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Christian - Edition

Previous thread: >>506799361

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles, radars, radar warning receivers

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

Reminder: Repent.

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge40-Z6Lahw
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
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god is dead
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Good morning I love the IJN Myoko & the Myoko-class.
I'll be expecting the IJN Nachi, Takao-class, IJN Takao, IJN Atago, IJN Maya, IJN Chokai, IJN Oyodo, IJN Ibuki, IJN Tenryuu, IJN Kitakami (with Kaiten torpedoes), IJN Fubuki, and IJN Asashio-class to be added within 2 years thank you very much.
Bonus points for the G3M (any), G4M2 and G4M2E + Ohka.
IJN Mogami.
IJN Tone.
IJN Haguro.
why does the anime spammer keep replying to himself? just post the damn picture no one gives a fuck about your made up convos
Someone called me pidor in chat, what does it mean?
dear friend
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Pour quoi?
Also how do I spade this?
These things keep slamming into my Fox-3s
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I'm kinda burned out. Nothing feels fun to play anymore
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Ikuinen muistutus Harrierien lentämisestä!
So it is real. I thought the guy in a match chat was memeing.
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SPAA of your choice.
>block cap rushing niggies
>hop into grippy
>crawl arround the enemy airspawns
>lob rb99s onto su niggies that are busy searching for ground targets
top jej tank gameplay
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Sinusta ei koskaan tule todellista miestä, squidley.
>finns wake up from powernaps
>thread quality improves
are you larping as a finngolian this time muttley
what larping as a newfag wasnt as fun as you thought huh
I just got bored saying the same shit in my one ritualpost over and over so i decided to run it through DeepL in retarded languages for shits and giggles
at least you're honest about it this time
kys chudley
>no chaff stock
>all-aspects and useful radar missiles are a tier 3 or 4 mod
This should be illegal
You can always purchase the modules you feel necessary!
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Will the A-10A go for ale on the 26th?
how come M61 has straight up better pen AND filler vs M72
what did they do
better to buy premium time with cash or GE?
Bitcoin pidor
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>groid chimpout whine hour commences
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My preferred Swingfire platform is the good old Land Rover.
same reason the firefly can't front pen a panther ingame, but could do so sub 1 kilometer no issue IRL
Cash, you can get 180 days for like 20 bucks (add your local tax) USD
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>under constant fire from 2s38
>blue nigger come to the rescue!
>nevermind, he ingores flashing muzzle lights, tracers and loud sound
>he dies to it 10 seconds later
gajin store. it costs more to do it with golden eagles ingame, than straight up buying it
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>there's a leaf among us
well this explains the low quality of threads as of late
>derby slinger at 12.7 with decentish radar (better than flankers anyway)
it's gonna hit 100 GJN isn't it?
I hate you frogposter
>nig-ht battles
I adore forgposters
id be surprised if it doesnt go up to 13.0
iirc buying the huge GE pack and converting that to premium is (technically) cheaper
in the sense that youd get more premium per $, but youd have to spend a lot more to get those savings
I love frigs
It's like $45 for 10k GE which will get you 360 days prem + leave you 2.5k GE leftover, which can be used on either a half price prem tank or another 90 days prem time.

Buying from the store is a scam for retards.
hes right you know
>Buying is a scam for retards.
>literally unable to go above 2K/D 50%WR no matter how hard I try
Guess I found my performance limit. This good enough, /wtg/?
I mean if the base flanker (13.0) can survive getting uptiered to ARH niggerhell so can the latinx canard
the thirdie reveals himself
2k/d was a hard limit for me too, only recently did I start going into the 3k/d range (but I stopped playing stock vehicles and mostly play handheld lineups)
the 50% could be improved though, for me, when I look at my most played GRB vehicles then 49% is the lowest point
funniest part of playing low tier is arty actually killing people
funniest part of playing mid tier is being the arty killing people
funniest part of playing top tier is the arty killing people
we can just drive arty now and it in fact actually kills almost all the people you shoot at
whats the cutest panther and why is it the A
panther dauphine because its missing her skirt
because it gives that it's over feel
II because it's shy and elusive, and doesn't whore herself out once a year like one of her sisters
the 1 vehicle type = 1 ingame spawn idea is fundamentally retarded and makes this game impossible to balance well
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...You DO have this totally normal and not sussy M10, Right /wtg/?
no :(
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im so back
zerstorer 45 fucking sucks this is the worst germ spaa i've ever seen what were they thinking
>china swede
the man who coined that term was a professional hater
ehm... something about that M10 looks... off
don't like TT vehicle pidor?
of buy premium bundle with premium AA ))))
looks normal to me
I'll disagree on the 50% WR being able to be improved. I have played some matches where I try hard and carry but no matter what my team will just not leave spawn or camp outside of caps, or sit around a corner where there's an enemy unaware of them (but pinning me down) while I get paired with sweats running meta lineups or vehicles. I've gone months where a 60% WR drops down to 49% because the game keeps rigging matchmaking against me despite me doing nothing different from my usual playstyle. It's why I don't really care when people bring up 80% WRs on certain vehicles, if they were wiser they'd realize that number is not up to them.
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Well, but if you consistently have a >50% over a lot of games then there must be some skill component to it.
>I have played some matches where I try hard and carry but no matter what my team will just not leave spawn or camp outside of caps, or sit around a corner where there's an enemy unaware of them
but those are singular examples and winrate is a quantitative measure - it's about putting a little more weight on the scale than everyone else, over a long time, that just adds up
>Well, but if you consistently have a >50% over a lot of games then there must be some skill component to it.
Skill and personal performance in general is reflected in K/D, not WR. Otherwise it would be a free for all instead of team deathmatch.
>but those are singular examples and winrate is a quantitative measure
Those are everyday examples* and winrate is a RNG-dependant measure*. If I could choose the team I wanted I'd pick one that lets me get more kills than them while they focus on taking and defending caps. I wouldn't pick one that performs better than me in every way because then I would get no kills even if I won every match doing nothing. Unfortunately I can't decide if I'll get a competent or an incompetent team that does neither of those things while I keep my "part of the deal" i.e. getting kills for the most part and taking one or more caps if the vehicle and map allow it (I could sit on a cap in Rhine while playing the T95 taking shots and farming kills down the street, but I couldn't do that in Maginot for example). The game is like many were they try to keep things balanced around 50% wins so unless you're a guy that's beyond helping, even if you are bad at the game, get killed with no kills and sit at the bottom of the scoreboard you'll get carried by better players on your team and vice versa if you're too good. I'm not saying I'm too good mind you, just that I'm above average in skill to have to tard wrangle in all of my matches but not good enough where my tard wrangling can bruteforce a win every time, even though that can be attributed to rigged matches more than anything.
post good british premiums for low=middle tier air
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why am i not allowed to put the sides up or down in a match the latches are LITERALLY right there
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>Skill and personal performance in general is reflected in K/D, not WR.
It's reflected in both. A 3v3 on a cap will most likely be won by the better players - and a taken cap increases the winrate.
>Those are everyday examples* and winrate is a RNG-dependant measure*
It's a random measure, not RNG - the player inputs decide the final outcome.
>If I could choose the team I wanted I'd pick one that lets me get more kills than them while they focus on taking and defending caps.
So (You) don't play around caps and expect the worse players to do that - no wonder your team doesn't win when the designated above average winrate player ignores the objectives. Not to mention that taking a cap is worth a kill - and forces the enemy to drive into you, where you have the element of surprise, superior positioning and preranged sightlines - it does wonders for k/d.
>The game is like many were they try to keep things balanced around 50% wins so unless you're a guy that's beyond helping, even if you are bad at the game, get killed with no kills and sit at the bottom of the scoreboard you'll get carried by better players on your team and vice versa if you're too good.
But if you check the shitter's stats then they all have <50% winrate overall - because they are pulling the team down - so their lack of skill affects their winrate negatively.
>where my tard wrangling can bruteforce a win every time
Again, it doesn't need to be every game - over the course of the game you just need to take more tickets from the enemy team than a worse
would in the same situation. 3k battles later than WILL result in higher winrate, thanks to pushing the mean rightwards.
Corsair, Hellcat, Wyvern
You didn't read any of what I said and barely understood what you greentexted.
Either way nice thumbnail.
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Are Red Tops really better than Firesteak?
better but still not good
best way to grind air marks? I have a great need for that coke runner kfir
kill other players
>more than 10 players have reported you recently
corsair is good for 2.7, Wyvern is a CAS demon at 4.7, and MK8 meteor is a beast at it's tier
How the fuck are you doing good in a Lightning?
I can't make that piece of shit work no matter what I do
T-I-G-E-R II (P) vs T-I-G-E-R II (H)
both shit
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I 100%'d US props.
The P
the curves are sexier
very nice
now lets see your french tree
I can't yet make it work either, fuck whoever called it a British F-104
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again, how does your 1080p look so smooth?
DLSS native looks blurry for me
fuck my stupid chud ferdinand life
try FSR native
other than that the only thing I can think of is my clarity filter but that's essentially just fancy sharpening and you should be able to get close with the ingame sharpening
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I'm actually working on the oranje Fury now and that'll be a 100% for the props too.
>ww2 heavy tanks get put in matches with fucking UAVs
Vehicle combat game, not a WW2 simulator.
but I have an nvidia gpu
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>not a WW2 simulator.
FSR and XeSS should be available for everyone unless gaijin totally fucked up, they don't need any special hardware
>baguette yak-3 let's you skip all the fr*nch propslop
holy based, I am picking it up right now as we speak
Can I get a qrd on the Kfir Canards? Why do they look like mirages?
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>Red Top
They are mirages. With phantom engines.
both past their prime
Tiger II H (forme de Sla)
fuck my stupid chud jagdtiger life
why? were the original engines shit?
They are Mirage 5, moderately dated at that point. Jews decided to upgrade, and add canards too.
easier to get engines from mutts, and parts commonality
ok guya heres what we do, get the flanker hull and slap a f16 radar into it
bolt a pantsir turret behind the cockpit while you're at it
The Israeli plane is unique enough?
Need GJN, got burnt with the last ship.
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in for what
Missile bus but without all the missiles.
Hello, please accept my application.

