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From the twisted mind of Jun Maeda who brought you Angel Beats!, Clannad, AIR, Little Busters!, Summer Pockets and Charlotte.

>Is it on PC?
Yes, it's on PC and mobile.



>Database/Tier list


>Current event
Chapter 4 is up! Roll for the nopan qipao slut.

Caution, newfriends! Do not read the spoilers.

tags: yuri, harem, comedy, JRPG

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Trade codes with me! Click the invite button on the bottom right of the home screen. Enter my code: nbtvb1prn1jcp9ex then give me yours.
do we have a kitaaa waku waku taimu audio clip?
I just started reading ch3 and it has been pretty good and very depressing so far, How the fuck did he screw up Charlotte? Was it the 13-episode format?
I'll just post my code again in the unlikely event someone needs it
Yeah, Maeda needs to take his time properly building stuff up and 12-13 episodes isn't ever quite enough time. Angel Beats was kind of the exception. I think he'd do better for anime if he had 20-24 episodes to work with.
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Haha any newkeks still in these threads? Use my code please!
>Jun Maeda collabs with his own IP
Why not Fate?
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If you use MY code your ovaries will NOT be torsioned.
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Join the church
Angel beats was also 1 cour and it was fone
Fate doesn't connect in the HBR universe. Angel Beats was chosen among the Key titles because of the subject matter.
Fate and Angel Beats are nothing alike.
but other gachas do collabs with completely unrelated shit. I want slop too
Tama when she sees Megumin's psychic futa cock
Gay as frick
See >>506854865
I want more ecchi
Go somewhere else for your slop then. Maeda said he wouldn't consider any other collab after Angel Beats.
code dumpin as well:
w-will there be office lady outfits?
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they are office MEN
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clannad enjoyers use my code
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Is this story good?
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It made me see Yuina in a whole new light.
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She is totally La Pucelle d'Orlean
What event is related to this score battle? Is it the little shorties?
summer event
What event is it then? I don't see summer of curses available on mine, do I need to clear chapter 4?
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Deus volt that Ruka be your main dps
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>Putting a girl out on the front lines
A Girls' Frontline, you say?
Dammit anon
It is actually not too bad of a joke
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Good luck to anyone pulling for New Years Tama tonight!
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Tears Dungeon especially stands out as some the shittiest and most unenjoyable gameplay within a JRPG. I'd say the single bright spot about this garbage is that the encounter rate is low.
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Seika took all of my milk jugs I musn't pull tonight.
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Once she reaches Lv 150 she will not die right?
is she good?
12,000 to go... I am not gonna make it in 6 days
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Thanks sis! I am all set to pull on the step up banner.
She's fairly good, with some nice lightning buffs and damage, but to be fair every style is completely mogged by her SS5. Still, not bad to have her SS3 skill unlocked for when you get SS2 Charl and start building Lightning teams.
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And this is how hbr turned into an idol raising game
I would not object
No, but she gives Tama access to a teamwide base stat buff that's good to have around though entirely unnecessary
Man up, all you do is bitch about mountains, gearing, story, blah blah
Play something else then if playing the game is that difficult for you tik tok 5 second attention span diaper shitters
Did sweet caroline tell me to kill them all?
Should I roll a HP damage necklace?
based slurper
Maeda dislikes doing collab period, and Angel Beats only was chosen because he wrote it to begin with
You won't get a Fate collab ever. Nothing in fate is even emotional and it's just a power wank pissing GrAiL wAr. We'd sooner get an Omori collab than Fate.
need us to hold your hand when you jack off too?
Reading a bit, it seems like thunder is good to invest in.
I'll still roll the meta supports, but I think I'll focus on building a thunder team. RIP to my collab rolls though.
Fate also only collabs with its own IPs.
SS2 Charl is a complete meta gamechanger. She can remove enemy resist to thunder and replace it with thunder weakness. This basically means you really only need to invest in a Thunder team to clear stuff, at least for a fairly long period of time until they added in new mechanics to deal with that.
There are no men in the セラフ部隊 or this thread
Sure, if you want
>Mahjong Soul
sis she clearly meant the Fate gacha which doesn't collab with random IPs just like HBR...
post your boobs or pussy and I'll help sis
There's nothing much to get from collab anyway if you're not too into AB. They give out Yuri for free and Kanade is light element (lol).
I thought the angel beat girls are gonna be meta, but it looks like they are not?
fate doesn't coll-
>star rail (2025)
>majsoul (203
>18k paid
Based server supporter.
Miya can't die. It is her duty as the Japanese nadeshiko to witness the passing of all her friends but stubbornly hang on to a thin string of hope for their return with a worn mask, a gentle smile, and eternity.
scrote it says right here on your chart that your tarded bruh
that means you caught autism and its terminal just enjoy the time you have left sisbwo
Could we Collab with majsoul? My wife is in that game
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That would make a great show and a poignant ending
I am getting adventure of alpha flashbacks anons are way too young for that, and for Aria
you're kinda dumb
sex with Watapon
It's forever seething Jptard time
They are fairly strong but they're not meta-defining.
>cant do a real comeback against my facts and logic aside from u-u-y-uyu-yuhr dunb!
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I love these two
>namedropping yourself when people aren't even talking about you
sis are you really that lonely?
>>Jun Maeda collabs with his own IP
>Fate also only collabs with its own IPs.
I'd even say illiterate.
ip on your face sis
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Why doesn't the humans in domes recognize a dead singer being reborn again?
The only other collabs I'd accept are collabs with random cute girls doing cute things anime. Give me my Yuru Yuri or Kiniro Mosaic collab, Maeda... It kinda just makes sense that normal schoolgirls like that will die from the cancer attacks and get narbified, but I guess maybe they need to choose characters that have some special talents since everyone on the Seraph squads are supposed to be special in some way.
Wtf spoilers reeeeeeeeee
How many banners until she comes out though?
So sweet caroline is all I need?
Like 22 banners away but EN is accelerating anyway.
en eos soon(er)
I only just noticed that Tezuka has a narby juice earring
Can she get a reverted Naby to become another girl with that DNA to feed narby in a pinch if she needs more soldiers?
I mean I have seika and Ichigo with gravemist kozu + Yingxia already and Tama is my only healer.
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>You can't return a Narby to who they once were after they die
>No one says anything about making multiple of the same person with multiple narbies
If Kura's so strong why didn't they just make like 30 Kuras?
>new mechanics to deal with that
Like what? Debuff immunity so you can't remove thunder resist and add thunder weakness?
Didn't they already say to create a human narby it needs all available traces of the previous human's DNA? That's why they can't clone anyone.
Is Ruka a bratty savior?
>he didn't read
Turning a narby into a human consumes all of the human's DNA, so you can't make another copy since there's nothing left to copy from.
You need to feed a whole corpse to them for this kind of copy iirc
I wonde rif they can clone a human then feed it to multiple narbies
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Why don't they just set up a narby food bin outside the base's hairdresser?
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What if they feed Goku's DNA to a narby?
is Yuina a Yuki?
Why don't they wear mirrors?
Sorry, gay slimes only eat gay girl corpses
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Is she fighting in heels?
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If Ruka eats Yuki out will she turn into half Yuki?
Why didn't the voice tell her to rape Ruka silly?
My DBZ collab dreams... disintegrating right before my eyes...
Because Jean would not do that
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This is the best event, that is all
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Got her from the s-above ticket, good or nah compared to the older version of her SS?
Treasure your beloved saber
Phew, managed to finish the limited missions in time
I will not be bricked again unlike the last time
Based they're both good
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I can die happy now
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aiiiee... sister... don't remind me
Most anons playing this is at least 30. We all grew up with key after all. And watched Air when it was on TV
I feel personally attacked
Is Miya for Ruina?
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Only latinx are obsessed about dbz in current, desu so nothing of value was lost
They're region blocked too lmao
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thats not even true, you can play a concert / recital over age 30 with two to eight weeks of instrument or singing practice
Do they hate latinos?
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Yeah I doubt there's many of us left
too many in this thread seem to be zoomers and impatient little kids who are meta obsessed fomo mobagetards who don't know anything about Key and start crying when there's some mountains or dungeons to auto
you can have this nanamin in dedication of our monthly survival
Dont be a bigot sis latinx is what we say now
>do they hate latinx?
they're 100x more obnoxious in mobage threads than black fgc gamers are in fighting game threads so yeah i hope they never lift it
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Actually, there's no one else like you in this general, you know that right?
we need a collab with rance
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Thanks for the random compliment lol
theres no one else like you in the world either sis, bless ur sweet heart *chu*
so hypothetically i could just roll for her then 3 lightning dps for each damage type and be done with building units for the foreseeable future?
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I'm hip and young at 27 unlike you living carcasses
Im your senior by 10 years, that means i can check your panties for pee with my barehand
get a room you sluts
welp eos happened
>do step up
>this happens
No... At least I got Karen too, but this was literally the worst outcome for me... I want cute girls, not tigers....
Tiger is meta right?
sex meta
Even if someone were to recognize them, it's probably more reasonable for a normal person to assume a lookalike or a copycat, rather than the original dead person revived 30 years later. Especially since it is only a broadcast and no names or anything else are given.
True. And would you believe it if Jean d'Arc appeared on tv?
Are we rolling this new Tama?
>paid step up of everything
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If elvis came back to life and as a 16 year old with a scythe beating up crab monsters i'd think it was just some wannabe impersonator.
ah yes
the game over "sometimes" event
I hope I can actually pick game overs
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They either blur or alter their faces in post or they just straight up don't care as long as the seraphs don't directly interact with the dome people
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She came home!
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Very cool free SS
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Kazu anons, I should pamper her right? The ghosts would want it that way
I lost... Tama did not come with my yolo x10
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Thank you for blessing me, mighty lolita
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Congrats sis, now you can cum big.
Should I roll for new years Tama!??
I was prepared to bring out the credit card for her. Now she is home I can breeze by the game now.
If you're asking you know you want her
Please spend anyways, please anon.
I am going to buy more monthly passes
Please spend more
>Wanting to unwrap presents starting from the corner
Psychopathic behavior
But is she good???
If an enemy really need to die, I use 2 of Seika's SS2 Ex and 1 of Miyagi's charge buff, then the crit is guaranteed right?
If you want to invest into thunder (the most consistently strong element) then she's a good start since she buffs thunder teams
Seika SS2 twice is already guaranteed.
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Oh Google translate, I love you
100 rolls to get Tama... but it's worth it since Aoi and other new SS also came along with her!
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Her regular skill with stat up looks pretty good. There's an OP version of this buff that gets released a long time from now, 20 (Tama) vs 50 (Kozue). The debuff version looks harder to use than Thunder Tama.
I rolled the step-up and got 2 more copies of SS1 Karen (and another SS1 Yuki). Since my Karen is now LB2, should I just use SS shards and get her to LB3? Is her passive worth it?
I want Christmas Yayoi, snip.
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Good luck bros
>not knowing primary school jp
Sis. They're just recommending lb1.
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i'm almost there, bwos...
How long until Aoi 2 bros?
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nice rate ups faggots
April at the latest
>rolled ice Wakki from the event ticket
I know she's not the best, but at least I'm finally free from free Ruka dual wielding her wet towels.
Hmm, I should be able to spark once before that.
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I'm doing the swimsuit and I have absolutely no clue what's supposed to be triggering the YO part of this gag.
Only if you're a paypiggy and getting the monthly passes. f2ps have a bit rough.
Three swimsuit girls being together.
3 swimsuit characters in the same frame.
When all 3 of the girls wearing swimsuits line up on the screen.
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Jun Maeda's own tropical da ne...
Use this code or twitter shitstorms will befall you
They don't really show their sprites when they're talking but the idea is that the three swimsuit girls are talking consecutively thus lining up on the screen like in your VNs.
By the way, if you hate Yuki screaming you will HATE the new event.
Guess I'll have to skip every banner until Aoi and Sharo SS2
All in on thunder!
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>leave low power mode
>claim gifts
>game doesn't freeze up
We are SO back
Are you fucking retarded?
I am supporting OUR GUY MAEDA very much indeed.
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Is there a point to doing higher difficulties?
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Speed readers man...
its similar to score attack
there are rewards depending on your score in the end of the event
might be a dumb question but is the new score challenge for this current survival island event?
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I mean, she ALWAYS does that
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This is so sad...
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Without the limited use of abilities I could actually prep this second week SA sucker for 999% DR before hitting. I was afraid Aina would kill it with her last debuff though, if I used her stronger attack, otherwise I would've cracked the 1m bonus score on highest damage in a turn.

