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What are you playing on your GNU/Linux machine today?
Last thread: >>505132846

>Commercial games for Linux

>Libre games, source ports

>Stuff for running Windows games
Wine (mostly used via Proton, Lutris, etc.): https://www.winehq.org/
Proton (comes with Steam): https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton
ProtonUp-Qt (installer for custom Proton builds): https://github.com/DavidoTek/ProtonUp-Qt
Bottles (Wine frontend): https://github.com/bottlesdevs/Bottles
Lutris (Wine frontend and game launcher): https://lutris.net/

>Other (non-Proton) compatibility tools for Steam
Steam Tinker Launch: https://github.com/sonic2kk/steamtinkerlaunch
Boxtron: https://github.com/dreamer/boxtron
Roberta: https://github.com/dreamer/roberta
Luxtorpeda: https://github.com/luxtorpeda-dev/luxtorpeda

>Unofficial launchers for platforms lacking proper Linux support
LGOGDownloader (GOG) (CLI only): https://github.com/Sude-/lgogdownloader
Minigalaxy (GOG): https://github.com/sharkwouter/minigalaxy
Legendary (EGS) (CLI only): https://github.com/derrod/legendary
Rare (EGS): https://github.com/Dummerle/Rare
Heroic (EGS, GOG, Amazon): https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher

>Other cool things

>Linux on other boards
Holy shit guys we actually made it to bump limit
she is wearing stockings with no panties
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i'm gonna make more webms
thank you for your service
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Is that X-Blades? Or whatever the sequel us called, I just remember the dev is Korean.
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it is
interesting that so many devs who made these janky third person action games in the 7th gen now maintain live service giants
dark sector->warframe
wet->dead by daylight
I really like those animations
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it's crazy what a few changes to animations and sounds can do for gunplay. gameplay wise, it's nearly identical to HL2. later on, you get the spas-12 again but they replaced the secondary fire with an semi-auto mode which is really fun.
this level looks like from Deus Ex
The spread looks a lot less than vanilla
i think you may be right, but it might also be that the tracers are more visible? i definitely use the mp7 to spray in the original.
Does this mod work out of the box?
you just need hl2 and you need to turn on proton for source sdk base 2013. no one ever builds their mods for linux aside from the ez2 guys.
Speaking of which, they have released the game engine that they use for war thunder here: https://github.com/GaijinEntertainment/DagorEngine it's free software
wtf is with the font
i don't know how to fix this. source games on wine/proton always had this problem when it uses italics. native games don't have this problem.
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taser car
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the intro was so long
yeah. hl2 itself was going to have a long walking sim intro but valve truncated it. play on hard once you get the hang of it, it makes the engagements longer.
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i actually like walking sims but there was something so liminal and disconnected about the rooms that my brain just went on autopilot at some point. also it is on hard im just savescumming. i agree they did a really good job with the enemy ai and gun feel vs vanilla hl2
>how to fix this
either you're missing fonts on your os install or you can also install fonts per winetricks/protontricks
that's probably it. i remember when you needed a copy of tahoma to run steam on wine.
Free Ride Extreme is fun as fuck, not sure why they left it out of the remaster
>get home from work
>old thread is gone
>it actually hit the bump limit
>there's a new thread already and I didn't even have to make it myself
Oh never mind. It's a Christmas miracle!
On that note, I think all the big winter sales have started, so here are the Linux games on sale:
>but isn't every game a Linux game now?
Perhaps, but I don't have to advertise shit that works on Linux by accident, and this is for idiots like me who choose to continue believing in the fantasy that more game developers will eventually start developing for Linux despite Proton being mostly good enough for them to pretend we don't exist while still taking our money.
Do remember to check ProtonDB or elsewhere to see if a game's Linux port is completely broken though. It's usually not a concern outside of GameMaker crap, in my experience, but obviously it happens.
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funny, i clipped the exact same moment

there's a lot of competition on this board
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umu-launcher is a godsend desu, finally don't have to deal with buggy and inconsistent lutris fuckery anymore. No, I will not use bottles. Stalker 2 runs great, only crashed twice in 90h. Once was my fault, ue5 games tend to crash when not rendered, e.g. while being on an inactive desktop. Blanket fix when using hyprland and gamescope is

render_unfocused_fps = 30
windowrulev2 = renderunfocused, class:^(gamescope)$

The first rule (up from 15 fps default) prevents being kicked out of online mode in Elden Ring btw. Oh and if the gpu screen recorder king chud reads this, pretty please add an option in quickmedia's manga viewer to hide the progress bar, I cannot program for shit and am thus too retarded to submit a proper pr.
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I've been using it for a couple of months and I'm happy with it, THPS4 is the only game it didn't like and I suspect it had more to do with the image file since the magipack release ran fine
Windows has never been on any of my Steam Replay donuts.
I don't remember exactly when I abandoned Windows for good, but it must have been before 2022.
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/lgg/-related, but probably interesting to some anons here: Bloodborne on shadps4 now works with RADS, try the bb build of this fork:
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i start sucking at video games whenever i record them
Damn that shotguns a beast
Other than free ride do you prefer the remaster or original?
I like the gunplay and general atmosphere of the original more, DE is good but it feels too much like Mafia 3 (it might have to do with the engine)
I'm reading this. I'm on vacation now at me mums place so you will have to wait. My git server is only configured for ssh git access through local internet (muh security, or something), so I cant push changes remotely.
Meh, I'm not a fan of umu.
It using typical proton have the problem of steam bridge being included and umu makes not effort to disable it (set PROTON_DISABLE_LSTEAMCLIENT=1), but would be better if they built a desteamified proton. If steam bridge is not disabled, you cannot run pirated steam games using a client emulator. Proton also makes debugging far more annoying, using winedbg with proton is a pain, quickly switching dxvk, vkd3d version is a pain. Some really nice stuff like gallium nine is also a pain to use.
Also, I wish they built the runtime from source instead of having binaries, it's important to not rely on steam, this project should exist without steam.
Finally, I'm really not a fan how the cli is structured, it downloading stuff directly is quite bad if I want to makes my game have no network access. If it was done properly, should be a different binary or different arts that handle downloading runtime, creating and modifying prefix and so on.
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back of the metrocop head is unarmored...
devs thought of everything
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No hurry, thanks for considering an implementation.
apparently it's on their todo list, see

