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Tidings of Comfort and Joy Edition


>Current TS4 Update and Version Number

>The Repository (/tsg/-made Sims, Lots, and Custom Content)
>TS4DB (An anon curated alternative to The Gallery)

>Guides, FAQs and Game Downloads
https://rentry.org/tsg - [FAQ and Game Downloads]
https://sims.tarac.nl/the-sims-4/the-sims-4-all-in-one/ - [TS4 Download]
https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/ - [Gameplay Guides]

>Mods and Custom Content
https://f95zone.to/threads/the-sims-4-tutorial-optimizing-your-mods-and-finding-cc.56569/ - [Guide to finding CC]
https://rentry.org/tsg-guideforsimscc - [CC Essentials/Guide for Sims 3 and 4]
https://rentry.org/ts2cc - [CC Guide for The Sims 2]
https://rentry.org/ts4cc - [Sims 4 CC Creators]
>Patreon and Paid CC Downloads

>Previous Thread
>Lewd Thread
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cool :)

glad you're still here!
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I don't think this tree's going to fit in this tiny-ass house. Welp. Christmas is cancelled.
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Same to you mime fren! I always appreciate your kindness. :)
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Cute ceiling tiles
I keep forgetting I put those awful things on there. The whole house is a very deliberate mess of shit based on a Lilsimsie build with an upper floor that literally came to me in a dream. It sucks. I love it.
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Interestingly enough, this song played yesterday on the radio station people at my work put on.
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You ever have conversations with your dad in the nude, at the kitchen table, while he's naked too? Because if you did, you may be entitled to compensation, click here to learn more.
How good are the "background characters actually do stuff" mods?

I've never liked how the only time something happens to another sim it's because I've spammed interactions at them or made things happen myself.


that is interesting!
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I forgot I put the tree there, saved and hours later I go what the fuck upon seeing it. I played for a while too until noticing.
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this is rebecca, she is an alcoholic that is addictected to speed, she lifes in a 32 sqr cargo container down by the docks, she makes her money by creating pseudo science gems and jewllery and selling stuff she found in the dump. she was an A student back in highschool but dropped out of college when she tried to sturdy anthropology and archaeology. She has crippling anxiety and gets embarrassed easily.
Lol read the thread, just because/v/ accepted you doesn't mean you are welcome here.
I can fix her!
Dont go easy on him, on/v/ he talked about how his sim makes her rent selling her body and drugs, its a shitty low effort coomer fantasy
can you maybe not, i just got into sims recently and i found this thread without external help.
thank you i want her to be cute but in that broken way, like she was an A student but then met the wrong people and got on a very bad way. but i plan for her to get a resurgence something like a bowling alley owner that lives in the second floor, if that is even possible.
I need a abhuman gf

that sounds pretty hot ngl
Oh no! anyway
that's already more effort than most of the sims in this general
And here we see right before the moment of impact as disaster is all but unavoidable. Nothing can be done to prevent it or even mitigate the damage, all that is left is to hope for the best.
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Wait a minute, I've seen this one!
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i heard you guys are the best of the best, can you maybe please please pelase give me some pointers to get her closer to her realive inspiration
Who is she? If i like her maybe i lower myself to your standards.
Was it a slit?

>makes her rent selling her body and drugs
hot as fuck
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I keep forgetting how terrible high school is. Apparently something broke too and sending two sims together resulted in only one having the actual checklist of shit to do so Mia essentially just acted like an NPC for the whole day.

Was it a what now?
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they don't HAVE to, i guess they just like to
why couldn't the chicken play baseball?
too many fowls

over the line!

>how do i reach these kids
they're like two feet away, just lift your arms

hello newcomer! hope everything turns out well for your sim
Around a year ago, I found this very NEET-ish hair CC that was a really long and fluffy, knee or ankle-length messy hairstyle that was tied into a low ponytail. It also had long messy bangs. I've been looking everywhere but I cant seem to find it.

Does anyone have any idea?
Hahaha stroke the cock
right twin could use a back tattoo
right twin's dad would kill her
r8 harshly please
I believe we should see her in a skimpy bikini
She could really do with non-EA eyelashes is my first thought, they just look strange and blocky and there's better Maxis match ones out there.
Is that sticker the autism rainbow or the gay rainbow?
She looks irish, where are the freckles and the beer?
hair and necklace are clashing, either change her hair or give her a smaller necklace
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Decided to get a bit creative with Luna's outfit today!

...She really needs to stop eating chips at every meal

human gfs are cute!

