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Previous: >>503479665

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Hoshimi Miyabi
Agent Record | Asaba Harumasa
Agent Combat Intel | Lighter

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKByj5l5HKQ (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5XzswSZHDI (JPN)

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
All-New Program - 06/11 - 17/12
The Mystery of Arpeggio Fault - 06/11 - 17/12
Virtual Battlefield Mayhem - 11/11 - 25/11
"En-Nah" Assistant Program - 16/11 - 02/12
Data Bounty – Combat Simulation - 22/11 - 27/11
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - 27/11 - 17/12
Help Kai - 02/12 - 16/12
When Sandwiches Come A Knockin’ - 04/12 - 16/12
Advanced Bounty – Routine Cleanup - 11/12 - 16/12

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links

>/zzz/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
The Door of Time is real, and we will go through it to start 2.0
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I'm led to believe that her human form is supposed to be her vr personality that she uses to perform shows so it probably wont be used anywhere in combat
>lighter demo hasn't even hit 300k yet
This banner will be the flop of the century
How many tapes we dropping on Lighter bros? At least fitty right?
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i am the snow that is encroaching
I'm doing a 10 maybe I'll get lucky
It's impossible for organics to time travel, they'll simply mutate into a super ethereal by the time they arrive
If only we had some sort of sentient robot capable of self operation once landing in a time in which they'll receive no support from when they came from...
Is there a place where I can se the ideal disc set with substats for a character?
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Belle rape
Same but for Miyabi
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why is she naked while holding eous
this feels wrong
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Her human form will be her ult, which is an install that boosts her crit rate and crit damage. Her optimal team will have Astra support, for bonus decibal gen, instead of the smelly one and you will never EVER want to have the sexy robot form on-field.
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Bros how could you betray our best friend Lighter...?
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ya know, they could've made lighter a real S rank if they gave him tiger drop
but instead of raw damage, doing this "tiger drop" just dazes REALLY HARD compared to other stunners
also both cause hitstun in both normal and EX special, the EX version just does the daze
guys rate my oc faction
-Miyabi with bigger tits
-Yanagi with even bigger tits
-Harumasa with tits
-Soukaku with the biggest tits of them all
Will M6 all of them
Would be a kino collab for sure
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banging . . . BOOS!
she's banging her boo
Should I go for Miyabi or Ellen?
I have Yanagi, Caesar and M1 Jane as my limited agents due to constant Koleda 50/50 loses. I feel like Miyabi would be the better choice since everything I have is focuses on Anomaly units. My other S-ranks or Lycaon, Grace and said M2 Koleda.
>Lighter doesn't smoke, he just walks around with a lighter at all times for no reason
Actual fucking autism
None. The only way to get me to drop tapes on his banner is if they slapped a cute new A rank on it
I hit you with a even more kino OC faction

>Slender like Robot with a screen for a face, the group proxy/walking HDD
>Large Robot with a cannon for a arm, no emotions, pure logic

They roam around hollow zero to directly raid anyone they see
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Fox should be way better but follow your dick
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there's not really a question that the void hunter is stronger than the 1.0 attacker
but you should probably roll for your favorites since it's just a game
you either have to figure shit out by yourself or you watch some faggot youtube content creator make calculations using some fishy maths
or you listen to this general(who are also faggots and trannies)
chink game please understand
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there's prydwen
>not in goddess
How hard I try to pull Lighter depends on what A ranks are in the same pool. I want him enough to pull regardless, but I can be convinced out of it if the consolation prizes aren't what I'm interested in. But since she's Calydon if they're Lucy and Piper I'd love to M6 both of them and would be happy to pull for Lighter in the process.
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Apologies its *皮套
That sounds quite nice though as much as I like the human form I'd probably prefer roboko to have more screentime
Yanagi kind of became my favourite character, bwos...
Lighter is literally fucking me
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So how do I know if these are good stats? What would I need to change?
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I hope it's true because I think the idea of the human form is bullshit.
Like it's a world that has robots and furries running around, why would she need a human form?
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saving my guarantee for miyabi
guess ill drop my bannerly 100$ on standard this time
because non humans are rightfully discriminated against for their constant chimpouts at lack of handouts
god I want to love her but hate how she plays, why does so much of her kit/attacks have to phase through enemies.
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I don't like answering simple questions but truth be told, the devs didn't make a tutorial for this shit so here goes.
click any disk.
click recommended, it's in the bottom left for some reason.
this isn't contextual, and players even make dumb choices sometimes, but it's a good enough dataset to clear content. not speedrunning
Will she do that to my penis
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>why would she need a human form?
Her ancient leaks said she was very shy but felt confident hiding behind her virtual avatar.
Too much crit rate, too little crit damage
Yes, I did that already, but how do I know if these are the right discs? Is my attack high enough? Is my crit high enough? What substats should I focus on for each character?
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Hottest girl in the game
Your stats are decent, just work on getting more CDMG
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what are your zzz lgbt headcanons?
They really hate non-human characters, right?
Let's make a robot with a robotic appearance, but it hides in a human avatar. But let's make a furry woman and put a mask on her to hide what drives normies away.
Like they don't have any trust in these characters.
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my gorgeous wife Rina
that the idea has been wiped out during the fall of eridu and all LGBT have been dumped and turned into ethereal who have to be concious everytime they are reborn, kill or be killed, then go back to dust
substats to focus are the ones colored yellow. there's no measure for high enough because your characters fight in many different battles. if you got the rewards it's enough. if you want to optimize for fun you should learn the math, there's a doc in the OP with a formula for average dps that's a good start
She's a VIRTUAL idol, anon. She is a robot in the real world that pretends to be a human on the internet.
My dick wants more Lycain and Ben Bigger. So I will go for Miyabi. I barely have 1600 polychromes, so hopefully I will be topped of for her since I will need to put up with the 50/50 again and will probably need 160 reels again.
based post
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rolled the brimstone who do i use it on i have no s rank attackers
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Floor 49 RRAT scary edition ;_;
Floor 48 Monkey
Floor 47 Fur girl
Floor 46 Fur guy
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>i have no s rank attackers
you will
Jane is really underrated for the tower, Caesar lets you make a mistake and saves you from a retry here and there, Jane is what carried me through the whole thing
its BiS for billy
i look like this
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This is the first gacha I'm playing, but I have a question. Is the characters being so shallow and not having much development normal?
Like the characters are the focus of the game and really fun, but are they just that? I did most of the trusts events expecting something more, but it was nothing to be honest, I think I was expecting a little more, it's not bad but it ends up not being very satisfactory.
el grande ladrillo....
That's Shikamaru.
>Is the characters being so shallow and not having much development normal?
Yes, always keep your expectations low with gacha, even more so with hoyo gacha.
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So are we all saving for Miyabi here?

