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Schemed edition

>Steam Sale

1d6chan: https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts: https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/
Trailer - TWO DAYS!
Dev chat; Patch 6.0 - What's Next? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jonQ2jNsVos [Embed]
Hotfix 5.3.1: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/forums/7-patch-notes-amp-announcements/threads/7699-total-war-warhammer-iii-hotfix-5-3-1?page=1
Patch 5.3 - part 1 - general changes: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/blogs/34-total-war-warhammer-iii-patch-5-3-0
Patch 5.3 - part 2 - balance details: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/forums/7-patch-notes-amp-announcements/threads/7586-total-war-warhammer-iii-patch-5-3-0-battle-balance-details?page=1

>Total War: Empire for Android and iOS
Appstore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/total-war-empire/id6448530928
Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.feralinteractive.empire_android&hl=en-US

>Total War: Three Kingdoms
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/779340
Patch notes 1.7.2: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/779340/view/3677786186780517944

>Older Titles
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/TotalWar-Official/
First for Miquella!
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Real thread
Leave the Squiretranny cope thread
Wood elves bounce on ratchad cock
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Thanquol soon, friends!
take the L, ratniggers
Both the threadmakers this time are seething schizos.
Be a good person
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Rats bad.
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FUCK i crusaded to wrong fucking city. Crusade was called for Cairo i went and conquered Jerusalem like a fucking robot now my units are deserting en masse FUUUUCCCCKKKKK
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stop shilling your thread
What thread, friend?
Force of habit, huh?
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>deleted it and remade
Wanna hear a joke /twg/?
Not the seething ratschizo, it's hilarious he made that same mistake too. This is genuinely what happens when you have two seething dipshits rushing to make OPs.
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>tomb kings keep sending full stacks of late game constructs to me every few turns
I'm honestly flattered but it's expensive having to sit a full, good army at the Awakening to repel these fuckers constantly
Post income.
I Just played a teheniun campaign where ikit claw kept spamming stacks onto my coastal cities, i assumed it was to do with his specific campaign mechanics but now im wondering if they brought anti player bias back in the last patch
Can I get a QRD on the schizos you guys are talking about?
I retvrned after a few months when I saw the trailer reveal tease. What did I miss?
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IRS pls leave me alone, I have no money

