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Sole Survivor Edition

>Fallout 4 Resources:

>Fallout 76 Resources:

>Fallout 1 and 2 Resources:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas Resources:

>/fog/ Modding Guides

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository

>/fog/ MSPaintAdventures

>/fog/ ocdonutsteels

>F76 Ports

>OP Pasta:

Remember to use base64 to decode any protected downloads in any of the resource documentation.

Previous Thread: >>506760247
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>the changes to Furious are actually really cool
>don't want to play live because it doesn't have them
>know for a fact they'll get nerfed/removed before they make it to live
Reposting to new thread, how are you doing /fog/?
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hi cute oc anon. i'm working on a world building project. how about you?
> i'm working on a world building project.
whats that involve?
> how about you?
Testing the ghoul PTS
shits interesting, but they are taking the TV ghoul liberties.
The fact that rape isn't part of the base game feels weird.
So there is nothing to get excited about? That's great.
I've been creating small settings inspired by games I've played or ideas I thought were cool so I decided to create meta-setting where my sub-settings are planets or something in space.
>hi cute oc anon
It's a guy.
>working on a world building project
Describe it to us faggot.
>Limb targeting limited to perception stat
>Awareness needing fucking 10 perception
what the fuck are they doinggggggg fuck all the way off
im not running 10 fucking perception to see if i should use the flamer or the plasma gat on something you cunts
Is that off base special like charisma perk sharing or is it after accounting for buffs/mutations/etc
>It's a guy
I am referring to them based on the fact they use their OC to post. I don't care otherwise.
>Describe it to us faggot.
here's the drafts for the overview of the meta setting I am working on. I also linked the draft of the first concept about sectors.

Mega Star Grid

Mega Star Grid - Sectors

At the moment, it is intentionally abstract because I haven't adapted any of my currently existing settings into Mega Star Grid.
Distinct areas? pretty neat anon.
>It's a guy.
No shit, i just like my character.
Fallout/Bethesda games need a competent competitor. Bethesda has let their games turn to shit and having some competition would be healthy.
borderlands sucks dick, I've never given the rage games a chance, mad max is decent but is clearly meant to be an isolated experience for mad max fans and fans of WB Games style of games.
absolute autism, little bro. if you don't recreate a Fallout-esque planet, it will all have been a waste.
alright, I have made them rentries. I haven't gotten around to getting my server back up :(

It better be derived and not base
Everyone has 10 perception for free from Eagle Eyes + Herd Mentality + Strange in Numbers
Every single leader in fo76 is a butch girl boss, quirky chungus gf, OR a cartoonishly evil creepy guy
>Bethesda has let their games turn to shit
They were always shit. Todd Howard has never been competent.
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Foundation is led by two guys and their whole dynamic is a watered down knockoff of Honest Hearts where one of them wants to teach the world to get along and the other one admires him but knows that every so often you gotta murder a nigger who won't get along
does a male secret service agent who is trying to reestablish a literal gold standard fall under cartoonishly evil or butch girl boss
Some fucking faggot glowy that never leaves his bunker thinks he's knows what's best for the wasteland? Yeah
how is he a butch girl boss
>ward needs you to get this really important bit of machinery or something that was stolen it is super important btw it's super important and rare and we need it back so bad plz
>oh thanks yeah we've got twenty of those things lying around lol
i laugh everytime
>entire quest is meant to be a "oh, the good guys are actually kind of the bad guys"
>some of the raiders will tell you they really need the piece of gear to save someone's life, or that foundation doesn't really need it
>it's a daily
they really didn't think this through
Is rape even mentioned in the newer titles? I don't think Todd likes talking about things that would make people uncomfortable unless it's ax wounds.
No rape in our savage uncivilized wasteland with raiders, no proper law enforcement outside of some cities and sometimes even inside those cities and radioactive zombies in refrigerators.
Here, have some pipe pistol, mint condition .50 cal ammunition 2 centuries after the war and toilet armour.
Cait was raped by the raiders she got sold to
Raped or ambiguous statement that may or may not be rape? It's been a while since I did anything related to Cait.
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Crater channels the Great Khans in that the game's trying to tell you "You should feel bad about murdering these people" but it really falls flat
I don't mean it in an edgy murderhobo sort of way, I can't see a rational argument for why they in particular should be allowed to live when they're just a perpetual threat and detriment to everyone around them
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As ambiguous as Serana's ritual in Skyrim
i still have a save right before the cure/treatment just so i can hear her scream
>Okay Cait's VA, in this scene you're in incredible agony, your veins are on fire, your eyeballs are frying from the inside out, go!
>Cait's VA: *leans into the mic and busts the fattest fucking nut of her life*
>Perfect, we're putting that in the game. Throw out her chair cushion when we're done today's recording session.
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>they're actually canonizing the Flamethrower Trap bug and introducing a new perk card that makes it much easier to break your own shit on purpose so that you can rearrange, merge and stack it within the confines of the camp building system

I'm honestly really impressed that they're embracing it but it's also funny that in this particular circumstance they WANT you to engage in bug abuse to make shit happen that they can't wrangle in their own engine themselves
there are reasons you two dont get invited to family dinners and shit anymore
>Being this lazy and not implementing in build mode tools to make objects mergeable
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time to walk the lonesome road once again
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Hey give Todd a break, he's streamlined a buggy clunky 90 second process into a buggy clunky five second process
It's been a long time since I've seen a dev go "we are aware of this bug and encourage you to exploit it, and will be making changes to make it easier for you to do so"
>broo, ghoul is so cool, you'll do sooo much damage with auto axe
>actually, all of ghoul's damage cards are disabled for auto-melee, it's just the feral 2x modifier
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Let me guess, you need more?
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why did you mod Cass to make her boobs smaller
this general needs season 2 already
cannot wait to have more thought provoking lore discussions with you again
reminder that if Lucy meets House it means he canonically won New Vegas because he dies in every ending except his own
No, probably not, but it's a bit silly that their aversion to letting ghoul be the auto axe god actually got the rest of its melee build nerfed.
They were bordering dangerously close on making unarmed/one-handers/two-handers actually competitive, but then they had a kneejerk reaction and fucked it. Now that all these cards don't work with auto axe they really should put them back where they were so I can punch a deathclaw for 10k damage and pretend like that's anywhere near throwing out 2k damage every microsecond.
My post was only slightly sarcastic; I'm running up an alt to put aside to permanently ghoulify and I built an auto axe at level 20 and don't believe I have fired a single gun since
It's almost a bummer, I can't conceptualize any guns that I want here
do you have 1 PER or something?
Fallout 4 has no skills right? Intelligence is the "boost this or you're playing wrong" stat in every game because skill points are tied to Int but how useful is it in FO4?
>make a private server so I can farm fusion cores and do my daily challenges
>server crashes immediately after claiming the last nuclear power plant
what's up with earle? how does he scale? he seems to live way too long and no one hardly goes to the event anymore
>Intelligence is the "boost this or you're playing wrong" stat in every game because skill points are tied to Int
You boost int in every game because its tied to experience gains
INT is for easy mode for FO3 and FONV


now just look at the skilltree and ask yourself what you want to do. its hard saying because you can do 1 INT and use the bobblehead for 2 INT and boom, you unlocked Gun Nut
wanna fuck around with robots? need 7 int (or 6 with bobblehead)
think nucular physicist is useful? you will have fucktons of cores available a few hours into the game
think scrapper is useful? you will get a fuckton of materials eventually and you can mark what you need. mark need screws and all fans will have a little magnifying glass next to it

i honestly found FO4 to be nice and light on LUC and INT with most characters. when planning just factor in the bobbleheads and SPECIAL book
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Fallout 4 vastly expanded the SPECIAL and perk systems to basically substitute them for skills
Like how lockpicking perks 1, 2, 3 and 4 are equivalents to getting 25, 50, 75 and 100 lockpick, and you need at least 4 PER first to take a lockpicking perk at all

As far as Intelligence, it's a distinct nice to have but I tend to ignore it in my recent playthroughs because based retard has a functional strength in this game that it doesn't in other installments

Reasons to take int
>at 2 int, you gain the medic perk which is needed to build doctor stalls at your own settlements
>at 3 int, you gain the gun nut perk which is needed to create gun mods
>at 4 int, you gain terminal hacking, terminal hacking sucks and I never do it
>at 5 int, you gain scrapper, tragically this is more powerful than you'd think because it showers you with precious screws at low levels but you'll learn to live without it if you remember to grab every desk fan and toy car you see
>at 6 int, you gain the science perk which is needed to create power armor mods
>at 9 int, you gain double fusion core length, which is less useful than it sounds because you'll soon have 100+ cores laying around either way

Reasons not to take int
>with as little int as possible you trigger pic related as much as 10% of the time; every time it goes off, you get 5x the exp for that action - get used to clearing quests and instantly gaining 1500+ exp or shooting some random shithead ghoul for an easy 500; autists did the math and found that 1 int with Idiot Savant gets more exp than 14 int (15 beats it)
>you now have 10 or more perk points to use as you see fit in your combat perks, making your character a monster faster
>gun nut, surprisingly, is NOT a must-have; in fact playing without it adds another dimension to the game because you can remove the high level scopes/mags/receivers/etc. from shitty guns you get from raiders or traders and attach them to your own favorite legendary
Have a webm anon >>>/wsg/5765188
NTA but
>I forgot what Cait sounded like during that
That does sound misconstrued to whatever they were expecting for pain.
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NV fans are actually deranged incels
demented freaks
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I just beated pic relate. What did I thinked?
>precious screws
I love that this has carried over to 76
People regularly hijack nuclear missiles to launch at an abandoned mineshaft to awaken a 30 foot tall mutant cannibal that they then eagerly flood in and butcher with saws and lasers all for the glorious reward of a big box of screws
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welp i hit level 30 (logans loophole)
did all dlc but dead money

guess thats it
Can we all agree that FO4 perk system is better than the previous 3d fallouts bullshit? Sure that worked for the originals but this ain't a CRPG anymore.
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How I sleep knowing a dozen brave anons are fighting mole miners to the death in the other room to earn treasury notes and legendary cores for me
I'd say that's more ambiguous than vampire girl. The sanitization of videogames needs to stop.
Based leech
Was good. I like dog brain gun.
Does anyone here play 76 or is it just sleeping in a corner while the game passes out small dopamine hits.
There's a lady in my suit who calls me studmuffin
>Oh shit nigger what are you doing?
>Brainlet tier
Yes Man
>Midwit tier
>Objectively ideal choice tier
>Galaxy brain tier
Legion (Caesar dead, Lanius leading)
if house is so good, why couldn't he stop a random courier from hacking a terminal and walking back to beat him to death with a golf club and eat his sweet meats
Sphere Hunter Snoozi
Someone convince me to go for the evac zion cheevo. Daniel is such a punkass bitch
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>a level 2384's camp
okay, I will actually put effort into mine now, I see the error of my ways, this is embarrassing
If you do Daniel's quest the Happy Trials Caravan eats shit and becomes bankrupt because the White Legs are still there causing mischief
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Me when Yes Man ending is canon
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Is the cow meant to stop here? Because he keeps stopping here.
eye sex
SPOILER: She is pregnant with Maximus' kid and season 2 is about her finding an autodoc so she can get an abortion.
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Now that they are making merging easy I am glad I never learned to use flamethrower traps

