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Naughty list edition


>Launch Trailer
>Official full OST

>Regarding Final Omega Strikers Updates

>Steam page

>Check rank, stats, and match history by username here:

>Mega dump of emotes, models, etc.

>Latest Balance Patch

>/omg/ Cup tournament archives

>/omg/ Aggie archive

>Finii birthday drawparty

>Previous 0-3 match
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first for poono
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>new update
>dead thread
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Ody need to drop another Announcement ASAP to save /omg/ and OS.
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Why did (You) let the thread die?
Was jerkin' off
>our first dead thread
Nyo... at least it took 13 months since THE ANNOUNCEMENT
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oh shit
doubt he’d want me, but if you want to complete the love triangle wink wink nudge nudge :3
Use discord for gay flirting please
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tragedy strikes /omg/ twice...
I was asleep
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Niggas would post about OS exclusively on erpcord but then go here to have gay sex.
people need to wageslave, mkay?
50 levels as rasmus, like finii
what is it you know?
Tyrk rasmus skin is out today if you wanna hop on
don’t wanna exhaust you tho so if you wanna drop out drop out
shut the fuck up gay faggots
would rather have the general die than read this shit. holy shit shut the fuck up.
no, bitch. gtfo with this shit.
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Aesop, please ban worm and all his alts from the game so he can leave this place and go back to /trash/ for erp
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OH MY GOD shutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutup SHUT THE FUCK UP
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they got killed
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based mods thank you.
>post count literally halved
fucking faggots I swear
If it does, there's always /vm/.
>>post count literally halved
And number of posters with it.
Yeah? Banned? I don't think that will stop me. Never has. I ran /afgg/ once after all.

J. I will never learn my lesson. Now get out of my general.
Yeah? Banned? I don't think that will stop me. Never has. I ran /afgg/ once after all. Try all you want Mods and Janitors.

J. I will never learn my lesson. Now get out of my general.
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Get out of my General and play those trash games you prefer instead. Only patrician taste resides here. Go. Away. I can't give you a hint. I'll be blunt. Scram.

Caught your Discord message as well. So you instead bring "drama" on my front lines instead. Great reasoning.
>plat peak after 200+ games
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Lastly. You're miserable because you're used as a TOOL. You let your Family abuse and use you. You let me do the same dating. Stand up for yourself for once. And I just gave you the push. You're a pushover. Again. Why I called you puppy.

Mhm. Solo-Qim
Burned house. Stolen money. Stand up for once. Even when supported to leave me, you didn't listen.

Now fuck off. Noble-Born, Out.

