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Previous >>503369976

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.

List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks, and vehicle builders
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>Starship EVO

>CHODE - Children of a Dead Earth
>KSP - Kerbal Space Program

Logistics and factory management
>Captain of Industry
>Dyson Sphere Program
>Factory town
>Oxygen not Included
>Pajama Sam's SockWorks
>Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

Programming puzzles
>Last Call BBS
>Opus Magnum
>Shenzhen I/O
>Turing Complete

The full game list as well as information about these games, such as where to get them if they’re not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

Satisfactory posts need to be spoilered

Games that are /egg/:

OP pad for new thread
WebM for physicians: argorar.github.io/WebMConverter

Current /egg/ hosted servers:
>Factorio - ask in the thread
First for Gleba LOVE
I love Gleba
I love Gleba
pentapod tentacles typed this post
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Finally I can leave this wretched planet
It makes more sense to ship barrelled fluoroketone to build foundation, right?
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VGL jumpscare
The qualifiers have ended so the group stage draw has been done. Our three this time:
>Blue Archive General
No, never heard of them either we've lost to them before
>War Thunder General
Could be funny - third match against these guys
>Sonic General
DOUBLE NIGGER BOWL! Unless we get a boring no-goal slurper this should be the most fun one to watch.

Matches begin next friday, exact times/dates to be confirmed but we're group K so probably not too early in the day (at first).
I don't know what this is.
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My 100x science run continues. About to unlock elf modules that will save my power grid from collapsing. How does the new train automation works? Can I use multipurpose trains now without LTN/cybersun?
>Blue Archive General
gacha aren't games
You're right. That's an epic mistake right there, thanks.
So 2222 SPM per silo, which is huge. 13320 SPM with legendary science.
So I WON'T be using hundreds of silos and cargo bays, thank god. I'm still reporting the horrible quality scaling thing.
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Have you heard of the 4CC? It's that but for /vg/. Search '4ccg' on the catalog
If not: a bunch of divegrass teams based on /vg/ threads are put in PES and have a big tournament streamed every 6 months. It's a bit of a dice roll as to who wins but we try.
Here's our team: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//egg/
And here's some recordings of the streams (click 'watch', then the timestamps under the video - might take a bit to load): https://implying.fun/team/egg/

We've changed PES games recently so some of the models aren't as cool as usual, but I'm fixing that at the moment
I had to force trigger the second one.
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Post some train stations? I feel like I may be overdoing it
second one can only be in normal mode
peaceful disables it like the spore one
What's an elf module?
Show all your limbs.
I think you need more balancers.
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I just do this
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>I feel like I may be overdoing it
Most likely
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You do realize you only ever utilize one side of the belt due to all inserters outputting to right side when laid out this way? It's like you're only ever unloading from 3 chest at the same time.
Green module.
Did you time how long it would take one fruit to go the same distance using a blue belt and compare?
Why? Why did you do this?
nope, it just works
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Finished Vulcanos, it's time to face Fulgora. This is the ship I built
I tried making it loosely based on Normandy SR2 from Mass Effect, which itself is based on SR-71 Blackbird.
No quality pieces yet, except the solar planels. I plan on upgrading most of my ships to rare parts before heading to Gleba
That's a cool looking ship, unlike my shitbox 3000
>destroying nests make the bugs evolve
do I just cage all the nests in a kill box that leaves the nestst alone?
I'm still stuck here, haven't made any blue science yet but when it's done it should make 6 per second
Got trains for lithium and fluoride, spidertron in case I need to set up more trains later because I don't want to come back here myself
We'll bang, okay
I kneel, it's a beautiful ship
Very aesthetic ship anon, you make me want to do better than my purely functional space lumps
>Why? Why did you do this?
Why did I do what?
Just make your damage output evolve faster, pussy.
>Did you time how long it would take one fruit to go the same distance using a blue belt and compare?
In this economy? We've all gotta tighten our belts around here
>Cannot deploy a spidertron remotely even in a fully developed base
There was an attempt. Interestingly the api docs are useless for this sort of thing, had to consult wubes github repo, i didn't even know they had one.
>trains for lithium and fluoride
Does anything even spawn far away from the starting location? Aquilo seems totally barren and it's not even easy to reveal terrain with remote radars
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>/sthg/ returns and immediately gets to play /egg/
looking forward to this autism
A bunch of tracks, ramps and support is tightening the belt?
Never mind, after that other station post I thought it was another unloading setup.
>A bunch of tracks, ramps and support is tightening the belt?
That's all locally gathered stone and wood
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I flew around in my mech suit
Seems to be just more resource patches forever. I don't think they increase with distance.
Cool stuff I found on the forums.
>176 hours on spage day 1 save
>only just made it to aquilo
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You're tortoisemaxxing like me fr
>killing bugs
that's not very halal of you
I have 143h and finishing with Gleba, last inner planet, but I did spend hours just looking at my factories chugging, building elaborate and unnecessary rail-centric Nauvis setup and incredibly inefficiently fiddling with quality. Why rush?
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>96 hours into spage day 1 save
>barely optimizing my vulcanus set up after having fulgora set up (until it clogs through sheer RNG)
>hear everyone's agonizing screams concerning gleba and aquillo
>Calculates number of rocket launches
>assumes you manually fill mixed rockets
completely useless.
>caring about hours
if you wanna speedrun, the current record (for a game that came out less than two months ago) is 40 hours. You went past that, so just chill nigga.
>haven't made any blue science yet
>base is 5x the size of mine

