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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Next Stop: Rinascita!
>Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | Camellya — SEED OF FATE
>Wuthering Waves A message arrived in a dream?!
>Wuthering Waves Version 1.4 Official Trailer | When the Night Knocks


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Resonator Banner: Camellya Banner [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
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>VER 1.4: (Patch Notes)

Previous: >>503474297
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Jeji at the top of the thread
What? I haven't noticed any inconsistencies? She spins when red and if you want to do a tracking plunge in that mode you press skill again, it's great for parries and chasing too. I haven't seen any weird stuff regarding height at all
jeji? more like FLOPji
>There's already Zani futa art
wu won
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Supposedly in the beta he was a vergil type rival character.

He might still end up being exactly that because of how often he shows up in events plus the lore reason of him sort of being a reflection of Rover
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please Solon make her dumb as a rock
Also there's these dev notes on him from way back

>After the grueling battle, the mock-up knight fades away under Rover's blade. The Crownless failed to acquire its "crown".

>The crown represents a child's rite of passage into adulthood, and it is also the Crownless' initial stage of imitating human beings. However, perhaps only when the Crownless truly understands the nature of human beings, can it find its own "crown" rather than merely imitate.

>This battle merely marks the beginning of the encounter between the Rover and the Crownless.

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Sex with preteen bishoujos
It's not futa. She is a man.
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I don't have Jeji and I'm not pulling her to save rolls for this >>503515295
Who do I use with Carlotta?
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Not really sure about Genshin desu
Jeji and SK/Verina
Wouldn't this mean he'd grow stronger as (you) do? After getting havoc and aero powers he should get new toys as well
she's skill damage based so Lumi or taoqi I guess. Or maybe just quickswap with changli
just saw the crownless cbt cutscene
he FUUUUUUCKED those bitches up
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Enjoy your pain and suffering.
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>intro sometimes instantly put her in vine mode, sometime it does not
>same with lib, sometime vine mode is cancelled, sometime it is not
Lumi for sure, usual Verina and shorekeeper, Baizhi might be good if Carlotta has short field time
It was good to hype him up and by proxy (you) as well
never happened here
>blessed fleurdelys
>making the magistrate of the Italian region french
I hope you die of cancer, Solon
Lumi it is then. Thx bros
>mediterranean region
includes southern france
*Villain of Italy is french
I’m American and have no idea what any of that means
same, bro is probably just mashing buttons like a retard
You did it ZhezhiKING.
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Intro doesn't do shit. It's just that she stays in whatever mode you last left her in. If you outro out and she's in vine mode then she'll intro in in vine mode.

2nd thing just doesn't happen. The only thing it does is force you on the ground. But that's just the animation. You don't need to press skill gain to get in the air again. Just start basic attacking
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I need her...
She will steal all their paintings and send them to France
Honestly? Crownless being your pursuer would be a good thing. He's cool as fuck. He even carries my ass in IR when I'm forced to use resonators I'm not familiar with.
The equivalent of making the magistrate of chinkland a nip
sex with wulolis
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I was confused too until I realized that she doesn't exit Red Hair mode when you switch her out.
She exits it only if you press space or press E again (non empowered)
Maybe that helps.
Her intro just gives her full forte bar.

I don't know what is you problem with liberation though.
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petition to uncrazy Cummy
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bros we got genshin'ed
Good action rivals usually elevate the genre a lot and I feel like he's perfect for WuWa. He's a mindless monster hellbent on removing (you)r spotlight, basically as obsessed with (you) as every other major character is but in a twisted personal way. It also serves as further (you) wanking in the long run, (you)'re the only one who can stand up to it
can kuro not copy ANYTHING for one fucking minute jesus fucking christ
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I can't sign. base clock cammy is best
Consider rope.
Were going to Italy you moron, of course it's gonna have some resemblance since the French and Italian have some common grounds especially back then.
sorry, i should have specified, i was going moonlight regardless but was unsure of the 3 costs. Ive got a lot of fusion dmg ones so maybe ill try to fish for extra regen
damn we took their hags and mogged the shit out of them
>chinks had a meltdown over this
how? Rover doesn't even job
The dead mom hairstyle aieeeee
Yeah, seemed to good to get something italian for a change, turns out it's the usual french slop with a couple of italians around
The issue was that right after everyone hated (you), when they really should've realistically sucked (you)r dick like they do now. But it sucks that it's missing that extra scene beforehand since it really drove home how strong he was
they had a melty at chixia pulling a gun on you after the encounter or rather it was a culmination of every npc plus the furry being a nigger to rover for no apparent reason
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kinda crazy how simple and elegant phoebe looks compared to navia
Navia and Brant for me on the top
Furina and Zani for me in the bottom
our Arle ripoff actually looks like a biological woman so we won pretty hard
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Phoebe > Navia
Genshit Ice Faggot Don't Remember His Name > Brant
Furina > Ugly Clown
Zanitranny > Arletranny

It's a tie
Less is more.
Navia looks overdesigned.
Yapyap, nyo...
She's gonna use it like a greatsword like you know who and smash things with that cane 2handed
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Squeeze them
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for me, its my nazi jewish demon goat succubus wife
She looks retarded
What if Phoebe actually uses Threaded Cane? That weapon is stylish as fuck.
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Out of 10!
That's the best part
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we went from max (You) pandering to this bros
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Grow up, zoomer. She's a Gnostic Lucifer sympathizer.
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Probably to push the
>You're a black lamb just like me, Rover

thing. Though there wasn't really any build up to people being a dick to you. They just were for no reason
I know she's perfect
Yeah, she looks like she has an extra chromosome or two
love my hard-working wife
I am so concerned bwos
That's right, Carlotta already has a husband. Astral Modulator, Guide of Civilizations, the Founder of Jinzhou...
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All the roccia fanart I get is just from here. Should probably check Pixiv once in a while
Any leaks on the 4*s
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>ice faggot > brant