Possibly. Tbf on mine at least, I allied with Arkhan early because I wanted TK units in my armies for fun, then he got wiped by Settra leaving me at war with him.
wtf does Righteous Zeal do for Volkmar?
Tyrion's half upkeep for low tier infantry is such a double edged sword, was great early on but now that I can recruit silverins and sisters he's playing second fiddle to an archmage who has those.
All the squirecuck schizos are seething that rats are in the OP and their shitty cuck meme got destroyed.
Squirefaggot can't please his elf whore with his micropenis so she willingly gets her holes anhiliated by musky rat cock and primal beastcock while the cuck watches.
Go back and learn, then, anon. The archives aren't going anywhere–they're there for a reason.
That's more than enough for a new stack.
Ratschizo has been making his squire seething thread for two months now, the legendschizo also said he was going to make the next OP just to remove Pharaoh (but keep 3K lmao) and both fucked it up because all they care about is spamming their mental illness.
I can already see this is schizobabble from just how it's written.
Thanks. I know Legend shat on Pharaoh (despite not playing it) so makes sense his fanboys are parroting him, but what caused the rat vs squire stuff?
Someone used thw same thread image multiple times in a row so people got annoyed and started ignoring threads with that image and making one after, the person that kept using the same image got annoyed and started making the thread earlier and earlier, which led to people making the actual thread earlier and earlier too so now we always do it at 750 annoyingly
Bretonnia was announced to be getting a rework in one of CA's chat videos, skaven weren't. That was legitimately enough to set one of the ratfags off and now he's been spamming OPs with the same image for about two months now.
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Squires won.
Lmao, holy shit what a mentally ill faggot. Some people need to be denied internet access.
My pc keeps overheating and crashing... :c
You keep asking dumb questions you can easily find out yourself without shitting up the thread. Stick around and not be a newfag or go to the archives. You uselessly asking about it doesn't help the situation, quite the contrary. A shame on the retards spoonfeeding.
There are like 10 anons ITT with an extra 5-10 dropping by every now and then, so only like 15 on a good but 4 of those are unhinged retards who should take a break from this site.
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Won liters of rqt and beast cum in elf whore's pussy and gaped anus.
>not be a newfag
I'm not mate, I just took a break from both TW and the general. I asked a short question since other anons were talking about it.
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Not one post so far in this thread meets my lowest standards for acceptable posts in my threads. There is only two weeks left of fishtank. Improve, or there will be problems.
We need one of him and hi elf gf murdering the ratfag's avatar to further mindbreak the schizo.
The thread will improve once the DLC is out, assuming it doesn't end up being a SoC trashfire again. The few weeks leading up to the trailer and release are always the worst.
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No-furs weak!
Someone red pill me. I'm a newb.
CA needs to hurry it up then.
See >>503501049 and >>503501439
Ehy did you not (you) my post
But who is squire? Why does he love Bretonnia? I do too
Hes a tutorial LL before you start playing an actual fun LL aka not a HElf one or a fun HElf campaign like Imrik, Alith Anar or Teclis
He loves Bretonnia because....he's a Bretonnian.
Squire is a meme OC in the general lurk moar or use archive to learn the details.
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>new in 44 hours
does this artist actually draw porn, i've been teased too many times now
>interracial cuckposters
>white human guy dating a white elven(human with pointy ears) woman is blacked equivalent
I have such autism from standardizing every single Rome 1 army I had to be the same for years because like I keep trying (and failing) to like craft the "perfect" balanced army setup for any faction I play but like can never get itbfigured out. Two generals, 4 hastati, 4 principles, 2 triarii, 4 equites, 0-2 artillery. It's burned in my brain
Compared to elves h*mans are barely better than animals
it's noldorfag
White human x white elf is OTP though
The game gets so much more fun one you mod out morale
A history god...here of all places...what brings you to the desecrated halls of /twg/ my leige? I kneel.
Mhmm...Medieval 2...Home
Sis your velites???
Mod out as in everyone is unbreakable? Yeah, of course your having fun cheating so hard.
I kneel.....
I forgot to mention them, that's only 16-18 so the other 2-4 is filled up with velites
I sometimes cut down all those numbers by half and do a half stack
the AI is functionally unbreakable most of the time anyway
Play on legendary 70% of enemy units fight to the death anyway
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>game without mods
>instant loading screens and no frame rate drops
>game with TWO(2) mods(Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords and Mixu's Unlocker)
>~60 second load time for campaign and ~30 seconds for battles
What causes this? Does the game scan your entire PC for the mods everytime???
Sorta true considering most victories made by the player are caused by army loss breaks.
I've been away for a long time, how did you people break a ratfag this hard? What did you do to him?
The Fay Enchantress and Repanse should kiss.
Nothing. CA broke him by announcing Bret update and no Skaven one.
Spit on him.
Ignored him.
Had fun. (This one is the most effective method.)
/twg/ is Ranni territory
I wish I knew. Sqvire isnt even posted that often maybe once per thread if even that.
if I do not yet own any DLC and can't stop playing Be'lakor should I buy the DLCs that add the other WoC LLs
Mixu's does a BUNCH of scripts, but it's honestly worth it.
I grew up dealing with ultra modded skyrim load times (came out when I was 10, was allowed to play it not much later). We're talking 60+ second load screens to enter buildings, and 5+ minute loading for new dungeons and fast travel. Let alone the 15 minute save loading screen
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Yes, you get cool units
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Why would ratfags even complain about that? Their roster is stacked and in a good place. They expected the gorillon of stuff they gotten during WH2 days would be constant?
It's the squirecuck falseflagging, it began after people started pointing out his interracial cuck spam, only he would be autistic enough to spam OPs like this
Skaven will not be complete until they add an underempire map layer to IE and adding an alternative to IE that is ONLY the underempire
You vill get ze deeps reskin for undercity rework and you vill like it.
>/twg/ is Ranni territory
We're Melina thobeit
No one is buying it ratschizo
This began 10th of September, when the dev video confirming Bret rework started, proofs: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/filename/dead%20squire/page/2/ & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTHkI2GSVJw
This was posted under his old filename, he uses a different one now since jannies banned the first, according to the ratfag.
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You mean Sellen?
Just play Kislev, then. They're such a retard-proof and awfully designed faction, they have a passive that gives you free unbreakable!
Will the Frenzied Flame be a horde faction like the beastmen?
Sellen is Bretonniapilled
The free unbreakable doesn't even work well when playing against it, because it happens when the unit is pretty much dead and ineffective.
>squireschizo has a bunch of falseflag posts no one cares about saved so he can gaslight and rewrite history
No one is buying it
Yeah, thats why I play Kislev instead of cheating
>t. Ungrim Ironfist
She's too pretty to be a bretonnian. She has that Gothmom energy.
Nah, frenzied flame plays tall with the eye towers spreading frenzy. You steal other units with frenzy, or outright kill them. Your base units are rats.
You're not even trying ratfag
You use the same lingo in these "third party" posts as you do in your usual shitposts
The hardest part of Ursuns campaign so far is the first 2 manual fights against the Khorne settlement, after that its literally smooth sailing
>Archaon sends a stack and a half against me and attacks my Kossar spam army
>Pyrrhic Victory with no lost units
>Sends a fullstack of The Kul after me, dies to a Druzhina with only 4 Kossars and a Patriarch
>repeat process when close to Archaons capital
>besiege it because his vassal is too retarded to save the capital
Then after Archaon dies you can start having a lot of fun
1 general
2 equites
5 hastati
5 principles
3 triarii
4 velites
this is the correct army, see me after class
But most stuff I read Saif that there's half as many triarii as hastati
Also I usually like pair up a young general with an old general to like act as his mentor and like to take over for him once he gets old and retires/dies
Also like I eill usually imagine what their working or personal relationship is with eachother based on how the battles go and their traits
>In Shogun 2 the weakest spearmen can beat the strongest late game elite cav 1v1 due to spearwall
>In nu-""""Total War"""" it's all just stat wank some elite high tier spears can lose to elite cav if that cav has enough buffs along with great base stats, turning them into demigods with buffs from generals/items/tech, no strategy just stats
So why the fuck aren't there any cute girl Lords for Chaos?
It's literally Chaos. The rules of needing to be male to be strong do not apply. We could have a cute Three Armed Bimbo for Slannesh or a puking chubby waifu for nurgle.
But we've got shit.
Why does TCA hate women?
Is Legendary Characters any good or is it just bloatslop
>no 2smart4u qt tzeench gf
3 is pretty much half of 5. Don’t you dare look that up nerd
if you don't arrange your maniples in a quincunx then you didn't beat the game
>chaff unit is so good it trivializes the game
this is not the own you think it is
At this point it's pure bloat
Nothing in there is particularly broken but I don't want to enable/disable a gorillion characters when I just wanted one or two of them
Anon obviously do, I even retreat the hastati behind the principes and then the triarii through the principes and then back to the hastati if necessary and this was actually good and worked in DEI btw
Do you need to mind the AI's seductive influence or is the AI unable to use that system against the player?
It's solidly okay and if it'll work in your mod list (it's very unckmpatible imo) then I reccomend teying it
Idk if they changed/fixed it but I remember unisntalling it because the mod authors were stubborn and refused to remove their version of Ulrika that looked like an ugly butch lesbian when like Ulrika released so like there were two Ulrikas in thw game if you used it, rather than them like just like updating the one that CA added to give her the modded abilities
At this point, even though he's one of my least favorite Gods, and she'd probably have a bird beak or some shit, I'd take it.
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1 General, 19 incediary pigs
Is that the thing where Slannesh factions can steal units? I'm pretty sure that exists for comps too.
Seems pretty based.
This post by Black Powder Bomb Ashigaru gang.
They'll mark your characters if you lose a battle to them but they can't actually do anything to you with influence
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We'll probably get Masque for Slaanesh
Valkia is very cute.
gross post Dechala she at least has potential.
The only enemies I autoresolve against are Chorfs, Dwarfs and Wood Elves
Best (elf)girl get the squire in the end.
Bladesinger hag (she doesn't want it to be known but she is over 1200 years old already) can only seethe.
Is there a single potential DLC slaanesh character that's attractive?
Not really.
Sigvald I think? He's specifically said to look completely uncorrupted externally at least
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Hey Noltard, how ya been?
Your army is slow as fuck
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>mfw CA forgot about the lizardmen
No, that's... kinda the point.
Siggy is the ONLY non-hideous one.

