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Can I get omega’s og style if I got up to valor during s4? Edition

>Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 6 Season 1 - 鬼 HUNTERS | Gameplay Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCxZ4njtiuw&ab [Embed]

>Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 6 Season 1 - 鬼 HUNTERS | Cinematic Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrfzND9Dgq8 [Embed]

>Fight as a Ronin in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 6 Season 1: 鬼 HUNTERS!

>Quests, stats, shop

>LEGO XP AFK Strategy

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Mariah Carey Ushers In Fortnite Battle Royale’s Winterfest 2024!

>Renegade Raider and More Return in Fortnite’s OG Season Shop!

>Introducing a New Text Chat Experience in Fortnite

>Fortnite OG is Back on Dec. 6, and Here to Stay!

>Fortnite Goes First Person with Ballistic, a Tactical 5v5 Shooter in Early Access Dec. 11!

>The Stadium Lights Up for Snoop Dogg in Fortnite Festival Season 6!

>Fortnite Crew December - Lady of Cranes

Last match:
lmao nice thread hijack but also kill yourself
This is the thread.
When is yuletide ranger? I miss my nigga spitfire
Probably coming to the shop in the next couple of days.
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I'm pretty happy with what we've been getting lately.
It's a good time to be a doll collector.
is rue coming to the shop soon?
garbage drawings
All I want for Christmas is Rue
anyone have lewd pics of Mariah’s skin in game?
>spammer gets wiped
I see the janitors are doing their jobs finally.
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>was browsing skins before the match
>accidentally picked chunli
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>i have to make up that I grew with Japanese people otherwise people won’t think I’m cool because I have no redeeming personality traits
Cuck mentality, ヌズミ. You will never be popular here. You lost. Get lost.
Pissed off I missed this
>schizo with terrible art thinks anyone who is opposing him is the vocafag
You didn't miss out, it's wasn't actually available to buy
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I don't wanna waste
Become another casualty
of society
I'll never fall
Become another victim of
your conformity
and back down
What drives someone to post the same shit every thread?
Schizo aside, I’m coincidentally in the same boat. Can I get his OG style? It’s not a make or break thing for me.
You’re an annoying attention whore
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Merry Lexmas...
I hope this thread is better than the last.
>both posts get deleted at the same time
and he tried to act like it was someone else
No, either a glitch or a place holder while they added the twink
nothing else in life
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Here's my honest response:

do you think you’re more Japanese than the friend you hung out with who was?
Do you put your family’s pictures on the wall? Do you make green tea for any passed family? Or does Japanese look cool to you, and you’re not looking much past it besides “changing your name”
Do you think other kids think changing their name will make them cool?
do you like your name ? You can learn what it means if you speak English already
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Is it really just autism? I'm pretty autistic too, but I mainly keep to myself. Is it not some mix of another mental illness? I know schizo gets thrown around like tranny nowadays but I think it might be something in that ballpark.
Your fragile little ego almost fell apart there. Luckily this video holds it all up.
Based destroyer of the failed artist.
Fng is my playground, you all are guests here.
That's messed up desu they should've atleast allow people to buy the pack
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>boot up to play some CS
>ballistic is gone
>only ranked is up
What the fuck?
you can’t draw
How does this guy manage to piss everybody off?
Shit is it just discordfags fighting in here? Is there anyone normal or seminormal left?
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I include field stripping in my posts btw. That was not me and I find it extremely cool that anon managed to get the same second I did.

some guy mindraped everyone in this general by asking a question based on a pattern
OP Tranny, your cope?
>CM Storm
i kneel
The evelynnfag is objectively annoying
it was a strucken nerve 100%, I notified a pattern where he went out of his way to try to describe something unique about himself and I went for the kill.
The OG evelynnfag is based
This new one seems to lash out wildly at people
Am I supposed to care about what this is and who you are
Nope, not me
Look at the filenames, it’s the same drawfag. He’s a schizo
>youre right
oh wow that’s hilarious
Must resist, I'm saving my V-bucks for the Vocaloid collab.
Why are you guys mad over an OP? You scroll down anyway to post.
Grow up.
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FULL ON Diaper overflow, actually sad
Remember to thank the bus driver!
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This thread is 1000000000% better when you realize what it actually is lol

You lost.
I'm surprised to see people turning on this guy, he's like Ivan but good
Posted it again award
Mass replying raging tard. YWNBV
what is it? we’re waiting.
its one guy sperging out about the vocanon
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How do I master the art of making doodles look good? Pepa puts out the cutest Lexa doodles in what I assume is very little time, but everything I have put out so far looks like trash. I can't even draw Lexa (or anything) without referencing some other picture. Is it just practice? Confidence?
I don't know if you can handle the truth, the genuine truth.
For some reason as I wrote that it said "[eqn] tags are not supported on /vg/.", but anyway I don't think you can all handle that.
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>Quoted my post twice for no reason
Actually LOSING IT and MINDBROKEN, thanks for the double dose of (You)'s though
Quite the group. Arcane Jinx was part of this group but she left

The cel-shaded Juice ended up leaving after the first song(Creatures in Heaven by Me)
There's a racist clickbait Mr Beast video title joke here, but I can't quite put my finger on it...
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nezumi is a chapter 4 season 1 battle pass skin
Based. This faggot is mindbroken
>I put 100 black people ages 1 to 100 in a ball pit and made them fight to the death
Here's what the game decided to fill the empty slots on the group with
You can think of the doodles you see as shapes and go from there and practice or you can trace over 3d models with pencil tool like a lot of other people do. sometimes it might seem like it’s a random doodle but sometimes they made it seem that way and they really used another picture
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he is very handsome
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not too fond of the wind sprite as of recent
Well what is it?
I enjoy the new emote
For me it's trying to stop my hands from shaking
Is this artlet cope?
>Japanese themed season
>No city pop
>No jazz fusion
>Imagine dragons
>Imagine dragons
>Imagine dragons
I hate it
You have to let it do its thing for a little bit before it activates.
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Forgot pic
I don’t know what you mean. All of this is not made with just 1 way, other people use different things
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The 2 not Imagine Dragons songs are good at least

Hopefully this means the Fallout Boy bundle is the week after
god im such a fag, he's literally me
epic employee I am making it real easy for you to notice me. Please
Tracing is not the way to go
>never EVER getting ALI PROJECT in festival
There's so much good Japanese music (please listen to ALI PROJECT and not just their anime songs) but fuck it let's just add more slop that they play in retail spaces during the Japan themed season. Atleast we're getting vocaloid I guess
Steve im drowning stop dancing
Lois Lane skin when
True, but it’s used for things like anime illustrations as a standard anyway.
My fellow "running summer skins in winter" friend.
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More Pitbull in Festival when?