Mhm. Solo-queing will do that to a man your point? Raging about retard randoms seems to be a common topic here.
Did you strike enough this year?
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I unfortunately got pretty busy and the only times I was really free was during dead hours
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I'm sorry bwos.
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couldnt you two have had this gay melty last thread and then at least it wouldnt have died
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why are there like 20 deleted posts? what happened?
i dont know but it seems to be acaz wormboy and the third of a love triangle going off
this isnt "your" general all three of you can shut the fuck up
mako cage...
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I'm going to bed now, I wonder what presents sonii (aesop) will put under our trees tomorrow.
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The graph is going downwards. We need more EU customs, bros...
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You did better than me
Yeah I'm thinking it's the X kissing emote today.
Can't believe Worm got his own exclusive emote.
Oh.. I don't want to kiss X
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Played this game quite a lot this year. Except in the summer when the devs were too regarded putting in both Inky and Ahten at the same time
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old ass webm that I was too lazy to post before
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It took me months to realize that these bumps exist. they blend in with the purple gunk.
The absolute state of /omg/
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>eyesight diffed
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>deleted posts
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what a harrowing match
pulled off the reverse sweep after losing the first two sets 2-3 2-3
took two entire sets for my teammates to finally figure out how to coordinate and position
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5/6 EU
EU custies!
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did you guys tell ody why they failed, where and how?
the game wasn't friendly to casuals
Is it just me, or is it by the same artist as the plink?
>they couldn't get plink to NOT kill switch players so they changed the emote
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hmm I don't have the plink gif for whatever reason
but it's by this guy
I guess Ody are preparing cross-game social features.
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>you can see your friends playing OTHER GAME
just stopping by to confirm, loved Omega strikers but the other game looks like crap, people here that think different/was there a beta test or something?
Byte Breakers? There was beta and it was shit but also I hate fighting games and it was really fucking raw and I had 200 ping.
I guess the consensus is that nobody gives a shit about battle royale and people who are going to play it are mostly interested in 1v1's.
Yeah that sounds about right. Fukn shame I liked this games designs and vibe a lot, seems like such a strange pivot.
it wasn't a beta, or even an alpha, it was a prototype to see if the game concept would work (it did not)
the consensus seems to have been the characters and animations were good, the gameplay and particular the map was not good
it's for if you link your discord, it shares your discord friends list
just a prototype test to gauge interest
honestly I kind of liked it but the balance between battle royale and 1v1 wasn't really there
there is another prototype in development for some kind of pvpve shooter, maybe some sort of extraction based objective but nobody knows about it or if they will continue with byte breakers
What would you say is the most common basic problem a lot of players have?
I keep getting people who don't seem to either know to pass or are unable to recognize a good one.
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Lack of patience or coolness in general. Due the lack of patience, many will lose a strikewar, or move away from the good positioning and then suffer more drastic consequences, that may result in a failed attack or even worse - lost match. Additionally lack of cool also plays huge factor. I myself noticed that if others start to flame one another and not try to be positive or keep cool head, then it will slowly crumbles more and more into chaos and misery
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I eepy.
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Juno is not fat.
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>very good game concept that failed
>battle royale!
>pvpve shooter!
>extraction based objective!
they're trend-chasing. this isn't a good sign
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most new/bad players don't think at all about what their next step is, where the ball would be going, anything beyond the immediate gamestate
this is why they core-chase, why their passes are garbage, why they're never in a position to take advantage of a play
don't pass to where your teammate is, pass to where he WILL be in about half a second. pass to where your teammate would be able to make a play once he receives the pass.
don't toss out abilities on cooldown just 'cause. time your abilities to stun the enemy right as they move up to meet the ball.
did you see the goalie use an ability? you now have a 8 to 16 second window to pressure them again. try to keep that timer in your head. if you keep up the pressure right as the ability comes off cooldown **there is a very high probability** they'll use the ability immediately to try to relieve some of the pressure. and because you can guess at that, you can set it up such that you can bait the ability out and immediately counter-punish it
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When did Ody mention it being extractionslop or pvpve? There was a job posting for a 1st person game level designer, I don't remember it stating anything else about the genre.
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battle royales are almost ten years old now, just a little past a "trend" I'd say
someone who was in the prototype said so, but that was like four months ago before the byte breakers prototype test even happened
I don't really know anything more than that and obviously it's subject to change
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Well, into the trash it goes than. Too bad we aren't getting any good game with OS characters in the foreseeable future or maybe even ever again.
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Why does Kazan get the same stunlock on his *basic ability* that Juliette/Zentaro get on their *ultimate ability*?
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Well, Kazan doesn't have an ult so uhhhh let's give him an ult with primary cooldown.
the players in queue are much better today than usual
they actually understand passes
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Yup, puckered X today for sure.
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I want to lick her sweaty armpits
Go buff!!
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s-saving the best for last
waited 900 seconds to forget what I wanted to say... go strike?
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>puckered X
>KO 50 people as X
>not 50 KOs
>50 people
>between all matches so if you get a rematch it doesn't count
Ody will finally ban smurfing to stop people from farming a funny jpeg.
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Honestly smurfing/multiboxing/playing on multiple accounts in general being bannable should be the norm.
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are you the new anon from the other day or do we have yet another friend to be collected
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>aesop JUST raised the friend cap
COLLECTORS eatin good
Why is Juli punching Asher in the titty?
The Omega Strike
he didn't raise the friend cap. the number is your combined os and discord friends if you linked accounts.
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Goodnight /omg/, please be here when I wake up.
we need a skibidi kai skin
Juno is the skibidi striker >>506593481
yes but the friend cap update came after the discord update, it's real
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How about we recruit more corestrikers so I can test the friend cap.
I wonder what the game would look like if you matched a random team of december 2024 players against may 2023 players
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grats bro
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where Aimi, Octavia, Finii, Nao, Juno and Luna?
why do people completely forget how to pass on gates of obscura
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>knock up Asher and Estelle
I'm 100% certain I've seen a version of that
>with enough firepower you can even refire a dying star
meme with Asher in the middle of all the fertility and lactation drugs
Yeah I'm feeling the Nao skin today.
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Asher is in her early 20s!
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EU customs
Perfect time to become a mother!
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Hey kapitan you should add me so we can complete this together and I can see you in a slutty christmas outfit haha
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Legally required to share ranked matches!
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might improve this later on... im sleep now
>picks unsloppable
cute that you think you earned your rank or something
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Sounds like you need a new mattress then
and maybe someone to hold you during these cold winter nights so you can sleep in a normal position and not break your back uwu
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These cold winter nights are pretty hot indoors.
Got a bronze player that actually belonged in bronze. I didn't' think they were real.
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could make them hotter, nonny
small world huh
acaz my sweet prince you forgot to add me on omega strikers so we can grind that skin for you
bro is in his
>i can't do anything right
>i'll ruin every relationship i ever have
saga. he'll get over it in a week tops if he hasn't already. he's co-dependent.
I mean thats just me all the time. I ruined it the first time around and I alienated almost everyone else in this general. We can be failures together until he realizes he isnt