I need to play on 10x science mode, to force me to build proper bases, rather than just getting one assembler making science, and rushing the next science.
Just place the ghost? assuming you have bots
The hard part is getting one specific spider into the silo, you have to walk him to the silo, put a yellow chest next to it, hold right-click on the spidertron, and then hope the bot decides to put him in that specific chest, otherwise load a save and try again
What's a good science multiplier for spage? I'm replaying and I want to be forced not to halfass things with shitty builds this time. 5? 10? 20?
for factorio modding, how do I detect when a module is placed inside of or taken out of an entity?
How should I transfer items from an invisible entity to it's visible and interactable "root" entity?
my new goal is to landfill all of gleba.
alright got to my first expansion planet and my enthusiasm to continue is plummeting, space age really just added busywork and no actual content
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Maybe the Engineer is the Antichrist after all...
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>The only uranium patch located is surrounded by 8-9 giganests of biters
FUCK!!! Is it better to just train the ore back to my main base or try and do the ore processing over there? Its pretty far.
>Starter iron patch completely ran out
>Forced to rail in iron
>It's next to uranium
Finally time to have more than 1 train in the same tracks is it hard to make them not crash each other?
Isn't 3 furnaces like not even close to be enough?
Might as well bring it back somewhere else if it's that far away. The fuel requires iron plates anyway which would be more crap you have to haul out there.
It depends on your research with 0 grey research you will die without 5 in orbit eventually. With 10 research some anon was running 1
I have a much smaller ship than that and i need at least 6 furnaces unless i want to wait at least 10 minutes in between planets for the ammo belts to replenish
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This better work, I spent way too much time on this shitbox
How do you normally power your distant outposts in factorio? Do you usually just run big power poles to the location or use solar or something?
Big power poles are more than enough in most scenarios. Biters ignore most objects unless they get stuck on them.
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>red ammo
Redundant power poles but you can set up a reactor and ship nuclear cells (plus water if needed) if you are worried about biters eating your power poles
How do I make a system with infinite pentapod eggs? Do inserter spoilage priority remove the eggs closer to be spoiled?
Output inserter before input inserter.
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Consume them continuously with more demand than supply then they'll always be fresh and make sure your machines always take first for themselves so they don't starve
I tried that, the eggs very slowly became more and more spoiled, until the machine ran out of eggs, due to spoilage. I made a shitton of biochambers, but I need something really infinite for science, so that I can never come back.
No, just look up a quick tutorial on rail and chain signals.
I just can't bring myself to willingly use steam power in space.
Eggs are always made fully unspoiled. By adding one unspoiled eggs to a stack and burning one each time you can keep a whole stack fresh-ish.
Do you play with or without enemy expansions? Rail world feels cheating, but my god dealing with these fuckers while I'm on a different planet is annoying
>tfw stone is the highest demand recourse in post game
>used raw in purple science to make rails
>of course cant use prod modules to make rails or at least make rails in the factory
>need obscene 4 stacked lane of rails for 10k spm purple
>bricks is fucking another stone consumer and of course cant make it in new buildings and only have 2 module slots to squeeze prod
>also need obscene 2 full lanes to make enough furnaces for purple
>and lets no forget concrete
I hate wube, i hate furryfag and i hate fucking stone.
>get to edge of solar system
>decide to make my "real base" on volcanus
>scout for coal
>find 1 (one) patch in this entire area
Am I unlucky or is coal this rare? Wont this be a big problem later?
You now realize that bricks couldn't be baked in the big space exploration smelter either. Furry hands were definitely behind this.
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Why cant I put station there
It's dumb but how else are you going to get to Aquilo?
Coal is actually pretty limited on Vulcanus, yeah
It's curved.
Purple science is such a fucking scam
it's free on Vulcanus, ship in plastic from Gelba and you can craft everything else there
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Smooth sailing

