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Previous thread: >>503519059

Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —
Mirror Dungeon #5 - Mirror of the Dreaming

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —
Refraction Railway Line 5 - Merry Go Round

>Upcoming Event
The 5th Walpurgisnacht - Full-Stopped By A Bullet.

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.11.28 — 2024.12.12
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Sinclair
[HE] E.G.O Asymmetrical Inertia Heathcliff

>Current Extractions

2024.11.14 — 2024.11.28
[000] The Princess of La Manchaland Rodion
[HE] E.G.O - Fell Bullet Yi Sang

2024.11.14 — 2024.11.28
Target Extraction: [ Meursault ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
Her day is coming soon...
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sick op
Barber is cool as fuck
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>Erlking of the Wildhunt and The Manager of La Manchaland will duo together to fight the Gnome menace
Will anyone draw it when the Gnome event reruns?
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tamaki heasuclip time
maybe itll be done before the id is out
uhhhh bros?
Why is Dante naked?
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Imagine if she uses the gun as a stick again. Holy shit.
Someone draw this next drawpipi
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Medical examination
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I'm sure we will get some art.
Looking good, anon.
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I'm hoping they go all out with Rip Van Winkle tier animations on awakening and the Corrosion (If Seventh Bullet) makes her target herself like in the Angela realization battle.
>E.G.O animation starts
>it's just her knocking a whole bunch of people unconscious with the rifle's butt before firing it
>not even holding it like you'd expect it but instead she does that stupid one-handed firing animation with it
It'd be terrible. It would be atrocious. It would make me wish for Total Outis Death.
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>Angela Ballsack
Sounds familiar
It was nice, first run through it was Middle Don and Pequod Heathcliff (essentially two middle members) and now it will be two seasonal capstones.
>stupid one-handed firing animation with it
Fuck you that was cool.
thanks bwo
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Charon... Improved...
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Maybe for (You)... but that's uncivilized. You hold the rifle with both of your hands, not with one.
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>Saves Magic Bullet EGO.
I cant sleep limbabs

Demian help me
Sorry about your shitclair game
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*kneels on your ribs*
*smooches your cute blueboi tummy*
You're supposed to fire rifles with one hand so that you can accept the upgrade to TWO rifles at once far easier, dummy. It's anything but uncivilized.
Draw me one sheep
Draw me two sheep
Draw me three sheep
Draw me four... zzzzzzz
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Draw me a sheep
Demian is rapebait.
Why does Charon have a cock
Second ejaculation was able to handle a lot more edging before starting. Good amount of volume at a higher pressure. Still 100% could nut more
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Fuck sake, who summoned the blue people again
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She's hungry.
BREED Demian.
She doesnt have a cock; She is sucking on one.
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in her mouth?
That's what happens when you get picky about where those stolen chips came from.
Where's the part 2 where she swallows the whole thing?
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Sorry, anon. I found only this part.
Me on the right.
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Go pervert Xichun and leave Charon alone.
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director needs to release them already...
I want to see if he changes the gun designs a bit to actually look useable, mainly just stephans because its weird
and who even gets his id
and so i can see the finished art
and so i can have guns to use too in limbus more
and for heasuclip...
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Xichun is used by her family' members
>stephans because its weird
>and who even gets his id
Im pretty sure its only Hong and Heath for fullstop
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Hongers is already doing that
So, if MD rewards are getting nerfed, should I be farming crates right now?

