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To Love Ru Collab - Dangerous Inventions Incoming! - 11/21 - 12/4
SSR Lala Satalin Deviluke, SSR Konjiki no Yami, SSR Momo Velia Deviluke, SSR Nana Astar Deviluke, SR Kotegawa Yui, SR Sairenji Haruna
Sleeping wear skins for collab girls + August Von Parseval, Ulrich schoolgirl
Secrets: Mary Celeste, Yorktown, Voroshilov
Houshou META(Cruise Mission) & Suffren party dress skin(Cruise Pass) - 10/1 – 11/30
Nagato META - 9/5 - 12/11
Hatsuzuki ASMR https://www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/RJ01292767.html

Giulio Cesare META(Cruise Mission) & Weser maid skin(Cruise Pass)

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>503416338
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Yeah that OP is getting deleted.
I'll give it 5 minutes
there is nothing explicit
And cute
My lovely prankster


>girls frontline 2 in 10 days
The final nail in Azur Lane's coffin.
>males in the game
>less coomer appeal than Nikke
Dead on arrival
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Ratatatat74 bote soon
kamiwasher told me in a cuck dream
holy based
I thought it released months ago
Gently massaging Vittorio's melons from behind and kissing her neck
Guys does upgrading something in gear lab keep its enhancement level?
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it's been 4 years mate, i am done huffing pasta hopium im just jaded at this point. whenever the pasta UR comes is whenever it comes, i will ring her regardless.
Mark my beloved.
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The splendorous saggers of Sardegna
Imagine thrusting your arm between them while she leasts expects it
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>that sweat
Nectar of the Gods
>waifu is ship guide writer died 2 and a half years ago
feels bad
is it too much to want unprompted affection?
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Imagine having some sort of important meeting with her and pretend any sudden movement won't have her huge pasta tits pop out of her outfit.
my guy I am not limiting myself to my arms
>>waifu is ship guide writer
nice hand, slop shit eater
Did you have a stroke?
Nogs don't exist in AL. The brownest you get are tanned natives.
>How we feeling about this?
pic rel >>503536148
>Zeppyfag is a /trash/cuck
Wow, why am I not surprised.
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Robutt love!
I love me a Georgia peach
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I need those three chibis.
looks like shit
WHEN will we get this Gerogia
WHEN will Azur Lane provide pizza to us
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When will we get this?
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>Gays Fart-limes Jew
My ideal skin is a L2D of Sirius tied down as SKK microwaves a mug of water to make tea. She is seething and crying and struggling but can't break free, SKK is gonna pop that lipton bag into the Eagle Union hot water.
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Who even is that
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>You know, I see it and feel it~
>The age difference in our love~
>Everyone says it's weird, but that doesn't bother me~
>Hey, wait up, please~
>Wait just a little longer, just a little longer~
>If I stand up straight, I can reach you~
>The distance between us in our love~
>Loves distance that melts so sweetly~
>Loves distance growing smaller and smaller~
>Becoming a love that burns silently~
I will now sortie her until she hates me
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lmao imagine giving this skinny twirp the time of day with a base filled to the brim with fat sluts
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Remove the chans and it's based
I'm defecting to the Sakura Empire, sorry Saratoga.
We told you it's brownies who hate on hindy and dalbro
Can you post a crosslink or will the tranny jannies take a shit
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If it's important work stuff and a nipple slips I'll try to make her notice, if the whole udder pops out I'd look away while she adjusts herself, either way I'd try to make her feel as little embarrassment as possible
But if it's in private just me and her boy are those saggers gonna come jumping out
Based Sashi bro
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Triomphant's base skin and chibi are super low res for some reason and she has no skin despite being in the game for 6 years (jean bart and massa's event)
you got xim
>retard can't even crosspost his own posts
Ryza rerun, trust the plan
ugly geisha whore
Probably because her design is a cluttered mess.
It looks like shit desu
I know i got you
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Veneto's boobs are so big they are guaranteed to pop out at any moment
What botes got me?
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>A Romanian loves Hinden
Just when I thought Vlads couldn't get any better
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>shitler doesn't know how to crosspost
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Her artist was never called back to draw a skin for her, but recently he posted an old concept art of her, copium i guess?