Just because she has 2 tits?
Boris Todbringer's 13 year old wife.
She's a snek
she dead and been dead since before Boris lost his eye
We need a sauropod unit, Dread Saurians are too damn small!
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Best i can do is cute elf of chaos.
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Honestly this guy is just as likely, he's the Storm of Chaos chosen.

We are going to get masque (She's literally the only Harald of slaanesh, like how Skulltaker is the Harald of Khorne, and Epidimius is the Herald of Nurgle, and how the Changeling is sorta the hief Herald of Tzeench even if he never does Tzeench's plans {all according to plan mwahaha})
What's the largest single entity monster?
muh dick
>her new campaign screen animation where she licks her lips with that big black tongue
Bit of a discovery.
No she is not.
I'd take it, desu.
It's bad when the fucking Hag Queen-Dowager and Sigvald are the only examples of actually attractive chaos fags in the game.
That's sooooooooo funny
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>An elf fucking with a kegh-mon is equivalent to bestiality
The only ones doing it are degenerate Druchii and Teclis the kissless virigin.
>No, that's... kinda the point.
The point is that the horny demons of gigafucking are all ugly? We could at least have sexy mortals serving them. Female ones I mean.
It is actually true. I mean, Humans live like 60 years tops in Medieval times. So an elf would view them like dogs.
The point is that they corrupt your morality and sensibilities until yoy want to fuck the ugly thing
Kholek but he's cheating as once he vassalizes say 20 factions he's LITERALLY too strong to hurt.
Besides him, I wanna say the Ogre SEM is up there, right next to the Herotitan and Necrosphinx. The Clay Soldier is also huge.

So much ecstasy makes you ugly.
Sounds gay. How do they tempt people who are normal? Even Nurgle is more tempting. "Hey yo homie you're going to die shitting yourself anyway so what if you enjoy it instead of worrying?"
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> the only examples of actually attractive chaos fags in the game.
How do irl ugly people get people to have sex with them for thebfirst time? Money, getting them addicted to drugs, rape, blackmail, whatever
The Dread Saurian, Rogue Idol and War Mammoth are enormous.
Where hair
is that a NIPPLE?!?!?!?!?
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The point is that they corrupt your morality and sensibilities until yoy want the ugly thing to fuck you
Well, they don't look like that normally. It's explained more in 40k but since it's the same Slaanesh we can assume it works both ways. Basically, the Daemonettes when tempting look EXACTLY how you want. The hottest person you can think of? They look hotter. And they'll offer you the best wine, the sweetest grapes, the tastiest chocolate, and offer to sleep with you all for free. The same thing happens the next day, and the next, until you get bored. So they give you new ideas for sex, what if she looked just as hot, but as a 15 year old, or as an 80 year old. What if she looked the same, but she pegged you, new pleasures.

