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Merry Christmas edition

>Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves launches April 24, 2025
>FF:CotW - Kim Dong Hwan
>KOFXV - Mature & Vice ALREADY OUT!!!!

>Metal Slug Tactics released
https://youtu.be/JZlvf_m8Zc0 [Embed]

>SVC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom rereleased

>Terry in Street Fighter 6

>Recent event footage:

>DandyJ's beginner guide to KOF

>Community resources
>KOFXV beginner guides

>/neog/ Discord
>Official SNK Discord

>SNK Media Gallery
>Assorted Translations
>NEO-GEO FREAK Magazine Archive
>RedGGPO and romset
>KOF Official Site backup

Previous Thread: >>504850829
Is this the end?
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Damn, I even forgot Dong Hwan was announced.
Too bad SNK fucked up the prices here in Brazil. KOFXV Ultimate Edition costs literally the double of the release price of the regular game on Steam. I know our economy is fucked up but it makes no sense to make COTW more expensive on Steam than on consoles when 90% of the times it's the other way around.
So, when can we expect next announcement?
of lovable igniz
KOFXVI will be about Rugal and his children Adelheid and Rose.
KOFXVII will finally be about Gaidel and his daughter Leona.
KOFXVIII will be about Igniz and his daughter Sylvie.
they might as well just make a vn for that kind of thing because it's just side story material
At most they will commission another manga and then axe it halfway through. Only manga with Iori lasted longer, but it was laughably bad.
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sounds like commitment issues which is just on top of how little serious they are in investing time/effort/money in something like that

and now they're even too shy to showcase their current project in development and that's probably because each new trailer had been showing declining polish levels for each new character reveal

which just tells me something there is holding them back talentwise
Lack of money and changes in ownership through years means they look too risky for actually talented people, so I can imagine most of the company is made of those that try, but can't really pull that well.
it's sad thinking about whoever in charge having to pretend to be impressed with someone's efforts in order to not hurt their feefees like the talent is some kind of kid drawing things in crayon to put on the fridge
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More CotW news this weekend after SCS finals
it's nice to know that the information is being disseminated by the chinese because snk's own homeland can't seem to do that
this was published by snk
but i'm not wrong
the tweet reads as follows:
>SNK_CN announced that Mr. Yasuyuki Oda will release the latest news of City of the Wolves in the SCS Finals this weekend.
>cn side made the announcement
They are totally revealing Gato, aren't they

Weird that they decided to reveal at a chink event and not have something for the VGAs tho
What's with the random Fatal Fury characters?
graphic design is op's passion
I vill clear motw's arcade mode.
To close to the KOF stuff. It would probably kill all the discussion of it if they released info that day.
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but kofxv is not exactly super actively in development after mature and vice and is more of a final sendoff, why is that a concern
at least with tekken games and a hypothetical tekken x sf, tekken is actively getting things
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I mean it was the last content XV will get. At least for me it makes sense. They still have 5 months until CotW comes out
final five characters in COTW are gato, kain, jae hoon, hokutomaru, and blue mary.
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Freeman bros...
I don't mind Mary but I would rather have Freeman
Fine by me
Paizuri sandwich
If Kain is not (again) the Final Boss, who?
cecil, who cucked kain with rosa
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Not sure if anon is shota or K9
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A puppy.
>Mature doesn't have a green color anymore in XV
Guess I'm a Vicebro now.
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>KOF XIII GM coming to PC
Reminder that this is the definitive edition with rollback, better lobbies and better spectator mode.
steam page is also up
No indication on what this means for people who already own KOF XIII Steam Edition.
probably have to buy it again but hopefully they give people who own 13 again a discount
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fuck yeah
Already about time. Bought it on a sale for the PS4 only to find nobody playing it.
I wonder why they waited so long to release the steam version
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Why is Ryo a disgusting sister fucker?
The only problem with KOF XIII is you can't play with 3 kyos.
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making a saigado game.

I beat arcade mode in Garou, with many continues. I only got to fight Grant, so I'll try again later to clear it with higher ranks to fight Kain.

I learned that standing D works as an anti air at far range, while crouching C works at close range. At least against the CPU opponents.

