloths and Sietehomo.
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It's not even out yet and I already want to skip it
put me in a coma and wake me up when its time for roulette.
Explain this character to me, /gbfg/
i can't, i skipped his events.
The straightest grub that grubbas really hate for some reason
shilled sushifucker
the maleringer loves him.
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I remember her first AND last name.
the grand that everyone is asking for
>The only straight character this year likes a woman with literal fish face.

If I had told you in February that the Juri manzai event would be the peak for the year, what would you have done differently?
called you a retard, which you still are.
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>The only straight character this year likes
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He gets to fuck THIS
holy sexo
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*expels HIV particles*
is she ok
plenty straight characters here
namely lecia, but maleringers keep coping
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>"Girl" with no hips, broad shoulders like a man, muscles like a man, fridge physique, thighs aren't thick and definitely has no ass either
>see woman, think man
but enough about lil L
>no feminine features except for long hair
I don't have him. Did the SSR fates make him straight again after the homoalphon ship?
Hilarious that Cygays hates dirtfags so much they release Grand Vane the very next fest after cucking them during dirtwars on Grand Sieg for Medusa.
Hilarious that Cygays hates windfags so much they cucked them during windwars on Grand Vane for Raphael.
poor dirtfags had to get a cute girl instead of a homo, how fucking tragic
Wtf is this, Star Trek?
Looks like someone from planet Vulcan without the crazy eyebrows.
They had plenty of fests to release Raph but didn't. They dropped Vane the very first fest after dirtwars to spite dirt.
>Zooerry royar grubba maybe rainen!

Anon, I...
The only good thing about Raiden.
and this one thing puts him above like 50% of the males in this game
How to save the event:
>trio kept to the minimum
>bubs becomes prominent with tyre
>jeanne, pig, rosamia and other 19 years old show up and have big roles
>event teases C. Rosamia and C. Bunny
Getting high HIV readings from this post
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Your feedback has been noted.
you're right, what was i thinking. of course dirt were the real victims of wind getting the least desired grand of all time.
Only someone with a high count of HIV magicules would hate on that christmas line up.
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Is it okay for little girls to have big clitorises?
Or better yet, write this shit off and give those characters their own event.
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>Or better yet, write this shit off and give those characters their own event.
we serve grub here sir.
Wind not getting Raph before windwars was a blessing since this windwars was ougi focused and Raph won't be ougi
why is this slurper telling me that i should be happy my secondary element got mr pane?
slurping maleringers do be jacking off to the thought of people being forced to spark a grand male for "gameplay" like that
the last two are giving me a 404
>wind being your secondary element
I didn't. Vane's a slap in the face to dirt, not wind. Raph is going to be released by next summer. There's not much else going on, they've already blown their load on half the female Diviners and Magus, Orologia.
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Catbox didn't like the last two images.
>copy diaspora setup from wiki
>frontline dying before I even get to raise ylevel 20%
I don't believe you.
I believe you
I believe in the limitless stupidity of /gbfg/
I'm neutral towards your claim
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I've come to the conclusion that Granblue should've become a loli game rather than a homo game. Imagine if WMTSB was all for (You) lolis. Beliak could've been a mesugaki, Faa oppai, imagine
No one farms diaspora in 2024
Bot post
trvth supernova
we are SO COOKED
Try having Luci as support?
I agree but do better
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loli rules Japan
no way, pandering to pao and pozmiri couldn't have possibility been a mistake. we totally needed her daily meltdowns over lobelia like https://x.com/papiyon1297/status/1860697015317070083
fuck i forgot to ctrl-c after editing it
oh well
nice emiri meltdown
maybe another grand sandalphon...
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>vulgar moans
You're right, I was stupid and didn't guard when I had to.
Tried trial mode and got to y100 at 79% easily, although one of my units is almost dead so I'd pub here.
Not FA'ing the game for once is actually fun.
culturally relevant game
I FA it without guarding and it generally gets to 100 (then sometimes I forget to stop and it heals back up a lot but still clears) but maybe your Okto isn't 150 or something
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What did grub get for its 10th anniversary, again?
Djeeta is such a god damn public use semen toilet.