Yanagi is a skip
Lighter is a skip
Harumasa is free

That means the only character worth rolling is Miyabi
the best you can hope for is that your favorite character gets turned into a giant meme
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>Yenless Yen Zero
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They should add more events to give Wise and Bell more boyfriend/girlfriend moments.
Can't wait. I hope we get him day 1 of 1.4
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I know people here hate him, but I loved what I saw of his moveset, they managed to make a crazy combination of katanas and bow and arrows work really well and it looked super stylish.
I pulled for Yanagi and I'm gonna pull for Miyabi. Lighter and Harumasa skip.
He actually may be good as well once the attacker meta finally comes. I remember reading his ranged attack has no damage dropoff so at minimum he can cheese tower and ambush
I'm not a big fan at all considering what you see in that clip being his gameplay loop with the dash-in slashes.
I'd love an actual bow or sniper character with high mobility with a punishing, reverse damage fall-off playstyle
But they're siblings....?
the big question
will Trigger save Soldier
or kill her?
Yes and?
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Yes. They deserve some incest moments.
It's completely normal to kiss your sister and steal sniff heer panties.
Jane isn't underrated in any respect my dude.
I wish zzz had a loli model
The actual real question, will Trigger be a boring off-field support or have the playstyle I mentioned
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S11 could easily overpower you and rape you and get pregnant from your semen and force you to care for the children as a househusband while she fights ethereals and then she comes back from battle to rape you more and birth more children for you to take care of.
But she won't do that, because the soldier's duty is to protect civilians.
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Haramase haters are NOT permitted to redeem him.
Have honor and put money where your mouth is.
Fuck off Lucy
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Oh seriously, I'm kind of disappointed to hear that, like what really carries this game for me is the character design and animations, but the last characters ended up being a little boring and even a little repetitive compared to when the game came out.
I don't want to offend anyone, it's just that I was a little disappointed with the game.
I'm redeeming him to claim 1 free standard roll before I leave him to rot on my agent screen
I got Yanagi to M3. Is that good enough to claim her /zzz/?
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less than a month until mibibi
What's the best 6th disc main stat for Seth, bros
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What are they plotting
>reverse damage fall-off playstyle
>farbautard and gorillanigga keep jumping you
>shiyu arenas are tiny
sounds painful
>negative hype character for 3 weeks
>2nd half of the patch = minimal content
These are going to be the slowest, most dead 3 weeks ever
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But the tower RRAT is bigger and scarier than our smoll rrat ;_;
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>I'm not a fan of this 4 second clip of gameplay
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because you DO know inorganics only possibly RECENTLY gotten their rights but not long enough that there is some degree of anti-inorganic sentiment
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That bridge has been burned.
You're cute
Corin smol and huggable
>high mobility, reverse damage fall-off
Why would you reward a character for actively avoiding the core mechanics of the game? I'd rather we get a RoR sniper clone. The longer you hold her basic the more damage it does. Let the charge bar get filled by 50% for every perfect dodge and maybe give her an extra second of bullet time on her evasive assist.
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That's the best part!
Any game with a huge roster is not going to go super indepth
And if they do that's even worse because it's some wanked off dev favorite who is invariably insufferable
You could play something like Ligma where they only have a few characters (all insufferable ofc)
That's gotta be if not drawn, at least written by a woman.
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If he's actually free I will 100% not redeem him. I have Yanagi for all my electric needs, and I don't like his design, so there's no point in me even building him.
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I understand you, I know that soon people will come and make fun of me here because I started playing because of Lycaon and in anticipation of more anthro or robot characters, but I also think that the last characters weren't that great.
I was super excited for SoC and Sector 6 for example, but SoC had such a simple and predictable plot and personalities that are cool, but not what I expected.
And Sector 6 was the group that I imagined would be more serious, but it ended up being another group of funny characters that I hardly see having a good dramatic moment.
The whole background lore with the Bangboo is going to cultivate with that hivemind Bangboo uprising starting in the rumored Bangboo underground city it will being our first playable Bangboo: Kami North.
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A very based woman
>Is my attack high enough?
As a general rule you can get away with having slightly less attack stats if you have attack buffers on ellen's squad(lucy, caesar, soukaku). 2.5k atk stat is fine, not great not terrible.

>Is my crit high enough?
"Good enough" stats for A-rank attack agents is 50 to 60% crit and about 170% cdmg.
S-ranks is about 80% crit, 200% cdmg
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Belle is hot as fuck
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>negative hype character for 3 weeks
Does the chip damage from burn scale with Anomaly Proficiency?
Also its kind crazy how burn can kill the enemies without hitting them.
Burnice is a great character, btw.
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naw EOUS first
still There is the obvious scifi angles that would probably highlights why there is anti-nonhuman feelings in new eridu society
with Thirens being venerable to going feral with a few chemicals or robots getting hacked (and we already have a few examples)
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Gacha games are not and will never be real games. They're just live service slop to keep you entertained, something you come back to once in a while and fuck off.
It's better that you learn this sooner than later.
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And, more importantly, for Wise only.
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How the fuck is Soukaku much older than Yanagi? That means Soukaku age way slower compared to humans but we saw on Yanagi's teaser a baby Soukaku and how much she grew in just a few years? Make it make sense mihomo.
I know that being complex can lead to boring characters, but so can being very simple.
Like many of zzz's characters can be summed up:
I'm hungry.
I'm old.
I like gasoline.
I call my drill a bro.
I love robots.
I cook badly.
I'm lazy.

I like them, but there are times when it gets really tiring just to stick with the same jokes.
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Let me flesh it out
>reverse damage fall-off
>high damage penetrating shots that take 1-2 seconds to line up and shoot
>get 3-4 bullets with slow reload timing
>has a normal standard dodge but a much stricter perfect dodge timing
>on perfect dodge, increases the dodge range x3 in any direction, auto-reloads 2-3 bullets, allows you to get into shooting position straight away
I used to do that as well because I fuckin love Zippos, but I hate smoking.
Bwos he is just like me...
This makes me really believe that gacha games end up being just a pyramid scheme or money laundering.
>wears shades at night
You should've known.
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I logged in today to play the bangboo counting game even though I've already beaten it
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>gacha games end up being just a pyramid scheme
sorry ellen is a shallow character instead of a deep one :(
More reason to pull him
If you're F2P it's just a fun free game, if you're a whale you're getting scammed.
it isn't for nothing that most of them are png collectors
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>Come into the thread.
>It's a "Anons are incestposting about Wise and Belle" episode.
>you will never experience this
Belle is ugly.
The whole concept of whalle scares me a lot, like spending more than a thousand dollars for a character in a game that will eventually end.
how do you get 80% crit AND 200% crit dmg???
I want to "manage" the Idols
There also seems to be some sort of correlation with passing the "forbidden fruit test" and ether exposure. Intelligent constructs could very easily be interpreted/misconstrued as abominations created by the hollow.
You are going to die eventually bro. Who cares what entertainment slop you spend your money on
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The true blackpill is realizing how much time you've wasted on 4chan...
Reminder that nekomata's breath stinks
I want a cute little sister that loves me so fucking bad bros. Why does mine have to be an ugly fat normie bitch?
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Ah, "Caged Micro Peen" you're here, just in time, I have a new mission for you...
french kissing nekomata's anchovy scented mouth
when will rain open up about her clear and obvious gangrape while in rebel captivity
I don’t really see the argument of skipping CA = faster clear speed being universal since I do try it sometimes and almost always results in lower damage if the stun duration lasts long enough, like in this boss. You prefer it since your Qingyi isn’t geared for damage (remember her CA gets free 60% dmg from core stacks), but 650k damage (this is NOT including disorder) is 4 Zhu bullets, which needs 2-3 seconds to come out (not counting bullet prep), almost the same as Qingyi + Bangboo CA time. Also, Zhu’s BA3 is just 3 instances of her suppression mode BA, it’s not special. It uses 3 bullets with the same multiplier for each bullet, the only difference is those 3 bullets come out as fast as BA1+2.
I regret not noting all the codenames I earned during Arpeggio
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now that I think about it, Doesnt the whole Belobolg V Vision battle is essentially an ACTUALY a possible window (that we dont really look through at the moment) to the current chinese construction?
right now the focus of that story is AIs are STILL A BETAAAAAAAAAAA
How do I trigger Yanagi's trust event in HZ? My trust level is high enough
>Virtual Battlefield Mayhem - 11/11 - 25/11
starting this event just now was a mistake
combat missions are short and you clear them in 30s, but there's text and select the mission every time
also, what did the anomalylets think of this event?
I think like this
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Ah, "leaky red rocket", you're finally here. I was tired of waiting. Now let's get to work.
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What's her appeal?
Its really short and easily beatable with the loaner agents, what's the problem
All the stuff you have in your possession will eventually be gone too when you die so...
I'm seeing a bias here...
What wengine for billy? the sites are telling that his sig is poppy poopo. He's my second dps for shiyu as I started with Yanager
damn there ARE trials
didn't know, I was just using my presets
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There are worse uses of one's time.
Interesting take, bwo
I, on the other hand, believe that ZZZ's characters are actually quite fleshed out for gachas.

