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Katawa Shoujo General #4017

Christmas edition
QOTT: What present are you getting for/from your katawa?

Last Thread: >>505770153

Official Website: https://www.katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free!)
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3068300/Katawa_Shoujo/
Steam 18+ patch: https://4leafstudios.itch.io/katawa-shoujo
Backup KS Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sXK5HaU108--T7EjeEVj3xdv_KSB3_R (Windows)
KS Alpha: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPreAlpha/discussions/0/1291816880498430072/
Summer's Clover: https://rentry.org/ghxzx (Suriko's Miki Route - date Suzu or Hisao)
Crud's "Where Are 4LS Now?": https://www.reddit.com/r/katawashoujo/comments/6v2zkb/the_whes're_are_they_now_post/

Thread Links:
(Updated) Master Pastebin: https://rentry.org/tan8n3k7
KSG FAQ: https://rentry.org/ub3bs
"I'm such a failure, I'll never find my Katawa": https://rentry.org/qty2d

Community Works:
Katawa Booru: https://cripple.booru.org/
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: https://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: https://www.mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
Katawa Crash: https://flashmuseum.org/katawa-crash/
Kenjivania: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881?id=608881
KS fanfics: https://fourleaffics.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:/ksg/
Honey Select Anon's Database: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u7im3gkxe6z5vgj/AAACdqV-sKDjbSvh5J0HXKA1a?dl=0
Val's Content Dump + Pantsu: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n4aed5v6np2et5n/AADxAbytpFjXjEj0e7h77HRka?dl=0
Anon's Sprites + Font Rip: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FaiIe6pwqLVDjj05LZ_Nr8LUeXv-Z9a_
KSG Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1q8DrtNX3CNyylt8IhORnVHBTAcu4h9MH
Ara~non's survey results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduImrEFF5qW16xfuRIHC9lN-QwPa-wDkABTVEZPQkJ70fZyA/viewanalytics
Emi is trans
Deal with it
We did it!
Thread fucking ruined fuck
This is the weirdest shit I've ever heard, at least with Rin you can make the argument she looks like a guy
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Emi is transported by Hisao sometimes and it's cute.
Kind of early for bumping, but thanks.
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>she looks like a guy
Its funny because I look pretty much like Kenji, I could make a perfect cosplay of this guy
Goingblindanon if i'm not mistaken?
You're mistaken bro, not everyone with bad eyesight is that guy
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I knew we'd have another thread before the 25th! Good job everyone!
My bad. Sorry, SickOfThePrefixesAnon.
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I'm over here, guys.
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Morning /ksg/
The day is too young for me to be anywhere near optimistic but i hope its all better for you.

Its nice to see her in something like this instead of the usual whities most artist put on her
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>Reading a steamy romance novel in the_pose
How hard was it for her to learn how to read braille with her left hand?
>desperate.exe has just crashed!
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I love the_pose so much.
Good morning anon.
Damn, 4000 actually happened
Of course
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QOTT: I'm getting Emi and I tickets to Hokkaido. We're going to go on hikes to stay active during the winter, and then relax in hot springs at our hotel and stay up late getting handsy (she is mine)
We had to! Part of the road to 5000. Welcome back.
I love this pic. All girls are so cute.
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>oh w-wow, this place seems so much smaller than I r-remembered.
Why is Lilly trying to eat Hanako?
Who can resist the taste of bacon?
It's a katawa-eat-katawa world. In the image above you, it's clear from her size that within that continuity, Hanako ate Lilly instead.
Where are Lilly's lower legs?
>katawa-eat-katawa world
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Am I the only who m-------s with their non-dominant hand?
Used to be the dominant one, but I shifted at some point and have been doing fine ever since
they were eaten, sadly
same and same
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Being fed by Rin
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Wrong Rin
heh... I got this reference ;)
if it was a mistake... also funny ;)
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>I'm telling you Femji, there's something off about that boy
>But I like him!
>Have you heard his dick?
>I... I'm only legally blind. I'm just not as good at hearing dicks.
>Jiiii... hope he can at least finger you.
/ksg/ is inevitable
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wasted potential
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just stopping in to say hi, loved this VN, can't believe it's been over a decade since I've played it, the TF2 comic got me extra nostalgic (I was in highscool when TF2 dropped) so now im thinking back to all my fond vidya memories, glad a general is still going for this one, merry christmas anons
TF2 comic had me tearing up too. Merry Christmas, Anon, I wish you the best.
>what a nice breeze
>it must be that deaf girl.
Thanks for stopping by, and Merry Christmas. Could be the perfect time for a KS replay!

