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A thread for discussing all things Atelier, Blue Reflection, and Gust.

Gust PC games:

[March 21, 2025] Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land
-Website: https://atelier.games/yumia/us/
-Announcement Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6Tps0iGizA
-First Look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSE-Vq_b3gg
-Second Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmWbq2QdkQ8
-Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3123410/Atelier_Yumia_The_Alchemist_of_Memories__the_Envisioned_Land/
[2025] Atelier Resleriana: The Red Alchemist & the White Guardian
-Website: https://atelier.games/resleriana_rw/us/
-Teaser Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzK94XSITVw

[November 26 – December 14, 2024] LEGEND FES Radiant Moonlight! (((Johanna & Saskia)))
[December 04 – December 14, 2024] LEGEND FES Flowers of Blessed Serenity! (((Sophie & Ayesha)))
[December 02 – December 16, 2024] Fire Division - LEGEND FES (((Shallistera & Heidi)))
[October 21, 2024 - January 17, 2025] Atelier Summer 2024 Invite Your Friends Campaign Event

3000 gem event for linking your account to d*scord: https://files.catbox.moe/fr0y9r.png

System guide for Resna:

Resna visual guide and JP banner list:

Resna starter guide:

Previous thread:
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Blessing the thread with the usual kot supremacy.
I'm playing Ayesha, just started the third year, and the only explorable area seems to be Hidden Paradise. Problem is, in any area past the first I get utterly wrecked by the enemies. I throw Exa-Bombs at them and they are mildly scratched. It doesn't feel like I should be here yet, but I don't know where else to go. Where should I be looking instead?
Forgot to mention: already got my own balloon, explored the islands and the Farthest Forest. I don't think I missed a chest containing better bombs there
attack items are the weakest they've ever been in an atelier game in Ayesha. You need better gear with a bunch of red power/skill enhance lvl 3
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>dresses up all the girls the way he wants
my king...
Upcoming banner is the 4th Rorona, right? I kinda lost track of who's after Lara.
Next banner is Awakened Val and Geron. Then Rorona and Ice Marie 2. Everyone looking forward to that one for Marie's weapon which is going to be the new default BiS or many attackers.
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Is roman a self-insert?
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>hangs out with the hottest girls in the universe
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What are the kot builds here? I have the 100% CDMG memoria at max rank, so should I just run all Skill Power?
Because of the sheer power of that memoria, EDBA actually gives you more crit damage than crit damage traits do. Ideal set up for general content is 2 EDBA 4 Skill, and my understanding is ideal for tournament is 1 EDBA, 1 Burst, 4 Skill.
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Maybe I should build the M.ATK armor with EDBA.
Well shit. I'll get on that, then
Don't forget that the enemies were weak as fuck too so there's not really any need for the broken attack items.
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Yumia... will alive this general...
Yumia has already drained me of most of my precious bodily fluids...I don't have long left
i love pawgs so much guys
I'm the anon who just finished the game, I found that main game - equipment carries, hard mode bombs carry, postgame bosses healing items carry. Outside of the postgame bosses which were fairly tricky, it was easier than an Arland game, no hard walls like the Flauschtraut.
>Received holiday bonuses
>too late for the selector
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This thread is too safe, that's why it's so slow. We need some resident troll to keep bumping this thread. Preferably other than bikinischizo and concordschizo.
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It's nice and comfy, but it is a little inconvenient having to check the general every now and then so it doesn't get sent to the void for being dead.
What do I need to rank 8 before reset?
It's already done haha...
What do you mean? What does rank 8 refer to?
Nice Hacking!
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I guess I'm good then. haha...
the request thingy
it's so over...
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no way, fags
Could this Kyaru wear bikini as swimsuit dlc?
Only for me.
Will Yumia have swimsuit DLC too? Yumia would have bikini as swimsuit for being BBA already.
>Groza telling SKK not to trust Kalina too much
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Bros... where the FUCK is my gems?
I could hornypost but I'm not sure if talking about how much I want to fuck cartoon women 30 times a day is stimulating content
It's Resnover
We are all stimulated by Resna desu, anyway I think our posting volume is okay considering that the thread has survived
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What are they talking about?
fuck escha, logy-kun
I have them, sorry bwo.