I like how Caesar, for example, could simply be generic tomboy #785, but she also has a more sensitive side, and I'm not even talking about the whole shoujo aspect - think of that piano video.
She is so eager to learn and understand things that I cannot help but find it endearing.

Yanagi looked like she was going to be an unbuttered toast, but her backstory and relationship with Soukaku 100% sold me on her. Her EP also made her feel so alive and real...

Oh and they have nice booba too lol
Overpowered w-engines + disc grind
Ellen's ball already gives like 44% crit rate, no? 24% flat stat and 20% from the passive
Then 8% from Woodpecker 2pc effect
So you only need to grind maybe 20% more crit rate substats, the rest goes to crit dmg.
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Does anyone ever buy this stuff? This stock has been here as long as I can remember
Starlight Engine.
>booba character
>has skirt
>booty character
>wears jacket

s11 is playing dumb because she's been bugged and is under constant surveillance after obol story she'll do naked dogeza and apologize
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>no Lighter (Female)
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Who is he talking about?
It's gambling skinned as a game anon
That's good, cos i was using this but what if i will get another attacker that will be using saarlight? I'm asking for second best option
this fetish is one of the dumbest ones
Don't worry about it, "Little Man Parts", I'll assign you more codenames as we proceed.
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never doubted
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Not me. My wife is real
I think she actually is autistic but also frequently sarcastic but it all gets mixed up together
I imagine this is late-stage femdom
I wish parries actually gave good rewards
Craft more Starlight Engines.
I rolled for this and this alone
>to the current chinese construction
What chinese construction? There is a million of them.
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What's the best A rank engine for Ellen? Starlight? Is the battle pass attack ball worth getting?
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I wanna become her chair
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Yanagi is unironically the most attractive girl in this game.
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This but Lucy
Yanagi can parry?
If I press E the moment a red attack is gonna hit, I parry it or something
I assume from the avaliable options only Saarlight is worth and Cannon rotor? Street superstar is shite?
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>Just put your mouth on it... like that movie we watched..
Very little use for Street Superstar, Cannon Rotor is not that good.
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Belle has the best DNA
You get the best results by breeding her.
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How does one win a Yanagi IRL?
Is there a worse feeling in this game than having to spend energy on dennies
Is Soukaku a "safe" character to level that I wont regret later

I do plan to get Ellen
I would pay a months salary to lick her thighs after a marathon
I mean, we got 2 limited attackers that benefit from crit rate and cannon rotor does that?
too bad about her dopey face...
I'll finally get my S rank selector with the weekly reset, do you recommend getting Rina, Lycaon or S11? I have Lycaon and S11 weapons but I think Rina is more useful in general
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Yes, but only after the 3rd BA string or if you're in her special state (after EX)
She's awful to play
Depends on the teams, if you like Corin, Yanagi or Grace, Rina is a no-brainer. If you like Ellen, Lycaon will be your biggest priority
Perrsonally, I don't think you can ever go wrong with Rina
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Would you work at S6 for a year with below minimum wage pay in exchange for a week of (protected) sex with her though?
Anons can you please guide this semi-newfag? I just cleared Chapter 2 Intermission, and I dunno how to progress from here, and by that I mean making my characters stronger, what do I focus? I have my mains already at LVL40, and I know endgame is trying to get them their ideal Disc Drives and stats, but how about middle game? Do I focus on just their levels and skills? Do I still even try to farm their ideal Disc Drives? What do I focus until endgame?
Office ladies want money, lots of money, and an easy job.
Sure but Starlight's buff is very strong. Best BP weapon is Lipgloss.
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bros I'm using Yanagi with cunning hares just for some buffs since she's busted and can solo SD basically so far. What are my cope options for a 2nd team with what I've got?
If Haramasa turns out to be free that'd open a few team options.
With how things are going there'll probably be a few more units that just want any support or some other Ice options you'd want down the line as well.
You may end up never getting Lycaon before you move on though.
Keep leveling and unlocking until you can do Lv55 disc runs. Don't worry about discs until then
I just had a dream I had bed breaking sex with my step sister...
I think i need to take a break from zzz...
I think the biggest problem with this is just not being in the game itself. These are promotional videos outside of the game.
Like I give a big fuck about Yanagi, because instead of the Onis thing being dealt with in the game, instead of her talking about work and being a boring OL, she could talk about that or we could see that in the game, but no there's a promotional video telling an incomplete backstory, by the way.
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Sounds tempting
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Grace, Lucy and Piper even if Grace's passive isn't active it should work
>Yanagi Caesar/Lucy Soukaku
>Corin Anby Caesar
>Grace Piper Lucy
>Piper Caesar Lucy
That first team with Yanagi + Soukaku is better than a cunning hares team for her. Yanagi doesn't care about Daze with Anby and there's better supports for her than Nicole
Not even fucking around, I'm not a bitch to sell myself for sex, especially with someone who reminds me of my miserable boss.
Everyone here was saying how bad and bland she was and she ended up being my favorite character to play too...
Now that you said it, it's a bit disappointing that the only two characters that we get to see the backstory of within the game were just Lycaon and Koleda. Billy is talked about a little, but we didn't get to see anything.
I hate to admit it but even with Blitz mode I hate doing Hollow Zero.
I would actually be happy if he wasn't another lighting character. Wish he was fire or something.
Seth, you just apply his buff 1 time in the beginning of the battle, it last 30 seconds, gives her Anomaly Resistance debuff and 100 AP and extra health.
And Rina, or Lucy, or Caesar.
Seth buff doesn't speed up anomaly generation yeah?
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Need a third engine to upgrade to 40+ for Primer mission

I would just run Yanagi/Piper/Lucy and then maybe Corin/Anby/Caesar with this group. You should also consider building your Billy, especially if he has mindscapes, he's a bit stronger and more flexible than Corin who really wants a strong stunner (read: Qingyi).
It shreds Anomaly buildup by 20% but that's pretty irrelevant for Hyper Yanagi teams
Depends on what else you choose to do with your time. It's basically the replacement of tv for me.
That's actually a very valid point.
I actually like to know more about characters through promotional videos, EPs, etc.; I think it turns the whole thing a little more dynamic.
I 100% understand your point, however: The game is the main product after all, so it only makes sense to expect it to be the most complete in all aspects.
Some people just watch the Star Wars movies and don't give a crap about animations, novels and shit - and Star Wars must strive to be good for this cohort as well by doing good movies regardless.
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>Seth buff doesn't speed up anomaly generation
His buff is triple effect.
He is highly underrated.
starlight engine and billy sig should be about equal in performance AT 5 STAR
if you have an atk buffer in the squad then billy sig will edge out saarlight
however starlight engine 5 star is easier to obtain
either way is okay
obviously s-rank engines will beat these

>Cannon rotor
the passive is dogshit

>Street superstar is shite?
we like to portray billy as an ult bot but the way zzz fights actually play out, burst attackers still have to do some level of on-fielding, by energy dumping or doing some evasive assist. the bonus street superstar gives in not enough to make up for the damage lost in skills that are not the ultimate.
Boy you've made some bad pull decisions.
28% if you have Freedom Blues on him.
Saarlight sir
I'm going to try to bring a level 15 seth to the next Shiyu. Hopefully I can get some value out of his buff for Burnice/Yanagi
>irrelevant for Hyper Yanagi teams
Also, swapping to Seth to use his EX every 10 seconds is a huge waste and dps loss
Yanagi isn't like Jane where she wants to get as many Assaults as possible in her Hyper team
The reason I'm so skeptical is because I'm yet to experience A SINGLE Shiyu where there wasn't a more optimal rotation with Zhu that was made impossible by doing the full CA chain.
And between us two, I am the guy who is constantly running out of damage. The Qingyi/Bangboo nuke would've been a no-brainer if it was truly additive to the rotation Zhu can perform but there is always something better.