Regardless, over 800 million damage on turn 7, no Ruka involved. I dare say this is still better than any other element with her, but it's at least not as unfair anymore.
Note: Ads give you a lot of OD, when you hit them with AOE moves and have a 5 hit buff of Tsukasa. Chaining od3 into od2 was no problem.

#invest in dark (ad)
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Show me the best JP team using only squad leaders.
Bro, you don't build shit like that in this game.
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This is merely a thought experiment, but there's diva Ruka and admiral Aoi as a base already.
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just take their most meta memorias and put them in a squad
don't expect much though
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Why is my Bungo a boy?
You would have two super dead slots.
>Previous paid banners were 3000 gems for one guaranteed SS
>Now it's 6600 gems for one guaranteed SS
Holy scam
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At least this isn't a Yostar only thing. Some of them you can even do a second loop.
I am glad that gacha rates are at least better than another eden
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>Tama starts talking
that's why Aoi did Alt+F4
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Achievement unlocked.
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I'm upset that licking Yukkie wasn't an option here
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I wasn't expecting this interaction, sorry...
I'm glad that licking Tama and kissing Tama were both options.
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I spent at least 5 minutes watching the previews, and after update, the game still froze when I tried to collect stuff
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Otama came home early.
They more or less already set an excuse to have people return they specifically said that only narbies who got artificially forced into copying someone consumes all of the DNA (as stupid as it sounds since you should be able to cultivate cells but that's beside the point), so narbies who copied a human of their own volition (there has to be some otherwise they never would've tried to artificially reproduce the result) probably only take a fraction of the DNA.
The only two characters who have next to no chance to be a "natural" human narby are Tojo and Tama given their ties to the military.
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conspiracy theory time - it is possible that the common denominator and requirement for narby humans to generally work and not suffer crippling ego issues is that the host body has a sort of theme that their original personality valued REALLY HIGHLY. This hyperfixation with the topic of choice serves to root the narby into its new human identity and make them less suceptible to noooticing things that could disrupt its emotional balance. Basically why 99% of the characters have a specific quirk or an obsession that they are prone to compulsively engage in and bring up may be utilitarian and not just for the sake of japanese comedy, explaining why all of the girls have a my life revolves around this thing personality
Really hate the translation for this event. Tama calls the mermaid a yōkai, not a monster. The mermaid herself says bakemono when talking about how humans see them as monsters. It's a little thing but it really does matter in the context.
Guess that puts a hole in the theory that the old translators were the retards and the new ones were doing a better job.
Event could have been done by the older translators we don't know how many events that are unreleased that they already did. I don't entirely blame them for translating yōkai into monster instead of something like supernatural but it shows how Tama is being respectful towards the Mermaid instead of calling her a monster.
What makes you think that this event was newly translated? If you check the event page on hbr quest and scroll down, you can see that they have EN server translated descriptions up to idol Aoi event, that's 12 events from now.
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Evil minion... Erotic...
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Oh my, I can control Bon Ivar in a 3D space... too bad she needs to take care of the brain damaged crab...
The fluffy seat got snipped...
Good job sis!
IS Kimono Tama good?
Good for the soul.
That's a bit of a complicated question. Yes, she's actually good. But if you plan to go full meta autism on thunder, she won't be in the final meta comp. But as a unit herself she is good.
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I'm just getting her to get a decent support for the meantime. I'm planning to go all in on thunder anyway.
wish more people recorded their summons like this
the best thing about bungo is she will wake up and not remember all the stuff you did so you dont need to hold anything back...
But her body will remember...
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Oh shit
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Shut the fuck up Tama
>hates it at first but body slowly becomes more eroi/sensitive each night
>wakes up with hickey marks all over body and doesnt get why
You still don't have a choice about that. Thunder enhance x2 is ONLY on her.
The other unit that gets it can only do it once per battle, which sucks ass, and there's nobody mattering who can self enhance with that shit either.


The most meta comp you can play in JP right now is: Ruka (hit, crit), Aoi (damage, protection), Tama (enhance which needs suit, thunder enhance), Megumi (field, thunder def down), Sharo (weakness, fragile, thunder def down) and Muua (mind eye/ tactical vision). Blaster isn't very doable like this, but Ruka can somewhat do it with her light version's normal skill. It's ugly vs high max DR but okay vs. 300. Otherwise I personally just tank the damage loss for comfort and use a blaster, because frankly speaking.. score-wise this is way overkill and I value comfy.

Now does it play well? No. But it maximizes the damage and can likely live, which is enough for me to call it meta. Realistically you are better off ditching Megumi for something speeding the whole thing up and still get obscenely exaggerated damage/score. You "only" lose a field after all.
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Sisters, is it gay to smell each other?
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very nice
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Each turn takes out a third of my HP holy fuck
I'd rather use Christmas Akari and just OD burst sooner
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>went all in for Tama
>had to spark her after getting 5 fucking spooks
>log in
>greeted by cute christmas decor and event
>restart game
If you're "maximizing damage" and need to remove someone, suit Tama+Megumi give you more than thunder Tama+Muua. Non scaling double thunder enhance doesn't give you as much of an effective increase as a big field + field passive.
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You shouldn't ever expect to NOT spark when rolling for someone sis.
My luck had to run out some day
Got black dress Ruka, China Girl and Kimono Reika in first 10 pulls
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why the fuck is monthly pass so expensive? not even chinese are that greedy
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Yostar of David
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There's a reason people are telling everyone to save sparks for characters they want to get and not to retard roll. Even if you think you're lucky, you may not get shit you actually want when it matters.
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I cast explode
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I don't get it. What was so bad about the event that Japs had to harass Jun Maeda over it? That wasn't too bad of a read.
probably wasn't the only factor but the last drop that spilled the chalice
I don't how many times we need to repeat this but
1. There was a controversy with the NY bag at the time where people bought it expecting quartz and it didn't have it and they were big mad and felt cheated.
2. There was another controversy with the 4.2 delay and they announced it would not be ready for the annual release and people were also big mad about that.
3. The game wasn't in the best place on the average ranking at the moment, and there was a bit of doomposting in the air.
All of this combined made people lash out at a pretty normal event just to get their feelings out. The western news anime shit sites did a great disservice to the whole thing by framing it as if the event was actually bad. The byakko event is where the event was ACTUALLY bad. We will get to that one later.
>annual release
*anniversary release
>The byakko event is where the event was ACTUALLY bad
How bad?
Let's just say the tiger gets... extremely close with some of the girls.
I guess it depends on you and how much you like the game and are willing to let some things slide, but for me it's literally the worst piece of story content that's ever been in this game. It's ultra filler about cats, not even the actual characters from the game, ending with forced drama out of Maeda's ass that makes no sense.
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No... Ruka's harem...
Christmas area is super cute
I got the beautiful conductor from the step up banner
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Eww Granny side boob
Here's the PV for it.
Fun fact: CN server didn't even bother to release this event properly, they just added it to the event archive and skipped to next event in the schedule.
Is it worth it also doing the other summer event?