Where is Misha?
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Happy Christmas /ksg/! What music have you guys been listening to this Christmas?
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
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Barely more than 1 day left.
Who's that?
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Thanks, pantsu#
Waiting for Shizune
Alright who spiked the egg nog?
The usual suspect
Shockingly morose image for its presentation
Looks like a blast of a party to me
>Sae but no Nomiya
>Hideaki waiting to see his sister's tits
based, although Miki and Meiko should have been invited.
Who are the two in the back-left? Is that supposed to be Hanako instead of Haruhiko Suzumiya in the upper-right?
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Look like the newspaper club girls.
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You're right, it's gotta be them. I don't know why they'd be there, but it must mean something to Weee or Moekki. Thank you, anon, and happy holidays.
Morning /ksg/
Tomorrow is that day so, you gonna be spending it in a special way or?
Hot sweaty sex in the missionary position in front of the fireplace with Hanako. (buttstuff)
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Thats extremely lewd anon, and i would appreciate if you didnt just post details about private moments between me and my wife.
So she did put stuff up your butt? That's okay, anon, no one here will judge you for it!
Hanako is not the type to approve of anal
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Nobody said anything like that, your lust must be great if you're fantasizing such extreme situations
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Merry almost Christmas
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Goodnight /ksg/.
Please don't die while I'm in airplane mode
Doing karaoke with Lilly and Akira to this song for Christmas Eve:
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fucking hell......for fucks sake.........
>You asked me to sit on your lap, but where's your Beard Santa?
im getting Hanako and Lilly wine. Pinot Noir and Albarino to be exact.

Rin is getting some really comfy socks and cute hair ties.

Shizune is getting some new Board games, abit shallow but made up by the amount.

Emi is getting a new apron and a lightweight rain jacket made for athletes.

Merry Christmas Katawa bros. and Happy new year to everyone.

we are gonna make it lads.
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You too anon, thankfully we got the most beautiful girls giving us a reason to keep going.

This reminds me of the bar date. Its always lovely seeing her open up and express herself and never fails to make me smile.
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Very cute scene
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merry Christmas /ksg/, take care of yourselves
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Cheers to that my brother in katawa. merry Christmas and a happy new year to you, our Katawas and everyone on /KSG/!
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Someone's partying it up i see, i'll be having my festive solo dinner tomorrow and i got some red wine for the occasion too although my fears are confirmed. I think i dont have a bottle opener for that so im kinda screwed and i'll probably resort into neighbors for one, finger's crossed.
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Misha Deer, meet Misha Claus! Awesome fanart, take care of yourself as well.
Happy Criplmas, /ksg/.
yeee. goodluck homie. ill post my red wine tomorrow. Lillys one. anywho, goodnight lads. dont forget to pour one out for the girls on Christmas night!
Have a good night, hope you dont wake up hang over any.
Happy Christmas eve
I don't remember any bar date. Her route was ruined so fucking bad there aren't any dates at all. Are you okay?
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Tastefully semi-lewd official Christmas art
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>Hey what did my sister get you for Christmas?
>Betcha you like my gift better
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
They really are sisters
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[Want to test the tensile strength of this tinsel?]
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Merry Christmas, anon, and to all the good boys and katawas!
please don't tie me to a chair and fuck me
Please tie me to as chair and fuck me. (Christmas Edition)
>Christmas boop!
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I wanna unwrap Lilly's sister for Christmas.
Morning /ksg/ or should i say Merry Christmas.
I hope your day is filled with joy and all that jazz, i guess we can all manage when we got our Katawas and also this place with each other.
Good morning Anon. Merry Christmas.
Merri Kurisumasu, whether you're celebrating in a religious or secular way

>I think i dont have a bottle opener for that
I take it you are a newcomer to the wine drinking business?

