NOW editionPrevious thread >>507239026Buy Plat>READ the pastebins and Wiki BEFORE asking questionsGENERAL FAQ: FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE:>/wfg/ Alliance4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW>/wfg/ ClansWarbros: contact KillsawOblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512>Notable linksWiki: http://warframe.wikia.comAlerts and other timers: and Selling items: https://warframe.marketRiven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: tool: by DE:, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: and Modding: calculator: Times: for Returning Players: UPDATE: Warframe: 1999: Hotfix 38.0.5 PRIME ACCESS: Xaku Prime EVENT: Tennobaum 2024
>>507288610patiently sitting
>>507288664we are gonna be in so much trouble when they stand up...
>>507288958What /wfg/ song is she listening to?
>>507289043the eleanor and chris one
Warframe 1999 must not become the new normal. I'm normally opposed to the islandization of content, but for 1999, I'm very much in favor.
>overframe not updated with 1999 mods>still not updated with melee galvanized mods someone give me a fucking build tool
Do you think consoleniggers who host broken extermination bounties with 0 monsters do it on purpose or are they that fucking braindead and think monsters will definitely spawn at some point.Fucking behead all console players, smash their skulls against the wall
>>507289417just nab the formulas from the wiki and use excel or google sheets
>EU hours
>>507289879yes, kino hours
>EU hourscontent, banter, fun>amerimutt hourstroons circledilating
>EU hoursobsession with cucks and spamming wokeframe>NA hoursactual game discussion
>>507289995why do pidors always think about troons
>even ambassador is back in the play with the new modIt's not SP viable and all crits are orange, but still.
they fixed calendar working on bounties or not?
>>507290501they do work on bounties now
>>507289417I'm truly amazed at the speed they update that shit, does the faggot dev have to hard code everything into the site itself? Adding mods and frames should be as hard as filling out a single form since most effects get reused anyway. I would understand if it takes him a bit to add the weakpoint shit in, sure, but the rest? Nah.
>>507290306why do fingols always think about pidors
>>507290398Its not SP viable so its not fucking viable at all
>>507290501Like a week ago
>>507290636b-but i like ambassador
>>507290757and i like you anondoesnt fucking mean it deserves any attention
>>507290398acuity made my kuva hind level cap viable so im happy
>>507291561nigga looks like he descends on dick lmao
Koumei has fallen on hard times...
>>507291754>fucks Rusalka>g-gayTHE ABSOLUTE STATE
Is Quincy the wet dream of Reb/Meg or something.Which one of you femcels want to fuck this ex-crim nigger?I like him because he sounds funny though.
Who the fuck comes up with those abilities>one magnetic proc on one enemy per 5 castsFucking WHY
marry lettie
>fucking hate Lettie's spanglish>corazon>mi amor>mi vida>hola bebeI WILL NOT FALL FOR THE SADOMASOCHIST LATINA!DO YOU HEAR ME REB!? I WILL NOT!
>>507293079Ember enjoyers already got arthritis, this is just a reward.
>>507293345Weak ass niggerI fucking hate that cunt and their shitty spanglishLike holy fuck your team is already multicultural as fuck but at least they can speak a common language, but of course the spic fuck has to make like 20% of her speech into spic like she's some sort of fucking caricature, no one would speak like that in a foreign language, FUCKING NO ONE
Drifter BVLLS ww@>due to eternalism his precious Aoi is getting nutted by thousands of Drifters across different realities
>>507293345>>507293614im gonna gagball that bitch and shove my 10cm dick up her bum
>>507293614Dios, i hope Pablo speaks spanish at work just to piss those retards off.
>You can get the same override multiple time across seasonsDo I go for multiple Espresso Shots or nah? What would I even do with that much energy?
>>507293726She raped ME, Arthur! I didn't meant to!
Damn, anon. Sorry to hear about your waifu. That's rough!So when is the next prime? I put an aura forma on my Yareli and a 'tato on the Kompressa, so it simply has to be her next, right? Every minute I play with them is an affront to the universe.
>>507294515>posts Yareli who got dicked by the fattest bastard in the solar system
>>507293726Wrong. Did you even play the New War? Wally erased the existence of every other version of the Operator with the exception of the Drifter. And that's because he managed to cross to the Operators reality, which is the reason why both of them can't exist in the same place at the same time for long.
>>507294515Seems likely
how do i break 300 containers quickly
>>507294697Already confirmed that the next one is Lavos.
>>507294762come to orbiter
>>507294515I either her plus Kompressa Prime or it is Lavos Prime + Cedo Prime.
>>507294762It's been years since I've been able to use this image
>>507294762Max range xaku 4th ability.
>>507294673Other Tenno existing is canon. Relays are canon. Sneed.
>>507295094Are you retarded? The other Tenno don't have the same powers as the Operator lol. Other Tenno can be killed the Operator just comes back from death.
IS THERE ACTUAL NTR WITH ELEANOR OR NOT TELL ME THE TRUTHI legitimately like ntr and I've found that most cuckposting on 4chan is bait. I read a shitty zombie manga because /a/ told me it had ntr and it didn't please don't lie to me
>>507291561>Arthur if you cross red line there will be terrible consequences!He is so whiny. All barks and no bites.
>>507295312>I read a shitty zombie manga because /a/ told me it had ntr and it didn'tThe one in which the zombie girl's father molests her?
>>507294515I ran her with V, new Worthy Comradery aura is busted.
>>507295330I think you are confused. The Nyx was getting annihilated by this dude. Even during the fight with the tank Arthur says Viktor doesn't know who he's fighting against. To the Scaldra it seems as if the Hex suddenly got good. But they didn't you are hard carrying them.
>>507295253>the other tenno in your squad don't come back from deathLOL
>>507295421Zom 100. I was told it had ntr due to the love interest wanting to go off to be with a doctor and the protag crying. I was super excited then I read after when he tries running into a horde of zombies to kill himself and she chases him and tells him she told him that to get him to confess. It wasn't ntr just some shitty "shit test to get you to confess" anime trope bullshit. I want actual cucking. Does eleanor have that or is it just "oh she's just messing with you" or "oh she just slept with people before she knew you" I want her to cuck you like actually cuck you cheat on you fuck other men while or after you romance her. Does it have that or at least the implication?
>>507295525Where is Rell? Why didn't he return from the Void after death?
>>507295518Dude, even 1lvl butcher can kill nyx (completely useless garbage btw).
anons, do any of the hollvania captura scenes have that area with the purple lasers?
>>507295627she was the town bicycleno actual ntr'ing
>>507296109Then what's the fucking point of cuckposting? Cuckposting infuriates me because it's always a fucking nothing burger every single fucking time. I need games or any media with ACTUAL ntr.
>>507295627What do you think retard, the dumb mutts are crying over her having a past. Of 1 total relationship.
I heard Rell also got to smash eleanor.
>>507296223>what's the fucking point of cuckpostingeleanorfags kept giving (you)s so the shitposting kept going
>>507296252This general is so fucking lame. Wake me up when there's proper ntr.
Uh oh cuckfags having another eleanor meltie
>someone was dating someone years before me>guy is probably dead and doesn't exist anymore>that means I'm getting cucked now
capture bounty with the mercy kill requirement is just flat out impossible
>>507296647I just want actual ntr. What's wrong with that? I want my character to ACTUALLY get cucked. I want to hear my partner fuck someone I want her to openly flirt with them completely disregarding me, I want her to send me suspicious texts clearly from the person who currently has her face down, I want her to try to hold back moans when I call her
I get it you are mad no one cares about the beaner and bug but there's no need to shit up the thread with your fetishes because of that.
I love my cute latinx medic gf!
>>507296002None of these faggots play the fucking game
>>507297026>latinxGo back.
>>507297105seething chudx
>>507297026>latinxdon't let her hear that word or your next ballbusting session might turn into something else
>completely done with the updateThats it? I expected moreThis didnt even last 2 weeks...
>>507297256Its chux
>login>walk around orbiter>remember I have to come up with builds for EDA garbage >log out
>>507297385skill issue
>>507297385>dante + whatever the fuck garbage is on the listwow so hard
>>507297303Blame THE CHAIR from cucking us out of liches
>>507297385>builds for EDAHow bad are you at this game? Just slap the most basic setup and you don't need even potatos on your weapons to clear EDA.
>>507297567bad to the bone, bb.
>>507288610Eleanorbros... how could this happen... yabba dabba doooooo......
Come back nu-gua mines guy...
>>507297804It's been 7 have to let go...
>hitting 722.5% crit chance at peak performanceI NEED MORE
>>507298000Bro you Loki with Arcane Crepuscular and Secondary Enervate?
My drifter is white and I ain't gonna pair him up with inferior races to create mutts. This might be ok in Lbertaria and Canata but I won't allow the future to be filled with dysgenic mutts like the Ostrons.
>>507298037if my understanding of how this game calculates crit chance is correct;>50% base crit chance>base crit chance is then multiplied by (1 +>200% increase from Critical Delay +>350% increase on headshots from Primary Acuity +>120% increase while aiming from Galvanized Scope after a headshot +>Additional 5 stacks of 40% crit chance while aiming from Galvanized Scope after 5 headshot kills + >75% increase on headshots from Worthy Comradery)>while also receiving an absolute +200% crit chance on headshots from a maxxed-out Covenant>achieving a total 722.5% critical chancemay have fucked up somewhere along the way but i think it's correctalso forgot about including arcane avenger, and i think there might be number fuckery that's unaccounted for going on since apparently primary acuity is bugged on kuva chakkhurr among other guns.
>>507296871Nah it’s a skissue. You have Umbra and can set up mercy kills easily.
>>507299027Only the covenant buff is additive.
>>507295312She was engaged to man (Chris) several years ago and she had sex with him. He enlisted in the Brittanic army and died. That's it.