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>Gets hit once
>fucking dies
The first summer event was kino all the way through.
Define worth. You're kinda expected to do all the events at some point.
Couldn't be my Yingo bingo
Yuki will do all kinds of shit like this and then turn around and pretend like she ISN'T a huge faggot.
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huh? we can't have cigarettes and alcohol but drugs are fine?
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Caffeine. Paracetamol. Loperamide. Ruka's smell.
All legal.
But Ruka doesn't smell
How do fields work? Does the buff remain up for the rest of the turn/bonus turns or is it consumed by the next attack?
The database does not say 1 use or anything along these lines, so is it possible that the zone stays up for the entire fight after being used?
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I feel sad she'll just forget all this the next day
If the field skill doesn't say it has a turn limit, it lasts for the entire battle or until it's replaced by another field. Most of the good ones they add later actually have a turn limit though.
Thank you, that is useful (I have Miya, Tsukasa, and Mari with fields)
Also general heads-up for the thread: There is a survey available that will give 300 quartz. Click the "News" button in game and you will see it on the linked page at the top. Dec. 15-29
>he didn't do ivar recollection
>there werent any actual cutscenes in the event
When does Aoi come back
She's right behind you
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I 999%'d it last week but I'm a casual
(Tama screeching sfx)
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>press map while random encounter happens
>screen gets stuck
at least this time I was able to finish the fight
But some anon said that Jun Maeda is a god that can't miss in his writing...
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On second thought Im pretty sure I can get Bon Ivar pregnant if I try hard enough
I don't think that's a common sentiment anon. Maeda seems to be high variance
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>cooking with Adel
based based based!!!!
Oh for sure, I'm just mocking that one anon that always goes "But muh Key" "But muh Maeda" when someone criticizes the story
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Has anyone datamined future content since the updates came out? (EN)
This event already was in the 4.1 patch, there was no new update.
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She is so erotic I can't stand it. Inori and Adel are #1
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for me, it's tojo with her hair down
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I want to... but I cannot
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Tama get
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I have stopped doing the hard battles for extra items in the campaign.
I would have done the same but my ocd wouldn't let me.
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There are times when her faggotry leaks out but yeah, a lot of times it feels like she's still in denial about how she feels about Ruka.
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I'm terrified that Jun Maeda might actually try to kill off Yuki just for the sake of tragedy
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Don't read this if you haven't finished Chapter 3.
For every death that Ruka experiences it feels like she starts to care about herself less and less. She was mighty fucking suicidal by Chapter 3 and I can't help but feel like she'd react a lot fucking worse to Yuki's death than Yuki would react to Ruka's death. She was already so shaken by the fact that they were all narbies, while Ruka was relatively calm at that moment.
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this would be hot.
>nanamin serving food
I need nyotaimori nanamin
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I can't fucking wait for the moment when Yuki finally fucking cracks and just straight up rapes Ruka.
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If I do this, does the SS3 Tama becomes better than SS1? Or are their stats different
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literally scam-up
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nyo... nyot like this...
Any banner worth pulling?
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Pull with your clit sis.
I predict Ruka would end up being one of the last survivors, the story is mostly through her POV after all. Yuki, Yuina, and the rest of 31-A should be slowly killed off near the endgame if Maeda wants a tragedy. That said, did Maeda even say anything on whether this story is close to finishing?
considering garden of memories, it's possible Ruka is already the only one survivor
Maeda wanting a tragedy makes me so fucking afraid. I'm a sucker for good endings and HBR feels like it's not leading towards one.
Is the black cat on the menu with Ruka going to be explained later on?
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You already know.
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I caved in and rolled after 15 days of free rolls. Is it worth pulling for spark to get her LB1 or should I save for something else?
What's the HP of nightmare day 3 boss?
My 15k ghetto lightning team can't kill it before all healing skills ran out
Nope, save it
After playing with yunyun you will understand that +1SP will barely make any difference
Why do people who need their hands held call pity "spark"?
>well yes, I only played hoyoslop before, how could you tell?
gbf expat
Why do schizos care what words other people use when a correct understanding is conveyed?
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Useless sword master only good for getting bullied
So are they a thing or is this just fanbase schizomaxxing
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This does NOT answer my question
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Found it
Recommended 15K my arse
I couldn't tell to whom you were referring without searching as this is the most chinese game I've played
karen chan and tama is a weird combination, but I like it
From my experience, if you find cute arts of them together, then they are most likely a thing
It's better to save it, maybe if you were 10 or 20 away but you're not even half-way.
I liked the event
>he doesn't know how to read Inori's .......
i assume you are supposed to use the last food to win this fight, i was able to get 2 of the items for it, need to do a couple runs to find everything i guess
The problem was 2 Blaster skills only. It's not impossible, but it takes too long for my taste. That's why my dark team simply skipped that, as the dps was a blaster anyways.
The spitting distance rule...
Hisame is her master.
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holy fucking BASED
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i'm fucked
Adel x Mari
Nina x Asamin (wtf)
Misarin x Akarin
Shiki x Mion (wtf2)
Inorin x Hisamecchi
Bayako x Sumomo ????
Ichiko x Isuzu ?
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Because it's not pity. You can still spark even if you get 3 dupes of the character, pity systems only reward you when you actually don't get shit.
you did not beat it
Nah. Resistance creation/pierce crit is "you did not beat it" of this game.
>Memory wipe problems
Bwos, I knew this sounded familiar... It's crazy because I think they were both actually first featured on the same Christmas. Now I kinda wanna make comm art of them together.
I mean vulnerability.
Does score challenge give tokens for desert island or totally tropical? they look the same to me and I still haven't started the event so can't check without spoiling myself
Score challenges that run during new events should always give tokens for that event. Random off-week score attacks can give tokens to whatever the fuck they want.
Almost thought I got a bad end
i got full score by doing the event at 5000, any reason to do 15000 ?
Ichigo's still good with piercing resistance?
probably would have had some problems without lightning tama, but should be manageable
On 91 35 you can still face roll if you have enough stats and multipliers.
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I wish I had Mari...
I really want to support the game, however I feel like paying to beat games is a fundamentally dumb concept and that the purity of the challenge is lost if you can just throw cash at roadblocks, and would spiral into me not caring about the game anymore in any meaningful way, therefore I'm forced to remain f2p...
The EoS bringer...
just roll for the girls you like then
>"passes" the ball over to the opposite team
>falls and fails to catch spikes twice
>crumbles in a heap resulting in a game over screen twice
do the writers go out of their way to make a point on how USELESS TAMA IS?
Yes. At least her motherwife doesn't mind.
By the way, it will get even worse as the time goes.
She fails just so others don't have to
she is just a kid and has short legs...
lesbians cant get pregnant
I'll help them
im redoing the event and going thought every option but i don't think im going to find the first 2 items of the final dish. are the items based on something like the order of places you visit or maybe difficulty ? i only tested on day 1 and it looked like the items you get were set in stone.
you cant just put retarded teenage girls on an island...
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is there a reccomended order to do these events?
I've only done chapter 2
I guess I was just wrong, while the egg and mushroom can be found in multiple places, crab and abalone can only be found in 1, and both of then are on rocks, the place i checked last.

