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Welcome to the Vidya Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss video game-based creepypastas and their related content. And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

ROOM #495 - Hell Valley Sky Trees Edition

>/exeg/arbage Site & Archive

>Video Game Creepypastas & Gaming Urban Legends

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs

>Old Man Reads Vidya Creepypastas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T339A8wlzgs Sonic.exe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRL0Rhyrz9g Mario World I HATE YOU
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt2qpC2Ko-I Sonic 2 Genocide City

>/exeg/ Archives

>/exeg/ CyTube
https://cytu dot be/r/exegarbage

>Homemade/found pastas

>Room Template

>Previous Room
Sarah is fat and if you post "sex with rat lady" you are admitting that you want to fuck fat women
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Is MX doomed to fail no matter who the "owner" of the character is?
next question.
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So I guess Cosbydaf gave up on Godzilla Replay again?
I'm asking, not stating. Alkali part 1 released quite a while ago.
No...give him to me and I will set things right for him.
Big hulking monsters can work in horror, you just have to put them in an actual game instead of a walking simulator.
have any examples?
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
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I honest to god don't know what is going on anymore with MX. First razz takes ownership of this fatass, then it's announced to be on hiatus, then cumi comes out and confirms it's in dev hell because there isn't an actual finalized plan for how the rest of the game plays out, and NOW razz is shitposting on bluesky and contemplating shelving this ugly fuck
i can kinda see it but solely relying on that is useless.
that's why both mr.X and nemesis transform
honestly? MX should be written like nemesis.
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god I fucking love this exe take.
If all the enemies in a game are undefeatable, one more won't make an impression on the player. If MX is the only character Lucas can't stomp his way through, then the player will at least panic when he appears.
Oh my God this isn't even this guy being shat on it's actual concern over some Mario recolor. Kill yourself you gay nigger
typical exeg momento
tf2 comic 7 came out and the story concluded after a 7 year gap
compare and contrast with our blue armed spiky little friend
also go read the fucking tf2 comic don't waste time thinking of faker's lost potential
>>507017561 (nta)
also go read leviathan
Have other monsters and stuff throughout the levels, with MX coming in at random
edgy mc lord x rapist pedophile
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Roger is officially the worst Sonic VA.
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holy autism
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good morning exeg
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what if..
black eyes red pupils and blood
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merry christmas to you too ya filthy animal
This is a literal made-in-Mexico anime style. Something about it is off because the art was outsourced to a latinx

Kek Good one.
the guy who made it likes dragon ball so there's your answer
is that Marisa's hat
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>blocks you're path
posted it again award
She looks like she rapes little boys
Self-inserting as a child is inherently non-masculine and thus homosexual
>I want this woman to destroy me
>"that's gay"
fuck you faggot
You want to get pegged nigga. You want to take it up the ass nigga. You're gay nigga.
shut the fuck up queer you can't even look at /fit/ women without thinking of a dick in your ass
I think you’re projecting, Anon. Nobody said anything about pegging but you.
Wanting to be raped as a man is gay
by a woman. dick forcefully slammed into a vagina. until I die. you stupid faggot
who the hell is drawing these dumbass thumbnails
26 year old serbian cartoonists who desperately need work
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I thought these disappearing platforms would be easy, but it was actually kind of a hassle to get them synced up properly.
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faggot got no arms
These posts are made by an actual bot.
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is it kino?
this is better because if it were made by mutts, it turn turn her into a 'he'
does anyone here care for gearisko
gearisko acts like a twitter user because he is
he fucking praised lancey
you mean "Lacey"
yeah that i barely remember the name
He does? do you have any screencaps or something?
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he made not one, not two, but three fucking videos on this series. Imo it's just okay. It's not terrible but it doesn't suck me in
I was talking about him acting like a fucking retard on twitter, but also maybe it could had been better if he made a very long video instead of 3 imo.
is sex with schizo women worth it?
when i said:
>"gearisko acts like a twitter user because he is"
I meant that he acts like a twitter user (he also has a twitter, so yeah.)
lacey is a mediocre series. all problems attached to vibinleaf can be attributed to this (except for the caring demon trope.)
I've seen his twitter and he's not active as in, he doesn't engage in retarded debates. he mostly just shills his videos
I think that lacey started off really weak but actually got pretty interesting by the 3rd video growing pains or whatever.
imigrantes road better though
I hear men are more attracted to mentally unstable women these days
>imigrantes road
let me guess, is it another digital horror about sexual abuse and "le horror of humanity"?
because that's basically lacey
no, it's just a web series made by the same person. it's not related to lacey. it only uses the same style
you're implying that there's a choice
i'm not gonna say much because lacks content, but from what I've seen, it's meh. better than lacey, but that's not a hard metric to achieve
It's very easy. just make a good game.
the problem is making a good game takes skill, patience, and sacrifice.
3 things that everybody in this "fandom" is allergic to.
I can fix her
But wouldn't a good game be better off with a different character instead of MX who is gay?
Stop giving him to troons and faggots, and give him to someone who can make a fucking game.
You Can't.
it would, but this is the fag x fandom, so good luck
I can. She just needs a good man in her life.
You Can't.
You don't have what it takes.
Yes I can, and I do.
sure i guess. But you would just be improving the concept of "big scary mario". the lore of a video game is like a porn plot. it doesn't matter just make the game. I don't care about MX or your version of big scary mario unless he's chasing me around and being a threat.
You Can't.
She's better off being broken.
you like her better when she's broken.
MX can be saved by starring as the protagonist in the game "MX: Faggot Stomper" in which MX kills all the gays as foretold in the famous song Game Over FNF
make it have borderlands 3 comedy if you know what i mean. that seems to be your taste.
yeah that's the best you can do with MX
the character is so stupid you cant take it seriously.
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I'm now more certain than ever that OSF will be finished entirely before M85 can even reach 1-2
at the rate they are going. 100%.
Skibdi bkskibidi yes yes skibid skibidi yeah yahya
the fuck did you say about my mother
No. I want her to smile and be happy.
sure make her boring felix
I like bad ideas. especially making fun shit out of bad ideas. Just make MX a fun threat, nobody needs to take him seriously.
You shouldn't date your patients. Also make sure the pay is worth it.
Maybe boring is better if it means she can be happy.
understandable, but isn't that a slippery slope?
because you can apply this reasoning to most pastas written here.
why bother making it good if you and the reader/player have fun?
I’m not dating her. I just want to help her. I would bang Jay though.
Yes anon... make the fictional character happy... yes, do it....
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then take her ass to a therapist
that's something (f)razz doesn't realize. nobody fucking plays creepypasta games to learn about who and what the enemy is like. it's not that hard to make him a straightforward bad guy with obvious malicious intent. imagine if development on NGC took forever because no one knew how to handle RED's character and evaluated giving him some unnecessary depth. that's what this fucking feels like
yep, a balance is required. too little thought and you get shit, too much thought and you get a pretentious tumblr character.
fair point. its better to build on top of good ideas, but you must admit that the chaos of building on top of bad ones is so much more fun, especially if the end result is somehow good.
case in point. NES godzilla is a bad idea. yet it is the best video game creepypasta we have as of yet, and it unlikely to be toped. I even liked its cheesy ending because the story as a whole remained unnerving and engaging to me. I do not now much about RED and his history but he still is a great villain and keeps me hooked. MX needs to be like that.
>"Godzilla's gay. I saw Godzilla and I thought 'wow, he's gay!" Real gay guy. That's what they call him. Gayzilla. Good name."
I care. I like his videos.
why do you like his videos?
i like putting them in the background as white noise while I play games
I don’t have much of a good reason. I like the material he covers on both his channels, i like his voice, and it’s there if i do not feel like watching the og first. There’s always Wowman, Baz, and EM. EM talks too much for me so I only watch him when I am very interested in the topic.
>Slimy Solomon, we don't like him, it's called we don't like him, because he doesn't like us, folks. That's why I had to fire him. I looked Slimy Solomon straight in the eye and told him, you're fired.
the topics he goes over either aren't that interesting to me, and if they are i have already seen some other youtuber go over it.
like sagan or pastra?
yes, except pastra somehow made jeff the killer good
>it's not that hard
tell that to those shitty remakes
pastra is 25% better than the rest, not by a tall order, but it's something.
these YouTubers are slop makers, their videos are generic, and their ideas are irrelevant.
they're only good as background noise.
jeff mason, that one remake where jeff is a zombie was good. since Pastra likes slop so much, i expect him to create his own version of X. whatever that would look like.
sonic but orange with piano teeth
no orange. he likely wouldn't change the design very much, just giving him piano teeth. I think most of the changes would be to his lore.
All my streamers and tubers overlap as well. Their personality is really what keeps me there and draws me to them. If everything was boring as hell, I would not stay and watch. Pagan Valley is great too.
pastra can draw sharp teeth when he wants to. it seems he prefers realistic human teeth because it's scarier than than shark teeth/fangs
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yeah right
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these characters are only good for porn
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Now you're starting to get it.
>i expect him to create his own version of X. whatever that would look like.
a part of me is morbidly curious and I want to see what that would look like
you got that from /uh/ didn't you
no, just common sense
something something sonic boom evil knuckles something something keystrokes
no I mean the picture. unless you're talking about rule34
yeah it's rule34
yeah someone uploads most of /uh/ stuff to rule34
>all problems attached to vibinleaf can be attributed to this