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I can't really tell on an emulator but its pretty obvious on a phone
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>dalbro is a white supremacist
Can this get any better
>shitposter now has a orbiter shitposter obsessed with him
This is actually sad.
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That's true for a lot of boats, but her usual demeanor, unawareness and eventual reaction makes it incredibly cute and erotic to me
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She grew on me and i never really hated dishwasher either the dude actually draws fanart for AL instead of treating it as a paycheck
>dalcuck is slowly but surely rebuilding the Golden Armada on a mongoloid bulletin board
Newfag here, I just got Golden Darkness. Is she good?
based pagcel dickwasher troon
For a newfag, yes.
The orbiter treating him like his bf is the anti-frog schizo funnily enough.
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So botes are encumbered by their rigging and run slower when it's equipped? I thought it would be the other way around
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>cockrinser hater is a mihomocuck
Considering you get a 100% barrage BB with decent punch once you level her skills and give her the augment you get from the event yeah
New Darkenss here, I just got a Golden Fag. Is he kosher?
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Yostar forgot
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it just gets in the way
I want to get manhandled by loli botes, mainly subs.
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>dalcuck and shitler share the same political views
>the argument: no u did it, i dindu
keep digging that grave deeper
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Well that saves me a lot of time, gonna keep this.
This happened two years ago, don't you think i would have repeated it more times if this was my falseflag?
you got xim again
I thought they were on land in this scene.
It would make sense, considering that the rigging is made for naval combat and not land based.
Another anon also found his twitter bitching about pastas and napoli not getting commissioned art while bitching about CN anniversary earlier this year and you can guess what his defense was when he got reminded of it.
>Frogs set shitposters off
>Pastas set shitposters off
>Vodkas set shitposters off
Why is it specifically minor factions
Because nobody cares enough about the main factions
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You keep repeating the same arguments I debunked the first time, you are not worth any of my (You)s, and the fact you keep trying to start the same shit all over every time paired with your constant seething and falseflagging on pasta in the past threads proves how much of a retard you are.
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>same arguments I debunked the first time
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does Mog still set zim off? Love mog
>I debunked
Resorting to "no u" is not a debunk.
It was never about pastas, this guy just happens to be a huge fan of them while making it impossible to discuss frogs because of his mental illness. Just comeuppance for his shitposts.
Post you favorite frog/pasta/vodka
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I don't get it
This destroyer is bigger than some cruisers
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>same arguments I debunked the first time
>with ''no u''
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Jean Bart, Le Terrible, or Fleuret
Gorizia or Da Vinci
>this guy just happens to be a huge fan of them
Umm, nyo, I no longer think this is true.
I'm convinced it's the same as it has always been, a retard playing both sides, just using any possible avenue to get (you)s
Nah bitch get bent over
Having any sort of affection for European cultures is mocked or demonized on the internet.
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>same arguments I debunked the first time.
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God damn, look at the size difference between them, that's hot
>essex exists
>makes shitposters shit their pants
Yes, Amity is very hot.
Because they're MINOR factions, they're from the start in a supposed lower level.
So fans of them, which are possibly from the RL counterpart or have ties to them, are more prone to go on the defensive and give more replies.
EU, RN and Sakura fags won't bite, they're too big.
DE and Tempesta fags won't bite either, they know they're a minor faction and made pace with it.
He debunked the arguments with trusted peer reviewed kosher experts and he concluded he's innocent of his crimes.
I'd like Roma better if her newest skin was her base art
She's a total whatever compared to Littorio or VV
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>my argument?
>''no u''
>i won btw
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I like the fact Portsmouth apparently naturally produces aphrodisiac ink
Would be significantly better nopan
looks like shit
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She's too powerful.
Why is she covered in shit?
Storywise which DRs are the most powerful?
This game has a story?
Does sakawa's l2d have interactions or is it too old for that
Rule Britannia
wtf is this real?
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shit midas please understand
the only dr that gets featured somewhat regularly is fdg, the others have just been turned into a seen once or twice for the mandatory being there scene
Botes are all universe level in base form.