I don't think they'll add International Love since it had Chris Brown on it but I'll accept Timber, Feel This Moment, Greenlight, and I Like It
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I hate to fuel the schizo but I actually didn’t get black knight and I only got sparkle You think I could get black knight’s new style?
>lion messi already forgotten
furfags aint loyal man
Why would anyone want that. I feel like they've learned there lesson after releasing Mary Jane and literally nobody buying it
this is what happens when no one posts their fortwife happy
why is all i want for christmas is you not a jam track
That's just furries in general
>Wrong their
I need to proofread
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it is
It is in the shop right now
ah wait it is, just not part of the bundle, weird
At least oogfag got rid of the anti OG kids
share with me your cool male skins that show up in the shop
I know master chief is coming up
Why does the word male scare you?
in a way he was kind of too muscular to be erotic and his face wasn't expressive enough to be charming
Only if it's MAWS
Ash Williams, Leatherface, RoboCop
yeah I know, if only I had like 2 more hp
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>Is it just practice? Confidence?
More or less. Drawing is a practical skill. You have to practice for a long time to be able to do it well. If your pic is what you're considering a "doodle", you have to consider that that's still a fairly intricate picture and there's still a lot of practice and training that they had to go through to get to this level.
>I can't even draw Lexa (or anything) without referencing some other picture.
This isn't a bad thing. It's what you should be doing. Tracing for the sake of learning is very helpful, just don't trace someone else's art and try to claim it's your own. Every artist uses reference and looking at the things you want to teach yourself to draw is how you should be doing it. If you're working digitally, open up the images themselves so you can trace their lines and get a feel for the muscle movements they use to draw them.
>but everything I have put out so far looks like trash.
The only thing that's trash is this mindset. Get rid of it. You're a beginner, and every artist in the world wasn't good at art when they first started. They only got good when they didn't give up. You're only trash if you stop trying.
I would but people have an unusual disdain for my Fortwife and I don't wanna annoying anyone
it released buggy so i expected to appear in the bundle once it got fixed
shame it's not
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the coolest
So legacy passes were announced?
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How do you break just the Unranked version of a mode anyway?
people joining mid match couldnt open their menus and got stuck not being able to quit the mode
happened to me like 5 times before I switched to ranked
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Phantom Flake is cool af
me thinks people were getting punished for leaving, now i'm unsure if leaving unranked gave you a leaver penalty like in ranked, but if it didn't, i can see this as a fair reason for them to shut it down
Still holding on til Monday, and maybe an opportunity to put down some Vbucks if I really feel like it afterwards.
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White Knight for OG Season 2
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just do it, the thread is too busy getting played by the same guy spamming for months to get annoyed by whatever you post
and if you're still worried after that you can just post them in lego form since we're all autists here so no ones gonna hate a cute minifig doing an emote
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As a mostly vocals main I feel like I did okay
I think people are just starting to think about the logistics of legacy passes since they broke the seal on renegade raider and george floyd.
Like if someone bought the season 1 pass and didn't max it, would they get black knight's OG style if they finished it?
Or if they did season 4, would they get omega's lights?
Or if they did Chapter 2 stuff, would they get superstyles?
ranked is the true ballistic experience
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The best
Are you a fag? Is your "wife" actually a man? That's what this sounds like.
Has a company done something similar before? usually they take trends from them since the reaction was already done
What is wrong with you?
Unfortunately, all the sexy ones I like are time-gated.
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>since they broke the seal on renegade raider and george floyd
How does it look so good?
Asking on behalf of my robo-wife.
>>506985720 #
it would be nice if we had a cat pet that hops off and does this next to you as you emote.

it would be cute and funny, and hopimal pilled.
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Thanks for the tips. I'll definitely practice more.
>If your pic is what you're considering a "doodle"
To be fair, I do agree that it is a very detailed doodle. This is more like what I was talking about. This is still extremely cute but probably didn't take much time. This is where I want to be for now, instead of taking days to slowly work on a big piece.
But yeah, I'll practice. Thanks again.
Fng is my playground. You’re all yea—ed in here with ME
I wouldn't have said WIFE if it was

But you do enforce an idea that the gays can't post because boners like you immediately judge
Did better on All I want for Christmas though, song isn't really fun to play though if that makes sense, like, it just feels kind of random I guess? The weeb songs were actually really fun to play, idr if they were harder or not though.
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With Valve they started rereleasing battle pass persona/arcana (both are effectively full body skin replacements with new voice acting) cosmetics in treasures, with the personas being usually common (1/13 chance, decreases to 1/12 and 1/11 and so on with each opened) and arcanas being bundled with ultra rare cosmetics (1/10000, becomes like 1/16 and so on when you open like 40 boxes).

With Smite they basically sell battle pass skins at the price it would have taken to get that skin by buying levels, with none of the extras (so buying reaper/black knight would cost like $80).

Overwatch released a mythic shop where you can unlock any mythic if you get 80 currency including old ones with a two season delay (150 days compared to fortnite's 18 months)

Destiny 2 puts them in an rng lootbox after release as far as I know with no way to specifically unlock old stuff.

