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Previous >>503512752

>Character Trailer - "Chasca: Feather-Fletched Peace"
https://youtu.be/vgnVahQlu90 (CN)
https://youtu.be/laXquVN79Qk (JP)
https://youtu.be/dRbFN8hrCLs (EN)
https://youtu.be/EuyyRPh_KeU (KR)

>Character Trailer - "Ororon: Elusive and Unfathomable Hues"
https://youtu.be/S0rvSxWr1Mc (CN)
https://youtu.be/s7ITxcK24OM (JP)
https://youtu.be/cLhXZ_CYuVg (EN)
https://youtu.be/mJkt9jjWrzo (KR)

>Character Teaser - "Chasca: Love and Peace"
https://youtu.be/jmyHGeBuSZo (CN)
https://youtu.be/CSilmG1OR3U (JP)
https://youtu.be/b1-93b1V-co (EN)
https://youtu.be/1tlAjeQwIX4 (KR)

>Current character banner: Chasca, Lyney, Ororon, Sucrose, Barbara
>Current weapon banner: Astral Vulture's Crimson Plumage (Bow), The First Great Magic (Bow)

>Chasca Web Event - "The Meaning of Flight" live until November 21

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes with Primogems (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

>/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
>See Natlan special program
>Know immediately that Chasca is the instant skip for me
>Fast forward to today
>Roll her on impulse anyway
>No regrets, she is fun as fuck to fly around with
I am kneeling so hard.
Be honest, how many /gig/gers would fuck Chasca's mom?
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Chasca sex
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first for emilie
No more Chasca this thread ok???
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Gonna have to skip Granny otherwise my Shenhe will be back to being useless
Hey, slavie, gonna throw another huge melty over white men cucking you like you did 5 threads ago?
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The one that abandoned her as a child?
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Here is your 5* Bennett bro
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Post them!
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When will mihoyo stop being stingy with their release schedule and give players some breathing room like they do with StarRail
>Ifa is 5* Bennett
>Mavuika (c6) is 5* Xiangling
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sustainer waiting room
You're setting yourself for disappointment if you think Ifa is 5* Bennett imo. Being brown already means he has a higher probability of being a brick like Cyno and Dehya were. Same for Iansan desu.
Re-impregnate her every time she abandons a child. Mandatory motherhood.
+2 energy
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Why do you retards drive everything into the ground immediately?
Why was there no anemo tribe?
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Xbalanque is 5* Bennett
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There won't be 5* Bennett. When was the last time Genshin powercrept a character who is still perfectly viable?
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>leave Natlan
>somehow devolve into stripper gladiator gear over generations
Why didn't Venessa go mad from being away from the wayob?
The Anemo tribe was the tribe Vanessa (retconned) belonged to and they all left for Mondstadt
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For me, it's Iansan.
That's Vennessa's clan that ended up in Mond after leaving Natlan. Source? The voices in my head.
Mare Jivari lore
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I'm really interested what kind of exploration he will have if he's a 4* pyro healer.
Ororon and Citlali are the same despite different elements.
It's called mondstadt. Venessas tribe made sure of that
Varka is said to be very tall so sooner or later they will have to make skeleton for tall males
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Furina love
Mavuika even at c6 is a direct downgrade on every single team that needs Xiangling.
Mavuika kills every pyro character in the game except Xiangling and Bennett. It's actually impressive.
Fuck off, it's funny
>Shatter albedo actually works now
Good Morning.
Friendly reminder that Furina is for you.

But be braver. Ei looks good in a sports underwear and I heard that kind of clothing is a big turn on in that community.
Wormderer this very patch?
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it just works
Started Nahida's second SQ... I can't believe it starts off by following a fucking fungus
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Every Pyro DPS in succession not counting Yoi?
Why hasn't the abyss chart changed due to the new reaction buffs?
>Traveler will be pyro Bennett
>Mavuika will be the Bennett archon
>Ifa the doctor will definitely be 5 star filler Bennett
What's the next cope?
because everyone did it in the previous patch
>Spamming the same shit over and over until everyone's sick of it is funneh XD
You must love the ai porn spammer then
You now remember baizhu
I'd rather stick to Bennett than roll for another male that does the same as the 4star male fuckboi from 1.0 that lots of people already have at C6
if 5* Benny is not female then I don't care

I hope he only heals and applies shields but have no party buffs
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Nobody goes mad from leaving Natlan, they develop amnesia and depression. But Vennessa herself wasn't born there, you can't forget what you never had to begin with.
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allpa did nothing wrong.
Do you consider Siggy sexy and breedable?
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>Mavuika even at c6 is a direct downgrade on every single team that needs Xiangling.
In what way?
The next Bennett is the friends we made along the way.
>Good Morning.
>Friendly reminder that Furina is for you.

And she's still for you even if you're a Loom player.
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No she’s cute and huggable
Nah, I was always sick of Nigger Shadman's art and BLACKED fetishists since day 1
Meanwhile I'm getting kicks out of people editing her face
I don't quite remember how much damage a decent enough Albedo does but this + the stronger crystalize shields he'll make seems pretty neat.
I'm not too sure how they could give him flying without making him an outright worse qucusaurus, but then again I'm not sure if Kachina and Ororon are any better than their saurian counterparts
Only thing I feel moderately confident about is that Ifa will be some manner of support (whether that's some kind of buff support or just a healer is beyond me though) since we know he's a veterinarian
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Had a rough day today /gig/gers...
She's a loli so yes.
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Why does Bennett's powercreep have to be pyro?
good, fuck raidenpags
Loom would never, she's a big tits lover
her EN VA did everything wrong
Yes, I would 100% fuck Sigewinne
He's exaggerating. Most teams will prefer Mavuika unless there's too much hydro involved. This is more of Mihoyo giving the middle finger to hydro resonance than anything else.
Tao uses Furina and Xianyun which Arlecchino can't
Wanderer can use Faruzan which Chasca can't
XQ edges over Yelan in some teams especially when running shieldless and you need poise
Venti is still unironically the strongest character in the game when allowed and humiliates half of combat events