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here
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Longest 3 months of my life
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Carlotta > any Jinzhou slut
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4 months
his head looks fucking edited on at the end why kek
Pixiv is empty. Not a single one. Better luck on xitter probably
>shizo twitter headcanon for the 4744th time
>character turns out to be for (you) again
when will they learn?
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We need to wait at least two weeks after jinhsi rerun to determine if carlotta is a consort or a canon wife
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good job bros, our dude is getting popular
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Yeah I'm not doing that, so thank you anons and sorry for your loss
Jinnybros what the fuck
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As long as you know your place, jinzhou and ragunna sluts
I've been camping xitter for art, rankings are (personal perception)
I'll keep an eye out for clownbros, but I wouldn't hold my breath
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Bullshit she was top 3 last time I checked, with a pretty big gap with the 4th one being carlotta
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twitters where I usually find new art
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>Tier 4 consort
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You should learn to ignore/filter bait bwo and enjoy your harem, because they won't stop anytime soon since we keep wuwinning
remember, Solon lee said "it's okay as long we survive, now they need to pay the investors, (You) pandering didn't go so well
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Holy KEK it's not even close lmfao
Lil bro should be compared with our npcs instead for a fair fight
this is pretty good but wtf is that suitcase
How much do these weight?
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Same bro...
Wait, this faggot is a playable character, not an NPC?
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Learn what? They just spread lies intentionally to ruin other people's fun. When will you learn is the better question.
KEK holy shit
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Holy fuck I forgot how awful genshin model truly is...
Literally a PS3 game.
Phoebe and Carlotta sexo
Rococo suffocating between her thights
Homo being a bro
Zani forgotten
Phoebe should have regular blue eyes.
I regret rolling for yinlin so much lads. Her weapon's goat tho
I remember him looking better for some reason
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My bad bro, I forgot to give it a squeeze
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How much ER does each DPS want
I need Rococo S6 and sex NOW!!!
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Respectfully disagree good sir. Them being an entirely distinct colour from her design brings so much attention to them.
Definitely just pretending!
120-130% as a general guideline
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okay now that the tourists and raiders have fucked off what's /wuwa/'s stance on her?
Do not trust
She's in fact a terrible fr*nchman
Dick hard
Bank account in shambles
she will bear my children
Literally me
She's a decently hot demon lady, not too fond of hags but if she does get a cunny flashback I'm doing a complete 360
Man with boobs.
not into hags but rolling based on the outfit alone
she's hot and i will impregnate her
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step on me mommy
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I'm hebemaxing so I'll probably have to skip for
carlotta + phoebe + sentinel
>her character quest gonna be kicking shit out of her fiance
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Nigga, my hunger for busty office ladies is so through the roof at the moment you have no fucking idea

My ikemen wife.
Never was a fan of masculine women, so skip.
Ah yes Gran.
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Sex. Will get her for sure
Pretty hot, but Carlotta is the top priority for me. I will pull for her or Phoebe depending on their skills.
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I prefer younger girls, but I can see why people like her
Favorite design of the new characters.
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>that image
You're aware that tatu are not lesbians right?
It's marketing.
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My wife
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Imagine the paizuri from the both of them
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Phoebe looks exceptionally retarded, I love it
She can be my consort after my wife Carlotta
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I'm here Rinascita, the legendary Rover

My first decree. Half of all your clothing has to go. Skintight bodysuits if you must
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Jinny's high leg frilly one-piece...
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Real question is what's /wuwa/'s stance on tails?
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Reminder that Carlotta OWNS you from long ago
Damn I really like parts of Navia's outfit like the corset and skirt but other parts like the oversized cockroach tail and the oversized cleavage censoring necklace and the censor shorts are not so good. Also she should've been a hebe.
no way fag
whoever could pull my face out of her ass would be crowned magistrate of renascita
Is the tail her erogenous spot, or are her horns?
lol, it's gonna end up being Rover in a dream or from a past life or something.
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Dragon tails are simply superior
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>stuck up ojou headcanon
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She won
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For me it's the least favorite design alongside the homo. She looks just like generic dyke western trannies like to shove in every game now. Tired of that shit.
She's fine. Phoebe and Carlotta are better.
How can I believe anything Shorekeeper said about Rover's past?
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Favorite wuwa, birbwife a close second
I asked a succubus character (a woman with horns and tail) in the survey and Solon actually listened... I'm shocked.
I'm gonna pull so hard, especially if she has good pandering.
>cute girls
>also the welfare male
peak OL design, kinda wish entire lineup wasnt 5*'s so it wasn't a 3-4+ month wait to get her
Saw this (Was the one that posted the VA's yesterday). Source is the chinks so take it with 10 grains of salt and then consume it as they reveal the clown.
If the clown matches then the rest are likely right.
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if AK taught me anything it's that grabbing a girl's tail is like grabbing her tits
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The hottest
Also schizos haven't left, people just stopped taking the bait.
Solon is in your walls
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you need to wait the rest of 1.4 which is like 5 week still
then 7 weeks of 2.0
then 7 weeks of 2.1
What if i fucked her mom 20 years ago
I'm not really a fan of the horns but the basic design is alright. Hope she has a fun personality. Glad we're finally getting some hags.
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Yes, it's me, hands off boy.
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There'll be a clunny stars intertwined today right bros?
Make sure you give her tons of daughters so I can groom them for my cunny succubi harem
I feel compelled to relieve her of her shoes...
Damn, nopan Ojou seducing Rover...
Call it Alabama, cowboy. I'm going in
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>Rover met her 15 years ago while he was backpacking through Italy
Looks like a man with big tits and the kind of character that attracts the mentally ill, hard pass.
Nah, no one cares, It was supposed to be yesterday but got cancelled.
Yeah, no, but Rover did this to YangYang's mom that's why she'll be important again in the future.
Did we groom her as a child and promise to marry her?
Rover just flew over my house
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>"Papa you're finally back! Mama's gone now so it's just you and me!"
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In 4 hours but I'll be sleeping
Do people just not age in the world of wuwa? Or is it all explained by resonator powers?
Reminder she has older sister.
Sure anon I can do that for you.
Treat them well tho.
(You) are not Rover.
Phrolova is canonically 15, don't know any more ages. But that one is the funniest because I like to believe every hebe model (the new smaller one) is at most that age
>Yangyangs's hair wings come from Havac Rover
It was explained that resonators live slightly longer but that's not really relevant in this case. The very long living resonators like Shorekeeper and camellya are special cases.

