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Previous thread: >>504361592
>General Info on Taimanin
>General Guide for Characters and Builds

>News and Current Events on Action Taimanin

>Official YouTube Page (EN)
>Official YouTube Page (JP)
>Official AT instagram

>JP AT Wiki

Action Taimanin /atg/ guilds

/atg/ ID: 960001
tuggas ID: 57900001
Noah's Hole ID: 8600001
Rubber Woman ID: 1590001
Cute & Funny ID: 9860001
Starlight Road ID: 6580001
Sorry for taking so long
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We're BACK
i offer my wife Eleonor for gangbang
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she needs an orc instead
i was beginning to miss rinko's tits...
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Lolibaba is my fetish.
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hell yeah
Santa is so lucky...
I think i'm literally being 1989 taimanin^2
I've easily logged in more hours than most of my games played and at least 2-3 times a day sessions.
But it's nowhere in sight.
One of the games showcased is Noita, I haven't played that since July.
It's the same for me, I've probably put hundreds of hours into AT and DOAXVV the past year but neither of those are showing up
Thank fuck Steam is smart enough to remove my hidden games from the replay thing
It would be like 90% of my "gameplay" because it's just running in the background doing nothing most of the time
The human shotas will be pleased
>free unit
>good scenes
That brown brat dressed as a santa took all my money, and she didnt even fix my erection!
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Yep, She scammed me
Please tell me she will be a actual playable char. This game seems to be pussying out on the loli's.
Let's rape and kill this guy
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So, what is the final consensus?
Azusa's ass
There are not shotas in atg. Only ojisans.
Hey buddy fuck you
She strong
Pretty good. Red gives her more damage on some skills, Green gives her more defense on some skills, and Blue decreases enemy speed on some skills. She also does really well with the butterfly weapon.
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Shiranui and ybuta's house
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Kirara love?
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Kirara impregnation
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I have been burning my skip items lately.
Better play Action Taimanin then some coomer gacha shit like World of Tanks.
>coomer gacha shit like World of Tanks.
What did I miss?
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Me anon Anon's wife
me and anon
I know fat people get rashes from the skin rubbing. Do these women get under boob rashes?
Astaroth sex
How can Kirara have two husbands if she only had one man in her entire life? She is not a taimanin.
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Nobody went to her party...
If they were real, they would.
Although this is one of the reasons for why women wear bras.
I came
I was there but she didn't see me.
Loli granny took all of her guests hostages. She will surely understand.
Kiss Azusa's eyelids to make her feel better
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Loli granny support when?

Will they really not release loli characters despite the lewd loli supporters already in the game?
Says you
Feed Azusa Christmas cake, without telling her the calorie count
I blame ultra retarded Americans. Vocal minorities seems to be winning, despite the Japanese eating up loli content like candied wine. Its very Lucrative over there, so its odd a Japanese company doesn't double down on it just because they are scared people on twitter who dont even play the game.
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My great-great grandpa was 25 when he married my great-great grandma and she was 15, we need to go back
But jokes aside, are we really never going to get Sakuya at least?
She is an actual Taimanin and they released Sora but not her. Logically speaking it should be yes, if they dont then its purely because political wokeness from the west. "Woke" retard shit doesnt exist in the east, and neither does moral faggotry. And even in the west its usually from hags that have long past their fertility point. younger Women unironically larp as Loli's even in the west. just look at Vtubers.
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Guys these packs are too good. Im reaching genshin levels dolphining. I get like 5 total weapon/supporter selects from this.