What are all of his problems? i only liked his squidward suicide retake and victim #1, but other than that they are a bit repetitive imo.
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goodnight exeg
Oh boy, where do I start... how about those works you mentioned? I'll start with Squidward Suicide first.

His retake of Squidwards Suicide is a 6/10. The reason for that is that he does not understand horror and tries to subvert it. (Which is why it has the ending it does.)
Also, the art ranges from decent to bad. (like the shelf where the shotgun rests.
It starts well, although I would appreciate it if he removed that disgusting filter to hide out imperfections and imitate old tape.
The 'save us' part and the shadowy blur are stupid and unnecessary. Although it is a terrible pasta, it does have a structure. The first part of the story is normal, mimicking a SpongeBob episode, just with a singular weird instance, to show the viewers that something is not right. I'm not praising the OG pasta, just pointing out the fact.
>what about the beginning of the pasta?
Exists for context, as stupid as it is.
After Squidward returns home, that is where the video falls apart and becomes boring analog horror #3

The point I'm making is that a retake should be better than the original material. Squidward suicide makes a lot of mistakes that any writer worth their salt would recognize, but instead Vibinleaf tries to subvert the story without understanding writing or horror.
>>507137640 (me)
Now onto his Suicide Mouse retake. It's also bad because he missed the entire point of the pasta. (The same applies to his SS retake but less so.)
The point of suicide mouse is that it's a creepy tape with weird imagery and a chilling final message. Who made it and why is not explained. Why Mickey is walking forever is also not explained, nor is the distorting environment. The ending implies something, but we don't know what it is.
Vibinleaf says fuck to that and gives a reason, completely removing the scare factor.
>don't forget about the Twitter creepy faces, which are a staple of digital horror.

The point I'm trying to make is that his videos are only scary if you're a Twitter user, or if you're underage. His content is only engaging and interesting if you turn off your brain and don't notice the patterns.
Even you noticed it. His videos are all the same thing, the same generic content that everyone else does.
>but what about le video where paralysis demon comforts you?
The point of that video is that the spooky thing is not that scary and is comforting, which is an idea he has done multiple times.
Have mercy on me please... I only ask for blessing...
The ESL that made that image should have gotten someone to proofread it first
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>click on the video
>gets to the Red Riding Hood part
>gearisko says he likes the art style
>artstyle is very much inspired by the walten files
>sigh in disappointment and click off video
>"Killing the heat's what he's fantastic for"
>"'Cause that's how he gets his fuckin' flame on and he's RED"
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No one cares about this tranny, go away
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not true and you know it
otherwise it's directorial incompetence wouldn't be a topic of discussion every thread
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I fucking hate razz, can he just kill MX already? im getting tired of this.
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>uncle mark characterization
i want to make my own MX take and draw him eating razz's sona like a pitbull that caught a squirrel
If you or any other anon wants to do this i have a suggestion:
Please draw MX like this >>507056135 that would really piss off razz for sure.
reject mayro. accept 2ho
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is impasta still his nickname or is it nn
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dario stream
the sight of attractive women makes barafags seethe
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do you think Cosbydaf rushed the final chapter
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would you
Who is Uncle Mark? These people name their characters like we're supposed to know who they are
Someone who doesnt exist in the actual game and is just a background character for Lucas
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>>artstyle is very much inspired by the walten files

Nigga, this is the same shit but worse somehow. Aldo can we all agree that walten files became worse since episode 4?,
i personally can't bother to enjoy it anymore now that im seeing just puppet pngs moving around more than one or two times per episode.
>3 pixels shorter
Is this simplistic kino?
Yes. Feels like he didn't know how to end it.
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Man i love OSF.
OSF Gamejolt download profits go to Israel to help fund Palestinian genocide. Boycott OSF now!
I said I love OSF, you didn't have to sell me out on it
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>fingersouls ii scholar of the first bones
okay but are those images really needed? No, of course not.
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you never post the jewish version you fag
>also can we all agree that walten files became worse since episode 4?
it was always terrible, literally fnaf but worse
why do anyone of you care about this? what, out of content to talk about?
I love a good dumpster fire
new Luigikid video
the previous thread was a dumpster fire, so if you don't want your posts deleted or get banned

