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Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.

>Official Site


>Enlisted Community Resource

>Weapons List (Alpha)

>Current Battlepass

>Running Events

>Snow Mayhem

>Supply Drop No2


>New Years 2025 Sale


>Update "Tigers of Burma"

KOPFSCHUSS, HAHA: >>505527040
We were dead for 2(TWO) hours, someone forgot to build a rally again.
should we inform the korean guro artists of this game to boost its popularity
The big new year sale just started. A few things are getting removed afterwards, namely the Soviet Flame tank.
If Darkflow adds the Jap schoolgirl guerrilla squad they'll flock to Enlisted in droves I'm sure.
I'm tellin ya man
the himeyuri student corps will make enlisted
Same, so far i have spend maybe 250k and got:
BT7 skin / Italian Hero Rifleman for Germany / Hero MG gunner for USSR / PPK-42 Assault Squad for USSR / Type 99 (long) Rifleman Squad for Japan / German Flakpanzer tank / US P47-D 22 fighter-bomber / 1portrait
(not counting tickets and stuff of course).
Way more than the last time.
Compared to last time I've spent about 80k and gotten fuck all. Just some profile pictures and a wrapped Mosin sniper, which as we know is the greatest weapon in the game.
I got a ju-188 or whatever and some weapons
oh and 3 trillion callsign changes

450k well spent, will continue to spend every 5k I get
I've spent 500k and got:
Coomer bait weeb bait OP
That was pretty much the last million I spent on the previous box. This time I spent 100k, got 116k back along with a Besal and a gold C96. I’m walking away while I’m ahead.
Blame the lazy assholes who let the general be dead for an hour and a half, if tou didn't want a weeb OP you should have made the general yourself
I went to bed right beforehand you lazy cunt.
The new sales and events weren’t put in either
When I was making the OP I grabbed the most recent articles that seemed relevant, the previous OP still had shit from fucking Augusy and the earth Shield Event as the latest one. I did link the New Years sale article.
>Japanese and Americans get their AA trucks for free
>German and Soviet AA are locked behind lootboxes

I'm actually shocked that we don't have more AA vehicles in the game. Between infantry and the focus on close support air it seems like an environment they would thrive.
Lol just got M5A1 "Carol" skin :3
aieeeeeeeee I just did the gacha and posted what I recieved and the thread was archived right afterrrrrrr
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Since when was Enlisted on Steam? Any tips before I get started?
just one, really
get an engineer
build rallies
Don’t waste resources buying or upgrading things you aren’t going to use long term.
If you like the game then get premium, it’s half off right now and you can get a whole year for 20 bucks. Or get 6 months and you can get it on sale again for VE Day.
The battle passes are basically a one-time payment of 10 dollars because you get the gold back for completing it, and it’s very easy to complete. When you finish leveling a squad make sure you remove the soldiers and equipment to use on the next squad so you aren’t unnecessarily buying things.
I might get the Type Ko squad. Other than that, the only things I want aren't on sale.
>0 tickets left
>spectating a guy building a rally
>APCs aren't on sale
I got extra squad slots for Japan, and Germany.
I got Japan just so I could use the squad from the Halloween event.
I'd get another just to have an apc and a tank, but I am not sure if it would be worth to use a tank in a Japan loadout
The Ho-Ri shits on the spergshing
That reminds me if you're into the game and buy premium, you can buy squad slots which are 30% off right now. They very rarely go on sale and the first slots are cheaper than the rest, so I'd buy at least a couple slots for the faction I wanted to play.
>spergshing unlocked
finally. I can be rewarded for pixel hunting the 2H's turret face rather than being punished for it like in the M26.

honestly they really ought to just give the US a T95 to make it fair
We need a British faction. I'm sick of hearing the faggy yank voice on my soldiers.
With the bong m18 getting removed I had wondered if that could be why. But of course there is still the Firefly and all the other bong shit
Any of the stuff leaving the store worth buying?
That sounds like incredibly wishful thinking.
They are there:
They intend to implement the option to choose a soldiers nationality.
Is it possible to buy premium account with real money and not Gold ?
you can buy gold with real money and then buy premium
>play BR5 americans
>fight against gigasweats and clangoloids with a team that isn't that great
>play BR5 americans again
>team full of controllers vs japs full of people that are at least capable enough to have gotten the IV decorators

dawg I wanna die
Yeah but it will be like: "buy 1200 Gold even if you need only 1000.
>pick up berthiers ingame
>they're great
>love them, gonna buy them when they come up for sale again
>berthier boys pop up again
>don't want em
They are such a good squad, too!
The people who play this game are so fucking baffling.

They have engineers.

They know what rallies do.

They just don't use them.

They KNOW that engineers and rallies win matches.

They HAVE engineers and rallies in their squads and lineups.

They just don't use them?

Enlisted's playerbase is full of people who genuinely choose to lose.

I don't get it?

Why choose to lose?
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Ja, ja, ja! Ha-haa!
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T14 tank
Ram tank
M18 recoilless rifle
Gloster Meteor
It sucks ass that high tier US will now just be spamming Schrecks forever instead of the M18 recoilless rifle. So much for flavor and faction identity.
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No, any faggot that draws guro should be beaten to death.
Also mark tanks/personel carriers/turret positions and snipers on rooftops. Default keybind is ''V'' i think.
to be fair they apparently had pretty abysmal penetration and were apparently used as anti-infantry more than anti-armor
Luv me low tier lineup.
>China Thompson
>M3 Field Mod
>Sten Mk III
>USMC Thompson
>Charlton if I need an MG
It's good stuff.
>So much for flavor and faction identity.
Yea, i was very confused when i saw the German flamethrower squads have the ability to build ampulomets.
>Play Americans
>My team is 80% console players
>They really just sorta hang around the spawn taking pot shots at the enemy for 20 minutes
It’s okay for Germany to get special treatment because I am a nazi
The Mauser MKb is already in the resource. It's slightly more damage and recoil with a better rate of fire than the StG.
Of course, the 20 round mag I'm sure will hold it back a little bit. I'm not sure the extra damage will be enough to matter either since it's only 2 more. Maybe I'll put them on my BR4 flamethrower squad or something.
How are American teams so fucking bad at all BRs? I don't understand. They are consistently fucking awful.
They seemed fine to me last time i played.
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The Soviet flame tank may be the weakest land vehicle in the game! The Flammpanzer is pretty fun, however.
>U.S "Pacific War" customisation renamed "Pacific War / Burma"
>Not "Solomon Islands / Burma"
I'm making a US BR I lineup for my newly acquired Moroccans. A1 Springfield as the mainstay rifle, assaulters with Reisings, a sniper squad with the high RoF scoped Springfield, M5 Rhino Stuart, 250lb bomb Hurricane, etc.
The game is full of third world retards and actual literal children. Yesterday you had people saying Japan was unplayable, now it's the US. I think the playerbase is just generally terrible no matter who you pick and because everyone here does relatively well you're stuck getting matches with people you need to carry.
>Blow up a tank with my Chinese AT soldier
>He shouts "SHA BI"
I think that the problem is partially the matchmaking. You get people with fully leveled squads paired with people who just started leveling a bunch of new squads.
>Hear weebs cry for a week about muh unfair US teams
>Play US
>Every single weeb team is a multi stack piss yellow wall of tryhards
>BR makes no difference
>Spend them Now
I will Hold until the last day hoping the daily login gamba gives me more.
They have brought back all the old items.
>Wanna buy a buncha MKb 35s
>My ass squad at BR II is already armed with EMPs
Owari da...
Any recommendations for BP weapons?

>Hyde Model 35 looks good but I've never heard of anyone using it
>RMN-50 I've heard is good
>Mkb 35/3 looks very good
>Suomi Kp-26 looks good
>Suppressed Erma EMP looks decent

Anything else?
I already have 4 Conders and 4 FN1930's
Meh. The BSA Thompson is better.


>MKb 35
It actually kinda feels like ass, but it's very strong.

Kinda redundant at BR III when you could use the ZK.

>Suppressed Erma
Great gun, really fun.

I'd suggest the pistol carbines (all of them are good), the artillery Luger is a great sidearm and so is the Yazikov. The Berdan is fun, but it's shit.
I wanna emphasise that the MKb 35 IS very strong, but man it just feels bad to shoot.
It seems fine on the practice range
It just feels bad, I dunno how to explain it. It's a VERY early Gold Order gun and has kinda ugly animations and bad sounds. It's ridiculously strong (I have four of them) but man, it doesn't feel great.
It does seem a little soulless

If you were to take the average of every gun in the game, you'd get something like the Mkb 35.
It feels like using a Super Grease Gun with actually good sights, at least.
I guess you've figured this out by now, but https://store.gaijin.net/catalog.php?category=EnlistedPremiumAccount
I got the Gewehr 88 mostly because I have a real one and wanted some in-game to match.

Would have been cool if it used the enblock clips like the Carcano but I have no idea how to do a partial reload with one. It doesn't have a clip release and it's got a magazine holder so it can load bullets without a clip.
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I hate this cocksucker more than you can believe. He plays like such a fucking fag, so fucking defensive.
He's more than willing to just sit on the roof of a point or around a corner and wait for people. He doesn't try to clear the point himself, he just sits there, waiting. It's his primary strategy. He'll sit his squad far away from the point he is attacking, go onto the point, and sit behind a crate or something only occasionally popping his head out. If his soldier dies, he does the same thing with the next one. EXTREMELY defensive and opportunistic. Not passive, but... Ratty?
Hyde is not used since BSA is just straight up better.
Bought one Mkb35 and it's very fun while shooting at mid range it's like post nerfed G43 Kurz but with smaller magazine.
>RMN-50 I've heard is good
it's very fun but wouldn't recommend picking more than 2 of them one per squad is more than enough. Take infantryman with big ammo pouches and 2 or more engineers

Gorkov is pretty cool if you want something different from AVT/AVS

>Suppressed Erma EMP looks decent
not at BR4

RPK is neat at BR2 it's like mini BAR but with 15 rounds. WAR is solid the best BAR in the game with faster sprint speed.

Suomi is a ZK but 10% better.
FN1930 is pretty inaccurate but still way better than MG34.
>Suomi is a ZK but 10% better.
Dunno about that, the ZK fires faster and you really feel it.

>Suppressed Erma EMP looks decent
It's a BR II gun.