maybe /v/ was right, I made a mistake dling this game.
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Sakuya's NEXT
It's ok, I took her home after
Druggie slut!
Sakuya's so fucked up.
Is there any way to get the young shiranui supporter aside from buying the package or the desires shop?
open that wallet bro
Wait for it. They will either have limited time campaign missions with extra copies of the supporter or a copy will be given in part 2 of the seasonal shop. Sometimes it might even be daily missions. Usually, not including paying for it, we get 3/5 on the limited weapon and 3/5 on the supporter. The desire shop one is unfortunately part of that 3/5 though, so if you skip, your Shiranui suport would be 2/5.
Besides what the other anons said they'll probably add a copy on the arena or vr shop, we'll have to wait until next week
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Damn brat, she's in serious need of correction
They completely forgot about her and focused only on Sora, her druggie story and getting a ninja art got completely sidelined
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Felicia under my Christmas tree
getting impregnated by the family dog
vr qol cumming
Azusa told me that before they shipped her, she saw the devs working on Sakuya
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Was hoping to see if they'd considered hair and weapon colors changing as well as a less frustrating outfit color system and/or more outfit custom color slots. A lot of times I think about switching/adjusting outfit colors but having to gamble on random colors popping up tends to make me not even bother trying because of the time and resources I could end up dumping just to not get what I want. If I had and extra slot for a different outfit color set I would be more willing to blow resources since I'd still have the previous color set on hand if I don't get what I want.
Don't dishonor the noble family dog. Get some fat smelly pig or obese unwashed horse to do the deed instead, or maybe a giant cockroach.
why would you keep those in your house though
Still waiting for her to become playable.
Well, the cockroach is just sneaky and lives in the basement as cockroaches are apt to do, even if it's a giant one hung like a horse. The nasty pig and horse are in the barn close to the house.
Rinko binko?
>spend gems to unlock "sets" of custom colors.
>3 per girl, 1st unlocked default
>50/100 gems per set
>per girl
>per outfit
Supriosed they haven't done it already, that would be a large gemsink for some people who like dressing up the girls.
the fact that the dye color is based on the original color is the worst part, which makes most colors look like some blended shit no matter what
Did someone really edit a Murahachiro vid to get Rinko onboard? I'm impressed.
No, original video was rinko, there is another one with Kirara.
>We are also working hard to improve our game based on your precious opinions
My opinions are "precious" to them :3
>The “Total War” will be added first. Total War is content where players will have to deal the most damage for a limited amount of time to a boss with infinite HP. Players will have to use their strongest team or every character they have to prove their skills.
No mention about it being club-content thank God.
Inb4 chink names in the top 100 ranking.
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Lemme guess, crits are disabled.

Still pure whale bait mode because more than often you need a pimped ass party with everything maxed.
>more than often you need a pimped ass party with everything maxed.
That's not hard to achieve if you've been playing this game for 4 years.
I have 2 whole minmaxed squads (6 'nins) against machine and demon enemies for VR
Not talking about magamoos and such, those are relatively easy to get.

But maxed woke points are hard.
Just do your VR for 20 minutes daily bro :)
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And give up on weapons.
There are 8 weapons and you need 5 copies of each to max. 40*30k=1.200.000/5k daily cap = 240 days of farming just to max weapons.
Thats 8 months of not buying crystals.
Going to pick up items in my basement only to be raped by a giant cockroach
Just send your taimanin wife
Taimanin did have a recent collab with HSOTD but it was just some non-nude erotica, no hard ecchi so don't worry, anon, the cheating cockroach will not lay a finger on you no matter how much she wants to.
Is dumb
in a smart way!
2 Kirara.
Only can win against one cock
underage taimanin girls
tag teaming horses
Is Sakuya underage?
Ah, it's from his earlier works when he did also non-OC characters. Never knew he did Taimanin girls.
Lilith never went too far on that side of things. I think just Shindol doing the old Monster Survive VN, but it's a bit.... of a weird tangent even for lewds.
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>horse, dogs, scat, guro, tentacles and lot of other stuff.
>bug is too much

What. But I kinda prefer mura older works because its properly looped and don't devolve onto shitty transformations.
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why is this blind cow wearing so much clothing? Holy shit, what the fuck.
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>Granny beat the cock.