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It says a lot when the only grub characters the player base remembers nowadays are the core ones.
>(Our) girl ragequits farming levi exalto daggers after three hours(one FLB, one 0*)
>switches to WuWa and has been streaming it for six hours even though it's 4:30 in Japan
Tsubaki is so powerful
yeah no I only just unlocked the content so Im running on budget
I didn't know she started it
Is she even enjoying anyone? Feels like nothing really should hit her checkmarks
Maybe Scar like most girls
anyone got a burst setup for world that has enough hp to survive the reflect?
I cant hit 1m honors like this
I'm guessing you don't have a setup that can hit 4mil when you join someone else's Dia then?
She's playing it on Twitch. Or was, she just went offline.
Oh and I'm not actually watching but her title is that she fell in love with Tsubaki at first sight which was why she started.
I dont think so, I just tried hosting to get a feel for it.
There's a ton to pick from on the wiki though, so I bet I can copy but I'm unsure if it can hit 4m.
Yeah i know she streams on twitch too, thank god she stopped nico2 streaming.
Tsubaki is pretty good, i guess it make sense since we have some shared opinions on character traits
I flopped...
I'm bringing back Beafriends.
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My investments... gone...
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>the next event will feature my favorite ppects
>kage troonshin no jACKsu
Draph /ss/
maleringers are freaking nuts and trans
You know who else is nuts?
Tempted to buy a month of OSRS now that Brighter Shores flopped
Not like there'll be any Grub to play in the next month
'er won
I'm trans btw not sure if that matters
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Let's say grub gets a BA collab.
Which characters/summon will we realistically get?
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Was tempted to host Dia for the newcutie but decided I didn't want to give /gbfg/ my id
Turns out it was the right call because I hosted Ra-chan instead
You will get playable ACKsuit and Binah summon.
Shiroko with FLB
Utaha free
Kanna and Aru gacha
Hina summon
>with FLB
Remember when collabs would give a unit an FLB on their reruns? And now that the game is dying there's no guarantee of reruns so they just give us the FLB now? What's the deal with that?
Did it work?
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Hoshino (5* is battle mode)
Shiroko, Nonomi, Serika unit
Summon Ayane
Hina and Hifumi gacha
PS68 raid with Unwelcome School soundtrack
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>people keep asking for female characters and galge game collabs
FKTRN looks like that and acks out like that
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Just trying to confirm my paranoia about autoreport system but i don't think it's used
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I was going to tell you to keep using rate up teams but I figured I'd host mine first to serve as proof
4th host bar since GW
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>haven't been in the thread for a few days
>let's check wha-
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>you want corn content? Here's your fucking corn c-ACCCK!
is he ok?
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Sexiest rabbit
Is it just me or did they buff the meteorite drop rate?
I feel that way, too, but if they did then it's been a few months because that's when I started to notice.
...in bizzaro world
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>one niggercat hates grub
>one niggercat trooned out
>one niggercat got bought out by Hoyoverse
I want to laugh but it’s really just too sad.
Now this sounds like a trio we should include into the shillclub!
maleringer moment
In grub you either live long enough to troon out or take the lifeline from galgegods and evacuate
our sophisticated new event will save us...
>>hates grub
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Are people trolling when they imply that VAs only work for one company/IP (and always have) OR that fan artists can only make art exclusively of one IP? Or are they just that stupid?
That describes the last 3-5 years perfectly
>let's try angels
>maybe dykes
>maybe angels again
>both icons of their nation
>both fell far from their prime
grub was never an icon
>Are people trolling
trolling and stupid
but it was a core element in the Gamers anime..
but were they ever featured in the macy's thanksgiving parade like actual icons like pikachu were
What are the chances that the MSQ writer has fucked off?
There was only one?
It's been a while since I watched that show, was it a "core element" or just a cameo?
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where do you farm ideans?
They're a by product of farming astras (Swords 5-gauge bosses)
otk mundus 5-bar enemies for boxes
What the fuck do I name the rabbit...
Mr. Pbbit
Hiding behind the cuck tree...
has anyone actually gotten nwq from xeno militts chests?
yes, once I got 2 in a chest or something it was pitiful
I've spent most of my sextants and I'm down to >15 so lmao
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We've been found out.
