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Visual Novel General #6713

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTLR+C and paste them with CRTL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>503431670
god would I love to pop those puppies into my mouth
why is this general so much less cucked than hgg2d
maybe because our quest isn't for the most immersive possible NTRge?
Shirou is so lucky...
Mary from Aoi Tori is a hag.
Karenschizo BTFO
Even though hgg2d is pretty bad, I'm still surprised at how chaotic and mostly off-topic/shit-posty /vn/ always is. But it's frivolous and hollow–unserious. hgg2d is mostly serious and critically retarded so it's more annoying.
It was but everyone already played totono
...because he gets to watch Shinji fuck them both.
stop consooming ankoman, troonsister
>AI sloppa
>Rin without thigh high socks
They are not the wormslut doe?
Why are girls so gay?
this pic is ten years old, saarjeet
Age is making me less and less accepting of non virgin heroines.
I used to not care at all but nowadays even something silly like the girl having a crush on someone before meeting the protagonist bothers me.
This but the opposite.
When you're young you value spontaneity and sleeping around, in age you value loyalty. A tale as old as time
What is your favorite yuzuge?
they are gay for dicks
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Senren Banka why?
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What is going through HIS mind in this pic?
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Thanks for answering.
same, i used to be ok with shit like the ntr on freezing, but things have changed
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missing my lil uminegros
"I REALLY want to KILL myself..."
VNs where the heroine breaks up with you in the middle of the route and the rest of it is the MC switching to a random loli side character?
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>wake up
>enter /vn/
>newfags are enabling early thread bakers again
>I feel hopeless that my life will never end. I never belived it even once.
So this is who Masada chose to be the ultimate chuuni Übermensch antagonist?
we're back on count now, we can go back to shunning any OPs that aren't made on page 10
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You guys won't do shit.
>3 days vacation because of a reddit mem
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It's just a hershey's bar.
That's not even a meme, Amane would beg Kazuki to let her do it.
To be fair this seems like are huge load of cum
your zinc reps anon?
new here? we have phoneposters that ban evade (hence why this general has frequent nsfw shit and hence why it's one of few generals with active moderation)
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moege general
We don't have that much of nukige readers.
We are divided between moebutas and plotchads
NTR focused games is /hgg2d/ staple
this general has frequent nsfw because it's a general about porn japanese games for autistic people, retard
yet far far more than hgg2d and they have nigh-zero moderation and hgg2d content/discussion is far more nsfw
apply yourself, angry and also wrong anon, impressive how dumb you are (always the case when angryposters like you make the mistake of speaking up). you do realise you can talk about shit and not post nsfw pics? so yes, you are clearly blatantly new.
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Hello /vn/, Manager-kun here.
/vg/League 23 Groupstage Draw will happen in a few minutes, come and watch if you wanna know the faggots we'll be facing up against come next week.
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wtf is bokuten about
We don’t have discussions here because the people who actually read VNs avoid this place due to JOPs spoiling everything.
>Thinking AI can handle feet, hands and this pose well
low IQ GOD
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talent good
It's like Magnolia
I prefer a loli girlfailure
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How come monstergirlge never gets translated anymore?
the monster girl fad is over.
but magnolia is kino tho?
I love Karen
But she's a tiny girl with a tiny body and tiny boobs...
what an eroge where i play as a cute little girl
any genre will do.
uhh yuri"chads"? explain https://files.catbox.moe/k6o422.jpg
Bokuten is kino too doe?
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that's the best part
princess x was a black pill that filtered anyone who wanted them
I’ve never read her VN so I’ve never understood the schizoid hatred for Karen, She looks cute.
thank you KINOger
I don't think you know what that word means anon
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>Bokuten is kino too doe?
It's Magnolia but with anime girls
It's just a few vocal anons. Karen is a sweet girl and Karenschizo did nothing wrong.