Eyes of a killer
for real the school lunch menu in this pack makes me gag everytime
have a vanilla bikini
do you have a recommendation or should i just fuck around?
>Eyes of a killer
that's the idea, she makes her money with gems and jewellery
is that one better?
I'd recommend all of miikos eyelashes but there's more in there that are good too.
good enough, just make sure it's the kind that won't get entangled with the hair over her shoulder
cute retro-style alien
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anything you're hoping for in an upcoming ep, tsg?
robbers, or just anything to make the game more difficult/unpredictable
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cute cat :)
cute pussy
bands please for the love of god
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I see, this must be the backrooms manager's office
new backrooms lore goes crazy
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fuck, yes please
is she expressing disappointment
a mild version of it, yes.
lewds when?
nobody wants old hag lewds
What happens when kids don't get enough sugar?
that's where you wrong bucko
Yes, we do.
Sidney's tits on /aco/
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curiouser and curiouser!
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daughter and mother or little sister and big sister? hmmmmmm
>curiouser and curiouser!
Never lose your innocence Mimer!
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>daughter and mother or little sister and big sister?
also lovers
Thank you very muxh
Disappointed that Sidney's brother never called back?
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Thanks! She usually has more of a "vaguely early 2000's" vibe, so it was a nice change of pace

I used to hope for something similar to "Into the Future", but with the hot mess that is the game, it would not even come any close to it.
As for something that they can realistically release... Maybe Fairies? It's not too hard with how low efforts occults have been

They will make fairies real, right?

Mimi's playing is always a delight
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they banged once, 4 years ago. she needs to move on
post building tray
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I'm pretty sure that casting couch room's in the gallery and been there for closer to a decade by now.
Does anybody knows where to find crocheted caps for the Sims 4? Thanks in advance
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>page 9
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Anyone else get that freeze where the world moving but clock is stuck? Wtf is this shit
I was almost about to say that's Sims 4, but usually in that case the clock keeps running while the simulation freezes. I'd check to see if it's a mod causing it honestly.
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The only thing turning up in my admittedly brief search:
What kind of sick fuck puts glass walls on a sauna anyway?
You're welcome.
live :)
no ):
Tank top cc?
Thanks, anon
there's a ridiculous number of glass doors in TS4 as if sims aren't allowed to have privacy anymore
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I just started playing TS4 (with pirated DLC) on my steam deck. The controls are sub-par but I've been having fun controlling a single-sim household and slowly progressing him through his career.
The last time I played a Sims game was late 2006, with a copy of TS2+University Life I got for free with some pizza, so I'm essentially relearning how to play.
I'm just posting to ask for whatever basic tips or 'things I wish I knew beforehand' yuo guys have. Also, if you have any suggestions for things that are in the DLCs, then I'll accept those as well since I didn't go through what was in all of them so there's a lot of things I just don't know I'm missing out on.
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you will use the glass doors
you will own no privacy
and you will be happy
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not on 4 so can't help there, but welcome!
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hey tsg
black skirt or white skirt?
i like the white for the contrast
i like the black because i just kinda like how it looks
please show her tits
Black looks better with the red top/hairband and the shoes.
white's cuter, black is too sexy
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tyty anon
honestly this one's meant to lean more toward sexy, rather than cute
looking back, university had a lot of false advertising, even the teaser trailer had you thinking university was an active lot and not simply a rabbit hole
please show her armpits
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you're only making me add MORE sleeves to my sim's outfits
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Personally, I'd say white. The contrast works better with the sleeve and doesn't clash too much with the red. That's my vote, unless there's a darker tone of black for the skirt to be more in line with the sleeves. Otherwise they just seem like they're meant to match if you have them black, but are just a bit off.
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yup i could get the skirt to match better
cute goth couple by the way
White looks to me like it just clashes with everything else. But I'm a dude, so what the fuck would I know?
But things looking like they should match but never matching is a staple of Sims 4, anon.
Those really are cute
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Thanks. They're more like roommates with benefits. Unless the sims in question are related, they autonomously start flirting with eachother when they're in one household.
While that may be true, I strive to live in defiance.
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Yeah those are cute.
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>Unless the sims in question are related, they autonomously start flirting with eachother
sims 4 in a nutshell
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Time to post a man here to balance things out a little bit.
This is Lionel. His mane is the stuff of legends. He wears green almost exclusively. He has no sense of humor. He's a bit of a hothead. He's very proper and formal with people around him, and tends to be very sure of himself.
He's not too fond of wolves.
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this is the only concession that will be made, and only because i wanted to show off her toned midriff.
Finally some pits
Be careful anon, you're teaching them it works to beg you until you give in. Or maybe you had intended to show them all along and were just playing coy. If so carry on.
there will be no further concessions.
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she's supposed to be holding a mistletoe here, but it's not showing up cause i'm dumb
sexy teen yummmmm
oh deer
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True, true.
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hugg by the way :)
merry crimbus
How far up does it go?
now show Sidney's
Why does he not like wolves?
Cool sim anon
merry crimmas
Isn't the goth child yours? Will we see her this holiday?
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fixed it showing up and being in the right place, buuuuut it clips though the dress, fuck it

absolutely, i already recolored her an all black lil christmas outfit
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>already recolored her an all black lil christmas outfit
i dunno if all black is a christmas-type outfit
ture, but she's not a christmas enjoyer, and all black is kinda her thing
though now i'm thinking i'll put her in a traditional outfit and take some screenshots of her pouting
perfect position for a special kiss down below
no /tsg/ sim ever stays pure, it seems

except for mimi
I wish there was some armpit texture cc that wasn't terrible
dress your sims how you wanna dress em anon, fuck the traditions
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>he doesn't know about the mimi lewds
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merry crisis!