Rock is fun to play.
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I need to later add kensou fireball.
So do you guys think the COTW news at the finals will be just a character reveal, or something more?
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too little interest to even contemplate it
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More plus first beta date.
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SWC will likely be far later next year, since it'll have COTW
It's also gonna be in the US again most likely, meaning a bunch of players are about to miss out again due to visa troubles.
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now added athena and leona.
>meaning a bunch of players are about to miss out again due to visa troubles.
not to mention
SNK needs to stop fucking trying to push their big tournaments in the US of all places when even Capcom fucked off due to visa issues.
The fuckers really didn't put XV nor XIII on sale, probably because of the upgrade deal for the owners. -_-"
you had your chance plenty of times nigga
XV was last on sale like 4 months ago and I don't know why you'd want to buy the shity steam version of XIII prior to the discount for those who already owned the game
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thread is dead, lmao.
its your lucky day faggot looks like they just started putting their stuff on sale
You are so retarded bro
Alright, this gave me a chuckle. Wanna see where it goes.
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no im not i have 13 and 15 already
Hold your breath and count to ten.
you meanie >-<
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So KOF XIII will have its very own tourney.
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KOFXIII, 98, (probably UMFE which might piss off chink oldheads) 02um (which might piss off spic oldheads) MOTW seems like a nobrainer. There's a lot they could pull from but 98umfe and 02um seem like the obvious ones due to existing steam releases.
NONE OF THAT WILL MATTER OF COURSE, because those players are not making it thanks to the US Visa bullshit thanks to borderhopping visa abuse of which SNK did not learn from. Maybe they'll cut their losses next year with their desperate attempts of trying to get US money with this marketing attempt and put it in Saudi Arabia since what was the point of the Saudi buyout if you're not gonna take advantage of its benefits?
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Praying to dat ass.
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Motion picture Andy is not gay
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Hey, I used Google translator and it doesn't refute the gay allegations.
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I's a reference to the MTG tournament guy.
kevin owens saying i love you solo
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wanna fight sylvie's va with madiq
She got married?
she has been married for years
To me.
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Is there no English commentary for this?
the tweet pointed out it's only in chinese, so no
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I heard that the Chinese version of KOFXV had weird censorship but this is the first time I've seen it. They really put tights on all the girls with bare legs? Even Isla despite the fact she's wearing shorts? This is so strange to me considering that Chinese gachas exist that have way more lewd designs and more exposed skin unless there's some law that applies only to console/pc games or something
I imagine the idea is that pc/console games are more accessible to children. Gacha is usually played by people with no families, to ease the loneliness.
the color they have are so damn good the athena one E.T used is soooo cool
Will it be the cute sweater Blue Mary?
Have any of you fought Kain in Garou arcade mode?
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Hotaru be like awoooga
Why are his eyes closed? Is he blind now? Also sick back turned stance
We've already had a first kofxv beta and the second was already underway by now. What the hell are they thinking?
Things are prolly different since they've had it playable at a crap ton of conventions and events.
Maybe it'll be left to just one beta, we have Day 2 to announce something, mind you.
Yeah, he got blinded in his Garou ending
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God tier redesign. Also, why did he murder Hinako in the trailer...?
Man I completely forgot this happened in his Garou ending since I haven't played the game in over a decade and he's fine in the KOF timeline
censorship is only related to consoles, in China they are considered toys and have a thousand limitations
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poor guy...
Cool but why did they make Mai and him both wear black
Gato's dad is a jackass.
He looks great. Where are all the fags who said they were going to cut Gato and his subplot now?
Cause it looks cool, I guess. You can recolor the outfit in customization, anyway.

>After nearly being blinded by him in the previous tournament. Gato has (for the most part) recovered his sense of sight since the vicious attack; however, after realizing that very sense is what makes his movements sluggish, he now willingly fights in complete darkness.