Also how fucking stupid is it that you can't just get a desktop computer in this game when every building you enter has like five of them laying around and two of them still work
No, its a bug.
they broke it again.
>doing cow escort missions too late to catch the wave of grinders
>but just early enough to encounter the game breaking bugs they'll never fix because everyone already abandoned this feature
cooooool, maybe one day they'll get the cryptid lady working and revisit this feature, maybe early 2026
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ok tranny
you should have limited your exp gain and significantly lowered exp gain in DLC areas
Now I feel self conscious about being Lv37 with one last DLC to go
I picked Skilled too, I had an experience penalty and apparently I've still been grinding lots
Is it bad I find her attractive?
>Be are on 76ing
>Do am make of alt to having low powers fun
>Kill makedead scorched twostar
>getting of loot double barrel TSE.
>alt is become delete
You people have alts?
Sometimes its fun to restart without 4000 perks and autistically perfect armor and just bum around for a while then go back.
Everyone's rolling an alt now because of the warning that being a ghoul is one-and-done like being a werewolf in Skyrim
>wanting to be a scabskin niggermutant
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silence smoothskin
>German accent.
>Nazi vibe.
>Named "Hugo"
the writers age and IQ are both under 30.
>villain is evil because... he wants to be reunited with his wife and daughter
1) No way they actually stick to that. The bitching would be immense.
2) Going ghoul is a straight upgrade over being human and they've not shown they'll be able to stop it from being that.
>Straight upgrade
>Cant interact with half the game
i guess it is actually
>talk to an NPC who is literally 2ft from the radiant hills spawn
>you're now allowed to interact with everything normally
this will be relevant when you go to buy things with bullion, or turn in technical data
AKA never

the only thing humans have going for them is low health build (which is rapidly getting fucked over) and a bunch of endurance cards they decided to lock ghoul out of, so really just natural resistance which is kind of a pain in the ass but still

I guess humans also have their full food/water bar buffs, so really just the AP regen
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>cryptid lady working and revisit this feature, maybe early 2026
Funnily enough, the cryptid lady is in the PTS.
Just can't get enough supplies to unlock her because
>the bugs over there too.
it was joke about play less game = more gooder because game bad
clam your autisms frend it ok
is only joke
I'm going to need you to stop talking like that.
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the only person I know irl who didnt expressly hate fo76, (or held an unfavorable opinion alongside never playing it) was my lukewarm IQ ex gf, she STILL plays it.
>The railroad was her fav faction in fo4, the only other fallout game she played.
>She pronounced asbestos like "azz-beest-oe's."
>ended up getting addicted to xanax while being a stripper
>gets dumped, breaks into my house and almost gets self defensed by my ptsd'ed out army SF best friend fresh out of afghan
>moves to FL with a new man
>gets charges, cant leave FL
>gets left again
>gets pregnant with brown baby
>is Florida homeless for some degree of time
>moves back, makes mom and grandma take care of her brown baby
This is who you play with when you play 76 slop
why you hef to be mad is only proast
that's a cool anecdote, but why do you seem to know absolutely everything about your ex who left to another state
Because I'm the man that stepped up to raise her son
>Tardwrangle some scientists for a few hours to get the ability to turn useless junk like damaged books and empty bottles into useful things like skill books and purified water
>Lanius leading
Lanius is a competent military commander (at least compared to Oliver), but he is not a good political leader.
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>why do you seem to know absolutely everything about your ex
she will send me a bunch of long ass texts or leave me creepy voicemails every so often, its been years, I'm sure theres been plenty of calamity idk about
>Because I'm the man that stepped up to raise her son
Making a quick perk mod for new vegas that covers the skills/special that don't really have any perks and speech is harder then I thought. I can make a lockpick perk that lowers the difficulty of every lock and a charisma perk that makes you a bullet sponge for companions but every idea for speech gets better coverage by some other option. A couple could be about companions but that's more of a charisma thing.

Best I can do is like... you regain health every time you pass a speech check. Which while nice, is so limiting it becomes a perk no one would actually use.
>Release autoaxe just before the TV show boom
>Spend the next year trying not to turn into Warframe
A year of F1st or Starfield? I'm not sure if its low enough yet though for a single player game.
This type of subversive communication is why I blocked that one rancid atomic shop review channel along with that ai aviator one from appearing on my feeds.
It's just a bad habit, like Seinfeld was never funny but the power of suggestion is so effective that the TV telling you it was fooled people into thinking it so.
You have tiny penis and its very sad in your pants, like a birthday party but the kid died the day before so the parents all sit around eating the cake and crying because what else you gonna do all the familys there.
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>bethesda apparently patches the guardian so it cant be melee'd down in 5 seconds
>now my game crashes every 30-45 minutes
what the fuck
Why couldn't you just grab all the textures from like, 4 and 76 and throw them into fallout three?
>t. retarded modlet gamelet
different meshes
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There are asset ports from 4/76 to New Vegas. You aren't allowed to post assets from other games to Nexusmods though so most modders don't bother. You can download those types of mods on GUNetwork though.
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The fucking disguise system is gay and retarded in a game that SELLS YOU COSTUMES FOR REAL FUCKING MONEY
Never buy Starfield
No. We all go afk and jork it to each others characters in discord.
Ghoul bros are you sticking to your main character or making a new one?
>A year of F1st or Starfield?
Any good face presets for F4? Nexus is really barren
Fuck off nigger
It literally took 4,000 hours to get the shit together on this one there's no way I'm making a new character if I decide to go ghoul.
Yeah I'm just going to give my fun time and money to chinamen, the same ones that turned you autistic for consuming so much of their archaic trash.
You won't be happy until all your games are from the third world and you have no say in their communities.
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>Uff da!
You're not allowed to say the no-no N word, anon. Now I'm going to have to report you to Todd and get your Fallout 76 account banned!
>Paying money to play games
lol, lmao even. As expected from Bethesda cattle!
>Attempting to call down the wrath of Todd
>Not a paying fallout 1st member
trannys really do find the most efficient ways to 41% themselfses huh
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You can turn into a ghoul and back into a human as many times as you want
It costs 10,000 caps each time

There, I just fixed both of 76's biggest problems simultaneously
>10k caps
gotta design content around those like 5 youtubers, afteall
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At this point, they should stop counting their levels and instead the children they groomed on discord for relevance
They should make a hat that costs 40,000 caps
and call it the Cap Cap Cap
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She's up
Get to Foundation
Sorry Vault Dweller I can't give credit
come back when you are a little...
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>oh boy, I bet there's stuff I haven't got from her yet-
oh...I'll be down to the 4k per camp ally grind soon...
New Vegas sisters just can't stop taking L's
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>one of the new ghoul cards is wielding the plasma defender
>pistols getting a massive rework with the ghoul patch
season weapon?
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hope so, my favourite weapon in New Kekas
I just want the revolvers in the game to be reanimated so its not manual action. IS there a 1911 possibility I wonder.

>get the hellfire missile launcher
>spent my bullion getting its mods
REEEEE I could've gotten the gauss minigun for more viable mobbing.
Is it just me, or is Fallout 4 severely lacking in interesting female characters?
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>Is it me, or is Fallout 4 severely lacking in interesting characters?
It's lacking in good writing, too
Fair enough. Skyrim had Serena. F3 had Sarah Lyons. FNV had a bunch. Wtf is Fallout 4 so deficient?
Millennial writing and fear of creating "male gazed" NPCs perhaps?
>what's the matter, smoothskin?
i woke up today and remembered that i wrote long fapfictions about cait in this general like 10 or so years ago about injecting psycho in both our genitals and using raider blood as lube
>Fallout 4 is nine years old.
Don't do this to me, Anons.
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times flies when you are having fun in vegas
Fallout 76 is 6 years old.
>Still capable of bearing children
Assuming you’re a straight man then no
>learning 3D in college when F4 was released thinking I was going to mod it
>thought that I shouldn't work for free and got a job in the industry for a while animating
>still don't work for free
>but don't have a job because I ain't a gay social butterfly
It's a bit scary. Fallout 4 doesn't feel like it's been out for that long. Though, that might be because of cultural stagnation. Media in general has become unbelievably shit. It's parody levels.
Fallout 4 is still the most technologically advanced Bethesda game and the only one that feels like it's "next gen". Fallout 76 and especially Starfield are definitely less technically impressive and even more dated as far as mechanics and gameplay goes. It isn't just nostalgia, Fallout 4 genuinely feels like a sequel that someone took time and effort to make while Fallout 76 and Starfield feel like cheap cash-ins made by people who have no clue how to make a video game. Mind you, I'm not saying Fallout 4 is GOOD, but it's probably peak of Bethesda's open world gameplay. Fallout 4 is not an RPG and should not be treated as such, you will have to go back to Fallout 3 and older for that, a much different Bethesda as well.
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If it makes you feel any better you aren't imagining it; there was a minor industry crisis last year when metrics showed that not a single game released in the 2020s has become a genuine hit outside of the usual Nintendo franchise installments
From an engine razzle-dazzle perspective, Fallout 76 genuinely feels like they downgraded it intentionally to prevent it as much as possible from shitting itself when there's 20 different players loading 20 different map areas and dealing with 20 different sets of enemies and objects

If you tried to do that, at Fallout 4's fidelity level, in Bethesda's house engine, I'm pretty sure you'd bluescreen NORAD
Are you fucking retards really considering bigger texture size a technological achievement?
Fallout 4 looks better than 76 in a lot of nebulous ways beyond texture size, and also has a much more robust physics system since 76 so heavily nerfed moving corpses and world objects around
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This happened during the show's premiere eight months ago
>Fallout 4 looks better than 76 in a lot of nebulous ways beyond texture size
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>enjoys guns, petty crime, general anarchy, threatening to kill people she actually likes, and inserting as much profanity as possible into every sentence
>swings between childish rage and playfulness, is cheerful and deeply excited by violence and theft
>was desperately in love with a gang leader shithead named David who only viewed her as his trusted friend
>same voice actress doing the exact same tone and mannerisms
Was this just the coincidence of the century
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This is my President, I hope for many more years of peaceful and just rule.
They should've built 76 from the ground up. The reality is Bethesda was hoping some other studio would do the networking code for them, and then they could just expand that to any game they make from then on. Then the first thing Bethesda Austin found out was that Fallout 4 was so not equipped to go to multiplayer it was insane. They've been shaving it down and trying to make it work ever since.

