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From the twisted mind of Jun Maeda who brought you Angel Beats!, Clannad, AIR, Little Busters!, Summer Pockets and Charlotte.

>Is it on PC?
Yes, it's on PC and mobile.


>Database/Tier list

Roll the guaranteed SS banner!


>Current event
3000 bonus quartz

>How to deal with malicious spoilers
Everyone make up your own spoilers to dilute it

tags: yuri, JRPG, comedy

Remember it's not gay when there's only other women around
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They are not wrong
Give me my 3rd novacrystal already aiiieee
Ruka is such a comedy relief when you're not playing her.
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Any code users remaining in this world? 7066wr6b7zheg93q
I've become a Misato enjoyer but clocktower's too hard to get her buff...
It really feels fresh when you are using other characters
>6k quartz
>Ch1/2/3 and their related events have been cleared of quartz
>Current running event cleared of quartz
>4/5 on the final tier of recruitment
Am I gonna make it for Yunyun without having to swipe again?
You used so much quartz already. You're gonna have to swipe.
Aiiiee... I already cleared out all the good packs other than the one with proteans.
if you've already considered it a good idea, i guess it's not an issue to do that once more.
Thanks for supporting the servers king but wtf did you spend so much on
Who knows what they'll do for new year's, maybe they'll be generous. You'll likely won't have a spark unless they go crazy, though.
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tiniest clue piece, come on anon, you should've been able to deduce this one.
i can read it both ways but still, just who the fuck was doing these translations?
sovlbros chapter 4 trailer. it is spoiler-ish
Bad impulse control...I've already kinda regret it, bwo..

All the guaranteed SS tickets and the GSS and then 150 pulls each on celebration and thunder for both versions of Seika because my rerolling only ever gave me Aoi.