Too strong for this franchise.
Granny gangbang
Santa Sakura cheating picture message
It's Friday! Before Christmas
we all mock hebiko for getting her brains fucked out of this world. but unironically if this monster's the one training her, she might be onto something. like orc dick
Ingrid marriage
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Oboro first, back the fuck off?!
Nobody except orcs cares about Oboro
>like the Astaroth christmas outfit
>want to take off that fluffy shoulder thing
>the only accessory choice removes both the fluffy thing and the hat
>but I want the hat on her
>can't have them separate
>none of this matters anyway because I don't have the outfit and it's NEVER coming back
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because she is not a taimanin and goes to Gokou Academy for Onmyoji and this is what the Principal dresses like.
so much clothing to hide all the bodymarkings, vibrators, clamps, buttplug and other sex toys shes using! what a slut
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its more like buying crystals once a month you have 35k a week, Tuesday to monday's maintenance/reset, so you have 5k leftover after every week so every 4 weeks you have 20k leftover points for crystals.

But all this assumes you are getting a weapon every week instead of being selective about what weapon you are getting and stockpiling points on weeks you ignore the weapon. I know I ignored machine week's weapon for a long time due to the lack of machine enemies at the time.

Then there is getting a weapon before and after the sunday shop reset cutting down the amount of cycles from 5 to 3 to max out a weapon. which isn't a lot but hey if you max out the weapon you can hoard more points.

I'm getting way to into the dynamic of the vr shop.
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Read her scene.

Problem is shop being random as shit and not always you going have pc or phone available to check or just forgot.
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Tatsurou's wife looking good
Asuka kiss
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Swimsuit saggers were absolute peak
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Maika renewal soon
Ingrid impregnation
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She's dreaming about being playable in AT...
>Read her scene.
Santa tries to correct her
She rapes santa
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This is a match I wanna see. Hell, they both even have smoke powers
This slopper put some effort in and trained his own. Always curious how people can get accurate results like the costumes.
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Momochi's daughter
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They look like they skip class and sexually harrass the other kids like a bunch of delinquents
Nagi's butt
Rinko has graduated!
My wife
Hug Noah
Kiss Noah
Mating Press Noah
ybuta is betraying with a giant cockroach...
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Massaging her milkers and caramel milk comes out