Genshin doesn't really do straight powercreep other than Chiori
She sounded like the same ESL VA from Xilonen's quest.
No, she's probably already had 50 dirty inmate cocks in her.
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shatter\bloom will unironically be a good team
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Was doing local legends today and realized why mavuika might be kinda shit
Her E range is terrible and you can't just set it down like a trap
Also made me wish I had citlali for chasca so I didn't have to use zhongli who didn't do anything for the turrets or chasca
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This team is nuts for C6 Chiori, with all the atk speed and stuff. very fun
the chascacord...
get some good food and cheer up, there are many good days ahead bwo
Why do loli attract the most autistic and juvenile retards around? They never talk about the game or character itself, just how horny they are all the time while attempting soft ERP sessions with each other.
>since we know he's a veterinarian
so, how come the great warriors and generals leading armies are just buffers?
roll for Chasca
every day is a rough day for Chasca Lawrence, and she could use some cheering up
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why is the 'cord making so many Chasca faces now?
They're literally retarded. Being a nonce is an actual mental illness so it's no wonder they act like they have one
Loom's not gay.
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Does c6 Chiori even need a team?
People get too hung up on the damage numbers, but forget the end goal of building a team.
Lets say for example that you want to play melt Ganyu. The purpose of the pyro is to come in, place his pyro, do the buffs and fuck off so that you do your thing with Ganyu.
Mavuika has exceptional numbers, but you need to charge her burst, use it, and stay on field for charged attacks. That's not a Ganyu melt team.
Also her off field pyro just isn't good enough.
Yun Jin doesn't really need C6 Chiori
Because they're homosexuals in denial
It's like reverse futa
They have no boobs but they have the hole that's not an asshole
On one hand it's lame that Tona is capped at 30, on the other hand that means there's two more area expansions coming probably.
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>needing party members with C6 Chiori
Pyro Resonance
Not really, but it's fun tho
It's the opposite
>Her E range is terrible
how did you come to that conclusion?
the volcano and mare jivari
Chasca is the Eula of 5.X
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Well the volcano is pretty obvious. Maybe a sub region like the chasm for mare jivari.
Though they might add 20 levels for the volcano though
the wq already spoiled the volcano. But its not in 5.3 so we dont know.
If it wasn't for the cap I would have enough sigils to get to level 39. If I recall correctly 5.0 gave you enough sigils for somewhere around level 25, so the next map expansion will probably give you enough to get all the way to 50 if you pick up everything, but I assume they'll continue to raise the level cap 10 levels at a time
I have absolutely no clue what maps they could add after the nearly guaranteed combo of Iansan's tribe and the nearby volcano though
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Ororon, Citlali and the bat saurian are basically the same. Citlali's gliding is only a little bit longer, I think.
They can't make new 4 stars for central tribes without them being sidecreeps of event 5 star. Really makes you think.
Ifa might a filler 5 star because the bird saurian's ability is too good for a 4 star.
>Mavuika has exceptional numbers, but you need to charge her burst, use it, and stay on field for charged attacks.
Except you don't, you just use her skill and that's it. Or do you think hyperbloom Raiden needs to use her burst?
Didn't Stanley or Cyrus mention that Mare Jivari is a domain or am I rembering that wrong?
Cheldface stopped getting attention so they had to change things up
While yes the third one is behind them it's not really THAT far behind and I understand a part of it is that her skill targets up to 10 targets and seeds but when it's that short who is it really helping?
>WAAAH why doesn't /gig/ have any original memes?
>/gig/ comes up with an original meme
>NOOOOO it's forced and cringe
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>getting triggered by a picture of some stupid kid
i remember Stanley saying it was a place where wind doesn't blow but that's about it.
Damn Venti's SQ was so long ago.
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Correct. Inorganic spam that gets run into the ground within a single day is not funny.
>It's the opposite
Nah. Gorou would be better. Yun Jin adds bonus damage which has no synergy with Chiori's C6 bonus scaling, but has a larger relative impact below C6.
>Open video
>See pagther
>Close video
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>pyro application every 2 seconds
>barely enough for Mualani without hydro resonance and shit for Neuv+Furina.
No matter how you guys bitch about it, I don't see Mihoyo reducing this interval or he'd be winning again. The most hoyo could do is extend Mavuika's skill uptime by reducing its nightsoul consumption imo.
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do you think hutao is a virg
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How good is shatter eula now?
nah bitch a scorpio fr
You must think pepe and wojak edits must be the most creative and hilarious shit ever.
We're never getting this Gnshin back.
oh I misunderstood you. I picked yunjin for the atk speed bonus only desu
She is but she broke her own hymen with a dildo already
>EM Eula
not good
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i WILL SAVE this raiden too
Her pyro application is too slow. More than twice slower than Xiangling's. She just can't do it on her own. You need to resort into slotting a dendro for burn melt, in which case you might as well just play Bennet+Xiangling.
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You can't be serious
Holy FUARK.. GODpitano... i genuflect..
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Wanderer was already mid before Chasca came out
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>calling zhongli a dildo
with a horse dildo
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so does the pyro archon unclunk my mualani or do i still need 300 er xiangling
what kind of range do you want? This is perfectly servicable and beats the range of any other pyro applyer.
Isn't her skill damage a little worse than pyronado too?
childeface is organic and homegrown
chascaface is literally a test tube baby
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you will never be Cheld
if only they held back on the makeup with her in game model
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*the samshir swirls faster*
uh oh cheldposter existential melty
I want to impregnate this slug.
I've got some horrible news
Please remember we're still in V1 beta
>More than twice slower than Xiangling's.
Nope, it's not.
If the same image repeated with little difference is the best OC that /gig/ can produce then it's well and truly over.
It's worse than pyronado with bennett's snapshot that's for sure. And we don't know if mavuika snapshots. I would bet no.
So when are we getting a Harley Davidson mod for Mavuika?
>discord faggots mass producing unfunny trash
>Homegrown and organic
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I'm going to make an account called Klee_C_X and see how streamers react to it and I'm going to say stuff about Klee that could be interpreted in a couple different ways.
Originality takes time. Spend 12 months here, and you may see a few original thoughts worth thinking.
I wish Navia/Chevy/Clorinde/Chasca were a viable team
Not gonna lie, chascaface is probably the best gig OC ever since cheldface
Mavuika isn't Raiden, you switch out after the first slash. Only Navia's comp has enough free time to let Mavuika do her donuts.
>inb4 but you need to recharge Mavuika's burst or your on-fielder will be missing the buff
Yeah, so Ganyu being a CAfag is cucked by that unless you build your team according to Mavuika's needs or adapt yourself for her 12s uptime in this tough nightsoul points economy.
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>it's not my meme so I'm gonna have a meltdown!!!!!
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It is , if you account for Guoba's 4 instances as well.
I already have. We hardly get drawfags anymore, let alone any other type of OC aside from memes.
It is in the overworld
They should at least give her full uptime, every Archon since Zhong's had it.
She's bi with a preference for women.
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Based and valid
Cringe and reddit.
I dont make the rules
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we still have a few but one is a wrio homofujo
Brapitano fled
Do it. Tell us when the cops raid your house and take your disk drives away for examination
what are you fighting, a wall? Must be a stationary target.
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>RabiGODS out of NOWHERE
>not reddit
When is Iansan banner? I don't care for the hags
Futa Loom will fuck anything with a hole anon
>More than twice slower than Xiangling's
XL applies pyro every 1.5s or 1.8s depending on whether you're doing that rotating trick or not. Mavuika does every 2s
5.4 or 5.6
Sorry bro, /gig/ didn't moan as hard about them, so they're cool.
Simple as.
2s is twice as slow as 1.8
>it's my meme so I'm gonna mass spam them every thread!!!!
please don’t lump me with them. grim.
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Gonna have to replace layler on this rabi soon
Either way we are have a somewhat meaningless discussion at this moment. Since they will be changes tomorrow.
