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Morathi edition

>100th LL showdown

1d6chan: https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts: https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/
Omens of Destruction DLC: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/46584/
Hotfix: 6.0.2 community.totalwar.com/wh3-hotfix-602

NOTE: If you see any bugs while playing, please post it here or upvote existing reports.

>Old but Gold Titles
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/TotalWar-Official/

previous thread: >>507186829
Be a good person
Feet Enchantress
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Thanquol soon, friends!
be a luthor person
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Good luck. No one has made a reskin where Tehenhauin is teal blue like his model or dlc trailer. I hate nigger-blue like you wouldn't believe
Crazy? (Not stupid)
Slaanesh shenanigans?
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>mods for warhammer 2 refuse to work unless i copy the data files over to the game directory
I'm a lorelet. Who is this thanqol guy?
But like it's more effective to buff the units that he already naturally buffs so like you can like double up, isn't it?
Funny villian of popular warhammer fantasy books, he's a greyseer who makes fun plans for the heroes to foil
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I heard the next game will be announced at the end of 2025 and warhammer 3 would be getting more dlc with both Kislev and Cathay slated to receive reworks during the year
There's something weird about his model and animations
don't know
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/Thanquol soon%2C friends/filter/text/
but this cunt has been at it for years
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Gotrek and Felix heroes are great
The most powerful and important character in the setting
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I just want elf DLC
Freiren would be a dark elf
The personification of Reddit
I'm an elf irl
hi Athena
ok troon

more like plaguebearer
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>1105 results and counting for "Thanquol, soon friends!"
oh..... she is an elf
I'm an elf
>guys look im le epic noticer
Calm down ratfag
>playing Golgfag
>get hired by a minor faction getting gangraped by multiple LLs
>teleport to them, run around behind the enemies' main armies and start capturing undefended settlements and gifting them to my employer
>get enough satisfaction to complete the contract without doing a single thing to actually improve my employer's chances of winning the war
>complete contract and teleport away to fight someone else
another satisfied customer
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Didn't know Goldfag trained under Kaio
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I'm excited for a helf dlc but what could they even use roster wise? Army wise I feel that they are one of the most complete factions in the game and essentially have everything. I know their court mechanics could use an entire rehaul with influence being ultimately worthless at the moment. Maybe influence will be changed to something like Tzeentch where they are able to spend influence on plots and schemes instead of just relation dumping.
just let nkari confederate azazel
whats the fucking problem
I hope the dlc removes some of their units honestly, they feel like they have so much thst I never use
I hope the dlc adds more bloat units, they don't have enough units that I never recruit
It's going to be Sea Patrol themed so
>Lothern Skycutter
>Sea Helms
More reskinned archers. Elves are boring as fuck here compared to 40k. Then again, it's like this with everything.
if you havent ever, I encourage you to murder chinks for the holidays. Quite a fun game if you pick a faction with a good gimmick to keep you interested.
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Haha I see what you did there, ty thats a good way to remember it!
I don't get it
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Facts, killing chinks is so great, their units die like lemmings and Vampirates give me the option of chopping them up, blasting them with magic, blowing them up with grenades, shooting them full of lead, or crushing them with under undead monsters.
Neastra is nice = Nicestra
Arahan is angry = Angryhan
I get it now
am I retarded of tzeentch's heroes' and lords' barrier does not replenish?
You are retarded
they have to not take damage for like 45 seconds or something
>Khorne gets literally who FLC
>Nurgle gets literally who FLC
>Tzeentch gets nothing
Excuse me?
Arbaal is better than Skulltaker though
Wait Arbaal is the FLC? I thought Skulltaker was, I could've been playing Arbaal for free?
They all deserve nothing so be thankful for what you got
based retard
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Legendary heroes were a mistake. Just give them factions already
They said Shadows Of Change will get an update so they'll give him a FLC
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All chaos factions are shit.
Change my mind.
It's what I did. Bought Gorbad and Golgfag, passed on Skulltaker. Arbaal is the only khornate I was interested in.
nurgle is just a weak faction. yes you get tanky units but everything else is subpar compared to other factions except their lords/heros which hard carry the army
that's not true
Poor Aekold, forever relegated into the LH cuckshed while FLC Egrimm will take his rightful spot.
>They said Shadows Of Change will get an update
>so they'll give him a FLC
its true, I'm playing their campaign and they have terrible economy and buildings.

Compared to high elves 100k gold per turn nurgle is a major struggle
10k per turn or 100k per turn doesnt matter, the game is over by that point anyway
How do you use Mangler squigs now?
i dont get why people can retreat through you on the campaign map its so fucking stupid
CA insists Egrimm is unique enough that he should be a proper DLC
We'll see if they change their tune when they update shadows of change for the twelfth time
I play nurgle exclusively for the wet squelching sharts when you click on the settlements
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So which promised rework will be coming first?
>SoC 3.0
cathay first then bretonnia
Brets -> Norsca -> Kislev -> Liggers -> SoC 3.0
I imagine Kislev since they want to get the SoC dlc update out and that will be a big selling point for it.

Brets need it the most but I don't see them getting anything.
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>The chinks literally have an "uno reverse card" spell
For some reason watching my cannonball fly 3 feet and then instantly turn around and reverse velocity directly into the cannon it just launched from is worse than watching the unit get charged by heavy cavalry.
rot knights are one of the most insane units in the game, and they got buffs on top of that thanks to mpniggers being retarded
>Play a battle
>try a strategy
>It doesn't work because my army can't position properly or gets caught out
>rematch it instantly before its even halfway over and try again

who else does this
I don't lose battles
true but I only reach that point in the game when I've already won (with my crappy units with heros/lords carrying)
I don't because if I lose a battle I quit the campaign.
Was kislev buffed last patch? I just fought them and they literally never routed, not once. Even the lowliest of kislevite warrior fought to the death. And Katarin was running around with 3 frost wyrms on turn 10.
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a true gentleman
Why are Skaven so op and how do people keep excusing this?
>skavenslaves and clanrats, despite being fodder will actually best even some tier 3 units due to campaign upgrades
>best artillery in the entire game (cost wise)
>best cavalry in the game that has near infinite mass coupled with damage when running through with a chariot crush
>all their lords are some of the best duellists in the game (like, why? why is Queek so strong? Why the fuck is TRETCH of all lords so frickin strong? Tretch can literally kill Grimgor and Archeon if he gets a little lucky)
>has access to THE literal strongest winds of magic in the game, capable of near-infinitely spamming warp lightning which will wear down ANY army in the game
>can instantly create tier 5 settlements out of thin air giving them access to late game units before turn 20, something only DLC factions can do in limited fashion, the AI ignores all penalties when it does this naturally
>AI skaven always have x9 charges of unit summon which forces you to guard your own artillery and archers
>Skaven, for some benign retarded reason, has a unique flee mechanic that gives their units 0 mass when they rout, which allows them to move THROUGH your units, making their units rout into your backline, giving them unique bonusses when they turn around and attack you from the rear
thats just what I can think of right now
>lose a unit
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>crave some greenskinz action
>boot up skarsnik
>he now has stalk stance
>have loads of fun with cheap nightgobbo/normal gobbo stacks, new squiggs fugg
>capture 8peaks
>it gives every single one of my normal armies stalk too
Ok, I've made some tests. Apparently it happens only on small unit sizes (which I was playing at).
>>skavenslaves and clanrats, despite being fodder will actually best even some tier 3 units due to campaign upgrades
Stopped reading right here, rest is probably lies too
Sooo, how are you supposed to kill Archaon and Tyrion in combat in this game?
All true
Some of this might be true.
Kill the rest of their army.
Why are there no pikemen in WH?
You could have just said warp lightning and nukes, that's all you need to prove that rats are a dumb babby mode faction. Ratfags oscillate between coping and denying that rats are OP and acting smug about it.
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lost technology...
Warscape relies too much on kill animations because it makes redditors pog
Skarbrand first timer here. What am I in for?
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>Rolling the cannons away and singing sea shanties (somehow getting almost every word wrong yet still keeping rythm) the zombies go back to their River-Reaving campaign.

The Dead Flag fleet are the bane of the great rivers of South Cathay.