If anyone wants a good path:
Beach - secluded - rock - inside forest - rock.
When going from LB2->LB3, does it split the shards? Like if I have 10 character shards and 20 SS shards, will it use 10+10 or just all 20 SS?
All events that are currently in the game are fine to play after chapter 2. Only after half a year plus from now they will start introducing events that actually require a play order.
pretty sure it will use the gacha shards first. No reason it wouldn't
What new memorias should we expect from now til March? AB is expected in March right?
>AB is expected in March right?
No, we may get it as soon as next month, it depends on yostar.
They unlock after you beat chapters so you can do it in that order
if you don't want to do them all right now just complete the ones that unlock right after you beat the chapter and have triple token reward
Do you have the banner predictions picture?
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I can tell you without the picture.
Future event order is supposed to be
>AB collab
>Muua event(Muua & Yotsuha)
>Adel event(ice Adel & Mari)
Future off-banners between events are
>Solo ice Seira
>RukaYuki thunder suit
>dark Chie & Fubuki
>fire Megumi & dark Kura
No idea how they will place these, considering they already moved yunyun.
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I lost...
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so these are the characters I can plan around for the next 3 months minus collab?
Pretty sure it's the other Mari, not this one. You can just look at the spreadsheet linked on the OP under the Memoria Debut list tab. The author also did a writeup of the usefulness of the memorias there.
bros I'm at 0 quartz. I've truly lost.
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>The OI that broke Tama's back
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i beat the motherfucker in 4 turns, how is this not a SS
I was already pretty set on rolling for the meta Adel but I saw someone the other day saying she needed some particular buff to really work?
I was more wondering if it allows splitting the shard cost. Since 2->3 takes 20 shards, would it allow 10 gacha + 10 SS? Or is it only 20 of a single type?
it's not going to let you use SS tokens if you have the gacha tokens. It's not that devious
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What does this mean...
You never know with these things.
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>start event
>immediately male character and male voice
Sisters, what the fuck is this?
str8 game
No, she doesn't need shit, as long as she has any sort of support she will dish out damage like crazy. It's kind of balanced by ice being fairly awkward element though.
Snip sure is cute... Someone fix her aiieee
well i have ice field Mari and ice Kozu already + yumyum
literally me
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do i need to do this quests now or can i wait until the event get x3 ?
I know this may sound retarded, but ice Koju isn't really an ice support. She doesn't have any actual ice effects other than element of her attack.
fragable is close enough
her ultimate gives ice weakness and stacks twice?
>Tama doesn't even know that sea water isn't drinkable
Couldn't they at least have made her smart for this event?
Can't remember if they did or did not chalk it up to her being delirious from thirst
I am delirious from thirst
Fragile is a generic effect, it doesn't have an element. What Koju has on her ult is no different from what Megumi, Aina, or Miya have, except that it costs 14 SP.
Adel has her own git count buff. Yunyun doesn't do much for her. You'd want Seika and maybe the upcoming Seira. Bungo also give ice defense down, but it's not that great. Not sure if there are better upcoming options.
we are set with MKY, ice squad bro. i look forward to both our future successes in rolling for adel
>Tama doesn't even know that sea water isn't drinkable
You can't be serious the fuck is wrong with this girl, how is she a captain?
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All of them except Yuki didn't know it wasn't drinkable. Literal zoomer core game.
Ice Tenne is not that far away, like half a year or so? She doesn't have fragile though, so it's kinda meh. Honestly, ice is just carried by Adel being broken, I don't really like it.
IIRC, on jp everyone just used fragile+def down for ice, so Megumi SS2 or Aina.
I really love the art direction and sound design in this game
>Tfw Ice is not great
>Still have to invest in it because some of my favorite characters have ice as their best or even only usable memorias
Release the 80% ice field setter that also provides fragile, MAEDA
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My impulse rolling was rewarded.
based, when you know you know
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Probably a dumb question, but this event should be ok to be played even if i just finished chapter 2, right?
nevermind, just scrolled up
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>game tells me I found everything
>gamer sense says I didn't
>find yellow berries
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based and same
What is the word on the right? I don't think I recognize it.
>29k in the bank
playing with fire anon
for the most recent survey I mentioned the music as one of the best parts of the game. I still always forget that a big part of their story is being a screamo band.
Lol i just charged up Lunar Flurry on my SS Light Ruka, buffed her with SS Tama and deleted the Boss in one hit. Instant get.
Oh yeah, the music's amazing. A month or whatever in and I've still never not listened to only the game while playing
There's a new seika ss2 banner up, is it worth rolling on it to get seika ss2? I have yingxia ss1 but am missing seika ss2. I dont know if there are any other meta banners coming up.