We will find out the direction they are going with her. They might fix everything.
It's not even too difficult. Make the intervals between attacks 1.5s instead of 2 and make her skill last 3 seconds longer.
Ok /gig/, we'll buff mavukia's attacks to hit every second and app
But we'll also buff her DPS
You now have to choose neuvillette or mavuika
We're also increasing abyss HP by 1000% to accommodate this
Based cheldGOD
With Noelle
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>didn't roll any natlan character
>might as well not roll the archon
Guess I'll just double down on saving for Snezhnaya.
See you all in anime Russia, cold ass motherfuckers.
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I thought only toddlers were amused by "silly face"
How do you figure? She has no ICD and Pyronado does 12 hits at C4 excluding the initial swings so she's applying Pyro every 1.1s.
Will we find out the second 5.3 rerun tomorrow?
i made it chasca bros!
now i'll start testing artifact sets.
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I choose Mavuika why is this even a question
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Yeah. Even Clorinde's NA spam couldn't get it to last past 12s with a single target. I think this shit is too brutal for teams without a second natlan character.
The internet has been amused by silly faces for years, newcutie.
People are mentally toddlers online
that crit ratio is disgusting
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>I already have.
Perhaps the next year will be better.
>Twelve moons and twelve more, new memories will grow.
Guoba also does 4 hits, with 1.5s intervals. No icd as well.
Like i said in the first message that started all this meaningless discussion, it's actually sub 1s per pyro proc.
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Gee, Mavuika, how come Dawei lets you have TWO shill blessings?
I guess I'm the only mentally adult online then.
Cat faces are cute tho
Why did you have to post her
Stop it
Stop forcing me to see Nahida
>I guess I'm the only mentally adult online then.
Nah, you're just 14 anon
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>tga is 2 days after neuvillette's rerun begins
They delayed the drip marketing for him not chasca lmfao
Why are you like this man? Every fucking thread.
>silly face
But I want to stick my willy in her agaped mouth....
Also worth adding that if Mavuika runs in the first half then there will only be 4 days left of her banner once this abyss goes up. They're probably trying to cash in on some last minute FOMO
Kinda weird if you ask me since if I'm not mistaken the abyss that stretches from mid December to mid January has bonuses for being shielded so you'd assume that's intended for a Zhongli -> Citlali banner rotation, but surely they wouldn't put the archon in the second half of the patch, right?
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but you do serve them
Mavuika is not a normal attacker though?
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>I'm the only mentally adult
YoiGODs finally get some more representation
He's a Nahidafag that intentionally says that so the other Nahidafags start spamming
>Floor 12 buff is back
Literally who asked for this. Everyone with decent team can already clear each chamber with a minute to spare.
>I'm a mentally stunted toddler!
>Noooo you're the underaged one!! LAUGH AT MY HECKING MEME
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What if, nightmare scenario
Both are up at the same time like what ZZZ is about to do with their next patch
I asked for it. Haven't used my Klee since they killed the pyro DMG buff back in 1.2
>full caps
Damn bro, I didn't know you were actually 14, I was making a chuuni jab + cats.
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Now that ZZZ is DOA and I'm quitting shart rail again before their higtranny shilling and fateslop region, what am I supposed to play?
I know. But I wanted to see if it's sentient enough to give a proper answer itself.
Then again knowing the kind of weirdos that latch themselves onto lolis it may very well be a samefag giving himself a reason to spam
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no one fights alone
Arama looking cute today
Pyro traveler is actually the best version of traveler but nobody is ready for that discussion
Genshin casually. No more chores. You will be free.
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>be gone for a couple of days
Now we gotta deal with Chascaface too?! ON TOP of Cheld??
codex would fix that, but the question is, is that better than the 35% dmg boost of troupe?
or would other set (like venerer 40% elemental shred) be better?
i want to test that.
Can pyro traveler solo the abyss faster than anyone else? No? Then they're SHIT
It's probably only a matter of time before we eventually reach that point, but I don't think we're at that point just yet
I'll just wait until the official confirmation but I still find it rather peculiar
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>mavuika powercreeps neuv
>citlali powercreeps zhongli
It's not like it matters anyways. It's like zhongli's 5th rerun and neuv's 3rd. Nobody is rolling except newfags
They've moved on from being lumine and yoimiya poster's punchline and choosing their own
Just during the shill period of her banner
when story leaks
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today was a good day
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>it's forced and cringe
this, the fact that the spammer constantly changes md5s is enough to see how forced it is
If you want a serious answer, autism.
I’m autistic and am sick of the lolifags shoving their dumb potato into every single thread. Cheld isn’t posted every thread, Klee isn’t posted every thread, Yaoyao isn’t posted every thread, so you don’t have to force Nahida into literally every thread.
So I keep asking and begging this general to just go one thread without posting the radish. Instead of being nice and complying, they mock me and post her out of spite. If I say nothing, they post her. I hate it. Why can’t /gig/ just Not Post Nahida for one thread? My autism won’t let me give up until I get what I want so eventually by sheer luck or endurance I’ll get my thread.
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>mentally adult
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It sure was
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we like nahida here
cheld and chasca should kiss
Is Mavuika a good roll for someone without any limited 5* pyro dps on their account?
>35% dmg boost of troupe?
more like 20% damage boost and 80 EM
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We ship cheld and chasca here
Undoubtedly, yes
>*rolls eyes*
Buddypoke spam baka
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Absolutely, for me it's just C0 though.
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Of course. She will probably be a good addition to literally every account, even if she isn't as needed as someone like Nahida was.
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With what we know now, the best possible roll. She is only bad for existing accounts with stacked rosters.
probably be a niche brick like Raiden
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She is regardless of your account power for simply being able to hold scroll
buddypag meltdown
If your favorite character can't clear the entire abyss after you take an entire box of extra strength fast acting laxatives, but before you shit yourself your favorite character is irrelevant.
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paghida is so ugly
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Almost looks like the wanderer staring upwards picture haha
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Genshin girls are for Hilichurl cocks ONLY. No one else.
Iansan will make Eula great again
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>Nobody asked if they have Xilonen
do you have her anon ?
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Who is the most photogenic genshin?
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Thank you Happy Lemon
I'm mentally adulter than y'all
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>Nahida hours
gonna sleep
Nice, I got both combos
The pop rocks in the Klee one was a nice touch
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Average post when this archon was revealed/comming soon
>Wow he's cute it's not gay if I fuck him must roll
>Love my wise daddy best meta shielder in game must roll
>Ugh npc model incel bait do not roll
>Ugly potato worthless outside of dendro teams skip skip skip!
>Lmao garbage pitybait nobody likes her only gays will roll for a boy
>Shitty trash unit the bike ruins my immersion do not roll!
I'm noticing a pattern here...
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>i missed the xiangtao thread
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>daywunners enjoyed the game
>weebslop brought in the shitter crowd
I see it too
Nice, I got the Jean one.
Everyone there was an Asian lol
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bro, your eyes?
Hating women is the success?
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I just want to make it clear to everyone here that if when the Bina comes around you have to ask if you should roll for the Bina instead of just rolling for the Bina you don't deserve the Bina and shouldn't roll for the Bina.
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Based, fuck women as a concept.
My Binagems are already waiting.
35% - 15% (what codex gives you) is what?
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this is a great thread
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physical catalyst when?
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We got one in 5.0
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>Chasca Lawrence

