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Previous: >>502449258

>7th Anniversary Stream
>8/1 Stream
>Senran Kagura Runner app announced: Senran KaguRUN!

>Complete Character Listing
>NewWave card wiki
>New Link doc
>Newest Fanart

>MarvelousAQL Senran Kagura Site
>Official series' Twitter
>Official Shinomas Twitter
>Creator's Twitter
>Official Artist's Twitter
first for snek
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rest in peace
Need brown sugar.
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ageha sexo
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Yugiri needs food. Badly.
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The stream for VGL 23 group stage draw is now live

Is that babu drunk? What is he gonna do to her?
I'm feeling the need.
gotta be one of my favorite artists that does Senran Kagura fanart.
Oh shit, Haruka is raping Imu again
Is it still rape if Haruka dressed up as Miyabi?
Well Imu is crying and begging Haruyabi to stop, so yes
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Yeah, Azure Sakura is great.
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/skg/ is in Group A with the defending VGL champion Granblue Fantasy General (/gbfg/), Fate/Grand Order NA General (/fgoalter/), and The Idolm@ster General (/@/).

The girls' first match of the new season will be at home hosting /@/ in the second official Asami Imai Bowl this Friday at around 17:40 UTC (12:40pm EST). See you on Friday, skeegee!
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Worshipping demon pussy.
Why do I have a sudden desire to reproduce?
Have the Senrans ever competed against the cripples?
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Must be those oranges
You mean /ksg/? Yes they met in group stage way back in VGL 8 which ended in a 3-1 victory by the Senrans
Marry, princess carry, start a family, house on the beach, grow old together, spoil grandkids with, pass away within a week of each other
Anal, marry, anal, princess carry, anal, start a family, anal, house on the beach, anal, grow old together, anal, spoil grandkids with, anal, pass away within a week of each other
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Fucking criminal we haven't had the three blueberries of eating, sleeping, and fucking together in one image
Okay, now that a new thread was made, let's go with Fububu vs Puffy Fluffy

>The chapter starts mid battle. Daidouji, Rin, Fubuki, Gekko and Senko are all struggling
>Fubuki tells their opponent she already knew she was a strong yoma, but the way she's fighting now is completely different. That opponent is Rasetsu

>A few minutes before, the group is fighting a swarm of yoma
>Gekko and Senko are starting to feel a bit overwhelmed, but on the other hand, Dai, Rin and Fub easily defeat the lesser yoma
>Rin notices the yoma are acting different than usual and thinks it must be Shin's influence. Daidouji is actually enjoying the harsh fight
>The sisters start doubting themselves and wonder if it was a good idea to go with them as replacements of Jasmine and Ryoki
>Dai and Rin tell them both to be confident in their strength and skills, which can be compared to professional shinobi despite them still being in middle school
>Fubuki says they trust them, which means doubting themselves also means doubting their mentors
>The sisters apologize and are now in high spirits thanks to the words of the older shinobi
>They keep defeating yoma with no end in sight, until suddenly, Rasetsu appears with a surprise attack
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Will the Yoma ever pull a Samson Option?
Good lord they're short
>Daidouji is ashamed she couldn't feel Rasetsu's presence, while Rin feels she's currently way stronger than Shura, and at the same time notices there's a dark aura around her
>Gekko and Senko think it might have to do with Shin's influence
>Fubuki tries to reason with Rasetsu, but she's acting like a beast and immediately attack
>The sister jump to defend Fub, and both go down
>Rasetsu regains a bit of her conscience and tells Fub this tragedy will keep repeating over and over, and how she curses everyone she interacts with
>Rasetsu also says she should be the one protecting Fub, and the later asks her if she reminds her of her mother, but Rasetsu goes beast mode again
>Dai and Rin step in and tell Rasetsu they might not know the details about her past, but Fubuki is an important friend to them
>Dai adds that even if she's strong, she has no spirit, and she's just fighting like some sad animal, so there's no way she can defeat them
>Despite Dai's words, Rasetsu is still a formidable opponent to them, but Rin keeps her confidence, and asks Dai if she feels the same
>Dai's blood is bouling while feeling the beauty of death from their current situation, and she remembers the times she fought with Rin before
>Rin tells Dai this fight will count as her graduation exam, and even if she's ready to die here, she reminds her the promise to come back alive
>Dai always imagined her life would end in battle, but that won't happen before she masters the way of the shinobi, and so both get ready to fight seriously