>don't talk about petty dramas, unless they're related to a FNF mod
>don't be making random assumptions and accusing people of things they didn't do
>don't post questionable links
>no low effort replies (like "rayu-something","this is * Name *-fag",saying something with the word "sakkth",and "Bro thinks [ ]")
>be civil and don't be insulting people randomly like a dumbass
>and what the 4chan moderator said, talk about the game and its mods, not the people who post here or chatango

that's all i have to say,enjoy this general you damn obcessed miserable fucks
not funny. didn't laugh
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I just want this shit to end.
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is this you
your fault for caring about a irrelevant oc
fucked up the second link
Lucas got the Mario cartridge from his Uncle Mark.
after getting his ass raped
rape arc
What if I beat him fair and square?
you can't
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lemme guess
fucking duh
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[Spoiler]Imagine the blowjobs[/Spoiler]
freaky sonic and no game would fucking hate sonic being a jobber to neo from the matrix
>freaky sonic
I am going to Rape You
necro skull fuck time
epic fail
also stop posting this shit. the art is good but there is nothing to discuss
you act like a tourist
epic win
also keep posting this gold. the art is good and there is a lot to discuss
you act like a resident
did osf x see movie 3?
did he clap his hands like a seal when sonic said "TALK ABOUT LOW BUDGET FLIGHTS"?
nope he jerked his 10 heads penis off to live leak videos
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did he peak with the ben drowned reboot narration
no, he's still peak
epic fail
was I the only person that was surprised that he was black
i knew it all along, smelled his melanin through the screen
>i knew it all along
no you didn't
You underestimate my power.
then make it end.
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you're pretending to be sad about something that doesn't matter in the slightest. shut the fuck up.
With how pathetic you act about the slow release of mario pc port, I genuinely believe the only reason why you have not made your own game yet is out of laziness. If you have enough time to whine about razz on here, then you have enough time to write a few lines of code in a day.
Yes, it is concern you gay nigger because if you really hated this tranny you would do something instead of whining
>/ ref
>/ j
Get this faggot away from horror. He doesn't deserve it.
>if you really hated this tranny you would do something instead of whining

Do what?
Why hate? You are wasting energy by hating Razz. Razz is a disabled loser who doesn't have a job or transportation and is most well known on this world for delusionally owning the concept of scary mario. Its not likely you would use that hate for anything productive as you probably would not have the self control to produce something of worth.
>most well known on this world for delusionally owning the concept of scary mario
All of the "exe owners" are like this. Thinking they own a character made out of a popular ip they don't own the rights to and think they have the authority to force people to not use their "100% original characters" without permission.
quit acting like you care about some twitter oc, you don't
thoughts on this?
This is the /vg/ equivalent of a tranny. It started as a Sonic.exe general but a few threads later it became "vidya creepypasta" general with its anons trying to be le based and obscure with vidya creepypasta. But none of you talk about vidya creepypasta unless it's Sonic.exe or anything that stems from it, or NGC when you need to use it as an argument.I bet none of you even read the creepypastas OP links. YWNBAVCG.
I will have you know that I have read many very based and kino Sonicpastas like Sonic 3 Hacked Cartridge, Frozen Trap, and Fingers the Echidna!
>ghost used "curse"
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alright let's do a test then. reply if you have read or knew of these stories before exeg and funkg existed
>Ben Drowned
>Evil Otto
>Fallout 3: Numbers Station
>Lavender Town Syndrome
>The Theater
>Team Fortress 2 - Play Dead
>Super Mario 128
>Lost Silver
>Pokémon Black
>The Princess Society
>Yes (this isn't really a creepypasta)
>>507271023 (Me)
I left out Polybius by accident. I knew about that one too but like Evil Otto it's not really a creepypasta. Also Pacman.exe is not a story it's a game
They are all horcruxes or cultists of Ken Penders. That's the only reason this is consistent among them (aside from retardation).
>yes but didn't play it until much later
>yes but I didn't read it until much later
>yes but I didn't read it until much later
>yes but I didn't read it until much later
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Is the princess really that obscure of a story? I thought it was more popular. you'd think somebody would do an arg about it by now
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he came back from the dead to post this
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Hello, I am EGGX!
So this is the Ordinary Sonic Fangame board I've been hearing about!
This and misfortune.gb are the gay cards niggers here pull out to prove they know so much more about niggerlicious creepypastas than you
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furries will be eating good tonight huh?
Kill yourself
exeg should talk about this wiki more.
don't worry I know how to take care of this
I want to rape Damsel
>Not a creepypasta
>This is not a creepypasta
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goodnight exeg. make sure to keep the thread bumped
what's the opinion of this gen on Fishstickonastick review of NGC?
Funny as shit.
Although now he's ripping apart the Last Airbender show on Netflix which is based, that show's garbage.
E;R did the same i think, although he's ripping of Korra is much funnier.
Metal maria rising, Revengence
Genuinely kys
Yes to all
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shut up furry
Anything notable?
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gonna have to be specific
X's enjoyment of Sonic is entirely surface-level. He'll uncritically consume anything related to sonic as long as it doesn't contradict his headcanon, which is always flowing and changing but with a few constants (i.e Sonic is X's best friend and loves him and is perfectly fine with X having gross demon sex with him).