>>507288546Hey, pendejosThis little ratta and I were just as cool as aqua and then, para explicar la metafísica modal de Leibniz –la metafísica de la necesidad, la contingencia y la posibilidad– debemos mirar primero el fundamento del sistema de Leibniz de manera más general: su concepción de una sustancia individual. En el §8 del Discurso sobre la metafísica, Leibniz presenta su cuadro clásico, escribiendo: "La naturaleza de una sustancia individual o de un ser completo es tener una noción tan completa que sea suficiente para contener y permitir deducir de ella todos los predicados del sujeto al que se atribuye esta noción." (A VI iv 1540/AG 41)Las sustancias individuales, por supuesto, son partes o, mejor dicho, miembros de un mundo. En otras palabras, un mundo es un conjunto de sustancias individuales; o, como dice Leibniz en la primera línea de Sobre el origen último de las cosas, un mundo es una “colección de cosas finitas”. (G VII 302/AG 149) Más específicamente, Leibniz le dice a Bourguet, “el universo es sólo un cierto tipo de colección de composibles; y el universo actual es la colección de todos los existentes posibles, es decir, de aquellas cosas que forman el compuesto más rico”.Como dice Leibniz el 14 de julio de 1686,"Pienso que hay una infinidad de maneras posibles de crear el mundo, según los diferentes diseños que Dios pudo formar, y que cada mundo posible depende de ciertos diseños o propósitos principales de Dios que le son distintivos, es decir, ciertos decretos libres primarios (concebidos sub ratione possibilitatis) o ciertas leyes del orden general de este universo posible con las que están de acuerdo y cuyo concepto determinan, como lo hacen también los conceptos de todas las sustancias individuales que deben entrar en este mismo universo."(G II 51/L 333)Hay una infinidad infinita de potencialidad en cualquier momento dado.
>>507288546see one, take one, leave one
>>507299521Taco taco burrito
>>507299001I know a brown woman irl that would unironically simp for you and try to get you to marry and racemix with her if you talked like that near her. She's not even ugly. Just unhinged.
>>507299286Yeah, which is why I referred to it as absolute: the other ones are under brackets and relative, i.e:>50% * (1 + 200% + 350% + 120% + (5 * 40%) + 75%) + 200%>Base crit chance * (1 + Sum of all relative increases) + Absolute increaseThis is the formula that the Warframe wiki says is how relative and absolute modifiers are added up. Without covenant it'd be 522.5% crit chance.
>>507299465You forgot to add her first love was a girl
On the topic of multiple Tenno, in the Amir VS Aoi PvEvP they explicitly talk in plural about us, their squads.Does that mean while the Drifter is central to 1999’s plot other Tenno have traveled back in time to help?
>>507299936You shouldn't think too much about anything c*nclave adjecant.
Not going to lie they really outdid themselves with LettieFor most of you shitters that didn't play Trinity back in her golden days. The way you used to play her is to use selfdamage to get yourself down to 2 hp and then use blessing for a 98% dmg reduction buff (since it used to scale based on your missing hp%)And Lettie loves to talk about death and saving people on the brink of death along with her obsession with dyingIts really neat. A shame thats where it ends. 0 hints at Mag and Excalibur ruining the game with greedy pull, Nyx was never used to have any moments like that, Volt was always average and about speed so thats his whole personality
>>507299757Good point, that should be continued too.
Got Garuda. i am missing something? i build her to work with gloom. She seems fine but... that's it? I feel like i don't do much with her. her 1st ability does huge dmg but slashing and casting it still slower even with yellow shards than just gunning down enemies with my guns (even on steel path). With her third i have unlimited energy and can shield gate. Her 4th ability feels like just shit to cast for shield gating and that's it. i am doing something wrong or she is just overrated?
>>507300110But Teshin keeps telling to play Conclave!>>507300203Technically Amir talks about how they don’t have coins in the mall because Aoi took and melted them all to play with metal. Seems early on she kept using her power like crazy to toy around
>>507300458Post build
>>507300543Here. yeah i know molt reconstruct and gloom life steal is kinda overkill
How do I make nyx good
>frame with infinite shields, qorvex levels of armor, armors strip, cc, invincibility and a nuke>hurr durr how to make it good/wfg/ is getting dumber by the day
>>507300757I'm not a huge Garudafag so take everything I say with a grain of salt. However, why the fuck are you both building for health tanking and shield gating? Pick one of them and stick with it. Get some range, no shit her 1 isn't impressive. At 175% it's more of a room nuke for gorillions of damage than it is now. You could also reduce strength a bit to like 210% since she doesn't really benefit that much from it outside of getting the Gloom speed cap at ~270%.But other than that I don't see too many horrifically bad things and if you don't like her playstyle in general things won't change much just because you get more range. She's just a melee frame with a decently competent kit.
>reading around>if you date Arthur you can break up and restart dating no issue>apparently if you keep changing your mind though (not sure if breaking up and dating again or clicking we should break up and then saying no next prompt) Arthur instead takes it as you toying with his feelings and you are blocked from dating him again>if you do all that, the only way to start dating Arthur again if with Quincy’s helpIs this legit? Cause it’s soulful but easy to screw up since the break up button is right below the one to check their stuff!
>>507301624the breakup has a confirmation
>>507300757>that range>no blending talons>umbral fiber for?u dont even need that much str to cap gloomreplace umbral fiber with stretchreplace augur message with augur reachreplace exilus with cunning drift for more range or kavat's grace (if ur new or just for comfy)replace rolling guard for blending talons
>>507301560>health tanking and shield gatingI don't, umbral armor was just there to boost umbral intesify and as i said, both gloom and health regen arcane was a bit overkill from my part to allow bloodletting spam. yeah, looking at this build i kinda put too much into strength considering i have molt augmented
>>507301293who are you talking to?
>I try to be a chad and the women (aside Eleanor) shut the conversation not long after>women can be stacies calling the male Hexes sexy and all
anyone else appreciate the new map now that all the snow is gone? it looks more lively and live in.. like seriously theres nothing more boring than looking at fucking snow..>lets just fill the whole map with white and nothing else!
>>507301293>infinite shields, qorvex levels of armor>cc, invincibilityYou don't need this much survivability. Even pre-rework inaros could easily survive in SP.>armors stripThe only good thing, but then I can just subsume pillage and terrify to any frame, same results.>nukeHow? I have done a max str build + precision intensify and absorb STILL doesn't deal enough damage to nuke trash mobs base SP. Never mind the fact that you have to sit there and wait so long for the damage to build up.Her gimmick of "confusion & radiation" really just sucks and doesn't work.
>>507303701I'm sorry you were born with eternally shit taste, anon.
>>507303701 i agree its kino now
What is going on in a fucking circuit? Why the hell Ivara drops her invis all of a sudden when there is no any nullifier near? This shit happened 5 times in a single circuit mission.
>>507303701>there are people who dislike the beauty of a snow covered landscapewow i feel sad for them
>finally got my level 5 hexwhich song do I pick? is this permanent or can i swap songs?> would love this and this feels like the canon pick but I already hear this non-stop everytime I visit Daughter.> would also pick this cause its a bop> one's ok too
>>507304953its permanent
So the infested liches are the boy band that got "cloned" by the not-grineer in the form of some ai that was playing their music and infested with techrot?
>>507303809Only bad frames are ones that can get instantly one shot like Inaros. Outside of that no frame is bad.
>scaldra's entire gimmick is corrosive resistant suits as they use corrosive gas>corrosive weaknessOk
>>507304953Party of your Lifetime because of the Ember strip club
>>507305235I think the Developers that had the idea to use techrot and convince others of that were already infected or something which would justify Party of Your Lifetime’s lyrics.But yes, On-Lyne were just a normal boyband that got cloned via their hair samples. One of Eleanor’s idle lines is telling Aoi she confirmed they are fine.The Coda would replace them first voice only and then personally once they learned to take human appearance
>>507305437I think you are confused. Scaldras gimmick is gas resistant clothing. Efervon melts armor like it's wet toilet paper and creates toxic fumes.
>>507305437Enferon (or Efervon now) is deadly to the infected but normally not to people. Aoi does say their concentration is so high it is harmful to people though.Likely our Corrosion blows up their failsafes and their own stuff takes care of the rest. They are all masked up for a reason
Eleanor stocks keep dropping
>>507305884>Efervon melts armor like it's wet toilet paperBecause it is a corrosive gas, it is also a toxic gas.
>>507292403>fucks Rusalka>Rusalka has apparently been "hollowed out" by WallyKEKED. EVERYONE HAS BEEN KEKED.
>>507295629You got the benefit of being on cryogenic stasis all the way from the Old War to now. Rell didn't. He stayed in his Warframe until his original body gave out and died, and he's now stuck in it, which is why he dies for good when you kill him.
>>507295629People with autism dont have souls
>>507306013Made for BBC (Big Balkan Cock)
>>507306013No way, that faggot Viktor too? Bloody hell Eleanor.....
the new hollvania courtyard simulacrum has to be the bis bis for testing purposes cause u dont have to walk a million miles just to reset / reequip but rn its currently bugged and doesnt increase the level cap by 25
>>507306452There isn't a single dick Eleanor hasn't tasted
>>507306013Kinda ironic real women hate when you praise other women
>>507306625For eleanor, they come and go every other day.
once again confirming the best girl of the update is pom-2
clearly fake
>>507299521hola negritos Cómo estás?por qué trinity es una maldita latina?
>Having a conversation with one of the Hex>"Yeah sucks we are stuck in this loop forever lol, makes what we are doing feel kind of pointless">My two options are essentially quit bitching and 'no it's not pointless because of blah blah blah'What the fuck? I'm probably a massive retard, but I thought that helping the hex fixed the time loop bullshit along with their deaths. If not, then they are right, it IS pointless since nothing they do really matters and they'll just be fucked again next 'year' and everything the drifter does is meaningless. He'll never completely save them, and will have to do the same bullshit over and over until he gets bored and just watches his friends and potential gf/bf die one cycle.
Do not get out of the chair drifter.
>>507307124>YOU LOOTED THE CLUB HOUSE~Why does she talk like a retarded little girl?
