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Mulligan edition

>Leagues V Teasers & FAQs - Releasing November 27th

>Reminder: Legacy Java Client - Retirement & Shutdown

>Royal Titans - First Look & Rewards

>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: fart cc

>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition

Previous: >>503398224
um excuse me i have a question please which skill should i focus today bones or stones
Desert (or Morytania), Asgarnia, Fremennik
>what regions do I pick if I wanna range max but don't wanna do colosseum nerding for quiver?
I'm doing AMF

A has good points, gwd, and dogsword for melee secondary
M has barrows gear for midgame which you can wear while ranging because of T6 range 100% accuracy
F for the insane echo jewelery
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omg only 3 more sleeps until leagues 5
So what do I do if I want to be a wizard in leagues? Desert, kourend and kandarin or something?
just a weam with a dream
Got extra 2 construction levels so now I can build spirit tree / fairy ring
hope stews wont fuck me
is toa (easy entry level noob raid) easy in leagues mode with increased xp and damage output i just dont know
Fremennik invalidates Kandarin unless you want to do some weird surge build using wrath runes. Zeah still offers the best mage armor, and Desert offers ancients if you don't pick grimoire (you're probably going to pick grimoire, though). So basically Fremennik, Zeah, free pick.
I got bored grinding construction so I just made two gardens, one with a tree and the other with fairy ring
brighter shores rapes this shit
thats actually really smart
one man's common sense is another man's really smart
osrs leagues is finna pop off when we go methamphetamine mode
my tummy hurts
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mctile is up
Toa is extremely free in leagues up to and including 500 raid level. t6 in ranged espcially invalidates the need to bring more than a melee switch I believe. You can completely and utterly ignore all of Akkha's mechanics including his cum phase with t6 range except for switching prayers.
It's a fun raid to do in the main game, and it's going to be fun to power trip over it in leagues.
What regions for melee?
what region for free dcup please spoonfeed me things that have been discussed to death not just here but on reddit as well
how can you ignore cum phase if you dont move you'll still get assraped by the orbs. also how would you avoid simon says if you dont move you'll get raped by the blasts?
Am I retarded for wanting to take the agility relic? I already have thieving solved with desert and herblore won't be a concern with the Varlamore minigame + overgrown.
Nah, not retarded, that tier is basically "What repetitive bullshit do you want to not do?"
Free XP just for walking around, plus double count for laps means you'll finish those tasks in half the time
you do you
scythe + melee echo sounds kinda crazy
Okay, you still have to do simon says but come on man its simon says.
You can probably stand pretty still in cum phase. Sometimes there are dry cum areas. And if you get hit by a cum blast or two so what? You're dealing more dps than you would with a fang in full torva. He's probably dead.
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I have cte and puzzles are hard to focus on and I would be embarrassed if I messed it up so I dont do toa
i think i wont play leagues
toa has a puzzle solver plug in
my membership expired v.v
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so mad lmao
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is it really that easy
is this rizz
honestly you can get dcup with anything so take whatever you want
I calculated I would need 1500 vorkath kills worth of bones to hit 50m prayer, and no fucking way I'm killing vorkath that many times in leagues.
I guess I could go slightly dry on the visage drops and need to do that anyway, but I'm not going for absolute max possible points, so I'll probably just skip that shit task.
im glad brighter shores won't look like this slop
so with MVF my option for zammy wine is lucky master steps, tob, and the werewolf citizens but killing them with wolfbane dagger..
i dont have much to post about right now but my cat just did something funny i guess
didnt that guy almost die from eating spicy food
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>but I'm not going for absolute max possible points
Then why do you need 50m prayer

15m will be passive enough
how is prayer passive you still have to gather bones it's not like rissa where she has 100 simps following her giving her bones 24/7
what does this post have to do with osrs old school run escape?
did you get lost and post in the wrong thread by accident
why is there 4000 bots just standing next to the smelter building at lumbridge, not actually doing anything?
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yeah, sorry.

hey pussy you still there?
actually based from the shitcupper
those are free regardless
retard dumbfuck shitbrains
why do you type like a retard and act like one
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after 19 years and 8 months, I have finally killed Elvarg. Maybe it's time to become a member at last.
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how do I get items from here
gz sis
you kill the 3 bosses then open the chest then you get disappointed at nothing dropping and buy it off the ge
the minig sequence from curse of arrav was horrible what were they thinking
There is a difference between going for high points (true dragon cup) and literal 100% task completion, i.e. front page hi-scores.
Assuming "equip all visages" is another fremmy task, that's ridiculously low points for the amount of effort you put in.
I guess golden god would also give me another "free" equip a crystal crown task in my regions, as well as other super expensive shit like the demonic throne.
>(true dragon cup)
Literal autism