>FN1930 is pretty inaccurate but still way better than MG34.
They have different use cases/niches. The FN is better at mid range, the MG 34 is way better defensively, at long ranges when mounted, and at point blank.
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>Dunno about that, the ZK fires faster and you really feel it.
except it doesn't check datamine stats
I personally don't care for faggots like that. If he wants to sit in a corner and camp he can do it. I play for objectives and for kino, not for racking points from kills. I am the guy that will be building spawn points. I am the guy that will be rushing objectives. I am the guy running toward a tank with TNT in hand.
soon they will remove all gold order achievement rewards...
I guess I will buy my missing pavesis and MkBs and a M2A1
But I don't know what to get.
I will have 4 left over Gold Orders after that and I don't really want anything else. Maybe some Type Heis 10 rounders.
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Oi, simmer down the anti-semitism, bruv
How am I supposed to get my low BR paras now?????? reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
This hasn't happened for me. Where in the UK ae you? I'm in England and don't see it. Maybe it's different due to local laws?
The WAR has fucked up recoil, it is definitely not better than the A2 BAR
stat cards don't lie about rate of fire what the fuck are you talking about
>want to buy another ENG II for my army
>might as well spend a gold order and get a nice medal
>he will have random stats
Lmfao. No, thanks.
This game has paratroopers as premium squads right? I just got done playing MoH Airborne I want something else to scratch this itch.
No he won't.
Only the loot box ones can IIRC.
Literally jumping out of the sky paratroopers, yes. But there are also a pretty large number of squads which are paratroopers that have a different squad designation, i.e. they already jumped or are just being deployed on the ground as happened most of the time anyway.
Don't the old soldiers they just re-added from way back also have random stats? I don't know what BP season they fixed that
New vs old
I assume these premium ones actually let you jump out of the plane? They have guys floating down in the little background art but I'm not paying $20 if they don't get to actually do that.
Yeah, I just wasn't sure which aspect of paratroopers you were currently fixated on. If you were autistic about it you might think it was retarded to be jumping out of a plane onto a location of your choosing in the middle of a pitched battle when that literally never happened.
Keep in mind though that Germany has a low BR paratrooper squad and Soviets have a paratrooper squad that can change primary weapons and thus have any BR. But the US paras that you can buy with real money are high BR and if you're new that means you're bringing one high-BR squad that is easily shot out of the sky and a bunch of low level gear against players that might all have high BR gear.
It's like trying to skip straight to top-tier in Warthunder after buying a single high BR vehicle, it's a bad idea.
there are a lot of event paratrooper squads you could get the by gambling on those 5k silver boxes
Both premium and event paras spawn inside a plane and then you jump and decide when to open your parachute you can die if you won't or do it too late. You can spawn on the ground but you lose the equipment box and won't be able to land anywhere obviously.
You gotta give darkflow. It takes commitment to be this fucking retarded.
thanks, I'll play normally a bit and maybe try getting one from >>506905260 I guess I figured the premium ones could fight at any BR. Anyway name a single combat role that is portrayed accurately in any multiplayer shooter I'd hope nobody is THAT autistic.
Yeah it can be confusing. The equipment they get out of their supply crate is dependent on what BR they are in, but most of them also have weapons which also have a fixed BR with some being high and some being low. The Soviets were the only ones that didn't get unique primary weapons so you could just make them whatever BR you wanted.
Yeah, this exactly. I'm not taking a chance if I'm guaranteed a perfect roll.
>I guess I figured the premium ones could fight at any BR
only Soviet premium rest are cucked by primary weapon that you can't change only box content is dynamic with BR3 or BR5 gear, you can abuse it at BR1-2 or BR3 to take better gear than your competition. PS Only Soviets have two paratrooper squads that are fully customizable and can play at any BR since you can switch their primary guns for your liking. I'm running both in my lineup they are ultra OP if you know hat you are doing.
I would recommend reading paratrooper loadouts:
M8 rockets suck cock now what should I be flying for rank 2 US?
>missed a stage on the Supply drop event so I can't get an extra Jap tommy gun
It's owari da........
You can miss two stages and get it. Unless you mean you missed the entire phase of 4 stages.
I got one mission done for the first stage and I think you need 10 for the tommy gun. Not like it's that big of a deal when I'm getting two from the grind event.
So you missed three stages then
Yeah. When I stage I mean the way you were using phase. It's not a big deal really, at least I'll get the Nambu for my Gold dude so he'll have a full loadout of special weapons. Still a sword pistol would be better to go with his katana for maximum honor.
You can buy silver at fair prices, goy.
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seems like a temporary bug

someone mentioned it on the forum and the furry guy said to restart the client and it would be fixed.

that worked for me
>it's an 88/05 and not a proper 88
I don't want it anymore actually

M4A1(76) In the Mood - doesn't have additional track armor
M10 GMC Epervert - has differently placed track armor

Pz IV F2 "Greater Germany" - additional track armor on hull
Pz IV F2 whatever the tunisian one is - has a legally distinct german(NOT NAZI!!!!) flag draped on its turret
Pz IV/70(A) "106" - has none of the track armor/skirts, lewd slut
Panther G "Muffberg" - has a bunch of uniforms/grenades/guns slapped on it
M13/40 - is actually an earlier version of the M14/41, also technically a variant of the ancient prem M13/40 rather than M14/41(only major difference is shittier engine)

nothing lol enjoy your ha-gos

T-34E STZ - self explanatory, only way you can get this if you didn't paypiggy for stalingrad
IS-2 white pride edition - has hit decals, logs, some uniforms

also the SS panther is back
>only 1 gold weapon order
I have narrowed it down to the erma EMP44, suomi kp-26, lahti-saloranta, RMN-50, and PPD-1929

the RMN and PPD are low priority because one is mediocre at its BR and the other is a BR3 funny grenade launcher for a nation I don't really enjoy playing
the erma looks cool and has a fun reload, the lahti and suomi sataana viittu perkele kurwa bobr
are you having a stroke?
The Wz.39's honestly really good.
>bought 4 schmeissers thinking they were PCCs
Are there any Gold order vehicles worth getting?

I got the black Stalingrad tank, since I heard it's a bit superior to the tech tree variant.

Still have two orders left
other than the T-34E STZ, it's really up to you
>>506917690 has pretty much all the major different tanks covered, some have more armor, some have less, some have different armor
Is there anything you get from not spending your gold orders?
A kiss on your cheek
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I got to pick up all the old Ghost Division skins I had missed out on, which is cool
I lost 1 G1888 and 2 Arty Gluegers in my inventory, somehow.
Which one is the SS Panther?
>Have 1 Pedersen Device
>Can buy 4 more
Shame it's just a meh gun.
I have two Likhanovs, and one gold soldier order left. Should I get Petr Likhanov and complete the brotherly trio?
Sure. I'm probably going to get Severloh and Basilone just because they're the most famous ones I don't have
Is anyone else no longer able to change the appearance of their soldiers?
Are you trying to change one of the Halloween squads?
Who's Basilone?
John Basilone, from the tv show The Pacific. He won the Medal of Honor operating a machine gun and running ammo at Guadalcanal
>bought 4 schmeissers thinking they were PCCs
>bought 4 schmeissers thinking they were PCCs
That's weird, I was trying to ctrl+v this
Nah, I tried it with the Event assaulter engineers, and a normal squad. Couldn't buy stuff, nor change anything
Ah, I thought it was an Italian axis soldier that I missed
Italian Social Republic v Kingdom of Italy campaign when
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>spend some Gold by mistake in a battle rank 1 smg from the BP
Schmeisser Mk36. III
Could be worse, I bought four thinking it was a PCC because the RoF is the same as all the semi autos.
I would wait in a queue for 15 minutes to play a game devoid of console morons
what possible reason could they have for keeping this shit. there better be a stats buff for all old gold order troops in the future
>from the tv show The Pacific
are you retarded?
some of the posters here really need to learn how to use this website
More people are going to know about him from the show you dick. Just like the Jap tanker from Letters from Iwo Jima
riders are just god awful
the motorbike is crap
3 man squad is crap
in some very rare cases (like the start of certain game modes on certain maps) it is somewhat useful
just awful
Yes but counter point, they are fucking cool.
But anon, some of those bikes have BR FOUR machine guns! FOUR!
Frankly, it's undertiered right now. It needs to BR3 at the least.
I think if they riders were cute girls they'd sell like hotcakes
it would be cooler if there wasn't a sidecar and then it wouldn't turn like a brick
The Pavesi M42 really is stupidly strong. However, the MKb 35 might be over-specialised. At medium ranges it's insanely dominant, but at close range it gets eaten alive by enemies with Vitality, and at long range it feels pretty shitty too. It's ridiculous at like 30-70 meters and mediocre to bad outside of that.
Is there any BRI mg ?
which is odd honestly
The Madsen and Charlton probably could be. The V-B too, if they fixed it.
Who needs machine guns, just run the MG squad with riflemen and build a HMG in BR1
Building a DShK is a war crime.
Rate my squad set
>fighter plane
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If you don't have an engineer on that bike I think I'm going to scream!
I bought 4 Berdans.
I’m not sure what I was thinking. I need to refrain from spending money so early in the morning.
God fucking DAMN IT! I used my only soldier GO a month ago and I got a germgroid engineer and NOW there's an itaryan engineer available for purchase.
I still can get the GO from Wild Division but idk what to get, I have a german FN1930 and a sword pistol. Is the artillery luger good? Maybe I'll get it to give the halloween engineer a cool sidearm.
>Least useless Enlisted player
Can assault engineers use the mkb 35?
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Neat! But it makes my decision on what to use my GOs on even harder
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The MKb is pretty good. What do you have your eyes on? The Silenced EMP is probably the better choice than the MKb ultimately. And the Pavesi M42 is amazing.
It's literally the sample squad when you click try weapon
In total I have 9 gold orders and enough gold for 1-3 more if I don’t pick up more squad slots. Currently im between:
Up to 5 more yazikoz smg’s (the idea of using them on a br1 paratroop squad tickles me)
Up to 3 more conders
Up to 4 silenced erma emps
Up to 4 mkb 35s to use the assault engineers at br2
One de list commando carbine so my guerrillas with the silenced M3’s can have a 5th member
mon dieu... l'équipe parfaitement optimisée...
The DeLisle is the biggest piece of shit in the game
What’s the issue with it? No damage?
that gun has a really sexy gunsound
American one has a BR5 M1919 but with 250 rounds. American bias at it's finest.
Good thing that not many soviets at br2 even know about body armor and vitality so you still can have fun. But not only at close range you are at the disadvantage, at longer ranges you are also fucked vs sniper rifles. I hope we will get some Gold order event so i would pick up 2x M42 or one M42 and 2nd Mkb 35
It's a bolt action .45, anon
I’m not a nerd so numbers mean nothing to me but I’ll assume that’s a yes
The De Lisle is a two shot kill bolt action, it's absolutely terrible. Easily the worst primary weapon in the game.

The Conders is the meta option, same with the Ermas and MKbs.
>meta option
how boring
Of those meta options, the EMPs are the least overtly OP/meta and most unique. Pistol caliber carbines are also super strong/fun, would recommend.
The pistol the EMP comes bundled with is also the most comfortable one in the game
Wait, why are they all French ?
I bought five EMPs just for the pistols. I gave the guns to my Pz. III M crew and the suppressed MP40 squad got the pistols.
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Yeah, the Cz is very nice to use. Animations are jank but it's basically a better PP or PPK. I love finishing guys off with it.

They're supposed to be the Carlingue and a random German guy. Gotta do something with my name change orders. I also have a full Czech squad and a Thompson Gunner squad that is super suboptimal but all Bri'ish with references to Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner as names.
I just like the way the mkb35 looks
The first person model is janky as fuck. Third person is fine but in first person it looks weirdly small.
I'm looking at the squads from the gamble box and I noticed that some of them are pretty much the same as the tech tree variants (ex. Radio 2 squads), why?
The event radio squad can use rocket artillery. Don't worry, it's literally worthless.
sounds cool tho
So what did you guys get? I got
>x6 Yazikovs
Knew I was going to get them, was just waiting for a sale
>x2 Artillery Lugers
Already had four, wanted to complete the set and get more officer sidearms.
>x4 Beretta 1918/30
Wanted to pick up the good PCCs for BR1, even if I rarely use that pre-set.
>x4 Schmeisser MK36.III
I foolishly thought it was another semi-auto PCC and bought it to have a riflemen squad with 8 PCCs
>x4 MKb 35s
Pretty self explanatory
>x4 Pavesi M42s
Would have gotten them when they were 50% off but they were BR3 at the time so I passed on them.
>x1 RMN-50
Already had two, had one more riflemen that could use it in my BR3 setup. Will probably get a 4th before the sale ends just to have it.
>x4 LADs
Gave it to my T-34-100 crew. Thinking about getting x4 Shpitalniys for my TU-2S crew.
>x4 Berdan IIs
Horrible mistake, don't know what I was thinkings, They turned the giblet gore back off so it doesn't even have that going for it. I thought maybe it would be a little funny with max reload speed but it was a terrible mistake.
>x4 KB-P-135s
Another great BR1 PCC, even though BR1 is still pretty niche.

