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Previous Thread: >>503461229

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

Beginner's FAQ *READ THIS AND CHECK THE RESOURCES PASTEBIN before asking questions*

Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Oct. 29 - Nov. 26 | New Re-Supply Gacha: The Night the Bonfire Blazes
[Current] Oct. 29 - Nov. 26 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Phantom Thief Artistry
[Current] Nov. 12 - Dec. 9 | New Coalition Unit: Dreamer - Moonlit Sentinel
[Upcoming] Nov. 27 - | New Re-Supply Gacha: Beguiling Chips
CN news:https://pastebin.com/FtVf0QmE

[Current] Nov. 19 - Dec. 17 | Targeted Search - [Ashes and Blossoms] (Centaureissi U.W.)
[Current] Nov. 19 - Dec. 17 | New Event - [Scars Among Pigeons & Daisies]
[Current] Nov. 19 - Dec. 10 | New Year Event - [Lunar Conviviality]

[Upcoming] Dec. 3 [Darkwinter] / Dec. 5 [Haoplay] | Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium - OFFICIAL RELEASE
More: https://pastebin.com/zQGa4E3Z


Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
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i need cloothoooooo how 2 get fast T_T
just fork out 30 bux for the anniversary unit selector
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This game SUCKS!
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Fast you say? Well then.
There's this thing in the shop called A-La-Carte Doll Support Pack. Click on it. Pick Clotho. Pay 30 bucks. Clotho has now joined you.
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Just like that...?
I coughed up what amounted to three months of our operational costs.
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RO is happy to see (You)
You need to whip out THAT
Luck issue
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Is she?
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Can you teach me how to live off of $10/month?
im jobless since.. friday. CAn't afford now. I guess theres no info on a rateup or something. Fuck me man i need to give her that RING
My dude if you don't even have a job you should just forget about esports or waifufagging on gachashit until you get your shit together.
Do you think other gf1 dolls are jealous of Groza because of how much time she's spent with SKK?
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two children
sign up for unemployment benefits
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Sorry, for me it is 4 minimum.
Helena and Mayling? Yeah, they're kinda like my children!
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>Sol thread
Describe in 20 words or more what makes Sol so loveable. Curious about anon's feelings on her.
Do you have actual brain damage? If you don't even have a form of income why are you entertaining spending on gacha?
There are at least 3 dolls that would lose their shit should they learn about that.
Which doll would require a week's worth of hugs and cuddling to make up for the decade of ghosting?
I miss her
Sol is just the obligatory hotblooded blonde retard character archetype in a 4 temperament ensemble cast
Name them
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She was acting up because she missed (You)
I can do that in just one, but you have to be a true Sol lover to see it...
Prove your love
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going to make this into a video, any last minute swaps or suggestions?
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remember the watermark
Do anons ever wonder why Groza miraculously came by your doorstep chobits style after working as a glownigger for the URNC?
She's a kind-hearted soul, fiercely loyal to her friends and a low-IQ meat head tomboy. She's also cute, has a small chest and her smile brightens up my world.
Total Sol Love
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Here's my suggestion
Making a football team with Dande!
Let's just ignore it
I'm sure it won't come back to bite us in the ass
>10 years of the wailing cat
Yep, not good.
She simply cared more than other dolls.
It's because not how it happened
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Why would you do this?
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She looks very pushable, I'd love to feel her delicate figure give only the slightest resistance against the force of my arms before disconnecting from me entirely and crashing to the ground with a light thud
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dont forget the meme arrows and buzzwords
I just saw that Vee skin in PNC... DAMN
>9A91 story in GF2 ends in her thinking about her future after her employer dies
>the future she envisions
Just trying to help her build up some tolerance
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Put Krolik at the top
Shut up! I'm trying to spread misinformation.
Kuro shut the fuck up or you're getting banned again
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>SKK got kidnapped again
this is literally rape
dosen't jewtube nuke the vids if it detects any niggertry in it
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>SKK and any Darlings after meeting
literally upload it anywhere but jewtube, where it's just going to be stolen by fotm grifters anyway
i prefer the tier list that had periyta at the top
Yes it will flag the video as 18+ and make it not visible to non subs.
Same goes with every word that is problematic for normies.
Even retarded does that.
Yeah where's the real tier list? Make a video with that one.
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Imagine being a dog and your owner is Angie haha
Needs the correct music to go with it.
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please post dushflaps.webm please
>dumb bitch trying to take care of dumb bitches
Real list (removed qbz-95)