>seething at dishwarsher stop
>''no u'' argument start
>''no u'' argument stop
>seething at dishwarsher start again for some reason
im nyoticing
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I read what happened with To Love Ru author.
I hate women so much its unreal
show us your tits
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Essex knows where she is at all times. She knows this because she knows where she isn't. By subtracting where she is from where she isn't, or where she isn't from where she is (whichever is greater), she obtains a difference, or deviation. The sex guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive Essex from a position where she is to a position where she isn't, and arriving at a position where she wasn't, she now is. Consequently, the position where she is, is now the position that she wasn't, and she follows that the position that she was, is now the position that she isn't.
In the event that the position that she is in is not the position that she wasn't, the sex system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where Essex is, and where she wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, Essex must also know where she was.
The sex guidance computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information Essex has obtained, she is not sure just where she is. However, she is sure where she isn't, within reason, and she knows where she was. She now subtracts where she should be from where she wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where she shouldn't be, and where she was, she is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.
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>lengthy discussion about Veneto's breasts popping out of her uniform
Nope, shitposters aren't one dimensional, there's no "playing both sides" unless it's a complete outsider to the topic, it's obvious that a fan of something even if he hates to death an specific thing he will have preferences for other things, i just needed to find out what it was since it was obvious that this guy was always present so he had to like something about the game, and just calling someone a shitposter will run off his skin, but find out what he likes, what he wants to feel accepted for and you will be astonished how hurt he will be when you find the connection, hence the atomic damage control he's doing, didn't happen when he wanted to pass himself as a krautfag, remember prasizes?
It worked out for him in the end. He got a better wife and has at least one child with her. Might be a second, I can't recall.

Now that his awful gender bender ninja manga is done, I hope he returns for more TLRU
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I dunno
Yabuki's wife seems based to me desu
nice tits bro
>cuckposts on frogs also resume after no u stops
chat, what are the odds?
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It's quite literally one of the most interesting subjects known to man
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you can also add seething at frogs
Luv me paizuri holes.
Assuming you aren't a retard you are just doing what he wants you to do. It isn't hard to pretend to like or hate something on an anonymous messaging board. Plus he just gets to derail things like he is now with you helping him.
DAMN succulent breasts bro
>shitposters aren't one dimensional
>there's no "playing both sides"
These two sentences already contradict themselves
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We're feeling really good about this, please post more.
Good to know anon, at least he's happy, I hope
You are not talking to a retard, you are talking to a shitposter
>helping him
>implying he isn't said shitposter
Sirius, you aren't a DR.
>talking to a shitposter
>talking to a retard
This is the same thing really.
Pierre is that mentally ill please understand
There is a lot of overlap between the two, but the retard might not be aware that he is shitting up the thread
And now he's damage controlling again
I wish this was true.
DR-tier sex skill
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Another day, /alg/ still continues to lap up the shittiest bait like starved stray animals.
>now xe's is damage control mode
>hence the atomic damage control he's doing, didn't happen when he wanted to pass himself as a krautfag, remember prasizes?
Not a single peep from him at the time, he was even proud of using krauts as his identificator when shitposting on frogs but now suddenly he shrinks and a bunch of concerned anons "suddenly" show up to give him the benefit of the doubt, my arse.
it's board culture at this point
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All one shitposter, the thread being slow allows him to samefag comfortably and fake engagement. Pray the next UR stream comes soon.
I don't give a shit, he's a nigger, you're also a nigger for giving him attention, post botes or kys
>he's a nigger, you're also a nigger
>implying you are not talking to that "he"
The amount of baseless headcanon about krauts and pastas you make up is seriously insane to be fair, no wonder you are hugging that falseflag like your life depends on it
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brest won bigly
>baseless headcanon
Almost like his frog shitposting.
>naww mah boi anti-frog schizo dindu nuffin, he can't possibly like pastas, you are the shitposter here
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LOOOOOOOOOOOL well deserved fucking retard general
So you admit you are a shitposting retard, guess that settles it
I'll take my apology now. Never doubt me again.