Garbage girl from a garbage VN
The hate doesn't come from Karen herself, it comes from an obnoxious shitposter that made her into his identity
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This is the first time I read a protagonist get cucked by their wife, sure some plotge have rape and used goods but a dead marriage with cheating is a new thing for me.
I don't want to see something like this ever again.
She is not a heroine and he will obviously dump her for some pure young teenager ass but damn this whole thing felt so bad to read.
> is not a heroine and he will obviously dump her for some pure young teenager ass
...Doesn't he do the same? Although I don't remember if he was involved with Rin at this point in the story
I don’t read VNs with no sex in them.
imagine identifying as a schizo so hard you get upset when people don’t use the word correctly when insulting you, kinda sad.
turning it back on me doesn't make your choice of words correct
enlighten me then lmao
explain it to me like I care about the difference
just take five seconds to google it anon, I'm not your fucking 6th grade english teacher
I only read schizoidge!
He is interest in her but right now they are barely acquaintances.
Not sure how deep I am, just a little after the interlude with Kaito, android girl and the retarded Rin.
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>/vn/ x /mhg/
>no cute girl in the card
ge where you hunt monsters?
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>/vn/ vs /mjg/
It's time
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Where is it NekoNyan???
>Shirou tracing the pieces
>Kageaki easily doing tsubame gaeshi
>Battler flipping out the table
We missing kino
you niggas talk about anything but visual novels
That's a big dog
It's been years since I've liked every member of a cast this much.
nyaggers go home.
seeing someone suffer through a situation you couldn't stand even imagining yourself to be in hurts, yeah
>this was released 8 years before rewrite and looks 10x better
me after they had to take me away for losing my mind reading select oblige
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where are they taking him
>Kinowrite out of nowhere
Quite literally obsessed
SHITwrite do be shitty doe
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making fat yuzus go on a diet!
Group Japan
Imoutos shouldn't be this plump
I like how the cringe mc does nothing but rape the girls
you would rather him to suck cocks like in subahibi
where’s the lie thougheverly?
well he did get fucked by a bunch of men anyways...
what if I overfeed her on purpose because I like my imoutos plump?
he didn't suck cock and liked it
he is just like Guts
You have to take responsibility so she doesn't end up obese...
would be kinography if we were in Group L
you ruined her future, no one is going to marry a fat girl
Criminal border made me like fat fat fatty blobular obese go on a diet goddamn type heroines
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You mean slim type heroines?
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Time to jop it
I'm going to marry her though? (unofficially)
It’ll forever be funny to me that Guts is a cuckold and it never got resolved nor did her get his revenge. He’ll always be an angry cuck.
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...in the JOP thread
Why is she allowed to wrote her own VNDB profile? No ones going to believe it
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all this tells me is that she needs to gain more weight
Kurosu Channel
which is located here
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>not posting it
I never see mine anymore because I've to omuch shit open but I guess I should clean it again just so its easier to browse via explorer
Her drip is fire
that's because cucks never truly get revenge, the damage of cucking will always be there, even if you cuck back that only makes the situation more bitter instead of bringing any kind of satisfaction to either side, there's no winning scenario for cucks, being a cuck is being the ultimate loser.
I wanted to see the little piggie escape so bad.
I'm not an animal guy but seeing one my /vn/brothers be treated so cruelly touched my heart.
no stronger community within /vn/ than moebuta
stop talking bad about your father
Literally me
I love lolige and moege btw
When is Shiravune announcing the Border Part 4, I'm not reading it until then
theres no way it isn't escaping eventually
Probably after the release Part 3.
that was talking about my mother though.
criminal border does not look good in any sense of the word
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you don't look good in any sense of the word
this but every typemoon game
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Comedy gold. This is even better than gay endings
>obnoxious shitposter
Sounds like yourself. Your boogeyman doesn’t even post here anymore.
lets hope its not another frank herbert situation(it probably is)
>>503507908 (not me)
both of them have never been faithful to anyone in their lives and I look down on both of them for that
I don't even care about the shitposters that plague these threads since I only come here every now and then these days since the threads have dropped in quality massively. I just explained to him where all this shitposting regarding the character came from since that's objectively where it came from.
