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I baked a loaf of bread irl today
Cathedral Landscapes/Grass seem pretty nice, basically Verdant tier but they're supposed to be way cheaper to run.
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it's up
Nice, how? Dutch oven? I transitioned to pretzel-like bakery myself.
I used the oven but I filled it with steam by preheating it with an ice cube inside, then while baking I poured boiled water into the bottom of the oven.
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Didya make it pure wheat or what? What hydration?
Is installing ostim still a pain in the ass? i remember looking at the install guide a few years ago and i swear my F-16 manual had less words
The guides are kinda useless, you just plug and play.
[insert illiteracy joke here]
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50% white flour 50% whole wheat. I used a recipe for georgian cheese bread but increased the amount of yeast by two tablespoons and added extra sugar.
picrel is the loaf.
repostan: so I always do the hanky panky at an inn after a day's worth of adventure. How come Ostim still adds another actor despite selecting 'None'? And the added actors are totally random too. How do I fix this?
Looks breaddy good.
Never had that issue, sure it's not weird interaction with another mod?
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>finally install an enb
>play for a few hours
>power supply suddenly starts spitting sparks and pc starts smelling like burned plastic
your cooling system bro?
Why are you running an ENB when Community Shaders exists?
lol, lmao
cheers to your indian-tier knockoff mate.
supar shadars by 2020 sir
bread pisses me off
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*taps sign*
who did this to you
Bread raped him
vanilla grass with enb is 110fps
verdant is 125fps
cathedral is 125fps
Shit, I guess it was NOWTL with lods giving ENB 10000x more polis to calculate that was always the cock in the ass in my setup.
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For me, it's cathedral flowers.
Anyone have the refIDs for these followers because I cant be assed to find each and everyone of them
apparently just like your computer
the size on that forehead goddamn
How's the fps with skoglendi
nvm i was retarded it was
87 for verdant
100 for cathedral
i forgot i had enb disabled by default right now
cathedral reach grass is fucking awful though, eugh, i have to check out all the other grass mods again
>try the tes mod for mountain blade
>crashes more than my skyrim
that's a fairly normal anime style proportion
open them in xedit you fucking moron
cathedral is only good for pine forest grass
i have a window asking me how attractive i am when i talk to a npc, is this from ostim romance?
In that spot, around 103FPS. So better than Cathedral. I'm not a particular fan of it though.
I'll look at the rest tomorrow.
Can't knock the performance though. 15% more FPS is good. I have some weird interaction with the grass and ENB that makes it ultra bright though, I'll have to try to fix it first anyway.
is there a better alternative to Skyrim Flora Overhaul?
>my whole issue is how to setup 3ba
>Download PapyrusUtil SE, CBBE, XP32 Extended, FSMP - Faster HDT-SMP with Mod Organizer 2 and then enable the plugins
>For FSMP don't use C0DA. Use AVX or AVX2 if your CPU supports it
>Download 3BA with Mod Organizer 2 and then enable the plugin
>Use either all CBPC (its more performance friendly) or SMP for breasts and CBPC for everything else
>Download Bodyslide with Mod Organizer 2 and then enable the plugin
>add Bodyslide and Outfit Studio as an executable to Mod Organizer 2
>Run Bodyslide to apply your CBBE presets to all your modded armor
>Download Nemesis with Mod Organizer 2 and then enable the plugin
>Add the Nemesis executable to MO2 then run it
That's it, anon. It's pretty simple.
you're not going to cheap out on the PSU again, are you?
i hope he's alryeght now
Also, use
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20288 to make it use less VRAM while maintaining the same visual quality
big brute nord
or big brute orc
i am pending more for orc since there is more nords to fuck with my big orc cock but at the same time there is a lot of dirty mer bitches to fuck with a old stormcloak...
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Oh it was because the ENB had complex grass enabled. It's still like waaaay too saturated and brightly lit, no other grass does this. This is literal fallout vegetation.
Is there a mod to make vanilla grass a bit less shit? I don't even mind how it looks, it's just really lowres.
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leg day already done in the gym today brig?
>game centered around nords
>not running around in gigachad nord and impregnating elvish sluts and cleansing their genetic pool with your superior seed
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those look very high quality, anon. Im assuming it comes at a price of tanking your fps?
I thought in TES racemixed children end up being the mother's race?
Yes but bretons
>what do you mean bikini armors and attractive women exist in TES lore!!
You can't deny that waifus were always lorefriendly.
>nords superior in anything when altmers and bretons exist
>caring about tes lore
>Im assuming it comes at a price of tanking your fps?
Somewhat. Traverse the Ulvenwald just had a big update (3.0 version) though that made it less performance heavy.
orc fucking every male nord in skyrim impregnating them through the loving grace of mara
We have multiple examples of that not being the case at this point. Most notably, Cassynder was basically just a human.
too much work and Idk how
that is a single example of in-lore crack research and broken in lore years before it was written
>You can't deny that waifus were always lorefriendly.
I agree. It's also funny how when that image is posted, it's guaranteed to make someone mad.
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anon, open xedit
enable their follower mods in the central pane
find npc entry
read the fucking records
You can also fill a small oven safe pan about halfway with water. That's what my wife does when she bakes bread.
fine you make a convincing point
impregnate nords prostates!
is there any ostim addon who lets me do this?
Do ostim animations work with argonian or khajiit? or do their snouts clip through animations
depends, beast mouths open wide enough naturally to be compatible with almost all bj animations
post wife
then post waifu and or husbando
I'm a gay male
Do you guys prefer Sons of Skyrim or Guard Armor Replacer for Skyrim's Guards?
Pic related is a comparison with Sons of Skyrim on the left, and Guard Armor Replacer on the right.
stop fucking animals, freak
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Does Alinor rule the waves?
Why do you guys stay here? Why do you guys keep posting in /tesg/ when you dislike it so much?
What's your top 5 hottest men from Skyrim?
You should just play the game and locate them naturally.
I will not, posting pictures online is for the vain.
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>fighting a dragon
>guard runs infront of me in the middle of my attack animation
>get a 1k bounty
>last save was 5hrs ago
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No u
The quick and dirty way of auditing a follower is opening the console and typing:
help "Lydia" 4
>NPC 000A2C8E
player.placeatme 000A2C8E