X hates Sonic 06 not because it is a terrible game on both a technical and narrative level, but because sonic kisses a woman. For the same reason, X hates Sally even more than he hates Amy, but he can't torture her like he does to Amy because she never appears in the classic sonic game universe.
He would hate movie 3 because Amy shows up at the end
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post creepy pictures exeg
we're nearing #500
what is the osf speed shoes jingle a reference of
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it's a reference to a particular video in osama bin laden's computer
do not open
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good lord there's penice
How good were the old pastas?
not good
gosh your right on the money about that! anyways wanna talk about sonic prototype 2017?
some of them still hold up. some don't. I still like polybius and the theater. mr mix is one of the few that didn't age well, and to me, that's because of the unnecessary ending. then again, it was 2011 when you didn't have to put much effort into internet campfire stories. the most beloved ones are flawed, yet charming
yeah i remember liking mr mix. I think is has cheesy elements but there was something about the guy at the end becoming mr mix that just stuck to me.
the majority as shit, which means the most popular
you had exceptions, like 1999, NGC, slimebeast's pastas (never read any sequels so eh.)
then my favorite one, 'where bad kids go'
are you scared, Mr.'dbd-shitty-ripoff-player-doughy-crusty-sonic-evil'?
yeah, you don't have to like them all or say they're masterpieces of literature. but it's hard not to appreciate them for what they are
Time to rename into /nig/!
nig means...
Nightmare Inducing General
Niggers International General
im out of ideas
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He could suck a golf ball through a water hose
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If the SMGDSP team doesn't release anything on Christmas then I'll initiate TTD.
And suddenly, everyone on the SMGDSP team will be dead...
transport tycoon deluxe?
Would've been extra kino if the nudist recolor was equipped and he did this in Starlight Zone
Change "i will break your space" to "i will rape that face" and it would be kino.
how would osf x interact with iconic horrorbrew protagonist boyfriend.xml?
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It would end incredibly badly for Fangame X.
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>"I've been doing a whole bunch of crimes but NOW I WANNA RAPE A MAN"
>"Where's Tails"
what if jeffry woods died and haunted a video game cartridge instead of becoming a killer?
is his last name really woods
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no it can be whatever you want, thats just the one that is most well known.
wasn't he based on Jeffrey Dahmer or am I imagining things
that doesn't answer my question
The Jeffrey Dahmer thing comes from a hilariously bad RPGMaker fangame called My Dear Brother Jeff. Even there he bears no resemblance to Dahmer besides the name and the fact that he kills people
jesus h. christ 2011 truly was a different time
No not exactly. If we are just talking about jeff himself and not the image then maybe his name was inspired by the real life murderer, but everything after that seems to just be edgy online nonsense that has no connection to any real killings.
Somebody buy this and post an LP here
>This debut game by MurmaiderII includes:
>-An amount of words!

I hate them already.
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vibingleaf status
Can someone point out what's wrong with his content?
I watch some of his vids time to time and I can name a few issues.
>doesn't know how to properly execute what makes a creepypasta game "creepy" or over exaggerates visuals
>doesn't innovate and think outside the box
>has a very noticeable art style
I respect his ability to make games that aren't walking sims but presentation-wise they're all one and done "games"
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>doesn't know how to properly execute what makes a creepypasta game "creepy" or over exaggerates visuals

I think the best example of this could be his "pendrive azul" take, where it is mostly the same as the "blue flasdrive" version. The continue screen looks more ugly than creepy.

>doesn't innovate and think outside the box

You mean he doesn't change enough from the source material for it to be a interesting new take on the creepypasta?

>has a very noticeable art style

i don't think that is much of a issue, but his art style is kinda ugly to me when is not used properly.
>You mean he doesn't change enough from the source material for it to be a interesting new take on the creepypasta?
kind of. it's more like he takes existing stories, adds a filter and changes a few words around. plus the distorted white noise he keeps fucking using in EVERY FUCKING VIDEO
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why did he cut off his balls?
his art style, while unique, looks so goddamn ugly. and not in a scary/creepy way.

each video feels exactly the same and has the exact same formula.

his retakes(whatever that means) are similar to the sonic.exe 2017 remake and the jeff the killer 2015 remake in that they do not change the core issues with their source material, and instead beat around the bush by "fixing" and adding in new content.
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>she never appears in the classic sonic game universe
Sonic Spinball. Also the 2017 remake has him torturing someone in a Fiona Fox vessel.
this is OSF lore, vessels don't exist
the models in that game are very vibingleaf core. they have that gravel like texture to them.
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why? and who made this?
it was a twitter trend
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is it just me? or everytime he draws MX he just looks worse and worse?
didn't know nekoweb had a bluesky handler feature
I'm guessing Sonic MX?
who in the 5th layer of hell is hogwild?
translation to english:
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oh hey it's free that's pretty cool
In what world would it not be free? Do you think this is licensed Garfield material?
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so why did joe do this
ourgalanon's janny congregation discovered lost texts written by The Dark Hyena Lord and Joe used this window of opportunity to dedicate his life to his texts
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who cares
where is robotnik in OSF? don't hatcher and the others know that they are legally obligated to to have X go after tails, knux, AND robotnik?
He was in demo 2 until X raped him into leaving
The Doc is busy building his own creation, the egg talon, to push a counterattack.
this is made by a woman so no
He will be appearing in the next release because I am finally getting over my dislike for programming boss fights. Not playable, though.
it was literally pointed out in this very thread. Are you blind?
this was made to make a quick buck wasn't it?
and retarded
>You mean he doesn't change enough from the source material for it to be a interesting new take on the creepypasta?
No, it means that once you see some of his videos, you seen all. He's incredibly generic and his content just stagnates.
Also, most of his retakes completely misunderstand the point of the original creepypasta by adding pointless additions.
>i don't think that is much of a issue, but his art style is kinda ugly to me when is not used properly.
It is an issue because what makes horror scary is belief. If I watch a video and then it's filled with dark blurry faces, 'scrimblo' expressions, and blurry messes moving with the 'distort' tool, then that will take me out of the experience. I will know that it's either made by Vibinleaf or inspired by him, which means it will have the problems associated with it.
for point 1, his videos are not generic. yeah they are so repetitive towards the point he has made no real improvement since he gained popularity, but it is easy to tell it is him. Also there was never a point to any of the og creepypastas other than "this pre-existing thing is scary now". if you think otherwise you are lying. i think a big contributor as to why most of his videos feel generic is because the source material is generic. vibingleaf is changing enough for his versions to actually seem any more interesting.

as for point 2, what are you even trying to say? he cant edit his videos? his designs cant have faces? come on use actual description other than the buzzword "scrimblo". The last thing i care about any more is belief. Are you actually believing that in a lost episode, gumballs friends get killed by a wendigo, causing him to commit suicide? His artstyle should just look a bit less ugly. it can stay. unless he makes more AI fnaf.
>vibingleaf is changing enough for his versions to actually seem any more interesting.
>Are you actually believing that in a lost episode, gumballs friends get killed by a wendigo, causing him to commit suicide?
nta but apparently he ran away when they were under attack and he felt guilt for leaving them to die
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That's why I said his videos are generic; he has not improved. It's like those animators who wish to make a show without understanding how to write. his videos are impressive on the technical side, but from the horror aspect, it's fucking boring. No different from any other video inspired by his, or the ones he made.
>Also there was never a point to any of the og creepypastas other than "this pre-existing thing is scary now"
Yeah...? I never implied that they were good. His retakes are on the same level because he does not understand the creepypastas You don't have to be a professional writer to know that.
The point of the original SuicideMouse is that it's a creepy tape with no explanation and weird things happen in it. That's it. There was no need for him to add the fact that he got betrayed by Minnie.
>but that gave context
And that's relevant how? It changes nothing.