They are simply enjoying a quiet moment of autism together
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I'm gonna post another Resner
Resna Love is eternal
>managed to do all of the available score battles
>can't be assed to do dungeons since i just get sleepy while doing it
Someday i can finally be assed to do it.
It's gotten a lot faster since you just need to clear the highest tier now
I'm behind a few dungeons myself however
POV: You're roman
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God I love kot, need to marry
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would you still love kot even if she was real?
i need to meet cute straight asian girls that'll cosplay as cute lesbian anime girls while we kiss and cuddle...
Where is my real kot-wife...
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Sugar and spice and everything nice
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Fact: Isla and Viktor supposed to be niggress in early development. Viktor's VA is same as Taion in xenoblade 3. Isla supposed to have side dreadlock and Vikotr supposed to have killmonger lock. But as FF7RB flopped due to Too much niggers and gays, Duerers are redesigned as ginger whites.
I'm all for awful low quality shitposting but where's the punchline here
I only shitpost about EOS which is too early for now.
Though they're speedrunning the story so i might shitpost about it in 3-4 months.
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Isla sexo
if it's just the awfulness and low quality that'd be one thing, but we all saw it start with him just misinterpreting a screenshot (even admitting as much). Then he made it in to a full on headcannon lore. Then he just keeps saying the same exact thing without adding anything new even though a bunch of people have told him its not funny, asked him to stop, etc. True schizoposting.
No banner announcement? How long are they making us wait for chapter 17?
JP is getting a new memoria only banner to commemorate the new year. Running for two weeks. It's a magic damage debuff memoria, similar to the one onsen Klaudia frequently uses but with a bigger reduction since it's SSR. Pretty sure it becomes the best in slot on her. It's totally generic so it could potentially be used on anyone, say for example if you're running Magda on the academy team which is something I'm planning on doing.
these two look more like tales of girls than atelier girls to me idk why
Announcement could be tomorrow so it comes out when the present battle ends.
>Legacy characters are now designated to memorias
>if only you knew how good life is
Sex with real life kot
I am the crab
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Shed be a great quidditch player
Of course. There is nothing that the great and powerful Wilbell is not great at!
imagine the smell
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Very cute, nice colors as well
Roman's sloppy seconds
Does leveling characters beyond the ones required to level sync is any useful?? Or should I just keep lvlin up research levels??
If you're low on shiny coins and want to use characters that are not on your top 5 I guess? You should be focusing on getting your 5 man team to max level and synced asap so you don't have to worry about it. Level 90 is coming soon!
1 team to max and then a random team to take extra xp from training quests for me. Then you can reset the random team when the level cap raises to easily bring your max level team up to the new cap.
Does JP "regularly" give out those materials for leveling characters to 100?
Resna after summer rarely to almost zero event nowadays so i dont really know if we get enough of those for 2 to 3 characters.
I don't actually play on JP but my understanding is that they give the materials frequently but it takes a lot of the materials to level someone up.
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>5 man
Yes, you should get all MEN team
Oskar is too busy with plants, Sterk took HRT
Give me the new kot NOW!
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>Halloween memoria is included
holy kino
>tfw I have mine at IV and saved my crystal
Thank goodness I got lucky on the new fire buff effect memoria, otherwise I would have wasted this present battle
Are you sure it'll be included? They could have just reused the banner pic from JP. If you read the description it sounds like we wouldn't get it. Having said that, I still don't have Welcome to the Party or Our Masterpiece and my Watching Fireworks is only rank I so I've got a lot of stuff to choose from even if it isn't there.
I'm saving it so we can pressure KT for false advertising if it's not included. Apologems in order.
i'll accept no less than 3k paid gems
Money for Yumia's game...
Last event best memoria was Its time to study
Which is the memoria this time?
Our Masterpiece / Dress-Up Outing / Welcome to the Party
If it's in the selector, the Halloween one (Dress Up Outing) is the clear best. If not, it comes down to what you want more. Our Masterpiece is a generic memoria that gives skill damage to attackers and supporters. Welcome to the Party gives slightly less damage and requires an ice character to get the effect, but it's a speed memoria, perfect for Klaudia on Ryza Initiative teams. Towards a New Adventure are also worth considering if you are the Logy poster. Watching Fireworks might be decent in the short term but with the emphasis switching to force break on new characters, probably not worth it.
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Misha sex
That toe gap...
