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Previous: >>505870458

>New Event: [Hecate & Hella's Fracas], Dec 10th - Dec 23rd
>Themed Event Limited-Time Rerun: [Velvety Susurration], Dec 10th - Dec 23rd
>Limited Time Offer: [Collab-Featured Attire Purchase], Dec 10th - Dec 24th
>Routine Arrest: [Jadeite Fragrance], Dec 10th - Dec 31st
>Broken Frontline [ZONE-04] Dark Area Stage 16 starts, Nov 18th - Dec 29th

>Detailed Tier list
>Guide Compilation + CN Schedule
>Crimebrand priority | Shop & stamina efficiency | Hypercube income | Base incidents
>Sinner Build Guides

>CN Wiki
>CN Tier List
>CN Banner History
>CN Levelling Calculator

>/ptng/ Secret Societies (include /ptng/ in sig when applying)
NAsty (29/30)

>Codes(Redeem in Account settings)
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im going back to sleep now
meaniechief love
My second AliExpress order came in and surprisingly everything is as it should be as well.
Is like Gacha in real life.
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friday morning
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Snow! Yay!
real snoozer hours if u awake u a fake
99 love for 99
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This chief love
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Reposting the JoJo Event from last thread
divah down
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slow friday...im also gonna go play some video games
im about to drive for six hours
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yea same direction different place
are you a trafficker
chief making two long drives during the holiday season is not a criminal activity
Something a trafficker would say.
I was going to say oh chief's just going home but it's not even Christmas yet so whats going on
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if we don’t get this skins i WILL cry
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>i am forgotten
I use her
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drive bump
i use her in like 70% of my teams
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Focus chief
I thought you two are the same person.
i am many chiefs but not chief chief, warehouse chief or pants chief
Remember to drink water after vigorous exercise, like sexo with Peggy.
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i am spiritually on the left but not literally because im driving
why are they releasing christmas hamel when we are all waiting for 4star hamel……
moreover the wait for my hamel figure is agonizing
because 4-star Hamel is a long way off.

>10 days left on DuoRu rerun
>14 days blue vulture
>14 days rerun
>14 days of water immortal
>14 days rerun
>chapter 14, ui update, 4-star hamel

That's 2 months away, possibly more if any of the 2 week rerun becomes 3 week again
This SLUT pretty much replaced Langley for me, whenever I have three or more ranged sinners in the field I just drop her there too and she always pulls her weight
>ui update
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theyre the menus more 3d
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Preparing steak....and maybe doing 1 event stage
The inwards tilt is a bit too exaggerated
its a WINDOW vappa
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Food time.
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Looks like JoJo Part 2 will always Rerun the Part 1 banners like Jolyne along with the new characters

Good god I hope they fucking do something about this for Global....
*also...not always...what the fuck i clearly typed also
i made it
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time to do dailies
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Please come to Global...
Slow Friday chiefs...
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it's gonna be even slower tomorrow because i will be flying. hopefully my plane has internet so i can bump from 5000 feet
good night burgerinos
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this chief love (i'm watching Secret Level)
The Routeers are a very nice touch
Is this GFL2 again
The reindeer enemies. They're routers that sprouted antlers.
Wait a flying burger?!
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Just finished speeding through the Velvety Susurrations event.
I need to make time for being a proper Chief.
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Good night weekend burgers...
... How am I supposed to keep the thread alive?
Don't recognize her, is that the glowy mommy?
you can do it chief i believe in you
Yeah but it is annoying right now.
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good morning weekend burgers
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plane time
Where are you flying to, cheese?
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back home out west
fly safe chief
Now I don't know if it is still the cheese dumbo or the based levy poster..
is it entertaining?
that's adorable
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it's not me but ill be flying after christmas
I have been farming money.
Dreamed we were some kind of anchor universe…
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what does that mean
I can’t explain it but it was like

Every time Chief posted something it would affect the multiverse but our thread was the original
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pretty small universe
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i wonder if flying chief is flying
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i landed but will be flying again soon
>du ruo rerun ends on the same date as genshin's pyro archon patch
why arent they giving us bleu vonture now....
did CN have this big dead zone?
CN had a normal two-week rerun between Koryn and Bleu Vulture, we have three for some reason.
damn chinks
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yeah, just feels random
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was on a train. the lavatory was very cool
That brings back bad memories

Also wow that was five captcha failures
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>page 1
>game is still ass
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Yay I just p3’ed her
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plane numbero 2
>its all just JoJo stuff on bilibili now
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i'm guessing i don't want to know what bad memories a train lavatory could cause. but i mainly just found the one i was just in all shiny and clean and well automated (i have low standards)
It was a different time and a different place
But I just have this faint memory of being able to see the ground through the train toilet
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spooky. i wouldn't want to look at the kinds of stuff dumped on those train tracks
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Went back and took screenshots because I keep thinking about this.
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crashed and died
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I barely remember these guys at all…Eleven event?.