First and last letter: K t

You're in Kunt!
>russian diesels are the noisiest engines on the planet
>hear the VRRRR
>sounds like its quite far
>bmd-4 was 2 meters away
yeah nice game faggot roosters
your application to femboy furries has been accepted!
oop didnt update, mb
yeah, airframe is kinda mid but still serviceable
decent enough radar and gets derbies at a whooping 12.7 BR (even lower than the base flanker)
it's gonna be +50GJN, possibly 100GJN if we are lucky
Attica is probably the worst map theyve added so far
>ban map
>[Fields of map]
fucking niggers
>shoot an A-91 missile at a dying plane limping back to base
>doesn't remotely follow him on his 500 kph turn
Are these things bugged or just that bad? The AIM-9Bs don't do this
whats the deal with the 35mm anti aircraft guns bugging out and shooting forever on when other people use them?
Is there a particular reason Mig-29 can't mount R27s on the other 4 hardpoints

is this a balance or rusretard thing?
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Leopard 2 PzBtl 123 (with Boxer) or Leopard 2A4M (grinding Leo2PL later)?
>F-100 behind me
>airbrake and throttle down, pull as hard as I can
>missile does little damage
>he overshoot
>dodges mine because lolfast
>comes back around for a headon
>dies to rapefire 23mms
Feels good to pull off a successful reverse when I should've been dead
its quite amazing they literally just made jets for airshows in the twilight of the soviet union, and then proceeded to do basic poverty upgrades for the post-soviet era and just called them 'new'

i guess there really is no fucking point in investing any more time into this tree until i know where the mig25/31 are going
everything Russia has done in its history has just been them trying to ape the west but they always do it in an extreme poverty way
Yeah but there's a half decent argument for making a truly utilitarian/no frills military as long as its cheap as fuck, mass produced, and mostly functional. Its something not really evident in their later aviation from what little i know, or their current in game tech trees
am i retarded or is the gun on the alpha jet fucking impossible to aim
you are retarded
there’s one word to describe Russian aircraft design and production: infantile
if they are so bad why do you always cry they're too hard to fight against and you need more and better things to make things fair
I don't really see anyone cry about fighting free kills