Halo Infinite, Marvel Rivals, and a bunch others just let you buy old battle passes and use them instead of the current one.
My theory is that the same quests as before. They're advertising OG mode as being near 1:1 in mechanics. So the same quests/grindy shit is going to be included.
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Can’t wait for my new harley tomorrow, i don’t know why this character makes me consoom so much i wouldn’t even put this design on my top 10 harleys but i need it now
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DAMN, I need to get that for my 'chako too
yeah but what im asking is that if you bought the pass but didn't unlock everything, would you be eligible for OG styles for stuff you didn't unlock?
like lets say you got season 1's pass to 50 and didn't unlock black knight, would you be able to get the OG styles for purchasing or would it be only for people who actually unlocked him in time?
I practiced and did the one point perspective thing on prokos YouTube and then after doing that, did the same thing except make the boxes look like a person (like a minecraft guy), do the same thing to make them 3D boxes and then drew over those boxes with a sharpie. And then just draw like that with the same thing from now on and if you get stuck think of shapes to first make it with
No one fucking knows. You can stop asking this question now.
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How do I get this skin?
Szn 7
First thing i did was try it on ochako but i will wait until the last day to get it
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Any mechanic where you get legacy styles? Did they apply to people who bought the pass?
>All I Want for Christmas Is You actually sings the full chorus with unique movement up to the end
holy shit
Well how do i get it?
whats the likely scenario?
Two dump truck asses in one season? I was an OG hater but now I can't wait for 7.
None of them have legacy styles, in fact new purchasers pay a shitton more in dota's case but they get a new $200 cosmetic set with it (well, like $30 on market after you unbundle the set and unlock the arcana on your account) lmao
Fortnite is one of the only games where they've done it at all
Can the epic leaker please notice this thread and give us the truth? Tired of having to do this shit just to get a straight answer
Puts the tiktok shit to shame
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Pepa is so good.
More like 8 dump truck asses
I can’t see them NOT allowing anyone who’s purchased the pass to get the OG style if they missed out on the skins.
Do gliders, pickaxes from the pass get OG styles too?
Probably they will just do skins, and then just have the eligibility tied to the pass purchase
Does a mechanic exist where a eligible player could buy an item with 2 styles, 1 being exclusive, and another who isn’t can only buy that same item with the 1 style and not the other exclusive one, on the same day? This could answer the debate
eventually he's gonna get tired, there's no way someone is this dense and stubborn
>Butterfly-themed Mariah Carey has literal living butterflies
You can say superstyles could be the exclusive styles and you don't get OG styles for skins you didn't unlock but I cannot think of a solution for partially completed styles like omega and all the styles from c2s2 that were gatekept to a single choice that wouldn't piss people off
Answer the fucking question nezumi you fucking mulato nigger
With the Chapter 5 eminem concert if you watched it you apparently still get the lava style if you watched it and not if you didn't
Same with an Arianna Grande thing apparently?
Even if you bought it now, hypothetically?
googled it and redditors said yes
Let it go hideous art drawfag
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You can make or break this game, Charlie
Does epic track which passes you’ve purchased in some mechanic?
What's even the point of this image?
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Yakuza when?
5 Months after January 31st it'll rerelease
I can't tell you
Are you an epic employee? Can you answer my question in the OP/
I think they do for lifetime levels, but even then they could just track "did user have the purchase bonus skins before we did legacy passes"
>"Winterfest starts officially today!"
>but started the skins earlier, missing out on some of the skins in the trailer
are they going to rerun them?
>Can you answer my question in the OP
>I don't think they'll add International Love since it had Chris Brown
What happened to that nigger?
So I wouldn’t be able to get OG styles for skins I didn’t earn in time for the battle pass I bought??
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How do you get 5 months? Epic isn't going to do a remix pass every month bwo.
They will, i saw it in a dream
nta but didn't they say this og og stays for more than 1 month due to their vacation while the rest stay for 1 month only? shit i dont want to delude myself but the alternative would be to just rerun the battle passes when the respective season is up, and it may sound controversial, but with how easy getting XP is now, there's no excuse to not leave them at 200 for all items
but i'm deluding myself too hard, collab stuff in battlepasses make them almost impossible for them to return
not gonna lie after watching ohnepixel watch skibidi toilet i now wanna buy the skin. tvhead skin when?
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Caved in and bought the Hag bundle
I don't know the logistics of how people who have unfinished passes will be affected by returning battle passes
We have no idea, but that they give you "OG" styles for shop stuff that you watched the events for indicates that they wouldn't screw you over.
Plus worst case, it seems like reddit would get super pissed at it.
>watching someone else watch something instead of directly watching it yourself
Can you make a guess if you’re an epic employee?
I have no idea. I'd love for remix to be every season but I feel like they would make the main battle pass nearly obsolete? We would get 3 og remix ones per main battlepass. Seems weird to me but maybe not. I guess we will find out around the end of Feb unless they make a statement on it.
Not them but it's over two hours long at this point. Most people these days don't have the attention span to watch something that long on its own.
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Tick tock
Tick tock
TV Head with an inbuilt emote that changes her face would sell like hot cakes
Hopefully after I recover from buying Mariah bundle (thatt doesn't fucking include the song)
>This is still extremely cute but probably didn't take much time.
You'd be surprised. It probably took a lot of time, but that time was spent behind the scenes gitting gud rather than on the picture itself. Drawing chibified art well is deceptively difficult because you still need a working knowledge of anatomy and face construction to know where everything goes, and that can only be acquired through good old fashioned practice. Don't hit the books too hard, because you should be having fun while you draw, but the other anons are right when it comes to learning the shapes and boxes that make up larger drawings.
Keep practicing and don't get discouraged.
I got free money off of the Bow Blades and still returned them partly because I didn't refund them soon enough to get them back anyway and I really don't care. They were so mediocre and unremarkable anyway.
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so does anyone have the list of items in the giftboxes like last year
What's the story behind those 2 first items?
We just got plungerman so soon
>missed Paradigm's return
>now waiting for the Order as a cope
Please Epic give me a Visitor cope for OG S4
You don't deserve to see it
insane how nobody is answering the question in the OP
fuck, I don't have a decent winterfest-themed glider outside of the generic glider but green and the nutcracker
>just straight up jorked to mariah carey
I feel like I've hit a new low
I think it's the same

The big green present isn't available yet so it's the skin
The music CD is a shit bird song
Check the 'cord
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what are you faggots getting for christmas
Fuck off you already know the answer
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All I want for Christmas is omega and his lights, and his potential OG style.
Problem is, I didn’t get omega. I only got up to valor in the chapter 1 season 4 battle pass I
Can I still get what I want for Christmas eventually?
What’s the answer?
Insane how you’re such an obnoxious poster
Will they bring stuck back to the shop for Christmas? That is all I want.
Paradigm was an exclusive one-time exclusive release that was claimed she would never come back again. They put her up by accident, took her down shortly after, and then after positive reception from most of the players, they proceeded to let everyone that bought her keep them AND get their V-Bucks back, while proclaiming they'll give an OG Style to the original owners. They kinda fuckywucky'd and accidentally gave some new owners the OG Style anyway, but eh.
Then they did the exact same fucking thing with the Bow Blades, and I'm not even sure if it actually got an OG Style version yet or not.
You lost.
the answer is nobody knows you stupid nigger, how the fuck jannies ban the piefaggot for spam and not you?
Go away and you have no talent
Fuck off ivan
they messed up with the bow blades and gave the OG styles to everyone
Why did Fishstick not pay for the beverage he drank?
A friend gave me UFO 50. So I'll likely play that. Besides that, not much else coming my way. I don't have much family left and friends are broke
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Just give me a guess bro
nothing im alone and cant even make ends meet
money i guess
thanks anons
>almost 250 posts of straight garbage
And yet none of these “OGs” have been involved. Curious…
>The music CD is a shit bird song
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lmao at all the scalpers who will soon have a worthless box of plastic
Are we getting two free skins and an emote for winterfest this year?
horrendous misfire
Can I get omega’s og style if I got up to valor during s4?
its even funnier that retards spent hundreds on codes and resold accounts for slop thats about to start hitting the shop
No, it sucks on an unironic level
I never disliked it. I just don't get who at EPIC thought another nigger rap would be the move for this year. I now have a Halloween and Christmas song archived because of that bullshit
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>mariah carrey is ho-
Broke but want vbucks for cyberpunk stuff
4th girl looks simian post wall
Offtopic spamming
But Can I get omega’s og style if I got up to valor during s4? Edition
I'm guessing when old battle passes return, the way that it'll track your progress if you bought it previously but didn't complete it is by checking what cosmetics/styles you already have unlocked in the battle pass that is returning, and it will start you there, of course this is going to be separate from the OG pass aswell, but it should also be covered by crew, it'll just be covered by the "battle pass" part instead of the "OG Pass" since OG Pass is new skins, and this isn't a "legacy pass" this is the actual pass returning because you'll be in CH1S2, CH1S3, CH1S4, etc, bu that's just my guess.
>what are you faggots getting for christmas
just the last laugh bundle, spent all my christmas money on gifts for my parents and pets
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Glad I got Spider-Man 2099. His cape goes good with this.
We only get one skin and no emote this year? That's lame.
if the cybercuck 2069 shit doesn't have rebecca (which it likely doesn't) I'm probably buying that weeb harley
outside the game I think I just got gift cards because I don't really share any actual interests with anyone as I don't think my uncle is buying me hentai anime figurines, although to be fair I've never really asked
I’m saying if omega gets an OG style, would I be able to get it since I bought the pass? I didn’t unlock the skin, I only got up to valor, is what I mean. I don’t care how much I need to grind I just wanna know if I can get the og style.
yulejacket and santa dogg are free
no emote is sad, they scrapped like 3 from last year
We get Santa Snoop for free as well
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More harleys please DC
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why is the bird so zesty?
no but seriously how fucking lazy is epic that they just replaced the models from winterfest 2022 and called it a fucking day?
I kinda miss the fridge being in it. Least the silly bells stayed
good thing Mariah isn't there
Yeah now shot up about it
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He will make it into fortnite somehow
>Ballin censors nigga but keeps "bitch I had to serve crack" in
go away
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why are her feet bigger than her head?
>free Snoop
That's cool at least.
Made me laugh anon

Good one
So is this wanda shitting up the thread?
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Ah, okay so the way skin styles are tracked when styles are given out, is checking what date the player already had the skin unlocked/purchased, this is how Renegade Raider players (Despite them being astronomically low) will be given out a future style, because we can track the skin was unlocked when the skin was first released (but this might actually bug out and still give newer players the new style too, i'm not kidding), the battle passes you bought, while are tracked in the system, progress isn't after the season ends, only the cosmetics you unlocked, meaning if you didn't unlock Omega originally, it's very unlikely that if an automated system were to hand out OG styles for omega, it would give it to you, because it'll track it as a new unlock.