>Considering list:
Owen .45 ACP
M1E5 Garand
BSA 1929 Thompson
Gewehr 1888
Murata Type 22

Also picked up a few soldiers, want to hold onto the orders in case they fix the stat spread issue. Otherwise I'll just get Basilone and Severloh.

For vehicles I got all the Ghost Division skins, the Black Night Bf-110, the Winter Stuka, "The Bomb" M4A2. Now I'm looking at some of the Soviet plane skins.
Update! (after maybe 500k Silver):
BT7 skin / M5A1 skin / another M5A1 skin / Crusader skin / M2A4 skin
Hero Engineer for U.S / (Italian) Hero Rifleman for Germany / 2 Hero MG guner for USSR
PPK-42 Assault Squad for USSR / Type 99 (long) Rifleman Squad for Japan / Sten MkII(s) Assault Squad for U.S
Flakpanzer tank for Germany / P47-D22 fighter-bomber for U.S / Fw 189 A-1 reco-bomber for Germany
4 portraits
1 snowshoe :p
(not counting tickets, decals and stuff of course).
not one weapon
>I foolishly thought
How many times are you going to post this
Got the flakpanzer from the casino. Worth using at all? Just a meme? Useable in a br 1 lineup?
>Added an additional soldier slot to most premium and event Assaulter, Engineer, Machine Gunner and Flametrooper squads, which can be filled with an Engineer or an AT Gunner.
Do we know if the other type of squad (like Rifleman / Radio) from previous event/premium will get additional soldier slot too later ?
It's important because i'm considering buying a gold order Chatellerault M 24/29 for Moroccan rifemen if they get a mg gunner
just 2x mkb35 and Pavesi M42 i'm too broke to buy more since i only had 1 GO and had to spend 1k gold to buy two others
I posted it once, then accidentally copy pasted it, then someone else posted it either making fun of me or accidentally also buying one
They absolutely will not get a machine gunner, it's to provide missing utility (engineer, AT, radioman) not firepower. Additionally, the riflemen and radioman event and premium squads already have the same number of men as the progression equivalent squads.
>About to carry my team to victory with a booster against a subhuman enemy team full of absolute cunts
>Game crashes
>Computer blue-screens
Haha epic.
What do you want us to do about it?
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There is no denying that American teams are consistently the worst in the game and pretending otherwise is crazy. They really are the worst, to the point where having your teammates quit to be replaced by bots puts you at an advantage. Just undeniably the absolute lowest of the low, incapable of anything. Their sheer ineptitude is baffling. The only period where they were somewhat acceptable recently was immediately after the update at top tier, then they instantly went back to being useless at all BRs.

Just crying about it, really. My team won... somehow, while I was gone. I genuinely do not know how. Takeshi Kido did not deserve the win and got like 30-50 kills in the couple of minutes I was disconnected for, because I was the only person on the whole team with the competence to stop him. They got their bodies on the cap while I wasn't there, at least. I genuinely don't know how the Japs dropped the ball this hard after I got booted.
>They absolutely will not get a machine gunner, it's to provide missing utility (engineer, AT, radioman) not firepower. Additionally, the riflemen and radioman event and premium squads already have the same number of men as the progression equivalent squads.
How do you explain TT medic squads being 5 men while German and Soviet premium medic squads are only 4 men ?
>How do you explain TT medic squads being 5 men while German and Soviet premium medic squads are only 4 men ?
Premium squads can have fewer total soldiers but never more.
I avoid USA just because of how retarded the teams are. Germoids avoid the point like the plague but at least they PLAY
>Used to play with Quality Mode up until a couple weeks ago
>Made the switch to Perfomance Mode to try it out
>Start to get consistent +100 kills matches
Did I just git gud or is the 60 fps from Performance Mode just that big of a game changer?
Hell yeah I play. 150 meters to the left of the point with my trusty sniper rifle
60 FPS is huge, yeah. There's diminishing returns after that. I play at 130-144 FPS and I don't do much better than when I played at 60.
I can't play well without consistent 100fps so you console plebians are always behind pc gaymers
is the game being advertised on the console stores or something? the number of console players this update is abysmal
It's Christmas and there's a big sale, so people are flocking to the game. I have seen a crazy amount of M44L squads, weirdly.
Is the soviet BR1 gold order semi any good?
Yes, it is. Though BR1 is a bit of a meme so take that with a grain of salt.
It's decent at BR2 but it's like a better M1 Carbine. But not that much better. The Beretta PCC is the best because it has slightly higher damage.
not seeing more of them than usual
The Kippy Bippy is good but it's arguably the worst of the PCCs because it has low damage and no bayonet. Beretta is the best, S&W Light Rifle is okay. The Pedersen Springfield is kind of garbage but it has a huge mag.
The KP felt better than the S&W and Pedersen Device to me.
It feels better than the Pedersen but eh, dunno about the Light Rifle. The LR has that bit of extra damage and that carries it. An extra .3 damage is kind of a big deal because it makes a huge difference against Vit users. The Pedo Device sucks because of how low its damage is, God forbid you run into a fucking Vit user.
Wish there was a 190 with bombs at BR 3. That's the dream right there just two widdle 50kgs come on.
Thanks, I saw it on the store and I was surprised at seeing a semi for soviets at BR1, I tried it on the range and it felt aight but I figured maybe someone here would actually have some experience using it
tho I wonder if it would be a good fit for guerillas since they can't carry semis but this gun is classified as an SMG
Is it classified as an SMG?
I got one of every gold weapon
The icon is that of a semi auto rifle, but it says Pistol Caliber Carbine in the category name, and it has different rules for who can use it
Huh, cool.

... Why? Most of them are redundant and bad.
because people will be scared when they see my 10 different redundant rifles in the killfeed
I love my Chinese Thompson Squad...
you love p2w crap
Yeah, I bought them using my Counter Strike money, way worth it. Easily the best SMG at BR II and a great squad. It'd be nice if they had six guys but eh, can't have it all!
>It'd be nice if they had six guys but eh
complain on the forum for next 5 months and they will give you that
If I pretend to be Chinese, will they make it faster?
You're an attentionwhoring cocksucker but I can't object. But crying shame that. I absolutely love burger gear at literally every BR, their event paras are awesome, their welfare APC both event and the truck are freaking fantastic. Great vehicles for every role. Great planes. Great bolties. Every flavor of SMG imaginable. Freaking flavors of rifle nades in semi if you're feeling extra cancerous. You get to play tunisia maps. You get to shit on japs. You don't have to medicate after 50 stalingrad and berlin maps in the row. No train.

And then you have to play with niggers so unbelievably retarded that like you said, these fucking bots outplay them.
I have 1 GO left. What german gun should I get?
>Have Conders
>Have Silenced Ermas
>Have Beretta 18/30s
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No refunds
>Great vehicles for every role.
Erm, actually, the M3 is bad?

>Great planes.
Erm, actually, the P-38 is bad?

>Great bolties.
Erm, actually, the Lee Enfield is bad?

> Every flavor of SMG imaginable
Erm, actually, the Lanchester is OBJECTIVELY bad?

>You're an attentionwhoring cocksucker but I can't object.
That's because I am always right.

The issue with the US is just that it is the "default good guy faction" for a lot of people, especially after the Russia/Ukraine business. Dumb kids and, surprisingly, Filipinos and Brazilians pick the US as their starter faction. I kinda miss when the US teams were known for being hyper-aggressive retards. That was at least their flavour.

The Pavesi M42 and MKb 35 are the "best" options. The Model 1930 is decent if you want a unique MG option for the faction. The Lahti gives me motion sickness but it might not do that for you. Suomi and Artillery Luggage are pretty good, too.
MBK 35/III is pretty good low tier assault rifle
I like the heavy hiting of the Lahti
Mondragon is a great semi auto
I'm not going to bother responding to that retardation. As for the politics, burgers did their share of warcrimes just like everyone else and end of the day I just don't have any fucks left to give. I just happen to immensely enjoy how their kit plays in this game.
The burgers are super fun to play, they have really varied and unique gear, it's just that, man, that Default Faction Syndrome.
Yes, precisely. The only two things I miss on burgers is a decent engie AT gun and an AT rifle better than boys but it's such a small issue it might as well not be one. The teams though are horrible unless you "luck out" and join a game with one of those roided out premades. And then you might as well go rub one out because they'll end the game in <4 minutes.
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Well that was easy.
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Janey fucking Mac the RECOIL. This is how autos should feel.
>Play US
>Shit teams
>Piss stack enemies
>Play Ger
>Shit teams
>Piss stack enemies
>Play Jap
>Shit teams
>Piss stack enemies
I hate this game.
You don't love the premium based matchmaking ripped directly from war thunder?
I have premium and premium squads and I get abysmal teams 100% of the time.
>Have 2 engie
>Start to build a rally and ask the 2nd one to finish it
>Half the time he doesn't finish it
Why is it so hard for AI to do what we ask of it .
skill issue
was watching post scrotum gameplay earlier and even when mounted the MG42 front sight post (realistically) walks all over the place when firing, really wish guns behaved more like that in enlisted instead of hyper stable recoilless pop guns with no weight to them
Unironically I think the stalingrad campaign minus all the kikery was the peak gameplay enlisted had to offer.
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They fucked something up regarding the outfits.
I am now able to buy those comfy German wool hats, that they gave away in a bp once with the intention of making it a recurring event to hand out appearance, and posters in the bps.

Anyways, if you equip the hat on one guy, and then click "Full squad apply" You'll be able to buy more. They cost 3 orders each.
The greyish ones or the greens with the white trim? I really like the first ones on ardeness but the second are just asking for a headshot
they cost 999 gold and its been like that since they were added
>not specced for reading comprehension
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>no screenshot
nothing has changed since the last time this was discussed here you lying shit
thats a bargain you'd be mad not to!
Read again. Slowly. I'll wait.
they dont cost 3 orders fag feel free to prove me wrong by posting a screenshot
Ah, fuck. I confused the two
Changing to another soldier breaks the build order
>No Japanese Golden Order attack-plane soldier
But it was exactly what i needed ...
Are you retarded?
Looking at the BP soldier right now and they only have 1 fighter pilot (HIROYOSHI NISHIZAWA) to buy with gold or gold-order.
No bomber pilot.
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Hol up
Has your team ever played so good you make the entire enemy team quit? That just happened to me as Japan in Burma Confrontation.
paypig-san, I kneel
Yeah, like every other game
>hit a KT on the roof 4 times with a panzerfaust because he's angled on a hill, only damage his commander MG
>then explosive pack his tracks
>then put an AT mine in his tracks and shoot it, which only destroys his track
I am thoroughly mad that this faggot got to sit in his retard box all game with no counterplay because my entire team was worthless bots
I swear to god half the enemy planes I encounter are invisible. Whenever I hear an enemy plane in the air and can confirm it's not friendly via the scoreboard, I spaz my mouse to freelook everywhere and I still can't find these motherfuckers half the time until I'm getting shot at.
skill issue
Just realized GO soldiers are going too. What ones are even worth it? They are all 1 tier lower than the max tier allowed. All I can think of is getting engineers.
That's unironically a real skill issue
Whoops, forgot to add but needless to say. Have any tips for spotting planes? I know sound is slower than light so where you hear them is were they were seconds before and not where they are now. That's why planes don't sound where they are currently. I'm just going to watch the replays then.
Engineers or riffles to level squads faster
the aircraft in this game are not supersonic anon
But then if i die while he is still building, does it count as "changing to another soldier" ?
Most players do a loop from the re-arming point to the objective. Identify this path and then look around it.
Are riflemen IIs worth getting?
What is the best map for germans to grind artillery kills on? I want to get that gold vehicle for 5000 arty kills before it gets turned into a 1000 silver reward.
Look carefully at the soldiers. Old ones have varied stat rolls while new ones have fixed max stat rolls. That being said riflemen 2 are a meta troop type for high BR auto rifle squad spam with sprint speed and ammo bags
see >>506904589 to see the perk points I was talking about
You cant pick maps anymore
Do you not have Americans leveled at all? Because the best way to do that challenge is with rocket planes.
You could still do the Bf-110 G-2 I guess though.
Trust me that will be way easier than using arty the whole time.
Plus you have 2 months left to do it
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Ok going to go one of each then. So Albert Schnider for the rifleman. But which one of these two for the engineer? Its down to a choice between scar and beard.
But I can quit until I get a good one
Only barely into BR2 with anyone but germans. I do have a G-2 though. I'll combo a radio squad with it to maximise.
Give me some tips then incel. By the time the sound reaches you, the plane would have moved from where the sound wave originated from. Regardless of whether the plane was traveling at supersonic speeds or not. If the planes were supersonic then you wouldn't hear things like bombs going off because the sound waves wouldn't be able to catch up with you.
It's a good rule of thumb to follow to focus on a narrower heading if you're a ways a way but closer over the battlefield sometimes it's a pain in the ass trying to pin the sound to the current enemy position and vector in 3d space. I'm staring in their direction and I can't pick them out. Maybe one of my graphics settings is fucked. Draw distance might be set too low. Upscaling might be fucking with it too I'm going to adjust that and hopefully that fixes the bug.
It's usually just a blind spot, anon. The sound as they're approaching often sounds like it is right above you when it is still 300m out and it plays tricks on you.
How are you guys going to use the Mauser MKb? I'm going to swap the flamethrower squad I have in BR4 to a different one with two assaulter slots.
I don't think it's going to be worth using in BR5.
I've just used it as my assman in my BR2 inf squad
I said the Mauser MKb
American : BR3
Russian : BR3
Germany : BR4
Japan : BR1