Red ammo indeed isn't worth it, burns through way too many iron asteroids for not that large increase in damage and increased complexity
Infinite iron, copper, and stone, still probably makes it worth it.

I can ship in plastic if i need to. I could even just ship in coal from nauvis if I get desperate.
there should be uranium astroids
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Its not
those rails are one way. you can't put a station down because of the signal up by your steel belt
You can make a big satellite that sends down shitloads of coal, it's not too difficult to do.
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Is it the only planet where you can't just drop naked and win or am I missing some way to make iron and copper?
>always made unspoiled

When you say burning, you mean the one used on crafting?

Idk why I kept running out of eggs then., maybe power shortages, or nutrient issues.

I was thinking about a huge sushi belt with more supply than demand and a inserter removing the more spoiled and throwing it on a heating tower, when the belt has more than X, but not sure if that would work.
my current nauvis base averages 200 coal a minute, and my final space platform averages 25/min.

I guess a platform made specifically for making coal could probably make hundreds per minute.
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The only way to make iron and copper is to crush it from asteroids and drop it down or ship it in elsewhere
oh man I forgot I put that there, thanks
Surely 11 green belts of green chips is enough
for a modest T3 module factory
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What the fuck, is this a bug?
I don't have this
>When you say burning, you mean the one used on crafting?
If a stack is starting to lose freshness, burn some, then replace them with fresh. The freshness is re-shared as an average through the stack when you add or remove one. This way none can every actually spoil and cause mayhem.
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Took advice from someone on here, going to try and fuck around with quality now I've got a (barely functioning) pepto-bismol science setup going. Holmium is fucking RARE. As far as I can see it, I'm going to need to basically recycle most shit down to nothing(?) except the holmium.
skill issue
engine limitation
Make sure you use foundries for the +50% prod if you have them.
I do not, I went to Fulgora first.
I don't know the ratio, but the ammo belts always seem full during the trips at least. There's plenty of leftover space to improve this ship though, maybe I can sneak in more furnaces if belts don't hold up
Rockets are cheap on Fulgora, it's not that bad but there's time to change your mind.
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I should have packed more reactors
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I unironically love coming back to a dead Gleba base and restarting it