Guys I want to buy an Atelier game for my Switch Lite.
What are the best ones? Sophie looks interesting
Which ones are the most in depth? I'm not a fan of excessive streamlining in my games.
I like discovering things myself. So not sure I would like Ryza.
Dunno what you mean by in depth but Ayesha's alchemy is among the hardest
is Atelier Sophie worth it?
Buy Yumia's game.
it get released in 2025
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I refuse
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>tfw new AT never ever
Sir, do NOT redeem the Yumia torrent. You bloody...
More seriously:
Yes, great game. Not excessively streamlined at all, although I don't think Ryza is like this either desu
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It will be announced in the near future, together with Mana Khemia 3
mr bones...
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Only if Yumia wears bikini as swimsuit DLC... could Yumia wear bikini as swimsuit dlc?
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I would have already done so if pre-orders were open on Steam.
I just played fallout 4 recently. If the Atelier building is somewhat similar with settlement building, I'll have so much autism.
I am a believer.
>missed out on the selector since my bonus came in late
Guess i can now have extra shekels to buy yumia's game.
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Her body is built to bear children
>in the near future
define "near future"
Two more weeks
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>showing up to a tea party in a sluttier fit than the hostess
Rude Resna.
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Ar Tonelico suffers from licensing hell since it was co-produced by Bandai Namco but Gust is under Koei Tecmo now
Has there ever been a case where a game was somehow released from licensing hell?
There is Xeno series despite it shouldn't count as one desu. Xenogears was released by Square Enix and Xenosaga was released by Bandai Namco.
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I pray for flat alchemist for A27/A28
I know this isn't the most completely appropriate place for this rant but I'm not going on fucking /a/
I've been watching Fairy Tail and got to the Edolas arc and holy shit why would you have fucking 12 episodes in a row where none of the characters can fight? In a fucking shonen? What the fuck are they thinking, this is the most boring shit I've ever seen in my life.
It is Criselda's fault, I apologize on her behalf
Fairy Tail is nothing but an ecchi disguised as shonen but taken too seriously and so it run for that much time at the point its thw worst of both worlds. Even fucking Parallel Paradise is better as shonen
It cannot exist by itself but ending would be a weak sign hence they romance bait and must appeal to another franchises.
C'mon, it isn't all doom and gloom here in AT/SC world, the release of the full Ciel Nosurge Offline translation patch is imminent. At least we'll have something (unofficial) to eat soon, right?
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i guess i could deal with ecchi/romance shit, but this is just like the regular plot except they are having to be stealthy and run from combat instead of any fighting at all. I think this shitty part is almost over though, Gajeel just revealed he still has magic and is about to fuck shit up.
It had good potential with guilds and its world building, but fell to shit because of nakama power
>Halloween memoria IS on the shop
damn im busy so I cant do the story until later
i know nothing about fairy tail but I've fapped to lucy more times than I want to admit
At least I got somebody new but I actually rolled Rose Val not too long ago. Is there any place where it'd be better to use Juna over her?
No strike Juna sucks unfortunately. Counter just not a good mechanic.
You read for Lucy's fat tits, nigga.
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didn't she go after Empel too?
Didnt Empel only have contact with Lara?
oh i think you're right
Would be based if Keith actually agreed for the sole purpose of discovering "The Truth" to that world's alchemy.
No. She is just worse Lanze. Unironically her only pro is showing that much skin
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Yes. Very nice.
Score battles down. A little bit more challenging but still able to beat everything except 17-1 on auto.
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Weltex a bit easier than the score battles.
As the others said, Strike Juna is not really comparable to Valeria strike. However, it is fun to try to make her work, it's simply much harder than just using a normal strike team.
Also, Juna is pure SEX
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Geron EX3 not difficult at all. Hardest content this update was 17-1 thanks to gimmick but even that wasn't that hard. We are now in for a pretty decent challenge battle drought, we won't get anything until the next banner.
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New packs to buy...
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who should I pull for if i haven't played in months
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>geron gets the best vocal track
he won
>legacy character get plugged off before Alt Lila
It's not fair, Kurken girls clearly need more pandering.
awakened resna
Awakened Resna is correct, she is an absolute gigamonster (every heal she gets has a chance to give her a +50% fire dmg buff)
If you get her, you will want to synth the healing item that provides multiple small instances of heal to the character with highest max hp (cocktail leb iirc.)