This was a dumb mini event
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Did nothing for 3 hours again
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I am randomly reminded of the fact that Parallel Line was allegedly the most played main menu music from the anniversary despite having zero memory of it actually being obtainable....
>Eleven event?
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Who is this fella
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>traveling done
good nighterino burgerinos
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home? hotel?
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Got offbannered on the gfl banner..
Good night weekend burgers…
I am depressed over it.
I never realized how shitty Jojo characters look. That pink haired dude they are releasing (forgot his name) looks absolutely retarded and not in a good way.
I started playing a coomer gacha for fun.
Which one?

It's called aeons echo or something along the lines. It's super greedy, hardly a game but I want to get one character to max just to see the animations.
I wanted to ask for some time now. What is the deal with player housing? What are so many people into it? Even wow added it recently. And I am asking because I know there are people in here who play mmos.
i think it's more sunk cost fallacy + easy customization bait to put on the fishing hook
Post Eleven's boobies...
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pantsmihoyo guy HATE
meaniechief love
I wanted the sword doll... BWEEEEH
who'd you get spooked by
Tololo. I don't know if there is a 5* I dislike so far.
>Please do not repost.
>proceeds to repost
a squad grizzly member...
tololo was a member of squad grizzly in 1. you can read a little about her backstory in the dorms although you might need to raise her affection to unlock the info
Is your girl alive? I saw random people mention that one from the sopmod squad is gone for real.

But I like that Dushevnaya one a lot. I hope there are other android/mecha looking ones. Like Dandelion and the :3 sister.
she's alive, the squad just disbanded when g&k split
dushvevnaya has some funny history because she's a huge artist's pet who got a bunch of skins and story in 1 despite not being super important. and i think if the new dolls coming are anything to go by they are leaning into the mechanical aesthetic a little bit, like with 45/leva
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hate me all you want but nothing will hurt me more than me finding out someone on here actually likes titanfall 2 two threads ago
Wtf I love titanfall2, one of the best non-tacticool FPS games ever made
i irrationally hate you a lot nyow whoever you are
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i like titanfall 2 as well
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B-but why? What don't you like in tf2? It's peak shooter experience
then die
I also like the Titanfall 2 now.
bring it bitch
A dumb question but ...where were the stamina supplements? I cannot find the page.
they're called something keys
if you click on your stamina in the supply missions an interface to use them will pop up
The Letta girl is cute as well. I also got the small Nagant.
letta is one of the two dolls im missing along with the older nagant. they're both normal banner dolls tho so im sure ill get them eventually
Wait did you get the cool sword doll?!
yes, i got lucky on both the ullrid and suoimeme banners and got them each on the first 50/50
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you are forgiven
as a contrarian i mainly really hate its fanbase and how they talk about the game being underrated which infuriates me as someone who likes a lot of multiplayer fps games with lower ccu's than it. there's also how often the game pops up when discussing arena shooters and now we gotta define what's an arena shooter and what's a movement shooter and maybe for everyone else there other than me they're the same thing.
as for actually playing the game, the singleplayer blew its load so early with the factory and time travel levels that the other half of the game left me wondering why i even kept playing past that point.
multiplayer-wise, low ttk games aren't my thing. also i really hated the maps except for the 2 i've seen that had these holographic blue walls to run on. they're all either cramped hallways or super open spaces for the titans to move and i just found them boring to run around in. also i think the game had ledge mantling? fuck mantling. also fuck air strafing its dumb
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i don't care too much about wa or 9 and if i fail to get vector i will simply whale
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Are you outright skipping weapons?
Bro come on now you can't just casually start talking about fps shooters with us.
i haven't rolled on a weapon banner yet yeah. i might roll on vector's depending on my ticket situation but for now im not spending on them
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well too bad now i've said what i've said and that's all i have to say on the matter
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toxikk immediately comes to mind
Huh what the fuck
Don't post Chelsea.
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sorry chief. i have deleted the post
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what is going on in here this morning
BTW this is how I imagine you, cheesyb.
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no i look like this
I need more Eleven in my life (the boring one (the IRL one))
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*farts on you*
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>the fartchief and meaniechief are different people
my worldview is shattering
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Actually offended.
you've been heckling pantschief for no raisin... farting on people seemed right in line...
Buying alcohol
>no reason
Posting and liking IT + hating on Chocomilk is more then enough for me.
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i just wanted to say for no raisin because it makes me laugh
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i bought some chocolate orange ice cream. and i don't care that the yaoposter left us 8 months ago
I can’t spot pants Chief unlesss it’s a post explicitly mentjoning pants or sacrificing sinners
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All the chiefs we’ve lost along the way…including the ones that never posted with any pattern/identity…
chinese HATE
We love mapo tofu here vappa
t. kirei
i normally like spicy stuff but i've never had mapo tofu that i enjoyed
mostly because it's not spicy enough + tofu's texture is terrible
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mapo tofu?
>looks it up
oh I think I've had this. mine wasn't spicy but I really liked the texture of the meat and tofu
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I like the one with the Kelvin running censor better
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>>507201526 (Me)
i tried the chocolate orange oce cream. i like it. moreso than eating a chocolate covered piece of fruit.
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page 9 hate
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i like the snow
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>2 days left on event
i was putting a hitch on a car
truck driver hate
it was a prius...
hippie zoomer hate
its my dad's prius and hes 66....
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what do you want from me chief.
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Just a face
ive only got the one and im using it
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This is very silly
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>try the TV boss again
>cant seem to spot the color debuffs consistently
I hate being retarded.
the routeers showed up a while back a few times in Remnants. honestly thought they were dogs the whole time
christina LOVE
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>copy filename in my massive unorganized folder
>find old post from previous thread to reply to
>realize i dont have the file name copied anymore when i copied the previous thread post