This pic is from a battle where we held an elevated position against a Cathayan army. They tried to climb the hill but were hammered by gunfire all the way and had no cavalry to flank. Most of the chinks died before they reached the zombies frontline. Those that didn't were pulled down by the hordes or chopped apart by the Depth Guard.
I would reject Morathi on the spot.
>This mf never played a Warhammer game
There are no kill animations in WH3 besides a few monsters and Legendary Lords.
oops my all cavalry army just stomped all over your rats
Bretonnia rework
you can now insta recruit grail guardians and every LL is now a horde faction spend chivalry points to give +5 MD to all cavalry units in your army for 3 turns
When the fuck is CA just gonna add skavenslaves as attachment to armies the way Waagh armies are? Aren't most Skaven armies supposed to mainly be skavenslaves? Right now I barely use them since if you can afford it you want clanrats or Stormvermin
I would rapeject Morathi on the spot.
How? Doomflayers are the best cavalry in the game…
They got nerfed this patch.
Today, I was thinking about Hoplites.
Did you think about any Total War units, today?
I think a little Lessathi would be better
>He doesn't use secondary lord turn 1 and fill him with cheap ass skavenslaves to use as meat fodder
It's already here, has been since always.
Morathi has nearly 200 charge bonus, nice try.
I think about Bloodletters a lot.
too much micromanagement. Can get killed by lightning strike etc
warhammer mostly removed kill animations (at least for infantry) and games with kill animations like rome 2 have deadly effective pikes, so you're hilariously wrong on several counts
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Time to betray/ambush the Sassashits, take their capital, then complete my control of the spice and unlock new stuff.
414 Spring
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I was thinking about chariots
>oh noes, the sacrificial expendable fodder army can be killed
Horned Rat, how horrible!
>lose Skavenslave army
>have to spend several turns retraining it and getting it to the frontlines
meh. I might actually look for a mod
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what's he thinking right here?
He looks like that annoying kid in class
Skaven are actually underpowered and will get buffed.
>getting it to the frontlines
You can recruit slaves anywhere, you know. 1 turn global recruit after 10 settlements.
That's only a thing in soigun 2
you lost the based Kang with the lion?
First point is incorrect.
Second point is correct.
Not only Arbaal is free: hes actually the best and funnier to play of the new lords. He also dosent need none of the new mortal units because the are straight downgrades of already existing Khorne units
lol what, wrathmongers are insane.
Does anyone other than eceleb cliques actually play MP?
>He also dosent need none of the new mortal units because the are straight downgrades of already existing Khorne units
Its sub-optimal to put any daemons in his army at all, any Khorne-marked unit that classifies as human are unbreakable under him past rank 7, once you get them all past there and keep them from getting unit wiped, game's over unless you run into like 3 doomstacks at once.
>any Khorne-marked unit that classifies as human are unbreakable under him past rank 7
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWNN,,,,I hate overpowered shit like this. is the entire new DLC ust OP shit?
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Khorne armies are fucking stupid. It's already impossible to lose anything if you have a stack of chaos warriors. you can spend your entire campaign auto resolving everything on VH and not suffer any losses due to how broken the faction is.
not really, the 4x campaign is the core of the experience the rts segments are just there to break up the monotony
Gorbad's not op. I had to restart a campaign recently, if thorgrim beats skarsnik it's very hard.
Why couldn't CA break into the esports scene?
Skulltaker yeah, Golgfag kinda. Arbaal is obviously OP because he's Khorne but his mechanic is all about deliberately gimping yourself before challenges to get better rewards so it still ends up fun. Gorbad is not OP at all.
Why do you want CA to get into the eSports scene?
Gorbad is actually slighty underpowered and his start position is very hard
battles are kind of boring and not very fun to watch in a competitive environment. there's also the fact a lot of the time the battles are slow. then there's the balance issue of the game being a clownshow with lords / heroes.
>Mao Ying corruption progression
uh yeah that mod is based as hell
I played a thorgrim campaign recently. AI Gorbad is kind of a pussy who wouldn't declare war on me. Killed him off easy.

I did kill skarsnik first though if that matters
His gimmick forces you to create mixed armies in a game focused on doomstacks of 1-2 specific units supported by some heroes
which factions have the best units in the early/mid game?

Because I usually quit before getting to t5 and never really recruit late game units because I basically won that game at that point
>game focused on doomstacks
not my game
t. ttcaps
Matters a lot, if he survives he takes care of the dwarves and he becomes high strength rank meaning you can snipe him for the biggest waagh(+15 leadership for all units is pretty strong on greenskins).
If he dies you get sandwiched between throgrim and queek.
tried bannerlord because it looked like 3rd person total war. just wasn't impressed and had to refund it. maybe I'm spoiled because of total war battles
>Playing the game against the enlighted vision of the developers
the RTS camera mod is basically a requirement if you want to enjoy big battles
Fucking love Greasus' campaign since the update, just need to mod the fat fuck so he isn't stuck in a wheelbarrow.
Lizardmen and Kislev are done, no more updates.
>Rts camera mod
I do want to enjoy big battles. What does that do?
The only people who say that are people who play something overpowered and don't want a nerf
It lets you zoom out and zoom in much further
gives you a button to force an RTS style camera view that lets you control your army from the sky, and you can switch between third/rts view at will
Is Medieval 3 out yet?
The first king? If thats what you mean he died of old age, 1 turn before I attacked.

I spent the first part of the game raiding ERE, they dead now. Got a good bank account built up to fund my raids on the Sassys. They also sued for peace first turn and gave me 4300, just gonna attack again next turn anyway.
>not just parking Greasus on a hill to watch as his expensive doomstack rolls multiple armies
Keep it pleb
It's more the cheap look to it, man's the richest ogre and has some ramshackle wooden lounging chair.
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When I re-attacked nearly all of their Vassals and Allies turned on them. Couldnt have worked out any better.
Ogres are just too disgusting and ugly to be playable
I lost a unit of skavenslaves today
Total war has fallen. Millions must cry. Buffs all rats immediately
ogres seem to be everywhere now, and part of order tide just because they can trade, greasus just sitting on orcs, nurgle that weird centaur man thing while I take over everything to the left.
Skavenslaves (Chosen) WHEN???
You're disgusting and ugly anon, but I would play your faction
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over nine thousand client satisfaction and all i got was this lousy tshirt
I am beautiful and magnificent
came out last year man...
Prove it
Venris pls go
Suprisingly true. Had much more fun going around with Arbaal's Khorne group than Skulltakers. Probably because he can instantly move around the world a lot quicker than Skulltaker who's only instant travel mechanic starts with a 10 turn CD.
The tbest way to play Arbaal is not for a no defeat run, we already know once he gets his mortal army going, there's basically no stopping him. Rather, get him defeated in the first battle and do the whole campaign with the Defeated debuff and wage war on everyone.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34p4D6tB9oo LL for this track?
There exists a timeline where CA never returned to making FLC lords.
Unironically Norsca.
Do you think that Total War: Warhammer 40k will have FLC factions?
Not gonna happen
I wish you were right
Too busy developing Total War:Hawk Tuah
I was kind of excited for a new british campaign but it just turned out to be some dumb gimmick campaign instead.
Who was the Roman military leader off the battlefield( able to get an army from scratch or near scratch get them trained and have good equipment such as weapon seals and armor before battle) and who was the Roman military leader On the battlefield( military tactics in the field able to seize the moment knowing how to use the enemy strengths and weaknesses against them) I'm going to call keeping t the Army together in the face of possible decision( George Washington specialty)neutral between the two types .
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>>get enough satisfaction to complete the contract without doing a single thing to actually improve my employer's chances of winning the war
Don't matter, contract is fulfilled
Deal with it
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Try (and fail) to convince me your legendary lord looks cooler than Valkia's husband.
>Total War: Warhammer 40k
oh boy you're gonna be upset when turns TW:SW trailer comes out...
That looks dorky as fuck that's not even good for a demon prince
star wars would never taint their flawless ip with the stain of totalwar
>The guys she tells you not to worry about
>he doesn't know
No one tell him
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Do one for Skaven
sword and gun masters of hoeth who have elven made pistols that shoot magic and still use their greatsword one handed and block missiles with them
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Guys I saved Europe!
France has fallen.
Billions must Sacre Bleu.
>guys I made sure powerhungry yurodespot X died, now powerhungry yurodespot Y will lead yurope to a glorious new future!
Nothing ever happens (to the status quo)
>We are doomed comrades!
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I know a way to save France...
mods will make the npc factions playable so technically sure
Just space marine chapters
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Bretonnia is such a cool faction
Is there a version of this mod that adds beastman cum all over her cleavage?
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Sorry, the grail is only filled with milk from ze lady. No cum allowed.
Worst thing about 3k is that every leader is unbreakable and no amount of chinks can beat them in melee.
Would you like a total war 3 Undead 3way DLC?
Which roc should I do?
I want to suffer.
That's just how they were, I learned that in Dynasty Warriors
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FUCK YES. I have been waiting for my tomb, count and coast bro's to get the love they deserve. I doubt CA will do it because they seem to like spreading the love across fairly different factions but I'd absolutely kill for a triple threat undead DLC

I can see why it overflows with milk, Jesus Christ
honestly the only things I liked about 3K were the retinue system, officer loyalry, court politics and character relations. when you had an officer it felt truly felt like they were offering their services to you. If they left they would take their army with them. Aside from heroes being an absolute nuisance in romance mode the only real major issues with the game was just how samey all of china was. There was way too many factions and it was hard to follow who was who. I would have loved to see a follow up or another mainline TW game that carries on what they tried to do with 3K.
Malus is literally unplayable because of his emo bitching and whinning
I'm still hoping for Total War 3 Kingdoms 2.
I'm sorry but all lord packs must include a daemon faction so CA can justify wasting time on monogods
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Kairos and Danny boy are tied for suffering.