Finally being able to store fully charged cores is part of that, and ties back to a problem they had at launch. The reason only SOME storage is infinite is because those items can be tracked by incrementing a single integer. Each core is tracked as a separate object to make sure its individual charge amount can be tracked. They could never let you store those without causing every server to lag to shit and have uninteractable loot screens just like we had at launch when people figured out infinite carry weight bugs and started loading up. They only just now figured out how to contextually make fully charged cores not unique objects, lmao.
yeah but in edgerunners he's called DAYVEEDO
I hate that Autumn is the first Enclave character to express any rational thought that the Enclave should "partner with" (i.e. exploit like cattle in exchange for resources and security) outsiders to become a true wasteland power instead of just autistically pursuing genocide and getting btfo over and over, and he's the guy you've got to fight no matter what

His simple concept literally worked for Vault City and the Eastern Brotherhood, and more cynical people would say the NCR and the Commonwealth too. Even the fucking Master saw the value of living human allies and he actually *wanted* to 100% genocide humanity.
Fallout 4 plays smoother and better than Fallout 3/New Vegas, at the cost of removing pretty much all RPG elements these games had. This is similar to what Skyrim did for Elder Scrolls. This is why I said it was the smoothest and best open world experience, not the best RPG game they made(since it isn't one).
Yeah, and all these new players realized just how fucking incompetent Todd and his company were when they released that update that broke everything LMFAO
I'm not even talking about RPG qualities, in purely technical terms they've been working on Fallout 76 longer than any other game they ever released, even Skyrim, in man-hours if not chronologically sequential days.
It's not "unique objects" they just have a curve table value which requires three more bits of info in hexadecimal. For the full cores they can collapse it to 1.
and the reason those curve tables are a problem is because every character save file is streamed to the game .exe of every player from the server they're logged into, and those files have a maximum size before they stop being able to process it
This makes me think you should be able to bork the game just by stacking up thousands of rottable meat items, each one with a distinct constantly updating timer value
You can, that's why there's a limit to how much shit you can carry even with 90% feather
nora's ass in that vault suit is hot
Deathclaws are so lucky...
>There is a unique sword in the Shi Bank in Union City that deals most damage out of any other sword in the mod, plus it does EMP damage to robots and power armor
>In order to get it, you need to kill an NPC there and turn Shi hostile
>Turning Shi hostile makes NCR hostile
>I am currently siding with the NCR
So what, the only way to get this weapon is to side with Enclave or Raiders? Lame!
Fallout 77 when?
I'm surprised Starfield didn't launch with online features
The late 2030s
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nora but short hair
im ready for that all female robot outpost now
dunno about the crank musket tho, kinda sucks
They should've made Ghoul take a lot more effort to unlock, rather than making going back and forth harder/impossible.
>you must complete all faction questlines, now we don't have to be as ridiculous with the disguise mechanic because we know you've already exhausted any dialogue related to ghouls that wouldn't make sense with you being a ghoul
>makes it so far less people are ghouls, rather than them just being rampant
But they couldn't do that, because they need the hot new feature to be readily accessible by the masses they lure in with it. On the PTS right now all you need is level 50 and then you go to a location, receive a quest, and after a very short fight against some feral ghouls you're done.
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I noticed it's always been a thing, predating the show or the 76 update (I think it even happened in Fallout 4) that every once in a while you'll kill a feral ghoul and it'll just be a chem pinata

I wonder if that was originally a bug or there was some subtle point to it
Short hair is gay.
It's just part of the feral ghoul loot list, I love it
I just figured it was some junkie or dealer who’d gone feral. Though with how that works on the pts it doesn’t make much sense anymore
having put now over 100 hours into fallout 4 i gotta say this feels the most "meh" game ever
everything is so half assedly implemented it makes my head hurt
>survival elements? don't matter you can get everything in the settlement and radiation doesn't pose any problems
>settlement building exists but it's like whoever made it never played any game about building stuff, it's just there for the sake of being there
>economy? a joke, there is nothing worthwhile to loot or even spent caps on unless you really need to buy shipments for resources even then all you need is to set up some water purifiers and you are good to go
>loot is trash, that said trash is what you'll most likely be picking up most of the time if you want to do some building/weapon modding and even modding can be skipped if you just strip weapons of their mods
>leveling doesn't feel satisfying at all, it's just another perk point into endless perk list that should've been cut by 70%, all these rank 1,2,3,4,5 perks are garbage design
>dialogue too feels just there to show off voice acted protagonist
add to this the forced main quest garbage choices and all in all i can't be bothered to continue playing this
i'm sure i've forgotten to mention some things that irk me but i just don't want to think about this anymore
thanks for reading my blogpost tho
Are you jollymaxxing?
I just know some guy here is printing these out and bust the fattest nuts on them.
yes lmao, that's her. Someone should compile these somewhere though :D
The game really knows how to look like shit when people take selfies of their troons.m
Found him right here >>507359390
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It's the most sausagefest game in the series
>F3 had Sarah Lyons
weird way to spell Moira
weird way to spell Bittercup
I knew Fallout 4 was based!
Black Widow Stacies eating good
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Should I put Bully's or Encirclers on this? I don't use VATS with it, it's basically my sidearm to lazily mop up trash mobs in daily ops, expeditions and swarm events

And second question so I don't clog up the thread, from what I've gathered the groll raid weapon is a gatling plasma with
>Prime receiver
>Stinging core
>Accelerated nozzle
>Reflex sight
>1 star Anti-Armor
>2 star Rapid
>3 star -25% AP cost
>4 star Pinpointers
Am I missing anything there?
The Fallout 3 female raiders were hot. Very Harley Quinn-like in personality.
reminder that 100% of raiders commit rape
Nothing in the raid is scorched use the critical receiver
Do you think Yes Man and Courier would still be friends once Yes Man gets his Yes programming deleted?
It's just the lighting
Depends on how competent the Courier was. Yes Man seethes if you blow up the Securitron bunker, which shows he has desires of his own. Robots in Fallout have this weird thing where it seems they have sapience, but "programming" prevents them from truly acting themselves. Codsworth commits on it when he interacts with Deezer.
That one line of dialogue in the Wild Card ending just leaves it so open that he's gonna fuck you over and Skynet up the place
Super competent
Made friends with the Boomers
Removed the poisonous leaders of the White Gloves and the Omertas
Told the Khans to kill themselves for glory as a suicidal last stand against the Legion
Milked the Brotherhood for equipment and training and then blew up their bunker
>fucking over a walking murder god
i thought robots worked on logic
Give me an example of good lighting.
>Bully or encirclers?
I'd think Pyro, since your running flammer barrel.
Due to quality Bethesda coding, flamer barrel on plasma rifles does not give the benefits of a "flame" weapon but Gamma Wave capacitor does
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Does the Legion celebrate Saturnalia?
I want to dick that robot down so bad
Her and the french robot
Also Esmer
Fallout 4's lighting is so shit, it's so bright and blown out it makes everything look like a cgi pixar movie.
That's the ending Yes Man desires most. He calls the Khans dirty people and passively aggressively mocks your alliance with the BoS.
>Question: "Then what is the implication? That seems to be what everyone reads into it-- Yes Man reprogramming himself to be more 'assertive' is kind of ominous!"
>Joshua Sawyer: "That he will not just roll over for the next person to walk up to him in the Courier's absence. I.e. he will become a somewhat-independent steward instead of a powerful tool for any random person to use for nefarious purposes."
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Made to be impregnated (by me)
>Theres still a 400 bullion a day limit in 76.
Todd just lost a sale of F5.
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It was 800 a day for the last three days
Sounds about right.
there there little retard, you'll get your gold soon enough.
Hank Hill be like:
>"I have a Narrow Urethra, and the Palladium Chip"
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I feel like I've finally found the gun I've wanted from this game all along
>good damage
>good range
>good fire rate
>good accuracy
>huge mag size
>slight splash damage
>no warmup before firing
I can do most of the content just using ADS and treating everything like a janky FPS now, it's great
Auto axe still comes out for bosses
Technically you don't have to fight him, true to the pattern of shitty FO endings you can speech check him instead, but that's not really a satisfying or productive ending.
I genuinely think that there was a point in 3's development, possibly even throughout most of it, where there were plans for more enclave quest content that would open up when you gave him the right code. My only bases for this thought is that you lose karma if you give him the code (which is a literally pointless effort if there was never meant to be any gameplay past this) and that Raven Rock is really well developed with a ton of unique assets (which is a huge expense of dev effort if the player was only going to spend under 10min there, mostly running and gunning, once per playthrough), but it still makes me unreasonably mad that they did fuckall with any of this.
They made a faction that had easy potential to be the most interesting, and then left everything on the floor and gave it just barely enough attention to be the Big Bad. It's bullshit.
How many good female characters are in Fallout on the whole? I can only think of Curie, hot girl 2, and hot girl 3.
Reminder 100% of raider girls would be a useless to male raiders outside of keeping them chained up and raping them.
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>shoots you
pssh nothin personnel kiddo.
>dump Perception to 1 because it doesn't seem that useful
>Better Crits requires 6 Perception
I did not perceive this...
If fallout 5 was based:
>You wake in the vault
>Sirens are blaring
>Overseer is on the loudspeaker
>"Outsiders are attacking"
>You grab your 10 mm pistol
>Head to the vault door
>It slides open
>Female raiders pour in
>You disarm them all
>Immediately rape them
>You ponder how it is that savages could be so stupid to think that women should be anywhere but the kitchen/bedroom
That one tranny is furiously typing a response to this post I can feel it
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>has a spot clearly set aside for a reflex sight
>has no reflex sight
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>getting into fo4 for a little bit
>suddenly hit me that all i did the last time i played was just search for materials to build with
>remembered that this did not spark joy
Todd didn't want to waste man hours in something slobs were going to slop on just for (You) to enjoy something sensible.
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Waste all your time with degen modding then.
what you don't like going from one place to the other picking up fans and ductape and telephones?!
peak gameplay that is
There have been many times in the series where there was a woman in charge and I just couldn't take it seriously. there should be more Caesars legion type situations where women have the right to get fucked.
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>fans and ductape and telephones
Any biometric scanners or microscopes in there
Rape mini game would be cool.
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How come Lonesome Road looks better than the base game? Is it upgraded engine? Is there a mod to bring it to whole game?
only typewriters and hotplates sorry
What do you mean by looks better? The only thing I can think of is the unique weathers it has. If you want a good weather overhaul get Desert Natural Weathers
Prime receiver helps with everything, it just helps with scorched more
I feel the textures and lighting is much better, also the NPCs are more detailed and moving in unique ways.
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>Wanderer is bisexual, in dialogue mentioning both an ex-girlfriend named Catherine and an unnamed robot-hunting ex-boyfriend, both of whom she still keeps in contact with
wtf dropped
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>he's still stuck on default welfare Camp Girl
>when there's a dozen other camp waifus to choose from
your own fault
pic unrelated btw
Just fuck the robot
yea, historically women in charge was typically a sign of end-stage society
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>10 fucking years
>fucking NOTHING
its over
>Tesla cannon double-tap bug still works
>Rapid fire tesla goodness
I made more progress towards the "No System Is Safe" quest in New California
My initial posts about it here:

As you remember, Reno net seems to work properly, NCR net is unfinished, which leaves Poseidon net. The Enclave terminal is in Athens Tec, within the tent with all the other computers. It is locked with a keycard, and the game knows to properly update the objective to "search for a way to unlock terminal" when you try to open it(same goes for Reno net terminal in NCR HQ, which is also similarly key locked). The key itself is on a disabled corpse in Mission Palms, like many other things related to this quest, you will have to re-enable it with the GECK. There is actually a hint as to where to look in the game: Within the mines themselves, there is a naked hung corpse of an Enclave soldier(internally, we know her name is Staff Sergeant Miller). The female raider in Mission Palms is found wearing her Enclave uniform, so you will know it's her. Do note that Mission Palms is a ridiculously hard dungeon filled to brim with Cazadores buzzing around in tiny pre war houses, so you're a madman to come here early level and without Antivenom.

Anyways, I unlocked the terminal and popped in the hijack tape, just like with Reno net computer. That's about all the time I got right now, but when I come back to the game, I will come back to the sandcrete house and see wat juicy secrets that network has...and if you can actually finish this questline without modding the game even further.

In the meantime, here is my character with a new toy. No, it is not Lucky, it is "Star", a .357 revolver with the stats of Lucky but it shoots two bullets at the same time, similarly to the pellets from Paulson's Revolver in 3. This means it can only fire 3 rounds, but it makes for impressive show of firepower. There is a merchant that straight up sells Lucky if that's more your speed, tho.
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Forgot screenshot
What happened to the anon that was working on Quantum World?
Is this why sometimes;
>selecting limb with VATS
>something gets in the way and interrupts it
>accidentally bring up favorites wheel
>game locks up or crashes if it was during an event
fallout 4 question, i clearly remember a shotgun musket but i dont see it in the crafting menu
If you can't craft it (don't quote me on it but I think you can't), a loose mod for it can be found in the Castle's armory after retaking it
it's the bracketed barrel I think.
>can't plant crops in your shelter
wtf is the point???
Shelters are 100% pointless and will never be seen or used except for when they are part of a daily

I actually felt bad for a guy once because I hopped into his shelter for a daily and it was this huge outdoor area where he had built this whole elaborate town
selling you beautiful vistas for a chunk of change
the only ever player shelters I've ever entered I have always regretted, so I've just stopped doing it
>an autistic shelter into shelter into shelter into crossroads of 3 different shelters
>one room hidden away near the end had a totally completely unironic suicide booth in it with a nail bed and switch activated traps surrounding it
>another guy had his entrance hidden behind objects and locked, decided to break in and see what dark secrets he was hiding
>it was empty aside from some stuff he had obviously placed just to fulfill dailies
>another place had what looked like a filming setup, with a blank background and objects set up very far apart
>a hot tub, the bucking bull ride, a bed all sat alone in a giant empty white space
>couldn't even fathom what sort of degeneracy was happening here
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So uh, why does flamer barrel + pulse capacitor make the plasma rifle fire a form of projectile that doesn't show up in any other configuration? It's not the flame, but it's not the regular little blob from short/automatic barrels either
That's the pulse capacitor
sexy and cute
Wish they'd revamp some of the UI, move plans into DATA category there's no reason ITEMS is so bloated
Add fucking search to the store. It's like they hate money
Show amount of thing we have at crafting window
I almost want to force Dean up the balcony instead of activating the holograms. Found only two computers that do so, but only one of the counts for the quest stop complaining about your shitey knees AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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fuckin finally i can start assembling my sexbot outpost
How the fuck do VATS work in universe? Does the pip-boy guide your aim through electro magnetism?
It's literally just a gameplay mechanic. In Fallout 1/2 it was just called "Aimed Shots", only Bethesda started treating it as something that *may* exist as an actual piece of technology in the Fallout universe, with their promotional Fallout 3 video.
Speaking of which, I noticed that New California is doing just that, leaving behind notes by pre-war scientists who "worked" on VATS. Normally I would ignore them, but I need to pick up at least 8 of them to get the Historian perk before I leave The Pass, so whenever I see one I just roll my eyes. I'm close to just opening FNVEdit and editing them myself so they talk about Project Brazil or something.
Like this.
Next camp slot I'm unlocking I'm just going to put a bunch of crops for farming adhesive and a single shelter which has all of my stuff already to go.

After that it's finishing acquiring all the noise making items and making a really fucking annoying sound base when you flick on a switch. However I am hesitant on it getting reported and my account closed.
>Can't have your settlement/CAMP build the way you want to without fear of getting your account banned
lol, lmao
absolute state of 76 trannies
make sure you put that black ally guy there to tend your crops
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Did some work on the VATS notes after all. Even threw in a reference to Fallout Nevada there while I was at it.
>game fails to get dean to initiate conversation after getting the vera key in the theater
>forget where to run off to
Oh fuck off
You say that but someone like you would be the one to report it.
That's pretty cool.
The idea here is that Reaper of Souls aka Jason Bayum was the only one who saw the original combat potential in Project Brazil. He found the parasite problematic, so he had the Brazil team isolate the regenerative and combat benefits without the side effects, so to speak. The downside is that to feed the massive boost in metabolism without the parasite, you needed lots of bodies to keep the original host going, hence "Project Patchwork". Since the Presidential Vault and Hawthorne were already involved with Vault 8's cloning project, new bodies were not going to be a problem for Jason, and if he needed to, there were plenty of local vaults as well.

I also mentioned Smythe from Fallout London and a possibility that MI5 might have intercepted some vital top secret data to tie the three fan projects together. Pretty cool how it all seamlessly fits together.
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they really should adjust the straps on that pip-boy
It's even worse than that. You can't place a lot of items because they would produce resources. But instead of just disabling the resource gen aspect, they just disable building the things entirely.

Want a sink? Yeah. Fuck you buddy.

Some shelters are neat for building in, like the Sound Stage one, because that one is really really actually dark.

But they're not useful for constant usage because you can't travel directly into them and todd's loading screens are just too long.
Why anybody ever thought about a left handed pip-boy?
Only a gay communist would conceive of a left-handed Pip-Boy
Mods for comfytime?
Eww is that 76
/fog/ sisters did you not get invited for Christmas? Best way to solve is to neck your self. Ruin Christmas for ever.
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>"Trash collector game" anon's family when they find him acked
>Stop criticising the 6 year old game in the 27 year old series!
>Patrolling the Mojave really makes you wish for some bathtub estrogen.
what the actual fuck did they mean by this
>Implying that troons don't want to destroy all infrastructure and industry apart from HRT production
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>they stopped selling the Christmas light power armor a week BEFORE Christmas
for what purpose
Today i've been experiementing with curvetable mods in 76, pretty sure this shit is placebo its showing me what i want to see but fieldtesting shows its not doing shit.
Even fast travel continues to be a tax despite 'corrections'.
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sapphire in skyrim, one of bethesda's newer titles, talks about being passed around by bandits...
thanks. her face preset is based on this one.
>"Sexual violence is funny! Let's all just own up to it! Sexual violence done well is fucking hilarious."
He said that during Fallout 3's development.
>new vegas
>carefully made survival recipes that use meats + moisture adding fruits and veggies
>making you wonder what would a cactus fruit with mutated fly meat would taste like
>fallout 4
>Fallout 4
>Shit survival mode thats just a pain in the ass and not survivaly at all
>Falout 76
>'Survival' mechanics carried over but the main hassle is gone (saving) and walking through one building will give you so much meat you need a perk to not get bogged down with carrying the shit
Todd. Todd I know you read these threads you sad old fuck.
Just copy Green Hell next time for 'Survival Mode'
You washed up fuck.
Winter in Appalachia just updated
Cant wait for ghouls to come out totally busted so you faggots can stop shitting up the thread about it
What's up gamers? If wishes were real, I wish you all have a great Christmas Eve. Drink beer, play video games, hug and kiss loved ones. Most importantly, spend the day with people you value.
Fallout 76's "survival" mechanics have steadily gotten less dangerous and burdensome for the entire existence of the game, to the extent that they are now window dressing