honestly the most annoying thing is that RWRs pop up M29 or whatever when its a su27 so you can't make proper assumptions about their missile count prior to positioning for a launch
>new germ 5.7 premium pack
>USA teams now get sealclubbed harder than usual
solid shot is so ass bros...
I’m stomping them with my eurofighter right now though
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Because guess what unfair fight is the root of his War Thunder frustration losing.
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Man it feels so ass to go back to those janky fucking Sukhois after playing the Rafale.
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Out of a fucking Michael Bay movie.
Transformers 3 when that drill worm thing flies at the screen
The drill decepticon was so fucking cool.
All decepticons were.
Almost everything in those movies was. The cgi was fucking insane for how old they are
I got my first RADAR SPAA. It's such a massive upgrade.
p and r youre a wartnigger
should I ape in on prem mirage for Rafale grind
i question my life sometimes
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>Chinese T 80UD is 10.7
z nimble z used to be WARTG
what happened?
why is there no loyalty among /wtg/ hoods?
>caring about being in the resident tranny squadron that only accepts femboys and troons into its ranks
Is air the worst to grind? I have fun in ground and naval, but air is just a slog for score.
Why doesn't France have a high rank premium tank?
>try to play a heavy strike aircraft
>immediately focused and raped by fighters
Is there any actual way to play anything slightly resembling a bomber
Does war(((TG))) really?
>look at vehicles I haven't played in a while
>"when the hell did I buy this premium" x50
I can't help but buy weird cheap stuff when I get a coupon or have leftover GE
would be sweet if they seperated ww2 shit from modern slop like they did with coastal and blue water ships
i am sick and tired of playing f-5s and mig-21s
Play the Ki-84 Hei instead and beast on everything
But that requires being a japtranny and no self respecting poster from /wtg/ would do that.
guess who is on their way to buying two more f-5s
I will rolling scissor your P-51 to death literally every time
I will casually fly in a straight line and watch you desperately try landing a potshot every time
I will kill the rest of your team that didn't do that then bleed your tickets
I will casually use my superior energy retention to dab on the rest of your team while you pointlessly ground pound
Hey guess who just killed 2 P-51s in a dogfight and is keeping you well away from my team via presence alone
Your entire contribution to your team is 2 measly kills? What an odd flex.
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I love my country but its players in War Thunder embarrass me. My last kill was an F-80 that tried to headon then turnfight me
>being a war thunder nationalist
genuinely embarassing
>not being a war thunder nationalist
ACTUALLY genuinely embarassing
I never got this. Back when I was a really, really, really bad player, the A7M2 was my favorite vehicle in the game because it was fast and turned like a Spitfire which enabled brainless play. I played it because I was good at it, and it baffles me how some people will insist on playing a nation they're not good with because they're from it
no that would be racist ww2 heavies MUST DIE from HEAT rats at all costs!
Coastal and bluewater don’t have an actual matchmaker separation though
I willl only play britian till my last breath
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>they actually admits to playing bongs
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>playing bongs
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>game is a wash
>last enemy player left is an A2D
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based....so fvcking zased...
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I bought the khalid and already regret it...
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my black negro ass is FREE
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>actually grinding BPs past the ROMAKINO one
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how do i activate the invincible seaplane cheat again?
>she doesn't know
happened in two separate matches today they flew straight through VT
it's xie, there are no women in war thunder
>execpt the elf
had some fun in war thunder today lads
nothing too crazy
what elf?
>3 enemies left
>Su-33 dumps all his missiles into AI targets
>gets slammed by a viggen
>worst winter update
>worst winter event
Can only go up from here, right guys?
also worst BP
>right guys?
don't tempt them
okay i literally have no idea how top tier missles work all i know is if you see one coming towards you to turn parallel with it is your best chance
>every american player is maverick tom gun
>every other player is too stupid to read air combat for dummies
wtf happened
i thought US players were supposed to be bad? every game i fight them has been a one sided stomp
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the asunaposter
so this is who's supposedly farming pack tigers...
I kneel...
Nah the previous one was the worst.
29%er moment
It's as bad as WoT maps are. So many narrow corridors that bottleneck into a small open area below hills with the enemy side having the exact same layout, so it becomes a race of who gets to their set of hills first and sit there shooting the only easily accessible road to the points. I bought premium just to ban the map cause it is total aids.
It just looks like a WoT Map. Feel straight like Crete or what ever that low tier WoT Greece map is called.
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>>every american player is ma-
their planes make up for their lack of wits
but dogegay is a russia main
whats a good entry level top tier premium to buy on sale right now?
or should I wait for the pack sales? Are the pack sales also 50%?
I also want a jet at or near the same BR to go with the tank
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>fuck up a turn and crash
>0 kills, crew lock
>swap to another crew
>fuck up a turn and crash
>0 kills, crew lock
>swap to another crew
>whiff all my missiles and fuck up while landing
>0 kills, crew lock
So how is the italian vidar so far?
you're not forced to play with krautoids 24/7
wait italy got a vidar?
they got a PZH 2000 from Hungary as a premium
I wish the BP bomber at least have the bombsight
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where isu-152-1 or 2
How is hood compare to other capital Battleship?
about how many games do I need to get the 40k points for the tanker task?
ah yes, the unholy BL-10
here's your kino
mmm i did it in 10 games in GAB yesterday, 4 with tiger2h\panther2\tiger2p (researched the m44) and then the other 6 in leoa2\pt16\begleit
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since patch nuke texture kinda looks like canvas painting
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How much do Sweden mains need to cry on the forum to get a fraction of mutts' pampering?
>enjoying the AMX-10m far more than I thought I would
Is the AMX-30 Acra also fun?
i might be able to get both tank and plane if I really try
but I dont know if I can get the boat as well
I'm really suck at naval and 20 mins of match give me like 1-2k points top
sure all the shell hitting print me some SL but I just dont get points from it
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needfull saars
When is the next sale premium time?
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>commander has fire controls
>cant fire through commander sights
What shell what ship
Omaha class is a bit shit unfortunately, not great for score. You using the SAP or HE?
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2s38 is deceptively powerful still not used to this shit
it's a superior HSTVL at a lower BR
>Get 20k damage in Enduring Confrontation Naval for the BP
>Get 10k Score as well
>Match ends
>Get nothing
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I'm just not used to using smth this OP I keep avoiding engagements I can prob win, shits insane, constant apfsd shred rain with no reload, surely it'll get nerfed?
its not a particularly great ship that sits in the middle of some of the most oppressive vessels in the game
try facing your target dead on, you'll have more guns on target than when you're broadsiding, whilst also presenting a much smaller target
not racing into the fray at flank speed also helps, getting into knife fights with destroyers is a bad idea

if you want a big scorer for events, get a Knox, piss cheap, especially now that its 50% off, and its the single best destroyer in the game
or, get an Alcione off the marketplace (as low as 11.99GJN) and pair that with the Impetuoso
its 2/3rds of a Knox at 4.0, which is criminal, and if you pair it with the Alcione you get that juicy tier V multiplier (which isnt just a nice bonus, its also necessary as the Impetuoso is only tier II)
nowhere near as lucrative (or cheap) as a Knox though (or as cheap)
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Also half my team are using this at any given moment
Yo naval man. Does the enduring confrontation not count towards events and tasks?
Speed. You can catch up with anyone and bully them with your guns.
>"easy" daily task keeps rotating between win with activity percent, win with placement and assists for ARB
fuck you too anton
>rush to get kills
>90% chance I will die first even if I get 1 kill
>wait a bit and let the people kill each other
>lots of teammates die and half of the enemy team will not focus solely on me
can I get HMS Diamond instead?
>take the safe and somewhat long route to the side
>my team completely wipes out the enemies before I can get any score
>match over
Where are you people when I play bombers
nta but I think it being under the event tab fucks with that
But so is sim battles
pretty sure its been nerfed like 1 time and that was to reduce spalling and it had completely bugged compartments so it was living stuff it shouldn't have been, but since then its not been touched
its not likely to be nerfed any time soon
it also gets 152mm pen APHE which goes through the sides of anything too
it will never get nerfed because it's part of the russian 10.3 paypiggy super lineup :)))))))
It's another episode of only Russian missiles kill me while I manage to evade every other type of missile.
>engagement starts
>suddenly smoke everywhere unless the enemy is 1hit
one of the most cancer things about high BR
and the 2s38 has an advantage cause it can spray into the smoke
and I'm on a losing streak, nice
>play my 8.3 bong
>isnt fun
>go play some 6.0 pasta
>finally have fun again
its either I dont like post war gameplay or bong is just shit to play
just spend $10 in GE resettingeveryday I like do
sure, its not as good as a Knox and almost twice as expensive,
not that its a bad boat, just that she does everything a little bit less well
but you'll get 6 rapid firing guns with a good selection of ammo, so if you keep your wits about you, you'll rack up the points just as fast