>put nwq in gw chests
>whatever revenant weapons arent used anywhere
>add trannyscending
>uhh most jews are useless anyway
>add celestial weapons
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Remember that time someone here said the grub twitter account was losing followers only because "everyone is deleting their twitter accounts and moving to bluesky"?
What was THAT about?
dont post my student wife in this shithole HIVfaggot
shut up waifuchuddie...
the current MSQ writer is (allegedly) the Society writer
Back off, she's MY student wife.
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I chose Rabby (Rabi)
Why are mentally ill gbfpags ACKing out today?
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stupid sexy cow
>dead thread
>cord wakes from its slumber
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There is no rule that says an imitation cannot surpass the original
and what is this supposed to imitate?
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At first I thought you were talking about the blue sunstone but then I remembered it's called Evolite, so the answer is no. I didn't even know they could drop from those.
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Now that you mention it, I'm not really sure.
This is galge, unlike this mixed toilet kusoge lmao
they should add NWQ to world or some other shit because nobody is gonna select it in gw
I'm glad they made both collab units dark so nobody would care if they missed them
some niggas in a row and enemy on the left, got it
darkrager is fucking nuts
Just maleringing loonyroon things
If kamihime is not a grub clone than narmaya is a completely original character
Water sucks
Dirt sucks
Wind sucks
Fire sucks
Dark sucks
Light sucks
this but especially dark
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>when the clone is more alive than your troonge
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didn't the english version got shut down or something?
meanwhile dirt is so shit they removed it from dragalia and priconne maybe more
is a hentai game that has simplify grubs gameplay, the hentai scenes are mainly NTR though.
think taimin x grubs but with shitter art.
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Dragalia couldn't afford dirt... it had to wait almost 3 years for guns...
no wonder cordcucks shill it so hard
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>Records of the Ten
>Gold brick-like reward
>Water jews cause fire gw coming up
As if anyone is gonna use them even with the domains.
Also I strongly suspect that gold brick reward isn't gonna be free use, but instead will be obligatory for jew domains.
A bunch of them will see use if they get domains as good as Fraux or Haase's
Oh, I fully expect either 40 more Revenant weapons, a brick, or both for the domains. This is Grindblue. Even on its deathbed, it's going to make everything as big of a pain in the ass as possible.
No it's still up
Grand Lowain is on his way to save Dark.
Get hyped!
Uno's domain changes his skill 1 to activate one time for every jew you have at 150. The cat's increases the success rate of his Gravity debuff.
>Also I strongly suspect that gold brick reward isn't gonna be free use, but instead will be obligatory for jew domains.
fucking idiot
holy shit you're stupid
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>Just saw Belial posted in a *** thread
Fucking hell it's actually happening.
In a ack thread?
i have no fucking clue what you're trying to say
Sorta. It was DBS.
I bet it was a NulyRAT
Granblue Fantasy is like a chicken sandwich.
Chicken sandwiches actually have some value, unlike GBF.
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I want to drink with my wife
Grub is what you get when you cross an owl with a bungee cord.
Like a McChicken. Cheap fast food slop that used to be okay for what it was but now it's overpriced even for that.
Chicken sandwiches are filling. Grub isn’t satisfying at all.
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Lots of layers to your joke but I got it.
>cross an owl with a bungee cord
>bird tied to a bungee cord
>but why?
>to test if it could feasibly fly while tied to a rope?
>would the rope have something attached to it?
>perhaps it's carrying something
>the bird is carrying food
>but what would a bird eat that requires it to carry it via rope?
>something big
>a fruit, maybe
>a fruit too heavy for its talons
>a coconut?
>but do owls live in climates with coconuts?
>what other bird would make sense for this scenario?
>a swallow?
>a swallow!
My IQ went up 10 points from that little deduction.