How did you misunderstand my point? It's not that he can't draw faces or edit his videos properly. It's that he does the bare minimum to make them scary. That's why I referred to them as 'scrimblo.' Then again it's less of a buzzword and more of a trope now. But that's irrelevant to this conversation.
>The last thing i care about any more is belief.
Why would I be scared of something no real?
What is even there to immerse myself? Just look at his games that he makes. None of them even pretend to be normal or hide the "scaryness.* It's funny how the only time he succeeds is with 'Bootleg Sonic Ransomware', and even then he fucks up at the end. then there's Basic'9, Cut Cat Dancing Meme, 'How to find friends' and more.
>Are you actually believing that in a lost episode, gumballs friends get killed by a wendigo, causing him to commit suicide?
No all lost episodes are stupid, him adding the wendigo was just the cherry on top.
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>The point of the original SuicideMouse is that it's a creepy tape with no explanation and weird things happen in it. That's it. There was no need for him to add the fact that he got betrayed by Minnie.
>>but that gave context
>And that's relevant how? It changes nothing.
I get the point of a pasta retake is to do your own spin but the cuck shit was funny but unnecessary. It didn't need a plot it just needed the walk cycle with creepy visuals and sfx
copy video frame + paste
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yeah his retakes fall on the same pitfalls as the ogs but people praise it as being better when it's the same shit at the end of the day
>project moon fan
I don't think a lot of people praise him for making something "better than the original" specifically unless maybe we're talking about sonic.exe. a lot of praise I see regarding vibingleaf is how he gives viewers a different experience with familiar stories
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>The point of the original SuicideMouse is that it's a creepy tape with no explanation and weird things happen in it. That's it. There was no need for him to add the fact that he got betrayed by Minnie.
>>but that gave context
>And that's relevant how? It changes nothing.

True, the story is supposed to be scary because it was some uknown schizo animation/edit of a cartoon made by some guy, it doesn't have to make sense since the lost tape or lost episode creepypastas are usually that, just some mishmash of low quality animations (or some few edits) of the original episode to make it a sort off horror ytp.
The added context just makes this feel like some retarded fanfic or a fanmade episode you could find on youtube.
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>a lot of praise I see regarding vibingleaf is how he gives viewers a different experience with familiar stories
...so people like it because it's different and not because it's good? the fuck?
I guess? maybe it's both
Let's be honest with ourselves, we know it's because of his squidward's suicide retake.
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mostly i think its just that theres too many attempts at genuine emotional beats in stories involving squidward fucking tentacles
also the wendigo in the grieving retake fucking why, it wouldve been a million times better if it went for the "being in line with the actual show" route i like so much in rodrigojogos' faceless adaptation, and it ended with the big scary man actually being nice and helping the kids out of the woods but of course vibingleaf couldnt do that right
why is his name "corpse"
he couldnt call it a wendigo because native american twitter users got upset i guess?
then why is he selling FUCKING PLUSHIES OF IT
i dont know, its like when sonic horror creators on twitter try and separate their creations from the concept of exe, but end up either falling into all the same traps or being completely indistinguishable to haunted games and shit
this is just a fucking wendigo anyway, if it walks swims and quacks like a duck like i always say
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this faggot is such an anomaly
at least vibingleaf is making money unlike the exe people.
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>then why is he selling FUCKING PLUSHIES OF IT

Because that's what everyone is doing and im getting tired of it honestly.