prove me wrong
>buy some crates for the boosters
>garbage fucking team
done with crates
Flamethrowers are meh and i only use them for the kino factor.
They're alright at BR4 and it's the only squad I can think of to use at BR4 that has two assaulter slots.
Later on I would probably replace them with an assaulter squad if we got two more.
are these their worst BRs?
I mean, I think those are their best BRs relative to other factions.
Swords and the best BR1 bolt actions
Solid tanks and BARs. Also .30 cals but those are event. Great P-51
KV-1 and STZ, with pretty good DP and great PPSh-41. Also LA-5FN
Tiger 1, Panther, MG-42s, Ju-188
What if we wanted Fedorov but even less accurate. Plus there are no proof that it ever existed.
Buy the MKbs. Give the suppressed Ermas to gorillas
>Germany : BR4
Their smgs suck and should be all downtiered to BR3 or BR2, their rifles suck G43 and inaccurate ZH-29 should be a BR3 rifle, only tanks are good and mg42 early anything else is inferior to BR5

>Japan : BR1
Japan BR2 is also ultra powerful with no recoil 2a smg, ho-i, actual rocket launcher and type 97 sniping lmg

Agree about the rest but i wish Russia would get some infantry fighting vehicles with good mobility at BR2-3 since T-34/KV-1 only have slow loading cannons and only one mg which is not enough Americans have amazing M24 with super fast throwing 75mm HE and it still can be used against BR3 tanks and Shermans are really good at doing it's AT/AP job.
>land your plane and leave it with the pilot
>get 100pts
>land your plane and leave it with the gunner
>no points
What BR gets the new Burma maps consistently?
It's BR3, so everything can queue into it.
Oh cool. I just wish there was a way to consistently queue vs Japan as the Allies.
Best shot is to just play Japan, since they have a smaller player population.
I can confirm >>507135953 , played only Japan today (to level up bike and attack Plane II) and for 20 Burma i got 2Guadalcanal, 1 Tulagi, 0 Munda Point.
>Give me some tips then incel
nah if you think you have to lead sound in a prop aircraft you are just one of those retards who cant fly and I will continue to farm people like you until you learn your place and stay on the ground with the rest of the morons
>ZH-29 should be a BR3 rifle
>anything else BR4 is inferior to BR5
what a maroon
I just saw lolifeet kill lolispats
does that mean loli feet are superior?
you don't say
try not to be so adversarial about shit you are liable to be completely mistaken about
no it just means you're a faggot and a virgin
>the recoil on the 3 round burst on the fedora rifle
>what a maroon
Unironically yes. I still kill people with the Kar, vz24 and the VG2. There are no bad rifles. Single shot are still great at longer ranges and only fall short in close ranges.
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We left because it was conquest
>There are no bad rifles
Well, what about the MAS-36, the wartime Kar, the 03 Springfield, and the Japanese Type I?
Conquest is fun you should play it
I enjoy all game modes
>Buy lootbox
>5000 silver
>5000 silver
>Soldier level up order
I am not sure
I just said it, no bad rifles.
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whats the best map? whats the worst?
Are they ever going to add airfields? Or at least remove carriers from the Pacific? It's just weird it's like they can't decide if we should be able to repair or not.
They tend to add mechanics every now and then, only to competely forget about them
Rzhev is an okay map
Kahif cave village is a bad map
the worst maps are the ones that feel really tedious when they come up often and queef cave village is the #1 offender

I like too many maps to pick just one favorite
Airfield is by far the worst. With points being in the open easy to be shelled by HE and tanks able to retreat behind the hangers and retarded teammates Bee lining to the airplanes like retards.
The Bulge maps are pretty shitty and unfun. idk exactly why but everytime I get them I hate it.
The Swamp map is pretty shit for most of it.
All the pacific maps beside Burma and New Georgia are shit.
There are lots of maps which chunks of it are shit but not the entire map.
the delisle needs to be buffed to be a OHK to the chest or fit in the sidearm slot like the artiluger
I play everything.
The Fedorov is pretty mean when you are magdumping a hallway full of guys or a clustered up squad. Kind of annoying to shoot stragglers though unless you go back to semi.
Allies are the only ones without a bomber III squad ?
Yep, Tiny Tims when
>jap thompsons
>ruskie thompsons
>american thompsons

it's really only fair the germgroids get thompsons too
There were some Tommies made in 9 Mauser Export.
fuck off with this shit lest every tree have the exact same equipment
>Panzershreck for US
>Panzerfaust for USSR
I bet you when Manchuria comes they will give Japan panzerfausts as well.
yeah and its why the idiots bitching about equipment balance and fairness all need to be castrated
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>no more work for the rest of the year
>got a crate of beer
>will spend the next few days visiting family, walking, and playing Enlisted
thanks, I guess
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>russians are only nation without a BAR
>germans are only nation without a thompson
>russians and krauts get C96s but not japs(and americans via chinese squads)
>japs and russians don't have any hi-powers
>russians have a ford AA, M3A1, and 100 round thompsons when their country of origin doesn't

>>russians are only nation without a BAR
umm sweaty, your RPK?
yeah but japan gets an FN BAR, germany gets *TWO* BARs, america gets like 30 BARs, but russia? 0 BARs
oh no bros...
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why are you posting garbage clickbait here
Its the community dev
I hope he dies of cancer soon. The game has never not been dead it's a shitty Russian FPS unlike war thunder where there is little competition there are multiple popular WW2 shooters and this one is really not good at all in comparison.
then why are you here
I like it :)
I'll play any game with that mouse aim flying it's fun and I'm pretty good at it. But he really should not be surprised that most people aren't going to enjoy the russian skinnerbox f2p pikman HE spam shooter. Pretty much every popular WW2 game does a better job.
Latvian, thougheverbeit.

Did you watch the video? It's an ad. Clickbait.
Holy crap, dropping bombs (on target) with the FW 189 sure is hard
>Pretty much every popular WW2 game does a better job.
again which begs the question why are you wasting your time here not only playing this game but posting in its general instead of playing a ww2 themed walking sim or arcadey mess
Name any other where you can fly planes well without a controller/joystick and I'll switch to that.
see ya
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The Japanese Thompson is kind of absurd. 1 second reload with an Ass IV. Crazy power creep for BR II.
War Thunder is not a WW2 shooter, but I do play it quite often.
you didnt say anything about ww2 shooters in your last post
>Name any other where you can fly planes well without a controller/joystick and I'll switch to that.
best go on switching now
>All American GI Super Happy Fun Time Numbah Wan!
>Empty reload just has the soldier slap the mag for no reason to make it .4 seconds longer
slapping magazine to make sure rounds were seated all the way back was pretty common practice. cant be worse than the awful no 4 T reload anyway
When did they buff the AVS to have the exact same recoil as the AVT but retaining its higher damage?
Thompson's have an automatic bolt hold open, you don't have to using the charging handle at all on an empty reload.
Would they even need to? The Type 5 sucks donkey dick but the Type 4 is comparable to the Bazooka isn't it?
Bazooka, yes. Panzerschreck, no.
>Pretty much every popular WW2 shooter does a better job
>Name any other where you can fly planes without a controller/joystick
ESL retard
Ah shit you're right, I don't think any of their AT would be able to crack IS-2's. Hell I'm not even sure if their tanks could. Maybe we don't need a Manchuria campaign.
you said ww2 game >>507242989, never shooter dumbass. move goalposts all you want it wont change what was posted
>cant speak clearly
>wastes time posting in a general for a game he thinks is bad, but still likes for some reason
its no wonder who the actual retard is here
Stupid nigger I didn't even say it was bad please PLEASE learn the language you are trying to speak.
khalkin gol would be preferable anyway
you misspoke and now you are butthurt lol
>never not been dead it's a shitty Russian FPS
>there are multiple popular WW2 shooters and this one is really not good at all in comparison
>I didn't even say it was bad
The type 5 is the good one.
I just think it's funny that he only slaps on the empty animation, just to make it slightly longer.
Yes? When did I ever say it was bad?
my beloved loliwife BR2 thompson-chan
Got me thompson
Got me fedorov
I'm free, time to go play some hunting games. Btw, how does RisingStorm2: Vietnam compare to Enlisted? I already had my share of WW2 slop over the years and a Vietnam war game looks interesting.
It's really good, though I think it is kind of dead now.
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad, Rising Storm 1 (Jap expansion to Heroes of Stalingrad) and Rising Storm 2 were all really good and are also some of the closest things I have to compare to Enlisted.
Enlisted was pretty obviously meant to be a Red Orchestra 2 clone. Some of the promotional art is even similar.
>though I think it is kind of dead now
SHIT! Does it at least do the Enlisted thing in which it fills empty player spots with bots or its over and I missed out?
I'll probably still get it at one point.
no and any server you join you will get brutalized by people who have been playing the game for a decade
It's got an old fashioned lobby browser, so during prime time there is probably at least one full server up that everyone tries to get into.
I like enlisted and don't want it to die
unless the gorilla squaad for japan doesn't involve cute nip broads
then I want latvia to get nuked
The reload time of the Mosins seems unneccesarily long.
I'd like to use something other than the Winchester, but any other feels stiff
>Playing as Japan
>Americans do fucking nothing
>Every single death is to a sniper or tank
>Match goes to time with 300 tickets left
Why are they like this? Also, the M1921 Thompson fires WAY too fast. Even with its instant reload you spend all your time reloading. Crazy high DPS for its BR, but at what cost?
At the cost of you using Ass 4s with a reload build. The Premium one the US get's doesn't have that luxury.
It also fires 20% slower.
What's the skinny on the event Mkb?
Pointless like all BR5 event ARs
It's BR4
On paper it looks like an FG-42 with worse damage
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getting pretty fucking sick of this shit dickflow
>Every single death is to a sniper or tank
Get snipers of your own. Make sure that you have artillery. Get a tank.
verify your game files I guess
check out this gaylord defending snipers
its not just me having this issue and its not fixed by verifying files
playing krauts is fucking exhausting. yes I win every game but the cost is my mental stability getting rotated by rocketniggers the whole time.
>defending snipers
There is nothing to defend.
>artilery on their positions before advancing so they can't shoot at you
>use smoke grenades
>get a tank to clear the sniper nests with HE
The real problem with snipers is that not enough people mark them properly onto the map and the AI teammates are dumb as fuck so when you get shot and swapped to anotherone of your squad he is for some reason in the middle of the road and you get shot right away again.

