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Winter Freak Edition

>What is this?
Second Life is a virtual world MMO with user-generated content, its own in-game economy and currency that can be traded for RL currency, and a large array of lands (sims) that can be independent or interconnected. Customize avatars, sell creations, explore, socialize, (E)RP, attend virtual events like concerts, screenings, meetings, etc..

>>Useful Links:

Create An Account:

Recommended SL Viewers:

Second Life Grid Status:

>>Related SLURLs

Interesting Locations:

Hair Resources:
https://pastebin.com/W9TeJHJi (List of Stores)


>>SL Events


Monthly Event Guide:

>Current Events (End Date)
The Arcade - Xmas Themed Gacha (Dec 31st): https://secondlife/The%20Arcade/74/131/32
Holiday Shop n' Hop - Shopping region with seasonal sales: https://maps.secondlife/Lavendar/126/125/54
Winter Hollow: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Notthund/192/65/1503
>Monthly Events (End Date)
Sabbath (Jan 11th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SABBATH/190/121/26
Tres Chic (Jan 11th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tres%20Chic/155/135/133
Alpha (Jan 17th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ACCESS%203/132/111/1001

Previous Thread: >>505596407
"Settings" after choosing your seat
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You need adjustment and rotation to get all in that GYATT
uh ok
You're not being very helpful
Thank you
I would like to live in second Life as a black man
i want to create a black man avatar, but my second life mother won't allow it. becuase she said it is be racist. What you think? can i do african man?
Yeah, I do African man
this is is no problem?
No :)
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The average black SL experience
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Egghead Margaret Qualley lookin ah
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All the black people portraits are Chris-chan and the gun toting black man is Sonichu.
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a unique look
That's just Trent Reznor
Just looks like another junkie
but a unique one though
This is so hilariously bad. Why did ESL do this?
thread is now cooked because anon drop the letters
Cooked what? what are you talking about?
Cookin something good
Cooking with butter ain't like back in the day. were we had fresh butter from the farm. '83 i did a summer job at a farmhouse i can tell you the butter was something else than what you buiyu in the supermarket these days
you might be cooking, but it ain't that good (LOL)
Here here
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Why are they like this?
Is this pomme?
I think it was from some normie flickr account idk
avatar looks pomme-coded
funny how something made nearly 4 years ago is applicable even now.
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Don't quite understand why you're bringing up this Pomme person. I don't even know who they are.
pomme tier avi
sims where i can fuck these types of women?
like the family swimming pool?
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Does anyone miss this look?
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I still see them?
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Feeling happy and sappy
wtf is that
It's the winter freak
None found
It's true, I've seen them there
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identity obsession
It's still an attraction to dogs if you play as one, too.
Lil bro goes hard n gl
im me doggy
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my wife
She looks special.
yeah, because she's my special friend
None Found, Nep, and Pomme. Pomme None Found, Nep Nep and Pomme None Found, None found. None Found pomme, Nep, Nep Pomme None Found Tranny. Tranny None Found Pomme Nep Trappy Pomme Tranny None Found. None found, Tranny Nep Pomme. None Found Tranny Nep Pomme Tranny Pomme Nep. None Found, Found None Found. Tranny Nep Found None Pomme Pomme Nep Tranny None Found, Found Tranny Nep None Tranny Found Nep Pomme. Pomme, Tranny Nep, Nep Nep None Found Tranny Pomme Nep. None Found, Tranny Nep, None Found Pomme None Nep None Found None! None, Nep Tranny, Tranny Nep Nep None Found, Found Nep Trappy Pomme None. None.
She looks retarded "special"
that makes her even hotter
thread is pro pedophilia unless it can be used to target another user

very interesting
Explain yourself.
Ask em?
i cant believe this dogshit general still exists lmao
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Quite the crashout from this furry...
Oh, that's the whiny one
I'd rather not interact with "em"
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what a misfire
>pedophilia bad
I take it you disagree?
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Looks like this now
So fucking gross
Hot. Does she have a dick?
Is it kind of weird that all those people who complained about M4 heads being lolibait, just switch to ASR which is also widely used by lolicons?
ASR looks too low poly
Honestly I didn't like how flat faced they looked and the lack of lips.
He does
>lack of lips.
yeah thats a no from me
why y why u need lip.
to suck?!
ahah ahahaha
no to kiss like this *CHUUUUUU*
ahahah ewww xD
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I prefer ASR to this
asr can't be cute because that retarded jap can't be bothered to fix the eyes, eyebrows, mouth and polys
Actually adorable.

Yeah, it's strange that furries want to use that to be animes now.
serving looks?
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Looks fucking re-used
I don't think it's that strange seeing >>507404746
I'll be on tonight
Not all of them approved of it, they get on some high horse saying they're not creepy for liking anime stuff or somethin
Family swimming pool
Oh nevermind
got hardware banned. what components do I need to replace to fully and safely come back? idk what exactly to replace.
I want to smooch
just use a viewer that lets you spoof your HWID like LOstorm and a VPN
Okay let me whip that up rq
almost ded
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Christmas time again. I hope you decorated..
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ew wtf
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Nice prims
looks fantastic
mogs whole knotty beach, which is a low bar but still
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are there any mentally ill but cute black chicks who will rape me in here?
You can find a combination of maybe two of those factors.
Wig dog
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hate these chuds
i don't know these people since i don't visit the reddit land, why is the anime one brown?
why pick brown in a world where you can choose be white?
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which one?
Does nothing to fix it
>doggo blep
>identification obsession
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Oh shit, I remember this one. That was after I came back from hiatus.
thanks, can you make it a new years resolution to stop fucking dogs
Every time I look at another general on this board it's either just as bad or worse.
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Thoughts on this?
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For fatty lovers that had funny feelings when the hippos came on Animaniacs.
black coded
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What about the hippos in Fantasia?