Also "new OG styles" aren't something on the mind that much at epic, there's been barely any legitimate backlash from RR returning, etc, the OG style being offered later is just to simmer down some vocal minorities who are stirring some trouble, the amount of money made even from people doing XP glitches to unlock the ability to purchase the skin early far outweighs any negatives, and it's semi-doubtful OG Styles will come for any returning battle pass skins, not saying it isn't possible though, if a vocal minority does stir some shit, but financial incentives are still financial incentives, considering most people who played CH1S2 also aren't still playing the game either.
why is winterfest 3 nigs can we get some white people
No it’s the drawfag with the really bad fat evelynn drawings. He uses the IMG filenames >>506996984
Fuck off
Because fishstick is a fishdick.
You did
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Mainly because of the backbling desu
Black people game
pls understand
You’re getting black people for free. You don’t even have to pay for them.
they are dope, I just don't know who the fuck they could be used on.
Like who?
Since that guy didn't give me the right answer I am going to ask again can I get omega’s og style if I got up to valor during s4?
he acts just like wanda, yikes
they are the easiest group of people to pander to and profit from
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DC will give her a fat juicy asd
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The color is really spot on
>Incest coded image
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Oh that sucks then
I notice the chapter 6 super styles look like they’re overlayed on whatever other styles they have on, I thought this was tech for any OG styles for future passes.
I had hoped it would’ve just tracked that I bought the pass and that would be enough. I would have to buy him but I could still get an OG style
I hope whatever the case, I won’t get cucked into not owning the entirety of the skin I couldn’t unlock….
his hand looks pretty comfortable there
stop entertaining this faggot holy shit, he doesn't even want the old stuff he's trying to make it look like anyone gives a shit about it so when ogfags get their ugly purple style they can pretend anyone wants it
he was doing this same shit before the seasonal shop shit returned, begging for legacy shit like an annoying faggot trying to make people annoyed with latefags by proxy, now he's in melty mode realizing he's lost his retarded fight and trying a last ditch cope
stop fucking responding to him. why the fuck are any of you retards even using this thread in the first place? what is fucking wrong with you people, you bitch all day that the general is shit and then you go and enable these fucking faggots. why are you all so fucking retarded?
makes me want a delicious cup of folgers coffee
both skins' back blings are really nice
I was going to call you a one trick pony but then I saw the latelet Raider Toilet with a Black knight thread combo and simply had to to agree.
At least he's not bus driver
makes me want a delicious cup of eggnog
maybe it's because i don't have siblings but i never got an incest vibe from that
i swear it's just closeted incestfags projecting their fetish where there is none
Shut the absolute fuck up. My favorite skins are the ones in skin tight outfits with no hair and masks. If omega got a brand new style in a new color of course I’d want that, anything less would leave a bad taste in my mouth, and I wouldn’t want to continue playing this game anymore.
Yes, just not quite sure wich skins besides Mariah would fit the angel wings aesthetic...
>backpedaling this hard
>Still seething about who made a new thread

Kek you faggots never learn
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>/fng/ drama
What does it feel to NOT OWN omega ??
>why the fuck are any of you retards even using this thread in the first place?
Name 1 other thread
Like nothing. But I’m the scenario I can get him, I’m happy.
But if I can’t get the full skin, then I’ll be mad.
I hope that it won’t be the case…
Most festival emotes look outsourced. I don't know how to explain it outside of them not reaching even early chapter 1 emote quality. They look like they were animated by a different company.
I think they really just rushed an assload out from a third party to sell instruments
I agree with the guy who says that festival emotes are not emotes.
>Festival is made by Harmonix
>Harmonix is not even in teh same building as Epic
Cause they're probably not mocapped
Unraked ballistic is a waste of time
You guys can use your own thread now. I got what I wanted
Worst case scenario, I’ll just have to delete my account, if I can’t own the entirety of omega.
none of the emotes mocapped
Do everyone a favor and delete you account full of hideous evelynn skins kek
New thread?
I used to think Epic just had god tier animators
Play ranked bitch
Ill make one, hold on
>really obvious answer that anyone with common sense could've figured out
>annoy everyone and make a thread because you can't think for a minute
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>ranked squad fills in elite
>enemy teams are all unreal
>i'm the fill every match
on the bright side I still gain a little bit of progress towards champion even when our squad dies with 0 kills..
>Implying i want to deal with HvH in ranked
Fuck that, i dont want to lose braincells stressing myself.
Knowing myself i wouldn't stop until im in unreal and i know for a fact unreal is hvh at this point, just like high ELO cs is.
I just want to sit down and spray niggas for fun.
alright, I’ll make it short and quick.

If I can’t get the entirety of omega due to them releasing a OG style, giving me an incomplete version, I’ll delete my account. I’m really tired of having to do mental gymnastics for this video games determining whether or not I can buy a item and know I’m getting the full product, it’s really sad how this is the only game in the western market where you have this as a legitimate problem, I don’t see myself or many others playing if epic will give out styles like this and piss on the faces of people who actually didn’t have time, considering every other pass I have finished 100%. This metaverse experiment can’t even go on long enough if there’s going to be things people can’t buy, otherwise what’s the point in playing if you’re just gonna get screwed over by past decisions you’ve made in the game? I really like this game, but I don’t want it to become a source of anger or misery for me, so I hope that when the time comes, I’ll be able to have omega, o and have all the styles that he has, whether they’re exclusive iso e or not, or I just simply won’t be there anymore and I’ll delete my account. I really don’t know what type of game this is playing with consumers like this, but I don’t know much about business. Anyway, hopefully the best case comes, and I can get the skin I like. Until then, I’ll probably just leave this game on the back burner.
I’ve been playing since chapter 1 season 4, but I played a lot of STW. I really liked how this game looks, and I wouldn’t stop looking up the beta testing, but unfortunately if this company makes the wrong decisions, I can’t play.
You're not getting omega.
Omega Knight was the better skin anyway. You're not getting him either though LOL.
I would hate to imagine how you react to real world problems
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How many battle passes have YOU bought?

me : all of them
Bad at art
Everything since chapter 5 season 1
The only one's I missed were chapter 2 seasons 2-5 and the greek mythology one.

Fuck this Evelynn schizo
Skin for this feeling?
>HvH in ranked
Nigga we're playing a game with Chinese Kernel level anticheat that even is countering most DMI's, the only game that has better Anticheat (maybe) is valorant, this isn't CS, or Call of Duty, it's extremely rare to run into cheaters in this game.
damn it Epic, give me The Void gamemode
I'm not expecting anything and that's ok

I just wanna spend time with the people closest to me
>countering DMA
Yeah, the kids using the shitty kartoxa firmwares
And even then, they live long enough to fuck up unreal games and especially FNCS, seriously FNCS is a fucking joke.

