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Tis' the Season Edition

>What is BDO
Black Desert Online is a Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, RNG, guaranteed upgrade mechanics after you spend 4 times the item's worth, more RNG, brand new fun pvp trust me, coomer outfits like slutkinis, shondoms, infinite grinding on a circle or a private circle, RNG and a pseudo sandbox experience that doesn't matter now that marni exists.

>Latest Patch Notes


>NA/EU Coupon codes

>Interactive world map:

>General utility (Grind tracking, boss timers, imperials, calculators, pearl market info, node setup, etc.)

>Grindspots silver/hr
Sovereign enhancing sheet:
Kharazad enhancing sheet:

>/bdog/ Guilds
NA: Jealousy, Sardine
Previous thread:>>505741410
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(You) should join, today!
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Thread theme: https://youtu.be/I_etoWEazCQ
I only see viable to get my first sov weapon with caphra
do the /bdog/ guilds actually play the game and talk in chat? it's kinda lonely just sitting around with my guild having 1 message sent a day
yeah, there's usually a handful of people talking throughout an evening & night (when I'm on). peak times like vell or boss groups are also high points during the week
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Yep, Jelly also doesn't have a 'cord so all communications happen in-game, which is quite cool.
Why do you always fish next to Gay Agenda?
I'm indian
witch is meta (for panties)
everyone itt is indian
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It's Ranger
I seriously just want to play Deadeye. Maint Tuesday at 1/4am boyos
same bro I'm rewatching the old Leone movies today in anticipation
dunno if I'll be able to sleep
I haven't been this excited for any game release since a long time ago
>scholar but guns
>kiting gameplay aka chase the gay
>underpowered from the get go
imagine being hyped for this lol lmao haha
is there a point to doing the jetina accessories anymore since kharazad exist?
any real nigga can post THE STACK please
My favorite class is Scholar
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I see those white pubes there.
Please god, release another korean mmo to the west. I am sick of BDO. I want Chrono Odyssey or Archeage 2.
Sorry bud. BDO is the last viable MMO to make it out of that collapsing CIA experiment of a state. You'll be lucky to see those companies still working on said games in a couple years. Deep reckoning about to hit the unready and gaming studios are on the chopping block.

You should've had fun with the 1 month Lost Ark lasted. You can still join in on the coattails of Throne and Liberty, though I don't know why anybody would want to do that lol.

There's also always Maple or DFO, or you could play something random like Granado Espada.
Same. Been thinking about trying an archeage pserver but apparently they're just as p2w as retail was, plus there are probably only a few hundred players anyway so whatever. I wish gooks could just make good games without a catch, like they literally cannot help themselves but to fuck everything up. I want a new kmmo so bad bros
You'll soon get to play Crimson Desert Online bro just hold out for a few more months.
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we fishmaxxing
>Crimson Desert Online

That's just a myth. It's a solo player game. They can't hide a mmo like that for this long as a solo game, leaks or info would have been known by now. Crimson Desert has been in the making since Black Desert came out.
Not to spoil the fun for ya but ArcheAge only worked well in the live release setting. Much like FFXI private servers you've got to have a serious itch and unshakable love for the game to make it worth the time spent. Often these servers are updated with custom content, features and some degree of project based p2w weaved in. WoW private servers toyed with that years ago and now it's a lot more normal across the scene. Generally speaking you won't find what you want and the servers are hardly "fresh".
>Crimson Desert Online

So is the new bitch coming today?
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ok now im actually mad
why witch cant mount her rockbro like tamer does
but can rockbro mount the witch?
get out lewdster witches are pure
Not really a myth when they've said they are going to add multiplayer similar to GTA online, it won't be an mmo though and the main game will of course be singleplayer.
hypothetically if i used up all my free crystal recovery in one day when does that reset hypothetically
Next year, yea, really.
why are memory frag prices going down when they should be going up
guess I'm HODLING

T minus 1730 hours
I found an infite server dupe

Yes I am exploiting it

No I am not telling any of you how to do it
these fucking rockgolems are hidding and I remember having to look for them for the logbook, it was a pain in the ass, probably the author of the pic got inspired that pain in the ass too.
Because everyone dumped it.
If you don't choose Dine as your free t10 you are actually a braindead nigger
>saar please get the dine
T10 Dine is objectively the best.

Dine can float, walk on water, and run in the desert.

Doom is pointless because of pegga and pegga is useless because of dine.

>but pegga can fly!!!!

This meme needs to die

Pegga cannot fly

Tomorrow i'll be choosing a t10 dine like a smart white man
dude its woke witch pet
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>jumps off of mountain on Peggy and glides across the planet saving minutes of travel time

nothin personnel, kid
I already have a t9 dine and t9 ardunatt, what t10 should I pick? I've never been into training so I don't know how hard it would be to breed my t9 s into t10s
That doesn't happen though lol. There's maybe 2 mountains in the game where that actually saves time.

Don't be dumb, get a dine
Dine without a doubt. Even the devs recommend getting a Dine as your first t10
reminder best girl had a dine
thinking of coming back. haven't played in about a year. is shai still in the same boat, or did they revamp it? when i quit, i remember its mobility was kinda ass and solo grinding on it felt like shit. people would say "just join a group" but finding others to play with in a declining mmo was a bitch so i left.
>declining mmo
But it's not lol

Also, shai is busted af right now. Mobility is insane and DPS in PVE is absurd.
>But it's not
It was when I quit. I'll admit that its numbers are up right now though. But about a year ago it was dead as fuck, so I took a little break since all the people I'd buff in pve had uninstalled.