Just go for the ACTUAL dragon cup, not imaginary ones.
>true dragon cup
which in reality is 100 point above the dragon cup cutoff because everyone else stops there
is jagex better at catching rwt these days?
I gave away all my gold last time I quit and wanna buy some to get started again
I know niggas who bot accounts, buy gold, sell gold, get banned, repeat.
the top boss ranks are all bots, have been this way for 3 years, jagex doesn't ban anyone because they make more money
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I am hyped for the ideal range body
is we do raids bad a lot of people shit on it but i dont really get why
forgot the str ammy instead of fury but you get the idea
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not bad, not bad.....
I call out cheese capers in game
You don't need accuracy and they don't provide a str boost
ok i guess swap those out for prayer bonus boots
i hate them because they are discord twitch reddit faggots but honestly ive done at least 100 raids with them and probably only had about 2 or so bad experiences i can remember
I would like to formally apologize to anon from last thread.
I went to bed to let my mind theory craft and discovered what she said is correct.
Thank you for the correction.
The frem jewellery gives like 30 prayer, I don't know if that extra +3 will be noticeable but yes it is a better idea
humble gods
I will choose to believe that you are talking about me, because I want to believe that I was correct about my posts last thread (I was)
If you have your bedrooms underground/upstairs, will the butler still appear on the surface level when you enter your POH?
but my bedrooms ground floor
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goblin... kneels...
Can you please temporarily move them to test this for me, I need to know if the butler will wander around the ground floor still
>pic rel
if only you played the game
thats weird behavior from a cheeser
im always fuckin right
no do it yourself lazy cunt
I don't have any bedrooms built, I can't..
ok so build them???
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.... no..
Neat. I got mine here, too. Gz bludgeoner.
when the random event npc calls you sir >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
i didnt know goblins drop woodcutting capes
my hp is level 10 because i am a skiller not a killer
>solo tob
>solo 545 toa
>solo cm
>solo cox
>group cms
>solo toa (350+)
>group cox
>group toa (expert)
>solo toa (normal)
>group toa (normal)

something like that, roughly
my hp is level 99 because im a skiller
all my my stats are level 99
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jarvis get these suckas
about to log in
alright just logged in
staring at my friend's list with bated breath
oh... i didnt see any of my friends log on... okay then......
im a skiller and i have 87 hp
im a killer and i have 99 hp
i saw someone on my fl log in i wont say who though since a gentleman doesnt kiss and tell
i dreamed that i met my rsso in the crafting guild typing kiss me thru the phone lyrics and then i woke up alone in my poh bed again
i wanna live in that giant sloth cave
>Reloaded is dogshit because all the tiers before it are irrelevant
please add me i am very lonely i want a runey friend my rsn is rsn midzy
Can you do group nex for drops in leagues or is getting anything from nex simply not going to happen?
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ok now what
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Are these confirmed? Kind of a dick move to hold off on being able to actually allow people to make a build until the last day
send me a message
>what the fuck jagex why don't you let me have a 40 page step by step guide for leagues what do you mean think things up as you go
>No prod
>No autofarm
This league already stands to be so much worse than the previous fun wise if they aren't the missing reveals
based idiot
still 3 more days
when is it released exactly? what time EST?
they didn't reveal all the relics beforehand on tbrl or tb1 iirc
is there any trick to the pyramid in desert treasure? I keep triggering traps and getting kicked out but I can't see any
12pm gmt
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I keep suiciding and coming back lmao
they're seething
you seem like a massive loser to be honest
dude brought a team and still can't get drops lel
pm me my rsn is finding saki i dont see you online
i logged out i joined meriipus clan and wanted to join but then i got frightened of unfamiliar people so i logged out now im in bed
has finding saki formerly KPOP GOOD told us her leagues regions i havent been keeping up
shes waiting down in the lobby
no ive just been a judgey bitch on other regions but nobody will go my regions because theyre for real gamers only and i have only seen tourists for the last few days no gamers
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you could have joined the clan but I was kind of in the middle of something so I did not see your first messages and you were acting just a smidge strange about it sorry if you felt like it was an awkward start