I was saving modules for the new MD...
they'll have another sinner as stephan its just he wont be on banner for walpipi
unless of course director makes it a 00 and has it as an event reward but he'd have said so, so who knows
either way, ryoshu is mika in the molar outis world but didnt get an id, same with hook office being sinners, so stephan will be someone
Based STUPID poster. Stefan is not coming he even said it. Illiterate, blind, deaf, and STUPID.
Someone make a webm of the limbus family part right now, this was great
>thought she was wounded
>just censorship
it's a pve f2p game do what you want sis
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I can't believe the lie I made up about md rewards being nerfed is still spreading
I've been shitposting with it but I thought everyone knew it was fake
see >>503547462 you big stinker
this general is not very good vs misinformation
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Mon amour
sex with the blue sicko
personally, I'm a new player who is skipping every cutscene because I can always view it in the theatre later
when will director finally give him a gun...
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i'm ready for her...
Which one?
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I don't give a SHUCK about Full Stop right now.
Show me courierclair. I want to see if he's the savior rupture needs.
you need 50 more shards for uptie 4 bwo
and then another 50 to use it as a skin when thats released
and then 100 more for uptie 5
you are skipping for literally zero reason. I have no doubt you will never watch those cutscenes.
Erm, how are you gonna uptie 4 her?
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Turns out the pass ons are not saved in the theatre for some reason.
i'm new okay ;w;
>I have no doubt you will never watch those cutscenes.
extremely probable but I like to lie to myself and say I will later
Yes they are? Just watch the last cutscene of the Canto again
>Truth is... the count was rigged from the start.
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This is the Erlcliff they REALLY wanted to release, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
bros... how is KJH going to fund the anime when anons already have the resources for new content before it even releases...
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>no longer allowed to shard IDs
>shards are exclusively for uptying and converting to thread
You rike?
You should be doing them ASAP if you have the pass.
Otherwise, lol who cares
We will see if they are truly nerfed, cause if they are...
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Which sides would the Sinners pick in FNV
Where did her feet go
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<On my face.>
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Charon board. Charon thread. Charon life.
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Chud board. Chud thread. Chud life.
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are we posting charons?
The thread only belongs to the next sinner posted
>He doesn't know
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Oh potatoes
if you want some
oh just ask us
they're warm and soft
like puppies and socks
filled with cream and candy rocks

oh potatoes and molasses
they're so much sweeter than algebra class
if your stomach is grumblin'
and your mouth starts mumblin'
there's only one thing to keep your brain from crumblin'

oh potatoes and molasses
if you can't see em put on your glasses
they're shiny and large
like a fisherman's barge
you know you've eaten enough
when you start seein' stars

oh potatoes and molasses
its the only thing left on your task list
they're short and stout
they'll make everyone shout
for potatoes

for potatoes
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Can't wait to see more Arbiters in 6 years from now.
Zena and Binah are so pretty
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Yi Sang

>Mr. House
Hong Lu


Rodya Just to trigger Ulysses with that one dialogue
Dante he wears red
If Charon is so good why is there no Charon2
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i'm so excited for her to release
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>Don wanting a chance to ride in the background
You're alright, Limbab. Be patient, hope she's great and you can have fun with her.
Gluttony A-Resonance identity soon... Soon...
Imagine the double naizuri...
I don't play the game. Can any explain this meme to me please? Thanks.
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Faust has bigger tits than many fans thought which made people horny.
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the joke is people draw faust's boobs bigger than they actually are
they are standing in a line up in official art (you can see it in the top left). This character has big tits. Artists make them bigger. That is the meme.
Her boobs look big in new teaser art for an upcoming SoL story event.
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>than they actually are
The proof is right there. They're big. Bigger than you thought.
wow this art is horrible
This art is fucking HOT
Her tits are pressing into Yi Sang's back trying to lure him but Yi Sang is no way fagging her because he's friendpilled
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I think the artist is of reasonable quality but the jelly rolls and profuse sweat he depicts make all of his work look bad.
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gn /lcg/
when will he learn to draw humans and not ill-fitted flesh suit aliens...
Goodnight anon
It's a shame that Nellyshu died of L.S.D with the rest of the Manor.
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Goodnight, anon.
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Im going to be so fucking pissed once its revealed the kid is adopted
Goodnight anon
sleep well me
>Drifting Fox Sundays
Always my skip day for real.
I want to sleep, stop posting Charon ffs