Looks like I've lost touch. Why is Chasca related to Eula now?
No one actually likes Nahida.
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Is it true that if you stop buying Welkin and BP after being a longtime subscriber, the game will start giving you better artifacts for a certain period?
Reminder that the slavic cuckspammer had a genuine melty earlier today and revealed why he's spamming all day long.
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Just about done
Apparently there was concepts of one meant to be from Fontaine but they scrapped him. I think his name was something like Ron Weasley.
No. The free stuff is if you stop logging in for 2 weeks.
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Is it weird that I want to roll for Chasca because I feel bad for her and think not a lot of people will roll for her, despite being a decent person? I absolutely do not have the primos to do it.
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does traveler get glowing tattoos?
natlan flopped, BIGLY
yeah bro don't tell anyone though hehe
That's a rather strange reason, yes
I've heard the more you pay the better you get which is why whales have such good luck with them and have multiple characters at 1% on akasha
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that's a nice chunk of EM for not having it on the timepiece
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God damn it i'm flopping
I used to be indifferent but she grew on me after I got her and did her quest
Yea Aether has a visible "womb" tattoo, not sure why they included that but they always had weird shit in betas they take out before release
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Wanderer does
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>clunky and/or weak female typically released on a .5 patch
>T1 dps at release destined to be forgotten or powercrept
>ultimate clunk or doomed banner
>bricked if you skip them, meta-defining
>lovingly craft mutiple beautifully designed and wonderous landscapes and regions with loads of lore atmosphere
>ALMOST NEVER use them for AQs of SQs
what are they thinking????
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And then she turned herself into a fungus. Funniest thing I've ever seen
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why is she so smug?
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>Rebellion of the Golden-eyed
>the pitch black figure