but if you are on like a completely fresh account and it is your only one that has joined it is a bit weird especially since like idk what your main is or anything
I hope you see the confusion here
you're not that interesting man
stop being nice to KPOP GOOD v2
hate low levels
What's your cutoff for low levels? Your level -100 or something similar?
im not a low level im actually quite high (325 total level) so i know youre not talkinga bout me this time
wearing a fire cape feels very emasculating so even though its technically not efficient to get ill get an infernal on my vyre alt
theres no specific cut off you can just tell by the aura of the account
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okay rate these stats (main btw)
fuck them I was here first
low agility
can someone please teach me theatre of blood
I can't teach you (only done entry mode twice), but we can do entry mode together and have fun :)
I'll teach you T H R O B
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omg almost all of your stats are lower than mine but you still have higher total
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can someone please bring me 250 rune arrows please
you should try leveling up your combat stats.
those are pretty ok stats
is that you in the picture
what does GBJSZ RVFFO mean?
im not 100% sold on the idea just yet but i might do a smidge of pvm on sunday im not sure yet i hung up my killer cloak a long time ago so id be rusty but hey maybe we'll see
thats the cypher for fairy queen
she gave me a puzzle machine
not bad for a 3-4 month old helmie
fremennik trials is a very long quest
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Why didnt you do slayer for combat?
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why are your skills so low mine are a lot higher
no it isnt
be quiet
gnomemonkey said not to. for those who aren't aware, gnomemonkey is a youtube content creator for the game "old school runescape".
youre not rsn wonyoung fake bitch
I take a lot breaks, years, months, and only really grind in the winter. My only goal is maxing. I played the real version of RS and had like 1.3b total exp before rs3 really took off, so I dont want to nolife this game again, just want to chill.
can someone help me think of a new name
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yes, I'll sit here for 2 hours not getting kills just to deprive you of kills
no, I won't stop, hop, that's for you to do friend
waste as much time as you'd like, I have all the time in the world
I've done the rigamaroll 5 times today, I've died like 3 times, I will bash my head through this wall till you give up
I hope my insanity frightens you
leave noob
I'd have told you 10 times already if I wasn't muted lel
>private: On
is ariettawren the girl inside shenkansen manifested
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them sending 5 people in frustration makes me lol even more
holy attentionwhore please kill yourself
who are you talking to are you talking to me
t. couldn't get any bryo keys because of me while I have 20
Jagex needs to ban her account she's unstable and griefing other players.
holy kek
can someone freaking give me a new name im about to go meanie mode maybe even go pking until i get help
I already rolled the grapist for you, use the gr4p1st
thats not me thats a hideous name i would never name myself that
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Nah, you'd have to be pretty psycho to get to these stats in 4 months on a helmie i think. But to be fair i've not exactly sweated out any of this training so if you do it efficiently i could see it.
Either way though i started playing in june and think i'm doing decent for myself.
Lazy and wanting to do raids faster. I'm currently coping by saying I'll go back to slayer after I get my elite ca tier done so slayer's better or something. It is kind of ugly to be near max or maxed combat and like 80 slayer, I know.
how the fuck long did you get muted? last time I drunkposted I spent like 3 hours telling people how to make shit from the improvised munitions handbook and never got muted
I drunk flamed a social group in lumby and got niiger through the filter
merii walked in with a devious grin
sounds deserved, racism is not cool
lol new name
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Post your xp trackers for today runegamers.
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dont know what to do dont really feel like logging in
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ive been busy not full focus
What do you think we get tomorrow?
back to the jobsite no more nagging wife
crabby-o was truly my magnum opus the idea box has been bone dry ever since
Krabby patty`
well i just had a magnum opus too and this name will never be topped
The last relic in T4 will be Production Prodigy.
>/vg/ will now have post ID's