This is most evident in the fact that every quest and event still hands out 3 or 4 bottles of water and there are massive expensive infrastructure items that give you 2 to 5 bottles of water an hour but everyone ends up with stacks of hundreds of them that they throw on the ground
Or that there's massive PVP map mechanics designed to try to get people to fight to the death over 200 bullets or a fusion core
Or that there's an entire event centered around everyone fighting their way through waves of robots, mole rats and ghouls in exchange for a few cans of stew
fast travel is probably serverside, haven't checked tbdesu
same with some other mods, you can forcibly increase characters' max carry weight to enable sprinting while overweight, but try fast travelling while overweight and you'll still have issues
There are only 2 problems with ghouls, the bullshit disguise system and losing all your glow when you log in because of some stupid fucking ancient engine setting that's existed since Skyrim to stop people from logging in with their health too low.
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xhe looks like xhe needs some .308
no chance of that, John Youtuber has decided the narrative is "ghouls cannot just be a straight upgrade over humans," so we're going to go for a second round of kneecapping them until there's nothing unique about them aside from the fact that they can't do low health builds, don't need to eat/drink, and are immune to rads
merry christmas /fog/
does anyone have that meme of piper with the dialogue option "support the news" but she has massive tits
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thank you
I'm mixed on Fallout 4's survival mode. Having to sleep to save adds tension when travelling and during gunfights, but it's very frustrating getting glassed with molotovs by raiders with unrealistic pinpoint accuracy. Doesn't help that the molotovs use magic to light themselves. Meaning a raider will throw them at point-blank range and you can't do anything about it. Though that's a problem with the throwables shortcut system.
Survival mode sucks in all fallout games.
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The solution to this is in Diamond City
The old lady in Fallon's Basement sells a 900 cap chest armor even at level 1 that offers

>24 DR
>15 ER
>-15% damage from robots
>-50% damage from explosions

Which means if you get your hands on that minutes into a run you've mostly eliminated all of the really bullshit deaths
That should be useful the next time I do a survival playthough. Thanks.
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Merry Christmas garbage men.
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sexbot army starting now after i find more glue
i dunno why codsworth does not want to work the fields
How do those lights work? Is it like the icicle ones?
No they're part of the model, it's an overhaul mod
>sexbot army
mod name now!!
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>you eyeballing me?
Ayo, loading up Fallout 3. Is Almost Perfect a meme or is it actually good?
There's two perks you can take at level 30 and the other one is broken and shitty
I like it. Gandhi, before his assassination, would've probably liked it.
>joshua graham doesn't even get his own ending slide if you evacuate the tribals, only a passing mention by the dead horses
imagine how much it must've sucked every time joshua graham needed to poop
>have to unbandage your ass just to even start
>it hurts going out
>wiping is like taking sandpaper to your anus, and it infects you
do you think he told himself it was god's test for him every time he shidded
>never eat solid food so you don't produce much poop
>don't wipe, use water instead (like a damn civilised person, you fucking savage)
>just find jello in the post apocalypse
>neglects the unbandaging of the ass
>joshua says just the air on his skin hurts, and anon thinks water will be just fine
>nevermind the fact that all the water will have to be boiled to prevent infection
who in the tribe do you think had the duty of boiling joshua's bidet water
>jello in the post apocalypse
As if finding resources in fallout was ever hard. Some places in africa today are worse than the wasteland.
>removing anal band-aid
Sucks to suck, next time try not to fail caesar.
>water on the skinless skin
Better than sandpaper.
>boiling water
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I'm glad we had this opportunity to flesh out the mechanics of Joshua's bowel movements
Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?
Damn I wish I was a deathclaw...
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I want to give Joshua a hug but I know it would hurt him...
>angry joshua graham squatting over a river
>blows a horrid brown torrent of pure anger into it
>starts singing glory glory hallelujah in a frothing rage
>dunks himself like a baptism to get clean
>does his pants back up, goes off to shoot some savages as a reward for passing another test of his conviction
man thas crazy
yeah, why are you at my camp?

>Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?
He'd be dead if he did do something, i'd imagine.
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Merry Christmas /fog/
It's good. If you don't take the SPECIAL bobbleheads until after taking Almost Perfect, then you can have a Lone Wanderer with 10 in all SPECIAL stats. The only problem is that you will probably have finished most of the game by the time that you get to level 30.
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>that pic
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>finally do my first nuke launch
>trigger SBQ
>try to get into my power armor
>game spazzes out and I just stand there not getting into it
>when I'm finally able to move again my pip-boy is glitched tiny so I can't do anything in it at all (pic related)
>join event anyway and get stuck in endless cycle of die > respawn > die because no power armor
>literally can barely even get my gun reloaded and fire a shot before dying again
m-merry christmas ;_;
Show me your launch circle
>doing anything in 76 besides collecting trash and shooting randos
you asked for it
The lack of dynamic social interactions in 4 is a shame. It's mostly just violence. Betting on fights at the Combat Zone would've been enjoyable.
Literally the game engine/developers arent good enough to do 90% of the shit anyone would want. Sad really. Thanks Todd.
This, but also that shit is also the best engine shithesda has managed to come up with ever.
there is no actual sex its just bigger robot tits(with options) and curvier assaultron legs
I feel like the engine is fine for what it is. It seems to be mainly the creative direction at fault. That "Diamond City Blues" is a good example of a quest with dynamic social interaction. I don't remember much quests like that in 4.
Eh, its trying to funnier photos for the angles.
sometimes the best way to fix that kinda bug is to jump off the game, and jump back on.
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Every power armor set should get some silly little bonus for balance reasons
I don't like how right now there's literally no reason to use Raider, T45, T51, T60, T65, Ultracite or X-01 (and there's very little reason to use Hellcat or Strangler but at least they bring something to the table)
Alright, come up with some bonuses.
All PA should have the 75 boost to carry weight. Fucking bullshit trying to tell me some fucking scout backpack is better to carry shit with than a powered mech suit? Fuck off. No the str bonus doesnt count. Regardless of who was inside it you'd get the bonus from just the goddamn frame being able to handle the weight.
They're changing the +11 STR (If you don't already have greater than 11 STR) to +10 STR (that's it, it's just +10 STR), so you'll have most of your wish.
Ironically this also makes it a great source of STR for ghouls who can't get it through unyielding, so I wonder if they'll walk it back, because if they don't all your feral ghoul players are going to be rocking PA.
you can mod that in 3/nv/4

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im not much of an ass guy but this works
How's your Christmas going /fog/?
Merry Christmas /fog/gots.

Got the coof so pretty miserable so far, kek.
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I can't believe how much the explosive pulse flamer changes the feel of the game
It's not some secret god tier boss melter but in the simpler stuff with weak to mid tier mobs it's so neat to use it like a Spray N' Pray from FO4

I just soloed a tea time just by sitting on top of the central building and manually aiming to each pipe like I had a tiny Cremator
The V63 Laser Carbine really should have been this enjoyable to use, something bigger than a Commando weapon but smaller than a Heavy weapon

Get well soon, or die! (the problem will be resolved either way)
my christmas is going, cute oc anon.
grilling ham
playing chamber of secrets on gameboy color
fapping to a buncha sexualized robots making my glue
enclave mommy?
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>all of the new shop items are women clothing
oh no.... bros... they were right
And still no proper slut outfits
>this was once in an unmodded Fallout game
sluts would be strung from the gallows in the wasteland
House would give them jobs as prostitutes.
The NTR would pay taxes to support them and give them gibs.
The Legion would reign them in, with slavery and rape (they'd love it).
There's no scenario where they would be hanged.
The brotherhood would execute them on the spot, as would the enclave
The same fags who tolerate le quirky lesbian in the wasteland? The same fags who job for the NTR despise having superior tech?
They're dead and gone.
new vegas is not cannon its a fanmade game
The original games had porn studios, anon. No one who ever worked officially on the fallout franchise has the balls to make a proper post apocalyptic game, it's always sanitised and watered down.
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The tv show is canon, Todd said so.
the brotherhood canonically had veronica and her GF slutting it up and scissoring in their little bunker where all the beds are in the same room
Seriously how does anyone have sex in the brotherhood? Everytime we see them all there beds seem to just be together military bunk style.
They don't have normal relationships, they do orgies instead.
Does the Lab Secret Door from the season rewards look good or hidden in literally any doorway? These "secret doors" seems to never look disguised in any of the doorways I put them in
The BOS only cares about keeping dangerous military technology out of the wrong hands.
Meaning brotherhood lesbians are free to hoard all the vibrators.
history proves that lesbians are an incredibly dangerous technology
Veronica mentions her parents' wedding, while Melissa Watkins mentions that her mother was a paladin and her father was a scribe.
Dykes are degenerate.
In game limitations, what we see is supposed to be a representative sample of locations not the entire thing, especially in the 3d games.
Militaries love prostitutes, it is only recently that comfort girls are frowned upon practice.
Prostitution is ancient, of course I can't expect Christians to accurately recount history, when the biological fact that sex feels good offends them.
>>just find jello in the post apocalypse
Anon Jello isn't produced by magic that will disappear if you kill the Jello wizard.
Jello is made by humans with resources that exist on earth.
>excuses for shitty game design
What is it? I can't hear you, speak up maggot!
>Got the coof
Fuck, get well soon.
Explosive energy is a fun weapon combo.
>The V63 Laser Carbine really should have been this enjoyable to use
its really lacklustre, what a shame.
good to hear.
>playing chamber of secrets on gameboy color
Should have them in every game.
Anon the Creation Engine can't fit a one to one actuate simulation of a bunker of ~8000 people.
That's why the BoS are evil fascists, they don't want me miscegenating with my Cyberdog wife.
I'd throw a pipe bomb at any medieval larpers trying to tell me who to have sex with.
so which member of the tribe do you think boils the brahmin hooves and filters it into gelatin for joshua's three meals a day?
I'm sorry a great military tactition falls from the fucking sky and you aren't having some of the elders fucking cook for him. You are a shitty cheif I'd throw a spear through your skull.
>just discovered i can have multiple desktops and i can now post while playing fallout 4 because for some reason full screen borderless wont allow tabbing
I'm just asking you to elaborate on how you think Joshua Graham eats and poops, calm down.
Dude, could you imagine the voice synthesizer glitching out because she is moaning so hard she leaves the range of what the synthesizer is programmed to handle.
Just press Esc before alt-tabbing.
Works on my machine.
It auto pauses when alt-tabbing for me.
Before I changed the setting for the grenade button to G, alt-tabbing kept resulting in the Sole Survivor dropping a grenade.
Grenade is still on hold alt, no problem.
I never had any problem with alt-tabbing at all in this game. I had problems with crashes (all the fucking time) originally because I had weapon decals on, but after I turned that off I've had no issues.
Are you on steam?
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Every set should have it's own unique set of mods to set it apart. Just slightly giving them more and more DR is stupid since even the most basic sets are better than any standalone armor minus ballistic weave. At some point, there is such a thing as diminishing results from further upping the numbers.