Plus i need someone to duo with to get the rewards done since tyrk is playing other gameTM. I must have them all and use none of them
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just played with a only-strike-righter
I thought these people went extinct when riot killed mobile OS
A first person video game? It'd never work!
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there are some things, but not many, more satisfying than KOing with an Ai.Mi pounce
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I just noticed this. Heh
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I was wondering what killed him that match, nice dorito
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Go stink!!
watching it again that is the most random zentaro ult I have ever seen
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I will make sure to pick better awakenings next time, now let's kiss bby girl <3
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>come across great coom artist
>his xitter header is Omega Strikers logo
>zero Omega Strikers art
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Id better not catch you picking that cancer awakening again...baby <3
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is the gay back?
Never left
/omg/ is gay forever
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Nothing wrong with picking Unstoppable against rando scum in norms/comp. All of them are dishonorable niggers and would not hesitate to just pick it themselves, so it's okay to cheat against them. Picking Unstoppable in custies is peak nigger behavior though on par with playing Kazan or erping in the thread.
it looks like he was using it to dodge the rasmus who he might've thought was moving to press him
that he ults directly in front of the gate gives that a little bit of support -- he thought he would be safe from KO by being pushed into the gate
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nice work /pet
by the way is discord account of omega tributes still active?
>had a dream (nightmare) the thread died again
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gates of obscura is easily the worst map and I don't think it's remotely close
> half the playerbase completely forgets how to pass on this map and just spams clears into the gates
> if the ball gets into the Corner of Death it's a guaranteed barrier
> without barriers goalies are actually *at advantage* since the gates force forwards to have to cover both sides of the field or else it's just trivially cleared far far away from them
this is exactly what the whiners think Demon Dais is
and for some reason it's the map that comes up the most in the queue along with Atlas's Lab, I can't remember the last time I played on Night Market
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not the last emote! puckeredbros!
>level up 50 fucking times, requiring at minimum 6 games
>use an emote 3 times
Skin reward vs emote reward dumbass
Also you can just grind the levels in a solo custom game so it takes 10 minutes at most
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Don’t even compare me with playing kazan. If i ever did anything as bad as playing that nigger id hang myself
Also Acaz’s fault for not allowing me to friend him. Miss my prince as of late and it’s making me emotional and cringe
literally impossible
Omega gay kissu kissu
>Playing Kazan
Virtual gay sex.
>erpin in the thread
Virtual gay sex.
homosexual lovemaking isn’t gay
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How do you create a striker with an infinite scaling speed boost and at no stage during the creation of this striker say to yourself “this might be an incredibly stupid idea”?
How stupid are you people?
congrats on making a gimmick striker with a retarded gimmick that is neither fair nor balanced. one so shit the only people that actually like it are the unhinged twitter autists that make an entire account dedicated to one character that they like platonically and don’t even jerk off to.
good job. truly commit suicide. you’re too creative for your own good. yeah idk maybe infinite scaling speed boost on a regular cd is something that games haven’t done for a fucking reason idk. not every “original” idea is a good one you slack jawed monkeys
Still no map veto btw.
Octavia's kit could've been kino with just one small tweak: getting hit drops the buff. That's it. Wouldn't salvage her lame design and sleep inducing theme though.
might as well give her no secondary, you're insane
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CzarsChartFacet CzarsChartFacet CzarsChartFacet
>might as well give her no secondary
I think you’re onto something, anon
This game is awful if you’ve got nobody to play it with
ech i’m going to bed me thinks
>customs is actively going
>no one to play with
okay worm.
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Id rather die than play with confirmed kazaniggers and their sympathizers
desu you've kind of worn out your welcome anyways.
Being socially awkward and slightly autistic is fine, but you're just an annoying fucking faggot parasite.
so then stop replying to me/talking to me. no point
at least you can stagger/KO Octavia unlike Kazan who has two dashes and is invulnerable for 1/3 of the match
I can’t, im extroverted and have an addiction to any and all social interaction even if i don’t enjoy it.
Perhaps you’re right about me being parasitic
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>tunes in just in time for kamera to go bedge
customs is still going but I won't be there.
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ggems customs : >
worm I'll be around again after christmas probs
ggs gamers
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You mean happy marriage with at least five children bait?
>i’ll be around after christmas probs
there’s a chance we may never strike again? bwo...
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Go strike!
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Just had an old friend revisit us
This person has never coded anything before.
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>never noticed until now that there is a xp-bar on the left
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again this year i meant. im very eepy
least i make more money now that i’m promoted i guess
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5/6 EU
never ever
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EU CUST 'EMS DingoMurkyFixit
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for the worm
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for everyone else
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Aesop giving us this goal by turning on the lag
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oh I meant literally after christmas day, I should be around more again. I've just been mentally preparing for my run to god rank in My Other Game and getting the funny png that lets me feel better about myself in that game due to doomqing omega strokers too much
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I know that feel. Id die for my bragging rights png
Good luck bwo. And always remember its about the destination not the journey and if you fail you’re a loser that deserves to feel bad
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Thank you all for attending customs today, gamers! It's been lots of fun, even if the emotions at the end may have been mixed. Take care, enjoy your sleep and celebrate this Christmas Eve properly! Also drink plenty of water too, hydration is important yknow
sappy post, homo
>Tomorrow should be Mako
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fair and balanced ability
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hold on isn't baddy1000 an EU player? What's he doing in filthy NA customs?
>10 minute queue
>leaver in striker select
>8 minute queue
>leaver in first round
I'm going insane.
stop picking vyce then
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He's cheating on you
Acaz I still miss and love you btw
Don’t forget about me. We should stroke together sometime
Strike go!
With this general you never know if it's a typo or not
It never is
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Let's just pretend I knew my card was going to hit the core. Not like it did anything
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panic primary but it worked out
>spamming cds to win
rasmus is pathetically easy
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Era goalie clutched against the juli kick with a well timed coreflip
>only noticed I was the webm because big bop
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>King Crimson deletes the time when the core would've hit the drum, causing it to reappear on the other side
how long does the Christmas event last for? the image says it ends today but in-game it says it ends in like 12 days or so
new missions every day (not really) until the 24th.
But you have 12 more days to finish the missions if you havent so far
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cool, thanks anon
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Customs didn't count for this. How am I gonna do it bros...
This event would've been better with all missions available at the start. Everyone picking same one striker in waves is very obnoxious.
Aesop needs to tone down his social media engagement brainrot.
Bullying fresh installs with troxy! the juli was pro league tho
>not griefing troxigger and xer name hiding e-boyfriend
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thundergio get off the board...
Cunt that keep spamming tryhard trios (which included obligatory Kazan for most of Season 2) in EU norms.
?? what a weird complaint to make
These aren't fresh installs, they're (attempts at) smurfs
its just how rasmus plays
not saying the way you spammed cds is OP in that clip it was just luck, but thats all rasmus players do in any situation.
aids striker for cowards
are there any strikers that *don't* use their abilities
why are you complaining about abilities
big hitbox spam is annoying. takes no effort to steal core and stuff. he plays like zentranny except everyone plays him so people don’t hate on him. it disgusts me
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Primary has meme hitbox so you'd need a couple size awakenings before you can actually just spam it. Which seems to be the case in the webm.
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>decide to play a bit because of fomo
>have a good game
>have a bad game with the same team
>my goalie rage quits norms
>enemy team forfeits