Also, some of my family members enjoyed the Resna OST (non vocal) this week. She simply can't stop winning
Can someone who speaks Japanese post the details of the pseudo-selector coming out on JP because it's not clear to me from the translation. What it sounds like is:
>standard selector banner structure, but you don't get to select a specific character, just a pool. It's unclear if you can select who is in your pool and how big it is (3 or 5 characters I think?)
>standard gem prices but step up steps 1 and 3 can be done with free gems, you only need paid gems for step 4. That means not only can you get one selection for free but you can also get 2 more for only 1,500 paid gems and one more for another 1,500 paid gems.
>looks like it's limited to offensive (attacker and breaker) magic element characters only.
>Keith is evenly matched with Criselda
they did him dirty with his kit
makes me wonder if he could fight astrid. Then that made me think they should have had Astrid working with the polar night alchemists and then switch sides when she found out Rorona was in Lantarna.
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We must put down the furry.
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god resna is so hot
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Pit pussy
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The vidya fanart thread on /v/ isn't up yet so I'll post my drawing of Sophie here. Enjoy it or don't anons.
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I can't read japanese but looks like it's the pseudo-selector that was running on global last month. Each banner specialized in one class.
The pool is the entire *3 from the specific class. Pic related had the whole *3 Defender class, including Oskar and Judie from the base game. Yours looks like for Magic Breakers.
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Time for another concubine, fufu...
Get used to it anon. You know how much a slut Resna is.
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His sick brother arc sure went by quick, kek
>field effect in weltex battles
Does this applies to score battles? It kinda reminds me of Lydie and Suello except that you're the getting the disadvantage instead of the enemy.
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Good work, anon!
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More conservative Resna, now with Valeria
>tied together
Very nice
So role banner but free gems?
Thats better I think
I wish they'd stop trying to use atelier girls to make me horny (it's working)
No, it's paypigs banner.
I was seething at that banner because I paid to get a dupe Nio instead of something good. Sorry Ayesha.
Wait, my reading comprehension kicked in. You're right >>507432441
Roll with free gems? I wont get scammed again I guess.
yes the effect is active in score battles.
>Score battle fire weltex
>tried doing it with an ice team since it's recommended
>got fucked hard
>use awakened resna
>clear battle easily
Jesus Christ.
Merry Christmas fags.
i swept all of them with the academy team, like I mentioned only one I had to turn auto off was 17-1 (the ice one) because it eats Resna's blue panel. I'm actually shifting focus to making a 12 speed acc for Academy Resna to avoid that happening in the future, I'm going Phantom Scarf over the tower 30 boots, but I wish they had a generic 12 speed attacker accessory.
when patch with level increase?
looking at youtube clears of the next event, it looks like they're all level 90, so in the next 10 days if they keep the timing consistent with JP.
Not with those FAT thigh-highs.
>slit through her skirt showing off garters and sheen translucent undies
Nothing about this should be described as conservative.
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Logy saves Lantarna
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going to start gearing up this squad for general use and gradually start moving away from the academy team. Sure would like Sophie on there but I spent all my gems chasing Saskia before finally using pity on her.
Escha sexo
Stupid sexy Firis!
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Resna booba
>got curious what's the deal with the dark valeria
>ended up getting spoilered for the chapters 18-20
Oh well, i'm a dekinai so i can just read the finer details when it releases in global.
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Yumia will save this general.
Get in the Puni shirt Yumia
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well look at that. I wasn't going to use the selector on it anyway but this is a nice surprise.
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uh,i think I've been synthing too much
Why don't the girls don the Rose outfit against the man-made Apexi? Are they stupid?
They were meant to counter Weltex's gravity powers but it seems these guys dont have it.
Alchemy-induced amnesia is no joke. FF8 collab incoming btw
Lara's tits are so distracting, holy shit. Maybe I should switch to playing on phone, on a big screen I just can't keep my boner down.
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>cute interactions after combat
Yumia is here to kill Tales for good.
For next tales will have 32 years old granpa as protag guy. Not boi. (Younger than Char DEIkun tho)
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This scene is funny to me because the bossfight that follows it is easier in this game than the ones from Escha & Logy and Ayesha
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holy CUTE
Also Merry Christmas to everyone
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Merry Christmas
That's not new with Yumia though.