Carlotta is also just young and has never met rover before
Good. More Zani for me.
do the boots stay on
Oh yeah sorry about the noise anon.
I have to go fuck my wives so I flew a bit faster than usual.
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I am
Lies, deception.
Actually AeRover, but that'll be revealed later since GlacRover comes first (I believe)
It's in fact the kind of character that attracts the mentally ill.
>Do people just not age in the world of wuwa
Loli changli
>every hebe model (the new smaller one) is at most that age
Lumi seems like she must be older than that.
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Of course my brother, all in the name of family
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I accept her proposal
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that would mean she's your daughter
which would mean you can't make her your wife
We're getting aero in Rinascita anon.
Probably because she seems like a competent job leader and a teen being that breaks my suspension of disbelief harder than anything else in this game. Not like you can trust anime ages with appearances in the first place, I just think it's really funny. I also feel like the elf is a lolibaba, or hebebaba if you want to be an elitist
>that would mean she's your daughter
>which would mean you can't make her your wife
Show me where it says incest is illegal in Solaris
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Shut it anko, I will resort to necrophilia with your mom if I have to.
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Any other suggestions?
Fucking watch me brat. China probably wouldn't allow it
Carly is NOT your daughter
Any upcoming events? 40 days until 2.0 is a lot.
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Reminder that camellya is at least 40 y/o
Carl is my son!?
Tower is reseting soon, enjoy your 700 crunchy rocks
Yeah... I also asked for a Lamia character and a girl that has Lumi's model but with Taoqi's tits.
Thank you in advance my king.
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I've seen that intro before...
Has it been confirmed already? Oh well. Anyway, here's my take: in 2.5-2.9 Phrolova finally breaks Scar out of jail and he decides that to hurt Rover it's the easiest to abduct Yang Yang. This happens right after it is revealed that YY is Rover's biological daughter and becomes a major plot point in 3.0.
And Shorekeeper is 500
Just some small stuff https://wuwatracker.com/timeline
out of 10!
Read her story. Camellya is hundreds if not thousands of years old
Shorekeeper is like 1 billion. What's your point?
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I just hit 60, anything past this? atleast for rewards?
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>which would mean you can't make her your wife
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>Do they.... find a new reason to be angry everyday?
sounds like the anons who dig for any negative comments by literally whos on twitter just to get mad at for hours at a time. All i see is positive attention, focusing this much on ¨haters¨ is literal nigger-tier mentality
She lived for eons so more than 500 years.
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>cam is a hag
oh no
Is Changli immortal?
>pincer maneuver two
not this shit again
Tall women that are flat are ultra rare tier. I can't even remember one from the top of my head now.
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oh yes
Pincer Maneuver is the worst event we've had to date. You know I'm right.
A boy in shorts.
some gibs, like 5 pulls every 5 levels. rewards from tacet fields and forgery dont increase after 60 though
You get a minor resource bump at 70 for things such as credits, but that's really about it.
Yes, It's just not fun
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the opposite...
Shes gonna die young...
That hag from Jeji quest, member her? Yeah, I want to play her and add her to my harem. Thanks in advance.
Freminet, Lyney, Venti, and Xingqiu in a good game
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Yea I'm not a fan. Can't imagine how much it sucks for people who don't have Cammy.
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Skipping everything until Zani. Anyone with me?
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Ok but what does eons* year old ayylmao construct pussy smell like?
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Take a break Mr. Solomon my wuwallet can't handle any more girls
I'm taking the chance to raise havoc rover and murderhobo for it since there really isn't anywhere else to spend resources at my progression, but I imagine that newfags will struggle badly.
It should've been coop two teams defending off waves of enemies each granting the other buffs depending on what type of boss they defeat
Random overworld date encounter that ends with sex
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What seiyuu would you give her? Ignore the leak about it
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I know you probably suck that's all i get from this tweet. Weak.
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They should make all the premium npcs of 1.x the 4 stars of 2.x. Starting with beatrice.
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Must pull.
I'm a MAN who would fuck their ASSES GOD DAMMIT
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Ever smelled the inside of a crystal cave?
Fairouz Ai.
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I am
Dyke expy a good attitude and a future skin might salvage her however
I am not rolling Zani
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She's not making it to 30
Someone post her profile line about dying
Reminder that prehensile tails practically serve as a fifth limb, so one can have a lot of fun with these if they're creative.
being kinda bitchy is part of the appeal
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Skipping nothing except Brant. What's your maneuver?
She will be reborn like a phoenix, we will have loli Changli a second time.
taoqi model but cooler.
penis like it.
simple as.
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Carlos + jeji or Carlos + 5* gun
Tomita Miyu, Yuuki Aoi or Koga Aoi.
This, she'll get a new frame I mean awakening or whatever it's called here
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Thanks for funding the servers bwo
I'm only skipping the male and the child
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>Skipping nothing except Brant.
how many rolls would you need to have stashed right now to pull this off with average luck
Skipping the male and Zani for obvious reasons.
Giving lord arbiter a good ol' prostate massage.
I'm getting the gun. Cheaper
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Entirely depends on the kits. If the kits are fun I might grab Phoebe but Zani is the main one I care about out of the lot. Carlotta doesn't interest me whatsoever and Roccia has a cool aesthetic but her kit needs to be somewhat enjoyable for me to care past the ghost.

Brant is the only one I want to pass on unless he's got a great kit because visually I don't find him cool whatsoever. Jiyan was cool. XLY had the robit arm. Mortefi exudes a "Cool" aura. Aalto is a retard but I adore that retard. I warmed up to Yuanwu from how cool his kit is visually. This dude is pretty much coasting on his tricorn at best.
average luck would be 2 coinflip wins 2 losses right?
so in total you need 150*2+75*2
i would assume like 150 pulls saved at the end of the patch should be enough
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Carlos + Standart 5* gun + Jeji?
Good taste
Roll: Phoebe - Carlotta - Clunny - Zani - Katishia
If it's female i roll unless it's absolutely dogwater, i even rolled Jhejhi that's how low my bar is btw.
pass on the two males while gunner glacio and the elf guaranteed pull
Just Carlotta and Zani for me
Post lewd stelle's, also are (You) looking forward to any 2.X char?
>you know everything about the past and future
>a piece of technology that can control/influence TDs
>mfw Rover or the Goddess (or both) passed the gate's trial
>mfw Abraxas is their attempt at creating a vessel to take over the lament's authority in place of an Agent 0
>The memory wipe is so THEY don't figure out what you're up to
>mfw I have no fw
i'm not who you think i am.
Carlotta + weapon
Phoebe + weapon
If Solon doesn't give me a break after elf I'm dead
that's assuming going pretty high into soft pity
on average it's 55 rolls per 5* or 83 per rateup
so you'd need 333 rolls on average