Did they change the mobility? Last I played it was just the dash and the clunky skateboard. Either way, good to know. Thank you friend.
So is it real that we never discuss BDO on /v/ to avoid FFXIV & WoW troons from invading our game?
/v/ has a history of deleting mmo threads and telling the people in it to go to vg
cant have a 14 thread there either
far as i know, only wow is allowed because the janny there plays it
this grey captcha is aids
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>a year ago numbers were reclining
>numbers are up right now
I don't know much but something doesn't add up about these statements
No it's because BDO is a piece of shit game filled with p2w and microtransactions.
>he goes by steam charts
My brother most players are not on steam platform
Pearl Abyss gives free outfits and premium services often
/v/ loves BDO though
what /v/ likes or doesn't like is irrelevant, it all comes down to the janny. when i said /v/ has a history, i misspoke and should have said the /v/ janny
not him but everyone says that about their game when the steamcharts are posted
unless there was some steam exclusive issue that caused all those steam players to leave steam in particular, you just have to accept that it's the only metric we have for looking at the game's population trends over time
the p2w shit has improved quite a bit over the years, ironically. the main thing that i saw pushing players out was the way they removed any real incentive to grind. with guild wars nerfed, a lot of folks lost their reason to gear up. i can't speak for everyone, but i know my big reason for getting a higher gearscore was so i could roll up to a gvg one day and actually be useful. those never happen anymore because it has to be a mutual dec and most guilds won't mutually agree to a war, so now my reason for grinding is gonezo. had nothing to do with mtx/p2w for me.
>muh walk on water
what body of water would I ever need to walk on that I can't just already glide over
>muh desert
ah it makes sense why you are a contrarian now. you are a siege pvpnigger because those faggots are the only ones who need a dine that badly
>when a population drops they're all coincidentally steamies... just a coincidence though the game is still very populated!
retard cope
I can ride to port raft!
>Pearl Abyss gives free outfits and premium services often
lol lmao how many maids have you've gotten during these past years? value packs? old moon boxes? the gibs you're getting nowadays are mostly crons or enhancing related, I will yield that they've given away some nice outfits.
nobody loves BDO.
it's a lot better than it was before and I don't really care or mind any of the cash shop stuff since I've got plenty of gibs saved up from over the years I've been playing.
I will choose the diné because i'm not a poor bloody basterd beech and i already have the arduanat, saar.
13ish hours i think? start edging
>you are a siege pvpnigger
There is no desert in Valencia siege, peggy is always better in siege, dine is troll 99% of the time.
I started 10 hours ago...
source please?
How's the playability on deck?
I haven't played BDO since like 2015 or 2016 maybe, in the kakao times, I know deck won't let me do anything significantly demanding but could I like, set up fishing, or do some menial grinds on orcs or whateverthefuck?
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I took the free t9 peggy and I will be taking the free t10 peggy, simple as
Are the pvpniggers in the room with us right now, anon?
pvp game fag. i'll feed you to mobs and break all your crystals
what do i need memory fragments for that everybody is dumping/buying?
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More what though?
Is her butthole hairy too?
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Does anyone else just collect guild invites? They never seem to expire.
Damn Schodditors looks like this?
Awakening Wizard or Awakening Mystic for a new main? I want something low APM but fun. Primarily doing PVE and lifeskilling.
HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
both good but wiz succ is also good unlike mystic's, but then again no gooning with an old man...
New class hype lasted a whole 20 minutes now it's time to go back to grind for crons. This game is over...
>Grandpa Cron's Fishing
>You can catch multiple fish at once like with the Triple-Float Fishing Rod.
>Max Auto-fishing Time Reduction
>Fishing Mastery +100
>Max Durability +2,000
They don't give a fuck anymore. Next year will be quite interesting.
The excessive eye makeup completely ruins the face why won't virgins understand this.
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And how do you know that, do you wear makeup? Are you gay?
can i play deadeye yet
how about now
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You say that but I'm already ahead of the curve, never gave a fuck about new class.
Is this fishing? How do you make so much? Do you like fish in Altinova and then trade in Velia?
new rare drops
If you ever stop being an autistic virgin you will be able to see why it looks like shit yourself just by looking at the picture. Generally speaking you shouldn't use much makeup especially around the eyes it is very noticeable if you use a lot and on this character with almost no other makeup on it stand out too much compared to the rest of the face, only if what you're going for is looking like a cheap hooker would I suggest adding more than a slight shade of eye makeup.
I want a cheap hooker without the STIs and other guys marking her.
yup ur gay
I had sex once and I like that heavy, dark eye makeup.
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heavy mascara is hot as fuck especially when the woman starts crying
>only if what you're going for is looking like a cheap hooker
it's literally what i'm going for
Which horse is the best from the T10 selection? I'm thinking Dine.
>without STIs
Is there any benefit to open world pvp? Or is it just a thing you can do for fun
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My nova. Pick another class...
The benefit is that more people leave so the game dies faster and J earns less money.
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Enough with this horse discussion. Pick whichever you like the most, there isn't a right or wrong answer for that. Sure, if you want to reach Padix without a horse, a T10 Dine would be better, if you do guild bosses you may find the mythical Doom's skill useful for everyone who forgot a horse after CTG, and if you want to glide all the way down from tall mountains to ignore the autopath's zigzag, sure, a mythical pegasus would be cool. At the end of the day, you are picking the equivalent of a sports car, cool to have, no one cares if you don't.
Dark Knight. Everyone thinks she's a slut, but she's actually compensating for her sexual inexperience and lack of boyfriend. She never even held hands with a boy. Now, Ranger is where the slut is at. Oh boy, let me tell you something about that woman...she is a succubus.
its up
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You fuckers really gettin' a gun class? Sheeeeeit
Drakania is a cutie.
where my kowai shai :(
I wonder if I should swap main to shai
I'm getting a bit of a zesty bite from this post
Guys, be honest. In terms of allure. A guardian or a dark knight?
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witch wife that wears heavy makeup...
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Her base model is so good damn.
Perfect DSL from the get-go.
Please be fun...
Digital single lens?
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based gun nun
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they did it bros... we're so back!!!!!!!!!
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Guess I'll be getting dine
>almost got baited into making yet another seasonal character
you can use old tuvala pen gear btw, just need to accept a quest from the black spirit and take an old graduation cap to foogar
so how's deadeye? does she feel smooth to play?
I'm not sure, I'm waiting for asmondgold, choice, divios, or bluesquadroon to decide for me.
tight gripping pussy. very smooth innie which is surprising considering she's from the 1800s

oh gameplay? dunno i just got to level 20
>he can't go from Duvencrune to Heidel in a straight line
Early impressions to me is satisfying skills, sound effects and animations. Already regretting ever buying outfits for Corsair because this is immediately more fun to me.
>can't be repaired
i have
>dream arduanatt
>unopened dream horse
what mythical horse do i get, anon? :(
why were you playing awakening corsair to begin with, legit question
depends on how many taps to 30 you have left on your t9
I have all the T10 horses and I use the unicorn the most. It's the most flexible one and thanks to the triple jump and no fall damage it's kind of like the pegasus.
Don't listen to the dine retard, he is literally trolling you and he doesn't have a single t10 horse.

>t10 pegga is a meme. "Flying" is just a short useless glorified falling animation

>t10 doom is slow af and the triple horse gimmick is useless because PVP is dead

Dine is quite literally objectively the best. Running on water? Check. Desert? Check. Instant excel and triple Jump? Check.