Also is my game bugged? My menace belows look weird...
Like no joke this barbarian he-man fucker from the south can solo my armies. Zhang Yang can solo my armies because his axe makes him unbreakable etc. If they are on a horse they are invulnerable unless you have a single entity to stab them. I'm already annoyed because I didn't realize he was at war with me because his entire faction portrait is covered with his fat face so I didn't see the red outline.
I'm playing it now, its not so bad. Theres enough unique bits but if you pick a boring faction you'll be snoozing. For example Dong Zhou has his intimidation mechanic that allows you to bully people into diplomacy and if you maintain it at max (which is easy) you get more points to bully people using the emperor (who you have once he comes of age). If you make Lu Bu your heir and then recruit Ma Teng as prime minister your cavalry become absolute beasts. You also have three horse pastures nearby that further reduce their cost so shock become free. BUT you gotta get an add-on to turn off looters or else you will constantly get pissed off when council missions send a "looter" stack (fully recruited and high quality)
that randomly attacks a settlement at edges of the map.
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This was on VH/VH as Arbald. Khorne and chaos warriors are stupid as fuck. I know they sent a pretty trash army at me but holy crackers I should not have this insane advantage with similar tier units.
more fair than liggers vs skaven in wh2
>4k supply settlement
no shit
How do you use mangler squigs
Huntsman general
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>DLC is called Shadows of Change
>it keeps getting changed
I don't get it
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I feel betrayed, I really should have waited longer instead of buying the whole thing
I just wanted the Juan, couldn't give less of a shit about creepy granny and the conjoined twins circus freaks
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>Lothern Skycutter
fuck no, that piece of shit looks like something from Age of Tranymar
Aekold Helbrass
So does the thundaborge and nukhorne shit but that didn't stop CA
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Wtf do you mean Arbaal and Epidemus have been around for a super long time
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I will now use your mod.
I don't think there have been a case of LH being promoted to LL. What would you want for a tzeentchan LL if not the magic plant knight
Treat them like a chariot with crazy splash damage
>Markus Wulfhart
Markus Wulfhart
He really doesn't have a lot of lines, does he. I feel like he says his name 40% of the time
Isabella von Castein
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Ya, you will
thats the joke dummy >>507375743
It's the opposite, she was a ll first.
Sisters of Twilight are a LH in the tabletop. I think Epidemius is too.
She looks so fucking stupid on the campaign map and in battle, do wood elf fags REALLY
No I mean implemented as a LH but then later made an LL. Tabletop is tabletop
Alright got you anon. Sounds like a fun campaign so far. Axum is one of my favorite factions
Im so proud of CA for making a in game character for every sexual fetish. No matter what you're into you will get hard at least once
but what if I have a Thanquol fetish
Who in their right mind would be attracted to ___dwarfs___?
I am not attracted to any character in total war warhammer, the men and women are all uncanny
Generic greyseers are in the game.
Gay midgets
C'mon anon what are you into? We got it.
thanquol is a hot twink cuddly grey seer not one of these crackheads we got in game
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Naestra, the chast, no makeup.
Arahan, the slut, makeup.
Naestra looks like agp Legolas in that pic
They said, big content is for Kislev, while Tzeentch and Catahy will get sloppy second half assed contents.
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It has been, I went the Semitic Pagan route first but when I got the mission to convert back I went for it. Finding Eastern Christianity to be god tier. Im getting these add-ons to my characters, for get what theyre called, that give +10 Religious influence faction wide. Ive got like +90 influence in all my settlements and 0 religious buildings built.
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both made for Bretonnian squires.
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Finally Kostaltyn will get the units he deserves
Sweet! I've gone both paths. I like the unique units you get.
Trick is to do what you did and first focus on the religion you're not going for in order to get that mission
Purchased Rome 2 Emporer Edition. What's the best Rome 2 campaign for a warhammer kiddie? Something with relatively simple mechanics which translate well from Warhammer.
just play Rome, it's the easy faction with heavy infantry that shitstomps everything and javelins out the wazoo
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Bro, your shortstacks?
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>They're Taking the Halflings to Zharr-Naggrund
I might do that. Just played Arbaal recently. How is Egypt, are they any good?
Why are chinks so weak?
Basically Macedon with some special units but solid
extremely good, one of the easiest factions in the game
you have a good Macedonian style phalanx core with exotic units like elephants and chariots + you start with an entire province unlike most factions many of whom start with just a minor settlement, and it's one of the best food producing provinces on the map so you'll barely have to worry about food
rice based diet, please understanding
>warhammer fantasy literature is full of sex
Need source + proofs
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all soitherners are weak
>must stand in lines next to each other
>all their enemies are lines breakers
One of the best starting positions in the game and extremely good pikes even they're not the best pikes of the successor kingdoms. Also decent later access to swords and scythed chariots which are ancient lawnmowers if used correctly.
>Want to play a faction that isn't Nurgle
>Get bored after 5 turns and play Nurgle
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When will he come back bros? CA already added the landship
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he moved onto better thing, no reason to go back to slophammer
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What's with all the Skaven/DElf stuff?
Elf women crave ratcock
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*ting ting*
May I have your attention? Thank you.
Elves, in their mistaken assumption that the old ones thought of them as anything more than weapons of mass destruction, continually make the poorest of long term decisions despite being the poster child for being able to afford spending time on issues and being able to accrue huge amounts of information. Therefore I believe, just like the liggers, we should have a slur for them that represents their stupidity because knife ear is almost to kind. thank you
for some reason gifting settlements or doing actions against your client's enemies doesn't improve your relations with the client or worsen them against the client's enemy
however if you peace out against the enemies at the end of the contract, you earn minus points on relations with the client and good points with the client's enemies for peacing out
very weird
First part is intentional, the tutorial explicitly states all your actions reflect on your employer, so only they get the bad relations from your actions. As a result, second part is probably a bug.
yeah it's hilarious, I've been playing through my campaign only taking contracts from Order races fighting off Chaos and the undead and 80 turns in all the people I'm helping hate my guts because of all of my "treaties" with Norsiggers, People of Chaos, Dark Elves and vampires
whose da artist
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I want a slaanesh update so I can properly vassalize elves again
Am I alone in thinking jade warriors are the best on that list? The early game armour and charge defense if they don't move shouldn't be slept on
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evolution of a empire player
>damn marauders are just stronger
>they keep breaking my lines
>I can stack defensive stats to bolster my lines
>I can use heroes to help hold my lines
>I can use charge defense to stop pushes into my lines
>I can use magic to keep them from hitting my lines
>I can use mass to stop them from getting through my lines
>there is no line....
>we're going to need guns
>lots of guns
Which elf would you rather be kidnapped by?
Rakarth so i can see his cool menagerie
The future of....Total War and Creative Assembly
I really want to just spend a day as a Bretonnian knight, not necessarily a Grail Knight just like an Errant or Knight of the Realm, and go on a sortie into the land around Athel Loren and catch a camp of rogue Asrai who've been raiding my lord's village, killing his peasants and driving off the hunting game.
I rally a dozen men-at-arms and catch them breaking camp before dawn, elves are fast, but not as fast as Bretonnian horses, and we catch them.
I stave in an Asrai male's head with a mace and go for his friend, maybe blocking a few arrows before smashing him to the ground and beating his soft, pretty little wood elf face until its nothing but a bloody ruin.

Maybe there was a female with them, my men-at-arms bring her to me after we kill what few remain, being shy about killing a lady, even if it IS an elf lady. Naturally I tell them I'll take care of it, and take her to my keep.

Modest little holding, maybe in Parravron, nothing more than a motte and bailey, if that. I chain her legs with hard iron and keep her in a thin night gown and nothing else, and have her as a paramor.

She may grumble and call me a lumberfooted savage at first, but after a few years, the once proud and noble daughter of the forest will be a willing and eager little pet, who I can parade in front of visiting lords, and enjoy how I like.