This process repeats ad nauseam until you'd fuck that ugly bitch because anything else is too vanilla.
This is basically why all the elite fuck kids on private islands
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try https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2821600897
So why don't they look hot conventionally since we're perceiving them?
Sigvlad forces them to shave their heads because he cannot tolerate elves to have prettier hair than him.
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The Hound's reward really is the shittiest one, I could have had Azrik or Burplesmirk 1vs4ing armies.
>1vs4ing armies.
Sounds boring
Exactly, If the bitch was real she'd love the Hollywood pedo rings. Nurgle on the other hand would love India and China. Khorne would be in love with the middle east, and Tzeench would be bored.

We're playing as Slaanesh (or whatever god the faction worships). We see through the disguises.
Also, when they're fighting, they don't bother disguising themselves.
Looks ugly imo still....
It honestly is boring choosing the same boons every single campaign, I wanted to spice it up with Khorne and got punished by level 50 heroes buttfucking Killgore on the campaign map.
This is much more accurate to what we *should* see as most factions.
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Chaos lost.
Order won.
Made for human men (me)
They weren't always all ugly but since GW wants to sell their minis to kids as well we can't have nice things.

GW's cope with selling ugly daemonettes now is that "they show their true form in combat" which is bullshit because old daemonettes were hot even in the middle of combat as their old art shows. I'd post an example but even if it is canon art it has nipples etc etc
Built for BBC (Big Bretonnian Cock)
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Based fellow baldfag. Also she better have a small love heart shaped bush.
Gayos never stood a chance
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What do you mean, elgi ?!
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True. WE got spearmani and artillery. They got gay ass shit like magic and warping. Joke's on you fags you're dead.
WE also got MAMMOTHS and FIMIR.
Also Wolves... they are strong
Norsca's roster is really damn good and easy. Too bad the (single) generic lord is so lame.
like to slap her bald head
share to slap her bald head
There's a reason I use OVN Fimir, they are too fun to just be bound to norsca's shitty mechanics. Also why I made a beast army in my Tommy run with the skinwolf hero.
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I'm sad we didn't get these guys as a hero for nurgle at some point.
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How... Chaotic.
Give Belakor undivided daemon units, CA
nurgle is too stinky. i dont like him.
He can take away your sense of smell, don't worry
One thing I've never understood is that she worships the chaos gods, which are usually pretty evil and morally bad, but she herself is generally lighthearted in art and stuff. That is unexpected from what you'd think she'd be like!
Snotling Pump Wagons (Fappa's)
That was literally a reoccurring joke in the comics the guy did.
Basically, she's meant to be the "Chaos child." She's only like... 15, and is meant to be "Babi's first chaos"
That's atypical from what you think of when you think of a chaos cultist!
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>ai sloppa
Man, it would be really scary to be an Empire halberdier and have to fight things like this on the daily. Their attrition rates must be through the roof!
Why is it so hard to make fellow lizards like me? They won't ever sign any deal above nap/trade and they're picky assholes even about those two agreements
You Oxy or Tehen?
Because Tehen has an outright negative to his diplo, and Oxy... he never shares common enemies.
But, due to how the AI is, your same race won't declare war unless your in the orange for diplomacy.
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Here is your Gift of Slaanesh bro.
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Don't bother, better destroy them yourself for confederation instead of diplomacy. The cold-blooded rule is fucking retarded
That's cause they're Druchi. Dark elves are mostly rather ugly.
wonder why Mossa decided to do Fan art of her now when she has been a dead meme for years
Probably to regain good faith after the beastman girl controversy (People got pissy that Mossa drew loli guro)
well they don't as outside of one Village of Nordland there basically only exist in Norsca
most state troops fight random Bandits, leaderless ungors, petty Barons Goblins or peasants angry about taxes
Changebringers are a lot of fun they just do so much damage and are pretty mobile
judging by Reddit they still want to bring out the Loli and Guro stuff because apparently the concept of a Grim Dark setting being Grim Dark is beyond them.
i do find it odd that Mossa gets so much Fan art of his(or maybe hers) work like the Longshank girl
Yeah, it's annoying. As Tehenhauin, the only allies I can easily get are High Elves. They like lizards and are the most reliable people in the game. I left the Citadel of Dusk Elves alone because they are very reasonable and allied me. The Dwarfs are probably the only faction more unreasonable than other Lizardmen, they just aren't worth dealing with and should be killed whenever you can unless you're also a Dwarf or maybe Empire
Loli guro thing is just made up by reddit, he never did that
As Tiktaq'to, one of my strongest, staunchest allies is Thorek.