sim battles are explicitly mentioned on the task/challenge, EC isnt
unless they cocked it up, it shouldnt count
so if you're feeling lucky, give it a go
But naval doesn’t have a sim modifier which I think fucks it
>9 F-4S Phantoms on my team
>all of them die without getting a single kill
Surely top tier F-14 premiums are going to be better, right??
They get kills because they are literally monkeys that click at a green box, and usually some other monkey on the other end eats the fakour
Sure but they're not playing against US players all the time. The other nations know how to evade missions.
>tfw 7.7 France against 8.7 USSR/Britbongs
I love having to face stabilized APFSDS slingers who are backed-up by the fox. So much fun!
dont worry, it gets much more fun once your unstabilized 8.7 faces stabilized 9.7s
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I just want Suomi F-18
>rwr starts to beep
>move behind a mountain
>missile evasion x5
>+50% to all Silver Lion rewards with premium
>it's always 47%
Nice scam Anton. Not gonna buy premium ever again.
char 25t with it's 90mm is definitely 8.0 material!
same with the AMX-13(Hot), although that is obviously 8.3 material because they strapped some ATGMs to a 6.3 vehicle!
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not gonna happen
People rly doom-post the turms, is it rly that bad compared to the t80ud?
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Suomi anal
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>The entire Russian AAM project started because Americans thought it was a genius idea to give their super secret new weapon to some cunts on an island and they manage to get it stuck on an enemy plane
I hope China invades Taiwan and takes it by force only because they're responsible to all my deaths in top tier jets.
too bad irl Finns are smelly and ugly drunks n junkies of both genders
That goes without saying for any 2D vs 3DPD comparison
>Ohhhh? he activated ze booster?
>Full uptier him now! And make his teammates 1 death leavers against the sweatiest russian 8.7 animals you can provide
Booster queue is REAL and anytime you activate a big booster in particular you have at least a 75% of getting turbo buttfucked
8.3 britain is fairly good with the warrior, olifant, fox, etc. The thing is you're starting to get into the beginning of higher tier premium shitter areas on top of event grinds, so the higher you go, the more unfun things will be. Also depending on the time of day, you may end up having to deal with chinks and krokmonkey faggots running blatant cheats.
needfull fulfilled saar
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I went and opened it up in custom battles and drove around to get familiar with the map prior to this (picrel) match.
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Grinding America is funny
Thinking about grinding the air star with the iriaf in sim. Fakours should be easy kills. Yay or nay?
How come the Object 122MT never got the reload speed buff along with the other T-62 derivatives? did the snail just forget that it existed?
only if you are shooting at bots chinese players
Which nation has the best ground vehicles if you want to have fun? Sweden seems like a nice pick. Russia comes second in my options.
These ww2 Swedish tank destroyers look all but conventional. What was the design doctrine behind these super lightweight machines with minus six gorillion degrees of gun depression?
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Japan is not bad. Their 9.0 lineup is really fun to play, especially the Type 89 IFV
USA is the most consistent, russia becomes pretty much shit after the t-44, germany is extremly fun but it is inconsistent and forces you to change gamestyle every rank. UK is abhorrent, sweden has some really fun picks, italy is shit but you can love it if you like gokarts, china is just better russia with some holes here and there
China is better than russia also because i notice when i player higher tier china i get a lot less BS deaths because the chinkoids are on my team
Funnily enough my first kill was a JH-7
is the Kfir even worth grinding for? It has non-irccm missiles and the worst ARH
Seems like the only interesting vehicle is the T-80UD to add to my China 11.0 lineup then.
Generally every country develops tanks that fit their own terrain or if they're able to, tanks that fit the terrain of places they intend on fighting in.
Sweden is pretty hilly/mountainous so it works out well to have a lot of gun depression.
Then why the fuck did russia make tanks with none if they planned on fighting across europe?
because europe is mostly flat retard
Europe, especially Eastern Europe, is generally flat outside the Alps and the Carpathians.
Not all of it.
its a good job i said "mostly" then isnt it, retard
you wouldnt be sending tanks to fight in mountainous terrain anyway
Give me better ammo
Give me SHARD
then why do burgerboos jizz all over themselves about gun depression?
because war thunder is not real life
Because, being the self-proclaimed "world police", they expect to fight anywhere on the planet and not just on their doorstep.
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that's f2p
as others have said, most of Russia and eastern europe is flat plains
Attica is a dogshit nigger map fucking terribly designed tiny bullshit
Why the fuck is this in top tier rotation kill yourself worthless AI using ape map "designer" cuck
its a good map, you just suck
no its a terrible map for high tier
that is just hors d'oeuvre
main dishes are yet to come
Python 4 in the files. They gonna release the plane, then the Python 4 and then the price goes from 15gjn to 70gjn
They did this another time, on a event kfir as well iirc lmao
its been in the files for ages and it wont make that much of a difference because they will probably just add it to better planes at the same time
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Leclerc has:
>Wrong reload speed
>Wrong ammo it never served with IRL
>No armor or spall liners
>Instant kill fuel tanks covering the entire bottom of the tank
>Wrong mobility just like the Type 10
>Firing what is equivalent to DM43 but at 12.0 with all of the aforementioned

And STILL it continues to have statistics that are apparently SO good that it warrants a 12.0 BR and no buffs of any kind
I'm going to take china pill
everything I used are already made in china anyway
it's just a good, solid tank
and france isn't interesting for an average retard so the amount of retards driving leclercs is relatively low compared to the big three
suffering from success visualized
i refuse to believe player statistics and vehicle capabilities have any influence on battle ratings
enjoy 7.1 second reload and no gun depression