I hope so, bwo... My rolls have been pretty bad.
me 2
this is /hbralter/
Will I be able to do something with low level gear trash? Like at least sell it to get some GPs back?
How does spending quartz to recover life work? I noticed if you do 5 directly, it's 350, but if you do 1, it's 20. Does recovering 5 in total always end up being 350 or is it just when you try to max it out that it gets more expensive? I really want to play more.
how the fuck are you already out of lifestones?
5* accessory is the line where you might want to farm more, as the amulets are BiS for quite a long while since you don't want to waste material making the 6* amulet that you could use for other 6* accessories.
also even if you try you keep getting the fucking role you don't want
I've been playing a fucking lot. I genuinely love the gameplay of this even when everyone else hates it.
I am actually bricked... I tried so many times to get a LCK amulet for debuffers, but I just couldn't get any.
it ramps up so the first one u do is 20 then 30 ect.
and it stays that way until the next day. so if you restore once it'll cost you 20, then if you want to restore a second one during the day its 30 ect ect.
>spending quartz to recover life
Bro, don't be a schizo, there's no way it's ever worth even if you're a whale.
Same. Once I have more free time, I will probably do a clocktower run. I actually wonder if I should try streaming it or posting YouTube videos. Maybe I could shill our game by showing them the most difficult content available to us right now...
Is there a gacha where recovering energy with currency ever worth it?
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sweet, her blessed shot itself is surprisingly strong
then gimme some goddamn lifestones so i can play the game i'm not letting this stupid clocktower beat me.
lots of accessory crafting
Only worthwhile for the first 3
What if he's a whale that lives in a sea of oil?
I'm doing 2 refills in BA everyday because it's fucking impossible to grind out event shops otherwise
refilling with currency is awalys whale thing to do and they don't care about such pennies
Pricunny system, the core concept of the system is to provide enough gems to spark while also being able to use it for multiple gameplay functions
Not the greatest for profits on the other hand unless you start being noticeably jewish with gem income.
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it happened again...
There's a lot to grind in this game, but none of it is even remotely worth it. 99.9% power take 0.01% the grind of 100% power. (notably, getting all orb skills learned for every single character among some other system that's not in global yet)
Creepypasta material
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join the church
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oh damn someone in the last few hours uploaded like 80 chs for the 4koma.
we are so alive again.
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nah, i'm out vrooom
doesn't look low effort either. nice.
will she remain a chestlet or magnificently grow out a massive rack 6 years from now?
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I never left howeverthough
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Thank you bwo but I used my invite on a trade already... somebody us this man's code...
If I wanna do a skill evolution, do I need to first do the introjection and all its prerequisites? That's a whole lot of crystals...
use my thread...
no because you're a spoilerfag
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Early + spoilers and you're smug about it, so no.
Next time leave baking to me.
sis just use characters with event bonuses...
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What’s a skill evolution
oh yeah just roll 2+ characters to get back maybe 30 pulls back
Even with what I have it's usually not enough to get the most out of these bonuses
An upgrade for uniform style ults that enhances it in some way. Some mildly, some become OP.
No one said anything about rolling new characters that give a slightly higher event bonus.
You can easily clear the event shop by having older characters and spending all your daily 1k AP on events.
After doing most of the socialization events I can conclude that Ruka is somehow one of the few normal ones
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>Current event
Ogasahara is so cool
How does the SS slip thing work? when it hits december 1 it will add the characters that were already released to it? so if I want to wait until yun SS is there, it would be like in february?
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i don't like this dungeon layout.
*falls on her face*
>when it hits december 1 it will add the characters that were already released to it?
That's just part of her charm
And very kawaii!
huh? and how exactly does it work then?
If priconned is so good why are you here bragging about it when it has nothing to do with us?
Fuck off back to your dogshit game
it rolls from the pool of units when the game launched a week ago.
>rerollcuck a "perfect" account
>get the guaranteed SS
it's over, i'm going back to the mines. cursed account.
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Both of you go back you're talking about BA and Pricon wtf lol
Koju is basically me
is she really that bad? actual brick level of bad?
What's your guys' main gacha?
/lcg/ GOD here.
Anon is so cute...
If you guys like Ogasahara so much you should use her gun version
>Hating sugawara
Actual niggardry
i want to impregnate you
She is such an awful character. Got cursed with her SS and would trade it for literally anyone else.
Weak bait retard-kun
I'm comparing games as a part of the topic related to spending roll currency on refills
Most games don't provide enough income for it to be worth it, HBR is especially up there
But you didn't even bother to read chain of replies
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What am I pulling for after I finish the 5 step banner?
Nothing. You're saving!
She's the worst character in the game, anon. She doesn't do anything, doesn't offer anything.
Do a cheeky x10 on the lightning rate-up banner, trust me.
dickpull or nothing if you're metafagging
>she doesn't know
sis... that's like asking which episode is the one where kenny dies in south park
Stop stop stop. Even if you're not a metafag Angel Beats collab is 2 months away. And if you like a few characters and want different styles don't throw your rolls away
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Angel Beats is cringe
I'm not gonna bother with that banner in the first place
Angel Beats wasn't that good
I'm skipping it with the power of thousand suns
What about the 2nd part bros??
Couldnt care less
I hope that Tama will be a good housewife for Megumin
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and prayers, even.
Ok roll away! Get your addiction satisfied and then quit because you dumped it all
...what exactly is your concern here, anon? why do you care?
I don't understand the weekly quests, what is the % filling supposed to mean? does it carry over for next week?
By that logic I would have quit after rolling on the shitty collab also.
Nice try but it won't work, Angel Beats is garb and I'm not wasting anything in that banner.
Huh? I was just saying save but if you don't want to save just roll. Why are you having second thoughts?
日本語がよく分からないんですけど。。。*unzips pp*
100% can uncap any SS-rare style once up to lv2. Lv 3 and 4 cost 200% each.
Why are you obsessed with angel beats? What about the characters you like? Or you don't like anyone or the game? Hmm?
slut character when
Is Seira+Seika a good start or do I need Tama?
There are a lot of pinks in this game
bro your Ruka?
If those are the only SS you got then it's a mid start, Like a 6-7/10.
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Even if it's Seika SS2?
What would a real good start look like then?
え、ええー?! ま、待ってよ、お兄さん… まだムラムラしてないのに...
aoi seika ss2 tama + blaster + attacker
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Seika + Aoi + Tama would be a 10/10
Seika + Aoi + any other SS would be anywhere from 7-10/10
aoi ss1 seika ss2 seika ss1 seira tama ruka ss1 adel ss1 irene ss1