I agree with the cli stuff, simply using something like firejail --noprofile --net=none leads to things not being downloaded. I think as a workaround you can run umu-launcher once with an emty argument for the exe, basically just "", let it download stuff, and then firejail it. Or setup a firewall for the exe. Still, messy.
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>check most recently played games
>just in the top 12 is shit I haven't played in weeks
Holy fuck.
Maybe now that I'm off work until the end of the year I can actually play some video games. Although I've already learned this morning that if I try to play Brigador nowadays then my kids will say "ooh I want to play that game" and I have to say "NO" and Alt+F4 because they're too young and innocent to be committing war crimes. I'll have to find something without extreme corporate mercenary violence.
This actually excludes the ones I uninstalled but fuck them anyway.
Yeah brigador looks cute until you squint
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No Z around here
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tactical retreat
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gear up
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knock knock, faggot
birthday party is here!
What game is this
Arma 3
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Is that mouthwashing?
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She's cute
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I was going to say the jump attack in this game feels wrong, but I think I've gotten the hang of it since recording this sorry shitshow.
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that shit was crazy
Is that game actually good? Kind of had the impression it was a meme game, but haven't checked it out properly yet.
Yeah I liked it. Mostly a walking psychological horror game but it has a unique setting and makes good use of the player perspective/controls so that it's not just press w. It's short though and linear so might not be worth the money if you're not genre inclined already.
beat em up
I'm bad at beat-em-up games, but at least the good old "jump attack left, jump attack right, repeat" tends to work pretty well in every single one of them.
>Steam version doesn't provide the manual
Fuck you, whoever the publisher is
In a lot of older beat em ups spamming the one attack that works is sometimes honestly the best strategy
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This game does something stupid (probably just a bug and not a Linux/Proton issue but I don't know for sure).
By default, I get sharp pixels as shown on top. If I enable the CRT mask, then I get what's shown in the middle, which is fine I guess but it felt too blurry to me. But if I then disable the CRT mask, the graphics still have some kind of filtering which persists until the game is restarted.
I don't know whether top or bottom was the intended non-CRT look, but if the top is a bug then I'm glad for it. I want either a realistic CRT look, or crisp pixels — nothing in between. The linear filtering or whatever that is on the bottom just looks like ass.
>big background sprite is rotated and stretched for a 3D-like effect
Yup, it's a SNES game. I suppose you just couldn't get the Nintendo seal of approval without using this feature.
Too lazy to webm but you've all seen mode 7 or whatever the hell it's called.
Yeah that middle one looks blurry as fuck, if you want a decent CRT filter just run it in retroarch
I have OpenTyrian installed, must check if it's still there
I hate marvel rivals I'm going back to tf2
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Yes it does!
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Dude was too busy taking to an AI girlfriend
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goes kinda hard
>know there's a zombie on the other side
>fast forward the pry
>fast forward doesn't end after the pry so the zombie teleports behind me
Joke's on you bitch antibodies updated.
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an ancient railgun created by a master craftsman
thats some bullshit
>pip scopes
This makes modern developers shit their pants
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and destructible environments™
Yeah, that's definitely mindblowing
Btw, what is this mod?
swelter, insanely amateurish story and voice acting but really good setpieces and encounters. its been 90% combat so far anyways
Looks like the original is just as jank as the ps1 remake.
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Nice boss
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CachyOS just released wine and proton with NTSync v7!
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I'm getting tired of Metaphor. This game is so much repetetive and copypaste, at this point they just artificially prolong it.
thats just genre convention
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what's worse is that the source engine always had this. we really have regressed.
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never played this before today but I think I might just be shit at video games
Idk looks pretty tough
It is, at least for me. Normally I'd blame my boomer-ass reaction time, but you can see everything coming from a pretty good distance. I suspect the key to success is just planning moves ahead of time, but I'm failing at that.
Yeah with games like that you usually have to play a little bit before your brain starts chunking and recognizing patterns.
>Although we received a good response to the Bottles Next announcement, it is undeniable that the announcement of using Electron left a sour taste.
Their answer? Use some other shitty web or mobile first framework. They didn't even said why they don't want to use GTK/QT...
I believe bottles have been a net negative for gaming on linux with their hostility to traditional package management and them reinventing and duplicating all the winetricks effort.
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>Bottles Next
Damn, I completely forgot about that.
>reinventing and duplicating all the winetricks effort
Did they really? I assumed that Bottles just ran winetricks in the background for installing dependencies (pictured).
I almost never actually use this menu though — nor do I ever change the runner, the DXVK version, etc. — so I probably have no good reason to be using Bottles in the first place. I mean, I think all I'm getting out of Bottles is Wine+DXVK and a GUI.
I've thought about using umu-launcher or whatever instead. Is it good for running DRM-free (e.g. GOG) and freeware games? Or is it built with the assumption that all video games are coming from some online account? My use case for Bottles so far has been running games from offline GOG installers (yes I know I can use Heroic for GOG games but currently I don't) as well as other direct-download games like Locomalito's freeware. If there are protonfixes for some game and it doesn't detect the game automatically, I can just pass it some ID to tell it what the game is, right?
I was also wondering how well curated the automated fixes are. I never really used Lutris because I didn't like the idea of running some rando's "works on my machine" install script, and I see enough bad information and unnecessary tweaks on ProtonDB to be wary of what the "community" says I need to do for a game to work.
Electron? Are you fucking kidding me?