>Also, Zhu’s BA3 is just 3 instances of her suppression mode BA, it’s not special. It uses 3 bullets with the same multiplier for each bullet, the only difference is those 3 bullets come out as fast as BA1+2.
No, I am well aware of that, but you are missing the point here.
What BA3 "takes" to come out is specifically "BA1 + BA2" and only then you get BA3. In your case, it's actually "Dash BA + BA1 + BA2".
The point was is that BA3 is a massive damage burst. It's the burst that tends to decide whether or not your entire rotation was or wasn't enough to kill something.
Delaying this burst or being unable to land this burst at all can easily make or break the difference between needing an entire extra rotation to finish off the enemy.
And check this out
>is 4 Zhu bullets, which needs 2-3 seconds to come out
the four Zhu bullets you're mentioning can take literally ~a second to land if you can fit the BA3 > dash BA > BA3 sequence into your rotation. Because you will be swapping someone in as soon as BA3 would start anyway, so the only "time" you need is the dash BA itself.
And it's way more efficient than going through BA1 > BA2 instead, so it's still saving your time compared to doing that.

And it's just a single example.
If you are running out of bullets, the double Zhu CA will solve just that.
I am about 85% sure that simply dropping Qingyi's CA and putting a whatever AM disc #6 will result in you improving your current time.
What I'm NOT sure about is that's the fastest possible option with your stats, because there's the whole thing with the weather.
Soukaku can't active Yanagi's passive which feels like a bit of an oversight.
AP from seths buff doesn't make anomaly happen faster retard-bwo....
We're talking about Anomaly Build-up shred, not AP, retardGOD..
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>10 seconds is a huge waste and dps loss
Wrong, bcause
1. EX cancel exists
2. You pretty much need to swap to keep Chaos jazz going.
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it actually might not be, there is a lot of hints that Yanagi isnt too fond of being latched as Soukaku's guardian for so long
and soukaku even favoring miyabi to some extent (who can probably provide more snacks due to income)
She's thinking about my penis between her thighs later
Look at this fag trying to have a serious conversation lol
What about filling her womb though?
I'm sorry if I ended up being rude, but I like the game and I think the character designs are too good to be such shallow characters that could easily have a little more depth, it's wasted potential.
Like Yanagi, it could be her agent's story showing the past within the game, we could have Onis in the city and talk to them and they quote or talk about Yanagi.
We could have a mission or something from Caesar involving her feeling sentimental and playing the piano within the game, just a little scene would be something very memorable since the game lacks a bit of those sentimental moments that help the characters to be more memorable.
Nothing against material from outside the game, but I think if it's something so important to the character and would help us like them more, I think it should be in the game.
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Pat the Burnice
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lol he got cradled

your only real choice is starlight, and give it to your corin if you're using her
Is this a povertypig thing? Thinking the bottleneck on Soukaku's apples and shit is Yanagi's income rather than Yanagi's sense of responsibility?
If this is strictly for that anon, it's a valid option. If we're talking about regular Yanagi's regular teams, other supports are better for her for both Disorder and Hyper teams
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That's literally the character
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You're a jaded man incapable of enjoying the simple pleasures.
Since she has a saiyan appetite, even TOPs might struggle to keep her fed.
she does often not have soukaku around, even with something she actually likes (hot pot) and maybe soukaku only puts on a childish front to get food and work less
and yes she probably still has to do paper work like everyone else like in this old promo
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she can eat my sausage if she wants
>pedo hours
uh oh pajeet melty
I hate her hairstyle so much... everything else is perfect
>Soukaku actually has to do paperwork too
>she's just pretending to be dumb for uh... food...
Yeah, I'm thinking Soukaku is just a child
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probably the oldest one in the group, no excuses.
thinking about blue pussy
>main team M0
>A-gents that I don't use like nicole, doukaku, seth has m3

Jeez do I start building them or what, I haven't use my rolls yet and I'm f2p with 34k polys saves up. Using anby rina corin btw.
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Now this.. THIS is great. I don't know what the hell picrel is
How am I still missing 5 commissions from chapter 4
Did people not watch Yanagi's backstory? It showed adult Oni, they aren't all loli and shota
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What's the astra chick's faction? A new one?
I feel like this art was before they defined the personality of Soukaku and the rest of Sector 6, since in the order of production, Harumasa and Yanagi came much later.
Nobody would know yet. Best guess is Idols (tangetially) or some new production company.
>no tail
whats the point
Can't wait to walk around town with this semen demon.
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Most likely a new one
>1.4 finishes Section 6 with Miyabi and Harumasa
>1.5 Astra - new faction
we know they release factions in bulk post launch and that 2.0 is right after 1.7 iirc.
1.5, 1.6 into 1.7 should be enough to finish off whatever faction Astra is from and maybe even introduce the first 2.0 related faction character the 2nd half in 1.7
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>>no sound
>no sound
You saw nothing
I got the impression that they had to have simplified all the personalities in Sec6.
soldier 11 wants to KILL this
I love her hairstyle so much, everything else is perfect too
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It's alright in fanart but I can't stand it in-game
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I think it would fit much better on an assassin type character.
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go to sleep u hrt tranny
I just realized lighter's ult cutscene is doing the pepe punch
nice webm with sound
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To be quite honest, I feel this way with almost all the characters, after reading the changes like the furry trio, I imagine that changes must have been made to the backstories of the rest of the characters.
Like say, an amalgamation of ghost kids in skimpy clothing dual wielding knives?
I want to sniff Ellen.
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If this is real, they're most likely same faction.
Who or what is that from??? Looks cool
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the saviors of 1.4
tennis outfit rape
>Achually face
my 3 heroes...
Yanagi lost her elbow!
I want to sniff all of ellens orifices
Soldier 11 and Rain getting together? Rebels aren't gonna be able to stand after those two.
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I thought it was a meme edit but it's actually real.
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Even... her butthole?? You know that's where poop comes from, right?
Why is Yanagi doing the hitler salute…
its from standard roll
guess ill just lvl starlight then
Ughh we aren't we in the board divegrass, we got so many meme characters that can easily fill a team
what would rain offer to S11 that we don't already do
I stopped visiting this thread regularly after realising I could just spend time playing Factorio instead of entertaining schizos, Discordjeets and drooling retards with shit taste
Why aren't you?
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>Will buy multiple max top-ups in ZZZ without second thought
>Have to enter several minutes of deep thought before buying a $7 steam game
What causes this
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Don't tempt me with a good time
low IQ
I am sure it’s the fastest option for my gear. My issue isn’t running out of bullets or missing a window from “delayed” BA3. As you can see, I ended the stun with all bullets used. In my normal rotation, I waste 2 bullets since I end the CA chain with 9 bullets, use 5 for BA123, gain 3 from EX, 1 from assist and 3 from ult. However, wasting those 2 bullets gives more damage than using them or delaying the EX or ult since buffs start falling off. Before, I was missing 10%, so I upgraded some skills and swapped some disks around to get it to 5% (51-55s). Then I moved the disorder proc earlier to get at the sub 1% (47s) I’m currently at despite the mistakes on the trash wave and boss opener. I expect to bring that down to around 43s on a clean run. I don’t believe a different rotation on my gear can go lower than that since I don’t see any situation where prepping and using 4 bullets is faster than Qingyi + Resonaboo CA.
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The steam game is probably made by a tranny.
>no response