Dine is the best t10 and it doesn't even come close
Last christmas I gave you my heart...
But in the very next day, you gave it away...
>"Flying" is just a short useless glorified falling animation
Can't you literally launch up and dash in the air with the t10 pegasus?
Why would you even post this

Not even kidding, I believe in the dead internet theory because of literal bots like you
No? w+e just lets you levitate until you run out of stamina lol. It's useless
Because I always wear a Wham tshirt from Primark on christmas and I was picking it up from my drawer.
Wait, so I should get a a t10 dine?
i like her starter gear better than the paid costume
he's trolling you. anon keeps suggesting dine to newbies because he thinks it's funny to trick them into getting a horse that's only useful in niche 1% scenarios or for goofing off for 5 minutes, he got a pegasus with the free t10 and he won't post proof with timestamp that he didn't pick it. you can count on your hand how often you actually need to go through the middle of the desert. look at the map and see for yourself how little you'll need to walk on water. dine is objectively less useful than peggy, only more useful than doom.
M-meri kurisumasu, a-anon! *runs away*
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you are getting trolled bud
That anon has been shitposting about dine being the best since last december kek, he's never stopped and does this every time they give away a free horse.
Which horse has the biggest dick.
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Arigatou gozaimasu anon-chan, merry christmas to you too *smooch*
mine, obviously.
>anon thinks his t2 mare clitty is the biggest
>1% of scenarios
Meanwhile, what the Devs actually said during the ball
>"The Mythical Dine is incredibly useful for traversing the vast ocean. Its unique ability to gallop on water allows players to quickly and efficiently travel between islands, bypassing the time-consuming need for boats or sailing. This significantly reduces travel times across the expansive sea, making it much easier to reach distant locations, engage in trade routes, and explore the world more freely."

If you play BDO for any amount of time you'd know how useful Dine is
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KANPAI /bodg/
>muh ocean
I selected t10 Dine, am I cool now?
why are witch players so submissive?
The best, most profitable content is out there in the ocean, and you don't need a boat. There are no wells to get to pirate island, sycraia, protty cave, or padix island, all of which make almost 2.2b an hour when you get your rotation down. There's also dehkia crescents and dehkia pila ku, which you need to use a horse to get to, but you can't get there quickly without a Dine can you, dickhead? Not even considering how the best gathering spots are also in the desert and you need a horse that can sprint to minmax scorpions and lions, and you'd be missing out on hotspot sand processing locations because you can't get there before 50 other players show up.

Stop giving people bad advice. You're seething because you picked the T10 pegasus and now you're realizing you can't even use it to get to any of those spots because no one grinds or does content on the mainland anymore.
dine sinks in real ocean wtf youre smoking
Yeah, don't listen to the other anons saying to get peggy or doom. Both are only good for land content when Dine can do both.
Unfathomablely based
this... so much this....
Dine can run all the way from Kama sea port to LOML in 10 minutes dumbass.
we, witch players, are not submissive
someone said you can reuse old tuvala gear now but i just graduated a witch with full pen tuvala and my deadeye cant useit
*smack* shut up bitch!
actually padix island makes more like 3.1b/hr if you can consistently run the trade coins the mobs drop from padix island to velia to the trade vendor after every hour. the runs are like 3 mins but if you have the fastest carrack it takes more like 18 minutes to get to and from. the trade coin drop is like 1/3rd the money you make there.
yeah reuse old tuvala gear to tap it to dec idiot, not to use it on a new seasonal character wtf is wrong with you
NTA but read what they said. BlackSpirit quest + grad cap apparently. idk I've never done it before heck if I know.
wtf rude
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>omg what!? He drives a DINE!??? HE'S SO CUTE!!!
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peasant money. I put the 1% speed feather on my Dine and BAM, 2.5b/hr increase at padix. yep, I'm probably averaging nearly double digits billys nowadays. the pretend efficiency maxers make me laugh haha
well no shit you're endgame gigageared and your dine is probably already lv80+. i'm talking about the average, low level dine that can't go from padix to velia in 60 seconds flat from shore to shore. a regular lv30 without the speed feather takes like 10 minutes. still 8 minutes shorter than the fastest carrack. regardless that's still pretty fucking good when you consider mainland spots cap out at 1.6bil on a lucky hour.
hmm i'm not seeing any t10 peggys OR dine's on season servers its all blue dooms....pranked by bdog once again
>1/3rd of the population max can spawn 2 extra horses inflating statistics
Wow so many doom owners!!!!! Stfu dumbass nigga
I'm not convinced... taking pegasus.
t. witch player
is it rape if i know the witch player wants it?
but we don't want it
is it rape if i know the witch player wants it even though she says she doesnt?
Regardless of which horsecock I pick...should I not use them at all till I have a high rank on training, or will it be fine even on a new character?
built for BDC (big dine cock)
New coupon code:
stop it already.. witches are not sluts
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nah, me good u suck
You don't have to be like that.
wait until the training update next year minimum stat increase changes from 0.1 to 0.6 which is a huge buff
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New rule,
All deadeyes must be blind in at least 1 eye.
deadeye more like pink eye lmao that bitch got sum stds fr
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texas ranger needs to destroy my dick
How did you get the underboob?
deadass frfr
for a cowboy class her horseback skills are shit
Shes just a paid actress cosplaying a cowboy in a cheap korean mmo.
she's a gang leader dumbass not a cowgirl
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>go into black thing
>end up in DANGER ZONE
>no horse
>have to run back half a desert
>get lost halfway
why isnt there more of this black desert in black desert the game?
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I bet she likes rhutums
There's a bunch of it, you can stay there for a looong time if you want. Grinding maps, Dek Crescents is amazing money and very agris efficient and so on.
the only thing shes robbing is my virginity frfr
So with the seasonal stuff its pretty clear they want people to be 301+ AP likely within a few months of playing, what do people think about that? I think its a decent decision since 300+ spots are when grinding actually starts to get fun IMO.
how do you get the free t10?
i dont get what deadeyes resource is
press Y
>all the hairstyles have shitty customisation again
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Its the same business strategy since season gear. People with pen tuvala "caught up" to 261 ap soft cap. Now, its for people to get caught up to 300 ap.
New people come in and PA wants them to swipe. Thats like their only income. Once they quit, implement some catch up mechanics, screw over the veterans, rinse and repeat.
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i kinda like it so far, but it feels way too close to how my guardian looks
which is the undisputed horse?
Anyone else having an issue with opening black spirit after that marni quest for deadeye?
restarting the game fixed it for me
Yeah that fixed it
looks woke
They got rid of resources being different in everything except the color of the bar a long time ago.
Based, I still listen to this shit...
Stamina heavy.
what I meant is I don't get how to charge it outside of potions
why the fuck does her big movement skill swap her ammo to the shitty non pve one every fucking timef uck you
Guys, can I build a carrack without bartering and just with dailies? I just want my speedy ship
uhhhh why complain CHVD? don't you feel like indiana jones????
This pissed me off too, zero reason to do that.
Surely we're missing something, like a quick swap back to the useful rounds, right?
did they remove the ability to organize your character list? The option for me is gone????
I ate it, sorry.
could be wrong but I thought there were some carrack upgrade materials you could only get via bartering

but even if that's not true i'm certain bartering would atleast make getting materials a lot faster
I can't believe I forgot that this game is still overrun with garbage humans who get off on griefing people they have a significant advantage over