Lutris is shit as well.
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hope it's not vr :o
It's not but if it were then I'd probably get nauseous in three seconds.
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>Is it good for running DRM-free (e.g. GOG) and freeware games?
Yeah, it worked for me so far
>is it built with the assumption that all video games are coming from some online account
No but you can pass the STORE variable and then it looks up if that game is on the database
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>chubby female viking protagonist
Umm, bros? I think this game might be woke.
Then again, chubby girls make my dick hard, and it can't be woke if I can cum to it.
But on the other hand, she isn't drawn lewdly enough for that.
I feel conflicted so I guess I'll just forget about the culture war and see what the gameplay is like.
have u seen spas 12 from gfl
Now I have.
I love boobies so much bros
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Since gamescope has shit documentation, I'll try asking here: Which upscalers are currently implemented? I know of fsr, nis, and pixel. Is there anything else?
I think running `gamescope --help` should tell you. For me it defines the `-F` option as
>upscaler filter (linear, nearest, fsr, nis)
but I'm on an older version of gamescope (3.12.5) because later versions don't support my GPU.
It looks like the latest version has the "pixel" option you mentioned:
>anon@linux:~/repos/gamescope$ grep -Eo 'upscaler filter (.+)' src/main.cpp
>upscaler filter (linear, nearest, fsr, nis, pixel)\n"
I don't even know what "pixel" is. The only one I've ever used is "nearest".
Given my typical use case for gamescope, I might as well just alias "gamescope" to "gamescope -S integer -F nearest".
If I interpret what you are playing right, pixel might just be nice for you. There is a comparison in a blog post somewhere, written by the guy who implement it, but since google is aids now I cannot find it.
>later versions don't support my GPU
Have you tried --backend sdl ? Which gpu do you have?
>from shit (gtk4) to nuclear cancer (electron)
for what purpose?
>running steam, discord, bottles all at the same time
>add firefox/chrome to the mix
i love needing 128GB of ram to do anything. it wouldn't be as bad if electron apps could run under one instance.
>not using the superior fox toolkit
>free 20% increased performance in MWO is back
I had tried to search "gamescope pixel vs nearest" too (because "pixel" sounds to me like the same thing as "nearest"), but I didn't find anything obviously relevant in the first page and didn't care enough to keep looking.
>Have you tried --backend sdl ?
I don't think so. I guess I could try it to see if it changes anything.
>Which gpu do you have?
Radeon HD 7950... I think. (It's been a while and neofetch says "7950/8950". Pretty sure it's the former.)
Last time I tried to use gamescope 13.x.x(?), I got the same "VkResult: -8" shown here:
Oh wait. Here it is. I saw this feature request in my web search, but I didn't realize it was closed and so I didn't know it was for the feature they already implemented.
I haven't read all of this, so I still don't understand exactly what this filter is doing. (How does it get evenly-sized sharp pixels if not by integer scaling? I don't have time to read it now but I'll do it later.)
3.13.x, I mean. Looks like it's on 3.16.1 now but I doubt it got more compatible with my ancient hardware in the meantime.
Okay I'm done replying to myself now.
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nice sewer
>HD 7950
That's an SI card, right? Had, I think, the same one in one of my two computers, it was shocking to me that I managed to run Elden Ring on loonix and on top of that with only an fx6300 at stable 30fps. Amazing card, but it's time to move on. Depending on where you live, a nice option for a cheap-ish modern graphics card seems to be an intel battlemage card.
I can't fucking mod any of my games on Linux mint holy shit I am a retarded faggot someone spoonfeed me
>That's an SI card, right?
Yeah, I think so.
I've been meaning to upgrade for years, but I never committed to it. Last time I started making a PC Part Picker list was probably too long ago to be relevant anymore, and I'm completely out of the loop regarding which GPUs are good, especially in terms of Linux support.
I'd want something more capable of running modern games, but I don't really give a shit about 4K or whatever, so anything that can run demanding games at full HD would be fine. Or maybe that would mean buying the highest-end GPU if everyone is just using fancy upscaler tech to reach 4K. Anyway I'll probably keep using 1920x1200 for as long as I have or can buy a 1920x1200 monitor.
i feel like i install most native games through flatpaks these days. aur packages have given me too much trouble.

what did you try?
If you're trying to use DLL-based mods, and this post you're currently reading is the first time you've heard that you need to tell Wine to use your mod's someshit.dll by setting WINEDLLOVERRIDES="someshit=n,b" or similar, then
>but how the fuck was I supposed to know that?!
is probably an appropriate response, but at least now you know.
On the other hand, if you're trying to use a mod manager to install 9001 simultaneous mods to unfuck some Bethesda game then I can't help you there.
In general, still avoid nvidia. Intel and amd are both fine for gpus. I would always pick an amd cpu. Would still recommend zen 4, e.g. an 7700x, except if you need a fuckton of cores, then a 7900x. Don't cheap out on the ram (get at least 32gb) and of course don't buy a cheap psu. That's it, not too fucky right now when it comes to building pc's.
Looks cool, need to play Serious Sam 2
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its good but its absurdly long, finally on the last act after like 15 hours
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also the snow levels are butt
Last bump from me because I should have been asleep two hours ago.
I like using standalone wine, I don't really like the proton layer on top (I wrote my own tooling instead) or have a need for a runtime since I build wine myself on my system libraries. And it can be managed exactly like how I manage winehq wine builds.
Every year I gotta do git log --oneline wine-<stable version>..HEAD --invert-grep --grep='(cherry picked from commit' and revert/make a patch changing the silly stuff that they put in, and review the commits on bleeding-edge/experimental_<stable version> for more potentially silly stuff during the year.
I do have umu/something similar I wrote just in case I need to check if something doesn't happen in proton.
I find it interesting that Arch didn't update to the rc versions of wine for 10.0, 9.0, or 8.0 for their wine package. Just silence during december (except for being late for 9.21/9.22 this year).
They update to the latest development release, so the rc builds are literally not any different, except they have less bugs than the development release since it's code freeze
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Managed to run Serious Sam 2 native Linux build. Had to symlink openal to game's folder because for some reason it required older version of it despite newer one being ABI compatible. Also had to install lib32-libxxf86misc because when you're a small studio and porting to a newer system of course you'll try to make a native client for an unfamiliar windowing system instead of using helper libraries like SDL. And even after that game couldn't set window resolution, fullscreen was buggy and it was spawning on the leftmost monitor and trying to move it somewhere else would broke the cursor. Fortunately gamescope fixed all of those issued and resolution could be configured in ini file.
get ready to shoot 10000 rhinos
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I founder if I'll be able to beat the game since it's a Beta build that never seen wide public.
Also Arch trannies broke ffmpeg in their repos so it can't encode webms and reports 419 hours for any mkv file in Dolphin. So much for the Valve's money.
i wonder what else is different, fov looks a little cramped but i wonder if thats just the default
Apparently FOV could be changed in config as well.
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The issue was already fixed btw, it only took half an hour after report.
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Water is fucked
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It was... different time...
theres a ton of stuff in this game that they would probably not put in today
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we'll get there one day bros
>start game
>game crashes steam entirely
>other games work fine
and yet it was fine yesterday and it turns out steam beta was the issue
I should definitely look more at the steam for linux github page for troubleshooting because every other day something breaks on linux
i play modded games all the time
playing Long War XCOM EW most recently alongside WoW Classic HC with addons
avoid steam beta
it has required nuking the entire steam install before to fix it
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Thanks for beta testing!
I haven't had any problems with Steam beta since I switched to Cachy a year ago.
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far cry 2
which game
I remember using steam beta on steam deck. One day it got stuck in a boot loop. I had to reinstall steam os on the steam deck to fix it.
Steam beta fucks up non-SteamOS distros on steam deck using the game recording feature, after you close a game with it enabled Steam will restart itself which is annoying.
I just found out that somebody wants to use my gpu screen recorder not for recording games but for literal spyware at companies to prevent "information leakage"
Is the money good?
Make a backdoored package for them lmao
Why are you leaking my emails?
didn't get any
if it's really you then I don't support spyware. Also my website says you have to contact me as a business when it's business related. I ain't doing free support for corporations.
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Is this even Half-Life 2 at this point?
Bellatia, but people have been affected by other games too according to github.
what do you mean
Game looks nothing like Half-Life 2
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its a separate campaign https://store.steampowered.com/app/1815330/Swelter/
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Is this even Doom II at this point?
I don't remember it having Christmas trees...
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Bad bird
cool, what are you playing this with?
That's just GZDoom g4.14.0.
Now that I've reminded myself that Doom mods exist, I'm actually not going to play Eviternity but rather one of the actual Christmas WADs. I just have to remember where I put them or what they're called so I can download them again...
let me know what you find
i only know of whitemare and the final doomer weapon set for it
hope you told that fag off
I decided to play through the entire C&C franchise because I bought the collection a few months ago for like 10 bucks.