...my ass
Grub has the properties of both poopoo and peepee
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There's always someone posting oppai Sakura
I have immunity to it
Henlo footiefrens, firstly a reminder that as the hosts of the upcoming /vg/ League 23, we will be playing the first game of the tournament on Friday at noon Eastern USA time (17:00 UTC). It will be a glorious gacha showdown against /fgoalter/, so please come support us. Also, I'm in the midst of cooking up a special project, and I need all of your KMR pictures. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
uh oh time to lose to GalgeGoddess Eresh again...
hopefully fgo wins so the thread can move on immediately
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Cope, seethe, and mald /bag/fag tourist. Go back to your own thread.
cupitan isn't from /bag/. she is in fact a gbf character, as you might have known if you actually played this game instead of jerking off to meta board shit
Anon I don't think you understand why he attached that image.
HIV moment
Isn't this the yuri prostitute bread lady?
Meant for >503550012
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>mentions /fgog/
>grubber brings up /bag/ out of nowhere
Meant for

Meant for
Gran is still what? 15? You aren't drinking shit in this shitshow
Slurprat gets them mixed up since they both share the trait of being more alive and galge than grubflop.
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anything to look forward to?
seeing how the stream tops the last two
Shillclub christmas?
Your busywork eternals event?
Christmas units and the new zodiac
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You now remember Relink
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Sex with mothers(true).
>removing Metera to force a covered up dyke on the players
No thank you
>T-They cut her because they couldn't get Metera's flying to work!
>Song gets announced for dlc
Still funny as fuck
mothers (flop)
that was probably the same tranny animal SEAcreature who was slurping up the weekly ideans.
they cut her because she's so unpopular she makes ghandagoza look like naru
don't post their pixivbux albeit
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>Nobody has even bothered to put the GBF tag on Ghandafloppa
kek, thanks for the laugh
Hopefully she'll still be young in mainge
Time doesn't pass in Estalucia, trust the plan
Now divide by shill amount
Metera is shit
She won't be. And if for some reason she is I'll livestream myself cashsparking a Poz dupe.
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looking forward to all this exciting newcontent, grubbas?
I bet they will somehow butcher the new zodiac
HRT hours
Yeah, I got 5 in a xeno chest
I'd upload a pic but I cannot upload files in incognito mode and the 15 minute timer already discourages posting thoughbeit
gbf does indeed have the highest trans playerbase of any game except for maybe PSO2
He's gone, bro. We've been on KMR hours for years...
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This summer sure is long huh?

Also go back to your containment general, baggot
wasn't this originally planned for spring?
Yeah, initially it was late spring/early summer
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My mom (13歳) can't be this cute!
Google "aruji dono"
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>first result
You know what? That's my fault. I knew it wouldn't be GBF related and I did it anyway. I have no one to blame but myself.
That's my wife right there
Izuna fanart from the very first event was what got me interested, but it took GBF's dogshit My Room + anon posting the Natsu Webm to get me to actually play it because fuck games without PC versions.
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How can our foxes even compete?
I don't really understand how people like Izuna, but she has pretty diehard fans
vikala is a trans icon now??
what am i missing???
who said this in grub btw
Christmas Vermeil will save grub
>people talking about cute girls
>suddenly ratraging out of nowhere
lil L...
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google danna sama
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>Character from 2016
Why is this allowed???
Starting Granblue to own the galgetards is wild.
the guy did imply there's nothing to like about grub in his posts so it's not like he's on the side of maleringers though
why is there such a huge trans population in gbfg?
Yeah it's just funny. God I fucking hate these guys for not being polite while they're right about everything
something to do with the fact that this game is a mixed toiletslop.
Shion once, but without the -dono.
>several posts in that reply chain said they came from other games to Granblue because they got tired of omnipandering, cuckshit, and not enough (You) interactions
huh.............who would have thunk................
>JJKschizo mentioned
He truly was the last notable thing we had left…
galgetards doesnt even play the game
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>disgruntled /drag/ refugees
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and even he got sick of this shit.
>2 posts from /drag/
>several posts from non-grub players complaining about omnipandering in their old games (i.e. males)
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>lvl 2 cheat isekai
I think I was supposed to watch this.
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you hate to admit it but
full auto killed grub
on a list of "things that killed grub" ranking by importance
FA is probably dead last.
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>overtook peak Fate, Kancolle and Touhou

how did we do it?
why are we so successful?
full auto made the game significantly worse but i don't think it killed it.