Ive seen a couple motherfuckers cheating in ballistic casual too, which was hilarious., likely testing their shit in that mode before going to ranked.
I'm in high diamond and only maybe ran into a cheater (Twice) but I think it was really only once (also a maybe though)
How big is Tim Sweeney weeney? Both hard and soft.
Thats nothing, if i decide to play ranked ill go to unreal since i was a CS nerd for 10 years, and i still have nightmares remembering global lobbies back in 2016.
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How do you get him if he's not a present? from the winterfest quests?
guys I think we're going to get kicked off of /vg/
Toilet enjoyers cant keep getting away with it!
>I'll likely play that
You should make it a definitely. it's honestly GOTY for me.
We never had someone make a new thread in the middle of a thread because the OP is so unbearable
every general on /vg/ thinks they're the worst general.
the whole board sucks. this leaves a smaller mark than the average gacha thread.
I watched my pal play it and said I'll give it a go in the future, my backlog is pretty loaded. I guess he had other ideas this Christmas, ha. I vibe with the Golf mini-games
apparently the 24-25 there will be a golden gift above the chimney, letting you get him
Is there a thread limit on /vg/?
This talentless whining wanda clone is THAT bad
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my wife Luna :)
i want a skin of her
Oh no no no....
What if another one gets made
The Janny woke up, 2 of them are dead
pretty much everything since chapter 2 season 5, although I did play chapter 1 season 7 only for fat lynx ass
>5 different threads up
wtf is happening and why haven't we been nuked yet
Sex with Raven Team Leader
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Lego is peak.
Almost better than Minecraft
This is getting out of hand, now there's three of them
underage thread users and gboon got baited by the equivalent of saar posting and now we're here
how do we collectively get him to fuck off?
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do i get the mariah bundle?
We may need a certain poster to butt in
gboon can't keep getting away with this
God I want the elf slippers, but if high heels are coming my meme shoe slot immediately is filled by them.
Do we have an ETA?
Ok, what's the deal this time, why everyone is mad?
A hero…
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Why is everyone fighting?
It's the holidays.
Swallow your pride and relax.
>Swallow your pride
Same could be said to you paypigging asshole
I'm pent up from waiting for Master Chief's return
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it's pretty cute
i don't really know about the majority of the furniture available to me being "evil laboratory" or "wizard school" themed though
Honestly I need to figure some good non-old-BP/challenges backblings to look for with Chief.
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>playing ranked og squad fills
>cat dude steals a purple scar from the dead nigger when the nigger opens a supply drop
>this is in silver so of course the cat dude is a retard and downs himself by falling off a cliff
>dead nigger picks him up (which stops be from reviving him)
>holds him until he dies
>over a purple fucking scar
>Level 233
>He also bought the default recolor
Not beating the retard allegations Bruni
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the mythic typhoon blade and the medallion is my favorite combo, i'm not sure if people don't see my steps or how they even fail to see me when i'm sprinting but they always get hit by the right click
Does anyone have Christmas Mariah? How are her wings backbling? Are they totaly stiff and awkward like Ark's?
i keep forgetting to screenshot my dubs
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Oh hi Wanda enabler, I can see why you don’t have an issue with that’s going on
Holidays don't really mean anything for me anymore. If I like something and I can convince myself to buy overpriced digital goods tied to a game that could disappear any time I buy it. I bought a bunch of shit I never used so I try to hold back nowadays. I thought I will want Harley and I appreciate the original design but it doesn't interest me. Slutty Mariah tickles my leftover libido a bit - mostly because of the legs - but I was burned by Ariana I never used either so...
Can we get more DC skins that aren't fucking batman and harley
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I screenshot them just to show my friends since that's the only game where i get more wins than them playing solo

based lexa
give it time, they just came back after shitting the bed for 1 whole year
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Damn what the hell she's hot as fuck
Isn't it crazy we don't have Green Lantern?
Some scars run, they're deeper than skin deep, they're they run deep those some scars.
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I've never actually gotten a victory royale. I have 1200 hours in the game but the best I've placed was 5th.
Ever since simple edit was added I've been playing builds over zb
Guy Gardner soon?
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Lexa... WIN!
I managed to place a couple victories in each season of chapter 5, but they were genuinely almost always against bullshit odds of my opponents having the mythics or bumrushing me with triple medallions and getting overconfident for a gun rush. I think the only easy victory I had was accidentally going into Builds at the start of C5S4 and lucking into all the bullshit mythics no one was used to yet and cinching a win without ever placing a single build down by pure luck. Which says a lot about how bullshit those items were.

By C2R I just sorta gave up on most traditional matches and bot lobby the majority of the time now because it feels like SBMM has snapped so hard that C5S4's later half fucking broke me.
Thank god for videogames
Who cares about Green Jobber?
Saving for Miku
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Wack ass resolution
if i had a switch i think playing brick life in bed would be pleasant
Will be me when Switch 2 hits, until someone manages to release a hack for it anyways.
chuds think she looks bad here? lmao
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The ninja skins are a small step for now, but im almost sure they’ll go all out shilling their new movie/animated universe

Like if i were one of the people that actually gets to talk to executives i’d just show them an updated version of this and say something like
>your live service games are fucking shit with barely 1000 players on steam
>while you were gone disney took over fortnite a game with millions of players
>you need to fucking catch up, their roster is triple the size of yours, plus marvel rivals is actually successful
>making fortnite skins is your best bet to market to gaymers, there’s no time to try making your own game again, people fucking hate them specially suicide squad kill the justice league, seriously who the fuck greenlit that
We'll get a Superman skin for the new movie, there's no doubt about that.
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Honestly, all my victories on fortnite are thanks to the bullshit items, and i love them since i find just shooting at enemies and playing cover pretty boring (except for reload, i love placing bunkers and helping my teammates push the enemies), i always try my best to get 50 wins per season just doing whatever i want, but i still like using some weapons like eminem's minigun last season and the mythic smg on this one