Perhaps, if Elves are capable, she'll even bear me a son.
Teclis, so I can tell him my autistic lore knowledge and eagerly give myself stockholm syndrome by willingly being a servant in the White Tower just so I can read all the in-universe history books and myths.
I don't visit /twg/ much anymore, but holidays, anons.
Also, sexy momrathi.
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Which legendary lord would you fuck with a pillow under their back?
Rakarth afterwards we could see his cool menagerie
the leechlord
WH3 should be scarier
Which animal do you want to look at most anon?
the hydra, medusa or dragon
Fay Enchantress Because she's really pretty and she probably won't murder me
idk if the Medusa would be in the Menagarie, she's basically just a heavily mutated Dark Elf woman.
you can capture medusas as rakarth so im sure he has a few in there
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Naestra's massive fun bags
>Focus on the enemy
>C'mon man keep it together
>"Why aren't you firing?!"
>s... sorry
You think he'd let me put a pillow under a medusa?
No fucking shot thats the vanilla model
>Heavily mutated
>Dark Elf
The snake part is the least monstrous of the three things that makes a Medusa.
if you pay him enough sure
Nah, I have the "sisters of twilight on foot" mod on and realized the OP gave her mega milkers
>Ramsay Bolton meets Rakarth

How would it go?
Ramsay Bolton shows how cruel he can be by skinning people alive and feeding people to his dogs meanwhile Rakarth laughs at his attempt to be cruel and shows him what real torture is
Good man. Link for mod? I'd like to see them on foot.
tried an archaon campaign since people say its so great but im having such a miserable time. The dark fortress mechanic means you just wanna hang around Norsca/chaos wastes all the time, its kind of a bummer and then the vassal system sucks where even after designating targets or issuing orders my allies begrudgingly move around. The recruitment system sucks where any loss to the army means multiple turns set back. After growing to getting 20k income a turn i cant even field more armies as anywhere i go runs out of recruits or if i get a harsh setback during campaign like a pyrrhic victory, i can only recruit 1 marauder, 1 poison dog, 1 regular dog, and 1 horsemen so i have to sail back home to make new armies. The upgrade system is novel but when I need to replace some chosen who died, suddenly the AI can just boucne back in 2 turns with heavy infantry while I have to run around until my marauders can level up. The blessing mechanic sucks, i feel like i can never justify the buffs because i need to be constantly refilling my capacities so my armies can field dangerous monsters since dragon ogres are so hard to come by so i wind up mostly having armies of trolls or spawn

Im trying to wrap this campaign up but i feel like i missed out on something. id rather play a greenskin army or a beastmen army then this any day.
Hard filtered.
Eltharion campaign would be fun if you could just focus on Ulthuan and its surrounding. Fuck the Baldlands expedition
Sereneblades (shields)
Brightfragments (shields)

Big monster to add for the trailer

Shyish Archers
Shyish Archers (light armour)
Shyish Lothern Sea Guard
Shyish Lothern Sea Guard (shields)
Shyish Eagle Claw bolt thrower
Shyish Shadow Warriors
Shyish Sisters of Avelorn

A new OC artillery piece that bombards the enemy with a specific order of magic (Ghyran, Azyr, Ulgu, Shyish, Aqshy, Ghur, Hysh, and Chamon), is also multi-shot

>Upon impact
Ghyran = Dwellers Below
Azyr = Chain Lightning
Ulgu = Pit of Shades
Shyish = Spirit Leech
Aqshy = Flame Storm
Ghur = Amber Spear
Hysh = Net of Amyntok
Chamon = Plague of Rust
>ai casts spell on your unit
>whole unit disintegrates into fine ash
>you cast spell on ai unit
>5 losses
explain to me why this isn't pure unfiltered trash, what a shit patch
wait we are getting helf dlc? I dont see anything announced

did the patch fuck with magic?
Thats the only explanation I have. Never have I seen magic be this biased before. Its literally every spell. AI casts something, anything, and whole units just fucking vanish. You can cast overcharge vortexes or storms into blobs and watch as you rack up a fraction of the kills you used to.
I casted plenty of of chain lightnings and comets and thunderbolts and firestorms as ogres and haven't noticed any difference.
I just had battle as elves and through the battle some energy arrows were flying from sky and hitting enemy units. Wtf was that? Never noticed it before and it was NOT my units shooting it
>Building infrastructure in your settlements
>As WoC
Anon I...
>Greenskins (Gorbad) are bugged, Waaagh doesn't give rewards (possibly if you ever load a savegame the script breaks if community bugfix is to be believed)
>some Gorbad plans seemingly don't work or will randomly unequip themselves immediately
>Changeling can't even leave the radius of cities he's conquered, same with factions that establish coves and undercities (but nobody does those ever so whatever)
CA, this is the worst sort of bugs to leave for a month-long Christmas+New Year leave, your hotfix should've been focusing these, not some esoteric Skulltaker nerfs. All it takes is one heavy thread on reddit and/or steamforums and the community may be enraged again, though they seem pleased after the post so maybe that's what you're counting on. You should've fixed the actual issues in it while saying Skulltaker nerfs community seemingly demands are coming.
I am getting Waaagh rewards
This is a bug TCALUK themselves confirmed though, and it happened to me and many others.
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Who would the Warhammer equivalent of Ayusi be?
>ethnic mongol
>joined Qing Dynasty to wipe out the Dzungar Khanate
>genocided his people en masse
>depicted in numerous paintings leading armies against his own Mongolian kin
>turned Xinjiang from mostly Mongol populated to Uyghur/Kazakh/Han Populated
>the capital of xinjiang (urumqi) still has a Mongol name from before the genocide
Any Empire turned Chaos such as Egrimm or Festus or Archaon
what about a Chaos defector turning to...idk, the Empire? Cathay?
>I just had battle as elves
vs who?
Does that ever even happen?
Eltharion vs random orc npc
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I'm a sucker for "redeemed demons", it probably never happens in Warhammer but I wish there was even just one example
No wait, technically Aranessa, although she's not really Chaos, but rather an abandoned Norscan who grew up to hate her people.
It did happen in one of Slayer books. Some human noble who fell to Chaos but later regret it and fought against it. When he died Chaos gods still claimed his soul
Doesn't Eltharion have a passive that shits out a barrage of arrows on cooldown whenever he's in melee?
No idea. It does not mention it in the faction select screen
the unequipping is because you dont auto go to the next plan slot, you have to manually click
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>TWW3 now crashes after loading into battle
>tested with fresh campaign without mods and got the same result
Go on without me.
so basically if you ever fall to Chaos, never turn your back on it and always go full ham
lol it's Eltharion. When he's in melee combat, he automatically summons magical bolts from the sky.
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>AI can field 6-7 armies with only one province on very hard
>blob battle after blob battle
>never ending 4 army vs 4 army
>have to fight every single battle because auto resolve is adamant I cant manage fighting massive blob battles that all take +40 minutes each
please tell me why people think that giving the AI more resources make the game harder...
verify your files nigga
restart your console
So do good players ignore blue skill line? I am always getting it first (unless my lord is caster with good magic) for upkeep reduction and replenishment.

I also ignore yellow line that buffs just lord. Am I doing it wrong?
>for upkeep reduction and replenishment.
also for better ambush chance if I play races that have stalk move or whatever is the assault ambush stance called
blue line is usually my lowest priority. The exceptions are dwarfs that need replenishment, or ambush chance for ambush races.
Yeah, forgot about that.
But I'm running it on my fridge cause I play ogres.
Everyone goes red line, getting something like +8 MA/MD for the frontline is insane
Making this mandatory to not be cheating
Delete system32
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The campaign power gap between some cultures/factions is the problem. I can handle anything AI can throw at me as Ogres(even before the update), WoC, rats etc. Current AI cheats on legendary feels perfect for their campaigns.

And then we got Katarin who has to deal 6 full stakcs of rats + 3 full stacks of WoC + 2 monke stakcs from vassal with 2 stack of kossars, or Khalida that has to concede land just to survive.

I want Neferata right fucking now but updates/bugfixes should be the prio. Some campaigns must be harder than others sure but suffering doesnt equal fun anymore.
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Siege battle AI is retarded.
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For ze Lady!
I dont think you understand what it is im complaining about. Battles are too big. There are too many pieces running around. 4 full stacks fighting 4 full stacks constantly all the time is just not fun. Especially when you are forced to recruit and make shitstacks just to have enough shit to meet all of the massive amounts of units that they field. Its tiresome. Its boring. Incredible fun killer.

I just wish CA would finally introduce sliders so that I could double upkeep or something, just something to make battles less unnecessarily blobby. Like, its fun to have the occasional huge massive battle. Yes, that can be fun. But when you reach turn 30 and onwards, its the LITERAL only thing that happens.

Also, Kislev was megabuffed recently. If you lose as Kislev you are shit. Period.
>So do good players ignore blue skill line?
Yes, they also ignore the yellow and the red lines, because they don't cheat. They also play on Turin's streams.
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fuck stunties
and the game still forces you to play them, should have just been removed on immortal empires introduction
>Control large armies
You can always turn that off you know that right?
Protip, my peach: some casters have spellcasting efficiency higher than 100%.
It depends on faction. If you can get upkeep and/or you have specialist armies, blue line is very good for the lightning attack.

Red line is only relevant if you make armies with dominantly one-two kind of units.