Licking it like a popsicle
Can I play with your wife?
Noah misses DAPs
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Nagi DAP
Whats the damage formula look like for that game? I usually auto battle to level my girls from 1-20, but accidentally went into my daily and still cleared it no problem with a level 1 girl, So I'm guessing Awaken skills gotta be multiplicative. I remember Hard Daliy's being challenging with level 1 girl a year ago when I started, but I've maxed all my Combat Awakenings.
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im gonna regret not buying her pack, arnt i.
Why Francis is so big?
Oni are big
human semen diet and oni metabolism
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Flat-chested Taimanin
Su, Yuki, and Feli TECHNICALLY aren't flat chested
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What's wrong, Noah?
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>when you promise a burger combo meal but forget that you did
At what time of the year do they release new Secret Garden, Battle Scarred and Bunny Girl costumes?
Do they release them multiple times a year?
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When is Eleonor getting another costume that exposes her womb tattoo?
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Secret garden outfits release irregularly. Most of them come with the characters release. Some of them never get secret garden outfits (it's mainly the flatties). And some just came out of the blue like Sakura's. The only outlier to this is Maika's which was a desire shop outfit (which then became a paid costume which then dissappeared entirely). TLDR; it's very random.
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sex with ALL the Japanese women.
Santa Sakura snowballing kiss
The Felicia Secret Garden outfit will release next month
So, im getting this Pirate for sure right?
Sauce for these claims
Gremory Games himself told me
Could you tell Mr. Games to make a better endgame mode? Because vr sucks ass.
Felicia dp
Do we know if next week/this weekend we get half cost/drop boost daily quest?
Shiranui Shizuru dp
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Feli's so fucking cutesex
feli fellatio
Felicia DAP?
im getting in line
Just how bad were Yukikaze's dad's genes for her to end up like that?
Typical cuck MC genes
>impregnated Shiranui
That's not how it works.
I can get behind that
What you getting for xmas?
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This baby just shipped from Tokyo an hour ago.
And this is the only picture I could find that can (barely) be posted on a blue board. Hope customs do not make a fuss about it.
Dumb bitch is spilling apple juice everywhere
Unless you live on a shithole that ban porn or are importing loli, most of time they don't give a shit.
She have no ass. Better DAP her superior sister.
>mats are capped at 60000
Why though?
Memes aside, why does this statue need to be pissing? Why is it so much to ask to have attractive, super curvy feminine figures that do not involve scat or golden showers?
There is other figs with standard stuff ye know.
Yeah sure, but this degeneracy, I am not sure it sells that well.
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Happy Halloween!
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It's a niche market, they aren't supposed to sell gorillions. Not mention that you can ignore extra parts and just show fig as should be.
Felicia's fellicios
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This figure comes out in 6 months. Pre-orders started a few weeks ago, and sold out within hours. Guess what the special parts are. This is a series for absolute degenerates. The more basic figures, like last year's fully nude clone Asagi are easy to find. Getting something like preggo Ingrid, however, is almost impossible.
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im retarded, just realized i forgot pic
Okay, that is mind-blowing. Never would I want anything close to that path. I guess they know their worst degenerates well.
Yes. You choose if they say you can pick and it's random if it's random.
why does yuki look so smug about being in a suitcase? what kind of weirdo enjoys getting suitcase'd?
cockslapping Astaroths and Ainas gigantic foreheads
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Year of dragon is over.
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2025 is the Year of the Snake
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Erect Snake the Bigger Boss.
>year of dragon came and went
>su never got added to RPGX
massive missed opportunity
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How do you get Loli Natsu? Please help.
I'm still waiting on her....
by rioting and prefrably executing all anti lolicons.
Wish I can marry the granny
Knocking Aina out with a forehead slap from 6.5 inch microwiener
My wife Rinko-chan is so cute!
Some guy on discord said Felicias weapon is dogshit. true?
Lina sex
She is probably the next one to get a renewal so even if it is true it won't be in a few months. She is kinda underwhelming. I recall some mention of he best build being crits which means she suffers from lack of power in high end content where crit is nerfed considerably. But people run her as a healer due to her applying the mark debuff in high end content to that is a moot point.