You think you know a guy.
How many awakenings is there in rotation?
That's total.
I had the size goalie gear and I think built different?
There's always 34.
>2 starting awakenings
>4x8 awakenings in drafts
always 34
4 possible drafts of 8 each, plus 2 starter awakenings
That's enough to have a permanent evergreen set of good awakening and STILL have space for rotating biweekly meme sets (orbs, sparks, energy). It should be statistically impossible to have so many dogshit rotations and with everything being server-side Ody have no excuse to keep them for so long.
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The current rotation is weird because it has Peak Performance but the only real way to juice it up is sparks.
rape the slime
quickplay is popping now even on eu
ive been banging out nao (i wish i could bang nao) on quickplay
quickplay has the +200xp rate too, so its quicker than solo custom
you fucking nigger
troxy_esp is why eu is dead outside of ranked, him and his duckshooting crew of like tidusflare and thundergio just spending all day everyday making sure new players get murdered in quickplay and normals
you absolute fucking nigger for willingly joining his group at any time
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it says normal or competitive, qp probably doesnt count either
oh right the 5 normals one, my bad
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She's going to give me my real Christmas present later...
mako is a pent up slut after years of working as a nun
she craves exotic human dick
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>gay erp
these threads sure changed
regardless merry xmas bros
what do you mean by gay erp when people are drooling over woman oni? stop thinking about dicks anon
is there a way to cancel zentaros primary?
went up against a zentaro who could somehow stop his primary, wait a second, then strike normally instead
it really fucking threw me off
I need the swimsuit edit for this skin but the hat stays on.
ah come on man i didnt have time to read the comic yet
Its a fan edit he never actually takes his mask off in the comic
popular on twitter because nobody has the attention span to actually read an internet comic anymore
he does take it off in the new comic when he meets scout, its implied scout knows he's his son by this point, that edit is from the final panel
you’re spoiling the comic for the anon who never got to read it btw
thats beside the point of you just blatantly lying
? i’m telling the truth
you said he doesnt take his mask off in the comic
and he doesnt.
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thats not spy retard thats sniper
it doesn't cancel, but the first hit stops the core, so if zentaro is close enough to the core and moves during his primary in a way that the second hitbox is out of the core, then he can strike directly after his primary and hit the core in any direction he wants instead
he can do the same thing with his ult if he positions correctly
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forgot vid
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its spy, sniper turns up at the table in the christmas dinner panel opposite him
ah thanks, so if theyre doing it, they hit it with the their ass hitbox
yeah basically
very clearly blu soldier but ok bwo
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EU customs
>christmas eve customs
some of us have family to spend time with
Imagine not streaming omega strikers for your family on christmas eve, spreading the joy of corestrikan
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I will obtain choco tomboy wife next year for sure.
my family, specifically my father, hates that i play video games. especially at this time of year.
but really, who has parents that arent disappointed in them?
me, my parents are proud of me
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sorry to disappoint, but sure enough that shadow is very much her skin color
for what? have you hit pro league?
it looks like they were going for garter clips and gave up, just like they did with idol aimi
but still very sex, the allure of only seeing a hint through the skirt but she knows you know
better. I've become a better person
How is striker pass experience calculated?
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prove it
now instead of negativity I spread positivity and wishing everyone wellness. So I will wish the same to you too, Anon! Please take care of yourself and spend this wonderful Christmas with your loved ones! Also just in general I wish you to be always in a good, energetic mood!
You don't have to keep name-dropping me. And I'm not interested in a relationship with anyone. So you can stop doting at me. But, I'll play the event at least.
If this game was as popular as a hoyo game we would already have a mod that removes all the blue sections of her clothes
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honestly i wouldnt mind jerking off another omega striker even without relationship
fair enough. most relationships statistically end in failure anyway.
was too soon for me to ask anyway. a bit insensitive on my part. hope you’re doing ok
if you wanna play you know where to reach me
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canonically i have jerked off with someone from this general a few times
would recommend
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oh, that's neat! finding someone to lust with for os girls sounds so good
kys faggot
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personally - Era to be the best, but love them all equally
also you sure you don't want to do it somewhere more private? others anons may not like it too much
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Also, REE. Stupid forfeiters...
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You could give me your discord if you’d like, nonny <3
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It's Christmas Eve and you're talking about mutually masturbating to the OS girls...
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I thought I was at rock bottom. lmao
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I know what you are.
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My family hates me and i have nobody. what do you want?
>Winning too hard
>Enemy Nao and Mako won't reach max level at this rate
>Neither have the Christmas skins
>Start throwing enough everyone is max in the end
I like to think I did a little but of good
merry christmas
gooning feels good bros. 10/10 would recommend
Merry Christmas to you too, minutes the 2nd part of that.
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Merry Chistmas!
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but instead of gooning you could have sex with astral July.
Or you fuck up doing the tulpa creation and need an exporcist instead
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Merry Christmas, strikers!!
Didnt get a pc for christmas, back to xbox for me
Finii drawparty is concluded I guess...
>rasmus is pathetically easy
I struggle to connect most his moves because of the delay / hurtbox they all have so I don't know about pathetically easy
>tfw cute brown girl tulpa
I don't do the sex with her tho; I just play ttrpgs with her and annoy her with incorrect pronounciations on purpose.
It honestly makes no sense how fun and broken all the Oni's are. Mako's damage is insane. Maybe on par with Vyce. I even got a kill with my left click. Fucking light strike. Not even Vyce can do that.
And her utility use is incredible too.
mako is the only honest oni. like sure, shes strong, but she also has weaknesses built into her kit. All of her abilities slow her down significantly and no movement skill=ggs on open goals
meanwhile vyce has no weaknesses, and sloptavia is only weak to rng not giving her awakenings she needs which is completely negated by starting awakenings existing
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>All of her abilities slow her down significantly and no movement skill=ggs on open goals
This is implying you're playing her as a Goalie. Play her as a Forward (KO's/Damage) and none of this is a problem. She plows as hard as Vyce with additional utilities.
Your point for her being honest because of her slowed status is like me saying Vyce is honest because she's stationary on ult.
except she has no range (slow wind-up projectile doesnt count ez dodge) and no disruption like vyce has. vyce can just steal the core whenever she wants with her map wide range aoe stun, chain stun projectile and giganuke ult that can be used point blank because it has no wind-up
she cant brool solo, and if you arent brooling solo at that point youre just inferior finii
her being stationary is actually an upside because she can use that to protect herself from kos
plenty of times i get fucked by the instant-cast root when i otherwise would have positioning checked her
>she cant brool solo