Yellow is needed for caster lords or duellists. Its really all just priority and knowing whats good for the situation.
control large armies is only there for people with potato pc's or cheesers, it shouldnt actually exist and the battles should be smaller by default
do you just destroy towers with your artillery and then shoot them with archers until you run out of ammo?
Yes. Once the AI discovers its one brain cell and moves away from the walls far enough, then you send in the melee infantry for the final push while being covered by archer fire.

Also, Eltharion has unlimited ammo and any high elf can get the item for unlimited ammo via rng.
It's not exclusive for helfs, anyone can drop the quiver afaik.
>besiege enemy capitol
>autoresolve gives me valiant defeat
>end turn
>enemy didnt assault my besieging army

Why wont the pussies stop hiding behind their walls and attack me?
vampire counts cant
i want to fuck isabella
Ok, let me rephrase it, anyone with a generic lord/hero with ranged attack can drop the quiver.
>upkeep reduction
Get better at battles also better stats means less losses which means less need for replenishment.
An embedded hero with increased replenishment and ending turns in conquered settlements is more than enough.
The best blue skill is the first one, take that and nothing else until all reds you need for your comp and worthwhile yellows are taken.
Stats on fighting LLs are good and potentially better to take than reds early if you want to save red skills for late game units.
>the enemy should leave their defended walls so i can kill them easier
just turn down the difficulty if you think that way
>late game units
you have beaten the game by lategame and you can just respec anyway
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Relax, Vlad.

By the way, Nefy when?
>the enemy should just die to attrition instead of destroying their attacker
Enjoying pirate campaign #521?
Blue one is the best since TWW1 because it buffs you on a strategical layer, improving things that you can't bypass with your manual skill, like income. Buffing your 19 units is better than buffing single one that is general as well.
Most people invest into their single entity general for fun factor.
Nagash (FLC(LH))
>they could be waiting for reinforcement
>someone else could declare on you while you are sieging
if they cant beat you waiting for the timer is a better strategic decision
that's golfag at turn 30. he's busted
blah blah blah
You know which unit I want for the Asur? Griffons. And griffon knights like a lesser version of knights of Tor Gaval.
Wait a sec.....hm....
Early alliance with Morgianna paid off. Grail knights are so good in proper balanced high elf armies since their own cavalry is shit.
You should ally with rats instead, they have the best cavalry in the game.
Instead of Lord pack they should just release an Elf character pack that just adds Kouran, Tullaris and Shadowblade LHs for Dark Elves and Finubar with a Tyrionbull prepping mechanic LL alongside some LH that buffs White Lions into game ending doomstacks or something I don't know I don't care about the High Elves.
>6k gold and 6 turns to recruit a unit of Tor Gaval knights
What do they feed them?
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I can't stand to watch it
I hate coffee as well, tastes like shit and makes my heart hurt
I hate minecraft as well, has been overplayed and yearly updates are lacking
kislev is so fucking annoying to fight
i take dark fortresses and will usually build the income buildings first and then get the sorc/exalted one buildings but I just find im running out of troops. I am trying to attack into greenskin tide and I can't get troops fast enough
i want to fuck isabella and i will fuck isabella
i want to stab her so much its not fair
Fate of Bruna or Purple sun?
This but alcohol it's all absolute piss
I thought CA said that they weren't going to use any End Times units and lore.
What happened? What changed their minds?
Typical coast incel
>ever letting your LL be benched
Does anyone have that /twg/ Christmas mashup image with Otomo, Crusader, Squire, bastilidon and other stuff in background?
Who delivers the Christmas presents in your game - Thorgrim, the White Dwarf, Astragoth, Zhatan, or Boris Todbringer?
Grombrindal for presents Zhatan for coal works pretty well
>Krampus Throgg
turin has a wife
legend has a wife
what do you have? nothing
out of content
Talking to yourself again? Classic Luthorposter!
Anyone else really excited for the Kislev rework?
me unironically
I won't hold my breath
why is kislev getting a rework? they only came out 2 years ago

still insane that Tomb Kings and Norsca have been utterly neglected this entire time. Not to mention the weird bargain bin of mechanics Vampire Coast gets. I don't get why Wood Elves got two DLCs but the rest of the dlc factions get nothing
its luthorposter not Luthorposter
dumb bitch
Bretonnia never got rework since WH2, yeah they got buff update, but that's it.
Kislev is available to every player and is a very front-facing campaign thus their issues are more important to more people. They inherited the worst version of being designed around RoC, other factions either got mostly fixed or never had those issues in the first place.
Haha So Wacky
>start Gor-Rok
>check top of screen
>just gold/income
>literally nothing else
Looks bizarre
keep orbiting faggot
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Why every hobo is trying to harass me for change?
it's Lutherposting
Luthorpostingâ„¢ by Luthor Harkon
Luthorschizo is bad at the game.
Kislev is one of the most played campaigns. Tomb kings is one of the least played campaigns. They put resources into projects more players will benefit from first
>said the ikit player
No one should be trying to brag about being good at this game, it's extremely casual and not competitive in the slightest
I play only Gelt actually.
how do you maintain WoC armies after you leave chaos wastes/Norsca? I'll invade the empire and Bretonnia and at most I can recruit one marauder infantry, one horseman, and a dog. If I take a pyrrhic victory, it basically cripples the army or if I let an enemy slip away they'll pop back in 2 turns with their heavy infantry/cavalry/artillery refilled while I have to wait 4 turns minimum to add in another bloodletter or hellcannon
do they really have the stats posted for people to see? I'd be curious what the most played campaigns look like. And I have to imagine Tomb Kings is one of the least played because of how their faction is set up to work. The last thing they got was their debut DLC 6 years ago.
Are you new here? Go to the last thread and ctrl+f "cheats"
You're supposed to take most of the dark fortresses first, same with how Norsca only cares about ports
Kislev was the most defeated faction in 2024 so I imagine a lot of people played them.
>forced meme by one literal autist being laughed at by the thread
What is that meant to show?
Most played faction across multiple continents in 2023 also
Total War games that you should try out in 2025:
Total War: Rome 2
Total War: Three Kingdoms
Total War: Troy
Total War: Pharaoh - Dynasties
Total War: Warhammer 3
Kislev is the most defeated faction. No idea where you get that most played bullshit. Get some new statistics.
Do people actually lose campaigns in this game?
Mention SFO and get at least 6 replies with the slayers pic (very original)
it probably counts ai factions
In the 2024 stuff they were only most played in Africa, every other continent was Dwarfs or Empire. Top three factions overall were two Empire factions then Malakai.
>seething over a reasonable statement
Being nudged out of the #1 spot by post-rework dwarves doesn't mean people suddenly stopped playing kislev altogether. And they're still #1 in south america in 2024 so they're still "one of the most played campaigns"
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This is really weird bait
*South America whoops. So yeah, apparently only spics play them. And spics are already a small part of the playerbase.
Because people liked that meme
Dabbing on overhaul memes is not the same as considering literally any mod to be a cheat, which you need mental problems to think unironically
They could be the second most played faction in a lot of regions.
How will Kairos survive when they add Masque to his east?
>only spics play them
That's not what that chart means. If you're going to try to argue semantics then at least put some effort in. Good grief.
Its funny because it is Radious but people tink its SFO because of the spamming
Somehow I very much doubt it. Bretonnia has also been confirmed to be getting a rework and they're consistently one of the least played factions so your original premise is wrong from the getgo.
if im bad at the game how come my lord is better than your lord?
I already know who the most played faction of the next Total War game will be.
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easy - its because you are a ratbro
If you look at the campaign completion achievements skaven, delf, kangz, vcoast, welfs, beastmemes and norsca have fewer players than brets.
i bought warhammer 3 yesterday, havent played any total war, did the prologue and i suck badly, chaos dwarfs seem fun though

i also got the dlcs on steam with the creampi stuff, how risky is it to run this? i dont mind buying the dlcs in the future however i want to play each faction first to see whats worth and not
>campaign achievements are indications of faction popularity
I can use achivement unlocker like all the others.
That still puts Bretonnia on the lower end. It's also FLC which means CA has even less reason to rework them. Meanwhile assuming Nagash is coming throwing a Tomb Kings rework in there would actually make more sense than reworking a FLC faction for no monetary gain.
0 risk unless you message CA bragging about it with your steam account attached. and even then they probably wont do anything
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No, I'm serious, what's with it?
what slayer pic
me too, it'll be England and they will spam longbowmen
yeah I took along stretch of dark fortresses in Norsca and up to Hag Graef, but when I decided to turn south, suddenly I try to support all these armies and I find I cant recruit unless I go back to Norsca to get numbers. Its frustrating.
they want you to pay or they will declare war
Extortion. You'll pay if you are a cuck.
newfags to series are filtered constantly
they know how rich you are
Their strength rank is higher than yours so they think you'll be scared enough of them to just pay to avoid a war with them. Even if you pay they'll still declare war on you in a few turns
10 is minimal they can't declare war because it lower reliability rating
all i got for xmas is the flu

can you name some faction that can help me learn the game? i suck ass
Zhao Ming
China if you aren't appalled by their aesthetics
i love luthor harkon
Anything in the east, Cathay have a really chill time. Gelt is a good option or Zhao.
Have you never lost one because you lost an army early on due to being cocky and wanting to expand asap?
why would you play cocky in the early game? its literally the only time you shouldnt
as kislev you really do need to be aggressive and deep in the red in the early stages if you want to live
there's so many threats around you and sometimes the empire will shit the bed which adds in vlad and drycha to deal with
well the point is that if you lose your main stack most people would just reload or start a new campaign. playing until defeat is odd because you will have to sit there and wait many turns before you lose your final settlement
The opposite. You should always go as aggressive as you can early game. On some campaigns it's practically mandatory. And if you loose so what? Start again. It's not as if 50 turns have passed.
Sis....the AI does not have a "reliability rating".
theres a difference between playing aggressive and playing cocky
I consider abandoning a campaign as "lost“ and cannot reload because of Ironman (alt+f4 cannot save you in sone cases).