Lexa... I KNEEL
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Honestly I think I did pretty well and got a magic number without even knowing it.
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What? This shit has to be wrong there’s no way i played absolute doom less than remixslop
Now that Renegade Raider is in the shop, everyone is more OG than Gboon
probably condensing the math down given the shorter length of the season, so it "expounds/exaggerates" the resulting percentile compared to normal seasons.
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I hate lego so much now
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Why does she look beautiful? Have I met her before???
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Huh I thought I spent more, damn the price is probably a lot lower too since I get a lot of my shit discounted too, Fortnite is kind of cheap when you think about it.
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WOW, you guys actually got lvl 400+ on a season, here's my playtime, i started playing when the avatar collab was already happening
Where can i check how much i’ve spent?
If you've been cataloguing what you've bought in your Locker by adding things, it'll try to give an overall estimate of everything in it.
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Wait....i'm retarded, that's vbucks + ACTUAL Money spent....holy fuck...........
I'm using fortnite.gg
Meant for
Your locker on Fortnite.gg though you need to have added each individual item you've bought
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Is it hard to hit Unreal rank? I'm at Diamond if that means anything.
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This can't be real......
Some modes are easier than others, reload is the easiest to hit Unreal in right now, would have been easier if you were grinding it last season too since they didn't reset ranks for whatever reason in that mode.
>STILL no bionicle
Justified hate tbqh
>estimate i've spent around 45,450 worth by my locker and the current vbucks i have in the past year
hoo boy
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god i would tell her to not wash for 5 days and then eat her out for hours
Calm down Eminem
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>Too lazy to edit the capture and shit
Posting cringe on Yt but any Ballistic players would be kind to give me some tips, I feel like my positioning and movement is wack. I need to look up better throw spots and bounce areas.
>aim is crap
Ik I'm playing on ps4
I've also been playing CS again and using that as a base for Ballistic, I hope we get a new map next month.
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I don't really care about Mariah Carey but I bought her Christma skin because she looks hot.
I only care about her coomer emote
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Holy fuck
She's so sexy bros
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>the condoms are all changing their skins to white now
You should be ashamed of yourself
She may have the nicest legs in the game.
there's not too much advance tactics to learn on ballistic just tap move to keep the reticle small. The map doesn't really have any complex positions either everything is in a straight view of each other to make any actual good spots.
Should be 1500 for all her costumes. The splitting of skins needs to stop its cringe and retarded.
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SEXA can't stop winning
She's hot as hell, easy coomer buy
True, the game feels like baby's first tactshooter but I've seen and noticed good plays and holds with the map
>Red impulse for surpise movement and ambush
>White smoke for decent blocks and covers
>Blue sniping is way stronger for counter players, never blindly run it.
She looks like the 40 year old cougar that stares at you in the ball room at the quinceañera you're at.
Not really when skins like Ruby, Chun-Li, Sakura, Poison Ivy exist
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>Here's your ranked squad match, bro
None of them show their legs off like Mariah's dress skin
what's the most woke skin?
its something napoleon did you illiterate zoomer fuck.
Honestly, every animal skin
This one
Vitiligo is so ugly
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Anything St*r W*rs, M*rvel or D*sney in general

Did napoleon write a lot of books?
>her heels don't make the *clik clak* sfx
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Who the fuck at Epic Games wanted Guardians and Infinite Drift skin packs wanted to return so soon instead of any other skin pack.
Because they sell, probably.
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Is lucien west one of the unofficial mascots of Fortnite Festival? It's almost always seen to be used in the track previews videos
Why are leftoids so obsessed with this shit
snowflake syndrome, attempting to stand out and be unique even if someone has to exploit literal health/skin/whatever diseases and conditions to do it. this particular artist has a hard-on for excessive piercings and this skin bleaching condition to try to be "quirky"
>Cant just be black and gay you need a (Visual) deformity too
Every time
Isn't being black a visual deformity in it self?????
It's wild, every third LEGO set has a vitiligo nigger (it's always a darkie) in it somewhere. They made the main character of their big DREAMZZZ line a vitiligo nigger.
The batgoy collab is a dud, because of how good it could have been. The anime had a great Harley
I'm not mad at the design choices but more so that we still haven't gotten Robin.
Nigga where is he at??? How about Bane, scarecrow, nightwing, redhood, killer croc??
Kingdom Hearts crossover teaser
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No way this old picture I have became a reality. All of it.
It actually doesn’t make sense. We got 2x ravens, starfire and that beta cuck beatboy, yet no Robin? Redhood would be perfect for this game.
ill buy the harley since harley is sexo but batman is painfully mid.
Ben 10 writers, for starters...
I wish I had Gwen Stacy so bad bwos.
I too support Trans Rights, sis!
Inb4 we get another Harley and Ivy for the new season of their show....with Red X.
It's the only possible way now.
She's not that
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I genuinely can never get over the double "I checked".
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Cringe but funny cringe.
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I haven’t been up to date with the thread but how’s the ogee meltdown? Are they taking it well?
They were telling me that those were shop items originally, so they don’t count.
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Post the one where Cyborg says "Let's hit the showers".
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I guess they still have their “exclusive” Battlepass skins for now that is. Epic Games really don’t give a shit anymore.
Gboon had a meltie spanning several threads across multiple days
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I got Mariah Carey's Jam track and emote, I don't think I need her skins or mic...
I'll save up my v-bucks for all the cool collabs we'll get next year, like Miku.
Epic since you added Skibidi toilet, and DC is back at your doorstep like a filthy whore, add a Ttg collab. Do it. Make it the only Robin available.
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She's not
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figured as much given there's a free icon skin this time.
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I'll take a meat beating emote
Presents came out on the 20th. I did not redeem. Today is 21st, did I miss out or can I still open
Missed out, gotta wait till they're possibly sold again next year
the free presents stack up if you don't collect them. the most important thing is to get all your free daily stuff before winterfest ends.
One things for sure. She damn ugly
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No she isn't
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i just wish shit like pic related didn't happen
it's unavoidable with how the models are rigged and you'll never see it in normal gameplay anyway but it still bugs the fuck out of me
I know where to find full
Most fortnite characters are Christian because they celebrate christmas
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Juan duh
Yeah i'm thinking based
Sup? Who are ya what do you need?
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Big Spider Gwen Booty
No clue why that picture is there.
Nothing, I was just casually doxing you
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This guy mogs every other batman skin, there's a reason they're holding up his release, no reason to get the ninja version when you already have Zero
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also, fucking kino tie-in I strongly regret not buyering Snake Eyes
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So, if we get Black Knight next OG season + a remix Knight, what skins are you actually looking forward to:
>finally buying?
>getting an alternative style?
>getting a remix of?
Personally, I'm excited to get 8-Ball finally and get a remix of Havok. As for alt styles everythign I own is perfect, but some of the later chapter skins could look top tier with some extra colors, like Renzo or Brutus.
Oh okay, cheers.
I want a new Giddy Up because I never played fortnite during that season
Massive assumptions in this post
If I get black knight and the og style despite not actually unlocking him I'm looking forward to a super og black knight shield to mix with my purple skull trooper
omg samus confirmed next to ryu and chun-li!
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Chapter 2 season 2. I think even OGs can look forward to a rerun of that season because of how it worked.
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Her chances of a cope seem low
>first movie outfit is too similar
>comic book gwen would have a different body and face
>maybe they could make her in her school uniform but it means she won’t wear her suit at all
>wait until 2030 for the new movie to give her a new look
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I absolutely love Zero Build
But I wish Epic went another route and kept the game full of anti-build weapons and stuff just like CH2S7 had.
Yeah there was such a charm to throwing fireflies at buildings and watching them burn.

What the hell HAPPENED to fire items anyway? Remember fire? I fucking loved setting everything on fire, why take that out?
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did I get banned form whispering or did they change how to do it? I don't see it anymore
They're not bringing back passes so you just won't get black knight period jit
>why take that out?
Because you need to adapt to the lack of fire.
didn't mean to quote you but that's fine
they changed how to do it, you have to use the new chat thing
it'sh sho goo though
Notra dame happened
average fortnite player back then didn't know how to avoid fire so they just sat in it and quickly burned to death and then complained on twitter that it was too strong
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Well? Is he right?
Posting zoomer copypastas in my general in my 2024, I should send you back to the lobby for that one kid
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Please gib copes or let me buy these collab bp skins
>Optimus prime
>Eren yeager
>Geralt of Rivia
>Doom slayer
>Spider gwen
>Indiana Jones
>Dr strange
>Lara croft

In return i’ll pay a lot of money and play fortnite forever
This but Spider Gwen
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>literally have all of these and don't really use them that much
>besides spider-man
>he's so fucking cool
>and gwen's glider and contrail's great to pair with other spider-verse characters from the shop
but anyway I hope you get your wish.
>Not having optimus
I cant imagine being this late and still having motivation to play.
>he wouldnt be playing this game if he didnt have x or y skin
Weird flex but ok
the worst types of people are
1. batman, superman, spider-man fag
2. penny fag
3. condon fag
4. renegade raider and george floyd fag

why do children and teenagers use twitter? twitter is a place for watching pornography, crypto scams and political bots.
>literally have all those skins
Damn how late to the party are you???
We need a good spiderman cope, the original is just too shiny. The mcu suit is pretty bad, same for spiderman zero, he's always looked better in red and blue. None of the spiderverse stuff is an acceptable cope, we could've had a neat comic shader spider but they're scared to make Peter B actually B spiderman. Iron spider is just ugly and if there's any other spiderman clones I've forgotten, they're just unforgettable.