the problem is we don't know how many rolls the patches are gonna have or how the girls are gonna be distributed among the patches
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>first spoiler
>second spoiler
>third spoiler
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You took up the mantle of posting a smug phoebe, you post lewd stelle's. That's how this shit works.
Phrolova in 2.4
You rike?
Explain your lore please?
Zani if she's def scaling.
saving all my astrites for phrolulu
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Are you me?
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>which would mean you can't make her your wife
You can't stop me.
Scar and Fololo will be released as the Wuwa's equivalent of uniframes only to realize the idea flopped again so they'll get alts as normal resonators some time after.
if i get a character before 70 pulls i am super lucky
>execution animations
Thank you.
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This was the guy who made the "leak" n facebook (he was shitposting something like "yeah she is married.... to me btw") and now he is calling out the retarded twitter faggots for no taking the joke KEK
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I go by many names anko.
Lord Arbiter, Astral Modulator, Dream Walker. Some even call me the Commandant in another universe.
Soon it will be any variation of Father, Papa or Daddy. Though I'm technically already referred to as Papa in PGR
Nta but that's disgusting.
Spoiler your gore next time troon.
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Is this a good crit rate crit damage ratio? or do I need more crit?
70/230 seems to be the sweet spot for doing well at the ToA from my experience.
because you play with en dub
I like your crit damage ratio
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>Phoebe love
Your crit stats fucking SUCK
>4* weapons change their look as you level them
Alice in Wonderland! because you're putting french elements in an not!Italy you hack!
I play with jp dub. I wasn't saying that because of her voice, I was saying it because of her job.

Yes it's perfect 1:2 ratio
>need carlotta
with crit weapon, 70/260 without it, about your stats should be decent
Looks ok if no crit weapon. You're missing one Crit Rate roll, having it would be nice, but that should work too.
How come she gets away with covered tacet mark?
delicious brown girl with white or red hair, please
>thanks yapyap
Need Carlotta
>wife roccia
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>anon thinking
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Oh fuck off. If she's dead I'm quitting and I just came back.
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I hope we get someone like this in New Federation
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This shit won't be enough for a good amount of characters in ToA this is why any weapon without cr/cd is ass if you have SK you might get away with it
Limited loli, but a cute girl instead of ugly clown
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This is bare minimum to enter /wuwa/ guild
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Noooo dont leave us
playable characters don't die bro don't worry
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Just keep playing bwo
It's ok you get to play with her corpse mindwiped version after the quest.
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It's over...
She's gone...
I need a drink...
She is your wife(True)
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i cant believe my wife died forever...
I've been away from /wuwa/ for a while, glad you guys seem to be having fun actually *playing* the game.
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Come back right now, you shitter, and go save her!
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No drinking!
You have to do something about it.
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So sorry bwo hope you didn't get too attached to it
Back to your designated canon wife now
Story was so strong he couldn't even finish it. Solon filters another.
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She lives on in our hearts.
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Tadaima, /wuwa/
Stupid bitch Jinny
Thanks for the feedback I'll strive to do better. it seems I need to go back to the tacet fields.
this bird looks a little scale-y
wouldn't bother unless it's your main just get a crit weapon instead if you can afford it your sanity is more valuable
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Need Shorekeeper GF
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Ooh, Rover~
Are you alone in there?
Never stop chasing those perfect crit ratios king.
>still no info about BP's changes
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New player here, it seems that the illusive realm in the current patch is a sequel. Will the prequel come back or something as a permanent event? Seems weird to add an event as part of the main story
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That's the Astral Modulator I know
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She's hot as fuck and a must-pull. BTW, anyone saying she looks like a man is a closet faggot. If you're looking at a woman with giant tits and wide hips and all you can think of is dudes, maybe you need to start questioning your sexuality.
More interested in gacha changes desu
>anyone saying she looks like a man is a closet faggot.
It's bait anon. Just ignore them
>Post some tranny woman
>le mommy
Tired of this forced meme shit
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Not really. The "prequel" had minimum story and it was basically just some obscure hints for this main event that's happening right now
Carlotta, Phoebe and Zani
I hope we get a lot of astrites in 2.0
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I love myself
Standard gun effect is dogshit...
bwo only mindbroken battered wives from "that" game post that shit not even worth your thoughts
Remember changli NTR smile spam? Same PTSD victims i don't know how they handled their characters over there and i don't want to know.
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Gor youhu to be a better healer do i prioritize healing bonus or atk? i dont like verina
is that with atk% 3 cost?
Phoebe uses a sword?
every single game is turning their females into dykes, you are the one with ptsd if ¨that¨ game is the only one that comes to mind
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Phoebe only uses a blade to cut my sandwich
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Need Snorekeeper pajama skin
Great logic.
Great seethe.
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I found she dos slightly higher damage with crit damage 4 cost than running crit rate and hitting nearly 100% without shorkie
nta but I got jinnys signature so attack+spectro
Raw stats make up for it. Unless they change BP weapons into something good I'm sticking with it.
Feel free to roll her weapon though
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Solon thinks he can top my Black Shores harem, be my guest
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Husbant come back to Jinzshou
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straight game btw
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>wuwa always loli
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I have mine with Crit for damage.
melty time
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2024.. I am forgotten
real dyke hours
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>first boob tacet mark goes to a pirate homo
based kuro
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I'm worried about Jeji, a rerun is a lot of pressure
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Male Rover is canon
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Good job bro
Bro your Mortefi?
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It's all a dream sequence bro don't fall for it... she's gone RIP modulated alt+f4'd
Geshu is just mad he couldn’t be included in the harem and it’s why he went chud mode
>"hmmm... do i know you?"
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Wife acquired
Yup, those little blue eyes convey consent
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Congrats bwo
>every single game is turning their females into dykes
Name five
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Don't kid yourself bwo, Xinyi or hag from Jeji quest >>503523913 look hot as fucking hell, while this >>503520051 is a dude on hormone replacement therapy. Only fag here is you.
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He found another way.
Keep thinking about dudes, anon, I'm sure you'll get the courage to come out eventually.
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kek you’re right, I always thought it was on his scaly arm because of the liberation screen
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603721991 add me bwos
Shorekeeper won
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why would people that are consuming the equivalent of 90´s media the ones responsible for the current troon ptsd? even the most pozzed up gacha games dont come anywhere close to what people playing western games are tolerating
Honkai Star Rail
Genshin Impact
Zenless Zone Zero