holy based
His new outfit is amazing.
Cool gato trailer but any word when they're doing a online beta. SNK needs to do what SF6 did and thoroughly test their online with betas so when the game releases we don't have a bunch of issues like KOF 15 had. Cotw has the potential to be highest selling SNK game if they don't fuck up the launch.
Seriously, why Snk is afraid of going the full blind route?
Probably afraid it will get cracked like the SF6 and Tekken beta.
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Looks nice
Also, why after that combo he ended up facing the other way?
It appears Gato has a new backturned stance, to emphasize his newfound blind fighting prowess.
he's blind, cut him some slack
I'll rather it get cracked than have a non functional game at the end.
Fake blind. Medically, he has mostly recovered his sight, but he is now willingly engaged in blind fighting to reach new heights of power, after his dad Gaoh (now written as Gao) crippled him two years ago.
More so that he was being held back since his eyesight is weak now. I feel that he'll most likely lose it completely by the end.
>he's blind, cut him some slack
>Fake blind.
Just so you know complete blindless is incredibly rare. In reality it's more a blind spectrum.
It seems to come across that he's 90% healed, but for the purposes of fighting, he pretends he's at 0%.
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>I heard that the Chinese version of KOFXV had weird censorship but this is the first time I've seen it.

Rugal's eye projectile color is blue.
Just reveal Ryou already.
he should have togglable body suit
But Ryu is not coming to COTW?
Wtf, they actually managed to turn Gato cool.
What next, a cool Hokutomaru? A cool Freeman?
we need more girls
Well it doesn't seem like his dad is going to be in the base roster like in the original plan for MOTW2, so I don't really know how they'll actually wrap it up.
Could be an unplayable boss.
Ryou, not Ryuu
Just write Ryo, like everyone does, including SNK.
Retard boomer scum
Ryo is American, not British.
Cool, but I always forget these trailers are a minute and half long. They feel like 10 seconds.
A lot of that is slow intro, and then the ending with logo and information. So it's really about a minute of character himself just beating someone up.
You might be beyond stupid.
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Gatou was already cool
More like boring.
At least copying Mr. Karate II homework helped him.
So he's throwing fireballs?
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>Gets blinded in his Garou ending
>Keeps his eyes always closed in the trailer of COTW
>Oh cool he's a blind master now
>No, he's fine, he just keeps his eyes just because, lol
Why is SNK like this? What's wrong with just having him be actually blind? Why the wimpy half measure?
Committing to crippling a character is a tall ask.
He needs to see his dad.
We already have Marco.
For me, it's Real Bout 1
Funny how SF6 decided EX Power Wave should be the FF1 Power Wave.
I really don't understand why smaller fighting game devs/publishers are so paranoid about PC betas getting cracked when the big players (SF6/Tekken/2xko) have clearly recognized that any negatives associated with that risk are well worth not having your game's launch momentum on what is almost always the 1st or 2nd biggest platform crippled by non-functional online.
I noticed in Garou that CPU opponents attack on wake up, if you hold forward when they wake. So that makes it easy to hit them with what you want.
Because Gato realizing his vision is only holding him back and choosing to fight blind is badass and a great fuck you to Gao.

Having a disabled fighter would be cool, but not as cool as what we got.
Honestly impressed by the english VA. You'd expect an edgy japanese guy to sound horrible in full english, so I'm surprised they pulled it off.
A vulgar display of power wave.
The Suikoden 2 protag?
He still owes me 15 silver points
Did we know his father's name before this?
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Don't bully imouto
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To an extent. Gao was confirmed one of the newcomers in the scrapped Garou 2 (bottom right corner).
leggy brown blonde when
She looks like B. Jenet with a tan, so as soon as you enter customization mode, I guess.
so they were going with gato's dad being like yujiro from baki huh
Almost exactly like that. Gao killed Gato/Hotaru's mother to prove the might of his kung fu, so Gato left home to avenge her. We now know that at least part of Gato's ending from Garou:MotW happened, where Gao sneak attacked Gato and temporarily blinded him. Now Gato's gimmick is that despite his vision mostly healing afterwards, Gao's attack revealed a fatal gap in Gato's skill, so now he willingly fights blind to get even stronger.
>We could have had cool brown tomboy
>Instead we got Preecha
Plot Twist: Their mother is alive and also some crazy Kung Fu chick
Just reveal Kyou already
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>Currently watching the Chang tournament
>Tons of censorship
>Covering up female bodies with black overlays
>Words that characters shout when performing special moves have all been removed
>All red aura effects have been changed to different colors

