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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7606 - Nicky Edition

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>Sonic is getting a five issue crossover miniseries with DC, further collaboration will continue through 2026

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 11 December 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #76 - 05 February 2025
Sonic the Hedgehog #77 - 19 March 2025

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>503509991
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Leaker said he survives, he stops the Blackhole with the power of his Super form.
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fat knuckles
how hard is the movie going to shill shadow



Not before he aborbs all of super sonic's power and kills everyone
imagine being lanolin and giving fatckles a rimjob
duofag do a hammock but its more rapey sally
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Nicky : Mom, dad, Tania. After some deep thinking, I've decided that I wanted to be a man!
Brenda : WHAT do you-
Paulie : Oh, (smokes pipe) I guess that's neat-
Brenda : anata. (angry)
Paulie : Ah! I mean y-you can't do that! You can't become a man. A woman is a woman.
Little John : A cute girl like you... what a waste!
Nicky : Sorry... No I won't be sorry, you can't change my mind. I'm a MAN, I've always felt like one. This is who I AM.
Paulie : You're way too young for that... sigh...
Brenda : All this continental brainwashing is affecting our sweet daughter, what happened to good old islander values! Stupid westerners!
Tania : Onee-san, why? You're making mama and papa sad!
Nicky : I'm not trying to hurt anyone, sis. I've decided to become true to myself because that's what I want. Nothing more, nothing less.
Brenda : Oh HO OH OH, not on my watch!
Paulie : Honey, please... breathe. Look what state your mother is in, please consider our feelings. We love and care about you more than anything, why are you trying to not be yourself anymore.
Nicky : If you really love me then you'll accept me as I am. But in the meantime...
>Nicky takes all of her clothes off in front of everyone, undoing her bangs and keeping only her shoes on.
Nicky : My name is SONIC the Hedgehog, He/Him, what you see is what you get.
>Brenda is on the floor sobbing in shame as all the citizens contemplate the scene.
Paulie : Jesus, Nicky. Are you really naming yourself over my dead friend ? Also put something on, CHRIST.
Tania : Why are you hurting mama and papa!
Brenda : ....you are not welcome here anymore...
Nicky : Well, I'm outta here SEE YA GUYS
>The entire hedgehog village was mourning that day, the tragic loss of a young girl to the clutches of continental propaganda.
luv sage, (you)?
>Are they going to kill Fowler's pet cash cow?
Gee, anon
Did she spit in his mouth or did she suck the spit out of his mouth?
If you don't agree with my schizophrenic posts about Sonic then you are baiting.
Ian is the best Sonic writer ever, cope and seethe chuds
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Very hard. And I'm gonna love every FUCKING second of it. I feel like christmas is coming with this movie, except it will be christmas when I watch it.
Ian we've talked about this
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fuck shadow
I'm a better writer, Big x Rouge is best paring.
I always felt like those videos had to be some sort of elaborate joke, but now I'm absolutely convinced they are.
Silver saved the world 4 times and this is the thanks he get, you guys are mean...
>Tails gets to become the strongest character in Sonic history
>the downside is that he's a massive cuck with a storyline so bad it gets memed on to this day
Was it worth it?
Naka better because he can write code
Why are you so toxic about this? Why are
shipfags like this? This isn't even about ship nonsense, that shit is cringe, it's about Elise being a cringe character.
Why do you like such a cringe character?
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The minute this guy dies or leaves it's over for Silver
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That's not Shihiro Maekawa. Who the fuck you trying to fool, homie?
Fowler and Penders write better than Ian

The only Sonic character who benefitted from Archie Sonic was Silver because he had fuck all to his name otherwise.
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Sonic the cuckhog
The supposed "best writer" here can't even complete a Surge fic within a reasonable time
And if he's the best writer we are all fucked
ok this just isn’t true.
shut up Ian.
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Man up, you crying bitch!
silver rapefag is such a fucking idiot lol
It’s left to interpretation.
Nakamura is the next in line for Iizuka's job. Silverhaters have no idea what hell awaits them.
Why does Silver line in a shed?
>Silver benefitted from archie
>the comic that spawned uwuver
him not ever being there would've been better
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I made an update to my Silver Generations list, i replaced Kingdom Valley with Flame Core because someone on /v/ suggested it. At first i decided not to because it felt to similar to Crisis City but i eventually came around to it.
Also, fuck this Shadow vs Silver bullshit, i enjoy both characters equally, i'm just here to have fun with the community by brainstorming fun ideas and what ifs.
Six levels, four bosses, seven NPCs.

>Metropolitan Highway: Sonic Forces
>Night Carnival: Sonic Rush
>Sky Citadel:Sonic Boom
>Sand Oasis: Sonic and the Secret Rings
>Deep Woods: Sonic and the Black Knight
>Flame Core: Sonic 06

>Eggman Nega
>Sir Percival

>Blaze the Cat
>Marine the Racoon
>Sonic (Sonic Boom)
>Sticks the Badger
>Vanilla the Rabbit
>Gadget the Wolf
>Jet the Hawk

I decided my choices based on the games that featured Silver and Blaze in some way shape or form as well as a focus on alternate worlds/timelines.That and i wanted to get a nice variety of stages and NPCs. I also added Sonic Boom as a way to explain Silver suspecting Sonic being a fake in Generations.
How would Sonic meet the Joker?
Penders is more memorable and Fowler writes shadow better
what I’m not saying it’s great but worst then Fowler and Penders hell no.
For the last time, nobody cares about Archiever.
Just have Silver possessed by Time Eater and as a villain for a bit.
Archiefags love using the ooc scene of Silver getting beat up by Sonic for accusing Antoine as fuel to the "Silver is a shit character" bonfire.
Silver benefited more from the Rival fight in Gens than he did from Archie.
I didn't realize I was arguing with him every time but I should have known better desu
>Frieza Slander
yup mental illness
Blaze should marry a character that hasn't been conceptualized yet, but would be from her world and designed with the express purpose of being her romantic partner rather than any of the current cast members.
i haven't read preboot in a while but isn't the entire point of that scene that sonic has been eating shit for months and months and silver showed up at the worst time?
>Sonic became a cuck
>Tails became a cuck
>Amy became a cuck
>Knuckles became a legal landmine
>Shadow became a bitch
>Rouge became a slut
>Blaze became useless
>Silver became an even bigger bitch

Maekawa is the best Sonic writer but Ian is the next best and there's virtually nothing he could do to lose that position because the bar is that low.
Is that Rouge's tit?
Fowler's Sonic movies saved the franchise.

Penders' ideas are the reason Ian has a career.
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>this is the faggot that wants to cuck Shadow
the paul to silver's spiderman
>Both were shitty and forced at his expense
Absolutely not.
Giving Silver the ability to delete timelines makes perfect sense and fits into his themes of a saviour with bittersweet victories.
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We all know Shadow is based off a Shoujo manga called 'Please Save my Earth', where an amnesiac alien wakes up reincarnated on earth and tries to repower the satellite he lived on to kill everyone as revenge for killing his blonde waifu, before regaining his memory and remembering his waifu wanted to save the earth because she loved it.

But did you know that series had a sequel, 'Embraced by the Moonlight', where the edgy alien has a naive happy-go-lucky son in the future with telekinesis who timetravels to make his past self save his dad and protect the world?

And that naive happy son has a love interest he's childhood friends with, who has slightly different ESP powers she gets bullied for so she hides them from other kids, who is unemotional and tsun and looks after the naive son because she is more responsible than him? And also she looks and dresses and acts like a boy with short hair despite being a girl?

