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>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>latest patch:

>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

Threadlocked: >>503409631
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Sex with Abrams
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Sex with Geist
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Magician is gonna be the first lab hero to make it into live.
>no major bugs
>simple yet unique kit with zero complaints
>really balanced compared to other lab heroes
>brings an archetype that's desperately needed (hybrid squishy hero with fun mobility that can spec into burst or dps when needed) unlike yet another turret spammer or headshotting lane bully
I think that despite what they said about ranks being updated after matches it's not true, I lost a bunch of matches and didn't get demoted even 1 rank let alone 1 tier.
>There are less than a thousand or so Eternus players between EU and NA
>Somehow despite that, everyone that posts their rank here is supposedly Eternus
Reminder not to engage with rankjerkers they are all larpers.
thank god dota doesn't suffer from obnoxious waifuhusbandofaggotry
bro your squirrel?
who are enchantress, lina, marci, qop, hoodwink, and mirana for 500 alex
I wanna fuck Winter Wyvern while she whispers in my ear with that sexy voice she has
>0 bugs
his 3 goes through unstoppable still
i don't even play dota and i know this is bullshit
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Imagine if Deadlock got a TV show like Arcane got for LoL.
with the DEI cast, it would be very mid and forgettable
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How long until she gets a mod to make her model older like a few of her endings?
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>DEI cast
8th experimental hero when? Games being 4v3 sets off my OCD.
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This is what Wraith should've looked like instead of some ugly DEI design with no eyes.
there is more heros that aren't in there. Theres a big beefy dude with a jar who petrifies people and i think 1 more?
post more geist art. I'm gonna wet myself
Nobody wants to watching something with intentionally ugly characters.
Arcane is popular because of jailbait Jinx
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Wish she had more art of her hag look but I like both so beggars cane be choosers I guess.
>niggerhag wraith
>muh body positivity fatass miku
>themtroon pocket with five o clock shadow
>Fully animated Bebop and Seven drag out fight
Would be pretty kino
if that arcane cope works for you bro
that is just a bonus tbbqh
how do you play ivy
Whats the cope? League has more attractive characters than Deadlock. Riot actually tries to make characters attractive, while valve tries to make everyone ugly
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you havent played dota
why do people feel the need to be retards on voice in low elo
this artstyle just screams extra sausage included.
did you have a stroke typing this
listen i was in phantom before the change and then went down to oracle IV, right now im almost back to phantom
lady geist should've been a female furry with massive tits (jiggle physics included)
>lady Geist attracts literal hag fuckers
Who would have guessed. Valve made a mistake creating her
I love fizzz so much bros
>takes an active slot
>ammo buff is a percentage buff
>also buffs sliding
Kinetic Dash
>no active slot
>ammo buff is a flat increase
>also buffs firerate
know the difference!
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that deer has milked enough cum out of me to impregnate a small country
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why'd they neuter trapper?? Now he can only go gun build

brb going to write angry forum post
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
These are TWO different characters.
you're right