However, this method creates a duplicate copy of them from their baseID, which is not what you want. But it's a quick and dirty method of auditing them (and by audit I mean fucking).

You can use this command to get a list of refIDs but it takes a while to load depending on how many mods you have:
save funclist 1

Best method is installing xedit
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lemme know if its any good
Always preferred Left because it had more colour and made the guards stick out.
armor mod?
Brynjolf is the most Handsome to me

The son of the Solitude tavern owner is quite hot too

So is Aergis the Bulwark

Out of these three I can't think of any other that comes to mind
in that case you dont have a wife or bread
screenshots or it didnt happen
Emergent storytelling to start your new life of crime after becoming disillusioned with the penal system.
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I was enjoying this mod, as incomplete as it is, up until the point I put on the mask of Dagoth Ur and unintentionally crippled my character. I don't even think there is a way to remove the curse without restarting. Moral of the story, don't put on heavy cursed artifacts. Oh and I got corpus at some point, don't know how to remove that either
that's a concerning amount of bug reports, anon
counterpoint; Nexus users are fucking retarded.
It depends on the animation pack. All the vagina/anal animations should work for Argonians/Khajits but it might not let you select blowjob depending on what animation pack you're using. There's certain animations tagged as human only.
How do I feel about Skyblivion and Skywind?
I have no investment in either of these mods, but left is obviously better. A good blend of fantasy and realism that hardly feels out of place in a TES game, and each hold's armor is visually distinct. I might install left if it has BodySlide files, actually. I really hate how the base game armor has so much damn cloth on it despite being just a texture that looks like shit.
Can someone explain how that loverslab Ostim SA pack was able to add creature animations? Makes you wonder why there isn't more creature stuff
Precision does the same thing
You got 2 options
Normie: "OMG modders are so good they are putting Bethesda to shame"
/tesg/: "It's a grift, DOA, they'll get released and they look worse than the original games"
>they'll get released
You continue to have no strong feelings one way or another until/if it actually releases because spending your life obsessing negatively or positively over such a thing would be very silly. Possibly grumble now and then over useful Skywind armour assets for mashups you'd like.
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I only invest in Nord-owned businesses...

...because of the Kinship perk
i don't invest
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck how did my brain skip "never"
Just play the originals, they unironically take waaay less setup to be fun and have better mechanics
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Skyblivion , Skywind , Beyond Skyim..
None of this shit is ever releasing.
Beyond Skyrim being the worse offender here, since the discord is just a bunch of idea guys padding their resumes.
If Skyblivion releases next year it's going to be broken as fuck. I've seen the development videos, its clear the games nowhere near done
I'm not on any of those teams. Not into waifu faggotry and I think you're a weirdo if you're into Elders Scrolls lore. I only come here to share and receive mods and provide tech support for noobs. Some of the waifufags share them so they're alright.
That is a ritual post and unrelated to the recent silliness going on.
havent played much of it yet, seems fairly good quality though, but i fixed the crashing, i was just retarded and using an old version of the warband script extender
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I enjoy the open world, I enjoy the modding scene. I think TES is alright. It's the general itself that's taken a hard nosedive for some reason. Before it was just Bimbocel, now it's just a vast array of dumb fucks spamming all kinds of garbage.
>join general
>quality supposedly plummets
uh oh
what's the point of all this, though?
making cute child characters and having sex with sweaty barbarians
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Utter kino mod that I can't use because it calls for a buggy ass high heel mod as prerequisite. I really wish mod authors would stop trying to force people to use those stupid high heel mods.
Make yourself useful instead of being a fag. How many Ostim ports are there for those Sexlab loli animations? I only know of the Shota port for Ostim.
works on my machine
I don't know, I don't use Ostim, care about Ostim, or frankly give two fucks about Ostim.
There's also the "size difference OARE " animation pack.
You’re responding to the seething spambotter
why not just make an adult character and setscale
>works on my machine
Until it doesn't. If you Lazytools, then you can't use paraglider because they're incompatible. If you use the high heels mod instead, then your game is more prone to crashing (see all the comments where people are bitching about CTDs).
I sometimes get crashes but I'm pretty sure it's not due to high heels.
how is third person without mco?
just those replacement animations without combos?
different skin, different body preset, different voice, replacers for all the potatoes in game, not just a dwarf, etc.
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High heels sound mod is the greatest crime ever committed by humanity
I'm not sure why I was so convinced about Skyblivion releasing on March. I can't find anything that corroborates that date...