The game needs improved control over your squadmates.
as a german rocket nigger trying to grind 2200 kills before the gold orders die all i can say is fick dich juden
I play on the ps4.
It takes 30 seconds until the engineer silhouettes spawn in can't really build stuff before it spawns in.

It's also in a low-res mode for that time.
consoloids are the reason we cannot have ground troops rendered while flying
Would another 500m really kill them it's insufferable trying to spot anything.
Smoke grenades never fail me in any game if I go to war I'm taking 20 canisters strapped to me at all times.
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Been playing on nothing but random nation. Getting to Marshal was a lot easier then I expected. Most of this has been at BR II for all nations.

So America has the worst players while Japan has the best?

My K/D with Germany is way higher but that's entirely because of tank kills. I don't know the Panzer III feels a lot better to use then the other tier II tanks.
I actually have a bunch to compare. The Mosin is the most annoying to reload compared to its contemporaries.

The Mauser and Enfield are both just better guns.
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dataset is too small
most of my games are at BR2 or BR3 and about 200 BR5 for Germany
>So America has the worst players while Japan has the best?
The US is the default consolefag and retard faction, Japan is for the hardened core playerbase. At least on US West.

>I don't know the Panzer III feels a lot better to use then the other tier II tanks.
Which Panzer III? The N? If so, yeah, it's arguably the best BR II tank. The side skirts actually eat quite a lot of HEAT rounds and make it very hard to kill with AT rifles, and the hull has 75mm of armour. The addition of HEAT to the main gun also makes it crazy strong since it can deal with every threat it meets efficiently.
>US West.
theres just one US server
Then just the US. American teams are consistently awful.
I'd say the snowgerians are the worst in terms of players personally
Soviets have become REALLY bad, too. To be fair, they have the absolute worst starter rifles and pretty bad starter guns in general, all they really have at low tier is the PPS-43, which is actually arguably worse than the Lanchester against enemies using Vitality.
the T-70 is a pretty good infantry shredder and the T-28 is a decent HE slinger/MG nest(since the 2 MG turrets don't actually need living crew to function) and the winchester's a pretty solid BR2 rifle but...
it also really doesn't help that the maps are basically designed for human waves, especially that fucking river crossing
The Winchester is good but it's only as good as, say, the Mannlicher M1895, and MUCH worse than the Enfields. Mosins are all bad because their "advantage" is meant to be high damage, which was really useful like 4 years ago when bolt actions did like 15-18 damage fully upgraded. Playing low tier Soviets is boring as hell because you are basically forced to use just the PPS-43 and the Winchester, or else you are intentionally, knowingly nerfing yourself.
BR5 soviets is fun but also wildly frustrating because a lot of BR5 soviets are braindead, and the snowgerians don't really have any proper CAS past the IL-10 or whatever that I've noticed
plus the endless 2H spam with no practical counter outside of overwhelming them or using a T-34-100 or IS-2 to pen their turret face
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>bad fate
What is a "proper CAS" soviet 20mm can easily kill anything that isn't a tiger 2 and all their fighters gets bombs. Germany still does not have any ground ordinance on their BR 3 fighters and belts are all a mix of worthless HE.
Weirdly editorial, isn't it? It basically means it wasn't adopted widely.
here I was thinking because belgium got occupied lol
>BR 3 fighters
who cares when you can stack multiple 110s in a line up
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this feels better to use than the besal and therefore is the best br2 toploader
I guess I should thank you for flying multiple XP pinatas you're making my Soviet grind a piece of cake.
The V-B and Type 97 are better.
the 110 has an outstanding armament and a tighter turn radius than many of the planes it sees. it is probably the most versatile airframe in the game and if you have legacy squads you can stick up to 4 in a BR3 line up. the G just got AP belts too and with the gold order you can run 2 of them
the VB isnt a fair comparison with its arbitrarily nerfed penalties and the 97 is good but the scope makes it only good for one style of play. the shatrat has good sights sounds better has excellent dps and a good spread and is just all in all more fun to use
The Type 97 is a pretty average gun, but because it is SO powerful in its area of expertise it becomes exceptional. Being able to lock down a sightline with an automatic sniper at BR II, especially considering how The Pacific plays, is invaluable.
>BR2 assault rifle
So what's the deal with the MKB 35/III?
It's hyper-specialised. At long range it gets beaten by MGs and bolt actions, at close range it gets beaten by most SMGs. In its ideal niche of mid-range engagements (30-70 meters) it's ridiculously strong. It basically just steadily claps out two-shot-kill bullets in a straight line with a LOT of trigger time. If you stay mobile moving from window to window while on the defence, you can hold down an entire approach on your own. Strangely enough, despite sounding OP, it's a pretty high skill ceiling weapon because it's entirely about positioning. You can't just run into a room and hose people down.
I don't mind turn radius for me the absolute most important factor in a plane for this game is engine power, the ability to escape to a safe altitude/ distance after exposing yourself by hitting ground forces. You need to be gone by the time the enemy you just killed has a chance to see you in their plane. The La series is probably the best in this aspect, as you can reliably stay at 1500m immediately after attacking, even if you turn your engine off in the dive. I'm trying the 110 now it is a lot more powerful than I expected. Much better than the IL anyway.
in terms of top loaders, the chatellerault is pretty great, especially in semi-auto
just crtl+f the thread its been discussed to death already
the 38 and 44 carbines are good and comparable to their equivalents in other trees. I dont really get the mosin hate
>4x berdans
since you have them already the berdan like the commission rifle goes best on the event radio squad in a BR1 lineup. fill the RO secondary slot with a higher RoF carbine and a good pistol and you get the opportunity to use the weapons while not being utterly handicapped.
RS2:Vietnam was recently revived by a patch and super-sale
The Mosin Carbines are mediocre, even compared to other carbines they have low damage. Compared to actually good rifles (Enfield, Mannlicher, Ross, Kar 98k) they are bad. The Mosin M1907 Carbine is also just terrible, the worst starter rifle, and it being so bad completely cripples the Soviet starting experience for new players. An unupgraded M1907 is nearly unusable.
True. Soviets really shine at BR III though.
the damage gradient after 20 is virtually meaningless, and yeah I didnt mention the 1907 for a reason. the point is the mosins are perfectly good with a few stinkers in the family. I even prefer the 1938 and 44 to the two 98s at their respective BRs personally
>the damage gradient after 20 is virtually meaningless
I'd disagree on this. I use the MAS-36 a lot and you really feel the reduced damage at longer range, where it frequently downs people, or even gets white hit markers if you hit their limbs. The 1938 and 44 are perfectly fine guns, but they're worse than a lot of their contemporaries. Hell, they are more or less equivalent to the G33 and Springfield 1903.
>worse than a lot of their contemporaries
the thing is you are just comparing them to the best of other trees, they are better than the entire carcano family bar the shortest one, the P14/17, and all of the type 99s, which puts them in a pretty equivalent hierarchy intrasoviet when compared with every other tree. the only thing that really sucks in a stand out way is the 1907, which granted, really blows
>feel the reduced damage at longer range
I genuinely dont, but I play pretty aggressively so you may just be shooting at further targets than I am, in which case ill concede. that said the only time the extra damage kinda matters in my experience is shooting through barriers
>I use the MAS-36 a lot
I like variety. I use a large variety of guns just for the fun of it.
>Want to just do my dailies and go to bed
>Every match is a 100+ kill slog where I have to drag my team kicking and screaming over the finish line
>Even the shit enemy teams do everything in their power to drag the match along
i always play to the bitter end, never give up, never surrender
The Jap bike squad is fun on the Burma map.
Games without Artillery are my favorite.
I hate the arty challenges so much, I never use it and even when I do 90% of the time it's already in use when I need to use it and when it finally comes down it gets 1 person
so do I but germ br2 is too crowded with good options to bother with guns that have awful sights most of the time
i like the crusader
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>here's your p2w premium squad bro
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>darkflow updates premium squad uniforms
>have to shell out 36 tickets/1000 gold to get the old previously free uniform in winter campaigns besides moscow
wow, at least they let us keep the gay hat
I didn’t love the coats so I just use the white tunics outside Moscow. It is super ghey though
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I'm autistic so i made a table of the nations bolt actions.
The russians two choices are above average damage and below average fire rate, weak damage and average fire rate, or the winchester.
The germans get a larger variety but generally theres a lot of decent choices. These italian guns suck ass though.
The US guns are all pretty decent except for the P14, which I'm not sure why it exists.
As an honorable mention, the Japs don't need to look at any guns but the Type 38.

The russians are definitely the worst off, because they have no truly good rifles at tier 1 and start off by far the worst.
The Carcano carbine is fine because it gets 6 rounds and relatively high damage.
Also the gimmick of the P14 is that it has laser beam accuracy, even for a bolt action.
not that autistic, because you are using the unupgraded stats that no one with a brain is playing on
Does it worry you that the majority of the playerbase, and even several people in this thread, don't think upgrades matter? They just leave their guns and soldiers unupgraded.
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no... it cannot be true...
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>myansara with the thunderstorm is basically a night map
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I am a bit aghast that LeeEnfield, Ocarina and Perrote lost this one. They are all better players than myself and certainly better than the rest of my team. I dunno how this happened. They barely defended the points, they kinda just milled around on the rooftops and let us destroy them. It felt like they had become bots. They were down-tiered, too, I think? They had DP-27s.
Night map update for VE day confirmed.
What happened to the google doc with all the weapons sorted by type and nation? Did cuckendorf not like it because he didn't make it? Let me see if I can find the link in an old OP.
LOL It's in the last OP.
>Cuckendorf confirmed as a butthurt tranny
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>still relevant
Does the perk that gives more health also increase the health regeneration limit?

If yes does it also stack with the health regeneration perk?
It does but it's not at all worth it. When you max it out, your soldier regens to like 6hp or something. Not enough to survive one bullet.
Wait no I kinda misread the question. Maxing out the health regen perk, even with Vitality, just lets you regen up to 6 hp. Vit does not affect this.
Let me phrase it better. Is health regeneration based on a percentage of your total HP, or is it a fixed amount of HP?
What the fuck is going on. Games have been going to time almost every other game, I'm watching players on both teams getting 5 kills and 20+ squad deaths, and everyone else just leaves before half the games even start. Am I drinking crazy juice or is something happening?
you are drinking crazy juice, everything is fine
health regen is not really worth it most of the time
It must just suck in BR2 right now I guess. Well I needed a break anyway
The factions are being equalized for balancing purposes chud. Think of the esports and competitive gaming scenes.
>got the m1921 thompson from the supply event yesterday
>they spawn the same last 4 tasks again
these jew cunts better give me 5 thompsons for japan now
ha now they reset it so its closed
So the boltie with the highest ROF and damage is the Winchester? Sounds like a Soviet W to me. Only problem with it is it doesn't have a bayonet. The No.4 doesn't have as high of damage or ROF but it has a bayonet and 10 rounds. Germans don't have anything comparable. The VG-2 which has 10 rounds doesn't have a bayonet and has a lower ROF. The Mannlicher which has a higher ROF doesn't have a bayonet but only 10 rounds. The pre-war kar and mas have bayonets but don't have 10 rounds.