Lmao. What a load of horse shit. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. This sentence alone shows your level of intelligence about Mako (Or lack therefore of).
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I only rarely see people using Mako ult to wallout by catching people on the edge. It's one of the easiest ones to do it with, especially if you have friends helping you. Dubu's is a lot more finicky
bring back byte breakers
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>except she has no range (slow wind-up projectile doesnt count ez dodge)
>Doesn't mention the additional cone it has covering the projectile
And trotting like wind up projectiles are hard to hit. Lol. Delayed abilities are much harder since you're already committed to the angle.
>and no disruption like vyce has
So her secondary, (which is basically Finii's Big Finish before it was nerfed) and ult no longer count as disruptive?
>she cant brool solo
Ultimate Coping at this rate. Try using her kit as a weapon rather than utility and you'll learn soon enough the origins of this emoticon.
>her being stationary is actually an upside because she can use that to protect herself from kos
Nope. It's fair since you can still snipe damage on her and she can self-goal / shift the match at the slightest miscalculation. That's what you calling Mako honest sounds like.
yeah yeah i’m sure down in bronze where people haven’t figured out how to press the dodge button yet that she’s really good.
her secondary is only good when youre standing right infront of them and they hit directly into you. its not hard to avoid her
>yeah yeah i’m sure down in bronze where people haven’t figured out how to press the dodge button yet that she’s really good.
I've never seen a cope this bad. This same sentence can effortlessly be applied to Vyce, you know? No one has trouble dodging Vyce either. The problem is she runs you out of energy within seconds and so can Mako effortlessly and then it's to the shark pits, tard.
by dodge i mean just walking around her. mako is slowwww and a lot of maps in the rotation rn are wide open
demon dais is the exception but you can realistically play anyone forward on that map since it’s so terribly designed
>by dodge i mean just walking around her
>where people haven’t figured out how to press the dodge button yet
And how are you going to dodge her constantly tracking and sniping you with her Primary out of mind and sight? And it does a fuck ton of damage, even without the additional cone. If you haven't even seen an aggressive Mako kill/DMG on the scale I'm reffering to, the only one that needs to go back to Bronze is (You).
ok this larp is getting kinda old
nobody plays this bitch forward. its not hard to dodge projectiles especially if you repeatedly got punished for ignoring them before. the only thing she has going for her is surprise factor is she tries to brool and that’ll go away instantly the moment you kill someone.
this is why i say you’re bronze. people aren’t playing around your plays because they’re stupid but the minute they realize what you’re up to it’s going to blow up in your face. this strategy is not good
>nobody plays this bitch forward.
>ok this larp is getting kinda old
I agree.
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>She plows as hard as Vyce
God I hope so...
if she truly was broken she would be abused in customs like vyce and kazan and rasmus
nobody plays her in customs
Reminder basically everyone in pro league have both Luna and Atlas in their top 3! Hope this helps.
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nobody plays Kazan in customs either...
lots of NAggers do and that one loser that got me kicked out of eu customs
>check thread
>we're actually busy
>with real discussion
>on Christmas day
NAggers dont have any honor
top 3 strikers on the leaderboard has been broken since it came out dumbass
i dont thiink kazan is the reason your not liked in the cytube worm
If I go stalk them on stats.omega and find that you are wrong and I am right I will be expecting a naked dogeza.
You find reasons to leave in the middle of last set even without Kazan.
vyce and rasmus and zentranny and jewno. big whup
truly i dont get the big deal about leaving. we all know the outcome of the game when its 0/2 and we’re all 2 levels behind them. no point in dragging out the inevitable
>got me kicked out of eu customs
Idk man I think it might be your fault.
I was a good boy til he came around. there was a solid stretch of time where i was consistently playing and not ragequitting.
you chose a kazanigger and you faced the consequences. cucks, i bet you voted to let brown people in to invade the eu
no you weren't you fucking retard. you were an annoying little bitch and we eventually ran out of patience with you. actually you lasted much more than you should have.
thats not how i remember it but whatever
regardless, playing with me was your mistake and not mine.
tormenting kazaniggers and their sympathizers is a just cause so fuck you spineless dork
not surprised. atlas can boost any shitty diamond goalie to pro league. lobotomy character
who are you vagueposting here
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mobilenip put out two new gifs even though he can't play the game anymore
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the lowest possible effort hornyposting just to keep the thread bumped, this general really is going down the drain
that's jollyposting not hornyposting
>0 points in reading comprehension
>so salty about rent free hornyposgers he doesn't even check the link
he was calling the sfw finii lewd as a “cunny uoooh” joke you autist
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And sparks and octavia. Anything else?
Even if you know the outcome, not seeing a proper conclusion to the match is a buzz kill for both teams.
That's mp4, not gif.
and map choice, but who can blame me? sparks are homosexual by nature and euros have bad taste in maps
buzz kill? just go next 4head. i again dont understand the problem. queues are instant it’s literally customs. not like i’m robbing you of a game and then forcing you to wait 10 minutes in queue again
Finii IS horny. But only for me.
Sad that one of the most active posters is an autistic homosexual teenager with 0 social skills.
mot a teen i turned 20 a month ago
If I didnt let you win you'd stop playing either to complain in chat or quit altogether.
i won’t be having this larp. post a clip where you let me win right nao
>post an absence of play
You are delusional for believing that one could record a state of mind and would actually record losing on purpose
>state of mind
yeah whatever man. i let you win by playing on lag and stopping to type in chat instead of play because you kept throwing too hard. i felt bad for you, and no i will not provide proof of this retarded claim
>wormboy and acaz have another gay melty
its fucking christmas
go eat some cake get drunk have some fun for once
not acaz he doesn’t play eu customs
>not like i’m robbing you of a game
By abandoning a match before it's concluded you kinda do.
key word is kinda
and also my demands are simple. just dont be a faggot, shit ain’t hard. if you can’t abide by that you don’t deserve a game. seems fair to me
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why is her hat sad?
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Why am I catching a stray? Ididdonuffin'.
>get drunk
Two steps ahead of you! Time to Go Strike!
strike with me maybe?
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Merry Christmas /OMG/!!
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Sure, if you want. Just don't ruin my Christmas with bad behavior after already signing to the terms and conditions you're playing with someone inebriated.
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Merry Christmas anon. I hope you have a good one.
i won’t, i swear
do you have me added?
Get on the game and check, homo.
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page 9
I'm watching the grinch (the original) with my family, why strike when I can enjoy family company?
what about watching grinch (the remake) with whole /omg/?
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Sorry but we just started that one, so I'm busy :3
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hopefully you will enjoy yourselves and have a wonderful time!
Wind up Finii's box and watch her pop
had…FUN on omega strikers today. i’m in awe
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Drunk af hanging out with da bois just wanted to drive by and say go fuck yourself
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>it's a fresh install era goalie episode
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>Era goalie
Very likely a girl.
>just dont be a faggot
Why don't you do that?
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>just don't be a faggot
have some self-awareness please...
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How do we uniform as a general (playing together), whilst keeping it alive and avoiding Full-On Discord faggotry?