Tier list from cbt

1. Peritya (Sentinel)
Can hold a key position almost single-handedly. A cornerstone in strategic setups
2. Mosin Nagant (Sentinel)
Can eliminate key threats before they even become a problem. She's invaluable when it comes to taking out priority targets
3. Vepley (Vanguard)
Close-range burst damage with her shotgun makes her a lethal force in forward pushes. Perfect for breaking through fortified defenses
1. Krolic (Vanguard)
Extremely fast on the battlefield, closing gaps quickly and dealing high melee damage
2. Qiongliu (Sentinel)
Combines firepower with defensive stats. Reliable in most situations
3. Sabrina (Bulwark)
Excels in situations where she's at the forefront of battle, keeping enemies at bay while absorbing damage for her team
1. Sharkry (Sentinel)
Solid choice in a variety of situations. May struggle against higher-level threats
2. Groza (Bulwark)
Can take a lot of hits and still keep firing. Good choice for sustaining long engagements
3. Nemesis (Sentinel)
Shines when she can pick off enemies from a distance but needs good positioning to reach full potential
1. Cheeta (Support)
Cheap, making her a great early-game option since you get her for free. She may not hold up as well in later stages
2. Ksenia (Support)
Support abilities help keep her team in fighting shape, but her handgun limits her offensive potential.
3. Colphne (Support)
Offers support for teammates, but her handgun limits her firepower.
4. Nagant (Support)
Lack of direct offensive capability puts her at a disadvantage in tougher battles
1. Tololo (Sentinel)
Struggles to stand out in key roles compared to other Sentinels. She’s decent, but doesn’t excel
2. Littara (Sentinel)
Can provide sustained fire, but has average defensive capabilities. She’s a good filler, but that's it
I wonder how many SEAnigger guide sites will fall for this
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>One year behind CN
Not a good look. We are seeing GFL2 hype deflating before our eyes
Evens I scrap M4 and use the core to get a fresh one.
Odds I let the core mask expire.
Same with basically any word that could at all be construed as rude or violent, hence "unalive" replacing "dead" across zoomer spaces because using the latter drops you down to the bottom of the algorithm.
It would need to be posted more often.
The original creator stopped and I also forget to post it to be honest
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>"unalive" replacing "dead" across zoomer spaces
This makes me mad like you wouldn't believe.
Will you take care of DEFY dorks after Ange?
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are we actually talking about how to make a tuber video right now
It's not rape if I want it.
Wasn't there an off-comment line somewhere about how if something happened to her, Ange wanted the DEFY dorks to go to SKK, and one of them, I forget who, said at the time "That won't happen".
It would be funny if AK-15 was like Penumbra and totally incompetent at anything other than putting people 6 feet under and needs constant handholding from SKK
AK-12 somewhere in one of the bad endings of chapter 3 in Tree
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for me its wanting to see the hopping grifters get BTFO from a vat-grown retard from here who's beta-tested already for a full year already.
I doubt anyone here could edit worth a damn though
AK-15 talks about not wanting a new commander in 12's mod story. I will not be surprised if they all kamikaze in the game's last event.
Yeah, wouldn't it he hilarious if you had to hold her hand wherever you go?
I'm still waiting for the next sseth to appear that gets big by using anons content
id be more worried if chong didn't say that all main story teams would be in GF2
Isn't Shaw still MIA and we know nothing about what happend to her? This could be a plotpoint for gf2 to bring DEFY back if Ange really shits the bed.
>Isn't Shaw still MIA
She's confirmed dead as of Zero Charge, which is coming soon for us now.
Fuck. I liked her
I don't think she meant it literally like that. Just that they might go as rogue agents or whatever.
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Do you trust them not to fuck things up without guidance?
15 is strong, not smart. Even after her character development I doubt she'd bother with deeper meanings in her words over just getting straight to the point.
are we two major events behind or three, including the final event that CN is getting before the shenanigans
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I'm so excited bros
Please stop https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/girls%20frontline%202%20in%20days/
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After CaTh is Zero Charge, Angular Gyrus, Isolation Forest, and the supposed final event afterwards.
This is why listens to Abakan. She might be willing to seek you out.
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I'm excited too. Once the conversion happens you'll never want to play mahjong again.
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>Roadmap is today
>They probably still won't give us Zero Charge
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lol no
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You act like you have a choice.
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That's what they did anyway after killing RPK16 in Ange's body, becoming fugitives and leaving their fates unknown.
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>T-doll winks at you in her live2d
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Maggie when?
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Man, I really wish I was short and invoke a sense of maternal feeling or the urge to rape in girls who are taller than me
>They're really going to make it hit 5M right before release
How many people do you think are actually signed up? Half a mil?
I am 2.5m of those.
Way more than that, considering it has JP and KR with it.
I really doubt it, day 1 was like 250k and the progression is obviously unnatural.
why this idw so weird looking
Yes, it didn't just double after a few months + a CBT.
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It's already past bedtime for boys under 180 cm. Please get a good night's rest so you can grow up into a real man.
oh cool, I can't wait to see how everything gets better
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It's a story about love and hope after all.
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She's not my mom. And ment under 180 cm are perfectly valid members of the society.
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Need Dreamer calling me darling or honey
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I need Dreamer in GF2.
bump WA above 9
Is there a doll that would be happy with a shorter SKK? Asking for a friend, naturally.
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>This is Hannah.
>She is your stepdaughter.
>She is in her rebellious phase.
>"Shut up, you're not my dad!"
>"Loser, retard, virgin!"
>"Ew. Yuck even!"
>"I'm going to tell Turing!"
>Occasionally tries to seduce you as a joke.
>She wins if you actually sleep with her.
How would you deal with her?
Uppies! patpatpatpatpatpat!
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Put Mr. Pizza above everyone
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>She wins if you actually sleep with her.
And I lose because? She is right in that I'm not her dad. Just like how she isn't my daughter.
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She'll give pizza-kun a good home
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>Cost effective materials
>Tough and durable
These statements contradict each other
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>How would you deal with her?
verb the adjective noun
sudo rm -rf /rossum
How dare you
That's just duct tape
Cost effective doesn't normally have a negative connotation like "cheap materials" would
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>He doesn't know rm and rf stands for Rossum matting and rape fucking
You Fucking Lost!
smug wife
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Sure I'll take my "loss"
This is how you saimin and give a suggestion to a doll?
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6 gorillion
Such canon
Wife wow
She looks like plastic, fitting considering she is a doll.
Probably my bias then, but never been in a job where "cost effective" materials or a "cost effective" solution weren't met with groans and dismay at how much extra money was going to be spent to fix whatever issues arose.
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Why do dolls demand really expensive gifts now? Are cakes, hugs and ice cream not enough anymore?
Well, /gfg/?
Another boring M4 pick, RO or bank on M16 MOD?
Collab gifts created more expectative. From Valhalla booze to J*shin "Satan tears"
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Mom is so much better. Don't search this artist other artwork btw
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Duping is a sin
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Dios mío...
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Then those things weren't actually cost effective.
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Also I prefer Turing's original look from chapter 1.
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That's exactly why the price-performance-build quality triangle exists
>Good, quick, cheap
>you can have any two
I kind of understand Commander not being in a relationship with anyone, imagine having so many beautiful women, all in love with you.
Shitposting aside
Do (You) actually believe dolls have feelings?
yesterday I finished Atri and that thought hasn't left my mind ever since
They are machines, not women.
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>that messy bush one
Fucking disgusting. How do people even think of drawing this shit?
qrd on haoplay vs darkwinter? I heard something about them being like servers or whatever
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Of course. Granted some dolls are more advanced than the others, but still.
The premise of every single GF game is "these dolls are not just robots" anon
You want to have burgers, Pajeets and SEAnigs in your game? Darkwinter
You want actual decent players on your server? Haoplay.
I was thinking about how a doll would react to a kiss.
I have some dupes but I invest only in one instance of T-Doll. It just feels wasteful to core rare or collab dolls. But seeing how they just gather dust I'm tempted to core dupes of everything with exception of maybe collab girls.