Here is my idea of rebalancing:
>Raider has the lowest durability and damage resistance, but has the most amount of moddibility and all but the top tier mods require no perks to craft. This would make it an ideal early game armor or one for those who never invested in Power Armor related perks
>T45 has the best speed due to it's lightweight design but lacks the durability, armor and mods of later models. It makes up for it with low perk requirement for most mods and being relatively easy to find
>T51 is the overall best armor, having the best balance of protection and speed out of all the sets. There is several modding trees to turn it into an armor any build can use, from a general infantry role to an iron-man like suit with abilities such as flight or area control, to prototype stealth mods. Best armor to use unless a certain role is in play, mid to high level of perks required to craft mods
>T60 is the heavy suit of the bunch, having the most amount of armor and durability at the cost of being extremely slow and not being very modifiable. T60 suits are exclusive to BOS and a few pre-war locations, and those who use them are going for a big-gun tank build. Mods require heavy investment in perks.
>X01 is not normally found anywhere in the game, it is a quest reward reserved for specific Enclave/Remnant quests. It is a better version of T51, being good in every situation and having the most amount of mods to turn it into anything you want with enough mods. Speaking of which, even the basic mods require perk investment and most mods require not just top tier perks but blueprints as well. Best armor in the game, but you have to work for it.
Despite it's many flaws, FO4's power armour system is still the best in all 3d fallouts.
>using power armor
You can't even store it in your inventory, and you have to leave it to interact with some things, like terminals.
t.porn mod users angry you can't see your barbie doll's ass when using the best armor in the game
>ending of fo4 is just a shittier tenpenny megaton bomb
damn fallout jersey lookin finna cake rolls
Power armor? Power armor.
>Random NPCs stealing power armour and having to leave power armour every few minutes is a good thing, chud!
Cope, faggot.
I can't tell who is the biggest travesty here: The girl, the gun or the armor that doesn't look like it belongs anywhere near Fallout

Man, Fallout 4 mods are something else
>Retard leaves his fusion core inside his armor
I bet you leave your door unlocked and the keys in ignition too, lmao
And yet, somehow, the smoke detector is always low on batteries and the thought of making the chirp go away with two AA batteries never crosses your mind.
>Merchants never have fusion cores
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>it's an "everyone ran off in different directions and started breaking crystals immediately" episode
I swear to god this raid requires like an IQ of 80 to complete and that really exceeds this game's playerbase
Is the mirelurk steamer worth 1800 atoms
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Fuck no
>In game limitations
In the TV show they also lived like that, it's an offical lore problem.
>it's an offical lore problem.
Describes 70% of the TV show
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>tfw when somebody visits your camp and you enter the build more free camera so you can stare at their tits
do you think the people who play 76 in 2024 are actually intelligent?
why cant i upgrade my caravans?
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what issue
The limited battery shit is retarded, and I think the Titans of the New West mod looks better.
The one where sometimes your game hangs for 30 to 60 seconds when you get in power armor
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>have done robot over 100 times
>never even stepped foot anywhere past that
>still dont have calibrated shocks or gimbal
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No, it's not hidden at all
That said, I do rather like it as a decorative object, a large closet/cabinet for bathrooms
bro... clean your bathtub
you can with mods
you can, in 76
I don't like power armor in any Fallout game
I guess in 1 and 2 it's okay because it just changes your sprite and gives you better stats

>Fallout 3: Reilly's Ranger armor can max out damage reduction with perks, is easier to repair and gives you higher crit chance
>New Vegas: the light armor perks are game breaking, and stuff with incredible stats and near zero weight like Graham's Armor and the Courier Duster are available
>Fallout 4: as mentioned by other posters, power armor screws up crafting/terminal use/etc., requiring you to constantly dismount; ballistic weave lets regular gear have almost as much defense as power armor, and power armor looks downright inferior when you start finding regular gear with assassin/troubleshooter/sprinter/etc
>Fallout 76: work was put in to make using the power armor more convenient than 4, but only regular armor can get Unyielding/Evasive/Serendipity/etc., and regular armor now has jetpacks
MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you guys got kissed and got a hug.
who cares, PA gives so much protection those two are obsolete
also serendipity was nerfed to the ground
not needed in either armor variant, if you can't get there with marsupial serum then it is a skill issue to begin with
>but only regular armor can get Unyielding/Evasive/Serendipity
true, but low health builds are kind of getting dicked down, especially out-of-PA ones
Meanwhile PA gets
>hard % damage reductions per piece, if not more for a full set of hellcat (this is better than DR)
>stabilized for heavy weapons
and will soon be getting
>flat +10 STR
>Finished New California
>Game starts again in Doc Mitchell's house
>Go over to vigor tester
>Doc gives his line he would normally give when you're finished
>Tells me that he will see me out
>When I try talking to him again, he tells me to sit down as if I was ready for the psychological exam, but he still goes to the door
>When he force greets me by the door, he gives the exact same "please take a seat" line
>Only people who had this problem seem to be those using a translation, but I am playing the game in English
How do I get past this?
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>The TV show is retarded
Perhaps the rampant inbreeding that must have been ongoing in the show scale Brotherhood, is responsible for their decision making.
Anyway, remember that the in show shot of New Vegas was physically smaller than it was in Game. If the Fallout show was on the west coast, I'm sure you could actually walk through all of Boston in a day.
Good. If Fallout had vehicles you'd be complaining you can't put a T-34 into your back pocket.
>I have to give something up to use the best armor in the game, and it isn't just a gree upgrade
Fusion cores should have been actually rare, so should Power Armor.
Sluts have NO place in the wasteland and I stand by that
All SLUTS are KoS
The town guard has dealt with bigger issues than an incel mass shooter in the brothel.
Cyberdog brothels
only if they're a white woman
It's totally broken and they're not doing anything
just like me fr
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you have got to be kidding me
>launch my second nuke
>target Monongah
>Earle glitches through the ground and disappears
>everyone left standing around throwing grenades desperately trying to get him to reappear
I am now 2 for 2 on my nuke bosses getting stolen from me
Merry Christmas anon
Do Storm Titans now so you can get the rare bug where they refuse to come out of their storage pods
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I wish that was me
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>go to launch another nuke at Monongah to try again
>discover only after going all the way through the silo that there's a cooldown on player characters as well as silos and I have to wait 90 minutes to launch
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>nooooooooo the game won't let me shove a massive fucking suit of power armour the size of a super mutant inside my arse
If fallout was a proper post apocalyptic setting, there would be nothing keeping women from returning to their base instincts.
They'd all be sluts.
I wish you had huge boobs too.
Does anyone actually think clown proportions are sexy?
It looks gross; mild body horror.
The only thing weird in the drawing is the nose.
I support the boobs.
Is that meant to be a boy or a girl?
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qt spotted
Every other Fallout game lets you store power armour in your inventory.
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Genuinely asking
When did Fallout NV stop being "Fallout 3 but there's cowboys and gambling" and start being "the weird tranny Fallout"?
my money is on 2014-2016
A ton of video essayist talked about it and still talk about it and that attracted xem.
>Finally got my Heavy Weapons and SS Armor all modded up with 1, 2, 3 and 4 star legendaries after trawling vendors for awhile now
>Just need to start doing Raids to farm the Vulcan armor
How bad of a grind am I in for.
without dedicated group you're fucked if you want to do whole raid, coin toss between morons and competent people
on your own you can solo the first boss repeatedly if you have enough stimpacks
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How'd you star your armor? Genuinely curious.

After 20 full clears and an additional 15 Guardian kills I ended up with
>a full set of Vulcan armor with shitty mismatched four star attachments that I'll never use because Union exists
>Pinpointer for my Gatling Plasma
>Encircler for my Enclave Plasma Flamer
>Bully for my Pulse Rifle
>Pyromaniac for my Holy Fire
>Pounder for my Auto Axe
>one or two each of Tanky, Bruiser, Ranger and Scanner mod boxes
>the ability to craft Pyromaniac and Bully mod boxes

I'm pretty happy with it
I just wish they'd fix Sentinels because I think I'd put that on every three star armor and power armor slot I own
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>assaultron sexbot crawling to service masters cock
i think this is my limit to perversion
Fools await for skywind. Kings await for Daggerfallout.
OE/LCK/WWR with the exception of the chest which is OE/END/WWR, and the 4 stars are 2x Limit-Breaking and 3x Ranger's. Once I get ahold of a full set of Vulcan I plan to go the same effects, but Rejuvenator instead of the Ranger's.