I feel foolish
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its christmas(almost) vappas!
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I look like this
Shoop this hat on all the chief pictures posted in this general’s history and I’ll donate $20 to a charity of your choice
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i would but im too tired
gn burgers
It’s not even midnight vappa
Wake up
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I'm not sleeping for another 2 hours
A little bit more..
Oh wow so pink sparrow is indeed happening on the last day of 2024.
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Cinnabum and Pepper LOVE!!!
It’s silly
Why is it not earlier
Probably something to do with the jojo collab.
>scrolling xwitter
>random creature post
Day ruined. Christmas ruined. Week ruined.
Was reading mango
Which one?
Cheesy B, I was asking you about the daily bonuses. Like how we get the stamina rations from the Chief's office. I can't find it.
Good night holiday vacation chiefs….
Wake uppp
hmm nyo
Hmm nyess
Nap time for me.
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>under 300 posts in 3 days
aw yeah we're super dead this holiday season
there's a free daily package in the store under... supplies? but the main dailies are the voyages/challenges and your dispatches (which are in the public area)
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I'm happy we get to murder Garofano in mania training
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whoops I meant remnants
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posting chelsea cause she wears pants and you cannot stop me
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>orange on head
also are chinchillas fluffy?
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I don’t get it
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i look like this

i don't look like this and would never say this to chelsea
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i look nothing like this but would absolutely say this to chelsea
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this is now a christina thread
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At different house
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never realized that my mom's dog looks kinda like christindog
zzzz snrk
Gals, I will return to college, so I won't need to put that I'm a NEET on the surveys anymore.
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how i look with my app not updated since before 2nd anni but i can still log in and play
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congrats sis
hf chief
>if you dial 5203 in the Eleven event, you get Talia's voicemail
>her shop hasn't opened yet
wait but then how did Eleven get a job under her? did she close up shop to remodel during the event?
i was taking a nap and had a dream where i died horribly
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no it was gruesome and annoying
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well i wish i was there to watch
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if i hit him with a sick dab while he's writhing in agony it'll traumatize him for however long he has to live
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>>507362671 (Me)
anyways Talia super duper LOVE!!!
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Time to go homerino
did you work the 23rd vappa?
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>event almost over
>decide to check if I 100% the event
>it isn't
sisters, how do I unlock this?
i look exactly like this
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Home and ready to GAYME
No I was at a BBQ
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lose a level, not sure if it's only the last level or any of them work
>be so good at a video game that you almost miss out on a 100% completion
thanks sis
i lost on the chief levle and it gave me the secret
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nice i had tritip for dinner myself
Does anyone else here reads Hero Killer? It mentioned PtN in one chapter once, and PtN had a promotion code of it once.
I like it but I have nowhere to talk about it.
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I am embarrassed that I got the cutscene naturally and thus prevented Hella and Hecate from hugging
only chief can wrangle sinners. it is only natural
I didn’t read it because it looked a little…..less polished than what im used to
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what's the matter chief
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nothing i just scrolled by that image
time to eat (10:30pm)
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divah down
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last day chiefs
i wanna hug lynn so hard she can't hug back (without hurting her)
of what
the bkub event
oh yeah i noticed some peeps in my friends list having these adorable pop team epic style avatars and avatar frames. wasn't aware they were being sold in the shop. i think they're cool.
chiefsters... are we the baddies
I read it before I stopped reading it