M16 is easily most likeable from the bunch, but RO isn't far behind and I always liked heterochromia.
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Didn't know they hired a new wave of faggots as jannies for /vg/.
You're fake news
Looking forwards to your video
>She is a breeder. 4 OF THEM!!
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Decided to get it over with and build out M4. Think I'll go with the version in her dress.
Why would a Single mother want another kid out of wedlock?
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My favorite SoL interaction in the whole story was that one when the commander was acting like reading a magazine on the train and RO notices the cover "marriage with a doll" then asks something on the lines of "are you interested in that?"
Weird that you didn't choose a more popular SEA country in the Haoplay server like Thailand and Singapore
I thought it was was a lewd doll mag
I think it was swimsuit magazine. I want to see RO in a swimsuit....
Chinese Malays are alright, its the other ones you got to worry about.
>Haoplay's inferiority complex hours
SEAGods own this general.
Its a song and dance that happens every time.
are we playing divegrass today?
I don't really care about "decent players", but if both regions have different flavors of seaniggers, then I'll choose the one without jeets and other undesirables like mutts, that's Haoplay, right?
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That funny nip zip dolls have in GF2 reminded me of this artwork
Good, Haoplay starts on the 5th
>scans never
wouldn't the metal be uncomfortable on the nipples?
You will miss two days you know? That's like 48 hours
the levels of hoxy this thread will experience will be unbearable
but the 5th is a public holiday for me, so it makes sense to start then.
What hoxy? You can only say hoxy if you got something others can't.
Good thing they don't actually have nipples then
yeah but by the time you start DW players will already have rolled the best dolls and finished the story
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Next Saturday.
The 5 stages of grief a Haoplay player has to go through
0 because these these grifter are using GFL Discord server as their source, just like how prywden make their guide/tier list.
if you want this shitpost to be legit start spreading it in the GFL Discord server.
I feel like the funniest part of this whole 2 day gap is by the end of the month most /gfg/ers would probably already finish the game and are all waiting for the next event. Would be funny if the next event also has a 2 day gap for haoplay
nyggers deserve upgrades
Those discorders lurk this place, I've seen some of my post on screenshots.
Hi hokunt
Fuck you ceia
Depends entirely if Thursday is haoplays maintenance.
You can just not interact with other players if you don't want to, even if you join a random guild. Nobody's forcing you to message other players, especially when there's no bingo.
Lenna got to fuck THIS?!
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Anon didn't deliver...
I thought the game doesn't even have PvP, why does player skill mean anything
>Darkwinter gets 2 more logins
Never going to catch up
No Hannah, you're going to be the mother
They won't leave that 2 day gap for every event, right?
Can't wait for her mom!
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Did you prepare reaction images to mock haokeks starting 2 days late?
It does have PVP, just that enemy teams are AI controlled so it's just a matter of exploiting the retarded AI, so they decided to make losing consequence free, letting players get all rolls from PVP just from participating.
There's also guild wars but it's purely a whale check, as in if you want to score well you need at least 1 guy with a maxed out meta unit to loan, but being the top scorer just earns you literally 1 more roll than dead guilds.
we are talking about the retard who hasn't axed the GFL manga, Yuzhong definitely going to keep that gap just like GF2 1 year gap.
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Whether they have feelings or not is not the real question. The question is whether those feelings are real or just preprogrammed reactions. Not a concern in 3rd generation dolls, but the vast majority of our dolls are 2nd gen.
No, machines don't have feelings, period. Still doesn't stop me from showing my affection for my doll wife machine.
Anon, are you telling me... Your doll wife.. she's faking her moans?
it should be in indo or flip for max seethe since seaniggers hate each other
What's f2p+ looking like?
Would she cry if I tell her that makiatto is a stupid name?
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>this is the "dolls are happy to finally leave (You)" narrative the bugmen keep pushing
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Remember to grab your weekly share gems.
Can you make a post that makes sense?
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>if you got something others can't.
Time. Time is the most precious asset in creation.
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Why don't you go beta test with the chinks then? Plenty of time there.
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Do you reckon your dolls sleep in your bunk?
Imagine being told by a Chinese game company "you'll have to wait 2 more days" meanwhile your so hated mutts are playing with your wives
She didn't shoot up the place and go on a rampage because she was separated from (you), she obviously doesn't REALLY mean what she is saying bro c'mon.
That really doesn't mean anything when we're gonna be over a year behind CN permanently
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For a second the glare on my screen made it look like she was drooling. Something weird happened inside me.
Cuckshit like this only works for mainland chinese and they pretty much fucked your wives for over a year + 2 DAYS for haoplay
Haoplay is going to be one year and 2 days behind
Oh, it's the /gbfg/ tranny
That explains the cuck posting
>going to miss the first two day
It's over. Accounts are bricked. No pointing in even trying anymore.
the chinese aren't in this thread for the 24/7 shitflinging and banter, so it doesn't matter.
F2P that bought battle pass and monthly gems
You can't handle some banter?
What are you, canadian?
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How quickly will they add her to the game? Is she worth a ring?
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/gfg/ will have to go through this 2 day meme for one more week (+2 days) even though we're pretty much going to catch up because MICA takes a long fucking time before they drop the next major event