There were times I thought it was a mistake to be so heavy-handed with gutting PvP in this game but honestly fuck the bitches in this game. They don't want real PvP, they just want a punching bag that can't fight back because they're losers irl who have nothing
Oh my GODDDDDDD every fucking spot on season is over run
Yup. Went on Season Arsha because it usually wasn't too bad in the past but there's microdick losers teaming up to gank people with full high end buffs and stacked PvP crystal set ups just waiting to grief the fuck out of you while you do no damage to them and get one combo'd despite having full pen tuvala too
There's no reason to be upset. You could just choose to feel absolutely nothing at all. It's just not that big of a deal.
The funny part is that they'll go and complain about the pvp being dead and that PA needs a way to get new people into pvp. These people are totally unwilling to settle on a middle ground to ease new players in. Not only do they already have inherent knowledge of class matchups, class capabilities and a general game sense, but they also CANNOT give up their gear because it would hurt their ego if a noob had even the slightest chance to kill them. The pvp in this game could be a lot more fun but the pvp players are cringe, and they're always fucking miserable assholes too so that's even more off-putting. My time spent in AoS was completely miserable solely because they're a bunch of assholes, I can only imagine they are even more toxic in open world or the "muh gvgs" they seem to miss so much.
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is it true that this game has infinite progression?
meaning like, you can infinitely level up a skill or something?
im just looking for an mmorpg where my character can keep getting stronger after im max level and BiS gear.
during Endwalkers in FFXIV, i got max level and bis gear and everything and it became really boring. there wasn't anything else to do besides level other jobs or farm glams in Eureka or Bozja.
so i started playing WoW and by the time i finished War Within, i started realizing that it was the same exact thing as FFXIV, where im just going to get my bis gear and do the raids and mythic+ and then there will be nothing to do but farm transmogs
i want an mmorpg where i can keep grinding for stats in the endgame and getting stronger. is BDO like that?
It only has infinite gear grind because they release new gear faster than 98% of the population can grind for it, that's about it. If you're looking for a social MMO with party content then BDO isn't it, it's a solo grinder where occasionally you can party up to do weekly boss runs if you want and if you can find a group. If you like solo stuff and don't want to deal with retards in group finder then it's the perfect MMO for you. G

rind spots also have AP caps so no matter how much you gear up you're still capped at every spot, so it ends up with most of the endgame players grinding hundreds of hours for like a 5% damage increase on mobs. Not really sure if they'll ever do it any other way.
How much do you get paid per shitpost?
I'm indian btw
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>t. got a pegacuck instead of dinechad
ah, well, still sounds better than FFXIV and WoW, i guess
i think im gonna try Eve Online, and if i dont like that, then i will try BDO
So, it's been almost a full day with deadeye. What do we think? I'm already kinda meh and already miss my main
She is sort of mid.
Almost over it.
overhyped trash
Go on, I'm listening.
Kinda disappointed coming from Valk, Dark Knight, Sorc, Nova, and Drakania as some of my favorites. She feels like she needs to a huge overhaul already.

i like how she looks though and wanted her to be a new main but I find her kinda underwhelming so far.
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Making her ascension was a lazy cheap copout.
all ascension classes are, instead of making a real moveset for two weapons they just do a few linking moves and use filler in the skilltree
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I find the RPG on her more unrealistic than just straight up giving her a gatling gun.
Ascensions aren't all bad. I think scholar feels really good. The current PA strategy to keep their heads above the water wouldn't work out very well for them I don't think if they made new classes terribly complicated like the first generation of characters. Sometimes simple is good, but it's hard to say if there is enough here for deadeye.
Are there any lifeskills worth doing besides AFK fishing? I've been getting into cooking but I also want to get into sailing.
they're all worth it if you enjoy it. you won't like any other answer
Man the devs can't even make good classes anymore can they?
Most lifeskills are getting buffed. Bartering is literally going to have an AFK fishing component added to it where your sailors fish while you sail around, so might be good. Mastery is going up so gathering and cooking will probably scale pretty well.
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>Academia Shai set can't be put on the central market, meaning I can't grab one from there
Fucking why?
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dumb shai you can get it from the spring box in a few days
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Made my PEN blackstar and even PEN khara in under 16 bil
The problem with lifeskills is that the moment they become popular, everyone dives in and floods the market, making them unprofitable overnight. Take fishing for example, one retard streamer tried hakoven island, told everyone how great it is (it isn't), and within a week the spot is exhausted and popular enough to the point that reds are doing drive-bys on them with their boats. Lifeskillers keep their niches for themselves because it's one slip away before it all crumbles down like a house of cards. Let people think that the best money per hour ingame is DSR grinding, lifeskillers are definitely not pulling same profit/h with a fraction of the silver invested in gear, some even in semi-afk lifeskills where they check their pc once every 15 minutes.
>new hot female class is out
>nobody posts pics of them
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merry christmas /bdog
presents day
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Meri shaimasu
Are these super secret lifeskill money makers not even on BDOLytics or what? Because the only thing I see that makes DSR grinding tier money (that actually sells) is Elixir of Regeneration.
only faggots play bdo
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Even though there is a couple of recipes that don't appear there for obvious reasons, no I'm not talking about them. When was the last time you asked a main lifeskiller what he does for profit? What spot he gathers for profit? What meal he cooks for profit? And no I'm not talking about imperial boxes that you can deliver 200 per day. In general, people underestimate what a 2k mastery lifeskiller can pull, most people still think the peak money to make with lifeskills is to gather the wolves next to Velia for 500m silver per hour.
>Then if lifeskills pay that much as you claim, why no one is doing them?
Because they are boring. Every gathering hour will be the same once you optimize your rotation. No dopamine hit drop, no RNG variation, you are basically a robot doing manual labor with nothing to make the hour interesting. Semi afk lifeskilles are worse in that regard since the gameplay is basically storage management every time you run out of materials and want to restock your inventory with the ingredients.
lol it's a fantasy video game that has a time traveler who makes a bunch of mechs and shit
Then I guess I'll have to track down a lifeskiller and ask, because I see no difference between walking around and pressing R for an hour and doing the same thing but more buttons during a grinding session.
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Deadeye is the most disappointing new class release of all time. Makes me feel even more dumb for getting baited back into this game again. Only thing she has is she looks nice, at least by BDO standards, which isn't saying much because the game looks like shit these days. Even FFXIV looks better, which is saying a lot.
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I've been forsaken by god.
Why you shit postin cow tippin good 4 nothin card playin slack jawed outlaw varmint. Thems fightin words right these parts. Your thin hide backside owes everyone in this thread a shot of tequila or there's gonna be a wrestlin' match an I always shoot first.
Nice RP, kinda takes me back to playing Red Dead Online and RP talking with irl friends. If only Deadeye and BDO were as fun as Red Dead Online was before Rockstar took it out back.