Interesting turnout
>there still people rerolling
just get SS2 seika and start playing, you really don't need that much right now.
having autism must suck huh
Didn't get Aoi
Didn't get any Seika
I just believe in my forehead wife
Cute easy to please sister.
>not rolling
>paying for rolls and premium
Based and stacypilled
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I'm not your sister, brother
When in doubt, pick with your clit
>Seika + Aoi + Tama would be a 10/10
If you have just those 3 you won't be able to beat bosses.
I can tell your a woman but ill play along for fun sis
Yes you will
post cock then
guess they weren't wrong about the "yuritroon" term
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Whoever you like x6. Any other answer is incorrect.
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I got Aoi off of the chapter 1 ticket and am going to most likely hit pity for Seika and that's mainly because I love glasses girls.
>>>this early in the game
Reroll nya
>look at me im a man with a cock oooOooOooOoo
yet another attention whore wanting a free ride from female gamers. sad what this board has become.
Nah, I'm good.
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Have you spent any money I am thinking about hitting pity too
you're here so that makes you one too
No, not yet.
so why is the base feeding them so well
I think the best (semi-realistic) reroll is
>Select Seika 1
>Get Seika 2, Ichigo, Aoi from celebration banner
>Tama optional because Aoi carries defense that hard
>Introjection and give Seika 2 thunder field

Alternatively, I think Tsukasa is in the selector, but correct me if I'm wrong
>Seika2, Aoi, Ruka
Probably even better than the thunder start because Ruka is multi hit and can get an AOE fire skill
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So Jun Maeda can write about food
>I don't support gay I just ironically play a game that has lesbians and I browse /lgbt/ ironically and I have gay sex with my male friends just as a joke so I can laugh at fags
Goddamit I want to roll I want to roll so hard, why is there no good banner right now
Why not? They're elite soldiers and literally the only thing stopping Japan's destruction
Where do they even get the manpower to feed them? Humanity is in these domes that aren't exactly doing industrial farming.
I bet the food is made of slime
They eat cancer
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this would've hit harder if it wasn't for all the spoilers.
but that being said, it's too bad that she was full of death flags. literally too good to not have something bad happen to her. in retrospective you could've seen it from a mile.
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There's a shelter headquarters where all the elites (government officials and rich people) went to in the far north, sis
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If the food is made of slime then....oh no
we should feed them to the narbies
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Maki stronk. Thought I wouldn't be able to do it through the double permanent def buff with just free SS Ruka, but devastation multiplier is huge.
eat the narbys
Kind of hard to do that when they can lock out their seraphim codes remotely.
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I discovered that happened before even starting chapter one lol
Read chapter 4 part 2 about domes again. You are wrong.
She can't, she's an EOP
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The usefullest
I think what happens after hits harder
Bros... I love Yuki, but Yuina is catching up pretty fast... It helps that she shows up in my rolls... Our canon wife doesn't mind a little bit of infidelity, does she?
She's fine with it.
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bros you know the poll says the majority of anons are on ch2? maybe you should still put spoilers on your images?
these girls are supposed to be at their horniest age right
Wdym sis?
I know every girl kinda has a pair but who is sumomo's, is it byakko
Yukkie really is the best...
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not subtle about what narbies are.
Sucking on Sumomo's nutsack (her pair)
muting the voices for the carole reaper event
To be fair I dont think they were trying to be subtle
Why are you being a snowflake over some Japanese voices sis
shes annoying
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i guess they really weren't.
so she'd be perfect for you then
You'll regret it when she takes off the mask...
sorry for insulting your dumb american bimbo
probably gets answered but if not, why would going to the north detract cancers lmao. unless cancers from space somehow are weak to low temperatures or if it's just a bunker in which case you can bunker up anywhere.
No one cared who I was until I took off the mask
Yeah you better be sorry
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Based runway enjoyer
>Meta supports being so close together
Bros... I think I can literally only go for one of Yunyun and Muua. Which one do I go for?
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Ruka's so lucky
YunYun 100%.
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Yuki love
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you properly raised your ruka well right guys?
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>acts like they aren't close at times but reacts like this to this shit
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Massive chapter 3 spoiler
So they're all narbies, but they tire out, they bleed, they feel the need to eat. I feel like it's safe to assume that they're all essentially human, with human organs, until the day they're killed.
Would it be safe to assume that they experience aging as well?
Does this happen because a human soul finds its way into a narby? Or does the narby find the human soul?
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>this would've hit harder if it wasn't for all the spoilers.
well now i'll never be able to confirm this theory. thanks a lot.
it's a spoilered image
you didn't have to click that
it's your own fault
i didnt click anything. i have 4chanx so it reveals if i even hover over the post.
im just closing the thread now since that's the 3rd time i've read spoilers here.
bullying is about to get too far...
it's over...
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You could just turn off the hover function.
Though it does suck that you can't disable it specifically for spoilers.
Anons manage to get spoiled even when people use spoilers
Now she gotta marry her
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oh dear god ruka what have you done.
I gotta know where those Saki in swimsuit gravure pics are
cute but also
>gravure model
is this canon?
sasuga yukkie!
Yes. It's in one of the library events
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tama really is good at everything huh.
as canon as you'll let it be, since its an officially wfs endorsed manga
Niiiiiice hacking
It's actually in the game too.
The forehead girl and Ruka see Tezuka's gravure photos in a magazine in the library during free time.
where is it in game? is it a jp thing?
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>6h left on crafting accessory weekly quest
>on ch3d7 right now
*cough cough* it's over... go on without me...
Nah one of the library events to increase openness is reading a gravure book. I think it's on ch3 though.
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>master swordsman uses a gun
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why would i fund something so blatantly low effort?
Someone motivate me to start chapter 3. Chapter 2 and the event hit me kind of hard.
it's a Maeda title so you should've expected it to be a tearjerker.
It's about time you decide whether the game's for you or not.
why are so many girls chuuni
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do it for your free ss ticket.
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What the fuck is her problem?
I mean, I expected it and it still hit me hard. I'm liking the game, I'm just a bit emotionally drained right now.
That doesn't expire, does it?
Nanami tops me
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Fuck this def stacking intensity. Also I didn't read so didn't notice debuff only 2 uses max. But somehow Hisamecchi's light/dark resistance down had infinite use so it wasn't a lost run. MISATO ON TOP
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it doesn't but don't you wanna know what it could be.
also you need to clear ch3 to unlock accessory crafting.
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wtf playing with his favorites?? wheres the aoi or seika or tama? sovlGOD???
I honestly think Yanagi is a better healer than Tama. Even the tier lists say so.
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It's "debuffers", not debuffs themselves. I used Yunyun for def down and Maki for dmg type res down, and they didn't have any limits.
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Megumin is so fucking cool...
Ah that makes sense. So for score attacks and possible future events having a character that does many things outside of its role is better than characters in the role itself if it gets limited? That's dumb!
welcome to blatant powercreep gachas. it's less about numbers and more about how characters become swiss army knives
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What a wild ride. I am emotionally drained after that.