how fucked are troons?
its theoretical, i just wanna know how hard troons would squeal n' simmer
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this guy thinks he can compete on his own lel
we dont squeal and simmer we stew and brew
it wouldnt impact my posting style me personally i wouldnt change a thing
fucked but the autistic ones will probably use their phones to try and hide the samefagging
i dont think id really care but im just a girl
desu sbcs are only like 6 dollars each it wouldnt even affect me
you're a faggot for even considering this
didnt know you could buy a days membership for a dollar
normally id buy a full bond for my main and drop trade all my dupes/useless items from my iron so I could buy more membership time on it with the gold but this changes everything
googling how to make friends osrs runescape and taking notes frantically
genuinely have no idea what an sbc is but how about that video game?
can you share your making friends route with the thread and ill share my leagues 2 hours 4000 points guide
13.5k left for 99, all those braziers I missed because I looked away for a second really fucked dme. Fuck wintertodt.
no i just made that up im gonna be alone forever
what region is e?
desert morytania wilderness
some boys kiss me some boys hug me i think theyre ok
now im thinking of my nonexistent kiss me thru the phone crafting guild rsso great just great
This is probably going to be the last league before project zanaris comes out right? Probably why they're trying to have all the hyping up and reveals and echo shit.
once project zanris comes out with 10x drop servers im never playing main game again sorry :)
The brighter shores thread is on page 10...
you make me feel like im living a
teenage dream the way you turn me on
is solo cox really harder than tob?
guess i will log in and do some zulrah
oops I'm retarded, other way around. Tob harder than solo cox?
It looks like black magic. It feels like black magic. But it's just moving and counting.
The rooms are all the same, mostly trivial.
Tob requires a lot of coordination and moving parts, and messing up hurts a lot more than getting out of cycle at Olm, typically.
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whos coming to my 200m crafting party on sunday
already feels like its one of those nights to forget
today is sunday i can pencil it in even though im busy
clue juggling is pretty gay idk why clue crackers are not a thing
i meant next sunday sorry i forgot americans are still in sunday time
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200m crafting in leagues right
does leagues have ehp
Friendly reminder to put [L] in front of your posts so we know you are talking about leagues.
actually leagues should be W and maingame temporarily takes the L until january
friendly reminder to put [BM] in front of your posts so we know if you are playing babymode and your post does not matter
I wouldn't play on 10x drop rate servers but I would play on ones that fixed jagex's fucking retarded drop rate padding to stretch out content and re-balancing what drops come from certain bosses
ain't racist just don't like em
buying membership 1 day at a time is very sad thats like the homeless guy buying singles at the gas station you need to respect yourself more
but i hate myself soooo.....
If I don't take Zeah in Leagues, I can't use any ranged pots, right?
I feel like that's not enough reason to take Zeah though if I'm going T6 ranged
just logged in!
just logged out
you can farm them at KQ, tob, and wildy
Oh right, duh
I'm a retard newfag and focused too heavily on "how do I make it" and forgot about "where do they drop"
Thanks anon for the answer, and for not making fun of me
friendly reminder to prefix your posts with [DUMBASS] if you dont know how to use the freakin wiki https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Wine_of_zamorak#Item_sources https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Ranging_potion#Item_sources
youre not allowed to say that word its against the twitch terms of service
got 3 hard caskets wish me luck
just got egod and completely ignored my confidence is shattered and im going meanie mode
im half against the twitch terms of service
a bit of an e-god myself
i had my game minimized im so sorry yes i do
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new episode of balls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0pvqRDH6YI
egod not egod you stupid illiterate bitch i couldnt have been more clear
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that is extremely problematic
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i have little use for eels but i am fishing anglerfish i just wish there were more clues
No you still make them. Wines of zamorak are drops from kq, tob, and can be picked up in the wildy.
egads! what if we started exclaiming that lol egads!
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I'm not fucking around I will dump my whole bank on death runes to get you to fuck off
I can also get them in Asgarnia, which I was planning to take anyways
>only need the Jogre and Lesser Demon scrolls and I get the champion's cape
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my master clue casket treasure was worth around 370514 coins and i stood around for 15 minutes finding a song to link and now im logging out to rot on my couch all night i think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmkNPOBWdGs
no problem, dwarf weed aint too bad to get
I got a question.
Can I freely refund my combat mastery points or are they locked-in once I select them?
you only have 3 couch rots left until leagues