Will someone PLEASE help Yanagi....
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She will extract it herself, forcibly and efficiently
Vagina is boring I only want thighs and tits
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I dont think legendary bomb tech exists?
Mental illness I presume
it does
The dream of any adult mentally and physically healthy man.
Explode Corrin
If you mean like Billy's trust event then she would have to be your team leader. If you mean the special resonia for each character then you need to last-hit a floor boss with her and go to the following healing spot. (not 100% guaranteed)
Had an easier time rolling reds of a different type than what was already in the slot.
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Rape ends NOW
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Women should be small.
Is she going to turn common rape into a gangbang?
this but also ass
Based and sexo
Ugh I have to play more and keep leveling but I'm getting kind of tired... If only I had Miyabi to keep me entertained infinitely...
w-what's that cream in her mouth?
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For me it's
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Which Female character will this be good or cope on?
prove it
It's fine cope on any attacker but Ellen and S11 probably would have the most consistent uptime on the buff. It's also a nice CR stat stick which no other F2P attacker engine provides at the moment.
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I opened every chest on the final floor and NOTHING HAPPENED
When I'm on Yanagi and spamming E, and Disorder comes up

Is that when I swap to Miyabi?
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really made me log in the game nigga
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...because Corin is for ignoring and neglecting
I spent 10s of thousands of silk and NEVER saw gold bombs
>crit rate substat
>special skill or chain
>Atk increase and depends on Anomaly
Everything about this screams Miyabi if it's an Anomaly Engine. If it's not an Anomaly Engine then it could be decent for Harumasa as he's the only Attacker that apparently plays nice with an Anomaly in the team. Otherwise, cope engine on anyone that cares for crit
What does teenage shark pussy smell like?
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It's an attacker engine, because making a F2P accessible cope engine for Miyabi would make too much sense. Better swipe, gweilo.
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You WILL roll for the Miyaball.
You WILL fund Dawei's second nuclear reactor.
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One is all you need.
didn't work for me either
You need to open the chests so the remaining chests spell out the password you’ve been picking up.
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How DARE I even assume any different. Please accept my humble apology as I gather up my funds to whale for Miyabi's Engine when this would've been the perfect A rank Engine for her...
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ZhuYuan or Ellen if you don't have their signatures or brimstone.
0. I dunno that he'll be useful and his trust events are ghey, so he'd be at lvl10 and sitting on the bench with the rest of the homos forever. Not much of a value proposition for spending rolls
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>log in
>do 2 routine cleanups
>everything is trash
>log out
Good Zhu Yuan cope weapon if its for attackers
The second I have decent disks for anyone I stop touching cleanups, no point in chasing the tiniest upgrade for weeks on end in this game
Padme. Some singer probably related to that new npc that appears in Bardic Needle.
My two cents is that she will be hinted properly in 1.4 in that new club area in Sixth Street.
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Brimstone for my S11 or Fusion Compiler for my Grace?
imagine wasting 30 rolls on a standard weapon you'll eventually get spooked by
If you like them both equally I'd say Fusion Compiler, there's a bunch of options for S11, only Fusion Compiler is PEN based for Anomaly, pair it up with Rina, go all in on PEN and you're golden
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this game is fun because i can get items to make mimi-chan stronger
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I am halfway to pity and still no Yanagi. If I don't pull Lighter in 10 pulls I'm just gonna horde until the next banner that interests me.
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Wait his shoes are kinda clean tho

Congrats on getting one of the best standard weapons in the game, I’ve just got mine & upgraded it recently & gonna give it to my Zhu (which was running Lv.60R5 Starlight). Hopefully the leak with Harumasa being free remains true.
I am NOT redeeming the m*le
I'm kinda confused by what yall are saying. The characters seem quite well fleshed out and competently written in the sense that most interactions with them give us a better idea of who they are, what they care about, and where they're going in life, while remaining very true to their existing character(many games fail this and many personality's feel fake as shit/they obviously didnt even hire a writer tier). They aren't going through some climactic lifechanging event in trust events because....its just day to day life together, any development is realistically reserved for story dedicated to them elsewhere like agent episodes or main story stuff.
I'd like to see some recommendations for the in depth character games though since I quite like them and would like to see what the comparison yall are drawing from is.
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Ill M6 her.
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Oh no Sokakubros. She's not for (You)
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redeem him saar
my 3 heroes and fagrumasa
What is this from?
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Neither. Save your currency to buy rolls for characters.
>wearing shoes in the house
She would never
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what's a good atk to AP ratio for piper?
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Surely this means gameplay soon
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Is that...
The yellow strap almost makes it looks like that's her skin and she's wearing a white bra
Beta client was reverse engineered and released into the public, but as far as I know it's just the 1.4.1 version, so it's already out of date if true.
The more the better, anon.
You're multiplying one with another with your total AP/100 being one of the direct multipliers for figuring out the actual anomaly damage.
The stat is available in a ratio of 1:3 compared to ATK% (on discs, where it's actionable), so that'll be the most optimal baseline proportion.
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>Beta client was reverse engineered and released into the public
This sounds like overstepping some boundaries
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did I miss a shitstorm when 1.3 just released? I'm finally playing the story after procrastinating and this shit is fucking terrible even compared to Jane. Why is the hacker flip flopping randomly between being extremely competent and being a complete retard for no reason? what the hell is this "steps on hand, nuthin personal AH THIS MUST BE THE ONE HUH??? DAMN YOUUU YANAGI TEAM ROCKETS BLASTING OFF AGAIIINNN" nonsense?
Ughhhh take me back to 1.0 fucking hell
There's a reason the only part people still talk about is when they're all bangboos.
You shut your whore mouth.
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Haru my beautiful wife..
I'm going to fuck the obviously buff gay man that is inside that outfit. I'm getting Will Powers vibes from them with that cute voice changer.
still not buying from these scammers
Cutie Ellen
Ellen Cutie
he doesn't have a voice changer in the original chinese audio
honestly have no idea what sort of archetype that voice is supposed to be
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Lick their armpits
Fuck their pecs
Fuck their bellies
Cuddle afterwards
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Mother of god, this is perfect.
I don't have Grace...
You betta believe that is a bannu

I'll stand by my headcannon until proven otherwise. I want more buff guys that are super into cute things and men.
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>playing Bizarre Brigade for the weekly
>wave 9 wrecking shit
>game buffers
>Failed to connect to the server
>kicks me out of the arcade
What the FUCK is this bullshit
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You ever have Wave 10 end in limbo?
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Well at least I can feel more or less what it will be like to have her playable.
Yanagi’s slow ass banner is killing this game before 1.4 can
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The only negative opinions I've seen of Yanagi are from here and even still it's fringe
it'll be even worse when they run harumasa+miyabi for like a month long banner.
I will now level up my Grace from my selector
I've seen people talk bad about her in other places, but usually when people talk bad about her in other places you are bombarded by defenders of this character with a dull design.
Finished Apreggio Fault event, however checking the lock at Ray I miss 1 clue (last one) from Fault A.

