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Another 5 fucking back ups edition

Previous thread:>>503382415

>Official site

>Fan created content (custom skins, weapon sights, sounds and localizations)

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on AAM's, AGM's and radars

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Sale/Event calendar

>Devblog/update when?

>Content creator decal and discount datasheet

>Someone sending you runes?

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/tNnkNOtpb3Y?si=JYt8GvkiinjfiYxJ

Reminder: They published a trailer some weeks ago and I think it was kinda cool
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
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piece of shit game
what are you gonna be playing during the air marathon
i think i'm gonna play the finnish draken
and maybe spade one of the su7
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Probably going to spade the F-15E and Su-34. Right now I'm goofing off and shooting down planes with anti-tank missiles with the Su-24. 1xKh29, 4xKh25. I can get two more launches if I replace two of the Kh25s with the double rack of S-25LD's, but I feel like the S-25LD's don't have enough range.
spade the F-15A then F-16C to get the F-15E
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I like watching them pop flares
i bought J7D last sales so I might be gridning chink air
spading rank III/IV of one of the like 4 different trees i have purchased but never played
I think i've decided on the VKB throttle over winwing and virpil. Just waiting on the black friday sale to go live.
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It's just 35k, premiums depending whatever dailies are on the menu to rack up some SL before Christmas and then i still got some bong and germ rank IVs to spade. Possibly B7A2H23 and the frog 'Diver maybe for that bomber streak challenge.
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The Gripen should be buffed
fuck my stupid chud vautour ass
kill all shilltubers when? whoever shilled using R3Rs on migger players deserves to hang
When will anegrican planes get their 8G limiter?
I've said it before and I'll say it again the only good WT tubers are Malzi and the guy that does the shorts for the official channel.
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>Task starts with "Win..."
none of these are relevant to the game in any way, shape or form
G-limiters are
>my artificial gimping is relevant but yours isn't btw
anegrican planes should be hard locked at 8G
yes because soviet planes are artificially gimped so if gayjin doesn't intend to fix them they should artificially gimp mutt planes too to level the playing field
gayviet shitkites aren't artificially gimped, they're plain dog shit irl
anegrican shitkites are artificially buffed to compensate for lack of skill
Frogods simply can't stop winning
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>literally dump their speed twice as fast while pulling half the AoA and underperforming by several seconds in a sustained turn
>"they le fine, they bad irl"
chaff removed from the f8u and mig 21 when?
>russians are retarded enough to make a 40 ton plane
>surprised when it can't turn and shits out all its speed at the slightest turn
vehicles I don't like nerfed and vehicles I do like buffed when?
I blame the Ukrainian war. The amount of partisan shitflinging went off the fucking charts and if you believe the memesters you'd think that they're all too dumb to build a fucking biplane.
>literally dump their speed twice as fast while pulling half the AoA and underperforming by several seconds in a sustained turn
proofs not supplied, of course
>completely ignores all the evidence and goes back to square one
We'll work something out soon
The evidence is the Su27SK's flight manual dipshit
>completely ignores all the evidence
which you refuse to supply, of course
>doesn't post proofs from it supplied with ingame tests
>keeps bringing up irlshit as if it supports xis point
curious how rusmutts are completely silent on the absolutely hilarious overperformance of the Su-34 FM
so overperforming it still gets raped by gen 3s
it can pull like 170degrees AoA, complete nonsense
Shut up muttiez brownoid xoxol, that doesn't fit my narrative!!!!!
>Look mom, the russian plane can do a flip and crash
>t. posted from my F-15E at mach 2 in a 9G turn.
>morbidly obese frontline bomber is a better dogfighter (it's still dogshit) than some of the most formidable aerodynamically refined pure-bred dogfighters prior to the advent of thrust vectoring because... it has le canards
as if you needed any more evidence gayjin pull FMs out of their fucking ass
>do suicide maneuver
Why are F-84 pilots either smart as hell or extremely retarded furball rushers? I've never met a mediocre player in one of them. It's always someone who bleeds all their energy trying to turnfight me or I get boom and zoomed to death
>t. posted from my F-15E at mach 2 in a 9G turn.
already been nerfed, quit the crying
>nooooooo my ubergigahandheld direct upgrade to the already best gigahandheld best jet in the game is only better by 250% instead of 300% literally unplayable angerica safers russian bias!!!!!
No mediocre pilot will stay in it longer than they need to, no new guy getting used to the plane and trying to spade it/research the next thing will do good in it or fly in a way that doesn't consistently maximize RP, and no man who has it all but still wishes to pilot that will do badly in it after deciding it's time to put in some effort.
you were the one crying about it retard
>it was real in my mind
As an Me 262 retard the one thing I can do really well against them is rolling scissor then hit the delete buttons when they inevitably bleed all their energy trying to turn back towards me. But there are the few that keep zooming at 1000 kmh then circle around when I least expect it and I can't fucking catch them