Food for thought.
Silverfag here, please remove Blaze from the equation.
>S-SLURPza s-slander!!!
lizardsissy begone
Archie Silver is hard carried by the Enerjak fight. He's worthless otherwise.
get the fuck out of here you underaged retard faggot sucking microscopic canadian cock from under a cheese infested fupa
Can i get a reason as to why?
shadow only love is maria retard, he doesn't give a shit about rouge and no amount of headcanons will change that
I’m kissing Blaze right now
The fact that Sonic didn't just tell Silver he was wrong instead of starting needless violence was ooc.
Silver IMMEDIATELY accusing someone else instead of feeling fucking HORRIBLE for accusing an innocent and being willing to kill them is even MORE ooc.
The whole scene is garbage, and downplays both characters' good traits for pointless drama.
whatever calms your seethe buddy.
The Fleetway comic has beautiful art. Never seen anyone talk about the writing there, though.
And it had Silver act OOC. Silver would've fought Sonic the moment he attacked him.
Shadow WILL have hate sex with sonic and it WILL be canon
i see, so basically its a scene people post out of context like the copyright joke
>pointless drama
did sonic 06 reference /sthg/?
>canadian cock
Silver gets turned into a mindless insecure baby whenever he's around her.
Squirrel won.
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Huh, for some reason I thought Kishimoto was more Senior than he is. Also
>Sonic R (1997) — Game Designer
DOES THIS MEAN WE COULD FINALLY GET A REAL FOOT RACE SONIC GAME AGAIN? They could have it be awesome low-poly graphics with "modern" classic characters like Team Chaotix, Honey, Fang, & Trip added.
Wow. I simply must remind everyone that Maekawa is a fucking hack and Silver/ Blaze is just Shadow/ Maria again.
Rumors of a Knuckles season 2
All losing. The true canon final winner of the Sonicbowl and future mother of his children will be Wave the Swallow.
fowler will NEVER put rouge in his movies
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Silver isn't Shadow's son
Based! More Wade!
>forever ruins Blaze just to force his shitty writing
Worst writer of all time
Um, yes he is.
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>more Wade kino
but where did i say he was? lol
Ian would never rip off plots like this, that SA2 writer is a fucking hackfraud who has no idea how to actually write
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Silver as a character has a lot more to deal with than just some haters. Ffs they didn't even check that his eyes were right in official media

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desu if I was sonic I'd be homeless too. Like i could crash in fucking mar-a-lago for publicity and shit why the FUCK would I pay a mortgage or taxes like the pathetic human plebs
Silver slander was always been unfair, it's "other characters fight other random characters? that's cool" then there is "oh? Silver fights a god? yeah whatever that's good, anything else sucks."
like come on you guys expect a lot from him and when he does something other characters would be praised for he gets shamed for it? can you imagine Knuckles risking his life for Sonic from a explodium blast? or Rouge getting flanged by Metal? these things would've been good in a sense but to Silver they're loses???
Shut up Marine.
Ian doesn't write through inspirations or themes, stuff just happens and the characters talk about it and then it's over.
sage she’s hotter to me for some reason
To be scrapped when movie 3 flops right into Lion GOD's mouth.
I mean Paramount could kidnap his family and force him into it. If she appears we'll need to watch his eyes during interview footage for blinking signals for help.
Amy's Sol counterpart.
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bump is cute but sage is simply beauty given form
Well then assume apart of the story is him dealing with that and no longer doing such things.
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Blaze is only 14.
She barely any connection to him other then 06, plus she's pretty useless for his story
Fowler is leaving director duties after movie 3.
uwuver was severely damaging because if you actually draw silver ic people all across the fanbase will get confused because none of them have the knowledge that stuff printed in the comics is done basically by fanfic writers
All the other characters have in-game canon feats to their names. Silver just having a non-canon comic fight is a poor showing for him.
out of 10!
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Name me a character faster than Sonic
Metal and Shadow for exactly 3 seconds before they literally explode.
Infinite. Said so by Tails himself.
Bigger Sonic.
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>forever ruins Blaze
>a Sonic rival n°5 that is exactly Sonic but from a parallel world!
nigga that shit won't last anyway and they completely knew that.
I'm gonna bump that deer.
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Mephiles' Move That Kills Sonic
Silver's powers are just extremely boring for this series and his character concept feels like an intrusion, his design is weird, he has no compelling dynamics with the cast, least of all with Sonic (it would unironically be better for Silver if Sonic didn't like him), and his personality isn't endearing or consistent either, all those things together are whey everyone thinks Silver sucks.
Silver should marry a character that hasn't been conceptualized yet, but would be from his world and designed with the express purpose of being his romantic partner rather than any of the current cast members.
>Silverfags STILL begging for their shitty Trunks knockoff to be seen as cool.
When will you faggots give up already?
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Sonic.... is le homeless.....
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Metal Sonic, canonically.
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Will they bring him back for movie 3?
Silver is propped up by his status as an S-hedgehog but also faces the standards of Sonic and Shadow without anywhere near the same support from Sega.
If you hate Blaze so much why are you so desperate to pin her to Silver?
>the movie trilogy has been a hit piece this entire time
Nobody is begging retardo, just random fags like you are getting 06 PTSD from getting their ass handed to them, either that or a snapcube autist.
I really like the new Run It song
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Nicky, I don't mind taking you back into the family at the condition that you put a shirt on and stop pretending to be a man!

me too, lamest oc of this general.
Archie Sonic was one of the most important video game comics in existence in the past, maybe somewhat even now. And Archie threw it away just because it wasn't profitable enough. Thats a shame. IDW still isn't bad, it just misses the mark in some aspects. Not american sonic style enough for Archie reader, and not accurate enough for JP fans. It is kind of the worst of both worlds when you think of it like that. The sad thing was that Ian according to himself tried to make IDW feel more "shounen" and tried to write Sonic as a "shounen" protagonist. Well sadly I think his understanding of that genre and demographic is somewhat limited, because IDW barely feels shounen in any way. I'd be down for a game accurate Sonic feeli g comic but this just doesn't hit the mark. Maybe Evans recent success with the riders arc can allow her to course correct the comic.
Yeah but in generations Silver showed up next to her in the final boss so i put her in for her to be the Rouge of the story where she gets Silver to come to the birthday and then brings him to the final battle with the Eggmans.
multiple leakers claim shadow just straight up kills sonic and then reverses time to undo it

that would be the third time these movies eand with
>Sonic is alive because of the power of friendship
Nice hustle
...when the fuck did i mention that? and i don't hate her, i just accept the fact that she's not original nor will she ever be more relevant then a side character.
>Nobody is begging retardo
Silverfags beg in every single thread almost.
If Sonic team made another S Hedgehog what would their name be?
I personally would go with Sharty the brown and green hedgehog.
don't mind if i do
i dont even know who or what she is
Me and who
Better then Blazecucks who drown the thread with bots and slop desu, why are YOU complaining?
Oh come on, spoiler that.
cool luris
With pleasure
Calm down, Fowler. Jeez.
Movie would be better if it had the Biolizard
Original the Character
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Psychic powers are cool, his design is cool even if it doesn't translate to 3D easily, he has plenty of compelling dynamics with the cast even if they don't get much focus, and his personality is incredibly endearing and consistent outside of SoA and Archie writers refusing to write him correctly.

A character from the apocalypse that cares so much about the beauty of the world and the happiness of its people that he's thrown into a full blown rage when the innocent are threatened is cool and endearing.