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it is time for me to stop shitting up the thread for a few days
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shame it's paypig only though....and i bought them

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good night burgers... christmas eve 2moro...
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I love your avatar and frame. If I ponied up the cash for them, I don't know what it'd take to ever get me off them. how long do you plan on having the avatar and frame on for?
darn I couldn't even last an hour before posting here again. just meant I was planning on not posting until next thread to improve thread quality.
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I plan to change between the Chief, Hecate and Hella avatars for a while at least.
>improve thread quality
Not the best time to take a break anon while we're on week 3 of rerun...
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oh you've got all 3 Bkub avatars? nice!
>week 3 of rerun...
the rerun actually ends in a few hours. we'll be getting a new Etti mini event tomorrow, and then the Vautour Bleu event next week
Yeah they got 8 dollars out of me…
who is the most whorish sinner
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i cant believe she kissed chief(s)
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good night vacation chiefs
Tired so I will nap.
If this is what I think it is - manwha suck.
I am surprised she didn't appear in the silly collab. Aisno were proud enough to revisit the idea and shill it as an anniversary limited.
I need content AISNO. I'm not longer asking.
Cheeta love!
xth for fuck mihoyo the faggots
Tis midnight where I am. Merry Christmas thread.
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merry crissmas chief
Cheeta LOVE x2
this chief love(?)
It's me the meanest one.
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I dislike the way that Velpy? looks but her ultimate dance is so unhinged it is making me love her.
i want more content in ptn and gfl2...
I have to complete the story today...
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Dinner time!
don love
That thing in between 00reddit, RR and Korryn HATE
Merry Christmas chiefienro
I saw it so you have to suffer as well.
cat LOVE
Where are the nipples
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Today I saw the Curiosity event with Dreya for the very first time.
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>boss let me leave early today
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Babe, it feels like the story segments are as long as the arknights one. The GFL2 story.
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Cheesy B, that colphne doll is super unlikeable..... almost it levels
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you didn't like her cheery into PTSD gimmick?
Currently halfway through chapter 2. I just hate such characters. Give me somebody like my guy Don.
dman you've been putting the game off meaniechief
i liked the event story much more than the main one
>start some transcription stage
>read the story
>it features some doll called p90
>google her

rmao even
Dios Mio
R93 .. another one...
i don't get it chief
I am checking on their artists. Now I know why I like Tolololo so much.
is p90's artist named ceobe or something? the only gf artists whose names i can remember offhand are imoko and DYJ
Ceobe is probably one of the most famous arknights characters. Same artist.
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Both games are very identical. Was GFL the similar too?
you mean in terms of character designs? i think it's hard to color outside the lines when you're doing gacha characters
I mean in presentation (how stories are told, character motivations), overall look (UI and so on) and events, event stages and rewards.
oh. gf1 was pretty similar to ptn (and i guess 2 as well) in the mainstory + events deal
the only difference was in gf1 you'd have main story "events" as well that basically served as midpoints between chapters. some of them are even genuinely labeled 7.5 or 11.5 in the event playback thing
it doesn't surprise me that AK and GF are very similar design wise. didn't you say lowlight made AK after leaving Mica?
I know. To be honest I feel like he stole a lot of stuff from GFL. Or like got inspired by it. Those red storms or whatever sound very similar to catastrophes and so on.
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Bought lottery tickets
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Merry Christmas!
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Who else would be posting terrible edits of Bai Yi with a santa hat?
I thought you left.... Merry Christmas!
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I'm still alive and kicking, but I've had my hands full lately so I wasn't very active.
Zzz time to sleep
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It’s 7pm vappa
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i look precisely like this.
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Lady Pearl was born on Christmas?
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Finished family movie night