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the twitter in question, just reverse search the image on the archives, the exact same 'no you' deflection every time it gets posted, it was deleted just hour after it was found, so much for a falseflag
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At this point I hope it's pasta so I can laugh at him and watch him shit his pants
why this image makes shitler mad and start with the ''no u'' shitshow?
Because an essexfag ratted him out as a very retarded falseflag the first time he posted it and he has been seething about it ever since
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I looooove pasta boats
This, essex bro debunked him pretty hard
Birb needs new a skin
>Twitter account LITERALLY made when Napoli was revealed
>Disappears after /alg/ learns of it
Unironic definition of a falseflag
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>made when napoli was revealed
This also in the same thread it was posted the first time.
/alg/spastics don't know what a falseflag is. Proven many many times.
The only posts in that account were from around the time of Napoli's release
It had literally nothing BUT those posts
>Around Napoli's release
But they are talking about CN anniversary
And what's up with you acting as this guy's lawyer?
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it's xim btw
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It's funnier because he most likely spent years crafting this shit between twitter and 4chan hoping it would be some weapon to go with his shitposting of pastas
I genuinely believe this creature is the most unhinged shitposter we ever got
Thread surely didn't become like this when he was dropping german words while also using surrendermonkey, sus
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>shitler is pulling a 2 years keikaku dude trust me
mmm yes sex with botes
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All the TLR girls are for (you) in their own way, which is apparent if you know the girls. But funnily enough, by virtue of being a well adjusted normie, Haruna's dialogue plays out the most like some loving girlfriend you've been dating for years. She's also in the tier of special touching where she scolds you but doesn't entirely hate it.

I have a newfound appreciation for Nana too, AL somehow made me like the worst girls in TLR.
>the most unhinged shitposter we ever got
It's always the same faggot, god knows how much more shit he keeps stashed for future use
Thread would be a lot better if we could get rid of these disgusting racists. We really need the mods to rangeban them.
Nana was always good.
Haruna is still trash.
They do kind of act in the way they act towards Rito towards (you) instead.
Ah yes I vaguely remember. What about slavs and pastas makes him so mad?
Which bote would play Stalker 2?
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it's so fucking over
It's not even shitler, the dude even used to blame the dalfag for his shitposts
File deleted.
>They do kind of act in the way they act towards Rito towards (you) instead.
Shut the fuck up.
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Oh yeah? How many pasta boats do you have oathed? it better be all of them.
Didn´t like, 70% of the playerbase left after some cucking controversy?
>70% of an already small ass fanbase left
So not a lot of people? Even then the "controversy" was on the same tier as the CN freak out over the BA x MJS collab.
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Friendly reminder: this is why no one likes pastas
What does this say? I don't speak italian.
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I feel like eating Marco's chocolate would be a bad idea. Just a gut feeling.
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How dare you all the more reason to
>Why is it specifically minor factions
but he shitpost every faction
>New Jersey with the ntr bullshit
>UVH being trans
>Soyuz being shit
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>It's a 99% aphrodisiac mixture
>eat it all in one gulp while locked in a room with those two
Based Jean
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Yeah I noticed, but by virtue of (you) being a stand up guy and lacking Rito's ecchi Bad Luck, your relationship with them is slightly better

>Lala places her lab in your office and makes inventions to help (you) but unlike Rito You aren't bitching to her about it
>Nana is tsun and wary of you but soon lowers her guard and starts to ask you to hang out with her.
I also love that you get to flirt with her and tell her you like petankos.
>Yui is also tsun and mistrustful but once you prove to be a good person she's dropping her spaghetti to ask you out
>Momo wants to do the harem plan with you and is down to fuck for the sake of demonstration, she just has a larger harem to meticulously tackle
>Yami is still kuudere and will casually say she'll kill you but she's ultimately chill and hanging out with you in a negligee
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Yumi a cutie~
/trash/faggot alert
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There is this too.
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please do not forget about Veneto's choccies, they are just properly made chocolates and she has no idea what is about to befall her and Marco
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Yukikaze retrofit soon, I feel it in my nanoda
TL;DR? did skk win? did rito win?
It's unironically over for rito.