nice track :)



i've never made any such things and never would, unless you mean the maxis pirate shirt being somewhat low cut? that was unintentional and has since been fixed.
Sick, ventrue is my fav. clan
The game won't let me put a ceiling over my platform.. I really don't get why.
Cammy baka
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Well it did give me an idea for an absolutely incredible no privacy allowed ever type of glass house build so it's not all bad. If only inactive lots actually had any life in them, that'd make this more viable.
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disappointed older sister yelling at literally identical sibling
>you signed me up for HOW many afterschool clubs?
I have no dog in this race, but you should definitely do both because the contrast between looking cool in something non-traditional vs. being embarrassed and grumpy in a classic Christmas getup is fun.
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Shining Knight in the Night

Be the change you want to see!

There is not a single regret on that face
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love the sims 2-styled alien girl, anon!
ty for the bops mimeanon
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They've had painted ceilings for over a year and yet the builds from the new pack, which definitely shouldn't use the incredibly ugly default white ceilings since they don't fit at all, still don't actually utilize this feature. I don't get it. I thought these were farmed out to paid YouTube shills since 2020 so what gives?

np :)
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we're approaching page ten.
very slowly.
but we're approaching it.
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All threads eventually get there, then into the limbo that is the archive.
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slowing down and getting archived is super normal, the strange events in your pic screenshot arent
her face is literally buried in the book
AND the table
cute tomboy :)
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In the process we trust!

And she loves you too, anon!

EA is known to have weird restrictions for builds, could it be part of the problem?
somebody get this bookworm a desk pillow
It's the usual height slider problems. Not even sure why it happens as the hand is clearly in the right place. Maybe there's a fix for it but I haven't heard of it.
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yeh ts4's just insanely unpredictable when it comes to cc sliders
ts5 - height sliders, please
Delicious cute chocolate tummy and thighs
>ts5 - height sliders, please
anon, i...
>EA is known to have weird restrictions for builds, could it be part of the problem?
That's the first thing that came to mind for me as well, but that wouldn't make any sense since the Horse Ranch builds obviously used the feature since it was made with that pack in mind specifically. I first saw it in the cheap builds and assumed it was just to stay under the §20k budget, but then I saw ceilings are unpainted in the fancy house too.

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>ts5 - height sliders, please
The good news is, height sliders were I think included in the Rene leaks. The bad news...
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sadako's fucking dead
Oh no, she drowned again?
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seems like it
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Been so long since I last played this retail store that I've almost forgotten how unfun and repetitive it is. Almost.
doo doo
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I said this and then spent the whole in-game day from like 6am to 9pm having way more fun than I've had in weeks running a store. I wish I had 2 installed though, I never dived very deep into the retail mechanics in Open for Business but I do know they seem way more in-depth and interesting in the long run.
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Thank you.
Mind you, she has a black belt in so-and-so.
Random question, you know how lazy artists can drop images into certain AI-generators and it (typically) upscales their shit? Has anyone tried doing that with Sims screenshots? I like TS4's artstyle (After you pump it full of shaders and skin texture mods), but I can't help but be curious to see if something well-framed like >>507164065 could be made to either look totally human, or more cartoony, or just different in general?
He got into a fight with his brother, who's really into wolves, once. It kind of turned into a silly grudge.
My prince.
I like how Judith Ward consistently gets shipped off with the most odd possible pairing in every single save.

not quite the same thing, but we had a thread once where we put filters on screenshots to make them look like paintings

go for it fren :)
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mods are fun
>Christmas cuckold edition.
Not you too /tsg/
nice. you did good, Anon.
oh no, no no no no
what a cutie 3/14
Damn, tough crowd.
that's a whole ass man right there
No no, that's his wife. Apparently. I was wondering why they made a caricature linebacker sim with some excessive makeup so I checked the wiki page and now I'm not even slightly surprised.
Anyone have a link to the outfit that is just ribbons wrapped around the body with a bow over the chest?
drugs are not cool mkay.
do you have Max somewhere?
No, and that's not even Chloe, just some random sim I slapped Chloe's hair on back in the day who coincidentally ended up sorta looking like her anyway. Mostly it's just the hair doing it though.
Is ghost gameplay similarly to how fun vampire gameplay is? Or did they fuck it up
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what a trashy slut
This is not appropriate for the children!
She's not wearing this when being Santa's helper at the mall.
jenny pitties