I want you Ruka
I give you a Kura.
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I am so happy with this
gay ass faggot
I mean, I'm pretty sure we'll have different intensity debuffs on future score attacks, but also yeah, those types of events usually exist purely to shill the newest shiny powercreep. We just didn't get to the first real shilling stage yet. I'm looking forward to yostar hitting us with three hyper meta banners in a row.
gaijin ninja cosplayer
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>clearly saying oh my god
congrats bwo
have many aryan children with her
So does the Garden of memories give you Welfare Boosters? I got Tojo's without knowing it was a thing. Do i just max them with diamonds and get it?
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do i really need to learn nip runes and watch it somewhere to know the full sentence?
Arachne A filtered me...
scroll your mouse wheel up for the chat log.
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Bro? Where's your Grand Fantasy Sandals who can make it weak to ice, thunder, or dark?
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What the frick are those
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is that real or from some other jrpg
I don't know why but I really like Kanata.
Are the AB characters Narbies too considering how they get the weapons. And would Jun Maeda actually make them a permanent team once we get enough characters?
There are three character in this game that function like GBF's Grand Sandalphon's Another version. Naturally the devs added in SMT's absorb to the end game content.
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>embarrasing Yuina sempai in public
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I miss the old /gbfg/...
>Naturally the devs added in SMT's absorb to the end game content.
Is there a guide on how much resources I should use on early characters? I feel like they gave 2000 skill materials tubes or whatever they're called and I don't know how much I should use them
Those characters like completely overwrite from what I heard. As in their natural resistance will just vanish and they get debuffed like everyone else. Kind of retarded strong
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spend whatever you want until u see the orbs then think carefully. At least at first.
canon wife
THUNDERCHADS I fucking kneel to Sxarp
DARKCHADS I am humbled by Awakened Tsukasa
ICECHADS I am afraid of Hisame
Was this referring to fire? I remember they used to be the shittiest element.
I got the new SS Inorin
How can I make the most of her? And how long until she gets utterly powercrept or whatever?
unless you've got a rolling plan setout for the next 2 years just wing it. all of the resources are farmable besides the reversion bells and the skill crystals.
if you really wanted to be efficient you'd just finish ch3 clear the event then just not play the game for 6 months until you get some meta units off free rolls. but that'd be incredibly boring and a waste of time.
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What am i suposed to be using these gems on?
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water, though fire also got the same debuff 2 years later
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accessory crafting.
earings are priority aim for 900-1.2k dp bonus since that's the biggest tankiness boost to your team.
after that do whatever you want.
Hmm. If I like dark I must get bunny Tsukasa. Hey, no sweat she's hot and still years away. For fire there's no resistance removal yet. Okay I'm fine for now on the 2 elements I want to play/have characters to play said elements.
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>was picking every possible retarded option
>Yuki called me out for doing so
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Paripi Koumei was great.
where is that menu? I haven't done the dungeon yet so not sure if i even unlocked it
its the button on the right when you click story mode from the main menu right under the two shops
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>top heavy