You just know
It looks hot which is all it needs to be
ok bros I downloaded this and just started, it's giving me butterflies in my stomach, I'm ashamed to admit this could become a guilty pleasure... but is there more games like this? Give me titles.
Both sound good to me, but he does have a point.
I hate disloyal MCs and how rare it's for people to bother tagging them as such.
Most Eushully and Alicesoft MCs that I played as are guilty of it.
I'm fine with cases like Rance who refuses to enter in an official relationship in the first place but a shit like Aster deserve the rope for cheating on his multiple wives.
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playing fate/extra
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I've finally found a ge for this feel
Precure is my moege, wrong tab.
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
Yamato is 100% bi, he just has a vast preference towards older sister types.
There are more endings where he goes full homo than routes were he goes for a loli.
made for the irish bvll
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>the visual novel spoils itself

Very interesting hook, I suppose that I'm playing through the prologue again, now that I know that mankind has vanished from Earth.
Not Cross+Channel, Cross†Channel.
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They are pretty cute together. It helps that they're Servant and Master in Extra.
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Cross Cross Channel?
I was reading Aokana and it made me realize that women are boring and will never be as badass or cool as men. Any sport/action becomes lame with them no matter how cute and hot they are. That’s why I only read chuunige.
Based faggot
You don't watch women doing sports for a good competitive game, they are there to be act like they are playing while being sexy
>delete shader cache
>it breaks half my /vn/s
time to kys. goodbye /vn/
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This. God I love men
Lancer's my boy I'd let him cuck me desu
VNs where you form a reluctant partnership with the heroine and proceed on a cross-continent adventure?
Men's football is just watching effeminate sissies cry over a scraped knee while women's is unironically more masculine, THO.
What did he mean by that?
Rugby is for watching sweaty bara men get brain damage
soccer is a faggot sport. proper sports u watch men for skill and women soccer players are fugly
I would unironically want to read something like that if it happened in the real world instead of fantasy.
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can't tell what's more schizoid, the TL or Taichi
give me sexy JKs with big fookin boobas
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I'm getting Gakkou Gurashi vibes from her.
I will protect senpai...

I've actually been thinking that the tl is pretty decent so far, especially considering how bad of a rep it got.
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A utopian imagination.
among us
So the japs ate all desks????
do you even know enough japanese to tell if it's good though?
speaking of TL that doesn't sound right..
Doing my reps
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>I never see mine anymore because I've to omuch shit open
Do you never turn it off? I always get a good look at mine when I'm booting up my PC.
A clean desktop is the first step towards a clean heart and mind.
thats a very shat up desktop. And no I barely turn my pc off. I only see my desktop on 2nd screen since it usually doesnt have anything on it nowadays
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>there will never be an artist better than same manma
I hope she gets to work on another VN soon.
I NEED more pubesge.
and a singer too, she did a cover for all the OPs
i am literally shaking rn
no need to hide the time, detherr
Would you an hobo?
Not into STDs
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>outdated word
What? since when?
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>long hair
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holy spammer
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imagine the smell
Sylvie is a SLUT
The whole island now has penile yeast infection...
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Rei is good because she would be satisfied with my zako unlike Ik*ko
>koku out of nowhere
RAPE childhood friends
>rape the willing
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Childhood friend = Cuck
who? what?
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Rape is bad
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What does Touka think of zakos?
Piromizu = GOD
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she'd learn to love it
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the manly desire to continue reading vs the manly desire to play stalker gamma till stalker 2 is fixed.
I wanna read dead aegis and dead days but im still not done with kinoshibito.
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Those names are Nasu level of retarded.
Funny how most people on here legitimately do not know what tomboy even means. Most of you homos think it's brown skin short hair. Delusional.
feminine tomboy ge?
So Making Lovers... it's not actually that good is it? I'm 7h in and starting to reconsider playing it.