christmas has come and so have i
I think they mean that as a child, Jenny should not be wearing something so revealing
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oh my
moar pits
We should have never allowed the pitfags to entrench themselves here
What's the miracle?
and there aren't even actual modeled pits in the game. I don't get it
What the fuck are you supposed to model? Pits are literally just a fold.
Hair cc?
oh my god
have some self respect jennifer
delicious AND can kick my ass? dream girl right there.
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Which game does not have animation issues with height sliders?
Is blondie a teen?
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She'd be flattered you think so.
Thank you.
Nope, all of my sims with some rare exception are young adult and older. For example, only teen of my own households on the right.
Have you shared her?
Hope you all have had a good year /tsg/
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If you mean the blonde one, not so far.
The teen neither.
Welcome back.
gothlita thought making friends with a goblin would entail sneaking into dungeons and hunting small animals, instead she gets to listen to her explain that santa is definitely real for the seventh time

here ya go
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that'a a gorgeous sim

same to you!
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>f you mean the blonde one
The teen, her and Maddie would be good in the /tsg/verse.
Thank you
Glad to see you're still posting mimefren
small 1920s apartment build, expect a tour when finished

back at ya fren :)
It's looking good so far
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milf-anon returns to give us a few christmas presents and a lewd to boot.

tis the season.
What's Mimi's favorite Christmas carol?
"It" is back.
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I'll just drop the whole family here.
Christmas gift or somesuch.

probably silent night
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Mimi performing silent night then suddenly..
Is that page 10 on the horizon?
No, only page 1 it seems.
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She's about to be Presence teamed, isn't she?
That red shirt with loose tie is cool.
I don't know about that, although only the Ventrue would have presence. I forgot to reply to the earlier post >>507156349
I quite like them as well, my first ever character concept in VtM was a Ventrue who used to be a forensic pathologist, turned due to the usefulness of having someone who could make evidence or even bodies disappear in the night shift. Anyways, whatever is going on there, she's used to piercings at least.
Toreadors have presence too though, atleast last I checked. Or maybe that guy on the right isn't one even if he does look like it.
It is pretty neat.
He's a Tremere stand-in.
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Thanks anon.
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>which present to unwrap first?
The green one!
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happy eve of christmas eve!

yearly reminder that the best Christmas movie is Gremlins
Unwrapping those teenage holes and fucking them immediately
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She looks cold, give her a coat!

Happy Christmas Eve!

Iconic movie. Was Secrets of the Mogwai any good?
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Nightclubs are really the place to be after friends came over to show of their latest artisanal flour.
>Was Secrets of the Mogwai any good?
I never bothered watching it since it looked like kiddie shit, but after watching the trailer I'll at least say that I appreciate them expanding upon the Chinese origins
as a kid, I always wondered why an opium-addicted chinaman causally owned such a creature, but maybe that's just normal in China
Jenny's brother on Christmas morning:
What about her uncle?
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It's warm.
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imagine fucking her right by the fire
So I heard this general is full of women. Any of you bitches wanna hit me up? Get real nasty? Get real kinky real zesty? I'm a cold ass nigga, y'know wha'm sayin'? Like, I know a bitch who needs some dick in 'em when I see 'em y'know. I might not be what you want but I sure am what you need y'know wham' sayin'? C'mon man I just want a zazzy ass bitch to sit on my face man.
This general is full of "women", literal pedophiles, 30 to 40 years old men and apparently armpit fetishists. You'll fit right in.

There's also mimeanon and VtM anon, who are probably the most well-adjusted people in this place.
I'm just a tired old man who likes making goth sims
I know this might be a weird question, but I'm trying to remember where did the abuse/neglection mods went to? I downloaded many of them on tumblr a long time ago (like 5 years) and apparently everything's gone. I tried atf and no luck as well. The mods were mainly about suffering, but nothing too serious. If anyone knows where to find those again that would be great...

Thanks in advance!!
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i'm so glad to see this thread is still up.
She is now awake for two days, in the first night she pretendet to be a dj till 7am after that she did tequila shots at a bar somewhere near a pier or something, there was a lot of water and the area smelled of salt, that smell lingered for the whole two days, in the bar she met an old friend she knew from highschool and he had some funny powder and some sunglasses for her, after tasting the funny snow she lost a few hours but the last thing she remembers is beating up bella goth infront of her daughter and going home to shower and change clothes. the next thing she remembers (pic rel) is being on the balcony of the most exlusive club in town. after that she woke up on her shitty couch, 6 month of rent lighter and a headache that threatens to split her skull. she never knew how intense the light of her budget ceiling light could really be, she pulls down the borrowed sunglasses. with the last of her mental and bodily strength she forced herself the 20 meter to her bed, every step a whiplash on her hungover body, the tought of the leftover food in her fridge alsomst made her puke.
She needs a loving, understanding and creative husband. This lifestyle isn't sustainable.
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this anon never got any answers, so gonna bump their question again

will take your word for it!
ngl haven't tried uni yet
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christmas? never heard of it
y'all ready for chinese new year?
in uh, two months
sims 3 - night boat to cairo!
why does 4 does not have fits like that https://youtu.be/KwIe_sjKeAY, not even CC
raise those arms
or australian, as an aussie meself i would love et https://youtu.be/XfR9iY5y94s
Who the hell is vtm?
Shut the fuck up already you annoying prick.
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she appreciates your endorsement

great music taste!