Just blows my mind how shit Deadeye feels to play, and that despite having BDO's 10th anniversary they didn't say anything about making the game look less shitty. I felt so put off doing her ascension quests with how dogshit the game, animations and cutscenes looked during it.
how old are you, genuinely curious
It's good in pve but plays dogshittically, pvp it's even worse and she's squishy like archer but has lots of melee range abilities... def not going to main it
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You better stop this shit Jae I WILL kill myself if you keep doing this Jae do you fucking hear me Jae stop this fucking shit right now
>*cums on your spurs*
I only got 12/12 on oct the rest were around 8. Enhancing still feels like fucking shit and now it's mandatory to interact with if you want good gear.
Since when was this ever a thing. What is even happening anymore.
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I got to dec in 6 taps lol sucks to suck (i tapped a tet godr ayed over 80 times before the pity system and just gave up)
>can't even take out her sovereign lil devil to see what it looks like outside of pearl shop menu
>the glow effect on it is almost non-existent compared to other sovereign weapons
The more I play with her the more it feels like they phoned this shit in
>now it's mandatory to interact with if you want good gear
t. shai
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>haha, well done deadeye
Are the 30% discounted weights a better deal than the usual weight bundles?
Is questing from 58-60 not a thing anymore? I've been to all the spots and not a single NPC anywhere has any quests anymore. What the fuck? Am I losing it/doing something wrong.
No. i did 56-60 in like an hour at hexe. You can still do quests, make sure you have them turned on in O
Can you really disable like that though? Where they don't show up above their heads. Talking to them yields/shows nothing at all? REALLY? I don't know maybe. I'll check it out, cause fuck my life I don't want to grind for levels.
wow okay, so that's actually a thing I guess. You can't see them at all when interacting if you have them turned off. I really had no idea. never used it before. nevermind. Just gone, poof. That's insane. Alright. Thanks.
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Alternative would be to tag the new character with a decked out main and to transfer exp from grinding on your main.
How the fuck do you enhance tuvalu beyond pen now???
they had the chance to give deadeye the largest tits in the game and they fucking blew it.
pretty sure they just copy pasted scholar sliders for her.
graduate, get your hat, talk to black spirit, talk to fughar
hot. i wish women were real
by reading patch notes you doofus
Why would I do that when you could just be a good bitch and tell me?????
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I just came back and I'm not sure what I should even be focusing on. Gear seems super different now. Accessories are cheap as fuck for some reason. I did my dark rifts and thought I got a jackpot but it was worth barely anything lol
>still can't have trade items like imperial delivery boxes or fishes on tagged characters.
Post panties first, slut. Then maybe I'll consider helping you.
You'll have to do better than that if you want to see this hairy man ass, faggot.
It's hard to give advice for this, but at the same time not really. You still needs lots of everything and it none of it will likely be easy but I wouldn't stress it too much. I don't think the content you can do would even change at all between 280 and 300 AP. I personally would focus on the dahn gloves or getting your labreska helm. They feel the most "obtainable" when you're feeling stuck or without a goal.. Or wait for someone way smarter than me to give an answer cause I got shitting dick nipples for a brain.

TL:DR gloves or helm.
I'm indian btw, so you really don't want to see my ass.
The fuck????
Thank you for this. I really appreciate it. I'll shoot for the gloves then.
My helm has 10 caphra levels in it, but I don't remember how to upgrade it. I just remember there was some grindy quest that I didn't want to do, lol.
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I actually started looking into this, google searching says you need to finish Eternal winter for the helm or the first half of LomL for the gloves. The helm is really easy to do though, you can buy flame of frost for 1.9b off market or grind/make your own if you are a lucky person.

If you've done neither you got lots of smashing R ahead of you kek.
oh, that's pretty cheap actually. I'll get on that then. I think initially I was trying to make my own but got disheartened by that. Thanks bro
all me btw just bored waiting for garmoth to spawn :3
Awww you want attention, bitch boy??
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Slutty goth elves
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come on..mang...
You don't wanna see my panties, mang..
Just tell me bro
Deadeyes high noon armor kinda looks like a cock bulge from the front, just saying. :/
How small is her thing? she looks like a tucker...
>veiny thighs
Angry little faggot aren't you, bitch boy??? You want attention so badly.
>Troontard seething
wonder if 4chan counts as social media. Dont forget to share
#BlackDesert #NewClass #Deadeye
literally all me turbo lulz
What the hell is your problem??????? All I wanted to know was how to enhance tuvala past pen, you have a problem with that, bitch???
Is that one bdog guild around still with the troon leader?
sardine is dead jealousy is still around
yeah jealousy is the one
I left jealousy because i wasn't comfortable with all the gay porn being shared in their mandatory discord server, kinda gave me the creeps desu
not surprised, the gm is a total slut for gay dudes
Gonorrhea factory
It's called a bonding experience.
hairy bears, muscular dudes, average weight, twinks, or femboys?
hairy bears and muscle guys
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>the Jealousy experience
Alright I'm typically not the kind of person to ask for gearing advice but because of the new seasonal stuff I thought I'd ask here. I last played about 3 months ago, and it looks like a lot has changed since then gear-wise apparently. Pic related is my current gear, MH + Awak PEN BS since I did lucky tap a PEN BS a while back from the free TET one. From what I can tell, it would be better to play through seasonal on a new toon, convert the DEC Tuvala to (I think) Kharazad necklace (?) and convert the DEC Tuvala weapon to the PEN offhand?
>convert the DEC Tuvala weapon to the PEN offhand?
Fuck no, pen bs offhand is almost worthless. Do NOT do this. Instead you should get another pen bs mainhand or awakening weapon depending on what you grind on most, succ or awakening, so you can make your sovereign weapon.

Yea get the khazarad neck, then immediately after you get sovereign weapon and khazarad neck, speedrun getting your armor to duo godr ayed as fast as possible so you can grind better spots. Then get khazarad belt, rings and last, earrings.
Also don't forget cups once you get your khazarad accessories. They're really easy to tap to at least tet if you have the stacks imo.
If you are a chad with a c14 kutum, a pen blackstar offhand gets you +5 monster ap, 1dr and 1eva. A sov just with the stones gets you +3ap, 1%critdmg, 2%backatk, 3dr, and whatever you want for the fifth reforge stone slot, plus whatever AP you can get from tapping - an undeniably superior choice. I recommend getting your sov and then using some of that grind cash to get the blackstar offhand - keeps you having a goal to work towards while grinding with your styling slowly weapon(s). If you've been saving your boss mats for the free sov, you probably have 10 weeks or so left...you could probably grind the 60b to make the sov sooner...

This has been your public service announcement. Keep fishing and grind on, fellow bdoggies
huh alright thanks I'll make note
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Saw a rather unique shai today.
What underwear gives underboob on Deadeye's signature outfit?
i look like this
i wish i looked like that
none the bra is part of the outfit
I don't think so, unless >>507491796 and >>507473342 are modded.
Nevermind, they are modded. I just looked at the underboob and didn't notice the jeans bikini or whatever abomination that is.
>tiniest movelist for a new character in the game barring shai
>none of her moves have innate buffs or debuffs except F (wow movement speed debuff how useful!!!)
>none of her moves generate mp
yeah they rushed this one out to ensure they had some costume money coming in before the new year, the paygoys will eat it up happily though
Most people seem to be in agreement that the class is undercooked. Not sure any camp is satisfied be it the new main seekers, taggers, PvPers, outfit enjoyers or western aesthetic seekers.