why so many yt channels recommend beastmen though? and thanks for the zhao recommendation gonna try it soon
yeah but abandoning a campaign won't count as "defeat" for the sake of their statistics.
That‘s true. I thought the statistic counted for defeated stacks of said faction.
because beastmen are very easy due to not having to deal with most of the games mechanics. you just roam around stomping things
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dark elves are boring in Warhammer 3
maybe it does? but surely at that point the most played would also have the most lost stacks
I have mental illness and crushing debt.
dark elves are boring
>hurr we're so cruel and evil!
>let's backstab eachother while having an orgy!
it's like they combined the most boring traits of other races
is is possible you lose a kislev campaign if you let the opposite get more supporters than you? it is something I have never actually let happen but perhaps that is why kislev has the most defeats?
i think so too.
In wh2 I really enjoyed playing tall. Thanks to the silly economy, I got by with 2 provinces. 1 military province, and 1 economy province. Then I just sailed the high sees and explored the world.
In wh3 they have better growth, but I'm forced to paint the map if I want to build my economy.
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They're not, if you build balanced armies with medusas, cold one knights, elite infantry, engage in some cheeky hit and run with shades, etc. Instead, retards just shit out endless darkshart stacks and then complain the game is boring.
please dont give her a dumb hat
The hat stays on.
the game is boring stupid frog
please dont :(
You're not supposed to lose units once you venture south
Merry Christmas, twggers. Remember to not reveal your autism levels at the family dinner.
Your face is boring.
Don't be rude.
>family dinner
yeah haha.....
the problem is not the armies it's>>507434161
Too late for that. Getting drunk at family dinner on the holiday punch and acting like a huge sperg is my tradition. Hopefully one day I embarass them enough for them to stop inviting me
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Merry Christmas anon
Strong early game units in Total War:
Hastati in Rome 2
Hoplites in Rome 2
Legio in Attila
Scout Equites in Attila
Chaos Warriors of Khorne in Warhammer 3
Darkshards in Warhammer 3

Are there any particular early game units that you often gravitate to?
Yari Ashigaru in Shogun 2
I've lost recently, as Kislev actually.
>combat slider on neutral
>no LL usage
>have to declare war on any non order faction as soon as is possible (including the use of the 'join war' diplo option)
>no region trading

It would have been fine without drycha. But her buffed dryads absolutely dumster the early Kislev units. The campain AI mod I've been using seems to be working as well. It makes the AI significantly less retarded and more agressive. She came straight for my capital and raized it in the same turn.
I will never forget playing the Rome 2 tutorial where I got ambushed in forced march by two Samnite stacks and my 20 Hastati still crushed them all.
They really didn't care to balance that game.
sneaky gits
nasty skulkers
squig herd
Everyone thinks they are tough until Drycha's 50 melee attack Dryads start knocking.
the fact that pistoliers are a tech tier lower than handgooners always seemed silly to me. They deal marginally less damage but are infinitely more mobile, way easier to position because of horse height advantage, and have 360 degree fire while moving
Yari Ashigaru is the undisputed champion of OP units in any total war game. Hastati is a close second, but what makes them different is that Yari are dirt cheap and almost free, where Hastati actually cost something.

For warhammer 3 I think that Saurus Warriors, Chaos Warriors, Dwarf Miners, Clan Rats and Dark Shards are the champions of being the best shitstack units in the game.
I will never not think its bullshit to have HYBRID infantry that can out range dedicated ranged infantry. Its bullshit gameplay-wise. Like, fucking watching archers get obliterated by kossars AT RANGE is so fucking criminal.
Generic bloodletters are T0 for Khorne and carry you the longest
What do the Yari do that is so impressive?
sorry chud but that's a good thing, Kysliv needs all the help it can get to fight off the forces of Chaos
they can trade better against units that cost double their price
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Happy holidays
Where is the roadmap?
Where is the teaser for the next DLC?
Where is our news?
its over man, that was the final dlc
>doing good in campaign
>random faction on other end of the world wages war on me
>10 turn later they arrive and start razing my shit just as I moved on on another enemy
I hate this shit so much
They cost nothing, are basically free if you play Oda and you can recruit TONS of them. You put them in position and put them in spear defensive position whatever(cant remember, so long since I played tw with actual strategy and formations). The AI is kinda braindead and will charge head first into your staunch line of spearmanii and get shredded.

On top of that, they WILL trade decently with samurai and other units over double their price because of ridiculous buffs, especially as Oda.

Doesn't matter when bloodletters genuinely suck mega ass, even when used properly as hammer in anvil scheme.
Lothern Sea Guard
crack when
>chaos dwarfs seem fun though
The are by far the hardest faction to learn for new players: very convoluted economty and meccanics, easy to fuck up. Be carefull in trying them in your first campaigns
bloodletters get absolutely minced by range fire
Beastmeme are brainded and OP: but they play very different from a standard race/campaign

Cathay is a straightfoward and basic faction: and Zhao is a good Cathay lord in a overall safe starting zone. By far the best lord for complete newbies
>how risky is it to run this?
Anon they already have your address you have to flee the country
This game needs romance dialogues and courting mechanics. No, you can't change my mind.
N'kari has a courting mechanic.
Did they do anything about surplus meat on maxed Ogre camps yet?
>creampi stuff, how risky is it
pregnancy is no laughing manner, you should take responsibility
This but for the player MC to his chosen LL
I just want to play Eltharion and invite Morgianna on a date...
Im literally Festus IRL
i agree, marrying the bandit slut as lu bu in 3k was kino
You shouldn't call women sluts, your mother wouldn't appreciate it.
how do you think he learnt the word
you get less meat early on so it takes longer to max out your meat
so its okay to call men or femboys sluts?
Ashina is my favourite Shogun 2 clan.
The Interior Ministry will be beaten back... no matter the cost.