Yeah but i guess people were tired of the amount of copy and pasted squidward's suicide versions that saw vibingleaf retake as a breath of fresh air. And let's be real for a second, that retake also misses the point of the original creepypasta by being a "le deep story about depression" and whatnot. Instead of a sick and twisted (according to the creepypasta itself) "lost episode" made by a maniac, something like Sonic.nes
that's a genuine critique that should be brought up more. creepypasta videos are supposed to leave you feeling unsettled. not sad and depressed. I don't know if he ever realized that
ive seen horror movies like would you rather and hereditary that thrive off of being completely miserable, but its a different story that simply doesnt work when the misery stems from fucking SQUIDWARD and MICKEY MOUSE
yeah there are better ways to capitalize off of misery in fiction especially when it comes to creepypasta
The modern YouTuber does not care about art, or pushing boundaries, rather he cares how much money lines his pockets.
We should've never let the internet become mainstream.
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now give shadow a cj skin
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I never played nes godzilla. was face and his retarded questions part of the actual game or was it something Cosbydaf made up
no face isn't part of the original nes game
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be slobs and shit on plate
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in sonic.exe, x kills tom
in sonic 3, shadow nearly kills tom
therefore he IS sonic.exe and the kid was right all along
cry you little bitch
evil smile
Even Silver could kill X.
even i could kill x
X never kills Tom in either version of Sonic.exe. Tom kills himself.
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bros listen, /exeg/ will live longer than /funkg/ i'm sure of it!
i'll cut you down, weakling
it probably will
funkg is slowly eating itself.
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is it really
yes. why would the opposite be true?
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Costanza could kill all pastas.
he gets mogged by the Italian mafia and the godfather himself, Mario Mario
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Hypnoburner hunger games round 2 status
you must gangnam, like i have...
You clearly have not seen his homerun swing.
Mama Coco is a famous assassin employed by the Italian mafia
she can destroy anyone, she can break the president in half, with her bare hands
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2hubros it's time
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How did you celebrate Cave Story's 20th birthday?
which is the worst thing that could happen to a contentless female exe oc?
>fnf mod
>fnf mod that sexualizes the character for no reason
>forced shipping
>beatbanger mod
>fnf mod
>>implying the character wasn't made for fnf
>fnf mod that sexualizes the character for no reason
>>adult game sexualizes character? what a shocker
>forced shipping
>>maybe this one?
>beatbanger mod
>>i don't know what that is.
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>>beatbanger mod
>>>i don't know what that is.
i am going to jerk off to this thank you
holy FUARKING /exeg/core
it's the laziest for of nsfw animation I've ever seen because it's so easy to make reskins of the same 3 positions
Nigger this looks like shit
you look me dead in the eye and say that it looks worse than 90% of the absolute porn slop that was churned out here, you can't
don't fucking start with the comparison bs when all of these things are literal reskins
Anaugi and VAKike were competent enough porn artists
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would you look at that
talk about impeccable timing
this is you are the fucking vibingligger aaaadie
isn't he a sandnigger irl
Merry Christmas /exeg/
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im not watching this shit.
>2019 Original video was claimed so the entire video was only playable in Japan.
>A filter was placed on top of this video as well as censor text to avoid anymore issues. So quality is downgraded significantly compared to todays standards. Japanese Creepypastas and Internet Creepypastas were my 2 favourite series to work on.
>Please show gratitude and don't send us hating messages because it was censored. This is the only way that the video can be viewable. It was one of the videos that was requested the most to be reuploaded, and was only done because we wanted to give the fans what they wanted. It was also part of the Creepypasta Video Set.
getting mad are vibing leaf is noob shit, he's the most popular creepypasta "creator" atm for a reason
Ok can you tell us what is that reason then?
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Wishes are eternal...
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I'm going to try out pillar chase should i get EXE or PCX
>makes easy slop
>makes money off it
maybe I was wrong about analog slop, it clearly pays bills
get coronation day peach, don’t buy that pussy exe shit
>no response
Yup yup
but i want to
get neither and dont play the game
i played it for your expense it isnt fun considering survivors die in .3 seconds
They're adding Jeff and instead of making him the size of a normal roblox character he's fully 3d modeled which is retarded because he's just a human with a fucked up face and supernatural endurance
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at least he looks pretty good, it's jeff alright
Looks like shit. Jeff should look like the fucking 2012 deviantart fanart
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making jeff the size of a normal robloxian wouldn't fit with the other monsters, for example springtrap who is also a human
what are you, gay?
Springtrap is a human corpse that has been stretched, squashed and mangled by the servos inside of a robot, him being larger has at least some excuse
Jeff is literally just a guy, him being small could make him a good stealth killer that can easily ambush survivors or something idfk
>jeff the killer should look like a twink faggot instead of jeff the killer
>Jeff should look like the fucking 2012 deviantart fanart
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I assume this is what you want
This WOULD be better
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maybe with a sculpted head, but the proportions should look like that, yeah
I never understood why roblox jeff always held a ketchup bottle, is he fucking retarded?
It has soul
Also let's be honest 90% of people who at any point cared about Jeff were the fangirls
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he mixes it in with the blood to fuck with the forensics teams that clean up after him
>imagine thinking the porn here is good
Other way around
why are you wasting your money on that?
already wasting money on robux, might as well
also i got PCX
is he fun? i'm not touching the game. jerking off would be a more productive use of my time then using roblox again.
i have not found out yet
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Fuck you all, and fuck me as well. Merry Christmas. Check your bathroom now.
fuck you bloody mary you can't fool me that easily, whore
how original.
imagine a zalgo comic? like you open up issue 1 and its just this type of nonsense until the very last page.
This is why Learning with Pibby wouldn't work.
Is this the dinofag writer or is this someone else
it's the guy that likes koi
oh giiva. that makes sense
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This but unironically
We have had many cases of picrel and i'm sure PC2 could stylize it to still be distinguishable but unfortunately bladenigger doesn't like good things
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New Vermis malum
yeah it fucking sucks
what's the matter, pench boy? he drinks ketchup
nta but the discussion was about cheap beat banger mods
it applies to that as well
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some of the porn is at least drawn well imo. (some, not all. just some) It's impossible to even look at this shit when it's traced or lazily cropped and slapped on
yeah thats why you don't look for this shit
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merry christmas dipshits
you too faggot. did you draw that?
i was inspired by his earlier works but no
damn well I was close. good work ether way
That's what was being said that the porn here sucks
that's just your opinion, man
no you just have terrible taste
Is this all we got for Christmas?
what did you want
idk fanarts?
then fucking ask a drawfag for it
which one
needles or this guy
osf but you play as the demi fiend instead of sonic and instead of being chased by x you're being chased by dante
also it's the vortex world instead of south island
I think you should take jeff's advice and go to sleep
yea sorry
i hereby continue my yearly tradition of singing christmas songs
initially i wanted to sing this as lord x but halfway through the second verse i realized it was not worth it
if it sounds like shit i kind of just gave up towards the end because my voice was begging for me to kill it already
As a kid this used to be my heroin. As an adult I now use real heroin
or you buy an ordinary copy of SMT: Nocturne at a garage sale, then you discover that the game is hunted by Vergil, the Son of Sparda and he stalks you everywhere.
do you remember?
the 11th morning of september?
Movie Sonic could beat X.
touhou bros it's time
Snick's existence was a mistake
It's also the version that actually contains the lyric "One more God rejected!".
True horror.
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what are some creepypasta youtubers you like or used to like but got bored of and obviously struggle to innovate in this day and age
is there another channel that reads and discusses horror stories in autistic detail? the only one I know is The Exploring Series.
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I guess pastra is one but he can be annoying sometimes
>I'm an optimist, but I'm also a hyperrealist
JC is that you?
no it's silver
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Could the concept of a haunted video game truly work in the medium of a video game? A NES godzilla game can not work in the format of a playable game because you are not the main character of the creepypasta. The player will never feel threatened because the game can not interact with them in the real world, nor does it have any inherent attachment to the player.
>The player will never feel threatened because the game can not interact with them in the real world
Nigger the whole point is that whatever pain the player character feels, Zachary feels as well
I think you should read his post again
Ok but what if we have a horror romhack that is kind of like "Game.bps" and in end reveals that it was all just a sick elaborate plan the developer was trying to finish, so he could start killing people(or some shit like that) and you (the player) uknowingly helped him with it, by doing all of the right steps and beating the game?
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if it doesn't release today then it'll be repurposed for hanukkah
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Creepypastas for this feel?
I Don't want them to be on the same tier as (((revie)))
i didnt like that
I am going to fucking kill you
I liked his video about the Abandoned by Disney Quadrilogy
My urethra tingled
That could work, but now you have a game inside of a game. https://pollero.itch.io/the-horror-within
Im not Zachery. I do not feel his pain.
The only way to make it believable would be to use spyware
Why does the developer need me to play the game in order to kill people? And if he is going to kill me this leads us right back to our problem. The player can not die because the fiction can not interact with them.
yeah ill believe that. ill believe that it is spyware.
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>And if he is going to kill me this leads us right back to our problem. The player can not die because the fiction can not interact with them.

Ok, what if it was a spyware game made by a sociopath that could track the player location and could eventually kill it if doesn't finish the game on time or fails to do so?

>Im not Zachery. I do not feel his pain.
>>im not the character in the story so i don't care
crab is delicious
The Day The Spiders Won
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>Im not the character in the story so i don't care
no my problem is the exact opposite, there is no main character. in the story zach is suppose to feel pain, except he isn't there, and in his place is the player. A player who did not see his girlfriend die to a truck, a player who lacks any context to whats going on, and a player who can not feel pain because the game cannot effect them. You, the physical player, can not be the main character to a game and be under the same threats that a character that lives within the game would be in. talking about meta gets complicated, buts its still important.