>"oh wow that guy has some nice ink">what THE FUCK is the meaning of this Rebecca why must i be KEKKED like this what have i DONE to DESERVE THIS Rebecca ANSWER ME Rebecca why is my wife such a fucking SLUT
>>507307124God I love Aoi
Any good Element for Kuva Ogris from the overframe builds?I want my last UT skin, and yesterday FOR SOME REASON when doing ember with Staltha Shock Rifle Skin i got the Drakgoon.
>>507306013viktor not being a flaming faggot (men only) would be untrue to his character and ligger's vision/wet dream
>>507307338lol you said mald
>>507307405Uh oh >>507306625
>>507306013i cant take this shit no more...
How do I get Lettie to break my churro?
>>507307618honestly I just assumed he and rusalka were doing a team rocket matching outfits bit
>>507308343Tell her straight to her face.
>>507308356Stellaris portrait pack DLC looking muthafakas :skull:
>>507308356>trampstampWhat did Eleanor mean by this...?
>>507308356This motherfucker looks like 90's Dave Navarro
another day...another blow to chairfags...
Any tips to build Vesper 77? This is what I'm using, focusing on huge immediate damage. It's Viral more because I ran out of space and have no idea what to put next and I'm low on Forma. The heat however will stay due to huge boost from Primed Heated Charge
>>507300757Remove transient fortitude and slot in blind rage, you want the negative efficiency so brief respite & molt reconstruct actually give more. This also means casting seeking talons + dread mirror would give close to full shields, so no need for catalyzing shields. Slot in blending talons, really just qol to be able to spam it but it's worth. Honestly gloom does make her boring. I know there was an old build that uses it with the blood forge augment, so you can spam some long reload guns like the zarr and bubonico but idk if that's still good.Personally I embrace the ability spam, where you subsume a spammable ability like breach surge or thermal sunder. The build I use already has 3 casting shards and I still put natural talent on.
>>507309274Idk how much are your headshot crits?
I bet proto-Ember will be Caribbean, she exudes carribean black energy.
>>507309274Are you using it as your main gun? If you are, swap enervate for deadhead and use galvanized shot with a priming companion like a hound. Maybe consider modding for blast and let your primer deal viral instead. Seeing groups blow up from a huge blast proc is very satisfying.
>>507308356>vicktor is tatted up like a hyper-religious member of ms13Id consider it based if he wasnt clearly in the same drama club in highschool as eleanor.
Pov: youre talking to an eleanorfag
>> that beard tatted on
>got server kickedwtf!
>>507311130its what you get for choosing aoi
>>507310917No it's just liger not being able to draw.
I'm sorry Babas but I will need to do some probing to be sure. Please assume the position.
>>507310029My PC is struggling but it's varying from over 80k to over 300k. I assume it's the Enervate or a Viral proc kicking in, likely both, causing those wild multipliers.If the guy is primed first the damage ramps up colossaly and varies from over 600k to over a million.>>507310432No, it's a boss killer of sorts. Some tough dangerous enemy appears or something like an Acolyte, an Archon and I plan to pull the Vesper and make short work of it.Though as it stands it's pretty erratic.Oh these are level 200+ steel path heavy gunner by the way. I assume if it works on them it works on anybody
Holy kek steel path Duviri literally is a "you don't get to have fun until we say you do" simulator which can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.
>>507310818Weed and that bitch were the worst things to ever happen to kevin
>>507311168How did you know that
>>507311297this is a git gud faggitsituation
>>507311297>get bad rng 5 times in a roll>spend close to 2 hours not having any resemblance of funYOU WILL LIKE IT AND NOT COMPLAIN
>>507311259Thats embarrassingMove on to another weapon
>>507311297just do a session of guitar hero or two and photograph some owls, donn't really take much to get goingwith a proper squad it's like maybe 5mins of preparation and you steamroll everything
>>507311251Being a dommy mommy means never having to say youre sorry. The correct phrasing is "Mami had a rough day puto, and youre gonna get to feel it. Bend over."
Lazy fuckers didnt even bother disabling ephemeras on the invisible goblins.Cant even cahnge the amp on the drifter because it doesnt fucking use that amp, you gotta change the operators.
>>507311410what do you do when you get shitty weapons youve never used and terrible frames not meant for more than fodder?what do you do when you're constantly getting back to back to back decees offering you fuck all?just sit there and fucking suffer muttering to yourself about how proud /wfg/ would be if they knew?
>>507311694sounds like you're missing intrinsicslmaoobvious skill issuelol
>>507311259AX-52 in comparison ramps up fast because it's capable of proccing a ton of virals via rapid fire.Vesper 77 likely will have a higher threshold against boss-like units because they have a limited number of viral procs and the like.
>>507311394Because you werent hyperfocused on whonyour girlfriend had a crush on in primary school (probably also christopher), and can worry about normal shit like the game being a buggy mess.
>>507311297Just run normal until your intrinsics are high enough and then just do lone story. Depending on the circuit levels you get it shouldn't take much longer than 20-25 minutes, maybe 30 if everyone's gear is shit.
>>507311846God taking a screenshot sucks
>>507311817It's crazy to me the amount of unironic schizo posting in this general. You know it's ok to say parts of this game are complete garbage right?
>>507311694just wait for the next cycle?and there's plenty of shit you can just take the basic config on and still succeed
>>507312253Kinoviri is Absolute Cinema.git gud
>>507312253How are you struggling if shitters can clear SP circuit and wyrm run with dogshit default build weapons?
Hipfire AX-52 with Primary Crux seem to reach 100% bullet efficiency or an efficiency so high a few seconds firing will consume a fraction of a bullet. This bullets didn't decrease from here until the buff was gone and the buff affects ALL efficiency, not just weakpoint based
>>507311259Bruh. My gun hits for 500K.
>>507305551me as ember warming excalibur's excalibur
>"Huh, my build isn't doing a well as usual. Maybe its just bad against techrot"I feel dumb now.
>>507312641Post build
>>507312253Duviri is fucking shit and I hate it but that's a skill issue on your part. I assumed you just did the bare minimum and went into SP which does indeed suck but there is no excuse why it should take you up to a fucking hour to finish it. If it's too hard for you just let others carry you through Lone Story, it should never, ever take you longer than half an hour.
My Vesper hits for over 800k consistently
post vesper builds
>>507311259500k orange crits, and my mods aren't even maxed. You are building for status on a gun you have multishot and fire rate locked on.
Do you get voicelines if you use the gemini on a specter?
>>507311694>shitty weapons youve never usedpick a frame with exalted weapon if you're unlucky enough to get shit in all 3 slots>and terrible framesname 5 terrible frames you got at once>what do you do when you're constantly getting back to back to back decees offering you fuck all?reroll without being too greedy, grab decrees that will be used in your build ahead of time
>>507313306Also Vesper 77 and AX-52 users, remember to use the beast mod that gives you another 1.2x to crit.
>>507311694>what do you do when you get shitty weapons youve never used and terrible frames not meant for more than fodder?If you don't even have one properly built weapon out of the 10 you're offered? Yeah it's kinda shit. Don't be like that. Build up a few more weapons. For frames, same shit applies, every frame can be made usable and again, you're offered 5, there should be at least one of them that isn't shit.>what do you do when you're constantly getting back to back to back decees offering you fuck all?Tough luck nigger but you don't really need them either. Are you having issues with drifter combat? Hold F to switch to your pistol and just pew pew the fuckers. Ignore melee entirely if you don't want to. It's often much easier that way.
>Your heart had to grow >The only way it ever does>With others
>>507313306Ah, the Merciless Gunflight. I forgot totally about it. I assumed a boost in elemental damage would be worth more and wrote it off. I guess the increase in critical damage is superior.Never thought about Galvanized Crosshairs either. Thanks.
Wait are there really people who think the first 10 minutes of devari are fun?
>skill issue
>>507314102>the first 10 minutesSo everything before the second undercroft and boss fight?
>>507313306I am >>507313049 and believe your build is the way to go. When I has less polarities I used a build more damage and critical focused. When I got more slots I went back to more normal but the damage decreased.That said, I think Enervate would be better than Deadhead. I can’t explain well properly it just feels like it starts smaller with the first 2 shots. But subsequent ones without even killing an enemy start increasing the damage considerably.>>507313767And the Worthy Comradery Aura.
>>507288546My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
>>507314195>making coffee for Megan while she's working hard on the changelog
>>507314880JADE NO
So I played this game a long time ago, what's up with warframe 1999? Is it a new game or what? Apparently there is also romance? Which I didn't expect here.
i hope you did your kahl weekly bros...
So I just baked this bread a long time ago, what's up with pizza 1999? Apparently there's also cheese? Which I didn't expect here.
>>507314721You are late.
>>507315342just another content island with a half assed dating sim added on top
>>507315352As long as its not the fucking sentient ship one I will. The other two are pretty fast once you've done them before.
>>507315342It's basically just another tileset with a story that involves time travel/looping, that's it
>>507315342The equivalent of a new ''planet'' and story arc.Did you do Chains of Harrow? The quest that Rell talked about The Man in the Wall? Well, he is fully freed now and is invading so the only solution to this all was go back in time.The technology there is schizophrenic due to the advancements using a primitive version of the Infestation. And a few people there became partial Warframes. Those 6 can be romanced.
>>507315547>don't do sentient>it doesn't rotate to any other mission until you doI really don't get why the fuck they chose to do it that way instead of just making it a weekly rotation
Am i wrong if i still like Eleanor even after everything that has been revealed?