Can anyone tell where it is exactly if there is a 6th clue?
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The trannycord has arrived.
We love SEXnagi here.
I look like this
Wise is not into old hags
There are many Wises.
Flopter Floprenz
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Yanagi is okay, carried by her mommy energy and that last trust event. Wake me up when we have another hebe though.
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hes so perfect...
Also helps she's insanely good for gameplay between her high damage and the "I can counter anything" gimmick.
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>artifacts are fine
>characters leveled
>engines all maxed out
>talents all leveled
Fuck do I even do anymore
Just hoard XP and upgrade materials for future servants.
so how do these work?
Yanagi's only issue for me is the lack of pantyhose in her design.
OL with short skirt but no pantyhose? Get that weak shit outta my face, it's like a mesugaki without a haughty smug expression. No truly cultured OL enjoyer would design Yanagi like that.
That stuff is for whales, so don't bother. The rolls you get from the monochrome are far more valuable than a handful of resources.
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You pull the string and it causes the beeper to beep really fucking loud.
I wanna try it
do people rush to your aid?
For Corin people would rush to join in the rape
Generally speaking, yes. The problem however is it kinda ends up like car alarms, where everyone hears it but largely ignores it.
I bought the ones that convert monochrome to polychrome because it's free stuff. Those 4 are the only ones that are not worth it.
is 3k atk and 400 AP a good baseline for piper then?
im probably throwing 10 rolls on Lighter too and see what happens
dont expect anything and his a-ranks are dogshit too

seriously what the fuck is up with this character and his banner

>minimal story presence (bellum interaction, was just kind there during the final battle)
>stuck between proper SOC banners and Miyabi shilling
>dogshit a-ranks
Nathan is dogshit and I already play hsr, sell me zzz and why should I substitute genshin with it
Completely different game, only similiarity is "anime gacha"
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>exposes your location
Thanks for the easy nut bitch
If you dont like something quit or take a break
If you think something's interesting take a look.
It's not that hard, you fucking zoomers and your need for attention
He was originally an A Rank, and it's really fucking obvious.
>only dude in the group
>minimal story presence
>moves aren't nearly as flashy as the others
>got shuffled from a somewhat useful class (attacker) to one that is already filled by Qingyi (stunner/lycaon/koleda)
>has ice buffs for some weird reason
There's no Paimon
It gets boring after reach account level 45 because you ran out of things to do and now you are in the phase waiting for daily reward drip

It's only 5 out 5.
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Ok I will try it then
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I regret rolling for yanagi
sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with Corin sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi sex with yanagi
Even putting the kit aside, him being A-rank just makes so much more sense to be released alongside SOC and also adds to the limited A roster.
wtf why, she like deletes all content
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yanagi thighjobs
What team makes best use of Knightboo?
I already have Resonaboo.
My autocorrector failed me, it's obviously Natlan
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I guess I have a reason to use Grace now.
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For the S11 or Ellen (without Lycaon) niggas, yall pulling for Lighter? I feel like he is a pretty solid Stun/Support hybrid Agent that will have a lot of value & especially when we get future Agents that enable his buffs & play style. A pretty solid future-proof character. He still has a couple of team comps currently but he just really fills that Ice/Fire Attacker niche, which is fine for a character.
Currently, id slot him on Ellen/Soukaku(or Ellen/Caesar) & Yanagi/Burnice. My S11 isn’t built yet, & I wanna farm mats for the next Agent after he releases.
I wonder how Ellen/Lycaon/Lighter team fairs. Also Miyabi/Lighter/Burnice should still fair pretty well even without Miyabi’s passive activating, but we’ll see if there’s any change in the upcoming weeks.
>>has ice buffs for some weird reason
Because he's cool

Are people still pretending the door of time isn't real?
Hmm... nyo.
yeah as a disgusting HUMAN
No, because you guys are going to tell me I have to roll for his stupid engine too, nice try, I'm waiting for my wife
>has ice buffs for some weird reason
Thermal shock
i have lycaon, koleda M3 and qingyi soo im skipping him
No idea. Probably.
It depends on who you're running with her.
I have S11 and I'm still passing. There are a laundry list of issues with him I've already brought up before. Long story short Hoyo did everything in their power to ensure he fails
Hard skip. Waiting for pulchra.
I'll roll on his banner until Ben is c6. Up to him if he wants to show up before then or not.
Anyone did the maths for dps increase between agent's M0 vs M6 and wengines w1 vs w5?
I'll pull him so I have him but I probably won't use him with my S11.
I dont know what Koleda M1-M2 do
It's got to be on purpose
>see how little money we made of this
>we really shouldn't do more males in the futre
Men should be A-Ranks.
I will never roll for sigs, not even Miyabi’s. They ain’t as important than getting the Agent itself, just a good synergistic stat-stick.
Her cherry WILL be popped!!
That's how him and his kit were designed
I agree as a F2p we got cool bros that we can easily max
Everyone says theyre broken without their sig, like 30% less effective
I'll throw like 20 rolls on him since I'm more than 100 standard rolls away from Lycaon
MioHomo has done this to multiple characters

Jade from HSR was a character with minimal story presence, came after the most shilled character in their game, and is a specialized unit for AOE fights only. And of course she sold like shit.

This but also no furry shit.

I actually like Seth's kit but I'll never use him since he's a furry kid.
Bro your hair glow?
bro, not that anon but go up the post chain
Yes, the results are: It's not worth it. It never is. Neither here, nor in other gachas. Don't be stupid.
>he doesn't roll for his wives engines
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>Pulchera is a Physical Stunner

Realistically speaking, how do they make a useful kit for her?
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even bangboos have better asses wtf
I feel like phys stunner is just a placeholder and she'll end up Electric attacker or Anomaly instead, support at the worst. She has electric traps in her boss battle after all.
The safe unhorny sword master....
>shadow censor
wtf her ass wasn't like that in the cbt
>moves aren't nearly as flashy as the others
Bro, you do realize he's in the same group as a quickswap support and ye ol' sword-n-board?
meebs has negative ass...
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culo cuadrado zorra...
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I was imagining that she would have the the 3 dodges like Jane and a way to give an automatic dodge buff to the rest of the team.
>make what is probably one of the coolest designed normal male character in the game
>yea you just use him for 2 seconds bro
That's why nobody wants him
Corin is stupid
I am now skipping Miyabi.
Stupidly sexy
i dont feel like the extra dodge would really benefit her if her role ends up not being on field all that much
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Stupidly rapeable!
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come here
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My ass is fatter than that.
she's asking for it
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i can't even tell what I'm looking at
I finished Undercover R&B up to Virtual Revenge in a single sitting yesterday. All the story content post-1.0 is pretty mid and 1.1 is arguably the worst if you don't care about Seth, it's so short.
Half glass full outlook: she's nopan
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I won't rape Corin, she's ugly
I still think that off field is one of the most discouraging things about the game, imagine getting a character with a super cool look that you like and him being relegated to just getting on the field, giving an assist and leaving.
It appears to be some sort of localized hollow anomaly
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When can we expect something BIG to happen in the ZZZ community?