Getting the first game to run doesn't require much tinkering except downloading a custom ddraw.dll file and its config.exe and you don't even have to use override just launch the config with protontricks and it'll override the dll for you.

On my end I had the problem where in fullscreen wayland the cursor goes way over the bottom screen which makes scrolling down the map impossible.
To fix it I had to run the game in windowed mode then per gamescope run the game in fullscreen.

Also, fuck the AI in the game, it cheats and makes the game way harder to play it normally instead you have to abuse shit left and right and from what I've read, the covert operations expac is even harder and I'm thinking just to go onto the next game.
Here's the one I wanted.
I don't know how many good Christmas WADs there are, but I enjoy this one. I've played at least some of it every Christmas Eve the past 2 or 3 years.
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Some Star Fox 64 source port gameplay
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I don't know why that README shown in >>507357910 says the filename is "dbp26_xmas2" by the way. Maybe they renamed it after writing that, or maybe I just don't understand. Anyway, here's where I got it:
Here's the Doomworld post which links to that, if you're interested:
They reverse-engineered Star Fox 64 now?
Damn... too bad it's illegal for me to play this because I lack the specialized hardware to extract the ROM from the physical cartridge that I purchased in my youth. Meanwhile I can't play it on original hardware either because my TV is too new to connect to my N64 console. Unfortunately I have no choice but to obey Nintendo's lawyers and just not play the game.
Yeah you can also not play the reverse engineered ports of Ocarina of Time, Link to the Past, Perfect Dark, Super Metroid ect.
It's a shame that Nintendo refuses to sell me ROMs I can use on my preferred hardware, as if they want me to engage in illicit file sharing.
For real though, if they sold N64 ROMs on GOG (with emulator included for the people who would cry if they couldn't click a .exe right out of the box), people would buy them, and it probably wouldn't increase piracy at all. Shit's already out there and everyone who's interested in emulating classic console games knows it, but Nintendo executives just seethe instead of taking a hint from Gabe Newell and solving their service problem.
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Cute game.
It's hard to go fast without manually turning the camera though, because it doesn't automatically face where I'm trying to go (or at least not quickly enough), so either I snap the camera to face forward with the left trigger which is a bit too jarring, or I take my thumb off the face buttons to use the right stick. I assume this is exactly why jump and attack are also bound to the right and left shoulder buttons respectively, but I don't know if I can get used to that. Of course I say this after almost no practice, but "A to jump" is quite thoroughly burned into my neurons. I was using the alternate controls while recording this, which is why it was a bit clumsy.
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I suppose there's nothing really unique about this game's camera fuckery. I mean it's a 3D platformer so I expect this to some extent. Maybe the only difference here is that it's faster-paced (or, rather, I instinctively want to play it that way because there's a timer) and so the mostly passive camera is more of an issue. I do appreciate that the alternate jump and attack controls exist in any case.
I'll probably fall off cliffs less often if I can keep in mind that I don't actually GOTTA GO FAST and in fact there's a dedicated button for going slow.
Great, now I just remembered that Sonic the Hedgehog exists and I'm wondering if I've bought a game whose fan base draws porn of the cute fox girl.
I've never actually tried using a replay buffer before but I guess it's nice.
If this video I haven't watched yet is potato quality then maybe I should shrink maximum replay time.
It works shockingly well. I expected the Linux version to be busted. The overlay kinda is in some games.
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Looks like it's got a nice flow
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And you also shouldn't pay attention to the contents of this archive
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very bad timing
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that reload is beautiful
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Yeah, gunplay is very great in this game
damn he was betrayed by the clipping
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>24 health
the rebel ai is fucking hard
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>"comfy" doom wad
entropy zero uprising. yes, a mod of a mod. it's alright. i never realized you could technically slide in HL2 until now.
Please remove this, the game isn't supposed to run at high framerates, the game is best enjoyed on the original hardware connected to a pioneer crt tv and running at silky smooth 20fps.
Unfortunately running above 60 fps will make sound buggy.
>above 60
and at 60 the sound is fine?
it might be timing related if the sound is fucked above 60
>and at 60 the sound is fine?
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>The overlay kinda is in some games.
What do you mean?
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christmas theme!
Looks familiar, what is it?
the good life
It is
What are the optimal gpu-screen-recorder args on hyprland with an AMD GPU?
Why would there be any special arguments?
Optimal for what?
gpu screen recorder doesn't require extra options or changing default to make it optimal unlike many other screen recorders. The default options are optimal on amd, intel and nvidia for most people for most use cases. There aren't really any advanced options, the quality options have already been tuned for every different gpu vendor.
Good quality and no performance impact. What the optimal values for -q, -k, -ab, -bm?
Defaults are already configured to provide decent quality videos. You only have to choose best codec depending on your hardware support: AV1 > HEVC > H264.
Gsr was already designed to give little to none performance penalty, so as long as you using hardware encoding settings are irrelevant.
>>507440418 is correct. The settings you choose doesn't affect performance. You can choose AV1 if your gpu supports it and it gives the best file size to quality ratio. But many websites don't support AV1. Gpu screen recorder uses h264 by default because it has best compatibility and doesn't suffer from amd hardware bugs (hevc and av1 can add black bars to video depending on resolution). Personally I just run gpu screen recorder with -k av1, no other setting related to video.
getting steam deck replays to desktop is so jank
>encode webm with ffmpeg
>CPU gets 10 degrees hotter than when doing literally anything else, even other things that make my system monitor report 100% CPU usage
>get scared from clocking the highest CPU temperatures I've ever seen on my machine
>install cpulimit and use it to do as the name implies
>top seems to show ffmpeg alternating between 0% and 100%(×cores) CPU usage and temperature graph is a roller coaster
I wish I could have slightly more confidence that I'm not destroying my very old CPU by making weebms for 4chang.
>inb4 "don't worry, your computer will abruptly turn off if it gets too hot"
That's not good either.
>CPU gets 10 degrees hotter
Rookie numbers
I get higher temperature from coompiling than encoding, but I have a bunch of flags that hurt concurrency in ffmpeg.
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still chugging away at long war
the aliens are really annoying when they can just start terror missions and those are basically gauranteed to cause panic
also every mission has like 50 aliens now
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Ok guys, I fucked up a little bit. I bought wrong kit for my existing CPU cooler so I can't build my PC until 29th of December until proper kit arrives. That means no webms until 29th of December (I really hope it will arrive sooner).
>no name psu
it's been nice knowing you anon
>he buyedboughtered a CPU with Pluton
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... Yes?
whats wrong with her hat
Merry Christmas I guess?
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this mod certainly has flaws but i thought it was pretty cool that the first combat chapter is so open. it's kinda like deus ex level design. i love that the metrocop turret AI is still retarded.
Not for 6.5 more hours, here in Eastern Standard Time (the main character of time zones).
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too much drip
Holy shit the last C&C GDI mission is cancer, there are three variants and every one of them is bullshit.
I wasted over an hour and decided to drop it and continue with the NOD campaign instead and I'm sure I'm gonna drop that one too at the last mission.