a lot of new therms coming out
xhe's so cute... trans girls peaked too early...
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I regret skipping Sigewinne Kaedahara
I'm glad Kaedahara Xilonen carried on the family name
I regret not choosing aether bros
They really tried to copy Souls games for the new map.
Do new players even have difficulty with dragonspine?
They have so many options now and actually healers I kinda doubt they would especially with it being optional
Chasca is tempting me too much, I have barely any pulls saved up and am on a guaranteed pity so I should really be saving for Mavuika, but Mavuika looks like ass to play while Chasca seems so fun…..
for me it's the eternal babala sex event
they copied Skyrim tho?
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nahida is cute and fungi.
Any time I see anyone saying "meta defining" I see a fat bald lonely man in front of his screen, struggling with a phone game for casual players
Post it.
with the underground map probably not
Post your Abyss clear and your IT clear
I think of a powerful character. Why do you so readily imagine fat bald men.
Wanderer spored that
I too see monsieur Neuvillette
just get one of them on a rerun bwi
What if they pull an Anihillation Gang on Tsaritsa and Snezhnaya cast.
Considering you can sum the most important thing for each nation in one word:

>Mondo - freedom
>Liyue - self-sufficiency
>Sumeru - memory or rebirtth
>Fontaine - justice
>Natlan - heritage

What word can describe Inazuma?
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I'm so glad I rolled for Chasca
I started a year ago and forced my way through it with gooba (who missed half the fucking torches) and amber
I'm guessing if you get yanfei or something on your early rolls it's trivial
>he doesn't watch women for meta commentary on his gacha games
>he watches ugly nerdy men instead
Close, but metafags are rarely fat.
Look at any game, and the competitive players/metafags are always either lanklets or gym bros. The fat bald dudes are the P2W style whales, the impulse rollers, the waifu collectors.
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Show your stash.
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trans girls peaked here
It's true. Demon's Souls invented dragons and narrow elevated passages
Eternity. Dude it's literally right there
>300k+ per pop x4 is weak
Now that's poorfag skipper's/homo's cope.
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i regret not saving every puny peenie penny for months like i did with Furina
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What do you think this bitch talks about 24/7?
post her goatse
You joke but that's the game that made those things mainstream among many other things. I doubt normies even know about dragons before then, just like physics as gameplay was practically unknown before BOTW
That’s what I might do, Mavuika is pretty much guaranteed a rerun after 4 patches with Archon privilege while Chasca could go 2 years without any rerun especially after they stop shilling nightsoul.
Do you think the Tsaritsa hugs and gives forehead kisses to her harbingers before they go off of dangerous missions?
Stop flopping TRASHlani
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help me see if i get it right:
Ajaw is the same thing as the automaton dragon at the bottom of Ochkanatlan? a sentient program created by Och-kan to manage the city's core?
I'm a new player. What is the coinflip/pity? From what I gathered, once you hit 90 rolls you are guarenteed a five star, and that five star has a 50/50 chance to be the banner character or standard?
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I don't watch people to find out if a character's good or not. I just play the game.
Yep, Demon's souls made dragons mainstream. It's true. Same goes for castles
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The writing was on the wall, anon.
>created by Och-kan
I believe this part is wrong considering what he ruled was above him
But I could be wrong
And that's why you're always the weakest link in coop
I started this year and I got dabbed on since I went there immediately after finishing the Mondstadt part of the archon quest. The quest marker directed me towards Liyue so I just walked in a straight line which sent me straight to Dragonspine. I don't my characters were much higher than level 20 or so and I only had the starting characters, barbara and the two 4 stars I had received from the Noelle banner
Using Amber to light the torches was enough to keep me warm as I went through the area but fighting the elite fatuis often took too long so I tried to avoid them. Barbara also sucked here since I kept getting frozen, especially at that time challenge at the bottom of the mountain where you have to jump between some floating ice platforms
ended up postponing it until much later
Read the in-game rules in the wish menu
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nvm i'm selling now LMAO
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she is very cool and fun
i do wish you could sprint or ascend for more than 2s without losing all your nightsoul though
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Bro is born to be a hater
200 pulls for Kino.
actually, Skyrim made dragons mainstream
they were still pretty niche before Todd enlightened devs everywhere
Most of Genshin's playerbase is worse at games than game journalists
In effect, when you hit 75 pity you'll get ridiculous rates for a 5 star (50/50) on the character banner
This is like 65 on the weapon banner, but it's 37.5/37.5/25 instead of 50/50
reminder that zoomers think Nier Automata invented giant robots
my wife on the left
I'm flopping so much...
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We hate Shartlan here
Nah, that was super Mario 64
it invented giant ass robots at least
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>Dragons were never mainstream trust me bro
Ngoubou BROKE you
>From what I gathered, once you hit 90 rolls you are guarenteed a five star, and that five star has a 50/50 chance to be the banner character or standard?
This is correct, yes. If you fail the 50/50 coinflip then your next five star is guaranteed to be the featured character
Also FWIW the 90 is the absolute maximum and statistically speaking you won't ever go that far, usually most people get them around 74 to 80 pulls since the rate skyrockets at that point.
'pity' refers to your pull count since it's tracked across different banners, for instance if you pull 50 times on the current Chasca+Lyney banner and a new limited banner comes up, then you essentially start at 50 pulls on that one, so you'd have to pull less to get a five star
this is why people hate zoomers.
this post right here.
Ok Boomer.
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immersion status?
i can't prompt chevy or chiori slop...
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See? They don't even know what a dragon is supposed to actually look like. They really thought it's some kinda snake worm thing
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Hello genshin gigpact
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I liked it
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> I doubt normies even know about dragons before then, just like physics as gameplay was practically unknown before BOTW
Post objectively beautiful Genshin designs
it was kino
You first
meant for>>503535845
i want to fuck xiangling i want to date xiangling i want to marry xiangling i want to impregnate xiangling i want to live with xiangling
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now post ingame model
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Thanks for the replies. How can I track my pity? I've pulled plenty of times on standard and for Chasca too so is there any way of tracking this?
>the writing was literally on the wall
i really fucked up
Chasca broke me...
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are they really not going to make a bennett and xiangling replacement
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So he can shapeshift and they said we have already met him before. Place your bets, which character is a dragon in disguise?
If you go to the banner and click history at the bottom it'll show up after a while (sometimes takes like a day to populate)
Some people input their rolls into third party sites to track them but that's probably overkill for you at this point
if you fail a 50/50 by getting a standard character, then the next 5* you get will be the featured limited character
pity and coin flip status are carried over between banners of the same type (limited character banners all share pity/coinflip status, weapon banner fate points are not carried over, standard banner has its own pity and no coinflip), so if you fail a 50/50 on Chasca’s banner then get 45 rolls into pity without getting a 5* right before Chasca’s banner ends, you could guarantee Neuvillette in the next 45 rolls
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So that amazing-looking domain is tied to the Pokemon quest? The fuck?