nta but the one making vampire: the masquerade sims
thank you but i'm still bitter we got shafted like that
Did you try to recreate old movieposters with her or better yet German inpretitive theatre? Lots of opportunities in a very tasteful manner.
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hey thread
which of these do you like most?
nobody should the leave the house like that
black/gold and the red ones are my picks
why is there no CC for this cutie? in ANY sims game? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKti7QixnJI
The darmah look?
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sometimes these are meant to emulate film posters, but that one >>507379736 was loosely based on a french pantomime

>german interpretive theatre
an interesting suggestion! appreciated
i only have german expessionism on hand but here have a montage, maybe it helps (prob not)
if you have questions i have seen all of these movies except the emo girl skelington-epic-chungus-bait, i didnt even knew it was germ
if you havent seen this your opinion on german movies is null and void!
tyty for the input anons :)
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when it gets here


seen it and nosferatu :)

>seen it and nosferatu :)
Holy based.
Have you seen fritz lang as well? What were your impressions on M, eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder and how would you compare it to his other works?
Her holes are probably warm too
Almost here.
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>Have you seen fritz lang as well?
planning to, metropolis is next once a proper version is found
from personal experience i can recommend the 2003 restoration, i saw it first in jena, germany in the university cinema and later that same year again on a shitty 480x640 and it holds up and as far as i know there are no cuts or censors.
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see you tomorrow, on christmas eve!

understood c:
have a good one
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nini mimer
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>What was it you said to me before?
>"Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker.".
Happy Christmas eve, mimer.
She's so cute in that dress. I think she could look even cuter with an updo hair style.
i'll try out a few hairstyles for her if you promise to not hurt the fat man
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okay i went and did it even though i have yet to recieve any promises that you won't cap santa.

i know they're not all updos i was just messing around with most of these
also i can't believe you've made me reveal sidney's worst secret.
her fivehead.
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I like 2, 4, or 6
1 and 2 are the only ones that go with that outfit
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soon sis, soon

i'm a fan of 1 and 4
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Fine, capping santa will be postponed indefinitely.
That's the consequence of having a big brain.
I might be if you share that outfit
I'll be alone at home admiring everyone else's sims for Christmas
i'm going to spend christmas playing the sim and talking to ai chatbots
big agree on the 6
all i want for christmas is some catbox links of this delicious chocolate
Nobody brave enough to reproduce those glasses
snowy escape has glasses that are the closest, though a bit too round to pass for dahmer's
4 at the start of the party and 6 when i return with her after we've been mysteriously missing at the party for 30 minutes winkeyface
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Still needs some more tweaking I think
Well, since I definitely won't remember to do this later, Merry fuckin' Christmas /tsg/ and may I just say, I'm genuinely happy this silly thread for this silly series of games is still around. Which is why I'm going to basically just redo the same screenshot from last year with shittier lighting instead of something new, because it's traditional now. Probably.
Why does s4 only have like 3 liveable houses per world. I feel like they're getting smaller and smaller as well, I mean oasis spring and willow creek or w/e it's callled have a good amount but newer ones are more and more barren
I wouldn't have minded not being able to build cities if we had more lots per neighborhood.
My sims shouldn't have to travel to the another city if they want to eat at a restaurant.
How did they make computers run a dense game like this in 2009 but we get some mobile crap for a full decade?
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It could have looked better, it could have looked worse, right now it just looks


I hope you guys still treat yourselves in some way. Eating or drinking something you like perhaps?

I haven't seen the og but it sounds fun to redo old stuff, no matter the quality!