I hope the sequels/other C&C games aren't as bad with their cheating AI.
You're playing all of them?
Big man
>my TV is too new to connect to my N64 console
unlikely. even high ends keep composite alive with some silly 3.5mm (headphones) adapter.
I'm pretty sure I did clear both C&C1 campaigns, but I had to resort to all kinds of totally-not-cheating strategies to get it done — for example, knowing how predictably GDI chooses targets for air strikes, and placing decoy buildings accordingly. I don't know if this applies to every version of the game. I see there's a remaster now. I had "The First Decade" (the 2006 box set with everything up to Generals Zero Hour), and now that I think about it, C&C1 was the only one that I finished except for Renegade which doesn't count. So if any of the other early C&C games are less bullshit, then come back and let me know. I still have the CDs. I just suck at RTS games and in hindsight it's insane that I finished C&C1 even with help from the internet.
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Has anyone played the C&C remaster collection on Linux? Since it's only $2 right now, I was thinking about getting it despite already having the original games (not that "having" them even matters anymore because the original C&C1 and RA1 are legally freeware as of last time I checked). The thing is, while the remaster collection is rated gold on ProtonDB, the latest report says it doesn't work anymore. I don't know if that person is just having a skill issue.
i liked this mod but it's a little barren at times. hl2 mods always make me miss the gravity guy too.
Windows anti cheat like EAC ect runs at user level right? It can still potentially look through my home folder and any folder that my user can browse right? How do I restrict the games/Steam from accessing certain folders? I don't want to use flatpak.
Try firejail.
Let's have a moment of silence for the untimely death of an actually good Linux thread on /v/, where miraculously the Windows shills were ignored and fucked off leaving only comfy Linux gaming discussion: >>>/v/698227489
The thread which replaced it is already such ass that I won't even link it.
just buy it and see if it works, if not refund it or don't eat a burger for a day
Firejail is a but shitty if you care about security. I recommend bubblewrap instead, that what flatpak use for example.
Nice, I didn't know about it.
Fair enough
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Why was he banned?
I couldn't find anything, he only posts repacks and cs.rin doesn't announce bans so it must've been a PM or something that got deleted
He used to be active on one of the linux piracy channel, not sure if he is there anymore since the community fragmentation that happen a few years ago.
jannies over there are actual cucks, it got deleted a second before i was able to reply.
anyway, just installed bazzite as an easy fag distro, ive used arch and mint before but felt like using something already partially setup for gaming i dont have to worry about. we still using lutris? i kind of liked how heroic integrated epic/gog and even cloud saves. i mostly use steam or play pirated stuff but still
At this point it just the matter of personal preference. I'm using Lutris because I like it and already have decent library in it.
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yeah ive always preffered lutris cause somehow shit always works, like i cant get crysis from gog to launch at all in heroic but lutris worked the first try
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I've beat New Vegas on my Steam Deck. I guess New Year TODO list is finally closing.
who did you side with
NCR this time
I can't remember what was the last time I picked them, it always was either yesman or house.
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>Cave Story+ has a Christmas mode
He's supposed to be a reindeer or something, right? I'm guessing that's what it is.
What online games should I try if I have no friends and need someone to talk to?
I thought that's what this site was for
I used to play Insurgency Sandstorm and always say in voice that I hate niggers.
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams also has a Christmas theme for the main menu as of last night, which I discovered as I launched the game to try out the Christmas bonus levels the game has.
I wonder how many of my games do this. I'll probably never know. It's not like I'm going to spend my Christmas launching all my games to find out.
this game looks like bundle slop but its actually so fun
Jazz Jackrabbit has a holiday theme on the menu too.
>frame rate hovering around 57–59 FPS
Oh no, the snow is lagging DOSBox. Either that or the menu is always fucky. Once I start the game, I get a solid 60 FPS.
It is a nice game. Too bad I suck at it.
no voice chat
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my brain is too small for cryptmaster
Call one of those sex hotlines but tell the woman to stop being a slut every time she does a sexy voice or tries to be lewd. Talk to her about Linux and stuff, and then quiz her at the end to make sure she paid attention. If not then try to get a refund.
TF2 high tower, 2fort or vsh servers.
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this level, its a chad
Yep, it's finally time to move onto the next C&C game, NOD mission 8 is insane and even if I somehow manage to beat it, it looks like it is even the hardest mission, that's mission 11. and I don't have the will to grind/push through 90's bullshit game design.
We use Fedora for gaymin, r-right?
After years of using Linux for gaming, I can tell you without a doubt that the best distribution is the one I'm using.
Glad you agree that Fedora is the best.
uh... s-sure...
>old shit pls no bully
I will bully you.
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Well if Nobara counts
I don't mean to sound rude but in my humble opinion this is some bullshit
Got him with one hit point left on the next attempt. I just don't know how to avoid damage against some enemies in this game, but fuck it, I'm brute-forcing my way through it with the save feature that clearly wasn't in the original game.
>nooo you didn't beat the game, you have to start over from stage 1 a million times
Nah fuck that.
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I did it! I beat the game (with save states).
>umm but did you really beat the game?
Yes. I know I did because I saw the credits.
Nice job. Did you try to limit your save states at all? I like save states and wish all games had them but it's easy to fall into save scumming and ruin the game imo
I save scummed the last one-and-a-half levels because I didn't care anymore. If I want to beat it fairly in the future, I don't think seeing the end will have spoiled that experience for me. The last boss was, unless I just got lucky, much easier than the previous mid-boss.
Forgot to mention
>The last boss was, unless I just got lucky, much easier than the previous mid-boss.
that last mid-boss who BTFOs the main boss in terms of difficulty was a repeat. Pretty lame.
Could be that the last boss wasn't actually easy but that I just blew all my magic on him, but I also landed a bunch of normal hits and didn't take much damage during that time, so I'm thinking either he was a pushover or it was luck.
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replaying BB on shadps4, runs really fucking well given the age of the emulator, only minimal fixes (one mod to deal with current vertex explosions) necessary
bluburn on pc?
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Trying out Warcraft 3, I had to install lavfilters and add UseXVidMode 0 in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver\ for the cinematics to work but at 800x600, from what I can tell I can't force another resolution (there's a cinematicwidth and cinematicheight option in the registry but it doesn't do anything)
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never ever they said... but yeah finally, better than anything that bluepoint could have shat out for a remake
does it work on amd yet? I always got a black screen when I tried
I could check tomorrow evening.
Wow you actually managed to name cinematics work in original Warcraft III, well done! I've been trying to do so last February but failed and decided to use latest battle.net version (before reforged), it also support 16:9 resolutions.
Added. Press B to show/hide the bottom bar.
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>russian indie game with professional japanese VA
crazy timeline
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I don't remember seeing this tux in my repos.
these linuxtubers pretending to care about video games is funny
Omg SuperTux 2 confirmed!
Well what do you expect? Longtime Linux users can't be gamers since there were no Linux gaming until recently
>since there were no Linux gaming until recently
I cant tell if this is sarcasm or not
It doesn't work on proton for some reason (something about gstreamer failed to load plugin), I tried to reencode the videos but it still plays them in 800x600, gamescope might help
>battle.net version
Nice I'll check it out
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>laminal spaces
>enemies can open doors
absolutely cursed
I'm still waiting on a proper solution that doesn't rely on 5000 plugins.
I doubt that the proprietary codec bullshit is gonna be ever solved on lunux.
snowy game
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Apparently gamescope allows war3 to work with videos in proton (adding -window) but the mouse speed is far from ideal
>I'm still waiting on a proper solution that doesn't rely on 5000 plugins
me too
>mouse speed
have you tried with --force-grab-cursor command in gamescope?
Fucking nice, thank you!
I wonder what kind of a PC you need to run it well, I'm upgrading soon.
>but the mouse speed is far from ideal
Try starting the game with:

They have helped me with mouse speed issues before.
Oh and I think you need to be running the game with Vulkan, so you need DXVK or Zink (MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=zink).
I left this game running last night because Steam still hadn't given me the last trading card drop, but then I forgot to stop it before I went to bed, and now I have over 16 hours logged in it. lol
>open Linux gaming thread at shitposting central
>see >>>/v/698391189
>about to tell him
>thread archives
fuck you, time
Many such cases. All of my VR games are pirated on linux and I download and play random pr0n games from f95zone.
All of my non-Steam games are from itch.io and GOG, and thus are completely DRM-free, so my purchased copies are no different than if they were pirated. I've tried some really obscure indie games from itch.io too.
I understand that the "Linux can't run pirated games" thing is probably from people getting filtered by some repack garbage, but I don't know where people get this idea that Linux only runs mainstream games. I suspect they see the popular Steam games working and think "well there's got to be SOMETHING that doesn't work" (and then, somehow, are too stupid to go for the obvious "multiplayer with anti-cheat" example).
>All of my VR games are pirated on linux
What is your VR setup on Linux?
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Yeah it's not great either
This seems to help but it still lags behind, is there a way to hide the cursor? picrel is with --force-grab-cursor enabled
How the hell do I get Wine to work in Fedora? install it via Discover, click its config...nothing
>that stuttering
use LD_PRELOAD="" as an argument to fix it, it's a gamescope issue
Valve index. I used to use steamvr but I now use envision (https://lvra.gitlab.io/docs/fossvr/envision/) which has better performance
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Yes, radv was fixed some days ago. Before that, amdvlk worked.
I'm running it currenlty on a 3900x with a 6900xt. I cannot run it at stable 60fps, mostly due to fromsoft sucking at optimization. The cpu is definitely the bottleneck though. In a few days I'll run it on a 7900x, will report if it runs better then. However, I would say that you only need a cheapo setup to run it at stable 30fps, which is fine. Once the emulator develops further, it will probably run easily at 60 on idk maybe a 5700x with a 6700xt, just guessing though.