leagues will fix me video game distractions are the key to living a fulfilling life im told >>503542981
Yeah there's a couple solutions to the herbs for those potions - it's the secondary I was worried about
I'm still torn on whether or not to take Forager for the 90% chance to preserve them, just because I'm lazy and don't want to farm a bunch of secondaries.
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>can finally enjoy wildy content because pvpcucks will be busy in leagues
>no giant champion scroll
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Combat masteries are locked-in
that's members
I killed like 20000 imps for my imp scroll
when are jmods streaming for final reveal tomorrow?
I killed only like 200 Earth Warriors for theirs
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I went a bit dry on earths too
but on the flipside I antipked like 8m in gear there
how are you guys planning to sustain your darts and shit? I know the use will be greatly reduced with the passive and accumulator but most bosses still only drop a handful at a time
>body type b holding fairy flight, a shit tier relic
what did they mean by this?
Just take desert.
but i don't want to do toa..
Too bad
It's clearly a case of internalized misogyny by whoever created that image
Also notice how she's on the right, implying she is after the body type a character
fairy flight is ok
it is maybe just not tuned to match stash
bank heist on the other hand lmao
i am doing ztf and i anticipate no dart issues with this selection
tombs of ass scat smut
crazy how many osrs youtubers use maplestory background music
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Bank Heist is not as much a meme as people have made it out to be
Why wont they open Menaphos
just going to use r cbow with free bolts from soul wars. it is lower dps by 25% but it should be fine
the maplestory ost is one of the best ever thats why
except you can go all those places anyway through other means
umm, did you ask for they/them pronouns yet?
ok now do a map with all the stash units
all to myself
when are they adding squeal of fortune?
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Far more banks in Zeah, Morytania, and Varlamore than stash units
And some places you can't get to with Clue Compass (Fossil Island, Isle of Souls, Lunar Isle)
Teleporting to your clue scroll location more than makes up for it.
why would you be teleporting to random banks there in the first place?
whats up with the influx of new player vtuber streamers
Yeah I'm 100% going Clue Compass for the teleporting, because so many points are locked behind clues
I'm just saying that the Bank Heist is not as bad as the memes would have you believe, for certain use cases
it's helpful for the few locations with bad teleports, i personally don't think those make up vs compass
>some noob decides he wants the business
he was gone in 2 minutes lol
Maybe to attract incels like you who watch streams.
the game is literally designed so that content that takes a lot of supplies is far away from banks though
They already did by enabling bots in the wilderness.
is shenny playing f2p cause shes poor or because everyone there types like a 12 year old
no thats not shenky thats a new threadgirl who appeared out of nowhere
no one cares fag, holy shit
why so hostile did I call you out?
I dont watch people who watch streams and nice low IQ, "no you" response.
so you only watch streamers that dont watch other streams that doesnt make sense lol howd you decide that
my friend is a jmod and he said that we get kandarin auto unlocked quote me in 15 hours and tell me im a god
can i get a quick run down on ariettawren?
which one is it is it jerv can you set me up on a date
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>tfw a noxious halberd out performs my saeldor
what the heck
I actually think outgriefing people who try to crash you is pretty based but I still don't like this new threadgirl due to the potential that it's shenkansen
I'm still on the raid(probably desert although not having farm guild sucks)+asg or wild+any train so my choices are too wide. How do people even make up their mind
ok its shenky and the proof is they are manually changing their file names to upload images and throw us off the scent but she messed up on this file name >>503545314 it should be 20 not even 09 or 19 it makes no sense its definitely manually set and inconsistent with this one >>503545314
might just be me but those two posts actually seem very consistent
it is just you
>Anonymous 11/24/24(Sun)17:43:17 No.503548780
>RuneLite - AriettaWren 2024-11-24 20-38-05.webm
>Anonymous 11/24/24(Sun)17:09:49 No.503545314
>RuneLite - AriettaWren 2024-11-24 09-03-01.webm
pay special attention to 20-38-05.webm and 09-03-01.webm
I just recorded that that much earlier and finally got around to compressing it for 4chinz while recording a couple new things lol
the joke was that you linked the same post twice, but thankyou
does runelite save videos as webm? if not she might be using ffmpreg in the command line to convert them and might have been manually typing the output file name and made a little typo
oh crap it is ranged vs mage and 6k extra arrows in one idk anymore i need to go back to the drawing board for evidence
u guys are insane
plausible, but it's still going in the wrenifesto
I use the windows game bar record thing tbqhwyf
I don't want mory, pretty decided on getting the khopesh, I need a raid region.
Desert or Zeah