That's what I've found playing Germans. They have the most variety but with whatever you choose you're going to feel lacking. Americans only need to bring the No.4 to have a decently fast firing rifle with 10 rounds, a bayonet, and good sights. Soviets can bring the Winchester which is best in class in terms of damage and fire rate with decent sights, meaty sounding punch but lacking in that bayonet. Germans I end up using the pre-war kar because it may not excel in any particular area, it's the most rounded gun the Germans have with a bayonet.

Also you left out a lot of important stats like reload speed and recoil control. The mosin rifles have the quickest reload times and the carbines get 100% recoil control which along with having great, clean sights means they excel at steady on-target firepower. They all come with bayonets except the starter rifle. The starter rifle being shit is a non-issue because all starter rifles suck and after a few games you should have enough xp and silver to upgrade your guys to the solid M1938 carbine anyway or Dragoon rifle if you want damage. So they Mosins have strong "soft" stats which this table really doesn't do justice. Anyway, the whole point of bolties is to one-shot; one kill targets. Most have enough damage to do that even at range so as long as they have bayonets for charging and clean sights to make your shots count, you're just getting lost in the minutia. Combing over stats is more relevant with SMGS and MGs.
The health regeneration perk increases the regen limit in 0.6 hp increments. The default regen limit is 3 hp. So with 5/5 perk points in the regen perk, you'll regen up to a max of 6 hp. This does not scale with the vitality perk.

Pro-tip: consider that the default HP of a solider is 10hp, vitality brings up the HP of a solider to 13.5hp. If you're running a healing build, the cheapest way to do that is to put 2 perk points into regen. That will increase your max regen hp to 4.2. Medpacks by default only restore 3hp. If you then put 4 perk points into the first level of the medpack restoration perk, your medpacks will heal 6hp with that first level that gives 100%+ medpack hp restoration. If you regen to 4.2 and heal you will be able to max heal your solider for just 6 vitality perk points in investment. Bring a large backpack and that's 4 opportunities to max heal your guy. You don't need the second level since that costs 8 vitality perk points to get medpacks that heal for 9 hp.
For me, it's the No. 5 sights
My pc got fucked (and still are) and couldn't play for past 2 days and now i just missed stupid nip thompson. Fuck my life
you havent missed it you just wont get the 12th and 13th bonus rando rewards
i was talking about mini event with nip thompson i have only finished 8 missions
dont worry im sure if you buy enough loot boxes you'll get it
probably, and not like i really need it anyway since japan has amazing type 2a smg with zero recoil
I noticed that the darkish green ameoba como top and pants (not the ones from the premium squad) in Berlin got removed from purchase, now you can only get them if one of your soldiers had them naturally, anyone know why?
OK I'll say it
>Gorillas are an extremely squad at BR2
As a rally-mining enthusiast I like them a lot
The Fedorov rifle is really good now if you don't just HURR DURR with the trigger.
It's a burst rifle, so holding the trigger should in fact reduce fire rate.
it's ultra overpowered not good it's the best rifle in a game it one shots germans at distances of 100m with vit and 400m with no vit
>Try to play Soviets
>Match is, more or less, impossible
>Enemy team is super hyper active, guy in first on their team seems to possibly be cheating as he knows where everyone is at all times
>Check my team's scoreboard
>There's 3-4 people with zero kills just doing nothing
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I'm starting to feel like winning as the Soviets is impossible. Every match is kinda like this. The transport vehicle was just driving back and forth in spawn, like sorta rocking back and forth. Everyone circled wasn't moving, so you have 6 people. In addition to that, you have our plane for 7, a tank for 8, and me, for 9, as well as a quitter. Of 10 people on the team, 9 were doing nothing to contribute to victory. Someone on our team built a rally further away from the cap for... some reason, so it was basically just me attempting to push the point, on my own, against 10 enemy squads.

I dunno when Soviet teams became like this but it's VERY consistent.
Maybe play BR2 instead.
BR II is similar but less terrible. Even playing against the Soviets, matches go like this as Germans. The Soviet teams sorta hop around in the back line doing whatever the fuck while my team steamrolls them. Playing as Americans and Soviets just sucks. You have to drag 9 dead weights up hill EVERY time. Not just sometimes.
I'm not sure what servers you play on but I've found the opposite. Months ago German teams were strong but it's a toss up now in my German matches. Soviets are strong and Americans have gotten better compared to months agos when they were just stomp bait. Low tier they're still the weakest though.
It feels as if the MM is giving me baby sitting duties since the update dropped.
My team is always useless regardless of BR and nation.
I did BR III Germ, BR V Germ, BR II/III/V US and BR II and consistent shit teams on all sides.
Bright side is a lot of score but the last thing I want after grinding the WT event is having to grind through even more soul crushing Enlisted matches.
German teams right now are full of guys bunnyhopping with MG 42 100s around the map shredding 30-40 people per squad life. It's quite dramatic. Reminds me of the Stinger spam but worse because they can have 9 of them in rotation.
I just lost a match against Germans as Americans, lost a match against Americans as Germans, and won a match against Americans as Germans. The two jap games I played were easy wins and the American match yesterday against Germans on confrontation was a win that was pretty much a steamroll. I haven't noticed a pattern except for low br being favored solidly for japs. The team balance used to be terrible but for me it's gotten better.
you fucked up this post but the nip scouts at BR2 are genuinely lineup defining.
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Taking Japanese gorillaz is basically non-negotiable. American teams are basically AFK 90% of the time so you HAVE to be able to get into their spawn if you wanna have fun.
If it smells like shit check your shoes
Do you guys put TNT on your 'rillas? I put 4 AP mines and 2 AT mines.
I equip my 'rillas with 3-4 TNTs and 1-2 AT mines. When I'm in the back lines it's the perfect opportunity to rig the opponent's paths with AT mines.
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Yes, because I am evil and retarded. A mine is annoying, but being blown up by a TNT charge when you spawn? That shows someone was watching and waiting. Wasting TIME. He quit after this, of course. Don't blame him at all. I probably would consider it too.
Wait you can put mines on Guerilla ? I thought they could only carry their 5x TNT ?
It pays to experiment.
I'm pretty fine with all the bolt actions, but there are some nations that get better or worse ones. Especially in tier 1. But I've stopped bothering with tier 1 since the options you have to push your team to win are much more limited compared to tier 2.
I've played since closed beta moscow and my favorite bolt action rifle in the game is the m91/30 followed by the plain kar98k. I know there's better guns but I just like these ones the most. They feel good, have nice sights, and kill good.
Honestly, the biggest deal breaker for me is the sights. I don't like the Winchester's sights or the Mannlicher's even though they're statistically the best rifles. The ring really helps me aim, especially when I need to make quick shots. For the US I have a ton of the 1903a1's because before the economy update it was like 1000 silver for a tier 2 rifle and I was stingy. I'd probably give everyone Ross's or Enfields now if I wanted to blow my brains out playing with americans.
>That shows someone was watching and waiting. Wasting TIME. He quit after this, of course. Don't blame him at all. I probably would consider it too.
I kneel, that's a level of sadism I had not conceived of
So far I've gotten a tank, a sticker, an avatar and just now a squad! Shame they are for the US, its the Charlton Gunners from New Zealand, are they good? They have the extra soldier slots for an Engineer and AT.
The Charlton, on paper, is actually worse than the Madsen. However, in a practical sense it is way better because it has usable sights. Totally fine, kinda average squad since none of the US MGs at that BR have good sights, and the squad can build every engineer structure. The best use of the Charlton is either mounted and holding an angle because it has such a low ROF and high recoil, or point blank while hoping your opponent doesn't have Vitality.

It can also be used as a semi-auto rifle!
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Finally got a squad this loot pack. Insanely fun at BR1 cracking tanks left and right. Had me feeling like Mellowlink.
drat, threw my tracks

also it's really weird that smacking the .50 ammo cans with an AT rifle is a guaranteed ammo rack detonation
what the fuck are GIs putting in those cans?
The event AT rifles have no movement accuracy penalties, remember.
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That's why it feels so damn good! I dropped an 80-kill game on defense where I killed 11 tanks and 2 aircraft with that one squad. Felt fantastic.
wtf is that lee enfield sight
Remember that video games never do peephole sights justice.

Since you'll be focusing in the distance the rear sight is out of focus, meaning it's not actually blocking your view. Double so if you're aiming with both eyes open.
of course, its just bizarre an image purporting to show off standard issue sights is using some horrid stamped thing instead of the normal peep the no 4s had. it also looks like theres a mag cut off? something is wrong with that example
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yeah, reverse image search shows its a number 1 mk 5 and the dumbass redditor who made it somehow fucked that up bigly. showing off all the irons of the war and fucking up the standard issue british small arm is just lol
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outrageous the jungle carbine wasnt added with burma tbqhwyf
what are the chances the wolverine gets downtiered? might blow a ticket on the epervier just in case it does
only germans get to have good guns below tier 4
captcha: DOAnx
they were used extensively in tunisia and are also hilariously vulnerable its bullshit they are BRd so high

in that case what are the chances the breda MG reload will be fixed cause then I might grab the AB41
tunisia and all of it's equipment are forgotten
i wouldnt even need a magic 8 ball to tell you it'd be 'never'
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a shame because a kaserine pass map would be cool. really more maps with actual terrain and not just hills would be nice
When will the niggers devs add cross-progression between platforms? I want play on pc in the future but there's no way in hell I'm changing platforms if I lose all my progress.
Literally never consolebaby lol
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mutts didnt really need a BR4 AT launcher at all, let alone a stolen one
I am never going to reach BR V I can't ever just settle on a nation to stick with I am always bouncing between soviets and nazis.
That's OP as shit wtf
Consider playing with join any nation enabled to maximize xp gain
If you don't put the "join-any-army" thing ON you should be able to play only the army you want.
>*beep beep*
>Make a hole! Make a hole!
>I got Mauser MKbs!
>Make a hole! I got Mausers!
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There is an idea of a Fallschirmjaeger. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my MG-34, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our loadouts are probably comparable, I simply am not there.
I miss the flying limbs
why'd they nerf that
>It's another episode of for some reason i don't have my mine in my gear
Every time I try using the M9 bazooka it's like I'm firing off a Roman candle.
The splash screen for this update is really funny, why the fuck this wasn't an update with more British stuff is beyond me. It'd be like making an Operation Husky map pool with no new Italian stuff.
ive been meaning to complain about this actually and I would be more annoyed if the new map wasnt excellent. the primary contribution of the US to the entire china-burma-india theater was logistics with some special forces support. darkflow could easily have taken this as an opportunity to add missing late war british equipment to the tree
I want to pick one to consolidate appearance orders and buy a premium apc or something. Really I just can't decide if I think protoshit AK and ork body armor is cooler than the ever classic orange pajama Nazi with STG. I may just flip a coin.
hopefully they were using the halloween event as an excuse to test it and the recent blood rework means they are putting dev resources into implementing it better
>tfw you blast japs waves after waves from the Hotel floor with your Browning Automatic Rifle M1918A1 in Burma
fuck off codkid
World at War was released 16 years ago anon
and have better soundtrack than Enlisted
>when your counter attack has just saved Berlin
yeah none of the resentment towards the cod playerbase is coming from people who played WaW lol
chances of it being dogshit?
We already have the stats for it. It looks like an FG-42 with shittier damage. Since it's BR4 it will have a valid niche, but most people don't bother with BR4 setups.
One day we will get BR6 and the value of my BR4 preset is going through the roof.
To be more specific:
>StG-44 has 9.6 damage, 680 velocity, 30 round mag, 650 RoF, 10 vertical and 2 horizontal recoil
>Mauser MKb has 11.5 damage, 860 velocity, 20 round mag, 720 RoF, 14 vertical and 5 horizontal recoil
>FG-42 II has 14.4 damage, 750 velocity, 20 round mag, 830 RoF, 17 vertical and 6 horizontal recoil
Anyone know why the velocity is so high?
Alternative caliber to 7.92 Kurz?
apparently it had a trap style gas system which would provide a slight boost to MV as there is no hole bored in the barrel but I am pretty sure the devs are just making shit up
its 7x39 according to the event post so who knows what kind of performance that round actually had. presumably it would have had a lighter bullet than 8mm mauser but more powder than 8mm kurz so I guess more MV isnt out of the question
Bringing only Engineers for Germany so I can build all the Christmas Trees and Ammo boxes
merry christmas /enlg/
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Normandy has a secret sword??
>No kills for gold event or other event
It's over
>375 gold
On a table in some bunker, you don't get to keep it you can just pick it up and run around for a little until you get blown up haha isn't that neat?
anyone who knows about this is some asshole fucking around in the backline and is a bad teammate
I think I got the French Epervier and Havoc both
Did the event reset today or yesterday?
I could buy a sweet camo for my Jagdpanther or King Tiger or Ho-Ri for that money.
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>late war british equipment
Comet, Churchill VII, Sten V, Sterling, Webley Auto, Churchill AVRE, Cromwell, Centaur, Centaur AA, Crocodile, Seafire and late Spitfire, Welkin, and since protoshit is kosher now: Meteor, Tortoise, SLEM-1, EM-1, Black Prince, Centurion, Praying Mantis, any of the other Hobart Funnies, etc lots of options
I still think that Bongs and Pizzas will have their own tech trees.
one day, anon
especially since redundancy is currently in and hip
this. i have no path to getting a battlepass by grinding now so i am pretty much done with enlisted. the jews won
how about some real stats darkflow
>how many deaths due to ai ignoring orders doing some random shit like running off into the grey zone
>how many deaths due to swapping to a squadmate who happens to be reloading at the time
>death due to getting killed trying to take out a glitched GAZ you shot with 3 Pz.60s thre 2 explosive charges under and detonated a TNT charge on
>deaths from hackers that are allowed to keep playing because they spend money in the gaijin store
most of my BR2 and 3 lineups are brit squads and there is so much britshit in the allied tree already I really doubt they are going to be separated. subtrees at most is much more likely imo
the problem with spaghet/brit tree is that the spaghets switched sides halfway through the war but germany kept producing a ton of italian stuff, especially the semoventes and guns