>What if the game was made by a FICTIONAL psychopath that would kill a REAL player?
You would need there to be a main character for that to work because we can not be physically affected by fiction.
I like the little jump he does at the end. its like hes oblivious the crabs coming out until the very end.
I checked out 東方 '04 and so far it actually plays like touhou. music isn't that bad so far either
i decided to play as well. I know nothing about touhou other than the your suppose to shoot. i cant shoot, is that on purpose?
I assume so. maybe you have to dodge until it lets you
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Merry Christmas, everyone. I haven't posted a development update on anything in awhile, so let me talk about this: the vine/beanstalk has been a real hassle. Having it grow upwards, having the player climb up on contact, that's easy. Even transporting the player to the proper area after climbing it is easy. What's been hard is implementing the animation of the vine growing after the screen transition. In a vacuum it'd be really simple, but trying to get that working in a modular way has been a headache. I think I'm almost there but I've spent a ridiculous amount of time thinking about how to go about it, like over a week.
In a situation like this, I think it's usually best to just write the most brute force solution possible and then try to improve it later. It's easier to improve upon something bad then try to come up with something good from nothing. I never like doing that, though, which is why I've dragged my feet on this for so long. This is seriously like the last big obstacle left. Having vines in the style of Super Mario World would've been a lot easier, trivially easy even.

This framework, Tonkachi Godot, will have its source code open to everyone on New Year's. Any features still missing by then will probably be added before February. Anybody will be free to open PRs to add new features or improve upon existing ones then.
why are you remaking mario?
For this https://files.catbox.moe/cjk4g6.webm
if this is a horror game, im scared. scared of these laser beams.
yo that was addictive, this better not be the end of the game.
and of course that was the end of the game. how lame. honestly more difficult then it was creepy. Did they rush development for a Christmas release?
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that was the first level. more to come hopefully. this is MX Reimu. her real name is Reireiki the fake maiden
I liked it. hopefully they introduce some new mechanics next level. the art and music was great though her design could use some work.
if you have a burner you should go give norfy feedback
I can't see any files.catbox.moe urls, do anyone know how to fix this?
we have a couple hours left. are we screwed or nah?
start praying to whatever god you believe in
There are still a whole 12 days of Christmas for A Very Impasta Christmas to be finished. Trust the plan
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isnt his name X?
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It's impastover.
It's still 11:18PM PST
It's impastover.
please god end this misery, our lives depend on you SMGDSP Team, please let us die
Nigga there's nothing
go to sleep
shut up
Is it weird that NGC has started to make me refer to the game as "NES Godzilla" instead of "Godzilla: Monster of Monsters"
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goodnight exeg. make sure to keep the thread bumped
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It's still Christmas for like 7 more minutes somewhere. Here's how we can still win
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nnerry Christnnas everybody!
I'm in the invisible man, dot EXE
I knew you wouldn't disappoint
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somehow astolfo isnt the most gay person in this image
good news is there was an update posted just now
I’m just diving in further to EXE lore, who is the original exe?
If i remember correctly the original game lore got discarded since JC is a retard.
Whats the actual canon now? I get so confused over the countless Xs that exist.
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The current universally accepted Sonic.EXE canon is that of Ordinary Sonic Fangame. Sonic.EXE is evil and is out to get Sonic and friends!
The original JC lore was discarded as you say. If you see anything mentioning the Cult of X, Tom and Kyle, Derek Green, or the idea that the characters are just souls placed in the bodies of Sonic characters, then you can safely discard that work as non-canon fanfiction
>Whats the actual canon now? I get so confused over the countless Xs that exist.
2011 X and the visually improved walking sim that came out last year are the "new canon". Very little has been changed but it still follows the JC story but without the sexual themes
Shut the fuck up daemon
>Where’s our Santa and Super Star? If fairytale magic didn’t come in WE would’ve won it! Us! I would’ve been Santa! You would’ve had a million Super Stars! We would’ve naturally done what they had to make up to come true!
Impasta is an ubermensch who naturally comes out on top of the meritocracy and Mario needs Santa welfare to compete! Sad!
>Very little has been changed but it still follows the JC story but without the sexual themes
but twitter told me that he was completely different now!
even doe 2011 is closer to jc's lore than the my5tcrimson game
basically: nothing changed.
he has gray shoes that means he's different from jc's version
>visually improved walking sim
which one
the cope I hear is that they keep it consistent with mysticcrimson's game because it's "too memorable to change" even though it's just an adaption of JC's slop
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where do you think he got them grey shoes from? it definitely wasn't an original idea made by joe if that's what you are thinking.
im just quoting an actual argument i found on twitter
Joe can not make money from sonic.exe. he should separate X from the sonic IP entirely to invest in the mascot horror scene properly.
his name is BILLY HATCHER
the guy who's making OSF
What’s that
Original Street Fighter, the Street Fighter remix game that's taking the world by storm. You haven't heard of it? Must be living under a rock
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I missed this until now. This gif was not attention grabbing enough
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Thank you SMGDSP team for giving us a Holly Jolly Christnnas. Here's to a Happy nnew Year!
Super Mario Gay Dick Sex Penis
I can only be so erect.
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>metal kyle fighting back
>big arms final boss music
>X gets visibly pissed
>he even has a sheygrell-inspired voice
turns out notsodevy can make kino after all
This is a good post
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Imagine you go to prom and fucking Sonic R music starts playing.
I mean would that be a bad thing
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Bros I found Impasta playing Buckshot Roulette
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/notsodevy/ This guy's boyfriend
faggot who remade Sonic 2 friendship, Chinelin Sonic, and Eggman's Secret Base. some of his work is impressive imo
But he's just as pedophillic so it evens out
no he's just gay and purposely dresses like a fag to fuck with people
what is the least embarrassing description for creepypasta-inspired series like petscop, lacey, and valle verde
>digital horror
>digital horror
Apt description but very flavorless.
Extremely misused, especially if there are no interactive elements found. Retards only call things this because they're scary and nothing else.
Gay but also succinct. People who call things "unfiction" are likely the same chucks who call YouTubers "content creators" and call headcanons "media literacy".
>online horror
>Gay but also succinct
Succinctly Gay would be a great album name.
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he's so fucking cool
shitty but enjoyable autism
me wants
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I agree
having a level that is just a minute of knuckles bleeding out and freezing to death in the snow is...a choice
call it a hunch but I think that was a nod to how teke-teke died. specifically how she was cut in two and was unable to die quicker due to the Ice cold weather
im confused. so knux, sonic, and robotnik are all the actual sonic characters, but kyle and "tails" are real people X killed? is this just mistake or a genuine decision?
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>im confused. so knux, sonic, and robotnik are all the actual sonic characters, but kyle and "tails" are real people X killed? is this just mistake or a genuine decision?
It's possible that kyle's name being revealed at the last moment is an attempt to recontextualize the setting and story. maybe the chinelin being mixed in at the beginning is to show a tortured soul in the sonic vessel, and this is X taking control of it
can't wait for a sonic.exe fangame that merges all sonic pastas into one horrid abomination
It's not the first time chinelin sonic spawned a sonic.exe story that was a bit too inspired by it
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faker and its consequences have been a disaster for the exe master race
If Faker didn't exist we wouldn't have our Merriest Christnnas
...thats a bad thing?
>unironic exeslop enjoyers
this general has fallen farther than I thought it could
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goodnight exeg
this is the same general making a sonic.exe fangame. either endure and embrace the autism and ridiculousness or don't. you're here for creepypasta game discussion, aren't you?
it has already reached rock bottom when it comes to cringe
every thread there's a discussion about sonic.exe
>every thread there's a discussion about sonic.exe
other games and digital horror series are constantly brought up but you intentionally ignore those to push a retarded narrative
>other games and digital horror series are constantly brought up
and I'm sure they receive the same amount of attention when it comes to discussions
sure thing
>opens the CREEPYPASTA general
>complains about cringe
Zero self awareness.
M85 gets equal fucking autistic discussion that alone is proof there's no denying that
Oh no...
>implying all pastas are cringe
yeah right, get lost
MY pikachu with bloody eyes is COOLER than your sonic with bloody eyes
is that his fucking sonic.exe retake design? also looks like we got something fresh for the next cytube session
no not really. it gets discussed sometimes, but the majority of the time it's brought up because of dramafaggotry. whether you consider that to be organic is up to you.
still, my red kaiju mogs everything you make
what about ben
good until the latter half
Sonic recolors are for GAY NIGGERS. We need to be COOL and make Jeff the Killer recolors
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ok here's your deviantart base for all your needs you freak
i'm pleasuring myself
and I'm gathering all the chaos emeralds to become god emperor of mankind
not if i collect 50 rings and enter the nauseating spinning world to collect them first
too late.exe
i'm already at THAT DAMN fourth chaos emerald
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Postman Pat kill screens for OSF.
hmmm these sound effects are familiar
are these from jojos?
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change it to fnfium
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cant believe jojo was inspired by sonic.exe
araki moment
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man i love long video essays on pretentious shit
anyway you're a faggot
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such faggotry!
dude zalgo kicks ass it makes me want to hide a schizo's meds
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troom wing
even more faggotry! will it never end?
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do you think he was forced to draw this or did it of his own volition
not sure which would be more pathetic
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did you draw that? looks good if so
mother fucker he's doing it to piss you off more every time you reply can't you see that
peridot is just a worse Zim
>We need to be COOL and make Jeff the Killer recolors
that already happened a decade ago
I want to excise from my memory the moment I learned Zalgo was made by fucking Schmorky.
Don't forget to record it.
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so true!
i'm bored, not mad
i just need to feed my pet
epic faggotry
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I recently saw a post from 2022 describing Metafag's stories as "straightforward but gripping". There are only four of them on the Rentry and I read them all.
All four of them are rewrites of some .EXE recolor. There's Curse, Lovely, Rebooted, and Blue-Ray. Of the four, I only know who Curse is, so I just treated these like original ideas.