>>507315715>>507315524Combining time travel with romance seems like a recipe for disaster
>>507315898take a seat
>>507315962We're going back so hard
Combing tomato sauce with mozzarella seams like a recipe for amore
>"Dude vesper is so good I hit for 200k headshots with it!!!!">8 mag size>capped multishot>capped fire rate>2.3sec reload>HAS to hit headshots or else it does no damage>due to how heads are positioned can only ever hit 1 headshot at a timeThis is reddit tier trash
>>507315962The Warframe timeline acknowledges the existence of time paradoxes and the like. The stuff of cause and effect was thrown out of the window since we started doing space travel through the Void. And our present is already a mix of multiple timelines at once.The crossplay and crossave is exactly that. Baro Ki’Teer made a deal and he and his alternate versions mixed up the timelines into a mostly unified one. Some relays they saved came over and others were lost in the process.So it really doesn’t matter how hard we fuck over the past. Our future is already a set possibility.
>>507316331But its COOL
>>507316331>he can only hit 200k with an 800k+ weaponSkill issue. Maybe you should really go back to the reddit you love so much since you are so knowledgeable about those skillets.
sippin eggnog and doing my negracells whats wfg doin
>>507315962>*slams fist*>AGAIN
>>507316457breaking shit completely by introducing overt time travel is my favourite modern writing trope
Elite? More like SHIT!
>>507315898If anyone really legitimately thought that a grown woman with a face like that amd a voice like hers was a pure maiden, they're as genuinely autistic as their posts seem to claim. Eleanor is a ravenous fuckbeast. She HAS BEEN a ravenous fuckbeast. She did not turn into a ravenous fuckbeast three hours ago. Of course she has a history, and if anyone thought otherwise they deserve the cuck chair theyve put themselves in.
>>507316620You can hit for 2bil you still killed 1 enemy at best per shot while I'm deleting entire rooms in a second
>>507316663Wrapping up giftsI'm simmering with rage
>>507316706Well it's already as broken as it can be. The 1999 technology is now a mix of techrot, future tech and goddamn CDs. They are using sturdy nokia phones and running antivirus to communicate and fight a cyborg plague.
stalker and jade are operator/drifter's parents, orion is drifter from another timeline where his parents got turned into warframes
>>507317067no not literal breakage, more figuratively, narratively speaking.
>>507299521I like your funny words, sexy mama
Thoughts on pic related?
>>507317127You literally have the Drifters childhood photo with his parents
>>5073153421999 is new content for the game, you do some time travel and enter an alternate past which is infested with the space aids but gone techno. A new system has you interact with the characters of 1999 and it has an optional romance component, while the chatting itself is required to rank up (1 conversation per person per level is all thats needed to level them up) the romance is not mandatory for anything.1 new faction, 1 reskinned faction, 2 new guns (3 if you count the AK) and some mods/arcanes>>507317127What a trash timeline that would be, no Jade mommy milkies cus she ded
How do you want to handle new protoframes?>1999 pt2>Back ported to normal origin system gameplay >New content islands
>>507316935damage attenuation cutie
>get back after a half a year hiatus for 1999>Check my solo dojoHmm..
>>507317385Non white.
>>507317385Does romancing her count as romancing Reb?
When will we be able to bring out gf/bf and see space mom?
>>507317385Somehow my best friend without intending to be, possibly because I asked if she still had a vagina and let her cry it out when she thought she was ghost running a meaingless circle who should have died in the first loop.
>>507317385The thinking man's choice.
>>507317709Reb isn't a brown.
>>507317729>Somehow my best friend without intending to be, possibly because I asked if she still had a vagina and let her cry it out when she thought she was ghost running a meaingless circle who should have died in the first loop.Literally the same for meI guess she is really easy to talk to after she mellows out a bitWould not bang but im down for bantz
>>507317497As far as we know, Albrecht can have turned a lot of civillians like Amir. 4 of the Hexes are military + Eleanor that was a reporter digging through sewers finding a zombie scoop. Amir was an intern of the nuclear power plant instead.Wherever there is something of importance to Albrecht’s plans there can be a Protoframe he gave a vial to use.
>>507315451need my beauty sleep
>>507317385Annoying. I have stopped responding to her and quincy at this point.
>>507317497>>507317920>The Hex>Cyte-09We are getting at least three more protoframes
>>507317385The best girl
>Maid outfits for proto skinsMake it happen Rebecca!
I already have the latron and strun incarnons. Going to get the furis + one other.Which is less shit, the bo or furax?
>>507318079Rhino, Loki and Cyte-08?
>>507318267go back, blacked descendant
>>507317873I ship her and Amir. Its a dynamic like an R Crumb illustration that someone spilled coffee on.
In an alternate timeline, the Drifter just grabbed a loki and ignored the dating sim in favor of just doing everything himself. The indifference reees.
>>507318297Rhino, Ember, Frost and Scaldraframe(Rusalka)
>>507318284Furax offers you utility through extra secondary fire rate through its amalgam mod and is a decent melee influence weapon that can pause its combo counter when put away. Bo is pretty much only useful as a stat stick but Ceramic Dagger and Magistar already exist for that purpose.
It's funny to watch people insist the choose if you have or not have a sibling dialogue in the Kim system, isn't actually indictive of the behind the scenes ideas the writing team has and just for roleplay, while seemingly ignoring that Duviri also implies Drifter has at least one sibling
>>507316897it's like being mad at someone for having ever gone on a hike or been taken to a restaurant before
>>507318597Him having a sibling makes no difference as he's disassociated from his own timeline and his sibling would be dead for millennia at this point.
>>507318670Yeah, pro tip: you never NEVER talk about exes. The cunt who was writing it should be fired.
>>507318993Lying about your past relationships is worse
>>507319219It's obvious that you had someone before but i don't want to hear about it. It's that simple.
>>507318670Its worse, actually. Its being mad at a person that doesnt exist for being pretend cummed inside by a person that doesnt exist even MORE than the firts person (as he only exists in name and what snippets of lore we have). I can KIND OF understand the insecurity one would feel if they have less sexual experience than their partner (always wondering how you measure up, or if youre being compared to what so-and-so did when such and such happened) but Eleanor isnt fucking REAL. None of that comparison will or CAN ever happen.
Operator should have went into 1999, murked the Hex like an orokin cianigger and then fucked off to Tau to conquer sentient mimic pussy
>>507319436You are not the first anon I ever replied to. Sorry you had to find out about it.
Mag or Hydroid, who should I build for EDA this week?
>>507319813It's not the same, you retarded leftie.
>>507319734>Eleanor is not real
>>507319769>Potatofag thinks the potatokid is stronkJobbed even to the stalker and ballas, the Drifter meanwhile raped them and called it a day, and have the respect of Grandpa Hunhow
>>507300757>no range>Transient Fortitude not maxed>Umbral Fiber and Catalyzing ShieldsPrimed Flow when you have infinite energy is kind of questionable too, although I understand that it lets you use more abilities before needing to refill.>>507301974If you're that down bad for ability strength, use Augur Secrets. Not directly related to that guy's build, I told you fags that sometimes Garuda would have unavoidable hard landings. Not only was I right but DE nerfed Garuda instead of fixing the actual problem.
Potato built a knife specifically so that balls-in-ass could stab him with it.
>>507320049>Grandpa HunhowGET MY NIGGA OUT OF URANUS ALREADY>his wife is an inanimate sun-eating ship that magically disappears after the new war (???)>his son is a massive fucking retard (and fully deserved to get his mind jacked by a schizoid cow)>his daughter left him (twice) to tend to mentally dysfunctional void kids>his best friend left him after he finally got a kid (only took several centuries)>he is now a geriatric permanently stuck alone in the gas giant retirement homeHE DESERVES BETTER
>>507319734>it's okay chuddie she's not real>W-WAIT DON'T FIRE ME I HAVE A WIFE AND HER BOYFRIEND TO FEED! NOOOO!! -ACKIt's all can be fixed with one simple trick and still there's enough retards in gamedev seats willing to lose their job.
I main zephyr and want to slot a damage buff, can't decide between Roar and Xata. I know Xata tornadoes/slam combo is strong, but how it compares with roar during normal gunplay?
>>507320619I prefer Xata because while Roar is slightly stronger but Xata costs far less, lasts longer, is an upper body animation that doesn’t stop you in your tracks and CAN BE RECASTThe convenience far outweights it specially when I have to jump around all the time in a high level mission anything can kill me
>>507299027slap on arcane avenger, adarzas cat eye and 10 puncture procs on target and youll hit 852.5% potentially a chance of 952.5% with vigilate set proccing
>>507299001You WILL racemix until your kids look like operators
>>507321117Like ostrons.
>>507320217>>507320049>drifter spent his teen to young adult life (and possibly thousands of cycles) being trained by teshinnun traditional combat>and now he has the same void demon powers as the tater, so he can do shit like transfer in and out of warframes and precision teleport them around at will>even if arthur is the most experienced protoframe its explicitly shows that they dont have experience with their powers and need the drifters helping hand to save the dayDrifter could have and possibly should have effortlessly wrecked Arthur's shit, even after getting squeezed into a fresh baked excal with no weapons.
You MUST have sex with Eleanor to save the white race
technocyte babies
>>507321117Would race mix
I don't like The Hex. They feel like randos DE locked me in a room with and now I'm just sort of awkwardly trying to get back to my ship to do space ninja shit. Is there anything worthwhile from getting friendly with them?
>>507321308The difference is that the Drifter have a heart and consciousness, unlike the potato kids who are robots.Even The Lotus relates more with the Drifter than the kids by now because the Drifter kept her alive and safe without even asking why, just because she was suffering.
>>507321416idk her in-game schnoz tells me she's kind of arab- i mean pure bri'ish girl.
>>507320579>the pervy oversexualized sexpot character...has had sex before? AHHHHH HELP ME NIGGERMAN I'M GOING INSAAAAAANE>Quincy: the fuck you just call me bruv?Your fault for trying to turn a hoe to a housewife.
>>507321810Oh yeah i forgot you Americans have pig noses
>>507321597Other than getting to whatever social link level is required to unlock the second part of the quest, I don't think it matters at all
>>507321612Im not saying he had to kill him, it just shouldnt have been so easy for Arthur to win.
>>507318993that seems like just treating the reader/player with kid gloves and presenting an immature fantasy with no depth or pain
>>507322129She's already in pain with mutations no reason to make it whore-deep.