Time to…bumperino
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page 9 hate
I’m here but not being at home messes with my posting habits
have fun chief i will keep the thread alive
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I'm up for another 3-4 hours at least, hard to sleep when not in my own bed.
merry christmas burgersisters.................................................................................i hope everyone is enjoying their holiday..............................................................................................i know i am....................................................i still have 2 more weeks until my vacation ends.......................................................................................................................................................
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gn fakeburgerchief
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ptn and gf2 might be in content droughts... but ole reliable still got me
2 more weeks here too!
What do you mean gf2 content drought, that just came out like two weeks ago?
well i finished the main story and all the current event missions and the next event starts on the 26th i think. i was mostly joking about how at the current moment in time the event for 1 came out before the event in 2
Saga artist, bet.
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good night burgerinos
merry christmas to all chiefs
Good night, sandwich
Good nigterino
Does the game icon still has the 2nd anniversary for you as well?
For PTN? Just regular Zoya for me
Another noname third lister for vulture. Aisno really aren't doing that good it seems.
I’m assuming you mean the JP VA
Yeah. I don't bother with the English voice packs.
I image it’s because she’s an one off
For some like Rahu they got big names
I don't remember if redditpool or that creature got good seiyuus.
Zero: Ari Ozawa
Mooga: Futaba Kino

Official Christmas ASMR…
Good night and merry Christmas chiefs
Merry Christmas, chief.
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Stop complaining and put on the hat. You have to save the thread. I'll make it up to you.
We going home nyow.
drive safe chief
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me on the right next to the tree
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meri kurusumasu chief
Merry Christmas to my eurobros, to the americanos, to the dumb cheeseburger and even to the pantsanon.
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Hehehe off toa a good gacha start Christmas
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im pretty sure we're on different servers but sent anyway
now im off to christmas cook
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Also nap time
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does anyone know who is next in the golden ticket shop i’m still missing zoya and eirene….
i have no idea. i was gonna say it should be mantis from the release banners but im 80% sure mantis was already in the store
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Was last month Lady Pearl?

Could be Vanilla or Du Ruo next
There might be information on S1n.
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Strangely lewd.
that duck is very modestly dressed.
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i wish the turkey would cook faster
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Celebrating alone?
no we got my whole immediate family + my aunt + her bf + my gma
im just hungreh
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>her bf
they've been a couple for literally longer than ive been alive... my aunt is just the bay area anti marriage type
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i have eaten
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wait this is an arknight i think
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hope you enjoyed christmas dinner chiefs
Oh it looked like Chief
Get lost Margarine Grills.
chief that character has horns.
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I saved this too..
huh yours is bigger. weird
even for mania training this is a retarded buff
This Mania training...might be worth it ..but barely..
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Hasn’t this been in dz too
a dreya buff that increases burn damage???? not that i can remember
my eyeballs hurt
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dats what i need
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i have a VERY light cold im trying to fight off...
i think that's the cause of my malaise as well, i hate getting sick from traveling
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me on the left
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>still only has her part 1 interrogation done after two years
i liked her interrogation. i liked using wendy in general too, she's a fun budget unit with her ECB
Her Part 1 was mandatory wasnt it, or was it Hella's instead