Literally any other moege is better
I suddenly feel like fucking my cousin
I love white women and their dumb names
Are they Italian?
You should've picked Karen.
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Has anyone ever pointed out how that one robot in Muramasa looks like Kotetsu Jeeg?
They're from Sortilege in Europe bwo
Fictional European nation #21852
that scene in making lovers where karen jerks you off on the train while looking at the guy sitting in front of her was quite unexpected
I did, I'll finish her route and likely drop the others
We need an oppai loli daughter + lolibaba mother oyakodon ge
Chat... is this real?
it is because no common route. That said I only read Saki's and Karen's, Saki was much better
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she literally is worthless as a non-virgin though
I wish we picked a better girl to obsess over but it is what it is
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I wish you'd stop obsessing over me but it is what it is
its ok you will get mindbroken into getting used to it at some point
>kingdom come
VNs besides KimiNozo and Dies Irae where the MC and heroine have actually spiteful banter between each other and not just teasing?
Finally she'll lose some weight
having to read a westernslop vn to get my fix has destroyed my spirit
You’re the one obsessed with here, Karenschizo. All you do is shitpost
if all moege routes were like Emi route I'd be the biggest buta in the moe pen
>if all moege routes had used goods I'd be the biggest buta in the moe pen
if they all had anal with a cripple you mean?
goods used only once are good though
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Lolifags can't stop wining.
So that is why so many male characters are pathetic pussies now.
We need more lolidom VNs.
At least in one Futa won. Respect.
>submissive male
How do we fix japan?
Based Saga
旦那さま = Daddy, thank you translator-dono
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>Submissive male
That's the mommyfags, right?
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Mommyfags want to be babied during the day while having control in bed.
It's probably shotafags fault.
>slut character in a game full of sluts
>she's actually a virgin and the real sluts are way better characters
good gyarufags should suffer
emi wasn't a virgin? god it's been so long since I played that game I don't really remember any specific details
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>Protagonist parents are alive but such nonentity that they don't even get dialogue lines.
I think I prefer dead or missing parents over this.
>Protagonist parents are alive and one of them is a route antagonist
same with male siblings
>you can only have an imouto or an onee-san, a young or a older brother is no-no
Ass or tits?
Small ass & small tits
Why not both?
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It wasn't really mentioned, people just assumed because he had a boyfriend once previously but he didn't get pass Emi's emotional walls
We like our gyarus pure /here/, gentlemen.
https://files.catbox.moe/quxkuv.png (DI)
She was far too eager for anal for it to be her first time...
E-eroi na...
god she's so hot
big ass + small tits = perfect
Best white woman on the right
>big ass
This isn't the brazilian general
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yeah it's chile
This is France, Chile, USA and Brazil general by the way.
I always thought it was just in her nature, like the dam breaking as soon as she first experienced sex, you see the same thing with Lilly where as soon as she got a taste of sex she became a fucking sex machine
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do ntrfags really?
Yeah it's just her personality, I don't think she got very far with her previous boyfriend.
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>Black and yellow
Found my wife unless there is a white and purple hiding somewhere
>unless there is a white
royal cunny....
>unless there is a white and purple hiding somewhere
No such thing here in blondeville...
bro you're not gonna believe this...
>tada banri
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I took the picture
kill yourself
he's so cool
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Do you read visual novels with your girlfriend?
live yourself

kill yourself karenschizo
my tulpa girlfriend
Reading Higurashi
Why does Mion carry a gun and nobody seems to point it out?
its a toy gun
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uhhhh no we don't we like them as slutty as humanly possible
she have a loicense in niggurashi
Cute Saber
You weren't supposed to point that out.
Almost all the good ntrge are rpgmaker ge these days.
everyday until you like it
I'd usually go with sir, master, or husband, but I guess daddy could work if it's specifically sugar daddy context?