As of right now, this mod is basically mandatory, but I expect a fix soon:
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It doesn't seem to do anything, without --force-grab-cursor it's playable but I can't hide the other cursor and it's really distracting
Yes, and I can play mmorpg weeb games with wine
>use menu to launch a program that takes a while to open (I'm looking at you Steam, also almost any Flatpak thing, etc.)
>Alt+Tab to 4chan while I wait
>program steals focus when it opens and interrupts what I'm typing
>Alt+Tab back to browser again
>if it's Steam that I launched, then it steals focus one or two more times while all of its bloat spins up
I really wish I had gotten rid of this problem when I got rid of Windows, but it's the same shit.
I wish the desktop environment would just understand that I deliberately selected the browser after launching [other shit] and thus the browser should stay focused even if other windows open.
If you use wayland then steam shouldn't be able to do this, assuming you are running the browser as a wayland native application and nt xwayland
And I am sure I can if I was given actual advice instead of smug 4chan autism.
Fedora is not user friendly. But anyways, install wine from the command line instead (sudo dnf install wine) and then run winecfg.
I have done but Discover doesn't seem to know it is there and when I try to run an .exe Dolphin says it "can't find wine".
Don't use WINE directly, that's for power users. Use a frontend like Lutris or Bottles.
Depending on your DE you could avoid it by using virtual desktops.
Run the exe from the command line with "wine" command after installing wine with that command.
do i need a specific branch or commit?
jsut tested 0.5.0 appimage with 1.09 EU BB
still black screen
cant build from source anymore either due to errors with their code and boost
I'll keep this in mind too.
Actually I forgot the most obvious option for using WINE, you can just add your games as non Steam games on Steam and it will try to run then with WINE.
Jesus I do feel dumb. But its a learning curve and I welcome it. Thanks guys. I did get a windows exe working via Lutris, so its getting somewhere.
main branch works fine now, also no sys-modules needed anymore. just download the latest linux-qt build here:
Make sure that mesa is up to date.
i downloaded it
im on mesa 24.3.2
kernel 6.12.6
black screen on bloodborne 1.09 EU
7900 XTX
huh, my guess would be the wrong bb version, some guy on their dickcord had the same issue because of that
does it look like pic related? that's how it should look like.
File: file.png (52 KB, 1503x115)
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looks the same to me
which de/wm are you using? might also fuck you over. also make sure no overlay is being used. otherwise your hardware/software is close to what I use.
i'm currently on Sway no overlay being applied to shadps4
Amazing. When the last guardian works well without glitches then I'll play it. I own the game on my ps4 but it runs at like 15 fps.
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ok as it turns out wrapping shadps4 in gamescope fixes it
i think the game launching dies on impact when the window immediately resizes on creation
now that i have it working how do I make it not look like ass (ie: like its on a ps4)
Drew Segfault at it again, blame him just for good measure. I use hyprland lastest git and it works fine. Tested in on icewm as well, works similarly well. Maybe try the latter? And you could also backup your save (in ~/.local/share/shadps4/savedata) and delete ~/.local/share/shadps4, some update might have fucked something up there.