I don't think I've ever seen censorship so extreme on the most mundane shit in a video game like this.
Lucky for us, then, that this is strictly limited to the Chinese build of the game.
Women can't yell in China?
Jesus daddy did you really need to show off your chest and abs?
China has some really ridiculous laws regarding toys which they categorized consoles and pcs under.
SNK mostly just got lazy since the process takes an eternity on shit getting approved so in their eyes just do these extreme changes and call it a day so they finally can officially run touranments in China.
They seemed to have cut the more obvious Japanese lines characters might have, reducing them to general grunts and shouts.
Deeper Plot Twist: Gao "killed" Hotaru and Gato's mother to protect them from her.
They are both different characters.
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Is that a rat?
Loves Mian so much he never brought her back in KOFXVI but put the shitty idol instead.
What else can you tell us from the future? Besides Mian sitting out at least two games.
Red is bad too in China? But it's the color of communism!
If Oda decided the roster for the games we would probably only have old man and big body characters
Ogura decided on the roster.
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japanese hate blind people irl obviously so it's only for fashion statements
Mian's favorite food is listed as
>Siniperca chuatsi [Chinese perch] deep-fried whole with sweet and sour sauce
Sweet and sour fried fish, basically.
>Red is bad too in China?
Red aura effects specifically. So those red auras for level 2 supers are now light grey for example.
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Why a Fr*nch women like this?
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Crazy how japanese people love Bajiquan.
>Cherishes: His mother's necklace
At first I thought it was lame that they didn't commit to him to being blind, especially since in that old KK stream they straight up said that his eyes would have been plucked out in the original motw 2. But I like the idea that he's so obsessed with getting revenge that he's voluntarily refusing to open his eyes so that he won't be helpless against his dad since the first chance he got ended with his dad getting away by blinding him.
>he's voluntarily refusing to open his eyes
That's probably because his sight might be pretty bad now even if he recoved from it
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Why is Iori trying to seduce a cute and pure idol?
It's the other way around, she likes to be assertive.
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Sometimes is good to be a grappler.
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all the times is good to see shermie helpless and ryona'd
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ET is winning this, I can feel it
just another win for xiaohai>>507146143
Sad we can't have the dolores dress they have her original outif is horrendus
>New tierwhore team just swaps Geese for Yashiro but keeps Beni/Isla
I'm fucking tired of these constant mirror matches that has plagued KOFXV for its entire run, I'm really fucking hoping KOFXVI makes a point to actually have differentiating reasons to pick every character rather than just picking characters that are the most reliable to constantly win.
Bring back active swapping and leader supers from 03 and XI
I don't know what that would fundamentally solve since 03 is obviously a broken game, and XI needs to have multiple ratio touranments to get players to pick different characters other than defaulting to Kula/Gato/K` or Oswald.
I don't think it's so much a KOFXV problem rather than the chings not being able to do anything but copy Xiaohai also them not having nerfed beni and isla is maddening
No I think it's very much a KOFXV problem because no matter what, we've just swapped faces over and over again but with the same fucking ordeal every time:
>launch tier whore team
>First balance patch-season 2
>Season 2-Duo Lon patch
>Duo Lon patch-V&M patch
>V&M patch-present

Every fucking patch, we have just swapped out different characters for the same exact ordeal. No there's a fundamental issue at play here, and I don't think it's just because of Asia copying Xiaohai strictly.
.... Retards it's like this with every KOF game and most fighting games. Sounds like you don't even play at an intermediate level and shouldn't be having this conversation.
>tfw your wife is also your mistress
Kof XV biggest problem are throws on wakeup they take that shit out the game becomes 10 times better
That isn't XV, it's KOF in general. KOF players are massive tier whores
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Bros for life.
that factor will never change so as long as kof is a series where the universal mechanics are highly emphasized over the character individualities
Facts.. I think it's smart cause you have to learn 3 characters instead of 1.
B-b-but everybody told me Vanessa, Ralf, and Terry were the ones ruining the balance and that everything would be peaches and cream once they got nerfed! Are you telling me that there will always be top tiers no matter what?!
it might be ~smart~ in the short run but in the long game, it's just gonna end up with clear tiers that just trump everyone and you'll more often than not have a game where at least one of the characters will end up on 90% of top teams played if not two or three