>>507322035>>507321597Once you get Liked and finish the quest you need never talk to them again if you dont want to, though youd probably still want to do the calendar missions since they have pretty nice rewards for relatively low effort.
>>507322294ESL please
>>507321597Sorry bro you have to save the future so whore yourself
>>507322581I love my tiny cartoon wife
>>507322439>fingolian language police has arrivedYeah, whatever. Your point?
>>507322581But they ALL suck.Arthur is the classic protag without anything cool going on because Umbra is just Arthur with a better backstory.I've already seen enough of Elanor's tongue to know she's on SOME kind of freak shit, already. Probably packs """mommy energy""" in the way horny twitter users describe.Quincy is, as far as I can tell, the thug with a heart of gold. His shop is back-alley trading and he's probably got a sad mom story if his death is anything to go by.Amir is ONE(1) bazinga away from me committing a hate crime.Aoi is okay, I think. But that's just because she's got the personality of a bowl of frosted shredded wheat.Lettie is one(1) slipper brandished as a weapon away form being a stereotype, but not in the funny way.Maybe I'm completely wrong on these guys and they're Super Fun and Interesting, but first impressions matter and my first impression is that the Hex kind of suck.
>>507317385i like her aside from the incessant spanish interjectionsshe is written by someone that has likely never spoken to a latino before
>>507323321Latino anon hereI actually speak like that sometimes
I'm thinking testing Vesper against Heavy Gunners was not the best idea. What is the ideal enemy to test these thigns?
>>507317385Mi mujer
>>507323672secret tank
>>507323672Heavy Gunners
Eleanor rejectors be like
>>507324192From what I've seen most people have problems to even get her to the level she can be rejected. Quincy and Aoi are the easiest to get, while Lettie and Eleanor are the hardest.
>>507322740I'm not policing anything lol you didn't understand what was being discussed and replied with a non-sequitur
ay caramba, Lettie's pulling out the strap..
>>507322740The point is that we can safely ignore your opinion on sexual morality, women, language, aesthetics, etc because you're a cave dwelling subhumanoid barely proficient in your native tongue and trying to lecture your betters in theirs.
>>507324383>Lettie is hardReally? I've sailed past a lot of romantic lines and fucking piles of gold text with her.
>>507322695mag is an ugly gookesswhat would be koumei?
>>507325335Fuu from Samurai Champloo.>ugly
>Warframe-mandated Asian gfs are a real thing nowThank you aunt Reb
So why is Duviri before New War?Kinda odd to be introduced to da drifter like that.
>>507325640The events of Duviri happen at the exact same time as new war
>>507325871So I do Duviri before New War then? I don't even have War Within done on this new account.
>>507325871They actually happen 60 (duviri)years later if you consider how Teshin looks.
>>507325640Think it's to introduce people to Teshin early.They seem to want you play it before Natah given the current placement order. So I guess they can just play Duviri off as a dream, before The New War twist
>>507325640It was always meant to be released before the New War, being announced months before, and it happens alongside The New War.I think it's best enjoyed after it but we can find Teshin's veil and all. And the Paracesis stab is what breaks the cycle.>>507325970You can start straight away. Duviri is a realm time flows completely out of whack. That's the point. The events of the quest technically happen 1/3 to midway through the New War as well as afterwards.
>>507325640Because it unlocks the Circuit and was supposed to give new players easier access to new equipment. They've moved unlocking it slightly further along since. I knew it was released post-New War though so I didn't touch it until I was far enough along.
>>507325640because entire idea of drifter got retconned into the crap we have today
Would you like to see Drifter get his origin system combat style or keep tall tater gameplay?
>>507326576>retconnedI don't think you know what that word means.
>>507326265>>507326343Okay so I'll do it after War Within I guess.
>>507325454based knower
>>507326630They should give us Duviri melee to make them Different than Taters
just delete taters tbqh
>>507326825Duviri melee would get them killed in the origin system
>>507326895Nah Operators cooler and the Originals
>>507327074>Mention Operators >Immediately thinks about pedophiliaProjection
>>507327074you will get caught sooner or later
Guess heavy gunners just had a colossal damage reduction
>>507326649>supposed to be just operators but older>turned into magic booga steve ooga >all because steve wanted entire game to be like duviri then fucked off to this doa game when everyone told him to actually fuck off
>>507327181After seeing that one comic where Ballas and Lotus literally groomed a brother/sister pair I don't use my operator anymore
Is Battacor as viable weapon?
>>507327435SOVLframe good.
>>507327418damage resistance from armour starts around 25% and scales up to 90%
>>507327435>supposed to be just operators but olderNothing in the game suggests that it was ever the plan.
>>507327418>>507313306First: thanks for posting this, helped me testing.I don't have enough space for Galvanized Crosshairs but Primed Heated Charge is causing higher numbers than Merciless Gunfight. Likely because it enters a different multiplier. Maybe it'd help you too.>>507327668Oh that would explain a lot.
Operators were better when they were just space hobos with no powers. It was a good contrast to operators who were magical but didn't have any combat skills. It's amazing how they introduced Operator with a legit stealth mode, then completely tossed it out the window.
I'm about to do what Arthur never could.
>>507326895>>507327020Why does it have to be one or the other? I think both operators and drifters are cool.
operators are not canon
>>507327891Based and Drifter pilled
>>507327891TRVTH NVKE
>story mode in Duviri doesn't update to next objectiveSTEEEEEVE
What's the best way to get Bursas for the Inaros quest?
Drifter will never have kino moments like this
>>507328009Shit yourself immediatly
>>507328009>BursasJust forced to deal with spawn rng unfortunately.
The endgame is for frames to become suits for your drifter to wear,with his face visible/ with revengeance style mask.
>>507328042>Drifter>goes into his wife>Operator >goes into some dude he tried to grope for three missions straightAnon the operators is 100% gay
>>507327821Good to know. The punch through on merciless gunfight is wasted anyways because the build is for 1 tapping, not hallway clearing. I'll try to swap it for heated charge/convulsion depending on factions I'm fighting and see how it goes.
>>507328357I can't not think of the Guyvers when I look at some of the earlier Warframes
first time i agree with the tripfag
>>507328357How do you manage to have *only* shit opinions?
>>507328449the drifter is bisexual (gay), what's your point
>>507328449Operator has canonically given birth
>>507328357I used to think you were based....
>>507328562Mine is 100% straight, your choices made yours gay. That's how much influence the tatter has on you. There is still time to repent for your degeneracy.
Operator bros, emergency meeting right now!Lotus just called me and that bastard Drifter to meet her in Albrecht's labs. And you know what she said? She called me her child (thanks mommy) and then looked at him! Calling him her -champion-, I have never felt so disrespected in my life. After all I did for her, I'm not good enough to finish the mission? She has to send -him-, I can't stand this bullshit. And while he's getting to go out there saving the world, I'm stuck in my cuckpod, listening to Ordis! This day can't get any worse!
>>507328042Reminder the only reason we dont get more umbra involment in the story(when he is literally cannonically the protagonist) is because chinks get pissy about DE giving him for free.
>>507328686Transsister... there is still hope...
>>507328790Yet the Drifter gets>Arthur's sloppy seconds>Cucked by a dead man>Pegged by a Latina NurseLMAOOOOO
>>507328761>Mine is 100% straightnope, he's 100% bisexual (gay)imagining as if that's not true is just plain delusionalthe same goes for the entire hex cast.
>>507328449>gayThe term is lesbian, cutie.
>>507319831I like Hydroid, but Mag is simply one of the best frames in the game.
>>507328991Who's that granny?
>>507329245how do you survive eda on mag?shieldgating?
>>507325478>I lied, I don't want to have an emojis-only reply chain. Now be my boyfriend.>>507326785It should be standard knowledge. SC is kino.>>507327461Yes, especially if you lay your hands on a riven that has fire rate in it.
>>507329279if only ordis went back to being a shipboard cephalon, then maybe he wouldn't be such a blind retard as to not notice this nigger somehow boarding the orbiter
>>507327821Please say you have viral somewhere else in your loadout. If you add forma for Galvanized Crosshairs, or maybe even now, you may want to get rid of Secondary Enervate because it resets on orange crits and diminishing returns might become a problem. I just checked and it seems like it scales hard as fuck though, and I don't care enough to do math right now for when you'd get better returns with other arcanes.
>>507329308Yes, the same way you survive as the majority of frames in higher level content. Her four has built-in shield regeneration. Equip the fracturing crush augment so it strips armor too.
>>507328857>when he is literally cannonically the protagonist. Explain.
>>507320081Were you the guy that insisted that kavat's grace is mandatory for garuda? I don't know if it's your chinese keyboard or a skill issue but I genuinely never had that issue with her. You could easily slide, roll, or aim glide out of seeking talons to avoid the landing. But none of that matters anymore, they've "fixed" it properly if you didn't know
What is the point of this fucking chat?
>>507328918arthur didnt do anything with aoi. she had a crush on him but he either didnt even realize it or did but wasnt interested.
>>507330276I can feel less lonely and more pathetic
>>507328918>Pegged by a latina nurse.You act like this isn't the best romance choice in gaming
>>507330276Coping if you're eleanorcuck
>>507328357shit take but this is just what they originally were and was probably inevitableWE END AS WE BEGAN
What do Nezha and Hildryn players look like IRL?
Why do so many closeted faggots prefer to get railed by women, instead of just accepting their homosexuality?its 2025 bros
>>507330279>arthur didnt do anything with aoi. she had a crush on him but he either didnt even realize it or did but wasnt interested.Cope
>>507330276addressing your issues and insecurities with interpersonal relationships and communication in a safe and engaging environment
>>507329612I do, my Primary AX-52 is with Viral, and all my companions have Viral somewhere. I'm using the Helminth Charger at the moment.I assume I'll pull out the Vesper after I encounter someone that tanked my shots and therefore got viralized first (this usually leads to it hitting for over a million).It's a weapon without multishot so it can't be modded for status so putting Viral there doesn't help.Makes me wonder too if I should use Galvanized Crosshairs since I'm not shooting around with it.