It has to run on potatoes (which is kind of bullshit since they retired the 32 edition back in 2022)
Windenburg with its 27 lots in total is the biggest world they ever released. Ravenwood from the latest Pack isn't the worse with its 13 lots, that "award" would go to Magnolia Promenade's 4 lots
Actually, new TS4 neighborhoods have become much larger but they're padded out with rabbit holes.
TS3 had higher requirements than TS4.
try this hair
and look thru these
why do we gotta wait 900 seconds before posting now?
fucked up the link haha
The greenish one
sweet death
If she has a boyfriend, that dress would push him over the edge.
she has no boyfriend, but she has a teacher
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Holy Trinity right there. Merry Christmas
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here ya go
includes 11 swatches, proper LODs, a slightly fucky shadow map, disabled for random sims etc etc
original textures and mesh were by kijiko iirc

i'm also working on something a little more conservative for her mom, not done yet at all, want to add a little neck detail and maybe add side slits to her dress
A single side slit would be perfect.
a merry christmas eve to one and all


same to you!
merry xmas
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here's where i'm at now
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Wow! Sidney and her mom in ethnic clothes, I love love love it so much! They look so pretty..
Always lovely, the place looks so cozy.
ooh nice
Good work.
i really like Marika's smile here, do you make the poses for your screenshots?
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Cute sim! I used poses by A-luckyday for both, they have lots of cute solo poses.
The cities might be larger, physically, but they feel a lot smaller because you're only ever stuck on one lot. 3 feels bigger because you're simultaneously managing different people in different parts of the city with no loading screens. If you want to go grocery shopping you just go.

I mean hell to this day they still don't have an option to turn off the machine that pumps out infinite fat mystery meat people with colored hair and japanese names yet
>I mean hell to this day they still don't have an option to turn off the machine that pumps out infinite fat mystery meat people with colored hair and japanese names yet
and we'll never get that option
merry simsmas
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Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
>spend a bunch of time making a set
>save game to look for some cc
>indefinite saving screen
>force close game and remake set
>indefinite loading screen
Fuck the sims.
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here's gothlita living her christmas nightmare, dressed as an elf

okay neat
also, took me a sec to realize that she's standing through the sunroof lol
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that's been happening to me more often since the last update
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a few tweaks later
time to tackle the UV_1

fuck this fuck this fuck this
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Being alone on Christmas Eve isn't the most unfortunate thing to have happened to you, even if it feels like it is right now.

Cute ghoul!
Hang in there, you can do it!
uoh yeah that hair is perfect
Neither of their hairstyles go with their outfits
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*Knock, knock*
"Have you heard of our lord and savior, Will Wright?"
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Krismas miracle!!
>Kicks them out for breaking and entering

back at ya anons

nice edit!

you're not alone here, fren
they go well with my hard cock

sidney's hair being slightly ruffled looks sexy as hell, and her mom having that little quaft of grey is peak
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Congratulations, you've thrown out your only friends! You can now wallow in your own self piety in total peace!

Bad ending
that hair is ridiculous, i love it
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It came from Surely-Sims' Shrimpmas of 2022!

thanks, there's some cool stuff in that bundle

seriously, right in front of the photo, on christmas!
It's a good thing they are both in my game, because your timeline sucks now
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bumping this anon's question so they get some answers
Fuck this shit ass garbage game.
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>Hang in there, you can do it!
i do not think I can, anon
the intracicies of the uv_1 continue to confound me
thanks anon!
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merby curmbyss anons
don't let the thread die over the next 24ish hours please :)
I'm leaving for a week. This shit isn't my problem anymore.
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dereliction of duty
you're angling for a court-martial, bud
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same to you :)
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max is angry about crismtnsas apparently
Angry about the lack of Christmas bjs she can do.
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Very cute outfit.

She looks like she's trying to look angy but secretly is loving it.
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>sidney's hair being slightly ruffled looks sexy as hell
dog that's just the hairstyle
Whats the good ending
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She's obviously miffed that mom and Sidney get to wear chinese dresses and dorky nerd that she is, she's left out.
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honestly she'd be in one too but i only have two dresses ready to go right now
You will pay for your crimes
I know what she is
I've heard of Christmas hams, but holy moly!
im in fucking love
Mackenzie mentioned

doesn't make me any less hard.
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okay i half-assed it
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are any of these ladies in the repo because if so i'm putting it on my christmas list
today is the greatest day of my life
Perfection. Particularly the dress slit teasing mom's stocking and some bare leg.
ngl reminds me of the Pixar movie Turning Red
Was there a milf in Turning Red?
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an unobstructed view of the house from "door to door", inspired by this plan:

take care
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No tree! No feast! AND no pudding!?

Redecorating is in order!

Cute family photo
Jenny with elf ears is A+
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They got Georgia.
That tantrum's exactly as cute as I imagined it to be, great job.

>No tree
Can't she just become a makeshift tree herself? I mean, she's wearing green and all.
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"How this for a tree? Pretty stylish, right?
-Actually, I'd say it's pretty dreadful."
She should use her witch powers and curse him with Christmas cheer
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Luna took out a tree from the box. Her blick block skills truly are unmatchable

Cursing might be a bit excessive in his case, I'm sure he'll get into it eventually
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Apparently this sims2 reindeer object, which I thought was decorative, has whole petting animation!
Does it happen in sims4? What decor items you thought didn't have animations at first?
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Merry Christmas /tsg/!

It's all for the presents, Hannah will endure I'm sure.