It's very 'okay' and compared to the other 12.0 tanks it can be called much much worse
It's the quintessential mid mobile only carried by its playerbase
player statistics are the only things that influence battle ratings
Peaks at 9.0 lineup with AFT and that 8.7 heli with tty90s which makes cas users lose their minds, its all downhill from there.
Soviet tanks with some western qol but without the bs armor.
fuse I'm spending all day in crew lock because I keep getting the same map over and over
player statistics heavily influence BR lol
when is pack sale?
>panzer IV g at 3.3
>derivatsya at 10.3
>cv90105 at 10.3
is it gonna be all packs 50% like the GE sale?
>want to play top tier jets
>don't want to experience all the missile barrages
gun only top tier mode when
only packs introduced before 2 patches ago
go play custom battle 1v1s if you want gun only
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>2 patches ago
It's 3 now.
i dont include the patch that just came out because they obviously arent going to put that on sale
just because you can do well on a dogshit map doesnt mean its not a dogshit map
>every F-4S player in my team is a base bombing zombie
>every F-4S player in the enemy team is Maverick from Top Gun
buy an ad faggot
neither liked nor disliked
purchase an advertisement
Disliked go shill your low quality content elsewhere
more like
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>BEST Premiums to Buy for EVERY Nation in War Thunder
man I cant understand him
im too ESL for it
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what an L
I want it.
I'm lvl 10 on the BP rn, is it worth to buy it for the 2k or is it too late?
does it do anything
I wish you could grind it just by playing like most games instead of being forced to play spaa or some shit
best missile bus you can buy with GE?
sea vixen probably
meme spaced armor + giant no armor best armor boat that can take a surprising beating
wasn't it nerfed a while ago
I'm watching some "stock grinding experience" videos and I wonder how do all those people get opponents so dumb. No one flares, no one tries to maneuver, no one even attempts to tryhard avoid anything.
oh it's like the other lowtier nip boat
Cherry picking, realistically as soon as you get SAS, good radars and good RWRs, you want to stock grind in PvE Sim lobbies by just zombing.
the max g overload of its missile was reduced
but at the same time the track rate improved
it's still a niggerkite
Track rate means nothing in this game and that's not what made the missile better despite the G overload nerf, it was the reduced drag and consequently improved energy retention both in a straight line and in turns. It used to have less range than the AIM-9B, now it can be used outside melee range.
it says the T80 and Kfir in the event is "non-tradeable" does this mean if you grind it you can't stick it on the market?
I have it, it's really good you can curb stomp 2.0 with it
at least the T-80 will let me grind the Chink ground tree faster
8 stars - you get a non tradeable coupon
10th star makes it tradeable to put on the market
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oh wait, this is that one
The Ka-Chi is a TURBO seal clubber.
Making me want to kms because I wanted it but got the toldi instead
>got the Toldi instead
Me fucking too, I wanted anything else honestly fucking gaijews.
Im scared if i buy the battlepass ill get that shit too, plus i dont give a fuck about some stupid boat or gerniggerbomber
I bought the battlepass just to see what I got lmao, what a mistake.
I got 6875 GE. What should I buy if I want a nearly top tier premium to help me get use to what top tier is about, since my highest BR vehicles are 8.0 so far.
It pisses me off that the event the ka chi was in happened right after I first started playing and had no ground lineups
Murmansk is nice though it gives me a second lineup with blagorodnyy to grind sl in naval
Clickbait only has gen 1 thermals? That's a typo right?
A talisman for your favorite current vehicle.
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which really leads me to the next question
is the short gun from 1 or 2 BPs before any good
nope, despite US gen 1 thermals having a similar resolution to Russian gen 3 thermals, you get to enjoy thermal quality identical to the agava-1 on the t-80b which was so bad that regular passive image intensifiers were considered significantly better
its fun, can shit on panthers if you're bored
Chi-Nu II is best low tier jap prem tank
It's great to pair with the Ka Chi for harvesting low ranks during events
huh? Air is unironically much easier to grind for me, i feel like RP gains in Ground is just too low even with a 2 K/D every game
This I use it as a backup when I die in the boat
No, you see, USA Gen 1 thermals cannot possibly be as good as Gen 3 russian ones, that just propaganda!
>see where an IS-2 is shooting my team from around a corner
>ping his location multiple times
>my team keeps running past him and dying nonstop
>the chance he ducks out of cover and I finally get a chance to shoot him, a germoid m48 drives in front of me and dies to the IS-2
do people just ignore all map pings no matter the context?
This is the average german team experience. They have a 20% of chance to ignore it even if you scout the enemy.
If it looks like grainy shit then check if they reverted your upscaling to FSR Balanced in Settings
talismans are fucking bait
only 100% RP bonus that doesn't stack with premium account and doesn't offer the SL boost from premiums either
I'll gladly use any free talismans though.
Nope, US thermals are notoriously bad, especially compared to modern Russian ones
I for one to make them acid green like irl so they'll be unusable
>only 100% RP bonus that doesn't stack with premium account
normal premium also do not
modern russian thermals are fucking reverse engineered THOMSON ones
Pretty sure USSR had prototype AAMs before getting 9B
A KT player once deliberately pushed me out of cover and into an enemy player I was in a deadlock with once. I don't understand their entitlement
Reverse engineered and improved to modern standards yes, atleast they aren't green albeithough
Yeah but it was something like ruhrstahl
yeah, but normal high tier premiums get like 600% RP bonus
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>Yeah but it was something like ruhrstahl
More like Fireflash.
Yea, because you get 2 x (100% + 100% + 100%) = 600%
Where 2 is vehicle RP multiplier, 100% is base, 100% is premium account and 100% is talisman - which premiums also have
You are only losing the 2x SL multiplier by talismaninng a tech tree
>the better I play the better my teammates get
I'm fairly sure this game has a hidden SBMM system
when pack sales i want to dunk on retards with the J-7D PL-5B chadssile slinger
How? Anyone who is on the deck (most players unfortunately) will just outrun you because the bongs can't design planes for shit. Its actually frustrating being limited to mach .97 in order to keep the fucking plane from disintegrating.
off-topic /pol/shit
someone getting what they deserve
the reason I don't play war thunder anymore is I bought 200 bucks of ww2 premiums years ago and they are totally worthless because you need a tuned high tier grind lineup to not want to blow your brains out
70 dollars for war thunder plus maybe some premium is the most you should ever give this game
Why is Ukraine bombing Kazakhstan?
I still just can't decide on a nation that is worth maining...
Kazan is a Russian city bucko.
Use the Chi-He for rank 1-2 grind, suprisingly good
I need to stop activating boosters.
Every single time I do the match quality drastically declines.
>thinking boosters matter
just activate them on cooldown and forget they exist
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What premium packs like the Tiger pack would you like to see for other nations?
Boeing 737
King Tiger pack
Panther pack
Maybe Jagdpanzer/Jagdpanther pack
Hellcat pack
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Magach Pack
None because I'm not a paypiggy.
I don't think I've seen a more OP vehicle than the T-55AMD when in a full downtier.
Buy a Su-11, 2S38, T-55AM1 and don't look back.
if you think the maus is in any way OP you have a crippling skill issue
object 140 and t54e2
no, im not joking
Racist post, the game is very balanced
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Havoc Mk1 in a downtier is just downright unfair. It was even worse before the BR nerf.
good turret with tons of funky angles
insane gun and ammo (literally better than early 105mm L7 stuff)
decent mobility
80% matches are downtiers
Maus in full downtier still see's shit like the Ratel 20 with ATGMS and decent amount of heat/high pen APDS that can kill it.
Take the China pill
Every single Swedish vehicle is made based on a hypothetical Soviet invasion of Sweden.
During the wars in Finland tanks had a very rough time not sinking in the snow and were forced to always move through hard tarmac, rendering them exposed and vulnerable.
The solution was to make tanks with barely enough armour to withstand the occasional DSHK they could encounter, and since Sweden is has an extremely uneven terrain they also needed a ridiculous amount of gun depression.
Exactly. It's completely true that cuckruinian animals started attacking civilians first, so Russia's attacks on military installations and glowie dens are more than justified, pretty mild even.
>n-no u
Concession accepted btw
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>no u "no uing"
why are piggers like this?
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The 103 was peak tank design
>pidorcord melty #4083530245239
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>2s38 whispering to me
all of this started because I asked for content
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fun fact, the "person" made is actual troon
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War Thunder?
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new kill record, a loss of course

I hate blue enemies
do it, it's OP as fuck

wow, didn't know lowiq had based people in it
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do it, I recently purchased my first high tier premiums (t-80ud and 2s38) and plan to finish it off with a turms when packs go on sale

but the 2s38 is just fucking filthy, the T80 feels balanced
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Replayschizos find this lowiq tranny so we can laugh at xim.
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I'm a man though.

Enjoyed this yanki gyaru like you wouldn't believe.
anything russian
You have to tell us your tech tree. Because there arent many GE vehicles in the higher tiers, mostly pack vehicles.
>I'm a man though.
erm, source?
>mostly pack vehicles
feels like 80% of them are squad vehicles
which sucks cause they never go on sale
if the polish leo went 50% off next week I'd buy it, because I plan to buy the leo 2a4 cad, so I'll only have one vehicle up there for germ tree sadly
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RNGaywads will lead you to believe that you aren't a good enough player, because you lost the match.
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did you know that war thunder has T-I-G-E-R-S?
I'm torn between Bongs/Germany/France.
I'm mostly debating between the premium Chally 2 or the AMX-30 Super.
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You should pick Puccia and get these, broken piece of shit line up that enables you to grind the whole tree. The only thing you're not going to be good at is sniping at long distances when on uneven ground.
I see some people online saying turms kinda sucks cause of low armor

but yeah even in the T-80, its rare that im not 1hit
yeah you'd know a lot about trannies wouldnt you
yes, puccia is in every match
Lack of gun depression in Russoid tanks makes me want to kill myself though.
Why is the Russian T-80UD 10.3 but the Pakistani event one 10.7 in china?
Meh not really, anything can still be one shotted. The biggest risk is the auto loader carosel being hit but the armour is still trolly russian bias, it'll bounce hull shots that will kill chally's and leopards easily.
The pakitank has thermals
artificially low brs to compensate for mental retardation
I play germany > russia > US in that order, I went with these 3 >>507054815 because I hate 6-7-8 BR russian lineups, IS feels like ass to play because of the 20s reloads, for germany im pretty happy with the tiger 2 lineup, but I'll buy the leo 2a4m anyway, for US the 2 premium abrams both have their own issues, kasvia is fucking ugly as sin, and I hear its meh, clickbait I hear is matchmaking hell, and its got gen 1 thermals which put me off, maybe sometime, im at 5.7 in US, 7.0 germany and russia rn
I only ever play Sweden
IS-2 is made for sitting back blasting people before getting back into cover.
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Are any of the rank 7 bong jet worth talisman?
thinking of Jaguar GR1A
I think I'm gonna do it... I'm gonna buy the T-80UD.... that or the AMX-30 Super.
Premium T90M with renk transmission, tracked pantsir and KA-52 katran when?
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yeah but the gun despite the 20s reload isn't even that great, yeah if it goes in it 1hits but tiger 2 also 1hits most of the time, with way more velocity, i think same or even more pen? and a ridiculously short reload for the BR, only good thing about is2 is the troll armor that often volumetrics/bounces, but even then, meh...