Something on the level of the original Genshit Harbinger trailer that came out of the blue, or the Fontaine full leak dump over trhe leaker drama, or Shart Rail previewing new planets, that sort of thing
sex with the big rock
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very nice
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They definitely reduced zzz's budget.
You will take your inoffensive 20 minutes stories that never get resolved and your useless maps with nothing in it once every two updates and you will like it.
I want to rollll since skipping m*les or should I be saving for miyabi and idols. I can try to get yanagi c1 but Im close to weapon pity is her wengine good for most anomaly or should I save for a more universal one?
are you asking when can we expect something unexpected?
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Mashallah habibi
what a beaut
But Yanagi C1 gives free damage immunity everytime you land an anomaly debuff
why don't other public security agents get tactical buttpants
i bet her pussy stinks
Yanagi took everything i have but bros.. i think im gonna gamble for he weapon...

please toot for me..
I'm going to surgically drain Soukaku's stomach and put all that fat in her ass.
Qingyi is a child
Are the weekly convenience store mats a scam? I hear dennies becomes a real bottleneck in the long run
how are her pants so tight i can see her cameltoe
Considering everyone in the thread but me got Yanagi and her ball within 40 rolls, you're fine
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Good luck anoncito. I hope you can get it.
reminder: don't forget to fill up the survey to change food buff into time duration instead the current ones
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I was more or less ready to skip L*ghter but after completing Chapter 4 and seeing some of his actual gameplay, like this tower video, I'm a LITTLE tempted, maybe some rolls on his banner depending on if Ellen Rerun is confirmed in 1.4 or not

Dont do it, save for Miyabi. Yanagi does fine with Grace weapon
I wish you the same luck the other anons got, we all pulled it in the first 10 rolls for some reason, maybe zzzg is blessed for her
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just be yourself
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Yes and yes.
splashing water on Corin and making her soaking wet!
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>Lighter comes out for 2 seconds
>does boring animations
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I also think it's a placeholder and they haven't decided what she will be yet, my guess is that she would be a Physical Attacker, she would complement the role that is missing in the SoC and she would benefit from the rest of the team better, I feel like she would be a critical Jane.
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>robot is a child
better to have tried than to not have tried at all
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>no S
The gameplay currently seems to heavily favor that shit. Like Zhu only comes out for 10 seconds during a stun, and Burnice/Lighter only appear for a second at most.
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That's what I like about his gameplay, he's not someone that needs to be babysat and he doesnt take field time away from your favorite character. I wouldnt want a m*le to be on the screen all the time anyway

>play stunner and support
>Deal jackshit damage even with 3k atk
>Daze reach the limit
>Attacker goes bing bing wahoo deletes the boss HP bar

I don't get, how much armor does the boss have when its stun bar is up? Does anomaly ignore defense or something? I can't comprehend how much damage does anomaly/disorder does.
blenderbro, are you mocapping these? cool stuff as always
Being stunned makes an enemy take considerably more damage. Most attackers are geared towards being able to dump huge amounts of damage (ult/ex) in a matter of seconds to take advantage of this.
How do you learn the thunder guys moves? I've only fought him a few times in the yanagi trial. I just feel like I don't know his moveset yet
kek I still feel the same way. Attackers without stun feel like they are shooting blanks
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I just steal it from here
I hadn't noticed that her weapon is basically the Saw Cleaver from Bloodborne mixed with firearms, really cool.
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That shit could've been a oven. Tough luck bwo
Oh dang, I thought you were the guy who made it
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I'm impressed they managed to give a tail to a character who didn't have a tail.
Too bad Lighter doesn't pair with Miyabi at all
hot damn I'm choosing Grace on the selector
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70 to go
Is there a survey up yet? I need to beg for multiple disc set slots on the equipment screen. At this point my anomalies all have 2 builds and it's a pain to manually swap all 6 discs every time I'm switching my teams.
I wish bangboos were real
He shreds Ice resistance doesnt he, so it's not like he's completely useless

And Hoyo games have never required BIS teams
Did they actually rig the tail or is it just using cloth physics?
I want to put my penis inside a bangboo
Could be wrong, but isn't it just a model replacement, I got to look into it and give some girls bigger tits and asses
They did it in such a way that it was very well done.
who cares it looks good here
if you read the description it's taking the place of Grace's coat
Cloth physics. Grace has a coat wrapped around her waist, it's probably based on that.
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I really can't pull for Lighter now.

I'm going to anyway.
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It's from Bilibili and from what I've seen it look like mocapped.
Miyabi doesn't use ice, she uses frost
The tail is probably using the bones of Grace's toolbag thing. Still, awesome work.
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I care because I wanna know if the modding tools out there are capable of custom rigging.
pretty cool, I've been doing some blender stuff myself and saw theres a plugin that lets you do exactly this, I'll have to try it eventually
>there are actual people who think furry females won't sell
Literally everywhere I looked, people love Pulchra. This stubbornness from gacha companies is so retarded.
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>bweh I hate off-fielders
fags FEAR soloGODS
>no atk%
wow anon that disk sucks haha you should delete it or better yet tell the devs to make drive disk trading a thing so I can take off your hands so it isn't polluting your inventory with how shitty it is h-haha.
How do you know what order to put your team in
blue pussy... blue oni pussy...
why do you fucks keep talking about off fielders
the only off fielders in the game besides the defense and support characters is MAYBE burnice, and even then if you never use her on the field you're actually retarded
It's pink
Yanagi's is blue
give them a little credit, they realized their mistake and even preempted it a bit with maskless art
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What about it?
Frost benefits from all Ice effects.
I don't know who to believe, literally everyone in the thread said Lighter is useless for Miyabi
ive always done something like stun-support-dmg
or in the acse of double anomly its support-burnice-yanagi
but just rememeber 1-2-3 is the same as 3-1-2
I wonder if when they make her playable, she will use her revolvers more as guns, because as a boss I think that in only one attack of hers does she actually shoot using them.
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My brother has some funny interests.
That's nice, Grace
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What team would you use? Lighter Lucy Miyabi?
She wants disorder and if you're planning on getting Miyabi's Mindscapes you can't afford Lighter and his W-Engine.
he isn't good but his effects still work
Lighter can technically buff Mibibi, but it won't work at all because of her restrictions. She can only link with another S6 member (AKA Yanagi) or a support.
Frost is still considered Ice for the normal mechanics, it just has an extra mehcanic.
I might be dumb, but how do you activate that slow motion mode ?
Well, Pulchra has a great design that even non-furry people can like, so much so that most of her good fanart came more from non-furry artists than furries.
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So Hoyo is going to give us unlimited energy or something on the first day of Chinese New Year right?
He is, they're suboptimal no what team you build. They don't activate eachother's additional passive, which they both rely on heavily and their options are limited. But if you don't care and run something like Ellen/Lighter/Miyabi or Soukaku/Miyabi/Lighter you will still benefit from his ice resistance debuff. Frost is still ice, it just has it's own anomaly bar and unique anomaly effects.
>unlimited energy
Unlimited energy for one enemy card!
have you entertained the idea that it's the webm itself that might be slowed down

it's the tits, be honest
Technically, there is a way to make a non-meta team using Miyabi, Lighter and Lucy, it won't be an excellent team because Miyabi wants disorder, but it is a functional team that activates all passives.
i think most of the furry hate comes from people who were exposed to western style furries which have been associated with plenty of degenerate fetishes, pulchra is an example of an eastern artstyle furry, a "kemono". It might just be a "thing" vs "thing, japan" deal but it's undeniable that one type of furry is seen more favorably than the other.
Even if I don't like furry characters, I can appreciate her since she hits that itch of gunslinging itch that SoC doesn't have. Too bad the black furry guy has the level action.
>furry :|
>furry, japan :O
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The one good thing about furries is that you can make them wear almost nothing with the justification that they're not naked because they have fur.
i see a lot of cope here
Same with robots. Yutane is pretty much showing her bare ass.
Why do they keep messing with Miyabi?
>fatui trailer
omg nuhoyo finally released a good bit of story wtfff i didnt expect them to reinvest their billions back into the game!!!
if only you retards knew what peak mihoyo was
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I find kemonos/japanese furries to be more stylized humanoids and less like uncomfortably accurate animal features that stand on two legs
But that's just my guess, I just enjoy what I enjoy
lmao what kind of trash is this
I still hate she wears that grey skirt thing.
I didn't say anything about it being peak or not, it was just a big hype moment for the fans.
Winter Night Lazzo was released when Genshin was still very popular and before the other Nu-Hoyo games were out. I dont know why you feel the need to downplay it