I get the earnest feeling PA did try to shove a class out only to have very little useful testing done in the run up to release. Wasn't she buffed on the lab? Koreans players (and the internal testers) could've done a real shit job at giving helpful tuning feedback. Certainly nothing to the degree of what she's seeing on live release. It's adding to my belief KR as a whole doesn't do a good job at sensing what will play well internationally (see: the entire LoML arc).
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I found the E switch to be really clunky, and the movement feels nice but there's no fucking reason to have 10 fucking movement skills (W+F, W+RMB, shift+LMB, rope jump, rocket jump, rocket backwards evasion, normal slide dash, A/D+LMB, shotgun dive and maybe another backwards evasion i forgot)

Like damn bitch how about you stop moving and aim the fucking gun forward instead. You can make a combo with 4 skills since the cooldowns are short and you can E reset the shift+F bulletstorm, the rest is all movement and underwhelming rocket skills.
and let's not forget
>5 seconds DP debuff
>AP passive but no self buff meaning her passive is HP only
absolutely. foul.
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log in...
But I’m in bed with my hand in my ass crack.
I haven't played in a year. What'd I miss? I think the last time I played was when they added the lady with the hammer?
>realized i just afk when 'playing' the game
>littered with p2w systems
maybe its time to quit
that is peak gameplay what are you on about
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Fughar won't give me the new fucking quests, regardless of whether or not I'm wearing the graduation cap. What the fuck is going on let me make my Dec tuvala you fucking deer nigger AAAAAAH


you nigger faggot
Talk to the nigger spirit
Nothing, you're doing everything right - by doing absolutely nothing at all. Given time, PA will just give you whatever you need so there's no real reason to play.
What's the best/cheapest way to get started on Kharazad accessories if I don't have any Debo's? Which pen accessory gives the most essence of dawn's for cheapest cost?
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What's next? Still haven't gone for the dec tuvala stuff, so I have a second sov coming soon, but after that what should I go for? Push my rings and belt to HEX so I can hit next bracket? Or is it time to start pushing armors to TRI? I still haven't found a spot asking for more DP, even in Dash forest I am relatively comfortable with my freebie narcs.
what's next? bro you beat the game. you go pick a new game up, maybe a new hobby, have you tried crocheting?
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>You'll have to retrain your fucking horse from 0 to get better stats
>No mount skill change refunds
>No skill training refunds
>If you already own a Krog sanctuary and leveled them up, all three of them are gimped but only a single mount reset item will be given for free.
They used to give away these pearl mount items fairly often, not anymore.
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Only thing that keeps me going back is the character creator. I mostly spend more time making characters and playing dress up than i actually play the game.
>the free t10 can't be used with 2 other mythicals to get krgodalo sanctuary
>the free t10 pegasus can't change color like a tapped t10 pegasus
>the free t10 can't be imperial delivered for a proper price like a tapped t10 worth billions, instead you get a couple hundred million silver
Literally why? What's the point of giving a gimped endgame goal? It's like they would give a PEN Blackstar that can't be turned into Sovereign. What am I supposed to do with it? Stick it up my ass?
>the free t10 can't be used with 2 other mythicals to get krgodalo sanctuary
That's a bug, will be fixed next patch or something.
>the free t10 pegasus can't change color like a tapped t10 pegasus
Good, I changed mine back to black because of it.
>the free t10 can't be imperial delivered for a proper price like a tapped t10 worth billions, instead you get a couple hundred million silver
I understand why they've done that but I don't agree with it either.
>What's the point of giving a gimped endgame goal?
They shouldn't be giving those away to begin with, so I'm glad they're at least gimped.
>PEN Blackstar that can't be turned into Sovereign
Great idea actually, the blackstar market wouldn't have crashed if that were the case but we both know they aren't bold enough to do such a thing.
Anyone know when Crimson Desert comes out? I heard that shit was coming january 2025. First Q1 of 2025 at least. But they changed it to late 2025, so december or 2025? At best?
>What's the point of giving a gimped endgame goal?
so that we, new players, can have our pegasus too
>new players
Only ting they deserse is shit. Fucking guidless peasants! I bet they don't even use the cash shop!
but I use cash shop...
>new player gets freebie pegasus
>gets the colour he doesn't like
>can't change the color because freebie pegasus is gimped
>won't spend pearls to get the mythical outfit that is on sale because he has the wrong color
Now you see my point?
that never happened btw
for me, having t10 pegasus is better than having t9 pegasus and infinitely better than having NO pegasus at all.
I think you already forgot how bad non-mythical horses feel.. my first horse was donkey
>my first horse was donkey
Smartest newcutie itt.
I liked it thats all
>be witch
>ride on donkey everywhere
I keep hearing about donkey+pegasus meme april fools mount.
I would legitimately buy it for any amount of pearls.
Is this game good for ERP? All I got so far were some brazilians trying to scam me off silver.
is it a good idea to make seasonal characters of the same class you already own just for the tuvala gear to trade over? i got two characters with absolutely no gear whatsoever and don't want to delete them.
personal_ami red_hair witch_hat ass lying
I genuinely don't understand your question, what do you mean by "trade over"? Are you talking about the DEC Tuvala stuff? If so you can just enhance any weapon to DEC since Fughar's quest reward is a mh/awk/sub BOX and not a direct trade.
Also you should have like 50 Tuvala exchange coupons by now.
what's a DEC Tuvala?
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>what's a DEC Tuvala?
works if you want to use them as boss alts I guess, you also get a full tet set for free from having a level 60 season character now so you could gear both at the same time.
wtf are life skills accountwide? what'S next accountwide levels and gear, inventory and weight????????????????? who is going to buy all the life skill exp exchange coupons now?
>Here are the details regarding the latest update applied to Black Desert on Friday, December 26.
>Friday, December 26
account wide damage so everyone is forced to level every class to 61 to do endgame spots a year from now
Think Deadeye let's the horse ride her?
Yes if you're not worried about how many season tickets you have or if there aren't any classes you are interested in playing. You get a set of Tuvala exchange coupons per season character graduation so you could pick a class you enjoy grinding (for me it's awakened Musa) and use that until you make PEN Tuvala.

Used to be Heidel 2 I think, by the fountain in that same city, or one of the Kama servers. Never did myself, but just snippets you overhear through cities.