Yay, Gothlita is adorable.

Thanks Sidneynon, now you can't stop me from remaking it for children. Possibly even in time for Chinese new years.. Maybe..
>that snowflake made out of skulls
He might complain, but he was already wearing a goth Christmas sweater.
>this file contains malware
Does it really or just the usual catbox warning? Because any form of compression from catbox gives that warning for me.
it's the warning my browser gave me
It's a catbox problem. I uploaded the same zip folder to mediafire and got no warning at all there. Your browser just distrusts catbox, or so it seems. And yes I got the same warning in the browser.
>It's all for the presents, Hannah will endure I'm sure.
Well of course. After all, that's what Christmas is all about; a bearded old man emptying his big sack in front of kids.

I've never had an issue with Firefox or Waterfox opening catbox zips, but now that I checked on Chrome it just bitches that it's been tampered with since apparently for some reason catbox doesn't use https? I dunno what the hell's up with that honestly.
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Ooooh! I love those legs!
yeah sounds like google downgraded your connection to http so it could see the zip file then to complain about it
Best Christmas present ever!
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christmas greetings /tsg/!

wholesome :)

same to you!
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What's this?? It's a smile! We did it boyz!
Happy Christmas, i ordered a pizza and bought a bubbler, the whirlpool, toilet and shower are broken but you are invited.
If the sink still works that's all you need. What kind of pizza though?

not to worry
Christmas cheer claims another. Hope he didn't strain any face muscles.
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>Hope he didn't strain any face muscles
They're a bit rusty, but it's good to use them every once in a while

Sounds just like home
Merry Christmas /tsg/!

cute little hooves!

kebab with extra borwn stuff and swirls
I want to stick my dick in that
minors are not for fucking
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i agree. just as well jenny isn't a minor and is a fully adult 18 year old woman that's just vertically challenged. phew.
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blessed be for these christmas treats
I don't like her face at all.
Merry Christmas!
I wish there was a pose for catching slowflakes on their tongues
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back at ya!
where tf is her bra
It's not as if Jenny needs one
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Man, this guy, he just won't quit. Even during Yuletide he's still at it, trying his hardest to push through.
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he really is persistent
c'mon bro i know you got the goods
Hope everyone had a good Christmas!

One of my favorite scenes in all the Rankin/Bass specials :)
What did he mean by this
milk and cookies for santa claus!
Thanks anon.

same :)
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come to brazil
I'd rather not
Thank you for this Christmas present mr Bones.

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nice '58 chevy :)
>tfw not one person wished a merry Christmas on your Christmas posts
Gomenazai anon, hope you had a merry Christmas anyway. Have an early Happy New Years.
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which posts were yours anon?
a merry christmas to you either way
sims not christian. you are the god according to lore
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These took stupidly tedious amount of time to put up in sims2
just like real life. a ccurate simulation, if you will.
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for (you) and everyone who didn't get one yesterday
you are too pure and good for this degenerate site mime girl, hope you had a happy xmass
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You're welcome.
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hope your chrumbases were good, anons :)
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was husband cucked? none of his kids share skin tone
same applies for hair color too. i can't unsee it now. it gonna bother me
Maybe Santa is their real dad
The asian girl and black man might not be blood relatives tho
i could see that. just look at that smug
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Look at him go!
the two at the table are dinner guests, the santa is actually the kids' dad in a costume

same with yours
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careful with that box cutter!
would you eat your sims cooking?
nah, they'd probably poison me for all the shit i've put them through
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what all true warriors strive for

she seems pretty good at it, i'd take my chances
I would eat my sim's pussy
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why are you just sharing cp now
holy shit
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cheese pizza
what's wrong with pizza?
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They're not burgers.
what the fuck are you talking about?
mmm, creamy
what the fuck bro. of all posters to do this, you?!
how new are you
nice 3 pic cp set, totally based
y'all hiding kitty cube links in your filenames
no proof of this
isn't the elf like 35 years old
What you think this is le spooky dark web lmao
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the blue one is very underrated
No we're not
hmm this seems cropped for some reason
cool pixels? yes they are indeed cool pixels on your screen and not real
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i'm curious, what is the demon lore here. are they people possessed by demons, or are they just straight infernal creatures born in the depths of some layer of hell that are chilling in the material world
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No it's not
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(you) can do it!
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my wife

I just realized I have the exact same dress on Mackenzie, I had her in the black one but imo the blue one suits her better
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I need to learn blender
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>I just realized I have the exact same dress on Mackenzie
good taste, anon!
I keep changing my headcanon about what the demon girls are. At the moment it's a bit of column A, a bit of column B.
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these two built this fucked up two-tier snowman
what the hell?
why's his head a hat?
is that racist to have "guests" are one asian and one black? i swear this picture only getting more questions now the more i stare at it
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you could go extra mile and use gpg symmetric encryption with _passphrase_ being one of the words in the message that you'd have to imply. that way not even catbox will know the contents and only cool people get to see it
Geez the flaming hoops you need to jump through to get occult stuff working.. Why is it that kids that are aliens get a disguise form but vampire kids do not get a dark form? You'd think it's the same thing in the code but seems not. Instead you need to make a vampire alien hybrid. Aliens though are so abandoned by CC and EA alike that few CC even have them enabled and the genetics update made everything that isn't strictly alien unavailable to aliens non-disguise form.
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>It's summer already?