I also noticed the tropical summer event has very few event missions for some reason. Whats with that? Its missing the usual "clear S++" missions for example.
priconne expat
I would only recommend skipping Seika under two conditions
>You have Seira and are willing to cope with her and crit orb
>Your account is leaning towards fire and are willing to stay within fire for a while
If you're in the second camp, you just roll on the Yotsuha+Muua banner. You will still be missing out on the stuff Seika has to offer, but Yotsuha makes up for it, and she's sharing the banner with a top tier unit.
yes shes still broken
What makes Yunyun so good anyway?
Quick access
so that's what's going on. i guess it's good you run out of recover, i've already been here a while
I don't have seika ss2 and I won't roll for yunyun
If you ask her enough times she gives.
Feels good to be a Maria owner when both current score attack and x3 flashback bosses are weak to ice.
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>use Mari SS1 as ice dps for 3x event
>score boss intensity modifier gets pierce resist
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She will grow a futa cock and doggystyle you if you ask 3 times.
Don't ask me how I know!
For me Minori has been hard carrying a lot of the standard content that's resisting pierce and slash. I also have Maria so I run them both it's pretty sweet
Just one shot em sis
Fuck chuunis
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Hi frens!
>have to unlock swimsuit event again
is this a bug?
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pump and dump chuunis
spank chuunis in the public square
molest chuunis on the train
cum on a chuunis eyepatch
hide a chuunis bath towel and toilet paper
ask chuunis out to prom and go awol
poke holes in chuuni condoms
pour a bowl of chuunis breakfast cereal without milk
Is it chuuni if you have real powers?
I need more of that Kozu art style who can I follow on X
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It's chuuni when you don't have nearly the same amount of power as in your delusions.
For example if you're imagining yourself as the Savior of the world when all you can do is make a little zap, you're chuuni.
Are NY Tama and Christmas Waki good? I lucked out and I got them with one pull each
Xmas girls no, Tama yes. Your luck is insane sis buy a lottery ticket
Bonbon is a sweet treat
Do any of the Karen styles use her regular personality?
Please respond, are all events like this?
Events are only fully open during their "release" period. Outside of these, the stories are always open, but rewards and shit requires an Edelweiss to unlock. Once you use it, it becomes open forever.
We're at the unfortunate situation of knowing that NY Tama's only good until she gets surpassed by Suit Tama.
Ch 4 spoilers

At first I was pissed at Megumin for leaving. She had the power to stop a flat hand without that they never would have killed it at all. But I understand that she almost died, they weren't destined to win that fight. Only we see it like they're heroes because it's a game, they're all scared shitless and dealing with an existential crsis. In fact, I empathize with Megumin most. She's the only one who seems to really give a fuck that she's not the original person. If it was me I'd take any excuse to get the fuck out of there. Killing a flat hand was a big enough accomplishment that she would be given freedom, even if she would never really fit in since she won't age.

Overall I'd say I'm satisfied. I hope the new chapter comes by Feb 1st.
but what if I want to be a poser
I don't quite understand the Xmas event.. I may have skimmed. What am I supposed to be doing?
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Tama meets the last survivor of a dying race, talks to her, and gaslights her into thinking that humanity was good because everyone in 31A are unhinged lesbians
Ruka is perfectly hinged thank you
>sticks tongue in Tama's nostrils
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Finished the available Chapter 4 story.
That is such a bullshit way to end it.
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Just finished the event, why was this the worst rated event in Japan again? I mean, it's not amazing, but I thought it was okay overall (outside of Yuki's gameover joke, that was overdone even by Maeda's standards)
Do the limited mission then click on the tree on the home screen.
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What's her problem?
The 31A parts are fine. The whole mermaid part is just so weird, it complicates the setting and adds absolutely nothing to to it. They do the usual things to pull at your heart strings but it feels forced. I didn't care for it.
Yes, it'll split shards and prioritize your gacha shard first. I did it when I tried to LB3 my Maria
Ehh, this setting have ghosts, psychics, and aliens. I don't see the problem with mermaids. And I do think that the whole "humanity is facing extinction after they wiped another race out" is at least neat.
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Them still giving Aoi alts make me think that they're going to canonize Narby-Human reincarnation at some point
I wanna impulse roll, but I don't really need any of these...
yup and I'd roll on the Seika banner but my 60 pity won't transfer over. I have 60k gems and it's only stacking higher
It's fine since Byakko is a girl
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>immediate motorboating
So all the events I've already unlocked will lock again and cost a second edelweiss when they "release"? This is bullshit.
you don't have to unlock them while they're running and you will always have more than enough flowers from doing other events relax.
Did you even fucking read the last sentence?
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sis... your reading reps...
>Another episode of sis can't read
Here we go again
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free pull spook, is she any good?
She's literally Waver from FGO then she turns into Waver + Merlin for thunder.
Is there a name for the way Mari speaks? Is it a real thing or just a fictional tic?
It sounds like the JP equivalent of a californian valley girl where there's an upward inflection at the end of each sentence so it sounds like a question
grats sis she's even better than seika ss2 that everyone rerolled for
dezaina bebi
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I would call it the happy merchant.
She get anything better than the 40/36 42/35 boostahs between day 7 and the end of Chapter 4: Part I?
my 15k power team got 1 shot broken by the fucking toads in the first level of clock tower. I had to sell all my shitty chips and make sure everyone has DP chips now but I still haven't gone back that was stupid
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Oh hell no why's the dramatic spacy piano playing
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This event is pretty funny so far. Also I like the 3D exploration.
my stomach dropped when I heard that music
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wow Ruka you can't say that in front of a girl
Seika is doping!
Tropical da ne!
>DP chips
Wouldn't VIT/SPR chips be much better for avoiding one shots...?
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uh oh
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>molester not so horny after getting molested
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That was a cute event. Why did Japan hate it so much that they bullied Maeda into deleting his social media?
scroll up.
People hated it because it had nothing to do with the main story while also introducing more nonsensical elementals that drastically changes the worldview despite never touching upon it again. I thought story-wise it was a fine event since it was mainly meant to showcase the kindness of Tama, especially with it being Tama's actual character event. Gameplay-wise though it's fucking dogshit, forcing you to run around those barren ass maps multiple times if you want to 100% the recipe book. Sure if you aren't a completionist it wouldn't matter and this would be 100 times better than the regular maps, but to this day in JP I still don't have the motivation to get every recipe combo especially with the rng
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Ignoring the levels shown, am I doing ok, or am I hosed? I'm a filthy casual, so not looking for meta or anything, just to be able to clear out shops and most missions.
I'm not mad about getting swindled by day 3 nightmare because I love the little 3D environments kek
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Most of the things in the event shops aren't going to be valuable for you anyway. You'll be fine for the story given that it has a lowered difficulty. You really should start working towards someone other than freebie Ruka as your main attacker though.
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This game can be so funny sometimes. I got the nun early on and no rainbows until now.
Adding to my pain here, I had to roll to 150 for Seika originally.
She's not like Waver or like FGO because FGO is dogshit
Is it Ok to choose the 11000 difficulty level? Or am I missing out on tons of rewards for not choosing 15000?
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When you roll a new card, do you get any sort of content at all? Or is it all merely stats?
(For example, in Granblue you get an additional set of story missions, or in genshin you get all those dialogs about their past and relationships and stuff.)
I think I've gotten jack squat from it. A few crumbs of gems maybe?
Unfortunately no, you get nothing new. The outfits aren't even canon a lot of the time.
>Waver is Zhuge Liang and support
>Yunyun is Zhuge Liang and support
It rhymes like pottery.