To think the advisor needs advisors because I drink too much.
I think the easiest may be to just stop overthinking and play when we can. People shouldn't hold a grudge against someone playing with what they want. Although difficult, I don't necessarily believe it is impossible.
shut the fuck up
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What grudges does /omg/ bear? (Aside from those other generals we fight in that soccer game). None against one another it doesn't seem. I think.

I hope not.

Do Euros rule this General? Is that why NA is incredibly inconsistent? I think so. NA's, rise up and speak for once.
some don't want to play when there's specific character(s) in the customs (can recall at least two omgers), some don't want to deal with na and some don't want to deal with eu. Game is kind of dead, I am happy to know that it is still alive and kicking (even if barely). Also wtf with eu ruling stuff??? I don't think anyone is trying to rule anything lol
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>Also wtf with eu ruling stuff???
It's. Phrasing. Anon. Who's the majority of the populace in /omg/. The Euros or the Burgs/Leaves.
>some don't want to play when there's specific character(s)
So pettiness over the Dev's incompetence at balancing is keeping the General dead as a result. Great.
>some don't want to deal with na
The racist is light hearted. If he does end up playing with NAs because the rest of the lobby invited some he doesn't complain.
there's more na but they are not as active (there are better and more alive games to play, lol), but from what I've seen they occasionally gather in customs too. People have busy schedule all over the world, can't expect everyone to always be free to play games, especially when it comes to having 6 people free (quite difficult). Also I think it's pettiness of the players themselves not being willing to learn how to play against said characters, but I am nobody to judge anyone
>log into the game
>collect everyone you can
>send invites to everyone online
>hit PLAY
>play the game
>do not erp
this desu
>read the post before you post
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There is nothing better and more fun than OS to play right now. Fake. News. And yes, everything else you said applies to everyone, but those Generals stay bumped constantly. And yeah, when I learned how to counter-play Juno and Kazan, I felt great. I ONLY have 1k hours on the game. Seems some training is needed to get others back into the spirit of Striking.

Your missing my point. How do we keep the General (The General, The GENERAL, THE THREAD!) alive and not devolve into Discord-Faggotry. READ THE FUCKING OP BEFORE YOU POST, TARD!
you're the second-worst offender, so if you just stop posting we're almost half of the way to meeting your goals
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Play Omega Strikers.
Post in the thread.
Do not erp.
personally I find games where I am responsible for the outcome of the game to be more fun than os, where you are matched with two randoms against three randoms. Even if we talk about customs - there is always difficulty in balancing them, they often go 3:0 on either side which is nothing of fun. In addition to this I do not believe anyone is willing to put dozens of hours into learning how to counter specific characters or get better in general, unless they are really dedicated and love the game. I tried my best to grind os and learn the tips and tricks, but I perfectly understand and can even relate to someone who is not willing to go over such a hassle - it is simply not worth it due how exhausting it is
the people who complain about characters probably put more hours into the game than a large majority of posters here
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Oh. I /Know/ I'm bad. I've killed off 3 Generals single-handedly when I got upset. I actually love and cater to this one.

And an "offender"? Please. I don't even have a track-record here with disturbance-reports compared to a certain Dubu-Player. I may be naughty whilst posting, but I don't dare allow it to berate and involve my fellow Strikers in a match.

Also missing my point. How we we uniform and not avoid posting in the thread rather than a Discord group? I'm infringing there /might/ have to be a change in behaviors if we want to remain on the board. ERP is sadly, and unironically one of the things that has made this thread gain traction but please don't think I'm asking for more of drama. We're. Sophisticated, I'd like to believe.

The matches you speak of are only fun once you find a rhythm with said randoms and start a reverse-sweep. And throw that thought out the door if they're the randumbs I get because they're genuinely hopeless.
>In addition to this I do not believe anyone is willing to put dozens of hours into learning how to counter specific characters or get better in general
Everyone posting here is in the 1k Hour club and still has complaints. Mine are still: Vyce, Rune, Atlas

Despite that, I love the game so much I've learned to counter my past adversaries such as Juno, Kazan and the other Oni-bitches. Have faith in your fellow Strikers.
I don't think you love this general
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Why's that?

I bump you when you're on your last limbs. We need new mea- I mean, players after all.
putting hours into learning how to play and putting hours into just playing (or rather sitting in queue) is vastly different. I have lots of faith in omgers, that is why I perfectly understand why they want to pursue more fun, less challenging and just generally better games or activities. I don't want anyone to feel forced to play this game, no matter how much I myself may love it
>constantly shit up the thread with discord drama and e-faggotry
>ditch both /omg/ tournaments you participated in
>the ascended poses don't work with the Christmas skins
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Nao's one works, that's all I care about
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>putting hours into learning how to play and putting hours into just playing (or rather sitting in queue) is vastly different.
I'm at 1k hours. It takes about 1-5 minutes a queue. 5-11 minutes on a bad day. A match lasts 10-40 minutes. Anyone already in the 1k Club already knows the system and despite that, you really t- Disregard. Doesn't sound like Strikers to me. Sounds like me when I used to play fighting games. "I'll refuse to learn this so, byeeeeeeee". And I'd like to think we have more toughened individuals here. Old dogs should love learning new tricks but I understand. Fun isn't something you can force and that's their propagative