I like Silver, and no amount of uwuver, psychover, or shipfag bullshit is going to stop me from liking the actual character Silver was always intended to be.
im cumming
Please spoiler these posts.
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>this is your last chance, Sonic. take off your pants, OR ELSE!!!
Literally the same as Shadow Generations where Shadow didn't want to outright kill BITCHnic with his Doom Powers out of pity.
I would never date your obvious crush
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They put the cart before the horse when making him, and for that Silver must continue to pay for his sins from 06
so movie shadow is just going to fucking outright win and then change his mind loool
Jokes on her, Sonic doesn't even have pants
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Lmao she's gonna end with him and it's gonna be such a boring story and both of them are gonna act like annoying robots forever
>his design is cool
The pot leaf quills are ridiculous but the fact that he's yet another male hedgehog is just too far. He could have been literally any other animal and been better off for it.
thanks you’re pretty cool
Blaze actually had pretty good momentum for a spin-off character but the way 06 handled her debut in mainline, and how the game destroyed the series reputation, brought it crashing to a halt.
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His new model has sharper eyes. I think its the first one to make them really pointed like they're supposed to be
Respect women.
>Surge is going to castrate Sonic so he'll never burden the world with his shitty children
Based Surge, that'll fucking teach shitnic.
All Sonic characters wear pants. The guys just wear pants that are the exact same color as their lower body.
Shadow has killed both Sonic and Eggman in this franchise's history.
>even the movies kill off Sonic
Does SEGA just want the character to retire and never come back?
I will never take this faggot and his videos seriously.
Nah those quills make him have a shonen protag hair, plus being a hedgehog ain't never a big deal, look at Amy or look at big and Blaze.
Tare-me vs tsuri-me
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Luckily my memory is so bad that I'll forget these supposed leaks by the time the movie comes out
>shadow is just going to fucking outright win
As he always does.
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She was begging for it. Being naked
God i wish i were Sonic
The movie fucking sucks, good luck sonicbabs
the only person’s hair that looks like Silver’s is maybe Yu-gi-oh guy. Everyone laughed silver to death for his marijuana hair
Blaze is better than Shadow and Silver and the only real mark against her is being in an alternate dimension.
The majority of Sonic characters are naked.
What does Shadow change his mind?
No, it's Lien-Da's hair
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End of IDW
Silver the Cockahog
I've seen far worse tumblrshit
The trick is that Silver's eyes are the same shape as Jet's but monoeye. Down to the black eyeliner but not the red.
Yes, the scene in the trailer with Sonic, Tails and Knuckles tied up next to the Black hole is the scene they and Agent Stone die.

Shadow has a change of heart after seeing the sadness it causes and it reminds him of him and Maria.

Robotnik is lost in Time after attempting to use the near powerless Ark to go back in time and get's stuck inbetween time.

Gerald is arrested by GUN and will work with them to develop new tech for them.
I hate shippers. They always drag down every single place they go to. A sign of a healthy and living fandom? No way.
>Iizuka was involved in production to oversee Shadow's character.
>Sonic fucking dies.
Typical. The man had Sonic get his ass kicked by Shadow in his own game. Him and Fowler were probably giggling to themselves having Shadow steamroll everyone in the movie.
So it's faithful to SA2 where he won and then changed his mind? Based Fowler!
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Not mine.
You guys were doing so good with the spoilers. Why is it that one newfag had to shit things up by not learning how to spoiler his posts?
I hope he gets banned for this.
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Marriage? No way!
I am so fucking fatigued at seeing this shipping autism clog up every single damn thread. They all need a bullet to the head.
Shadow fucks Sonic at the end of movie 3
Shadow looks diseased.
I was kind of hoping they'd give Robotnik the heroic sacrifice since Shadow unambiguously lives and it would be both an interesting arc for this version and a great sendoff for Carrey. Does this not happen?
I appreciate you now spoilering but those other posts really ruined my day.
I simply don't believe any leaks. It's stupid getting yourself worked up over something that might just be outright wrong.
Sonic is fucking useless if Shadow wins anyways and just changes his mind because muhriea
Jet on his hoverboard (said so in the manuals)
Who is the stinger character?
Knuckles is a fucking hunk holy shit
I'm glad it's finally settled that Shadow is stronger than Sonic. I mean, it was obvious since Shadow always had more abilities, but there Sonicfags who always tried to argue otherwise.
Just remake SA2 already Sega you dumb niggers
>Get his eyes wrong AND makes him clumsy like Trip
You can tell that this animation is based on the IDW comics.
You say that about all the movies and they do just fine.
Sonicfags are never going to be able to live this one down. For the rest of the franchise's existence, Shadow will have killed him, Tails and Knuckles off and the only reason they're still alive is because Shadow chose to spare them.
>Remake rewritten by Ian Flynn with DEI Amy and censored Rouge.
No thank you.
>my tarot cards say Maria wouldn't have wanted you to destroy the earth!

Bravo, Ian!
Nah, Amy and Rouge won't be in it. You'll get Gerald replacing Rouge for the accuracy to Movie 3.
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So much this.
I came to this general expecting actual game discussion and funny meme, but all i got was the type of fandom toxicity you'd get from Tumblr fujos.
I imagine they have Eggman lost in the time stream because of Carrey. If Carrey wants to come back for a future movie that’s when they’ll have Eggman escape.
Sonicfags barely recovered from Knuckles manhandling Sonic the 2nd movie. They're probably gonna kill themselves outright when the 3rd comes out.
Sonic and friends go to Robotnik for help and they actually team up, until Robotnik meets his Grandfather at the building/launch zone for the Ark. then he instantly switches sides to help Gerald and Shadow. Robotnik and Gerald want to rule over humanity for different reasons, Shadow's playing along but intends on destroying humanity.