delete haze
Hes easily the worst character in the game right now. Completely depends on how ass the enemy is just walking into you.
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Yea :3
i hate laning against bebop i hate laning against bebop i hate laning against bebop i hate laning against bebop i hate laning against bebop i hate laning against bebop
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for me its gun ivy
I personally think Ivy is still mid as fuck as much as I enjoy her flexibility, people only place her in top tier cause all the top tier heroes keep getting nerfed down to her level. Anyway she is just a jack of all trades character so you can build her however you want be it gun/spirit/or suppport but its hard to carry as her since her kit aren't like super kill crazy abilities and her dogshit laning phase
Play Pocket or Dynamo. Does Ivy also have a get out of jail free card in statue? I don't play her so I dunno if she can evade bomb with it.
u can iframe the bomb but probably wont be able to out dps him unless in a proper duo lane.
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yea im a hag enjoyer
Ivy doesn't actually need to kill anyone to win in lane though. You just need to live and out farm and wait until you can start ganking with your ult.
>its hard to carry
this is the part that gets me when trying to figure out what to do with her, because if i get a shit team im kinda lost on what to do
I hate laning in general. I wish the game was just passive income and kill income with no objectives besides the summoner
That would be stupid and boring.
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Will all future Geist skins need to incorperate that massive shawl she has?
yeah but then you have to rely on teammates winning lane, and if everyone else loses lane (which has very now been a consistency with the shitty matchmaking) you've already lost.
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either rush gun and hope for the best , be a spirit bitch with kudzu, or go next, cause Ivy besides lacks having absurd aoe kill abilities compared to the rest of the cast besides turning her gun into an LMG
>yeah but then you have to rely on teammates winning lane
That's why you gank other lanes with Ivy, so you can force your teammates to win their lane. It only doesn't work if they lose their guardian before you hit 3k souls and if that happens you're probably fucked anyways lol.
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>No art or mods relating to okder Geist
Don’t get me wrong, I really like her younger self aswell, but I like the older one more and wish she got more content relating to it.
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She looks better fresh and smooth
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Marvel Rivals is going to turbomog and dumpster this dogshit valvedrone game back to the fucking stone age.
you mean with a fat ass packed with cellulite and mommy cow milkers
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please for the love of god stop putting me in these matches
Cringe and gay
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bros... I have achieved 50% win rate on vindicta...
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imagine cooking her a fancy french dinner
i can almost smell the chocolate flavored onions irradiating off that frog post
like everything else in the game, gun ivy. I miss Kudzu spam and shit, but over the past few months the game's strayed away from spirit being decent to just go gun. Anyone who has a high fire rate destroys objectives, and characters like Wraith aren't really using her 1 outside of the first 10 minutes but will 4 you and delete you.
I think Bebop and Lash are the only two I can think of who are still fine as spirit builders but you don't build entirely spirit on them.
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marvel rivals can't mog something that'll be dead long before it even comes out. and it's not like cape shit will do any better either
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why did they redo every single one of the male patron's lines with a guy who's 5% worse
>infernus goes ricochet and is a useless nigger
Every time
Man, American servers seen insufferable
Im pretty sure its the same guy without a filter, I hope they revert it though
I go tesla bullets since it lets you farm almost as fast for less than half the cost
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imagine her squatting over you and unloading it onto your chest while shouting JOI at you
>fat ass hitbox
>reactive barrier
solo lane against bebop is actually better than getting raped and wombo combo’d by his buttbuddy when you get hooked
why doesn't lady geist make herself a loli (pinnacle of youth) instead of an old hag?
>hag fag sad no one wants to draw or play as old ladies
she would have to kill all of new york for that and maybe it would last a day
hey there's this weird bug with haze where she can point at you for two seconda and delete half your health, anyone know when yoshi is going to fix this? surely its not intentional for there to be so many faggot freewin no effort characters
>datamining poll
I think im going to take a break from deadlock again, the matchmaking was fucked but when they added solo ranked matches my games got 300 percent more enjoyable just for the fact that people talked and wanted to work together to win
. I hate having npcs on my team
Geist gets plenty of art
I was talking about >>503548360
so tf2fag, are you ever going to stop doomposting about deadlock on this thread and /v/ every day? they're never going to release the heavy update.
If you are below ascendant your opinion doesn't matter.

I know, you're offended. I understand, I get it, but your opinion is worthless. I'm sorry.
who you talking to?
You're also below ascendant, therefore your opinion also doesn't matter.
>You're also below ascendant
the voices in his head
You don't get it, I can't deal with the literal worst character in the entire game.
Kill all furfags IRL
Ivy is an awful match up for bebop. He can't do shit to her in lane.
TF2 is dead
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it's the haze
it's always the haze
still playing though
>haze on enemy team: unstoppable 20-5 god with a 60k soul lead
>haze on your team: 5k player damage 0-20 behind 10k souls
I was only posting the lyrics to randy Orton's theme, boring-chan
Half of the cast is an awful matchup for bebop, and the rest can cuck him with reactive barrier for the first 15 minutes of the game. Genuinely if you can't deal with bebop, either you're so bad, you massively fed him, or you should probably play something else.
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I, bebop, was the mvp. wanna know why? I captured 6 urns lmao
also fuck I gotta remember to get more gunbop items even if im going echo shard, they just get the shield items and fuck me over so hard otherwise
nobody cares about fagbop players take your blog somewhere else
>i was the MVP
you gave the enemy more souls than you urned lmao
bbb... bros... the inhouse...
We host them in the discord now.
i wish...
i wish i could have...
i wish i spent more time feeding the inhouse-
what inhouse?
sick of whether i get to be decent and enjoy the game being dependent on how much that faggot yoshi decides to ruin the balance each patch
wait since when did patron dropping reduce death timers
arcane surge seems kind of cracked
Bro doesn't read patch notes
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*mutes all voice comm*
Abrams ult should be able to destroy kelvins dome
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i'm new to this game and am shit at vidya, who do i play?
what kind of faggot has the time to read the 3x a day patch notes hidden on the super sekrit forums instead of posted as steam news
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haze is a great hero but she really can't be THE hard carry after the ult changes kek
fucking seven riced the entire map somehow
anyone up for herolabs?
idk this was a 4am match, all over the place i'd guess
oh no your freewin faggot ult only hits one person without upgrades now, whatever will you do
It took me like four minutes? So I guess me