Who's her boyfriend?
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>gets invited over to her friend's house
>walks right past said friend, finds a desk, sits down
>does her homework
elliana you fucking neeeeeerd
broke the image somehow oops
how it's going, now in color
nta but I would eat out the ghoul's rotten glowing pussy until the skin on my face fell off
Didn't ask you.
Don't place your presents and christmas tree next to a fireplace next year anons...
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Finally a hair I can stand for my next project.

Mimi needs to lose some weight after Christmas feast.
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>s-sid i'm pretty sure this outfit's inappropriate
>oh yeah, in like, ten different ways. now, c'mon, let's go say hi to my nana. she'll love this.
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>tfw you've been yelled at in simtonese for the last five minutes
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archie says hi
The whole thing, it was a set-up!!
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the game was rigged from the start.
I'm terribly sorry for letting you down anon. The skeleton didn't deserve that fate, it was uncalled for and I see that now. You have my word I won't do it again.

The cat can speak?!
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>The cat can speak?!
only simlish, but yes
Behold, the world's most useless butler.

Impressive. Very nice. Simlish is rated as one of the hardest languages to learn, after all.
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turns out sidney's grandma just likes fucking with people.
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You ever just bask in the leftover steam while wearing your leather jacket immediately after taking a shower?

That fucking air horn is so loud and obnoxiously often spammed by sims that I disabled the interaction in MC Tuner. I wouldn't tolerate that from anyone in real life, why would I tolerate it from stupid pixel people, EA?
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Hello Archie, I know it's just pixels but the blue sky looks lovely.
archie says thank you
and hopes the powder is gnarly??
are these snowboarding words?
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learn about the uv_1 and how it's absolutely fucked and makes no sense
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yes sir, hook me up to a truck sized tank of radaway and i'll eat that pussy back to life
Making stuff from scratch? I just reuse as much as I can from other CC and base game stuff to avoid UV and weight painting as much as possible. Not sure what uv_1 is though.
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got into an argument with her mom's beau (they're engaged but sidney will NOT cut him some slack)
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he might be mad
she did throw a few inventive names his way
He looks a lot younger than Sidney's mother. How much older is he than the big brother?
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he's meant to be roughly equivalent to her mom
i've just can't make men

gimme a bit, i'll get the hang of it
Add some eyebags, wrinkles and/or some gray in his hair. It's the smooth skin that makes him look young imo
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is this better?
Looks a lot better, in my opinion.
>Those personality traits
Makes me wonder what this jealous bookworms ambition is.
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>Makes me wonder what this jealous bookworms ambition is.
bro wants to read more books than anyone else. read a book he hasn't read yet? he'll hate you until he's read it. then you're equals again.
i should pay more attention to traits honestly, i barely actually use them to set up my sim's personalities.
frankly, even his name's under consideration
Made a simple mod that allows aliens to have all the normal skin colors and everyone else to have alien skin colors as I couldn't find any up to date one.

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>That fucking air horn is so loud and obnoxiously often spammed by sims that I disabled the interaction in MC Tuner
is it weird that i've heard the game muted for at least 2 years, now?
It's kinda strange how there's functional freezers in the game that preserve food for much longer than the fridge, but because they're intended for retail use only there's a bunch of weird related misbehavior that make them a little annoying to use. Like empty plates becoming ungrabbable for some reason.

I wouldn't say that considering how repetitive the simlish lines get because they get reused way too much, there's not enough variety to begin with and unless you use a replacement for the game music, even that's bland and tiresome ten years in since it was pretty meh from the start. I play muted with music in the background semi-regularly myself. Although for me it'd be weird not to hear my sims at least occasionally so I remember what voices and pitches they have.
Good job!
is this really how elves should be used?
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anons please do continue to critique this guy
i want him to fit in with my sims as well as possible
Despite the many hours I've spent fucking around editing meshes in blender, I've yet to learn how to properly do uv_1/weight transfers. Shit always turns out janky as fuck.
i've got thousands of hours in blender by now, i've at least got (barely) working knowledge of most of the main features.

and yet.
fuck uv_1
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In terms of fitting in, I'd say he's already cohesive in style. It's a subjective thing, the eyes could be a little closer together.
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prepped to do some magic shit?
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Just some light reaping.
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hell yeah, sounds like a good week's work

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