there's no matchup-based solution where if someone pulls out a top tier, there's a character that can trump that top tier, forcing something close to a rock-paper-scissors situation without necessarily automatically defeating that top tier character, which in some senses that's how sf2 plays out even if there are more obvious bottom tiers who just don't have much of anything, but it's still not impossible for those bottom tiers to win
Fair, and KoF doesn't want that. I prefer Garou.
they also don't want sales since they spend so much time catering to an audience who likes to pirate everything and slaughter their own people through drug cartels
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I though this design was cool until I saw the chin strap beard.
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he has a goatee
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Based Galford x Nakoruru enjoyer
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Nine K ruru
>Galford still waits for her decades later
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it's time to partay!
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the 31th anniversary will be WILD
>liking a dropout
So they're really about to not do a online beta stress test even after they saw how online issues completely borked KOF launch?
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Of course we'll have 2 beta testing.
Please, take a Kula and Leona pic in the meantime.
They said they were going to do one, the game's still 4 months aways
Brother, how much dev time do you think they have left? If a beta is like a month before release do you think they'll have time to investigate the data from it to make effective changes for release?
Kof 15's first beta was just 3 months before release, the second beta was 2 months before. Not saying I like that it takes so long but thats just the history of it with snk.
Where's Leona?
Happened many times that a prim and proper girl goes wild for the bad boy. Also, Kyo's family is rich and he is an only child.
How's she not cold?
drinking cocoa by the fire, like smart people do in cold weather
In the real pic I wanted to post.
And remind me, how was Kof 15 online situation at launch again?
The bigger issue was the online beta was locked to playstation only which only gives a very limited sampling of how the online functionality would be.
They were afraid that PC players would datamine the builds not realizing that it happened on ps4 anyways.
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Tell me how Mai will play in SF6
She's getting her KOF '98 DP, for one.
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I'd prefer to know how Mai will play in COTW
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you have videos for that you can already answer that
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>KOF 30th Anniversary Project Part 25

>See you at KOF 40th Anniversary! Call for Digital Time Capsule

>Let's create a digital time capsule together to commemorate KOF's 30th anniversary!

>Open call for content begins in mid-January, so start gathering up your favorite KOF photos, character art, messages, and other digital memories now! When the time comes you'll be able to upload them via the KOF 30th Anniversary Site!

>KOF 30th Anniversary Site

>#KOF30th #KOF

XV is just homogenous. When most if not all characters share the same good tools, there's no logical reason not to pick the ones who have the best versions of said tools, or who can add a little extra. Free EX moves (most of them being combo glue or having the same utility) and wakeup throws like >>507158839 said make XV's case particularly egregious.
Arguably homogeneity has always been a KOF problem, but even in vanilla 02, there's variety in all the top players' teams. Iori, Billy, Kim, Vanessa, Athena, Angel, Choi, Whip, Yuri and Kula all have wildly different gameplans. Whether or not these characters are fun to fight, 02's system is open-ended enough to allow for such variance. Other old KOFs did too but just had awful balance, but XV has the opposite problem where the balance is fairly tight, but the system and the commonalities between characters makes most of the high-tiers redundant.