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There's unfortunately (and stupidly) no way to do it in-game unless you want to go through your wish history and count the pulls one by one, so you'll have to rely on external sites like paimon.moe or stardb.gg to import your wish history
Also if you pulled very recently it might not show up in your wish history just yet, iirc it only updates every 30-60 minutes or so
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>just like physics as gameplay was practically unknown before BOTW
botw, a game that came out in 2017, was the first game to make physics based gameplay a thing
t. zoom zoom
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They really won't. Invest in Bennett today!
And not one of these things will ever happen.
But maybe smiley yanxiao can send you some pics
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some random fucking NPC whose name you don't even remember
Likely the guy who started the whole dino questline and helped you enter the temple with Pacal
SEX!!! SEX!!!!!
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>different compression pattern
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For me, Its Fischl!
Most of the world saw dragons as snakes bwo. Only the euro's saw them like that. The majority of the world saw dragons as snakes from mayan, china, viking era, greece, egypt, even the hebrew bible considered the leviathan a dragon.
How much exp does genociding the entire map give?
pretty much all higher beings can shapeshift in Genshin
Dude, it's 5 rolls per page. Just go to the page you last got a 5* and multiply the page number with 5.
It's not that hard
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This does not look like a flute.
>One by one
There's 5 wishes per page. So it's really easy unless you don't know your times tables
dark souls invented hard difficulty, narrow passages and dark landscapes. anything else that uses those concepts are shamelessly copying from dark s0uls
Would Tao beat Gohdan?
Keep a notebook or piece of paper by your computer, and just make tally marks as you pull.
Or use a third-party site, but that's kinda bloat.
maybe 3% of a level
Not enough for 80->81
Just use your EXP books
Fucking mathlets, back in my day it was six a page. not like those times tables are too hard, come on...
I-is that guy taking anons cheeky dragon posts seriously?
trans girls peaked too soon....
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It started with a guy from "saurian relic association" spotting the mark on our pokemon and telling us we need to remove it.
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Please stop pretending to be retarded for (You)s.
This is /gig/. Shitposts are the only posts ever taken seriously.
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That's the guy, he also talked about the golden entreaty a bit
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-Well, about that... Nod-Krai is actually part of Snezhnaya, and once upon a time, they performed loads of large-scale development in the area.
-Before I left, the Fatui moved a lot of construction materials in. Word was that a Harbinger — or Harbingers — was present, too. As for what they intend, I couldn't say.
-If I had to describe it, I'd go with "a dangerous yet lively place"? It's been leaning toward the former in recent days, though
-But maybe that's precisely why Nod-Krai's become the bustling place it is today.
-I've heard bad things about the situation to the north as well. The Abyss's influence has been expanding... Katya even warned me not to return by the northern paths.
-Nod-Krai is also home to crabs, but they look very different. Hmm. I should just take a few more photos — for all I know, Macey might like Fontainian crabs better.
-Katya said that Nod-Krai was also once home to an ordered and prosperous civilization, one that you can catch glimpses of from time to time
I'm build like him irl
But I'm bored and want to genocide the map
Boar princess my beloved…
>he thinks it was a shitpost
have you ever been on /v/
zoomers seriously think like that
I leave...
>Mondstadt expansion got dabbed on in favour of the 5.6 gateway to Snezhnaya
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Then again, he might have guided us to the pokemon in the first place, though not in person but through golden text.
It’s pretty funny how Chasca just completely breaks most fights since enemies can’t actually deal with you flying.
You did remember to change Paimon's diaper today, right?
Did you remember to examine Bona's goggles near the broken Dragon-Human mural and get the achievement?
>have you ever been on /v/
>shitposts and baitposts
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remember 100% everything and max all tribes reputation before 5.3 or your traveler will canonically die to the abyss dragon and that will game over your account.
Anon I think you might have autism or is just german
>no one can possibly be that retarded
>it must be all be shitposting
ive got bad news
That's been the story of the Mondstadt expansion since Inazuma. It's time to accept no one likes Mondstadt.
I'm finally free... farewell cruel /gig/
My birthday was only 5 days ago so i had to settle with a C1 Chasca, still having fun sliding up every mountain tho
Nostalgiafags do but that's only because they haven't played it recently, no one in their right mind would think Mondstadt is a good region on a replay
notice how this is the only AIslop response to that post
That's because they can't separate the inspiration from the fiction, and there's a lot of seethe around the USA these days
That would be a godsend for people who made the mistake of picking pagther.
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ok but
sliding up & down & between Chassca's mountains.....
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>over 140 spincrystal tracks from 6 different regions
>still no option to make your own custom soundtrack to play in your teapot
>can only listen to 1 track at a time
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My friend, I know that you yearn for the grassy plains of Mondstadt where you started your journey in this world. If you find yourself pining for the chilly air of Dragonspine, can I not persuade you to return to the tranquil waters of Fontaine instead? I believe a trek through the newly opened Mont Esus will do well to soothe your aching soul.
newfag here, I have no idea why is Dragon Spine considered as difficult when you can still instantly teleport yourself from danger
>it must be all be shitposting
Unironically a lot of the time it is in cases similar to the BoTW post, yeah.
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Saving for Mavuika now
It restricts your exploration, makes you think about how to tackle certain things and punishes you for trying to go around it by climbing with just how fucking tall it is which is memorable.
was that not the case for wanderer as well?
>still no shuffle music option
At this point we should just spam their surveys and CS with obvious qol like these(and artifact loadouts) to have them listen to us
Mona seeded account
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I'd beat Hu Tao's ass for a big mac.
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Is it actually possible to cross now? Back in the days you'd get hit by lightning or black screened back
I love Tao
Rewritten Sara...
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I'd eat Hu Tao's ass for free.
Kino, Mt Esus expansion will be peak sovl if we finally get another huge mountain like dragonspine
I think it’s even taller than dragonspine ingame actually
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Seele soon!
Why hasnt anyone used bugs to reach Celestia by now? Pretty sure you'd get a lot of internet fame for being the first to land there
Almost have all the teapot animals again, just got 3 of the new fish to go
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Stupid sexy Sara...
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If only she wasn't rewritten
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It was the highest point until that Ochkanatlan sky area
Im guessing because it might be a 2d png?
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I want to put a baby inside Mualani.
Someone who started in august here with the free 5star(mona)
It was easy, the only part that could be considered difficult was the cryo shield enemies since you had to use amber, at least her machine gun made some of it doable
I found inazuma harder since the enemies were bulkier there
I hope we get an indoor nacho cheese fishtank for the new nacho cheese fish.
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Nah, it got replaced with a 3d physical object like 2 years ago or something
based white colonizer
Lorgar did nothing wrong
The point is that the most popular well-known game will obviously over shadow any prior game that invented a concept. This is why everyone refers to Dark souls/BotW as a basis, because those are what stick out