All I want for Christmas is Resna
This victory animation is too powerful, perfect angles
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Criselda is definitely some kind of Astrid expy, she loves bullying Rorona so much.
Criselda simply has a crippling pie addiction and has been smuggling Rorona's creations into the castle for a long time
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Something has gone wrong with my kot...
I've noticed Lara's face looking weird on the party screen but I haven't seen her swap with anyone.
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Happy birthday to Yumia!
That's the real reason Lara wanted Izana...
This cannot stand. I need to make sure that clumsy girl keeps those pies so I can maintain peak audio fidelity.
Kot, nyo...
EXA_PICO status??
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My sanyata kot wife
I want them all
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If orders are available again then I will get a Resna-Izana one for sure. I also want a Sophie and the Yumia one but I'll have to inspect my walls to see if there's any good spots left.
New Year's Sophie is my first instinct
They can be ordered online? Nani
Looks like I was wrong, I guess they are just a bonus at the moment?
They should end up here like this at some point however:
Guess my original plan of using Yahoo Auctions next week is still in effect.
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So Could Yumia wear bikini in swimsuit dlc? And Viktor&Isla supposed to be niggers in early design, but changed to Ginger white due to FF7RB flopping due to too much niggers and gays.
Proof: Isla's side braid looks like dreadlock
Viktor's VA is same as Taion's VA in xenoblade 3.
I checked my couch to see if there was anything good for Christmas and it was just Regina and rose Sue
I knew the blacked schizo was the bikini schizo
And Viktor's original design was more similar to Taion with Killmonger braid before being redesigned as ginger white.
>ilya’s side tail kind of looked like a dreadlock in one blurry screenshot the day after they announced the game
>therefore viktor used to have kilmonger hair
>no additional steps of logic or information between the first sentence and the second sentence, it just logically follows
Sex on the beach with Yumia and Isla while drinking sex on the beach
Viktor's VA is same as Taion in Xenoblade 3. So he supposed to be a nigger in early development too.
>ilya’s side tail kind of looked like a dreadlock in one blurry screenshot the day after they announced the game

It supposed to be the vestige that she supposed to be niggress with dreadlock but been whitewashed after redesign, and her side braid is vestige of this.
And Viktor is her brother so of course he supposed to be black too in early development. So his killmonger lock is redesigned into spiky hair in whitewash.
Insider Here: Hosoi has secretly been impregnating Africans for 3 decades now. Yumia is the trigger for the New Emperor to rise in "South Japan"
damn I totally missed daily refresh today
That's why he tried to have secondary heroine as black in Atelier Yumia but failed due to FF7RB's flop... is Nina black tho?
And Yumia is based on Korean womyn. She would like Thiccaroon, Mala soup and Silly toppokki.
I didn't know Rorona post here
Santa slut to the rescue
Ryza-Claus-sama...I kneel...and rest for the night on her thigh pillow
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No more legacy characters they said
It's Marie's childhood friend Schia
Illmeria finally has an in game model
Yay! That can only mean Firis will plague the lands of Lantarna once more! Huzzah!
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Did somebody whale just enough to uncancel legacy characters?
We have simply entered the next cycle before EoS. Trust the Doom-Plan.
>tensai no senpai
Johanna-sama...I kneel
Kek'd hard
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can't decide...
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nvm, i'll go with misher
A dangerous choice...
But it is a dangerous world after all
There are two hags after Keith and Ayesha did not know this.
Damn the shitposting is true
Schia's kit details. New best S1 in the game just dropped
>bolt supporter
removes negative effects from one ally and gives them crit damage +25% for two turns. This is a better version of Saskia's broken S1 that doesn't eat debuffs and removes negative effects.
this is a better version of Lydie's S2, giving 120% heal, 35% skill damage for one turn, and also giving 5% regen at start of turn to all characters. It's the third strongest area heal behind Flocke and Meruru.
strong single target attack, gives recieved buff effect +50% to the next ally in turn order for two turns. Also gives permanent 50% crit damage to all bolt allies which can stack to 150%
>passive 1
all allies buff effect from items +50%
>passive 2
+40% crit damage for all bolt allies. Translation messed up and I think this might give break damage as well?