It was nice knowing you bro
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>Girls who like (you) more than Rito

>Girls who like you about the same as they did Rito

>Girls who liked Rito more than they do you
Yami. She's hard because she has a whole character and affection arc that just can't be conveyed in AL. But she already has low chances as a haremette do you might as well take her for yourself.
>porn poster is here
the thread is saved.
>didn't start seething about the jb pic until after he was done talking about veneto
*thinking emoji*
is that a
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see you in 3 days king
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Squishy akashi buns....
>pornposter is a lolichad
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crawling into akashis womb
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>gender bender ninja manga
Never mind. He is the 3DPD. Another casualty of the homo years. TLRU was good at least.
>I hope he returns for more TLRU
You don't want that. It won't be the same. Most things don't need a reboot. Few do them justice and are more likely to just ruin a good series.
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cute wife
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My beautiful fox wife
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blessed thread
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What are these socks called
Loose socks?
my personal tea strainers
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my wifesace...
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Cute and funny thread!
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I'm surprised this has gone on for as long as it has.
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Jannies don't even pretend to give a shit anymore
This is the comfiest the thread has been in a while
>recruit more jannies
>moderation stays the same if not worse
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watch him post a hag and get banned, lmao.
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uuuuoooohhhh, submarine, too erotic
I'm surprised you're surprised. None of this is organic or natural, it's just the same handful of actors doing their daily spiel. I do like how hard they have to try now. Anything that makes their life harder or parts them from their money is good in the long term even if it sucks in the short term. No ones coming to save you mate.
I'm gonna fap to Nana for the first time ever, and it's all thanks to this Collab.
You sure like black dicks, anon. Care to tell us why?
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>Still not deleted
The absolute state of /alg/
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I was going to post some thing about moderation quality but seeing as the janitor woke up from their nap it doesn't really matter now.
Goodbye... cunny....
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this post made the janny mad btw.
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Where is Archerfish's tail
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Robutt is too sexy
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Why should it be deleted?
1 hag posted and he got banned...
he had a good run
godspeed, anon
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Off-topic and should be posted in the correct thread, ofc
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wtf tranny janny deleted cute funny bros aieeee...
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>There's black shikikan in another timeline
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>emulator gets the insufficient specs message on the sirius mode
>it actually crashes
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That isn't Anzeel.
I have multiple mommies
>Black Shikikan
This is as canon as white Shikikan.
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What compels someone to regularly waste minutes and even hours of their life just spamming porn in this general? This isn't the first time he's done this and it certainly won't be the last.
i like the purple mom
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Off topic? Isn't that zeppy tho?
Better than the retard posting and replying to his shitpost every single day for 7 years.
porn poster bro is based
the dal tranny, shitler, 3dpd anon are not
why she nakey
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Can you post some Riche instant loss with this style in the other thread
Can confirm.
t. His father
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This is my mom too. What do you say about that?
That is also no Anzeel.
>muh 7 years
which of the 4 or 5 people are you referring to?
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So, is it IP jumping or were they just warned without actual banning?
the anti frog schizo is the one that ban evaded he's begging for trash gens now in his usual fashion, porn poster is probably not coming back
>/trash/faggots routinely get purged with no warning or ban(for the past 10 or so months now
>you tell get regularly banned for whatever else.
Why are you trying to lump uoh poster with the other freak?
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I'm not the anti-frog schizo though
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when is the porn poster bro comming back?
3 days unless he just ban evades
Falseflag or not, it makes no difference you two are boyfriends anyways.
I can't keep up with all these characters
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Yeah. There are too many shitposters here.
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But we need Ringo more.
I can see it
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erotic wifesashi
Cute wife.
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and wifesace too
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Reminded me of how I've seen this pic dozens of times but only now realised she's pinching her own belly.
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I'm going to die
Threesome with these two
what was the OP?
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She is going to boil the ocean.
>Give Alsace a pair of headphones with ASMR of SKK cumming and moaning 24/7
>Throw her right at X before she explodes
>Watch as the resulting explosion wipes the ayylmaos off the face of the earth
>World saved
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cute wifesace
kiss the cock
if the porn poster is so based then why he got banned?
cause mods and jannies are cringe
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