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Can't wait to slooge my lunashy stash for warpurgisnacht, /lcg/ros
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just because you said that Im posting more
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one more lil wip since idk when thisll be done
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Characters for this feel?
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Nellyshu proves that Ryoshu WILL raise a badass if given a mother role; but that child will probably kill her.
Would Sancho be a good or bad mother?
How about Rodion?
Fau-haha no.
when's the next warpipi, it's gonna be my first one, can't wait
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No thank you, I won't accept offerings from people wearing blue. I learned my lesson last time.
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>moses and nutsack got married
The moses ritualposters thoughts on this?
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He's already said he's interested in moses the character, not the voice actress.
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He killed himself. It's over.
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a few threads ago, i noticed some monstergirl quest fags trying to overtake a thread here and make it about themselves.
this isnt the first time it happened either.
they keep doing it every week or two.
and the worst part is that they try to shill their overhyped porn game lol
Imagine sticking your dick inside Charon's bongy toy...
And be bitten? No thanks.
Sweet dreams.
Papa Bongy…
Don't reply to that.
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newbabs are cute
dangit sinclair you gotta stop doing these ridiculous things
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Literally never happened.
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Don... You aren't supposed to eat the Bongys raw...
i suppose your post is talking about me?
it literally did happen less than a day ago lol.
all started with a post that had a pic of luka saying something like "how far can he go in the city?"
and then que this stupid fag's attempt at trying to force the discussion of the general to change from PM to mgq.
its annoying me because i keep seeing it happen once in a while here.
Still making my way through LC
And yeah, I can already see why Project Moon was comfortable making a gacha as their third game
I'm sure I'll figure out the nuance eventually, but for the meantime, it's a gamble whether or not I get my agents killed investigating abnormals
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They should've used a better monstergirl game instead.
Sinclair, I know that we still have the entirety of Inferno to go before we see Demian's mother but you don't have to do that.
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/hgg/ is part of /lcg/ since first thread;
You can check the first thread here if you don't believe me.
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A tiny bit of discussion here and there != attempted takeover. You are vastly overexaggerating things.
What was the release schedule? Wednesday for mirror, another week for part two, then what? A week after for rail and then two weeks for Don?
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We LOVE luka here though.
He would fold to retard faust though
Your delivery has arrived
[You have received a voicemail]
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how do i get a charon gf?
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Glass an orphan.
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when will we get and ID or EGO with a big witch hat?
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I don't remember ordering this!
The city is too cringe for witches.
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That's all?.. Really?
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as much as you guys love to dick suck the director (especially with the recent war over the 1 week shard thingy)
let's be honest, his rule of (we can only release IDs that are as strong/stronger than the sinner's current powerlevels are) is dumb.
its literally retarded.
he's basically lowering the amount of ideas and concept he can use for IDs with every single season that passes.
last digit of my post is the sinner i rape in my dreams tonight
0 is sinclair
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Hey this is Sinclair from the Small Wenier Club, sorry to get back to you so late, I just finished reviewing your application and information you sent in. But I am sorry to say that I don't think I can allow you to join our group. From what I'm looking at, your weiner is massive. I mean the sheer girth and juiciness alone is ridiculous. It looks as if somebody glued a forearm to the bottom of your torso. You can probably stand on it like a tripod, and thats not even mentioning how fat your nuts are. But it does appear that you are going to have to take that ginormous schmeat somewhere else. But thank you for trying, and best of luck to you.
Rodya! The queen of the whores!
If everything in the City got a Fixer makeout you think Call Girl offices exist?
im dick sucking sinclair right now
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Alright, i'm done.
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I also got Zena enjoys doing taxes
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Pretty good.
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Almost certainly. Anything and everything can be bought and sold. Why should sex be an exception?
Hell, there may be a whole Wing for it.
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last one if I feel like it Ill put my folder in a catbox zip
Philip? My personal sex slave.
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wtf bros
<How dare he reject my application, rape correction is needed here.>
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You have to wait for the 2hu collab.
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What do you think the largest caliber Argalia could deflect was?
>married Don Quixote, knocked her up and had a child together
>slowly losing a favorable opinion of Don probably due to her becoming a bloodfiend/sanguophage and being fed on periodically
>I am now flirting with and being rejected by Rodion and Faust despite being in a happy, married relationship
I forget how real this can be sometimes, bros...
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Sinners for this particular feeling?
Can someone link me the artist who drew the big titty retarded OOC Dulcineas? One of the drawings has her with earphones
>Gregor watches My Little Pony.
>Yi Sang is tumblr famous.
>Heathcliff had an emo phase.
>Ryoshu speaks only in meme refrences.
Like Hell that headcanon
I doubt the director knows calibers that well, but the shell thats ejecting from stephan's gun looks like its close to a .357
but he'll probably sound standard ar rounds, so 5.56 is probably the highest