Stone is given gear to fight off GUN agents.
>Fucks Sonic's wife
>Takes Sonic's life
As long as he wears her outfit.
>faster than sonic
>stronger than knuckles
>outsmarts eggman
>can fly
>can teleport
>can reverse time
>can transform into anything
>basically invincible
>edgy with a tragic backstory
What a great character
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Honestly, there's a lot of new fans, and idk how many will actually stay or ruin shit and I have a bit of an urge to gatekeep. I know thats no good tho
Wait, fucking Charmy? So the next movie is about the Chaotix?
This doesn’t make sense though, the black hole scene is in some sort of temple not at the Ark
Also in the storyboard you saw scenes of Tails and Knuckles in the ark, and in the trailer you can see Tails jumping off the Ark
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Sonic characters for this feel?
I decided to do a experiment on which Sonic female character people love and goon the most with specific videos that were all uploaded on the same day. Here's my results.
>Amy has 176 likes
>Rouge has 158 likes
>Surge has 138 likes
>Tikal has 109 likes
>Blaze has 99 likes
>Vanilla has 93 likes
>Wave has 82 likes
>Whisper has 79 likes
Besides Amy and Rouge being at the top, it's surprising to know that Surge is incredibly popular despite being a comic character. Tikal also being popular than Blaze is quite shocking, as she rarely ever makes appearances while Blaze is usually in every single entry. Then it seems like nobody likes Whisper, presume due to being a crying lesbian.
*Sigh* I GUESS....
Maybe you're right but at the same time i have never been the same after the Avenger's Endgame spoilers.
>Character models and comics are finally getting his eyes right
>Evan trying to represent him better
>Twitter takeover alludes to his Sonic Rivals characterization
Now if only we could fix his English voice.
Classicucks would be rioting if they weren't suffering from dementia in a retirement home right now.
He's shitting you, anon.
>Psychic powers are cool
Not the way he uses them, feels more like a plot device than a character
>his design is cool
Not really, just weird
>he has plenty of compelling dynamics with the cast
Such as?
>his personality is incredibly endearing and consistent outside of SoA and Archie writers refusing to write him correctly.
His personality was never endearing in the games either, just kind of a tedious sperg.
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*not a temple i mean but some anticlimatic earthy place with trees and dirt
What's up mai miga?
>all i got was the type of fandom toxicity you'd get from Tumblr fujos.
I wonder why.
Why the fuck are you using coomers as a metric for popularity? They're a subset of people among Sonic fans.
>Twitter takeover alludes to his Sonic Rivals characterization
It did?
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Do you not see the Ark walls surrounding them?
Amy is post credit scene, Classic costume reading tarot cards, has a vision of a burning city with shadowy figures(Silver and Blaze) standing in front of it
holy ooc
I remember some people looking at that shot and saying "AMY!!!" :(
It said that he's hyper focused on saving the future, always in a rush and "over the top". Silver is only really like that in the Rivals games.
Where's Cream?
>more Thwomp memes incoming as Mario 2 is coming out soon
Yeah Movie 4 is going to be trash.
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>I decided to do a experiment on which Sonic female character people love and goon the most with specific videos that were all uploaded on the same day. Here's my results.
And none of the women here are even hot nor sexy
Hot Chick Heaven my ass
Allow me to introduce you to my son: His name is Silver, and he too is a true Super Hedgehog. He's not quite as strong as I am but it would be hard to tell the difference between us. He has incredible power
holy offmodels
Silver has literally always been like that outside of SoA trying to rebrand him as a polite pushover. He's the flawed and impulsive jerk with a heart of gold that they always tried to make Sonic into.
What should Silver sound like?
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>They're doing 06
What the fuck are they thinking? That's like the worst Sonic game of all time.
>It said that he's hyper focused on saving the future, always in a rush and "over the top".
Uwuverbros... I thought we were saving Silver? Why is Sega backtracking?
Blaze is as hot as fire.
>character tease "leak"
I don't believe this. There's no reason to use her classic outfit, that's off-brand. They also said they're introducing a new character to set up future movies. No way it isn't Amy and Metal.
Total silvaze victory
Rouge will be limited to an offhand reference by knuckles, who says he's scared of bats, especially the one he fought as a gladiator.
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Just for you.
SoA thought that would salvage the character, only to find out it made people take him even LESS seriously.
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>You know all the stuff that makes Sonic a unique protagonist and a cool character? Silver is like another Sonic, but without all that stuff. And he's meant to be just as important as Sonic and Shadow! And he's constantly dragging time travel into the plotlines! And he has a stop and go gameplay style! And he has a giant ugly unibrow. Love him, everyone! He's here to stay!
Shittiest Sonic character ever, even Zavok was less forced and pulled off better.
06 has seen a renaissance as of late and honestly the best part of 06 was the cutscenes.

It's a red herring/teasing for future, Movie 4 will be a Sonic CD adaption with Tails & Knuckles.
Amy, Blaze and Silver count as new characters to set up future movies.
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>new character to set up future movies
>Amy uses her cards to have visions of the next characters for each movie
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Uwuver never truly existed to them. Silver to them is what they think is close enough to his character just like Reedemnic is. We can see all of the minor or major details that make it wrong but they don't
>There's no reason to use her classic outfit, that's off-brand.
Sonic spent two-thirds of the first movie in shitty shoes he found in a dumpster.
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having a hard time believing this guys how’d you get this info
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>Member SA2?
>Member Sonic vs Shadow?
>Member Live and Learn?
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>Amy is in Movie 3
>but as post-credits and will be shafted for Silver and Blaze in the next movie and game
Even worse than what happened to Tails but at least the consolation is that those two are definitely getting vaulted if the 06 tie-in game flops and Movie 4 flops since they're the ones carrying it.
The only time I want to see shitver in a comic is when he gets his shit kicked in and jobs like the cuck he is.
the extended scene of sally sucking shadow's dick didn't feel very PG. Even if it was mostly offscreen. You could still hear the slurping. I don't understand ratings standards.
The movie is literally adapting the story for the Big Screen I don't know what to tell you Anon.
Leak where?
Silver is supposed to be the young Sonic counterpart of his setting like Blaze but we never see anything of his setting and the few details we have about have been misinformed and misrepresented in the comics. Whoops.
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Anon did a poor job relaying the leak

What ACTUALLY happens isn’t that Shadow makes a Black Hole and kills them in that scene, that’s an earlier scene with a smaller black hole.

What happens is Gerald’s plot to destroy earth is to use the Ark timemachine to create a bigger black hole and destroy earth. After Sonic and Shadow have a superform fight, Shadow beats Sonic and drains his power, THEN they die. Then Shadow uses the Ark to timetravel and save them and close Gerald’s bigger black hole. They donMt die to Shadow’s mini blackhole on the ground, they die to Gerald’s big one in space.
Hopefully in my mouth if sally's the one doing it
what the FUCK
does he show up in the new movie
The three new characters introduced at the end? Sally Acorn, Bunny Rabbot, and Rotor Walrus.
Uwuver was always just a combination of Ian misinterpreting things about him and Evan drawing him wrong because Sega was too lazy to correct them about it. Now his actual characterization and character design are beginning to be enforced.

>captcha: PHAGAS
>Causes an international incident with France because of Antoine erasure
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I don’t believe any of this shit
No seriously, Fowler. What the fuck. Bringing back old characters just to have them suck Shadow's actual cock is not ok.
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He'll do it again, dont tempt him.
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Loud, irritated, and on constantly on edge with a bit of a rasp, like he's ready to start pointing fingers and swinging fists at the slightest provocation without a single care about what others think of him. He doesn't even need to have a particularly deep voice, just an intense one. However, he'd talk slow and soft during brief moments of peace, like when watching falling leaves or snow, or watching people enjoy something like a festival from the distance. The reminder of the beauty of the things he's fighting for soothing his spirit even if just for a fleeting moment before going right back to fighting.
Dudes, spoilers.
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>the best Silver can do is be an echo of Blaze.
Nicky is the first and most damning proof that Japs do not understand and cannot write Sonic the Hedgehog.
She was basically fucking Shadow's pelvis with her mouth and using his tail like some kind of dick plunging handle like a cock lollipop
That last panning shot to Moon split apart up above while you hear the audible swallowing gulps after Shadow lets out a long groan was a bit much.
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My T
>we never see anything of his setting
They already gave it to us in Rivals. Silver should go back in time to tell someone at Sega not to waste his side game on multiplayer racing shit
It cannot be proven they are actual spoilers.
Why the fuck are you here of all places if you hate spoilers
Get out
He's waiting back on Mobius because he was too much of a wimp to trust Rotor's space capsule, they mention him.
Put the spoilers on.
I don't think you people understand what exactly is the problem with 06 and instead you keep trying to sweep it under the rug of BUT THE MUSIC WAS GOOD, BUT THE CUTSCENES WERE GOOD, BUT THE IDEAS WERE GOOD