Cope more
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Okay this is very cute. I need this with Changli.
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What the fuck is that abomination?
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genshin players are weak. as a granblue player I've been subjected to much worse than anything fat xiao has shat out. thank god for the skip button
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coastguard, my beloved
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>360 corals or 45 rolls for one sequence
feels like a trap unless you aim for s6
those 45 rolls are better spent getting the weapon or another new character
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okay and now let's see the canon lesbian kisses in all of those
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Nice account bwo thanks
This is my favorite
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I loved it, truly.
dykeshit is normalized because it’s the tamest and most passable form of fanservice since it can just be interpreted as girls casually being ‘friendly’ with each other, whereas something like bromance is too gay to pass under any context
Got you
this shoki looks different....she looks superior?
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>aiee noo yamerooo let me move goalposts
and you lost
gg (not really) well played nerd
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most men also like it
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An observation from PV.
Top image: Wuthering Waves Special Record | The Shore's End
Bottom image: Next Stop: Rinascita!

First image
>coloring positioning of the circular panels suggest that the POV of the image is from the interior
>water outside, underwater
>seemingly a mane is spotted at the bottom left

Second image
>window structure is situated at the highest point of the largest building in Ragunna

So what does this tell us?

1. For such a high point of the building to end up underwater in the 1.3 teaser shot, it heavily implies a total submergence of either the building, or the entire city of Ragunna

2. It is highly unlikely for the submergence to be a state of the past, highly unlikely for such a huge building to be hauled out of water and reinstalled at the highest point of the city, and even more unlikely that the city re-emerged from the ocean as a whole

3. This leaves the submergence to either be an event of the future, or an event from a branching timeline

And with that, I leave you with some questions.

What could hold enough power to submerge a whole city?
A Lament? A Threnodian? A Sentinel?

How will the story of 2.X coincide with all this? What part does Rinascita's Sentinel, speculated to be a Hippocampus, play into it?
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Uh do I get a sword for camelya
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What's a pinay? Do I want to know?
should i build chixia
need someone to clear floor1-3
and no iwont level XY
>the last star wars game
>last of us 2
>last tomb raider
>the last spiderman
>last fable game
>last horizon zero dawn
gacha players are the last people that you should blame for twitter and reddit troons being retarded
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Astral ovulation.
Odds, yes evens you get s2 instead
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>substantiate your claims
>g-goalpost moving!
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>every single game is turning their females into dyke
And that's a good thing!
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Supposedly. Now how will it work is a mystery.
Is the staff the same as Jiyan's spear/Danjin's blood sword with full blown Liv mage gameplay? Levitating staff on the field like Yuanwu while attacking with a sword? Rapier sheathed in the staff?
While her weapon seems too long for a cane,as >>503517960 asked, two-handed threaded staff?
Or completely outside her thematic, martial art staff techniques?
Bets are open.
Could someone help me out here? Secondary sources are woefully inadequate to answer my questions. I just need a rundown on what a few terms mean exactly.

What exactly is a Lament? What's a Threndonian? And what does it mean when someone Overclocks? I've been looking around but can't find anything and to my knowledge there's no in game glossary.
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Love Shorekeeper
>there's no in game glossary.
Oh found your problem. Just look harder.
3.0 powercreep will be massive, you will need multiple s4+ limiteds
Bro what the fuck is 0
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Goddamn Solon I fucking kneel. I didn't think a girl could be more for (You) than Shoki but barely into this quest and I need to breed this bitch.
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Where are you seeing her as a sword user?
Anyone can. You can level Chixia for that if you want. Or just wait until you get more 5-star resonators
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>every single game is turning their females into dykes, you are the one with ptsd if ¨that¨ game is the only one that comes to mind
>Name five
>4/5 are from mihomo
Holy kek, how are you not embarassed with that reply
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>it's another "manlet cries about yuri" episode
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now kiss
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Wuwa is heterosexual game
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Now to your next wife
Cute girls kissing cute girls is hot and I'm not gonna pretend its not.
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I want to stuff my face right there
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I don't know that sounds kind of gay
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it's uhh mnn, like when the uhh... it's
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Nazi has insane amount of art yet you choose AI, be better anon
maybe the building gets filled with water? also this reminds me science has gone to shit so it could be some type of tech too
like related video
That's what the leaks said. And you have to classify her weapon within the constraints of the game anyways, she has a staff so will it be sword? broadblade? rectifier?
But as always its to take with a grain of salt.
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Just started and i am on ch4. I'm sorry but does it get good because i just spend and entire chapter investigating a candy.
That's even uglier than her render
>Secondary sources are woefully inadequate
It doesn't contain the most up to date documentation since most of it was done during cbt, but this site is still a great resource for lore related stuff

>What exactly is a Lament?
To put it simply? A disaster caused by remnant energy.

>What's a Threndonian?
The most dangerous classification of Tacet Discords, said to be bringer of catastrophe and destruction due to their magnitude of power.