holy shit i missed that thanks
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you guys left me all alone in the other thread... i was beginning to think this game was dead...
Will Tezuka ever be called out on being a incompetent commander? All those unecessary death's...
don't make OPs next time, please
How is any death on her?
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is there a meta for the accessories at all? There's a lot of options and Overdrive looks realy good. The only way I know to build OD is multi hits I guess?
1 attacking earring for your attacker, same for devastating. everyone else uses driving earrings.
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Yun-Yun is for Ruka.
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that happened to me last time too
so how long till we get another event? logins are done and this score battle lasts till dec
Has everybody here rolled on the step up banner? Or is it a newbie trap?
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like the next event will be in a month
i finished step up because everyone kept saying that this is the right thing on day1 and it also technically can give you more SS
just finished chapter 2 and i'm not complaining so far
Is witch hat girl even usable? I got her after finishing ch3
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You need the step up to fill out your roster with free SS. It's the newbie gibs not a trap. Beginner banner with the spark is trap cause u will never get spark without paying
Yeah there are videos where people use her to hit 1.9 billion damage with best girl Tenshi.
Newbie trap. But if you don't really give a fuck about meta comps then yeah, you can roll on it.
Usable but not useful, still always on my party.
Surely they won't put us on maintenance mode for a month so quickly after the weak launch...but I guess it might be good if they advertise a little more and try to build a bigger playerbase while the average players are still finishing up the story.
>mermaid event next
i heard this was a bad event but is it really that bad?
Right now? Extremely useful. Later? Usable cause lots more characters get def down with extra stuff on top.
At the very least, step 3 is good. I would argue step 5 is good too, but I can see it either way. Memoria of the same characters share some skills and some stats so even if you get a stinker, you might be able to transfer shit to a better version down the line.
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I did and I'm at 33k quartz now after finishing the main story and reading through some of the events.
>it's game over sometimes
hope lots of dead ends
dam that's a pretty good lineup. Even got the meta seika
You should get some stat enhances on free SS Ruka, the lines without "exclusive" note would apply to all her versions, including your light one.
please explode.
the only thing it gives is extra pierce dmg follow-up chance. tears give better stuff but it uses tears... not something easily obtained right now
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What's the qrd on crafting these? They can roll up to +3 and they all have INT? Are better stats more rare or like what is a good craft?
it goes up to +6 I think
Does it get easier later on or will it always be limited?
Kozue is so cute...
I caved and did step 3 thanks to these posts and actually managed to get that SS Yuina. Worth it.
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Where do I get one or more of these?
Next score attack
Score attack
nyo... I missed one from the earlier score attack?
well, it did have one, so probably. 2 total for now.
Is it too late for codes?
I gave up on getting them already. It's still at 0/5 even until now.
>cock tower filters me too
It's over
>Beginner banner with the spark is trap cause u will never get spark without paying
No, it's possible. You just won't have gems for anything else afterwards.
>16 million damage
>1/20th of hp bar depleted
tama sex
It's fine. The story is nonsense since it has nothing to do with the plot and is a barely-altered retelling of a well-known story. I thought the interactions were pretty funny and the atelier mini-game was kind of fun.
Oh damn, I can barely clear the difficulty 60 one, and it looks like I need 81 to get the points for it. Well, guess it'll be awhile before I can start collecting those. Thanks.
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>no one cares about the reason why tama wields her sword
>even adel gives her reason
>even ruka is asked about it
>tama was also in the same room as ruka and got ignored
megumin did say that tama is basically a mascot character
it's okay because it's tama
Probably. Here's mine just in case we still have any new players.