Enjoy her if you want but know there are better options to get a job done.
So is christmas spiderloli worth using or exchange fodder
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Yeah...Once you try Lapis, you can't go back.
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Buy Kurenai's $32 skin
Kurenai TAP
>only a paid 32$ skin in the update
ded gaem
ded thread
Would she eat my shit if I do?
Kurenai is a refined shit eater. She'll only eat orc logs
gay...fucking shit
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A Christmas Miracle!
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I still play her for dailies since she came out and stare at her brapper
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Merry Christmas anon.
I love you very much.
Nope she's my favorite right now she's strong and better than rinko in every way
Stop taunting me!!!! I'd pay 50 bucks even at this point.
How many Taimanin sucked his cock ?
Merry Christmas/spoiler]
Only Natsu. And he loses everytime.
yuki and rinko guaranteed, he may have told them he needed some extra 'service' to take tatsurou off the naughty list for "accidentally walking in on rinko getting out the bath", but we both know they'd have done it anyway
fat sure but, santa isn't even ugly he is average.
Brown demon women are spreading christmas cheer to the children
more like the children are spreading the christmas cheer all over the brown demon women, amirite?
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Merry Christmas, atgbros.
Granny is the best.
Lolibaba cunny. Just what I wanted!
Those men don't have the slighest idea of the dangers inside the box. Somebody should tell them to run away from her as fast as they can.
They were doomed the moment the artist gave them eyes. If a rapeman has eyes, it takes his rape power level down by 50%.
True. Fuuma got one in RPGX, became a regular harem protag, and even got cucked by Tokiko.
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Taimanin Christmas sex
True. They should call G.V asap, because only justice will prevail there.
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What Noah wants for christmas?
my wife
Look at those dudes.
20 burgers, a bucket of fries, and a LARGE coke
Milked dry
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They need to make a scene like this for Murasaki.
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Merry Christmas anon. I love you very much.
Francis under the Christmas Tree
>you just haven't given me anything
I've given you every point that debunks your talking points and rendered you unable to answer a simple yes no question, now your responses are defeated re-quotes.
>see you next thread
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Merry Christmas!
Marinette is so lucky
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Merry Christmas
Murasaki as the christmas tree
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Sakura (and Murasaki), the JOLLYIEST
Murasaki anal
Sakura paizuri
Noah impregnation
Asagi as the Christmas cake?
>I've given you every point that debunks your talking points
So who is your favorite character of all time?
>rendered you unable to answer a simple yes no question
I answered it though, you literally acknowledged that I did
see you next thread
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Imagine being this autistic on Christmas
I'm starting to think that this AI bot training using this thread because it's empty
I'm still shocked they are still going. Hell, the thread that the quote was from doesn't even exist anymore.
>Imagine being this autistic
you don't have to imagine being autistic going by the screenshot you made
blame the guy who waits for days/weeks to reply and rehash the argument instead of simply finishing it off
Holy fuck. It goes from september last year over someone calling 2B garbage. A real long-term relationship with turboautism.
Don't you feel bad for the guy who needs days/weeks to respond to anything now though? He's clearly been mentally crushed to the point where his only recourse is to hope the other guy gets tired and he "wins"
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No, retard, we don't feel "bad" about either of you, we think you are both equally pathetic.
>we think you are both equally pathetic
Yet you're very willing to get in between "them" and make this a bigger deal than it is. You're arguably even more pathetic for enabling the behavior.
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LMAO, are you hoping to start a reply chain of (You)s lasting for 14 months with me as well?
Too bad, this is the last one you're gonna get from here.

Go get drunk and jack off to you're waifu or something, nigga, it's Christmas
>are you hoping to start a reply chain of (You)s lasting for 14 months with me as well
Nope, just pointing out that you trying to puff your chest is just going to end up with you looking foolish by either having to back down or engage in the very behavior you're denouncing
>Go get drunk and jack off to you're waifu or something
Is that how you cope with people making posts you don't like?
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I didn't know the goldbars boss was into CBT
and that's why i've always found it so hilarious, two retards arguing over something completely off-topic for over a fucking year and we STILL end up dying sometimes
>arguing over something completely off-topic for over a fucking year and we STILL end up dying sometimes
If that's what bothers you then tell the guy who takes days/weeks to respond to step his game up
Hey man, don't kinkshame.
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Merry Christmas to everyone -
From my wives and I
Lina underneath Ingrid's Christmas tree
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I am now absolutely certain the so called "hatred" towards aoi nagisa is just a running gag here and on the taimanin /h/ general, the torso looks fucked in that picture even if you try to go for cool angle is looks too wide and deformed but becayse this was made by shindol people will eat this up and praise it, if aoi would make this exact mistake we would get the 2 usual autist crying for multiple posts.
I like the lolibaba but i didnt like she was drawn like her skin was hanging from her body like it was a suit she was wearing.
I thought most of it was just a joke about when Aoi's long hair designs end up covering up the ass in AT models with no other options.
Lolihag is just strongfat. Sticks would never understand.
The amount of dick she must have taken to train her core like that tho
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i mean i'll be honest, i would fuck the SHIT out of nagisa's current titcow versions of his characters
this latest slampig version of asuka has claimed more than a small amount of my seed, and i'm not afraid to admit that
no shit you just discovered that? and when you call the nigger out he goes full /v/eddit "why are you so mean to me :( not gonna reply anymore"
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>mimi is gone
>RPGX dumb bimbo is also gone
It's over. Lilith can no longer hire women. They are broken.
Headpatting your Taimanin as she gives you a loving Christmas blowjob under the mistletoe
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I bet you guys couldn't draw Su better than Nagisa.
You should know that I impregnated your wife
Which is Ingrid's best UR weapon? Her VR weapon or Ignis Blade?
>make this exact mistake
current aoi would never layout and draw something this good. A few mistakes are irrelevant if the overall idea and design of the image is good. That's why the old aoi art is better there is way more thought and effort put into it.