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all sinners because in the city ranged weapons are easily deflected. also source?
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>Hong Lu is in your house.
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>Arkbab EGO
>El Director straight up says he wants to make more money
Are there still anons who think we won't be getting Ensemble IDs/EGO because it wouldn't make sense lore wise?
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I'll demonstrate to its creator the canonicity of SANGRIA.
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Cute and canon
ah another primo isekaislop, i'll gladly read this for 15 chapters and then drop it.
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What the fuck bros... WE'RE the traitor...
It's been obvious since Leviathan that PM would eventually release clapbait IDs like Gebura, the Ensemble and Roland.
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Yeah, i can see that.
>Are there still anons who think we won't be getting Ensemble IDs/EGO because it wouldn't make sense lore wise?
EGO? Maybe. IDs? We'll be getting Argalia (pre-distortion) and MAYBE Elena (pre-distortion). Nothing else. Put this post in your own personal book of grudges if you want, you know I'm right.
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Yeah, he's obsessed with some made up girl he calls Cathy. Making her real is his goal in life.
I could see Church of Gears IDs easily. Or Musicians of Bremen.
hgg has been an old ally of pm before lcg even existed
NEED a Dante whorewife...
Oh checked the Twitter, glad Don is coming how sooner but how is the railway so far away?
heathcliff getting the tamaki id actually makes sense
if theres anyone who'd be a sniper it'd be heathcliff, his gut feeling helps him with leading targets and knowing where they'll go
of course also brown so theres that too
But enough about Black Souls
If the new Don isn't amazing I'm not giving director any anime money
But tamaki is nuclear fallout dark grey
Sinners for this approximate feeling?
>Binahfag artist removes their alt account, saying they want to tone down on the lewds from now on
>Now they just post lewds on their main, and it's getting increasingly more lewd
>Newest one is Dulcinea Binah getting her tit sucked by Ayin
Ishmael fears this
the one that draws her with huge tits? that's based
>having reason
>having limits
>having a shred of morality
which binahfag artist?
The one >>503557490 mentioned
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Don's weakest soldier, I kneel
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stick arms lmoa
get scrubbing the deck
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C'mon...please...I don't want to have to wade through all that art....
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Love me wife Outis!
Tell her, Ahab!
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that is a woman
I thought you knew who it was
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so uhhh what's the event for the new walpurgis going to be? what are we fighting?
its boy heath
How about YOU play that game if you're so fucking tough, manager
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ch 4.48 spoilers
erm... wtf just happened
I was dominating him, winning every clash
What did I do wrong?
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Non-shitmael associated post:
Read you retard.
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it's alright we all have literacy issues sometimes
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Get my wife's gender correctly.
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Either we get some book abno again, or we get some pseudo reception copy, and we have to take down the leader, while a blue streak keeps blocking our bullets.
red and wolf, unless they added their special status effect just for funsies
both are faggots
It's not his fault the CGs show her with a man chin.
Actually, the ones who found the status later realized that was in the files since day 1, they just thought it was new, so it's not red and wolf.
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>ch 4.48
>then.. ???
Probably Red Hood and/or Wolf given the statuses found in the files? I dunno what else it could be, what director said about the EGO points to Freischütz (and using what little precedent we have EGO usually corresponds to what we fight), but he didn't get a proper fight in Ruina and there's no fucking way we're getting anything pertaining to Angela or Roland yet so the Realizations are off the table.
Forced ooc meme
I zee, then the only assumption we have is Der, they'll have to make something new if they decided on him.
People say Dongbaek is the reading check but shit like this happens
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Thanks guys, I pressed winrate 2 more times and my guys got freed, then hit winrate another time and won
when I saw this image it reminded me of some of my highschool classmates. It's kinda weird how frail girl's arms look when they're on the thinner side of average because women have no muscle.
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<You know why.>
It does it's job well enough. There are still newbabs being filtered by Dongbaek right now.
Any good games recs for blind people?
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Sinners for this feel?
It's called "Full-Stopped by a Bullet" and ammunition seems to be the theme, additionally we are getting a Der Freischutz EGO. Last time we fought Fairy Festival and got a Fairy Festival EGO, so we are going to fight Der Freischutz.
Which kind of blind
Does Charon count?
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It's also an outright lie because the order of ID releases on a powerlevel basis has been fucked up from the start
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>metal diaper
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Schutz doesn't breach or control employees though. And we don't have Angela to sync with him since there's zero fucking chance we're gonna pop into The Library during that moment
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I still can't winrate through the newest dungeon, my sinking team still isn't enough. Should restart and build a bleed or rupture team to handle it or would it be best to build a team of unga bunga guys that can easily tie into building to fluidsac faust spam?
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Low sanity Ish is cute
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fairy festival doesn't breach or control employees either
Bleed will literally actively brick you
Having EGO resources and being generically good is the winning strategy
But it had a proper fight in Ruina which Der Shooty doesn't
Yes but we had the LoR fight to go off of
Schutz only shows up with Angela so we never actually fight him
They'll give us a proper Schutz fight, then. It's going to happen.
Canto 6 is my favorite so far. I’m a sucker of edge and angst. The Erlking was really cool.
Heathcliff has the best Sarajinae and it's not even close.