Anon, you sound stuck.
How many more months do you need to digest the emotional pain to a new stage?


Christmas is very much uncharted territory for KataShou, a story associated with spring and summer.
When you all think of "Christmas with the Katawas", do you associate it with the Christmas before the story commences, or the one after the endings?
>I take it you are a newcomer to the wine drinking business?
Im not really a drinker in general so my knowledge is pretty basic. Good thing there's all these shops that are owned by non-christians around so i found one there, drinking is back on the menu. I do not have wine glasses unfortunetly but i'll be getting a couple before new years for sure.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
im awake without a Hangover! i was supposed to post earlier buuuuut 900 seconds to post a good morning was icky no good.

hope everyone is having a great Christmas! i got cool socks and some chocolates.
my name changed because im stupid
>900 seconds to post
Someone's out on an errant or job i see. Food is about halfway done here so i cant wait to have my fill and sip some of that wine myself.
based alert, hope you enjoy bro. ill post my dinner and other wine soon!
Thank you, i just finished with my food, it was good stuff. Now im having the rest of my glass which is sweet red wine that i much more prefer over a dry variant. It also turns out it had some advanced cork technology where it was attached to a cap so all you do is pull, i guess thats how christmas stories are born. After that i'll be having dessert, got me two pieces of oreo flavored cake and it looks very festive with the white dominant look it has.
your loss :3 I'd like that
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that sounds great man! kinda jealous that i dont have a cake now... oh well, new years itll have to be! and pic is my dinner. Red Blend wine too.
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Now thats quite stylish, we all deserve a little spoiling around the holidays after all.
explain this image to me.
>Good thing there's all these shops that are owned by non-christians around so i found one there

Mh? Super dry county, I take it?
You're way off.Im not even in the states. Just in a part of town where there's a decent amount of shops owned by foreigners and to my surprise, not all of them were open.
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only the best for my favorite Katawas.

ive had this wine often enough, a wonderful SGM blend (76% Syrah, 16% Grenache and 8% Mourvedre)

full bodied perfumed plum notes with a ripe raspberry and blackberry taste with a chewy tannin.

i work in the wine industry... gotta flex alittle lol.
Merry Christmas criplbros
first christmas here
you too Crip bro
>i work in the wine industry.
Sounds like you're sorted in more ways than one. I bet its kinda funny when you're around people, describe wine specifically and go "Oh no, im not bullshitting, this is my job"
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Very much so lel.
You're here forever now.
Merry Christmas /ksg/ ^^
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friends forever
wait where is Misha's underwear
Where it always is Christmas morning.
Shizune's stocking
Misha wants to be more than friends...
Emi as Bane
Katawa Shoujo 2 status?
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Not happening.
Holy shit I need to pump liters inside Emi and make her bear my children
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This is around the time I do my yearly KS replay, and I'm happy to see you guys continuing the threads. I lurk from time to time but I'm always worried that I'll come back and the thread won't be here.
I've been thinking a lot about what I've experienced over the last 10 years and it has led me to realize that despite my efforts to change there's still a series of core issues that I haven't successfully addressed and need to if I am to live the life I want to live. But that can wait until after my billionth Emi playthrough.
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Merry Christmas Emi fan.
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Merry Christmas /ksg/.
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fuck off grinch
I care ain't her, now that she's wearing a mask.
But why is she bane?
why are Hanako's Haknocker's erect?
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Merry Christmas /ksg/!
I wish blind people were real.
Emi smells like lemons, not rotting feces.
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I want a cute fascist gf.
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Merry Christmas cripplefrens
I was debating with a friend about this. He is still waiting for a KS2, but I think that would be a horrible idea. What would that game be about? Either a continuation of each of the girl's routes that we already know, or just the same game again but with different characters and disabilities.
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Not them but the potential for the content of a sequel is 50-50. You could have different routes depending on who Hisao ends up with or something to that extend but i doubt anyone would want to see any turmoil going on after the emotional rollercoster they had to go through in order for them to get their Katawa's Good End. As for the existance of a sequel itself, nope, not gonna happen. Not only due to 4LS's outright refusal but also because they're sort of right. KS was indeed a product of its time in so many aspects and purposly trying to replicate that would be nigh possible and the biggest dealbreaker would be the fanbase itself. People always complain about things, VNs or not so its certain that people will NOT like a certain aspect or route or anything from the sequel and will instantly go "Ugghhh this shit's trash! KS1 was SOOOOO much better, this is soulless etc etc" Thats not to say the fans arent starving for something new but its a bit of a complicated product so to say so bringing anything new is a challenge in itself because it can easily be dismissed for the above if not more factors.
Merry Cripsmas
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what about a cute fascist mommy gf?
Merry Christmas anon.
Headpats, obviously.
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Merry Christmas anon.
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That's good too.
Would she want me to produce the soldiers of tomorrow with her daughters too?
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
Merry Christmas.
0/10 do not recommend
I'm on your side (as I suspect most are). The more golden the lily, the more certain someone has gilded it. I'm happy that I experienced it, and happy that it's open access for anyone who wants to read it. A direct sequel is unnecessary, but there is nothing stopping anyone from making a similar one off story about disabled kids.
Christmas is nearly over.
Did (You) have a Merry Christmas?
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It could have been worse, it could have been better.