>main heroine route got all of the budget
That's the "Why the eagles didn't take Frodo to mordor?" of Higurashi
>main character gets put in a coma
>side characters get the focus
>VN becomes absolute kino
I like 448, but it's crazy how much better the VN got when it became the Harumitsu and Atsushi show.
He should've won
you miss the さま sis
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Too much gold is bad for your heath, give me a Ginkoi instead.
I was going to read this but I realized I need a plotge right now, saving moeges for later.
Zoomer hags...
That's just the honorific EOPbro
yeah about that 旦那様
さま works too no?
Yes, it's literally the exact same thing.
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>that one heroine that fucks the other heroines
What do you mean? That's still an honorific.
Kinkoi is basically plotge
>N8 ITT do not understand the importance of 尊敬語
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It's so fucked up that the hags in VNs these days were probably born in like 2003.
Is it possible that people who study with anki have a more superficial understanding of japanese?
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I wish studio pork made three games a year. Or that other studios ripped them off. We need more fat hag whiteknight saviorge.
It depends on how well you leverage the tool. Shit question
>Shit question
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Why was she such a bitch?
You shouldn't do 1 (one) thing anyway, cycle through different activities.
Absolutely, because anki is just flashcards. It's just step one. You learn what the word means, and then you read it in context until you actually get a deeper understanding of how it's used. It's a perfectly fine first step, it's how I started, but you'll never master it that way.
some jops came from discord i hope our """jops""" don't mind
Sherou's dick in the middle
i can fix Kamio Ami
all jops came from discord, you can't become a JOP without a cord account
studio pork also loves the
>gyaru wife is pure, demure wife is huge slut/bitch
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Probably the second-realest moment in otomeki.
The realest being the feminists flooding the internet with AI art so no man will ever jack it to a real woman ever again, ruining masturbation forever (this actually happens).
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Last time you felt bad for not picking a heroine?
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fuck off jeet
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I find the primary benefit is in not forgetting things you've already looked up as much. It takes like 5 times seeing a word in context to really get a handle on it, and if your regimen consists entirely of reading, there's no telling when the next time you see that new word will come. And if it doesn't happen in a certain window, that word slips away and you're basically back where you started the next time it shows up. But if you take the few seconds to make a card (with the sentence for context) the first time you see a word, you won't need to look it up nearly as often during your actual reading for it to stick, which improves the experience of reading, too. Imo the problem isn't learning, it's forgetting, and until whatever word you're learning is truly ingrained in your brain, flashcards are a defense against losing progress.

And it's not even that intrusive. My daily load is down to about 30 minutes now, and Anki can be used to remember all kinds of things (I use it for code/computer stuff too) if you really learn how it works and how to make effective cards. If you're just downloading shared decks though like most people the benefit is a lot less.

Just my two cents on it after using it for a long ass time in any way I could think of.
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Wow...she's just like me...
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Man she's getting a lot of play in this route
I'm N99
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Since this is the used goods/cuckold general, can some enlightened anon explain to me the context behind why each girl in this pic is a tainted slut?
I need a cute EOP to wakarase me.
Her pv is actually her being out of touch with the current slang, her's being a generation below mine. Surreal.
They're bad not because they're used goods.
Most of them are rape victims...
I was going to but the first girl, Yukikaze, is pure and loyal, so I'm not even going to bother because the 3x3 is obviously fake news
Too bad she has no route of her own
What is with asian women and their folded up baggy eyelids, it's weird.
Top-left: Actual prostitute / dorei shoufu, but only in non-canon bad ends
Top Middle: I dunno, I don't remember anything in the game, probably some kind of memes from the fanbase
Top right: Turboslut, loves cocks, dumps MC when she realizes he's in love with her because he deserves better than her
Middle left: prostitute
Middle middle: Turboslut for meta reasons
Middle right: educated prostitute
Bottom left: She just hugs you man, I dunno, probably memes
Bottom middle: Implied rape victim
Bottom right: Implied rape victim
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just two more weeks
i hate to inform you, but EVERYONE in this VN has had plastic surgery
It's 3 doe
Yeah, and?