Maybe it's because I turned it off on purpose and thus didn't get pissed off I had to come back. I also hadn't implemented my failsafe yet because I'm holding off on that until just before I leave
Should I go to Fulgora or Vulcanus first?
How do I automate that?
if (eggs in crate > 5) then use an egg in science (or burn it or whatever), else duplicate more egg and put in crate.
Either is good, but honestly probably go to Vulcanus first not only for the unlimited iron and copper but also because of the big miners which will help you get way more out of Fulgora's scrap patches.
>honestly probably go to Vulcanus first not only for the unlimited iron and copper but also because of the big miners which will help you get way more out of Fulgora's scrap patches
That makes sense, thank you.
One more question, I'm only 8 hours into my current save (currently at red + green + blue + military), do I have to worry a lot about the demolishers on Vulcanus? Other people online apparently just mass-manufacture gun turrets + red ammo from the foundries they made with the tungsten mined from stray rocks which works well because of the ammo damage/speed research.
>biters are eating my trains
>train cargo wagons die and it changes the trainID(fucking why!?)
>BRICKS any circuit network programming I had
Holy fuck. End my suffering. I think what is happening is that my trains are waiting in line to use a station and the biters happen to come by and it fucks them up. Can fire turrets deal friendly fire damage to my trains also? My rails are close to my flame turrets.
>do I have to worry a lot about the demolishers on Vulcanus?
Nah, they only attack you if you build in their territory or attack them first, so you choose yourself when you want to fight them.
Small and medium ones are kinda easy to kill with a ton of turrets and poison capsules, and turrets plus ammo are literally for free there so you don't even have to worry about losing them.
Rails are immune to fire but I don't think trains are.
Thanks a lot
Aquilo has the best soundtrack
just use lasers?
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Started out Fulgora. Really digging this planet atmosphere.
I've installed quality modules on Big Miners, because I guess that would make sense, since processing them with the Recycler keeps the rarity, but now I got three different outputs of scrap (common, uncommon and rare) and each scrap outputs 12 different products each.
God, what a nightmare.
Maybe I could make a giant line of recyclers and recycle everything that is not rare quality. Or just ignore quality altogether until I finish Gleba.
Not sure what to do here.
Warehouse mod really coming in handy here
>warehouse mod
you mean "warehouse cheat"
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The Nutrient Loop feeds all
>Or just ignore quality altogether until I finish Gleba.
That's what I did, I'm ignoring quality until I need it.
high quality medium electric poles and gun turrents are very worth it, I wish I'd started using them earlier
Is there any mod that lets you "tame" or raise your own biters?
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Maybe so, but just feels a more polished way to store thousands of materials at once than chaining chests.
They were in SE, but there must have been some disagreement behind the scenes about the role of a buffer chest
It's in the base game, isn't it?
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Quality silo throughput enjoyer here
Issue was moved to "not a bug". I'm posting a suggestion tomorrow.
Space Exploration
Thanks for trying king.
I hope they listen to you
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Wait, I thought artillery wagons took shells from other wagons? Wasn't that a feature? Did it get removed?
don't think so
arty wagons can store way more shells than the normal ones' 40 anyway
First time I hear that, are you sure it wasn't part of some mod?
It's always the steel making your first platform that can move eats so much of it
You are really going to love foundries.
>transfer items
Looking at factorio stdlib, it has a good function for that.
Still wondering if there's any better way to detect module changes and mining than checking every nth tick.
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Is there a bug right now where drop pods can't be hooked up to power lines? Both pods I've come across recently don't have a connection point.
Gleba is based actually
I'm a fucken farmer
That one doesn't take power to open it.
Once you get the hang of it, Gleba is really fun.
Also the furry did a great job with the graphic design there ngl.
>1x Modular Frame
Five legs!
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I love the imagery of these jungle plantations to contrast with the real industrial vibe of most of this game. I keep playing this and thinking like, Man, this mod is amazing, and then remembering that it's not a mod
I picked a fight with the first one I killed. The second one showed up like 4 hours later when I ran a belt across the corner of its territory. I was just as surprised when that cheevo popped up out of nowhere when I was working on a new space platform.
Oh and I haven't gotten into a lot of the Bioflux bioproducts, just kinda at the part where you can craft the agricultural science. Also none of those big boys yet
Oh I see that now. Never really went out of the starting desert.
So how do I ensure the freshest of ingredients for gleba science? Just make constant bioflux directly by the science setup and trash it in a heater if the science machines don't pick it up?
circuit conditions to ensure you aren't overproducing. I let some back up anyway, it has a 2 hour spoil timer, which is effectively infinite.
my shuttle travels between vulcanus and nauvis in 2 minutes
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>gleba alarms go off for the first time in tens of hours
>SEED belt is backed up with thousands of seeds
Wow. I only have 1 farm going.
>Demolishers are a non-threat as long as you don't build into their zone.
>late game you literally just one-shot them
kind of disappointed.
Go Gleba main base. Derive all from Bioflux. Become one with the Pentapod
I kind of want to do a modded gleba start and do this.
It would be really painful. I've tried it I got out to vulcanus, evolution timer is ticking from the start and it's certainly much slower when you need labs there. I found it more fun than starting in nauvis ultimately though
Pipes have infinite throughput now, so I can just make all my liquid metal at a single location on volcanus and just pipe it everywhere? Even if I make a 1M science megabase????
You're going to need a pump every 320 tiles but yes. Your only limiter is coal patches being ass
Yeah If I were to do it I would turn off new egg rafts spawning (assuming you can do that)
I do find it kind of grim that you are harvesting their eggs, incubating them and spawning more to process and use in your recipes. Biters never had such a legitimate grievance with you unless you were going full xenocide
Don't be a pussy anon
Mod for crushers on the surface?
Is there a mod that makes managing blueprints better? I am always fumbling with copying blueprints and taking them in and out of my blueprint library.
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Sucks to have a nice idea but then I mess up because I haven't done the proper math, guess a single drill of 60 can produce enough for a couple of assemblers (rotors). I hate having to redo a production line.
Gleba should have had 3-4 fruits instead of just 2
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Everything you need to know is in the title screen.
foundries are fucking useless on fulgora, they're only good for dropping iron ore from space and stamping a billion belts to get a foothold.
It's all about the scrap. Kind of a fun planet once you embrace the sushi, great place to quality loop all the shit to get easy rares.
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am I missing something? how do I resolve the solid fuel problem on fulgora? can't recycle it, only use is to make it into rocket fuel which I have extremely limited uses for. I can use it for power in boilers but the consumption rate is so low I can't get enough machines running to drain it. do I literally just have to max beacon my machines or something to drain enough power?
I wish I was worse at the game, so kino moments like this could have happened to me. Mods will fix it.
Your holmium smelting?
You chain recyclers to destroy it
That game has a LOT of bugs. Each drop pod takes a different resource to open. If it takes power, that power drain is FOREVER so unplug it when you're done.
but you can't recycle it
>can't recycle it,
>+50 innate prod on holmium
I alt+click'd it and in the 'used in' tab there is no recycler building
Afaik it had 5 different kinds until people at the land complained about it.
have you tried just trying it
do machines with more module slots have lower quality odds? I have a cryo plant that reads 40% quality but the output is only quality like 15% of the time
>plebs think gleba is hard