>rans out of "arguments"
>goes back to "okay boogeyman"
mutts, everyone
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Are we having an "act pathetic" contest?
I think it's the old
>I was just pretending to be retarded
see >>503572736
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I enjoy flying the F-89 :)
>schizo keeps doubling down on made up delusions
When are we not? Too many autists without sense or manners that haven't been rotated out create situations like this.
>it just keeps going
So do I, but I enjoy flying the head on one even more.
I know these threads are filled with try hard 12 year olds, but how do you manage to be so inhumanly retarded on top of that?
>ANOTHER boogeyman out of nowhere
real schizo hours
being a schizo tends to come with a fried brain
terrific posts, /wtg/
talk to you later
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I wish they'd get over their fear of the AIM-4 so we can have the wacky F-89 with missiles and rockets
>KEEPS doubling down
>no u
>wasting your breath on the mentally ill
>s-stop doing what im doing but better
>admits to "no u"ing
Epic fail
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I agree!!!
I'll talk to Anton and make it happen, along with the 30mm F-89 and an AIR-2 event.
>mentally ill schizoid gets called out
>that makes whoever called him out his boogeyman (omnipotent and online 24/7/365, of course)
You at least understand you're proving his point, right?
ok boogeyman
whatever you say boogeyman
R-3Rs are irrelevant past 9.3 aka the premium Mig-21S
you are wasting hardpoints if you use them on the SMT since at that BR everyone has chaff
The 21Bis is far more consistent with the R13M1s and R-60Ms (6x missiles total)
>pretending to be someone else now after I stopped feeding it attention for 5 seconds
holy mother of grim
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While you're at it talk to him about the 102 and 106
it literally flies worse than the Su-27 which already flies like a Mig-21 with two big engines
I'm going to push for so many century series shit we'll end up with things that didn't even exist. Expect an event Convair Model 200 VTOL soon.
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Responding to posts without actually responding to them is such womanly behavior. It's unreal.
just schizo things
Reading is a female trait negroes, stop arguing over shit nobody cares about and go play the game.
it's because kommyhuct is FtM trans
>kill su-27nigger
>he's flatspinning
>suddenly shits out an 0 energy R-73 that accelerates from literally falling from the air to mach 2 in the span of 3 seconds
>perfectly tracks me despite dumping half my flares
>kommyhuct - mishacord
>z nimble z - burgercord
so it was just two schizos duking it out?
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>want to play
>fire up game and play for 5 minutes
>realize it would take like 2 months of grinding to get the vehicle i actually want to play
>exit game
i think ive lost the will to grind. I've played games like this like WoT, WoWS and WT for 10 years and I cant summon the willpower to sit down for an hour to grind anymore. I've lost the sauce
>>z nimble z
happens from time to time
doesn't help that gamemodes haven't changed in a whole decade
just take a break til next event
Just play some 7.0 until an event or something comes along to get it back.
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THE pidor/monke/BBCspammer and a plebbitor to boot.
I tried to snap my wings in a spitfire but nothing happened while sitting at "extreme overload" for twenty seconds
what did they mean by this?
some redditor people where chimping about like 5 threads ago and posting screenshots of, like they are doing with cummy hut right now
That's just plain fucking grim.
>this completely unrelated redditshitter is totally this another anonymous poster because... because I say so!
>and a plebbitor to boot.
What's wrong with that, YOU are also a redditor kommyhuct
Z nigble Z literally has never posted about the burgerc*rd
take your meds
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>xers shitting up of the thread with low-quality spam for weeks is brought up
>INSTANT u/Z_Nimble_Z damage control
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LMAO, is this some burgercord meme? i dont think russians are obsessed with BBC to write about it right?
I should've become a janny when I still had the chance
we get it fikatsiya latrova, no need to tell your burgerc*rd friends to spam pizza once again just because you got exposed
>the FOURTH boogeyman out of nowhere
who are some hidden gem boogeymen?
Z Nigble Z is the most obvious burgerc*rd falseflag and you have to be blind to not fucking see it
kek he cried to jannies again
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I'll agree with just playing some lower tier games for fun from time to time. I got that goofy T55E1 in the battle pass and playing it has been some of the most actual fun I've had in months. I've got a few nations at 9.3 now and yes, the grind is pretty wild even with premium. It's not even the "grind" itself but the fact it takes weeks to even get a lineup. I'm working with like 2 vehicles because almost all of my older stuff is just completely outclassed. I straight up quit grinding USA ground outside of the moon rover I mentioned because I'm in that desolate wasteland that is 7.0-wherever the fuck it gets good again.
kommyhuct just called me on discord crying
based jannies taking out schizo spam
>early morning schizo diagnosis
>peak late night /wtg/ schizokino
I am now sure WT causes mental degeneration and irreversible brain damage
That guy that whined about the economy here and on reddit and was retarded enough to type Sherlock Syndrome instead of Stockholm Syndrome

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