Can't think of other reasons desu, except maybe if you use your own esoteric kernel or something like that.
I'll try The Last Guardian, might need some time to download it, and report back how it runs.
There are up to date videos on youtube https://youtu.be/k4Wl87ezZbE?si=GkwEn2TuQdecpEfp&t=51 it runs very well but it has flickering glitches
seems that applying patches broke a lot of shit
its over, no 4k bloodborne yet
ye, I actually use gamescope to get the 16:10 patch at 1280x800 to 1920x1200 with fullscreen fsr. looks fine as long as chromatic abberation is off. anything higher than default (1080p) has these geometry issues right now.
1080 seems to kill sounds for me on a lot of things
1440p* actually got it wrong cause im retesting a lot of these
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But will it blow?
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theres not even a casing, its held together with roadkill goo
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It's been a while since I've played Serious Sam 2, but I remember when you reach that pyramid it starts to move towards you and you'll have to run back.
no spoiling
I bet you watch porn for the plot.
did we ever find out why he was called serious sam 2?
His name is actually Sam "Serious" Stone.
Looks nice, I might check it out
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It turns out I was being retarded (loading Warcraft III.exe instead of war3.exe -classic) now the mouse freaks out a bit but after playing a cinematic it goes back to normal, if it gets worse I can just run it with wine, the resolution switch is not a big deal. Sorry for the bad quality, webm.py broke
Nice work
Well, the new wow64 mode is being worked on where 32-bit dependencies are not needed. And if winegstreamer gets completely replaced with winedmo in the future you just need ffmpeg and dav1d (but it's not like ffmpeg doesn't have external dependencies too).
I just use the 64-bit gstreamer packages from Arch, and maintain my own lib32-gstreamer (single package, not a split package for different plugins since that adds complexity). The lib32 packages on Arch and the AUR are pretty overkill and contain some dependencies that won't be useful for games in wine (like bluez, faac, lame, dvd stuff, lv2, rav1e, gme etc.). My package is much more slim so I don't need to maintain too many packages. There are also plugins that duplicate functionality of other higher rank plugins so I don't technically need them though I like to have them if I wanted to test them at runtime.
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i thought nintendo destroyed every copy...
>maintain my own lib32-gstreamer (single package, not a split package for different plugins since that adds complexity)
QRD on how to do this? As soon as I saw all the extra shit the AUR package was pulling I backed out, I'd rather not have video in some games than dealing with all of that
>wine virtual desktop
>firejail refuses to run if I use --env after --join
>prints an error telling me exactly what I did wrong
If it knows what I meant to do then why is it being a bitch about it? Just accept the options in either order you fuckface. I'm sure there's some technical reason that it won't. I choose to be mad anyway.
have you tried bubblejail?
Nope. Someone mentioned bubblewrap earlier. I'm guessing those are related. I have bubblewrap installed, probably because flatpak uses it, but bubblejail doesn't seem to be in Mint's repo.
I've never seen anyone aim like that. Are you on a joypad?
Finished this. Nice game. Not really much to say; basically it's a bunch of jigsaw puzzles. The music is nice. Quitting the game is fucking annoying because the menu transitions take ages. You click "leave" on the map to go back to the menu and then "leave" on the main menu to quit, but the latter isn't actually clickable until the menu is done slowly fading in which takes several whole-ass seconds. Alt+F4 is faster but sometimes I'm afraid I'll lose progress or something if I do shit like that.
look at 'er go!
stomp stomp stomp
thanks again for pointing out this works pretty well now
had it crash on me quite a bit for some reason but one nexusmod install after seeing the vertex explosion has made the rest of the experience quite solid at 60fps
what mod?
Fuck for fucking up their games on Linux.
Just use battle net version already, you won't make this jank run.
What is this? Reminds me of system shock
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Does creamapi work on linux?
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what does that mean...
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I think the sign below the valve was warning about that.
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thanks, how do i get past this one
Tell that dude if he won't stop pressing this button you'll come and kick his ass.
She wants cock
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Combine is proud of you
>which has better performance
Does it get worse for you when you jump? For some reason Envision does when I jump, what do you use for your playspace boundaries?
For now I haven't encountered any bullshit in Red Alert Soviet campaign, still have 5 more missions to go.
i backed up my bloodborne files and installed these two:
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cool ability
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Is the clip from that remastered version?
but does she know if creamapi works on linux?
Yup. I never played the original, so unlike Battlezone 98 Redux, this one has no nostalgia value for me. (Actually I never played the original 1998 version of Battlezone either but I had some N64 port of it.)
What's that? Looks like risk of rain?
Shoulders of Giants, it plays really similar to ror2 but not really run based (randomized levels but continuous character/inventory). Kind of an unreal sloppa but the gear variety is carrying it.
Neat. I think I'm bottleneck'd by my 3900x so 60fps isn't possible for me in outside areas. Just snacked 3 umbilical mystery things, time to meet the moon squid.
>Does it get worse for you when you jump
I haven't ever jumped in VR so I dont know
>what do you use for your playspace boundaries
Nothing, I have always disabled it, even when I used steamvr. But thats also why I have holes in my walls from punching niggers in VR boxing as hard as I can
That can't be safe
In a previous thread somebody linked an external boundary program for openxr that probably works for envision. I forgot the name of it though. I dont know if anyone here tried it.
VR on Linux is only gonna be worthwhile for me if there's a VorpX equivalent, I don't care about waggling/dancing/gimmick shit, just wanna play regular 3D titles in VR.
no, why? i just go for center of mass. enemies hit hard on hard mode in hl games so if you miss a headshot, it can be devastating.
He is just trolling bro
i thought it was a real question...
Why would someone respond to a single random webm from halfway up the thread just to shit on the gameplay
You can do that on linux, although it's a bit janky. You can play stereoscopic 3d games in vr with a program I made, vr video player (https://git.dec05eba.com/vr-video-player/). This works with games that support stereoscopic 3d and some emulators and to make it work in all games you can use vkbasalt/reshade depth shader to turn any game into stereoscopic 3d.
and here is the reshade vr shader you can use for 3d for vr in any game: https://github.com/BlueSkyDefender/Depth3D/blob/master/Shaders/SuperDepth3D_VR%2B.fx
I just saw that I can use Depth3D with Steamtinkerlaunch, now I need a VR headset, that one is gonna take a while because I get motion sick easily and VR tech hasn't progressed a lot since the Oculus Rift.
The guy that made that was the one that actually asked me to make vr video player work for games as well. He then made steamtinkerlaunch and added depth3d and vr video player option to it
I get motion sickness easily as well. I even get motion sickness in 3d games without a vr headset. But I dont get motion sickness when using valve index, as long as the game doesn't use controller to move around. 144hz and matching body movement to vr movement removes all of the motion sickness for me.
Did they ever fix this problem with gamescope?
I'm not that guy — in fact I'm >>507234226 so I'm on an older version until I buy a new computer — and unfortunately, at least in some games, I do see gamescope very noticeably delaying random inputs (both key-up and key-down so sometimes it acts like I held the key too long as well) and even dropping some quick presses entirely. Maybe it always does this but I only notice it in certain games. Unfortunately one of those games is a perfect use case for gamescope because it doesn't scale up sharply when fullscreened.
Just get a used RX 6700/6700xt for Christmas anon.
interesting. i was able to just drop into the most intense vr shit right away and not feel any motion sickness (though, i don't seem to get motion sickness in general)
i wonder what causes these differences in perception
I was able to play most stuff but Alyx with full movement made me pretty nauseous after a bit
Is this an amd gpu issue only? I have noticed that the cursor lags and gets stuck sometimes with amd when using a hardware cursor when the power management level isn't at max. It seems like amd driver/mesa has scheduling issues that causes cursor plane update to lag. I have to disable the hardware cursor plane and use software cursor instead (in xorg server settings).
It happens any time there is a disconnect between visual motion and the motion you feel from your other senses, or when you are not prepared for the motion. It's like when you dont feel motion sickness when you are driving a car but when you sit in the passenger seat you may feel motion sickness. I guess you feel more like you are the one driving the car when you play vr games and I feel like im in the passenger seat.
For me those issues can cause me motion sickness: low fov, six degrees games like descent(though normal space games are fine), post processing effects like chromatic aberration/vignette filter and other shit that ruin the clean picture, low framerates and sometimes the camera movement in specific 3d games, like platformers, e.g the camera in Mario 64, Rayman 3.
Ah fuck, I just got motion sickness just by thinking about it. Fuck this gay body.
Maybe I will, but I think my computer is so outdated that a better GPU would just be bottlenecked by everything else, so I might as well just buy a whole new system.
Do people still use this site (pictured)?
Anyway, I was asking about input delay in gamescope because my motivation to upgrade will drop if compatibility with the latest gamescope isn't going to solve the problem. Surely I'd be hearing more about it if it were still an issue though... or so I'd like to think.
get wrecked
Well... okay?
I'm a retard here and just installed Linux.
What's the safest method of backing up GOG games on an external SSD?

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