That game is a buggy mess which is barely playable and even getting into the plot, it is full of poor dialogue, narrative incoherence and character displacements. There is nothing redeeming about this game and adapting it to a movie format is a recipe for disaster unless they're going to throw out the actual plot and replace it entirely with something else.
the cinematography was impressive
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I mean, part of their actual dynamic is that they mirror each other in how violent, emotional and duty bound they are.
>unless they're going to throw out the actual plot and replace it entirely with something else.
That is what they've done with every other movie.
I don't think I like any kind of humanized forms for these characters
Does this mean we'll finally get cool Silver's Delivery Service?
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>Shadow and Sally fuck the shit out of each other in Movie 3
>Time travel is a major plot point
I see the FUCKING vision and it's KINO
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Well all of his fangirls are going to lose interest and then he'll have nothing left.
It's to specific to not be ake.
Because i came here for game discussion and the spoilers were not an iss
ue in the previous threads.
But ya have a point, i am going to take a break from these threads, but i still hate everyone who didn't spoilerer the leaks and hope they get banned.
The bearded lady with man hands and knives for fingers?
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Stop I can only get so erect
Time travel without the Time Stones?
Most Mobians have furry faces and giant hands already, and the knife fingers are cute.
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Yeah we're aware. And we don't care.
>he beat us all
i'm sorry, i laughed. I laughed hard.
Would Silver/ Blaze in a movie sell tickets? I'm actually not sure if they could do anything to bring people to the theaters after Shadow.
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>Almost everyone expected a Mewtwo vs Shadow rematch via the poll because of the Year of Shadow hype
>Doomguy vs Master Chief just fucking beats out everything
>They already gave it to us in Rivals
Onyx Island is technically his future but it's as uninhabited as regular Angel Island. He needs closer to Rush Adventure with some world building and at least one supporting character for him so we can actually care about the future he's trying to save all the time.
Kill yourself nigger
It makes perfect sense the Time Stones were the in-universe mechanism for time travel all along instead of fucking SIGN POSTS. You lot are insufferable. Reminder that Special Stages are a gameplay abstraction and were never canonical.
Fuck no. 06 is just a massive meme and they're going to milk it. Movie 4 is bound to flop no matter what they do so they may as well go out with a bang
>Silver the Hedgehog, you changed my timeline, prepare to pay with your seed
Shadow gets shilled inside this insular fanbase but Doom and Master Chief beat his ass everywhere else. Know your place
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The world needs worms.
That's why it's going to be Silver/Saleta instead. Trust the vision anon-san.
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Maybe Blaze with Rush but if it's Silver and Blaze nobody will give a fuck.

The only way to up the ante after Shadow is with Metal Sonic, and that's only if the way they present him is really cool, and they make a new tie-in game that actually progresses his character for the first time since Heroes.
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are you the same guy
I want you to die
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>Amy finally gets to play a major role in the movieverse
>it's a fucking 06 adaptation
Fowler really does hate women, this is even worse than banning Rouge from the films entirely.
Sounds fine to me, no worse than the last two movies. Hopefully there’s no gay ass dance off in a bar this time.
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Yeah Master Chief would wipe the floor with shadow's ass.
>Gerald wants to rule the world
>Shadow wants to avenge Maria
>eggman baiscally a passenger in the movie
>Shadow doesn't need anyone to convince him that the world is worth saving
Fuck off Metalkek. The OVA being a flop is proof Metal would leave empty seats.
>Shadow and Robotnik have a change of heart and reverse time
Say what you want about him, he can draw a damn good worm.
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Now we need Salugh stepping on Shadow and Sally stepping on Sonic
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like personally? what did I do.
God no nobody knows who this shit character is.
Silver renders are occasionally used on lunchboxes, backpacks, and other basic things like pencils so there are some people who will recognize him.
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Coomers unironically take a pretty large size of the fanbase since Sonic Adventure 1. There are thousands of people willing to buy high quality custom figures of female Sonic characters(Like pic related) in suggestive poses and outfits. You don't really see that with something like Mario or even Crash to a extent.
There's no video that includes Cream and the site where I'm doing the experiment at doesn't allow NSFW Cream content.
Because why not?
Robotnik is sad his boyfriend died.
The OVA alone was more successful and prestigious than Silver's entire career.
The biggest sin of this movie is Gerald being an Eggman 2.0 instead of a man driven insane by his life's purpose taken from him and altering Shadow to bring pain upon the world that wronged him
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Time is a routine
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Isn't Mario 2 supposed to release in 2026? That makes shit even worse for Sonic 4.
I'd have it be Sally stepping on Shadow, and Salugh stepping on Sonugh or something
At the very least Blaze would get some mainstream exposure.

This is my real question: do *kids* like Silver? Will kids say "mommy I want to see the Silver movie"? Or will it be millenials who want to see the '06 movie for the memes?
none of those things are necessary for Shadow. The biolizard isn't even in Shadow the Hedgehog and Rouge doesn't matter in that game. Only the Eclipse Canon sticks out but it's easily replaced with ANY other catastrophe.
Rembember anon? No Sonic girls allowed in the movies.
Why would you expect any of those things in a Sonic movie after witnessing the first two Sonic movies?
Be a retarded bitch
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Uh oh, shitverfag thinks his unibrow pajeethog is marketable... How delusional...
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>Shadamy shippers cucked out of their canon event
Based Fowler sunk this ship and made Katie's attempt at pushing it all pointless.
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>This is my real question: do *kids* like Silver? Will kids say "mommy I want to see the Silver movie"?
Maybe, maybe not. But you know what absolutely will get kids interested? MEPHILES THE MOTHERFUCKING DARK.
How will Blaze fags cope that Tikal is more popular than her?
what did shadamy ever do to you man
>Rush Adventure type game
I'm an optimist but also a realist. Silver's two options based on previous games were:

>Rush game where he splits 50% of the game with Sonic
>Shadow game where he is the main character but all of Sonic and his friends are there too somehow

Both of these feel like the only answer narratively is to force Silver into the past or have a CD-esque switch between the past and present
Be annoying. Glad Fowler killed off this ship for good since SEGA will now retcon that moment in SA2 to line up the games with the movies.
Y'know Mephiles is actually a perfect movieverse villain. He's just evil purple goop man and his only motive is to be a masive dick.
Poor little shit-for-brains... If they weren't so subhuman I might almost feel sorry for them.
Why can't we have an awesome rivals game with extended chase scenes like the levels and awesome Ifrit lore expansion?
Holy shit yes
I like Blaze and Tikal though
I love Fowler for killing every obnoxious Shadow shiptard in one blow.
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anon do you see the current discussion there’s no way I was that bad.
>Y'know Mephiles is actually a perfect movieverse villain. He's just evil purple goop man and his only motive is to be a masive dick.
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>Rougekeks lost
>Metalkeks lost

