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>Currently discussed servers
Turtle WoW - https://turtle-wow.org (Vanilla-)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless Realm "Area 52", Wildcard Season Realm "Elune")
(CoA+Wrath Coming in 2025, Bronzebeard V+ Server Soon)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
TBC5man - https://tbc5man.com (TBC content scaled down to 5man groups)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Mop, Legion coming soon)

>Upcoming servers
Project Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+, TBC as design base and Wrath client)
Mistblade 3 Mop(+?) 18 Dec 2024 | Stormforge TBC fresh (ETA Q1 2025) - https://stormforge.gg

<Full Moon Company> - Turtle, crossfaction, whisper anyone
<The Combine> (ally) | <Cheetah men> (horde) - Tauri

Vanilla client enhancements - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/Client_Fixes_and_Tweaks (most servers forbid them)
Curated list of addons that should work in turtle - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/Addons
Misc - https://database.turtle-wow.org | https://talents.turtle-wow.org | https://twow.link/classchanges

>Mods, Tutorials and /wpsg/ Creations

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news.

Previous thread: >>503369181
can we add https://turtle-timer.vercel.app/ to misc
All built for worgen knots
thunder chad cock burok
keep yer meat underground
Vote for your name in the groomcord
why is that one elf wearing latex?
someone carry me through ubrs before ony reset so i can do ony twice tonight
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Woof woof.
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is that the uniform of yukikaze's mom?
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Not a big fan of that version. Would have preferred they do the other armored worgen model, but the original unarmored one is the best.
Turn it off and on a few times.
Turn me off and on a few times.
built for giving me pups
No Pearl No Play
No, thats bad for your testoterone production homie, twice a day is the hard limit..
You're retarded
>not knowing every hentai ever means you're retarded
anon pls
the anime is a low budget shitpost of the highest quality
the webm isnt even the most extreme case
Not knowing how to look this shit up makes you a retard and a newfag
Why are you all obsessed with Pearl? He hardly led any of the raids. His charisma comes from the fact that he’s a native English speaker
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>reverse search google, iqdb, yandex and wait
>0 full results
>ur a tard
>he’s a native English speaker
many question marks
You're a good guy, Pearl. That's why people like you.
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Just two workin' gals waiting for their bull
>using the wrong sites
>literally 1 click away if you know your shit
Not helping your cause, "bro".
>He hardly led any of the raids
He led exactly 1 raid in the first tier and got the difficulty wrong
It shows the name on both Yandex and SauceNAO.
but he led all the raids from toes onwards
search the tags combined in the video
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>play a mage
>always get clothoids in my group
>play druid
>nothing but hunters and rogues
>the only curve they got under his leadership was MSV while he was away
mb3 guild is doomed without crunky and blempus
because he's a nice guy and made a cute panda
Because I like Sylma
i respect pearl for sticking around when he made it clear he didn't want to lead
Pearl is nice. He likes to play with other anons. He actually takes the initiative to get things started and going. He posts a lot and is friendly in those posts.
He also posts a lot of lust-provoking imagery of his characters. But honestly that alone wouldn't be enough. I've seen a lot of anons try to do the same and be the next Pearl/Sylma/whatever character he's playing. And while they get replies because big butts, anons don't really like them because they don't actually play with other anons, form dungeon groups, and interact with /wpsg/ beyond the ERP posts.
If you're looking to be the next Sylma/Pearl, then you need to put the work in, be friendly, be cool, and actually play the game with other anons in addition to posting butt.
>pearl discussion general
>you're looking to be the next Sylma/Pearl, then you need to put the work in, be friendly, be cool, and actually play the game with other anons
fixed it
>he didn't want to lead
>leads every single /wpsg/ guild
>even takes over guilds other anons makes in order to lead them
The PVE and PVP server has a raid scaling system where creatures inside these raids will have their health and damage scaled down based on how many players are in the raid:

Scaling 20 -> 12
- Zul'Gurub(ZG)
- Ruins of Ahn'qiraj (AQ20)

Scaling from 40 -> 20
- Onyxia Lair(OL)
- Molten Core(MC)
- Blackwing Lair(BWL)
- The Temple of Ahn'Qiraj(AQ40)