I very much appreciate it when I can convey with family with little drama occurring, but as I grow older, and given that Christmas is close to my birthday, I cannot help but be reminded that time is unforgivably advancing, that I cannot be 20 forever, and that every break I take is just that, a break, I am not allowed to just find myself a corner of space and time and just cosily hole in there for the rest of my life.

This is already the 12th post-release Christmas (there has been some content post-release) and I hate how my life is barely any more functional than it used to be when the game came out.

I still have an important emotional link to the story, I won't forget how I felt back when I played it, but it's difficult to smile and be grateful when you're barely keeping your head above the water.

To cut the woe-is-me short, I'll say that anyone here really managed to fix their life on the basis of the emotional burst that came after playing this VN, I am happy for them.

So in a nutshell, yes, my Christmas was fine, I am just unsure and uncertain about my present and future.

Should I stop worrying and just tell myself that whatever happens happens?
It's a possibility, at least
>there is nothing stopping anyone from making a similar one off story about disabled kids.

Why disabled kids, though?
Do you really think KataShou boils down to having a specific disability? Yes, I would agree it is so on the surface, but deep down it's more about specific long-lasting struggles, that do not necessarily take the form of an official disability

Furthermore, there is plenty stopping someone from just coming up with another decent amateur VN, namely the amount of labour and coordination needed to make this happen.

The first time there was a novelty factor.
Now you're missing that, and you also have implacable social media that constantly receive leaks of ongoing projects.

The womb that gave birth to this VN just doesn't exist anymore.
The 2007-2011 internet is gone and not coming back
Christmas just began, its 12 days of fun!
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This post is unnervingly similar to what I was going to write as a reply. So instead I'll just add that I'm glad this Christmas wasn't "worse", even if it wasn't "better". And for both of us, and anyone else in a similar position here, I'll just say that there is always going to be uncertainty about the future. Life has unpredictable twists and turns, and all we can do is right the ship when necessary, and take what pleasure we can when the seas are calm.

We're all going to make it though, in one form or another, if we keep our hands on the wheel. And don't forget that we're all in this together. Warm regards to everyone in /ksg/.
I love christmas goodnight
Merry Christmas ksg
Hope it was a good one, followed by better ones.
-TooManyPrefixes Anon
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Goodnight anon.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas anon.
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Morning /ksg/
Was quite the comfy day yesterday so lets aim the same for today.
Good morning anon.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
I love Lilly's eyes.
Checked and goodnight anon.
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good number
Good night anon
>Lilly's eyes
Theyre just for show
and it's a damn good show
One way mirrors to her soul
I don't think that's a good metaphor for a blind person...
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It's boxing day! That means Misha is now in charge of the Student council. Her first decree is that girls can no longer wear skirts for the rest of the day.
so they have to wear pants instead
What do you all expect about 2025?

I am in need of a good year more than ever.