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true but I imagine they'll just take the liberty of making him a proper fight this time. I can't imagine what else they would do given the EGO is Freischutz
Outis will steal the Yujin ID from Ryoshu
It will be mid
check my 4.
These posts? Mine.
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why does he need 2 ammo IDs AND a gun EGO?
m guessing you are a newbab, share your team, basically any team at level 45 can winrate through MDh until floor 5, maybe 4 depending on what buffs you picked for the enemy
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Nice try youngster, watch this 4 that confirms the shi intervallo before canto 9.
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It's obviously going to Ryoshu and your weak-ass rolls aren't changing that.
oh thank god.
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>Yi Sang has fallen asleep at their desk while working in the middle of the night.
Indeed, I can recall many a moon when this was the case.
>Faust can drive.
Intuiting the mechanics of Mephistopheles' operation is only natural for its creator.
>Don Quixote always has half of a watermelon on them.
Prithee, I inquire, how did thou know? A most appetizing color of the flesh, is it not?
>Ryoshu can kill you in an instant and will.
>If Meursault was presented with an intergalactic portal, they would enter it without question.
Is that a statement of confidence or new protocol for a future occurrence? Please clarify.
>Hong Lu tackles and wrestles people to show affection.
Surprise attacks were a part of my childhood training after all~
>Heathcliff was forced to eat cement as a child.
Hindley was a right cruel bastard.
>If the source media was a musical, Ishmael would be the one character that asks why everyone is singing.
It's only natural when bursting out into song for every conversation looks so ridiculous...
>Rodion can kill you in an instant if deserved.
Hah! Only if you deserved it. Seriously.
>Sinclair is a cry baby.
Outis will remind others in the midst of chaos how good *they're* being.
Informing the Executive Manager of my performance under stress simply allows them to make the right choice for our next engagement. Not that I believe the Executive Manager would make the wrong choice, mind you.
>Gregor can't make the voices go away.
We all have our battles.
Dogrector said "Bullet based EGO" only, so there's the chance that despite the outline 100% being Frei we get baited somehow
We're getting Yujin Don, actually
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why does Ryoshu need THREE (3) different variations of red eyes in both ID and EGO?
Actually it will be sinclair and you will rage.
but we already have Shi Don?
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>>Gregor can't make the voices go away.
>We all have our battles.
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Hole-In-The-ManGODS... our time... it's coming...
Because she sneeded and feeded and gave birth to a child.
Do you want Direttore to give her a Red Eyes WAW?
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Dulcinea what the fuck are you reading there?
is there something else that fits the description of "bullet based EGO" in relation to lob corp abnos? we had solemn lament last time