>AmyCHADS won
>SilverCHADS won
>BlazeCHADS won
For a few years I named my penis Mephiles. Mephiles the DICK.
Kill yourself black
The Sonic movies are made with western audiences in mind, of course there isn't going to be Shadria like no shit
shadamy is based, fuck off
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However Metal Sonic would be the perfect character to carry on Robotnik's legacy if Jim can't return.
Shadriafags are still winning though and will become like /tv/ with the actress
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>mfw Blazefags are going to see their waifu die in the 06 remake and in Sonic 4.
Knowing what we know about the plot now, how badly do you think the movie will perform? Is Sonic 4 already doomed?
I warned you guys about how shadriafags act
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Shadouge? Dead.
Shadamy? Dead.
Shadow x anon? Canon.
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if shadria is so bad how come theres so much good shadria fanart?
I want to watch this now. It's been forever since I last watched it as a kid
>of course there isn't going to be Shadria like no shit
SEGA and Paramount are going to take a heavy collective loss attempting to release this in Japan, aren't they?
Besides, shadria is only good if an adult is playing Maria
It'd be creepy otherwise
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It's Sonic 06 man. No amount of cope can salvage that story.
Shadow is a minor you pedophile freak. Keep Maria a minor too.
They already took giant losses in japan for both 1 & 2, so this will be no different.
In japan the minions 2 made something like 32x as much as Sonic 2
there’s good 06 art it’s still awful your ship doesn’t even reach that level garbage though
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Like normal human beings? I mean I get that its weird in the sonic fandom but idk if it warrants a warning
Why are you a crab?
Shadow rapes Donut Lord
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S A L E T A!
Can you make a cozy pic like this but with Big?
gold gets to kiss this
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Why does Japan HATE Sonic?
>and will become like /tv/ with the actress
that doesn't sound like a win to me
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>They already took giant losses in japan for both 1 & 2, so this will be no different.
>In japan the minions 2 made something like 32x as much as Sonic 2
>no longer chained to having to do the SA2 scene as Shadow and Amy's first interaction
>hollywood can now do something original going even harder with heavy bmwf themes
Movienic will be cucked harder than you can imagine
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>comparing a bad game to a good ship
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>no damsel in distress plot
>no creepy stalker shit
>just a fortune telling girl going to warn Sonic about impending doom
You know what? She got a good deal for these movies.
>comparing a bad ship to a bad game
Type it out normally, monkey. This isn't whatever social media cesspool you crawled out of.
because of the bad fandom
there is going to be a lot of art of lions either eating or fucking sonic characters
Not enough pedophilia fanservice.
She has to pass on those Black Arms genes somehow. Might as well do it with the cute tenrec telepath.
Do they have the balls to do this scene?
So what you're saying is we needed the Shadow & Maria bath scene.
Thank god this movie will flop
Because Japan only cared about Sega Saturn and Arcades. Nobody will give a fuck about your product if it's only available on flops nobody owns like the Mega Drive and Dreamcast.
dumbass I meant the actors. Maria in the games is played by an adult, same with Shadow. I like shadria in the game canon
Man I wish someone warned me about shadria haters.
What if made Elise like her redesign and aged her down to like an innocent 5-6 years old and foreshadowed it like reverse Snow White fairytale?
>attempts gratuitous maria facepaint
The games aren't very good so they don't buy them
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It may be his design or lack of cool factor that the japanese love, like Spider-man. Maybe Sonic should take notes from him
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Based and Facts
But Shadria isn't a bad ship
>*Snow White
I meant Sleeping Beauty, sorry.
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looks like bara shit
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They could do it better.
>/sthg/ acting like Elise will be in Sonic 4 when half the cast of SA2 didn't even make it into Sonic 3.
Yeah, it's probably just the moobs. Maybe try making him more on model?
The GUN commander is in the movies.. Elise is the only culturally relevant human character not in the movies. Humans are easy to add.
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Shadouge and Shadria are equal
Calling Elise "culturally relevant" is like saying Caiou or Eric Cartman are among the most well-known characters on TV
>Sally kisses Shadow AND Elise in the movies
In character
I mean in certain places
How many ppl in here actually support shadouge? Is it actually just two people lol
>Anon doesn't know about rigging stawpolls
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>Shadow without Rouge or Omega
>Sonic 4 will be Amy's first time meeting Sonic and the boys
>Silver and Blaze will be introduced together and Blaze's backstory is totally irrelevant this time

You know what? I want to see what they cook since the movies have totally skipped the original Team Dark, Amy's fangirl phase and Sonic Rush.
I think one of the shadouges isn't even a real shadouge and is just a troll.
It's weird because I like shadria and shadouge but because I like shadria the shadouges think Im the antichrist
anon you think there are 30 people in here?
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He’s very tryhard, like in X he was a pathetically desperate imitation of anime tropes trying to force himself to seem “cool”. Like the melodramatic song at the end in Jap sub, the bullshit “my true love will hear me if i think into the horizon red string of fate” crap, Sonic staring out into the distance saying nothing for 30 seconds like he has braindamage or is trying to see his forehead, then saying a faux-deep quote like he’s not a retarded mickey mouse furry bobblehead.
That’s cool to americans, not to japs, to japs that’s super cringe. That’s probably to them like Pac Man trying to pretend he’s Dirty Harry would be to us.
Shadouge is just two anons in a trenchcoat
i like shadouge better (not invested in either pairing) but voted for maria in that poll
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hey if anyone can't find the Blaze the CAt mod for SA1 the wayback machine has it and it still appears on Gamebanana search:

just posting this here if anyone wants to archive it somewhere more permanent.
>Caiou or Eric Cartman are among the most well-known characters on TV
they literally are more well known than any sonic character that isn't currently in the films
Kill yourself failed vtuber whore.
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>Amy's fangirl phase
Go back to Bluesky, Ian.
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>tfw wearing this is Detroit and someone starts trying to talk to me about football
shadow would hate you
Caiou is only known these days because zoomers made an entire youtube genera out of torturing him in GoAnimate.
No, Shadow just wouldn't care, just like with most people.
shadouge is fucking great, shadria shitters are just extremely autistic and can't emotionally handle that people ship things other than their PRECIOUS ship
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who can say
In my head I am annoying and kissing him
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Bought Silver
If you frequent this place like I do you can tell that 90% of opinions here are really just astro turfed by autists obsessed with one particular concept, and the silence of others gives them credence in their deluded minds.
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>Please Save my Earth inspired Sailor Moon, The Vision of Escaflowne, Fushigi Yuugi, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Trunks from Dragonball
>Shadow and Maria are based off the literal most premier and most influential lovestory in all of Japan
Undeniably love
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He is literally me.
I've seen shippers say this about everyone
how fucking funny would it be if shadow kills sonic and then makes one singular pop culture reference to mock him.
>sonic dies
>shadow: that's all, folks
Shadow is made for nobody, he is destined to live the hermit lifestyle but be roped into retarded misadventures by his extended friend group via workplace compatriots.
Besides we all know Rouge desires the master emerald and it's keeper.
He'd just teleport away, or maybe knock you out and walk away if you were particularly insistent. Still kinda cute that you like him that much.
Silver will make him into his personal sex slave
Now change into the catgirl.
Stop throwing your mom, fatso
knuxrip is fucking great, tang shitters are just extremely autistic and can't emotionally handle that people ship things other than their PRECIOUS ship
it's literally just shadria fags who get mad at you when you ship anything else. then everyone blames shadouge. Then retards get surprised when people point this out.
generate duo getting raped by prison guards
>sonic dies
>shadow: I'm the coolest
Hey now, I'm a silvaze fag but only if it's blaze raping silver
Kill everyone who’s against Blaze.
lol you gay
Is it gay to fuck a shape shifted vagina? Can Mimic recreate a g-spot and get an orgasm from it if you fuck him?
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It's really just an inverted dick
And when you cum, it cums back
Bully Shitver
If Maria looked like this, Shadow wouldn't have trauma.
I guess I should have seen this one coming. Unfortunate.
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Seek god
>He spends all day discussing Sonic with the same people
>He's surprised they consistently have the same interests and takes