The problem with XV now is how the meta is stale. The problem with VRT then was how they were complete bullshit.
Whoops meant *non-high tiers, even in games like 02UM and XIII with definitive top 3s you always see people pick the good characters just below
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... or the beta will be launched at a later date before the game releases, dumbass.
Frankly I don't know where will go this.
From just 4 post in twitter to something really emotional.
And every possibility in between.
>how much dev time do you think they have left?
4 months, like it says on the tin, retard and they're building on their learnings from KOFXV which has succesfully implmented crossplay and no longer has matchmaking issues.
>4 months
it's actually less because the game has to go on the printing press
of course surely that layaway time would have to be used in post
This calls for a /neog/ draw corner
what, like /@/ draws of which i have participated in
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>go on the printing press
means nothing in the age of day one patches.
of course
but they still have to launch with the content they said which is at the very least the 17 characters
dawg, the 17 characters they are launching with are done, and were done months ago most likely. they are more than likely working on the dlc right now.
Yeah pretty much
yeah and that's why they had been coming out with trailers for characters that looked like they needed a good amount of polish
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Nope. you not liking how they look is not them "needing polish", retard.
nah i'm right
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the models are just trash and cheap looking, not unfinished
can't wait to play raiden in COTW season 2.
for me its pikachu and ronaldo
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So let me get this straight, they are so fucking lazy they killed all the hype around 30th anniversary, and now they are planning to be even lazier with 40th anniversary by having fans collect material for them, so their own staff has less to do when the time comes. And all on the website they are too lazy to update since project 10.
Perseus is the one who killed Medusa, right?
yes, and rescued Andromeda from a sea monster
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I'm still hesitating on buying XV since with how fucked up the 30th anniversary is I excpect them to pull the XV sale as another "part" of the anniversary again
The last time I've seen a company show this much naked contempt for their own fighting game series during an "anniversary" is when Koei Tecmo waited until DOA5's to announce that they were putting the series on semipermanent hiatus.
it's like trent reznor only nine inch nails was actually popular
and in snk's case inch = k and nails = sales
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I was never a fan of the bright yellow clothes so I like it.
They never stop with the shity announcement don't they? I'm only really curious about the 30th cuz' they can't fumble it too right?
Kyo has an illegitimate child with a female NESTS scientist
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Merry christmas /neog/
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Merry Assmas /neog/
I wouldn't doubt it. He flirted with Goddess Athena in SVC Chaos after all.
Merry xmas anon
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Assuming nu-SNK is even gonna be around for the 40th?
What hype and what do people expect?
what did "people" expect*
Stop your whining, you're getting more than what other SNK franchises got for their important anniversaries. As far as SNK goes you guys are coddled as hell.
What do franchises even get on anniversaries? It's mostly one fan art celebrating it and that's it. Other than the quiz stuff that was pretty bad they are actually doing a lot.
Merry Christmas!
I was thinking it might have something to do with Athena, but then realized that it's a trademark, so it's not gonna be some sort of codename. I wonder if this is what the Tokyo branch has been working on.
in the english version
It would've been nice to have subs for Isla's message
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early but merry christmas /neog/!
Fake news; Mina gets Chample'd.
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just in time, merry Christmas /neog/!
That's cute.
>just in time
for what, it's still the 24th
>she even did an Isla drawing
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Nako is a slut

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>Busty Nako
it's nice that she's able to increase boob size
now if only she could increase the amount of dimes she could draw
honestly can do without boring ass freeman in this game, but i have sinking feeling he's going to be in day one unfortunately.
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Merry Christmas, my bird bros!
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In Europe it's 12:00 PM of the 25th and counting.
Digging this 8bitdo NeoGeo CD pad. Got it just for the microswitches and it did not disappoint. Inputs come out like butter once you're acclimated to it.
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Merry Christmas, Jae Hoon bro!
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This incest loving pervert has some nice knockers. Now if only she'd /ss/
Why would Chizuru be lesbian for her (dead) twin sister Maki?
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He meant that she loves watching other people in implied incest situations.
merry christmas neog bros
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Merry Christmas /neog/
I really hope this is a new Athena game with Princess Athena, not the KOF one.
with less skin showing for dei purposes
Princess Athena getting the Nako Isekai treatment would be fun
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Have been Kula a good girl this year?
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Kula just needs a good dicking to fix her flaws. If anything it's all Gay''s fault.
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Iroha has entered my cerebral cortex, where she will remain until the day of my death.
Freeman and Grant will probably be first wave DLC as well. I'd assume somewhere down the line Andy and Joe will make it in as well. Let me know when they finally put Duck King in a modern SNK game.
>Freeman and Grant will probably be first wave DLC
Nah, Ryan is in the game and his reason is Freeman, so he will also be one of the base characters; and Vox already has all of Grant's moves.
freeman is still plot relevant to kevin so he'll more than likely be in the base roster. they already have three seasons of dlc planned like they had for samsho so plenty of space for duck king later.
Her master is the biggest lucky motherfucker in vidya.
And Yamazaki is plot relevant to Marco, butt he wasn't in MotW at all and would likely end up as DLC in CotW too.
The 30th anniversary English page has posted three messages from the VAs without any sort of English translation.
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I'm gonna be real with you. I don't care about fatal fury art of fighters or whatever snk is making.