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its 1 doe
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>Bottom left
She just sleeps with corpses and hugs people to steal their life essence
I for one believe lip lipples will be way better than moon ghost.
I'd lip her lipples if you catch my meaning
What vn is bottom left from?
FromSoft's latest kamige
>he forgot ac6
I fa(r)ted
I didn't see her in Sekiro.
>MC's bro cucks the antagonist
god this game is good
Majikoi A-5, picking Yoshitsune over Aki.
Having her walk head first into a door was sadder than funny
Let me guess, you didn't get past sen's fortress?
the writing in dies irae is so cringe
your cringe. also that's the translation
VNs where I can romance my barefoot serial killer sorceress mentor and save her before she gets turned into a ball?
If only Danganronpa had H-scenes...
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there's only one correct answer
Built for overweight sex tourist ojiisans with shitty taste
3d pigshit
Seung-yi of course
can i see them from the side? It's hard to tell who the flattest is in that shot
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yume miru kusuri. aeka
When will Yuzu stop being cowards and give us trap and used goods (full length) routes?
Eun-bi SEX
White women, yes.
Does this have H-scenes?
Can't say I've ever seen a bikini with a full-blown collar before
They wouldn't fit
>when JOPs enter the presence of EOPs
MWA 3 when? I have a need to fuck fairies.
She will be grown to human size and you will accept it.
all wrong
But seriously, which one has the thiccest thighs.
is this really a VN? quite funny that it's on topic if so
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They all look the same to me
that's racist
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it is
Underboob is the best kind of boob
When it's subtle, not that bullshit
I mean if I wanted subtly I'd go with a flattie, duh
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forgot my Al's Flatness
There is an ample range between flatties and titcows. Every good heroine is inside that range and everything else is garbage.
are there any VNs like Fate where the characters have secret historical identities you have to guess
What's redman's secret historical identity?
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Emiya Shirou
Adolf Hitler
A guy who got executed a few years ago on terrorism charges.
Kind of depressing to realise that chronologically the guy from the future would already be dead, time is going by way too fucking fast.
That's too specific for another series to replicate unlesss it's explicitly parodying Fate.
Basically, read/watch more Fate >>503482435
The whole production team had them...
imagine the smelle
poor girls having to suffer with tiny korean pecker
Dante's son
>EVN spammer found a new toy
Seems more like a FMV ge than a VN
Weggers are truly a disgusting specie
bros? i'm feeling something
I can see why they become hardcore feminists in their country.
Is it disgust?
I watched a korean AV once and it made me way more confident in what I have going for me. Would recommend
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Kino hours?
It has dialogue options and routes, it's kinda like a movie+VN hybrid.
>Mating School Life
>Case 1: Sayaka gets preggers and must be convinced not to Mirei Park her fetus.
>Case 2: Mondo gets trapped and must decide if he still wants to fuck Chihiro.
>Case 3: Celeste gambles her virginity that Hifumi won't fuck Taka on her orders and is trying to avoid her end of the bargain once he does. Restrain her and make her fulfill her promise.
>Case 4: Monokuma has been destroyed because Sakura snu-snued it too hard. Ease everyone's fear of broken pelvises so Sakura can mate again.
>Case 5: Kyoko's search for Mukuro to get Makoto to impregnate her too.
>Case 6: Junko is enjoying her despair blueballing herself from the orgy. Find and fuck her.
Not a VN no matter how much you spam it.
I feel raped wtf.
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what she said
Unironically reads like 10/10.
Buddy that is not a vn.
I get that the genre is pretty unknown so it might get mistagged but the thing you are posting is a fmv adventure game.
Detroit become human is an interactive VN
if i click dialogue options and it tells a story and it has multiple routes/endings, it's a VN. sorry xisters.