>How quickly will they add her to the game?
Around a year from release
>Is she worth a ring?
Do you love her?
6 months imo
That's probably enough for all characters. If you're lucky you probably can even get some of their guns, on top of the SSR weapons from the BP.
That reminds me, there was a leaf anon here who genuinely thought SEAniggers would be offended by the term "SEAniggers".
>GF2 with Mihoyo monetization system
>catching up
>he thinks mica cares
>he thinks
yeah, catching up to the story and side story. was the game too hard for you or something?
In a philosophy seminar I had we talked about a paper discussing a 'perfect automaton'; that is, a humanoid robot that is identical to a human being save for the fact that you know that it is not one. I agree to this idea that as the robot becomes increasingly difficult and then impossible to distinguish from a real human being such that I would not be capable of knowing that it was a robot unless told, that it becomes effectively human: there is no way to prove that it is not. If we cannot tell that it is not human anymore than we could for any real, breathing person then we would be forced to treat it with the same attitude as we treat people and our practical distinguishment becomes void (akin to the Turing test but not limited to language). In the same way if T-Dolls were real and I was faced with moral panic, concern, or sympathy because of the way they always acted it would be a tacit admission that there is something real to their actions, as the very act of contemplating them posits the existence of something essential to feeling or emotion, even if the foundation is rudimentary or threadbare. The response might be that such reactions are programmed, but if that which they elicit is identical to that of a real person's, why would it have to matter? Anyways I suggest giving the paper a read over (linked below, you can also look up Cavell - Perfecting an Automaton) because it provides a nice philosophical framework for looking at artificial sapience and is obviously adjacent to concepts regarding Dolls in yzverse
>Spent money
You're anything but
I suppose you're right, I can't steal from dawei here.
Damn Anon, thanks for your insight, I'll check it out
I like attractive and confident women but I want to read her full lines first
>Mihoyo monetization system
What's that about?
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You have a lot of messages to read.
Why do dolls need such feelings as love?
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I think it's about time for them to announce Zas.
nuGacha game have something called cool down period so F2P can save their gems for the upcoming busted character, Mica definitely will not hastening GF2.
1 more week till canon wife!
Skip banners such like:_______
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>making rational decisions
How new?
Ulrid, Andoris and Zhaohui
I only roll former Griffin dolls.
Why is she smoking?
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I love her feet
She wants to go back to the simpler times when you started going out
No lungs
No cancer
Some... anon... mentioned that they watched Shylily play GF2. I checked it out, and was very disappointed. She didn't even finish the first chapter. Ebi skipped all the story to get to the gacha and check out dol feet. Sinder was actually trying to follow the story, but didn't get too far. Is it too much to ask for an English speaking streamer who isn't a seanigger or a Stix/Tectone obnoxious personality to go through the story of GF2?
How about not engaging with """content creators""" at all
We know from CX4 that smoking is dangerous for dolls. Presumably immediately so since if it was just a long term use issue then it would be more possible to work around.
We're getting our game funded by the magic summoning circle, just don't look content creators or gacha sales
Need? The question a scientist asks himself is: can I make a doll feel love?
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If evil, why cute?
Please understand, the brownoid is absolutely desperate and starving to be part of something popular
Because it's satisfying when you destroy something cute like her
The only gachashit content creator I ever watched was PDnegev before he went to the military and disappeared.
She looks horrible
Anon you'd complain even if that person made a review, be honest.
I only roll on what my dick tells me, so that might not help me much
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haven't thought about that nigga in years, hope he's okay
He became one with his mouse, he faded into another reality
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I'm very much a white individual, and I usually dislike things that are popular. Just looking for GF2 related videos while waiting for the game to be released.
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Anon, most probably were paid sponsorships. They play for one hour, pretend to care and cash out.
You literally watched glorified ads.
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I'd like a big doll that can be my pillow too
I'm no scientist, I'm just some murder hobo that some day became reliable at work, lost many of my allies and abandoned some others...
Do you guys want GFL2 to be popular or not and why?
You kinda need the game to be popular to be successful and for chong to follow his autistic dreams of making even more character interactions and to build tech for a strategy and shooter game.
Having to tard wrangling
>Girls Frontline Line 2
depend on how many views you get from GF2, if the viewership and sponsorship are good, we tend to stick to the game.
what GF2 desperately need is "lore master"
thats how Mihoyo manage to get normalfag to get engaged with the story by making the story digestible, therefore normalfag will stay and spend money on the game.
I want the game to become popular while the place to talk about it remains obscure.
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I don't know what game that is but I wish the best for the devs.
I won't be popular, SRPG are niche by themselves, now imagine a gacha from a previous game nobody played. Most outsider reviews of the game didn't like it because they were expecting COD mobile with cute anime waifus, not Fire emblem.
Nobody wants you people
scur rape
whats really sad is that most of them just play it for 60:00 min on a timer and thats it even if their chat or whatnot want to see more
one anon commented that a vtuber actually did enjoy the game and play for like 3-4 hours and poked every doll in the ass to check for reactions
that was probably the best and most genuine content creator reaction to it