I'm not saying I want an outright miracle, but just surviving another year will not cut it, or I might actually embrace nihilism this time.

So Lilly, if you are there, now it's the time to give me a hand.
Show me that everything is fine and I just can't see it that way because between the two of us, I'm the one who's actually blind
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>What do you all expect about 2025?
Things will likely get worse before they get better
Just hop into the nihilism, bro. The water temperature is... it doesn't matter.
I hate how you made me laugh, what a lame joke.
Don’t let the flame die out
Happy day after Christmas /ksg/
I want to mating press that lesbian
I've never been thinking of the long term on such levels personally. I am mindful of the future but i do lean more towards to "whatever comes, comes." so i work with the opportunities that are given to me. To answer your question, i dont "expect" much, mostly due to what i said above and also because i dont like to be carried away by optimism. Whatever comes our way is mostly by pure chance so if a good thing does come our way, might as well make the most of it i suppose and for that, only time can tell.
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I'm going to marry and impregnate the student council.
I'd like to join their reindeer games, if you know what i mean.
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It's called Boxing Day.
I know the odds of dating another visually retarded person is pretty unlikely but it'd be hypocritical af to say I wouldnt ever.
And then everybody clapped.
I'd take a day with Misha's box
I don't think so, love.
I mean there are pros and cons to each.
Lilly is pretty but she isn't my katawa anyway.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
what DO you mean
Goodnight anon.
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You guys did fork out the cash for your Katawa's holiday skin, right?
Wait, what?
I went ahead and splurged and bought all of them. These seasonal skins only come around so often.
Bro? The Christmas event? The 25(th of december) free pulls? The twelve days of Katawamas stamina boost?
I was gonna skip Rin's but it was just too sexy.
Of course
Uh... What game is this?
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Katawa Shoujo.
You did at least log in yesterday for the last day of the advent calendar, right? It was a free SR (common pool) of your pick.
Dear god those are some giant ara aras
I didn't log in because I'm still waiting for my Emi Stamina to recover before I started my runs.
Emi's gave us some nice midriff.
But I like booba with my midriff. What do?
Pick a different katawa and grind the lootboxes.
i'd grind all those lootboxes
Emi is perfect.
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I want to deem their halls.
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Morning /ksg/
The year is almost at its end, seems like only yesterday that the game was re-released and sparked new life around here. How do the rest of you reflect upon all this today?
Good morning anon.
>sparked new life
I personally feel more attached to /ksg/ than I was before. But by now, the general seems to be similar to how it was before the Steam release. Can't say I see more KS references elsewhere on the site or interwebs, though I've also been online less recently.
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Its not uncommon for things to slow down for this general. The influx of new players has toned down, VGL ended (will post a poll about the next one later today), and people are on their holidays. We still keep things interesting with bi-weekly watchalongs and stuff so there's bound to be something going on, just not at the wicked pace of other generals. Not to mention that we're always up for discussion for veterans and new people alike, so go ahead lurkers, we dont bite.

>Can't say I see more KS references elsewhere on the site or interwebs
Despite its decent amount of popularity within VN circles, i still think KS is rather niche overall but the circumstances of its development are ever more popular than the actual product so you hear more "4Chan made a VN, thats insane!!!" and less about the actual VN. Maybe the 13th anniversary thats closing in will perk things up again.
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>Can't say I see more KS references elsewhere on the site or interwebs

We don't need normalfags to spoil the mood.

The ENTIRE point of the VN is having a cosy life with your select social circle in a secluded part of the world
I must sleep
Do not perish
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There's been a lot of KS artan this year, and it seems to be keeping up
Goodnight anon.
Is that supposed to be Shizune or is it just an anime girl with short blue hair and glasses?
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its her
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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Is BTMR bug-sized, human-sized, or kaiju-sized?
Bug-sized and she also is real but nobody's ever noticed her because she's bug-sized
I'll keep an eye on my lamps, just in case.
a pocket lilly would be so damn cute.
She would exit your pocket without telling you first
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I hope not. That might be pretty dangerous.
>Katawa Shoujo General #4017

what is wrong with you people?
Don't be mad that you missed #4000. You still have a chance to play the game and be ready for #5000.

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