But I think i only did part 1, it ended at chief agreeing to go with her to rust
i think it was hella's p1 that was mandatory
and you couldn't do her p3 until you did all of 99s
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good night burgeroids, hope you had a good christmas and saw everyone you wanted to see
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This is cool, I hope we get this.
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...they are all cats now..
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gitting burtty sleepy
Nap time
Good idea
But actual sleep for me
Bros I shouldn't eat any stuff with sugar in it and yet I got myself a giant chocolate yesterday and ate all of it. I still feel sick.
Don't be so greedy sis.
A step closer to hell.
just get sick like me to curb your appetite
Nah, I will fix my diet after tomorrow or in a week.
garofano's goon garden
I ain't feeling the jojo stuff. The Deren and 99 outfits looks so ugly too.
99 doesn't really look like herself but deren looks good...
Stone ocean is just dogshit. Jolyne is the only good part of it.
i think FF is better than jolyene desu
i agree that stone ocean is pretty bad tho.
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it's kinda early
Then just sleep, dumb burger.
Eirene keeping her stockings despite them 100% not fitting the rest of the outfit at all is kinda amusing
She needs more screen time. Alongside Langley and Bai Yi, actually. They are still relevant to the main story.
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please don’t make me go to
work today…..
i got told to go back to sleep so i did
im still waiting on the pangley/br003 backstory... wish they had done that instead of dismyth
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gremlin mantis my love...
She is so cool .. hehe
I honestly felt that was a bit out of character for her
nah hecate is the pragmatic kill them all and let god sort them out type
I think Hecate can be brutty aggressive at times
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Why is a movie director so erotic ?
Looks like shit. Baited as they say.
deren my love….please come to global…
>playing since the stargazer event
>Nox still not home
Should have dumped this bricked account three years ago huh
I've been spooked how many times and it's always someone else, I've got Eirene on fucking S4 right now
your free nox....?
your store....?
Well how the hell was I supposed to know that a newbie welcome gift character is literally #1 meta mobber and not some filler crap like in other gachas
Believe it or not but I unironically did not have enough yellow tickets, I used to spend them all on warrants back then
a free S's way too good to pass up as a beginner
Well I did...
Just a few days ago when rolling for Du Ruo I got fucking Donald instead. Why can't I get Nox Aisnyooooooo
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I don't understand why they posted this on the 26th
bianca was in jail for christmas so they couldn’t process the photos in time
bianca is om the side of justice she would never end up in jail
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Pretty sure she is as unhinged as it gets. And I love her because of that.
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We're still in the Christmas spirit vappa
I don't celebrate Christmas vippo
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jesus loves you anyway voopoo
Don't post her or you will trigger the pants anon..
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i fear no chief that names themselves
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Put some clothes on you SLUT
You deserve no presentation, chief.
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i know i'm your favorite, choofie
Should be black lingerie
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Another day
Should be something modest you shameless harlot
I want to look like this
Not your buddy, friendo.
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I was about to turn off my pc without doing my dogshit dailies in wuwa. It is time...
I bought a game I've been badmouthing for four years....
Which one?
Cyberpunk 2077....
a friend of mine raved about that game but said friend also had really bad taste in like everything
personally i bought astlibra to burn some hours in
The fuck?! This is on my wishlist...
It's an amazing game though? Sure the launch was disastrous but nowadays it's a shining positive example of what an AAA game should be
ill let you know if it's good chief
Cheesy B, should I do the pvp daily? Waste all tickets?
you should be doing it daily because it's a source of cubes
usually people put up shitty defense teams on purpose to make it easier as well. look for the low combat score (3/4 digit) teams and just autobattle 3 times
I will put the most tryhard team possible. Only sweat and tears for footfags.
some people do that but you can just dodge them... there's a harder core pvp mode where defense actually matters once you hit level 40
Sleep time.
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wow rare
golan love
Does her story explain her eyes.
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i wish i had more christmas chiefs
i thought i had a christmas sumire from last year but i can't find it. sad
Eh, there’s a bunc in Twitter
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making dinner at 9pm...
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me on the left
I'll start the Etti event....tomorrow
chief i think there's daily rewards
oh nyoo not another paiting event...ill still get started tomorrow
Err....looking concerning, maybe I will do one stage just to see what its about
it looks like there's only 7 daily rewards and the event ends on jan 7th so you're good for now
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good night borgarians
i made a dent in my christmas leftovers today
I am here. Have to clean my PC later because it is making a funny noise.
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i played an hour...
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I played an hour of Cyberpunk...
I am so sleepy...
Good night holiday vacation burgers…
Is there snow in DisCity? I struggle to remember whether I've ever seen snow in this game outside of dream sequences
There's snow in Pacassi's interrogation and Echo's too, I think
Home. Time to nap.
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im going back to sleep too
A few more days until the chicken..
im down horrendous for the new blue lady………
She is super ugly but her kit is fun.
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i don't know what you guys r talking about
You are dumb.
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Me as the Owlngley.
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It was about pink eagle.
that sounds like slang for something dirty.
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this chief love
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