also the british would be filled out by commonwealth nations, so you'd see ozzie cunts and pajeets fighting krauts on normandy, with poles and canadians fighting the japs in burma

also the poles in general
How is number of rallies built and destroyed not specifically tracked in the end screen at this point
cichociemni paras squad fucking when
I'm going to buy equipment, guns, and finally upgrade my soldiers next year.
MKb.42 is pretty fun. I like that it looks like a G3. I don't know if the bayonet is accurate but it looks weird with the gun. Way too silvery looking.
Did they tweak small arms vs planes? A few days ago I thought I sent a Spitfire into a tailshin with my MKb-35. This morning I set two American planes on fire with my FG-42 II. And just now I shot the tail off an IL-2 with an MG-42.
>play americans
>get the worst teams imaginable twice in a row
>fuck it, I'll play japs
>steamroll americans first game because their team is console players
>second game would've been trying to get the first point for 30 minutes if not for like 3 good players
>still lost because the rest of the team wasn't very good

I really wish they'd give you a timeframe for the 20k point stages, is this the first day or the second day for the mkb stage
Yak 9k is fucking insane this is probably the most p2w I have ever felt in this game.
Premium for an invasion of Italy update.
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Here anon.
i dont speak potato
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>need 2000 bomb/rocket/arty kills in 55 days
>the problem with spaghet/brit tree is that the spaghets switched sides halfway through the war but germany kept producing a ton of italian stuff, especially the semoventes and guns
How is that a problem ?
Early Italy is Kingdom of Italy.
Late Italy is the RSI.
How is this really any worse then seeing Italians in random Germany armies all over the place? At least the British have their own uniforms but the Italians don't even have that.
to be fair, the spaghets were present in pretty much every place the krauts were
even on the eastern front, where spaghets were fighting for krauts even after italy flipped
My premium is expiring in a month so it's a good way to say good bye to Enlisted. DF no longer give a fuck about anyone but ultra whales.
Its really sad watching this game slowly die. Its no where near dead right now but the amount of people that just have stopped playing over this past year is kinda crazy to me.
We're gonna get a huge influx of players... Any day now...
it's not like DF even cares anymore about pretending to obey old HA rules you now have Chinks running around at Tunisia, Normandy, Pacific at the time where they weren't fighting along USA/UK and Hurtgen. So Poles running around in only two Asian theatres is nothing compared to those time traveling Asians. Vast majority of fights in WW2 were taking place in Europe and Africa and when there was a fight there were Poles to fight vs Germans.
Keep buffing Soviets and Americans, while kicking Germans constantly over their balls it for sure going to revive game!
Predictable outcome when each new update makes the game worse.
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We will have fully fixed bipods by 2030
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>post in here i am about done with enlisted
>win rare pokemon
your jewish tricks wont work on me snail
M20 Super Bazooka
Churchill Crocodile
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Yak-9K is a top tier premium aircraft
The 45mm NS-45 can pop open any tank the enemy can field
I show down a plane with a SVT 38 a few weeks ago, so propably yeah
And then casually outturn any plane looking for revenge. The description said it was so slow they dedicated it to an attacker role but I can still hover around 1km between attack runs so idk the engine power seems more than fine.
Yeah the flying characteristics are great. It climbs easily and can turn well.
Me, I'm only leaving until the May sale
guerillas and burma have been excellent additions
it is impossible for an aircraft to be p2w
Germany is still easily the strongest faction at the two most important BRs and has been since the merge fuck all you faggot wehrbs whining over nothing, you just got the strongest MG in the game for fucks sake.
It's like 100 km/h slower than every German BR3 fighter
The MKb. 42(M) seems like a great gun for BR IV since it's basically a Fedorov. Germany has great BR IV stuff in general. Shame that BR IV is just BR V and gets sucked into that black hole.

It's funny that people actually think this way. Germany is crazy strong and has been for the longest time. I'd argue they are still, pound for pound, the strongest faction. Nothing tops the Tiger II still, even the Spergshing is worse than it. They have zero capabilities gaps to speak of, at any BR. The only argument you could maybe make is that their low BR SMGs aren't quite as good as their competition, but if you can't make the MP 40 and PPSh Obrez work, that's on you. They get great semi-autos and great machine guns to fill in the tiny DPS gap the MP 40 leaves (which it makes up for by being the way it was in real life, which is to say extremely easy to use and consistent).

>But the Americans get the Stinger!
Limited item, most people have 1-2 in their whole lineup! You also have the MG 42 100 and MG 15.

>The Soviets get the Fedorov!
Which falls off massively against Vit users, which you should be using. The Slavshits also don't get an equivalent to the MG 42 100 and MG 15, et cetera.

Enlisted is surprisingly well balanced, all things considered. The issue is, and always has been, that it has one of the absolute worst playerbases in gaming history, and the average player doesn't even understand how rallies work.

To be fair, I think the speed stats displayed in-game are for like 4-6km altitude, where most combat takes place at 500 meters to 1.5 thousand in-game.
lets see who's a retard when you will be grinding bots instead of real german players
None of the German fighters at BR3 have any ground ordinance I love the 190 and wish they'd at least give it better ammo belts.
>lets see who's a retard when you will be grinding bots instead of real german players
Germany is, and always has been, the most played faction.
not to mention that their 30mm cannon planes absolutely shred enemy CAS
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Yaks are more hybrid energy/turn based aircraft while the Bf-109 is more of a pure energy fighter and Fw-190 boom and zoomering
it's hibernation time
Just use the Bf 110s
I wish I didn't feel compelled to try hard every game since I'm usually 1 of 2 good players on my side. I want to just snipe bros, but I gotta 120apm sweat or we lose.
Things that have to be added:
>Squad chat
>In-game all chat
>Voice chat
>"Need medkit box" quick chat
>Medic upgrade choice for other squads
I don't want to hear the voice of people playing a freee game.
Then you are just bait for people to spawn in their fighter.
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I hope the next map in burma is an arakan (jungle) map
the 110s are perfectly capable of turnfighting and have a turret to chew apart pursuers while you are turning, thinking they are helpless is a definite skill issue
The rear gunner is only reliable in a knife fight and if they even nick your engine they killed you. The 110 does have a decent turn time, for a two engined fighter bomber. I have never had any issues shooting one down. Their fast turn only holds up in the initial dive at high speed the second they lose that speed they are helpless.
I don't deny it is a good plane but it is more valuable to people who like to dump everything on the point and crash.
sure, but the reason this was brought up is that the 110s are germanys BR3 fighter bombers

I dont disagree with you but getting caught at low energy by a fresh airspawn is something every plane in this game struggles with which flattens the performance differences and makes in depth analysis somewhat pointless. it is much better to just bring multiple planes in a lineup if you want to play the air, and germany is the best faction for that
If your plane has good enough performance you don't need to struggle with it. But that's my point the 110 is more valuable to people who are fine with getting a few kills dying and moving on to the next squad. My only point was the yak-9k is both untouchable and can kill every ground target, you only need the one squad and I wish Germany also had something like that.
>you dont need to struggle
what plane isnt susceptible to a fresh spawn after making a few passes already
I have owned it since it first went on sale I think you are confusing raw performance for 99% of pilots in this game being dogshit
>can kill every ground target
bombs are both more reliable and easier to use than any gun CAS
>I wish Germany also had something like that
try the IAR sometime
>My only point was the yak-9k is both untouchable and can kill every ground target, you only need the one squad and I wish Germany also had something like that
You mean like the K-4?
Most fighters won't struggle at all as long as you understand how to make your passes and keep your energy. Bombs are easier but you only get a few of them and they hurt your flight performance until they are gone. The cannon on the yak allows you to keep battlefield presence for a lot longer and means vehicles are destroyed as soon as they spawn.
The K-4 is BR V but I'm sure I'll like it once I get it.
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Now with War Thunder basically having a full combined arms mode with infantry with Enlisted, Gaijin should really market Enlisted with the same legendary kino movie esque trailers that War Thunder has. It would really help pull in new players and popularize the game in the same way War Thunder was.

>Most fighters won't struggle
this is just emphatically not the case. at least a third of my playtime in 4 years playing this game has been in planes and there is nothing you can do if someone spawns on you in a vulnerable moment, even if you have perfect situational awareness and jealously guard your energy, its just how flying is set up in enlisted. you obviously have yet to face an uptier in the yak if you are glowing this much about it, any halfway competent pilot in a higher BR plane will shred you, especially in something like the fiat. the 9K is a fun flavor premium as of being buffed a couple months ago, not some kind of meta lynchpin
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>In a vulnerable moment
If you are ever vulnerable in your plane you have already lost anon, I'm supposed to believe you know better than me when you can't even grasp the basics?
also you are trading any way to ground pound infantry in exchange for AT power in an infantry game lol
you are actually fucking retarded if you think your gay sim mentality applies in an arcade game with markers, lead reticles, and aircraft that unpredictably materialize in the air at speed
You know the exact location and altitude that every enemy plane is going to spawn, you can look at the kill feed and predict when they are going to spawn. I honestly don't know how anyone struggles with this. If you are in a position where the enemy sees your lead indicator you are vulnerable and have lost. Try climbing more.
The 9k is fun, but you're really overstating its effectiveness. It's not particularly effective against other aircraft, and you will have probably burnt through all your ammo engaging 1 or 2 ground targets.