Is Seth /our/guy?
What does he have to say about Sumomo's cute butt?
Nah this is one of those weird gachas where everything u roll for is strictly not canon and will never be brought up or explained in the game. It's strictly for gameplay sections. There will be additional story stuff to unlock for each girl after ch 3 tho
Me personally id make her a mother
Is there some super food you can cook that makes the final boss in the event easier?
Welp I won't kill myself over 15000 then
this event is ass, but still not ass enough for maeda to kill himself over it
I do most everything at 12-13k and I get tons of gems
Sis girls can't make girls pregnant.
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There was, in fact, a super food that made the final boss much easier.
Dang, I only found strange egg. But I also went to the ningen before looking for food which seemed to waste a search
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Is this top gun?
>day 2
secluded forest
>day 3

If anyone wants.
Danke anon!
why are there so many chuunis in the base
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I love these bakas
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Karerin down, I repeat, Karerin down
It's a tiny eutopia
Holy shit, these retards don't have a consistent translation for Megumi's "don't say ~yooon". It's a recurring gag you see in the story, multiple events and recollections, how can you just translate it as random disconnected lines.
It's a Maeda event so no.
Cute Tama!
We are back or it's over?
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It's Misatover
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I just bought myself a 1440p monitor and this game actually looks amazing with it.
That or my previous monitor was just that fucking bad.
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I'm stupid
>this event is ass
still got one of the best songs though
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Well I've already got SS so maybe if I felt like doing it again
I can't fucking believe Tama, Tojo, Megumin and Karen are DEAD in the island event
Tama died so many times it's unreal.
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>31 turns
Damn anon, nice job.
Meanwhile I took forever to kill this damn thing.
Does only a character's SS1 version have skill introjection?
Yeah the whole retard shtick has really watered down Tama's qualities as a character. If there's one matter where Tama should show her knowledge and be treated with the respect that a war captain rightfully deserves, it's the sea.
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Do NOT google scarlett peterson, worst mistake of my life.
Okay okay okay, now I get it. Raising summer megumi and swimsuit sumomo I can see why I will need a suit style. Who all gets suits?
Check google doc in the OP.
I'm pretty sure Tama being smart is just the excuse to explain why she was assigned to 31A at all. They never actually wanted her to be a smart character, that would get in a way of their Yuki wank.
Yuki isn't even the smartest member of 31A. Her strength is hacking, which does come up a decent amount.
It seems like Tama doesn't have a strength that is actually expressed in the story compared to the other 31As. Maybe if she gets some main story development we'll see something.
She's good with calculations. Surprised nobody mentioned it yet.
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fondling Yukkie's mammaries
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>Claim all
>Start Gem flashbacks battle
>Waste a whole turn because I forgot to turn off full auto
When are they going to fix this shit?
>buff my attacker
>forgot to use skill on her
and it's like turn 10
Beat chapter 3 just now
Got Kura with the free roll
Does clock tower reset/is it time-gated?
That event was kinda meh? Tama's cute and I guess that's all I can ask of it. Do events ever get close to the main story's writing leveling? Doesn't even have to be about 31-A, just good writing for other classes.
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I love all the straight, beautiful girls in this game
1440p is a huge upgrade yeah
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Straight up GAY
>Tezuka's lesbian wife
Upgrading monitor/tv makes a big difference. I got a Bravia 8 recently and have been playing on 4k and it's very nice.
>rank 30 unlocks 5 extra squad slots
actually good stuff
Tezuka's a sub in bed and lets Nanamin dom her
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>New Year's Tama
60k Quartz
Have Yingxia
The only girl I'm really hard saving for anytime soon is Adel
The only girl I really want on this list other than Adel is Muua and I think I can probably get both.
I also need to get more SS any rate ups would be helpful, even lb1 pulls.
I have lightning team half done already, with ichigo + Seika + Kozu (Gravemist)

I think I'm going to roll on it. Your thoughts? Gonna take some time before I roll
follow your heart
The thing is that Ichigo as a main lightning attacker is not ideal, you probably would need another lightning attacker later on
>Your thoughts?
Do it. My homescreen is now all festive thanks to her.
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eek you monsters
>log in the morning
>log back in
>spend 3 life points
>set arena
>log out
>log in the evening
>log back in
>spend 3 life points
>set arena
>log out
endgame doko...
Easy skip. Muua and Adel are really soon (1~2 months away) and they're basically back to back.
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This is the end game that you want.
>event is 3x
>Spent all my LP on the last event and gems
Oh nyo...
I'd say go for who you like desu
Nothing seems that hard or important to max out
>Getting day 1 of the tropical event to start farming
>2 hours dungeon
It's more of a parody of a dungeon in order to set up the skits.
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Where is her skill upgrades/introjection?
SS1 only.
So it is a catch up for the standard characters
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>Your thoughts?
I do not have thoughts.
Who the fuck is in charge of balancing that game? The event boss listed at 15.000 rating has several million hp, probably ten times more than any other mob near that rating, what kind of joke is that?
Yeah... I can see why the nips hated this event.
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Holy Maria.
That OD1 was supposed to just break his shield, not murder him!
Not me. Actually I thought everyone was referring to the Yuina event (haven't played) until just now and am very surprised to learn it's this one, which I enjoy despite also getting punked by nightmare day 3
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This is 91+35 Maria.
That was OD1