>And what does it mean when someone Overclocks?
When one’s mental capacity is overwhelmed, losing control and causing an overflow of resonance energy which can be harmful to themselves and others.
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Spin to win is too fun
Selfcest is fine by me.
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weapons are mostly just placeholders in wuwa
Jiyan uses a spear
birbwife uses feathers
Jeji a brush
Yao lasers and kicks
Elf puppets
Camel plants
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Yeah, mangosteen is the worst part, after that things only get better
>maybe the building gets filled with water?
The positioning of the colored glasses makes it explicit that the water is outside.
You can cross reference the top and bottom images and see that they are reversed.
what type of being would be born if lord arbitrer fucks itself? would it be the being to end the TD(discord trannies)?
getting essex vibes from that blank stare
Which leaks? Every one I see has her as rectifier.
Im gonna be honest but the 2.x girls don’t do it for me on the surface. Maybe there will be more I’ll like later but I don’t see any I really love right away besides Carlotta. Still looking forward to a new region tho.
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Continuous apocalyptic event that brings an army of monsters (TD) and fucks all previous laws of nature (except gravity, but kinda is since time is the clearly affected).
Embodiment of bad human emotions in the form of an unbeatable monster that creates TD. For example jinzhou, the frontier against TD created by rover, is in a war against ovathrax, threnodian of war (who created the overlords dreamless and crownless).
First mentioned in yinlin quest and then on 1.1 story, resonators have two progressions, first is awakening when they get their powers (but not without some physical or mental effect, like verina growing vines on her spine and flowers in her ears). The second, which should be monitored constantly and avoided, is an overclock which is a terminal state where their powers go out of control causing physical or mental effect in a much larger form (which is contrasted with the second awakening jinhsi had when she managed to increase her powers without the side effects).
You're a real one.
The ones he made up with his discord
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1-4 chapters are Solon mandated filters to cull the weak, i'd rate them 4/10
5-6 are 7/10
1.1 a 8/10
1.3 a 9.5/10
Kino starts when you meet Scar and it's all up from there.
Also a real one.
Same with me, but for me it's always like that. Don't really care about pngs and trailers, but after I see character in the game and play them and their quest I usually get them.
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Give some love to our jinny bwo too >>503534513
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How do they plan on topping kino sentinel Jue?
this was my reply >>503532969, and the other anon is obviously taking the piss, holy autism
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I like AIslop tho
I saw one saying sword in these threads, didn't save it. Not sure if it was from stepleaker either.
miss me with that shit
we can only speculate from here, im honestly interested but i can't tell what will happen, maybe its just imagery with symbolism about the region too
It was from a youtuber channel that shares both wuwa and pgr leaks. Not sure if they themselves had another source behind them.
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easy access zippers
What's in the canteen
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>can now spam wuwa with dykeshit without any repercussions
thanks solon-sama
Rover's seed
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It would be a being of immense retardation.
don't say it
do not fucking say it
she's an alcohol and is destroying her family
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There was an old leak saying that the capital of rinacsita or whatever was underwater. So I think the crests in your picture aren't the same place
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Blonde Elf Spoiler from stepleaker
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Somehow they complicated the name even more in EN
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>the Blessed Maiden
So sentinels and threnodians are the same shit?
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Looks like a clock no?
IS this sonata good on anyone or can I just scrap all my echoes with it.
I considered that too, it would be a huge pocket watch
It's good for any on field dps
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Makes sense, maybe old rover just beat and domesticate threnodians to protect humans. And unlike threnodians, sentinels learn to feed on human will to survive instead of despair.
XLY and technically anyone who doesn't use quickswaps and does outro damage, but scrap it anyway.
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>rinascita 1566 kino soon
can't wait for brother A Piao's reaction to Zani
Good for characters with long on field time like xiangli yao and camellya (and good 4 cost with 0 animation).
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I just made a rentry because it's easier than having to put up with character limits https://rentry.org/te89y9s2
I use it on both xiangli Yao and camellya
Wouldn't an elemental sonata be better though?
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>There was an old leak saying that the capital of rinacsita or whatever was underwater
That was from way before launch so I'm not too certain if it made it through, considering that it was a text leak with nothing like a datamined model or in-game assets to back it up unlike something like Black Shores.