I want to play as K' and Iori. not some bum named Kevin. I just hope they'll scrap the fatal fury soon after it comes out and actually put money into making the only thing people care about look good which is KOF.
Liking only KOF is fine, but get some better taste in characters.
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Thanks for confirming that no one cares about MotW characters.
People would be hype as fuck if we got actual Fatal Fury characters from 2 and Real Bout.
Pic semirelated.
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Tunshi is making Orochi and Omega 95 $130 each
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New interview with SNK's CEO

>Since he joined three years ago, SNK has grown from 200 employees to 600
>He repeats the bit about Osaka studio focusing on classic IPs, Tokyo studio on AAA new IPs, China studio focusing on mobages using SNK IPs and a recently formed retro studio that will focus on remakes, remasters, reboots and ports.
>The Ronaldo thing was 100% due to the prince pulling some strings and he specifically mentions a sponsorship so stop wishing for Ronaldo on COTW
>recently formed retro studio that will focus on remakes, remasters, reboots and ports.

Hopium for a XI rerelease has increased
>Inb4 it's actually a KOF XII rerelease
Man I'd love pa good port of XI I remember on the ps2 this game was gold
You'll never convince me that a KOF that cut Leona is worth playing.
This but XIII and Blue Mary.
Well SNK have yet to do a UM for the Ash Saga's dream match game so... /j
>>Since he joined three years ago, SNK has grown from 200 employees to 600
>>He repeats the bit about Osaka studio focusing on classic IPs, Tokyo studio on AAA new IPs, China studio focusing on mobages using SNK IPs and a recently formed retro studio that will focus on remakes, remasters, reboots and ports.
I think the gacha and port studios will be profitable, because it costs little to make gachas and ports.

I think the AAA studio will be unprofitable. SNK games sell small and bring in small revenue, so SNK does not know how to make games that sell big.

Now they will have AAA games which likely will sell small too, but cost more to make.
That's more so of a marketing problem. I don't understand how they still have the same marketing team/social media intern when they all have been doing a terrible job for so long.
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You people keep jumping to conclusions. Doomposting before a project is even announced is some real horseshit.
Trust the vision. Inchallah all will be true.
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No-one gives enough of a fuck to call them out, I guess.
I've never said anything about the project itself. SNK's marketing team is simply garbage and everyone already knows this. Keep the corny reaction image in your discord rathole.
>SNK's marketing team is simply garbage and everyone already knows this.
This is news to me, so please show your work.
It should be a XI UM/GM with the PS2 characters properly integrated and a rebalance of the cast so that Kula, Gato, and friends aren't all that you see.
I don't know... would KoF 15 have been a big seller if it had great marketing. It's a niche game with mediocre visuals, no matter what.