>Rasetsu is getting overwhelmed by Dai and Rin
>Gekko and Senko watch the fight and decide to join them
>Fubuki says that even if Rasetsu lost her mind, she must be stopped regardless, and so joins the fight as well
>The team has the upper hand, but Fubuki feels there's something wrong and tells the rest to move away
>Rasetsu's dark aura grows stronger, and she manages to blow Dai and Rin away
>Rasetsu starts talking again, and tries to convince Fubuki to abandon the shinobi and follow her yoma blood. As expected, Fubuki rejects the offer, which angers Rasetsu
>Gekko and Senko tell Rasetsu Fubuki is not a yoma, and that she should understand why she chose her current way of life
>Fub tells the sisters to run away, but it's too late and Rasetsu knocks both away as well
>Rasetsu once again tells Fubuki that for her, interacting with humans will always end like this, and that she should learn from her mistakes and go with the yoma instead
>Fubu is now starting to doubt herself, and Rasetsu takes advantage telling her she will always accept her. Fub thinks it's the dark aura that's messing with her head
>The sisters manage to get up despite their wounds to say that even if they are going to end in disgrace, they won't give up on Fubuki beacuse she's the most important person to them, and they will always protect her
>Rin joins and says she doesn't regret accepting her as a friend, and Dai says they don't care about the past and only look forward
>Rasetsu is annoyed at shinobi for always saying the same things, but without power their words are meaningless, and the battle starts once again
>Fubuki now gets serious and goes into her shinobi transformation
>She tells the sisters she wants to protect them as much as they do, and doesn't want to lose anyone again, and for all the ones she lost, she'll keep moving forward
>Fub tells Rasetsu she probably regrets her own actions too, regarding her mother, and her father too
>She said she would've been able to protect her mother if she stayed with the yoma, but Fubuki doesn't think her parents were unhappy with their lifes like Rasetsu told her, and that in her memories, they were always smiling, and thells Rasetsu everything she told her was wrong
>Rasetsu is now the one doubting herself
>Fubuki accepts her blood is half yoma, and that fact remains even if she chose to follow the path of the shinobi, but she will overcome her past and break away from Rasetsu
>Rasetsu doesn't want to be rejected again, and goes beast mode and charges towards Fub, but once again the sisters intervene, but this time manage to hold against Rasetsu
>They say that Fubuki's suffering is their suffering too, so they'll go through this together
>Rin and Dai don't wanna miss the fun and tell Fub to fight as a team
>Fubuki is happy to realize she's not alone anymore
>Rasetsu is now weakened and the dark aura that surrounded her is disappearing
>She comes back to her senses and starts talking to Fub. She says that even if her mother is gone, she should've known that Fub doesn't need her to protect her anymore
>She tells Fub to laugh at her for her foolishness and human-like dreams, but Fub is actually grateful for all she did for her
>Fub says she was a necessary presence in her life, and she has no intention of pretending that never happened, so even if this is an eternal farewell, her memories won't disappear
>Rasetsu says that for yoma, destruction is almost like instinct, but she wants Fubuki too keep living, and that she was born because she was wanted, and to promise not to give in to the sadness
>Rasetsu realizes it's time for their last farewell, but she's glad she got to talk to her one last time. And so, just like Shura, Rasetsu fades into nothing
>Fubuki says good bye to Rasetsu one last time. She's also grateful for not letting her accept Rasetsu invitation, and apologizes for doubting even though she knew everyone in the shinobi base already accepted her
>The sisters tell Fub that no matter what happens, they'll always be together
>Dai and Rin tell her there's no one at the base who doubts her, and that the base itself is her home too
>With enough red orbs gather from the yoma and Rasetsu, Fub tells the rest to return to Kagura, and to keep on living

And that's it, until the anniversary at least.
I'm gonna miss Rasetsu
I'm gonna miss [insert that one who you forgot exists here].
puffy fluffy
im sad
There's Rasetsu, Red Shura, Blue Shura and Yasha, no one else right?
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no one's ever really gone
As long as Dogen and his bitch wife stay dead, sure
>/sthg/ with /egg/
You can't make this shit up
I'm in need of yoma porn
Shut up Dogen just go look at your big tiddy wife.
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We'll be a monster fucker series one day
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Rasetsu, Yasha, and Reki are pretty hot, so that's understandable.
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Reki isn't a monster, she's cute.
IIRC she's a sentient yoma possessing the body of a tiddyninja. Her yoma form has never been shown but Hibbers said it doesn't have human arms, so I assume it has moth wings like Yasha's bird wings
I am going to fuck her and you can't stop me.
Miggers too.
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Miki is sex too
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what about Miki and Reki's friend crazy boobs?
Why didn't Yaomai draw any of the crazyheads?
>ywn fug resetsu while hugging her tail because this artist forgot to draw it
Imagine the smell.
why she got baby feet tho
Given how she towers over the Senrans, I doubt she would even be able to feel your dick. Also, I wonder if she could take arms in both holes?
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Did someone say babu
yomas have no holes
Then how was Foob conceived?
Back of the knee, maybe
A big yoma
I'm happy to announce I got Murasaki pregnant and she's expecting in the summer.
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That was Yozakura.
Impossible challenge: don't make a covid-19 joke after looking at this image
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I need an assdere in my life.
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I need a deer ass in my face.
Kafuru should be the victim of breast expansion more often
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B & C
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D, B, C, then A, then D again, then C again
C but on a more on-model body
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