I don't fucking know, I don't fucking care, I'm just regurgitating what the controversy was over, I don't care if it was true as I didn't care if he drew it.
why are all the dark elf reskins so ass and then you have asur cosmetics which looks so fitting
I know I'm just saying
Maybe as Tiktaq'to he will warm up to you, but as Tehenhauin the Bearded Skull Dwarfs were clearly up to no good, refusing all treaties, so I had to kill them. I killed them before I started to destroy Pestilens because from my experiences as Wood Elves, High Elves and Kislev, Dwarfs with no NAP are going to stab you in the back at the first available opportunity
Best solution is always to join a war via friendship join wars, and try to get a NAP off that (the military access will come fast after that)
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Yes she is.
'edgy' or evil aesthetics are much harder to pull off than any sort of 'good' or order. Not just exclusively for warhammer, just a general principle. And by "pull off" I mean where it's decent and fitting.
Mossa does not give a single shit what reddit thinks.
Why not? I care a lot what reddit thinks of me
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So ?
Morathi needs MUCH bigger hair.
legend's take about military buildings being bad was a shit take. he is too mindbroken by his own retarded way of playing that he can't see the real problem. the solution is not to make more units available t0, it's to make t0 shitstacks weaker so you can't play half the game using them. military buildings seem like a bad deal compared to income buildings because you don't actually need the units they provide. if the game was properly balanced so that you couldn't conquer past your starting province without higher tech units there would be much more incentive to make them.
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knot ?
>it's to make t0 shitstacks weaker so you can't play half the game using them
what the fuck.
They actually did it.
They ruined Hochland Scopes. They took my fun and deleted it. CA is evil.
This. If end game units were significantly cheaper for instance, people would rush them and it'd be fun to play with them. Maybe a yin/yang system or something with diminishing returns to try and prevent doomstacking too
High Elves are for Imperials.
Wood Elves are for Bretonnians.
Dark Elves are for Norscans.

It's just how it works.
The ultimate issue is that tier zero ranged units specifically, like High Elf archers, are too good compared to everything else available at that point.
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Now this looks like a job for me
what happened to beastjeet, he still isn't back
Magic is crazy, archers are way too accurate. They need to solve this two things first, before making any changes to buildings.
Playing vamp coast lately made me miss arches really badly. Also made me realize how much more balanced guns are than bows. Even with their insane armor piercing, they spend half the battle unable to fire at all because there's a 10 foot elevation issue or one of your units is mildly blocking their view
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>nooo I can't have fun if I'm not cheating with 400 range gunners

endgame unit availability doesn't matter in this case, although they probably are too hard to get. the problem with crapstacks is two fold. first the ai is way too stupid. cheese like 15 archers in one army should never work and doesn't work against a human opponent. second campaign buffs are too strong. what is the point of recruiting tier 2 units if red line buffs make t0 units as strong as tier 3 ones? t0 units need to be brought in line with conscript tier units in older games where they were just units you use in the first 5 turns before you can recruit better shit or meatshields you can fill a garrison army with in an emergency.
*Dark Elves are for Kislevites.
Or maybe Cathayans, if Lokhir's starting position is anything to go by.
Dlc this week?
it's always funny to me that the main home of all Chaos in the Warhammer fantasy universe is the poles. Every time I see a Slaaneshi faction in the Chaos Wastes and start imagining a rape dungeon the size of a city located in the fantasy equivalent of Yakutsk I can't take it seriously at all
Actually, the more closer to pole, the more hotter it gets. It's also illustrated in WH3 bear rescue prologue. Time and space is warped too, you might actually never get to the chaos gates.
All military buildings should have an effect besides being able to recruit a unit ohterwise I just build 1 military unit at most in my campaigns, simply put he is right
I need an image of Total war 3kingdoms Lingqi( the Beast daughter).
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>High Elves are for Imperials.
Too far away from each other, Imperials have more chance to be paired with Eonirs.
High Elves should be with Marienburgers.
>Dark Elves are for Norscans.
Norsca is very far from Naggaroth but i guess you mean "Chaos borthmen" ?
>contributed cool mods for Bretonnia
>quality posts across /twg/ threads