please tell me that's not a mandatory fight or that i can at least do the lower ones I only like easy content i can brute force through with my favs.
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tama wants to become the greatest chef captain in the world. captain by day chef by lunchtime, captivating the hearts and stomach of all her crew.
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The dungeonslop was annoying, but damn, the event was really great...
The sand worm is mandatory for the story.
w t f
Wait, there's a cutscene during the credits? Aiiieeeeee I've been SKIPPING
sis that's not the main story so chill out
The fight is just the hard mode version, but the sand worm is real for the chapter. Then there's the final boss of chapter 4 which requires 12 SS characters to stand a chance.
How do we shill our niche yurige...? I don't wanna EoS...
I suggest a bunch of step ups of concentrated character pools, a lot of free SS tickets, a lot of x10s, a lot of quartz, and finally a hastened chapter release schedule to catch up to JP.
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Fuck me
Attach Angel Beats to it and say the game is a sequel to it.
they'll nerf it for us global plebs right? right??
its simple we just need to make lewd yuina aoi and rukas and post it everywhere flood every normie chat with it. start with twitch twitter youtube. If they ban us do it again and again.
skeb porn. lots of it.
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Who should I concentrate on upgrading from the SS or some useful S tier girl?
I can barely do lvl 75 score attack but that's mostly running out of turns instead of not surviving, seems like I deal little damage.
I haven't started Ch. 3 yet though.
You will get hastened release schedule, but you won't get any roll tickets or other free stuff. In fact, you'll get less because shorter banners than jp. Whale or die.
Yeah? I will sink this ship and Tama won't live this time.
I got spoiled on this too, but not in the way you'd think. I saw the event name "Requiem for the Blue." Requiems are for dead people. Aoi means blue. Gee I wonder what happens at the end of ch2. Granted I was expecting it anyway, was pretty obviously foreshadowed.
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Commission Momiahair a bunch of Yuki x Ruka porn
You DID go to Kura's food truck, right /hbr/?
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fuck no come to my city or don't cum at all
are you max lvl yet? levels seem to matter a ton in this game more so then any specific unit at least early on.
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You didn't know this.
>S Yunyun
>Aoi for stalling for SP/OD
>An SS attacker
You literally already have everything you need.
Fuck bros ... I forgot...I'm not too far from LA
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Whats better to use
Arena low power mode or hyberbolic time arena?
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This is what Yostar's spending their marketing money on...? A food truck? When a con isn't even happening? Are they stupid?
You're just jealous you don't have any gamer Karerin pizza and hash browns
What makes Seika SS2 so good?
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this game is all about crit
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Where's YOUR proof that YOU went to the Food Truck?
Around lvl 90ish
Sweet, so I should focus on the SS I have? I heard Ruka kind of gets crippled later so I'm a bit scared by how much I'm relying on her.
I already have Seira though.
Erm byebye
After reading hbr 4koma i can only see tama as pro chef now
Do you guys think they'll do monthly refreshes for the oinkers like some other gachas do?
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This is so cute wtf
the welfare one does cause of the passive, but this early on for us it doesn't matter at all plus you can carry over the levels whenever you get an mlb for her other memoria or any future ones.
What is this from?
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we have our own riyo sisters
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i accept cuddles and chibi pics
I don't cuddle.
I will say thanks though. I didn't know they had their own manga.
how important are dupes in this game
So event dungeons aren't worth the trouble? Took forever and got fuck all in rewards.
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why is she like this?
See >>503552615
You need every SS in the game at max lb to play the game.
First dupe mandatory. Third dupe gamechanging. There's universal dupe mats from each event though.
why do my +3 accessories have wildly varying stats? ones +1200 and the other is +500 but higher %. does it all even out at +6?
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I want to know this too
They do paid step ups anyways right? There's all these paid gems in the shop that expire in 3 weeks I expect to see one soon
The first dupe is very important >>503561873
Hoping that's the case. I hear lots of that on JP, but this is a different company. I'm guessing people that play other Yostar games would know better how they operate.
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I have no idea who this white hair bitch next to Ruka and Sharo is
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The Tama vending machine thing is very cute and I can't put a finger on why.