I do like the modern soviet tanks like t-55+ though (t-55 has gotta be one of the most aesthetically pleasing tanks of all time), that's why I went with their prems
If you want a Jaguar get the market place one as it carries 2 magic 2's which are busted as fuck and basically equate to 2 kills. Best advice if you want to grind out bongs is just get the Phantom, easy to get mutliple skyflash kills per game with it plus you can bomb 2 bases per run if you're into that sort of degenerate behaviour.
I guess I could try talisman the fagtom but I dont know if I will make it before the sales end
still have to grind the damn tank too
I love Namer, but what is the point of the other one? It has only more armor on the unmanned turret? Who the fuck cares? It could have been a module
Slightly more ac ammo too I guess.
>say only trannies play japan
>say only trannies play russia
>instantly removed and banned
>first game in my T-80UD
>get my head caved in by a swede in the Christian II
God smote me...
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I play Japan and I'm not a tranny
>unlocked brimstones on my german EF
>they suck
>still cant do shit to pantsirs
lmao bongs cant make missiles
they just blow a gasket, which proves they're indeed troons
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Play Austria.
Bros... I'm enjoying the T-80UD, it was a good purchase.
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Footy about to start

now you know why i bought it the same day they added it
When did you transition sister?
2S38 is probably my least favorite 10.3 russian vehicle, I'm pretty sure the only people that praise it have never used one. I think BMP-2M is far superior in every way besides AA duties
It's a one of the few unironic p2w vehicles.
>rank 7 battles
>russia outnumbers even Germany/USA combined by nearly 3 to 1
>most broken and brutally undertiered ifv in the game
holy skill issue
it’s up
I haven't played the bmp you mentioned, I just bought the 2s38 to be a wallet warrior, but it feels insanely fucking broken
some clips of me enjoying it
okay that new map is complete fucking DOOKIE
i blocked it after getting it twice, shame though cause that means fields of normandy is back in rotation for me now
I like attica
Let me ban more maps.
the 2S38 is a litmus test to see how good/bad the player talking about it is
if they cry about it being OP and P2W you know they're a drooling shitter
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>9 quintillion rank VII players in queue
>still can't get a rank VII game in a reasonable amount of time
>shitaly does it again
Why can't japan get their IR AGMs? They work
everyone is buying the 10.3 USSR premiums(I bought one myself.)
how does one ban maps?
I really like the Papa Daniel model
You need premium, but you only get one. Which is meaningless if there's so many shit maps.
There's a button by the fucking play the game button.
I have premium, but I do not see the button near 'play game'
its like the like/dislike button literally at the grb option
I'm going to beat my wife
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New player here. I'm going through the Italy tree, and saw there are both the M13/40 serie I tank and the serie III tank. Why is serie III tank worse than the serie I? Shouldn't be the other way around?
Gaijin putting on a meme event right during the holidays makes you realize how aweful evil and jewish they are
Instead of spending time with family, spend 8 hours a day grinding some faggot ass pixel tank or pixel jet
why did i reinstall this absolutely cube of saturn piece of shit
>8 hours
Italians never fail to let me down
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it doesn't matter
its all fucking shit until like 9.3
m26 t99 or m46 Tiger?
If the CV90 Mk.IV had IRST+LWS as on the PUMA (or CV90105) it would be worth its place at 10.7.
Without it, it's 10.3 material.
Dunno what was laced in Gaijin's last krokodil batch.
8 hours?
I did the tank one in like 10-ish games.
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>8 hours
How dogshit are you?
>get a job at domino's
>make 5 pizzas
>buy event vehicle off marketplace
can't believe gaijin hasn't patched this hack yet
M46 Tiger. Get the T29 too if it goes on sale next week.
furry patton, the m8 pods are ammo rack hazards
I believe it's in the drop down menu where you select the game mode
There is a cog on the "GRB" button
takes like 2 hours for the airplane one and 3-4 depending on luck for the tank one
>kulsgr m/90 muzzle velocity: 1040m/s
>3UO8 muzzle velocity: 1000 m/s
i think these numbers are total bullshit, the 2s38's hevt feels insanely quick compared to the cv90s despite having lower muzzle velocity on paper
Likely shell weight over distance.
using nvd the cv90's shell also looks slower
pretty sure bofors type guns have a very sharp velocity drop off, it's stat card speed only as it leaves the barrel
check Sgt York, it says 1100m/s, but you have to lead a crazy amount to hit
yeah found it
It has spikes, Gaijin thinks that spikes are giga op or something despite them being pieces of shit. Every grb vehicle with spikes is overtiered imo.
>Gaijin thinks that spikes are giga op or something
does russia have X equivalent? no? then overtiered
muzzle velocity=/=velocity drop-off over distance
they do though, in a way
should of fired a heavier projectile
Can they start putting an equal number of phantoms on each team
I don't like the game instantly turning into an impossible 1v8
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9M133 is one according to google, also when? also BMP-T in the background when?
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who calls the gripen "cobra"?
I like instantly turning 4 phantoms inside out with my 4 AIM-120s
eurofighter and f15e players competing for the worst performance
t. 0.5k/d Rafale
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no sweetie
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this is impossible
tank game
Coastal vessel game
you got killed by what?
R-60s? R-73? R-77? (lol)
R-27ERs are the only dangerous russian missiles
R-73/R-27ETs only if you are retarded to get within 4km of anything equipped with it without preflaring
It's not bad per se but it's just that the UD is much better at the same BR and price. it got powercrept
no point in buying the TURMS over the UD
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>don't do anything
>"Missile evasion"
ty anons, I was tempted by the rockets but I'll go with the tiger
To be fair, R-60s and later on R-73s (and the shitton of medium/long range missiles that we probably wont get like R-40s, R-37s, R-33s and etc) were completely indigenous designs, compared to the R3/R13M.
>russia becomes pretty much shit after the t-44
>what is T-55AMD-1
Russia MBTs become trash after the T-64B and are delegated to SPAA jannies
>worst ARH
you haven't used R-77s have you?
the radar is decent too. At 12.7, derbies are more than enough. My only gripe is that it only gets 4 rails. It is also likely getting Python 4s
can't remember the last time I got hit by a fakours
just fly low or behind cover until F-14sissies invevitably eat each other out or they eat an AIM-120/R-27ER
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>the reason I don't play war thunder anymore is I bought 200 bucks of ww2 premiums years ago
mental illness
people still buy WWII premiums (see latest german triple pack) nowadays because they are cheap as fuck in sale and gets you past the WWII slop straight into post war kino
>getting tagged by an IS-2 out of all things
you have like 20 seconds at best to rush him and kill him, what the fuck were you doing?
>Kfir can get a modern RWR, AESA radar, good IR missiles and ok ARHs at 12.7 because is of only 4 pylons))))))))))))
>Yak-141 (dogshit RWR, only average radar by anyone else's standards) can't get R-73s and R-77s for its 4 pylons at 12.7 because.... um.......
Where the hell is me chieftain MK11 gayjin???
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>he's ACTUALLY asking for brit slop
it's just a T-55 with modern toys slapped on
can be frontpenned from the front by a Leo I
it's nothing special, they are far more scarier 8.7s in a downtier
what is the difference between the mark 10 and 11 though
don't buy the TURMS if you already have the T-80ud
just pay them with TT vehicles
I was in an AMX-10M brother, and I didn't know if there were any other enemies guarding his flanks.
MK11 gets thermals for gunner, would slot nicely into the 9.3 line up as a folded vehicle under the MK10 3bh
it only takes me an hour slingling AMRAAMs in the latest euroslop ufo
>tiger with a nazi flag on top of the turret
lmao how did they get away with it
The flag is censored retard.
why can't we have finnish crosses?
>he's playing the sissified version
imagine ousting yourself like this
as a russian main, I test drived the latinx Kfir and got a melty over the derbies
I thought R-77s were the third best ARHs but holy shit, the derbies can pull 15km launches with no problem meanwhile you have to pray that R-77s dont lose lock 5km in. Not to mention they barely ever reach their target
R-77s might as well be glorified R-73s with ARH seeker since anything past 10km is a gamble
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I did the funny
Man who cares about range, that can be played around. What CAN'T be played around is being stuck with R-27Ts (at BEST a 9L equivalent, the IRCCM is dogshit and basically doesn't work) and only 2 R-27ERs at the same BR as this niggerkite with an AESA radar and actually functional ARHs.
>play sweden
shrimple as
Build better missiles, and a better plane next time then. I keep telling you but you never listen.
>R-27Ts (at BEST a 9L equivalent, the IRCCM is dogshit and basically doesn't work)
retard alert
>muh irlshit
Not to mention the plane itself IS good and missiles ARE there but are being actively denied for some reason.
Right back at you, the R-27T's shrunken FOV is THE worst (so the widest) of all gate width IRCCM missiles by quite a margin. By the time it actually starts working it stops mattering because at such point blank range the seeker would likely ignore the flares and keep going for the engine regardless.
What do i buy to grind Fr*nce?
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what is the purpose of this module?
there are next to none he only flingers that would need to aim for the belly
cas ordnance only hits the roof too
am i missing something here?
its useless dogshit
On one of the kikeavas it can stop some autocannons from penning the lower plate. Otherwise it’s just dead weight
if air:
>Yak-3 if you care about post-war kino (cheap as fuck, like $7)
>Mirage F1C-200 if you only care about top tier slop ($70 or $35 during sale)
Am I missing something? I think the JA37C and D suck dick, tho they are much lower br. Aim7's suck so bad and still have this bugs where they just fuckoff to bumfuck nowhere instead of the actual locked target. All while being in f14 spam br.
Somua as a niggerbunker or AMX30 Super for a totally-not-a leopard-clone experience
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>login for the first time in years
>first thing i get are some fucking dakimakuras
wtf happened to this kusoge
Somua SM, AMX-30, F1C-200, P-51, Yak-3
you want to play a toptier atgm flanker?
here's rhine and cargo port on a loop
wait, you use DMM?
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Talk me out of it (i am not speding real money, only coins)
I see you activated a booster, pidor. So we put you in a full uptier against a team of F-14's on Golan Heights with the lowest cloud you've ever seen so there's nothing you can do)))
ah its for that.
yeah i linked my account to get some Strike Witches cosmetics many years ago
Those are good vehicles, go ahead
this doesn't answer my question :^(
>pop 300% booster
>doing great, get 5 kills
>team crumbles in 5 minutes and we get spawn camped
>check team, mostly mutts
>next game, pop 150% booster
>get instantly flanked by under-tiered niggerwagon light tanks and faggot leopard 1s and barely do anything
>team wins the match handily
>check team. mutts, but mostly bongs and handheld swiggers
why does israel keep getting matched with mutts. for fucks sake, put me on a team with the pidors or germs please for the love of anton
Don't play Britain
everything else is good :)
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anyone have a link for this skin?
I don't
Me neither
only buy brit vehicles
holy cringe
>playing the greatest ally
>expecting different teammates
the 27SM is so fucking bad holy shit
keep that on the hush, im pretty sure its a bannable offense
should have built a better plane
should have built better SPAAs
burgercord melty imminent
Is there a keybind to lock + instant launch Spikes? Don't see why it wouldn't work.