Infernus abrams and wraith are all pretty straightforward
lose I guess
ulting mid-late is actually bait, you're better off not using it for anything but like a one second burst on someone
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>us central server
>everyone blogging about their lives or ERPing and not focused on the game at all
>get queued into us west server (?) that is all EU for some reason
>everyone focused on the game making calls and trying to win
which way?
>get griefer in game
>wait some time and do other stuff
>queue again
>get the griefer again
my first abandon
played my first game since the patch and i think they fucked with MMR because that match wasn't balanced at all
Fleetfoot lets you walk and gun without slow passivley. That's the main point.
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>Based, white-only queen of hearts
>Cute, Sporty tomboy who's into guns
>Hapa boy who understand he can't pass as a man in white man's world
Last one is kind of sad, honestly
>finally play patch
>4 wins, 1 loss
>no ranked movement
what's going on with this thing?
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Forced 50 isn't rea-
Maybe it takes more than 4 wins to rank up, shocking!
>play spirit mcginnis
>have absolutely miserable time
>hounded by BMing pockets and sevens
>laughed at and ridiculed
>switch to McGUNnis
>have the three best games of my life actually carrying the team for once
Holy fuck you become disgusting once fully kitted out.
more than 4 wins in a day to go up a single rank from ritualist 5 to 6?
pre-patch, a 4-3 record over a week moved me ritualist 2 to 5
*loses interest in your ramblings and walks away*
I'm telling you man, people keep complaining about turrets when McGUNnis is far and away superior. You require 2 (TWO) spirit items, QSR and BRS, then just go and shred HP bars
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>Seven is bugging that Lash is a smurf
>Tell him that Lash is exactly where he needs to be, and that he's just feeding off of bad plays and overstays
>Guess that got through, because we stabilized and won
These games are unessesarily hard, even for low elo (Ritualist). I already lost the last game because I had to play lane nanny or lose our base, and I almost lost this one the same way. People are farming the jungle while their walker or guardian are getting torn up by minions 7 feet away.
Finally got a really good game with Dynamo, hit some great black hole hits. But god, I can still feel just how slow he is
>Archon overperforming in every lobby
>Going against Oracle+ constantly
>Still just hovering the same elo
I'm assuming performance isn't taken into account at all and you just lose/gain a flat amount
I find I ramp up as soon as I grab intensifying mag, fleetfoot and heroic aura
Also, Arcane Surge on Dynamo, that is all
yeah, intensify mag I swear was made specifically for McGinnis
really I'm just saying once you have those two spirit items you can ignore the rest unless you need something really important. Quick Silver Reload's fire rate just does so much more than people expect
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What changed to make Mo and Warden even stronger? Downplaying faggots need not apply
Fat titted shortstack hero when?
Fat ass ivy when?
He's always been super broken, but he's low pick rate so it's wholesome chungus.
Mods soon hopefully
he now stacks +70 hp instead of +30 so ultbox mo&k is very worthwhile
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but mo&krill are bad tho.... it would be nice if my ult lasted longer while give me a magic and gun shield
Goddamn, can you like, stop updating every 5 minutes. Especially if there isn't shit in the update.
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>lucky shot on Ivy
alright whats in the patch this time bros
lucky shot is busted right now
>Go to buy Ricochet on Dynamo
>Misclick and get lucky shot, but I didn't realize it
>Delete people shortly after knocking them up
I understand now...
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trapper buffs lol
>last 4 games, I literally leave laning phase at 8 min with the team 10k behind from just every other lane except mine feeding and losing their guardians

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