It's BS: Atmora all over again. I thought that had a release date for summer 2018 but clearly that did not happen. Do I just keep getting mandela effect'd?
Does anyone here like parallax as much as I do? (The answer is no)
I like heels sound and patch other outfits to use it...
>I really wish mod authors would stop trying to force people to use those stupid high heel mods.
I said the exact same thing last week. The heel bullshit is so wide spread in the outfit community. The heel mod they all link to is abandoned-ware and doesn't work on certain versions of Skyrim. When you complain you'll get faggots like this saying >>503552939 "it works on my machine".
>I'm not sure why I was so convinced about Skyblivion releasing on March.
Me too since this is the first I'm hearing of it. 2025 was the rough date given they didn't mention a month
just go play veilguard or something
skyrim aint for you it happens
>REQUIREMENT: RaceMenu High Heels (Height Fixes)
>Last updated 2019
Fucking retards making their armor rely on an abandoned mod.
This looks pretty good.
I have a distinct memory of them announcing March at one point...
Then again I also have a distinct memory of biting into a piece of dead coral and it tasting like chalk.
>I have a distinct memory of them announcing March at one point...
That was Fallout London I think and they clearly didn't meet that date due to the surprise Fallout 4 update
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>Fucking retards making their mods rely on an abandoned mod.
I meant March next year my bad
just remove the master and add a nistringextradata node to the bstrishape of the heels with the name SDTA and the string data "[{"name":"NPC","pos":[0, 0, 2]}]" and adjust the value to fit the height of the heel in nifskope
get these shitter babby modders outta here
left and it's not even close, the riften helmet is kino
what I'm seeing is you've had 5 years to fix it you whining little bitch
go play forspoken or something
i finished veilguard
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it is bedtime tesgee, scoop tite
post cheevers
.... kino ....
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Ah, GQ_Overhaul_Interior_2 that well known den of the undead
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What the hell is this?
>install animations
>crashing on startup
try reading the instructions properly when you install enb
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a symptom of your retardation
What animations.
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>he downloaded malware
Well, it was working fine before. Is this because I had Steam move Skyrim to a different hard drive?
there's one born every minute
no, it's because you have files from ENB that are meant to be removed or replaced, and they aren't being replaced
3 Ostim anims from last thread
Which ones?
format your drive and change all your passwords immediately
The Leito animation set. I got it fixed, just had to re-install SSE Engine Tweaks. Thankfully someone had mentioned the fix in the comments.
To this day, I still make the mistake of installing multiple mods at once.
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13 years after Skyrim, Avowed is worse in every way.
At this stage it's like Atlantean Tech. Nothing will ever defeat it which is quite sad, in a way.
>Avowed is worse in every way
It'll outperform Starfield
nice moss textures
I don't think Microsoft are that confident about it. They banned reviewers from recording character creation (top surgery scars)
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I went and copied the files from an old 0347 Skyrim ENB zip that I assume I used last time. The weird 6-legged rabbit things are gone now, so I guess that's good.
Understood. Can't let the hackers win.
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I love Ria!
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>he is unaware
Now the abyss is this.
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I am as well. C'est la vie.
Have some bu-TOX
none of those girls are virgins in the companions, they fuck like wild animals
Aela gets knotted daily
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Ah haaaa you see it's funny because he turned the word "train" into "trans", implying Trainwiz is a tranny. Oh ho ho ho, deviously funny
Now it's this.
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Your waifu is well protected, right anon?
Built for trolls
what did he mean by this?
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>be random knight in ESO DLC trailer
>be memed to oblivion due to 1v3ing "mascot" adventurers and generally being cool
>No Armor mod has even been made from him
Favourite mushroom lads? For me it's Namira's Rot.
I know, I join in.
>random knight
He's the main bad guy in that DLC
I got sucked into Lorerim by the hype but Requiem fucking sucks holy fuck. Why do so many modpacks have it? Do I really have to make my own from scratch just to avoid it?
>play as a puremage
>no hybrid class like spellswords nor using conjured weapons
>flesh spells and wards eat so much magicka that you dont have anything left for the offensive spells
>also, wards 'break' for some reason

no wonder people would rather play stealth archers and barbarians because fuck this shit
still tho, weird his armor hasn't gotten remade into skyrim
Now it's thi.s
those "pants" are literally built for brapping
Boom big twist: Now it's this.
they fuck wild animals*
And then it was this. I kinda liked having to dodge midair obstacles.
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But as it turns out it was this all along.
Just kidding it's ayelids again.
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This is NOT what I wanted to load into.
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