In what fucking world would i rather use punk over actual spiderman
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We're getting another Doomguy and there's a decent Deadpool in shop.
still praying for a comic version I hate the movie.
no spider-verse version is dumb
new movie coming out it'll happen
Rick prime maybe.
Hasbro needs to be bought out by Elon first, they're that dumb.
when teh new game drops

I still hope they just re run old passes during their "OG rerun" seasons. Fucking dumb you can't get these anymore.
Non fucked up Dusty.
Its more of a
>He wouldnt be playing the game if he didnt experience 4 fucking chapters of the game.
I hope we can remove the mask from Yulejacket in a future update. Why waste a pretty face?
Was lightning McQueen bullshit then lmao where the fuck is he, they've been saying 'n-n-next update' for the last 4
wow this dude sounds like a faggot
Did you play during Wrecked? A meta formed based upon the size of the car windows and EPIC had to make a statement about that.

How would driving McQueen function? Would shooting his eyes be like the window? How much of the player is visible? If you are sitting shotgun, would you still smash the window to shoot?
We got the the incredible mobile months later, and the wall running leaks / fps mode from ch4 in ch6.
>How about Bane, scarecrow, nightwing, redhood, killer croc??
I thought we already had Bane, but it's just Fortnite's original donut steel, Big Chungus, isn't it?
How are the vocal stems? I'm a bit worried about buying any more jam tracks after getting "I Wish" and it was crunchy as fuck
a reference at most
We'll get a nigger Easter and Valentines rap too
Morning Bruni
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>Batman Ninja collab
>the skin designs are some OC shit instead of just being the Batman Ninja designs

God I hate Epic so fucking much
Dogwire is so hot
i guess chuggus counts but megalo don is a far better example now
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>can't use kicks
this look so retarded
more pls
what emote is that?
dont worry, theyre priming and lubing people up for a legacy pass bp xp unlock shop system.
Cool then I can get Spider Gwen :3
>retarded cybertruck is still pay to lose
fuck muskrat
This but Antonia
>>Batman Ninja collab
Uhhh source for that, nigger?

This is "Ninja Knight Batman".
Your shitty anime movie was a complete failure and no one who's ever seen sunlight enjoyed it.
>devs that worked on it are open about their hate for musk and his car
>make it so players never use it by having them ride in the truckbed instead of the backseat teh car actually has
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what do you mean the only way to get chigusa is to either pray everyday or give chang 500 USD for what is most likely a scam for a koi fish version that epic refuses to resell
The back two seats are completely open unlike in the stock SUV where they're covered by the car.
its not really something they can fix
2 out of 3 passengers are out in the open instead of inside
that girl with vitiligo
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tim please, fortnite x disturbed WHEN
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So what's the best way to grind out the BP currently? Does lego still give AFK xp?
At this point it's very clear they absolutely want to
They know the money is there, I think it's entirely just a matter of legality since they've already decided new OG-only styles are the way they're going to appease people
Original Gays in shambles
it would have the opposite problem of the passengers being safer than in the regular SUV
who in the fuck wanted this?
wouldn't it make more sense to rerun the packs that are going for literal hundreds?
Mina, Rey, Lars, the FUCKING SAMURAI , literally any of the expensive packs?

Tidebreaker was going for hundreds before they resold her and she sold gangbusters, why not copy that?
Last laugh has come back before
there's one other SUV skin that was pulled fromthe bp last minute, Donie's van.
so glad I paid like 5 bucks or less for all of these while the argie codes still worked.
the last skibidi toilet has been defeated
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I will wait patiently for the most gorgeous head hunter in fortnite, Laguna.
it's been a long five and a half years
Persephone for the win
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why are people online retarded, do they not know how copyright works? why are they bothering garry?
Valve fanboys are desperate and deranged. They really thought this was their chance to take down Epic.
I think these are Gmod fanboys, not Valve ones. If they weren't retarded and actually knew anything about Valve, they'd know he doesn't own shit when it comes to this.
fuck, didn't know I am nearly as old as garry
It's just people desperate to hate dumb thing that's popular among kids
It's amazing how much feigned distaste this collab produced
Literal kids trying to act like that they're more mature than the other kids
To be fair of all the shit skins in the game this is probably the worst so far
Explain what's so bad about it.
>To be fair of all the shit skins in the game this is probably the worst so far
Not at all, it's a really nice dapper coat skin witha cool Camerai for a head. It's like a cooler version of those popular movie mascots in Japan back in 2011ish where they were cameras with suits who were all about anti-piracy.
If you released this skin in the shop with no skibidi-context and just called it RECraider, nobody would bat an eye. This is about as on time for a collab as you could get since Lethal Company.
its called the cyber TRUCK
9 months for me
>This is about as on time for a collab as you could get since Lethal Company.
Skibidi's peak was about a year ago.
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>pissed off the brown jannie again
idk my coworkers' kids continue to watch this shit
And that's about the length of time it takes from a collab to go from the planning stage to being released in the game.
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Reminder if you like futas you support trans rights.
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>All I Want for Christmas emote isn't free
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Haha this is going in my white women age like shit folder
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surprised we haven't gotten Harry Potter skins
they finally added sex to fortnite
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kek based op
to answer your question, we dont know yet
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I still seethe
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It's better than having to stare at the other metaverse icon in the launcher ig
yeah i agree, hated having to look at CTL and ramirez
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"Oh hey the stuttering issue finally stopped maybe Epic finally fixed their ga-
>Pc freezes and blue screens when I eat a slash attack from shogun x on island and get beamed by some sperg ratting in one of the bushes at the same time
Ok. Guess I'm playing FF16 still then
>speak to mariah carey for presents
>xbox dashboards
I'd wish they'd add more sportscars and futuristic furniture for the modern style houses.
The doom stuff fits the Raven, medieval aesthetic quite well imo
Oh and fix the fucking bear hug emote already
I'm playing on a R5 4600 and 1660S with no issues, but I am seeing normal game bugs not related to performance, season is crap regardless
Broken Condom Squad
In an ironic turn of events, the legacy pass begging low skill drawfag ended up being the one to have a meltdown spanning several threads. You’re in his retarded thread right now
>What the fuck happened?
>Fortnite OG is running Renegade Raider
Holy fuck, I may actually have a chance to get the one item I really wanted from Season 4.
And also Omega. That'd be cool since almost every remix/release of him is inferior to the original.
He needs to be pushed out into a busy street desu
this guy still hasn't shut the fuck up? it must be a bot
I hate hags and even more western hags with their square ass fucking man jaws
Is it true Stuck got updated?
Just a few more hours until i can get my harley
>a few more hours
there’s like 9 hours left bro
Is Warner bros desperate enough to throw a fuck ton of money at epic to make a entire DC based season?
i never see anyone else using this skin these days
I will take a nap
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I use her quite a bit. Night Rose kicked her down a few spots with her delicious lore, but Shiver is still one of my top girls. Her tail and horns are just adorable, and she's got an hourglass figure like nothing else.
Lego execs probably have some big-nosed "diversity expert" telling them how they need to spam ugly vitiligo lesbians to appeal to the fruity (according to the latest (((study)))) Zoomers/ Alphas to get their shares back up.
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I hope sakura miku is in the shop or becomes one of her styles
Season 6 and 7 were my favourites in retrospect even though I used to go on about how much better 1-3 was
Why buy that old hag, she ain't even attractive in a milf way
why cope?
she is gonna come back sooner or later
>BP skins are not gonna be exclusive anymore
b-but that's only newer BPs, old ones will be forever exclusive!
>season 1 stuff just make it into the shop
n-no this is an special case because these items were paid stuff anyway!