Please describe that word to me in your own description. I've done it once. No need to aim the gun at me when my compatriot Worm couldn't shutup. Otherwise, I'm bumping you, arguing and proving topics of conversation about the GAME. I'm /quite/ literally your silent angel.
That's 1000% on me for being an severe alcoholic and I'm sorry for that.
The only character I don't want to play against is Kazan. The instant redirect hook just isn't fun or entertaining to play against, and I don't mean in a "wow that's really powerful!! that sucks that I lost to it!" way, I mean in a way that you can't really play around it at all without constantly KOing him or keeping the ball far far far far away from him.
That it goes through players even if you sit on top of him (compare bodyblocking Kai or Estelle ultimates) is a big part of the problem, the other part is it has virtually no windup and/or travel time (compare Estelle laser or Rasmus hook respectively), and finally it has such a short cooldown.
I won't leave games if I see him in it but playing against him does make me more likely to end my OS session early.
I just think if you're only a plat peak after 1 thousand hours you should spend your time on a different game.
how about in this very thread, where you kept posting about your faggotry even after the posts were banned?
this isn't "you or worm" it's both of you who need to fuck off
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>Stub lock him
>Bomb rush him
>Hook status: ACK'd!
This applies to both goalie and forward Kazan. He's literally nothing as much as a nuisance as Rune and Vyce. Literally just a tiny learning curve. Just don't bother trying to KO him with 80+ evades, yeah.

I love my disbeliever of solo-queue AIDS. I'm a Diamond at SOUL. A High-Plat statistically-peak speaking. The randoms fucking suck (for me) in this game. It's genuinely incredible to witness what I get.
as a diamondo I don't see why anyone should care
I mean, that works for most strikers in the game.
A lot of the time it also requires that you have teammates who know what's up and are able to coordinate the timing with you.
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>Talking about the game.
>Anon wants to stir up nonsense.
Look in the mirror at the real problem, pls.

It does apply with most Strikers. And according to your last post, if my Strikers are going to be so fearful of his hook and run away, rather than going headfirst retard at him, putting on a display for his other Striker to follow his moves, if not follow-up the punt, then I guess we'll all lose, huh. Literally set an example and coordination becomes less difficult, assuming you don't have a ranDUMB subhuman like I usually get on your team.
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If anything, former Kai-Leaver of my match. It's time for some Kazan rehabilitation. I can teach you how to play against him more efficiently so you're not quitting everytime a Kazan select pops up.
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>I won't leave games if I see him
Found your problem.
Kazan-pozzed match being winnable doesn't make it fun. It's a 6 players game. It shouldn't revolve around one faggot. If Kazaniggers enjoy protagonist role so much they are more than welcome to fuck off to singleplayer games.
Why didn't anyone tell me the funny bunny was so fun to play?
Speaking of poses, I think Acaz was working on a new idle animation for aimi. Did he finish it? I want to use it.
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I've found my true calling? I just press my buttons on cd like a troglodyte and I'm useful?
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>hiding names
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Please. If I had any sort of influence in Ody's works, they'd already be in better hands, this game would be striving with 300k players daily and we'd be sailing to the banks. No. Instead, let's invest on shit that won't return us revenue. Let's invest on everyone that won't support us in the future like those (Damnit, there's a Republican term I can't think of right now for those fake Republicans) that will drop the game.

Me in a mocap Ai.Mi suit posing, advancing up the ladders could have saved OS. Don't give me crazy thoughts.
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>troglodyte as a choice of wording.
Wait a minute. I know this player. And to play OS /after/ finally killing the dying horse we were beating on. I've been left in a deep depression because I've never got to apologize for my words. Sorry. I mean it.
ok troglodyte
god, every single time you post it's something embarrassing, man.
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Quite fascinating how self-unaware fellow Strikers are.
>Poke the bear.
>The bear reacts.
>Poke it again.
Bark burk, burk Bronze-Brain. I've already announced I'm drunk. Post on-topic or face the unrefined cold steel of a Legendary General-Killer. Kidding. I love you dorks.
I've never talked to you before, you're just extremely cringe and seemingly a retarded person.
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As if the opinions of some Bronze Loser have stopped me from cosplaying in public. Quite prideful in myself. You sound miserable enough to not be. Bet you don't even emote with your partners after a great win. What a loser mentality.
yeah man totally, you got me.
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A reply, even if it isn't a (You), indefinitely means I've got you.
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The long queue times make it good for reading. It's not like I *don't* like the game.
Anon we go over this every time I post here. I'm anonymous. ANONYMOUS. I'm not very good if you wanted to see who my opponents were...
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>It's not like I *don't* like the game.
I'm VERY aware of this. You made it clear. But you ONLY wanted to play two games. /Now/ you're playing OS.
/What/ does it matter? There's an event I feel like getting the skins for? If you want to talk to me do it outside of the thread for fuck sake. These poor lads do not deserve the shitposting.
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>These poor lads do not deserve the shitposting.
Oh. A petty get-back at me for when you performaned the same scene I see.

And motherfucker. It matters because I was trying to get you to play OS for a MONTH but you were all "Meh, gonna do my MOBA-things. Gonna play every other genre ya hate instead of hanging out with you.".

No. No. No. This is officially /My/ General now. They deserve whatever is spoon-fed to them at this point. Just like my plights in OS, I'll carry idiots if I have to.
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Anyway. Nao-Main back in control. We'll have to leave you back on further details!
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Why are you depressed in the first place... I'm my own man I will truly do as I please.
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That simplicity with the, despite, happy-go-lucky attitude always enthralled me about you. Simple, simple boy. I have a beautiful life. Kino friends. Family. Money I can demand on a second. Depression and Anhedonia isn't something that can remedy that. Feeling "lonely" even surrounded by happiness...Is what I feel all the time. Even when things are going great for me, I want to get away. Why I pushed you away. I'm going to die very soon.
its not so much that eu and na hate other as just that everyones skill level increased over time to the point that for most people na to eu ping is unplayable
when we were all gold/plat retards it was fine
Stop avatarfagging.
you dont own this general
stop implying you "own" this general
this is the 5th time in a week you have claimed so
fuck off
you also constantly avatarfag as nao
wormboy is a nigger but is just a nigger, you are starting to be a legiimate threat to this thread
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I start sticking up for myself for the one time and you threaten to kill yourself. Jesus fucking Christ just add me if you're gonna have a melty. We'll play some of the fucking game.
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Then draw me up another Nao that captures that expression and I will.