When you see a familiar concept, you're not going to think of that game from the 90s or early 2000's that did it. you're going to think of whatever the last good game you played that did it
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she already carrying mine
I have, it just gets smaller and smaller then vanishes as you reach its position.
Mean they've tried
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Raiden is raping me, what do I do?
Holy shit a talking koholasaur
dark souls invented big bosses with long hp bars
How the FUCK did a character this fucking hot AND cute flop
But the last good game I played was from early 00s..
Woman face! Woman face!
Capitano is a cute girl!
Take your meds and she'll disappear again.
Every single Natlan character is overdesigned slop.
If this actually is real I'm surprised they even modelled the Khaenri'ahn pupils
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hu tao is mine
She has tattoos, and that ruined her in all Asian countries. Should have made it clear they were tan lines and not tattoos.
dark souls invented the medieval era. no one knew what it was until they did it
that mock up face clearly changed his actual face structure, that's not a good example at all
RetardGOD... i kneel..
eat her pussy for 500 years
is he really gonna get firefly'd?
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When will genshin get a character as sexy as the protagonist from the game it copied?
dark souls invented boss music
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> come to the part where you have to chase down the evil dragon
> the satelite thingy pet that auto-attacks the dragon suddenly goes pic related
> nukes an island and causes a crater that is over half a kilometer deep