most of them just cried about tectone, asmongold and drama
Desu you are posting on the fastest board of 4channel, it's not gonna be obscure if the game isn't.
We need to make Ferrari a YouTuber
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>what GF2 desperately need is "lore master"
I think we're doing fine on that one
I don't have a duck big enough for this one.
I think he meant shit like xitter or reddit people
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learn japanese and watch their streams instead of watching english streamers doing it for a quick buck
if having some annoying retard repeat every story beat back to the player is "digestible" then I want it to be as impregnable as possible.
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Weird flex but ok
>normalfag try the game
>who is this, who is that, where are we, why everyone lose their mind when Lunasia show up.
yeah we desperately need it
Oh come on, you didn't enjoy the 15 threads where some retard kept insisting M4 should've soloed the entire KCCO regiment with her cannon?
How new?
I just want to cry on a doll's lap...
speak for yourself
Why would you need to cry if you had a dollwife?
Kalin was mean to me...
This is (2025 - 1/12) 4channel, on the fastest board of the website.
Over half of the people here are from those websites.
>sad is that most of them just play it for 60:00 min
It could also be a contract thing, they are paying for that exact time. Not playing it again because it did not click with them is kinda sad though but also very common.
>play for like 3-4 hours and poked every doll in the ass to check for reactions
>that was probably the best and most genuine content creator reaction to it
Probably not a sponsorship, just someone who actually wanted to try it out.
GF2 is fun and has a dedicated following so eventually new people will give it a try.
I'm actually subscribed to her channel even though I can't understand her lol. I need to get back to Renshuu consistently.
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Yeah but like more of them
Or shit like what the wuwa threads get from homos and jeets
That's a big duck.
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which african coutry should i move to
pajeet play gacha game?
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>rapefugee enters the thread
>it immediately combusts
It's that easy
>It could also be a contract thing, they are paying for that exact time. Not playing it again because it did not click with them is kinda sad though but also very common.
wait is that a thing? i pay you for 60min and you cant play more?
it was a beta and if you did actually want to continue i would wait for the release as well