Idk I kind of like that this will be super niche. After getting into the post ch 3 content I can see exactly how toxic this game could be. I like the combat regardless. I like the HD PS3 Tales graphics. And It's hard to describe how easily the story sucked me in for 30 hours and made me cry twice. It's obviously not just something to "watch on youtube". Very special project Im surprised it hasn't gotten more attention.
I'm okay with it being super niche as long as it makes enough to not EoS and to have Yostar allocate enough resources for its upkeep.
>to have Yostar allocate enough resources for its upkeep.
Man, I hope they planned it out since they knew how little the west spends on jp gacha.
This is the only general where spending has been actively encouraged kek. They already did the work translating it so I doubt they will just eos immediately. They aren't developing anything for global and I can't see servers being that expensive.
the game's super popular in jp its just the global release went under the radar and was kinda unknown. It's doing around 6millish there so hopefully yostar decides to let us stay alive i don't think they'll kill us though.

western games generally make around a quarter of a jp release for nicher titles but a decent lump sum at launch so i'm kinda surprised how low our revenue is then again its hard to really have something to whale on when the packs are all shit value and the rateups are genuinely awful.
Bros…should I use my free SS ticket pieces? I heard people saving them for later?
I don't use my tickets until EOS is announced
just use them, think we're getting more shards anyway
there's at least one more shard coming up in the login
Here I go, then! Used the monthly pass now in case I drop it later, so I have 4
I think Im gonna buy both 3 month passes now for the free SS ticket and S rolls
Good luck, bwo. Post results.
The 3 month passes give you SS tickets and S rolls?
fellow dolphins, did you get both 3x passes (light and monthly) or did you just go with light pass only?
She is very weird.
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Got Witchy. Idk if she’s decent, but my only other debuffer is S Aina and SS yunyun
Its perfectly fine to have your big sister tie you up and whip you.
>he posted his guide again
>for free
Naaaisu hackingu
>light pass
3 S tickets
>premium pass
SS ticket (might be a 10 roll)
1 S ticket

they both give SS tokens too i forget how much. Still right now the huge wall I'm running into is need lifegems to farm diamonds.
Umm, anon... I'm not sure how to tell you that, but there's no SS Yunyun is the game. You might be delusional.
Meant S, though I’m saving for SS
Actually, all the JP characters are already here. There's a 0.00000001% chance that you get one of them from any gacha. Trust me, my dad works at Lasengle
premium pass doesn't give a SS ticket/x10. at least not from what I've seen. and 12 days all completed coming up. only 1 ss ticket shard
Wait, so every three months, buying a pass gives you a free SS? Wtf... Gonna go check this out tomorrow
Is 3x reward on events for just tokens, or is it exp too?
no. the premium pass gives you a free SS ticket every month. They sell it in a 3 month bundle for cheaper. and after your first 3 months the gem rewards double
Oh. I thought anon was saying that buying the bundle itself gave you something on top of the monthly rewards.
the absolute state of global EOPs
no it's just cheaper. a free SS every month is pretty sweet tho and its about to be december
oh it's about that time. sar pls do not redeem
you get a couple of ss cores. it says something about after the third month of you buying passes u get double the rewards
saar do not redeem Heaven Birns Reed saars
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>Spent all of yesterday going through socialisations I missed up to the end of chapter 2
>Still 11 left today
the SS shards are the real win from the passes desu. Being able to LB whoever from saving and only needing to gacha 1 copy is so nice
I want to squeeze the life out of the developer that decided to replay night events between socializations and the bath
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Sabuh no...
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The masculine urge to commission a skeb artist to draw Megumin fingerbanging the shit out of Tama's hole
They are fun but a bit too short most of the time.
Umm Tama tops tho? Meg is the bottom bitch
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ummm they are a futa pairing and Tama is the KING in that relationship
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You wouldn't, coward
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What's the deal with this boss? Can any JP player explain why theres this giga cancer in a side event and what's the item under him
where is that
That's Jannu actually.
anon her ultimate...
Kozue event, its the FGO challenge quest
Read her event.
If Yuina is sabuh, does that make Yuki Rin? Ruka is too much of a Chad to be Shirou though.
Yuina has an event?
I hear voices in my head
they council me
they understand
they talk to me
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Kozue's side event, there's a side cave you can enter leading to the boss.
I got completely destroyed. My squad isn't the strongest but I wasn't even able to take down half the DP shield.
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Yes. I can't open the game to check the name of the event right now, but it even has her picture on it.
Yuina does Saber's noble phantasm. She's the only fate reference I pulled so far.
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This game is really really really gay I like it

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