the wrenifesto is in shambles the time logged in isnt consistent either its definitely not from the same session and its possible to edit it i dont think its a skill shenky would have its someone who is not shenky but im not sure who there arent many people who are actually new to the thread that just instantly have private on im going to have to enter the mind tent under the bridge to figure this one out
>you dont have enoughh coins
>payment has been taken from your bank
Just make the fucking coin pouch already.
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kinda crazy how many items I still need to buy for quests 2bh but I'm gonna use my first bond 2nite and get crackin
I've posted on and off for years anonymously
I played the wren account alongside my main for f2p nostalgia, but since I lost my main I've just made it my main
>Literally no melee armor without mory unless you pick certain regions
It's so tiresome
what happened to the obsidian vault why didnt it get posted
hmmmmmmmm maybe because its fake and not real
unfortunately a party involved filed an injunction to block its release
i dont have an obsidian vault i only have a mind tent under the bridge but its its shredded and its more of a cardboard box
i could make an osg obsidian vault if i wanted to i just dont want to
no you couldnt nobody can
I just want to watch gielinor games
I just want to be rick dollars' employee
i have some spare rooms in my mind palace if you want to move in >>503552810
go tirannwn for melee armor and you wont have to go desert for blowpipe
gonna log in shortly and buy my zaffs staffs and then log out if no one minds
gillysnore games quickly became framed/settled/solomission: the show so i stopped watching
Yeah you elf+zeah is viable just uhh kinda suboptimal I guess? Could go melee/mage then cause my range options would blow we'll see but my only real lockin is wildy
they should invite nightmare rh
are the freezes important for tob in leagues or is the damage so high you don't have to care about it so much?
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its looking like another night of watching extreme sport videos on the tube
i just bought out zaffs staffs in oldschool runescape
come on everyone out there in tv land buy your zaff staff
If I take Animal Wrangler, which has the benefit of never burning food, does that mean I can't complete the "Burn some food" task?
you can just use the cooked food on the range or fire again
I never knew about that interaction, thanks anon!
i have my doubts that shell ever clog the nightmare staffs desu
what melee armor is in tirannwn
crystal blessing from echo hunleff makes it so the effects of crystal armor applies to melee weapons
actually it's hunllef
is full crystal with the echo thing better than strength gear??
Yeah it's edging out torva by a little bit on the sims but tirranwn stinks
horrible echo
actually it's tirannwn
dont forget kandarin is a default region at t6
if i was a region would you pick me
Can anyone spoonfeed me on leagues? I got pulled into this game by a few friends. They're all excitedly planning and routing and I have no idea what anything is. All the bosses, raids, and other things just seem entirely overwhelming. I'm just some guy afking sand crabs on my account.
There's an expectation I join them over the next few weeks. What do I do?
Can anyone pass a path for me to follow so I can pretend I know what I'm doing and that I'm not as autistic as I actually am?
they should make a tbow but more accurate
check the wiki
idk maybe ask your friends
Find out which regions they're doing so you can pick some with content you can do together in it. It's hard to really go wrong with leagues and so far most of the relics are rather close in power. You level really fast with the boosted rates so you should be able to get to the point of tagging along for the easier two raids
there will be a whole bunch of starter guides on youtube already but someone linked this here the other day and I still have it in a tab for some reason
obviously you don't have to follow a guide, people just like doing it because you can bumrush your way to all the higher tier bonuses if you really optimise it
>fresh start
>boosted xp and drop rates
>op relics and combat boosts
>complete tasks to get points to unlock new regions
>everyone's an ironman
>if you have mates, pick at least one region that they all have for group content (e.g. raids)
>if you want to be autistic, you can plan routes otherwise just set a handful of goals you want to work towards
It's just a temporary game mode to have fun with. OG Trailblazer was the best one though.
>very few people seem to be taking asgarnia
>feel smug that I know something they don't
>feel worried that they know something I don't
share with the class don't be an ass
I think Asgarnia's less popular because it's bound to have a gorillion points concentrated in GWD / mole / pest control and those grinds kinda suck
I would take Asgarnia but the DKs gear is pretty much just BIS across the board. My other two are Desert for Drygore and Mory for Raid with friends, so I'm capped out.
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How can I filter out the moss giant retard?
>tfw /xivg/ is laughing at us again
PSA for anyone with mage who plans on taking m/d to raid with friends, k is better than z for you assuming f last
whats the point though? so i get stuff from it to help my regular account?
how about you g f yourself bitch and stop toonsplaining leagues to me
For fun.
You do also get points which can be spent in the main game for skins for weapons, teleport animations, house items or designs, etc. Or you can sell them on the GE for a few mil.
need my toon splained rn fr
when she splain on my toon till i league

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