Lothern Sea Guard
Kihetai? Is that from Pharaoh?
Of course.
I hope that the next Total War game has heavy infantry.
Is Ashina even playable?
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my family is just as autistic as me tho
not that this is a bad thing, the other day my 13 year old cousin who plays far too much assassins creed was asking me about ancient greece and the mycenaeans
I'd much rather that than whatever fortnite roblox skibidi shit other youngins are into, bless my uncles for getting them young
Is there one that doesn't?
I hope that the next Total War game is set in stone age
Empire and Napoleon probably don't.
I hope the next Total War game has female units with cute feet
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I like this new unit. They are looks awesome and I like they animations. Before Autismohammer Autismowar I had no spot for Khorne but for some reason I lovwe to play Khorne factions now. This is so raw, caveman-like carnage mindless shit like you command a whole painting of Bosch to the battle. I never had a feeling of actually playing a destructive hellish force in any strategy game
megalithicbros, where we at???
>command a whole painting of Bosch
what did he mean by this?
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This dudes
based schizo
Katarin realm of chaos campaign is comfy as fuck. Why did I put this off for so long
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They are even good?
>chain lightning bound spell
>hitbox is relatively small
>animations are erratic and fast
>hides all units under its wings
Yes. They are GOOD.
I agree that it is fun but I am unsure if I would describe it as "comfy".
Maybe you are accustomed to the depths of Hell.
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>hides all units under its wings
[MPfag reeeing in the distance]
god bless you weghposter
may the new year bring your prosperity beyond measure
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there there, anon chan
You forgot to wear your blue little hat!
Haha wouldn't it be crazy if CA expanded the IE map by like 30% and gave all all the play areas plenty of space and provinces?
>Warhammer Pacific Ocean
>Warhammer Pacific Islanders
zombie pirate handguns
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were you thankful for this year?
marginally less? bro they deal no ap
33 damage per 10s per unit (60 units) for 198 dps, out of which 26 is ap
compared to handgooners:
17 damage per 10s per unit (90 units) for 153 dps, out of which 118 is ap
better comparison could be archers
19 damage per 10s per unit (90 units) for 171 dps, out of which 18 is ap
a direct upgrade, especially since height difference makes them just as good for backline as arcing shots
Lots of esl today
i am going to steal a glade lord
I was thankful for the return of FLC lords.
Epidemius x Arbaal
Can you still steal heroes from other races without mods?
Mercenary Crossbowmen in Medieval 2
I can't stop playing katarin or elspeth. I just switch between the two constantly. I need more hairless sorceresses with raccoon makeup
Katarin has hair tho, she's just wearing a dumb hat
also she's from Kislev, their women are higher T than Empire "men", I bet she has a full bush and unshaved armpits
They're bald?
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Does she?
I know they both have hair but the cowl works for me
Source? I need to know what's happening
Did they fixed that problem with ogres that made camps change to raiding stance at the beginning of each turn?
Anon the undefeated, he doesn't qui he merely changes realm
have you tested the big wag magic? Gaze of mork is insane
Singe is uploading skill mods for the new lords right now!
What's in here?
fucking finally hope it's all horrible regeneration
Total War: 40K Emperor edition featuring Total War's first ever DLC Season Pass included with purchase, which contains the first 3 DLCs (Marinemanii vs bad Marinemanii DLC, Sisters of Battle, Elfmanii vs Orkmanii DLC)
>Borrow the army with the hero you want to steal
>Get the hero wounded
>Hero is now in your wounded pool
Easiest with legendary heroes since they start off immortal.
Medieval 3 and Shogun 3.
She's making ice cream.
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screw brettonia, early invasion of ulthuan is a wonderful thing
not enough marinemanii for 40k, half the factions are either recolours or slight variations of the standard ultramarinemanii
>Bretonnian nobles only use bows or crossbows for hunting
So does this mean a knight could use a bow or crossbow against a war beast that has lost its rider?
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>realm of chaos cuckpaign
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/twg/ is going to go crazy when 40k comes
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Should I ever use greens over blues? I think that only pot of healing is worth it
It's a matter of what they do, there's unhelpful blues sometimes
It's going to be hell on Earth
The best items are generally blue, but that doesn't mean that every blue is better than a green. For example, you're better off taking a green with weapon strength over a blue with missile strength on a melee character.
>there's unhelpful blues sometimes
the other tricker's shard
I have a roof and food
Merry Christmas anons
Idk what that is, I don't play total war
Signed a lease on a new place out of state.
2025 is my year
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Bought WH3. Just finished Skarbrand campaign. Already have nunch of DLCs form 1 and 2. Which ones I don't have worth getting most?
Ogre Kingdoms and Golgfag
my heroic deeds are eternal
Golgfag, Chaos Dwarfs and Champions of Chaos
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>try Franz again after a long break
>Chaos warriors and beastmen beseiging Altdorf from the north
>Vampires from the east
>Wood elves from the south
>Even more vampires from the west
>turn 20
>Gelt and Volkmar have fucked off across the map so I get to watch the Nuln girl sit there and do nothing instead
This is shit.
Best Dwarf campaign?
Khorne factions should work like WoC and leave ruins that generate corruption instead of draining it
Champions of Chaos is great.
DLC (core units really) for like 6 races.
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So my campaign goals want me to capture provinces that super far. I was like, nice, I'll have to travel and invade far regions. But my neighbors keep declaring war on me all the fucking time when I am close to finishing a war. It happened 3 times and 40 turns in I am bogged in my stating area. How the fuck am I supposed to capture shit on the other side of the world?
Ally with whomever owns the settlement
I'm fairly certain the AI does that because you've left that part of your empire undefended. Did you build walls where you intended to keep your borders? Keeping a small shitstack in the area can also deter declarations of war, in my experience.
Dumbest character in the game
WH is already filled with some campy characters, but Ariel is just cringe-campy
>vampire cunts attack my flanks
>raise army and eventually push them out
>here is peace treaty with miserly money
>just want them out before they can attack a good city
>they immediately just hang out digging for treasure
>they ignore trespassing warnings
>I am the one who becomes unreliable if I attack them
you have to wait 2 turns to attack after warning trespassers, even if they ignore them
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hopefully that never happens
if its just a reskinned warscape engine it'll be shit and full of line of sight issues, if they actually radically change battles to fit into 40k then there's no reason to call it "total war", you can call strategy games other things

also stop lewding sisters of battle you sick fuck
What is the greatmaw?
Is it cheating to remove trait cap for an Arbaal campaign? It feels like his whole shtick is going around fighting LLs but getting more than 40 traits seems like overpowered.
40k fans are still unable to explain how they could make a total war 40k game work with the combat without sacrificing lore or scale but yet they still still beg for it to happen everyday.
Maybe, but also: that sounds awesome and I hadn't thought about that fact before
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Easy: sacrifice scale, 40k lore scale is retarded
Any other questions?
Some factions have smaller unit sizes others have bigger unit sizes
A squad of 4 marines vs a troop of 200 guardsmen
Not hard
okay how does that make it a total war game then? I want massive battles, I don't want to play dawn of war again.
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Do Imperial Engineers have a sort of rivalry with Imperial Mages?
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I can't wait for the inevitable melty. 40kucks should not be here
So lore/"power-level" wise, would Felix and Gotrek stand a chance against Skarbrand? There's the physical, monumental size difference of the three. Not to mention that Skarbrand is backed up by TWO bloodthirsters. So 3 vs 2, with huge physical size and daemon strength advantages on one side.
Dow2 already solved everything. Just copy Dow2, but in total war engine.
this Christmas I wish for all of you to recruit DA DOOMSKULL KALBANOO...NIBOORTU! and attain many laborers with them!
If you said Soulstorm you'd be alright but instead you went the faggot route
Wait does Azhag get a special interaction with that new crown thingie?
source on that lewd of change in the center?
I would imagine not anymore than anyone else which is to say they probably want them to go away forever, mages = heretical shit and probably necromancer to the typical empire citizen
2 was a huge downgrade from 1
Rtt > rts. No one cares about your dead shit genre. TW games are RTT.l just like Dow2. Cope.
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so they found hidden files that GolgFAG was part of the Dogs of War dlc
so yeah, CA really pivoted hard, they gutted DoW dlc and probably rushed Gordbad
DoW is dead it seems
I just said, sacrifice scale
Have 16 units in a space marine thing, like ogres, and then other factions that have larger amounts like guard, have them play like kislev units or samosas militia
Anon I already said I know you're a faggot you don't need to keep telling me
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>average khorne campaign
You really browse the internet like this?
>Turn 4 ultimate victory
sounds about right
That does make some sense. Especially considering that Golgfag has that "Greatest dog of war!" line. My copeium was hoping that was CA being cheeky and teasing the DoW DLC. But DOW being gutted to make content for this DLC would make sense all things considered.
thank god I have installed few cheats for youtube so it doesn't look like that
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Seething historyfag detected
Go watch more history channel grandpa
Something needs to be done with penalty for losing battles in Total War games.
If you're army, especially main army, gets wiped you're fucked. It literally sets you back 10+ turns or even may cost you the campaign.
You see many campaign stats where people have few or no defeats at all because of this.
I don't remember this being suck a problem in older TW games. It's like old vs new xcom. Losing high level soldier or losing a battle is almost unacceptable which leads to extreme save scumming.
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>A crutch for the heretically "gifted"
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That's a lot of faggotry
>half his bookmarks are just coward's porn
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Been enjoying Gorbad quite a bit.
This is my go to standard pile of violence with basically having the black orcs act as a shields and emotional support for my trolls. Block and Smash

I also use the one that boosts the fuck out of arrer boys via river trolls, Gorbad is currently running around with a better shooter army than most elves with it.
With the new gobbo hero I also have a super ambush/stalker spider+3 squig army with almost guaranteed ambush.