If detroit become human is a VN then so is Blue Archive
eh, more amusing than kokuposting for the nth time
We know you find it amusing to spam off-topic garbage, but that doesn't stop it from being off-topic garbage.
I guess Tex Murphy is a VN series then, even has multiple romance options
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Isn't she something like natsume IRL?
just report and move on, the attention is the point
Need this ge but with white women
Deadly Premonition is the best VN ever.
>no rape option
It's very, very cringe.
>fmv adventure game.
if I show you THIS will it mean anything to you?
For me, it's Planescape Torment and Disco Elysium
Mediocre meta garbage.
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Is this a VN?
God if there's a route where Elza gets any more screen time than she already has she's going to run away with this thing
is the true end the plumber discovering what a tie stay is?
Isn't that like the school days vn?
they should have gave her a mini route or bad end route
>submissive male
I guess that that stereotype stands for moeges, which usually have beta MCs who're on the receiving side.
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>latest kamige
Fia isn't from AC6
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The BL NTR VN where Miquella cries himself to sleep while his fraud boyfriend gets anally raped by a walking stick?
Korean women always look like plastic 3d models from an Ubisoft game.
their whole lives are an instragram filter
>submissive male
So femdom?
ugly women don’t exist when you have access to infinite plastic surgery and makeup
getting plastic surgery in Korea is like getting haircut anywhere else
>ugly uglycreatures don't exist
>No harem
>No inpio
>No /ss/
Very shit taste
lolicon future
Very good taste
That doesn't seem like appropriate office attire to me...
School days as a VN has always being debatable., it's more of a interactive movie than anything.
People just call it a vn because anime, choices and sex
This but only loli x shota
What, is the School Days VN animated? I always thought the original was a standard VN.
anon that's its whole shtick
and what about that whole convoluted incest family tree? is that from a different VN?
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so https://vndb.org/v3896 is not a VN?
same universe, diff ge
>addiction to cosmetic surgeries
>crazy feminists
>obsession with ntr
>cooler neighbor
>shitty music
Korea really is a plotge country
It plays into the company's expanded universe of VNs, it's not really important in School Days by itself unless you get really turned on by the idea that Makoto is unknowingly committing incest.
/vn/ is the only human interaction I experience in my life. You all are my dearest friends.
are the h-scenes the only part that's animated? If so I'd give it a pass
Korean women look like Eve from Stellar Blade. Women in Ubisoft games look like transvestites.
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in order of attractiveness
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3 1 5 4 2
is what I'd say. 4 has a nice bod but kind of a weird face
I was talking out that uncanny valley but sure.
>crazy feminists
moege girls are always better than the MC
>obsession with ntr
>cooler neighbor
>shitty music
name one good moege song
yup, Korea do be moebuta country
My ranking is literally the opposite
>Makoto is unknowingly committing incest.
with who?
>name one good moege song
Gangnam Style
You ever just look at a CG and think, "Damn, why is her head so big?"
No, all if not most anons think "I wish that would be me".
I don't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure he's half siblings with Sekai's mom, making him her uncle (and meaning it's siblingcest when he fucks Youko herself)
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>unknowingly committing incest
>all if not most
try most if not all next time
Except you, Karenschizo
There is an unfortunate shortage of momge
You can use that sentence in reverse, though.
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everything is animated, are you going to say it's not a VN too?
that wasn't me the first time, but that puts it firmly in the School Days camp, i.e. a questionable inclusion
>name one good moege song
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bonus waterfight scene
Isn't porn illegal in korea?
I can almost see it
long black hair is peak sex
20000 eroge to blogpost and you choose the 3DPD gookslopa
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secret ending
>This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
well now I know not to ask my next girlfriend to wear paw gloves for me. Some things were never meant to leave the realm of 2D
We love JOP here
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Korea owns japan
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But who owns Korea?
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She's the villain, isn't she?
You're supposed to say >>>/jp/
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I love oppai lolis, especially Yuki!
>drop a random save
>click forward one line
>ge immediately crashes to desktop
sometimes my genius scares me
Just a routelet till shira took fujiko-hen
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What holy grail war is this ?