>leader skill
40% phys and magic attack for the "Nurturer" group. Logy is the only really usable attacker in this group so I'm sure Logy god will be sparking her.
Bomb Nurturer Marie is coming next, I am trusting the plan.
Her face is horrible here just like in Firis
Why couldnt they just use her older model?
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Some fresh Blue Reflection lore
Hasn't Bolt gotten way more than enough already? You get swimsuit Resna and Valeria changing the panels, Kot and China Marie staying Stronk, Pitslut Resna and Succ Wilbell on crit boosting, Onsen Klaudia who debuffs everybody, Lydie as healslut and damage boosting and finally Sophie who can still make the diff between an S and SS.
We need CERO to be tamed before he will come back...
they seem to be focusing on specific elements that have been ignored for a while and just dumping a bunch of characters for them. Next will be air I assume? Other than Heidi and dark Val, hasn't been an air character since academy, that's two in 9 months.
looking at the banner list, the current longest drought for a type is ice which hasn't gotten a unit since the Marie that is coming to global next banner. Having said that, she ends a streak of 6 ice units in the span of 9 banners so it's not like they're hurting for units. Air is still the element with the least available units on JP, 14 total with 6 of them one or two stars.
meant to say 6 one or two stars or in the starting pool. There are 4 element-role combinations that haven't appeared for so long that their most recent units are in the spook pool on global - Slash breaker (last unit bride Kot), Strike support (last unit academy Rorona), Air breaker (last unit gyaru Ryza), and finally Air defender, Totori came out 10 months ago and is still the only one.
Doomposters? Your response?
Not Totori, don’t care. I have generated enough spark for four characters already since the last Totori came out.
Iris bros..... The 20th year anniversary of Iris is gonna end with no Iris representation.....
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now release lulua and nelke
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Haven't play the older atelier,dusk and arland.
Is Valeria the first character that betrayed the party(voluntary or not)?
Rorona has an asshole party member and Lulua has the opposite, a villain goes clean and joins the party, but nothing like that in Arland.
Those are some lewd stockings she got on...
Going through a ton of JP news updates. To start, they did a maintenance. Most was for bug fixes but they did make a couple tweaks. The damage increase from an enemy being broken is higher and the bonus SP from characters or memoria will now be rounded up instead of down.
Throm-Ka, Prease understand. Renja cannot write Common alphabet well. Lok'tar ogar...
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Kishida? This surname sounds cursed, for having same surname with feminist scum who banned bikinis from Japanese console games since Abe requiem.
They looks similar to Shin Chang Sop who is the manager of maplestory who killed reboot to normalize maple world tho...
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Who should receive this funds?
I would prefer EoS than doing 108 stages despite it's easy
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I refuse to let this image die...at least for now. Sarasa's bra is cute.
I guess he's talking about the first game considering the part that says ''unusual camera angles''. In any case, a new Blue Reflection game for consoles and PC won't happen in the near future, *if* we get another Blue Reflection game for those platforms...it will be after the release of Atelier Resleriana: The Red Alchemist & the White Guardian, not before the release of that game. We'll get 2 new Atelier games for consoles next year and that's cool.
holy SEX
And yes that makes sense
Lenja the 4chan.
Lenja supports LGBT right. Lok tar ogar,
when is bulk synthesis comin
When is it her turn?
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I can't wait for Magda in global
Do the Shallies count?
Fake kot with honkers
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New year Saskia
When we eventually get exhibitionist Saskia she will eclipse all others in power.
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>Releasing an alt of a character that might be(?) one of the villains/antagonist
Oh boy.
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Welcome to the dark side Atelier.
Insider Here: Nomura has been spotted roaming through the Gust Garden. A dark energy has been cited by several bystanders
Damn, i almost cried.
Fuck you Gust.
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Jesus Christ.
Speaking of Valeria, having her real name Nana kinda disappointed me.
Atelier Resnanana when?
Seriously who the fuck greenlighted this?
Got an Empel dupe from the tickets
Luck-GOD...I kneel
The power of PIE
For me, it was Marie on the final score battle
Did they fuck up the harder version of Lara showcase? I got ridiculous scores on each one
I think it was just supposed to be an easy gimme for everyone
Lara always jobs to Resna. She's a fraud alchemist.
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Where's the sexy oiran look reeee
It all went into her fat alchemic honkers.

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