It's an off-model generic trashheap design
look at how flat she is...
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Shindol traditionally has a peculiar sense of proportions and most of his stuff looks unrealistic, much like Raita. Always been like that, useless to complain.
Aoi simply stopped giving a shit and his art steadily got worse over time. We cry for what was lost. Check Aoi's Asuka loli, that one is a thing that makes your eyes bleed. Shindol's art is simply.... weird like that.
Your Feli is missing her sidetails...
Thank you for restoring the balance of the universe.
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The Rinko Squad is complete
Someone give anon's wife some new clothes...
Shotas beware
Orcs beware
cherry hunter unit.
Azusa kiss
So uuuhh....when is the new shiranui supporter free missions suppose to appear? I have around 120 desires but the poison chick will dissapear from the shop at december 30th, i had bad luck with the gacha and i didnt get her, should i buy the poison girl in hopes of future shiranui supporter missions or should i just use the desires for young mama shiranui?
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Poison girl is permanent. You can get spooked by her any time in the gacha, exchange facility, or even with purple UR tickets. Young Shiranui supporter is limited. They will only give three copies, one of them is in the desire shop. Other two will be coming from different missions probably. There is no other way to get her. Young Shiranui technically has more value since limited. That being said, I'm not forcing you to get her. If you don't care about fomo, then go with what Poison girl.
Weird that they haven't announced the next renewal by now.
Don’t think they need too, everyone’s up to date to the game’s modern standards
There's a lot of characters that need model renewals still that don't have that glossy look, Asagi, Sakura, Yukikaze, Maika, Saika, Felicia, Aina, Sora, Nagi, Shizuru, Rin, Annerose and Shisui. Emily is an example of just getting a facelift and that only because her gameplay stayed exactly the same.

Regarding gameplay buffs/changes they need to seriously retool Maika she's shit, Aina could use buffs because she's very dull and bland.
I wish to inform you all that, in the last 3 days, I downloaded almost 20 GB of porn involving double anal penetration (and often superhuman amounts of piss), despite not having much of an interest in that previously. I personally blame every one of you who cannot bump a thread like a normal person, and look forward to whatever physically impractical fetish you manage to awaken in me next.
Noah TAP
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Good job anon!
Phantasma QAP
>January: Maika renewal
>Febuary: Sakuya playable debut
I can't wait, and no I do not have any proof of these updates whatsoever
They might release Snake lady to celebrate the new year since it'll be the year of the snake
Thanks, it sucks you cant buy the costume with gems but at least i can get the supporter of best girl.
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Are Time Attack Chapters 2, 3, 5 and 6 really the only ones with special transitions?
Why didn't they make more?
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>Action Taimanin
>Initial release date: December 24, 2019
>Today: December 26, 2024 A.D.
5 years...
Doomposters fucking failed.
The more special animations they have the more work they would have to do for every new girl they add.
Just more work.
Asagi kissing Murasaki on New Year's
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Does she have a surprise between her legs?
Hey AT bros, wanna post in /fgo/ threads since now they also have gem debt?
I'll save a catbox of the threads and stroke myself off to it later.
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Greeting from /fgo/
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kek welcome to the negative balance club maybe you can also get a ntr login bonus
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depends on which person you're talking about
Tickling Kurenai's butthole
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Lmao, that going kill the game asap.
>fgo doesn't die from this
>proves the fucking EN taimanin community has more backbone somehow
>fgo dies from this
>the gacha ecosystem collapses all at once
i don't know which'd be funnier, honestly
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>can't control your characters in the raid
Into the trash this mode goes even if the leaderboard was gonna be filled with cheating chinks I had a little bit of hope.
It's just forcing RNG, which incentivizes paying to heighten your RNG win-rate.
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>another RNG mode