>GF2 is fun and has a dedicated following so eventually new people will give it a try.
got buddies that will play it on release, both got reverse collapse too
never really seen girls frontline before that so i do think you are right
UK or German
Who's gonna make Brainlet sans Frontières on haoplay?
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you guys dont actually watch vtumors right
>a vtuber actually did enjoy the game
>kektone, asmongold
first just cashed the 60 min sponsor, you know the other one will not play it
It's not a question of not being able to play more, it's a question of business.
If you can only pay for 60 mins, they are gonna only pay for 60 mins. It's how advertisement works. If they kept playing, they are basically working for free.
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>tectone plays the game
>gets outed for sexual assault days later
>leaves his org
Hey /gfg/
Within next one hour keep your eye on official GF2 en xitter.
You won't be dissapointed.
>burger town is darkwinter
>taco stand is haoplay
I can physically switch servers by hopping a simple fence.
Hannah's pussy smells like cat food
>i pay you for 60min and you cant play more?
if i play more i cant use it as tax write off, if i want to play it more i must stream it at another day.
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>/gfg/ - e-celeb discussion general
the worst of timelines
>i pay you for 60min and you cant play more?
They're paying for 60 minutes of exposure, so it's only natural that's what they'll get. Also imagine streaming beyond that time only for a fiasco like a crash to desktop to happen, it would make the sponsor look bad.
I would watch Kulo stream
Зaткниcь нaхyй мeлкoбyквa.
The YZverse is not kind to advertisers, much less marketing.
I actually watch this one lmao. I followed her on Twitter and she even followed back. I don't understand jack though
Kuruko needs a better pc to stream
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the only /gfg/ approved eceleb is Sseth.
Yuzhong sama please pay Sseth to shill bakey girl.
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doroo ni akogarete
that butt braps
remember when ceia used a suomi avatar?
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>watching gacha youtubers
now if there is anything to out you as a SEAnigger ...
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So who's the father?
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>Twitter handle is GFL2Exilium
>URL is GF2Exilium
Does this mean that everyone is right? Can we be friends again?
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What are the odds that GF2 gets good playstore point deals? Neural cloud has some pretty good ones so if GF2 is on the store day1 then i could cop some free monthlies easy
>I'll be free of mexicans
>Almost all of south america is haoplay except for a few lucky countries
why tho
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Cute Chink
>Neural cloud has some pretty good ones
Wait it does?
How do I check that
Don't remember her boobs being that big
Haoplay = whites and honorary whites
Darkwinter = inferior races and mutts
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You're still stuck with me. Desculpe, hermano.
>Sol thread
prolly won't be finished with this by the time the threads over
Napoleon was under 180 cm.
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I'm colonizing Darkwinter
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Playpoints -> Use