Go easy there girl
kek yeah, had a very similar experience raising her
She sent the boss to Jesus
The joke is that you need the best food for it
Now I want to increase the difficulty level to nightmare to experience it
Is there a way to change it after?
You can do it again after completing it once, they let you skip most of the stuff
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Is my Kongming Ok?
Oh good.
I thought it was fine, died in two attacks. One to break the DP bar the other to wipe out its HP.
Hp is funny in this game. You always need to keep in mind that it's as hard to go from 100k to 1m damage as it is to go from 1m to 10m, and 10m to 100m.
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What the fuck is wrong with this boss? I can't heal fast enough and I deal zero damage.
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The current event really has no flashback fight over 11500? Or do you need to unlock them somehow?
91+35 is <1 million isn't it
It's not 3x tokens yet, we'll cross that bridge when we get there
Oh. Only the tropical island one is 3x?
Wtf is this team, lmao.
Breaker, blaster, attacker, buffer, debuffer, healer; all for an element that the boss is weak to.
That's how I beat Flathand, that's how I beat Skullfeather, that's how I get 400k on all score attacks.
What's wrong with that team? Please teach me sensei.
>What's wrong with that team?
Nothing, keep doing zero damage.
I guess it's time for me to go a 3 month vacation while I wait for them to rebalance the fight, like they always do.
You'd think they'd have learned from the previous times, it's always the same thing...
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What you're doing wrong here is I don't fucking know what I'm looking at. Simply believe in yourself, sis.
drop the breaker for yunyun even her S version and use her defense down during overdrive
Are there actually yuri haters playing this game?
Maybe it has some gimmick? I haven't done 5.2 yet so I don't know.
How do I have enough sp on Yanagi?
She has to save up enough to heal. And she needs enough to cast her ex skill. If I wait for 11 sp some of my party members will break, so I have to use the 8 sp skill.
Oh man I haven't used def down since year 1. I thought fragile is infinitely better than it because def down scales with the difference between your and the enemy's stats, so against strong bosses it does jack shit. Is that not the case here?
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Why do I even need a main dps when she can do this?
do you even know how his storm armor mechanic works?
The more hits I deal the more damage hits me back.
Should I use blunt units? Too bad, I don't have any good ones.
Yep, don't fall for the cat's tricks
No, you tank and buff while its up and then try to burst him the turn he loses the armor. If he didn't get too many tokens, or you have some kind of defense buff, or got rid of his attack buff then it doesn't hurt that much. Then then repeat over and over again.
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Can cancer produce semen?
Waki in a reindeer outfit awakened something in me.
that pantyhose is too good
Choice between getting mega buff vs speaking to the mermaid
you get to do mermaid after, don't worry
Oh good
>he loses the armor
Shit, I'm retarded
I saw that it's permanent so I wasn't even looking if some of its moves remove it
That happens for both def down and fragile. Fragile is very slightly better than def down and worse than single target elemental def down. But the idea is that you want to pile as much as possible, its not an either or situation.
Stat+border check for the debuffs is about whether or not you get the highest value, not about them doing jack shit or not. And fragile has that border check too, what made you think it doesn't. The only debuffs that get completely fucked by high enemy stats are stuns, confusion and other shit like that, you have to pray to every god you can imagine to proc them on anything relevant.
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Kinda fucked up you get punished for prioritizing the ningyo, but I suppose life can be like that too huh
We are gonna rerun the event 3 times anyways for 10 food cooked
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This is useless right?
Unfortunately I don't have that funny picture which says how things stack in this game, but if anyone does, it might help some people here.

Def down should never be skipped, especially because there's an orb that makes it literally free to use for anyone and everyone. Free damage. Literally.
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pretty much
Is there a point to debuffer if def down can be applied by anyone with an orb? I guess vulnerability?
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Tama is from the imperial Japanese navy? I thought JDF no longer use that symbol on their ships. It is only on battleships of IJN
debuffer will have bigger debuffs than random susie seraph
Oh good. Tenne still has a job then.
You better sit down for this one, a lot has happened...
No, Tenne specifically is the character you can replace with an orb easily.
Tama is a good girl
She's a great girl. I was skeptical but wrong to be
She feels like our daughter
Oof. Which character should hold the orb? The blaster? I imagine not the dps. Buffers does not hit the enemy. Healer got no slot for attacks?
I love my dezaina bebi
Healers and buffers are the best because they have high int. If they can't, then whoever can do it is fine. By the way, if you dont have an ss that actually gives you something useful in place of tenne, then you don't have to replace her just for the sake of it.
Danke anon! I have trouble fitting in 2 debuffers in my team now anyways, as yunyun and scientist are taking up 2 slots, and blaster 1 slot, and main dps 1 slot.
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This girl is so pretty
This isn't actually true. I thought so as well, but it's only mattering if you essentially have LB4 on an SS and on top of that stat buffs/stat debuffs. OR you have an LB3 passive that increases your def down debuffs (i.e. pirate Aina).
The style upgrades only start to matter once you are past the normal stat cap. This isn't that hard for buffs and healing, but the moment enemy border comes into play you may as well forget it.

Elemental def down and fragile, or bigger def down like what Isuzu's second SS can do. Normal def downs are utterly worthless, unless they are AOE or on an SS with an LB3 that buffs def downs. They also might be slightly cheaper SP-wise, but that rarely matters.
>do 70x rolls to try and get seika ss2
>get 2x copies of fire Tama instead
>fire Tama doesnt even have good skills and her EX is useless since the skill attack buff wouldnt stack with Seika or Yingxia's skill attack buffs
Ahhh danke!
So this is an argument for using the rending orb?
surely the tear enhancements count for something
It's partially true, orbing attackers can fail the normal stat check sometimes, depending on how they are. The upgrades however require the kind of galaxy brain that even most debuffers dont have, I don't know what they were cooking with that one.
Tear enhancements is what he's talking about, you're required to hit an even higher stat check to actually benefit from the debuff ones, your debuffer need to have ultra galaxy brain for that shit.
Honestly, it's kinda funny how debuffs have all these random limitations, and yet they keep making buffs more broken instead.
>sorrow is this ultimate
I was not prepared...
Even missing the normal stat check barely matters due to how big the softening orb's stat-range is. (need 200 stats for full effect) Missing 20 stats would mean you still get 27% def shred instead of 30% ish.