>>507330276postmodern insane asylum
>>507330748wtf the Judge is real?
>>507330610why not embrace liking whoever you like and also wanting to get railed?
>>507328790>Operator>needs a full loadout to kill an Archon>Drifter>only an un-modded bow>outright overpowers the Archon himself when it tries to wrestle with himThe big boy deserves to be called champion.
>>507328918>>507330425>pegged by lettiesounds like a strong selling point, tbqh
I'm not romancing anyone. They simply do not interest me, I would rather fuck my warframe wives instead.
>>507330258>Were you the guy that insisted that kavat's grace is mandatory for garuda?I just checked the archives, and I said >Kavat's Grace is extremely good, maybe even mandatory, on Garuda. Some of her abilities give her downward momentum during the casting animation, and if you're too close to the ground you just eat a hard landing with no time to slide or aim glide to keep moving.The word maybe isn't insisting, and it was true at the time because they just fucking nerfed Garuda over it.>they've "fixed" it properly if you didn't knowCan you fucking read? That's literally the last sentence of the post you're responding to.
>>507331412>not romancing anyoneThere is a name for people like you: aoibait
>>507330171He is the cannon frame our operator calmed down, nobody else could.There are people who played the new war with other frames and this angers me.
>>507330661>simulation of healthy communication>half of 4chan dislikes itHah. Hah!
>>507331621canonthe word is canonyou fucking ingrate
>>507331674>half of 4chan dislikes itproofs?
>the cannon frame
Ok give it to me straight, doc.Aoi is clearly flirting with me and is all sweet. I like her, she is a nice person but I genuinely feel bad for doing Arthur kinda dirty.Lettie is just a good pal to me and I am content with that. I am not too keen on getting my prostate drilled in by her in the bed so keeping her as good friend is all good for me and I don't think you can make your "Best Friend" your lover.Eleanor too seems to be flirting with me but.. how to put it... she is kind of an asshat that needs to be rape-corrected with AT LEAST 3 kids. Her personality is rather too nihilistic for my tastes and the shitposting surrounding her kind of scares me too much to choose. But I am not fucking over Arthur too much, it will be just "Haha Marty's fucking your sister!" kind of deal... fuck this sounds bad too...As for the guys... I just don't swing that way. Amir makes my face melt when he is hitting on me though...SO between these 2 actual choices who do I actually gun for?
>>507319734It reminds people of real pain. The desire for escapism is real.
>>507329245Yeah I just threw a potato in her, looked up a guide, and did most damage without every even taking a hit. Holy fuck this is broken.
>>507331895>I just don't swing that way. Amir makes my face melt when he is hitting on me though
>>507331863That's basically a gadget frame like Vauban and Protea.
>>507331674I think it's that it's not healthy or easily digested, they wrote in some messy and ugly or just very human stuff that you have to take part in and make some choices around if you want to get to know these characters or advance your relationships with them
>>507331895Aoi. They already broke up. In fact it's because Eleanor rubbed it on his face that his behavior led to that that it caused a rift between him and Eleanor.Aoi made a 1.000 paper cranes for him and he just told her to drop the childish stuff, unable to understand the cultural significance. The relationship wasn't gonna work because it's a part of Arthur's character he can't catch any hints about his own team and both Aoi and Amir suffer the most from it.If you start dating Aoi, Arthur gives you his blessings and hopes you can make her happy.
>>507331895>needs to be rape-corrected with AT LEAST 3 kidsBut this sounds like a good opportunity.And why would you let spamming shitposters influence your decisions?
>>507331937>>507332127Amir is pure and wholesome
>>507331863Unironically would probably rule. The only gunframes we have are sharpshooters Cyte and Mesa. I need a frame that's a gunframe but in the exact opposite direction of "if I can see in front of me, I'm not doing my job right".
>>507331895>Her personality is rather too nihilisticNah she only pretends to be the monster so everyone in the team would focus their attention on her and not think about their own state.
>>507332309Youre a faggot for choosing a man
>>507332309that's adorable
>>507332365Better a faggot than a NIGGER
>>507332309Amir would be better if he was a cute girl.
>>507331423>umm I didn't INSIST it, I merely said it was EXTREMELY GOOD, MAYBE EVEN MANDATORYAlright pal whatever you sayAlso what I meant is there's no "nerf" anymore, it's affected by casting speed again. Maybe it's you who should learn to read some patch notes.
>>507332127ah fuck I didn't realize how my words would sound after what I have said, you know face melting as in burning agony kind of way.
>>507332574yeah right
>>507332574you are gay now, go and claim your spastic boywife
>>507330641ok so i did misremember- they were in a relationship but they didnt do anything bc arthur was a faggot. thats why aoi broke up with him bc they shouldnt have even been together in the first place.>inb4 ignores the evidence bc muh reddit boogeyman
>>507328790>Quincy is already trying to groom an adult right off the bat>tater goes to 1999>[sounds of sustained sexual violence done to an autistic child]
>>507331895Honestly? I didn't expect to find Amir so adorable. He's like a cute puppy/kitty you just wanna hug and comfort.
>>507331895>Ok give it to me straight, doc.>As for the guys... I just don't swing that way. Amir makes my face melt when he is hitting on me though...Sounds like you're getting it gay, boy.
>>507332574Come out of the closet gay man.
Why do you niggers go ballistic over romance shit that will likely just feature a single 30 second scene or some shit like thatI genuinely hate this fucking VN shit, the only thing it does well is actually explaining Duviri shit without forcing you to collect shitty tablets and whatever
>>507333213I'm so fucking lonely
>>507332884Jesus Christ
>do EDA>get 1 tauforged and 1 normal shardThey really need more ways to get shards EDA and netracells suck
New tactic. The moment i see console niggers ill just afk in spawn until they do the mission while watching a movie/show
>>507333293same bestie
Amir is cute
>>507332884Cant cuck what was never there in the first place, that is some top-tier heart crushing fuckery. I know Arthur's missing eye is from Amir's protoframe transformation but if it wasnt I would have assumed it would have been from a vicious chancla beating after Letty heard about it.
>>507332884Wait... wait holy shit man THAT'S why Arthur closes the conversation straight away if you say you like On-Lyne. It's because it reminded him of Aoi and his fuckup.
>>507332427That's literally just Aoi
>>507333482Just give me shard trader, let me turn that shit in 2:1 or even 3:1. I have like 80 blues by now, those things are FUCKING USELESS
>>507333850>spoilerReally? Amir talked about fucking up during the transformation and everyone dead but he only talked about his nightmare where he killed Arthur too. So he legit burned off Arthur's eye?
>>507333952everyone in this game would just use all their blues to gear every frame in the game with yellows and reds in 1 daynever ever
>>507332265>If you start dating Aoi, Arthur gives you his blessings and hopes you can make her happy.He says that to you regardless of who you are dating
blue shards should add to your base shield/armor/health/energy so they would at least get boosted from modsit wouldn't make them amazing but they'd be more viable than they are now
>>507333951There is nothing wrong with more cute girls.
>>507334065If I recall right, somewhere in the massove doomscroll textwall that is Amir's speech pattern was a line to the effect of "you know how arthur has all of those scars well those are from me"
>>507334442>>507334395Yeah there you go. I
>the reason Amir was so into being a Cephalon wasn't just because he is into robots but because the procedure could get rid of his own issues>>507334395>>507334442Holy shit
>>507334568Are you using midjourney anti aliasing
>the obligatory funny haha Aoi and Amir duo are actually three dimensional as fuckWhat the hell
>>507334308That would definitely make them somewhat useful. We can't have that.
The Scholars of Loreframe are going to have to take months to work out a timeline of events for 1999, with how much chat cross-referencing and conversation triggers you need to get full context.
Do you subsoom over Protea's 4, or run armor strip augment?
>>507334763DE, as the kids would say, "cooked with this one."I was planning to ignore the chatting but I find it to be very good.
>Randos in a single quest in some 12yo ass pseudo mmo looter shooter are more fleshed out and realistic than 99% of characters in modern AAA videogames.Sasuga.
>>507334737I just copied that screenshot, it's not mine.
>>507335421It's funny and tragic how it low the bar is nowadays.
>>507333482There should be an infinite farm like we have for kuva. There are almost 60 frames in the game at this point and its a huge hassle to pull my 4 purples off one frame and move them to another.
>>507335630He gets over it pretty quick, then immediately starts asking you about duviri again.
>10min survival sortie>find exit and mark it>nobody comeswelp leeching while dead for 9minutes it is then :)
>>507335630You need to pick Eleanor!!!
was 1999 supposed to somehow happen earlier in the story? or even just getting access to the hub and tileset? orb vallis corpus and deimos infested put all these new guys to shame except the couple that were gigasponges and got nerfed
>>507335630Don’t worry. If you didn’t pick her she’d force you to date her anyway. Too.
>>507335979I like to mark and announce it, drop motes and maybe a specter, then start exploring for pickups working my way backwards till 2:30 remaining when I'll pop life support to 100 then remind the squad where extraction is and fuck around with emotes or alt-tab
>>507299521WE'RE IN
>>507336052I think they are meant to be weaker since they are from, well, 1999. Albrecht may have uplifted them somewhat but Scaldra is far off from the future’s level and the Techrot needs a gadgillion years to fester into Lich-tier.The only reason those guys are trult a problem is because the Protoframes have humane limitations to them.
>>507335630See >>507332884 - He 100% deserves it, and she 100% deserves better than he could ever manage. I mentioned it a few threads ago but arthur needs someone like Eudico. Mind on business, no time for idleness, and he gets all the hero- endorphins he needs from being her personal white knight.