Just a guess based on track record. Is my positive guess about the gacha and port studios horseshit too?
Because you're a retarded newfag. No one cares about what you think.
Talking mostly about their upcoming projects including city of the wolves. I don't think they'll sell enough for them to reach their top 10 publisher goal if they keep the same people in the charge.
>city of the wolves. I don't think they'll sell enough for them to reach their top 10 publisher goal
yes, that's safe to say by now. the mainstream ignores city of the wolves, and not even the wider fgc cares. Mostly core SNK fans will buy city of the wolves. I hope SNK expected that.
They're gonna have to rebuild it from the ground up, but given the lengths they went through for XIII and SamSho there might be hope for you yet XI anon.
kof has always been seen as a 2 hard 4u game for normies and it doesn't help that people that can actually play fighting games above a decent level keep repeating this,i think if they would've avoided the problems the game had on launch it would've sold better but not by that much
i feel like snk already knows who buys their games and generally focus on those people they dont spend a bunch of time trying to convince people who wouldn't otherwise give a shit to buy in like every other fighting game company is doing
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>SNK has grown from 200 employees to 600
and they're still unable to make more than one game at a time lol
most companies are generally working on more than one thing at a time
well, yes, that was the point of the joke
>hire people last year
>needs to have 10 games at the point the they can show/announce in the next one
I guess the amount of retarded posts like this is why there's almost no one left in this general kek
I don't think I've seen this version ever get a figure. It's usually the '98 version.
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I know, right? And 95 is the cooler Omega Rugal.
>needs to have 10 games
damn it's like you went 0 to 60 on the dumb and had excess amount of dumb that you felt you had to share it through projection
i didn't know there weren't numbers between 0 and 10 btw
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So this is when the stuff they are working now with all the new people they hired will start to come out
>i feel like snk already knows who buys their games and generally focus on those people
That's untrue though. If it was, they wouldn't be doing things like copying Modern Controls(yes they were kind of a thing before but you know they're 99% only doing it now because of SF6's success with it), dumbing-down inputs, crossovers like Ronaldo, etcetera. No-one who already likes/cares about SNK or Fighting Games in-general asks for nor cares about those things. Well I guess kinda besides crossover shit. At least only characters from FGs.
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Happy Boxing Day my beautiful bird brother!
new ff info when
when squareenix decides to attend another show
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cute idol!
>ANOTHER thing SNK misleads people on like with Alternate outfits in KOF 15 and a new Metal Slug a few ago
Why do people keep letting them get away with this? I mean I'm happy Ronaldo isn't actually in the game because that would be fucking homosexual and lame, but it still doesn't change that SNK are always leading on people with shit. Others like the anon here are right about SNK and their marketing/PR. It's ass and like they have no self-awareness of the things they do and say.
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if only there was someone observing these things years ago
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>I think the AAA studio will be unprofitable. SNK games sell small and bring in small revenue, so SNK does not know how to make games that sell big.
>Now they will have AAA games which likely will sell small too, but cost more to make.
It is clear that SNK and Mohammed Bin Salman want the studio to be as big as Capcom, making AAA titles like Resident Evil and Monster Hunter. SNK is in unknown territory right now meaning not a single one of us has any idea what they're going to bring to the table. 400 new employees with new gaming ideas of their own is what is going to branch out the company into genres outside of fighting games. Expect at least one First Person Shooter.
>Retards actually thinking Ronaldo was going to be in the game
I'm laffing
Dawg, they just released a trailer not even a week ago.
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>KOF 30th Anniversary Project Part 29
>KOF × Shin-Osaka Esaka Tokyu REI HOTEL collab
>Shin-Osaka Esaka Tokyu REI HOTEL will have a limited time KOF collab room! Enjoy your stay at the KOF room, greeted by Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami's standees and various KOF interior furnishings!

>As a bonus for your stay, you will receive a KOF 30th anniversary acrylic panel, postcard, Orochi Hakkesshu clear folder, and Kyo Kusanagi esports T-shirt

>Duration: January 20th (Mon) – January 31st (Fri), 2025 JST
>* The hotel will be closed on January 26th (Sun) due to electrical work within the facility.
>* Details about reservation dates/methods will be announced in due course.

>#KOF30th #KOF #tokyuhotels


The fuck
That's Nakoruru.

>recently formed retro studio that will focus on remakes, remasters, reboots and ports

And I take it this new studio can't touch anything the Osaka studio could do (doing something about the pre-MOTW Garou Densetsu/Fatal Fury games to entice modern gamers into touching them for enticing them into caring for continuity)?
i'm glad they're celebrating an anniversary by shilling a hotel that most of us aren't even gonna be traveling to to experience this great anniversary celebration
what next, a public bathroom kof anniversary collab project
Yeah I'd diddle both, but damn Hakuoro went for the one that was sickly, didn't think she'd be the one to win.
They can't even be bothered to translate special messages from characters into english, the one from K' was translated by a fan in comments. One just has to learn to live with the fact that Japanese fans are their priority, and the rest are an afterthought.
Uhhh...so apparently we're almost done?
Feels like it was a whole lifetime since they started. Honestly, I think it shouldn't have even been spread out over 30 projects, but condensed into one big celebration. That way it would have had more impact, since people wouldn't have time to get bored in between.
Well they did collab with a condom brand before so we shouldn't be too surprised.
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>SNK encouraging their fans to never create another generation of SNK fans
Let's be honest, its not like it was gonna happen anyway
how dead is kof?

What the fuck
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>Isekai Iori strikes again
Oh boy. Can't wait for KOF Agartha to be randomly chosen as Part 30 of KOF 30th.

athena bros....

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