simple as.
How does one bow ironically?
Druchii women are for Imperials because Malekith has ancient claim on the Nordland region
A reminder that Total War 40k III (2030) will literally feature an SEM spam race (Imperial Knights). Will you rejoice and send Legend a superchat when the DLC arrives?
It doesn't have to be ironic looking, ut just could be that it's DONE ironically
i only get max 3 engineers.
>nooo the game is so unbalanced when players have gunners with +30% range aaa nerf iiiiiiiit!!!!
death to CA
>High Elves are for Imperials.
Anon, empire has their own elves. They're like a mix between High elves and Wood elves
I've felt that the AI has become drastically better at dealing with ranged spam. If I don't have a really solid box protecting mine, their chariots and cav will sneak through the gaps and hunt my archers down hard. Also if they have any big, heavy single unit monsters or lords those fuckers run right through and mess up my ranged immediately
Lu Linqi soon!
Sweatie, you shouldn't say that, games don't ever get better, all the like good things are in the past and old games, don't you know that?
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Lin Guine soon!
Who are the most powerful WoC lords in combat? Don't care about faction effects, wanna know who to go after as Archaon or Be'lakor.
bloat, every empire modders then to bloat the fuck out of their mod
Those two are about tied imo because Archaon gets a higher amount of the destructive spells, but like I'd give it to belakor because he can heal off if terrified units and like thw fact that he can fly so he can like be wherever you want him to be
Belakor is closer to more options to go after like Azazel, Sigvald, Valkia and Festus who are all pretty solid in general while I would say for one-man army stacks, Archaon is close to Vilitch and Kholek who with a proper army (or even by themselves) will just fuck everything up. You will have to beat all of these into submission but I do think Archaon is a lot safer AI wise while Belakor will sometimes just get wiped out by Louen so Belakor start is better for that too.
Definitely bloat but you can enable or disable any character you want and there's quite a few fun ones in there so there's no point in not getting it if you want Aurelion for instance.
What if I don't want Aurelion
Then you can disable her. She was just an example, there's plenty of other characters in there.
See >>503524751
What if I don't want any of the characters? Is the mod still good then?
like John Reeves Davies does in this clip from Shogun
yes you can disable all of them
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Total War tier list:
Warhammer 3 > Rome 2 > Attila > Three Kingdoms
I'm the same with the addition of WH2 between R2 and Attila. I have a soft spot for it, still holds up well and looks very nice.
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What if Total war: arcane
who is the viktor of wh3
Hugs with Sisters of Twighlight
>massive nerd
I say Teclis.
Warhammer 3 >= Medieval 2 >= Attila: Age of Charlemagne > Attila > Napoleon > Rome 2 > dogshit > Empire
the second season shit the bed...badly.
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>Bashes your fucking head in peacefuly
It wasn't that bad. It could have been better though.
mossa is a proper total war enjoyer and the best most consistent source of fanart of this franchise for years and I won't tolerate r*dditor slander in this thread
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when you compare anything to season 1 it's always going to look like shit, but the ending of s2 was really good, it had problems with pacing in the first two act though
AoC is dogshit, I dunno how it got memed into somehow being one of the best TW experiences ever.
despoilers cum
Worse thing about that video was he fucking chose the worst example to try to make him retarded point. Empire buildings after the rework are all worth building because all of them are 1 turn to build and give hero caps.

And he still thinks Empire swordsman and shielded spears are useless because he is stuck in wh2 brainrot.

I am honestly starting to see why CA kept ignoring him during the wh3 early access. He cant see beyond his retarded way of "I MUST CHEESE AND BRAKE THE GAMEEE!!!!"
I've seen it.
Despoil 'er s cum? I barely know 'er!
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League of Lesbians could make a good saga game but a lot of factions don't field armies.
You havent
Thin characters font count if you're thinking of the one with red hair
It didn't, it just so happens that the greatest Total War mod ever made uses it as a dependency, Age of Charlemagne was actually shit.
Wow! I can't wait to buy the melee blob DLC!
Gelt, unironically.
This but unironically.
It's actually Archaon, the only difference is that he is a hothead and can't be talked down before he blows up the world.
We unironically need to go back to peasant tier (as in rout in five seconds and are useless for anything beyond delaying the enemy as much as possible) units being the only thing you can recruit without military buildings. This all started with Shogun 2 having yari ashigaru require no buildings and then carry you throughout half the game.
This but unironically
The third act of season 2 was shit. The only good thing that came out of that was episode 7, but 8 and 9 shit the bed.
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>Elven "wisdom"
But Volound said Shogun 2 was flawless???
If you want low leadership units:
Play Attila and rear-charge enemy barbarians with Scout Equites.
I love Attila despite its flaws but its balancing really needs to never be replicated. I don't know what retard decided Spet Xyon archers needed to be a thing but I hope they were fired in the last round of layoffs.
No, he didn't. He's fair about criticising older titles. It's just that later games are flawed to the point where it cannot be overlooked by anyone who isn't a shithead consoomer.
That statement was true in wh2. They really overnerfed eagle/reaper boltthrowers.
I'll buy it if the free update is good. If the patch sucks then CA can blow me
Forgot to play game today.
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First total war, turn 35 and imperial intrigue just unlocked. Am I good to keep fighting Han Empire or will the other factions not like that since the emperor came to age?
Also once I finish taking the empty spots in the southeast, whats a good general game plan from here?
Genuinely wish they would add him already so you would fuck off. 5 fucking years of this.
This but with even more eyerolling.
You can safely ignore the moaning of the Han since you're too far away for them to do anything about you
>Cow Cow migrated down south
The fuck happened. anyway, swallowing your northeast is probably the best thing you can do since the towns should be fairly well developed.