I mean, its pretty clear its tanlines for anybody with eyes.
>why do i hear boss music
that meme came from dark souls
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Raiden saars..
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About the same time as Nintendo gives their princesses a skimpy bikini I guess
>Nier Automata invented inertia
It's stayed very clear in lore they're tribal tattoos, retard.
guy wearing metal armor with a sword?
dark souls inspired
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I think he lied about who he is
The pari LITERALLY never see him or his crew leaving like they did dain and pierro
Even his "escape" is weird because he had to have cut through the entirety of natlan to make it to the night wind
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It invented white text on a black background instead of animating scenes. Which Fat Xiao uses a lot.
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>capitano dies fighting weekly boss
>is reincarnated in new Natlanese body and now playable
Sasuga fat xiao
I didn't. But thanks to DS I looked it up and was mind blown. I thought Europe went into the dark ages where everything was dark after Romans collapsed.
Thank you video games for educating me
wtf electrocharged is meta now?
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Are those like bare wires without insulation there?
I am mentally adult
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based brazilians
Just like signora!
did you know dark souls also popularized gothic architecture. people had no idea those kinds of buildings were possible until they put it in the game. no game before it did it
hi xissy
Now bring that in propotion to the number of players.
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Welcome to the third world, baby. Electric poles, especially in Asian places, are like fucking hairballs. Also, blame the stupid saar on top for touching it.
No one fucking says "where's my alcohol", esl retard
>capitano is just some roleplaying schmuck with PTSD
Yikes, the thirdie is melting again
Does Chinese not have its own question matk
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bwo, why angry? :3
drink= alcohol idiot
the localization should have been something like "where's my booze"
stop defending censorship, woke troon communist
>gothic architecture
you mean souls-like buildings
Paimon stomping on my penis
>Complains about EN localizers
>Doesn't even speak English
What's wrong bro? You're not from some insignificant shithole so irrelevant they didn't bother translating the game into your language?
i am sorry i jobbed...
This is the correct way to pretend to be retarded.
el retardo
I'm pushing 30 should I still be playing this game?
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Everyone was having fun pretending to be retarded and then an actual retard came along...
I can't believe Ganyu got dethroned in the "character I NEED to BREED the most" category...
drink is a broad therm, it's not specific to alcohol
only you Ameriturds think that way
Beer, wine, sake, all different kinds and they don't feel like trying to pin her to any drink so it's more simple to just say drink much like how in Chinese she's not saying any particular kind just alcohol
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What are you going to do when Da Wei does this to your Capitano just before his banner?
You will always have a place in my roster, Loom
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chasca 2k textures, grab them here:
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>medium sword girl for (you) meme
I don't get it. Only Ayaka is any real (you) bait and that's long been forgotten.
Not as forgotten as Noelle vs. Barbara though
Do you have that one for Bennett's dads thing?
zip bomb
true, she should say
>where is my 99% ethanol?
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I'm pushing 40, I say quit all video games now
It's pagther logic don't try to understand it, it will only give you a headache.
thanks my computer exploded
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Where's my water?
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*teleports to Mihoyo HQ*
I'm here until EOS even if I end service first
Your anal worms are kicking in.
I can't believe his story relevance is almost over...
this thread certifiably turned me into a moron
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that wasn't water
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I always knew I was a moron.
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a bladeface would be an acceptable compromise
Wormvillette flopped btw
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I'm intelligenter than you will ever be
we're retarded here
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right here
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i love worms
Skull issue.
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I always knew
He's better than Genshin males I'm ok with that
Then why did you post a dragon?
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I see no issue here
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Assuming he doesn't die or leave the Fatui for some ass pull reason he is probably going to be taking the gnosis to Snezhnaya and Snezhnaya is the next region he probably should be relevant in Snezhnaya then after that it's khaenri'ah which he should again be relevant in alongside Pierro, Dainsleif and maybe Arlecchino.
Hu Tao would tank that btw
nothing to worry about, she really love erotic asphyxiation
god i wish that was me
>played for 30 hours this week
>I still have the archon quest and tribe quests and most of the world quests
It's fucking over...
this general is so ass...
doubt it, he'll probably be more important in khaenriah (unless he actually fucking dies kek)
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who is that?
Wanderer flies too low at his base altitude to avoid most attacks, and also way too slowly.
Chasca can freely strafe at a good speed and a full character height above ground
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you forgot your eula image you fucking autist
la signora forma corrotta
Pierro is most definitely dying next year imo, I think Arlecchino will be kinda important though since iirc one of the Sinners was supposedly tied to the crimson moon and I could see them interacting
aww she found some pearls in the ocean
Those must be kachina's panties.
Holy cute why does /gig/ hate chasca
I'd assume that Khaerni'ah had multiple exits
A dark souls character
I hope not but Mihomo loves pushing the shit Harbingers so it wouldn't be surprising.
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Bangboos are so cute
>unless he actually fucking dies kek
we can only hope
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>explore new area
>upon completion of quests, it removes the soul
It's over. I can't recover from this.
Stop sniffing that! That's Furina's diaper you're sniffing!
>Another gig original
heh this one is funny
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>have ororon
>have chasca
>only one R5 chain breaker
This event is fun, I like animals.
what's wrong with you people
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Why did they allow a character this chinkpilled to be so fucking gay looking?
zoomers only have 1 joke
wow, an actual good game
give it to chasca and give ororon some throw away harp amos stringless etc
We should be able to collect Paimons and bring them into battle too.
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dey cute
Look up characters in fictional chink literature. They all look feminine as fuck.
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what keeps u going?
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we love Chasca here she is just not a "homegrown" "organic" meme like Cheld so you should not post her face
Boomers projecting onto zoomers...
>Pierro is most definitely dying next year imo
I doubt that. At most he is getting chased out of Snezhnaya maybe taking Dottore (omega) with him and running to the abyss order. But that's such a lazy, boring and predictable thing I'd hope that isn't the way mihoyo ends up taking it.
do u have the black chasca
kind of a fucked up but funny story similar to that is one of my close childhood friends died that way. it blew up in our small little community about mental health awareness if someone as outgoing as him was secretly suicidal. only me and his brother knew his true secret that he was into erotic asphyxiation. one of his sessions just went too far but we've kept it a secret from everyone else till this day to keep is image. real fucked up world huh
>abandoned as a baby
>Spent many years in the wild with the saurians
You now realize Loli Chasca was running around naked because even if she had clothes as a toddler she'd outgrown them
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Can't outgrown a trash bag!
maybe in terms of hair and features but they dont dress in capris with exposed midriff
chasca is more homegrown than cheld desu
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uh uh sus
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could have been wearing leaves or saurian feathers
Why is she showing me this bros? I don't understand.
Khaenri'ah arc is so crowded already I think either he or Capitano is gonna job to Traveler in Snezhnaya to make room
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>Can't outgrown
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I need a hu tao gf ASAP....
Annoying orange chasca...
Mandarin chasca....
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chasca wonnered
Did his name start with the letter N ?
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Hey cutie...
Mega Jynx....
We love Chasca here, she is a MUST if you want to apply for the /gig/ guild.
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Yaas! Hey there boi
gyaru chasca...
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the urge to impregnate mualani
>capitano shows up
>theme starts playing
There's no way he isn't playable right?
Navia has the best gamefeel
that is what i thought inazuma would be like
she wants you to wear it
need brown chasca gf to have flying sex
bold of you to assume i would want to join a /gig/ guild
>I will never be feminized by Mualani

Why even live?
I am Lumine btw.
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He isn't playable yet
>defeat Blahblahblah without thawing the torch
Already did that since one Pyro DPS can't even thaw them fast enough. Silly game.
Xbalanque soon
Will they show only Mavuika and Citlali on the game awards or we gonna have another 2d trailer for the rest of the 5.x Characters?
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little update.
i dun goofed and fucked up the outline.
here's the fix and sorry for the trouble.
eula lost
>>theme starts playing
and it's so good
and yes, he must be. Apparently, even the leaked sword has a playable weapon ID
no with a D but if something similar happened to you thats crazy. this was way back in the early 00's
>stronger zip bomb
>tabibito yo... my dying wish is for you to wield my sword...
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Yea, very very similar story in my town. Kids name started with 'N'. Wild.
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>Neuvillette and Zhongli rerun in 2 weeks
Aether is too attached to his dull blade
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Thanks again
His weapon is an abyss dildo.
/gig/ is going to be insufferable. I am even surprised the frogspic hasn't started spamming about how it's a good idea to skip chasca to pull John instead yet.
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I wana make a team with tighnari, Lisa, Kirara and either Lynette or Jean, but is protype amber lisa enough to sustain a party or should I just go with Jean
Bro you sound gay
nyo... not like this...
>protype amber lisa enough to sustain a party
You have a shielder, so yes, unless you're shit at the game.
Lisa's energy cost for her burst is super high, so running her on a team with no other electro characters is gonna be hard. You'd need to rely on favonius weapons, and gear her heavily for ER.
give me citlali already
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I wish we could toggle permanent rain and dark sky's
Get me out of this flintstones ass reason
This but for teapot, it's insane that we can't pick weather or lock time of day in the pocket dimension
reason for what
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Nahida is really sexy.
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