Surely they don't expect you to do two key taps every single time.
>needing better SPAA's when you can just blow the soviets out of the air with your own jets
>or with a patriot battery
then why do you cry when a pantsir clicks on your bombtruck?
Never mind, seems holding the launch key does it.

Still annoying it's not instant.
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>line up a perfect shot with a super 530D
>Anton summons an F-4S to shoot an AIM-7 at that missile thus cucking me out of a kill
Call me a CIA Agent because i will find fun and unique ways to torture the yudintsev brothers
MIM-72G are not smokeless like they should be and are missing the Contrast lock on mechanic.

The FIM-92 has a lot of issues, seeker lacks range, maneuverability is erroneously reduced from the 20~22G it should be, and later variants(-92B +) are entirely missing the Contrast Lock mechanic.

MIM-146 are significantly underperforming and should have a 60G overload limit, and the ADATS is erroneously limited in elevation by the gun.
And options like the CUAS-DE and "Sgt. Stout", High Mobility Launcher or SL-AMRAAM still remain, that would improve performance
96A has a shit lineup, get the 11.0 lineup instead with the khalid.
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the perfect medium tank
>more swigpig delusions
great suzuniku got back from xher daily HRT injection
use TWS only for detecting targets (only use it for locking BVR targets if you carry 27ERs)
use HMD for launching R-77s, it's not like your R-77s will hit anything past 20km anyway, best launched at 10-15km headon
Your radar is so shit that using the TWS datalink will sometimes feed wrong data to the missile and it will fly to narnia. Stick to HMD since most HMD launches will pitbull right away
>mulatogroid running his mouth yapping like a nigger
>swat him out of the sky
>cries and insta leaves like a bitch
things never change around here huh
Huh? What's that? I thought american burgerwaffe jets were enough for air superiority?
>WW1 tech piece of shit made mid-WW2 and hilariously outclassed by virtually every vehicle it could come across, later crudely upgunned in a prototype so bad they abandoned it
>instead Sweden made APDS rounds for everything
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shark :D
>every vehicle it could come across
so short gun t34s?
Tread carefully now.
Amazing it was worse than a vehicle slammed together in a bombed out factory huh?
They would be if their ubiquity was by the SP cost, which it isn't since dissimilar balance via mechanics is not something that Gaijin are willing to do.

Part of that though would be reworking the SP cost of ordnance to reduce how common a Fighter fully loaded F&F can be taken.
t34 is the worst ww2 tank tho, surpassing the churchill 1
>tfw don't have the Tog II
>tfw could be using it to obliterate the Tiger premium spammers
it hurts
>it was worse
who says that? you?
>groid spams his m18, rushes a cap, spawns TWO cas planes
>BTFO him in spaa twice
>groid has turm3 as his most played vehicle
>his turm 3 is barely above 1k/d
Tog II gets nuked by 88 railgun though?
checks out
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always bring a2g missiles to kill helicopters
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shhh let him keep huffing copium
makes it so much easier to kill them
Isn't TWS HDN better for BVR?
It's not like you want would waste a missile on someone flying away anyway
hdn only gives better range compared to normal pd which is almost always entirely useless
when the fuck did they buff IS-1/2 turret cheeks? now not even long88 will pen sub 900m
Tog II also fucking nukes Tigers
>be bad
okay so it is an actual buff, not just my imagination
thanks for confirming, i can tell you enjoy abusing russian bias
>IS-2's are handheld
Is it just me or do "modern" city maps really suck? Anything with a bunch of narrow, square pathways isn't fun
is2s indeed are handheld
i will buy the cv90105 this sale it fits my playstyle so much
Any grafix fags in here? How do I improve the grafix of this game as they fucked up something on the previous update and it made all the shit pixelated even with SSAA on.
"I really wish I could bring more 27ETs": the missile
i'm very tempted to buy the ikk9035
Vehicle recs to piss on BMD4Ms?
bradley just like irl
I'm not allowed to tell you
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2 vehicles for this feel?
there are two scenarios here; burgnigger shartley falseflag, OR you're getting niggered by the eternal inconsistency of volumemes deciding you simply will not penetrate this slightly rounded otherwise flat surface because it's being composited by another slightly rounded flat surface in parallel of which both are penetrable and the exact same thickness but the algo randomly decided their armors are sideways additive