Fuck....you're right.
It's time for you to start fucking dogs.
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I dunno the ostriches were hotter
nice outfit bro
i especially love those pants
you want to fuck
That's only because they put dreads on it
Gonna get a gift today
yea my knot
no, knot that
uwaaa~ o////o where did that response come from i just like your outfit
no it's the ugly face and big nose
I guess
We need more birds in SL
Who's a threat?
Shut the fuck up
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Brown boys are cute or something
no thanks, i'm into scrawny white chuds covered in acne
pics of avi?
Mm I had a good Christmas
Lots of dog sex?
Just a little
Don't lie
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>Avatar looks like it came from 2009 from some boomer who can't part with it or is too retarded to update
>Account is 2 weeks old
When I first started with no help, one of my first avatars was default with flexi prim clothing and hair, even though mesh already existed.
where do zoomers go to hook up in this game everywhere is full of ugly boomers and germans
go play roblox
poseball sims
Some people are less resourceful and just are too easily satisfied I think, so they essentially just end up with the same shit as boomers. I honestly see a lot of new accounts like that.
holy crap lois
probably like an anime, voice sim, sandbox or something
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Made for my femboy cock
ever have an experience in Second Life where an old timer is on the mic telling you about the good old days of Second Life?
too many
i love those boots what body are they for?
Those are default to kemono only.
anyone know of any fun speed ways? i just found a motorcycle i wanna break in
just have sex with it like a normal person
Main road?
making trash thread
Just pick any of them
They all end up in the same place
i didnt see it
how does one have sex with a motorcycle...
actually, dont answer that
i was looking for more of a looping speedway, i been on the mainroad before
sorry I was baiting to make someone else do it
Why are all the facs ads so demented
They look cool
The proportions look fucked, why are the neck and arms so skinny?
foids desperate attempts at looking unique
(they all just end up looking the same)
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That's true.

That's not normie biofem ugly. That store is run by a tranny with his own unique brand of ugly.
looking for knot again.... so many ugly dog avis
both trannies and roasties still cling to this already dead millenial idea of "le beauty in ugliness"
so many ugly dog avis... looking for knot again
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Its all over primfeed also, but I did see another anon mention that those odd fashion choices are from former IMVU users. However, it is funny how their brand of "ugliness" basically boils down to having genetic deformities.
There's a restaurant I got to that has a diversity hire who looks like this. She seems to only be allowed to handle the take-out counter.
Was she a bit retarded or something?
She's super short and needs a stool to stand on to clear the counter, and her jaw is non-existent. I don't think she's slow or anything.
inbred bitches can fuck tho (irl, the sl inbred looking ones are very boring)
>the goth girl im friends list made a suck face avi
Oh my
The what?
Like my SL femboy grandma used to say before she passed: "Nut in me... as a bro."
I will never forget those words.
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some niche kink im into
Anybody here know if people can take a first/last name combination you already used if you change your name?
No, they can't. You retain all name changes and can switch between them after a cooldown period.
i didnt even know i was into this, where is this shit and how do i make the lips look glossier
i could make one, but im sure it will just get kicked off the page, i dont have too many lewd pics
>i dont have too many lewd pics
Just as expected from a SLer 4channy "Go on to reddit.com" or continue to fag about it?
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You gonna be nice or does poppa have to spank again?
im not sure what you are upset about, but i just dont get too many partners because i shy away when someone makes a move especially if they are hot
Did I even fucking ask?
you're mean
/me crawls up your butthole and comes out of your mouth with your dinner
/me grins as my tail absorbs all the nutrients from your body
/me frowns
"i need more energy. i think it is time to find the androids"
/me flies off to dr gero's lab
She uses the pirahna plant head from the market place for the lips and just increased the gloss in the edit menu
why should I care?
I don't really give a damn either way.
yes anon, that's what question marks are for
I didn't asked.
I wish you dorks would tell me better spots! I'm stuck with the goyslop hotspots like Lemme Smash and Just Poseball!! reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>inb4 worthless bumpslave response
actually kill yourself
truth is that's all there is
kill yourself bumpslave
Gross. He lickin shoes and not feet
Depends what you're looking for. If you want places with a lot of furries, there's also places like Bare Bottom Lounge and Knotty Beach. Bare Bottom Lounge in particular usually has people chatting in nearby chat.
Underground or that other punk place
I've seen a few of these succ faces before, but usually on Birdo aavtars.
i need more detail... i want that latex look
i need to find someone with an avi like this and... interrogate them
>people chatting in nearby chat.
yeah usually everyone is dead silent
i remember i had a friend who would go to these places and intentionally break the silence, the balls on that guy...
either I was retarded or it seems like people used to erp in public chat a lot more in 2008
There was probably less consequences for being inappropriate or less places to be private about it.
inclined to agree, but could you elaborate?
dead silent = true beauty
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you won't get good replies here, it's a schizo den
ageplaying is a lost art
who knows.. the moon shines blue every now and then...
Said the schizo himself.
To inspire people like you to post here and finally have something to talk about.
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Do people need filters like this?
That's just AI
>that other punk place
The Waste?

Are there -really- only 4 hang out spots for furries?
I have never ever seen someone talking at Underground
I think half of them are Russian, too

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