>>507334969on the whole it's better to subsume over it but protea's good enough that you can run both it and the blaze artillery augment and have a good time, just remember to cancel the rewind before it goes off
>>507324007How to spot the cuntlifornian or canadian subhuman
All this arthur talk makes me wanna replay rdr2 desu
>>507336405Dating Lettie and showing her the beauty of vanilla loving sex.
>late for my daily ballbusting session with Lettie>she's not gonna heal me later as a punishment for being late
damn bro
One day you are gonna login your pom2 pc and have no chats. Everybody will be offline, just like your warframe friend list.
>>507334308>blue shards now grant ability efficiency or ability range>parkour velocity move from yellow to blue
>>507337069But I will always have Pom-2.
Lettie's insisting on us using condoms for hygiene reasons. Says if I really want kids, I should just help her name a new rat.
The mental gymnastics Aoi simps will go through to justify stealing another man's girl.......
>>507337217arthur can get the chair if he wants to
>>507337217I picked mag like 10 years ago, back the fuck off
>>507337307So your own Mag is not enough? Do you really need to take another man's Mag too?
>there """people""" here that unironically would destroy this just fullfill their carnal desiresYou are all vapid roasties in spirit and deserve to be forever sad and alone
>>507337862He stabbed my hand. I'll stab his ex's loins.
I don't want Arthur to kill himself
>Eleanor cucks again attempting to divert any focus away from them towards AoiOne word you fucks: Christopher
>>507338049Im dating Eleanor and i want Arthur and Aoi to get back togetherSuck my cock
Quincy and Amir chads keep winning
>>507337975he will just loop back
>>507337862it's literally the other way around? arthur didnt give a shit about any of aoi's interests. thats why aoi makes the "pretty face" joke bc that was all arthur saw her as. drifter actually gives a shit
>>507288546nefag here, i honestly dont remember getting thiscan i sell it for credits?
>>507338049DELETE THIS
>quincy is the designated marksman>Has absolutely dogshit concentrations on a3 targets 5 meters awaySounds like a diversity hire
>>507338341It was given out for Tennocon iirc.You can sell it, but it's probably wiser to keep it if it's ya only copy
>>507338341tennocon drop>selling primes>ever
>>5073 37069(denying the tripfag a (You))DE will connect the POM2 to a chat GPT server which will emulate the characters after you exhaust their dialogue.
Gonna try to get the Aoi glyph from the tank any advice?
>>507337474rather than to pull her in and magnetize her he decided to crush her spirit and polarized the relationshiphe does not deserve a mag
>>507338341You can but you absolutely shouldn't.
>>507338414>>507338428>>507338582why not
>>507338242>it's literally the other way around? arthur didnt give a shit about any of aoi's interests. thats why aoi makes the "pretty face" joke bc that was all arthur saw her as. drifter actually gives a shitHe is a very autistic broken man if anything we should help him over his trauma so he can apologize and get back with Aoi. She can be his emotional light to his mental darkness.
But... we are already dating? What am I paying these girlfriend taxes for??
>>507338616big boobs
>>507338616Sell it, retard. Do it now.
>>507338474Catalyzing shields, rolling guard, sentinel with guardian and sacrifice. Lex or Latron incarnon as weapon for the first phase. Magistar incarnon modded for slam attacks for the second. This is easy mode.
>pulls a sword on ME>stabs MY hand>calls ME rudeBoning ARSEthur's sister is not a suggestion but an obligation at this point.
>>507338616Because 1) it's a prime frame and 2) it's Saryn Prime, who is a ridiculously potent damage frame.
>>507338780I don't have Magistar but I do have Glaive Prime
I'm going to work on my Trinity build... tomorrow
>>507338474 don’t need slam if you have Lex Prime. You don’t need Latron if you have Vastilok with Shattering ImpactNormal Lex first phase. Incarnon in the techrot phase.Xata’s Whisper subsummon because it’s upper body lasts well and doesn’t hamper your movementMag is one of the easiest to clear the tank because she has the ability to recover her shields as well.Use Lex Incarnon close to the tabk in the second phase for higher chance to hit more weakpoints.
Lettie getting teased by her family for dating a gringo
>>507338616why would you
>>507337158>latina doing anything but raw creampie sex so she can have 11 kids in 12 yearsI know its an alternate universe but there's no way its THAT much of an alternate universe.
Can you subsume protoframes?
>>507338662>>507338675>>507338962>>507339162ugh i dont use itfine i'll keep it
>>507339124>familyyou mean her rats?
>>507339237No, sell it right now.
>>507339067Won't work because of the weird way the flesh is coded. You'd hit two weakpoints at most without punchtrhough.If you have Lex Incarnon, that + an armor strip weapon is all you'd need to kill it.
>>507291561Help I lost my credo card
>>507339220Yeah, its just a skin
>>507339124>who's this gringo, eh?>es no gringo, papa. He's from the future, all the humans all blended together by then.>So... he's like a...filipino then?
>>507339509but they talk like it's them...
>>507339105>>507339357Big thanks tennbros will report back on my victory later
This is what you faggots get for picking Original the Character the Protoframe. Enjoy your shitty waifu wars.
Best element for Coda weapons?
>>507339237It's a frame with 2 weapon damage buffs, armor strip, self-cleanse, movespeed boost and decoy drop before helminth.
>>507338616>>507339237If you already have a copy of Saryn Prime then do whatever you want with the extras, but you should at least level up every frame you get for mastery and Saryn is one of the strongest frames in the game.
>>507339619Do remember that a Sentinel's Sacrifice mod HAS to be top left. Otherwise it might prioritize killing enemies around over reviving you. And the enemy is the goddamn tank, you are NOT going to be revived in time.Jump around a lot, avoid the green goop on the ground; it Dispells your powers.In the second phase if you can't kill the tank fast enough, save Incarnon ammo to destroy the pilons it will create cause those will also fuck you over. 2 shots of Lex Incarnon should break each pilon.In case you don't know, the tank heals like an Eidolon - the infested summon are the healers.AND you CAN summon specters as long as you do so before entering the boss arena. A Dante specter does miracles. Kahl's Beacon can be used any time as long as it isn't in cooldown so if shit goes south you can summon them again. They might not kill a lot but at least will divert some attention.Good luck.
>>507339674>three crackers with a token nigcel and a sissy gookhow did DE get away with this
>>507288546reminder that nova is fat
why do these women HAVE to talk about their past relationships?
>>507340326Women either talk about relationships or serial killers. If they ever approach another topic, you still need to remember that most of their words are about relationships and murderers and they're probably still thinking a out them.
>>507340326that's basically all women do, be happy these ones have other shit to say too
I tried to talk to Aoi about how she feels about Transference and I felt like the woman in the relationship because she repeatedly said she has no issues and started asking if I was doing some mind games or something.It felt like I was trying to trip her up with loaded questions.
>>507339674gonna put a dress on packet
>>507339717>>507339890but like, can i get it again if i sell it?
>>507340885It will be easy. Sell it now.
>>507340326t. Has never talked to a woman
>>507339674Waiting on phage to be meta so i can roll my riven for it and make big plat
>>507341015/wfg/ in a nutshell
>>507340236Its a boyband, that tracks.
>Onlyne's management decided to use fucking techrot to clone the band multiple times for some publicity stunts or insurance scams (or something else, it's not really said why)I guess now it makes a bit more sense why there isn't just one infested version of each of them but still, why the fuck would they clone them using weird techrot bullshit?
>>507341154This place has turned into /r9k/lite
>>507339105NTA but what ability would I put Xata's over for Mag?
>>507341429>why the fuck would they clone them using weird techrot bullshit?profit
just captured my first hydrolyst
>>507341429Average K-Pop manager
>>507340326So you know what you have to live up to
>>507341585gzdid he drop energize?
>>507341614This man was kino incarnate
Another migrant
>>507340326take a seat
>>507340326It's important information. Tells you what you need to avoid to not fuck it up, and can also tell you the woman is the problem depending on how she talks about her exes (If she has harsh words for all of them the problem is her). Generally couples break up because they fall out of love, not hate.
>>507288546Frames for this feel??
>>507293079>Every 20th ability cast past 7pm during winter when using a frame whose name starts with a consonant gains 5% ability strength per the number of eximus enemies with full armor in a 3m radius
>>507335630Sorry for what? This is the objectively best choice
>>507341905Literally Mesa
>>507341429Oh nice we know that OnLyne were actually signed to Nijisanji-Hollvania
>>507341801D2 is such a shit game.
>>507341905what the fuck is this dogshit
>>507340885It'll cost you way more than the slot I assume you're trying to save up by selling it.
>>507341429It’s a reference to all the boybands popping up back then and use of AI to replace people nowdays.You can read the files. There is a computer in Aoi’s room at the mall.The 1999 people weren’t just lacking kindness as Eleanor says. They were becoming more like the Orokin that you’d believe. Deliveries had a “techrot tax” which indicates they were using techrot as advanced AI systems and the like. Which is probably why the Effervon Tank has a second phase: the techrot didn’t infect it - it was there from the start
>>507341801cross is kino for d2 but his recent poe2 and wf videos make me cringe a lot and i can't watch them, crossovers like are too much for me
I don't subsume
do i even bother with these quests or nah
>>507342083Sounds pretty schizo. "Techrot tax" could just be for funding Scaldra.
>>507341478Pull or Crush. I used it over Pull. Polarize can restore shield sfor even faster shield gating if necessary, Bullet Attractor can get rid fast of tough Eximus units if needed or block their bullets.Crush helps in the 2nd phase with a lot of Techrot but doesn’t have extra purpose than damage. An anon said in 1st phase a Pull can knock Stormfalls from their parachutes but I didn’t try. And most of the time I managed to shoot the parachutes to kill them by the fall damage.So either of those.