Scaling from 40 -> 30 people
- Naxxramas(Naxx)
- Emerald Sanctum(ES)
in the case of not in op he was literally the only candidate it was that or let it die
dunno the story behind templeos and he doesn't lead FMC
Plot twist he's in the OP.
what do you think of Elaynna?
>leads a guild called not in op
>is actually in the op more than any other anon
That FUCKING liar.
They're probably alright but they're not someone I've ever played the game with.
it's the aislop elf
im going to relapse
oh fuck that guy
I know.
The AI stuff doesn't bother me but if I were them I wouldn't post it because some people really really hate AI. As for the ERP stuff I probably would have played that closer to my hand and not been as open about it. But again I can't be bothered.
Honestly the stuff that gets posted in this thread matters so little to me. What matters is in-game.
i laugh when they speak in /g and no one responds
>even takes over guilds other anons makes in order to lead them
Sylma leading now is cause of me not wanting to lead anymore and byron, whom I was coleading with still to this day being lost in the woods. That's the summary if my most secret headcannon is not real
How many of us are playing on MB3? You know, if we don’t want to, we can still play on Tauri…
I can be a Pandaren named Pearl…
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I'll join the MB3 guild if this guy is gm
sylma isn't GM
Put on the Pearl pandaren fursuit right fucking now!
Depends. When is Legion? And is it going to be another faggotry guild?
you mean koto?
I don't care about your literally who thread celebs, that dude sounds based as fuck
pearl promised to make a legion guild for tauri
He just holds the keys, if Sylma made a new guild everyone would follow
>He just holds the keys
to pearl's cage
Hard pass.
she cute
best news i've heard all week
pearl never sat on my face
is it true that all paladin specs are weak in mop?
I want to help anons on Tuesday Kara10, actually signed up the FMC charter back when guild was created but want to see how it's going. Can one man tank so you don't need to find randos from the worldchat. Who do I whisper to?
prot is the best tank and ret is kinda decent
The tank isn't a random from world chat.
Whisper Sylma.
probably sylma
>Can one man tank so you don't need to find randos from the worldchat.
We got a thunderfury wiedling bear tank, you'll have to best him.
He's got a Thunderfury in each paw and Hand of Rag in his mouth.
okay this is random lol
it's over for that guy
lmao I remember that from the last thread
If you're looking to rejoin the guild anyone can invite you. If you looking to join Tuesday's Kara Sylma is running it.
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I don't really plan on changing guilds anytime soon, but I do want to see how things are going with the guild. As for the Thunderfury, that will not be a problem :^)
Oh it's you! Glad to see you are still around
As other said you can /w me on Tuesday or just post on the thread, I'll post here if we're missing spots (Though we only had one spot going last run)
Hey I've seen you around Booty Bay, love your look
Hey, haven't heard from you in a while. Glad to see you're still playing.
this makes me worried about FMC because i can foresee a schism
But you're not even in the guild
Built for human males
>be me
>go to sleep to make guild next day
>wake up
>some anon is inviting everyone to the new guild
>that anon is not me wtf
>talk with anon
>anon explains he rushed to make the guild because he wanted to avoid some huge schizo having GM rights and eventually imploding the guild
>ok fair enough, i don't care
>rename/move happens, anon tells me that olivine isn't actually cool with handing GM but that he trusts him to have it, i don't but i guess it's fine
>fast forward to the prune day and olivine does the the unthinkable
i didn't ask to be asked
Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine? Maybe next time keep your unsolicited commentary to yourself, champ.
how trustworthy is sylma though
I may be wrong but sylma never had a delete guild meltie
Wow anon I'm totally convinced to now leave this guild I'm having fun in. Your tactic is completely working.
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What's the most fun class in MoP and why?
for what role?
if you want to tank don't go warrior because they objectively lack the tools the other tanks have
if you want to heal go disc priest but only if you're the only disc priest in your roster otherwise shaman and monk are brain-dead chart toppers
DPS go warrior for melee and warlock for range

monks are also broken with vengeance stacking

this all applies to raiding of course because there's little else to do in mop
I really hope all the best for Anons in MB3 and look forward to the screenshots of many successful clears
Does bear/cat weapons work any differently in twow since mcp is nerfed
Monk heal topping the charts? What? I remember nword had to use a lot of addons to stay competitive

Unless you are referring to mistweaver in pvp in which case I agree, but in PVE I'm 99% sure all the other healers do a better job than mistweaver
Some stuff is returned ability wise and a load of weapons have feral AP now
Do weapon procs work? or just stats?
Anything that says 'chance on hit' will not work
But 'On melee attack' will work

There's a neat build you can do with stacking elemental damage on melee attack armour, but usually just look for stats and weapons that have Feral AP on them
Thank you anon. that is helpful
Long overdue for a cool, new MMO.
No worries Anon, druids can use polearms in classic also so keep an eye out for that because the Devs seemed to spruce those up especially
I've been itching to play ff11 again

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