>stromatolites give shit tons of metals
>you can use regular assembler to make nutrients from spoilage for auto kickstarting
>pentapods are not even attracted to your base
>throw seeds into spoilage and filter out before burning
>heating tower is as powerful as one nuclear reactor
>burn fruits and spoil for power
>piss easy rocket fuel

You just have to remember that everything that has spoilables needs to be conected to a spoilage line
Of course you can. Stuff that can't be recycled further has a 75% chance of disappearing when you put it in a recycler. Just use recyclers that face each other to delete any items you want to be gone.
>want to build single-headed trains for once
>station has to be comically far away from the tracks

Please tell me I am retarded and there is a better way
Just have your trains go in from the right hand side instead of both?
I don't want to have to think about where stations are in relation to eachother.
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hahaha my wat
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This is how i destroy all my stone, solid fuel and ice i don't need
You don't have to, as long as you place a roundabout every now and then your trains can go anywhere without too much of a detour.
You can use foundries for holmium plates, which is really fucking nice considering how rare that stuff is.
That's true. I like having way longer trains than I need so my throughput is usually 0 anyway. (maybe foundries and EM plants will change that)
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it's an ore
which makes metal plates
how could you not think of this
Is it possible to hide recipes from the character menu?
I want to hide the casting recipes, since so many are added by More Casting.
>be me
>playing at gleba
>build super complicated bio factory
>inserters controlled by circuit network
>sushi belts
>logistic robot deliveries to restar metal microbes
>design isnt even tileable