>>507339674I hope we can get these guys as summons
>>507342214You sound poor
>>507338414>>507338582>>507338662>>507338675>>507338962>>507339162>>507339717>>507339890>>507340942>>507342048i sold it, alongside 6-7 other frames given to me by DE this year.yeah yeah, i know i'm a retard and i have made a massive mistake.but hear me out, i have barely 4 hours into this game, and honestly i really dislike handouts\free gibs.i dont care if saryn prime got vaulted alongside all of her weapons and parts, thus making her and her "relics" basically impossible to obtain because they dont drop anymore.i will keep playing my excalibur until i have a blueprint for a different frame, and then try that out.i dislike skips and handouts, as i said. i don't want a really stupid broken frame from the getgo, i havent even learned all the combos and abilities for excalibur really have no idea how ridiculously hard is to approach this game from a complete newfag POV, i've been reading so many guides that try to explain completely esoteric stuff, and before i actually installed this shit almost every single gameplay video was completely different from the others. i will play the game for the next hundreds of hours, try to farm enough mods to make the 110ish plats required to buy a blueprint for saryn prime, then farm the mats required for her parts.this is how i want to have fun with this game, i dont want some weird poison frame from MR 1.go on, mock the newfag.
>>507342247You need to do Call of the Tempestarii to fight Sisters of Parvos.
>>507342247Call is probably the most "mandatory" with locking the Corpus version of Kuva Liches behind. The rest are mostly there just for the lore if you wanna be lazy and just buy the frame off the market
>>507341801Cross is basedHope he sticks aroundWarframe youtubers fucking suck
>>507342694>he watches *vidya content creator* youtubersHello, tourist.
Is it safe to just ignore alt-fire on Stahlta?
>>507342840>ignore the best thing about staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahlta
>>507342817Brozime, Mogamu, and Rev X Dev are /wfg/ staples, newfriend.
>>507342443Based fun-on-my-terms gigachad.Have fun grinding for the next 3000 hours, king.
>>507342443 You could've always you know, not used it until later? You're literally not skipping anything by getting a farm frame, since relics are basically the same. If they had given you a base frame like for example styanax, then yeah you're skipping doing a whole quest thing for stuff to claim styanax, but you don't miss anything with prime frames.
>>507342934nobest thing is being able to larp that I'm playing F.E.A.R
>>507342981Literally never brought up or discussed except to get shit on.
this is a moug general
>>507342817>heh im so cool for not watching YouTubers!!!!
>>507343091Based. Glad I'm not the only one who was thinking of the fear nailgun. Now if only it were semi to match.
When Im doing Hydrolyst, do I need to bring in the stored lures before we break the final joint or after all are broken and hes down on the ground?
>>507343225I watch him for the drama.
>>507314195that mug is full of my cum
When are they gonna make more necramechs and archwings like fucking hell man
not doing EDA again this week
>>507342247The Yareli quest is cool and easy, the comic is fun.
>>507342083>They were becoming more like the Orokin that you’d believe.Amir mentions something called The O.R.O. in one of his chats, would be funny if the precursor to the Orokin and everything were in '99.
>>507342694Only bad part is warframe is very unwatchable and almost any build a youtuber makes (the one thing most destiny youtubers do) spreadsheet autists shit on
>>507343534My roll is ass but bearable, I will power through it
>>507343534it's a pretty easy one this week
>>507343572>Albrecht's notes in the comic say that what happens in Hollvania will chart humanity for the next 10k yearsUhh
>>507343558>Fat ugly bastard rape comics are fun
>>507343091You try trepang2? Closest we've got for a modern FEAR
>>507343624>>507343672my rolls are fine, I just don't wanna
>>507343572The reactor explosion was used as a false flag to set off the nuclear holocaust and afterwards the orokin took over.
>>507289043 answer
cuckframe 1999 status?
>>507344441Your meme died.
>>507344615Zigger status?
>>507343572>O.R.Oi read that as J.E.W when it popped up
>>507344650>eximus spawns already feel like Eximus Stronghold tier >Now they're all fucking Jade Eximus slaughtering shittersLol it's gonna be Jade Shadows 2.0 for a while
>>507344441Good thing I chose Lettie. After accidentally romancing Aoi. Had to rush to Aoi to dump her ass asap. I want a hispanic woman who will cook real food, fuck like an animal and is literally a doctor. Eleanor is just a lame e-girl and your drifter will NEVER be Christopher.
>>507342694A lot of games have an overflow of "THIS game has a serious PROBLEM that NEEDS to be fixed ASAP". Doomposters are fucking gay. Bellular types.
>>507344924>the chats literally have [Confess feelings] and [Date them]>I accidentally AoiOkay, what the fuck? How does this keep happening to you? Are you just retards or is she just that smooth?
Can we stop using the c word now, please.You had your fun for 2 days straight.
>almost 2025>no dedicated serversWhat gives? Are they THAT pricy? Is it so much better to host lgtvbbq events than run such servers?
>>507345245that pic is the world we'd live in if protoframe voruna existed
>>507343624Every roll can just be cheesed with frames like mesa anyways. Who cares what weapons and shit you get if you're just using abilities anyways.
Any sane anons here who don't care about fictional women?
>>507345650meI care about fictional men
>>507345650>faggot alert
what's the best color for enemy highlights? the reds that i pick are too strong i want a color that still lets me see what they actually look like, not just a moving blob of color that i have to attack
I hate the Drifter!I'm going to rape the Drifter as punishment for all the stupid stuff he did!That's right, manwhore! I bet you love being choked by me!Give it!Give it all!Yeah, that's it! Cry all you want but you can't escape this pussy! Damn, your dick is hardening so much in it!!Drifter, I'm cumming!! It's going all the way into my womb!!Uoooghhhhhhh!!Make me pregnant! Make me pregnant with your rape babies, you manslut!Phew... now that was a good rape.
>>507344650Next week's gonna be... hot.
>>507344615Cucked and framed.
>>507345650I care about fictional women (real)
>>507345756I just do red, you can lower the intensity if needed.
>>507345245Me personally, I misclicked when I 100% meant to click the "You're my best friend" line.
hi reb can i lick your asshole pleasealso give me a discount thank you
>>507342694Cross was okay when I watched his D2 vids years ago.I guess he can stick around.Warframe youtubers fucking suck.
>>507346495Reb is flat, greasy and disgusting. Her mind is no better since she worships and copy pasted final fantasy 14 quest mechanics into the new missions
How many women is here?
>>507344650So THAT'S why there were a fucking zillion arctic eximi.Is the plural eximuses or eximi?
Hello. I am 80 hours in and MR7. I still have no idea what I'm doing.
>>507346992whos asking?
>>507347060>>507347146I have all for me, but not if fat. Then all for You.
>>507347058Just have fun, don't chase the meta and don't listen to sweaty meta slaves.
>>507347058You're supposed to buy plat
>host migrate stole my fucking warframe
So what elements do I want for Ergo Glast Tenet weapons? Electric for influence?
>>507341905Nezha. Sliiiiide to the left.
>check cyanex>8% crit, 1,4x>32% status>inherent gasthis is a primer, right?
>>507342040It's a bunch of nerdy accountants and desk jockies on their lunch break pretending to have a gun fight and taking it too seriously. In other words, they're having fun.
>>507348264Heat for FerroxElectric works OK on AgendusNo idea about the rest, never used them much
Got an Incarnon Soma Prime and a Galatine Prime. Any recommendations for a secondary? I just don't see ANY fucking need for one.
>>507348506Kuva Nukor
>>507348376alt fire is a funni single target nuke
>>507348506Get Laetum and you will never need another secondary
>>507348556So fucking boring.
>>507348660thanks, this is more or less the build I was thinking about
>>507348692Tenet Cycron
>>507348692sure but its practical
>>507348506Kuva Nukor, Lex Prime, crit Laetum, Dual Toxocyst, Epitaph Prime, Grimoire. I'd have to log back into the game to see what else I think is good
>>507348497Yeah sounds about right. Any elements I got wrong for kuva/tenet weapons?
>>507348506Zymos is funny, you can casually hit for millions raw and more as DoT
I'm "close" with all the hex, so that means no more dating sim bullshit for me.
>>507347058start building your daily forma NOW
If you transference into Arthur and jerk off, is it masturbation or a handjob?
>>507349090Why would you put electric on the melee weapons? It only causes problems down the line for modding other elements.
>>507349404Melee influence. What other elements would you want besides maybe viral?
>>507349342When I see such pulls I feel cheated >>507316767
>>507349257You only had to reach Liked to unlock the rest of the syndicate ranks thoughbeit
>blue potato in duviri>and latron incarnonNext time, Lenz, i promise.
>>507349404meme influence
>>507349158show me
>>507349126VoltCHADs and GaussGODs get all the bitches
>>507349542yours clearly just shows screen of one mission's rewards not overall
>>507349090Why magnetic on everything?
>>507349837GunCO extra element, your choices are radiation or magnetic, and magnetic is more useful for its effect on shields and overguard.
>>507349532>>507349558Inherent electricity means you need three mod slots to mod for viral anyway.
>>507349820No it's the overall screen you can see the team pose screen. You only get that at the end of the run.
>>507350125then its clearly a 2nd run after you somehow failed the previous one, its missing all the rewards and only has shard + arcane
>>507349126You are so fucking gay Matthew
>>507349960You need TWO mods (toxin and cold) to mod for viral electricity. Three if you want more electricity weighting.If you did toxin or cold progenitor you'd still need 3 mods for viral + electricity and it'd be more weighted for electricity. If you got a toxin progenitor and put in cold and electricity you'd get magnetic + toxin, not viral + electricity.So I don't understand your point? Are you NOT going for electricity for melee influence?
when are they adding the option to change a warframes textures
>>507350498Your cold will combine into corrosive and toxic or corrosive and cold.
>>507350515'member voidshells?
>>507350515Bro your voidshell skins?
>>507349549Yeah but now everybody loves me, so I no longer need to pine for their attention.
>>507350638you're deliberately pretending to be an idiot
>>507349126>19 year old queermo trying to fuck AmirYour type usually goes for old to young (arthur) or more accurately perpetrator to victim (quincy). What gives?
>>507347058farm torid incarnon
>>507317385I'm banging Pablo's mom right now.