You've given me a thought, so I'm going to ramble a bit now:
What about having proximity-based voice chat to make cities feel more alive and to more easily chat with people at grind spots and such? Obviously could be easily misused but a mute feature would sort that out. Surely some MMO has implemented this sort of feature before?
>no cock
What's the point?
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Scarlet Flame looks kinda funny on tamer.
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I think it looks good on mine! Hiding the cape can be nice in certain situations as well.
I'd post a pic but I'm away from home for christmas and therefore using a laptop that can barely run the game at 1280x720p min settings
This outfit looks funny on everyone cause they fucked up the titties.
those used to be a lot more rare
pretty sure the game has voice chat already but i never used it
also WOW great idea now I can listen to some french or spanish faggot talking in their shitty accent while i grind!
How the FUCK are you supposed to play Deadeye.
pull out the Colt and blast 'em
>sees someone on MY spot
>starts blasting gay porn earrape near him
>he needs to fumble within 10 different submenus to mute me and ends up dying
>the spot is now mine, he gets reported then banned for telling me to kill myself in the chat "for no reason at all"(they wouldnt implement any sort of filter or audio logging so it's basically my word vs his).
Incredible suggestion!
w+f/shift+right click -> shift right click/w+f > shift+f ->repeat.
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Ok so, I was certain you were able to edit more face tattoos to replicate scars, but now only 1 face tattoo is available to be edited, and it can't be big enough for a bigger scar than pic rel. Did they change that recently?
Depends on the class, they just dont give a shit anymore so new-ish classes don't have as many tattoo options as the older ones.
>passive doesn't even fucking work
>use movement skill on deadeye
>the marni rounds gets replaced with regular ammo
Way too annoying
I'm having fun killing people on seasonal arsha
sometimes I get my ass kicked royally though
I wish I was good at pvp
that's one scary looking gringa
looks fine on my shai
came back to play the red dead girl what the fuck happened to the black disto market
debos then khazarad. grats you lost about 130bil give or take
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What do you think the Rhutum and Maegu are discussing?
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Back in my day...
there was this one time where...
is run n gun the only skill the ammo swap skill activates fast out of?
>*pew pew pew pew!!*
>do all fishing, trading and all stuff on one character
>can't use the tag function because you are not allowed to have "trade" goods while tagged
why is this still a thing?
What exactly governs tagged characters and their EXP? Is it split, shared even, or what? How does that work. The actual screen for it says absolutely nothing about it.
Shared 1:1.
For sure, right on. Thanks.

indie company prease buy mor perr
Deadeye doesn't have the dance emotes they were selling not too long ago?
who cares, theyre awful
That's bullshit. Fucking garbage PA.
there is no way you unironically want that shit
deadeye more like deadonarrival
Deadeye was fun, but I don't like how RMB+Shift feels to use.
all the shotgun skills need to do like double the damage
well i'm indian so what do you expect. i like anything in the trough. i'm the target demographic of the new internet so stfu
I don't think a single jeet plays BDO so I don't understand this odd fixation on them. You're not even making a joke about it so what's the point?
the red pegasus was so ugly the playerbase forced them to give it an alternate skin and now that the white one is the default people are bitching that actually they liked the old one. this is the most vocal complaint I've seen in the game in forever. anything important takes 5 years to fix because the faggot playerbase will always find a new non-issue to complain about that takes priority
This "What?" and "Huh?" meme is actually a way to punish independent thought and correct what is considered wrongthink by the NPC masses. NTA btw but i will not accept injustice and i will not be shamed, i will freely express myself and no what or huh will stop me.
This but unironically.
The AP gains are a fucking joke, i went from 31k trash to 32.5k after getting a PEN BS offhand and 2 extra AP from khara earring, but it's still fewer AP than what a perfume of courage would've given me. Y'know how much extra trash i made before with a perfume? Fucking nothing, literally no extra trash because i didn't hit some imaginary threshold that would save me a skill thus allowing me to make extra money. I don't even think i'm using 1 less skill but SOMEHOW i make more.
>The AP gains are a fucking jok
They're perfect, BDO is a perfect MMO, it's the best MMO. Nothing else beats BDO.
new classes are shit tier for cc
just the hair alone has so much less shaping options, you're lucky if 1-3 nodes actually do antythin
just spent 2 hours dueling my friend as a Deadeye, hella fun, although I found out she suffers if you go for SA trades up close, have to really keep your distance and get some CCs or slowly whittle away at the opponent
earlier in the day me and him fought 2 dudes on top of the Mirumok respawn node for like 3 hours
shit is kino
I feel like she's way better at group fights than 1v1 duels.
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That definitely looks like an appropriate amount of light for a candle, thank you PA.
deadeye is so fucking bad.. genuinely terrible class.. how do you fuck up a gunner glass so badly
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turn your graphics settings down so you don't get blinded or deal with the red skins.
what do you pick?
I'm so glad this piece of shit game is dying. I just wish it would die even faster.
Because this game is complete fucking dogshit.
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TnL lost
LA lost
Archeage lost
Bless lost
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play succ nova
>main maehwa for 5 years
>switch to mystic on launch
>now want to switch to deadeye
idk if its worth dropping maehwa or mystic for her but shes cute
She's really great. Maybe one of the most fun characters I've played in a very long time. You cannot go wrong with at least trying her. Once you find the groove and you're just sliding flying and blasting shit grinding at your favorite comfort zone? It's amazing. Just do it.
Damn alright I'll give her a shot this weekend. I'll probably be ripping my hair out trying to figure out who I want to pull off the tag if I really like her though.
In terms of body ratio, Nova has the biggest tits one can have. Really, they are bigger than her head. Big titty princess.
Fuck you, Black Desert only survived cause no one launched anymore mmo's in the west without getting fucked up by amazon and its homo attitute.
Black Desert has survived because it's the best KMMO for people who care about: good graphics, lifeskill content, economy and making money (if you're not autistic enough for Eve), PVP, action combat, and key inputs for skills.

You can go play Maple or DFO if you want to, but you wouldn't be getting even half of these things at all or on the level BDO has.
At this point, is it even worth making a new char?
All I know is that black desert popularized the concept of fishing. Sure, fishing already existed. But black desert literally made it a profession.
Can I use Patrigio's Pocket Watch to make a Deadeye to 61 and get all the levelling rewards or does she have to be season? I don't really want to play her and would rather give the gear to someone else, but the rewards are good as usual
>chest tattoo going into cleavage
she is cool
Who deadeye? She sucks ass.
rimjob queen
nta but I really am not a huuuuuuge fan of grinding with her
I grind for maybe 5 minutes then wanna go pvp
grinding on awa guardian or succ corsair is more fun

doesn't say anything about season on the event page
>without getting fucked up by amazon and its homo attitute
as if it would be any different if it wasn't for amazon nigerbeam
don't kid yourself
they were objectively bad games
The age of MMOs is over. What you see is what you get. Go ahead and place your hopes upon something new and unproven if you'd like. Or enjoy what is. There has been no meaningful shakeup in this end of the industry for quite some time. Given the course shit like Shop Citizen and Ashes of Never Coming Out, I wouldn't pin optimism on the future.
>The age of MMOs is over
Is it really over? Is this shit all we ever gonna get? No improvement, no advancement, no progress in graphics or gameplay? A perpetual grinding of silve doing mindless task while training horses for the sake of training horses?
what has mmo become!
DFO is the only korean MMO that has an active pvp scene. Maple is... I don't even know what the fuck maple is anymore but it looks like garbage map wide sfx spam.
I'm not trying to be cynical per se. Improvements will come but all sign are the development landscape has changed, forever. MMOs are expensive to produce and difficult to nail the landing on. Riot scrapped their entire work in progress, not to restart - to reconsider the whole premise. We see everything from games languishing in early access development hell to crazy shit like Titanfall being entirely canned so Apex Legends can be milked and abandoned. Companies like Blizzard and Square operate like damn-near zombie corporations who have essentially abandoned innovation.