It's going to be ironic when they reveal its not even her biological kid
1stKindredx2ndKindred Incest Family Drama
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Yeah, great at getting 'em killed! *laugh track*
Because El Director needed to make the point very, very, VERY obvious for even the most illiterate.
because she was nakadashi'd.
Her WOMB was filled with white sticky stuff
she was CREAMPIED by a MAN
She won the quixotebowl
The only other gun-based Abnormality I can think of from Ruina would have to be Red Hood.
That man? me
Was the point that she eats people?
Makes sense, only your shit genes could actaully be threatened by Burn damage.
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I've only done each character once and it's actually insane how accurate this generator is right now, I'm scared.
ANyone has the sancho raping dante greentext?
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Unfortunately, I am not a newbab but a retard. Tell me if I need to uptie anyone/buff to take.
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I don't get it
It is NEVER ever happening but I do hope Ryoshu’s kid is an actual child of hers she brought into this world, instead of doing an adopted daughter copout
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who would even put baby batter in her? a finger member or a shi member?
doesnt exist
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>tingtang chunguscliff
Terrible stuff.
A Yamashita Kazuo-tier salaryman who was originally meant to be one of her many canvases.
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It was me Yi Sang, I was behind that.

Okay last one I swear.
I need to change it but I don't have any better pictures of heath by himself
That she was a mama.
And eating people, yes.
I'm going to use this as an excuse to post this image, then.
Make good use of it, anon.
what about yi sang and gregor? gregor's fine i'd saybut yi sang was also incredibly lazy
It kind of bothers me we don't have any dialogue sprites of most Sinners where they're not holding their weapons.
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You could use this one that I have. Mind you, I've got a few others if this one doesn't work for you.
thats tiquie crew NOT tingtang
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>rating:general audiences
>tags:sfw, OOC, platonic, Fluff and Angst, Attempt at Humor, Angst with a Happy Ending, tea party
>characters:don quixote, sancho, dulcina, the priest and the barber(minor appearance)
>Summary: dulcina invites don and sancho to a tea party, through which after a fight, they make up and become a happy family, forever and ever
Right, right. TieQiu.
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>A Yamashita Kazuo-tier salaryman who was originally meant to be one of her many canvases.
fuck that's cute
Based lorekeeper
I remember seeing it before when MoWE came out along with the sancho reveal. Do you at least have the don rape greentext?
What are the core egos I need to start doing hard stuff like Railway?
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Would it be wrong to give her sword a sibling fellas?
Literally just fluid sack
You can do RR just fine with base ego and a healer
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Also the seasonal capstone AoE E.G.Os like sunshower, blind obsession e.t.c but mostly milk.
Okay so imagine if there was a Project Moon TTRPG, now imagine if there were several Monster Manual-like manuals that feature lore, designs and stats in autistic details of the various factions in the city:
Would you rather get one about
>Syndicates (Fingers and subsidiaries)
>Wings (Excl.A, B and C corp)
I cleared masquerade as a fellow newfren with just fluid sac at uptie 3.
you only really need some healing EGO, fluid sac is best because it also heals SP
This particular RR also really favors AOE, if you don't have binds heathcliff or other strong AoE ego just borrow a sinner from a friend
You will not have them
Reading this made me sad.
Do we still have any lore on what Eight Association does? We know that the sailors of the Great Lake are fixers that are beneath the Eight umbrellla but do we know what the Association itself does?
I'll get one for the Associations. Might as well work our way into becoming a high-grader under one of them.
There's a lot of speculation as to what they do, but generally speaking; They seem to be based around exploration of any kind if we go by the fact that Ahab was out there in the Lake.
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Arknights released an actual mother(yes biological) and she's one of the most popular characters it has gotten recently, the amount of art she has gotten is insane. If Ligma fucking does a copout on it I'll never let the fucking director live through it, every single one of her core fans already sees her as one and want it to happen.
>not to (You)
What's even the point
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Thank you everyone for coming, will be posting pictures later from the meetup and the afterparty!
I will redraw a Sinner/PM character as a kid in this costume. Who would you like to see?
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What if since they don't like making 00 IDs, they made pages that can be applied to every sinner
They make like seven or eight attacks and each sinner gets a mix and match of 3 of them, kind of like how Shi Ish and Shi Heath share Flying Sword and Flashing Strike
Each of the attacks are up to 3-4 coins max as each could be an S3, and its rank and how the skills work determine how many coins they have, like a Sinner might get an S1 that's 2 coins, another might just get a singlecoin S1 that's the last coin of the combo, another might get that same skill as an S3 with all three coins
Please tell me you got a picture of the director's face.
fat heathcliff
The regular 00s has been replaced by egos in banner, not only are they easier to make an entire id(even if its a 00), they cost the same as a 000. This situation is a win-win for them. It's not that they don't ''like'' making 00s, they just found a better way to make money.
"Mark" here, it was a great time and that merch wall was even better live than in pictures, cheers!
in banners*
make than an*
im eepy
who the fuck replaced the tylenol with MDMA
i came to with my hand on the bare ass of the soup sinclair cosplayer and snapped out of it like a fucking witch's curse
Sancho please
You gotta get a grip, man
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The sequel to my lewd Ishmael uptie story, featuring Ryoshu (and guest starring Sinclair and Ishy), is complete. I didn't make an identity kit this time because I burned out but I might update it with it if the inspiration strikes.
I hope it is to your enjoyment:
Okay but one question