I have improved my designs since then, the only thing that bothers me is using filtered inserters to handle spoil. The alternative would be to allow spoil on the product output belts and filter it out with splitters, but I think that's worse
shipping these biter eggs around is stressing me out man
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This is the setup I used to basically solve Gleba. Any use of the bio reactors and I just pasted this

It basically can't deadlock
It stressed me out until the first stack spoiled. One tesla turret will zap them instantly.
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It also accepts bacons and you can extend it out until the belts can't support throughput anymore

The only reason I have belt readers for this setup is so the seed bacteria generator only outputs if the bacteria belts run dry
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well sorry princess, other shortages had my attention
wish the game told me that... I assumed if the building wasn't there in factoriopedia it meant the item does nothing in it
What if they spoil on board a space platform though?
[Popping noises]
>sushi belt
>belting jelly
>seeds on jelly belt
Foundry or Electromagnetic Plant for copper wire?
What sushi belt?
Seeds go in the box, Sahib
How do you run out of plastic when you are too busy recycling your Reds to keep pace with your blues.
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pfft who needs actual uranium recycling when you can just nigger blast it with recyclers
Foundry recipe is 100% better already as compared to making plates & then EMP.
foundry for plates, em plant for wires
double up those bonuses
Foundry. EM if you're on Fugg and don't have access to molten copper, I guess
>just redesigned all my science with beacons and shit and added biolab
feels good. time to completely re-design gleba
>doesnt know what sushi belt is
>putting seeds in red box
>belting jelly
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they have been stockpiled for a future module crafting project that will definitely happen and devour them all in an instant, haha. surely I'll get around to it sooner or later and not add a couple chests every time it clogs up, haha.
I do. I think you don't
Yeah. I have a buffer set up. Otherwise they go to agricultural towers or the incinerator
how long does it take a demolisher to come around
>on fulgora
>build recycling setup
>need more holmium
>build a whole other recycler setup that trashes everything but holmium
>too much holmium now
>add spltter that trashes holmium if too much
>first factory jams with something else
>second factory is just destroying traunloads of scrap

are there any fun theories as to what happened to the fulgorans?
You should use active provider chest
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>He thought he needed a dedicated Holmium Ore factory

Why? So my storage chests can get flooded with seeds?
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What is the bot version of spaghetti?
It is the spaghetti that untangles itself
These Pentapods are:
a) burrowing under the ground walls are useless?
b) targeting the Engineer directly
c) targeting the egg spawning facility directly (I think)
I can tentatively conclude that they are much more intelligent than the Biters, which are mindless animals (though also hive minded??)
do you guys use a main bus on gleba or does the fruit kind of just flow in series? i can't tell if i want to try and have a "main bus" with branches, or just have basically a straight line of flow where the product just goes from A to B and whatever gets taken off gets taken off. post gleba bases
Better the storage chests than the output chest
apparently a few minutes
depending on where they are in their patrol
That gives me an idea for quality enrichment
In my actual base and not just the test lab, those passive providers output seeds once they reach a certain threshold so I have seeds in my base to make soil but the chests themselves will never fill because they output onto belts that send them back to get planted, or tossed in a fire

Rather than scattering them in my storage chests, they stay in a single chest and I'll never find out I have 8000 Jellynut seeds in my logistics network at some point down the line
Haste Makes Lots
Arent they just hatching from the eggs?
I went bots and trains. The trains bring the fruit and nuts in and bring the seeds out, and this thing does ... something ... and everything
I want to copy that spiral from the huge ship that other anon posted. You could have a spiral bus, tightly wound like a spring, with just the nutrients (which weirdly looks like cocaine) and the spoilage winding around like a pulmonary system
i currently threw together a bot base but its very inefficient. wracking my brain trying to make something that looks good but is also efficient
Is that what happens when the eggs spoil? There's always like ten of them. Pretty funny if that's the case
Yes, they spoil into live enemies