You're the same asshole who was seething at Sparky the other day, weren't you? Sounds like your obsession is being a arrogant dickhead.
and here we see a typical Shadouge having their signature autistic gore spamming meltdown...
fuck off shadria faggot
Shippers fucking WON
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welp this sucks
then where is my order???
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I don’t like this…
Our beautiful Dimpskino princess...
>fat maria
She had fucking aids and had to be tube fed. Maria canonically has a bmi of 16
I don't know why anyone who ships Shadow or Maria is clutching pearls about death
Ever since I learned that hedgehogs have actual skin muzzles all fur muzzles on Sonic/Shadow/Amy/Silver piss me off because you're making them even less like the animal.
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Best ship coming through.
least deranged shipperfag
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Why are threads moving so fast today?
Why is this fag still here?
Is there any art of this OC raping Fang?
this is the average shipping thread btw
That was Mimicfag. I knew that faggot never left the general.
why is >>503555736 wtill here when all he does is pick fights with others
Personally i ignore mass spams. Its just degenerate shit like that
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Fang got so many yumes its crazy

wow your so Fucking. Cool. how’d you come up with that strategy finally using your brain?
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Looks like fur to me.
why are all fang yumes fat?
Let me get this straight
You guys are serious about shipping shit? All ships are inherently fanon, why so much animosity to the point of posting gore?
Or is this advanced trolling for attention?
Shadriafags are fucking snowflakes that force every thread to be about drama
Cute doe
My hero has returned? I knew he'd never job to Palestine! Now if only Moviesperg started shitting and pissing, then we'd have a real reunion special...
Yeah unlike those crybabys im just ignoring that shit
It’s Mimicfag.
My guess is someone that's so tired of all the shipping shit that he's trying to shut down any and all shipping talk with gore.
Personally I wouldn't go that far, but I do hate shipping.
There was but I didn't save any of it and it was purged.
>All ships are fanon
Sonamy, Shadria, Silvaze are intended to be romantic. Sonamy is obvious. See >>503543925
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I honestly don’t know shipping is weird man
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They will never ever stop me from discussing ships. Fuck the gorespammer.
>I do hate shipping.
You only say this when people disagree with YOUR ship
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I want Moviesperg back.
thats a damn shame
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Depends on the species. Picrel has visible skin on its muzzle, paws and ears.
The fuck is that food supposed to be?
average russian supper
>Sonamy, Shadria, Silvaze
these are the shippers rhhat take themselves the most seriously and start shitstorms
throwing Sonaze in there too.
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ai slop
Sadly Gaycob passed away a year ago. RIP
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Mimicuck is back after all this time.
>Mimicfag is here
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In Please Save my Earth shadow rapes maria and then maria falls in love with him and forgives him but then tries killing him in his sleep with a knife when she thought he didn’t love her back after raping her but was just staying with her out of guilt and then when they reincarnated shadow’s disembodied memories told a boy to kidnap and rape the woman who had inherited maria’s memories but he stopped when he saw she wasn’t resisting and would let him rape her which mean in his eyes that she does love him
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….uh who?
makes sense because Surge probably just heats frozen microwave food
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Don't ship
Yup, canon
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I guess then Game Sonic is a breed of hedgehog that has visible skin on his face and arms, while Movie Sonic is a different breed.
kinda want to rape Maria desu
I blame on coolerfag
Naturally, because they're all intended.

Sonaze is special because Rush!Blaze is not 06!Blaze so you get characterfags and canonfags thrown in there.
/sthg/ podcast revival when?
An old shitposter from the late 2010s~early 2020s that chased most of our contentfags away. He was a gorespammer and a dramacuck.
i like this new pencil style you're going with lately
I was going to type out a big list of reasons why I hate every popular ship, but I don't really care about proving myself to you. Get bent shipperfag loser.
i would rather deal with railsfags than sonaze or silvazefags
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Newfag...you don't wanna know.
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in Please Save my Earth shadow sticks an entire ballpoint pen up his urethra
Based and kino. Shadougecucks have nothing on this.
>ai thinks we eat meatballs and hay
uuuu I hate the future
Get someone to voice that one guy's vtubers and have a video podcast
Mina Mina I love Mina, gooodnight
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What a nice thread
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That wasn't posted by me, someone likes reposting old stuff randomly but I'm not complaining. Thanks though!
Sleep tight, minafag. Just remember I'm always watching you.
>chased most of our contentfags away
Lc-kun was worse in that regard. Our new shitposters are harmless in comparison.

Fuck off tard. If I don't see it in the game I don't care. Penders tweet tier.
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Penders confirmed that Sonic ate Geoffrey’s fermented cum out of Sally’s snatch
the most aggressive people who try to do this are duofag and that one maria poster and they only come across as newfags whenever they get that ball rolling. It's impossible to take seriously and I feel sorry for anyone who does.
It does seem that Maris got driven out (again)
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What if Shadow moved to Japan and found himself a new human girl to latched on to and they completely ignore that Maria was a thing except for like one episode.
>Rush!Blaze is not 06!Blaze so you get characterfags and canonfags thrown in there.
People tend to overlook this pretty often. A good number of "shipfags" are actually just arguing about how the characters should be characterized and which dynamics they prefer, rather than who fucks who.
I hate Sonaze and Silvaze for treating everyone involved like shit and mischaracterizing them, but I do prefer seeing her do cool stuff with Sonic since their Rush dynamic is pretty cool, whereas Silver and Blaze tend to ruin each other when put together by turning Silver into an insecure baby and turning Blaze into his boring older sister.
The fucked up thing is whenever you try to argue this shit you'll get called out as a rival shipfag because the argument is too adjacent to the usual shitflinging.
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Truly the Deku of Sonic.
Rapeable character
The tangle avatarfagging isn't subtle either. Retarded newfags.
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Pretty much, a lot of people here also tend to use ship names as shorthand for character dynamics which adds to the confusion.
literally WHO I don’t even think she was mentioned in the thread
Tailream would save you all but none of you want to be saved
I miss duo aifag...
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If you don't know, don't worry about it.
They don’t interact, faggot.
NO we are NOT starting this shit
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>cannot be misconstrued with familial or platonic love
holy shit sega
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>why did you take a picture of me?
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good shit, tracefag
What are you talking about, schizo?
Starting what? he is cool. He generates horny Sally and shit.
i think putting this guy on tv like some kind of rare crocodile is a hatecrime
I miss Zavokfag. Now THAT guy knew how to clear a thread.
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*smooches (You)*
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All cringed before Zavok
so fucking shameless lol
I miss coolerfag. Now THAT guy knew how to clear a thread.
So is Big x Tangle actually a thing?

I thought it was just Hyoumaru's usual brand of cringe.
I miss drawschizo. Now THAT guy knew how to derail a thread.
I miss every namefag...
yes . they. have
shadriafags love this one sentence and interpreting it for their shipfaggotry
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I wonder why I haven't used this for a puzzle yet.

Puzzle time, /sthg/?
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in Please Save my Earth until she was an adult maria was never allowed to wear clothes except on special occasions when government officials would visit
meaning she would walk around the ARK butt naked with not even panties 99% of the time
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I miss Henchmenspammer.
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nothing stays hidden forever at the interwebs
All I will say is that out of all the namefags, I really wanna have sex with minafag
He was pretty based for spamming henchmen
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I labelled them Etrian odyssey studies for a reason, don't know what you're trying to prove.
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>Different enough to tell that it's not a direct trace
>Close enough to tell that it was directly referenced one for one
I don't really see the problem. It's like drawing an apple or painting a portrait, especially if the point of the drawing was meant to test a new setting or figure out how a certain style fundamentally works.
>and shit.
I can't argue with that
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Malleable beaks
personally I’d go for whispercel
shut up tracefag
i might whispercel. i might. if such an opportunity arose.
not your draw blog, tracefag
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Nigga that's a trace
Wow just like fwa
Literally the exact fucking same retard
I miss Ian Flynn. Now THAT guy knew how to clear a thread.
I hate coolorfag
It's a literal 1:1 copy, retard
Sex with Wave,
Describe it.
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Ian used to lurk here unironically. Same with Evan.
Schizo hours.