Gotcha. I wasn't terribly planning on doing full clears considering it'll be majority pubbing, at least all the Vulcan pieces can drop from just the first boss.
Around the same time the Ikea Shark did
What is the difference between what FOLON accomplished versus what these total conversion mods are doing that they aren't out yet?
It really shouldn't
>just spent 30 minutes moving 1000lb of lead to camp
fallout 4 bros
>he didn't perkeded Strong Back
lmao @ your life
>try to craft superfast by clicking and hitting enter
>instant ctd no warning no error message
all because i wanted dog steaks
>Yeah bro, you like it? I keep it in my back pocket when I'm traveling, weighs about ten pounds
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lmao, just found this in a camp
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best mods for codsworth as an adventuring companion without turning him into a sentry warmachine or a sexmachine basically Mr Handy only?
>added as much carry weight as i could
>two single fire lasers on torso
>arms are sawx2 and pincer
Is there any mention of Christmas in New Vegas (including DLCs)?
Mr. New Vegas mentions Christmas song album on his radio show.
>booted up fo4 for the first time in like 7 years
>wanted a melee with a melee bot bro
>protectatron legs too slow
>sentry legs too big
>assaultron legs are making me think bad thoughts
>mr handy jet is just fucking perfect
>realize im running around the wastes with a mr handy bot with 5 saws
i remember there being a sawblade weapon that was not a baseball bat. anyone know what the fuck im thinking of?
Yes it should.
It weighed 100 lbs in Fallout 1, equivalent to a 3 STR Vault Dweller's entire carry weight. Even in later games, it was like 40+ lbs.
>Add modularity as a new feature to power armour
>Except the frame that allows the modularity, which is a world object that any merchant or other NPC with a fusion core can steal
>Carrying around tons of weapons and other stuff is still fine btw
Mr. Handy Buzz Blade
It's actually brutal like a Ripper or Chainsaw
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Redditors from the gamingcirclejerk subreddit seethed about the fact that almost every discussion about the series would have someone say that 1, 2, and NV are better than 3, 4, and 76. Since everyone hates troons, the redditors tried to associate NV with troons.
oh damn i walked past it like 2 hours ago thanks
man, level 30 and the musket is really starting to lack stopping power. 6 crank shotgun barely does anything now
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Hey guys check out this Fallout shirt my mom got me for Christmas
>ai letters
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>i think this is my limit to perversion
Don't give up, you can always go deeper.
Vault dude.
How much longer until the next fallout?
whoa nice. is that your own screenshot?
It could be ten years
Doesn't help that half the retards around here are letting them take it.
When it became popular and /v/ contrarians had to find something to shit on the game.
When I could have easily been enjoying Fallout NV, I went to a party, got into a fight, and just got released from Jail. Didn't even get to open my presents.
That fight? A discourse on why Yes Man is one of the worst endings and is bad for Vegas.
I was arguing that New California could have easily split and remained stable after the events of Fallout: New Vegas where they win the Hoover Dam, giving the Midwest New California branch the ability to become autonomous. The other faggot preferred rapist slavers win setting the precedent for other demented tribals to begin their own conquest and giving in to the worst of human nature just because
>lel post apocalypse, no laws

Do you understand where I am coming from?
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>go to mutated event
>get mutated pack instead of mutated party pack
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>got my sexbot army making my shit
>upgraded my crank the best its going to get
>suddenly realize i dont have anything else to work for
god fucking damnit
Wait, so Veronica has no reaction to you self-destructing the bunker if you've convinced her to leave the BoS during her quest? My rep with them is soft-hearted devil
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Uh, didn't Bethesda say they turned these guys off server-side?
>Bethesda say they turned these guys off server-side?
It just works.
yeah I still see them sometimes and they will spawn at weird times, like right after I completely clear a power plant
Trying to run Viva New Vegas but when I try to run the game it shows me "application locked while running" and the game never launches. Tried googling it and found no results. Is this a known issue with Viva New Vegas?
What do you think her ass/pussy smell like considering there are no pads/tampons in the wasteland
what makes you think there won't be pads and tampons in thr wasteland
Perhaps cloth you could jam up there but nothing in terms of quality that we have now. It would be hard to imagine any sort of adhesive that wouldn't be damaging to the skin for pads and the rough texture of simple cloth would probably be relatively painful so I imagine some women would just free bleed so long as they could protect themselves from predators who would smell it
>Sanitary belts: These were the main option for menstrual care from the 1890s to the 1970s. They were made of an elastic waistband with clips at the front and back, and a towel was attached to soak up blood.
Nevermind I imagine they'd probably use something like this although I can't imagine it would mask the smell too much either
regenerate the fallout ini
That's just Spanish
Fren, your mother is an angel
playing a tinker style character is so fun with the robot dlc even if i never make them into sluts like you
Is there anywhere you can find all of the reputation rewards? The wiki doesn't have the pemmican collector listed so I imagine it's missing some other things as well
what did he mean by this?
Bethesda can't fucking do anything
well I'm still not buying atoms but it'll still be up when my Fallout 1st gibs come in...
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Why did they retcon Nora to be vaguely latina?
The blonde hair in the game looks dirty, because 99% of the game takes place in the dirty wasteland, which would be weird having clean blonde hair whilst the clothing is dirty.
Thanks for the suggestion but it didn't work
She's more appealing to the brown skinned cow eyed masses
>it's bugged on the PTS, when it comes to live Overeaters will show as 0% for ghoul at all times
oh god, has bethesda actually said this?
what the fuck is ghoul even meant to use, then?
If you can't use Unyielding and you can't use Overeater, I would vote for Troubleshooter; as situational as it is, I'd say the majority of enemies in the game that actually kill people (Storm Goliaths, Sheepsquatch, Guardian) are robots
Every once in a while I even see someone get yeeted by Grimmbot and the Sheriff Bot
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I think that in chinese, not american words

Qrd on ghoul? is this a thing thats out yet at all?
I'd rather just not play ghoul at that point.

It's on PTS. They seem to be trying to make it a melee focused character, but then they remembered that auto axe is a thing and so they had a kneejerk reaction and fucked over any chance at making non-automatic melee weapons viable.

It'll also be good for full health gun builds, but mostly just energy weapons.
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this ghoul is bussin, frfr
Utter nonsense
I was thinking vanguard(slightly better than aristocrap) but flat +35 value resistance still sucks, you might be right
>It'll also be good for full health gun builds, but mostly just energy weapons.
no it won't, for now glow is consumed at alarming rate even with ranged fire and going for toxic goo every 20 minutes doesn't sound very fun
auto-axe glow consumption is even worse, depending on server lag either 3-5 seconds and it's gone without goo
How did they fuck it over?
The best part is that the auto-axe is actually excluded from those cards and just consumes glow for no reason.

Some youtubers posted videos of them doing 5 digit damage numbers and one tapping deathclaws with unarmed, so apparently that warranted cutting the card that was letting them do it in half, I assume there must've also been a reduction to the feral melee damage bonus, and two other damage cards were reduced by a third.
Bethesda got spooked by normal melees doing tens of thousands of damage with a single swing when autoaxe can deal thousands of damage in a single tick, and tick multiple times per second, lmao.
Are heavyweight and or weapon handling worth it as perks in NV? I'm planning out a new character and they seem useful but getting those requirements would be a bit of a hassle. Same with implant grx. It seems fun, I'd like it, but I don't really have many excess special points to allocate to 8 endurance
neither are necessary frankly, unless you self impose some challenge or have sadistic söyer mods installed where carry weight is reduced to like 20 pounds
>Create new character to prepare for ghoul
>Silky smooth frames and responsive UI
>Swap to main to do specific dailies
>Dropped inputs, UI desync, hard frame drops and some locking up bringing the radial wheel up for favorites
I swear this is like Tarkov and the more shit you hoard the harder the performance hit. I'm going to keep testing this a few more times then just scorched earth my inventory on my main to see if the performance increase sticks.
Also speaking of Tarkov it was wiped yesterday, but then I remember that the community is even more rancid with this one because people cheat for a living from the third world and ruin your games.
>ghoul was going to have cards to make junk items you've tagged for search glow, give you directional audio queues for legendary enemies, and a 50% chance to boost your daily/event rewards
they really wanted this to be the "veteran player mode," but then they turned it into a shitty gimmick that's probably going to flop
>good people
which one, the literal traitor or the black guy?
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Those who obey the lord and live in his image of humanity as best they can. Black dude was a faggot though lol
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>stinky wastelander pussy
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might as well try asking here because i want to avoid dealing with tradetroon communities and the retards which inhabit them
any 76CHADs here who have (or know someone who has) the hunter's pelt outfit, and would be willing to sell it?
not the hood, just the outfit - bought the hood for 40k caps in someone's vendor already
been looking for this thing for months, only price i got was from a friend's friend who wanted 40k fucking leaders for it, which is absolutely ludicrous, especially considering the recent public dupe
pic related
nah fuck off with the dev room shit
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caitfag lives on
Does that mean i should go back to being a melee chad before they nerf auto axe into the ground.
Fallout 1 if it was good
No idea what they're going to do with auto axe. As it stands being full health with a 200% modifier on melee is already crazy for auto axe, so feral ghoul has that going for it, I guess.
Ghoul's other melee functions will still be the best way to play non-automatic melees by a huge margin, it's just that non-automatic melees aren't very interesting and they really dulled just how good ghoul was with them significantly.
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>mogs your Fallout
There any NV mods that let me akimbo pistols?
Well whatever, I have no interest in not taking chems for an hour anyway
Relax, they've still got 3 months to make ghoul not an irradiated wet fart. Personally I'm hoping for
>increased melee VATS range
>AoE melee damage from high glow attacks
>AoE radiation damage while at high glow
i hate how boston looks and feels like a themepark rather than a city
this will always be the dumbest criticism for 4
At least Nuka-World feels like a real city
fuck off rexov
>increased melee VATS range
You mean like a stumble lurch forward?
That would be sweet.
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rexov is a cheater everyone pls report him to todd thanks
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>this is now the face of the Fallout franchise
How does this make you feel?
i never got this whole argument tbdesu
As far as I'm concerned this is the face of the Fallout franchise
.308-chan, is that you?
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Presented without comment.
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feels okey dokey man
i want to lick her eyes
Best mods for a fresh playthrough of F4 in 2025? Is Storywealth worth it or just a meme?
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bros..... I want my toddfu so bad...........

this and an SSD will delete load screens
>will delete load screens
b-but my 3d rendered models on loadscreen?!! Todd wouldn't want you to skip them!
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you wouldn't skip my handcrafted loading screen art, would you anon?
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>Another falseflag thread at /v/
>Suddenly the name father elijah gets mentioned and the nvfags who were booted from here begins losing their shit and calling everyone pajeets.
Too predictable.
I only observe this thread while playing Fallout. I don't actively seek discussion outside of thise general, otherwise.
hows it hanging
hows the general doing
Default Nora has the whitest possible skin though.
I'm literally shaking right now
turn off the vibrator xistah
I like both. Both provide different experiences. The writing can feel a little juvenile in Fallout 3, though. And New Vegas feels rough around the edges and lacks polish.
I can't believe the 3 vs NV fight has been going on for so long, like what's even the point of still arguing about it everyone has already made up their mind at this point.
People like arguing. People hold grudges for things they weren't around for that happened hundreds of years ago.
Objective play order for Fallout 3?
You mean like how feral ghouls do when attacking the player, and then they trip and fall from going so fast? If it were something akin to that, like your ghoul player makes a little battle screech as you fly forward in sort of a mad fashion, that'd be cool. All the better if it has a radioactive glow like their glow enhanced melee attacks do.