Biao will eventually come down to get your slice of Jing so you might want to keep a cheap army for garrison.
No you're not Volound, and stop trying to pretend you are.
Dong Min keeps offering to make me his vassal every few turns and its getting annoying, I kind of want to march up there taking Liu Biao and Yuan Shu along the way since they keep acting up
I don't know I was kind of surprised since that didn't seem normal. By swallowing the northeast you mean taking out Yan Baihu, Wang Lang and anyone else up there?
What did they do to them anyway for nerfs? Less range and damage?
Lu Bu vs Guan Yu vs Xiahou Dun
>Dong Min keeps offering to make me his vassal every few turns and its getting annoying
Bad quirk of the game.
> I kind of want to march up there taking Liu Biao and Yuan Shu along the way since they keep acting up
Bad idea since you'll open yourself to the plains and a likely dogpile of Yuan Shao/Kong/Bei/Cow
>I don't know I was kind of surprised since that didn't seem normal.
If you're lucky, he just fled there. If you're not so lucky, then he's got all the lands between here and Chen
>By swallowing the northeast you mean taking out Yan Baihu, Wang Lang and anyone else up there?
Yup. Yellow turban Lands and Wang Lang especially are breadbaskets if I remember right.
only one of those became worshipped as a god of war, just sayin'...
It's good to try and keep intrigue high by not bumrushing every faction around you since it gives you some good corruption reduction. Yan Baihu isn't Han so he'd be a good target.
I'd be ready to give up or sell off everything north of the Yangtze because it'll probably be a pain in the ass to defend long term and the river is a good defensive wall. The port provinces off of the river are amazing money making settlements and I'd funnel all my money into them.
Also be ready for the Jungle fuckers because they love to confederate randomly and focus solely on you.
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The Huns are absolutely cooking the Sassys
Military buildings should provide a garrison unit. All of them should do this already. Would buff the AI too since they build them everywhere
Alright I'll keep all that in mind and try staying south of the river
Corruption is pretty annoying and its only at 4%, I think maybe I'm expanding territory too fast but unsure, there is a lot to learn and consider
I have a mod that does this
Reload speed. They never were too damaging but that spread shot was basically able to stunlock infantry. Now at beast they can shot 4-5 volleys before become useless. And since LLs doesnt need siege attackers, you are in no rush to get them.
Never claimed to be Volound or even implied it you retard. I just explained what he's done in his videos.
Is Kairos fun?
I'd build the yellow building chain with corruption reduction in every settlement making decent money. You also can get a good amount through reforms in the yellow branch and through your administrator. Sentinals and Strategists should be your go to in these provinces.
Rotating characters to get them levels and make them good administrators is a habit you should try to form.
fall of the samurai fixed it. levy units were garbo and the cannon you start with as saga chads could kill infinity of them all by itself.
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You don't need to claim it or imply it for me to know you're Volound.
I completely disagree, I thought it was unironcally a 10/10 finale.
Yes but only if you know how to use changing of the ways effectively.
>Force Peace
>Halt army
>Borrow time
>Teleport ambush
I'm surprised how tanky peasants units are when knight units are nearby
I like singe's skill mod because Skarbrand buffs flesh hounds so then you can put karanak in his him to buff them further
It's fun
I looooooooooove cheating
singe's mods for LL make a lot of chaff very useful without making them broken (it only applies to one lord anyway), increasing their utility throughout the campaign, I do like his mods a lot too
(It makes them a little broken)
My two big gripes is that like some lords encourage you to get them ALL, like skarbrand, where like all the skills compliment eachother really really well, like Skarbrand, but then some others don't compliment eachother at all and it seems like youre supposed to only like pick one or two, like Skarbrand that buffs daemons, skullgrinders, mortal units, and greater daemons. While Belakors normal traits buffs pretty much just daemons, so the mortal units one seems confusing and like it doesn't fit at all.
Other tiny one is that I just feel like the skills unlock all too early amd close to eachother. I wish they were spread out like 5 or 10 levels apart instead
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I want to like Norsca but the fact they don't even have a single unit that has looted Southerner shit like guns is kinda gay. What is the point of Vikings if you aren't stealing?
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we should have a twg meetup irl and do a hoplite battle
Not for me but it depends on the faction.
If you have super high dps they charge into it like retards every time and you can pick them apart by focusing on priority targets. Also they are even more likely to blob for magic I have noticed
>the archers
Gets me every time.
for me it's the limp-wristed idiot on the right who can't hold his spear or shield correctly
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I guarantee you we'd all kill eatother before we even get to the battle and getting it organized over things like if spears were held over or underhanded and like whether shield pushes were lije an actual thing
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anyone here watch mp?
I know we got like no mpfags here, but I do watch a good amount of it.
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they look like dorks, no wonder the Romans styled all over them
I used to watch piixellated Apollo a lot
Lothern Seaguard would have mogged the ancient world
Lothern Seaguard would just get outnumbered by a regular legion and beaten to death.
Most people here would be hopheavies.
extra fat means extra armour
Alith Anar is such a fucking disappointment. I conquered and gave this bitch like 10 settlements and after I turn my back for a second he loses all of it to Valkia and Hellebron. Atleast Khatep never lets me down.
I would be the cute camp girl that secretly changes all the battle plans while I’m cleaning the command tent, which causes the general to become super famous from all of my plans leading to victories.
He eventually finds out and he’s mad at me at first but then he realizes he needs me so he invites me back and we win the climactic battle together and get married and have kids and live happily ever after. Also it’s raining when we kiss and we do it in the middle of the battlefield after I rush out to save him even though I was told to stay in the camp because true love overcomes all :3
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Caretaker here. Groups for VGL23 divegrass have been drawn; we got /utg/, /aceg/ and /pcrg/, first game against undertale. The auto the team has been given seems strong, hope the team does well.