My personal speculation is that the submerging is a simulation done by Tethys System, to determine possible future threats. It is sort of similar to the way that the system simulated Camellya from branching timelines, and this part of the trailer that comes a few seconds before was what hinted to me at that. You can see the black shores logo, and the decimal thing is sort of similar to how steins; gate portrayed timeline divergence just as an example.
The difference is generally small enough that just one better substat will compensate it (and I think it's actually bis for xiangli yao, while within 2% of the havoc one for camellya but with a better echo skill in terms of easy of rotation).
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>cute changli
Changli and me
>finally 24/30
Bros... having a second dps is cool.
Maybe I'll be able to do 27 or even 30 soon!
>and the decimal thing is sort of similar to how steins; gate portrayed timeline divergence just as an example.
PGR also portrays it like that.
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It's a controversial set since it's bonus isn't all that but it has arguably the best 4 cost echo in the game.
But if you want to stay on the safe side don't scrap it, lock any elemental + %atk 3 cost
Lock 1 cost %atk
Lock 4 cost %cdmg crate
It's what I do
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finally, sex
best team for her?
I don't actually believe lingering is 2% worse either on camellya. Since the calculations also assume every hit from dreamless will hit all targets when it won't.
Mech abomination it 100% will hit with full damage.
Anyone can try out it in an aoe /many trash mob scenario themselves and see the difference
Sanhua + Verina/Shorekeeper
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I want new sonatas
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shorekeeper/verina roccia/sanhua/danjin camellya
We'll get them and cool new echos with the new region
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This Phoebe is particularly fluffy
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This is still Cammy's game, Cammy's SOL3
There is a glacio and coordinated attack one in 2.0.
Ok cool thank you. Can I ask the the same original question but about the energy sonata? I assuming it's good for healers and supporters.
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I said puffy Solon, not fluffy
>maybe old rover just beat and domesticate threnodians
I feel that it is more likely the other way round, with Sentinels being what humans brought to Solaris to aid them at colonization, and Threnodians being Sentinels that got corrupted by Remnant energy.
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wuwa as of late
how do i build danjin as support for cammy?
follow your penis
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Sorry but anything past 1 is bestiality
Energy set. Das it.
me on the left
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I draw the line at 5
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start lifting, faggot
For me, it's 3
that thing became tethys new core rest in piss
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The sheer amount of fanart this woman is generating is ridiculous. I hope Kuro is excited by it and they give her plenty of screen time.
People are still obsessed with the tongue idea too.
imagine the electrified blowjobs
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We're going to Rinascita just to heal him.
>Something something gross mischaracterization
>Somethingsomething she was meant to be a lesbian
>Somethingsomething for (You) is le bad
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What set will Lumi use? I have nothing to farm
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Your fat fuck is just tired, watch the trailers bwo what are you doing
Keep up with the spam, dykebro
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would /wuwa/ still like zani if she had a forked tongue?
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It's genuinely unprecedented that a drip marketing character get so much art in just 3 days, played genshit for 3 years and wuwa for 6 months and never seen anything like this.
bros did the time dilation shit in mount firmament end after jinshi took over?
I would only like Zani if she had a forked tongue, a tacet mark will do though
The very first playable hag, obviously. And a succubus at that.
She will get sidelined after 2 minutes of screentime like everyone else and the rest of the patch will be focused on midlotta’s date with the gary stu/mary sue mc
Moonlit or electro, basic attack for attack bonus
that is one oversized shirt
Given that she's has the literal appearance of the devil, her tacet mark has to be her tongue
Well either way, if its tongue or stomach/ near womb in game people are gonna lose it completely than they already are
Moonlit it is, thanks bwo
moonlit, she will be a great support once she's at S6...
>First playable hag
Elf? bird ?
Not hags. Too young.
is this really a positive
Jinny ended dilation but Zani will bring it back
Since we don't have any 4-star leaks I suspect our 4-star pool will remain relatively small...
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yuritroons aren't people
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the Dong cut
wtf jinny's transphobic?
who's getting those weekly mats this week bros? Finishing my sanhua then mortefi
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Aaaaand followed on twitter, that's good shit.
You want it on your sub dps yes
yurifags don't like her because her outfit it too masculine.
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Cammy's flower
>blonde girls only similarity is that they're blonde
>dudes look nothing alike
>lolis look nothing alike
>only Zani has a similar vibe to Arle, but even then, Zani is clearly superior
Prefarming for Looomi, nothing else planned
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I'm a yuriGOD and I like her outfit. Could do without the cape.
I think if it's confirmed her tongue there's going to be an even bigger flood of art for her, but I worry if it's just some place mundane it could dampen the mood. Hopefully Kuro sees all this and it's not too late to make adjustments to her model/animations if it's not on her tongue.
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I despise forked tongues but would still love her just as much, she scratches the right parts of my brain
>the sheer fanart
It's why many schizos have been targeting Nazi, she has been flooding everyone's feed.
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we live in the Cammyverse
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unironically high chance birb is older than zani
she's dyke expy are you dumb
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NTA but yinlin and birdwife were plenty popular back in the days too. I think we are just seeing it being amplified now with Zani, after a hag drought for the past few updates and the effect of a growing playerbase as well as general hype for a new region.
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>she has been flooding everyone's feed.
I know and I'm loving it.
I'd rather it be on her chest, have her button pop and reveal her tacet mark during her ult as she goes full succubus. I feel like tongue doesn't fit the impression that she gives.
>its not too late
I think the reception would still be high anyways, just not having it on the tongue would be like "dam sucks but whatever". Plus I feel like they probably already have most of her animation like close to being done by now even if she's gonna be in 2.2 so its up to them to decide on where the tacet mark is, definitely does up the mystery tho of not showing her tacet mark like other resonators
I just did 3 different back to back quests and all 3 of them had the green lightning tiger as "boss"

perhaps mt firmament couldve used another one of these
This is pretty good, link bwo?
Well I'm a yurifag and I don't like her. If other people do then they are wrong. Only actual lesbians like her. If only she had a skirt instead of those ugly-ass pants. Like this: >>503520343
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when did wuwa became so gay
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Anons kuro couldn't make it more obvious that it's related to her tie. She'll probably take it off and reveal a chest mark. It could still be her tongue but I think it's somewhere around the tie
Some other Wuwa art in there too.
Is this Teriiboi art?
Wuthering Dykes
>white hair red eyes
>big tits on a tight shirt
>nice ass on tight pants
She's pure sexo. Give her a tiny bit of gap moe and I'll be throwing my wallet at the screen.
i love blacks and maple story
This combioned with the fact that no leaker touched her so it was a genuine surprise.
I want her to be a secretly clingy kuudere.
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Free him from NPC jail
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Me and my mommygf.
inb4 he's chudbrick 2.0
>no lesbians
>doesn't know what dykes are
Anon, you are most likely gay as well.
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Not even an npc free my nigger ffs
Gib examples
Wouldn't that overlap too much with Shorekeeper?
It's rover the mentally ill flooded the thread the homo and dyke were a mistake.
But he transinioned transformed and free already.
His name is Zani now.
Saw several "booms" like this back when I played BA, but kexon paid people to draw and post art on twatter so I'm not sure if it counts.
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>it's on both her tongue AND in her cleavage, half a tacet mark each
>she stretches out her 8-inch tongue and her top blows open to form the full mark
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Are the raiding discordtrannies having an uppity again?
me in the back watching
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Dyke and lesbian are not synonyms.