Any other combo's anyone has found?
Tried a sneaky fanatic gobbo army but the nerfs to Spinning Loons hit way too hard. Virtually useless.
They can reduce the penalty for losing when it becomes possible to lose to the AI.
Champions of Chaos is honestly the only mandatory dlc out of all 3 games. Without it neither Chaos Race feels complete.
Golg Fagman Eater is better than Ogre Kingdoms dlc. Has more units, LL is actually cool, has additional gimmick too.
Elspeth is a cringe femoid with boring OP mechanics and units that aren't even needed or that interesting.
Malakai is actually useful since his new Slayer units and LH fit Karak Kadrin campaign as well. Kinda dumb playing as Ungrim now without this dlc, it would feel like a Demo version. It's pretty much 2 LLs in practice
Shadows of Change is a schizophrenic dlc adding random shit to the game that wasn't even needed from flavor standpoint. You would think they will add either Monke king and kung fu units or a proper full terracotta army to fantasy chinkland, but no. And that boring guy who should be FLC LL sitting in Central Cathay goes onto an expedition to Lustria, which should be Yin Yin's gimmick.
Kislev got a baba yaga which on it's own fits, but other monstrous units from this dlc only really fit her and her IE starting location is retarded. Might be fun on Old World. Honestly lack of Ungol vs Gospodar conflict cucks Kislev hard. In better timeline too Rasputin would be dlc LL with thematic slav, religious units and saved Kislev design in TWW3, but alas he is just there as an npc so you can smash his Patriarchy as Katarin.
so being a celestial mage is one of the best lifes in the Empire?
it seems you finish your studies and then nobles pay you lots for reading the future
although I didn't find any mention but it would make sense that the Celestial College would have close ties with Morr, since he also protects dreams and gives visions in dreams
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I gotchu homie!
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this one is interesting if your mages are elves or humans who anyone who shouldnt be fighting
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legend gets a shitload of money from stream donations
why did he stop?
he's getting bald
the fuck that term even means?
Because he won
Apparently he got in trouble for punching his daughter
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feels like ulthuan would be much harder to fight in without all the trees to block the arrows
snopes debunked this
nice try chud
Sauce? I tried to find anyone stating that but couldn't. It'd make sense though, CA seems to have used some Dogs of War stuff to expand Dwarfs and now also Greenskins.
It's so painful when playing as high elves
He's already set for life. He'll only need to stream again if he starts buying more supplements to grow his hair back
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it really is
i honestly feel like I should have lost that fight
but i just fought them in the trees where their arrows did 0 damage and then just clubbed them to death
no wonder why grom wrecked ulthuan that hard the first time
what a slog
He legitimately hates most of his audience and couldn't stand answering their dumb questions for 5+ hours. The guy nearly had a mental breakdown. The only enjoyable part of his streams were watching him answer those retarded superchats
This >>507471313
I also think he legitimately hates total warhammer now but knows his audience is mostly warhammer fans that won't want to keep watching him when he switches to whatever the next historical game is. He always talks about how the other historical games perform terribly on his channel and he resents the fact that he can't get paid as much to play games he actually likes.
I run around with a Ellyrian reaver army nowadays just because of those shit maps.
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Are chaos dwarfs fun? Do they have same play style as dwarfs?
Yes. No.
They're fun but there is little distinction between legendary lords so they don't have as much replayability as the dwarfs. They are slow to build like the dwarfs but their armies are different, more like the skaven than anything.
most fun of any gun based race imo, and the economy system makes them feel a lot more in depth than other factions
Imagine being here on christmas ahaha
Imagine working on Christmas.
I did both ahaha
Describe to us the comfort that you feel when your Kossars are defended by a staunch line of Armoured Kossars.
Imagine thinking I play kyslev
I don't think
imagine writing ahahah instead of hahaha
drooling bitch
Pills, now
Merry Christmas Athena
and the rest of you i suppose
imagine imagining
couldn't be me
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Imagine working.
is kostaltyn worth playing
do you like hero doom stack? its probably the most fun one
Not really.
New Ogre units
>Carrion bird
>SEM that I never recruit because I got bored before reaching tier 5
Im not really feeling Golgfag bros.
No, it's soulless shit
Norsca are not a real faction and will never be one. They are thematically fundamentally broken. The only thing, which could save them, is to merge them into a "Tribes of Chaos" faction, which will involve all of the horse nomad and fantasy barbarian faction living in the Chaos wastes.
Yeah, never bothered wit thundertusk either. 3 turns recruit and doesn't have fire at move and all he gets in return seems to be magic attack and slow aura. What's the point if regular stonehorn is 2 turns, 1 tier lower and does the job just as well.
the only thing that could save them would be naval raiding mechanics
Merry Christmas
Not fun in a game where teleportation mechanics are ever more common. If they gave Wulfric teleportation in WH1, they would at least had been in the spot light at some point in their history. Now it's over.
fun yes
Play style on campaign map is very different. They have a very unique economy.
Play style in battles is 50% similar, 50% different. You have the usual strong heavy armor dwarfs, guns and artillery. But you also have hordes of hobgoblins, monsters and cavalry.
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I was able to trick all my eastern allies into declaring war on me and am positioned to wipe them out.
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they have murder cows and are thus superior to regular dwarfs
squire and grail knight look extra jolly
Merry christmas!
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merry Xmas anons
3 and we get thanquol next year
Each Kislev LL represents a different face of Kislev and the relationships people have with tradition. I'd recommend each of them at least once if you want to explore these themes.
Katarin is the neo-traditionalist. Seeing a world in disarray, she strives for a return to the old ways, but brings to them new advancements in bureaucracy and technology. What Katarin fails to realize, like all neo-traditionalists, is that her pursuit of innovation alongside tradition has created something new; she is Evola's false traditionalist, a reactionary who will never reclaim the past, and instead must forge herself a new future. Archetypal Unit: Ice Guards, Elemental Bear.
Kostaltyn is the true progressive. This is not the progressive of today, which Kazyncski would describe as a "leftist", this is the brave man of social and technological reform. Kostaltyn seeks to make a new world, purer than the last, that abandons superstition and primitivism for a united church and a united people, wealthy from modern industry and powerful from modern technology. Kostaltyn is a rebel against the crushing weight of feudal tyranny, seeking a world in which any man, no matter their birth, can achieve power and prestige by their own hand.
Archetypal Units: Streltsi, Little Grom.
Boris Ursus is the lost traditionalist. Boris remembers the true meaning of Kislev: a powerful northern state opposed to Chaos. He divorces himself from the petty political struggles of his time, and chases after his ideals. However, in doing so, he has become separate from his people, from his home; he is a man lost to those he claims to champion. In order to succeed, he must return to his people, and either conform to their values or show them the virtue they left behind.
Archetypal Units: War Bear Riders, Tzar Guard.

Anyways Kostaltyn has a cooler start than Katarin, you should try him
merry christmas, and i love elves
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Merry christmas everyone.
Now try playing as Noctilus
>hides 10 bloated corpses into those trees.
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Merry Christmas. Ra Ra Rooo
kostaltyn starts with artillery?
Alright i'll try him
Wait for Kislev rework!
lateFebruary 2025
No he starts with War Sleds, he's the war sled guy.
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>wurzzag's faction effect of +10% movement is useless because your wagh makes you lose all campaign movement bonuses
thanks tcal
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Kostaltyn doesnt make any sense and you know it.
>Gospodar clergy.
>Supposedly loves Boris and the church he built.
>Gets butthurt at Kat involving Ungols more into the state matters and flirts with an Ungol prince
>Immediately starts a civil unrest the moment Ursun "dies"
>Even the new Ungol Druzhina calls him a madman lunatic.
>But in game he buffs Ungol kossars, has access to state troops and can recruit Ice maidens/ungol hag mothers even tho he (and other patriarchs) constantly shouting about burning them all.
>Gets butthurt at Kat involving Ungols more into the state matters and flirts with an Ungol prince
>Even the new Ungol Druzhina calls him a madman lunatic.
Where's this from?
His fucking ass
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>we get thanquol next year

Another Christmas, another year Thanquol doesn't come to the game.
Ok, I really dislike chariots in WH
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>Try Skarbrand for the first time (new to TWW3)
>Get Doomsinger on turn 4
>Skarbrand is now a one-man doomstack against early game armies
>Have already taken out Setra and Malagor
Probably not the average Skarbrand campaign but this has been so much fun so far. Is Doomsinger better than his actual quest item weapon?

Take Constantinople before the Huns raze it
Thanquol is due in 2026, alongside the End Times expansion pack which will also include:
>From Tutorial
>Play a Kostaltyn campaign and recruit a Druzhina

womp womp
Pretty sure some of the orders have close ties to them.
I wish TW elysium was real, I need a card game
I remember hearing this phonecrap since 2018, where is it now?
As a chariot, I take this very personally.
Nurgle is getting another DLC :)
Tzeentch is getting an FLC :)
Boris Todbringer will become a Legendary Lord with his own unique faction mechanics :)
The End Times expansion is coming :)
Total War will reveal its future in the 25th anniversary trailer :)
>Nurgle is getting another DLC :)
>Tzeentch is getting an FLC :)
>Boris Todbringer will become a Legendary Lord with his own unique faction mechanics :)
>The End Times expansion is coming :)
aint happening
fake news
don't forget Dogs of War, haha :)
Everyone already knows that the Slaanesh DLC and Dogs of War are confirmed for 2025.
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I asked an elf coochie for Christmas.
ah yes of course, silly me
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don't cry because it's over
smile because we got some pretty kino art out of it
I don't know what it is but my movement is working again with waaaghs since the hotfix.
I miss Penthesilea so much bros
>no source
ebin, nice try doomsissy
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you know you can just boot up Mythos and play her campaign again, right?
>99% pure headcanon
They could've just needed a 3rd LL for this DLC and Golgfag was on the backburner long enough to sub him in without much trouble
Unless we get some actual solid sources, I'm still optimistic

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