On a related note, if you forget to feed bioflux to a captured biter spawner (or gleba got jammed/kaiju'd) it will revert to hostile and spawn aggressive biters, BUT the turrets wont kill the spawner. They will kill the spawned biters tho
Burn the excess ya dingus
I'm already doing that
How will your storage chests fill up if you burn the excess?
Shit, you're right. Why didn't I think of that?
Because youre so dumb you are belting jelly and using a passive chest where you should use an active?
Why would I use an active provider chest?

That sounds incredibly dumb
holy shit the speed of pumping lithium is fucking PATHETIC
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Because a chest that you dont want to get filled up is THE use case for active providers
i assume you guys do nutrients on-site but flux to nutrients produces so much fucking nutrients it seems weird to not just have a bus of that
I bus nutrients because otherwise I would need nutrients machines everywhere
i was thinking of just bot-distributing them just to be lazy and not have to do circuits to control the flow onto the belts.
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Right but they automatically dump shit into storage chests

My question is why not use a passive provider as a buffer to keep X amount of an item available into the and then just use an inserter to remove the excess you manually set onto belts that automatically get rid of it

Here's the chest in my actual base. I can't see how this would be better being an active provider because then I'd need requestor chests to automatically pull seeds OUT of the logistic network as well as setting up some bullshit to make sure I don't pull all of the seeds out in case I need to make soil or if my agricultural towers run out of seeds for some reason

Flux nutrients is so prolific I took that as a reason to not make nutrients on-site
No, an active provider chest is for something you want to store an infinite amount of. Because that's what it will do, it'll dump all its shit into your storage system, forever.

Buffer chests are for items you want to store a limited amount of. Set the request and it will pull items in, then set blue chests to "pull from buffer chests" to use it. Honestly I think blue chests should have priority and pull from buffers by default, there isn't any use case the other way around.
you're pink that must mean you really stink haha
from all the pussy he gets!
Can I set priority on logistics chests? Do active providers have priority over passive providers? Fulgora just clogged because bots are prioritizing the scrap recyclers chests over the overflow recycler chests. (presumably because they are closer) I
I see. Well it seems Pentapods are mindless animals after all and should be shot at mercilessly with rockets. On a related note, I am also a mindless animal and should be shot at with rockets
>store an infinite amount of

Active providers are for when you dont want the chest to fill because it would back up the prouction

Active providers don't really have priority, or if they do it's maximum and it doesn't matter if anything is requesting that item or not. If there's something in them the bots will try to remove it. They won't look for the item elsewhere first
Sure, but rockets are for the big ones
You should put just gun turrets around the egg processing area because eggs only hatch into wrigglers
uranium would be better balanced if you could only get it as a byproduct of other ores, probably stone. At least in the base game.
first time playing? It's fine, you'll learn
but then you couldn't sing URANIUM FEVER while setting up a uranium ore patch
>trash unrequested enters the chat
A lot of solar panels get you there fine. Then you get fusion and put that into space.
How do you set up your ship logistics?
I have small ships for hauling science packs and a bigger one that does a circuit around the solar system picking up and dropping machinery

I couldbdistribute everything with just the big ship, but the small ones are leftovers from prevoius attempts. Also, the gleba shit does need its own express ship
now I know youre 12
I haven't automated anything but science packs because I've had zero reason to do anything but science outside of vulcanus
You dont want those stack inserters?
I just filled my ship with a thousand of them when I left gleba and haven't needed more since
Not him, but I manually shipped up like 5k carbon fibre and I havent run out yet. for now, I only use stack inserters where their throughput is absolutely needed (which for me, is my main fulgora recycling station.)
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>carbon fibre
But they also need jelly

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