Ugh, whatever dramafag. Everyone else is going on about their lives. You're flaming-on in a dying general. Maybe that's what our audience needs. Stay around, sperg-kun.

Lad. That's not at all what I meant. Holding someone captive because "omgeeze gonna kms!" is woman behavior. I've been planning it for a while. Second part of the reason I've been trying to say "Leave the relationship". You're better than me in a lot of things, but you're too stupid for in puzzles and what not. You can go on. I'm just mildly upset you're playing when I've always had a hardon to play OS with (You).
youre the fucking sperg here having a gay melty with wormboy everyday
let me say it again clearly
you do not own this general
you do not own this general
if youre going to be shizo about it fine, but you do not, no matter how much you ban evade or try to act smug
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Funny. You know. I actually recall the last person that told me those exact words. "You don't own the General!"

So, I found another General and stopped posting there. Guess what happened? It. Hue hue hue. Died.

So, shutup, dumb blank-posting homo? You need me as much as OS needs my Family's funding. I wonder how much they're worth.
no, we dont, we have enough bumpers the thead wont just die just cause you stop avatarfagging
and death is preferable to this shit
>calls someone dramafag
>airs out his faggy drama in the exact same post
I only wish you could see yourself through others' eyes. You would be amazed at how embarrassing you are.
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*Cracks knuckles*
Glad the Jannies are on-point in Striker threads.
Back on topic then.

Who do you think is bumping you again?

The eyes of insecure Hikkis tarnish me so.
>"omgeeze gonna kms!" is woman behavior.
Posting about killing yourself is woman behavior in the first place. I'm not going to bend over backwards to cater to your every whim and you should have known that to begin with. I wanted to do this without you fucking falling apart but here we are with you putting on this utter nonsense that you already KNOW I have LOTS of trauma with.
>too stupid for puzzles
We're both mildly autistic and can't read the room half the time. Get over it.
>You can go on.
Ok, I tried giving you the olive branch.
>hardon to play OS with (You)
How. I am DOGSHIT at this game. 90% of our matches sucked.

You abhorrent drama queen I cannot believe you prefer to do this shit in public.
just fuck off please
No problem chief lol
me? for one, i know of 2 others that arent you
bumping the thread isnt something that somehow makes you the god of the thread
Sorry, it was Alac, not Acaz. 3/4 of the same letters, 2/4 in the same position.
>clipped two months ago
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>Posting about killing yourself is woman behavior in the first place
If anything, I'm announcing what's been on my mind finally, for a very long time. The ultimate remedy to relieve everyone I've wronged, including you, Child.

Oh. And I've been "falling apart" as you put it. It's why I kept constantly trying to say "We shouldn't do this! We shouldn't, we shouldn't date!" Never listened. You never listened to me. Always thought you knew better than me, even in /my/ fields, ehh?
>We're both mildly autistic and can't read the room half the time. Get over it.
I can read a room. And I can tell when I'm not invited.
>How. I am DOGSHIT at this game
Me. In Deadlock. But you're actually not dogshit at Omega. You reached my top rank within a week. Shut. The. Ever-loving. FUCK. UP!
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I would rather lose with 10 ko's than win with less than 3
no one cares about the acaz x worm arguments already, unblock each other and have them in discord fuck off from the thread
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page 9
>still missing two christmas emotes
NA vs EU
na and eu are both on the left
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wait he actually browses the thread? did me begging and pleading thread after thread about more emote slots have a hand in it happening?
most of the (male) devs do
very cute finii on that one
i was sort of dissapointed when the leaked face for4 the christmas skin just had a ok skin to go with it
there's male devs in ody?
I don't think so, at least I haven't seen gay erp from eubros
bwo is not active on cytube chat.......
Tyrk if you see this i’m down to stroke
sorry for baiting you
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Based, me too
allow me to vaguely allude to my gay eu erp
>most of /omg/ is actually ody devs in disguise
If jewno gets 40% of her redirects from ai then she should get 40% less ranked points for winning and 40% more lost points when she loses.
seems fair to me
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>he doesn't know
I love Aesop.
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Stop leaving the goalbox and go finish the animation! >>507705581 I want to use it!
i want to use you
the gay is back
jerking off with your bros is better than sex bwo. women are too intimidating
Goodnight sonii (aesop)
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I'm pretty sure Vyce's special is responsible for more owngoals than Finii's whole kit.
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maybe, but there is still another
I'd rather the general be dead than play with you.
How about both?
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gold is like playing diamond right now
its all ex diamond + who havent reset or smurfs
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Whelp. Enjoy a bumped, healthy General because I run into you lots all the time on this small, dead game.
Nao's boobs aren't this big.
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can I bump you until you are nice and healthy?
you lack vision
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EU customs
Go strike!
go stroke!
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Striking is better desu
omega page
ggs gamers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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what a fat brat cat
STRIKER IS GOING TO CORRECT YOU 473749 DIFFERENT WAYS Finii-chan, my part timer!!! you're going to have to perform all sorts of jobs for me INCLUDING PITJOBS, THIGHJOBS AND FOOTJOBS TOO!! TAKE THAT COREFLIP IN YOUR BABY CHAMBER FINII If only Finii was my big (or little) sister then I can let her stand on my face anytime I want she wants she won't be that heavy, my tongue can easily endure 40 kg of body mass (especially if her feet is on my tongue) out of 7.8 billion people on earth and 4 billion women on earth I wonder why not A SINGLE ONE OF THEM has given birth to Finii maybe I was just born too early or too late to witness Finii in real life but it's alright Strikers, for we are born just in time for Omega Strikers
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when do the christmas quests expire
I got a lot of stuff going on tomorrow through the new year and still need to do mako/nao skins
I think at the end of the season, so in like 10 days.
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I kneel...
Who is the most honest striker?
finii is for all those things
shes a rabbit so raw babtmaling sex is a given
he said on the 6th on discord if i remember right

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