Would be fine if we had half competent AI, but isn't the case.
What is your bet for the next playable character?
>check twitter
>its filled with JP users laughing at people who abused the bug
not happening since it was obvious to everyone it was an unintended bug unlike with RPGX's case
speaking of which, whill they ever try RPGX EN again? i wish they do i liked the game...
Its just cope and everyone got affected one way or another.

As for RPG global, really doubt, AT got far more attention due whole fuckup and is obviously the focus right now for rest of globe.
Not cope, the japanese are like that.
unless youre completely retarded you know thats a bug since youre receiving stuff that you previously completed and you could do it everytime you logged in.
some users were being smug about it and are now in giga debt with users who didnt abuse it laughing at them.
You did buy the Asagi ASMR right anon?
i already don't control them in VR anyways
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Probably some other Nagisa slampig, it's like they can only do one body type now
This sounds like absolute cancer, enjoy watching the ai getting killed in the most stupid way possible while dealing no damage. I also can't imagine myself fiddling with gear to deploy 33 characters in relay mode, I just hope the rewards aren't vr tier mandatory so I can just ignore this shit
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>FGO just implemented a roll debt like RPGX did
>There players are fucking praising it
Anyone else angry about this? You're telling me the thing that got RPGX EoS'd is being celebrated by those fags???
It's not the same doing it as soon as you start your gacha server than doing it to people 10 years deep into sunk cost, they're going to bend over backwards trying to justify it
>FGO once again taking the crown of "franchise with the most literal cucks" from Taimanin
Goddammit, first it was Sakura and her worms. Then it was Mash and the Lion. Now it's the gem debt. At this rate, Taimanin will look like Vanilla in comparison!
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that outfit makes wish all the characters had access to a Psylocke style outfit
>Mettle Coins will be given as normal rewards that can be used in the Mettle Shop, and the top 500 commanders will receive Honor Coins additionally, which can be used in the Honor Shop. Commander Marks or various upgrade materials can be traded in the Special Shop, and items in the Special Shop can be bought weekly, monthly, or once per account.
I suppose it depends on the upgrade materials, but I would guess you're going to have to do it if you want to keep up.
Bitch has a long ass neck
Day one buy for one of my favorite futas.
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If they at least took a gander at the AI and fix some of the wonky stuff, like the AI just ignoring certain abilities or using them like once in a blue moon...but they won't do that and instead of amusing chaos it's going to turn into an annoying exercise in patience.
I want Mai or Sakuya but it's probably going to be Mari.
lmao even
roflmao if it strikes your fancy
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It's 100% going to be the fat titty chink, what are you talking about?
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>Total War battles are fully automated, and commanders can't control their characters.
There are sometimes reminders like these that we are, in fact, playing a trashy phone game
Who the fuck >plays gacha for >gameplay ?
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Mari will be playable... in a mini game.
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I love her so much but she's not flat by any means.
Whatever happened with the rewards for that survey? I didn't get anything.
Threesome with Su and Lan
>and neither does moral faggotry
Eh, delusional, detached-from-reality pacifist preaching is almost a staple of shounen. It's different than sexual moral faggotry, sure, but it's still there. And it's not as if Japan is completely devoid of fags complaining about pantyshots or whatever. They're just less powerful.

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