There was a magical Christmas miracle a few years ago when any HE could overpressure a tank, and I could pop them all with the K-4s 30mms (which was also a huge deal because it only got a 250kg bomb recently) By far the most fun I've ever had in Enlisted.
you are some theorybrained newfag wasting time playing too defensively when a good pilot should be making game winning plays wiping groups of infantry and respawning if they get shot down. next you are going to tell me your elite skills make you invulnerable to the omnipresent and easy to use AAA too
>you can look at the kill feed and predict when they are going to spawn
yeah I guess you are fucking psychic as well. blow it out your ass
Your dishonesty and pedantry is the stuff of legend, anon
>I honestly don't know how anyone struggles with this
Post stats.
>Buh buh you don't struggle with fresh spawns you must think you're some uber unkillable elite
Retard I'm saying if you're struggling that's your problem, literally just be higher than them how is this some baffling discovery to you. Nobody spawns higher than 1km. Fly at 1.5. wowie incredible insane elite knowledge for you there.
you must truly be G*ds chosen pilot if you have never been spawned on pulling out of a dive, good for you
There is a different between struggling with something and never being affected by it. Of course I'll get full of myself think I crushed all the pilots and then not check the spawn until I'm being shot at. But how slow is your plane that you can't stay out of detection range of someone in a full dive from 1.5km? You don't have to make yourself vulnerable until you know no enemy planes are spawned.
post stats
Where can I find the "killed by a fresh spawn" statistic anon?
>the xXx_p1l0t_g0d_xXx enters the thread
>refuses to post stats
many such cases
>argument faulters
>demands to know who he lost to
Reddit sounds more your style anon.
censor the image lets see those airkills and ground pounding stats dweeb.
>argument falters
you are the retard making pedantic arguments about what "struggling" actually means and trying to contravene the abject reality that the way flying in enlisted works means that air superiority is never a given with a single spawn, unless of course you spend the entire game in orbit being a completely worthless teammate.
>You don't have to make yourself vulnerable until you know no enemy planes are spawned.
shit like this is laughable, you must have less than 1000 airkills if you think this is something you can predict or be sure of at all times
There are some deranged freaks that just camp enemy air spawn, often with planes that don’t even have ground attack capabilities.
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You can literally hear the engine sounds any time another plane is spawned anywhere in the map. How did thousands of hours of playtime and thousands of planes destroyed lead you to believe you should fly BELOW your enemy?
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dude I dont know what game you are playing but you do realize that to have any impact on the field you have to reach minimum draw distance which is like 600m and well below the enemy air spawn? your stats mean you are this >>507728402 kind of aforementioned retard and should go back to warthunder or whatever other shithole you crawled out of instead of fucking over your team getting slaughtered on the ground
>3971 kills with aircraft
>2238 planes destroyed
lol holy shit he really is an enemy airspawn camper
I 100% agree I am that aforementioned retard, I'm not a "good" player most are better overall at the game. This was the war thunder infantry mode I was always promised so you're stuck with me on occasion. Anyway vehicles have a much larger draw distance and your plane comes equipped with a wundertech radar that you can just sweep around the point from 4km away and probably get something. Worst case you just have to make a snap shot spotting something in your dive but it's better than hovering at 600m waiting to get blown out of the sky by any idiot near AA.
Fedorov rifle fucking slaps but oh boy the recoils is literally impossible to control.
slaps enough to be worth fighting BR5? I did get a couple but I was told to avoid 4.
If it's your only auto rifle? I wouldn't recommend it unless you want to get mad quickly
>I did get a couple but I was told to avoid 4.
It's not 4, it's 5. So if you were avoiding 4 to not uptier into 5, using the Fedorov rifle would literally just put you in 5, with I'm guessing mostly BR3 equipment.
up up
Do you run 2x reload speed on your AT gunners?
any reload speed buff is helpful when I'm spamming 30 rockets at invincible trucks that are immune to the HE part of HEAT(but an AT rifle round pops them like a balloon)
holy shit I just realized why machine gun reloads sound out of sync so often for me
they aren't synced with the reload speed increase
It's worth taking, even if it only really makes a big difference on the GrB-39. You can take 3/4 recoil reduction, weapon swap speed and turning accuracy in addition to reload speed with an AT II, which is what you should probably take.
Why are you taking reload speed on MGs instead of 30/20 recoil?
I used to, but now I feel that the reload speed isn't all that helpful. I try to avoid firing from right in front of them where I'm in a race to blow them up before they kill me.
I run this now
Hey they fixed the APC gunner slots, nice.
They only had one seat in the back you could manually take control of, and I think the AI could only fire from that one seat. I thought it was an intentional stealth nerf to APC drive by capabilities
lee navy
because I can only afford 1 recoil buff because I am a gentlemen who enjoys throwing grenades
its made of metal anon. its just a normal k98 bayonet
Guerillas are the dumbest thing they have ever added to the game. They're even worse than the initial, disastrous addition of paras that broke the game for a couple of weeks.
They were a stupid addition, but they are much worse than peak paratroopers which were actually OP.
>queue any
>teamates are running crusaders while Germans are running long tigers.
Cool game!
Blame the premium sale.
Don't they get a welfare 76
Dunno if they would have the squad that can use it.
You just need to have a tank squad equipped to use the welfare vehicle.
Although maybe that only applies if you've genuinely been uptiered, and not to people who have one BR5 gun equipped.
I've been up tiered and it still didn't let me use it.
I've seen it plenty of times, I just never wanted to use it.
And reduced head shake
>Guerillas are the dumbest thing they have ever added to the game
what a stupid thing to say. guerillas provide a unique form of gameplay and heavily reward forethought and positioning while still being easily counter played. they are probably the highest skill ceiling unit in the game due to the sheer flexibility they can accommodate and how well they reward map knowledge. diving the grey zone will never not be fun.

lets look at other big ticket additions:
-motorcycles: clunky and fragile, hugely map dependent to the point of near complete irrelevance. they get some points for being unique and perhaps providing a framework for more light vehicles being added

-paratroopers: airdroppable super soldiers with almost no skill needed to use outside of clicking the right place on the map and timing it well. doubles down on the awful vitality meta while being attached to power weapons in most cases and being paid/event exclusive. designed not to be intercepted meaning there is a very tiny window for counter play. at least they are cinematic

-rocket artillery: mostly pointless addition and yet another off map call in with no counter play. no real skill or unique gameplay involved, isnt at all effective at what it set out to do even after being buffed

-airstrike: only good for XP farming and griefing the team by locking out the artillery timer, and maybe dealing with foliage on some maps. at least they give something for fighters to do and look cool
-napalm drop tanks: a total abortion of a game mechanic. not even really worth addressing in any way and this one alone invalidates your statement

-APCs: pure utility items. not functionally different in any way than just letting you build an extra rally point would have been. gameplay loop consists of driving down a road and getting out. they give planes something to shoot at and I am glad they are in the game but they arent something that provides a new and compelling way to play the game

-amphibious tanks: instantly irrelevant, clunky, and forgotten

-autorifles: without a doubt the worst thing ever added to enlisted. examples range from comically unrealistic in performance to outright science fiction. irrevocably cheapened gameplay at top tier and somehow manage to be both boring to play against and boring to use. biggest utilization of skill with these weapons is ammo management and they set the stage for atrocious powercreep generally. allowed the devs to show their ass by adding a class of weapons that invalidates all others as an intentional design choice.
smoke shells should be on a separate cooldown timer from normal artillery, it routinely amazes me how different this game would play with a better playerbase
Smonk, Supplies and Bombing runs should all be separate.
there has been a huge influx of players for the past half year which your newfag ass is no doubt part of
im not so sure normal artillery and bombing runs should be separate
Have the bomber timer be longer and add a pause timer that doesn't let arty or bombers deploy at the exact same time
>they are probably the highest skill ceiling unit in the game
I dont think that would be much different than what we have now, but it might make the idiots on your team spamming airstrikes slightly less annoying I guess
every time we have had this argument I set out clear points and you give this sort of typical non-response. it makes you come across as rather stupid. so lets hear it, what unit do you think rewards player skill better?
>Jap tommy has different animations from the US 20 round tommy
But why?
>what unit do you think rewards player skill better?
Any that doesn't have a +5.3% sprint speed base perk and further +10.5% increase from its 21 mobility points, and the ability to enter the grey zone.
>M2A1 is not an AR
>You can have a gorrilla BR 5 squad that has a non AR gun as Mutts
I guess I should grab enough M2A1 carbines so I have that as an option.
>a total non-sequitur
buddy I hate to tell you but I dont think you are beating the stupid allegations
The premium APCs are actually effective combat vehicles and I'll die on this hill. I can go from bottom scoring to top scoringin an APC almost as well as in a tank.

The German one is by far the best. The MG 42 is accurate and is pretty much guaranteed to kill whatever you're shooting at, and the people inside are well protected with only the gunner really vulnerable.

The American one is allright. Lots of AI controlled turrets actually do a decent job and the 50cals can even destroy some light vehicles. The crew have okay protection from the front but the thing is so chunky it's hard to maneuver on most maps.

The Japanese one is kind of okay. The MG doesn't overheat but it's not accurate and has a low mag capacity. Offers decent crew protection from the front but is vulnerable to shots from the side.

The Soviet half track is the worst. The 50 call is a good weapon but the gunner sticks out so much he's suicide and the armor barely covers the crew in the back.

Also for some reason they all get lead indicators on planes so they can all double as poor mans anti air.
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>lunge mine M8 Scott's engine
>immediately throw a grenade with non-downed squaddie
>tankers jump out into total crew death

I really should play Germany because of a beneficial glitch with the Halloween squad and mystery box drops but Japan is simply the most fun nation to play.
Moving really fast is not a skill. All you are doing is exploiting the game's dogshit movement system. You have negative skill.
there's 3 stugs already isn't there
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The BR II StuG is a premium vehicle (lol) and it and the BR III StuG(s) are made totally redundant by the Panzers of the same BR. Enlisted might as well not have any StuGs at all. Which I guess is fair; why would a combined arms WW2 game feature Germany's most mass produced fighting vehicle after all?
the stug F isn't *that* bad
well, it is, but I still enjoy using it
I just wish we got a hetzer
I think most TDs are a bit overtiered for what they are honestly, and should almost all be knocked down a BR
what does the M10 wolverine provide at BR4 that the M4A1(76) and M4A2(76) doesn't?
It's a shame everything has to be balanced towards the slug IQ retards playing the game, who get enraged if the tank they just clicked on across the map didn't immediately explode.
A question for the ages
>10 years ago
What glitch does the Halloween squad have?
He might be the lucky scrub with an extra hero solider.
The Japanese motorcycle squad has a cool default uniform.
>play game
>wew pretty neat
>oh shit i missed out on xyz months earlier
>get bored
>pick it up again after months
>why'd i stop playing
>there's even more shit i missed in the mean time
I know the logons and events are there to keep you playing but anyone else feel like they actively kill their drive to play? It's the not fear of missing out if you already missed out so why fucking bother then, you know.
Display hours left in event stages
Show how many of the daily battle pass tasks you've completed of total
Chat while in squad and spawn selection
What about the box drops ?
i don't really care when i miss drops, i am currently away on a vacation so i am going to miss all the holiday drops, it is no bother for me, i liked the game when i had everything with zero upgrades and all my soldiers were moving around with basic Kar98s and i will still like the game when i miss a bunch of drops
Does anyone else Battlepass keep resetting back to lvl 30 after you go pass 38? Mine has done this twice already
That's how the infinite levels work. It just keeps repeating the same 8 levels, forever.
Check above the 8 last level icons, there is two little arrowdoing a 360° circle.
You can redo those 8 levels as much as you want to get Silver and XP boosters.

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