The corporate culture in the C-suite kills passion projects from above and demands smoothing out the nastier edges games used to have whilst monetizing the ever loving fuck out of them. Par for the course nowadays. How that status quo breaks is beyond me.
>good graphics
Man I feel like I'm living in Idiocracy with the amount of people I see saying this.

BDO looks like boiling diarrhea dogshit these days. What the fuck are you clowns on saying it has good graphics?

>lifeskill content
The AFK fishing is godlike, I'll give you that. Guru 34 btw

LOL yeah, the economy PA is completely murdering

It's trash, better to play Street Fighter or any other fighting game really if you want actually responsive combat and skillful PvP

>action combat
90% of classes are just dashing around spamming gigantic circular AoEs
Post a MMO with better graphics than BDO.
Everything is relative, don't forget the "competition" includes OSRS and WoW.
Bro even FFXIV looks better than BDO these days, and you can put Reshade on it and have actual ray tracing among other shaders. BDO's shaders and lighting look so fucking shitty these days it's not even funny. BDO doesn't even have newer versions of AMD FSR let alone DLSS. Remastered looks like fucking shit, the sky is constantly fucking glowing during the day and night time looks like day time. The textures are insanely low res in BDO, and the models are shitty and blocky. The characters animate like they're made by amateur interns. The game is plagued by atrocious rendering issues that they've still yet to address to this day, the pop-in being the most egregious of them all. Shadows look like shit too.
BDO looks great, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you're running it on Medium settings, but on Ultra it looks really good.

Sure, AFK fishing is what everybody does, but you'll never find an MMO with all of gathering, fishing, cooking, processing, sailing, bartering, alchemy, trading, training, hunting, or farming with with depth BDO has. Sure you can sail in something like Uncharted Waters Online, but then you're playing Uncharted Waters Online lol.

Also, dissing BDO combat is genuinely stupid, especially your complaint. Of course every class has big AoEs so they can actually grind. Except, they all play differently, with different inputs, and different amounts of inputs. If you'd rather press 1 - 9 instead of actually press buttons in a combo, more power to you.

>the game with mods, reshade, and a literally brand new graphics update that changed textures, lighting, shadows, and the number of miscellaneous things in the world looks better
Oh man, that's so crazy.
>play a 1v1 fighting game if you want group pvp in a fantasy setting
I don't get it
Nah he's not wrong, BDO is possibly the worst video game to ever exist, and that's made clear by how much better all other games are. Like why the fuck would anyone do sniper hunting in this game when they can just go play way of the hunter or call of the wild? It's cringe. It also really pisses me off how people do boat content when they can just go play sea of thieves, sailwind, or even fucking war thunder. Anyone who likes alchemy as a life skill in this game simply got IQ filtered by opus magnum.
>BDO looks great, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you're running it on Medium settings, but on Ultra it looks really good.
Oh my god the cope, no, I am running it on the max settings, with no FSR or upscaling. It's not hard to run BDO maxed out anymore because the game looks like shit.

>Also, dissing BDO combat is genuinely stupid, especially your complaint. Of course every class has big AoEs so they can actually grind. Except, they all play differently, with different inputs, and different amounts of inputs. If you'd rather press 1 - 9 instead of actually press buttons in a combo, more power to you.
Most of the classes play similarly, with the exception being older classes having more nuance to them while newer classes feel more samey.

>Also, dissing BDO combat is genuinely stupid, especially your complaint. Of course every class has big AoEs so they can actually grind. Except, they all play differently, with different inputs, and different amounts of inputs. If you'd rather press 1 - 9 instead of actually press buttons in a combo, more power to you.
BDO's combat is worse than TERA's was. Also the engine is a janky piece of shit riddled with desync and other retarded issues. Remember how much FPS used to affect attack speed? It still does even, just not to the same extent as it used to.

>>the game with mods, reshade, and a literally brand new graphics update that changed textures, lighting, shadows, and the number of miscellaneous things in the world looks better
>Oh man, that's so crazy.

Yeah so why can't Pearl Abyss put in even an ounce of effort to add any sort of updates to the game's engine or visuals? Our only "content" lately is a handful of new weapon models rendering previous accomplishments irrelevant so you're forced to grind again, and some jpg icons for new accessories. That and a shitty new class that's poorly made and feels like shit to play, with most of her animations being repetitive and uninspired
Group PvP is trash. Honestly team based competitive games are garbage in general. They're all for fags who can't accept the responsibility of losing on their own and need to have teams to carry them or blame when they lose.
It's just so sad to watch us go and make excuses for Pearl Abyss like an abused housewife instead of accepting the predatorial schemes and lies they make to leech money out of us.
why is lil bro reddit spacing so much? jeez
why is lil faggot acting like having a readable post is reddit spacing? I guess newfags these days weren't around for when we made fun of walls of text.
uh oh lil bro is pissed. careful guys he's going to cry if you keep pushing!
That's like saying people who play battlefield only play it 'cause they're not good enough for quake 1v1s
uh oh, lil babyback bitch is deflecting and is upset hearing criticism about the only game he plays
The Age of MMO is over. The time of the Singleplayer MMO has come.
Black Desert just sucks. It sucks a lot and here's why.

If you play black desert then you suck at video games that take skill. That's why you play black desert.

Because you have no life and you hate yourself.

You also like ugly games, because it doesn't look good. Final Fantasy looks way better.

If you haven't caught the hint, stop playing shitty games. Stop supporting companies that make shitty games. Play games made by people who care about quality and skill. Pearl Abyss does not care about you, and they're not going to have sex with you because you play their game and avoid trashing it.

Doomsissy signing out.

Lost Ark is a phenomenal game, and would be GOAT if it didn't rely on honing/enhancement to function. BDO avoids this pitfall because enhancing isn't the only way to progress
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pa is going to sex me...jesuk chang bongkok park said so...
BDO is one of the best games ever made.
crimson desert female main character when
TnL sissies stay mad, it's not our fault your game is dogshit.
It's funny seeing BDO content creators slowly make their way back to being focused on BDO only as they realize they're forced to continue playing this game since TnL was a dud.
Actually I only play real games like Street Fighter because it takes skill, isn't ugly like BDO and has a healthy economy.

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