Dykes aren't lesbians, they're mentally ill abuse victims afraid of sex. They look like Patton Oswalt.
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Yeah but surprisingly no one is taking the bait today kek
Mental illness
every time i see it i think of that gmod toilet creature
Solon needs western trannies to like the game, either that or EoS.
Wuwa will also win the TGA awards soon kek
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>checks the other wuwa art
Why had no one ever posted this?
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sometimes just friends
sometimes more than friends
Election tourist
i genuinely thought you were giving rover the title of "rover the mentally ill" and i absolutely could not parse your sentence until i figured it out
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Different kind. Closer to a dominant kuudere rather than shorekeepers submissive kuudere.
>Cool, calm, collected, confident
>Introduced to her from something going down in the bank, she takes charge and beats ass along side you
>Generally has the tired OL thing going on, her face doesn't really change and her tone is pretty much just a smoky, tired voice
>Story progresses and you do more stuff together
>She eventually has an obvious thing for you
>Tiny comments that are more overtly affectionate/possessive/appreciative
>Gets territorial if one of the others stands a little too close to you, sidles up closer herself
That sort of thing. I'm not good at explaining it.
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Rover isn't lesbian. I seed both the men and women. And the animals and children too. Also the TDs
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I like this idea better.
>Cool, calm, collected, confident
>Introduced to her from something going down in the bank, she takes charge and beats ass along side you
>Generally has the tired OL thing going on, her face doesn't really change and her tone is pretty much just a smoky, tired voice
>Watching you in combat triggers something in her
>She now loses her spaghetti and has giga gap moe around you
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It's unfortunate because I don't want to deal with raging homosexuals, but it's caused this counter culture where straight men will look at something they find sexually attractive, times 2, and then decide this for some reason is no longer something they enjoy.
Are you all focusing on the dick in sex or what?
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She's too fucking strong. You guys recon She'll take over Changli as the empress of wuwa?>>503518801
4/10 for the first few chapters? extremely generous anon, they were super dogshit
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I'd love to bully the manlet more, but my gf is calling me to dinner.
I can only see femRover as a shota hunter
Jiyan and the girls have no chance
Heavily dependant on personality. Changli has both looks and good personality to go with being the no.1 Rover wife.
bros will overclocks ever be cool? i want them to be fun sometimes like distorting
>6 months in
>still seething at 1.0
The yuriposting is threatening my fragile male ego. What do I report xem for? It's not enough to [-] and then another
fem rover would say that
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i fucking wish
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Our sister general is talking about us again
Jobber bro... not only was he thrown into jail, now even the mesugaki is bullying him...
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No clue
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wdym? there are already characters that overclock regularly during battle and have control over it like calcharo
No? Changli doesnt have a long lifespan, infact she doesnt even have a regular lifespan, her Forte and constant trips to Mt.firmament pretty much guarantees she'll die young.
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Nicely written bwo, but you have to consider her being a succubus, it has to play a part in her personality. Also some very unreliable leaks said she'll transfer to a different form (not talking about the elf)
If she's well written and fun to play I can see her dominating hard. If she's relegated to background character or too boring she's going to die the moment the patch hits.
Praying we get a free sanhua skin with madam magistrate's paid skin.
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>empress of wuwa
>trusting some botted poll instead of your dick
who? genuinely who the fuck is this guy, i still havent seen him ingame
I loved that in like chapter 6 when we go to fight the threnodian tm and the game has a hero's assemble moment where half the cast are literal whos.
Nice rewrite!
The strongest resonator in solaris 3, KAKALOH
he was at the festival
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So many newfriens
Are wuwa the popular kid now?
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>he missed him at the festival when the clock striketh midnight
oh no no
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Silence Jinnycord
I like how instead of having him in the Sonoro event we got Jeji instead...
i missed the festival bros... its over
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>photorealistic snow leopard model
We definitely need this one in Divegrass kek
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You went up to 3rd though jinny.
Is that too botted?
it wouldve been salvageable if after the threnodian was over, there was a quest with the mystery niggas that defended Jinzhou while Rover left. But its whatever, 1.1 was a step in the right direction and continues an upward trend in quality
I can't tell if she's a succubus or just a more general "demon", was there a reliable leak that confirmed it?
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She's got a spade tail.
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I don't wanna be popular, scary...
admittedly he barely exists, what the fuck solon
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I won't believe there are new players until people start asking how to get to the beacon under tigers maw.

Until then it's all larping
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Is this Anko?
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They added map markers for underground entrances so I had no problems finding it.
She's a phoenix so she's guaranteed to revive but im sure Kuro will play it out for that sweet depression kino they love so much.
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It has an underground map and marker now, so you will never see it again.
I have cammy/sanhua and Hrover/danjin built, along with verina and shorekeeper. But I only have 2 stars sword, and evey fucking character needs them, fuck this game mode.
>muh hag dies
>I get a mesugaki
This is a downgrade...
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Those are organic votes, i don't expect a sonoro abomination to understand "organic" but there you go.
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>Underground/hidden area map markers are visible for people the first time around

how the fuck is it a "hidden" entrance then
>Loli Changli
she was very level headed even as a loli.
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i like this and want it as the new team menu
That's why I said demon and not just goat. A demon could have a tail too. I don't know if Kuro has the chops for
>Literal succubus for (you) who's going to make you rail her until you die
yet, though I'm hoping.
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>nothing new except lumi
>lumi not even on the chart
wtf bros..
what the... jeji looks cool here...
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And to think she's gonna be Lumi-sized...
>Invokes some bullshit babble to make herself into an oppai loli
Would you?
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fan artists will be concerned when they realize she's a womanlet
Wuwa always feel a bit empty at the end of patches
i hope they can add a minigame or something
I'm sure you could pull some bs about how the reincarnation has the same knowledge and now, her more impish nature would make her mess with people when they assume she's a kid.
Is that a mod without the glasses or did she just get serious?
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bakers can we have these buns?
why is jeji angry? wtf
> Step 1: PS5 release
> Step 2: Safe Horny Designs
> Step 3: Censoring existing characters
> Step 4: Cucking and Shipfaggotry

Genshin 2.0 everybody, we've been had.
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They need to pace their content releases better. Everything at once results in content drought for the remainder of the patch. Events don't do anything since most are shit.
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it's a mod. she actually looks like this
its the same in PGR, kuro is just bad at this
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I think lust provoking images for ops attract undesirable people to the general.
Glad I'm a guy who puts everything off, then.
Usually the end of the patch is a week of me doing DIM.
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I will just leave when there will be too much stuff I don't like, but thanks for being concerned about me anyway.
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don't kid yourself you're one 'em
Love Carlotta
it's gonna get deleted, just bake with Carlotta again
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more than a month ago some anon posted a mod to change her eyes, dont know if he uploaded it anywhere else
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Yes but I coom with my /wuwa/, not tourists
What kind? Trolls or ultra coomers?
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Trolls, shitposters etc..
Telling her to do indecent things in the sentinels name.
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Man still like 1 month left huh
The wait gonna fucking kill me desu
I want the patch to end already because that "buyable" Youhu is very tempting but i know wasting the corals isnt worth.
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i missed the festival too, does it matter story wise? can i skip it?
you can always get her on normal rolls though, nothing stoppign them adding youhu to catellya+clown rateup in 2.0 either
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She will definitely appear on Carlotta/Zhezhi banner, just wait
But it is worth
Just jack off to youhu porn if you like her so much
Shes unplayable
skill issue
get good
There was a lore about xiangli yao and about the lament, though the lament part was reiterated in the black shores arc (that the physics itself change in the lament). But leakers said they are planning to find a way to make main story events permanent, so you can possibly replay them later.
Weak mindset
Don't, she'll probably appear in 2.0 banners and you can get her from both weapon banners
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I bet they'll put her on clown banner for double lolicon baiting.
she's great in illusive realm
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>try brant roll males
mmmm... nyo

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