They are usually no different from using native skills, but are pricey and have one use only. They are definitely worth using if you lack def down otherwise, or wouldn't be able to get all debuffs into your OD.
Why is chapter 4 such a big difficulty curve?
I was shredding to tears everything with my SS all slash squad and now i'm barely doing anything with enemies that have slash resistance and don't fill the OD gauge.
On that regard, if I apply a random ass element to a normal attack does it still fill the gauge because technically it isn't a neutral slash attack?
Oh thanks! Yun yun can debuff too but she can also greatly enhance attack
i usually equip a bracelet of the element they're weak to to charge OD but it doesn't always work. There's a higher power requirement for ch 4 but i did it all auto except the bosses for me at 14k+ power
With S LB10 yunyun should I still go for skillful orb or the OD orb?
ohhh, not fair!
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Tsukasa looks the best there
uuuhhh uhhhh tropical desu nee!
>New Tenne adds a stun skill to her kit
So long Sharo
You know you can ignore the unit restriction on characters that should not be there story wise
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Why does she have 2 underwears?
It was the style at the time
Of course I know, but that doesn't help if all the SS that the game has given me and the ones i've rolled for are either Slash or Pierce, I have no Crush ones and my stronger S units there get almost instantly obliterated.
I suppose I need to grind for stats and 6* rings.
Get a Maria
She deletes bosses
Sometimes you have to arduously sap and zap your way through, 1 shield at a time
Early 2000 fashion?
6 star necklace first with 1200 dp
>crush weapon is a sword
Early 2000 is eternal in Maeda no sekai
Big sword
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Maria is bad except at lb3.
Curious, as mine is deleting bosses
Don't you know, anon? If it's not optimal, it's BAD.
Most fight give you enough chance to build up your totems. Also, she can act as a backup healer while building totems.
With Seika SS2 and Yunyun SS do I stack their buffs twice each on my attacker or two Seika one Yunyun?
You do whichever one allows you to clear in the least number of turns or you do twice each if you wanna see big numbers.
I mean, how do their buffs interact with each other? Is there any overlap?
Ino ino ino
ero ero ero
The skill attack portion doesn't stack all the way. The crit and hit count do.
Can you stack Yunyun's hit count buff twice for 10 attacks?
I need more sp for her then. I wonder if S ranked yunyun is better since she gets +3 sp per turn
How would I even stack it twice my attacker will just waste it with a basic
tell them not to
anon, you know you can apply buff to characters in reserve?
Put your attacker in the backline and use the buffs on them.
I really wish they just had a proper tutorial instead of that story integrated thing with memes, so people don't ask the most basic questions you can imagine.
It's a sign of a healthy ecosystem, choose your gripes wisely
Yes I wish the tutorial showed me deep lore instead of characters.
>press on info about orb bosses
>the page doesn't exist
its to get you spending the game. That's by design
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Tropical desu nei
They are not on screen
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Oh shit
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I kneel
You are building up totems in dungeons arent you? Because if you start at 0 totems, her skill does less damage than everyone else.
JP sisters... what's the blue thing next to the lifestones?
Its reserve life points. You get them for letting your life overflow for a certain amount of time.
Oh. Thanks, sis. Is it a 1:1 conversion, or is letting it overflow worse?
Letting it overflow is worse, it takes longer to build 1 life point. The bonus is that you bank it instead of needing to spend it immediately.

see >>507066989
>Goodbye innocence

I have been fooled!
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Imagine you walk into the commanders office and she's holding a Narby.
Why could I not be that narby
Carole would be so much cuter if she would just keep the mask off.
Does Narby have souls?
Is Ruka speaking really informally here? I think this is the line they translated as "c u at the studio"
What were the options for that question in the beginning of the game?
>What are Narbys?
I chose mascots
If you are putting her in the front line and using her healing skill to build totems, you are doing it wrong...the meta is to stack big buffs (seika ss2 + yingxia ss1) on your DPS while they sit in the backline.
>(let's) meet at the studio
Doesn't seem that informal to be, but take with a grain of salt. My moonrune deciphering isn't great.
>run x3 tickets for gold dungeon
>kill bunch of rares
>dropped 3 times only, so 3x3 dungeon tickets 9 total
She is speaking informally, but in the same way that Ruka's speech is generally informal (tameguchi). It does contrast with Aoi who is writing more formally (keigo) but I don't feel like highlighting it is super relevant here. That might have been why they did it, can't say for sure though.
You wouldn't waste attack buffs by healing people. Why are you trying to be an "uhm achkshually you're doing it wrong" meta autist while not understanding even the most basic things?
500K damage
That is a lot of damage
I wanna roll on the gacha, bwos...
yunyun ultimate can target the backline?
Yes. Seika2 as well.
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Fuck me. I forgot about that
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I believe. Narby has souls and will go to narby heaven.
You will see why at the end of the event
The swimsuit event was an absolute fanservice, but 1st part felt way too disconnected from 2nd.
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Fuck me. This is a light hearted event, dammit
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It is fitting and beautiful
I love it
Goodbye innocence is one of the best songs in game too
When I played the trial combat I loved the soft intro and the vocal switching. Now it is more meaningful
"Totems"? I thought they were called "tokens". Which one of us is dyslexic?
u bwo...
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See they're definitely tok-
>Totem Collector
>ENplebs collect totems instead of tokens
To absolutely no one's surprise, the localizer was dyslexic.
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She gets a style like that. Not even a bad one. But Ruka happens a month later, so it's terrible now. I even gave her a LB, but who could've seen THAT fucking Ruka coming.
She collects totems, which are classified as totems. duh
totems are better
Hisame is so cute, bros... I'm going to prepare an ice team on EN for her. I hope she gets a broken memoria soon...
How do I setup Auto battle properly?
It feels like ass with my healer wasting all the heals on nothing and buffers wasting their skills on fucking Muua
Nah, girl is cursed. Even among the weakness creators, she is by far the worst.

Not as cursed as Chiroru, at least she gets alts and you can sorta kinda maybe use her a little, but still pretty fucking cursed.
You can configure so it doesn't use buffs
mostly I just set them to do nothing but heal, basic, ultimate attacks. Ill use AoE attacks in dungeons and turn off ultimates for certain attackers too in dungeons. Doesn't take long.
They just need to release a big ice field provider that also gives the buffs/debuffs that Hisame/Chie/Ruka don't and her ice form will be usable...
that is shop girl (bride) idk when she comes though
That's hard. The best fielder right now is Iroha, who's good because of speed and SP (and for dark actually dark crit damage), and then Isuzu who simply has ALL debuffs but permanent ones on top of the field and gets it all out in 4 actions.

The problem with ice is, that it struggles to live and can't use Aoi well. Take a hypothetical team:
Ruka, Aoi, Blaster, DPS, Chie, Hisame. Where's your space? You can sometimes ditch the blaster, but depending on the fight that quickly goes awkward. Completely aside that mind eye is still missing so your DPS choice more or less has to be Kanade, a limited, alternatively no Blaster and Muua.

The moment you remove Aoi (which right now you kinda need to and use Mari) you struggle living and should already use Seira instead of Chie. I wouldn't know a solution.

Mind you, this isn't different for some other elements, for example light. If you wanted to add a weakness creator, you'd also have a much less well working team, but it doesn't exist, so you don't care. And this is unironically the way to likely play ice (and other elements) in the future. You need to ditch SOMETHING or else it plays like absolute ass. Unless you are dark. Dark only ditches permanent def down and plays by far the most smooth of any element.

In short: The fielder we have right now actually fits fairly well into the ice team, as we need someone to enhance and field. The problem is Hisame. If she'd be like Sharo, and actually had access to fragile, all would be well.. outside of speed, OD and survival. She is cursed and the problem.
For me, it's Megumin
Should I save for an elemental DPS depending on my luck on future pulls or wait for Irene/Iroha?
What do you want to do? Make the best meta teams? Build around your favorite? Just beat the story?
Yeah. I can totally see that she doesn't provide nearly as much as the others, that's why I think the only hope for ice to function as smoothly as dark is for their next unit to be really overloaded.
>character from a previous work shows up and loves mapo tofu
Wait a minute....

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