I have 1k points I've been saving up so if it gets that 250pt deal that NC has then I could get 5 months of monthlies for basically fucking free.
but shitposters don't care, enjoy your +1 to post count no contribution
Cute Sun for Sunday. Take your time.
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final dol ranking
>all of central america
They really chose the worst parts of every continent for darkwinter. Only uruguay is decent.
uruguay more like uragay
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>could've had free shit all the time
god i hate being shoo'd from playstore and mica not having any other option to give them money
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/gfg/ is rightful latino clay. you will never be free from us.
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Looks fine to me
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Why is my wife vepley so low?
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made by a sharkryfag
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why havent you hit do not recommend on that channel
I feel like we're filling the grifter bingo by this point.
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i really fucking wish vtumors get the same treatment as bronies with a global rule and ban
wouldn't count them as "men"
Give me the good Coke then you bastard.
Made me check
can't kill as well or provide more utility than those above or to the left of her
This is just the cycle for "new" releases, they will move on as soon as there is a new drama or game.
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Ask the Colombians for that,
reminder if anon post his UID in Dec 3 he have brown skin
I think I was confusing with another doll
God willing, man
Can't blame you
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man i dont fucking know what it is with youtube but I have like 800 vtumor channels blacklisted and they keep recommending me more
literally the only thing remotely to vtumors i ever click on is japanese music and even then its just obscure hardcore music ...
i wish i could just blacklist entire categories on youtube
>2 day advantage
you retards will still be re-rolling after two days
>rerolling when your UID is crucial
>purely serves as 416's spec
>useless anywhere else
>ranked higher than half the roster
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You can still have free shit even if you don't spend. You just need to get your hands on a Google Play account where points are enabled then simply do your weekly earn tasks and claim your weekly points. And if you live in a country that isn't included then just try with a VPN or see if a friend can make one for you. I used the trick of loading a giftcard to lock an account to that region but not sure if that still works because google has gotten pretty gay when it comes to giftcards over the years.