FA is the biggest mistake yet but unironically
I wouldn't play this fucking game if it didn't have FA. I tried before that. It sucked. Dailies alone kill your entire drive to play. FA isn't even good. They still haven't enabled green skills.
The competition is ancient. All other modern games are mixed toilet slop. (Gakumas falls under ancient because it's imas and Uma self-sabotaged with the porn thing)
KV was the only thing with any chance to compete. Maybe Azur Promilia but it'll probably suck.
all those naked homo bara males in grub really pulled their weight huh
LGBT and zoomershit won
Not really, it’s more like FA was implemented around the same time that things started going to shit.
>a feature that actually benefits the player's well being in the wrong run is hailed by slurpers as "the thing that killed grub"
why are you so mentally ill
Nah, that’s the only reason any of this dumb shit is even halfway tolerable.
because everything in the game is designed around the existence of full auto now and that makes the game worse
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obviously? the less you interact with the game the less you would think of spending. with auto you literally just click the black screen and check back after 10min.
That's lazy game design, though. Not FA's fault.
>obviously? the less you interact with the game the less you would think of spending.
Granblue doesn't require you to interact for 1/10th as much as grub and it's doing way better than grub.
sorry i meant HSR
Where are these numbers from?
Chink wiki shows 2738 peak for c95 on fate
2824 peak for KC in c91
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If they wanted people to think of spending money they’d incentivize it with things people like instead of only ever throwing out gay garbage and saying it’s better than 90% of everything else.
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Gonna FA your post.
legitimately have no clue how i'm expected to communicate with someone saying it's lazy to design a game around the realities of that game
like it's not a sentient human being at that point
I slurp
that's what I do
whats this?
KMR made every grind 50x worse because FA was implemented.
I can clearly see KMR and FKHR both utterly hate grubbers by how badly they abuse them
Players being able to FA GW also had awful consequences, especially for gaijin.
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not that anon but fa isn't the reality of the game (see endgame v2 content that needs to be piloted), it's a luxury you only have when the new content is repetitive & derivative (low effort game design) or when you are vastly over-prepared for the content you're doing, be it due to powercreep (lazy game design) or anything less than endgame content (because our devs only know to make boring shit with way too much health for midgame content aka lazy game design)
Same author saying 2hu was over 2700 at c80
>"here grubbas, you need to grind this same fight 10000000000000000 times for the rewards"
>uh I am not doing that manually when there's FA
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>mfw Sandal attracted women to play your maze
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grub outlives another one
Is there anything that won't trigger 150schizo?
Fuck this game for killing best girl early
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>persona 5 collab claims another victim
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F for an old friend
this game helped me get out of FEH and actually had pretty unique gameplay
sorry to disappoint you and end up someplace worse
Easy: Accept that the game is lazily designed in 2024 and that you're being retarded for trying to come up with any other excuse.
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global is the main server anyway
Angel Beats collab with save us.
I'm already saving for Kanade however
I don't want to see anything angel beats related ever again after the author went full c/u/ck mode
by flopping?
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The collab that will save Grubs, both of them will happen at the same time.
No thanks. The dumbell anime we can keep though.
You get both since they're both "connected" Jita hangs with the Dumbbells girls, Gran participates in the Kengan Tournament and jobs to Kanoh Agito like a bitch.
Sandro's writing would at least make grub funny bad
Da KonoSuba collab...
No more Mr. Pozlabs
grub for this feel??
>only event dragon will be in will be the obligatory new years event
What an absolute waste of the dragon year
Christmas Tree Yuguyugu alt
Grub eos is coming anon
Please be patient, she's no ready to leave her quarters...
She might not even be in that kek
>When touhou had king of comiket numbers
Touhou is slowly making a comeback but it will never be like the golden age
So she is schizo (real)?
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have not touched grub since mid october
Should I pick up slime for the pruple chick? She makes my pp hard.
I picked up Granblue for the blonde chick in stockings with a walking stick.
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if kat looked like the professor and vira didn't exist to ruin her granblue would outperform all mihoyo games combined
You mean if Kat didn't exist and Vira was the main heroine.
so true
konosuba eos'd...no more konosuba...GRUB OUTLIVES ANOTHER ONE

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