Are there even any vn heroines with some beefy lips? I've already looked at Karen, she doesn't have any.
1: This board is for the posting of video game "general" threads, which are long-term, recurring threads about a specific topic.
2: Western visual novels should be posted here, and Japanese visual novels on /jp/. Translated visual novels are allowed on either board.
Haguro from Majikoi
please just let me kill arianna
so your janny application got rejected, huh
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holy shit. is this a shitpost i've somehow missed or is this guy for wheelie right now?
The cast for Nekopara 4.
Nah Tom gonna use her as an aspull device again
Please, please just let me fuck the sister. I don't give a rrat's ass about cat girls.
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I'm surprised that there is no eroge version of Hetalia but with girls instead.
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>this off topic posts are not to my liking. Please kill yourself now!
>this one however is alright. Please keep posting it king!
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Which country would you want to fuck, /vn/?
>he wasn't even good enough to do it for free
I'd kill myself from the embarrassment
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Why doesn't Mion just shoot Takano?
But Hungary would cry over the lack of yaoi.
this but unironically. If I like it it's on topic, if I don't then it's not
That's why this general is called /vn/ not /evn/ or /wvn/
That shit is not welcome here but few exceptions. /jp/ is for japanese released, which is filled with JOPs.
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There should've JOP alignment chart
I would shove Chile traight up my urethra
One with no white women
but we already have eiyuu senki
The with big oppai white women
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I am just stoned enough for this to fuck with my head right now.
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Not countries per se, but I wish more VNs had heroines with more nationalities. Almost always its Japanese heroines and sometimes a single white woman.
>breaking the fourth wall
kusoge every time
Thailand for tall shotas, French for 12yo lolis (Moenovel prefered costumers), Usa for schizos, Latinos for autism, etc... my list is so long.
Japan would have a hard time resisting the urge to rape the Koreans. Also the Chinese. And the tourists judging by what American soldiers at Okinawa told me. And their own.
>American soldiers at Okinawa told me
Yes, these niggas love to rape cavils.
Japanese need to learn to rape Reinhard.
Read your first VN.
I need this vn right fucking now
/vn/ gonna discuss anything but real vns
Rape your first Reinhard.
The real world VNs are books like the Bible or Coran, and no way I'm gonna read that chuuni shit.
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Something like Sakura Taisen?
top 3 side heroines?
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Kinobros, we won
that looks like a port of the scuffed xbox version
Thailand is obviously for ladyboys.
Never was, I'll rather read the ancient True Love or Yu-no original.
you could say this was a never ever 24 years ago
We got a VN with a chinese heroine just a month ago.
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All-ages doesn't count.
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that's 100% of all CVNs
We got a VN with a canadian heroine.
I love it when heroines use gratuitous engrish.
>Canadian heroine
Day ruined
Minus the 3D characters and with a new opening video
We love leaves here
I want british and france ffm sex
Meh, up until the modulation it was pretty okay. Original was better though
Having an international harem ge would be hot
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We got a VN with hapa heroine
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egg laying ge?
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>pretend dating
Why is this garbage trope so common?
I believe you mean why is this kino trope so common
we already have Rance
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Middle > Left > Right
German and British heroines don't exist in Rance
My pure wives...
Nukitashi failed to be kamige because Jun is a dekachin and not a zako.
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because it wasn't set in a prison*
Damn her design is beautiful
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>VN mc travels the world to fuck women of all nations
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This but travels the universe to fuck women of all planets.
Why has no one done this ge?
Why didn't Tom Bombadil tell Frodo not to go near the spoopy graves?
I get the feeling we already have those.
Eiyuu Senki
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Love this shotacon
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Too fantasy, and doesn't have IRL nations
your fetish accidentally leaked in there, negromasasis.
>muramasa out of nowhere
quite literally obsessed
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the fuck is a panther pose
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where is his right leg

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