why was Angela indestructible? Like she was just a robot, why was she literally unkillable in Ruina?
Bitch stole almost half of the light, the thing that's now giving almost everyone in the city access to chuuni anime powers. And she directly consumed it, think about how strong that made her.
She's only indestructible *in* the library though
i dont recall anyone even trying to kill her honestly, usually it was one smack to the noggin and thats it
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>Pregnancy, Hyperpregnancy, Human Cattle, Lactation, Milking, Milking Machine, Mindbreak, Degradation, Humiliation, Bondage, Fucking Machines, Intercourse With Machinery, 24/7 BDSM, Drug Use, Aphrodisiacs, Femdom, Forced Breastfeeding, Small Penis Humilliation, Cock And Ball Torture, Forced Feminization, Male Lactation, Intubation, Catheterization, Urination/Watersports, Armpit-Licking, Excessive Cum.
Alright I'll give it a read I guess
>Small Penis Humilliation, Cock And Ball Torture, Forced Feminization, Male Lactation, Intubation, Catheterization, Urination/Watersports, Armpit-Licking, Excessive Cum.

Sinclair, no...
Literally the entire plot of the Hana chapter is them trying to get around the fact they can't just physically kill her so they're gonna put her into a one billion year coma
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Ah, me forgot then carry on
now I remember lol& stepping in after olivier hits her with it to tell him to knock it off
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was it just me or did anyone else think the HE abnos were kinda lack luster when playing through Lobcorp?

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