just don't shoot near the seam of the mantlet without also going too far and reaching the rounded autobounce parts or better yet just click the LFP or flattest side surface you can see, there's nothing else to it
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USS Nevada and HMS Hood
I'm fucking begging someone barely competent to please play Germany 5.7 GRB with me.
I can't stand blue enemies, especially ones that play SPAA and don't bother shooting at planes.
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>russia saff-ACK!
have you tried being good?
>don't bother shooting at planes because they're trying to be an autocannon rat flanker... by shooting everything they see from the front with no attempt made at concealment
>OR they shoot at planes but only from within home spawn holding totally still at terrible angles and distances that only serve to alert the planes they aren't looking at that there's an easy kill+existential threat to strafe
>they do this instead of holding fire until some dumb airnigger is diving at or near them and serving as an anti-spawncamp flak trap, or better doing the same thing yet staying just a little behind the teams' frontline where they aren't expected, a position from which even camera swapped cupola MGs are potentially deadly
the duality of dumb SPAAGots, should've just brought an extra tank
Bro just play with me please.
kummycock won't like this one
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Planning to grab the Lazur once the pack sale hits, never played the fishbed before but the design is speaking to me. Any advice bros?
>AI stat padding
sorry anon, the shitish man reminded me that I've barely touched my TOG since the event and I need to spade the attending 5.3s
kill enemies
What was the point of replying then.
What the fuck is this, why are 99% of /wtg/ posters bots without any coherent or rational thought behind their posting?
wakey wakey shithat
First time getting hate mail in what must be years, and it's some weirdo that apparently has a whole separate account just to message.
reddit activity teebeehsych
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Forgot the image.
to commiserate about how awful all SPAA niggers are, germans are just a little more noticeable because their tank based solutions are very high profile compared to nigger dusters and half track rats which makes them much easier to job in while the heavy autocannon armament is tempting to those who don't understand it's no great gain if you don't know how to leverage them
jeet got pissy lmao
I didn't say the SPAA players on my team were German.
I said I was playing Germany 5.7 GRB.
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How many nukes have you gotten, anon?
>TT vehicles
I am a long long way from reaching 10.3 with TT
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combat ready
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oh the ruskie that edits his screenshots is back
man what a nostalgia git
GottMittens, my user's been posted before.
Women scare me.
holy kek, are you the retard that renames his replays every time you get a nuke?
>friendly plane happens to be in front of you just inside the ACM box
>welp seems like you wont be able to use HMD today until he moves away))))))
what's the reasoning behind not having a dedicated key for HMD mode?
that's him lmao
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my total bank is now 1m
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Any worthwhile japanese premiums to grab?
CAS is starting to become a problem again
>kill lightfag that cap rushes
>has enough SP for a plane + full custom loadout with belts
>immediately goes after me
>sometimes suicide bombs
>sometimes they are too retarded and they crash while pulling up
>either way I J out right before the bomb blows up
>all of this happens 3 mins into the game so my positioning is barely an argument, more so in open maps
>never die to CAS because I keep J'ing out
I mean, I'd like to get more than 1 kill before there's a guarantee a plane is coming my way lol
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got two nukes with M-51 since the Tiger 1 pack went on sale. The pack is going to get all the good Tiger counters uptiered.
didn't happen but either way
>time traveling railgun will get moved up in BR where it deserves to be
wowzers, what a hecklin shocker amirite m'fellow jews?
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have you done the needful today?
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Alright. I bought a russian plane. That means I will never die and win all games right?
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zero(well, one, but i got shot down)
>tigger killers that shouldn't even exist in WW2 BRs and even from nations that didn't participate and shouldn't exist in the first place uptiered
>tiggers buoyed by the Wittmans of the world and mindlessly moved up by Gaijin to reverse their own decompression efforts downtiered
Nature is healing
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Thank you for your service.
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>kill 4 tanks, cap and spot
>anton rewards me with this
no because the tree only leads to pain and misery.
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it'll buff out
>pain and misery
>Literally has the best 9.3 lineup in the game
>best 11.3 lineup as well (even without needing the premium type 90)
>both IR SAMs are the best in their respective BRs
>2nd best top tier tanks in the game (and you get 2 of them)

You're a fucking subhuman shitter, you don't deserve Japan you worthless filth
>in stock M41D
>drive out into a Leopard I
>nonpen his turret face with HEAT-FS
>he nonpens me with APDS
>miss my following HEAT-FS round
>he hits the ground
>subsequent shot is driver + red gunner
>kill him due to better reload
I love retard fights
hey uhhhh you gotta hole in your left wing
M41D is so fucking ass
but gives rank VI event modifiers for my 8.0 lineup :)
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What is a good Japanese jet to talisman in order to grind out the new ladyboy subtree?
I've got them unlocked up to the F-15J and the F-16AJ as well as the squadron F-5

I think I'm going to pretty much just ditch other nations for high tier lineups and stick to Japan and France
>top tier
pain. and. misery.
it's pretty good but you are a dogfighter in early missile era
requires skill or it will filter you
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so what is that chinese t-80 gonna sell for you guess? im gonna guess 40-50
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The 12.7 F-15J seems super strong on paper
8 AIM-120s or 4 AAM-4s + 4 AIM-120s on a great chassi with a wonderful radar and can't face cancer 14.0 jets
Literally what are the downsides?
What are the good br lineups for Israel

need to efficiently grind the Lahatut
Ignore, I'm a retard and confused the two F-15s
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few people talk about the hardships of playing sweden
the f-15/16 are both past their prime, both getting uptiered into amraam spam but the f-15 is the most capable in those uptiers so i would use that
but if you prefer the ladyboy f-5 br to amraam spam then use that
but don't. helicopters are incredibly boring and the stock grind is inhuman.
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germans deserved it
>play sweden
>0-3 sweden allies
>80% usa blue enemy
I only really enjoy playing ground for CAS these days, i was only going to barely attempt to grind the event/research i need for the AH60 and then buy the good modules on sale- i doubt i'll make it in time

but i'll probably give up before then, israel air is probably better as is with the 15i that got mavericks
>use 500% sl booster with my soviet 7.7 lineup
>get 8.7 full uptier on shitty breaslau
Why do i still play this game
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>russians on team
>loss guaranteed
many such cases
can minor nations be put together at top tier?
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>tab out to reply to a thread
>forget I was even in a match
>come back 30 minutes later
>handheld tank is handheld
>F-14 can keep up a turnfight with a Su-27SM
holy burger fantasy
20 max to start. It doesn't fit in any lineup and isn't special.
PzH2000 is great.
Makes me sad the premium variant went to Italy so it won't get paypig protection like the VIDAR.
8.7 soon.
>playing US
>most played tank is the t29
oh MAN you can not make this up
Flandern clearly has a WW1 theme. Are or were they planning to add WW1 tanks and planes?
>france fought in ww1 that means ww1 is coming
>trenches were used in ww1 that means ww1 is coming
>blimps were used in ww1 that means ww1 is coming
who's gonna tell the FAS retard
I refuse to play f*nnish vehicles in my Swedish tech tree
>planefu finally out
>reinstall game
>realize I have zero (zero) hours played in the french tech tree
erm......................................... what the sigma?
is low low tier air rb even played or is it all niggers in >arcade
Thank you for reminding me. Now I don't respawn when ALSO killed by the SPG.
After playing it for an entire day, I can safely say the 27SM is irredemable dogshit with that trash radar and joke missiles
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oh no no LowRPsissies, what's this?
why would it go higher than vidar when it's worse?
>they took the rwr away from the T-2
it's already dead
They should both go up to 9.0
VIDAR is protected by Swigger paypigs.
I made this clear dumbass.
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>watch to watch video about the new FAB-3000 meme bomb
>pic related comes up
>sure why n-
>trannycore music
>asian accent
>shitty discord call commentary
nu-WT youtubers are so fucking cringe holy shit

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