I wonder what OGtards will say when we get season 2 stuff in february
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zamn this is a lot more than I was expecting, hope it all comes in a bundle
they opened pandora's box when they make future BPs non exclusive
now they are bringing OG stuff, we'll have black knight by february or march
>V outfit
male V or female V?
it's a style?
2 keanus
I really hope you are right, i wanna complete the spiderverse skin collection i got everyone except her
hopefully both, I prefer male V by a lot but if we get only one V it's gonna be the femoid
the fact you can't look like trailer V inside the game says it all about this trainwreck
fixed my ass
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>no adam smasher
>just two guys in street clothes
I wanted david
the teaser with the screens make it seem like it's fem V
You are breathtaking
I want them all too but I'm not gonna buy a single one of them until they give us Gwen
You'll still be waiting several years for a goblin-faced coalburner bwo
Male V too right
That’s fine, it’s a spiderverse skin im already waiting years for the sequel
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After all they've been doing lately it's either
>Epic give us old BP items
>Epic don't gives us old BP items and they then receive the biggest shitstorm they've ever gotten until they give us old BP items anyway
They've dug themselves too deep after Raider and I really can't wait to see what happens next
Oh ffs please let there be a male v option too
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>I will NEVER goon to a Skibidi Toi-
No one ever applies Jilltard forced memes to this other forced meme, probably because the retard using Jill doesn't play the games and thus doesn't recognize her.
it makes me extremely happy
I started playing this game exactly one year ago and seeing all the new players thanks to the new modes I knew it only made sense to bring back the old stuff eventually
most og players moved on and all the new ones keep asking for old stuff back
it was always a matter of time and I'm so glad I was right
I'll be playing again after years just for Miku
Edgerunners would've been a better collab. 2077s characters visually are so fucking boring
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What is bro yapping about?
we used to get some cool songs in the shop but now its literally all just pop charts dogshit
he is right
Calling it now, these retards are going with fem V because Johnny is a man already and the troons and femoids need attention too
No shrimp lady, no buy.
Hello Vinny
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That face...
is he
I know Disney probably forced them to end exclusivity
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yeah it certainly contributed. vader and other capeshit on the shop is better than them rotting in someone's locker
Disney literally puts their movies in a vault to causd FOMO.

>if you didn’t get up to black knight you won’t get his OG style even if you got sparkle specialist
They wouldn’t do this, right? It seems like this would piss people off
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I only just noticed all the C1S2 cosmetics I own are listed as Season 1 cosmetics in-game
Why the fuck
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>we are getting FemV
>Not the sexy FemV, we are getting the crackhead SEAmonkey one from release
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I do really hate how they cant just make it a fem/male style selection, male V is great too but they keep pushing for fem V
trannies are the absolute worst
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I dont see it
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There's no confirmation I know but the leak accounts were passing around that they did around the time, and given the next upcoming season after exclusivity ended was a Marvel season I can definitely see it and why I can see the mouse behind pushing Epic to end exclusivity on old passes as well
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>New superman trailer looks good
>new harley skin today
>new Harley Quinn Fartacular: Silent Butt Deadly special comic announced


Life is good, DC is finally getting their shit together
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that's not Shaq...
If we're only getting female then how many of you are gonna just get johnny instead?
I'll probably get the bundle for the other stuff but I'd be pretty fucking annoyed if they didnt bother to just give V a female and male style, cant be that hard
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Arctic Assassin, Arctic Command and Codename E.L.F. are all listed as Season 1 for me despite not releasing until Season 2. Same goes for my Ice Breaker pickaxe, Snow Squall and Zephyr gliders, and the Dab emote. I do see the C1S2 Valentine's emotes I own (True Love and Kiss Kiss) are listed as Season 2, though, so I don't know what's up with that.
this is literally the inverse Shepard and you fags are yet again blaming the trannies on your head and not the fact female V is the popular choice
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>It's real
What the fuck?
fem V fits the game more, has better voice too
male V looks so basic and his lines were edge cringe not edge kino
If female V is the popular choice, why do I see tons of comments asking for male V on all of the xitter posts?
Could be like pic related
I’m in the same boat anon except for sparkle specialist (was one tier away)
These items will come back 100%, but I hope if I get sparkle eventually I won’t be missing a style.
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It has 3 alternate covers im getting all of them
That happens all the time.
It's annoying but the "Season" isn't when it was released, but when it was added to the files.
did they remove the unranked for the Counter strike mode ?.
Alright which one of you fuckers was it
I have John Wick so might as well get the full Keanu combo
Is there a Neo skin in this game?
I have genuinely seen more male Vs than female Vs posted online.
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But wait, there’s more
This is a really nice glider. Is it a recolor?
all we got from the matrix was two emotes, a wrap and a glider sadly
there's a matrix glider, a matrix wrap and 2 matrix emotes but no matrix skins
I don’t think id play the game with the sour taste in my mouth knowing I can’t get all of sparkle’s styles man
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>rub and smell pages
Holy fuck that's amazing actually
What do you guys think?
why does Wendell look gayer than usual when doing the All I Want emote
Imagine if they didn't decrypt Mariah Carey so all that happened for the event was that default Ramirez popped out and did the Default Dance like with what happened to Doom
is this a real POI?
legit question I never launched current season just OG
Looks fun
what the fuck
seaport city
well that's fucking weird as fuck
damn, I guess is time to update the toaster
it's a pretty decent poi all things considered, reminds me of a mini mega city but you can actually move between building floors and not only the bottom and top
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>queue for ranked ballistic
>get a lobby of middle school kids that think camping and poaching kills is good
>lose 7 - 1 because the other team actually works together
i may or may not have said some things in vc that would get me muted or banned
what is your rank? Things smooth out at plat II, at lest in my experience, even the randoms work together and use the ping system properly
>distinctive lack of the metaverse modes
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does using a female skin not play the little extra bit at the end of the mariah emote, or is that just a shop bug?
Diamond 1, there was another diamond 2 dude that worked with me and we managed to win a round, but all three kids were low plat
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four fucking scuffed tss harley styles and still no classic
fucking retard devs
>730 posts
Honestly I miss pre-wojak meme faces.
may unironically be too long for the shop preview
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>publisher is jewish and an ex-editor
Conceptualize the stench
Boomer build win

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Breaking News: Ramirez won!
Can we stop posting at 730 already?
Cool a Cow skin
Brick life is good, I love reporting retards who try to be funnee haha on the chat by trying to avoid filters to spell nigger.
Most of those people are using alts anon.

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