Bronze/Silver is pretty shitty but you get the chance to earn big prizes once you reach gold tier which include a big 1000 point prize (Value of $10~$20) or gaming peripherals.

Alternatively, you can simply get a Samsung Phone and use the Galaxy Gamer store to get huge discounts on games included there since they always give lots of monthly coupons but it's restricted to samsung phones only.

This has been your tips on how to save money from a local cunnybro.
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I will be steamrolling the game with my Krolik Kai Roku by the time the haopag server opens
I will remember to thank you guys for beta testing when I play the better version
revsaysdesu isn't a vtuber, it's a drama grifter channel. They always look for drama on twitter or 4chan then make a video about it like "THE X SITUATION IS CRAZY" to milk for views.
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crucial for what? dick measuring but in reverse? the smaller the better?
>youtube has gone so far to shit all people do it dramabait and drama whore
I hate the state of the world, I remember when it was just to the point videos of people doing what they like.
I’m pretty sure xitter/right wing grifters have been crossed off months ago during the concert hall trash
And I’m pretty sure that’s one of the same niggers the bit into the rage bait
g11 makes 416 and periyta even stronger with her passive buffs, I had the catbear do more damage than 416 with g11 buffs on the jupiter cannon boss
Why would xhe think the players are trying to beat the gooner allegation in the first place?
>Girls Frontline line and Girls Front line line chu experimenctu
can crazies on twitter just go to bluesky and make a massive hugbox already?
Couldn't help but pity you.
storyfag unironically
Your stuff is always nice to see
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Are they gonna drop PiPi's PV? >>503562078
Hot. Thank you for the new meido art.
thanks will look into it
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What? This Macy's Thanksgiving Parade shit?
You probably mistook JS9 as Type 79.
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Could you imagine? A gigantic sleeping G11 balloon flying over New York?
JS9 + Type 79 > Type 95 + Type 97
I can't wait for the Mori Calliope collab announcement
>/vt/ranny simps
Dolls for this?
I watch any streamer that does something I want to see to be honest. I don't care if it's a dude or a girl behind an anime avatar.
i look like this btw
How do you record this video of me?
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I wonder who MICA would use as their Global mascot if we ever got that big.
>5 screens
Is the game to the right valorant?
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I just jerk off to vtuber anuses because they get high end artists drawing them chasing commissions.
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Dolls to go drunk driving with?
Basedo especially those artist that specialist in pube and hairy armpits.
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has to be super safe and unassuming and radiate 0 sex appeal as it is the western market after all

so you're gonna get cat kalina
how is this related to MICA? Artist drama?
the neural cloud killer just died
what next? Creed?
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A kot is fine too...
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Readded the tier list section, let me know if there's a hard disagreement
we are /gfg/ we love gossiping like girl
I'm disagreeing with the fact that I can't rape colphne while she looks at me with those cold eyes of disgust
thanks for that anon
So, the only decent BP Weapon is the pistol?
I skipped Daiyan in PNC and I'm skipping her in GF2 too.
Fuck that ugly bitch.
she's free in pnc now
Still skipped, I refuse to use her. She'll never get a place in my teams.
Five nights at freddy's set up lmao
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>g36 on the same tier as the Canadian chink
I will make Littara meta
your milestones bro??
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Already in the The OFFICIAL VERY COOL not DORKY STUR playlist
I had a similar perspective on the matter. It's all a matter of perception if you ask me. Humans can become nothing more than objects or screaming fleshbags if you view them as such and a beloved car can be dearer to you than family if you cherish them in a similar way. Therefore inasmuch as a doroo is a machine, they can still be a person to you even if they're not a real human bean.
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I will make Vepley meta
The world will kneel to mr pizza
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The only one who deserves to be a "loremaster" is TLAnon and he got hired by Mica.
I just want a doll to listen and chill to jungle dnb tracks from old ass games
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She deserves better
Doro to listen to pop punk with?
>fake ass bitch fence sitter

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