They're all mercifully short and can be easily summarized:
>Curse: At the ending of Sonic 3K, Eggman's robot falls from space and kills Knuckles. Sonic and Tails argue about how Sonic was too slow to save his buddy before they both also die from falling debris. The Master Emerald revives Sonic in a weakened form and now he goes around with Mecha Sonic killing humans because he's angsty.
>Lovely: A depressed guy gets a Sonic cartridge from a friend. Eggman looks really happy in the game and this makes the guy playing happy. The guy starts to smile all the time and goes off to make other people play the game.
>Rebooted: Tom from the original Sonic.EXE has his brain used as a cocoon by Sonic.EXE and dies when Sonic.EXE comes out like a facehugger.
>Blue-Ray: The end of the second Paramount Sonic movie, except Sonic kills everyone while he's Super Sonic and then gets depressed.
One funny thing about these stories is that 2 out of 4 of them end in title drops.
>His quest allows him no means to find that love which once made him a great hero, and that... is his curse.
> This world and all its inhabitants are all so... lovely.

I could shit on these stories in specific ways. Rebooted has funny typos like "It has been reborned and will bring forth a new age perdition". But, it's really not worth it. The stories are extremely short and you can tell from the summaries that the ideas present are really bad and gay. This guy was brought on to write the Faker comic by virtue of how kinotastic these stories were so this is pretty much what I expected
does exeg even have good pastas?
I mean GOOD pastas, not decent or 5/10 pastas
theres a big list of them in a rentry go check it out yourself
does SMR's exeg exclusive stories count
I've read all of them but didn't think much of them. None of them genuinely surprised me in terms of quality.
not sure. didn't he post all of them on his deviantart at some point?
>>507818230 (Me)
One other thing I'll say about these stories is that they're not actually stories. There's no dialogue or anything. It's just a description of events. This criticism that was also leveled at the recent "SEGASONIC.ZIP" by Revie. I think these stories are actually worse and less interesting than the original Sonic.EXE, and even /exeg/ shitpastas like Final Round and VoidCD.
incredibly gay
>and even /exeg/ shitpastas like Final Round and VoidCD.
to be fair, the creator of lady void was a beginner at writing and accepted feedback. chances are a rework is being made. I don't know jack shit about final round though
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I wonder if the new "owner" has seen this
someone should adapt this pasta into a comic
I don't think he really did accept feedback because he stopped posting here immediately after it was published and criticized
are you sure about that
what is the worst pasta from /exeg/?
i lost the edit code to it
should i make a new version for you guys? 'tis the season, after all
a trollpasta that fails at being funny is mere garbage. and workbench.cue as well
sure, we're starving
just copypaste everything and update/rework it
that's the plan
also, add images for immersion
can i beat minecraft while raven gets raped by 2 big black autistic man in the other room?
Can you shut the fuck up about that tranny for once in your useless life?
I think you have been lurking /trash/ for too long
polls are up for tomorrow night
https://strawpoll.com/05ZdzVq1Gn6 (game)
https://strawpoll.com/NoZrzVeLeZ3 (cytube)
if srb2 wins in the game poll AND movie night wins in the cytube poll, we'll figure some bullshit out or say fuck it and do both

also, i have a question for godotanon (and for that matter, the whole osf team)
may i have your blessing to add osf to the archive?
i'd ask through a better medium, but right now all i have is shitty airplane wifi
is it hard to don't feed them with attention?
do the world a favor and either kill yourself or seek mental help
no revie must suffer
>may i have your blessing to add osf to the archive?
Sure, go ahead.
stop fucking feeding them
no one needs to hear about your BBC sona rape fantasies
it's actually sadism but whatever
Did you guys like it?
Did you guys like it?
The guy who drew those Amy X images should draw the green pepper FNF mic combo scene
impasta is a nigger

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