My main concern with a PURELY melee playstyle is acquiring and tagging targets. You're going to feel extremely cucked at events when everyone kills everything before you can touch it, so a melee charge ability and some kind of AoE damage would be very appreciated.

I'm hoping the plasma defender is honestly just a massive splash damage pistol, despite what it's performance in NV may have been, at least with a mod attached, because having a sidearm will now be possible for any build, and ghoul is going to need something he can pull out with -300% gun accuracy and hit flying/distant targets with.
What do you mean?
exit vault. turn right. do everything on right
The DLCs (Broken Steel being the exception) aren't integrated into the game well. They're side content, that has no real organic flow. You just do them whenever you feel like it.
>unscheduled double xp weekend following unscheduled mutated public events
So they've given up huh

Anyway I'm literally getting one million exp per raid lol, 300k just from the snek alone
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The release order is actually a pretty reasonable play order
>take on Operation Anchorage early; it's not difficult and gives amazing rewards (some so OP that you might want to tuck them away in your house and never use them)
>do The Pitt shortly before finishing the main quest, you've toughened up but the wasteland has something new to teach you
>finish the main quest then on to Broken Steel as the endgame
>do Point Lookout as the epilogue, because it has the most powerful enemies in the game and takes you far away
>never do Mothership Zeta because that's the single worst piece of content Bethesda ever created
Did Bethesda forget that not every Vault was like 101 and most of them eventually opened and resettled the wasteland? The NCR and most of the west coast raider gangs were descended from Vault 15.
in the show there was a vault that actively recruited from the surface and had dealings with surface factions, and in 76 the entire story is literally about a vault that opened its doors and released a horde of autistic mutes who then went on to immediately kill their way through and conquer every inch of land, eventually nuking each other into oblivion
There were only a few control vaults, most of them had something weird going on even if the weirdness was relatively tame for some of them. The control vaults were intended to be the minority, they were a control group not the majority of the project. It's not a Todd thing, it's an established lore thing.
>do Mothership Zeta first because that's the single best piece of content Bethesda ever created
Contrarianism isn't a personality
For me, it's doing everything in the base game, then doing the DLC content in release order.
Enclave style beats
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I'm something of an elite PVPer myself
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Raiding helped me achieve zen
It shits out so many "valuable" items that I found it in me to just do pic related
I pared my inventory down to 140 pounds and my stash down to 400 and it feels great

I'm not even bringing two power armors to raid anymore; I do the whole thing with my Troubleshooter's set now. It turns out Overeaters isn't needed at all because the Skwad are braindead easy and the snek is just a poison resist check
After having both held a bounty for 10+ hours and killing someone who had held it across multiple logins across multiple days, I can confidently say this is a mercy more than anything, and they genuinely do not care that you killed them.
Not the low level players, though, they just get jumpscared and spend the rest of the day wondering how the scary high level man just killed them when this isn't a PvP game.
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i made this character to use a fuckin crank and the crank isnt doing it anymore

is there a weapon enchant thats best for a shotgun crank weapon?

Kneecapper is not fucking working per laser
anyone know if +10 energy damage is per shot or per laser?
does penetrating even stack with rifleman?
at level 30+ fire/cold isnt doing shit for damage
>play as male, story unchanged
>play as female, Butch is the son of the Overseer and your childhood best friend while Amata is a meangirl bully who's the leader of a popular girl clique
Would this fix FO3's story?
>play as female
>spend most of the game pregnant
>you spend the dlc protecting your baby getting stripped of all gear all the time playing sneak puzzles
>game ends when you give birth and given your choices it can be the purified water jesus baby or laser hitler
fixed the story
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Fallout 3 is not about a story, I read/heard in a commentary or forum post how 3 is essentially a fan game, (Todd's) using all the iconography and motifs, with no more than surface level care or love for the lore or themes. I look at it like so.
Honestly, considering it to be a spinoff isn't even a hateful way of looking at it.
The more time passes the more its similarity to The Force Awakens strikes me in that it's a remake in all but name of Fallout 1, sprinkled with random elements from 2
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>under the new "Onslaught Stacks" system, with a Furious pistol and Gunslinger + Guerilla perks, if you hit a target 21 times in ten seconds you get a total of
>+105% damage, an additional +63% damage if the enemy is within close range, another +63% damage to weak spots, +63% fire rate and +105% reload speed

So uh, is the new meta going to be like Quad Automatic 10mm outdamaging fixers and auto axes
Is Fallout 76 worth starting this late in the game? Starting the whole thing as a total newb etc.
Yes? The things you've missed out on aren't really worth dwelling on. I've got a gap of like 4 years and the most I find myself regretting having missed is like 3 camp objects from some seasons that passed, and there's still a chance they'll sell them one day.
It's really down to whether or not the game itself appeals, not whether or not you can "catch up." It's not like we've had years of gear treadmills and huge expansions you missed like some proper MMO.
the effects say "ranged weapons" on them in the game files, so I'm assuming you can't actually make any of this apply to a melee weapon, but you can still get furious on a melee weapon, so uh? idk
the weakpoint card makes your stacks reset so throw that out of the equation, shit's worthless and they need to rethink it
if they have any brains they'll make it so you can't quick swap to that quad without losing your onslaught stacks
but yeah, it's a pretty wild increase to a weapon's performance without even being a low health build, so I'd say it has no chance of remaining as is :(
Appreciate the candor. I remember the rush to complete so many calendars, scoreboards? I forget what they were exactly, but they had some advancements to certain rewards. I think you addressed this with the seasons comment.
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Any idea what is causing this texture bug with the fallout 3 t51b helmet and put me to whatever it would be in fo3edit? Even if I disable all of my armor texture mods the lens stays like this.
i started a couple months ago and i feel pretty strong in the game.
don't fuck with semi-auto rifles, they suck ass. don't fuck with pistols yet either they suck ass rn. they will be buffed soon though.
i started as melee then moved to commando/full auto weapons.
now i used heavy weapons or full auto weapons.

main thing to do early is your main quests, and show up to public events, let people gather at the event, don't activate them, just wait for people to show up. pop any EXP buffs and tag as much as you can (do atleast 1 dmg to an enemy to get full exp from them). AOE/flamer/grenades are good for that.
You really hsould have an open world/questing weapon/build and a public event weapon to get tags with.
seems like conflicting meshes/textures rather than anything in fo3edit.
Thanks again. I remember being very interested in 76 when healing builds/guns were an idea. Not enough players to support that playstyle I suppose.
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I finally put together a troubleshooter's hellcats set for EN06 Guardian and still get melted. The only thing I've found that helped is a combination of medic's pump power armor mod, first aid perk card, and born survivor perk card. With that combo you can stand right in front of him in hellcat's power armor and survive though I also was using bullet shield, life giver, ricochet, and pemmicans with an endurance of 13. Your hp will bounce around like crazy. Electric Absorption legendary perk might help but I would need to rearrange my entire build to test it so I haven't.

People who swear by troubleshooter's probably have other things happening in the background of their build which is really preventing significant damage.

Compared an ultracite gatling laser to a gatling plasma, both anti-armor, since I was hoping the faster fire rate of a gatling laser would lead to greater crits and therefore damage but gatling plasma was better. I did have the stinging receptacle on.
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I prefer a more fertile, younger, more feminine Todd
I see them sometimes at line in the sand but no gifts on them yet
the height is right at least
you can use dodgey; trade your ap for more survivability since ricochet and deflection are doing most of your dmg during that phase. use a vamp weapon with no spool-up so your bullet shield is constantly running.
once shield is down you can go ham and dump ap into vats crits or whatever
I've scrapped 100 legendaries easily and have not gotten anything since holiday event started.
Anyone else?
Also,is it worth trying to collect the gifts?
Pretty sure I got all the plans.
The thumbnail is actual size.
>Anyone else?
No, i've had limited luck
>Also,is it worth trying to collect the gifts?
if you have everything and aren't planning to sell/trade, no.
Cute shirt
Dodgy is bad because it robs you of ap you need to reach the field generator through vats when you solo. Vamp doesn't do enough damage. You will run out of shelters with that effect when soloing.

Most of my damage is done actively through vats not passive effects like ricochet or bullet shield. Though it is funny to see weaker characters like humans and super mutants die from them because they used an automatic.
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I really don't know what to tell you
I've scaled back my tankiness with practice; removing Dodgy since I was more AP starved than anything, stashing my Overeater armor switch since I found that the snek and the ligma squad don't actually hit that hard (although I'd say the Union poison bonus is critical to not have to waste a legendary perk on Funky Duds)
In preparation for the raids I rolled a beautiful Vampire Gatling Plasma and never even got to use it
The only other thing I can think of is that I am under the influence of psychobuff and pemmican every minute of the run

Maybe every copy of Fallout 76 is personalized and Todd gave you the harder version
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I just had a team that failed at snake five times in a row

Yeah I get it, I should be more minmaxed myself to solo it somehow, but what the actual fuck

How did you assholes even manage to clear the rest of the raid, the snake's the second easiest thing behind the guardian

Why the fuck did I turn around and find all three of you dead every time

Why did the level 137 outlive the two level 600s in the one run where we got it down to about half
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(Not my screenshot but) I installed TTW according to their own guide and some guns block my vision when aiming in first person
Anyone know a fix?
If I disable unofficial fallout 3 patch it stops.
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>Sprinting back and forth firing at moleminers as they come for the bots
>This level 15 gigachad has one of the tunnels covered
I heard his theme music as he got those molerats..
The unofficial patch has textures & meshes packed into BSAs so maybe one of your other mods is overriding it
Do you have iron sights on or off in your settings?
Turning true iron sights on makes everything so far work like it should, the issue arrises when it's turned off
So you want iron sights off?
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playing 76 now feels like casually seeing a girlfriend every now and then just because I feel some obligation to keep a burnt out relationship going

and frankly, I ghost those kinds of girls

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