It's okay boo don't worry about the haters.
Fuck off newfag.
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What does this have to do with Sonic?
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It lasts a few milliseconds.
proof or prepare for rape
listen, Ive had my shit be accused of tracing, but this is a legit trace. If it was a study, the proportions would, at the very least, be different.
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this is a Sonic thread
Where is Mighty?
i don't think it's normal to have sexual thoughts about anonymous anons based on things they draw.
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why is someone posting a random anime in this sonic thread?
i remember when he said he was going to sleep but then replied to a post without taking his name off
Cumming in Fiona
it's Maria
Sex with all drawfags
Shitty traced art, he has admitted tracing in the past. Don't make me post the collage.
Where would you put your dick? Ass, or axewound?
She screams and squawks at you that you're doing it wrong but doesn't let you stop
post webm overlay
Thoughts on Billy Hatcher?
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Imagine tracing food as well.
Do the comparison yourself, you lazy fuck
>Don't make me post the collage.
post it faggot
he doesn't have it because it's not a trace.
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>Don't make me post the collage.
Please do drawschizo! It's a very funny collage.
I can't because it's not traced.
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Sonic 3 movie if it was good
You don't give a fuck about someone spamming a random character from Freedom Planet, so why do you care now?
I trace but I'm not going to tell you who I am.
Thread successfully derailed
It's okay fwa, we know
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boom do I count?
we know dfwnn
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Imagine defending shitty artists that trace.
Yes, now bend over.
>no proof
prepare your butthole
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Prove fwa is a woman
I demand they show Maria's pussy in Movie 3
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Dont threaten the drawschizo with a good time
it was always the grifting drawfags with the most time to waste here
I hate you krack
out of 10!
I am drawschizo's least favorite drawfag. I am very sorry.
The actress is a minor.
krack self inserts as maria so she can imagine herself taking Shadows virginity. She doesn't want to see Marias pussy, she wants maria to diddle shadow (like a normal person)
Where's the trace?
I forgive you
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Out of 10!
sad that Biolizard won't be in
I only hate the shitty off model furshit slop.
so? Didn't stop Sweet Sweetback
I fail to see the issue here.
guys what the fuck
in Please Save my Earth Maria showed her pussy several times and once was forced to do a naked betty boop dance while naked for shadow's sick pleasure
i demand they show Maria's pussy in Movie 3 to properly respect the source material
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>Maria sexualized... le bad!
>Tails sexualized GOOD
Kill yourselves.
Pedophilia laws were made for men
one human girl two that’s also bad.
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Diego from oklahoma fucking traced. Same pose and everything
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fwa when he is not tracing.
I hate mariapedos and especially tailscucks. Stop trying to create non-existent strawmen.
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Go back to Bluesky, moraltranny. 41% will become 100% soon.
Dude, he was only like 6
Diego bros our response???
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Get ready sthg! This is the part where he posts his folder of sthg art that he hates!
I hate fwa and coolerfag
I don’t like pedoshit how am I a troon
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No excuses.
i demand they rape Maria in sonic 3
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>it's ok when the drawfag makes mistakes
>tfw not relevant enough to show up on drawschizo's hitlist
Stop making excuses, drawschizo. Your messiah has been exposed.
I like when Shadow beats Silver up
why is fwa specifically the target and not trineofflames or silverrapefag or something
i don't care about fwa at all, just want to know
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The actress who plays Maria needs to be stripped and raped by the GUN officers while Shadow watches
it's part of the source material, it needs to eb done to respect the character
>Doesn't trace
FINALLY! A good artist!
>It's ok when the drawfag forgets to draw all the limbs
Go away, fwa
Its called a shitlist and you're on it, too
Drawschizo is my her
what if maria threw it back?
taking Maria's virginity while she begs you to stop
it's in-character
fwa bullied a tranny once. It makes sense why he gets a lot of hate
They refused to do someones request and mindbroke them.
It's ok when I draw like shit
I bet this hack even traced the moon as well
Is there any relation between FWA and AWF?
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in Please Save my Earth, gerald would kick Maria out of the space station if she lost her virginity
FWA was straight up a worse dramafag than drawschizo so i can't really feel too bad
>It's ok when I draw deformed anatomies because I draw cute boys with bulges
How about go to a different website then moralnigger.
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fwa is a tranny too
new thread?
FWA built an entire identity around schizoing out over a drawfag who literally never does anything controversial
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>desperately goes after fwa when tracefag gets dragged
Let them get this out of their system first.
>It's ok when I draw blurry crap where I can't see shit
Erm, proof?
>a drawfag who literally never does anything controversial
tbf he blogposts about his sex life and once posted his dick measurements
>pic unrelated
in Please Save my Earth they reveal that Maria masturbates constantly all the time even when people just have their heads turned she'll shove her hand down her pants and finger it
Fwa hates coolerfag btw
I believe no leaks other than the storyboards, everything else is merely speculations.
He what
I miss this lil' nigga like you wouldn't believe
Uhhh Don't you mean HER dick measurements
Just use the old one, it still has like 20 more posts until bump limit.
the fuck is this tranny shit?
Shadow's kids are cute!
looks like shit
god artist/writer sniping drama is so tiring. this must be what its like to like in Los Angeles
was it big or average?
I want to paizuri the shadaughters
Never forget 4 chan is full of trannies and tranny chasers who are ashamed to admit they like cock because they are scared of vagina.
FWA was just tsundere for WA. Everyone knows this by now.
speaking from experience my guy
Which one are you, then?
I think it would be hot if the human one was a Willoughby fankid
what the fuck is wrong with her nose
Not me, I’m in love with a fictional pink hedgehog
Never forget that you need to dial 8 and hang yourself.
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It's ok when my drawings get worse with each passing day. It's ok because drawfags can do no wrong. he literally traced lanolin, the new ones look like absolute shit
this looks like a child drew it. either that or a pedophile
*live in los angeles and hollyweird
Wolfamy will never be a good artist or a woman
>still no proof
That would be REALLY hot. Imagine the overly dramatic and sexy backstory we can put behind her and shadow fucking
She's trans
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I'm a normal person who thinks trannies are disgusting. if someone wants to hate women they should just own it instead of chopping their cocks off like a LOSER
fwa be like, I'm gonna draw like shit today.
what is the film industry like on mobius?
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I been practicing the style for a while, it's really clean and clear enough for when I eventually ink these.

Also comic spoilers but it's straight up chrono trigger now and no longer focuses on only Silver's future.
What the fuck is wrong with her neck?
What the fuck is wrong with her anatomy?
What the fuck is wrong with her hands?
What the fuck is wrong with her face?
Sonic is a bum
I'm WAY worse than FWA. Why won't you be MY schizo instead??
FWA was tracing a giraffe. But for real, that Maria looks bad.
you traced
not your blog, tracefag
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You didn't slander lgbbq+ people
your face is pornographic, dont show it
FWA had admitted she traced that e-123 because she didn't know how to draw it. What a hack.
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Neat! It's still weird that this was going to be a genuine Sonic villain.
wtf man she has NIDS. You can't just make fun of Maria for having a disease like that fucking up her body.
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is WA the drawschizo? Is he mad because trump won and now its gonna be illegal for him to get his girlpills?
shut up, tracefag
Yeah, then he would have been dead already.

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