And also I'm 99% positive my HI3 account is older than yours.
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yanagi told me it's not the butt that counts, it's the heart
Does anyone have the flat Pulchra edit?
where ya going wise
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I think a lot of her has this Kemono style instead of Western Furry and her personality and the way she interacted with Burnice was very flirtatious and fun, it ended up attracting a Yuri audience to her too.
They're just trying to see how far they can go and still keep people spending
what, that looks weird
what's up with that?
if you played hi3 then you wouldnt be asking retarded questions like that because you would know what nuhoyo "hype" is like
the closest you will get to that is when void hunters get introduced or we get some sloppy revelation like "mc's teacher is akctually nineveh"
The shadow coloring is whatever I guess, but why is it so pointy and square...Is this the first square butt so far?
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Yes grandpa we know, HI3 was peak and Hoyo was ruined by Genshin's fame
now let's get you back to the old folks home before you rant yourself into exhaustion
I think the designs of the 3 are really cool, I'm not a furry, but I like the mercenary vibe they give off, I know they won't be a faction together, but I like the detail that all 3 have bullets as accessories.
I will never call Miyabi Mibibi.
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What were you guys expecting anyway? She always came across as a very conservative and boring design anyway

I dont care if you think NuHoyo hype is le shallow. I want to see something more than just another standard patch trailer and character marketing.
is this from the old beta the other anon was talking about?
1.4.1 or whatever?
I will always call Mibibi Mibibi.
Yanagi anal
Can I call her Meebs?
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literally my only reason to roll sig
I will make Dawei change Mibibi's name to something more japanese sounding, like Miyabi
What does that feel like
>you ACTIVATED my prey instinct
>kitty FLUFFY CUTE, join us
was it flirting or just two retards talking past each other
Why not both, anon?
Stick your penis in your ass. Feels just like that
Pulchra was trying to sound intimidating and cool and didn't realize she was dealing with a total psycho
But her eggs...
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Are we going to have a trust event involving her tail like Lycaon?
have they fucked?
The Meebster
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>my prey instinct
Well yeah, that's about what happened.
you are asking for hype from a company that refused to reinvest a single penny into their soon 5 year old game. get a grip.
at least zzz gets hype character trailers

yeah lets all be happy with mediocrity
I hate that skin but best Yae battlesuit desu
Holy shit that was hnnng cute

You will never ever have a Bernie in your life ...
>zzz gets hype character trailers
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sex and love with cocko
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We were close to having an Ellen touch tail trust event, but she's too self-conscious about it.
So yeah, I sure hope we do.
Speaking of, I think only Nekomata, as a playable Thiren with tails, who never addresses her two tails. She does mention it for expressing herself, but not why she has two.
I bet she got pumped and dumped by Burnice
they look like fake tails
I love the detail of her wearing the pajamas that Burnice bought for her.
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>We were close to having an Ellen touch tail trust event
caesar trailer with soc members is sparkle level of hype
caesar shoujo trailer is kino
>She's even wearing the outfit Burnice picked out
I didn't notice that until now
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facefucking pulchra while burnice takes her ass with a strap on and kissing burnice when you cum inside pulchra's mouth
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oh fuck yeah
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burnice has one of the better trailers, no argument there

yes sparkle's trailer was very good
>caesar shoujo trailer is kino
lol, how brown are you
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Im still in the camp that burnice was making fun of her for being so weak
I always thought Nekomata was some kind of laboratory experiment with the barcode on her forehead, her two tails being mechanical and even her boots being a little strange with the paw pads and even artists not knowing if it's her feet or just boots.
>lol, how brown are you
i don't understand
this feels like it released ages ago
This music video has made me realize Chyna has definitely won the culture victory over Japan and they will never ever be able to catch up, at least until they stop being lazy and release Kancolle 2.
sorry, the big jap devs like capcom, nintendo, and sony are busy trying to capture the western lib audience you type 2 shitter
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Less than 40 days, time is weird.

Chinese Gachas have taken over but not mainstream video games. Gonna have to see how some of the upcoming action games (Where wind....something, Wuchang falllen feathers, etc) they got cooking perform
2009 was a great year anon... I'll never forget when burnice dropped...
japs are being lazy but china is nowhere close to winning the culture war
fan service is almost non existent, most chink designs are precensored to be safe horny and modern chink protagonists have zero personalities
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What an insufferable bitch
>scrolling through tik tok
>the AI overlord figured out I'm playing this game
>keep scrolling past zzz stuff
>check the comments
>"gooner game"
>"if you play this I just assume you're one of those gooner losers xD"
>"What a trashy gooner game"
I fucking wish this game was a gooner game, the only thing is the boobs jiggle in char select
Meeb's flat ass...
They fucking squandered KanColle so hard
respect your elders bro
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>modern chink protagonists have zero personalities
same thing with japan, in fact it's because of japan's dry ass protagonists that the chinese started doing that retarded shit too.
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How do you guys pronounce "SUSSY BAKA"?
I think most people say
but I personally much prefer
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japan protags still have emotions and can crack jokes
soosi bakii
>japan protags still have emotions
China won BIGLY
Saucy baker
all of those protagonists were made before 2013 bro.
Whenever I see the words I hear hank say it.
not false...
why is he touching her ass
yanagi looks so cute bros
hoshimi miyabi in the fresh
Lady Miyabi! Please step on me!!
Peak mihoyo was chinks attempting to kill dawei
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If Belle and Wise are both there... Who was taking the photo?!
It never even got a Western, global or Chink release.
The ONE Gacha with inbuilt global interest because it's in essence about WW2 autism
caelus isnt canon anon...
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sex with belle
true, that was when mihoyo was still otakus and released fan service
>Who was taking the photo?!
A fan.
You could literally cancel the photo and you'd see a girl with a camera.
Aren't they releasing literally bikini loli fanservice on their official social media accounts to this day?
eh not really
old hoyo died with APHO and im pretty sure the bunny thing was after APHO
Almost got floor 29. I can't believe i haven't been using avocaboo
nicoleKINGS... I underestimated your game...
They still are, just not for their mainstream games.
I never really dug too deep into these A-rank solo runs.
What exactly make them work? It's not like S-ranks where some whale might have a few dupes to make that shit OP
It's just a bit surprising to see an A-rank's solo dps is enough.

HI3 part 2 doenst have Part 1 level swimsuits though, but I dont really follow it much anymore
severe disk autism, usually
The better question is why the fuck they were there, they had nothing to do with that incident.
China alone may not have won in gaming, but Korea and China together definitely have. Hands down.
Remember, for culture only really the Chink 1st and 2nd tier cities count (a chink concept to refer to first world-tier cities). If you add those together and add Korea, it doesn't become an unfair comparison population wise.
But you don't actually touch it, and I was referring to the 404 Live invite trust event where you offer to hold her tail.
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Wise right now

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