/utg/: 29th 1:20pm EST
/pcrg/: 8th 2pm EST
/aceg/: 14th 1:20pm EST

Be sure to come cheer on the team then!
what are the chances this poster is a man who will turn trans at any moment?
Nice, what's the link for the stream so I can bookmark it for the games?
it's over.
Any moment? I think it's long past that point for them
wasn't undertale like a single indie game 10 years ago?
it still has a general?

Why does this shit load so fucking slow
They have Deltarune now too
It’s ok to want that too, you don’t have to be closeted anymore, all this projecting is not a good look hun
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so how is that dlc coming along bros?
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I'm a horse girl denied her horse, I want to be an Eques
>B- but it's supposed to be a phalanx, that's latin not gree-
Shut up, mere infantry, poor beggar
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With the state of Creative Assembly at its lowest point, what do people think of Volund's recently announced competitor to TW? Will it be a TW killer?
I don't want to be a f*male
in fact I hate women so goddamn much I'd rather be with a male, the way Zeus intended
kek another year another 'TW killer'
nothing will happen, CA is extremely profitable and selling millions of copies regardless of what doomtrannies on youtube say
that said I wish them the best, the more strategy games the merrier
>Volund's recently announced competitor to TW
girls weren’t allowed to be cavalry your fantasy doesn’t make any sense! I get an honorary horse and ride with the standard after I earn the respect of the men. I even get my own cute ceremonial uniform, you wouldn’t understand
wasn't the whole amazon myth born from women warriors who were able to perform due to being mounted archers?
Yeah, barbarian women. I’m a respectable Greek waifu thank you very much.
I just searched to see what you are talking about and man, I don't know what's more pathetic, somebody making a 3.5 hour long video about a game series he hasn't played for many years or that there are people who are actually going to watch it.
>Achilles according to Bulgarian artist
>Achilles according to Korean artist
what caused such a divide between Europe and Asia?
which one do you prefer?
If you're going to larp as an ancient something then do it properly and go for a Cybele cultist.
anything Korean is automatically slop. The Koreans as a race are incapable of creating art
>a roman cult
Zeus forgive me for even responding to this post.
we are not the same, sir
isn't mossa Korean?
he's a real artist, only redditors disagree...
>cute camp girl
Hm but whats the status of your bussy
I am not a object of sexual pleasure, I am a respected and beloved Greek wife of a famous Strategos and if you fail to show me respect I’ll have you flogged and executed :)
nuke korea
left for fighting, right for wifing
I am respecting you, now whats its status?
Oh hey it's the Athena tranny erping again
Left when I want to feel like a man (in battle)
Right when I want to feel like a man (in bed)
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>actual tranny larper
My female ass pussy is off limits to the lower classes and remains tight and irresistible.
These anons want dick and are making it my problem
>My female ass pussy remains tight and irresistible.
I pray that this is true
>your fantasy doesnt make sense
Yeah thats
What a fantasy is
Can't find a faction I like
Tomb kings are cool, but I suck with them and early game is rough.
Khorne gets boring very quickly.
Kairos is tough.
I'm proud of the 10 Pharaoh players who keep their game in the OP
It's nice to see the entire Pharaoh community working together like this
Grave even
Loser talk, likely barbarian, possibly even persian
no not enough spelling mistakes
Clicking "don't recommend channel" on Volound improved my Youtube experience immeasurably
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I can't watch any TW content. It all just is so fucking boring
>another thread of e/e/ shitters who can barely muster 20 regions in 50 turns talking shit about the literal god of tw who can conquer half the map in 100 turns of legendary without a single battle lost

no no no but please tell me more about how a staunch line of halberdiers is a good empire army though HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Mandalore's reviews of it are good
The last was only...
Oh god it was two years ago
>Make lethality a staple mechanic so that low armor units get shredded.
>Make unit ranks drastically increase unit performance above their base level and make archer accuracy dependent on levels so archer spam can't bypass lethality.
>Make replenishment lower exp levels outside of military provinces and make it so automatic replenishment can be toggled on/off in case you want to keep your units rank. If that's too much for people to handle then make it so replenishment skyrockets in military provinces
>Updated Rome 2 building mechanics that increase unit quality so you're forced to build military provinces around your empire.
There. Now you can't spam shit stacks unless you invest in a shit stack buffing stations and even then a bad battle can stop you in your tracks for a few turns and force you to retreat to make a new one in which you probably will upgrade to new units.
Athena troon is a different person from the Madison the mermaid
please lurk and absorb general lore before posting.
I've been here since 2017 I'm just not here 24/7
That's three down, 21 left to try!
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um excuse me you must have made a spelling error because the proper term is “transgender woman.” I understand you were born on a farm and raised by cattle so I’m happy to correct you and improve your vocabulary.
Have a wonderful day!
Well what do you want from a faction?
The main things are do you want a defensive or aggressive faction, do you want a ranged or melee faction, do you want an Order, Chaos, Destruction or Undead faction
Like if you want a defensive ranged Chaos faction I'd suggest Chorfs
If you want a aggressive melee order faction I'd suggest Bretonnia, etc.
ok, tranny.
since when is Achilles feminine?
ok, closeted transwoman projecting self hatred onto me :)
why do people even respond to such obvious bait
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Why would you do this to Hiromoot's ad money...

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